PMP项目管理风险管理与沟通考试 选择题 60题
1. 在项目风险管理中,以下哪个过程涉及识别项目潜在风险?A. 风险评估B. 风险识别C. 风险应对计划D. 风险监控2. 风险管理计划的主要目的是什么?A. 确定风险的概率和影响B. 指导风险管理活动C. 分配风险责任D. 记录风险应对措施3. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪个工具用于确保信息的有效传递?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法4. 项目经理在沟通中应避免以下哪种行为?A. 清晰表达B. 倾听C. 假设D. 反馈5. 风险登记册通常不包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险描述B. 风险责任人C. 风险概率和影响D. 风险预算6. 在风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于减少风险发生的概率?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受7. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通频率B. 沟通责任人C. 沟通工具D. 所有上述内容8. 在项目风险管理中,以下哪个工具用于定量分析风险?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵9. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理冲突?A. 避免B. 解决C. 忽视D. 压制10. 风险应对计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 风险应对策略B. 风险应对责任人C. 风险应对预算D. 所有上述内容11. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于远程团队?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 视频会议12. 风险监控的主要目的是什么?A. 识别新风险B. 评估风险应对措施的有效性C. 更新风险登记册D. 所有上述内容13. 项目经理在沟通中应如何确保信息的准确性?A. 重复信息B. 确认理解C. 快速响应D. 简化语言14. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于定性分析风险?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵15. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通目标B. 沟通参与者C. 沟通时间表D. 所有上述内容16. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于将风险的责任转移给第三方?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受17. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于紧急情况?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 即时消息18. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险来源B. 风险影响C. 风险应对措施D. 所有上述内容19. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息过载?A. 忽略信息B. 优先处理C. 快速响应D. 延迟响应20. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险的概率和影响?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵21. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通频率B. 沟通责任人C. 沟通工具D. 所有上述内容22. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于减少风险的影响?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受23. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于复杂信息的传递?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 视频会议24. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险描述B. 风险责任人C. 风险概率和影响D. 所有上述内容25. 项目经理在沟通中应如何确保信息的及时性?A. 重复信息B. 确认理解C. 快速响应D. 简化语言26. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险应对措施的有效性?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵27. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通目标B. 沟通参与者C. 沟通时间表D. 所有上述内容28. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于接受风险并制定应对计划?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受29. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于团队建设?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 视频会议30. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险来源B. 风险影响C. 风险应对措施D. 所有上述内容31. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不一致?A. 忽略信息B. 优先处理C. 快速响应D. 确认信息来源32. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险的概率和影响?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵33. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通频率B. 沟通责任人C. 沟通工具D. 所有上述内容34. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于避免风险的发生?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受35. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于敏感信息的传递?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 即时消息36. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险描述B. 风险责任人C. 风险概率和影响D. 所有上述内容37. 项目经理在沟通中应如何确保信息的完整性?A. 重复信息B. 确认理解C. 快速响应D. 简化语言38. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险应对措施的有效性?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵39. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通目标B. 沟通参与者C. 沟通时间表D. 所有上述内容40. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于将风险的影响降到最低?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受41. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于决策制定?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 视频会议42. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险来源B. 风险影响C. 风险应对措施D. 所有上述内容43. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息遗漏?A. 忽略信息B. 优先处理C. 快速响应D. 确认信息完整性44. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险的概率和影响?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵45. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通频率B. 沟通责任人C. 沟通工具D. 所有上述内容46. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于接受风险但不采取行动?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受47. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于长期项目?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 视频会议48. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险描述B. 风险责任人C. 风险概率和影响D. 所有上述内容49. 项目经理在沟通中应如何确保信息的清晰性?A. 重复信息B. 确认理解C. 快速响应D. 简化语言50. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险应对措施的有效性?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵51. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通目标B. 沟通参与者C. 沟通时间表D. 所有上述内容52. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于将风险的责任转移给第三方?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受53. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于团队协作?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 视频会议54. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险来源B. 风险影响C. 风险应对措施D. 所有上述内容55. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息重复?A. 忽略信息B. 优先处理C. 快速响应D. 确认信息来源56. 在风险管理中,以下哪种工具用于评估风险的概率和影响?A. 敏感性分析B. 决策树分析C. 蒙特卡洛模拟D. 风险矩阵57. 项目沟通计划应包括以下哪项内容?A. 沟通频率B. 沟通责任人C. 沟通工具D. 所有上述内容58. 风险应对策略中,以下哪种策略用于避免风险的发生?A. 规避B. 转移C. 减轻D. 接受59. 在项目沟通管理中,以下哪种沟通方式最适用于紧急情况?A. 面对面会议B. 电话会议C. 电子邮件D. 即时消息60. 风险登记册应包括以下哪项信息?A. 风险描述B. 风险责任人C. 风险概率和影响D. 所有上述内容1. B2. B3. B4. C5. D6. A7. D8. C9. B10. D11. D12. D13. B14. D15. D16. B17. D18. D19. B20. D21. D22. C23. D24. D25. C26. B27. D28. D29. A30. D31. D32. D33. D34. A35. D36. D37. B38. B39. D40. C41. D42. D43. D44. D45. D46. D47. D48. D49. D51. D52. B53. D54. D55. D56. D57. D58. A59. D60. D。
PMP模拟题之项目沟通管理1、以下哪项是书面沟通5C原则中的内容?() (单选题*必答)○ A.正确的读者( Correct Readers)○ B.清晰的目的和表述( Clear Purpose and Expression)○ C.正确的时间( Correct Time)○ D.受控的篇幅( Controlled Pages)2、规划沟通管理过程的输出不包括()。
(单选题*必答)○ A.项目管理计划更新○ B.沟通管理计划○ C.事业环境因素更新○ D.项目文件更新3、信息发送者对下列哪一项负责?()(单选题*必答)○ A.确保信息被正确接收和理解○ B.促使信息接收者赞同信息的内容○ C.尽量减少沟通中的噪声○ D.确保信息清晰和完整以便被正确理解4、沟通风格评估有助于()。
(单选题*必答)○ A.针对不同相关方的偏好,选择合适的沟通风格○ B.了解项目和组织的政治氛围,根据政治环境来规划沟通○ C.了解相关方的文化差异和文化需求,根据文化差异来规划沟通○ D.了解支持项目的相关方的沟通需求5、沟通管理计划通常不包括()(单选题*必答)○ A.项目相关方的沟通需求○ B.项目主要里程碑和目标日期○ C.接收信息的人或组织○ D.信息分发的时限和频率6、以下哪项是管理沟通过程的输入?()(单选题*必答)○ A.工作绩效数据○ B.工作绩效信息○ C.工作绩效报告○ D.项目章程7、了解组织中谁能对项目施加较大影响,并重点培养与这些相关方的沟通能力,这属于哪种人际关系与团队技能?() (单选题*必答)○ A.沟通风格评估○ B.政治意识○ C.文化意识○ D.人际交往8、在项目沟通中,谁负责确保信息的清楚、明确和完整?() (单选题*必答)○ A.项目经理○ B.信息发送者○ C.信息接收者○ D.沟通双方9、使用以下哪种工具与技术,既可以有效收集和发布信息,又有助于监控项目的沟通情况?() (单选题*必答)○ A.专家判断○ B.项目报告发布○ C.会议○ D.项目管理信息系统10、某一团队成员用难懂的方言和其他人进行工作交谈,其他人表示无法和他进行有效沟通,项目经理要求该成员使用普通话交谈。
在一个概念项目验证后,许多用户抱怨沟通不畅, 因此公司终止该项目并外包支持中心。
这项决定的驱动因素是什么?A.验收测试B.产品审查C. 阈值控制界限D。
客户反馈2.In a virtual organization,what should be done to manage the flow of project information during the planning stage?A 。
Develop a structured communications management planB. Establish a formal channel for communicationsC 。
Assemble a team of people that work in the same time zone.D 。
Review lessons learned form previous virtual project2。
C 。
D 。
3 。
A project by ineffective weekly team meetings. Some more vocal team members are turning the meetings into lengthy discussions of areas they view as problematic。
To improve the meetings’ effectiveness,what should the project manager do?A.Increase the length of the meetings。
B 。
Exclude the more vocal team members from the meetings。
PMP项目管理项目沟通与协调考试 选择题 60题
1. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确定项目干系人的信息与沟通需求?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通2. 项目经理在沟通中应避免使用哪种沟通方式?A. 口头沟通B. 书面沟通C. 非言语沟通D. 电子沟通3. 以下哪项不是有效的沟通技巧?A. 倾听B. 反馈C. 打断D. 提问4. 在项目沟通计划中,哪项是最重要的输出?A. 沟通管理计划B. 干系人登记册C. 沟通需求分析D. 沟通技术5. 项目经理在处理冲突时,应首先采取哪种策略?A. 回避B. 妥协C. 合作D. 强制6. 以下哪种沟通方式最适合传达复杂的技术信息?A. 口头沟通B. 书面沟通C. 非言语沟通D. 电子沟通7. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地理解干系人的需求?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法8. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理敏感信息?A. 公开分享B. 保密处理C. 随意传播D. 不加区分9. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的及时发送?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通10. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理计划的内容?A. 沟通需求B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目预算11. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理不同文化背景的干系人?A. 忽略文化差异B. 尊重文化差异C. 强制统一文化D. 不加区分12. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法13. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息过载的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道14. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及监控沟通效果?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通15. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目进度16. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不对称的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道17. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地理解干系人的反馈?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法18. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息遗漏的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道19. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的准确性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通20. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目成本21. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息误解的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道22. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法23. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息重复的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道24. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的完整性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通25. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目质量26. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息延迟的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道27. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法28. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不一致的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道29. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的及时性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通30. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目风险31. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不清晰的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道32. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法33. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不完整的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道34. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的准确性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通35. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目资源36. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不及时的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道37. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法38. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不一致的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道39. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的完整性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通40. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目时间41. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不清晰的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道42. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法43. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不完整的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道44. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的准确性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通45. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目范围46. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不及时的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道47. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法48. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不一致的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道49. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的完整性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通50. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目干系人51. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不清晰的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道52. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法53. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不完整的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道54. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的准确性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通55. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目团队56. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不及时的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道57. 在项目沟通中,哪项技术可以帮助项目经理更好地传达信息?A. 沟通需求分析B. 沟通技术C. 沟通模型D. 沟通方法58. 项目经理在沟通中应如何处理信息不一致的问题?A. 增加沟通频率B. 减少沟通内容C. 增加沟通渠道D. 减少沟通渠道59. 在项目沟通管理中,哪个过程涉及确保信息的完整性?A. 识别干系人B. 规划沟通管理C. 管理沟通D. 监督沟通60. 以下哪项不是项目沟通管理的关键成功因素?A. 沟通计划B. 沟通技术C. 沟通责任D. 项目环境1. B2. C3. C4. A5. A6. B7. A8. B9. C10. D11. B12. B13. D14. D15. D16. A17. B18. A19. C20. D21. B22. B23. D24. C25. D26. A27. B28. D29. C30. D31. B32. B33. D34. C35. D36. A37. B38. D39. C40. D41. B42. B43. D44. C45. D46. A47. B48. D49. C51. B52. B53. D54. C55. D56. A57. B58. D59. C60. D。
单项选择题1、The process of performance reporting includes all of the following except •A.status reportingB. progress reportingC. forecastingD. product analysis2^ Some people believe that to have an effective conversation, a distance of about 20 inches (51 centimeters) between the two parties involved is required. In certain cultural groups, however, the normal conversational distance is in the range of 14 to 15 inches (36 to 38 centimeters) : and some group say 9 to 10 inches(23 to 25 centimeters) is ideal- People from some cultural groups may keep a door open during a negotiation, whereas others may prefer to close the door. Some people feel they should be separated from another person by a desk. This area of nonverbal communication is important for cross-cultural communication. It is known as __________ •A.proxemics B・ personal space dynamicsC. posturing D・ linguisticsYou are ready to enter a negotiating session with a group that is native to a tiny northern island. Through the centuries, islanders have been known as aggressive and assertive people who like to talk much more than they like to listen. And the windswept plainof this island, where only the strong survive, has made these people tough negotiators・ To earn your yearly bonus, you must not be at a disadvantage in your negotiations with them. Therefore, you must concentrate on •A.seating arrangements in the negotiating roomB.ingratiating yourself to the most powerful negotiator on the other side of the negotiating table to earn his or her listeningD.setting and following strict time limits at each step of the negotiating4I Which project management process group is managing stakeholders in?A.Initiating.B. Planning.C. Executing.D. Monitoring and controlling.5、In ensuring an effective meeting the project manager should ______________ •A.establish a meeting policyB.always call a meeting even if the pro] ect manager is not sure there is a real needC.alter the agenda during the meeting to ensure all of the problems are solved during the meetingD • not encourage participa tion f romeveryone as this will prolong the meeting6、Aproj ect manager is completing the WBS with the proj ect team, but the session is hard to manage- There are 200 people in the room representing four different departments- Some of the people who will be working on the project later are talking about other things while earlier work is disscussed. Which of the following BEST decribes the real problem?A.The project sponsor should be leading this kind of meeting.B.They are not following the project communication plan.C.There are too many departments involved in the project.D. The project manager is really managing a program.7、If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the proj ect manager should assume that .A. the message was understoodB・the message was not understoodC・the message may not have been understoodD. the information was not appropriate8^ In your project, you have created performance reports to provide the status and progress information to different stakeholders. The results from the performance reports should be compared to the _______________________________________ .A.project management planB. performance measurement baselineC.earned value calculations D• none of the above9、Y ou had 8 people In your proj ect, one more person will be j oining next week. You know that once the new person joins, the number of communication channels will increase by ________________ •A.No change in number of communication channelsB.8C・12D.2010、You are the project manager of an IT company. You are in the process of creatinga collection and filing structure that details what methods will be used to gather and store various types of information. Procedures should also cover collecting and disseminating updates and corrections to previously distributed material. Where will you include this information?rmation retrieval system. B . Information distribution methods.munications management plan.D. Project records.llx Distribution information involves making information available to project stakeholders in a timely manner. Which of the following tools can you use in the distribution information process?anizational process assets.B・ Communication method.C• Performance reporting.D• Commu nications requirement analysis.12> About midway through the project, the project manager learns that most members of the project team do not review the weekly project updates. What should the proj ect manager do?A.Great a signature log do team members can indicate when they have read the reports.B.Revise the communications plan appropriately to meet the information needs of the stakeholders.C.Improve the layout of the weekly proj ect updates to encourage reading by team members.D.Go to the team members first hand to inquire why they are not reading the reports.13> In your projects you conducted communications requirements analysis to determine sum of information needs for all stakeholders. You have determined and limited who will communicate with whom and who will receive whatinformation. One factor that you considered while doing communications requirementsanalysis is that for your project, the number of communication channe 1 s •A.increases in direct proportion to number of peopleB.decreases in inverse proportion to number of peopleC.increases in exponential proportion when number of people increasesD.none of the above i . e. number of communication channels depends on the type of your project14、Barriers can influence communication when sending or receiving information. Which of the following is NOT a barrier?A.Prejudices.B. Attitudes and emotions.C. Personalities and interests. D・ Feedback.15> Your project has a number of different work results. You are collecting information about these work results, such as what costs have been incurred or committed and which deliverables have been completed and which remain outstanding. You will use this information in which of the following processes?A.Project plan execution.B. Integrated change control.C.Report performance.D. Verify scope.16、In an appropriate communication model between a sender and a receiver, all the following statements are correct EXCEPT:A.Noise should be minimized.B・ Receiver must decode and reply back to the message.C • Receiver should acknowledg e and agree with the message sent by the sender.D.Sender must choose right way to send the messages.17> You recently took over a large project from another project manager who had to leave for a personal emergency. You want to understand what kind of information should he provided to different stakeholders, and what methods should he used to provide this information. You will find this information in the .munications management plan B• performance reportsC. project recordsD. communication plan18> Ideally^ communication between the project manager and the project team members should take place ________________________ •A.via daily status reportsB.through approved documented written and oral communicationD.through the formal chain of command19、You prepared an integrated proj ect planandaproj ect schedule. You submitted it to the steering committee^ and it was approved. Key stakeholders accepted the plan. It is time to distribut© it. Both the proj ect plan and schedule should be distributed to _________________________ •A.all stakeholders in the performing organizationB・ all project stakeholdersC・ project team members and the project sponsorD.people noted in the communications management plan20^ As part of the communications process, the receiver is responsible for _______•A.agreeing with the sender's messageB.pretending that the message is received only partially, to encourage further discussionsC • making sure that the information is received in its entirety and understood correctlyD.specifying that the message is not understood, unless it is reduced to writing21> Information typically required to determine project communications requirements includes all of the following EXCEPT:A.Project organization and stakeholder responsibility relationships.B.Logistics of how many persons will be involved with the project and at which locations.C.Disciplines, departments, and specialties involved in the project.D.The availability of in-place technology at the project location.22> During a meeting to negotiate a change to the contract, the seller states that they have another meeting at three p .m. Negotiations will have to be over by then. What kind of negotiation technique is this?A. Deadline.B. Missing man.C. Demand.D. Delay.23、As part of the communications process, the sender is responsible for _________ .A.ensuring the receiver agrees with the messageB.confirming that the information is properly understoodC.presenting the information in the most favorable mannerD.interpreting the message correctly24、Tools and techniques for performance reporting include all of the following EXCEPT:A. Information presentation tools.B. Decision tree analysis.C.Cost reporting systems. D • Status review meetings.25> Communications technology factors that can affect the project include all of the following EXCEPT ________________ ・A. the length of the projectB・ the availability of technologyC• executive requirementsD・ the urgency of the need for information26^ You have decided to organize a study group of other project managers in your organization to help prepare for the PMP exam. Everyone is highly motivated to earn the credential because the CEO has decided to pay a $5000 bonus to each person who becomes certified. What type of communication are you employing in your efforts to organize this group?A. Horizontal.B. Vertical.C. Formal.D. External.27> Inputs to plan communications include ___________ •A.enterprise environmental factors, organizational process assets, stakeholder register, stakeholder management strategyB.stakeholder requirements, project logistics, proj ect budget, andproject scheduleC• stakeholder ana lysis, communications barriers^ and organizational structureD.stakeholder survey, RAM, WBS, and administrative procedures28N Attributes of a communications management plan can include all of thefollowing EXCEPT ________ •A.the information that will be distributed to often information will be distributedC・ the layout of the information and die method of transmissionD • all memos, correspondence, reports, and documents related to the proj ect fromall personnel29、The major processes of project communications management are ______________ •A• identify stakeholders, plan communications, distribute information, manage stakeholder expectations, report performancemunications planning, response planning, progress reporting, and information distributionC • communic ations planning, informationdistribution, schedule reporting, and stakeholder analysismunications planning, change reporting, project records, and acceptance30> Communication under a contract should tend toward _____________ •A. formal written communication B・formal verbal communication C・informal writtencommunication D. informal verbal communication31> Which of the following is true regarding communication within a project environment?A.The project manager must assume the primary burden of responsibility to ensure that messages sent have been received.B.Effective meetings^ a war room, and a tight matrix promote effective communication.C . If a proj ect consists of 12 people. 4 8 potential channels of communication exist.D.Most project managers spend 30 percent of their working hours engaged in communication.32> The most common causes of conflict in conceptual and development phase is ,and in execution and final phase is ___________________________ •A• personalities^ schedules B. administration, resourcesC.resources, schedulesD. project priorities, schedules33> Metacommunication, paralinguistics, sec ond - o r de r me s s age s, and the hidden dimension of communication all refer to ___________ •A• communication skillsB・ communication requirementsC.ways to exercise tolerance and compromiseD• nonver bal communication34、Both under-communication and over-communication can cause problems on a project. You want to ensure that the information you collect showing project progress and status is meaningful to stakeholders. To determine specific metrics, you will conduct a stakeholder analysis, and then determine the level of detail stakeholders require. This is available through the ________________________________________________________________ .A. performance measurement baselineB• proj ect management methodologyC.project strategy and approachD• communications managem ent plan35、You are managing a project to develop a soy-based, lactose-free.magnesium-rich nutritional drink for the u over 50,z market. You have recently heard that the client calls your progress reports the u Code of Hammurabi,z because they seem to be written in hieroglyphics and are completely indecipherable to all but an Egyptologist. This situation could have been avoided by ________________________________________ •rming the client at the start of the project of the types of reports they will receiveing risk management techniques to identify client issuesC.hiring an expert report writer to prepare standard reportsD.engaging in communications planning36、The project manager can enhance project communications and team building by doing all the following except ___________________ •A.having a u war room,zB.being a good communication blockerC.being a communication expeditorD.holding effective meetings37^ Effective communication is vital for project success. Scope changes, constraints, assumptions, integration and interface requirements, overlapping roles and responsibiZLitieSy and many other factors all pose communications challenges. The presence of communication barriers is most likely to lead to .A. reduced productivityB. increased hostilityC・ low morale D. increased conflict38、Your company CEO just sent you an E-mail asking you to make a presentationon your project, which has been in progress for 18 months, to all identified internal and external stakeholders. He scheduled the presentation for next Monday. You expect more than 50 people to attend. The first step in preparing the presentation is to •A. define the audienceB・ determine the ObjectiveC・ decide on the general form of the presentationD・ plan a presentation strategy39、Statements of organizational policies and philosophies, positiondescriptions, and constraints are examples of ____________ •A. downward communicationB. lateral communicationC• external communication D• horizontal communication40、As a project manager, you try to use empathic listuning skills to helpunderstand another person1s frame of reference, In following this approach, you should ________________ •A.mimic the content of the messageB.probe, then evaluate the contentC・ evaluate the content, then adviseD.rephrase the content and reflect the feeling41、You are responsible for a systems integration proj ect in your organizationthat has multiple internal customers. You have just begun preparing a project plan. Because many people in your organization are interested in this system and its progress, you decide to prepare a project communications management plan. Your first step in preparing this plan is to _____________________________________ •A.conduct a stakeholder analysis to assess information needsB.determine a production schedule to show when each type of communication will be producedC. describe the information you plan to distributeD. set up a repository for all project documents so that they will be easily accessible4 2 > You f inal ly have been appointed project manager for a ma j or company pro j ect. In your work for other project and functional managers as a team member, you have b een frustrated because the entire team rarely met after the kickoff meeting. As a results you felt that you did not know how the project was progressing. On some occasions, you did not receive copies of progress reports submitted to upper management- You believe it is important to share information with the team. One of your first activities as project manager has been to set up an information retrieval system. Your information sharing methods will include all the following except •A. manual filing systemsB. project management softwareC. project intranetD. electronic databases43^ A company and its seller are in the middle of a long dispute over the costs of terminating the contract- The project manager determines that the only way to resolve the problem is to have it heard and resolved by a neutral party. To accomplish this, the proj ect manager should use a (n) ________________________________•A. functional resource manager B • conflict solution expertC. arbitratorD. lawyer44、The proj ect team is working on an important and complex proj ect that requires a lot of coordination. Under these circumstances, a war rooma contractormore meetings to get the word out extra assistance from management45、 A project team includes five people, then the project manager adds twomore. How many additional channels of communication are there?A. 7. B ・ 10・ C ・ 21. D ・ 11.46、 You are project manager leading a US $4000000 mechanical engineering project. To date, you 1ve been leading the other 11 people who comprise the overall project team. Lately you 1ve noticed that you are spread too thin and the schedule is being negatively impacted. Because the project is date constrained, you convinced senior management to accept a cost variance and add a senior quality assurance analyst to the project team. This new resource will work directly with the three project team members who comprise the testing subteam. How many more communication channels will there be on the project team?A. 12.B. 11.C. 78.D. 66.4 7、When a proj ect manager is engaged in negotiations, non-verbal communication skills are of ______________ •A. little importanceB. major importanceC. importance only when cost and schedule objectives are involvedD. importance only to ensure you win the negotiation48、Extensive use of ______ communication is most likely to aid in solving complex problems.A. verbalB. writtenC. formalD. non-verbal49、 Under a seller agreement, formal, written correspondence with the seller is required when _______ •the BEST strategy is toA • have B. hire C. hold D. gainA. change to the project is issuedB.meeting with the seller1s management is heldC.seller is asked for supporting informationD.there is a follow up to a conversation50、The need for _______ is one of the major driving forces for communicationin a project.A. optimization B・ integrity C. integration D・ differentiation答案:单项选择题1> D[解析]绩效报告过程包括下列各项.除了________ 。
PMP资格认证考试-项目沟通管理试题(两套)PMP资格认证考试-项目沟通管理(总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、B单项选择题/B(总题数:50,分数:50.00)1.In an appropriate communication model between a sender and a receiver.all the following statements are correct EXCEPT:(分数:1.00)A.Noise should be minimizeB.Receiver must decode and reply back to the messagC.Receiver should acknowledge and agree with the message sent by the sende √D.Sender must choose right way to send the message解析:[解析] 存一个适当的介于发送者和接收者之间的信息模型中.下列哪项说法不正确? A) 噪声应该降到最低。
B) 接收者需要解码并给出回复消息。
C) 接收者必须确认和同意发送者所发的消息。
D) 发送者必须采取合适的方式发送消息。
2.You had 8 people In your project,one more person will be joining next week.You know that once the new person joins,the number of communication channels will increase by______.(分数:1.00)A.No change in number of communication channelsB.8 √C.12D.20解析:[解析] 在你的项目内有8个人,下周会再来一个人。
∙ A.越多越好∙ B.只能针对那些有利于项目成功的信息∙ C.应该在所有的项目团队成员之间进行∙ D.应该把所有信息发送给所有团队成员(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] A.项目资源有限,项目经理的时间也有限,所以项目沟通不是越多越好。
[考点] 沟通需求分析。
∙ A.项目管理计划更新∙ B.组织过程资产更新∙ C.事业环境因素更新∙ D.项目文件更新(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] A.规划沟通管理过程的输出不包括项目管理计划更新。
[考点] 项目沟通管理三个过程的输出。
3.信息发送者对下列哪一项负责?______∙ A.确保信息被正确接收和理解∙ B.促使信息接收者赞同信息的内容∙ C.尽量减少沟通中的噪声∙ D.确保信息清晰和完整以便被正确理解(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] A.确保信息的完整接收和正确理解,是信息接收者的责任。
A.规划沟通过程B发布信息过程C. 报告绩效过程D管理干系人期望过程11管理干系人期望过程属于()。
1.An informal communication network on a project or within an organization is created through:A.Free upward flowB.Free horizontal flowC.Unrestricted communication flowD.The project manager’s ability to make use of his/her unofficial relationships with stakeholders 在项⽬或⼀个组织内部建⽴⼀个⾮正式的沟通络是通过:A.向上⾃由流B.⽔平⾃由流C.不受限制的交流D.项⽬经理利⽤其与项⽬利害相关者的⾮正式的关系的能⼒2.For every project situation, several methods usually exist for effective communication to take place.Which of the following is least likely to be used for explaining to the team the project planning guidelines?A.Project office memoB.Project office directiveC.Project team meetingD.Formal report对于每个项⽬情形通常有⼏种有效的沟通⽅法可以进⾏在向团队解释项⽬计划编制指导⽅针时,下列哪⼀项最不可能被运⽤? A.项⽬办公室备忘录B.项⽬办公室指⽰C.项⽬团队会议D.正式的报告3.A project manager, who is trying to communicate accurately to the team, should understand and use:A.A language appropriate to the needs of the stakeholdersB.The language of the project managerC.Non-verbal methodsD.Written memosA 项⽬经理正在尝试与团队进⾏准确的沟通,应该了解并使⽤:A.符合项⽬利害相关者需要的适当的语⾔B.项⽬经理的语⾔C.⾮⾔语⽅式D.书⾯备忘录4.The project proceeded successfully until the customer asked for additional work not included in the contract.At that point the project team began to make changes to the specifications, delivery date, and schedule.What communication device should the project manager have demanded before any work was modified?A.Meeting with the sponsorB.Formal, written correspondence with the customerC.Memo from the customerD.Memo to the customer正当项⽬顺利进⾏时,客户突然要求做没有包括在合同中的额外的⼯作这时项⽬团队开始对规格, 交货⽇期和进度来作些变更在调整进⾏任何⼯作之前, 项⽬经理应该需要获得什么沟通⼯具?A.与业主的会议B.与客户的正式的书⾯沟通C.来⾃客户的备忘录D.发给客户的备忘录5.Project managers who are available to answer questions, provide guidance when needed, and generally do not interfere with day-to-day activities have a(n) ____________ managerial and communicating style.A.AutocraticB.ConciliatoryC.FacilitativeD.Judicial项⽬经理能随时回答问题,若需要时提供指导,并且通常不⼲预⽇常的活动,其是_______ 管理的和沟通风格A.专制式B.安抚式C.促进式D.法制式6.If a project manager emphasizes those areas where he is in agreement with the functional manager and down plays other conflicts, the project manager can be said to be using which of the following to address the conflict:A.WithdrawalB.SmoothingC.CompromisingD.Confrontation如果⼀个项⽬经理强调与职能经理⼀致的⽅⾯,淡化其它冲突,则说明项⽬经理运⽤了下列哪⼀⽅式来对待处理⽭盾冲突: A.回避B.协商处理C.妥协处理D.正⾯对抗7.The degree to which project team members can successfully communicate with the project manager depends primarily upon:A.How effectively the project manager establishes relationships with the teamB.The project manager ’s level in the organizational hierarchyC.The size and nature of the projectD.The project manager ’s salary and age项⽬团队成员能与项⽬经理成功沟通的程度主要地取决于:A.项⽬经理如何有效地与团队建⽴关系B.项⽬经理在组织层级中的地位C.项⽬的规模和性质D.项⽬经理的薪⽔和年龄8.Project communication management is best described as conducting or supervising _________.A.The way we listenB.The way we speakC.The way we feelD.The exchange of project information项⽬沟通管理可以最适当地描述为引导或监督 _________.A.我们倾听的⽅式B.我们说的⽅式C.我们感觉的⽅式D.项⽬信息的交换9.If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the project manager should assume that:A.The message was understoodB.The message was not understoodC.The message may or not have been understoodD.The information was not appropriate如果⼀个项⽬经理向下属传达了⼀个⼝述的信息, 并且下属没有说话就离开⾛了项⽬经理应该假定:A.信息被理解了B.信息没被理解C.信息可能被理解D.信息不适当10.The project manager who allows and supports group discussions and decision-making is called a (n) _______ manager.A.AutocraticB.EthicalC.ConciliatoryD.Delegating允许并且帮助⽀持团队进⾏讨论和决策的项⽬经理⼈被称为_______经理A.专制式B.伦理式C.安抚式D.授权式11.Team meetings are intended to allow information giving, receiving, and listening to take place.In order to ensure that team meetings are effective, the project manager would:A.Insist on a very tight agenda with no deviationB.Be ready to confront an overly verbal memberC.Assign roles and responsibilities before decision-makingD.Never agree on follow-up or accountability dates团队会议想要进⾏信息的发出接收,和倾听为了确保团队会议有效, 项⽬经理会:A.坚持⾮常紧凑的⽆偏差的议程B.准备好应付处理讲话过多的成员C.在决策之前安排好⾓⾊和责任D.不遵守进度控制或责任⽇期12.The major reason why a project manager should use written instead of oral communication is: A.DocumentationB.FeedbackC.CostD.Barrier elimination项⽬经理应该使⽤书⾯的⽽不是⼝头的沟通的主要理由是:A.⽂件记录B.反馈C.成本D.消除障碍13.How do the project manager and the project team select which communications technology to use to transfer information among project stakeholders?A.They analyze the team member ’s experience and expertise B.They determine the critical path for the project C.They don’t analyze the anticipated project environmentD.They determine if they are on track using earned value项⽬经理和项⽬团队如何以及选择运⽤哪⼀沟通技术,以便在项⽬利害相关者之间交流信息?A.他们分析团队成员的经验和专长B.他们决定项⽬的关键路线C.他们不分析所预料到的项⽬环境D.使⽤挣值分析, 他们决定是否进展顺利14.To ensure effective project team communication, the message should be oriented to the ______.A.InitiatorB.ReceiverC.MediumD.Sponsor为了确保项⽬团队有效的沟通, 信息应该被导向到 ______.A.始发者B.收受者C.传输媒介D.业主15.The sender of project information is not responsible for making the information:A.ComplexB.UnderstandableC.CompleteD.Clear项⽬信息的发送者是不负责于使信息:A.复杂B.可理解C.完全D.清楚16.A project manager sends the electrical engineer an e-mail message asking her to prepare a detailed technical report per some instructions given in the e-mail.A week later, the electrical engineer’s department manager visits the project manager to complain that his engineer had spent 45 hours preparing the 80-page report.The project manager indicates that he thought the report would be only 4 pages long.The problem here is one of:A.Lack of feedbackB.Too many instructions C.Too much communicationD.Lack of trustA 项⽬经理发送给电⼦⼯程师⼀个电⼦邮件信息,要求她准备⼀份详细的技术报告,并在电⼦邮件中附注了某些说明⼀周后电⼦⼯程师所在部门的经理拜访项⽬经理以抱怨道: 该电⼦⼯程师已经花费了45 ⼩时做出80页的报告项⽬经理指出: 他认为报告只需要有 4 页长这⾥的问题是:A.缺乏反馈B.指令太多C.沟通太多D.缺乏信任17.A line manager possesses information, which the project team needs, but withholds the information.This is a type of: A.ConfrontationB.Information filteringC.Region of influenceD.Communication power base产品经理有项⽬团队所需要的信息, 但是隐瞒住该信息这是⼀种:A.正⾯对抗B.信息过滤C.影响区域D.基本沟通⼒18.For communication to occur, there must be all but one of the following:A.Two or more people involvedB.A trusting climateC.The transmitting of informationD.A verbal or non-verbal message要进⾏沟通,必定会出现所有下列事项,除了:A.⼆或更多的⼈参与B.信任的⽓氛C.信息的传送D.⾔语或⾮⾔语的信息19.In order for the project manager to fully and effectively respond to a stakeholder’s personal concerns or grievances, it may be necessary to:A.Ask for a written description of the problem and submit it through the project officeB.Schedule a discussion with that stakeholder ’s managerC.Establish clearer lines of communication with that stakeholderD.Involve the project sponsor as an arbitrator为了使项⽬经理完全⽽且有效地回应项⽬利害相关者的个⼈担忧或委屈可能有必要:A.要求对问题的书⾯描述,并且经过项⽬办公室来递交B.安排与项⽬利害相关⽅的经理进⾏讨论C.与项⽬利害相关者建⽴更清楚的沟通联系D.让项⽬业主作为⼀个仲裁⼈20.Administrative closure includes all of the following except:A.Project acceptanceB.Contract closeoutC.Project archivesD.Lessons learned管理收尾包括所有下列事项,除了:A.项⽬验收B.合同清算C.项⽬⽂件档案D.经验教训学习参考答案:1、DDABC BABCC11、BAABA ABBCB。
字词通常构成信息的总影响的比例是多大?A7% B15% C38%发布信息过程的输入中,下列哪一项是报告绩效过程的输出?你负责组织中的一个项目,该项目具有多个内部客户。
The major purpose of project status reports is toA. Provide project information to sponsor and functional managementB. Inform the client about the changes that have completedC. Organize and summarize the information so that all stakeholders are informedD. Inform upper management of the project problems项目状态报告的目的是(分值:1 得分:0)一般情况下,由谁负责干系人期望管理?币值波动,政治动荡,中央和地方政府之间的竞争,以及不同利益集团之间的冲突可能会干扰国际项目的管理。
A15 B105 C210关键的项目设计信息没有及时递交给项目委托人,导致委托人没能在计划的时间内收到产品设计文档。
PMP模拟题之10-项目沟通管理PMP模拟题之项目沟通管理1、以下哪项是书面沟通5C原则中的内容?() (单选题*必答)○ A.正确的读者( Correct Readers)○ B.清晰的目的和表述( Clear Purpose and Expression)○ C.正确的时间( Correct Time)○ D.受控的篇幅( Controlled Pages)2、规划沟通管理过程的输出不包括()。
(单选题*必答)○ A.项目管理计划更新○ B.沟通管理计划○ C.事业环境因素更新○ D.项目文件更新3、信息发送者对下列哪一项负责?()(单选题*必答)○ A.确保信息被正确接收和理解○ B.促使信息接收者赞同信息的内容○ C.尽量减少沟通中的噪声○ D.确保信息清晰和完整以便被正确理解4、沟通风格评估有助于()。
(单选题*必答)○ A.针对不同相关方的偏好,选择合适的沟通风格○ B.了解项目和组织的政治氛围,根据政治环境来规划沟通○ C.了解相关方的文化差异和文化需求,根据文化差异来规划沟通○D.了解支持项目的相关方的沟通需求5、沟通管理计划通常不包括()(单选题*必答)○ A.项目相关方的沟通需求○ B.项目主要里程碑和目标日期○ C.接收信息的人或组织○ D.信息分发的时限和频率6、以下哪项是管理沟通过程的输入?()(单选题*必答)○ A.工作绩效数据○ B.工作绩效信息○ C.工作绩效报告○ D.项目章程7、了解组织中谁能对项目施加较大影响,并重点培养与这些相关方的沟通能力,这属于哪种人际关系与团队技能?() (单选题*必答)○ A.沟通风格评估○ B.政治意识○ C.文化意识○ D.人际交往8、在项目沟通中,谁负责确保信息的清楚、明确和完整?() (单选题*必答)○ A.项目经理○ B.信息发送者○ C.信息接收者○ D.沟通双方9、使用以下哪种工具与技术,既可以有效收集和发布信息,又有助于监控项目的沟通情况?()(单选题*必答)○ A.专家判断○ B.项目报告发布○ C.会议○ D.项目管理信息系统10、某一团队成员用难懂的方言和其他人进行工作交谈,其他人表示无法和他进行有效沟通,项目经理要求该成员使用普通话交谈。
∙ A.越多越好∙ B.只能针对那些有利于项目成功的信息∙ C.应该在所有的项目团队成员之间进行∙ D.应该把所有信息发送给所有团队成员(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[解析] A.项目资源有限,项目经理的时间也有限,所以项目沟通不是越多越好。
[考点] 沟通需求分析。
∙ A.项目管理计划更新∙ B.组织过程资产更新∙ C.事业环境因素更新∙ D.项目文件更新(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] A.规划沟通管理过程的输出不包括项目管理计划更新。
[考点] 项目沟通管理三个过程的输出。
3.信息发送者对下列哪一项负责?______∙ A.确保信息被正确接收和理解∙ B.促使信息接收者赞同信息的内容∙ C.尽量减少沟通中的噪声∙ D.确保信息清晰和完整以便被正确理解(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[解析] A.确保信息的完整接收和正确理解,是信息接收者的责任。
整合管理·测试题(一)1.The need for _____is one of the major driving forces for communication in a project.A)OptimizationB)IntegrityC)IntegrationD)Differentiation对_______的需求是项目中沟通的主要动力之一A优化B完整C整合D区别2. While the project is being completed ,management requests a change.What is the FIRST thing the project manager should do?A)Comply with the request if possible.B)Obtain a complete understanding of the scope of the change.C)Teel the customer that a change will be coming.D)Ask the team to accept the change.在完成项目过程中,管理层提出一项变更。
3.You are a new project manager who has never managed a project before.You have been asked to plan a new project)It would be BEST in this situation to rely on _____during planning in order to improve your chance of successA)Your intuition and trainingB)Stakeholder analysisC)Historical informationD)Configuration management作为一名以往没有管理过项目的新任项目经理,上级要求你计划一个新项目。
PMP第六版 分章练习及解析4(第十至十三章)
分章练习题(第十至十三章)第十章:项目沟通管理1、项目经理投入在沟通上的时间占比是:A.50%B.90%C.30%D.40%-60%2、你正在向某位团队成员确认有关她工作进展的情况,这属于哪个维度的沟通:A.向上沟通B.向下沟通C.横向沟通D.发散沟通3、在沟通过程中采用5C原则,主要是针对:A.口头沟通B.书面沟通C.肢体沟通D.以上都不对4、有效的沟通活动和工件创建,具有如下基本属性,除了:A.沟通目的明确B.尽量了解沟通接收方,满足其需求和偏好C.监督并衡量沟通效果D.让所有相关方获得同等的信息5、项目经理应该具备的最重要的技能是下列哪一项:A.谈判B.影响C.沟通D.解决问题6、在项目环境下,有关沟通的论述哪一个是正确的:A.项目经理必须承担主要责任,以确保发出的信息已经收到B.有效的会议、“作战室”可以促进有效的沟通C.如果一个项目有12个人,则其沟通通道有42条D.大多数项目经理有30%的时间投入到沟通中7、项目沟通管理的主要过程是:A.规划沟通管理、管理沟通和监督沟通B.规划沟通管理、制定对策、汇报进展和发布信息C.规划沟通、发布信息和进度报告D.发布信息、报告变更、项目文件更新和移交项目可交付成果8、规划沟通管理过程的输入包括:A.项目管理计划、项目文件、事业环境因素和组织过程资产B.相关方需求、项目范围说明书、项目预算和项目进度计划C.组织结构、相关方分析、项目管理计划和沟通障碍D.相关方管理策略、RAM、WBS 和管理程序9、Stacy需要为她的项目制定沟通管理计划,下面哪个工具与技术会对她的工作有帮助:A.德尔菲技术B.头脑风暴C.沟通需求分析D.项目管理信息系统10、下面哪一项不是非正式的沟通事例:A.工程师的笔记B.电子邮件信息C.项目管理计划D.会议讨论期间在板上画的议题11、沟通有很多种方法,下列哪种情况适合“面对面”的沟通:A.提供一个关键决策的永久记录时B.针对一个团队成员的负面行为时C.鼓励团队成员的创新思维时D.向关键相关方询问信息时12、项目经理不仅具备技术项目管理方面的能力,还应该具备战略与商务管理能力,在面对投资者或更多相关方的时候,项目经理需要以一人之力面对一群人来沟通,这属于:A.人际沟通B.小组沟通C.公众沟通D.大众传播13、当发送或接收信息时,沟通障碍可能会影响沟通效果,下面哪项不属于沟通障碍:A.偏见B.态度和情绪C.性别D.反馈14、沟通风格评估常用于:A.支持项目的相关方B.不支持项目的相关方C.领导D.团队15、以下都是能影响沟通技术选择的因素,除了:A.信息需求的紧迫性B.技术的可用性C.执行需求D.信息的敏感性和保密性16、以下都是工作绩效报告的事例,除了:A.缺陷直方图B.挣值EV=2C.储备燃尽图D.趋势线和预测17、会议可以提升沟通的有效性,规划会议时应该采取以下步骤:第一是准备并发布会议议程,第二是确保会议在规定的时间开始和结束;紧接着应该是:A.确保适当参与者受邀并出席B.切题C.处理会议中的期望、问题和冲突D.记录所有行动以及分配的行动责任人18、沟通出现障碍时,容易导致:A.项目被延迟B.增强了信任C.出现冲突D.管理层很生气19、以下都是常用于识别和确定项目沟通需求的信息,除了:A.项目组织与相关方之间的责任关系B.项目所涉及的学科、部门和专业C.在哪儿、有多少人参与项目D.可用性技术在项目中的定位20、以下都是管理和分发项目信息的工具,除了:A.纸质文件管理B.电子通信管理C.输入项目绩效数据到电子表格或数据库D.项目管理电子工具21、一个团队成员第一次违反了基本规则,项目经理对他应该采取什么类型的沟通方法:A.正式口头B.正式书面C.走廊交谈D.非正式书面22、下列哪种情况需要与客户进行正式的书面沟通:A.检查出缺陷B.客户要求附加的额外工作没有包括在合同中C.项目进度延误D.项目成本超值23、在一个有5000名雇员的组织中需要开展一个重组项目,项目团队由每个组织单位中的一名代表组成。
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这项决定的驱动因素是什么?A.验收测试B.产品审查C.阈值控制界限D.客户反馈2.In a virtual organization, what should be done to manage the flow of project information during the planning stage?A. Develop a structured communications management planB. Establish a formal channel for communicationsC. Assemble a team of people that work in the same time zone.D. Review lessons learned form previous virtual project2.在一个虚拟组织中,应事先完成下列哪一项来管理规划阶段的项目信息流?A.制定结构化的沟通管理计划。
3.A project by ineffective weekly team meetings. Some more vocal team members are turning the meetings into lengthy discussions of areas they view as problematic.To improve the meetings' effectiveness, what should the project manager do?A.Increase the length of the meetings.B.Exclude the more vocal team members from the meetings.C.Ensure that no team members' feelings are hurt.D.Set clear agendas with specific time limits for each item.3.项目经理对无效率的团队周会感到失望。
4.A consultant informs the project manager that an internal customer resource is working on the project and wants to be informed of project status. What document should be updated?anization chartB.Procurement contractmunications management planD.Meeting minutes4.一位顾问告知项目经理,一名内部客户资源正在为项目工作,并希望获知项目状态。
哪份文件应更新?A.组织图B.采购合同C.沟通管理计划D.会议记录5.A company must develop a project management culture to survive in a changing environment. In the past, the organization’s vision was driven by the supply department. However, the supply department's vice president (VP), who is a key project stakeholder, refuses to adopt the new culture.How can alignment with this new culture be obtained?A.Invite the VP to project meetings.B.Speak with the VP to determine the issue s root cause.C.Conduct coaching sessions with the VP.D.Ask management to schedule a strategic meeting with all project stakeholders.5.为了在不断变化的环境中生存下来,公司必须制定项目管理文化。
然而,作为关键项目相关方的供应部门副总裁却拒绝采用新文化.如何能够获得对这种新文化的一致认可?A.邀请供应部门副总裁参加项目会议B.与供应部门副总裁谈话,确定问题的根本原因C.给供应部门副总裁开辅导课D.让管理层安排一次所有项目相关方参与的战略会议6.A team member is inconsistent with the delivery of tasks and has been late for the last three projectstatus meetings. This impacts the project’s critical path.What should the project manager do?A.Speak privately with the team member.B.Remove the team member from critical-path tasks.C.Address the issue during the next project status meeting.D.Ignore the issue.6.一名团队成员不遵守任务交付时间,过去三次项目状态会议都迟到。
项目经理应该怎么做?A.与该团队成员私下谈谈B.将该团队成员从关键路径任务上移除C.在下一次项目状态会议上解决该问题D.忽视该问题7.A project manager will communicate with three community members and three internal customers. How many communication channels will the project have?A.10B.15C.21D.367.项目经理将与三名社区成员和三名内部客户沟通。
项目将有多少个沟通渠道?A.10B.15C.21D.368.A project manager invites a customer to monthly meetings, but the but the customer does not always attend. What should the project manage do?A.Continue to invite the customer.B.Update the risk register. .C.Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.D.Review and update the communications management plan.8.项目经理邀请客户参加月会,但客户不常参加。
项目经理应该怎么做?A.继续邀请客户B.更新风险登记册C.将该问题上报给项目发起人D.审查并更新沟通管理计划9.A new project includes stakeholders from various countries with different expectations. What should the project manager do to ensure that all stakeholders will be informed about the project status?A.Develop a communications management plan.B.Develop a project charter.C.Develop a stakeholder register.D.Develop a stakeholder management plan.9.新项目包括来自不同国家、带有不同期望的相关方。
若要确保所有相关方都能获得项目状态的通知,项目经理应该怎么做?A.制定沟通管理计划B.制定项目章程C.制定相关方登记册D.制定相关方管理计划10.During a project’s implementation phase, the project manager must communicate a scope change and obtain approval from multinational key stakeholders. Which of the following communication methods should the project manager use?A.Push communicationB.Interactive communicationC.Stakeholder communicationD.Pull communication10.在项目实施阶段,项目经理必须沟通范围变更,并获得跨国关键相关方的批准。
项目经理应采用下列哪一种沟通方法?A.推式沟通B.交互式沟通C.相关方沟通D.拉式沟通11.Due to an internal organizational. Restructure. The deliverables of key strategic projects are substantially delayed. The organization’s CEO is surprised to learn this.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?A. Reprioritized impacted projects ’B. Defined a communications management planC. Complied with performance ^reportingD. Defined a stakeholder management plan11.由于内部组织结构调整,重点战略项目的可交付成果被严重推迟。