关键词:高考英语;听说考试;故事复述;技巧中图分类号:G633 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2851(2013)-03-0086-01在学习英语的技巧中,听和读属于信息输入,说和写属于信息输出。
关键词:home(家),drive(开车),afraid(害怕的),the police station(警察局),purse(钱包)根据梗概找出重要信息:who:女士a lady/womanwhen:下班after workwhat:被人跟踪 be followedwhere:警察局the police stationresult:误会 a misunderstanding猜测经过:女士被跟踪和钱包有关根据关键词预测需要记录的关键词:home,drive:who drive? To where? When?afraid:who was afraid and why?the police station:what happened here? What did the policeman do?purse:Who? Why?二、听时(While-listening)听第一遍时,注意重点在于听取文章的主旨大意,快速记录帮助理顺事件发生的关键词。
高中英语听力专题课一、教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语听力理解能力。
2. 培养学生的英语听力技巧和策略。
3. 加强学生的英语词汇和语法知识。
4. 提高学生的英语听说综合能力。
二、教学内容:1. 听力技巧的讲解和训练。
2. 听力材料的选取和解析。
3. 词汇和语法知识的巩固和应用。
4. 听说综合任务的完成和评价。
三、教学方法:1. 采用任务型教学法,通过听力任务的设计和完成,提高学生的听力理解能力。
2. 运用视听教学法,结合音频和视频材料,丰富学生的视听感受,增强听力效果。
3. 采用互动式教学法,鼓励学生积极参与听力活动,提高学生的听说能力。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动:播放一段英语听力材料,让学生听后回答一些简单的问题,以激活学生的听力思维。
2. 听力技巧讲解:介绍一些听力技巧和策略,如预测、主旨归纳、细节捕捉等,并示例讲解。
3. 听力任务设计:设计一些听力任务,让学生听录音或观看视频,并根据所听内容完成任务。
4. 听力材料解析:对所听材料进行解析,讲解其中的词汇和语法知识,并进行相关练习。
5. 听说综合活动:设计一些综合任务,让学生听录音或观看视频,并根据所听内容进行口语表达和交流。
五、教学评价:1. 听力任务的完成情况:通过听力任务的完成情况来评估学生的听力理解能力。
2. 词汇和语法知识的掌握情况:通过相关练习和测试来评估学生的词汇和语法知识掌握情况。
3. 听说综合能力的评估:通过口语表达和交流的情况来评估学生的听说综合能力。
六、教学资源:1. 听力材料:选择适合高中学生的英语听力材料,如对话、短文、新闻报道等。
2. 教学多媒体设备:需要多媒体教室,配备投影仪、音响设备等,以便播放音频和视频材料。
3. 学习资料:提供相关的听力技巧指导书、词汇和语法练习册等学习资料。
七、教学环境:1. 教室布置:座位排列要有利于学生之间的互动和交流,可以设置小组合作的学习区域。
… strangers,
… (began to feel a little) became …
Sentence retelling 2
At the age of seven, I started my primary school education. On September 4th, I went to my school and looked at the beautiful campus curiously.
明确:时态 、 人物, 阅读给出提示并预测 先听(main idea)后记 (details:n. v. a./ad.) 串联所记内容,复述重点, 不必详细描述每个细节
听出诸如时间、地点、 人物、事件等要素,关 注首尾句, 尽量记录其他细节
VI----Have a try
• When Ann was on business in Cucuta, Colombia, she had a sad experience. Her coworker asked her to go to the center of the city because she needed to buy something. They asked Marlon to help them to go there. Marlon is a boy who likes to help others. Marlon has a car, so he drove them to the center of the city. When they were in the center of the city, Ann decided to leave her purse on the seat of the car because she didn’t want to take it with her.
结合实际案例分 析听力表达与复 述技巧的应用
2018年高考英语听力真题: 一位男士在餐馆点餐时,由 于发音不标准,导致服务员 误解了他的点餐需求,通过 反复沟通,最终成功点餐。 这个案例展示了听力表达中
2021年高考英语听力真题: 一位游客在旅行途中,由于 没有听懂当地人的指示,导 致迷路。这个案例强调了在 实际场景中运用听力技巧的
听力考试中的常 见问题及应对策 略
尝试通过上下文语境猜测词义 或表达方式
记录下生词或不确定的词义, 待听力结束后查阅词典或请教 老师
平时多积累词汇和表达方式, 提高自己的语言水平
常见问题:考试时 无法集中注意力或 感到紧张焦虑
理解句子结构:在听力的过程中,理解句子的主语、谓语、宾语等成分,有助于更好 地复述句子。
关键词:课文复述;情境结合;复述形式;复述意义中图分类号:g632 文献标识码:b 文章编号:1002-7661(2013)19-125-02一、情境结合的课文复述教学意义1、情境结合的课文复述帮助学生掌握语言知识,也提高了言语能力学生在复述课文的活动中,首先要理解文本内容,这就要求学生充分分析课文信息,掌握课文中有用的知识和语言点,经过合理组织,用自己的语言表达课文内容。
英语口语听说短文复述教案教案标题:英语口语听说短文复述教案教学目标:1. 学生能够通过听力理解短文的主要内容。
2. 学生能够用自己的话复述短文的主要内容。
3. 学生能够提高口语表达能力,包括流利度、准确度和语音语调。
教学准备:1. 一篇适合学生水平的英语短文。
2. 多媒体设备或音频设备。
3. 学生练习复述的素材或题目。
教学流程:引入:1. 创造一个语言环境,让学生对复述短文感兴趣。
2. 引导学生思考为什么复述短文对提高口语能力很重要,以及复述短文时需要注意的要点。
听力训练:1. 播放短文一遍,让学生整体了解短文的主题和大意。
2. 播放短文第二遍,让学生尽量理解短文的细节内容。
3. 提供一些问题,让学生通过听力回答问题,检查他们对短文的理解程度。
复述训练:1. 分发练习复述的素材或题目给学生,让他们有时间准备。
2. 学生两两或小组之间进行复述练习,互相交流和纠正。
3. 部分学生上台进行复述,其他学生进行评价和反馈。
口语表达训练:1. 引导学生注意语音语调的准确性和流利度。
2. 引导学生注意语法和词汇的准确性,鼓励他们使用丰富的词汇和句型来表达自己的想法。
总结:1. 总结学生在本节课中的表现和进步。
2. 引导学生思考如何在日常生活中继续练习口语听说,并给予一些建议和指导。
拓展活动:1. 鼓励学生在课后继续练习口语听说,可以通过与外教、语言交换伙伴或参加口语角等方式进行。
2. 提供一些在线学习资源或应用程序,让学生在课后继续提高口语听说能力。
教学评估:1. 通过学生的复述表现、听力回答和口语表达,评估他们对短文的理解和口语能力的提高程度。
2. 鼓励学生互相评价和提供反馈,帮助他们发现自己的不足并改进。
教学延伸:1. 根据学生的水平和需求,逐步增加短文的难度和长度,提高学生的听力和口语能力。
2. 引导学生学习如何使用正确的语音语调、语法和词汇来表达自己的观点和想法,提高他们的口语表达能力。
当前 教 师 及 学 生 对 复 述 的认 识 和 做 法
人认为是概括主要 内容 ,2人能基本抓住重点 简要 复述 ,0人能 3 1 由此可 见 : 生复述文章最 严重 的问题 是缺乏理 解 , 学 不能 用
在高 中英语教学 中, 学生 的 口语表达能力及 书面表达 能力 一 有条理 的复述 。 直是一线教师煞费苦心 、 常抓 不懈 而又效果不佳 的一项 工作 。英
新课 ・ i 中学
21年9 目 0 2 月8
浚谈复谜在 商 咋英语 阐谟课 中的 作 明
文 / 明莉 郑
要: 在高 中各阶段的英语学 习中, 复述能力的培养 - 9形成是极其重要的。 复述是 听说 能力 的重要组成部分。 目前高 中学生对复
述能力的认识 , 其复述 能力所存在 的不足; 复述课文 的方法 - 9技巧 ; 中英语教 师在培养 复述 能力方面的训练计划 、 高 训练方式和注意事 项等诸多问题都是值得思考 和总结 的。 复述训练要 因文而变, 因教学 目标 而变。 只有在平 时的教学 中加 以渗透 , 才能提 高学生的 口语表 达能力和 书面表达能力 , 而促进学生英语综合能力的提高。 进 关键词 : 现状分析; 复述 的概念及 意义 ; 复述 的方法和技巧; 注意 问题
语教学 的不断改革 和创新给英语教师提 出了更 多的要求 , 也提出 自己的话表述课文 内容 , 抓不住重点。 了更多 的挑战 。倡导体验 、 实践 、 参与 、 合作与交流 的学 习方式 和 与此同时 , 笔者还对我校 2 7位英语教师进行 了调 查 , 中很 其
任 务型 的教学途 径 , 发展学生 的综合 语言运用 能力 , 提高跨文 化 重视并坚持 复述训 练的有 1 人 , 5 重视程度 一般 、 经常训 练的有 7 意识和形成 自主学 习能力 已成为新课标对英语教学的新要 求。高 人 , 不重视也不经常训练的有 5人 。由此我们可以看出 , 学生复述 中英语 阶段要 在义 务教育英语课程 的基础上 , 重点发 展学生的英 能力的提高关键在于教师是否重视 。 语语 言运用能力 , 用英语进行恰当 的交流并进行英语 思维和表达 的能力 。复述是构成学生英语听说能力 的重要组成部分。笔者在 日常教学 中观察和体味到以下三种 晴况 :1学生不重视课文复述 , () 可有 可无 ;2 只是机械地背诵课文 , () 而不是复述课文 ;3 对课 文 () 复述有胆怯和畏惧 心理 , 甚至语无伦次 。 如果依照这样 的发展态势 , 学生的创新精神和实践能力就 无 从谈起 , 素质教育也将 在某种程度上失去意义 。所 以这是值得 每
听力课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high schoolLesson type: ListeningDuration: 45 minTeaching objectives1) Enable students to master different listening skills2) Help students to learn more about …..Teaching aids:Multimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1) Help students to understand the listening material2) Encourage students to apply listening skills when listening to the material Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-up (2min)Show some pictures to the students and have a free talk with the students. Step 2 Pre-listening (5min)Organize the students to have a brief discussion about the topic. Invite some students to share their ideas with the class. Predict the main idea of the passage. After that,present new words and expressions to the students.Step 3 While-listening (25min)1) Listen for main ideaAsk Ss to listen to the passage but do not look at the questions, ask them to get the main idea of the passage. Invite students to share their ideas.2) Listen for answers to the exercises/detailed informationAsk Ss to listen to the passage again. This time ask them to try their best to get answers to the questions. After listening, check whether Ss get the correct answer, and ask why.3) Play the tape again, focus on the part where they did not get the right information. Do you have any questions?Step 4 Post-listening (10min)Show them the listening text and ask them to read it aloud together.Step 5 Summary (2min)In this period, we mainly focus on the listening ability. It’s very important. If your listening is poor, you’d better practice more. The more you listen to English, the better your listening is. Remember: Practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework (1min)1) Read the listening texts again and try to retell the passage in your own words2) Search more information about ….口语课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high schoolLesson type: SpeakingDuration: 45 minTeaching objectives1) Students will be able to use some important words and expressions2) Students will be able to express their ideas or thoughts clearly.Teaching aidsMultimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1) Help Ss to master the expressions of giving advice:2) Talk about … by using …Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-upShow Ss some pictures of … and ask students to describe what they are doing. Step 2 Lead-inPlay the tape and ask Ss to listen to the dialogue. Ask Ss to predict what we will learn today. Step 3 Provide key sentence patterns & expressionsProvide Ss useful sent ence patterns and expressions to express …..Step 4 Role-play/ DiscussionGive the Ss a situation, and ask the Ss to work in pairs and make up a conversation. Ask the Ss to discuss the topic with their partners.After that, invite Ss to present their ideas in front of the class.Step 5 SummaryIn this period, we mainly focus on how to…. It’s very important. You should know how to … in real life after this period. You should memorize the useful expressions we learned today. I hope you can practice more after class. Remember: practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework1) Collect more expressions and sentence patterns that can be used to express …..2) Find a partner to practice how to … in different situations.词汇课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high schoolLesson type: VocabularyDuration: 45 minTeaching objectives1) Enable students to know the meaning of new words and grasp the usages of such important new words2) Enable Ss to use such new words in their own writing or speakingTeaching aidsMultimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1) Explain the meaning and usage of the words to the students2) Enable Ss to use the new words when they express themselvesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inRevision. Last period, we have finished the reading of the passage. Now we will learn the new words in the passage. Let’s look at the underlined/italic/bold words. Step 2 GuessAsk Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context. Or give students some examples and ask Ss to guess the meaning of the words.Step 3 ExplanationExplain the meaning of the words to the Ss. After explanation, present the usage of thewords to the students and provide examples to help them understand how to use them. Step 4 PracticeAsk the students to make sentences with new words by themselves. Invite Ss to share their sentences with the whole class.Step 5 SummaryThis, period, we have learnt several new words:... we have learnt the usage of these new words. I hope you will memorize these words, as well as the usage of these words. I suggest you use the new words as often as possible. In this way, you will know how to use the words, instead of only knowing the meaning of the words. Step 6 Homework1) Look up these new words in the dictionary, and get more meanings and usage of them in the dictionary.2) Finish Exercise 2 on page 11.require.async(['wkcommon:widget/ui/lib/sio/sio.js'], function(sio) { var url = 'https:///cpro/ui/c.js'; sio.callByBrowser( url, function () { BAIDU_CLB_fillSlotAsync('u2845605','cpro_u2845605'); } ); });New words: New phrases: Step5: SummarySs summarize what we have learnt and key points. Make an assessment on each group. Ste p6: HomeworkWrite a diary with simple past tense. Blackboard design: Title:Questions: New words :文章线索(便于复述)口语课教学过程:看图,问答练习,重点句呈现讲解,小组练习,展示成果 Teaching Objectives:1. Be able to master the following words and sentence pattern. And learn the expression of giving advice .2. Be able to talk about one‟s health problems and give advice fluently3. Improve the cooperative spirit and care more about yourself and your family members‟ h ealth. Teaching Aids: Pictures, a tape recorder and ppt. The teaching Focus:1. Master the following words and sentence pattern.2. Master the expressions of giving advi ce The Teaching Difficulties:1. Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class;2. Students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of t heir limited life experience. Teaching procedure: Step1:Warming upGreet Ss by asking them: How are you today? Then I‟ll tell Ss that I‟m not feeling well today (Write the sentence on the blackboard and guide Ss to read it.) and get Ss to guess the reas on freely. If Ss can‟t get the answer, I‟ll tell them that I didn‟t have a good sleep last night. S o I have a headache. (I say this by doing a gesture)Step2: Presentation of words and sentence patterns1. Let one student imitate he has a kind of disease and ask the class guess what …s the matte r with him. Use the following sentence:”what‟s the matter with him?”“I have a stomache.”2. Show Ss pictures of diseases.( Write the words on the black board.) Step3: Pair workAsk Ss to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the bandage given and usin g the target language: What‟s the matter? I‟m not feeling well. I have a … Step4: Presentatio n of expressions of giving adviceTell Ss that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Ss may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn‟t do… During this activity, s ome phrases will be learned: ... Step5: Role play1.Show the sample dialogue and ask Ss to complete it according to the picture orally.Ask Students to make a four -people group, one of them is a doctor, the other three are pat ients. Ask the Ss to role play a dialogue . A: What‟s the matter with you?B: I‟m not feeling well. I have a _______. A: When did it start? B: About______ ago.A: Oh, that‟s too bad. / I‟m sorry to hear that. You should/shouldn‟t ________ and you shoul d/shouldn‟t ________... B: Yes, I think so.A: _________________.B: Thank you, doctor. Step5: SummarySs summarize what we have learnt. Make an assessment on each group. Step6: Homework Try to make a story according to the dialogue. Blackboard design: Title:New words and phrases : Sentence pattern :语法课:复习导入,查找标记相关句子,总结规律,练习(造句,讨论) Teaching objectives: 1.Enable the Ss to know the uses of adjectives ending in -ing / -ed and the differences betw een them.2. Master the following words and sentence pattern.Main word and Expression: amazed, amazing, interested, interesting, bored, boring.Main structure: The classroom was amazing. I was completely amazed by the classroom. Tea ching aids: Pictures, a tape recorder and ppt. Teaching important points:Get the Ss to know the differences between the adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and learn the uses of them in the sentences. Teaching difficult points:Understand the differences between the adjectives ending in –ing and –ed and apply them i n the sentences .Teaching procedure: Step 1 Lead inGreet the students and say some words which includes the language points. Then tell them what we are going to learn is the differences and uses of the adjectives ending in –ing and –ed . Ask students to think about the question below and try to figure out the right answer. ---Can you make a distinguish between the two sentences? I am bored. I am boring .Step 2 discovering and explaining.Ask the students to read the text and try to find out the sentences which have the adjectives ending in -ING and –ED. Try to find the differences and understand the meaning of these adjectives. Step 3 Group workLet students work in groups and have a discussion. Try to find the differences of these adjec tives and explain the meaning of these sentences according to the context. Step 4 Conclusio n and exerciseInvite students to make a report about their group discussion and teacher will make a concl usion according to their report. Find the grammar rules:1: The –ing form describes the people or things that cause the feeling;(令人…)2: The –ed form tells us how people feel.(感到…)Give some examples to show what they have learned and ask students to do exercise and c heck the answers. Fill in the blank with the correct forms of words. It is a ____ (bore)party and I feel__(bore). Step 5 Homework1. Find out more adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and sentences.e the -ED and -ING form of the words “bore”“interest”“amaze” and “embarrass” to ma ke sentences.Blackboard design: Title:Teaching procedures:Step 1: GreetingsT: Good morning, everyone.S: Good morning, Mr Dai.Step 2: Lead-inT: My lovely Ss, please look at the screen. What is the topic of our class?Ss: Unforgettable experiences.T:Yes. Please use one word to describe it, such as “happy”.S1:…S2:………T: perfect, all of you are knowledgeable.(Ask Ss one by one, and choose some words write down on the blackboard.)T:Okay. Y ou see, all of you used many different words to describe, like…(write down on the blackboard.)Step 3: Activities1. Acitivity1: Telling story(Make a short conclusion)T: Different people have different understanding of our topic. Now, look at the screen, I’ll show you some aspects of our topic. First, unforgettable experience sometimes means something leaves deep impression on you. Such as……(the words of Ss’) It also can means events, some are good, and some are bad. (Olympic Games, natural disasters, etc.) Or, it may be means something very meaningful. And, it also can means your unforgettable trip; you went to some famous places. For example, went to zoos. Yes, I have gone to Linyi Wild Zoos last week. I saw many different kinds of animals there. It’s so enjoyable and meaningful. You can see the pictures…. Do you want to know more information about my “Zoo’s trip”?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Let’s see it together.(Present the route of my tour on the blackboard or ppt, use First—Next—Then—Finally to describe.)T: Look at my route on the Blackboard:(My own experience:It was a fun day. I went to Linyi Wild Zoos with my friends. First, we took on the bus at bus station. Because we would see many dangerous and ferocious animals such as lions, tigers, wolves , etc. After about half an hour, we backed to the station. Next, we walked to see some gentle animals like pandas, different kinds of birds, monkeys, swans and so on. Then, we went to see the animals’ shows. They are so lovely, interesting and sma rt. Finally, we went to the restaurant to have dinner. Although all of us were very tired, we were happy and enjoyable.)T: How do you think of my experience?Ss:…T:But I believe yours must be better than mine.Now, working in pairs, share your own unforgettable experiences with your partner.T:I can see all of you are eager to tell your stories. ..., who do you think has the most interesting story in our class?S1:**.T:OK. Thank you.Jack, please share your unforgettable experience.S2:…T:You say that… Whose story are you interested in , you can call his or her name.……T. All of you did a very good job. And I am very proud of you. Give you a big hand. If you want to know more, you can communicate with your classmates after class.2. Activity2: Making storyT: Next, let’s play a mini-game.Looking at the blackboard, there are two faces, one is… the other is…I will ask two students to write down some relevant words or phrases.……T: Now, I have several envelopes in my hands. Do you want to know what is it in it?Ss:Yes.T:Okay. I will divide you into several groups. Each group chose one envelope. And you will know the secret in it.(Making the short dialogue according to the paper in envelope.After they finished, ask one student of each group to stand on the stage to tell their story.)Step4: SummaryT: We have learned many useful words, phrases, and sentences to describe our own experience. In next days, you can use them to talk about things, people and events in your own daily life.Step5: HomeworkT: After class, each group prepare a play according your story. At next class, you will have a role play. Are you clear?高中英语教师资格证面试教案模板二Teaching Objectives(教学目标)1. Language Objectives (知识目标)2. Ability Objectives(能力目标)(1)Enable students to …(2)…3. Moral Objectives (情感、态度及价值观目标)(1) Help students to learn that…(2) …注:1.Teaching Objectives的三个目标可以根据授课内容不同加以取舍。
广东高考英语听说Part C公开课
![广东高考英语听说Part C公开课](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25d6683bf111f18583d05a7e.png)
Listen again, and pay attention to the sentence stresses and sense groups.
Something in the wind
| has
learned my name touch
And it’s telling me
In the leaves breeze
不会游泳的泰德很怕 水,但是他在奋不顾 身地跳进水里救了一 只雏鸟之后,再也不 怕水了。
Key words:
fishing (钓鱼) baby bird (雏鸟) nest (巢) kick (踢) drop (落下)
Ted was afraid of____________,and his friends thought he would never learn to ______ .One day Ted went _________and sat under a _________. He saw a _____and her babies in a nest.Suddenly one of the baby birds __________into the river, but its __________could not help it out of the water. Just then, Ted___________into the river to save it. He moved his____________and kicked his________madly. Surprisingly,he learnt to swim and managed to save the baby bird.And Ted was ___________________water anymore.
高中英语听说课教案【篇一:高中英语听力教学案例实施及反思】高中英语听力教学案例实施及反思senor english book Ⅱ-----unit7 living with disease首中医大附程东慧period 1 warming up listeningteaching aim: talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards aids, cancer, etc. train the ss listening abilityteaching difficulty:第一步, 听到预测(pre-listening)兴趣是学好语言的强劲动力和能力形成的前提。
因此,为了提高学生对所学材料的兴趣,我首先在电脑屏幕上呈现该课标题“living with disease”,并向学生出示了以下讨论题:how much do you know about disease? 要求学生根据题目进行小组讨论,预测一下本文将会谈到些什么,然后,我将课前准备好的有关disease的图片一一向学生呈现,从而使学生接触到一些具体disease的素材,为接下来的听力训练做好铺垫。
How to divide sense groups?
1.I see animals in t/he zoo.
2.What he said is/very important.
× 3.She is Lily, my n/ew roommate. ③限制性的同位语或定语从句一般不停顿
tallest. Standing on the 305-meter
tower, ↗∕you can have a great view of the city. Sydney is famous for its harbor, ↗∕ its many bays, ↗∕and its beautiful
modern buildings there. Among them,↗∕
Centre Point Tower is the tallest. Standing on
↗ the 305-meter tower, ∕ you can have⌒a
great view of the city. Sydney is famous
tower, ↗you can have a great view of the city. Sydney is famous for its harbor, ↗ its many bays, ↗and its beautiful
Reading aloud
Among them,↗∕Centre Point Tower is the
如何加强高中英语故事复述的有效教学作者:林沛玲来源:《中学课程辅导·教学研究(下)》 2019年第8期摘要:广东高考英语试卷的内容可以分为两部分,分别是听说考试和笔试。
关键词:高中英语;故事复述;听说教学中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2019)08-0031广东英语高考试题中的故事复述,主要是考查学生对英语知识的应用能力。
【公开课教案】高中英语听力专题课一、教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语听力理解能力,使他们能够听懂日常生活中的英语对话和短文。
2. 培养学生对英语听力的兴趣,激发他们的学习积极性。
3. 帮助学生掌握一定的听力技巧,提高听力成绩。
二、教学内容:1. 日常英语对话:学习如何进行自我介绍、询问信息、购物、问路等日常交流。
2. 短文理解:通过听力短文,了解不同的文化背景、故事情节、人物关系等。
三、教学方法:1. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种听力任务,提高学生的听力技能。
2. 互动式教学法:引导学生参与课堂讨论,提高他们的积极性和表达能力。
3. 情境教学法:创设真实的听力情境,让学生在实践中学习英语。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动(5分钟):播放一段英语歌曲,让学生放松心情,进入学习状态。
2. 听力练习(15分钟):播放一段日常英语对话,学生听后回答相关问题。
3. 听力技巧讲解(10分钟):讲解听力技巧,如预测、关键词定位、主旨大意等。
4. 听力实践(15分钟):播放一段短文,学生听后完成相关练习。
5. 总结与反馈(5分钟):总结本节课所学内容,学生分享学习心得。
五、课后作业:1. 复习本节课所学的听力技巧。
2. 完成课后听力练习,提高听力水平。
3. 搜集日常英语对话或短文,与同学分享交流。
教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与情况和表现。
2. 听力练习成果:检查学生课后作业完成情况,评估他们的听力水平。
3. 学生反馈:收集学生对课堂教学的意见和建议,不断优化教学方法。
六、教学资源:1. 英语听力材料:包括日常对话、短文、新闻报道等。
2. 多媒体教学设备:如电脑、投影仪、音响等。
3. 教学课件:用于辅助教学,展示听力材料和听力技巧。
4. 学习手册:提供给学生,方便他们复习和巩固所学内容。
七、教学评价:1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与情况和表现,包括发言、讨论等。
2. 课后作业:检查学生课后作业完成情况,评估他们的听力水平。
高中英语复述课文与自然邂逅作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Encounter with Nature in High School English Retelling ClassIn high school English classes, students often have to retell or rewrite certain texts in their own words. This exercise not only helps students improve their language skills but also allows them to reflect on the meaning and themes of the original text. One particular text that left a lasting impression on me was the story of my encounter with nature.The original text described a beautiful and serene experience in nature, where the narrator felt a deep sense of peace and connection with the natural world. This encounter with nature was unexpected and profound, leaving the narrator with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and power of the world around us.When it came time for me to retell this story in my own words, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. I wanted to capture the essence of the original text while also adding my own personal touch. As I began to write, I found myself drawninto the story, reliving the emotions and sensations of that memorable encounter with nature.I described how I had been walking in the woods one day, feeling overwhelmed by the stresses and pressures of daily life. But as I wandered deeper into the forest, I began to notice the beauty and wonder of the natural world around me. The sunlight filtering through the leaves, the sound of birds singing, the smell of pine and earth – all of these sensory experiences filled me with a sense of peace and contentment.As I continued to retell the story, I realized that my encounter with nature had been a transformative experience. It had allowed me to step outside of myself and my worries, and to connect with something greater than myself. It had reminded me of the beauty and power of the natural world, and of the importance of slowing down and appreciating the world around us.In the end, my retelling of the story was not only a reflection of the original text but also a reflection of my own thoughts and feelings. It was a reminder of the importance of taking the time to connect with nature, to appreciate its beauty and power, and to allow it to inspire and transform us.In conclusion, the exercise of retelling the story of my encounter with nature in high school English class was a valuable and rewarding experience. It allowed me to engage with the original text in a deeper and more meaningful way, and to explore my own thoughts and emotions in the process. It reminded me of the importance of nature in our lives, and of the beauty and wonder that surrounds us every day. I am grateful for the opportunity to retell this story, and for the lessons and insights it has brought me.篇2Encounter with Nature in High School English Retelling ClassIn high school, English classes are not just about grammar and vocabulary; they are also about engaging with literature and exploring the world through language. One of the most memorable experiences I had in my high school English class was during a lesson on retelling a story with a focus on nature.The assignment was simple: we had to choose a short story or poem that featured nature prominently and then retell it in our own words. I chose a poem by William Wordsworth, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," which describes the poet's encounter with a field of daffodils. The imagery and emotions inthe poem struck a chord with me, and I knew I wanted to retell it in a way that captured the beauty and wonder of nature.As I worked on my retelling, I found myself immersing in the language and imagery of the original poem. I tried to convey the sense of awe and inspiration that Wordsworth must have felt when he saw the daffodils dancing in the breeze. I also added some of my own observations and reflections on nature, drawing on my own experiences of hiking in the mountains and camping beside a lake.When it was my turn to present my retelling in class, I felt nervous but excited. I had put a lot of effort into crafting my retelling, and I hoped that my classmates would appreciate it. As I read out my words, I could see their faces light up with recognition and appreciation. Some of them even nodded in agreement or smiled in approval.After the class ended, my English teacher approached me and praised me for my retelling. She said that I had captured the essence of Wordsworth's poem while also adding my own unique perspective on nature. She encouraged me to keep writing and exploring the world through language.That experience in my high school English class taught me the power of language and storytelling in connecting with nature.It showed me that through words and imagination, we can evoke the beauty and wonder of the natural world and inspire others to appreciate and protect it. I will always treasure that memory of encountering nature through a retelling in English class, and it will continue to shape my relationship with the world around me.篇3High School English: Encounter with NatureThe ability to effectively paraphrase a text is an important skill in high school English classes. It not only helps students understand the original text better but also improves their writing and language skills. In this article, we will explore the process of paraphrasing a lesson text and how it can lead to an encounter with nature.Paraphrasing is the act of restating a text in your own words while keeping the original meaning intact. It requires careful reading and understanding of the text before rephrasing it in a clear and concise manner. In high school English classes, students are often required to paraphrase lesson texts to demonstrate their comprehension and language proficiency.One such lesson text that students may encounter is a passage about the beauty of nature. It might describe thetranquility of a forest, the majesty of a mountain, or the serenity of a lake. By paraphrasing this text, students can deepen their appreciation for nature and its wonders.As students engage with the lesson text, they may feel inspired to seek out the beauty of nature in their own lives. They may decide to go for a walk in the woods, hike up a mountain, or spend a day by the lake. This direct encounter with nature can be a transformative experience, opening their eyes to the wonders of the natural world.During their encounter with nature, students may observe the intricate patterns of a leaf, the graceful flight of a bird, or the gentle ripple of water. They may feel a sense of awe and reverence for the world around them, realizing the importance of preserving and protecting the environment for future generations.In conclusion, the process of paraphrasing a lesson text can lead to an encounter with nature that is both educational and inspiring. By engaging with the beauty of the natural world, students can gain a deeper understanding of the text and a greater appreciation for the wonders of nature. This experience can enrich their lives and encourage them to become stewards of the environment.。
Procedures of retelling a story:
1. 预测 (故事梗故概事、情节关键词)
PART C Retelling
• 梗概:
Tom给Brown夫人送信时无人应答,从窗户进 屋后看到她躺在地板上。
• 关键词:
postman 邮递员; deliver a letter 送信; house 房子; milk牛奶; lie 躺
more than : ﹥
good, well : +
happy :
angry : ﹥○﹤
yesterday: ‘d
today : d ’
tomorrow : d~ success : V thousand : t million : m billion : b
England/ English
words, e.g. prof. (instead of professor).
★ Use symbols and numbers instead of
2. Use special signs.
because,since, for : ∵
thus, so, therefore : ∴
5. 直接引语在复述时尽量换成间接引语。
• Step 5: Summary • 1. Procedures of retelling a story • 2. How to take notes (n. v. adj.…) • 3. The strategy of retelling a story
3. The person and the tense should be in accordance with the original story. (人称与时态与原文一致)
课时:2课时年级:高中教材:《高中英语》教材口语部分教学目标:1. 让学生掌握口语复述的基本技巧和策略。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力,增强语感和自信心。
3. 培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。
教学重点:1. 口语复述的基本技巧和策略。
2. 学生在复述过程中的表达流畅性和准确性。
教学难点:1. 学生如何将听到的内容准确、流畅地复述出来。
2. 如何在复述过程中运用适当的语法和词汇。
教学准备:1. 教师准备相关话题的听力材料。
2. 教师准备复述技巧和策略的PPT或黑板。
3. 学生准备好笔记本和笔。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师简要介绍口语复述的概念和重要性。
2. 学生分享自己以往复述的经历和感受。
二、基本技巧讲解(10分钟)1. 教师展示PPT或黑板,讲解口语复述的基本技巧和策略。
2. 举例说明如何在复述过程中注意听、记、说、想、评。
三、听力练习(15分钟)1. 学生分组,每组播放一段听力材料。
2. 学生认真听录音,并尝试记录关键词和主要信息。
3. 教师检查学生的记录,并进行点评。
四、小组讨论(10分钟)1. 学生根据听力材料,进行小组讨论,总结主要内容。
2. 小组代表分享讨论结果。
五、口语复述实践(15分钟)1. 学生根据讨论结果,进行口语复述练习。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正发音和语法错误。
第二课时一、复习与巩固(10分钟)1. 学生回顾上节课学到的口语复述技巧和策略。
2. 教师提问,检查学生对知识的掌握情况。
二、口语复述展示(15分钟)1. 学生分组,每组选择一位代表进行口语复述展示。
2. 教师和同学对展示进行评价,指出优点和不足。
三、拓展训练(15分钟)1. 教师提供新的听力材料,让学生进行复述练习。
2. 学生尝试运用所学技巧和策略,提高复述质量。
四、总结与反思(10分钟)1. 学生分享自己在口语复述过程中的收获和感悟。
2. 教师总结本次课程的重点和难点,强调口语复述的重要性。
教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的表现,如是否积极参与讨论、是否认真听讲等。
课程名称:高中英语口语复述课时: 2课时教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并掌握口语复述的基本技巧和策略。
2. 学生能够运用所学技巧,对所听内容进行有效复述。
3. 提高学生的听力理解能力和口语表达能力。
教学重点:- 理解口语复述的重要性。
- 掌握复述的基本步骤和技巧。
- 能够在真实语境中进行有效的口语复述。
教学难点:- 运用恰当的语言和词汇进行复述。
- 在复述过程中保持流畅性和准确性。
教学准备:- 多媒体设备,用于播放听力材料。
- 听力材料:一篇短文或对话。
- 复述练习单。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入(10分钟)1. 老师用英语进行简短的自我介绍,并询问学生对口语复述的理解。
2. 学生分享自己对口语复述的认识和经验。
二、新课导入(15分钟)1. 展示口语复述的定义和重要性。
2. 通过图片或视频,展示不同场景下的口语复述实例。
三、听力训练(20分钟)1. 播放听力材料,要求学生注意听讲。
2. 首次播放后,请学生用自己的话简单概括所听内容。
3. 第二次播放,学生尝试用完整的句子复述所听内容。
四、技巧讲解(15分钟)1. 讲解口语复述的步骤:听、记、复述。
2. 强调复述时要注意的要点:准确性、流畅性、完整性。
五、小组练习(20分钟)1. 学生分组,每组选择一篇听力材料进行复述练习。
2. 每组派代表进行复述,其他组员进行评价。
六、总结(5分钟)1. 老师总结本节课的重点内容。
2. 鼓励学生在课后进行口语复述练习。
第二课时一、复习导入(10分钟)1. 回顾上一节课的内容,检查学生对口语复述技巧的掌握情况。
2. 学生分享自己在课后练习中的收获和遇到的困难。
二、实战演练(25分钟)1. 老师播放新的听力材料,学生进行复述练习。
2. 学生互相评价,老师进行点评和指导。
三、角色扮演(15分钟)1. 学生分组,每组根据听力材料进行角色扮演。
2. 角色扮演结束后,其他组员进行评价。
四、总结与反思(10分钟)1. 老师总结本节课的重点内容。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 第二遍录音:听清细节,记录重点信息 第二遍录音:听清细节, 每记录完一句信息, 换一行。 每记录完一句信息 换一行。 How can we take notes efficiently?(速记 速记) 速记 1. 2. 3. 4. n, v, adj, adv, num, etc. The first few letters of a long word. Chinese words. Use special signs.
女儿 com 父 diffi ? wh to do 父 → 女 kitch 父 filled 2 pots /put fire 父 put eg /po in each pot +boil + no say 女 wait impa + no know 父 doing. 20 min, he food + ? 女 what see, but puzz 父 explain :put eg /po fac sam diffi---but rea differ • po soft and weak +eg hard • 父 ?女 want: po or eg • 女 smi +lear deter fight back diff. • • • • • • • 一分钟的准备时间(参考笔记 一分钟的准备时间 参考笔记) 参考笔记 还原符号和缩写 符号和缩写, 回忆未记录的细节 还原符号和缩写,并组成句子,回忆未记录的细节
Enjoy the film of “King Lion” I was today A:_______________. B: You were? A: Yes, I thought I might lose you ______________________. B: Oh, I guess even kings get scared , huh? A: Mmm – mm. B: But you know what. A: What? B: I think those hyenas (土狼)were even scareder! A: Because nobody messes wi 不要急于做笔记, 第一遍录音 不要急于做笔记,先听懂情节 捕捉故事的基本线索 起因(cause): 起因
经过(development): 经过
结果(result): 结果
第一遍录音: 不要急于做笔记, 第一遍录音 不要急于做笔记,先听懂情节 捕捉故事的基本线索 起因(cause): daughter complained about difficulty 起因 in life and wondered what to do Dad boiled the egg and potato 经过(development): 经过 Potato became soft while the egg became hard 结果(result): Father asked what she wanted to be 结果 She should be determined to fight back difficulty.
Retelling应包括要点:(参考 应包括要点:(参考) Story Retelling应包括要点:(参考) 1) 女儿抱怨生活艰难 2) 父亲把马铃薯和鸡蛋放在锅里煮 煮了很久, 3) 煮了很久,女儿不耐烦 4) 终于煮完,父亲问女儿看到什么,女儿不明白 终于煮完,父亲问女儿看到什么, 父亲让女儿仔细看并触摸一下, 5) 父亲让女儿仔细看并触摸一下,女儿仍不明白 6) 父亲解释马铃薯和鸡蛋面临两样困难 但两者反应不同:马铃薯变软, 7) 但两者反应不同:马铃薯变软,鸡蛋变硬 女儿明白道理: 8) 女儿明白道理:面对困难要抗争
complain: pot: boil:
What is complained ? Why? What’s in it? What are boiled?
react differently: What are the difference? difficulty: What is the difficulty? /How to face it?
组织故事时,要注意: 组织故事时,要注意: 1. 准备 准备10-12个句子 个句子 2. 用到所给关键词,用自己的话复述。 用到所给关键词 关键词, 自己的话复述 复述。 3. 时态和人称: 时态和人称: 4. 复述要连贯:First, Then, After that 复述要连贯 连贯: , , , Later, Finally ,
Part C Retelling
skills and practice
Step 1 Warming Up
Enjoy the film of “King Lion” A: Simba! Simba, I’m very _____________________. disappointed in you. B: I know. A:You could have been killed You _________________. deliberately disobeyed me. And what’s worse, you put Nala _________. in danger B: I was just trying to be brave like you. A: I’m only brave when I have to be Simba, being _________________. brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. B: But you’re not scared of anything.
Retell the story with the clues:
Father lion was disappointed in his son for _______________________________________. But the son just wanted to be brave like his dad. His dad told him that he only behave bravely ______________. Being brave doesn’t mean _____________. What’s more, he was scared that day because__________________. His son was surprised to hear his dad’s words and also felt proud of his dad. • It’s important to get enough information to retell a story.
• 原文:A daughter complained to his father about the difficulty of the life and wondered what to do. Her father took her to the kitchen. First he filled some water in two pots and put them in two different high fire. Then he put an egg and a potato in each pot and let them boil without saying anything. The daughter waited impatiently and didn’t know what her father was doing. After 20 minutes, he took the food out and asked his daughter what he could see, but she was still puzzled. Then her father explained to her that the potato and the egg faced the same difficulty---------the boiling water, but they reacted differently: in the boiling water, the strong and hard potato became soft and weak while the egg became hard with only a thin shell to protect it. At last, when her father asked what she wanted to be: a potato and an egg, the daughter smiled and learned that when faced with difficulty, she should be determined to fight back.
• .
Step 2 Learning skills (for retelling)
• 1. 2. “复述”题型特征: 复述”题型特征: 复述 要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两 大约两分钟的独白 要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两 考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。 准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容 遍。考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。 本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议文 本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议文 叙事和简单的夹叙夹议 长度在250个单词左右。 个单词左右。 章,长度在 个单词左右
How can we retell a story well?
• Step 1: Predict : make good use of the main idea and five key words • Step 2: Listen and take notes : for the first time, focus more on cause, development and result; for the second time, try to take as many notes as possible.