《法律英语》课程教学大纲课程名称:法律英语课程类别:任意选修课适用专业:法学考核方式:考查总学时、学分: 32学时 2 学分其中实践学时: 0 学时一、课程教学目的《法律英语》以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
四、课程教学重、难点Constitution 宪法、Administrative Law 行政法、Criminal Law 刑法、Contract Law 合同法、Tort Law 侵权法、Family Law 家庭法、Civil Procedure 民事诉讼程序。
2021年课程汉英对照表 法学
![2021年课程汉英对照表 法学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/89596f53ec3a87c24128c42f.png)
课程汉英对照表法学课程汉英对照表 - 法学课程汉英对照表——法学宪法学 Constitution of China民法学 Civil Law of China刑法学 Criminal Law经济法学 Economic law国际经济法学 International Economic Law 民事诉讼法 Civil Pro ___dure中国法制史 History of Chinese Law刑事诉讼法学 Criminal Pro ___dure行政法学 Administrative Law国际私法 Private International Law国际公法 Public International Law外国民商法学 Civil Law and Commercial Law of Foreign Countries知识产权概论 Introduction to In ___ectual Property国际经济法学 International Economic Law外国法制史 History of Foreign Law司法文书 Judicial Documents法医学 Medical Jurispruden ___刑事诉讼法学 Criminal Pro ___dure律师 ___ Lawyer Notarization中国法律思想史 History of Legal Thoughts of China外国法律思想史 History of Legal Thoughts of Foreign Countries环境法学概论 Introduction to Enviro ___ental Law 犯罪心理学 Criminal Psychology房 ___法规 Real Estate Laws and Regulations婚姻家庭史 History of Marriage and Family模板,内容仅供参考。
课程基本信息(Course Information)
(Course Code)
(Course Name)
A listening & Speaking Course of English for Law(1)
A Listening & Speaking Course ofEnglishfor Law(1)is a mandatory course only forthose undergraduates of legal English majors during the 3rdsemester. It adopts Legal English textbooks as teaching materials, including the US legal system, English legal system, the US court system,English court system, criminal procedure, civil procedure, and alternative dispute resolution. The course aims at developing learners’basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and translating English in legal context.
《外国法律制度》课程教学大纲一、《外国法律制度》课程说明(一)课程代码:02220004(二)课程英文名称:forein legal history(三)开课对象:非法学专业专科学生(四)课程性质:外国法律制度是法政类基础课。
综合成绩根据平时成绩和期末成绩评定,平时成绩占40% ,期末成绩占60% 。
美国法律史 教学大纲
![美国法律史 教学大纲](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6a93fa5f581b6bd97f19eaca.png)
美国法律史教学大纲Teaching Outline for American Legal History本课程计32学时,分11周进行。
This course consists of 32 classroom hours conducted in 11 weeks. The final exam will be a take home essay test. In this course all major historical periods of American law will be covered, with detailed introduction on the development of constitutional law, property, contract, family, corporation, labor, criminal law, and administrative law. Both lectureship and seminar will be used in teaching, with special empathize on classroom teacher-student interaction.第一周美国法律体系概要WEEK 1 Introduction to American Legal System第二周殖民地时期的美国法阅读:美国法律史第二版31-105页WEEK 2 The Colonial Legal Experience, Readings: Friedman2 pp, 31-105第三周殖民地革命与新共和国阅读:美国法律史第二版第二部分第一章WEEK 3 Revolution and the New Republic, Readings: Friedman2 part II, chapter 1.第四周十九世纪的法律与经济阅读:美国法律史第二版第五、六章WEEK 4 Law and Economic Development in the Nineteenth Century, Readings: Friedman2 chapter 5 and 6.第五周黑与白:奴隶制及其十九世纪余绪阅读:美国法律史第二版218-229页WEEK 5 Black and White: Slavery and Its Aftermath in the Nineteenth Century, Readings: Friedman2 pp. 218-229第六周家庭法阅读:美国法律史第二版202-212页、495-504页WEEK 6 Family Law, Reading: Friedman2 pp. 202-212 and pp.495-504第七周十九世纪的犯罪与刑罚阅读:美国法律史第二版280-299页、572-605页WEEK 7 Crime and Punishment in the Nineteenth Century, Readings: Friedman2 pp.280-299, 572-605第八周冲突与斗争:劳动与社会立法阅读:美国法律史第二版553-563页WEEK 8 Conflict and Struggle: Labor and Social Legislation, Reading: Friedman2 pp.553-563第九周二十世纪的犯罪与刑罚阅读:美国法律史第三版567-575页WEEK 9 Crime and Punishment in the Twentieth Century, Reading: Friedman3 pp.567-575第十周福利-规制国家的兴起阅读:美国法律史第三版554-566WEEK 10 The Rise of the Welfare-Regulatory State, Reading: Friedman3 pp. 554-566第十一周二十世纪的种族关系与民权运动阅读:美国法律史第三版523-537页WEEK 11 Race Relations, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties in the Twentieth Century, Readings: Friedman3 pp. 523-537。
法律英语法律英语课程教学大纲《法律英语》课程教学大纲(Legal English)课程编号:070434适用专业:法律(本科)总学时数:54课时学分:3分编制单位:社会科学系法学教研室查晓雯编制时间:xx年11月30日一、课程的地位、性质和任务(The Status, Character and the Teaching Purpose)《法律英语》是依据《大学英语教学大纲》对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的法律人才的需求,所开设的法学专业本科必修课程的课程。
本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。
同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力Aording to the Teaching Criteria of the College English, Legal English, as a required course for the law school students, is aimed at training much more law experts whom are familiar with the foreign legal system.The main content of this course is Anglo-American Law system, including thelegal terminology, the international business and trade law, the parison between the Anglo-American law system and the Continental law system, the introduction of legal profession, the legal departments of the Anglo-American, the supplementary reading material of WTO, and the techniques and sources for legal research (skills for presenting and legal writing).Legal English lasts one semester with its purpose of developing students’ ability to take use of English in the legal field. With help of the teachers, the students can suessfully master some basic legal terminology and theories, and in Law by reading some well-selected English legal essays. In process of teaching and learning, the emphasis is placed on enlarging students’ vocabulary in legal English and on raising their English reading prehensive levels. Meanwhile, the course adopts individual speeches or group discussions and other teaching methods in order to provide as more lingual practice as possible for students, helps them well-bine their knowledge both in major and English. At last, they can suessfully plete the course study paratively good English oral skills in munication and translation.二、本课程与其他专业课程的关系(本课程学习所必备的知识)(Necessary knowledge)学生要重视其他各法律核心和专业课程的学习, 掌握基本法律知识和概念,在学习的同时还要对英美法律制度认真研习。
课程教学大纲(美国法律与法律体系英汉对照)The Jurisprudence of GATT & the WTO Course Syllabus《美国法律制度》课程教学大纲Name : American law and legal systems课程名称:美国法律与法律体系(双语教学) Code:课程编码:Semester: 7开课学期:第7学期No. of hours and credits: 32 hrs,2 credits 学时数、学分数:32学时,2学分Applicable specialty: law适用专业:法学Succedent course: No后续课程:无1. Objectives and tasks 教学目的与任务American law and legal systems is taked as an elective course. The objectives of the course are to have students know subjuct matter about the history and the law,court organization,procedure and evidence, andunderstand the basic legal system of the U.S.A. such as constitution law,criminal law,administrative law, etc after students complete the course. Students are required to have a preliminary understanding of the legal research.美国法律与法律体系是门选修课。
二、课程目标1. 了解美国法律体系的基本结构和运作方式;2. 掌握美国法律案例分析方法;3. 培养学生的法律思维和分析能力;4. 提高学生运用法律知识解决实际问题的能力;5. 增强学生对美国法律文化的认识。
三、课程内容第一部分:美国法律体系概述1. 美国法律体系的基本结构- 立法机关、行政机关、司法机关的职能与关系- 州级法律体系与联邦法律体系的关系2. 美国宪法- 宪法的制定与修正- 宪法的基本原则与权利保障第二部分:美国宪法案例分析1. 民权法案例- 民权法案的历史与内容- 民权法案例解析(如布朗诉教育委员会案)2. 言论自由案例- 言论自由的历史与内容- 言论自由案例解析(如纽约时报诉萨利文案)3. 宗教自由案例- 宗教自由的历史与内容- 宗教自由案例解析(如摩尔诉肯塔基州教育局案)第三部分:美国民权法案例分析1. 种族歧视案例- 种族歧视的历史与内容- 种族歧视案例解析(如马丁·路德·金诉伯明翰案)2. 性别歧视案例- 性别歧视的历史与内容- 性别歧视案例解析(如韦斯特诉德克萨斯州教育局案)3. 年龄歧视案例- 年龄歧视的历史与内容- 年龄歧视案例解析(如艾森哈特诉阿特拉斯公司案)第四部分:美国刑法案例分析1. 谋杀案- 谋杀罪的历史与内容- 谋杀案案例解析(如辛普森谋杀案)2. 盗窃案- 盗窃罪的历史与内容- 盗窃案案例解析(如尼尔森诉加州案)3. 毒品案- 毒品罪的历史与内容- 毒品案案例解析(如莱斯特诉加州案)第五部分:美国合同法案例分析1. 合同成立与效力- 合同法的基本原则- 合同成立与效力案例解析(如美国诉卡恩案)2. 违约责任- 违约责任的历史与内容- 违约责任案例解析(如美国诉美国钢铁公司案)3. 合同解除- 合同解除的历史与内容- 合同解除案例解析(如美国诉美国铁路公司案)四、教学方法1. 讲授法:教师讲解法律基本概念、原则和案例背景;2. 案例分析法:学生分组讨论案例,分析案例中的法律问题;3. 模拟法庭:学生扮演法官、律师、原告、被告等角色,模拟法庭审判过程;4. 讨论法:教师引导学生对案例进行深入探讨,提高学生的法律思维和分析能力。
三、各教学环节学时分配(黑体,小四号字)教学课时分配四、教学内容(黑体,小四号字)Chapter1. Contract Formation – has a contract been formed?a. basically K requires offer and acceptance of that offer. parties must somehow indicate their assent to be bound by the K. when this is lacking there will be no K.1. §20 – (1) no mutual assent if parties attach materially different meanings unless (2)one party knows or has reason to know of the other meaning – then use that meaninga. meeting of minds is sufficient but not necessary to create K under §20b. See Raffles v Wichelhaus (Peerless Case) – no meeting of the minds = no K tobe enforced.c. consider prior dealings, trade customs, language / terms of K, etc. inconsidering what meaning parties should have attached.2. reasonable person standard: objective test: what reasonable person can infer from objective actions about what party intended.a. EX: if reasonable person would understand there to be a K, and partysubjectively does so understand, then there is meeting of minds and a K.b. don’t need a true meeting of the minds where subjective intent of bothparties matches (§20)b. Offer and Acceptancei. What constitutes an offer (as opposed to initiation or element of bargain)?1. consider surrounding circumstances –advertisements or circulars generallynot considered offers; consider reasonable person standard – is it reasonable to view itas an offer?2. generally price quotations are not offers – it is the order itself that constitutesthe offerii. Is there actual acceptance (before revocation or is purported acceptance really a counteroffer)?1. offeror is master of the offer: valid acceptance depends on terms of the offera. §31 rebuttable presumption in favor of bilateral K –acceptancepresumed to require promise to performb. 2-206(1) – offer may be accepted by any reasonable medium given thecircumstancec. sometimes (i.e. recurring transactions) commencement of performancecounts as acceptanced. rationale: promote efficiency – start performing rather than have added stepof formal acceptance. one of promises in bilateral K may be implied promise.2. Option Contractsa. §25 basic option K –limits promisor’s power to revoke an offer; may be madein same K or in a collateral K. must have separate consideration for the option.b. §87(2) - K which offeror reasonably expects to induce reliance by offereebefore acceptance and does induce reliance is binding as option K to extent necessaryto avoid injustice.3. Acceptance of a Unilateral Ka. acceptance requires complete performanceb. but §45 –Unilateral Option Contract: treats commencement of perf. asconferring an option K on offeree – right to complete perf. Offer becomes irrevocableon the part of offerori. offeror not bound to perform until complete perf received; only obligedto hold offer open1. offeree is not bound to completely perf. – bilateral K not created by§452. if partial performance makes offeree worse off that is too bad - hehas no right of action, should have requested a bilateral K.ii. preparation to perform and commencement of performance is a judgment call.4. Mailbox Rule - §63 –default rule that acceptance is effective once out of offeree’s possession, not upon receipt by offeror. but: If offeror explicitly requires receipt of acceptance or a different form of acceptance then this is controlling.iii. Valid offer and acceptance constitute a binding agreement – note: discuss whether a bilateral or unilateral K is createdChapter II. Is it the deal that law will enforce?1. Mistake and Impossibility –implied excuse doctrines; excuse performance by voiding the K.a. Mistake – separate real mistake (voids K) from misjudgment (no legal remedy)i. 1. close line between mistake and misjudgment (or even calculated risk);2. if that risk is assumed (i.e. that the cow might not be barren is considered in Kprice) then mistake cannot be used as a defense.ii. unilateral mistake: also renders K voidable provided the mistaken party was not allocated risk of mistake; exception if the other party did not know or have reason to know of the mistake and has relied on it.iii. lack of complete information does not necessarily invoke the mistake doctrine; if better-informed party has made expenditures to acquire information then they are entitled not to disclose it. rationale: want to encourage / reward information gathering.iv. Similarity to Hadley:1. only hold parties responsible for what they contemplate2. i.e. foreseeable expectation damages (Hadley); conditions / states of the world forwhich risk has been explicitly allocated (mistake)2. Consideration and the Bargained-for Exchange –a. what is the nature of the bargain?i. §17 –enforceable K requires bargain and consideration, except where “specialrules” apply1. bilateral K – exchange of promises or promise for a promise.2. unilateral K – exchange of a promise for a performance3. §31 – presumption favors bilateral K in case of ambiguityii. §71 –to count as consideration a performance or return promise (inducement required) must be bargained for (quid pro quo requirement). bargain theory of liability.iii. §19 –Promise need not be in writing (“in acts” ok)b. Promises to Make a Gifti. Bargain and consideration found?1. if yes then gift promise is enforceable (see Hamer v Sidway – giving up legalright = consideration)2. if no then promise may still be enforceable under §90a. see Ricketts v Scothorn –reliance was induced by gift promise.(reasonable reliance)b. c.f. Kirksey v Kirksey – widow moves to step-brothers house; promise didnot seek to induce that reliance (moving) so no §90 – no reasonable reliance.3. if no (and no reliance) and promise merely a gratuity then not enforceable.ii. Generally: gift promises not enforced with some exceptions; desire is to effectuate intent of the parties.1. Nominal consideration (i.e. $1 in hand paid…) –can be used to makedonative/gift promises enforceable2. adequacy of consideration is not evaluated by court; existence (not equality)of bargain is what mattersc. Reliance and Promissory EstoppelChapter 3 Interpretation: What are the terms of the contract?a. what have the parties promised each other?i. § 201(1) – if parties agree on interpretation of K language then that is what is used,regardless of what seems reasonable to 3P. If parties do not agree on interpretation (even if 3P thinks they do/should) then neither is bound by the understanding of the other (unless one party had reason to know of the other’s interpretation).ii. generally: emphasize a subjective, party-oriented approach in rules to K interpretation. rely on general good senseb. The Parole Evidence Rulei. When to Use: PER does not apply to subsequent agreements –only applies toprior or contemporaneous agreements (written or oral) that seek to establish legal enforceability of a promise.ii. §213 –a written agreement that is completely integrated (i.e. final expression under §209) and binding discharges all prior or contemporaneous agreements (oral or written) w/in its scope or inconsistent w/ it.1. judge determines whether or not the agreement is integrated and thuswhether to allow parol evidence.2. admission of parol evidence only if (a) agreement is collateral in form (i.e.capable of expression in a separate agreement; not w/in the scope) and (b) the writtenK is not fully integrated.iii. Integration: Complete vs Partial (see Mitchell v Laith – ice house removal case)Chapter 4 Excuse from doing what had been promised1. Conditionsi. Express Conditions – Conditions Precedent vs Conditions Subsequent1. Condition Precedent –must be met in order for any obligations to beimposed on parties. (see Gray v Gardener – whale oil case; must be strict performancebefore obligation to pay arises)2. Condition Subsequent –K in effect but if condition met then remainingobligations are discharged. “discharges a preexisting obligation”3. §227 - unclear conditions will be interpreted so as to reduce the risk offorfeiture and minimize reliance losses.4. General points:a. strict performance required: express condition must be 100% satisfiedbefore duty arises (c.f. constructive conditions –substantial performance). nodoctrine of substantial performanceb. burden of proof2 Frustration of Purpose(1) .similar to impossibility, if supervening events frustrate the K or substantially decrease its value then K is unenforceable (Krell v Henry)(2) consider: is the K really frustrated or was the event unlikely but not unimagined and, thus, the risk of its occurring allocated (See American Trading – Suez Canal); if risk allocation is not specific consider which party is in the betterChapter 5. How does the law enforce the deal?a. Expectation Damagesi. rationale: forward looking as well as remedial; need to provide security forpotential / future contracting parties as well as give the currently injured party the benefit of his bargain.ii. default rule of damages: put the non-breaching party in as good a position (not better – that is unjust enrichment) as if K performed.1. calculation of damages:a. Basic Calculation: §347 (a) value lost due to other party’s breach (lostprofit) + (b) value of reliance expenditures –(c) cost avoided throughnon-performanceb. UCC: 2-712 (buyer breach) or 2-706 (seller breach) – damages are equalto the cost of cover (incidental + consequential damages)i. 2-715: incidental damages = costs incurred in rejecting goods,effecting cover; consequential damages = injury / lost profits the result ofbreach.c. §348 Other Possibilities if §347 cannot be calculated:i. Cost of Performance when that cost is calculated into initial K price.(See Groves v John Wunder – leveling/grading case; Great Depression - $60Kv $12K)ii. Difference in market valuation when breach is not material or if cost of performance cannot be justified. (See Jacobs & Young) [this is thedefault calculation]iii. if no idiosyncratic valuation and cost of completion is efficient then these two measures should be very similar.2. Three Rationales for Expectation Damages (see policy section for more):iii. Damages or Specific Performance1. specific performance only if the K involv es ‘unique’ property (i.e. real estate) oridiosyncratic valuation or the particular mode of breach is expressly addressed in the Ka. damages are the default – rather compensate with money than performance.b. uncertainty as justification: if can’t calcu late expectation damages (or place avalue on performance – i.e. unique / priceless) then consider specific perf.2. §359 and 2-716 – desire to liberalize granting of equitable relief; expand classes inwhich monetary damages are considered inadequate. Use equitable relief (i.e. injunction) if it best serves justice.a. – issue injunction and let parties decide what the value is to remove it; workswell when damages are (a) difficult to calculate and (b) equitable relief is easy /inexpensive to enforce. supported by Coase Theorem.b. rationale: parties themselves are in better position to determine actual costof breach. but consider transaction costs of bargaining (vs. court investigation / trial)and possibility of complete breakdown (very inefficient)3. generally: try to consider what parties would have agreed to as measure ofdamages ex ante – did they demand specific performance in the K? Was it bargained for as part of K cost?iv. Cost Avoided and ‘Overhead’ –subtract costs avoided due to breach from damages award but do not subtract overhead costs that would have been paid regardless of whether K ever existed.五、考核方式、成绩评定(黑体,小四号字)本课程采取平常评估80%、节课时presentation 20%的评估方法。
《英美法概论》课程简介课程代码:050306001总学时: 32(理论学时32学时,实验学时0学时)学分: 2课程性质:法学专业选修课先修课程:无授课对象:法学专业本科英美法方向班学生内容提要:英美法概论包括法律的法系分类及法律术语、英美法系的特点、历史背景、习惯、司法判例、立法、最高法院、刑事审判制度、陪审团制度等内容。
教学目的:英美法概论是从事英美法学习的基础入门课程,全部由外教用英语授课, 本课程以拓宽学生视野,开阔学生思维为原则。
三、教学内容第一章 概述(2学时)一、概念二、英美法系的分布范围三、英美法系的结构第二章 英美法系的形成(6学时)一、法系的概念二、英美法系的国家和地域三、法域四、英国法的特征五、普通法的含义六、英国各地的法律情况七、英国法的域外扩张第三章 英美法的特征(4学时)一、历史继受性二、历史渊源的多样性——从衡平法和判例法出发三、判例法四、个案分析的重要性第四章英美法系经典案例(20学时)一、谁是凶手?二、英美法系犯罪理论三、英美法系的基础契约理论及经典案例四、英美法系的基础侵权理论及经典案例五、英美法系的基础宪政理论及经典案例四、学时分配(要求列表说明)章节学 时 分 配讲课 习题课 实验课 上机课 讨论课 其他 合计第一章 2 1 第二章 6 6184第三章 4 4第四章 20 20合计 32 32五、习题及自学要求1、英美法系的概念2、什么是普通法3、英美法系的特点?4、什么是约因?5、什么是陪审团制度?6、英国有哪些终审机构?7、美国的法院系统是如何组成的六、参考书目(按书名、作者、出版社、出版时间的顺序)1、推荐教材:《英美法导读》,李国利,北京大学出版社2010年8月。
《西方法律制度概论(英文)》教学大纲一、课程名称:《西方法律制度概论(英文)》(A Survey of the Legal Systems in the West)二、课程编码:三、学时与学分:34/2四、考核方式:考查五、先修课程:法律英语、外国法制史六、适用学科专业:英语、法学七、教学目的:《西方法律制度概论(英文)》是一门为英语专业和法学专业学生开设的基础课程,旨在通过对西方两大法系进行概观性学习,为进一步的专业学习和研究打下基础。
九、教材:教师自编讲义十、主要参考书目:[德]茨威格特、克茨著,潘汉典等译,《比较法总论》,法律出版社,2003[意]彼德罗·彭梵得著,黄风译,《罗马法教科书》,中国政法大学出版社,1992[英]梅因,沈景一译,《古代法》,商务印书馆,1959[美]阿瑟·库恩著,陈朝壁译《英美法原理》,法律出版社,2002[美]伯纳德·施瓦茨著,王军等译《美国法律史》,中国政法大学出版社,1990何家弘,《法律英语》,法律出版社,1997杜金榜、张新红主编《法律英语核心教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2002陈庆柏,《涉外经济法律英语》,法律出版社,1994Mary A. Glendon, Michael W.Gordon, Paolo G. Carozza, Comparative Legal Traditions,法律出版社,2004。
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The Jurisprudence of GATT & the WTO Course Syllabus《美国法律制度》课程教学大纲Name : American law and legal systems课程名称:美国法律与法律体系(双语教学)Code:课程编码:Semester: 7开课学期:第7学期No. of hours and credits: 32 hrs,2 credits学时数、学分数:32学时,2学分Applicable specialty: law适用专业:法学Succedent course: No后续课程:无1. Objectives and tasks 教学目的与任务American law and legal systems is taked as an elective course. The objectives of the course are to have students know subjuct matter about the history and the law,court organization,procedure and evidence, and understand the basic legal system of the U.S.A. such as constitution law,criminal law,administrative law,etc after students complete the course. Students are required to have a preliminary understanding of the legal research.美国法律与法律体系是门选修课。
Through the study of the course, it is expected that students will grasp the current tendency of American law and legal systems, have the capacity of referring to references themselves, and strengthen their enthusiasm about American law andlegal systems. It is hoped that study of the course will lay a foundation for students to have the potential to become an legal professional with a wide internationally view.通过本课程的学习,让学生了解美国法律制度的国内外研究动态,培养学生自主查阅美国法律制度相关文献的能力,以及激发学生从事美国法律制度的研究兴趣和志向。
The course will be taught bilingually. It is expected to nurture students to think about the U.S.A legal issues in an English-Chinese atmosphere and communicate with others in English.本课程采用双语教学方法授课,培养学生能在中英两种语境下思考美国法律制度中的相关问题,以及运用专业英语对外进行学术交流的能力。
2. Contents (basic requirements, keys and difficulties) 教学内容(基本要求、重点与难点)Chapter 1 Introduction (4 hrs)Basic requirements: Know the several aspects of law in the United States. Section 1 Functions of law in society.Section 2 Sources of law in societySection 3 Kinds of lawkeys: Three approaches to the nature of law.Chapter 2 History and law (4 hrs)Basic requirements: To have a general knowledge of the American legal system is a hodgepodge of borrowed principles and homegrown theories.Section 1 Law through the ageSection 2 The English heritageSection 3 The American experiencekeys: Development of the common law and equity.Difficulty: The American experience.Chapter 3Court Organization(6 hrs)Basic requirements: To have a general knowledge of the court organization in U.S.A. Section 1 The federal court systemSection 2 State court systemSection 3 Judicial selectionSection 4 Removal of judgeskeys: The defferent between the constitutional courts and the legislative courtsDifficulty: The selection of federal judgesChapter 4 Procedure and evidence(6 hrs)Basic requirements: To understand the civil and criminial procedure. Section 1 Alternative Dispute ResolutionSection 2 Civil procedureSection 3 Criminial procedureSection 4 Rules of evidencekeys: Exploring its role of the rules of evidence.Difficulty:The rules of evidence.Chapter 5 limitations(4 hrs)Basic requirements: To probe a number of judicial restraint and legal limitations.Section 1 Judicial restraintSection 2 Legal limitationskeys: To understand the powers of court and judges are circumscribed by barriers emanating from a variety of sources.Difficulty: The doctrine of stare decisis.Chapter 6 Constitution law(4 hrs)Basic requirements: To understand the basic content of the constitution law. Section 1 Judicial reviewSection 2 Constitutional interpretationSection 3 Major constitutional doctrineskeys: To understand the doctrine of judicial review,its origin and significance.Difficulty: The doctrines of judicial review,such as federalism,separation of powers,and equal protection.Chapter 7 Criminal law(4 hrs)Basic requirements: To understand the characteristics of criminal law. Section 1 Elements of a crimeSection 2 Parties to a crimeSection 3 Procedural criminal lawSection 4 PunishmentSection 5 Juvenile justicekeys: To understand Procedural criminal law.Difficulty: Elements of a crime.3. Practice实践教学环节No.4. Examination and Performance Grading课程考核及成绩评定A closed examination will be given at the end of the course. Performance gradingwill depend on 70% of the examination paper score and 30% of students’ classroom performance. Students’ classroom performance is composed of homework plus discussion (50%) and attendance at the class(50%).本课程考核方式为考试,采用闭卷形式进行考核;课程总评成绩=30%平时成绩+70%期末考试卷面成绩。
5. Textbook and References 教材与教学参考书(1) Textbook 教材 James V. Calvi, Susan Coleman, American Law and Legal Systems, 高等教育出版社,2002年第四版。