全钢轻型载重子午胎;结构设计;施工设计中国橡胶应用技术APPLIED TECHNOLOGYCopyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.37中国橡胶应用技术APPLIED TECHNOLOGY气断面宽(B ′)255(244.8~265.2)mm ,标准充气压力(单胎)770kPa ,标准负荷(单胎)2120kg 。
二、结构设计1.外直径(D )和断面宽(B )由于子午线轮胎胎冠有多层带束层缠绕,胎冠刚性较大,轮胎周向伸张变形较小,所以轮胎充气后外直径的膨胀率很小,一般变化不大。
断面宽B 值的变化率稍大于外直径D 值,且B 值的选取与胎圈着合宽度(C )有密切关系。
根据公司类似产品设计经验,本次设计D 取898mm ,B 取265mm 。
2.胎圈着合宽度(C )该产品标准轮辋使用为6.5,考虑到市场车辆使用轮辋尺寸多为7.0,着合宽度C 在取值时比相应的轮辋宽度略大,本次设计C 取值比标准轮辋宽度加大25.4mm ,取190mm 。
3.行驶面宽度(b )和弧度高(h )根据实际需要b 减小,行驶速度提高,肩厚减小;b 增大,行驶速度降低,肩厚增大,驱动性、耐磨性增大。
行驶面宽(b )与断面宽(B )之比值,对70、80系列及其以上规格轮胎的b/B 一般取0.7~0.85为宜,本次设计b 取214mm 。
为保证轮胎与路面在行驶面宽度范围内有最大的接地面积,一般h/H 取0.03~0.05为宜,本次设计h 取7.5mm 。
4.断面水平轴位置(H 1 /H 2)水平轴位于轮胎断面最宽点位置,是一条水平的辅助线,位置通常用H 1/H 2表示。
H 1 /H 2<1,有益于提升冠部耐久性能;H 1/H 2>1,有益于提升载重能力。
考虑到该产品的载重使用情况,结合设计经验,本次设计H 1/H 2取1.02。
近年来,国内市场对工矿型载重斜交轮胎的 需求不断增大,同时用户对轮胎耐磨、抗刺扎和抗 切割性能的要求越来越高。为满足市场需求,银 川佳通长城轮胎有限公司设计开发了9.00—20 16PR工矿型加深花纹载重斜交轮胎,取得了良 好效益,现将该产品的设计情况介绍如下。
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关键词:子午线轮胎;扁平化;带束层;帘布线;轮胎花纹Radial tire structure design ABSTRACT:Along with automobile industry's high speed development, our country automobile capacity are getting more and more, the highway course is getting more and more long, the automobile speed is getting higher and higher, under this kind of new situation, also enhanced the request to automobile tire's each performance, with the aim of enabling automobile's travel comfortableness, the security to obtain people's approval, simultaneously is been also easier tire's efficiency to let the human accept. this article introduced the meridian tire in our country's development process and the development direction, and the antitheticalcouplet noon-mark tire's structure composition and its superiority has carried on the research analysis, and has completed independently to passenger vehicle meridian tire's design.KEY WORDS: radial ply tyre;the flattening;belted layer;the curtain wiring;the tire tread目录1. 子午线轮胎概述 (6)1.1子午线轮胎的历史发展现状 (6)1.2选题的目的和意义 (7)2. 原理容及其优缺点 (10)2.1子午线轮胎设计原理容 (10)2.1.1带束层的设计对子午线转向性能的影响 (11)2.1.2带束层的帘线材料 (12)2.1.3帘线结构 (12)2.1.4带束层的帘线密度 (12)2.1.5帘布角度 (13)2.1.6带束层宽度 (13)2.2子午线轮胎的特点 (15)2.2.1子午线轮胎的优越性 (15)2.2.2子午线轮胎胎冠刚性大 (16)2.2.3子午线轮胎有“柔性”胎侧 (16)2.2.4六个主要变形特性 (16)2.2.5子午线轮胎的 (17)2.2.6子午线轮胎表现特点 (19)2.3设计目的与方向 (20)2.3.1SEE的研发 (20)2.3.2生产工艺改进 (20)2.3.3全面的产品检测与深入的试验研究 (21)2.3.4扁平化 (22)2.3.5无胎化 (23)3. 结构设计及计算 (27)3.1子午线轮胎负荷能力的计算 (27)3.2外轮廓断面形状设计 (28)3.2.1外直径D和断面宽B (28)3.2.2胎圈着合直径的确定 (29)3.2.3外胎断面高 (29)3.2.4断面水平轴位置的确定 (29)3.2.5胎圈着合宽度C的设计 (30)3.2.6行驶面宽 (30)3.3外轮廓弧度计算 (31)3.3.1胎冠弧度 (31)3.3.2上胎侧弧半径 (32)3.3.3胎圈曲线弧度设计 (32)3.3.4胎冠弧长的计算 (33)3.3.5胎面饱和度 (33)3.4施工设计 (33)3.4.1胎体帘线拉伸应力及安全倍数的计算 (34)3.4.2钢丝圈应力和安全倍数的计算 (36)3.4.3带束层强度计算 (36)3.5花纹设计 (37)3.5.1轮胎花纹的作用 (37)3.5.2子午线轮胎胎面花纹 (38)3.6胎圈结构特点 (41)4. 爆炸图及工程图的设计 (43)4.1子午线轮胎爆炸图的设计 (43)4.2子午线轮胎工程图的设计 (44)5. 总结 (45)6. 参考文献 (46)致 (47)外文摘要 (48)1.子午线轮胎概述1.1子午线轮胎的历史发展现状子午线轮胎是轮胎工业的更新换代产品,从问世至今已经经历了半个多世纪的发展历程。
9.00 - 20 16PR外胎硫化测温
温度和内压热水温度降低时 ,胎圈部位最容易 欠硫 。 312 硫化罐硫化对成品硫化程度的影响
为了研究硫化罐硫化对成品硫化程度的影 响 ,对硫化罐外压温差进行测量 ,结果见表 3 。
从表 3 可以看出 ,当硫化时间为 26 min (即 测温时间为 48 min) 时 ,硫化罐体上 、中 、下的 温度基本达到平衡 ,温差为 211 ℃;当硫化时间 为 42 min (即测温时间为 64 min) 时 ,硫化罐的 最大温差为 018 ℃。外压介质平均温度 (测温 时间为 24~84 min) 为 :下模 143164 ℃,中模 139198 ℃,上模 142186 ℃,平均最大温差 为 3166 ℃,说明同罐硫化外胎的质量不均一 。 相对而言 ,下模硫化程度较深 ,上模硫化程度居 中 ,中模硫化程度较浅 。但当硫化罐下方存水 时 ,下模的外胎出现欠硫 。
69. 45
69. 35
38. 88 38. 42
73. 70
73. 70
39. 01 38. 42
61. 90
61. 33
93. 52 64. 25
96. 13
88. 42
48. 39 46. 13
48. 47 46. 27
69. 84 68. 40
69. 85 68. 46
51. 99 53. 70 31. 34 27. 34 15. 57 25. 43
活化能/ ( kJ ·mol - 1)
74. 45 90. 16 90. 16 72. 13 79. 84 77. 08 82. 01
23 3 —
90. 16 72. 31 79. 84 77. 08 82. 26
82. 26 79. 17
二、基本技术资料:该规格轮胎根据国家标准GB9744-1997和公司企业标准 Q/02JEJ004-1999选取如下:三、主要技术参数尺寸的确定:1.技术参数的确定:充气外直径:1018±1.0%mm充气断面宽:259±3.5%mm标准轮辋:7.0花纹类型:曲折层级:16P.R2.轮胎负荷能力的计算:根据已确定的参数尺寸,其负荷能力计算见附表。
四、外胎技术设计:1.外胎断面轮廓曲线的设计:①断面宽B的确定:根据原设计生产轮胎的测量数据,选定B'/B=1.156 左右则B= 244 (mm)②外直径D的确定:根据原设计生产轮胎的测量数值,选定D'/D=1.002则:D=D'/D'/D= 1016 (mm)③着合宽度C的确定:着合宽度C是根据轮辋宽度确定,设计轮辋(7.0)其着和宽度为178mm,本次确定C为 178mm。
④着合直径d的确定:轮胎着合直径d应大于轮辋直径1.0-1.5mm,设计轮辋直径为508mm,故选取d=509mm,胎踵着合直径为 512mm。
⑤断面水平轴位置的确定:断面高H=1/2(D-d)= 253.5(mm) H1/H2=0.8708左右H1=118(mm) H2=135.5(mm)⑥行驶面宽b和弧度高的确定:选取b/B=0.7946 则b=b/B³B= 224 (mm)h/H=0.0552左右则h=H³h/H= 14 (mm)⑦胎冠弧度半径的确定:为了减薄胎肩厚度、提高轮胎的速度性能、同时考虑兼顾磨耗性能,胎冠采用两段圆弧设计Rn= 290mm R1′= 0mm,R2′= 15 mm⑧胎侧弧度半径的确定:根据材料分布和实际绘图确定上胎侧半径R1=230mm,下胎侧半径R2=230 mm 连接弧半径R3=60mm。
测量轮辋:为了确定轮胎基本尺寸而给各规格轮胎规定的轮辋,也是能与 轮胎获得最佳配合,充分发挥轮胎性能的轮辋。
允许使用轮辋:测量轮辋以外,允许与轮胎配合使用的任何轮辋。 轮辋名义直径:是仅供参考用的一种表示轮辋直径代号的数字。 轮辋标定直径:轮辋胎圈座水平线与轮缘内侧线交点处的直径。
和通过性能。这些性能受轮胎与路面间相互作用的直接影响。 根据轮胎受力分析多方案优选轮廓参数,实现在轮胎反复变形而产 生的弯曲及剪切应力情况下增大胎体刚度、减小各部位刚度差的目的; 优化胎冠弧度设计,合理确定肩部弧高,使胎面接地压力差趋于平坦; 花纹深度向国际标准公路型靠拢;减小各部位定伸梯度,缩小轮胎周向 剪切变形,降低轮胎整体生热的目的,以保证轮胎的各项性能。
耐久性能:通过在规定的负荷和一定速度下的运行距离来评价轮胎的持久性能; 高速性能:按照轮胎速度符号,评价轮胎高速行驶性能;
新胎:即没有使用过也没有翻新过的轮胎。 胀大尺寸:经使用后外缘尺寸增大了的轮胎。
9.00R20 16PR增强型全钢载重子午线轮胎的设计
王 仁 峰 等 . .0 2 6பைடு நூலகம்R 增 强 型 全 钢 载 重 子 午线 轮 胎 的设 计 9 0 R 01 P
9 0 R2 R 增 强 型 . 0 01 P 6 全 钢 载 重 子 午 线 轮 胎 的 设 计
王 仁峰 , 连 波 , 刘 李 明
( 山东 玲 珑 轮 胎 股 份 有 限公 司 , 山东 招 远 2 50 ) 6 4 6
情 况 下 , 圈与 轮辋 采 取 过盈 设 计 , 盈 量 过 大 , 胎 过 轮 胎 装 卸 困 难 , 影 响 胎 圈 安 全 性 能 ; 盈 量 过 且 过
2 1 外直径 ( 和断面 宽 ( . D) B)
根 据 我 公 司 相 近 规 格 轮 胎 的 设 计 经 验 , 及 以
根 据 GB T 2 7 - 2 0 , 定 9 0 R2 6 R / 97 08 确 . 0 01 P 增 强 型 全 钢 载 重 子 午 线 轮 胎 的 技 术 参 数 为 : 准 标
用早 期胎 肩 容 易 出现 问题 。h取 值 较 大 , 利 于 有
缓解 胎肩部 位 的疲劳 生热 , 高 负荷性 能 ; 提 h取 值 较小 , 可在 一定 程度 上 减 少 轮 胎胎 肩 畸 形磨 损 的
位 置 ( / ) 10 7 花 纹 深 度 H H2 . 2 , 2 . 0 5mm , 花纹 周 节 数 3 , 纹 饱 和 度 6 . , 用 大 花 纹 块 加 纵 向花 纹 沟 混 2花 91 采
合 花纹 设 计 。施 工 设 计 : 体采 用 3 . 4 9 . 2 +0 1 HT 钢 丝 帘 线 , 束 层 采 用 2层 2 7 . 4 胎 X0 2 / ×0 2 5 . 5 带 + ×0 3 HT 钢 丝 帘
TiresTo safely operate your car, your tires must be the proper type and size, in good condition with adequate tread,and correctly inflated. The following pages give more detailed information on how and when to check airpressure, how to inspect your tires for damage and wear, and what to do when your tires need to be replaced.InflationKeeping the tires properly inflated provides the best combination of handling, tread life and riding comfort. Underinflated tires wear unevenly, adversely affect handling and fuel economy, and are more likely to fail from being overheated.Overinflated tires can make your car ride more harshly, are more prone to damage from road hazards, and wear unevenly.We recommend that you visually check your tires every day. If you think a tire might be low, check it immediately with a tire gauge.CONTINUEDTiresUse a gauge to measure the airpressure at least once a month. Even tires that are in good condition may lose one to two psi (10 to 20 kPa, 0.1to 0.2 kgf/cm 2) per month.Remember to check the spare tire at the same time you check all the other tires.Check the pressure in the tires when they are cold. This means the car has been parked for at least three hours. If you have to drive the car before checking the tire pressure,the tires can still be considered "cold" if you drive less than 1 mile (1.6 km).If you check the pressure when the tires are hot (the car has been driven several miles), you will see readings 4 to 6 psi (30 to 40 kPa, 0.3 to 0.4kgf/cm 2) higher than the cold reading. This is normal. Do not let air out to match the specified cold pressure. The tire will be underinflated.You should get your own tirepressure gauge and use it whenever you check your tire pressures. This will make it easier for you to tell if a pressure loss is due to a tire problem and not due to a variation between gauges.Recommended Tire Pressures for Normal DrivingThe following chart shows therecommended cold tire pressures for most normal driving conditions and speeds. Tire pressures for high speed driving are the same as for normal driving.The compact spare tire pressure is:60 psi (420 kPa , 4.2 kgf/cm 2)These pressures are also given on the tire information label on the driver's doorjamb.Tires Tubeless tires have some ability toself-seal if they are punctured.However, because leakage is oftenvery slow, you should look closelyfor punctures if a tire starts losingpressure.InspectionEvery time you check inflation, youshould also examine the tires fordamage, foreign objects, and wear.You should look for:Bumps or bulges in the tread orside of the tire. Replace the tire ifyou find either of these conditions.Cuts, splits, or cracks in the sideof the tire. Replace the tire if youcan see fabric or cord.Excessive tread wear.INDICATOR LOCATION MARKSYour car's tires have wear indicatorsmolded into the tread. When thetread wears down to that point, youwill see a 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) wideband running across the tread. Thisshows there is less than 1/16 inch(1.6 mm) of tread left on the tire. Atire that is this worn gives very littletraction on wet roads. You shouldreplace the tire if you can see thetread wear indicator in three or moreplaces around the tire.TREAD WEAR INDICATORSTiresMaintenanceIn addition to proper inflation,correct wheel alignment helps to decrease tire wear. If you find a tire is worn unevenly, have your dealer check the wheel alignment.The tires were properly balanced by the factory. They may need to be rebalanced at some time before they are worn out. Have your dealer check the tires if you feel a consis-tent vibration while driving. A tire should always be rebalanced if it is removed from the wheel for repair.Make sure the installer balances the wheels when you have new tires installed. This increases riding comfort and tire life. Your car'soriginal tires were dynamic or "spin"balanced at the factory. For best results, have the installer perform a dynamic balance.Improper wheel weights can damage your vehicle's aluminum wheels. Use only genuine Honda wheel weights for balancing.Tire RotationYou should not rotate your Honda's tires. The front and rear tires are different sizes, so they cannot be rotated front-to-rear. The original-equipment tires on your Honda have a unidirectional tread pattern, so they cannot be rotated side-to-side.Tire WearThe tires that came on your car were designed and constructed to provide superior grip during acceleration,braking, and cornering. As a trade-off, they will wear more rapidly than tires used on ordinary passenger cars. Because of the car's weight distribution, and the fact that they are the driving wheels, you may expect the rear tires to wear more rapidly than the front tires.NOTICETiresYou should carefully inspect your car's tires for wear, damage, and proper inflation every 7,500 miles (12,000km) (see page 185).Replacing Tires and Wheels The tires that came with your car were selected to match the perform-ance capabilities of the car while providing the best combination of handling, ride comfort, and long life.You should replace them with radial tires of the same size, load range,speed rating, and maximum cold tire pressure rating (as shown on the tire's sidewall). Mixing radial and bias-ply tires on your car can reduce its braking ability, traction, and steering accuracy.It is best to replace all four tires at the same time. If that is not possibleor necessary, then replace the two front tires or the two rear tires as a pair. Replacing just one tire can seriously affect your car's handling.CONTINUEDTiresThe ABS works by comparing the speed of the wheels. When replacing tires, use the same size originally supplied with the car. Tire size and construction can affect wheel speed and may cause the system to work in-consistently.If you ever need to replace a wheel,make sure the wheel's specifications match those of the original wheel that came on your car. Replacement wheels are available at your Honda dealer.Wheels and Tires Wheels:Front:16x 6 1/2 JJ Rear:16x 7 1/2 JJ Tires:Front:205/55R 16 89W Rear:225/50R 16 92WSee page 248 for information about DOT Tire Quality Grading.Winter DrivingTires that are marked "M + S" on the sidewall have an all-weather tread design. They should be suitable for most winter driving conditions. Tires wit out these markings are designed for optimum traction in dryconditions. They may not provide adequate performance in winter driving.For the best performance in snowy or icy conditions, you should install snow tires or tire chains. They may be required by local laws under certain conditions.TiresSnow TiresIf you mount snow tires on your Honda, make sure they are radial tires of the same size and load range as the original tires. Mount snow tires on all four wheels to balance your vehicle's handling in all weather conditions. Keep in mind the traction provided by snow tires on dry roads may not be as high as your vehicle's original equipment tires. You should drive cautiously even when the roads are clear. Check with the tire dealer for maximum speed recommenda-tions.Tire ChainsBecause your Honda has limited tire clearance, mount only SAE Class "S"cable-type traction devices on the rear tires. Use traction devices only when required by driving conditions or local laws. Make sure they are the correct size for your tires.Metal link-type "chains" should not be used. No matter how tight they seem to be installed, they can come into contact with the body andsuspension, causing serious damage.When installing cables, follow the manufacturer's instructions and mount them as tightly as you can.Drive slowly with them installed. If you hear them coming in contact with the body or chassis, stop and investigate. Make sure the cables are installed tightly, and that they are not contacting the brake lines or suspension.Remove them as soon as you begindriving on cleared roads.Cables that are the wrong size orimproperly installed can damage your car's brake lines, suspension, body, and wheels. Stop driving if they are hitting any part of the car.NOTICE。
关键词:⼦午线轮胎;扁平化;带束层;帘布线;轮胎花纹Radial tire structure design ABSTRACT:Along with automobile industry's high speed development, our country automobile capacity are getting more and more, the highway course is getting more and more long, the automobile speed is getting higher and higher, under this kind of new situation, also enhanced the request to automobile tire's each performance, with the aim of enabling automobile's travel comfortableness, the security to obtain people's approval, simultaneously is been also easier tire's efficiency to let the human accept. this article introduced the meridian tire in our country's development process and the development direction, and the antitheticalcouplet noon-mark tire's structure composition and its superiority has carried on the research analysis, and has completed independently to passenger vehicle meridian tire's design.KEY WORDS: radial ply tyre;the flattening;belted layer;the curtain wiring;the tire tread⽬录1. ⼦午线轮胎概述 (6)1.1⼦午线轮胎的历史发展现状 (6)1.2选题的⽬的和意义 (7)2. 原理容及其优缺点 (10)2.1⼦午线轮胎设计原理容 (10)2.1.1带束层的设计对⼦午线转向性能的影响 (11)2.1.2带束层的帘线材料 (12)2.1.3帘线结构 (12)2.1.4带束层的帘线密度 (12)2.1.5帘布⾓度 (13)2.1.6带束层宽度 (13)2.2⼦午线轮胎的特点 (15)2.2.1⼦午线轮胎的优越性 (15)2.2.2⼦午线轮胎胎冠刚性⼤ (16)2.2.3⼦午线轮胎有“柔性”胎侧 (16)2.2.4六个主要变形特性 (16)2.2.5⼦午线轮胎的 (17)2.2.6⼦午线轮胎表现特点 (19)2.3设计⽬的与⽅向 (20)2.3.1SEE的研发 (20)2.3.2⽣产⼯艺改进 (20)2.3.3全⾯的产品检测与深⼊的试验研究 (21) 2.3.4扁平化 (22)2.3.5⽆胎化 (23)3. 结构设计及计算 (27)3.1⼦午线轮胎负荷能⼒的计算 (27)3.2外轮廓断⾯形状设计 (28)3.2.1外直径D和断⾯宽B (28)3.2.2胎圈着合直径的确定 (29)3.2.3外胎断⾯⾼ (29)3.2.4断⾯⽔平轴位置的确定 (29)3.2.5胎圈着合宽度C的设计 (30)3.2.6⾏驶⾯宽 (30)3.3外轮廓弧度计算 (31)3.3.1胎冠弧度 (31)3.3.2上胎侧弧半径 (32)3.3.3胎圈曲线弧度设计 (32)3.3.4胎冠弧长的计算 (33)3.3.5胎⾯饱和度 (33)3.4施⼯设计 (33)3.4.1胎体帘线拉伸应⼒及安全倍数的计算 (34) 3.4.2钢丝圈应⼒和安全倍数的计算 (36)3.4.3带束层强度计算 (36)3.5花纹设计 (37)3.5.1轮胎花纹的作⽤ (37)3.5.2⼦午线轮胎胎⾯花纹 (38)3.6胎圈结构特点 (41)4. 爆炸图及⼯程图的设计 (43)4.1⼦午线轮胎爆炸图的设计 (43)4.2⼦午线轮胎⼯程图的设计 (44)5. 总结 (45)6. 参考⽂献 (46)致 (47)外⽂摘要 (48)1.⼦午线轮胎概述1.1⼦午线轮胎的历史发展现状⼦午线轮胎是轮胎⼯业的更新换代产品,从问世⾄今已经经历了半个多世纪的发展历程。
目录1.轮胎的基本定义 (4)1.1胎面部 (4)1.2内衬层 (4)1.3胎圈 (4)1.4缓冲层 (4)1.5侧壁 (4)1.6帘布层 (4)1.7钢丝帘布 (4)1.8轮胎帘线 (4)2.轮胎的种类及技术特点 (5)2.1按汽车种类: (5)2.2按轮胎用途: (5)2.3按轮胎大小: (5)2.4按轮胎花纹: (5)2.5按轮胎结构: (5)3 整车开发各个阶段的设计要求 (6)3.1 可行性分析阶段 (6)3.2 概念确认阶段 (6)3.3 产品设计及验证 (6)3.4 工装开发及生产准备阶段 (6)4 试验标准 (6)4.1轮胎外观要求 (6)4.2外缘尺寸 (6)4.3轮胎强度要求 (6)4.4轮胎耐久性要求 (6)4.5 低气压性能试验 (6)4.6轮胎高速性能要求 (7)4.7轮胎脱圈阻力要求 (7)4.8轮胎均匀性要求 (7)4.9 轮胎平衡性要求 (7)4.10轮胎胎面磨损标记 (8)4.11 滚动阻力 (8)5 失效模式及设计校核 (8)6 常见故障分析及排除 (10)6.1胎面故障 (10)6.2胎唇故障 (10)6.3轮胎爆胎 (10)6.4胎侧故障 (10)6.5内部故障 (11)1.轮胎的基本定义汽车轮胎是一个旋转部件,但并不是由均质材料制成的,而是由多种不同的物质、不同的橡胶组合物和各种连接物通过帘布或钢丝使轮胎紧密地结合在一起而制成的,这种结构将使轮胎变得更加牢固耐用。
储成高2003 .8.22车轮与轮胎1概述轮胎和车轮支承汽车车体的重量,缓和由于不平引起的冲击力,接受和传递制动力和驱动力,同时轮胎具有抵抗侧滑能力,车轮具有自动回正的能力,从而使汽车能够正常转向或保持直线行驶1.1车轮不但是安装轮胎的骨架,也是将轮胎与车轴连接起来的旋转件。
5619.00R20 16PR 全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈的优化设计袁定军[中策橡胶(建德)有限公司,浙江 建德 311606]摘要:为提高胎圈性能,对9.00R20 16PR 全钢载重子午线轮胎的胎圈设计方案优化,并进行试验验证。
结果表明,轮胎胎圈部位加贴1或2层1870dtex /2V 2锦纶包布(含外侧和内侧各贴1层)对钢丝圈包布端点和胎体帘布反包端点进行保护,可以大幅提高轮胎胎圈耐久性能。
关键词:全钢载重子午线轮胎;胎圈;耐久性能;优化设计中图分类号:TQ336.1 文章编号:2095-5448(2023)11-0561-04文献标志码:A DOI :10.12137/j.issn.2095-5448.2023.11.0561目前,欧美等发达国家与地区90%以上的载重汽车装配了全钢载重子午线轮胎,我国载重轮胎的子午化率也已经达到了65%以上。
考虑到市场退赔的9.00R20 16PR 全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈损坏部位以胎体帘布反包端点和钢丝圈包布外侧端点为主,极少数在钢丝圈包布内侧端点,本工作通过调整胎体帘布反包端点、钢丝圈包布差级,加贴1或2层1870dtex /2V 2锦纶包布对钢丝圈包布端点和胎体帘布反包端点进行保护,以期提高胎圈性能。
1 原方案针对9.00R20 16PR 轮胎市场退赔情况,选定胎圈损坏退赔约占65%的花纹轮胎进行试验。
2016 车轮和车胎应用指南说明书
WHEEL STRENGTH AND AVAILABILITYHIGH PERFORMANCE. DOuGlAs WHEEls ARE MADE FROM HIGH stRENGtH 6061 AluMINuM AllOy tHAt Is HEAt tREAtED AND AGED FOR MAxIMuM DuRAbIlIty AND uNIFORM stRENGtH. OuR WHEEls ARE MADE IN FOuR DIFFERENt stRENGtHs, tO COvER EvERy NEED.TIRE MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONSMOUNTING OF TIRES ON WHEELS CAN BE DANGEROUS IF DONE IMPROPERLY. ONLY TRAINED PERSONNEL, USING THE PROPER TOOLS, SAFETY EQUIPMENT, AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, SHOULD ATTEMPT TO MOUNT TIRE AND WHEEL ASSEMBLIES.1. Use only a clip-on type air chuck with a long extension hose, remote filler, and inflating gauge.2. Using a tire mounting lubricant, lube the tire and rim bead seat. Determine the tire’s maximum recommended tire inflation pressure.3. The tire and wheel must be located away from all personnel. Something solid, such as a block wall or a tire mounting cage, must be between the tire/wheel assembly and the installer. THE tIRE/WHEEl AssEMbly Must bE Out OF “lINE OF sIGHt” DuRING tHE INFlAtION PROCEss.4. Inflate tire until you hear the beads seats snap, or until you reach the tire manufacturer’s maximum recommended tire inflation pressure. NEVER EXCEED THE TIRE MANUFACTURER’S MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE.5. If the tire beads do not seat, stop. Release all air from the tire/wheel assembly, and call your tire manufacturer or us for advice.6. Once the tire bead is seated, disconnect chuck, re-install valve core, and inflate to proper operating pressure.STANDARD STRENGTH . Our BLUE LABEL wheels are made from .125 inch thick 6061 heat tereated material, and are ideal for use in dunes and recreational riding. Certain “BLUE LABEL” wheels are available with a center plate reinforcement, designated with an “R” in the description of the wheel.the A5 features our super strong inner & outer rolled lip design, from .125 inch thick 6061 heat treated aluminum which exceeds the strength of most of our competitor’s non heat treated aluminum wheels. Most of the rear “A5 Label” wheels are available with a center plate reinforcement, designated with an “R” in the description of the wheel.SUPER STRENGTH . Our RED LABEL wheels are made from .190 inch thick 6061 heat treated material and are virtually indestructible, yet still very light. They are designed for rough use such as desert, cross country and clay tracks.ULTIMATE STRENGTH . Our new ULTIMATE line of wheels incorporate rolled lips and integral beadlocks in a design that optimizes strength and minimizes weight. Certain ULTIMATE wheels are available with a center plate reinforcement, designated with an “R” in the description of the wheel.STOCK INVENTORY AND CUSTOM WHEELSAll listed part numbers are carried in stock for immediate delivery. Douglas Wheel, Inc. also has the capability of creating custom wheels to match your specific needs. Please contact customer service for your specific application.WHEEL TYPE ABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCKR - REINFORCEMENt CENtER PlAtE bb - bACK tO bACK Dbl - DOublEAPPLICATIONS BY BOLT PATTERN - 58.125, A5, .190 WHEELS BY vEHICLE:ARCTIC CAT - 4CANAM - 5CANNONDALE - 5HONDA - 6-7HONDA ATC 3 WHEELER - 16-17KAWASAKI - 8-9KAWASAKI 2 & 3 WHEELER - 17POLARIS - 10-12POLARIS RZR 1K- 44-45SUZUKI 12-13YAMAHA 14-15YAMAHA 3 WHEELER - 17APPLICATIONS BY PRODUCT:A5 - 18CHAMPION IN A BOX RACE KIT - 49 G2 - 19-20ROK SERIES - 21-25SECTOR - 26-31ULTIMATE - 32-35ULTIMATE SPORT - 36GOLF - 48VOLKSWAGON - 50JR DRAGSTER - 51KARTING -52-55SPRINT CAR - 56MICROSPRINT - 56OFF ROAD BUGGY - 57TROPHY KART - 57TRACTOR PULLING - 57DIABLO - 38DIABLO BEADLOCK - 38NITRO - 39STEALTH - 41-43STEALTH-LOK - 40STAR FIGHTER - 40REPLACEMENT PARTS:NUTS - 46CAPS - 47RINGS - 47COVERS - 47PLATES - 47SCREWS/BOLTS - 47 SECTOR PARTS - 31TIRES- 70-71RL - ROLLED LIPARCTIC CATCAN AMCANNONDALEHONDA Honda ContinuedKAWASAKIKawasaki Continued*1mm smaller on bolt pattern ctr hole. 1mm larger wheel locates on the center hole.POLARIS 6x6POLARIS Polaris ContinuedHONDA ATC 3 WHEELER2 &3 WHEELER FITMENTSKAWASAKI 3 WHEELERYAMAHA 2 & 3 WHEELERblACK FRONtblACK REARPOlIsHED FRONt POlIsHED REAR ON All A5 WHEEls CENtER REINFORCING PlAtE ON All A5 REAR WHEEls.*WHEEL TYPE ABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCK bb - bACK tO bACK Dbl - DOublEG2 - ROLLED LIP DBL RL BB = DOUBLE ROLLED LIP BACK TO BACKG2 ROllED lIPA5 CONTINUEDA5 DBL RL A5 CTR (R)- DOUBLE ROLLED LIP A5 CENTER (some have reinforcing plate)G2 DUAL BEADLOCKDBL IB BB - DOUBLE BEADLOCKG2 BEADLOCK RL IB BB - ROLLED LIP BEADLOCK BACK TO BACKWHEEL TYPEABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCKREINFORCEMENt CENtER PlAtE WHEEL TYPEABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCKR - REINFORCEMENt CENtER PlAtE bb - bACK tO bACK Dbl - DOublEWHEEL TYPEABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCKR - REINFORCEMENt CENtER PlAtE bb - bACK tO bACK Dbl - DOublEROK’N LOCK - ATV RL IB BB - ROLLED LIP BEADLOCKROK-OUT - ATV DBL RL BB - DOUBLE ROLLED LIP BACK TO BACKROK SERIES - UTILITY/SXS ArrayDBL RL BB R - DOUBLE ROLLED LIP BACK TO BACK CTR W/REINFORCING CTR PLATEROK’N LOCK SERIES - UTILITY/SXS ArrayDBL RL BB R - DOUBLE ROLLED LIP BACK TO BACK CTR W/REINFORCING CTR PLATEDOublE ROllED lIPABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCKR - REINFORCEMENt CENtER PlAtE bb - bACK tO bACK Dbl - DOublESECTOR HARDWAREBILLET CENTERS CENTER BOLT KITS CONTAIN: 12” - 12 CENTER BOLT & 12 NUTS 14” - 16 CENTER BOLT & 16 NUTS NUT PLATE KITS CONTAIN:4 NUT PLATES, 16 SREWS & 8 RIVETSDIssAsEMblEDCENtER bOlt KItDWT SECTOR WHEEL PARTSBEADLOCK HALVESDbl - DOublEDWT ULTIMATE SPORT UTILITY WHEEL - 14”DBL RL BB = DOUBLE ROLLED LIP BACK TO BACKWHEEL TYPEABBREVIATION KEY:Rl - ROllED lIPIb - INtEGRAl bEADlOCKR - REINFORCEMENt CENtER PlAtE bb - bACK tO bACK Dbl - DOublEMACHINED FRONtMACHINED FRONt blACK REAR• MolDED cENtEr cAp INclUDED • prE-INStAllED VAlVE StEMS• tApErED lUg NUtS SolD SEpArAtEly • AVAIlAblE IN blAck fINISh• MADE IN U.S.A.• hIgh pErforMANcE DWt bEADlock • MolDED cENtEr cAp INclUDED • prE-INStAllED VAlVE StEMS• tApErED lUg NUtS SolD SEpArAtEly • AVAIlAblE IN blAck fINISh • 14MM bolt holE• MADE IN U.S.A.• hIgh pErforMANcE DWt bEADlock • MolDED cENtEr cAp INclUDED • prE-INStAllED VAlVE StEMS• tApErED lUg NUtS SolD SEpArAtEly • AVAIlAblE IN blAck fINISh • 14MM bolt holE14” STEALTH BY MAKESTEALTH WHEELS BY MAKE12” STEALTH BY SIZE 14” STEALTH BY SIZE STEALTH WHEELS BY SIZE12” STEALTH BY MAKE 12” STEALTH BY MAKE - CONTINUEDSTEALTH WHEELS BY MAKE - CONTINUEDULTIMATE SPORT UTILITY - 1KROK’N LOCK - 1KultIMAtE CbROK’N LOCK UTVW/ OPtIONAl RED RING952-90 952-91 952-92 952-96952-27 952-97952-34 952-83 952-84CENTER CAPS 952-980030 952-980013/21952-98-0360952-98-0367BK 952-98-0367NUT PLATE KITS -12”-14” INCLUDES: 4 NUT PLATEs, 16 BOLTs & 8 RIvETs15”-17” INCLUDES:12 NUT PLATEs, 24 BOLTs & 24 WAshERs952-38752-90 (X 3)952-05952-0715” & 17” US Nut PlAtE KIt12” & 14” METRIC Nut PlAtE KItNUT PLATES -BEADLOCK RINGS - .190MUD COVERS - WItH WHItE INsERtWhite logo is stock in champion in a box kits.SECTOR HARDWAREBILLET CENTERSBEADLOCK HALVES CENTER BOLT KITS CONTAIN: 12” - 12 CENTER BOLT & 12 NUTS 14” - 16 CENTER BOLT & 16 NUTS NUT PLATE KITS CONTAIN: 4 NUT PLATES, 16 SREWS & 8 RIVETSbEADlOCK sECtOR DIssAsEMblEDCENtER bOlt KItNITROqUATROSPORTFUSIONLITECAST GOLF- 4/4 B.P.- 4/4 B.P.8” GOLF10” GOlF 12” GOlFGOLF TIRESDRIFT RHYTHM ALUMILITE GOLF952-92 952-96G2 bEADlOCKG2 ROllED lIPstICKER KItDWt MuD COvERDWt HAtDWT FRONT BEADLOCK BILLET CENTER - 15 & 17 - FRONTJUNIOR DRAGSTER - FRONTJUNIOR DRAGSTER - REARDSM BILLET HUB LARGE BEARING - FRONTJUNIOR DRAGSTER APPLICATIONSREAR -125 bluE lAbElFRONt CutOutFRONt sOlID - blACKFRONt sOlID - POlIsHEDFRONt CutOut - POlIsHEDFRONt sOlID - POlIsHEDFRONtREARFRONt bEADlOCKREAR bEADlOCK5” KART EUROPEAN BOLT PATTERN5” METRIC 3/58 WITH 8MM STUD5” METRIC 3/67 8MM STUD - POLISHED*ALL ITEMS HIGHLIGHTED RED ARE DISCONTINUED ITEMS AND ARE AVAILABE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.**ALL ITEMS HIGHLIGHTED RED ARE DISCONTINUED ITEMS AND ARE AVAILABE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.*5” KART EUROPEAN DSM5” DIRECT SPINDLE MOUNT 5/8” BEARING5” DIRECT SPINDLE MOUNT 17MM BEARING5” KART USA BOLT PATTERN3/2.5” BCD FOR 1/4” STUD6” KART USA BOLT PATTERN3/2.5” BCD FOR 1/4” STUD*ALL ITEMS HIGHLIGHTED RED ARE DISCONTINUED ITEMS AND ARE AVAILABE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST.*DWT LITECAST KART WHEELS6” KART - q+ MACHINED‘BluePrint - “q PLUS” - 6” MACHINED3/2.5” BCD FOR 1/4” STUDq+ MACHINEDq+ BLACKLITECAST KARTMAGNESIUM KART WHEELSMagnesium Front Pair (2) Package WheelsMagnesium Rear Pair (2) Package WheelsMagtech AccesoriesVENTED DSMLV FRONTLV REARSOLIDVENTEDSE REARSE FRONTMICROSPRINT 10” HALVES 12/6.75 6.25 CTR*THESE ITEMS TYPICALLY REqUIRE A 4-12 WEEK LEAD TIME.sPRINt CARsPRINt CAR bEADlOCK HAlFMICROsPRINt bEADlOCK HAlFMICROsPRINt HAlFTROPHY KARTOFF ROAD BUGGYTRACTOR PULLING10” DIAMETER CTR HOLE = 2.51” 12” DIAMETER CTR HOLE = 2.75”.125 bluE lAbElOFF ROAD buGGy - ROllED lIPOFF ROAD buGGy - bEADlOCKPART #DESCRIPTIONul12074310blK12X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACK ul12074310P12X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL 989-1012x7 4+3 4/110 MACHINED NItRO989-10B12x7 4+3 4/110 blACK NItRO989-10C12x7 4+3 4/110 CHROME NItRO991-1112x7 4+3 4/110 DIAblO - MACHINED991-11B12x7 4+3 4/110 DIAblO - blACK995-1012x7 4+3 4/110 QuAtROsPORt999-1112x7 4+3 4/110 RAttlEsNAKE999-11B12x7 4+3 4/110 RAttlEsNAKE blACKs006-4012x7 4b+3N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-0212x7 4b+3N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-02NR12x7 4b+3N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - NO RING - blACK 006-10112X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 RHINO006-3112X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 RHINORO12075210blK12X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRl12075210blK12X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul12075210blK12X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul12075210P 12X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL-IsHEDS006-0812x7 5b+2 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-0312x7 5b+2N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-4212X8 3B+5N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR - BLACKs006-3312X8 3B+5N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACK006-3212X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 RHINORO12083510BLK12X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRL12083510BLK12X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKUL12083510BLK12X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACK UL12083510P12X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL 006-9912X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 RHINORO12084410BLK12X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRL12084410BLK12X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKUL12084410BLK12X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACK UL12084410P12X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL s006-3712X8 4B+4N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR - BLACKS006-1912X8 4B+4N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACK006-1612X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 RHINORO12085310BLK12X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRL12085310BLK12X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKUL12085310BLK12X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACK UL12085310P12X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL s006-5512X8 5B+3N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR - BLACKs006-0412X8 5B+3N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKS006-0912X8 6B+2N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR -BLACKs006-0512X8 6B+2N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKs006-0612X9 6B+3N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACK006-9712x10 4b+6N 4/110 .125 W/REINFORCING PlAtE RHINO006-9812X10 4B+6N 4/110 .190 RHINOs006-2212x10 4b+6N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACK RO12105510blK12X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKPART #DESCRIPTIONRl12105510blK12X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul12105510blK12X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul12105510P12X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL-IsHEDS006-3812x10 5b+5N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-2012x10 5b+5N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKul12115610blK12X11 5B+6N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul12115610P12X11 5B+6N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL-IsHEDs006-2312x11 5b+6N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-4412x11 6b+5N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-2112x11 6b+5N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKS006-19NR14x6 3b+3N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - NO RING - blACKs006-5414x6 3b+3N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKRO14064210blK14X6 4B+2N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRl14064210blK14X6 4B+2N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul14064210blK14X6 4B+2N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul14064210P14X6 4B+2N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POLs006-1014x6 4b+2N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-1614x6 4b+2N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKRO14072510blK14X7 2B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRl14072510blK14X7 2B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul14072510blK14X7 2B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul14072510P14X7 2B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POLs006-4714x7 2b+5N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-3514x7 2b+5N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-4514x7 3b+4N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-3414x7 3b+4N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKRO14074310blK14X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRl14074310blK14X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul14074310blK14X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul14074310P14X7 4B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POLs006-4614x7 4b+3N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-1114x7 4b+3N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKRO14075210blK14X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRl14075210blK14X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul14075210blK14X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul14075210P14X7 5B+2N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POLs006-1714x7 5b+2N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-1214x7 5b+2N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKRO14083510BLK14X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRL14083510BLK14X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKUL14083510BLK14X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKUL14083510P14X8 3B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POLS006-4814X8 3B+5N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR - BLACKs006-3614X8 3B+5N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKRO14084410BLK14X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRL14084410BLK14X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKUL14084410BLK14X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKUL14084410P14X8 4B+4N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POLS006-2814X8 4B+4N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR - BLACKPART #DESCRIPTIONs006-2714X8 4B+4N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKRO14085310BLK14X5 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRL14085310BLK14X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKUL14085310BLK14X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKUL14085310P14X8 5B+3N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL-IsHEDs006-1314X8 5B+3N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKs006-13NR14X8 5B+3N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - NO RING - BLACKS006-1814X8 6B+2N 4/110 DBL RL SECTOR - BLACKs006-1414X8 6B+2N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKs006-1514X9 6B+3N 4/110 RL IB SECTOR - BLACKS006-4914x10 4b+6N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR -blACKs006-5214x10 4b+6N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKRO14105510blK14X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK OUT - BLACKRl14105510blK14X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ROK'N LOCK - BLACKul14105510blK14X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - BLACKul14105510P14X10 5B+5N 4/110 .190 ULTIMATE BEADLOCK - POL-IsHEDs006-5014x10 5b+5N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-2414x10 5b+5N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-5114x11 5b+6N 4/110 Dbl Rl sECtOR - blACKs006-2514x11 5b+6N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACKs006-5314x11 6b+5N 4/110 Rl Ib sECtOR - blACK** 4/110 DIAblO bEADlOCK WHEEls GO tO 4/110-115 bOlt PAttERN **4/110-115 10MM BOLT HOLE991-1512x7 2+5 4/110-115 MACHINED DIAblO991-15BC12x7 2+5 4/110-115 blACK CHROME DIAblO991-15C12x7 2+5 4/110-115 CHROME DIAblO990-1512x7 2+5 4/110-115 MACHINED DIAblO bEADlOCK990-15B12x7 2+5 4/110-115 blACK DIAblO bEADlOCK991-1012x7 4+3 4/110-115 MACHINED DIAblO991-10B12x7 4+3 4/110-115 blACK DIAblO991-10BC12x7 4+3 4/110-115 blACK CHROME DIAblO991-10C12x7 4+3 4/110-115 CHROME DIAblO990-1012x7 4+3 4/110-115 MACHINED DIAblO bEADlOCK990-10B12x7 4+3 4/110-115 blACK DIAblO bEADlOCK993-10BC14x6 4+2 4/110-115 blACK CHORME DIAblO993-10C14x6 4+2 4/110-115 CHROME DIAblO993-12BC14X8 3+5 4/110-115 BLACK CHROME DIABLO993-12C14X8 3+5 4/110-115 CHROME DIABLO993-11BC14X8 5+3 4/110-115 BLACK CHROME DIABLO993-11C14X8 5+3 4/110-115 CHROME DIABLO4/115 10MM BOLT HOLEG2J-07-0298X6 2N+4N 4/115 DBL IR BB - BLACK .125A507-028X6 2N+4N 4/115 .125 A5 CTR DBL RL BBA507-0298X6 2N+4N 4/115 .125 A5 CTR DBL RL BB - BLACK007-378X7 3B+4N 4/115 .125007-168X8 3B+5N 4/115 .125007-1698X8 3B+5N 4/115 .125 - BLACK007-158X8 3B+5N 4/115 .190007-258X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL RL BBPART #DESCRIPTIONG2-07-2598X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL RL BB - BLACK007-278X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB007-27-NR8X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - NO RINGG2-07-2798X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - BLACKG2-07-279NR8X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - BLACK - NO RINGA507-168X8 3N+5N 4/115 .125 R A5 CTR DBL RL BBA507-1698X8 3N+5N 4/115 .125 R A5 CTR DBL RL BB - BLACKEv07-168X8 3N+5N 4/115 RR - EVO007-028X9 4B+5N 4/115 .125007-038X10 5N+5N 4/115 .125992-859X8 2+6 4/115 CAST BEADLOCK WHEEL THE DRIFT994-859X8 2+6 4/115 CAST WHEEL FUSION007-049X8 3B+5N 4/115 .125007-059X8 3B+5N 4/115 .190007-0599X8 3B+5N 4/115 .190 - BLACK007-299X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL RL BB007-2999X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL RL BB - BLACKG2-07-2999X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL RL BB - BLACK007-319X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB007-31-NR9X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - NO RING999-859X8 3B+5N 4/115 CASTG2-07-3199X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - BLACKG2-07-319NR9X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - BLACK - NO RINGG2DB-07-3199X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL IB BB - BLACKG2DB-07-319NR9X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL IB BB - BLACK - NO RINGA507-049X8 3N+5N 4/115 .125 R A5 CTR DBL RL BBA507-0499X8 3N+5N 4/115 .125 R A5 CTR DBL RL BB - BLACK007-249X9 3B+6N 4/115 .190G2DB-07-3499X9 4.5N+4.5N 4/115 DBL IB BB - BLACK007-069X9 4B+5N 4/115 .125G2DB-07-3299X9 4N+5N 4/115 DBL IB BB - BLACKG2DB-07-329NR9X9 4N+5N 4/115 DBL IB BB- BLACK - NO RING007-4310X5 1.125N+3.875B 4/115 DBL RL BB007-0710X8 3B+5N 4/115 .125007-07910X8 3B+5N 4/115 .125 - BLACK007-1910X8 3B+5N 4/115 .160007-0810X8 3B+5N 4/115 .190999-6510X8 3B+5N 4/115 CAST007-3310X8 3B+5N 4/115 DBL RL BBG2-07-33910X8 3N+5N 4/115 DBL RL BB - BLACK007-3510X8 3B+5N 4/115 RL IB BB007-35-NR10X8 3B+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - NO RING007-359-NR10X8 3B+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - NO RING - BLACKG2-07-35910X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - BLACKG2-07-359NR10X8 3N+5N 4/115 RL IB BB - BLACK - NO RINGA507-0710X8 3N+5N 4/115 .125 R A5 CTR DBL RL BBA507-07910X8 3N+5N 4/115 .125 R A5 CTR DBL RL BB - BLACKEv07-0710X8 3N+5N 4/115 RR - EVO992-6510X9 3+6 4/115 CAST BEADLOCK WHEEL THE DRIFT994-6510X9 3+6 4/115 CAST WHEEL FUSIONxCF v1xCF v2xCF v3HARD COMPOUND MeDiUM COMPOUND SOFT COMPOUNDDWT CUSTOM TAiLOReD RACe TiRe COMPOUNDSJtRMx-202JR Mx FRONtJR Mx REARJR xC FRONtJR xC REARxCR v1xCR v2xCR v38” GOLF10” GOlF12” GOlFDOONZ FRONt10” DOONZ REAR12” DOONZ REAR10” bEACH REARSIZE12 PLY RUN FLAT25x10-12ut-252-12 25X8-12ut-251-12 26x11-12ut-264-12 26x11-14ut-262-12 26X9-12ut-263-12 26X9-14ut-261-12 28X10-14UT-281-1228X12-14UT-282-1225X8-1226X9-1426x11-1428X9-1428X11-1430x10-14。
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该规格轮胎根据国家标准GB9744-1997和公司企业标准 Q/02JEJ004-1999选取如下:
根据原设计生产轮胎的测量数据,选定B'/B=1.156 左右
则B= 244 (mm)
则:D=D'/D'/D= 1016 (mm)
着合宽度C是根据轮辋宽度确定,设计轮辋(7.0)其着和宽度为178mm,本次确定C为 178mm。
轮胎着合直径d应大于轮辋直径1.0-1.5mm,设计轮辋直径为508mm,故选取d=509mm,胎踵着合直径为 512mm。
断面高H=1/2(D-d)= 253.5(mm) H1/H2=0.8708左右
H1=118(mm) H2=135.5(mm)
选取b/B=0.7946 则b=b/B×B= 224 (mm)
则h=H×h/H= 14 (mm)
为了减薄胎肩厚度、提高轮胎的速度性能、同时考虑兼顾磨耗性能,胎冠采用两段圆弧设计Rn= 290mm R1′= 0mm,R2′= 15 mm
R2=230 mm 连接弧半径R3=60mm。
2.胎面花纹设计: ①花纹类型的选取:
G 排气孔
确定花纹沟深度为: 14mm。
按1/ 50 等分的一半计算,花纹沟占接地面积为 23.98 %
16 P.R选用 8 层1870dtex/2胎体及单层1400dtex/2衬层.
r×( N1×i1+N2×i2)
2. 帘布挂胶厚度的确定:
内外层厚度: 1.10±0.03 mm.
缓冲层厚度: 1.25±0.03 mm.
外包布厚度: 0.95±0.03 mm.
钢丝圈包布厚度: 0.95±0.03 mm.
3. 缓冲层的确定:
4. 胎圈部位结构设计:
根据一般生产经验,8 层胎体帘布采取双胎圈和3-3-2成型的结构。
5. 钢丝圈直径的确定:
根据钢丝圈底部胶布层厚度和压缩率计算,钢丝圈直径确定为: 525mm。
计算公式 D k=D0+2T·K
D k—钢丝圈直径
②根据所设计 9.00-20 轮胎胎体帘布为 8层双胎圈,故采用机头曲线及尺寸
则d0=598.42 mm
BS=515 mm,δ1=1.035 , α0=31
10. 胎面胶体积计算:
(1). 胎面胶实心体积计算
胶料体积 = 17.1887 dm3
胶料比重 = 1.1 kg/dm3
胶料重量 = 18.9076 kg
(2). 花纹沟体积计算
根据花纹沟体积计算, 其体积为:3.5239dm3 (3). 胎面胶实际体积计算
V实际 = V实心 - V沟
胎面胶实际体积 = 13.6648dm3
胶料比重 = 1.1 kg / dm3
胎面胶实际重量 =15.03kg
(4). 胎面胶半成品尺寸确定
下胶片宽一般大于衬一100mm左右,取500 mm.
根据实际选取: 500 mm.
根据材料分布要求,确定内包布宽为:90 mm,外包布宽为:
100 mm,长为1680mm.