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Retelling应包括要点:(参考 应包括要点:(参考) Story Retelling应包括要点:(参考) 1) 女儿抱怨生活艰难 2) 父亲把马铃薯和鸡蛋放在锅里煮 煮了很久, 3) 煮了很久,女儿不耐烦 4) 终于煮完,父亲问女儿看到什么,女儿不明白 终于煮完,父亲问女儿看到什么, 父亲让女儿仔细看并触摸一下, 5) 父亲让女儿仔细看并触摸一下,女儿仍不明白 6) 父亲解释马铃薯和鸡蛋面临两样困难 但两者反应不同:马铃薯变软, 7) 但两者反应不同:马铃薯变软,鸡蛋变硬 女儿明白道理: 8) 女儿明白道理:面对困难要抗争
Enjoy the film of “King Lion” I was today A:_______________. B: You were? A: Yes, I thought I might lose you ______________________. B: Oh, I guess even kings get scared , huh? A: Mmm – mm. B: But you know what. A: What? B: I think those hyenas (土狼)were even scareder! A: Because nobody messes with your dad!
组织故事时,要注意: 组织故事时,要注意: 1. 准备 准备10-12个句子 个句子 2. 用到所给关键词,用自己的话复述。 用到所给关键词 关键词, 自己的话复述 复述。 3. 时态和人称: 时态和人称: 4. 复述要连贯:First, Then, After that 复述要连贯 连贯: , , , Later, Finally ,
女儿 com 父 diffi ? wh to do 父 → 女 kitch 父 filled 2 pots /put fire 父 put eg /po in each pot +boil + no say 女 wait impa + no know 父 doing. 20 min, he food + ? 女 what see, but puzz 父 explain :put eg /po fac sam diffi---but rea differ • po soft and weak +eg hard • 父 ?女 want: po or eg • 女 smi +lear deter fight back diff. • • • • • • • 一分钟的准备时间(参考笔记 一分钟的准备时间 参考笔记) 参考笔记 还原符号和缩写 符号和缩写, 回忆未记录的细节 还原符号和缩写,并组成句子,回忆未记录的细节
Retell the story with the clues:
Father lion was disappointed in his son for _______________________________________. But the son just wanted to be brave like his dad. His dad told him that he only behave bravely ______________. Being brave doesn’t mean _____________. What’s more, he was scared that day because__________________. His son was surprised to hear his dad’s words and also felt proud of his dad. • It’s important to get enough information to retell a story.
• .
Step 2 Learning skills (for retelling)
• 1. 2. “复述”题型特征: 复述”题型特征: 复述 要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两 大约两分钟的独白 要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两 考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。 准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容 遍。考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。 本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议文 本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议文 叙事和简单的夹叙夹议 长度在250个单词左右。 个单词左右。 章,长度在 个单词左右
complain: pot: boil:
What is complained ? Why? What’s in it? What are boiled?
react differently: What are the difference? difficulty: What is the difficulty? /How to face it?
• 第二遍录音:听清细节,记录重点信息 第二遍录音:听清细节, 每记录完一句信息, 换一行。 每记录完一句信息 换一行。 How can we take notes efficiently?(速记 速记) 速记 1. 2. 3. 4. n, v, adj, adv, num, etc. The first few letters of a long word. Chinese words. Use special signs.
How can we retell a story well?
• Step 1: Predict : make good use of the main idea and five key words • Step 2: Listen and take notes : for the first time, focus more on cause, development and result; for the second time, try to take as many notes as possible.
• 原文:A daughter complained to his father about the difficulty of the life and wondered what to do. Her father took her to the kitchen. First he filled some water in two pots and put them in two different high fire. Then he put an egg and a potato in each pot and let them boil without saying anything. The daughter waited impatiently and didn’t know what her father was doing. After 20 minutes, he took the food out and asked his daughter what he could see, but she was still puzzled. Then her father explained to her that the potato and the egg faced the same difficulty---------the boiling water, but they reacted differently: in the boiling water, the strong and hard potato became soft and weak while the egg became hard with only a thin shell to protect it. At last, when her father asked what she wanted to be: a potato and an egg, the daughter smiled and learned that when faced with difficulty, she should be determined to fight back.
• • • • • • • • • •
father F 父 女 daughter D eg egg potato po become and + take sb to sp →sp difficulty diffi wonder/ask ? water
• Now listen to the record and try to take notes.
Part C Story Retelling
• 梗概:女儿向父亲抱怨生活的艰辛,父亲通过 煮熟的马铃薯和鸡蛋的不同,启发女儿 如何应对困境。
• 关键词: complain(抱怨) pot(锅) boil(煮、沸腾) react differently(反应不同) difficulty
Share your notes with us. (n., v., adj. )
Part C Story Retelling
• 梗概:女儿向父亲抱怨生活的艰辛,父亲通过 煮熟的马铃薯和鸡蛋的不同,启发女儿 如何应对困境。
• 关键词: complain(抱怨) pot(锅) boil(煮、沸腾) react differently(反应不同) difficulty
听力前约20秒准备时间: 听力前约 秒准备时间: 秒准备时间 挑出故事梗概中重点信息 挑出故事梗概中重点信息 根据关键词预测听力过程中需关注的故事内容 预测听力过程中需关注的故事内容。 根据关键词预测听力过程中需关注的故事内容。
Part C Retelling
skills and practice
Step 1 Warming Up
Enjoy the film of “King Lion” A: Simba! Simba, I’m very _____________________. disappointed in you. B: I know. A:You could have been killed You _________________. deliberately disobeyed me. And what’s worse, you put Nala _________. in danger B: I was just trying to be brave like you. A: I’m only brave when I have to be Simba, being _________________. brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. B: But you’re not scared of anything.
第一遍录音: 不要急于做笔记, 第一遍录音 不要急于做笔记,先听懂情节 捕捉故事的基本线索 起因(cause): 起因
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
经过(development): 经过
结果(result): 结果
第一遍录音: 不要急于做笔记, 第一遍录音 不要急于做笔记,先听懂情节 捕捉故事的基本线索 起因(cause): daughter complained about difficulty 起因 in life and wondered what to do Dad boiled the egg and potato 经过(development): 经过 Potato became soft while the egg became hard 结果(result): Father asked what she wanted to be 结果 She should be determined to fight back difficulty.