
以下是一些常见的英语作业评语参考内容,供您参考:1. Well done! Your answers are accurate and well-written.干得好!你的答案准确且写得很好。
2. Good job! Your understanding of the text is impressive.干得不错!你对课文的理解令人印象深刻。
3. Great effort! Your vocabulary use is becoming more sophisticated.努力很棒!你的词汇应用越来越成熟。
4. Excellent work! Your grammar usage is almost flawless.出色的工作!你的语法运用几乎完美无瑕。
5. Keep it up! Your speaking skills are improving steadily.保持下去!你的口语能力正在稳步提高。
6. Very good! Your pronunciation is clear and understandable.非常好!你的发音清晰易懂。
7. Well organized! Your essay has a logical structure.组织得很好!你的论文结构合乎逻辑。
8. Nicely done! Your presentation skills are impressive.做得很好!你的演讲技巧令人印象深刻。
9. Good effort! Your writing style is becoming more expressive. 努力很好!你的写作风格越来越富有表现力。
10. Pay attention to spelling errors. Make sure to proofread your work.注意拼写错误。

英语作业批改表扬用语1. Good! 好;棒!2. Perfect! 完美!3. Wonderful! 极好的;精彩的!4. Come on! 加油!5. Good job! 干得好!6. Well done! 做得好!7. Excellent! 优秀的!8. That's correct! 正确!9. Great!伟大的!10. Super! 极好的!11. You're Special! 你不一般!12. Outstanding! 太出色了!13. Way to go! 就该这么做!14. That's OK! 可以;不错!15. Neat and tidy! 真整洁!16. Work hard!努力学习!17. Nice work!干得好!18. I knew you could do it! 我知道你能做的!19. I'm proud of you!我为你而骄傲!20. Fantastic!太奇妙了!21. Keep it up! 坚持!22. Super Star!超级明星!23. Not bad! 不错!24. Great! Nice going! 做得不错!25. Looking good! 看上去不错!26. That's the best! 真出色!27. Now you've got it! 现在你做到了!28. You can do it! 你能做到!29. How nice! 多好啊!30. Let's try again! 再试试!31. You care! 你很认真!32. Try your best. Much better! 好多了!33. Pay attention to you writing! That's right! 不错!34. Good thinking. 好思路。
35. Your handwriting is very nice! 你的字很漂亮!36. A smart boy /girl! Outstanding! 太出色了!37. Work hard! Th at’s great. 棒极了。

英语作业评语简短1.Well done!做得很好!2.Great job!做得很出色!3.Excellent work!做得非常优秀!4.Your effort is appreciated.谢谢你的努力。
5.Keep up the good work!继续保持!6.Needs improvement.需要改进。
7.You have some good ideas here.你的思路很好。
8.You've made some progress,but there's still room for improvement.你已经有了一些进步,但还有提高的空间。
9.I'm impressed with your writing skills.我对你的写作技能非常印象深刻。
10.You need to pay closer attention to grammar and spelling.你需要更加注意语法和拼写。
11.Your work shows promise.你的作品很有潜力。
12.Your writing is clear and concise.你的写作清晰简洁。
13.Good effort,but you need to work on creating more complex sentences.努力了,但是你需要努力创造更复杂的句子。
14.You have a good understanding of the material.你对材料有很好的理解。
15.Your work demonstrates creativity and originality.你的作品展示了创造性和独创性。

英语作业的评语简短1. "Excellent effort! Keep up the great work."2. "Well done! Your progress is impressive."3. "Great job on the vocabulary usage."4. "Your grammar is improving nicely."5. "Nicely written, clear and concise."6. "Good attention to detail in your sentences."7. "Your essay is well-structured and informative."8. "Keep practicing, your fluency is getting better."9. "Your creativity shines through in your writing."10. "Great improvement in spelling."11. "Your use of complex sentences is commendable."12. "Your understanding of the text is evident in your answers."13. "Your comprehension of the material is excellent."14. "Your pronunciation is clear and easy to understand."15. "Your listening skills are improving well."16. "Your participation in class discussions is appreciated."17. "Your commitment to learning is inspiring."18. "Your essay reflects a deep understanding of the topic."19. "Your ability to articulate complex ideas is impressive."20. "You've shown a positive attitude towards learning English."。

/ Nice。
/ Perfect。
/ Good。
/ Very good。
/ Wonderful。
/ Correct。
/ Excellent。
/ Careless。
/ Unclear。
/ Untidy!2.短语:Well done。
/ Neat and tidy。
/ Very nice。
/ Quite correct。
/ Quite OK (Okay)。
/ Well-written。
/ Just so-so。
/ Far from correct。
/ So careless。
/ Try hard!3.语气:XXX you would work harder。
/ How I wish you would be more careful。
/ Pay n to your spelling.4.格言:研究无坦途。
—There is no royal road to learning。
/ 光阴一去不复返。
—Lost time is never found again。
/ 研究从不嫌晚。
—It's never too late to learn。
/ 熟能生巧。
—Practice makes perfect。
/ 不劳无获。
—No pains。
no XXX 昨日不再来。
—No one can call back yesterday。
/ 放弃就是失败。
—To giveup is to fail。
/ 百说不如一干。
—ns speak louder than words。
—Where there is a will。
there is a way。
/ 一知半解很危险。

一、你的功课评语,先生看得懂吗?之杨若古兰创作评语是写给先生看的,所以一方面评语要使用先生能看得懂的英语来写,所使用的词汇和语法不克不及过高或过低于先生的现有水平,要切合先生的实际水平,符合先生的个性心思发展须要;另一方面要做到按部就班,由易到难,能够起到"跳一跳,摘到桃子"的感化,也就是说先生通过上下文的猜测或借助于词典就能理解.例如:It's very clever of you to do so.It's nice of you to write this way.I'm sure you can do your work better next time.You've done a good job.You are doing wonderfully!You can do better now than you did before.二、你的功课评语会涉及当时所学的常识点吗?说话的进修在于应用,所以教师在写评语时应应用所学的常识,以使先生能加强理解和记忆.例如:You have improved a lot. I am proud of you.What good work! You are the pride of our class.Work harder and you will make more progress.The harder you work, the sooner you will improve.Come on! I am sure you will catch up soon.利用所学过的短语、句型和时态给先生写评语就能取得很好后果,可以帮忙先生巩固和应用说话.三、先生有被尊敬、被表扬、被认可的须要.在写功课时,但愿得到教师的表扬和鼓励,这是先生精神上的须要.如果精神上的须要持久得不到满足,他们就会发生消极的思想.教师针对分歧的先生及其功课,在分歧场合所作的评语可激发先生的进修热情,让优等生更上一层楼,使中等生改正缺点、发扬长处,使临时落后的先生能克服害怕心思,树立决定信念.所以对优等生的功课表扬中要有斧正,教师可通过评语向他们提出更高请求.例如:It's good to be correct. It’s also important to be creative.Excellent. You haven't made any mistakes, but do try to make your handwriting neater. 对中等生的功课要慎重评价,在评语中要多督促.例如:You had better be more careful! Pay more attention to the tenses.Your work is quite goodExcept for a few spelling mis- takes.Keep it up. Remember that little by little one goes far.对于差生的功课要多点激励,暖和地指出错误的同时,也要指出他的长处以资鼓励.例如:Lily, I like your handwriting very much although there are some mistakes here. I am sure you can correct them.Bill, I think you can do better if you work harder.Your work has improved. I am sure there is nothing too difficult for us to learn.四、功课评语可所以你跟进修之间沟通的桥梁评说话辞恳切,切中关键;或热情鼓励、或委宛告诫……通过评语,教师尽可把祝福、问候、关切、激励、朴拙、信赖之情化作甘甜的泉水,去津润先生的内心,惹起师生教与学的共鸣,达到教与学两者的和谐与统一.例如在节假日或某先生生日前,教师可以给予先生一些祝福语:●Merry Christmas!/Happy New Year!/Enjoy yourself in the coming holidays!/Happybirthday1/Many happy returns!又如某个先生由于生病缺课功课完成得很蹩脚,教师就要说一些抚慰的话:●Lingling, you have made a few mistakes in your work. I know that is because you were absent...I think it is only natural. Don’t lose heart. Iam ready to help you.再如某个先生由于考试不及格失去决定信念,教师就要说一些激励的话:●I am sorry to hear that you didn't pass the exam. I hope you are not too disappointed. I want to cheer you up with the saying” Failure is the mother ofsuccess”. I hope to see much improvement in your future studies.五、功课评语方式要丰富多彩功课评语不但仅是对功课本人进行评价,也能够包含进修和生活的各个方面,它的说话方式更是丰富多彩,千变万化,既可所以一个词或一个短语,也能够是一句话、一个段落或一则格言.例如:A一个词:●Great!/Perfect!/Good!/Wonderful!/Correct!/Excellent!B.短语:●Well done!/Neat and tidy!C.句型:●That's OK!●What a good job you have done!●Now you can do better than before.●Your handwriting is excellent!●Keep it up.●Your English will become better if you work harder.D.段落:●Although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever. Success belongs to the diligent learners. I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.E.格言:●Practice makes perfect.●Where there is a will, there is a way.●A willful man will have his way.●Failure is the only highroad to success.今天的分享就到这了,写好评语的方式和请求还有很多,老师只需不竭提高本人的英语书面表达能力,而且深入研讨先生的心思特点、思想情绪、个人快乐爱好、先生习气及英语水平等,以便言之有理、以理服人,你那么努力,肯定会写出激励人的好评语!。

2.规范导知类评语Beautiful.Clear. Wonderful.Good hand-writing.You’re careful of using pronunciation.Glad to see your improvement in handwriting.I’m expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time. You’d better pay more attenti on to word order. Better be more careful of your spelling.It’s important to compose a graft beforehand.3.情感调控类评语I appreciate your handwriting.You have a good knowledge of English proverbs.You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences and idioms.I’m expecting greater progress from you in writing .Come on.If you need my help,never hesitate to come to me.警句:Hard work leads to success.Not to advance is to go back.No one is without faults.Keeping is harder than winning.Keep it up.二、微观写作技能方面评语1.专项点拨类评语It’s proper to use the proverb in Para.2 quite clever. You are good at using attributive clauses in your writing.The “struck” sentence is perfectly used.You’d better use “third person” in the first para.It’s good to use the past tense in your writing.2.佳句观赏类评语老师可以在句尾统一标注赞美性符号〔如E—Excellent〕或标识不同星级等。

怎么写作业评语英语### 怎么写作业评语英语1. 表扬努力:- "Great effort on this assignment! I can see you've put a lot of thought into it."- "Well done! Your hard work really shines through in this piece."2. 鼓励进步:- "I'm impressed with your progress. Keep up the goodwork!"- "You've come a long way since the last assignment. Excellent improvement!"3. 具体指出优点:- "Your vocabulary usage is spot on. You've clearly expanded your word knowledge."- "The structure of your essay is well-organized and easy to follow."4. 提出建议:- "Consider using more varied sentence structures to enhance your writing."- "It might be helpful to review the past tense forms of verbs to improve your narrative."5. 鼓励创造性:- "Your creative approach to the topic is refreshing. Keep exploring new ideas!"- "I appreciate the originality of your thoughts. Continue to think outside the box."6. 指出需要改进的地方:- "Your ideas are clear, but try to elaborate more on each point."- "Be mindful of your punctuation; it can make a big difference in clarity."7. 提供具体指导:- "To enhance your argument, provide more concrete examples."- "For a more compelling conclusion, summarize your main points and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement."8. 鼓励自我反思:- "Take a moment to review your work before submitting. Self-editing is a valuable skill."- "Reflect on what you've learned from this assignment and how you can apply it to future work."9. 保持正面积极:- "You're on the right track. A little more practice will make a big difference."- "Keep the positive attitude. It's the key to success."10. 结束语:- "I look forward to seeing your growth in the nextassignment."- "Feel free to come and discuss your work with me if you have any questions."通过这些评语,你不仅能够提供具体的反馈,还能鼓励学生继续努力,提高他们的写作技能。

1.Excellent Work!你的作业完成得非常出色,继续保持!2.Great Effort!你付出了很大的努力,成果显著。
3.Well Done!做得很好,继续保持这种水平。
4.Good Job!好样的,你的作业完成得很好。
5.Nice Writing!书写工整,看起来很舒适。
6.Keep It Up!继续保持,你的进步很明显。
7.Youre Improving!你正在进步,不要停止。
8.Try Harder Next Time.下次再努力一些。
9.Pay Attention to Spelling.注意拼写,有些单词拼错了。
10.Grammar Needs Work.语法方面需要加强。
11.Check Your Punctuation.检查你的标点符号,有些地方使用不当。
12.Be More Specific.尝试更具体一些,你的论点会更有力。
13.Expand on Your Ideas.扩展你的想法,让内容更丰富。
14.Stay on Topic.保持主题一致,不要偏离中心。
e More Variety in Vocabulary.使用更多样化的词汇,避免重复。
16.Sentence Structure Could Be Better.句子结构可以更优化。
17.Your Ideas Are Interesting.你的观点很有趣,继续探索。
18.Make Sure to Proofread.确保校对,避免小错误。
19.Good Use of Vocabulary.词汇使用得很好,继续保持。
20.Your Writing Style is Engaging.你的写作风格很吸引人,继续保持。
21.More Examples Would Help.如果能举更多例子,会更有说服力。
22.Your Conclusion Could Be Stronger.结论可以更加有力。
23.Excellent Use of Transitions.过渡使用得非常好。

1Great! /Nice! /Perfect! /Good! /Very good! /Wonderful! /Correct! /Excellent!/ Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy!2Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)!/Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct. /So careless! / Try hard!3Your Englishis excellent.I wishyouwouldwork harder.How I wish you would be more careful.Pay attention to your spelling.4学习无坦途。
— There is no royal road to learning.光阴一去不复返。
— Lose time is never found again.学习从不嫌晚。
— It's never too late to learn.熟能生巧。
— Practice makes perfect.不劳无获。
— No pains, no gains.昨日不再来。
— Noone cancall back yesterday.放弃就是失败。
— To give up is to fail.百说不如一干。
— Actions speak louder than words.有志者事竟成。
— Where there is a will there is a way.一知半解很危险。
— A little learning is a dangerous thing.苦尽甘来最是甜。

英语作业批改用语大全5则范文第一篇:英语作业批改用语大全英语作业批改用语大全(精华版)A.一个词:●Great!/ Nice!/ Perfect!/ Good!/ Very good!/ Wonderful!/ Correct!/ Excellent!/ Careless!/ Unclear!/ Untidy!B.短语:●Well done!/ Neat and tidy!/ Very nice!/Quite correct!/Quite OK(Okay)!/Well-written!/Just so-so./Far from correct./So careless!C..语气:● Your English is excellent.● I wish you would work harder.● How I wish you would be more careful.● Pay attention to your spelling E.句型:●That's OK!/ That’s all right!/ That's wrong.What a good job you have done!/What a good boy you are!/ ●How carefully you've worked!/How nice your work is!●Now you can do better than before.●Your handwriting is excellent!●Your English will become better if you work harder.● It is clever of you to do so./It's nice of you to say so./It's careless of you to write this way.●You've done so nicely./You've made such a careless mistake!●Try to do better next time!/See what you've done!/ Correct your mistakes./Don't do that again!● I find you've made a lot of progress!I think you can work more carefully next time.I' m sorry you've made so many mistakes in your work.● Your handwriting is not so nice as Maggie's.You've done better than last time.You can do best of all if you try harder.F.段落:●Although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever Success belongs to the diligent learners.I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your spoken English.G.“What a beautiful handwritin g!If only be more careful!”(多漂亮的书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好了!)“Well done!But would you please improve your handwriting?”(做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书法怎么样?)“I'm so glad to seeyour great progress in your exercises.”(你的作业进步这么大,我真高兴!)“I'm pleased that you have made so great progress now.Thank you!(很高兴看见你现在取得这么大的进步。

老师批改英文作文评语简短1. "Pomptus in scripta, your pen speaks volumes. Your errors, like a game of hide-and-seek, need a brushstroke of correction. Grammar, oh so grammatical, needs a little polish, like a diamond in the rough."2. "Style, my dear, is a wardrobe. Your writing, though colorful, could use a wardrobe change. Sentences, like a dance, need a rhythm, not a rehearsed routine."3. "Your thoughts, a symphony, but the notes need tuning. Spelling, a melody, needs harmonizing, not a monotonous tune."4. "Vocabulary, a treasure trove, but a bit rusty.Let's uncover the richness, like unearthing a long-lost treasure."5. "Your ideas, a firework display, but the syntax, a bit chaotic. Let's ignite clarity, like a sudden burst oflight."6. "Your writing, a journey, but the transitions, a bit hazy. Let's clarify your path, like a clear map."7. "Your language, a canvas, but the brushstrokes, abit uneven. Let's make it a masterpiece, like a work of art."8. "Your words, a story, but the plot, a bit convoluted. Simplify, like a clear narrative, and let the story unfold."9. "Your voice, a whisper, but it echoes loud. Strengthen your message, like a shout from the mountaintop."10. "Your writing, a puzzle, but the pieces, a bit misplaced. Rearrange them, like a jigsaw, and see thepicture come alive."。

1.Excellent work!Your handwriting is clear and legible,making it a pleasure to read.2.Great effort!Youve shown improvement in your writing.Keep up the good work!3.Well done!Your attention to detail is commendable.The consistency in your handwriting is noticeable.4.Nice job!Your work is neat and tidy.Its evident that you take pride in your writing.5.Good progress!Youre getting better at maintaining the same letter size and spacing.6.Keep it up!Your penmanship is becoming more refined with each assignment.7.Superb penmanship!The neatness of your writing is impressive.Continue to focus on clarity.8.Youre on the right track!Your commitment to improving your writing is evident.9.A for effort!Your dedication to enhancing your handwriting is paying off.10.Consistent and clear!Your writing is easy to read and consistently formatted.11.Very impressive!The improvement in your writing is a testament to your hard work.12.Keep refining your skills!Youre making great strides in your penmanship.13.Your writing is a model for others!The precision and elegance of your handwriting are inspiring.14.Youve mastered the art of handwriting!Your work is consistently neat and precise.15.Great attention to detail!Your focus on the small elements of handwriting has significantly improved your overall writing.16.Your writing is a pleasure to grade!The effort you put into making your work neat is appreciated.17.Excellent consistency!Your letters are uniformly sized and spaced,which is crucial for readability.18.Youve made significant strides!Your handwriting has improved remarkably since the beginning of the term.19.Your penmanship is topnotch!The care you take with each stroke is evident in the quality of your writing.20.Keep practicing!While your writing is already good,continued practice will only enhance your skills further.21.Your dedication shows!The time you spend on your writing is reflected in its quality.22.A job well done!Your writing is neat,and your efforts are appreciated.23.Outstanding penmanship!Your work is a testament to your focus and discipline.24.Your writing is improving steadily!Keep up the excellent work and continue to refine your skills.25.Your handwriting is a credit to you!The effort and care you put into your writing are commendable.。

英语批改作业的评语1. Excellent work! Your understanding of the past tense is spot on.2. Great effort on the vocabulary usage. Keep expanding your word bank!3. Your sentence structure is improving. Continue to practice complex sentences.4. Well done on the grammar exercises. Keep up the good work!5. I see a lot of progress in your writing. Keep refining your skills.6. Your essay is well-organized. The introduction and conclusion are particularly strong.7. Nice use of adjectives and adverbs to enhance your descriptions.8. Your dialogues are engaging. Keep working on making them more natural.9. Your spelling has improved significantly. Keep it up!10. Your comprehension of the reading material is impressive. Great job!11. The use of idiomatic expressions adds a nice touch to your writing.12. Your paragraph transitions are smooth. It shows your ability to organize your thoughts effectively.13. Your active voice usage is commendable. It makes your writing more dynamic.14. You've made some minor errors, but don't be discouraged. Learning is a process.15. Your creativity in the writing task is inspiring. Keepexploring new ideas.16. Your punctuation is mostly correct. Just watch out for those commas!17. Your research skills are evident in the depth of your essay. Well done!18. Your attention to detail is paying off. Your writing is becoming more polished.19. Your use of synonyms is helping to avoid repetition in your writing.20. Your essay has a clear thesis statement. It sets a strong foundation for your arguments.。

英文作业评语4篇按教材定制 / 提高备课效率 /内容可编辑任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________英文作业评语4篇英文作业评语第1篇1. 你进步了! You are doing better now! You are better than you were before! You have made much progress!2. 很棒!—Great!/Well done!/Wonderful! .优秀!—Excellent!3. Good Job.干得好 .Work hard next time.下次要努力4. Take your homework seriously!请认真对待你的作业!5. 学习无坦途。
—There is no royal road to learning.6. 光阴一去不复返。
—Lose time is never found again.7. 学习从不嫌晚。
—It's never too late to learn.8. 熟能生巧。
—Practice makes perfect.9. 不劳无获。
—No pains, no gains.10. 昨日不再来。
—No one can call back yesterday. 英文作业评语第2篇1. 温故而知新希望你的英语成绩会上升的2. 写清楚,你也会变得美丽。
3. 希望你能胜利。
4. Dno‘t give up!5. 你真棒!你能行!6. 英语写得多,记得牢,成绩才会提高。
7. 你进步了,太棒了!奖你; 画一朵小花8. 懒惰要不得,勤奋才重要!9. 只要认真写,你写的会比我写的还漂亮,我相信你。
10. 把英语写美观,你绝对不会是英语的蛋白质!教本了啦!11. 你觉得你是为别人而写作业吗?那你就错了!12. 乖仔,把单词写美观点好不好?13. 风起了,飞吧,努力飞翔。

作文批改英文批语大全1. Good job on your essay! You've made some strongpoints and backed them up with evidence. Keep up the good work!2. It seems like you've got a good grasp of the topic, but try to vary your sentence structure a bit more for added impact.3. Your introduction really grabbed my attention! It's important to hook your reader right from the start, andyou've done that well.4. Watch out for repetitive language. Try to find different ways to express the same idea to keep yourwriting fresh and engaging.5. Your conclusion ties everything together nicely.It's important to leave a lasting impression on your reader, and you've done just that.6. Work on incorporating more specific examples to support your arguments. This will make your essay more convincing and compelling.7. Your use of descriptive language is excellent! It really helps to paint a vivid picture for the reader.8. Make sure to proofread your work for any grammatical errors. They can be distracting and take away from your overall message.9. I love the way you've structured your essay. It flows smoothly and makes it easy to follow your train of thought.10. Consider adding a personal touch to your writing to make it more relatable to your reader. Sharing personal experiences can really enhance your essay.。

英语作业评语大全鼓励第一部分【1】Well done! Your effort in completing the assignments is evident, and it shows in the quality of your work.做得很好!你在完成作业方面付出了努力,这也体现在你作业的质量上。
【2】Great job! Your English skills are improving steadily, and it's evident from your homework. 非常棒!你的英语能力在稳步提高,从你的作业中可以看出来。
【3】Excellent work! Your answers are accurate, and you have shown a good understanding of the lesson concepts.做得出色!你的答案准确,对课堂概念有很好的理解。
【4】Keep up the good work! Your commitment topracticing English is commendable, and it reflects in your homework.保持良好的努力!你对练习英语的执着令人钦佩,这也反映在你的作业中。
【5】Good effort! I appreciate your attempt to use new vocabulary and sentence structures in your assignments.努力了!我赞赏你在作业中尝试使用新的词汇和句子结构。
【6】You're on the right track! Pay attention to grammar and spelling to further enhance the clarity of your work.你走在正确的道路上!注意语法和拼写,以进一步提高作业的清晰度。

英语作业批改评语集锦英语作业批改评语篇1It's very clever of you to do so.It's nice of you to write this way.I'm sure you can do your work better next time.You've done a good job.You are doing wonderfully!You can do better now than you did before.You have improved a lot.I am proud of you.Whatgood work!You are the pride of our class.Work harder,and you will make more progress.The harder you work,the sooner you will improve.Come on!I am sure you will catch up soon.You had better be more careful!Pay more attention to the tenses.Your work is quite goodexcept for a few spelling mis- takes.Keep it up.Remember that little by little one goes far.That's OK!What a good job you have done!Now you can do better than before.Your handwriting is excellent!Keep it up.Your English will become better if you work harder.Practice makes perfect.Where there is a will,there is a way.Failure is the only highroad to success.英语作业批改评语篇2“I'm afraid you used Chinglish here, do you think so?”(恐怕你在这儿用的是中国式英语,你说呢?)(“Chinglish ”是“Chinese English”的幽默说法)“I’ve found your handwriting is better than before. Thank you!”(我已发现你的字比以前好了,谢谢你!)“Wonderful in spite of a few mistakes! You have made progress now!”(好极了!尽管有点小错,但你已经进步了!)“What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful!”(多漂亮的书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好了!)“Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?”(做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书法怎么样?)“I'm so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.”(你的作业进步这么大,我真高兴! )“I'm pleased that you have made so great progress now. Thank you!(很高兴看见你现在取得这么大的进步。

英语作业检查评语【最新篇】1. 你进步了! You are doing better now! You are better than you were before! You have made much progress!2. 很棒!—Great!/Well done!/Wonderful! .优秀!—Excellent!3. Good Job.干得好 .Work hard next time.下次要努力4. Take your homework seriously!请认真对待你的作业!5. 学习无坦途。
—There is no royal road to learning.6. 光阴一去不复返。
—Lose time is never found again.7. 学习从不嫌晚。
—It's never too late to learn.8. 熟能生巧。
—Practice makes perfect.9. 不劳无获。
—No pains, no gains.10. 昨日不再来。
—No one can call back yesterday.英语作业检查评语【经典篇】1. 放弃就是失败。
—To give up is to fail.2. 百说不如一干。
—Actions speak louder than words.3. 有志者事竟成。
—Where there is a will there is a way.4. 一知半解很危险。
—A little learning is a dangerous thing.5. 苦尽甘来最是甜。
—Sweet is pleasure after pain.6. 学问无涯,人生有限。
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?It's good to be correct. It’s also important to be creative.
Excellent. You haven't made any mistakes, but do try to make your handwriting neater. ?对中等生的作业要慎重评价,在评语中要多督促。
?You had better be more careful! Pay more attention to the tenses.
Your work is quite good
Except for a few spelling mis- takes.
Keep it up. Remember that little by little one goes far.
例如:Lily, I like your handwriting very much although there are some mistakes here. I am sure you can correct them.
Bill, I think you can do better if you work harder.
Your work has improved. I am sure there is nothing too difficult for us to learn.
?●Merry Christmas!/Happy New Year!/Enjoy yourself in the coming holidays!/Happybirthday1/Many happy returns!
?●Lingling, you have made a few mistakes in your work. I know that is because you were absent...I think it is only natural. Don’t lose heart. I am ready to help you.
?●I am sorry to hear that you didn't pass the exam. I hope you are not too disappointed. I want to cheer you up with the saying” Failure is the mother of success”. I hope to see much improvement in your future studies.
●Well done!/Neat and tidy!
●That's OK!
●What a good job you have done!
●Now you can do better than before.
●Your handwriting is excellent!
●Keep it up.
●Your English will become better if you work harder.
?●Although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever. Success belongs to the diligent learners. I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.
?●Practice makes perfect.
●Where there is a will, there is a way.
●A willful man will have his way.
●Failure is the only highroad to success.