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II. 单项选择从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出正确的答案.(每小题1分,满分15分) 16.--Have you heard that a man was attacked by tigers in Ningbo Zoo?

--Yes. The shocking news reminds us of the _______ of following the rules.




17. Pau l, don’t lose _______ in playing League of Legends. You shouldn’t spend too much time and money on games.




18. The TV show Planet Earth II __________ more people interested in documentary.




19.--The train Hyperloop One can run faster than a plane. --How _______ the speed is!




20.Work hard, kids. Success won’t come to you _______you go for it.




21.May Day_______ be Jenny’s favorite band. She sings almost all their songs well.




22.--Do you have any plans after the exam?

--Yes, I _______ the amusement park for fun.

A.am going to

B.go to

C.went to

23.--Congratulations! You ______ to be a volunteer of BRICS meeting.

--Really! I can’t believe it!


B.have chosen

C.are chosen

24.After several interviews, Wang Y uan_______ got the chance to speak in the UN.




25.Mobike is a popular bike-sharing service_______ brings convenience to our life.




26.--What did you do on World Water Day this year?

--We _______signs to ask people to save water.

A.put away

B.put up

C.put off

27.--Sorry, Mom. I lost the singing competition.

--Never mind. ________, you have learned something new and had fun.

A.at once

B.at least

C.at first

28.--Do you know________?

--Hebei. It’s China’s new special economic zone.

A.why the Xion’an New Area is set up

B.What the Xion’an New Area is like

C.Where the Xion’an New Area is

29.--What a nice day! Why not join us for picnic?


A.Sounds great

B.You’re welcome

C.I’m afraid so

30.--Peter never tells others he helped to build a hospital in the village.

--_________. He always offers to help others.

A.Every dog has its day

B.Better late than never

C.Actions speak louder than words

III .完形填空:

Dear world,

My son starts school today. It’s going to be strange a nd new to him for a while. And I wish you would 31 him as much as you can.

You see, up to now, he’s been the 32 of our family, he’s been the boss of the back yard. I have always been around to 33 him and make him comfortable.

But now, things are going to be 34 . This morning, he’s going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his life that will 35 be filled with disappointment and sadness. To live his life in the world, he has to face any 36 .

So, World, I wish you would take him 37 hand and teach him the things he will have to know. Teach him in 38 , if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend.teach him the power of knowledge. Give him quiet time to 39 the birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on the hill. Teach him to be honest. Teach him to use his brain to think about questions. Teach him to hold on to his dream, even if everyone else 40 him.

World, this is a big deal, see what you can do. He is such a nice little fellow.

A mother

31.A.help B.treat C.meet

32.A.son B.king C.guide

33.A.look after B.take after C.run after

34.A.easy B.normal C.different

35.A.probably B.hardly C.luckily

36.A.success B.trouble C.interest

37.A.by B.on C.at

38.A.surprise B.silence C.patience

39.A.catch B.watch C.hear

40.A.depends on B.agrees with ughs at




It was a cold winter when John walked out onto an icy lake,cut the hole in the ice,dropped in his fishing line with the worm(虫子)and began waiting for a fish to nibble(咬).

He was there for almost an hour and got nothing.At this time ,a young boy came ,sat by him and started to fish.One ninutes later,a bass n ibbled and the boy pulled it in quickly . John couldn’t believe it and thought it was luck.The boy dropped in his line again and within about ten minutes,he pulled in another one.

This went on and on until finally John couldn’t take it any more.He went to the boy and said,“Son,I’ve been here for over an hour and didn’t get a thing.You have been here only half and hour and have caught six fish!How did you do it?”

“roo raf roo reep ra rums rrarm.”The boy replied.

“What was that?”John asked.

Again the boyreplied,“roo raf roo reep ra rums rrarm.”

“Look,”said John,“I can’t understand a word.”
