
微观经济学第四章习题答案HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】第四章生产论1. 下面(表4—1)是一张一种可变生产要素的短期生产函数的产量表:可变要素的数量可变要素的总产量可变要素的平均产量可变要素的边际产量122103244125606677080963(2)该生产函数是否表现出边际报酬递减如果是,是从第几单位的可变要素投入量开始的解答:(1)利用短期生产的总产量(TP)、平均产量(AP)和边际产量(MP)之间的关系,可以完成对该表的填空,其结果如表4—2所示:可变要素的数量可变要素的总产量可变要素的平均产量可变要素的边际产量1222212610324812448122456012126661167701048708\f(34)09637-7高点以后开始逐步下降的这样一种普遍的生产现象。
2. 用图说明短期生产函数Q=f(L,eq \o(K,\s\up6(-)))的TPL曲线、APL 曲线和MPL曲线的特征及其相互之间的关系。
从边际报酬递减规律决定的MPL曲线出发,可以方便地推导出TPL 曲线和APL曲线,并掌握它们各自的特征及相互之间的关系。
关于TPL 曲线。
由于MPL=eq \f(d TP L,d L),所以,当MP L>0时,TP L曲线是上升的;当MPL <0时,TPL曲线是下降的;而当MPL=0时,TPL曲线达最高点。

51WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION:The In the News feature “Price Increases after Disasters” has been updated with a new article.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:By the end of this chapter, students should understand:➢ what a competitive market is.➢ what determines the demand for a good in a competitive market.➢ what determines the supply of a good in a competitive market.➢ how supply and demand together set the price of a good and the quantity sold.➢ the key role of prices in allocating scarce resources in market economies.CONTEXT AND PURPOSE:Chapter 4 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence that deals with supply and demand and how markets work. Chapter 4 shows how supply and demand for a good determines both the quantity produced and the price at which the good sells. Chapter 5 will add precision to the discussion of supply and demand by addressing the concept of elasticity —the sensitivity of the quantity supplied and quantity demanded to changes in economic variables. Chapter 6 will address the impact of government policies on prices and quantities in markets.The purpose of Chapter 4 is to establish the model of supply and demand. The model of supply and demand is the foundation for the discussion for the remainder of this text. For this reason, time spent studying the concepts in this chapter will return benefits to your students throughout their study of economics. Many instructors would argue that this chapter is the most important chapter in the text.THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND52 ❖Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and DemandKEY POINTS:• Economists use the model of supply and demand to analyze competitive markets. In a competitive market, there are many buyers and sellers, each of whom has little or no influence on the market price.• The demand curve shows how the quantity of a good demanded depends on the price. According to the law of demand, as the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded rises. Therefore, the demand curve slopes downward.• In addition to price, other determinants of how much consumers want to buy include income, the prices of substitutes and complements, tastes, expectations, and the number of buyers. If one of these factors changes, the demand curve shifts.• The supply curve shows how the quantity of a good supplied depends on the price. According to the law of supply, as the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied rises. Therefore, the supply curve slopes upward.• In addition to price, other determinants of how much producers want to sell include input prices, technology, expectations, and the number of sellers. If one of these factors changes, the supply curve shifts.• The intersection of the supply and demand curves determines the market equilibrium. At the equilibrium price, the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.• The behavior of buyers and sellers naturally drives markets toward their equilibrium. When the market price is above the equilibrium price, there is a surplus of the good, which causes the market price to fall. When the market price is below the equilibrium price, there is a shortage, which causes the market price to rise.• To analyze how any event influences a market, we use the supply-and-demand diagram to examine how the event affects equilibrium price and quantity. To do this we follow three steps. First, we decide whether the event shifts the supply curve or the demand curve (or both). Second, we decide which direction the curve shifts. Third, we compare the new equilibrium with the initial equilibrium.• In market economies, prices are the signals that guide economic decisions and thereby allocate scarce resources. For every good in the economy, the price ensures that supply and demand are in balance. The equilibrium price then determines how much of the good buyers choose to consume and how much sellers choose to produce.Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ❖ 53CHAPTER OUTLINE: I. Markets and CompetitionA. What Is a Market?1. Definition of market: a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service.2. Markets can take many forms and may be organized (agricultural commodities) or lessorganized (ice creamB. What Is Competition?1. Definition of competitive market: a market in which there are so many buyers andso many sellers that each has a negligible impact on the market price.2. Each buyer knows that there are several sellers from which to choose. Sellers know that each buyer purchases only a small amount of the total amount sold.C. In this chapter, we will assume that markets are perfectly competitive.1. Characteristics of a perfectly competitive market:a. The goods being offered for sale are exactly the same.b. The buyers and sellers are so numerous that no single buyer or seller has any influence over the market price.2. Because buyers and sellers must accept the market price as given, they are often called "price takers."3. Not all goods are sold in a perfectly competitive market.a. A market with only one seller is called a monopoly market.b. Other markets fall between perfect competition and monopoly.54 ❖ Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and DemandD. We will start by studying perfect competition.1. Perfectly competitive markets are the easiest to analyze because buyers and sellers take the price as a given.2. Because some degree of competition is present in most markets, many of the lessons that we learn by studying supply and demand under perfect competition apply in morecomplicated markets.II. DemandA. The Demand Curve: The Relationship between Price and Quantity Demanded1. Definition of quantity demanded: the amount of a good that buyers are willing andable to purchase.2. One important determinant of quantity demanded is the price of the product.a. Quantity demanded is negatively related to price. This implies that the demand curve isdownward sloping.b. Definition of law of demand: the claim that, other things being equal, thequantity demanded of a good falls when the price of the good rises .3. Definition of demand schedule: a table that shows the relationship between theprice of a good and the quantity demanded. Price of Ice-Cream ConeQuantity of Cones Demanded$0.0012 $0.5010 $1.008 $1.506 $2.004 $2.502 $3.00Figure 1Make sure that you explain that, when we discuss the relationship between quantity demanded and price, we hold all other variables constant. You will need toemphasize this more than once to ensure that students understand why a change inprice leads to a movement along the demand curve.Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ❖ 554. Definition of demand curve: a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded.a. Price is generally drawn on the vertical axis.b. Quantity demanded is represented on the horizontal axis. B. Market Demand versus Individual Demand1. The market demand is the sum of all of the individual demands for a particular good orservice.2. The demand curves are summed horizontally —meaning that the quantities demanded are added up for each level of price.3. The market demand curve shows how the total quantity demanded of a good varies with the price of the good, holding constant all other factors that affect how much consumers want to buy.C. Shifts in the Demand Curve1. Because the market demand curve holds other things constant, it need not be stable overtime.56 ❖ Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand2. If any of these other factors change, the demand curve will shift.a. An increase in demand is represented by a shift of the demand curve to the right.b. A decrease in demand is represented by a shift of the demand curve to the left.3. Incomea. The relationship between income and quantity demanded depends on what type of good the product is.b. Definition of normal good: a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to an increase in demand.c. Definition of inferior good: a good for which, other things equal, an increase inincome leads to a decrease in demand.4. Prices of Related Goodsa. Definition of substitutes: two goods for which an increase in the price of one good leads to an increase in the demand for the other.b. Definition of complements: two goods for which an increase in the price of one good leads to a decrease in the demand for the other.5. Tastes6. Expectationsa. Future incomeb. Future prices7. Number of BuyersChapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ❖57D. Case Study: Two Ways to Reduce the Quantity of Smoking Demanded1. Public service announcements, mandatory health warnings on cigarette packages, and theprohibition of cigarette advertising on television are policies designed to reduce the demandfor cigarettes (and shift the demand curve to the left).2. Raising the price of cigarettes (through tobacco taxes) lowers the quantity of cigarettesdemanded.a. The demand curve does not shift in this case, however.b. An increase in the price of cigarettes can be shown by a movement along the originaldemand curve.3. Studies have shown that a 10% increase in the price of cigarettes causes a 4% reduction inthe quantity of cigarettes demanded. For teens, a 10% increase in price leads to a 12% dropin quantity demanded.4. Studies have also shown that a decrease in the price of cigarettes is associated with greateruse of marijuana. Thus, it appears that tobacco and marijuana are complements.III. SupplyA. The Supply Curve: The Relationship between Price and Quantity Supplied1. Definition of quantity supplied: the amount of a good that sellers are willing andable to sell.a. Quantity supplied is positively related to price. This implies that the supply curve will beupward sloping.b. Definition of law of supply: the claim that, other things equal, the quantitysupplied of a good rises when the price of the good rises.2. Definition of supply schedule: a table that shows the relationship between the priceof a good and the quantity supplied.58 ❖ Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand3. Definition of supply curve: a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. Price of Ice-Cream ConeQuantity of Cones Supplied$0.000 $0.50 0 $1.001 $1.502 $2.003 $2.504 $3.005B. Market Supply versus Individual Supply1. The market supply curve can be found by summing individual supply curves.2. Individual supply curves are summed horizontally at every price.3. The market supply curve shows how the total quantity supplied varies as the price of thegood varies.C. Shifts in the Supply Curve1. Because the market supply curve holds other things constant, the supply curve will shift ifany of these factors changes.a. An increase in supply is represented by a shift of the supply curve to the right.b. A decrease in supply is represented by a shift of the supply curve to the left.Figure 5Figure 7Figure 6You will want to take time to emphasize the difference between a “change in supply” and a “change in quantity supplied.”Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand ❖ 592. Input Prices3. Technology4. Expectations5. Number of Sellers IV. Supply and Demand TogetherA. Equilibrium1. The point where the supply and demand curves intersect is called the market’s equilibrium.2. Definition of equilibrium: a situation in which the market price has reached thelevel at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded.3. Definition of equilibrium price: the price that balances quantity supplied andquantity demanded.4. The equilibrium price is often called the "market-clearing" price because both buyers andsellers are satisfied at this price.Table 2Figure 8 Students will benefit from seeing equilibrium using both a graph and a supply-and-demand schedule. The schedule will also make it easier for students to understand concepts such as shortages and surpluses.60 ❖Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand5. Definition of equilibrium quantity: the quantity supplied and the quantitydemanded at the equilibrium price.6. If the actual market price is higher than the equilibrium price, there will be a surplus of thegood.Figure 9a. Definition of surplus: a situation in which quantity supplied is greater thanquantity demanded.b. To eliminate the surplus, producers will lower the price until the market reachesequilibrium.7. If the actual price is lower than the equilibrium price, there will be a shortage of the good.a. Definition of shortage: a situation in which quantity demanded is greater thanquantity supplied.b. Sellers will respond to the shortage by raising the price of the good until the marketreaches equilibrium.8. Definition of the law of supply and demand: the claim that the price of any goodadjusts to bring the supply and demand for that good into balance.B. Three Steps to Analyzing Changes in Equilibrium 1. Decide whether the event shifts the supply or demand curve (or perhaps both). 2. Determine the direction in which the curve shifts.3. Use the supply-and-demand diagram to see how the shift changes the equilibrium price andquantity. C. Example: A change in market equilibrium due to a shift in demand —the effect of hot weather onthe market for ice cream.D. Shifts in Curves versus Movements along Curves1. A shift in the demand curve is called a "change in demand." A shift in the supply curve iscalled a "change in supply."2. A movement along a fixed demand curve is called a "change in quantity demanded." Amovement along a fixed supply curve is called a "change in quantity supplied." E. Example: A change in market equilibrium due to a shift in supply —the effect of a hurricane thatdestroys part of the sugar-cane crop and drives up the price of sugar.F. Example: Shifts in both supply and demand —the effect of hot weather and a hurricane thatdestroys part of the sugar cane crop. G. Summary1. When an event shifts the supply or demand curve, we can examine the effects on theequilibrium price and quantity.ALTERNATIVE CLASSROOM EXAMPLE:Go through these examples of events that would shift either the demand or supply of #2 lead pencils:▪ an increase in the income of consumers▪ an increase in the use of standardized exams (using opscan forms) ▪ a decrease in the price of graphite (used in the production of pencils) ▪ a decrease in the price of ink pens ▪ the start of a school year▪ new technology that lowers the cost of producing pencils.2. Table 4 reports the end results of these shifts in supply and demand.H. In the News: Price Increases after Disasters1. When a disaster strikes a region, many good experience an increase in demand or a decreasein supply resulting in upward pressure on prices.2. This article from defends price increases following natural disasters as a naturalresult of market interactions.V. Conclusion: How Prices Allocate ResourcesA. The model of supply and demand is a powerful tool for analyzing markets.B. Supply and demand together determine the prices of the economy’s goods and services.1. These prices serve as signals that guide the allocation of scarce resources in the economy.2. Prices determine who produces each good and how much of each good is produced.SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes1. A market is a group of buyers (who determine demand) and a group of sellers (whodetermine supply) of a particular good or service. A perfectly competitive market is one inwhich there are many buyers and many sellers of an identical product so that each has anegligible impact on the market price.2. Here is an example of a monthly demand schedule for pizza:Price of Pizza Slice Number of Pizza Slices Demanded$ 0.00 100.25 90.50 80.75 71.00 61.25 51.50 41.75 32.00 22.25 12.50 0The demand curve is graphed in Figure 1.Figure 1Examples of things that would shift the demand curve include changes in income, prices ofrelated goods like soda or hot dogs, tastes, expectations about future income or prices, andthe number of buyers.A change in the price of pizza would not shift this demand curve; it would only lead to amovement from one point to another along the same demand curve.3. Here is an example of a monthly supply schedule for pizza:Price of Pizza Slice Number of PizzaSlices Supplied$ 0.00 00.25 1000.50 2000.75 3001.00 4001.25 5001.50 6001.75 7002.00 8002.25 9002.50 1000The supply curve is graphed in Figure 2.Figure 2Figure 3Examples of things that would shift the supply curve include changes in prices of inputs like tomato sauce and cheese, changes in technology like more efficient pizza ovens or automatic dough makers, changes in expectations about the future price of pizza, or a change in the number of sellers.A change in the price of pizza would not shift this supply curve; it would only lead to amovement from one point to another along the same supply curve.4. If the price of tomatoes rises, the supply curve for pizza shifts to the left because there hasbeen an increase in the price of an input into pizza production, but there is no shift indemand. The shift to the left of the supply curve causes the equilibrium price to rise and the equilibrium quantity to decline, as Figure 3 shows.If the price of hamburgers falls, the demand curve for pizza shifts to the left because thelower price of hamburgers will lead consumers to buy more hamburgers and fewer pizzas,but there is no shift in supply. The shift to the left of the demand curve causes theequilibrium price to fall and the equilibrium quantity to decline, as Figure 4 shows.Figure 4Questions for Review1. A competitive market is a market in which there are many buyers and many sellers of anidentical product so that each has a negligible impact on the market price. Another type ofmarket is a monopoly, in which there is only one seller. There are also other markets that fallbetween perfect competition and monopoly.2. The demand schedule is a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good andthe quantity demanded. The demand curve is the downward-sloping line relating price andquantity demanded. The demand schedule and demand curve are related because thedemand curve is simply a graph showing the points in the demand schedule.The demand curve slopes downward because of the law of demand—other things beingequal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the good falls. People buyless of a good when its price rises, both because they cannot afford to buy as much andbecause they switch to purchasing other goods.3. A change in consumers' tastes leads to a shift of the demand curve. If the change inconsumers' tastes leads to an increase in demand, consumers want to buy more of this goodat every price level. A change in price leads to a movement along the demand curve.Because price is measured on the vertical axis, a change in the price represents a movementalong the demand curve.4. Because Popeye buys more spinach when his income falls, spinach is an inferior good for him.His demand curve for spinach shifts out to the right as a result of the decrease in his income.5. A supply schedule is a table showing the relationship between the price of a good and thequantity a producer is willing and able to supply. The supply curve is the upward-sloping linerelating price and quantity supplied. The supply schedule and the supply curve are related because the supply curve is simply a graph showing the points in the supply schedule.The supply curve slopes upward because when the price is high, suppliers' profits increase, so they supply more output to the market. The result is the law of supply—other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of the good also rises.6. A change in producers' technology leads to a shift in the supply curve. A change in priceleads to a movement along the supply curve.7. The equilibrium of a market is the point at which the quantity demanded is equal to quantitysupplied. If the price is above the equilibrium price, sellers want to sell more than buyers want to buy, so there is a surplus. Sellers try to increase their sales by cutting prices. That continues until they reach the equilibrium price. If the price is below the equilibrium price, buyers want to buy more than sellers want to sell, so there is a shortage. Sellers can raise their price without losing customers. That continues until they reach the equilibrium price.8. When the price of beer rises, the demand for pizza declines, because beer and pizza arecomplements and people want to buy less beer. When we say the demand for pizza declines, we mean that the demand curve for pizza shifts to the left as in Figure 5. The supply curve for pizza is not affected. With a shift to the left in the demand curve, the equilibrium price and quantity both decline, as the figure shows. Thus, the quantity of pizza supplied anddemanded both fall. In sum, supply is unchanged, demand is decreased, quantity supplied declines, quantity demanded declines, and the price falls.Figure 59. Prices play a vital role in market economies because they bring markets into equilibrium. Ifthe price is different from its equilibrium level, quantity supplied and quantity demanded are not equal. The resulting surplus or shortage leads suppliers to adjust the price untilequilibrium is restored. Prices thus serve as signals that guide economic decisions andallocate scarce resources.Quick Check Multiple Choice1. b2. b3. d4. b5. a6. cProblems and Applications1. a. Cold weather damages the orange crop, reducing the supply of oranges and raising theprice of oranges. This leads to a decline in the supply of orange juice because orangesare an important input in the production of orange juice. This can be seen in Figure 6 asa shift to the left in the supply curve for orange juice. The new equilibrium price is higherthan the old equilibrium price.Figure 6b. People often travel to the Caribbean from New England to escape cold weather, so thedemand for Caribbean hotel rooms is high in the winter. In the summer, fewer peopletravel to the Caribbean, because northern climates are more pleasant. The result, asshown in Figure 7, is a shift to the left in the demand curve. The equilibrium price ofCaribbean hotel rooms is thus lower in the summer than in the winter, as the figureshows.Figure 7c. When a war breaks out in the Middle East, many markets are affected. Because a largeproportion of oil production takes place there, the war disrupts oil supplies, shifting thesupply curve for gasoline to the left, as shown in Figure 8. The result is a rise in theequilibrium price of gasoline. With a higher price for gasoline, the cost of operating agas-guzzling automobile like a Cadillac will increase. As a result, the demand for usedCadillacs will decline, as people in the market for cars will not find Cadillacs as attractive.In addition, some people who already own Cadillacs will try to sell them. The result isthat the demand curve for used Cadillacs shifts to the left, while the supply curve shifts to the right, as shown in Figure 9. The result is a decline in the equilibrium price of used Cadillacs.Figure 8 Figure 92. The statement is false. As Figure 10 shows, in equilibrium the increase in demand fornotebooks results in an increased quantity demanded and the quantity supplied.Figure 10 Figure 113. a. If people decide to have more children, they will want larger vehicles for hauling theirkids around, so the demand for minivans will increase. Supply will not be affected. The result is a rise in both the price and the quantity sold, as Figure 12 shows.Figure 12 Figure 13b. If a strike by steelworkers raises steel prices, the cost of producing a minivan rises andthe supply of minivans decreases. Demand will not be affected. The result is a rise in the price of minivans and a decline in the quantity sold, as Figure 13 shows.c. The development of new automated machinery for the production of minivans is animprovement in technology. This reduction in firms' costs will result in an increase in supply. Demand is not affected. The result is a decline in the price of minivans and an increase in the quantity sold, as Figure 14 shows.Figure 14d. The rise in the price of sport utility vehicles affects minivan demand because sport utilityvehicles are substitutes for minivans. The result is an increase in demand for minivans.Supply is not affected. The equilibrium price and quantity of minivans both rise, as Figure12 shows.e. The reduction in peoples' wealth caused by a stock-market crash reduces their income,leading to a reduction in the demand for minivans, because minivans are likely a normal good. Supply is not affected. As a result, both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity decline, as Figure 15 shows.Figure 154. a. DVDs and TV screens are likely to be complements because you cannot watch a DVDwithout a television. DVDs and movie tickets are likely to be substitutes because a movie can be watched at a theater or at home. TV screens and movie tickets are likely to besubstitutes for the same reason.b. The technological improvement would reduce the cost of producing a TV screen, shiftingthe supply curve to the right. The demand curve would not be affected. The result is that the equilibrium price will fall, while the equilibrium quantity will rise. This is shown inFigure 16.Figure 16c. The reduction in the price of TV screens would lead to an increase in the demand forDVDs because TV screens and DVDs are complements. The effect of this increase in the demand for DVDs is an increase in both the equilibrium price and quantity, as shown inFigure 17.Figure 17The reduction in the price of TV screens would cause a decline in the demand for movie tickets because TV screens and movie tickets are substitute goods. The decline in thedemand for movie tickets would lead to a decline in the equilibrium price and quantitysold. This is shown in Figure 18.Figure 185. Technological advances that reduce the cost of producing computer chips represent a declinein an input price for producing a computer. The result is a shift to the right in the supply of computers, as shown in Figure 19. The equilibrium price falls and the equilibrium quantity rises, as the figure shows.Figure 19Because computer software is a complement to computers, the lower equilibrium price of computers increases the demand for software. As Figure 20 shows, the result is a rise in both the equilibrium price and quantity of software.Figure 20Because typewriters are substitutes for computers, the lower equilibrium price of computers reduces the demand for typewriters. As Figure 21 shows, the result is a decline in both the equilibrium price and quantity of typewriters.Figure 216. a. When a hurricane in South Carolina damages the cotton crop, it raises input prices forproducing sweatshirts. As a result, the supply of sweatshirts shifts to the left, as shownin Figure 22. The new equilibrium price is higher and the new equilibrium quantity ofsweatshirts is lower.。

经济学原理课后参考答案经济学基础第⼀章1、什么是经济学? 如何理解资源的有限性和⼈类欲望的⽆限性?答:(1)经济学是研究社会经济问题的⼀门社会科学,经济学研究的是社会如何利⽤稀缺的资源以⽣产有价值的商品,并将它们分配给不同的⼈。



2、对于一种可变要素投入的生产函数QfL,所表示的厂商要素投入的合理区域为(D)A、开始于AP的最大值,终止于TP的最大值B、开始于AP与MP相交处,终止于MP等于零C、是MP递减的一个阶段D、以上都对3、当MP L AP L时,我们是处于(A)A、对于L的Ⅰ阶段B、对K的Ⅲ阶段C、对于L的Ⅱ阶段D、以上都不是4、一条等成本线描述了()A、企业在不同产出价格下会生产的不同数量的产出B、投入要素价格变化时,同样的成本下两种投入要素的不同数量C、一定的支出水平下,企业能够买到的两种投入要素的不同组合D、企业能够用来生产一定数量产出的两种投入要素的不同组合5、当单个可变要素的投入量为最佳时,必然有:A.总产量达到最大B.边际产量达到最高C.平均产量大于或等于边际产量D.边际产量大于平均产量6、当平均产量递减时,边际产量是()A、递减B、为负C、为零D、以上三种可能都有7、以下有关生产要素最优组合,也即成本最小化原则的描述正确的一项是().A.MPL/r L=MPK/r KB.MRTS LK=r L/r KC.P MP rKKD.A和B均正确8、等产量曲线上各点代表的是()A.为生产同等产量而投入的要素价格是不变的B.为生产同等产量而投入的要素的各种组合比例是不能变化的C.投入要素的各种组合所能生产的产量都是相等的D.无论要素投入量是多少,产量是相等的9、如果厂商甲的劳动投入对资本的边际技术替代率为13,厂商乙的劳动投入对资本的边际技术替代率为23,那么(D)A.只有厂商甲的边际技术替代率是递减的B.只有厂商乙的边际技术替代率是递减的C.厂商甲的资本投入是厂商乙的两倍D.如果厂商甲用3单位的劳动与厂商乙交换2单位的资本,则厂商甲的产量将增加10、如果等成本曲线围绕它与纵轴的交点逆时针转动,那么将意味着(A)A.横轴表示的生产要素的价格下降B.纵轴表示的生产要素的价格上升C.横轴表示的生产要素的价格上升D.纵轴表示的生产要素的价格下降11、若等成本曲线在坐标平面上与等产量曲线相交,那么该交点表示的产量水平()A.应增加成本支出B.应减少成本支出C.不能增加成本支出D.不能减少成本支出12、在规模报酬不变的阶段,若劳动的使用量增加5%,而资本的使用量不变,则()A.产出增加5%B.产出减少5%C.产出的增加少于5%D.产出的增加大于5%13、规模报酬递减是在下述哪种情况下发生的()A、按比例连续增加各种生产要素B、不按比率连续增加各种生产要素C、连续地投入某种生产要素而保持其他生产要素不变D、上述都正确14、下列说法中正确的是(D)A、生产要素的边际替代率递减是规模报酬递减造成的B、边际收益递减是规模报酬递减规律造成的C、规模报酬递减是边际收益递减规律造成的D、生产要素的边际技术替代率递减是边际收益递减规律造成的15、当某厂商以最小成本生产出既定产量时(D)A、总收益为零B、获得最大利润C、没有获得最大利润D、无法确定是否获得了最大总利润三、判断题1、随着某种生产要素投入量的增加,边际产量和平均产量到一定程度将趋于下降,其中边际产量的下降一定先于平均产量。
《经济学基础应用》 第四章课后答案[4页]
![《经济学基础应用》 第四章课后答案[4页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d96f741530126edb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f72df.png)
曼昆经济学原理第六版第4章 供给与需求的市场力量课后习题答案

圣才考研网 ——考研考博专业课辅导―中国第一品牌咨询 QQ:1224978229第2篇 第4章市场如何运行供给与需求的市场力量一、概念题 1.市场(market) 答: 市场指某种物品或劳务的买者与卖者组成的一个群体。
买者作为一个群体决定了一 种物品或劳务的需求,而卖者作为一个群体决定了一种物品或劳务的供给。
市场作为商品经济的范畴,具有三层含义:一是指商品交换的场所;二是指由商品供求 双方及其中介人之间, 围绕着体现各自利益的价格而展开激烈竞争所形成的各种经济关系总 和; 三是指调节社会经济运行的一种关系。
贯穿于这三层含义并能统一于市场这一范畴的核 心是商品交换,或者说是商品流通。
2.竞争市场(competitive market) 答: 竞争市场指有许多买者和卖者, 以至于每一个人对市场价格的影响都微不足道的市 场。
完全竞争,又称为纯粹竞争,是指不存在任何阻碍和干 扰竞争因素的市场情况, 亦即没有任何垄断因素的市场结构。
完全竞争市场需要具备以下四 个条件:①市场上有大量的买者和卖者;②市场上每一个厂商提供的商品都是同质的;③所 有的资源具有完全的流动性;④信息是完全的。
3.需求量(quantity demanded) 答: 需求量是指消费者在一定时期内, 在各种可能的价格水平下愿意而且能够购买的商 品的数量。
根据定义,如果消费者对某种商品只有购买的欲望而没有购买的能力,就不能算 作是需求。
影响商品需求的因素有:该 商品的价格、消费者收入、其他相关商品价格、消费者偏好和消费者对未来的预期等。
在其 他影响因素不变的条件下,需求量与价格的关系可用需求曲线来表示。
一般说来,随着商品 价格的提高,消费者消费商品的数量减少。
4.需求定理(law of demand) 答:需求定理是有关物品价格与需求量之间关系的定理。
该定理的内容是:在其他条件 不变的情况下, 某商品的需求量与价格之间成反方向变动, 即需求量随着商品本身价格的上 升而减少,随商品价格的下降而增加。

答案:1、D 2、D 3、A 4、D 5、B 6、B 7、C 8、B
9、B 10、A
7.随着劳动投入要素的不断增加,劳动的边际产量在开始阶段上升,然后出现下降的趋势,那么,当总产量达到最大时( )。
9.规模报酬递减是在下述情况下发生的( )。
10.假设生产函数的形式为q=x^(2-α)· y^α,其中0<α<1,则该生产技术为( )。
8.下列说法中错误的一种说法是( )。
经济学原理(第四章 生产理论)
1.如果规模报酬不变,单位时间里增加了20%的劳动使用量;但保持资本量不变,则产出将( )。

第四章习题一、选择题1.生产要素(投入)和产量水平的关系叫 ( A )A. 生产函数B. 生产可能性曲线C. 平均成本曲线。
D. 总成本曲线2.生产要素的边际产量是 ( A )A. 产量的变化除以厂商所使用的生产要素量的变化B. 产量除以厂商所使用的生产要素的量C. 产量除以总生产成本D. 产量中能归功于这种生产要素的数量3.产量的增加量除以生产要素的增加量的值等于 ( C )A. 平均产量B. 边际成本C. 边际产量D. 平均成本4.生产函数的斜率是 ( D )A. 总产量B. 平均成本C. 平均产量D. 边际产量5.如果劳动是唯一的可变生产要素,我们经常可以发现在生产过程中劳动的收益递减,这意味着( B )A. 随劳动的增加,产量减少B. 随劳动的增加,劳动的边际产量减少C. 随劳动的减少,产量增加D. 随劳动的增加,劳动的边际产量增加6、如果等成本曲线在坐标平面上与等产量曲线相交,那么要素生产等产量曲线表示的产量水平(C )。
A 应增加成本支出; B不能增加成本支出;C 应减少成本支出; D不能减少成本支出。
A 产量提高了;B 成本增加了;C 生产要素的价格按同比例提高了;D生产要素的价格按不同比例提高了。
A 生产要素Y的价格上升了;B 生产要素X的价格上升了;C 生产要素X的价格下降了;D 生产要素Y的价格下降了。
9、若厂商增加使用一个单位的劳动,减少三个单位的资本,仍然能生产相同产出,则MRTSLK是(B )。
A、1/3;B、3;C、1;D 、610、假定生产某一产品的最小成本是200单位劳动和100单位资本,则可以知道( D )。
A每单位资本的价格一定是每单位劳动价格的2倍;B每单位劳动的价格一定是每单位资本价格的2倍;C 资本对劳动的边际技术替代率等于2;D 上述说法均不正确11、当某厂商以最小成本提供既定产量时,那么他(D)。

可變典索的敘绘说码* 14L (I )利用短期生产的总产量(TP)、平均产量(AP )和边际产量(2)始逐步下降的这样一种普遍的生产现象,本题的生产函數表现出边际报酬递减的现栗,具体地说,由表可见,当可变要素的投入董由第4单位增加到第5单位时,该要嗦的边厢产量由黒举的24下降为IX(I ).过TPL曲线任何一点的切线的斜率就是相应的NPL的值.(2)连接TPL曲线上热和一点和坐标隊点的线段的斜率*就是相应的AIM. 的值“(3 )雪幡L>APL3^4 APL曲线是上升的.当M)L<APL时’APL曲线是下降的.SW)L=APL时* APL曲线达到极大遛L3.解答:(I )由生产数QJKL-Q.孔‘理.5K.且結1 0、可得起期生产函数为:Q=20L- 9 5L:-0 5*102=20L-0* JL2-50于是,粮据总产量*平均产量和边际产量飾定义*有以下函教:劳动的总产量函数TPf2UL$1?・50mhtnl:II I e: C; '■ Documnt i^Oiid^OSell I ngi\Adai niilril Df 桌面i 西方「- 2QD9- 7-20可变坐索的数量页码’ 2H 劳动的平均产量函數51.- 50/L劳动的边I乐严童西数L(2 )关于总产量的最丸值:20-L=D解得L“Q所以*劳动投入量为H时、总产量达到极丸值°关于平均产量的最大值:■0.5+50L'2=OL=1O (负值舍去)所”劳动投入量为lO&t*平均产量达到极大值.关干边际产董的議大位:际产寿八环川严“厂知.迪际尸寻购经乏一纟74:说:飞厲线°考虑到劳动投入量恳是非负的、所以,L胡时,劳动的边除产量达到极大值。
(3 )当劳动的平均产董达到最丸值时,一定冇APLuMPL*由(2)可知- 当劳动为10时’劳动的平均产豈APL达最丸值勺及相应的鼓大值为:APL的最丸值KPL=20-10=10很显然APUVPL^IO(1 }生产函數晨示该函數是一个固定投入比例的生产函數’所以,厂商进行生产时* Q=2l=3K.相应的有L二18, K=I2(2 )由Q=2L=3K,且Q=480i 可得:1=240. 4160又因为PL=2. PK=5.所以C=2*24#+3M6G=US0即最小成本.5,(I)思路:先求出劳动的边际产量与要素的边际产量很据最优要素俎合的均衝条件,整理即可得.(a)K=(2P /1 )L’ 、11 2(b ) K=( PJ* %(c ) K=(P /1P K)Lnllt mi:f i I fi:UC Docvm^nt $%2Qand^2GSei t i ng; Admi m $1 r^t or<: E^ihi )$. . . 20 03-1 20可变藍素的数量页码.(d ) K=J L(2)思路:把PLT. PK叮“ QlMth 代人扩展线方程与生产虜数即可卑出(a ) L=2OO,4> l;J K=400M' 1/3(b) L=2000 K=2DOO{c) L=IO*2IB K=5,2IB(d) L=IOOO/3 K=IOOft6 (l).Q=AL1/3K h'F( AH At )=A (M ) h 3 (XK) [ ;?= XAL1 Ll K1 ;5= Xf(L:K}所以.此生产画盘属于规模报酬不变的生产函数"(2)假定在短期生产中.资本投入量不变* M 巖示;而劳动投入整可变,以L表示"对于生产*48tOAL l/3K r\有:M1]L=]HAL'1;3K k\ 且(1 M^/dLz^/Q AL'5n这表明:在短期资札I殳入量不曼的繭提下,随着一种可愛要素劳动投入量的増加,劳动的边际产量是递减的.相类似的,在短期劳动投入量不愛的前提下,随着一种可愛要索资本投入量的增加,资本的边际产量是递减的.八(1 )当Of。


本题的生产函数表现出边际报酬递减的现象,且从第 5 单位开始。
从表中可看出,当可变要素的投入量由第 4 单位增加到第 5 单位时,该要素的边际产量由原来的24 下降为 12。
2、短期生产函数()K L fQ,=的TPL 曲线、APL曲线和MPL曲线均呈倒U型。
Q bcaTPLO LQOLMP L图2-1APLQTPLAPLOLMP O L 图2-2 图2-3MPL 与 TPL之间的主要关系是:,0,0<↓⇔=⇔>↑⇔LLLLLLMPTPMPTPMPTP极大从几何上看(图2-1),在TPL 递增的区间,MPL位于横轴上方;在TPL 取极大值处,MPL恰好经过横轴;在TPL递减的区间,MPL位于横轴下方。
MP L 与AP L 之间的主要关系是:L L AP ,AP ,<↓⇔=⇔>↑⇔L L L L L L L MP AP MP AP AP MP AP 极大从几何上看(图2-2),在AP L 递增的区间,MP L 位于AP L 上方;在AP L 取极大值处,MP L 恰好经过AP L ;在AP L 递减的区间,MP L 位于AP L 下方。
TP L 与AP L 之间的主要关系是:TP L 曲线上点与原点连线的斜率即为相应横坐标处的AP L (图2-3).3. (1)因为生产函数225.05.02),(K L KL K L f Q --==,且 K=10, 则劳动的总产量为505.020),(2--===L L K L f Q TP L 劳动的平均产量AP L = TP L /L=20-0.5L-50/L 劳动的边际产量MP L =dTP L /dL=20-L (2)①总产量的最大值令MP L =20-L=0,解得劳动的总产量TP L 达到极大值时厂商的劳动投入量L=20。

第四章思考与练习一、选择题1、下列说法中错误的说法是( B )A.只要总产量减少,边际产量一定是负数;B.只要边际产量减少,总产量也一定减少;C.随着某种生产要素投入的增加,边际产量和平均产量增加到一定程度后将趋于下降,其中边际产量的下降一定先于平均产量的下降;D.边际产量一定在平均产量曲线的最高点与之相交。
2.下列说法中正确的是(D )A.规模报酬递减是边际收益递减规律造成的B.边际收益递减是规模报酬递减造成的C.生产要素的边际技术替代率递减是规模报酬递减造成的D.生产要素的边际技术替代率递减是边际收益递减规律造成的3.对于生产函数Q=f(L,K)成本方程C=P L L+P K K 来说,在最优生产组合点上,()。
A.等产量线和等成本线相切B.MRTS LK=P L/P KC.MP L /P L= MP K/P K D.以上说法都对4.在规模报酬不变阶段,若劳动的使用量增加10%,资本的使用量不变,则( D )。
A.产出增加10% B.产出减少10%C.产出的增加大于10% D.产出的增加小于10%5、等成本线围绕着它与纵轴的交点逆时针移动表明( C )A.生产要素Y的价格上升了;B.生产要素X的价格上升了;C.生产要素X的价格下降了;D.生产要素Y的价格下降了。
6、经济学中短期和长期划分取决于( D )A.时间长短;B.可否调整产量;C.可否调整产品价格;D.可否调整生产规模。
8、一个厂商在长期中可以完成下列哪些调整()A. 采用新的自动化生产技术,节约生产线上30%的劳动力;B. 雇用三班倒的员工,增员扩容;C. 中层管理者实行成本节约法;D. 以上措施在长期内都可行。

第四章1.〔1〕利用短期生产总产量〔TP 〕、平均产量〔AP 〕和边际产量〔MP 〕之间关系,可以完成对该表填空,其结果如下表:〔2〕所谓边际报酬递减是指短期生产中一种可变要素边际产量在到达最高点以后开场逐步下降这样一种普遍生产现象。
2.〔1〕.过TPL 曲线任何一点切线斜率就是相应MPL 值。
〔2〕连接TPL 曲线上热和一点和坐标原点线段斜率,就是相应APL 值。
〔3〕当MPL >APL 时,APL 曲线是上升。
当MPL <APL 时,APL 曲线是下降。
3.解答:〔1〕由生产数Q=2KL-0.5L2-0.5K2,且K=10,可得短期生产函数为:Q=20L-0.5L2-0.5*102=20L-0.5L2-50于是,根据总产量、平均产量和边际产量定义,有以下函数:劳动总产量函数TP L=20L-0.5L2-50劳动平均产量函数AP L=20-0.5L-50/L劳动边际产量函数MP L=20-L〔2〕关于总产量最大值:20-L=0解得L=20所以,劳动投入量为20时,总产量到达极大值。
关于边际产量最大值:由劳动边际产量函数MP L=20-L可知,边际产量曲线是一条斜率为负直线。
(微观 宏观全)曼昆《经济学原理》(第五版)课后习题答案-中文版

曼昆《经济学原理》(第五版)习题解答目录第一章经济学十大原理 (1)第二章像经济学家一样思考 (7)第三章相互依存性与贸易的好处 (14)第四章供给与需求的市场力量 (22)第五章弹性及其应用 (31)第六章供给、需求与政府政策 (41)第七章消费者、生产者与市场效率 (50)第八章应用:赋税的代价 (58)第九章应用:国际贸易 (65)第十章外部性 (75)第十一章公共物品和公共资源 (84)第十二章税制的设计 (91)第十三章生产成本 (99)第十四章竞争市场上的企业 (109)第十五章垄断 (121)第十六章垄断竞争 (135)第十七章寡头 (143)第十八章生产要素市场 (153)第十九章收入与歧视 (162)第二十章收入不平等与贫困 (169)第二十一章消费者选择理论 (177)第二十二章微观经济学前沿 (187)第二十三章一国收入的衡量 (195)第二十四章生活费用的衡量 (204)第二十五章生产与增长 (210)第二十六章储蓄、投资和金融体系 (214)第二十七章基本金融工具 (221)第二十八章失业 (226)第一篇导言第一章经济学十大原理复习题1.列举三个你在生活中面临的重要权衡取舍的例子。

经济学原理课后题答案1. 供求关系。
2. 弹性。
价格弹性的计算公式为,价格弹性 = (需求量变化的百分比)/(价格变化的百分比)。
3. 市场结构。
4. 生产成本。
5. 政府干预。
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B .当每年夏天新英格兰地区天气变暖时,加勒比地区旅馆房间的价格直线下降。
橘子的数量P2P1Q2 Q1 房价房间的数量P1P2 Q2 Q12、“练习本需求增加提高了练习本的需求量,但没有增加练习本的供给量。
A .人们决定多生孩子。
从供给角度看,由于人口S1 汽油的数量O Q1 Q2 汽油供求图 车价车的数量SO P1P2Q1 Q2 凯迪拉克二手车供求图会增加,对家用旅行车的消费量也会增加,于是生产商会增加供给。
A .南卡莱罗纳的飓风损害了棉花作物。
B .皮夹克价格下降。
衬衣数量Q1 Q2C .所有大学要求早晨的自由体操要穿合适的衣服。
D .发明了新织布机。
衬衣数量Q2 Q1 衬衣数量Q1 Q26、假定2005年是一个孩子出生的暂时高峰。
而番茄是番茄汁的主要原料,番茄价格下降是番茄汁生产成本下降,供给增衬衣数量Q2 Q1加,番茄汁的销售量上升,价格下降。
A.这些产品是香烟的替代品还是互补品?答:茄烟与鼻烟是香烟的替代品B .运用供求图,说明如果提高对香烟征收的税收,雪茄烟和鼻烟市场会发生什么变动?答:香烟由于税收提高而价格上升,使人们对雪茄烟与鼻烟的需求增加,它们的需求曲线向右上方移动,供给曲线不变,于是雪茄烟与鼻烟的价格上升,均衡数量增加。
雪茄烟与鼻烟的数量Q1 Q2 烟的价格C.如果决策者想减少烟草消费总量,与香烟税配合的政策是什么?答:要想减少烟草消费总量,与香烟税配合的政策是提高对烟草的税收,或提高所有烟类制品的税收。
9、大饼市场有以下需求与供给表:价格(人民币元)需求量(个)供给量(个)4 135 265 104 536 81 817 68 988 53 1109 39 121画出需求与供给曲线。
Q=81 数量(个)10、因为百吉圈与奶酪通常一起食用,所以,它们是互补品。