厄运降临(A Fallen Misfortune)

历史排行:1 泰坦尼克号派拉蒙18.45 19972 指环王3王者归来新线11.19 20033 哈利波特和魔法石华纳兄弟9.77 20014 指环王2双塔奇谋新线9.26 20025 星战前传1幽灵的威胁20世纪福克斯9.25 19996 史莱克2 梦工厂9.19 20047 侏罗纪公园环球9.15 19938 哈里波特和密室华纳兄弟8.77 20029 指环王1魔戒现身新线8.71 200110 海底总动员迪斯尼8.65 200311 蜘蛛侠索尼8.22 200212 独立日20世纪福克斯8.17 199613 ET外星人环球7.93 198214 哈里波特和阿兹卡班的囚徒华纳兄弟7.9 200415 狮子王迪斯尼7.84 199416 蜘蛛侠2 索尼7.84 200417 星球大战20世纪福克斯7.75 197718 黑客帝国2重装上阵华纳兄弟7.37 200319 星战前传3:西斯的复仇20世纪福克斯6.81 200520 阿甘正传派拉蒙6.77 199421 神秘第六感迪斯尼6.73 199922 加勒比海海盗迪斯尼6.54 200323 星战前传2:克隆人进攻20世纪福克斯6.5 200224 超人家族迪斯尼6.31 200425 侏罗纪公园2:迷失的世界环球6.19 199726 耶稣受难日新市场6.12 200427 黑衣人索尼5.89 199728 世界末日迪斯尼5.54 199829 碟中谍2 派拉蒙5.46 200030 后天20世纪福克斯5.43 200431 星球大战2:帝国反击战20世纪福克斯5.38 198032 怪物公司迪斯尼5.25 200133 终结者2 华纳兄弟5.2 199134 拜见岳父2 环球5.14 200435 人鬼情未了环球5.06 199036 阿拉丁迪斯尼5.04 199237 特洛伊华纳兄弟4.97 200438 龙卷风华纳兄弟4.95 199639 玩具总动员2 迪斯尼4.85 199940 冒牌天神环球4.85 200341 史莱克梦工厂4.84 200142 拯救大兵瑞恩梦工厂4.82 199843 小鬼当家20世纪福克斯4.78 199044 回到未来20世纪福克斯4.75 198345 夺宝奇兵3:圣杯派拉蒙4.74 198946 大白鲨环球4.71 197547 漂亮女人迪斯尼4.63 199048 黑客帝国华纳兄弟4.6 199949 角斗士梦工厂4.58 200050 碟中谍派拉蒙4.57 199651 最后的武士华纳兄弟4.57 200352 十一罗汉华纳兄弟4.51 200153 珍珠港迪斯尼4.49 200154 人猿泰山迪斯尼4.48 199955 黑衣人2 索尼4.42 200256 苗条奶爸20世纪福克斯4.41 199357 驱魔人华纳兄弟4.41 197358 终结者3 华纳兄弟4.33 200359 木乃伊归来环球4.33 200160 007:择日而亡米高梅4.32 200261 荒岛人生20世纪福克斯4.3 200062 黑客帝国3:矩阵的革命华纳兄弟4.25 200363 与狼共舞猎人4.24 199064 木乃伊环球4.16 199965 天兆迪斯尼4.11 200266 蝙蝠侠华纳兄弟4.11 198967 保镖华纳兄弟4.11 199268 X2 20世纪福克斯4.08 200369 乱世佳人米高梅4.06 193970 油脂派拉蒙3.94 197871 侠盗罗宾汉华纳3.91 199072 夺宝奇兵1 派拉蒙3.84 198173 冰河世纪20世纪福克斯3.83 200274 回到未来环球3.81 198575 真实的谎言20世纪福克斯3.79 199476 哥斯拉索尼3.79 199877 美女与野兽迪斯尼3.77 199178 男人百分百派拉蒙3.74 200079 我为玛丽狂20世纪福克斯3.7 199880 亡命天涯华纳3.69 199381 侏罗纪公园3 环球3.69 200182 我的巨大的希腊婚礼IFC 3.69 200283 诺丁山环球3.64 199984 虫虫特工队迪斯尼3.63 199885 十二罗汉华纳3.63 200486 全民情敌索尼3.63 200587 人猿星球20世纪福克斯3.62 200188 玩具故事迪斯尼3.62 199589 纵横天下米高梅3.62 199990 虎胆龙威3 20世纪福克斯3.61 199591 小鬼当家2 20世纪福克斯3.59 199292 少数派报告20世纪福克斯3.58 200293 人鬼情未了梦工厂3.56 199194 阿波罗13 环球3.55 199595 雨人米高梅3.55 198896 恐龙迪斯尼3.54 200097 壮志凌云派拉蒙3.53 198698 本能米高梅3.53 199299 汉尼拔米高梅3.52 2001100 变相怪杰新线3.51 1994为了纪念美国电影业的第一个百年庆典,美国电影协会着手整理此部“好莱坞百年百部经典电影”。

关键词:兰花花;曲式分析;结构;演奏ABSTRACTLan Hua Hua Ballade" composer Guan Ming style, according to a Northern Xin Tian local folk song "Blue Flower" compose ballads from the erhu. Is a typical northern Shaanxi is rich in folk-style ballads erhu.Music melody sounding euphemism. Delicate and vivid expression of the hero encounters love Blue Flower and character traits and emotional characteristics. Works reflect the corruption of the feudal social system, a profound expression of the feudal society of working women for marriage Blue Flower old feudal forces of freedom and the spirit of stubborn resistance.Music by the primer, exposition, expand the department, recapitulation and coda composition. It is through the Autumn Harvest a beautiful, kind, naive and simple for the characterization of the typical country girl, and her misfortune in love, to show the Autumn Harvest courage to struggle against the feudal forces, strength of character. Reference works of the sonata form structure of Western countries, the integration of the Chinese opera performance characteristics of some of the music, with strong artistic appeal.Key words:Lan Hua Hua;Form Analysis;Structure;Performance目录摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 绪论----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 第一章《兰花花叙事曲》的创作题材来源----------------------------------------4 第二章《兰花花叙事曲》曲目的具体段落的内在分析-------------------------5 第一节引子部分-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5第二节呈现部分-----------------------------------------------------------------------------5第三节展开部分-----------------------------------------------------------------------------7第四节再现部分(尾声)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9第三章《兰花花叙事曲》在演奏时注意的技巧方面和情感的融入---9 第一节《兰花花叙事曲》在演奏时的揉弦技巧-----------------------------------------9第二节《兰花花叙事曲》情感段落切换时注意的调整---------------------------------11结语------------------------------------------------------12 参考文献--------------------------------------------------13绪论二胡独奏曲《兰花花叙事曲》是关铭于1981年根据陕北民歌《兰花花》的音乐主题和故事情节创编的一首二胡叙事曲。

21) 厄运,如果你总是期待最坏的,你永远不会失望。
22) 能使愚蠢的人学3) 一切幸运都并非没有烦恼,而一切厄运也绝非没有希望。
24) 怜悯是一个人遭爱顾运而引起的,恐惧是这个遭受厄运的人与我们相似而引起的。亚里士多德
1.(不幸的遭遇) adversity; misfortune
艰难困苦的遭遇。 汉 扬雄 《元后诔》:“新都宰衡,明圣作佐。与图国艰,以度厄运。” 南朝 梁 钟嵘 《诗品》卷中:“ 琨 既体良才,又罹厄运,故善敍丧乱。” 唐 白居易 《东南行一百韵》:“况我谋身拙,逢他厄运拘。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·种植》:“根在,则虽处厄运,犹如霜后之花,其復发也。” 郭沫若 《湖心亭》:“明年鸿钧运转,四十六岁交大运。不要紧的,不要紧的,你的厄运就要过了。”
6) 在厄运中满怀希望,在好运中不忘忧虑,这样便能泰然担待祸福。
7) 没有所谓幸运或厄运,每件事情有因必有果。
8) 只要厄运打不垮信念,希望之光就会驱散绝望之云。
9) 世间的事往往如此。你遇到困难,把朋友们找来,把厄运说一遍,你就可以得到温和的、直率的、各种各样的忠告,可是你一提起积极的实际援助,——你刚一开口,你的最好的最亲密的朋友就装聋作哑了。克雷洛夫
25) 能使蠢人清醒一点的,不是言辞,而是厄运。
26) 正如恶劣的品质可以在幸运中暴露一样,最美好的品质也是在厄运中被显示的。
27) 猫的脚掌生有肥厚而柔软的肉垫,走路悄然无声,不致惊跑鼠类。脚趾末端生有锐利的钩爪,可以随意伸缩。这使它不但能在平地上疾走如飞,还能沿壁上房,爬树跳墙。老鼠被迫得丧魂落魄,很少能逃脱厄运。

MLP S01E01 Friendship is Magic, part 1Narrator: Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon.[lightning crack]Narrator: She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently in the moon. The elder sister took on responsibility...Narrator and Twilight Sparkle:...for both sun and moon... Twilight Sparkle: ...and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since. Hmm... Elements of Harmony. I know I've heard of those before... but where?[theme song]Twinkleshine: There you are, Twilight! Moondancer is having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard. You wanna come? Twilight Sparkle: Oh, sorry, girls... I've got a lot of studying to catch up on.Twinkleshine: [sigh] Does that pony do anything except study? I think she's more interested in books than friends.Twilight Sparkle: I know I've heard of the Elements of Harmony. Spike: Ow!Twilight Sparkle: Spike! Spi-ike! Spike?Spike: [groan]Twilight Sparkle: There you are. Quick, find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies. What's that for?Spike: Well, it was a gift for Moondancer, but...[squeak]Twilight Sparkle: Oh Spike, you know we don't have time for that sort of thing.Spike: But we're on a break!Twilight Sparkle: No, no, no... no, no, no! [grunts] Spike! Spike: It's over here![whack]Twilight Sparkle: Ah! Elements, Elements, E, E, E... Aha! Elements of Harmony, see: Mare in the Moon?Spike: Mare in the Moon? But that's just an old ponies' tale. Twilight Sparkle: Mare, mare... aha! The Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal! [gasp] Spike! Do you know what this means?Spike: No-- whoa![smack]Spike: Ow!Twilight Sparkle: Take a note please, to the Princess.Spike: Okie dokie.Twilight Sparkle: My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster!Spike: Hold on. Preci... preci...Twilight Sparkle: Threshold.Spike: Threh...Twilight Sparkle: Uh, brink? Ugh, that something really bad is about to happen! For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.Spike: Twilight Sparkle. Got it!Twilight Sparkle: Great! Send it.Spike: Now?Twilight Sparkle: Of course!Spike: Uh, I dunno, Twilight, Princess Celestia's a little busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration. And it's like, the day after tomorrow.Twilight Sparkle: That's just it, Spike. The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration! It's imperative that the Princess is told right away!Spike: Impera... impera...Twilight Sparkle: Important!Spike: Whoa![crunch]Spike: Okay, okay! [inhale] There, it's on its way. But I wouldn't hold your breath...Twilight Sparkle: Oh, I'm not worried, Spike. The Princess trusts me completely. In all the years she's been my mentor she's never once doubted me.Spike: [belch]Twilight Sparkle: See? I knew she would want to take immediate action.Spike: [clears throat] My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely.Twilight Sparkle: Mm-hm!Spike: ...but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books! Twilight Sparkle: [gasp]Spike: My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!Twilight Sparkle: [sigh]Spike: Look on the bright side, Twilight. The Princess arranged for you to stay in a library. Doesn't that make you happy?Twilight Sparkle: Yes, yes it does. You know why? Because I'm right! I'll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon's return.Spike: Then... when will you make friends, like the Princess said?Twilight Sparkle: She said to check on preparations. I am her student, and I'll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.Royal guards: [whinnying]Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, sirs.Royal guards: [huffing]Spike: Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about. Come on, Twilight, just try!Twilight Sparkle: Um... hello?Pinkie Pie: [prolonged gasp]Twilight Sparkle: Well, that was interesting all right.Spike: [sigh]Spike: Summer Sun Celebration official overseer's checklist. Number one, banquet preparations: Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack: Yeehaw![thump]Twilight Sparkle: [sigh] Let's get this over with... Good afternoon. My name is Twilight Sparkle--Applejack: Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like making new friends!Twilight Sparkle: Friends? Actually, I--Applejack: So, what can I do you for?Spike: [snickering]Twilight Sparkle: [clears throat] Well, I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?Applejack: We sure as sugar are! Would you care to sample some? Twilight Sparkle: As long as it doesn't take too long...[triangle ringing]Applejack: Soup's on, everypony![thump]Applejack: Now, why don't I introduce y'all to the Apple family? Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, but I really need to hurry-- Applejack: This here's Apple Fritter. Apple Bumpkin. Red Gala. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp...[deep breath] Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith.Up'n'attem, Granny Smith, we got guests.Granny Smith: [snort] Wha..? Soup's on? I'm up, here I come, ahm comin'...Applejack: Why, I'd say you're already part of the family! Twilight Sparkle: [spit] [nervous laughter] Okay, well, I can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way.Apple Bloom: Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do...Apple family: [disappointed sighs]Twilight Sparkle: ...fine.Apple family: [cheering]Spike: Food's all taken care of, next is weather.Twilight Sparkle: Ugh... I ate too much pie...Spike: Hmm, there's supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.Twilight Sparkle: Well, she's not doing a very good job, is she? [whack][splat]Twilight Sparkle: Nng.Rainbow Dash: [sheepish laughter] Uh, 'scuse me? [more sheepish laughter]Twilight Sparkle: Nnnn.Rainbow Dash: [laughter] Lemme help you.[rushing water]Rainbow Dash: [more sheepish laughter] Oops, I guess I overdid it. Um, uh, how about this? My very own patented Rain-Blow Dry! No no. Don't thank me. You're quite welcome. [bursts out laughing] Spike: [bursts out laughing]Twilight Sparkle: Let me guess. You're Rainbow Dash.Rainbow Dash: The one and only. Why, you heard of me? Twilight Sparkle: I heard you were supposed to be keeping the sky clear. [sigh] I'm Twilight Sparkle, and the Princess sent me to check on the weather.Rainbow Dash: Yeah, yeah, that'll be a snap. I'll do it in a jiffy. Just as soon as I'm done practicing.Twilight Sparkle: Practicing for what?Rainbow Dash: The Wonderbolts! They're gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show 'em my stuff! Twilight Sparkle: The Wonderbolts?Rainbow Dash: Yep!Twilight Sparkle: The most talented flyers in all of Equestria? Rainbow Dash: That's them!Twilight Sparkle: Pfft! Please. They'd never accept a Pegasus who can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day.Rainbow Dash: Hey, I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat. Twilight Sparkle: Prove it.[whooshing noises]Rainbow Dash: [sounds of exertion] Loop the loop around, and wham! What'd I say? Ten. Seconds. Flat. I'd never leave Ponyville hanging. [sheep baaing] [chuckles] You should see the look on your face. Ha! You're a laugh, Twilight Sparkle. I can't wait to hang out some more.Spike: Wow, she's amazing! [laughs]Twilight Sparkle: Rrgh.Spike: Wait! It's kinda pretty once you get used to it!Spike: Decorations. Beautiful...Twilight Sparkle: Yes, the decor is coming along nicely. This ought'a be quick. I'll be at the library in no time. Beautiful indeed. Spike: Not the decor, her!Rarity: No, no, no, oh! Goodness no.Spike: How are my spines? Are they straight?Twilight Sparkle: Good afternoon--Rarity: Just a moment, please! I'm 'in the zone', as it were. Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent. Now, um, how can I help yo-- [yelp] Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?!Twilight Sparkle: Oh, you mean my mane? Well, it's a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations, and then I'll be out of your hair!Rarity: Out of my hair? What about your hair?!Twilight Sparkle: Wait! Where are we going?! Help!Rarity: No, no, uh-uh. Too green. Too yellow. Too poofy. Not poofy enough. Too frilly. Too... shiny. Now go on, my dear. You were telling me where you're from.Twilight Sparkle: [wincing] I've... been sent... from Canterlot... to-- Rarity: Huh?[crash]Rarity: Canterlot?! Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I... Emeralds! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies! Twilight Sparkle: Quick! Before she decides to dye my coat a new color!Spike: [sigh]Spike: Wasn't she wonderful?Twilight Sparkle: Focus, Casanova. What's next on the list? Spike: [clears throat] Oh, uh, music! It's the last one![distant birdsong fanfare]Fluttershy: Oh my. Um, stop please, everyone, umm. Excuse me, sir? I mean, no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off. Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one two three-Twilight Sparkle: Hello!Fluttershy: [yelp]Twilight Sparkle: Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten your birds. I'm just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful. [pause] I'm Twilight Sparkle. [pause] What's your name?Fluttershy: [very quietly] Um... I'm Fluttershy.Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry, what was that?Fluttershy: [even quieter] Um... My name is Fluttershy. Twilight Sparkle: Didn't quite catch that.Fluttershy: [squeaking]Twilight Sparkle: [pause] Well, um, it looks like your birds are back, so I guess everything's in order. Keep up the good work! Fluttershy: [squeaking]Twilight Sparkle: Oookay. [to Spike] Well, that was easy. Fluttershy: [gasp] A baby dragon![thump]Fluttershy: Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's sooo cute!Spike: Well, well, well...!Fluttershy: Oh my, he talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful I, I just don't even know what to say!Twilight Sparkle: Well, in that case we'd better be going. Fluttershy: Wait, wait! What's his name?Spike: I'm Spike.Fluttershy: Hi Spike, I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?Spike: Well, what do you wanna know?Fluttershy: Absolutely everything.Twilight Sparkle: [groan]Spike: Well... I started out as a cute little purple and green egg... Spike: ...and that's the story of my whole entire life! Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?Fluttershy: Oh, yes, please!Spike: Gyah!Twilight Sparkle: I am so sorry, how did we get here so fast? This is where I'm staying while in Ponyville and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep.Spike: No I don't-- whoa!Twilight Sparkle: Aww, wook at dat, he's so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle bawance!Fluttershy: Poor thing, you simply must get into bed...Twilight Sparkle: Yes, yes, we'll get right on that. Well, g'night! [door slamming]Spike: Huh. Rude much?Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light? [light flicks on]Twilight Sparkle and Spike: [honk]Ponies: Surprise![kazoo blows]Twilight Sparkle: [groan][music warps down]Pinkie Pie: Surprise![party whistle blows]Pinkie Pie: Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?Twilight Sparkle: Very surprised. Libraries are supposed to be quiet.Pinkie Pie: Well, that's silly! What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all "hello" and I was all [deep gasp], remember? Y'see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!Twilight Sparkle: [groan]Pinkie Pie: And if you're new, that meant you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went [deep gasp]! I must throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville! See? And now you have lots and lots of friends![kettle whistling]Applejack: Are you all right, sugarcube?[train whistle blowing]Pinkie Pie: Aww, she's so happy she's crying!Spike: "Hot sauce". Ooh...Pinkie Pie: [with mouth full] What? It's good![muffled disco music][clock ticking]Twilight Sparkle: [groan][door opens, music gets louder]Spike: Hey Twilight! Pinkie Pie's starting "pin the tail on the pony"! Wanna play?Twilight Sparkle: No! All the ponies in this town are crazy! Do you know what time it is?!Spike: It's the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Everypony has to stay up, or they'll miss the Princess raise the sun! You really should lighten up, Twilight. It's a party!Twilight Sparkle: [mockingly imitates Spike][door closes, music stops]Twilight Sparkle: Ugh, here I thought I'd have time to learn about the Elements of Harmony but, silly me, all this ridiculousfriend-making has kept me from it! "Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night." I hope the Princess was right... I hope it really is just an old ponytale...Spike: C'mon, Twilight, it's time to watch the sunrise!Pinkie Pie: Isn't this exciting? Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited-- well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went [deep gasp] but I mean really, who can top that?[fanfare]Mayor Mare: Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration![ponies cheering]Mayor Mare: In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...Fluttershy: Ready?Mayor Mare: ...Princess Celestia!Rarity: Huh?[ponies chattering quietly and nervously in the background] Twilight Sparkle: This can't be good.Mayor Mare: Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!Pinkie Pie: Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding? Rarity: She's gone![ponies gasping]Pinkie Pie: Ooh, she's good. [yelp][ponies gasping]Twilight Sparkle: Oh no... Nightmare Moon!Spike: [sigh]Nightmare Moon: Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces.Rainbow Dash: What did you do with our Princess?! Applejack: [muffled] Whoa there, Nelly...Nightmare Moon: [chuckle] Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?Pinkie Pie: Ooh, ooh, more guessing games! Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, BlackSnooty--[muffled noises]Nightmare Moon: Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?Twilight Sparkle: I did. And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon![ponies gasping]Nightmare Moon: Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here.Twilight Sparkle: You're here to... to... [gulp]Nightmare Moon: [chuckle] Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever! [laughter, thunder][To be continued...][music][credits]。

• 英 [flɪntʃ] 美 [flɪntʃ] • vi. 退缩;畏惧 • The sharp surface of the rock caught at her skin, making her flinch. 岩石尖尖的 表面剐到了她的皮肤,令她后缩了一 下。
• • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 英 [lʌl] 美 [lʌl] vt. 使平静;使安静;哄骗 vi. 平息;减弱;停止 n. 间歇;暂停;暂时平静 n. (Lull)人名;(英)勒尔 短语 Lull Animal 安抚动物 wind lull 风暂停 James Lull 詹姆斯· 罗尔 For the past year, Israelis and Palestinians have experience a lull in violence. 在过去的几年里,巴以之间经历了一段稍有平息的生活。 There is a lull in the Arabic, and I can hear a child singing in Spanish from across the aisle. 这时几个阿拉伯人暂时安静了下来,我听到过道里有一个孩子用西班牙语唱 歌。
• 英 [ɪm'pɒstə(r)] 美 [ɪmˌp ɑstɚ] • n. 冒名顶替者,骗子 • This is not Doctor Malcolm, he is an impostor. 这不是马尔科姆医生,他是 骗子。

暗影之拳- 阿卡丽As balance dictates奉均衡之命。
Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。
Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。
For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "s utra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。
Didn't we just run by this same tower?? Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么?Understood明白了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。
Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。
We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。
I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。
牛头酋长- 阿利斯塔Stampede!将他们冲散!You must follow你必须跟着俺I know the way俺知道该怎么做。
高二英语《Book5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom:Exercise》学案

一.单项选择1. For her, happiness ________ helping those in trouble.A. consists ofB. consists inC. makes upD. lie in2. The movie is quite ________, which can be judged from their expression after watching it.A. thrilledB. thrillingC. to thrillD. thriller3. The town official broke ________ for working over time in the search for the trapped people after the earthquake.A. outB. awayC. downD. into4. The medicine has a strong side ________ on our health though it works well.A. influenceB. effectC. affectD. impact5. The building ________ will be used as our new library.A. is being constructedB. builtC. under constructionD. to build6. _____ _ and short of breath , Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai .A. To be tiredB. TiredC. TiringD. Being tired7. Not until she got home did she find her purse ________.A. missedB. lostC. losingD. miss8. The cost of renting(租)a house in central Zhangzhou is higher than ______ in any other area of the city.A.oneB.itC.thisD.that9. I can make you ________ what I say, but you can’t make yourself ________ in English.A. understand; understoodB. understand; understandC. to understand; understandD. understand; to be understood10. I have often heard the ABC Song _______ but I have never heard Alice ________ it.A. to be sung; to singB. being sung; sangC. sung; singD. sang; singing11. Though computers can do a lot of work man can’t do , they can’t completely ______ human beings .A. replace withB. instead ofC. take placeD. take the place of12. We were told to have our reading room next Saturday.A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleaningD. cleaned13. Paul was seen ________ toy cars in the yard.A. playB. to playC. playedD. plays14. The living room is clean and tidy , with a dining table already ______ for a meal to be cooked .A. laidB. layingC. to layD. being laid15. Let’s the children 3 groups. Each group will have a separate room tosleep .A. divide; into; toB. separate; into; inC. divide; into; inD. separate; from; in二.完形填空He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father’s life who was the main 1 of support for the family. He had to 2 _ the arms of his younger brother,and his younger brother became his 3_ ,never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes(脚趾),he was completely unable to do 4 in his life.One late night,his younger brother accompanied(陪同)him into the toilet and went back to __5__. But being so 6 ,his younger brother fell asleep,leaving him on the toilet for two hours. As the two brothers grew up together,they had their share of problems and they would often __ 7 . His younger brother wanted to live 8__ from him,living his own life,as many normal people do. So he was 9 and didn’t know what to do.A 10 misfortune(厄运)befell(降临) a girl. One night her mother,who suffered from mental illness _11__ . So her father went out looking for her mother,leaving her alone at home. She tried to prepare a 12 _ for her parents,only to overturn the stove(火炉),_13 _ in a fire which took her hands away.Though her elder sister who was studying in another c ity,showed her 14 to take care of her,she was determined to be completely 15 . At school,she always studied hard.One day,the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program. They were both asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote:My younger brother’s arms are my arms;16_ the girl wrote: Broken wings,flying heart. Disasters(灾难)can 17 at any time. If you choose only to complain and 18 _ from the ordeal(苦难的经历),it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be _19_ ,the hardship will turn out to be a(n) 20 on which new hopes will arise.1. A. cause B. strength C. source D. course2. A. live on B. take on C. turn on D. depend on3. A. shadow B. volunteer C. bodyguard D. servant4. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything5. A. play B. work C. wait D. wash6. A. tiredB. angry C. impatient D. unfairw!w!w.!x!k!b!7. A. support B. separate C. quarrelD. avoid8. A. lonely B. different C. separated D. divided9. A. heartless B. heart-broken C.kind-hearted D. heart-warming10. A. same B. similar C. simple D. strange11. A. died B. disappeared C. dismissed D. failed12. A. meal B. medicine C. heating D. plan13. A. leading B. resulting C. D. bringing14. A. willingness B. anxiety C. contribution D. respect15. A. B. relaxed C. disabled D. energetic16. A. since B. while C. as D. though17. A. strike B. afford C. form D. return18. A. hide B. afford C. survive D. escape19. A. careful B. strong C. healthy D. polite20. A. difficulty B. fortune C. occupation D. attitude三.语法填空When invited to dinner, it is very _________(polite) to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation.When you arrive, the hostess or ________members of the family will probably meet you at the door and take your coat and hat. Ina few minutes the hostess __________(ask) her guests to come in to dinner. She may or may not ask ________gentleman to take a lady in. _________ she does, the lady will take the gentleman’s arm as they walk into the dinning room. If she does not, the ladies will go in first, ___________(follow) by the gentleman. The hostess will either point out their seats to the guests as they come in or have a place card at each place________the guest’s name on it. After the meal is over ________ is not polite to leave for at least half an hour, lest(免得) you seem to have come only for the meal. When __________(leave) any kind of a party, a guest always expresses his appreciation to the hostess. Some such words as these are appropri ate, “Thank you so much . I’ve had a __________(delight) evening.四.阅读理解AScotland is a well-developed tourist destination, with tourism generally being responsible for sustaining 200, 000 jobs mainly in the service sector, with tourist spending averaging at £4 billion per year. Tourists from the United Kingdom make up the bulk(主体)of visitors to Scotland. In 2002, for example, UK visitors made 18.5 million visits to Scotland, staying 64.5 million nights and spending £3.7 billion. In contrast, overseas residents made 1.58 million visits to Scotland, staying 15 million nights and spending £806 million. In terms of overseas visitors, those from the United States made up 24% of visits to Scotland, with the United States being the largest source of overseas visitors, and Germany (9%), France (8%), Canada (7%) and Australia (6%), following behind.Scotland is generally seen as clean, unspoilt destination with beautiful scenery which has a long and complex history, combined with thousands of historic sites and attractions. These include prehistoric stone circles, standing stones and burial chambers, and various Bronze Age, Iron Age and Stone Age remains. There are also many historic castles, houses, and battlegrounds, ruins and museums. Many people are drawn by the culture of Scotland.The cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow are increasingly being seen as a cosmopolitan(全世界的)alternative to Scotland’s countryside, with visitors year round, but the main tourist season is generally from April to October i nclusive. In addition to these factors, the national tourist agency, Visit Scotland, has deployed a strategy of niche(适当的)marketing, aimed at exploiting, amongst other things, Scotland’s strengths in golf, fishing and food and drink tourism. Another significant, and increasingly popular reason for tourism to Scotland —especially by those from North America —is genealogy家系,宗谱, with many visitors coming to Scotland to explore t heir family and ancestral roots.1. People from ________ visited Scotland most.A. the USAB. FranceC. the UKD. Germany2. For Chinese students, the best time to visit Scotland is in ________.A. the Spring FestivalB. the winter vocationC. the summer vacationD. any time3. Scotland mainly impresses tourists with its ________.A. food and drinkB. beautiful scenery with cu ltural relicsC. big cities like EdinburghD. many North Americ ans’ family and ancestral roots4. In 2002, visitors from the US made about ________ visits to Scotland.A. 18.5 millionB. 1.58 millionC. 4.45 millionD. 0.38 million5. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. In history, many Scotlanders moved to North America.B. Overseas visitors do not like to stay in Scotland for the night.C. Visit Scotland is trying to change people’s impression on Scotland.D. Overseas visitors come to Scotland mainly to explore their family roots.BHundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, love their country. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland. But there were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.One night, the leader of the Scots marched(使前进) his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight, my men,”he said, “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win, or we will die.”They were all very tired. So they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they were very tired, too, and one by one, they fell asleep.The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they went up the hill. Closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a minute they were on their feet and ready for a battle. The fighting was hard, but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved Scotland.The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people liked it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that th ey made it their national flower.6. Hundreds of years ago, the Romans ____ .A. came from the north through England to make war on ScotlandB. came to the north Scotland from England to make war on ScotlandC. came from the north of England to fight the ScotsD. came to the north from the south of Britain to fight the Scots7. At the shout of a Roman soldier, all the Scots who were asleep at the hill ____ .A. began to fight the Romans hardB. stood up without putting on their shoes and began to fightC. woke and rose immediately, ready to fightD. put their feet into their shoes at once and were ready to fight8. The result of the war is that ____ .A. the Romans killed all the ScotsB. the Scots were defeatedC. the Scots were driven out of ScotlandD. the Scots defeated the Romans9. The Scots made thistle their national flower because thistle ____ .A. is lovely, though not beautifulB. gave them happinessC. is a kind of useful plantD. helped the Scots in wiping out the Romans 一.B B C B C B B D A C D D B A C二.文章大意:本文描述了两个同样遭遇不幸的人,由于各自对生活态度的不同,从而导致两种完全不同的生活方式。

Part four
IV 第四部分 43 If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear; 如果我是一片你 可以带走的落叶 44 If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee; 如果我是一片你可 以引领的浮云 45 A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share 如果我是一 个在你的威力下喘息的浪头, 46 The impulse of thy strength, only less free 分享你雄健的脉 搏,只不过 47 Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even 没有你那样的自由,你 这不可控制的家伙! 48 I were as in my boyhood, and could be 如果我还是一个孩 子, 49 The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven, 可以和你结 伴在九天漫游
Part four
50 As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed 那时,超越你天界的神 速也不算是神奇 51 Scarce seem'd a vision; I would ne'er have striven 我就不会像现 在这样
52 As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need. 痛切得向你祈求 53 Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! 啊,带走我!像带走每一个浪 涛,每一片树叶,每一道浮云 54 I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! 我扑向这生命的荆棘,为之流 血。 55 A heavy weight of hours has chain'd and bow'd 时势的艰难压制捆 绑着的这个人 56 One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud. 也象你一样: 狂放,迅捷,而骄傲!

释放其特殊技能时01 你们这些旱鸭子比我想象得要厉害多了,看来我要认真一些了。
(就是拿了把武器)释放其特殊技能时02 我要发怒了!(又换了把)艾德温.范克里夫进入BOSS战时没有人能与兄弟会抗衡。
血量降到一定比例时01 你们都被人利用了。
血量降到一定比例时02 蠢货,我们的事业是正义的!血量降到一定比例时03 兄弟会必将获得最终的胜利!杀死玩家时受死吧哀号洞穴安娜科德拉进入BOSS战时没有人,能与毒蛇之王抗衡。
血量降到一定比例时01 你们会为此付出代价的!血量降到一定比例时02 啊,我的力量在这统治一切!血量降到一定比例时03 我们的新盟友会为我们报仇的。
杀死玩家时还有谁? (大暴牙冯小刚就是从这儿学的啊??哈哈~~~~)诺莫瑞根电刑器6000型进入BOSS战时机器人主宰一切!麦克尼尔.瑟玛普拉格进入BOSS战时篡位者,诺莫瑞根是我的!释放其特殊技能时炸药,更多的炸药,我要更多的炸药!血量降到一定比例时我的机器人才是未来,你们都得死!杀死玩家时01 去死吧!杀死玩家时02 你完蛋了!血色修道院驯犬者洛克希进入BOSS战时关门,放狗!(翻译得很有中国特色,当初第一次来的时候吓一跳)奥法师杜安进入BOSS战时你不能玷污这些圣迹!施放群体杀伤法术时让正义的火焰吞噬你们吧!赫洛德进入BOSS战时给我来一次真正的挑战吧!杀死玩家时哈,你们就这点本事吗?释放其特殊技能时01 圣光,赐予我力量吧!释放其特殊技能时02 光明之刃!血法师萨尔诺斯(墓地区的,去刷的玩家比较少)进入BOSS战时我们渴望复仇。
最后的伴侣(Last Escort)~猫之俱乐部中文全攻略

《最后的伴侣(Last Escort)》(又译为:最后的护花使者)系列是日本D3 PUBLISHER 公司推出的一款面向女性玩家的AVG恋爱冒险游戏。
而PS2和PSP版《最后的伴侣:猫之俱乐部》(Last Escort: Club Katze)也是该系列的最新之作。
A 攻略要点要点一:砸钱。
= =要点二:有耐心。
= =(店长除外。
= =这个“老色魔”)要点三:抓紧冤大头。
= =(就是间接拉你进牛郎店的斋田)每个月中冤大头会来找你商量夜店问题。
= =一定要选对选项吖选对选项之后,冤大头就会在下个月初塞钱给你,慢慢存着这笔钱,等次年一月就能跟喜欢的男人酒池肉林了。
= =(如果12月都没永久指名牛郎的话,是不是就能跟冤大头私奔去夏威夷了?!)要点四:牛郎们的生日时间一定要知道,生日礼物一定要做出来,生日一定要送礼物,好感一定要满!要点五:追求的牛郎所要求的最低数值一定要够!否则也是白忙啊!(另外永久指名时候的数值也要达到一定程度,否则牛郎会不高兴???)(感谢游戏饭饭糖糖提供)B 学习系统和礼物系统料理:灵巧提升礼物名需要lv备注土豆炖肉灵巧Lv.1欧式咖喱灵巧Lv.2 / 学力Lv.1海鲜风味披萨灵巧Lv.3蛋包饭灵巧Lv.4 / 运Lv.5亚沙斗生日事件发生条件(CG)天妇罗拼盘灵巧Lv.5手制荞麦面灵巧Lv.6 / 体力Lv.2猪扒灵巧Lv.7参鸡汤灵巧Lv.8 / 集中Lv.3豪华寿司灵巧Lv.9 / 感受Lv.4点心:灵巧到达Lv.3可进入。


目录Chapter One第一章Rise of the Naga娜迦的崛起 (2)Chapter Two第二章The Broken Isles破碎群岛 (6)Chapter Three第三章The Tomb of Sargeras萨格拉斯之墓 (10)Chapter Four第四章Wrath of the betrayer背叛者的愤怒 (15)Interlude插曲Unfinished Business恩怨未了 (17)Chapter Five第五章Balancing the Scales局势的平衡 (19)Chapter Six第六章Shards of the Alliance联盟的破裂 (23)Interlude插曲Malfurion’s Vision玛法里奥的幻觉 (28)Chapter Seven第七章The Ruins of Dalaran达拉然的废墟 (29)Chapter Eight第八章The Brothers Stormrage怒风兄弟(又译:兄弟情仇) (32)Finale最终章 A Parting of Ways分道扬镳 (35)暗夜精灵战役Chapter One第一章Rise of the Naga娜迦的崛起Though the demonlord, Archimonde, and the Burning Legion were finally defeated at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, much of Ashenvale Forest remains tainted by foul, demonic energies.The combined efforts of both the druids and the Sentinels have brought a tenuous peace to the northlands, but dark creatures still lurk within the shadowed woods. In this perilous time, Maiev Shadowsong, the warden who once guarded Illidan’s barrow prison, has come forth to hunt her dangerous prey –and chain him once again beneath the cold earth.虽然魔王阿克蒙德和燃烧军团在海加尔山战役中以惨败收场,但艾辛瓦尔森林的很多地区仍被恶魔的力量所污染。
00A00accuse vt.谴责,指责;(of)控告,告发0 accustomed a.惯常的,通常的;(to)习惯于...的,适应了的0achieve 0vt.完成,达到(目的);得到,获得0 acquaintance n.(with)熟悉,熟知,相识,了解;熟人,相识的人0acquire vt.取得,求得,获得,学得00 actual a.现实的,实际的,事实上的;现在的,目前的0acute a.严重的,激烈的;敏锐的了;锐的,尖的;(疾病)急性的0adapt vt.使适应;改编;改写 vi.(to)适应0additional a.追加的,附加的;另外的0 address n.通讯处,地址;致词,讲话 vt.向...致词(说话);在(信封或包裹上)写姓名地址,致函0adequate a.充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的0adjust vt.(to)调整,调节;整理,使合适00administration n.经营,管理,支配;管理部门,行政机关,政府;实行,执行0 admire vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞赏;称赞,夸奖00admit vt./vi.准许...进来,准许...加入;(to)承认,供认0adopt vt./vi.采用,采纳,采取;正式通过,批准;收养(子女)0advance vi.前进;取得进展;(价格等)上涨;促进,推进,助长 vt.预先发放,预先支付;提前,使提前发生;提出(建议等) n.前进,进展,发展;预付;提前0adventure n.冒险,奇遇;冒险活动0 advisable a.明智的;可取的;适当的0 advertise vt.为...做广告,宣传;(在报刊、电视、广播等中)公告,公布0affect vt.影响0affection n.喜爱,慈爱,感情,爱慕之情00affiliate vt./vi.(使...)加入,联合;(to,with)使隶属(附属)于 n.附属公司;分公司0afford vt.(与can,could,be able to连用)买得起,花得起(时间);提供,给予0agency n.代理行,代办处,经销店;(政府等的)专业行政部门0agent n.代理人,代理商,经纪人;政府特工人员,政府代表;动因,原因;剂0aggression n.侵略,进攻00aid vt.帮助,援助 n.帮助,救护;助手,辅助物,辅助手段0alarm n.警报,警报器,警铃;惊恐,忧虑 vt.向...报警;使惊慌,使不安,惊吓0alienation n.转让,让渡00alike a.(常作表语)相似的,同样的,相像的0allocation n.分配;拨款(权)0alter v.改变,变更0amateur a.业余的;非职业的;外行的 n.业余爱好者,业余运动员;外行0amaze v.使惊奇,使惊叹0ambition n.雄心,野心;期望得到的东西00ambulance n.救护车,救护船,救护飞机0amendment n.修正;赔款0amuse v.逗乐;给...提供娱乐00analysis n.分析;分析报告0ancestor n.祖宗,祖先;原型,先驱00ancient a.古代的;古老的0annoy vt.使烦恼,使生气;打扰0annual a.每年的,年度的 n.年刊,年鉴0annuity n.年金;养老金0anticipate vi.预料,期望;先于...行动;提前使用0apart ad.离去,分开;(空间、时间)成距离,相隔;除去0apparent a.(to)显然的,明显的;表面上的,外表的,貌似(真实)的0appeal vi.(to)呼吁,恳求;(against)申诉;(to)求助于,诉诸于 n.(to)要求,呼吁;上诉,申诉;吸引力0appetite n.食欲,胃口;欲望0applicable a.(to)可适用的,可实施的;适当的,合适的0appoint vt.任命,约定,指定(时间、地点)appraisal n.评价,估量,估价00appreciate vt./vi.欣赏,重视,赏识;为...表示感激;增值0approach vi./vt.(to)靠近,接近 n.接近;途径;方法0appropriate n.拨出(款项等);占用,挪用 a.(to)适当的,恰当的0approve vt./vi.(of)赞成,赞同;批准,对...表示认可0argument n.辩论,争论,争吵;(from,against)论据,理由0arise vi.出现;(from)由...引起,由...产生,起源于0arouse v.唤醒;引起;激起0artificial a.人造的,人工的;人为的,矫柔造作的0ashamed a.(常用做表语)惭愧的,害臊的,羞耻的0aspect n.方面;外表;(建筑物的)朝向,方向0assemble vt./vi.集合;装配00assessment n.评估;确定金额00asset n.有价值的人,优点,长处;(pl.)资产,财产0assign vt.(to)指派,指定;(to)分配;指定(时间、地点等)0assist v.援助,协助0associate vt./vi.(with)(在思想上)把...联系在一起;使联想 n.伙伴,合作人 a.副的assume vt.假定,设想;承担,担任,就职;呈现,具有,采取0assure vt.(of)使确信,使放心;保证给,确保0astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊00astronaut n.宇航员0attach vt.系上;使附属;加于....上;使依恋,使喜爱0attempt vt.尝试,企图,开始做 n. 努力,尝试0attendance n.出席;出席人数0attorney n.代理人;律师00audience n.听众,观众,读者0authority n.权力;权威,专家;行政管理机构,当权者;(pl.)当局0automatic a.自动的;无意识的,机械的 n.自动机械0available a.现成可使用的,在手边的,可利用的;可以见到的,随时可来的0average a.平均的;一般的,通常的 n.平均(数);一般水平,平均水平 v.平均为0 avoid vt.避免;避开0awake v.唤醒;(使)觉醒;醒悟到,认识到 a.醒着的0aware a.意识到的,知道的0award vt.颁奖,授予 n.奖,奖品0awful a.极坏的;可怕的;极度的;感到难过的,不舒服的0awkward a.笨拙的;尴尬的;棘手的00B00baggage n.行李0ban n./vt.禁止,禁令,取缔0band n.乐队;带子;波段;一群,一伙 vt.绑扎0bankrupt n.破产者 vt.使破产 a.破产的;彻底缺乏的0bare a.赤裸的,光秃的;仅有的 vt.裸露,露出0barrier n.栅栏;障碍;关卡0bargain n.契约,合同交易;便宜货;成交商品 vt.讨价还价0basis n.基础,根据0beforehand ad.预先,事先0behalf n.利益,方面0belong vi.属于;隶属,是...的一员;应归入(类别、派别、范畴等)0beneficial 0a.有益的,有利的0benefit n.利益,好处;救济金,保险金 v.得益;有益于0bid v.投标;命令,吩咐;说(问候的话);祝愿;n.出价,报价0bill n.帐单,清单;钞票;票据;议案,法案0blame vt.责备,责怪;(on, onto)把...归咎于 n.责任,过失;指责0blank a.空白的;茫然的 n.空白(处),空格00block n.块;街区;障碍物;大楼,一排房屋 vt.阻塞,封锁0bloom n.花朵;开花期 vi. 开花0board n.木板,纸板;甲板,船舷;伙食;董事会 vt.上飞机(或船、车);供应伙食0boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀;有...可以夸耀,自豪地拥有 n.自夸,自吹自擂0bold a.大胆的;冒失的;黑体字的0bond n.契约;结合物,粘结剂;债券00bonus n.奖金;红利;额外津贴00boom n.低沉的隆隆声;营业等的激增,经济迅速发展 vi./vt.雷、炮等发出隆隆声;兴隆,迅速发展0border n.边;边界,国界 v.给...加上边,围;与...接壤(毗邻)0bore vt.使厌烦;钻(孔)打眼,凿通 n.令人厌烦的人或事;孔,孔道0bound a.必定的;受约束的,有义务的;准备到...去的,开往...的 vi.跳跃,跳跃着前进;跳回,反弹vt. 成为...的界限,给...划界限 n. 分界线,边界;界限,范围00boundary n.分界线;边界0brain n.大脑;(pl.)智力;脑髓0breed v.生仔,繁殖;饲养;产生,引起;养育,教养 n.(牲畜等的)品种,种类0bribe v.贿赂,向...行贿 n. 贿赂,行贿0brief a.简短的;短暂的 vt.作简要介绍0burden n.重担,负担;重负,负荷;船的装载量0bride n.新娘0bureau n.(机构的)局,部,办事处0burst v.使爆炸;(in,out)突然发生;(芽、蕾等)绽开 n.爆炸;裂口,决口0by-business n.副业,兼职0by-law n.公司章程;细则,附则0byproduct n.副产品0C00cabinet n.橱柜;政府内阁0calculate v.计算;推算;计划00campaign n.战役;运动 vi.参加运动,参加竞选0cancel vt.取消;删去;抵消0candidate n.报考者;候选人00capable a.有能力的;能...的00capacity n.容量;能力;身份,职位00capture vt.捉拿;俘获;夺取 n.俘获,俘虏;战利品,俘虏物0career n.经历,生涯;职业,专业0cargo n.货物,船货0case n.事实,情况;病例;案件,案例;盒(箱)子;壳子,套子,鞘0cash n.现金,现款 v.兑现,付现0casual a.偶然的;随便的;临时的,不定期的;不经意的,随便的0caution n.小心,谨慎;警告,告诫;注意事项 v.警告,劝某人小心;告诫00cease v.停止,结束0vt.庆祝;颂扬,赞美vi.庆00celebrate 祝,过节0cement n.水泥;胶粘剂 vt.粘接;巩固0centigrade n./a.摄氏温度(的);百分度的00ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪00certificate 0n.证(明)书;单据0challenge vt.向...挑战;公然反对,反抗;对...质疑,对...怀疑 n.挑战(书);艰巨的任务;怀疑,质问0characteristic a.特有的,典型的 n.特征,特性0charge v.索价;控告;充电 n.费用;指控;充电,电荷0charming a.可爱的,迷人的0chase vt./n.追猎,追赶0check vt.检查,核对;制止 n.检查,核对;支票;帐单;方格图案0cheque n.[美]check支票00chief 0a.首要的,主要的;为首的,总的 n.领袖,首领,长官;头目,酋长0chilly a.寒冷的0chore n.(pl.)家庭杂务0circulate 0v.循环;流通;流传0circumstance n.(常pl.)情况,条件,环境,情形;(pl.)境况,经济状况;详情,事实0 civilization n.文明,文化;开化0claim vt.对...提出要求,索取;声称,主张;索赔;(灾难等)使失踪或死亡;需要,值得n.(对于权利的)要求,认真,索赔;声称,断言0classical a.经典的,古典的00classify vt.把...分等级;分类0client n.委托人;顾客0clue n.线索;思路;暗示00coarse a.粗糙的;粗俗的00collapse v./n.倒塌;崩溃;(价格)暴跌;倒闭,破产0colleague n.同事,同僚0collective 0a.集体的;共同的 n.集体,团体00combine v.结合;化合0command v.命令,指挥 n.命令;掌握,运用能力0comment 0n./vi.评论,意见;注释0commercial a.商业的,商务性的;商品化的n.商业广告0commission n.委任状;授权,委托;佣金,回扣;委员会 vt.委托,委任0commit vt.犯(错、罪);(oneself)使承担义务;(to)把...交托给,把...提交给0 committee n.委员会,全体委员0 commodity n.日用品;商品0communicate v.交流,交际;传播;通信联络0community n.社区,社会;团体,共同体;(动植物的)群落0company n.公司;陪伴;客人;连(队),(一)群,(一)伙0compare v.比较;把...比作0compel vt.强迫0compensate v.(损坏)赔偿,补偿;抵消0 compete vi.比赛;竞争0complaint n.抱怨,诉苦;申诉;疾病0 complex 0a.复杂的,难懂的;综合的 n.综合企业,综合体;情节0complicated a.复杂的,难懂的其0compose v.由...组成;写作,作曲;使平静,使镇静0compound a.复合的;合成的 n.化合物;复合词(句) vt.使恶化,加重;使化合,使合成comprehensive a.综合的,广泛的;有理解力的,理解的0compress vt.压缩,浓缩;摘要叙述0Compromise n./vi.妥协,折衷 vt.危及,放弃(原则,理想等)0conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒;对...保密0concentrate 0v.集中,专心;浓缩0concern n.关系;关心;有关系的事;公司,商号 vt.涉及;使担心,使挂念0concrete a.具体的,实质性的 n.混凝土vt.用混凝土修筑,浇混凝土0condemn vt.谴责;宣判0condense v.凝结;压缩;精简0conduct 0n.举止,行为 v.处理;引导;导电,传热0confess v.承认,坦白;忏悔0confidence 0n.信任,信心;秘密,机密00confident a.有信心的,自信的;确信的,肯定的0confirm 0vt.证实,肯定;进一步证实(确定);批准;使更坚固,使更坚定0conflict n.抵触;争执;冲突 vi.冲突,抵触0confront v.迎面遇到,遭遇;勇敢地面对,正视;使对质,使当面对证00confuse vt.搞乱,使混乱;使困惑,把...弄胡涂;混淆,把...混同0congress n.(代表)大会,正式会议;国会00conquer vt.征服;战胜,克服(困难、恶习等),破处(坏习惯等)0conscience n.良心0conscious a.有意识的;头脑清醒的;自觉的0consent vi./n.同意;答应0consequence 0n.后果,影响;重要性0conservative 0a.保守的 n.保守的人;保守派00considerate 0a.考虑周到的;体谅的0consist vi.由...组成;存在于;与...一致consolidation n.企业合并0constant a.始终如一的;经常的;不变的,固定的 n.常数,恒量0constitution n.宪法;体质;构成0consult vt.商量;请教,找...商议;参考(地图),查看(词典)0consume vt.消耗,消费;吃完,喝光;使着迷,充满0consumption n.消耗;消费;消费量0contact 0n.接触,联系 vt.接触,联系0contain vt.包含,容纳;等于,相等于;控制,抑制0contemporary a.当代的;同时代的 n.同时代人,同辈0content 0n.含量;(pl.)所容纳的东西;内容,目录;满足,满意 a.满足的,满意的vt.使满足,使满意0contest v./n.比赛,竞争;争论,争辩0continual a.连续不断的;频繁的0contract n.合同,契约;包工 v.订合同;缩短,缩写0contradiction n.矛盾;反驳00contribute v.贡献出;投稿;有助于0convenience n.便利,方便;(pl.)便利设施,方便的用具0convention n.公约;习俗;大会0conventional a.惯例的,常规的;传统的,规范的0convert vt.使转变,使转化;使...改变信仰0convey vt.搬运,运送(旅客、货物等);传达(消息,思想等);传播(声音等)0convince vt.使信服,使确信00cooperate vt.合作,协作;相配合0coordinate vt.协调,调节0cope vi.对付;妥善处理00correspond vi.符合;相当于;通信0corrupt a.腐败的,贪赃舞弊的 v.腐蚀;使堕落0costly a.昂贵的;代价高的00counter n.计算器;柜台 a./ad.相反的 v.对抗,反驳0counterfeit v./n.伪造,假冒 n.假货,伪造品0course n.课程;过程;一道菜;课程,教程;行动方针,做法0court n.法院;院子;球场;宫廷,朝廷00crash v.倒下,碰撞,坠落;发出撞击声;垮台,破产 n.轰隆声,哗啦声;飞机坠毁声00credit n.信用,信任;信用贷款,赊欠;声望,名誉;光荣,功劳;学分 vt.信用,信任;把...记入贷方;把...归于0criminal n.罪犯,刑事犯 a.犯罪的,刑事的0critical a.决定性的,关键性的;批评的,批判的;危急的,紧要的0crude 0a.天然的;生的,未熟的;粗野的0cruel a.残酷的,残忍的00crush v.压碎;镇压0cultivate 0vt.耕作;栽培;培养0cunning a.狡猾的,狡诈的0cupboard n.碗橱0curb n.场外证券市场,场外交易 vt.制止,抑制0cure vt.纠正;治愈 n.治愈;疗法,良药00curiosity n.好奇,好奇心;古董,奇物,古玩0currency n.货币;通用,流通00cycle n.周期;循环;自行(摩托)车 vi.骑车;循环0D00damage n.损害,毁坏; (pl.)损害赔偿费vt.损害,损伤0dash v.猛冲,飞奔;浇,泼,溅 n.猛冲,突进;破折号0deadly a.致命的,致死的;不共戴天的,殊死的;非常的,极度的 ad.死一般的;非常地,极度地0dealer n.买卖人,商人;经销商,证券商00debate n./v.讨论;辩论00deceive v.欺骗,蒙骗0decent a.正派的;体面的,得体的;宽厚的,大方的0decline vt./vi.拒绝,谢绝;下降,太阳落山;衰退,衰落 n.下降,减少,衰弱0decorate vt.装饰,装潢0decrease v./n.减少,减小0deduct v.扣除;减去0default n.不负责;缺席;拖欠 v.不履行,不负责任;缺席,不到案;拖欠债务0defects n.不合格品0deficit n.亏空,亏损;赤字,逆差00define vt.解释(定义),下定义;规定0definite a.明确的,确定的;一定的,肯定的;限定的0delay n./v.推迟,延误,耽搁00delegation n.代表团0delicate a.娇嫩的;精细的;微妙的;易碎的,脆弱的0delicious a.美味的,芬芳的;怡人的,有趣的0delight v.使欣喜,使高兴 n.快乐,高兴;使人高兴的东西(人)0deliver vt.投递,送交;发表;分娩;给予(打击等);解救,拯救0demand vt./n.要求;需要;询问,查询0democracy n.民主政治,民主主义的;民主国家;民主,民主制0demonstrate v.证明;演示;示威游行;现实,表露0dense a.密的,密集的;密度大的0deny vt.否认;拒绝0depart vi.离开,出发;背离,违反00dependent a.依靠的,依赖的;随...而定的,由...决定的0deposit vt.使沉淀,使沉积;存放,寄放;储蓄 n.存款;押金;沉淀0depreciation n.折旧;价值下降0depression n.不景气,萧条;抑郁,情绪低落;洼地;低气压0deprive vi.剥夺,使丧失0derive v.从...得到;源自0desert n.沙漠 vt.遗弃;擅自离开0deserve vt.应受;值得0design v.设计,构思;预定,指定 n.设计(图样),构思;图谋,企图;图样,图案0desirable a.值得拥有的,值得向的;有利的,可取的0desperate a.(因绝望而)不顾一切的,孤注一掷的;绝望的,危急的;极向往的,极需要的0destruction n.破坏;消灭0detect vt.察觉,发现;侦察,探测00determination n.决心;确定,测定0devalue n.贬值0devote vt.将...奉献给;把...专用于0dictation n.口授笔录;听写00digest vt.消化(食物);领会 n.文摘,摘要0diligent a.勤奋的,用功的00disappoint vt.使失望,使扫兴;使计划受挫折,使落空0disaster n.灾难,天灾;彻底的失败0discharge vt.允许...离开,释放,解雇;放出,排出,发射;释放;卸(货 ),下(车) n.放出;排出;放出,放电;卸(货),下(客)00discipline n.训练,训导;纪律,风纪;学科;惩罚,处分 vt.训练,训导;惩罚,处罚0disclose vt.使显露;揭发,泄漏0discount n.(卖方给买方的)折扣,折价;贴现;不考虑,漠视 vt.给...打折扣;给期票贴现;不重视,不理会,低估00disease n.疾病;不健全,弊端00disguise vt.化妆,假扮;隐瞒,掩饰;伪装 n.伪装,隐瞒;用来伪装的东西(行动)0dismiss vt.免职,解雇;解散;不考虑;驳回,不受理0dispute v.争论,辩论 n.争论,辩驳;争端0dissolve v.溶解;(使)融化;解散0distinct a.不同的;明显的,清楚的0distinguish v.(from)区别,区分;看出,听出;(oneself)使杰出,使扬名00distribute vt.(to)分发,分配;分布0 disturb vt.打扰;使烦恼;弄乱,打乱0 dividend n.红利,股息;(pl.)回报,效益;被除数0divorce n.离婚;分离 vt.同...离婚;分离,脱离0document n.公文,文件 vt.用文件(文献)等证明,记载0domestic a.家庭的;驯养的;国内的0 dormitory n.(缩dorm)(集体)宿舍00draft n.草稿;汇票;征兵,服役;通风,气流 vt.起草,草拟;征募00dramatic a.戏剧性的;引人注目的;戏剧的,剧本的 n.(pl.)戏剧表演,演出0dread n./v.害怕,恐惧0drown v.淹死;淹没0drug n.药物;(pl.)麻醉药;毒品 vt.用药麻醉0due a.预定的;应给的,应得的;到期的;应有的0dumb a.哑的;沉默的0dump vt.倾倒;倾销 n.垃圾堆0durable a.持久的,耐久的0duration n.持久;持续时间00dusk n.黄昏,傍晚0E00earnings n.(常pl.)收入,收益;利润00 earnest a.诚挚的,认真的,热心的0 ease n.容易;舒适,安心 v.减轻,缓和,放松0economical a.节约的;节俭的;经济的0 edition n.版,版次;版本0editor n.编辑,编者0effect n.结果,效果;作用,影响;(pl.)个人财务 vt.实现,使生效,引起0 efficiency n.效率;功效0elementary a.基本的;初级的,初等的0 elevator n.电梯;升降机00eliminate vt.消灭,消除;淘汰0embarrass vt.使尴尬,使为难00embezzle vt.贪污,盗用;挪用(公款、公物等)0emerge vi.出现;显露,产生0emergency n.紧急情况,突然事件0emit vt.发出,放射0emphasize vt.(=emphasise)强调,着重,突出0emphasis n.强调,重点0employ t.雇用;使用0enclosure n.附件(随函);围墙,围栏0encounter vt.遭遇到,遇上n.遭遇,遇到00endure v.忍耐,忍受;持续;持续0enforce vt.实施,实行;强制执行0engage v.使从事;聘用;订婚00enormous a.巨大的,庞大的00ensure vt.保证,确保0enterprise n.事业心;企业,单位,公司;事业,计划0entertain v.款待;娱乐00enthusiasm n.热情,热心;巨大兴趣,热衷的事物0entitle vt.给...权利;给...定名0envy n.嫉妒,羡慕;嫉妒的对象,羡慕的目标 vt.(at,of)嫉妒,羡慕0equality n.同等,平等0escape vt./vi.逃跑;逃避;(液体等)泄漏,溢出 n.逃跑0essential a.必不可少的;本质的 n.(常pl.)要素,要点;必需品0establish vt.建立,创立;确立,证实0estimate vt.估计;评价00evaluate vt.评价,估价,求...的值0evasion n.逃避;偷漏(税)0eventually ad.终于,最后0evidence n.根据,证据;行迹00evident a.明显的,显而易见的0evolution n.进化;演变00exceed vt.超过,胜过0exchange v.交换,兑换;交流 n.交换,互换;汇兑,兑换率0exclaim v.大声说,呼喊,惊叫0exclude vt.把...除外,不包括0execute vt.执行;处决0executive a.执行的,行政的 n.执行者,行政官;总经理,董事0exemption n.豁免,免税额0exhaust n.排气装置;废气 vt.耗尽;使精疲力竭;详尽论述0exhibit vt.展览,陈列;显示,显出 n.展品0expand vt./vi.扩大;扩张;膨胀0expenditure n.支出,开支;支出额,花费,费用0expense n.花费,经费;(pl.)费用0expire v.满期,终止;去世,断气0explode v.爆炸,爆发;激增,迅速扩大00exploit vt.剥削;利用;开发 n.(pl.)业绩,功绩0explore vt.勘探,探测;探察,探索00explosive a.爆炸性的,易爆炸的;极易引起争论的 n.炸药,爆炸物0expose vt.使暴露;(to)使处于...作用之下;揭露0extend vt.延长,延伸;扩大;给予 vi.伸展,扩大,(在范围或应用上)达到,延续00extensive a.广泛的,广博的;广阔的0extent n.程度,范围;广度,宽度,大小00external a.外面的,外部的,外表的0extraordinary a.非同寻常的,特别的0extreme a.极度的,极端的;尽头的,末端的 n.极端0F00facility n.(pl.)设施(备);便利,容易,方便0faint a.模糊的,不清楚的;虚弱的,无力的;眩晕的 vi.发晕,昏倒 n.昏厥0faithful a.忠诚的,忠实的;如实的,可靠的;尽职的,责任心强的00fake n.伪造品vt.伪造,假冒 a.假的,伪造的,冒充的0false a.错误的,不正确的;虚伪的,不老实的;假的,人造的0familiar a.熟悉的,通晓的;随便的,不拘礼仪的;冒昧的,放肆的00famine n.饥荒0fare n.车(船)费 v.过日子,进展0fashion n.时髦,流行式样;方式0fasten v.结牢,拴住;使固定00fatal a.致命的,毁灭性的;重大的,决定性的0fatigue 0n.疲乏,劳累 vt./vi.(使)疲劳00faulty a.有错误的,有缺点的0feasible a.可行的0feast n.节日;宴会 v.设宴,参加宴会0feature n.特征,特色;(pl.)容貌;特写,专题节目;故事片 vt./vi.突出,由...主演;其重要作用,作为主要角色00federal a.联邦的0fee n.费用;酬金;学费00feedback n.反馈0fertile a.肥沃的,富饶的,多产的;(想象力或创造力)丰富的0fertilizer n.肥料0fierce a.凶猛的,残忍的;狂热地,极度的;猛烈的,强烈的0figure n.数字;轮廓;人物;图表;(pl.)算术,计算 v.想出,领会到0finance n.财政(学),金融;(常pl.)财源,资金,财务情况 vt./vi.资助,为...提供资金0fiscal a.国库的;财政的;金融的;会计的0flame n.火焰,火苗0flash v.闪烁;闪现;掠过 n.闪光,闪烁;闪光灯0flat n.公寓住宅;一套房间 a.平坦的;扁平的,挺直的;单调的,乏味的;价格固定的,收费统一的ad.平直的;直截了当的,断然地flexible a.易弯曲的;灵活的0flock n.一群(飞禽、牲畜);众多 vi.群集,成群0flourish v.繁荣;兴旺0fluctuation n.波动;(价格)涨落0fluent a.流利的,流畅的0focus v.聚焦;集中于 n.焦点;中心0fold v.折叠,折起 n.折页;折痕0forbid vt.禁止;不许;阻止0forecast vt./n.预测,预报0foremost a.最初的,最前的00forfeit ]n.罚金,罚款0forgive v.原谅,宽恕0former a.以前的;在前的 n.前者0fortunate a.幸运的,侥幸的00frame n.框架;构架 vt.给...装框子;陷害,诬告;制定,表达0freeze v.结冰,冻结 n.冻结;冰冻期0frequency n.频率;频繁00fresh a.新的,新鲜的;新颖的;(水)淡的frighten vt.吓唬;使惊恐0frugal a.节约的,俭朴的0fulfil vt.(=fulfill)履行,实现;满足,使满意0function n.功能;重大聚会(宴会);函数,随他物变化而变化的事物 vi.起作用,运行00fundamental a.基本的,根本的 n.基本原理(原则)0furious a.狂怒的,猛烈的;强烈的,激烈的0G00gain v.获得;增加;(指钟表)走快 n.获利,盈余;增加;上涨0gamble v./n.赌博;投机00gang n.一群,一帮,一伙 vi.聚集,结成一伙0gay a.愉快的;色彩鲜艳的;同性恋的n.(尤指)同性恋者0gaze vi./n.凝视,盯,注视0general a.总的,普遍的;一般的,普通的;笼统的,大体的 n.将军0generate vt.发生,产生;导致,引起0generous 0a.慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的;丰富的,大量的0genius n.天才;天才人物0gentle a.温和的,文雅的;轻柔的;不陡的,坡度小的0genuine a.真正的,真实的;真诚的0global a.全球性的;总的00gloomy a.阴沉的;忧郁的;令人失望的0glorious a.光荣的;辉煌的;令人愉快地,极好的0glue n.胶水,胶 vt.胶合00governor n.总督,省长,美国州长;主管人员,理事,董事0grace n.优雅,优美;宽限;(pl.)风度,魅力vt.使优美,给...增光00gradual a.逐渐的,渐进的;坡度平缓的,不陡的0graceful a.优美的,优雅的0graduate n.(大学)毕业生;研究生 vi.毕业,得学位a.研究的00grant vt.同意,准许;授予 n.授予物0grasp v./n.抓住;理解,掌握00grateful a.感激的;感谢的00gratitude n.感激,感谢00grave a.严肃的,庄重的;严重的 n.坟墓00gravity 0n.重力,地心引力;庄重;严肃00greedy 0a.贪吃的,贪婪的;渴望的00grieve vt.使悲伤,使伤心0grip 0vt./vi.紧握,抓紧;吸引住..的注意 n.紧握,抓牢;控制,掌握0gross a.总的;毛重的;严重的,显著的;粗俗的,粗野的;臃肿的 n.总额 vt.获得...的总收入0guarantee n.保证;保证书;担保 vt.担保,保证0guard n.看守,守兵;警戒,警备 vt./vi.守卫,保卫;防止,防范0guidance n.引导,指导0guilty a.有罪的;内疚的0gymnasium n.(缩gym)体育馆,健身房0H00haggle vi.讨价还价;争论不休0halt v./n.停止;止步0handful n.一把;少数,一小撮0handle n.柄,把手,拉手 vt.触,摸;操纵;处理,应付,对待0handsome a.漂亮的,英俊的;可观的;(女子)端庄健美的,好看的0handy a.手边的;近便的,方便的;手巧的0hardship n.艰难,困苦0harmony n.和谐,融洽;调和0haste n.匆忙,急速,仓促 vi./vt.赶快,匆忙0hazard n.危险;冒险 vt.冒...的风险;尝试着做(提出)0headquarters n.司令部,指挥部;总部0heal vt./vi.治愈,愈合,恢复健康;调停,消除分歧等0heap n.(一)堆;许多 vt.堆,堆起0 heighten v.加高,提高0hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑;不情愿;含糊,支吾0hinder v.阻止,妨碍0hint n.暗示,提示;细微的迹象;建议 vt.暗示,示意0hire vt.租用;雇用 n.雇佣,租用0 hobby n.业余爱好,嗜好00homesick a.想家的0horizontal a.横的,水平的00hospitality n.好客;殷勤0host n.男主人;一大群;节目主持人0hostile a.敌方的;敌意的,敌对的0humble a.谦卑的;地位或职务低下的;简陋的,低劣的 vt.降低,贬抑;使卑下0hyperinflation n.恶性通货膨胀0I00ideal n.理想;理想的东西 a.理想的,完美的;想象的,空想的;唯心的00identify vt.认出,鉴定;认为...等同于,认为...一致0idle a.闲置的;懒散的;无用的,无效的 vi.懒散;虚度0ignorant a.愚昧的,无知的;不知道的0illegal a.不合法的,非法的00illicit a.非法的,禁止的0illiterate n./a.文盲(的)0illustrate vt.说明;图解,例解0image n.像;形象,映像,影像;形象,声誉;形象的描述,象征,比喻0immense a.巨大的,广大的0immigrant n.移民,侨民 a.(从国外)移来的,移民的0immunity n.优惠;免除;豁免,豁免权0impatient a.急躁的,不耐烦的;热切的,急切的0implication n.含意,暗示0impose vt.强加;使负担;征税0impress vt.使铭记;盖印,压印0impressive a.感人的,给人以深刻印象的incentive n.奖励,刺激,诱因0incident n.发生的事;事变00independent a.独立的,自主的;无偏见的,中立的;不关联的,无关的00indicate vt.指出,表示;表明0indignant a.愤慨的,愤愤不平的0indispensable a.不可缺少的,必需的0indulgence n.付款延期0industrious a.勤劳的,勤奋的0inefficient a.效率低的0inevitable a.不可避免的,必然发生的0infant n.婴儿,幼儿 a.婴儿的;幼稚的;初期的0infer vt.推论,推理0inferior a.次的,低劣的;下级的 n.下级,下属0inflate vt.使通货膨胀,使物价上涨0influential a.有影响的;有势力的0inhabitant n.居民,住户0initial a.最初的,开始的 n.首字母0injection n.注射,打针,注入;注射剂00injury n.损害,伤害;受伤处00innocent a.无辜的,无罪的;天真的;无害的,没有恶意的0innovation n.革新;新概念,新方法0input n.输入,投入;输入物 vt.输入0inquire vt.(=enquire)询问,打听0inscribing n.注册;买或卖股票;登记0insert vt.插入,嵌入0insist v.坚持;坚决主张0inspect vt.视察;检查0inspire v.鼓励,鼓舞;使产生灵感0installment n.分期付款;分期收款0install vt.(=instal)安装,设置;使就职,任命0instinct n.本能,直觉;天性00institute n.协会,学会;学院;研究所 vt.设立,设置,建立0instruct vt.教,教授;指导,指示;通知instrument n.仪器;工具;乐器0insufficient a.不足的,不够的0insult vt./n.侮辱,凌辱0insure vt.保证;给...保险00integrate v.成为一体,使合并;求...的积分0intellectual 0n.知识分子 a.智力的0intend 0vt.打算,意欲;打算使...成为,想让...做00intense a.强烈;热烈的00intensive a.加强的,深入细致的;集中的0intention 0n.意图,意向,目的0interaction n.相互作用,相互影响;干扰0interfere vi.干涉,干扰;妨碍0intermediary n.中间商,中间人 a.中间的0intermediate a.中间的;居中的;中级的 n.中间物,媒介物0internal a.内部的;国内的;内心的0 interpret v.解释,说明;口译0interrupt v.中断,打断;阻碍;打岔,插嘴0interval n.间隔;间歇;(工间、课间)休息0interview n.接见;面试;访问 vt.接见,会见,访问;面试0invade vt.侵占;侵略;侵犯0invalid a.病弱的,有病的;供病人用的;无效的,失效的,作废的 n.病人,伤病员0 inventory n.存货清单;商品清单0invest v.投资;投入(时间精力等);授予,赋予0investigate vt.调查,调查研究0invisible a.看不见的,无形的0involve vt.卷入,陷入;连累;包括0 isolate vt.孤立,隔离0J00jam v.压紧,被夹住;堵塞,拥挤;卡住不动;挤人 n.果酱;阻塞,拥挤;卡住0 jealous a.妒忌的,嫉妒的;羡慕的;猜疑的;精心守护的0joint n.连接处;关节 a.共有的;联合的;合资的0journalist n.记者,新闻工作者0junk n.无用,无价值的东西,废物;(中国的)帆船 vt.丢弃,废弃0junior a.年少的;后进的,下级的;(年级、职位等)较低的;(美国四年制大学)三年级的n.年少者,晚辈;下级;三年级学生0justice n.正义,公正;司法0justify vt.认为有理;证明正当0K00keen a.锐利的;敏锐的;热心的;激烈的,强烈的0kneel vi.跪着,下跪0L00lack n./v.缺乏,不足0lag vi.落后,走得太慢 n.滞后,时间上的间隔0launch v.使(船)下水;发射;发动,开展;使开始从事 n.发射,下水,新产品投产0layoff n.临时解雇;关闭;停歇0layout n.布局;设计0league n.联盟;社团0leak v.渗漏;泄漏 n.漏洞0lean v.倾斜;依靠,靠在...上 a.瘦的,无脂肪的0leap vi.跳,跃;飞跃,跃进;急速行动,冲 n.跳,跳跃;激增,突变0leasehold n.租赁,租约;租赁权;租赁期 a.租(来)的0leave v.离开;留下;遗忘,丢下;听任;交给 n.同意,许可;假期,准假0legal a.合法的;正当的00legend n.传说,传奇;传奇人物0leisure n.空闲;悠闲,安逸0lessen v.减少;减轻;贬低0lest conj.唯恐;以免0liable a.易于...的,有...倾向的;有义务的,有法律责任的;可能的,大概的00liberal a.大方的,宽容的;自由的,思想开明的;自由主义的0license n.(=licence)许可证;执照 v.准许,认可0likely a.可能的,有希望的;适合的 ad.很可能0likewise ad.同样地,照样地;又,也,而且0limb n.肢,臂,腿;树枝0link n.环,链环;联系,连接 vt.连接,联系0load n.负载,负担 v.装载;装满,使负担local a.地方的,本地的;局部的 n.当地人,本地人0locate vt.找到...位置,使...坐落于;把...设置在0loss n.丧失;损失;亏损;输0loyalty n.忠诚,忠心0luggage n.行李0luxurious a.奢侈的,豪华的00luxury n.豪华,奢侈,奢华;奢侈品00M00macroeconomics n.宏观经济学0magic n.魔术;魔法 a.魔术的;有魔力的00magnetic a.有磁性的;有吸引力的0magnificent a.壮丽的,宏伟的;华丽的,豪华的;极好的0maintenance n.保持;维修,保养;抚养费majority n.大多数;过半数00manipulate vt.操作,使用(机器等)操纵(人或市价,市场等),控制,影响0manner n.方式,方法;态度,举止;风度,礼貌,规矩0manual a.手工的,体力的 n.手册,指南00manufacture vt.(大量)制造,加工 n.制造,制造业;产品0margin n.页边空白,边缘;余地;价差,利润0marine a.海的,海上的;航海的;海上的,海事的;海军的 n.海军陆战队士兵0marvelous a.(=marvellous)奇迹般的,了不起的;妙极的0。

2.同时有复数同伴达到好感度要求的时候按照以下优先顺序进行,可以在结局前利用Tears of Aphrodite, Tears of Venus等道具来调整好感度:


° Minor昔年Deceive (欺骗)Patience、Destiny.LoveLingOld flame(旧情⼈)Son roi(他的王)孤僻 Eccentric Yesterday. (昨天) crowm (皇冠)γ Neuropathy神经病all me babyBorn Hater . Originally 起初Ultimogeniture【末⽣】Chagrin4 懊恼Empty空洞Ending【结局】Safe ⽆恙Mottled 斑驳Perfunctory 敷衍Roar【咆哮】Indulge(放纵)Scar▁(伤痕)Iove Dearly(⼼疼)After rainComes fair weather XIU MINediva(⾼贵)Undying guardianship Lady LuckDreams°凉兮Hand⼂Up(举起⼿来)loverSun(太阳)EXODUS(逃脱)Bones⾻Residualhave。
(残忆) Wrysmile°苦笑Son roi(他的王)Fantasy 幻想符咒 The devil|▍Me-未成年凉城〔Triste anima〕深呼吸 Deep breaths候补情⼈Alternate l Obsession【强迫症】記著你ASK撕⼼的Separate §Dear °⼼裂Superficial° 冷语“ LiarGive you hugBreathVincent.spoilerDon't hurt my heart BAEK HYUNPark Chan Yeol SunshinE BEAUTIFUL [美]Lady Luck 流星⾬HURT 伤害TRANSFORMER 变形⼥CALL ME BABYWerido(怪⼈)Saltwaterjust youDream Lady exoplanet°Falling In LoveStay Here Forever√(moonlight)2Don`t goOurmen。

不幸灾祸单词1. 单词:disaster- 单词释义:指突然发生的、造成巨大破坏和不幸的事件,如自然灾害(地震、洪水等)、人为的严重事故或灾难。
- 单词用法:可作名词,在句中作主语、宾语等。
例如“Disaster struck the small town.”(灾难袭击了这个小镇。
)- 近义词:catastrophe, calamity。
- 短语搭配:natural disaster(自然灾害);disaster area(灾区)。
- 双语例句:- “I can't believe this disaster happened to us. It's like a nightmare come true.”(我不敢相信这场灾难发生在我们身上。
)- “When the disaster hit, people were running everywhere, screamingfor help. It was chaos.”(当灾难来袭时,人们四处奔跑,尖叫着求救。
)- “A disaster like this makes you realize how fr agile life is. Don't you think so?”(这样一场灾难让你意识到生命是多么脆弱。
你不这么认为吗?)- “The company faced a financial disaster. It was like a ship sinking in the ocean of debt.”(公司面临着一场财务灾难。
)- “My friend lost his home in the disaster. He told me he felt like h e had lost everything. How sad!”(我的朋友在灾难中失去了家园。

Read the rest of the passage and What determines the nature of their lives? Their different attitudes towards misfortune
的 本 质
面 对 生 活 的 态 度 决 定 了 其 生 活
些 人 怯 懦 , 有 些 人 勇 于 面 对 。
或 是 心 灾 , 在 面 对 不 幸 时 , 有
时 给 你 一 个 下 马 威 , 或 是 天 灾 ,
生 活 就 是 这 样 , 在 你 措 不 及 防 Facing misfortune, they are all strong characters.
2. What was the boy’s feeling when his brother wanted to live separate from him?
He was heart-broken and didn’t know what to do.
3. What is the boy like? A. self-reliant B. optimistic C. strong-willed D. weak-kneed (意志薄弱 意志薄弱 的)
Discuss the following exercises according to the girl’ s story (4mins) 1. What was the most important thing the girl learnt
at school? Most of all she learnt is to be self-reliant. 2. Find a sentence in the text which has the closest meaning with the following one. As a result, her father went out to look for her mother and left her alone at home. So her father went out looking for her mother, leaving… 3. Is the girl pessimistic or optimistic? How do you know?