
Mont Blanc(蒙布朗)
1730年时美食家波兰王雷古 成斯基,当他流亡在梅尔西
玛德琳蛋糕是一种法国风味的 小甜点,又叫贝壳蛋糕
掉不见了,这时有个女仆役 临时烤了她的拿手小点心送 出去应急,没想到竟然很得
puff 泡芙
egg tart 蛋挞
cookie 曲奇
lady finger 手指饼(干)
sponge cake 海绵蛋糕
Chiffon Cake 戚风蛋糕
Helveticrolls 瑞士卷
cheese cake 芝士蛋糕
Marble Pound Cake 大理石蛋糕
mango sorbet 芒果雪葩(冰沙)
Banana Split 香蕉船冰淇淋
Gelato 意式冰淇淋
Sundae 圣代
Milk Shake 奶昔
custard pudding 鸡蛋布丁
trifle 乳脂松糕
Butterfly Cracker 蝴蝶酥
•distinctive shell-like shape •sponge cake(海绵蛋糕)

Macaron 马卡龙(杏仁小圆饼)
macaron’ s ingredients
It is meringue-based(蛋 白糖饼): made from a mixture of egg whites, almond(杏仁) flour, and both granulated and confectionery sugar..
The third destiLeabharlann ation——Austria
Sachertorte 沙加蛋糕
Sachertorte (is a chocolate cake, invented by Franz Sacher in 1832 for in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the most famous Viennese(威尼斯人) culinary(烹饪) specialties. The Original Sachertorte is only made in Vienna and Salzburg(萨尔茨保,奥地利 地名)), and is shipped from both locations. The only place where the Original Sacher Torte is available outside of Austria is in the Sacher shop of Bolzano(博尔扎诺,意大 利地名), Italy.
Tiramisu’s history
There is some debate regarding tiramisu's origin, as there is no documented mention of the dessert before 1983.In 1998, Fernando and Tina Raris similarly claimed that the dessert is a recent invention. They point out that while the recipes and histories of other layered desserts are very similar, the first documented mention of tiramisu in a published work appears in a Greek cookbook. Backing up this story, the authors recalled an article that tiramisu was created in 1971 in Treviso by Giuseppe Di Clemente. Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary gives 1982 as the year of origin. Several sources (from Vin Veneto, dated 1981, to the Italian Academy of Giuseppe Maffioli and several cuisine websites claim that tiramisu was invented in Treviso at Le Beccherie restaurant by the god-daughter and apprentice of confectioner, Francesca Valori, whose maiden name was Tiramisu. It is believed that Linguanotto named the dish in honour of Francesca's culinary skill. Other sources report the creation of the cake to have originated in the city of Siena. Some confectioners were said to have created it in honour of Cosimo III on the occasion of his visit to the city. Alternatively, accounts by Carminantonio Iannaccone as researched and written about by The Washington Post establish the creation of tiramisu by him on December 24, 1969, in Via Sottotreviso while he was head chef at Treviso, near Venice. In the original recipe, there was no liquor as the cake was originally aimed at children and the elderly, and the original shape was round. The phrase tiramisu literally means “pick me up”带我走 or "pull me up" in reference to the effects of the sugar and espresso

一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
Although predominately a French confection, there has been much
debate about its origins. Larousse Gastronomique cites the macaron as being created in 791 in a convent near Cormery. Some have traced its French debut back to the arrival of Catherine de' Medici’s Italian pastry chefs whom she brought with her in 1533 upon marrying Henry II.
swirl cheesecake
Asian-style cheesecake includes matcha(抹茶) and mango
Asian-style cheesecake
Swedish cheesecake
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
During world war Ⅱ,an Italian
soldier had to leave their homes to join the army. Deeply loved his wife would like to prepare some snacks for him.

It is a traditional lattice pie. Menu: +fruit,vegetable and salad(沙 拉) + ice cream + cheese and kiwi fruit(猕猴桃)
36.人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。 37.成功往往在多次失败之后才姗姗到来,每一次跌倒后再爬起来,都能使你的技艺更精湛,本领更强大,信心更充足。永不放弃,持之以恒,当挫折在脚下堆积成梯,你就获得了进步的机会。 80.永不言败是追究者的最佳品格。 61.生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠。 69.第二天叫醒我的不是闹钟,其实,还是梦想。 69.决定一个人成就的,不是天分,也不是运气,而是坚持和付出。是不停地做,重复的做,用心去做。当你真的努力了,付出了,你会发现自己潜力无限!记得每天鼓励自己,越勤奋,越幸运 。
It consist of protein(蛋白) , almond flour(杏仁粉), white sugar, and sugar cream (糖霜).
and usually there is jam or cream between two biscuits, forming a circular small desserts.
Black Forest cake 黑森林蛋糕
It is also called Black Forest cake.It fused cherry sour,chocolate bitter, cream sweet and kirsch(樱桃酒) aroma.
Perfect cake please all kinds of tastes.Black Forest cake is known as one of the specialties of the Black Forest.

It consist of protein(蛋白) , almond flour(杏仁粉), white sugar, and sugar cream (糖霜).
and usually there is jam or cream between two biscuits, forming a circular small desserts.
Black Forest cake is known as one of the specialties of the Black Forest.
+ cheese and kiwi fruit(猕猴桃)
It is a traditional lattice pie. It is also called Black Forest cake.
Souffle 蛋奶酥
Souffle can be hot to eat, can also be frozen(冷冻) after eating.
It is a traditional lattice pie.
Waffle(华夫饼) Souffle 蛋奶酥
It fused cherry sour,chocolate bitter, cream sweet and kirsch(樱桃酒) aroma.
It consist of protein(蛋白), almond flour(杏仁粉), white sugar, and sugar cream (糖霜).

Black Forest cake
Souffle 蛋奶酥
Souffle caIntbeishoat tolseaot, ccaan alllseo bde fBrozlean(c冷k冻F) aofterreeastitngc. ake.It
Souffle 蛋奶酥
Souffle 蛋f奶u酥sed cherry sour,chocolate bitter,
pan cakes sent together with the table. It is also called Black Forest cake.
It is a traditional lattice pie.
There are vegetables and fruits and
other ingredients added 。
+ cheeseoanfdtkhiwei frusitp(猕e猴c桃ia)lties of the Black Forest.
It is a traditional lattice pie.
Menu: +fruit,vegetable and salad(沙拉) + ice cream + cheese and kiwi fruit(猕猴桃)
It consist of protein(蛋白), almond flour(杏仁粉),
white sugar, and sugar cream (糖霜).
and usually there is jam or cream between two biscuits, forming a circular small desserts.

A Jelly like dessert made from almonds and agar It is refreshing and has a unique texture
Australian dessers
A merge based dessert, named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova It is topped with fresh fruit and whipped cream
Pumpkin Pie A Thanksgiving specific dessert made from Pumpkin puree, spices, and a piece rust Pumpkin pie is a traditional holiday favorite in the United States
For many people, dessert is a way to satisfy their sweet tooth and enjoy a small amount of something sweet after a meal
Bringing family and friends together
Poutine: A Quebecois comfort food that consistency of French fries topped with cheese curds and graves While not stylishly considered a dessert, potine can be found on menu in Quebec and is often preserved with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

- Key lime pie 酸橙派 - Clafoutis (French cherry pudding)法式 车厘子布甸
- Danish pastry 丹麦糕饼 - Waffle 蛋奶格子饼 - Pecan pie 美洲山核桃批 - Apple crumble 酥皮苹果点心 - Blueberry cobbler 脆皮蓝草莓馅饼 - Bananasplit 香蕉船 - Rice krispies treats 米通 - Strawberry pie 草莓批
Schwarzwaelder Kirschtorte
• It is also called Black Forest cake.It fused cherry sour,chocolate bitter, cream sweet and kirsch(樱桃酒) aroma. Perfect cake please all kinds of tastes.Black Forest cake is known as one of the specialties of the Black Forest.German intents as "Black Forest Cherry cake". Authentic Black Forest cake is not black,and does not contain black chocolate.
• It consists of protein (蛋白), almond flour(杏仁粉), white sugar, and sugar cream (糖霜), and usually there is jam or cream between two biscuits, forming a circular small desserts.

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The second destination——Italia
Tiramisu 提拉米苏
It is made of savoiardi (意大 利饼干or 手指饼干) dipped in espresso(kind of milk coffee) or strong coffee or rum(朗姆 酒), layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks(蛋黄), mascarpone(马斯卡普尼干酪, 一种牛奶软干酪,意大利) cheese, and sugar, and topped with cocoa.
PS: control! control!! control!!! = =!
Petits fours
The first destination——Paris
Macaron 马卡龙(杏仁小圆饼)
macaron’ s
It is meringue-based(蛋 白糖饼): made from a mixture of egg whites, almond(杏仁) flour, and both granulated and confectionery sugar..

Coffee is a widely consumed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds—
commonly called “beans”—of the coffee plant 。
1.What is Coffee 2. The history of coffee 3.Some famous coffee:

It is a traditional and
conventional lattice pie. Classic Match: +fruit,vegetable and salad +ice cream
+cheese and kiwi fruit
Schwarzwaelde r Kirschtorte 黑森林蛋糕
Trifle 乳脂松 糕
Trifle is said to be United Kingdom traditional Christmas dessert, usually layering(分层) fruits, cakes or cookies and cream.Trifle is unique in that layers of different ingredients(配料).When a spoon to dig in the end, various flavours fused(融 合) together, with great surprises.
Souffle 蛋奶酥(or called舒芙 里) It is said that the origin of Souffle is associated with the medieval(中世纪) European society,which was luxurious and greedy.Due to the weathy life, people tended to lead a life of pleasure.People spent much more time on the food and drink than work,and often held dinner parties.Finally, someone couldn’t stand these and invented this snack,whose moral is “Excessive growth of materialism eventually can’t escape the fate of collapsing" .

Today, I am delighted to introduce to you a delightful dessert that will surely tantalize your taste buds and leave you longing for more. Welcome to the enchanting world of Tiramisu!Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert that has been captivating the hearts and taste buds of dessert lovers around the world for decades. This creamy and indulgent treat is a perfect blend of flavors, textures, and layers that create a symphony of taste sensations.The name "Tiramisu" translates to "pick me up" in Italian, which perfectly describes the effect this dessert has on one's spirits. It is believed that the dessert was created during the 1960s by a housewife named Elena Ungari, who wanted to create a dessert that would be both delicious and comforting.The key ingredients of Tiramisu include ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, eggs, coffee, and a dusting of cocoa powder. The dessert is constructed in layers, starting with a base of soaked ladyfingers, followed by arich mascarpone cheese mixture, and finally, a dusting of cocoa powder on top.The ladyfingers are the foundation of Tiramisu, providing a delicate and airy texture that complements the creamy mascarpone cheese. These biscuits are soaked in a mixture of coffee and a touch of brandy, which imparts a slight bitterness and a hint of alcohol that balances the sweetness of the mascarpone cheese.The mascarpone cheese is the star of the show, offering a velvety and indulgent texture that melts in your mouth. This Italian cheese is made from the cream of cows' milk and has a rich, tangy flavor that pairs wonderfully with the coffee and eggs in the dessert. The eggs in the mascarpone cheese mixture are gently whisked to create a smooth and creamy texture, ensuring that each bite is a luxurious experience.Once the layers of ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese are assembled, the dessert is chilled in the refrigerator for a few hours, allowing the flavors to meld together and the mascarpone cheese to set. This processis crucial, as it ensures that the dessert has a perfect balance of flavors and textures.The final touch to Tiramisu is the dusting of cocoa powder on top. This not only adds a beautiful contrast to the creamy layers but also provides a subtle bitterness that complements the sweetness of the mascarpone cheese and the coffee.Tiramisu is not only a visual delight but also a true testament to the art of dessert making. It is a dessert that can be enjoyed in various forms, from traditional to modern interpretations, allowing for endless creativity and customization.In conclusion, Tiramisu is a masterpiece of Italian dessert cuisine that offers a perfect balance of flavors, textures, and layers. Whether you are a dessert aficionado or simply someone looking to satisfy your sweet tooth, Tiramisu is a dessert that you cannot afford to miss. So, let's raise our glasses and toast to the enchanting world of Tiramisu!Thank you for your attention, and I hope you will savor this delightful dessert as much as I do. Buon appetito!。

Dumpling is a popular civilian food in china. A saying said "Nothing is more delicious than dumpling", which gives the important position of dumpling in people's life. The most common food for the dinner on new year's eve is dumpling.
In general Pizza is a mixture of lots of nourishing and tasty things .So it is a popular food all over the world.
Spaghetti is also a tasty Italian food.
Moon cakes
Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are the traditional food, moon cakes are round, symbolizing the reunion, and reflects the people's aspiration for family reunion.
Some traditional Japanese foods are sushi,ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้sashimi , steamed vegetables, rice and green tea.
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提拉米苏(Tiramisu)是 一种带咖啡酒味儿的蛋糕,由 鲜奶油、可可粉、巧克力、面 粉制成,最上面是薄薄的一层 可可粉,下面是浓浓的奶油制 品,而奶油中间是类似巧克力 蛋糕般的慕司。吃到嘴里香、 滑、甜、腻,柔和中带有质感 的变化,味道并不是一味的甜, 因为有了可可粉,所以略有一 点点苦涩,这正好与卡布奇诺 (Cappuccino)相配
The second destination——Italia
Tiramisu 提拉米苏
Tiramisu’s ingredients
It is made of savoiardi (意大 利饼干or 手指饼干) dipped in espresso(kind of milk coffee) or strong coffee or rum(朗姆 酒), layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks(蛋黄), mascarpone(马斯卡普尼干酪, 一种牛奶软干酪,意大利) cheese, and sugar, and topped with cocoa.
HOW: exotic fruit salad, vanilla syrup, shaved coconut, banana passionfruit sorbet(果 汁冰糕)
Famous desserts
Opera 欧培拉 法国
Yule log 木材蛋糕 法国
提拉米苏(Tiramisu)意大利原文是“带我走”的意 思。关于Tiramisu的由来,流传过一个温馨的故事: Tiramisu最早起源于二战时期,一个意大利士兵即将开赴 战场,可是家里已经什么也没有了,心急如焚的爱人没有 时间烤制精美的蛋糕,为了给他准备干粮,只好把家里所 有能吃的饼干、面包胡乱混合了鸡蛋可可粉蛋糕条做成粗 陋速成的一个点心。她挂着汗珠,闪着泪光递上的食物虽 然简单,却满怀着深深的爱意。所以,这份点心的另一个 含义是“记住我”。每当这个士兵在战场上吃到提拉米苏 就会想起他的家,想起家中心爱的人。
) Franz Sacher
它是由大黄(植物中的 一种),香槟,覆盆子泡 沫,还有白巧克力雪芭, 还有树莓杏仁做成
它是由wattle seed (树的种子)冰淇淋, 巧克力酱,橘子酱,焦 糖可可制成
Thank you
Hale Waihona Puke Stollen 圣诞面包 德国 Chiffon Cake槭风蛋糕 美国 Nagaski Castella 长崎蜂蜜蛋糕 日本
The world’s most expensive dessert
Price:25000 dollar 甜点的原材料:包括顶尖 级可可粉(来自14个国 家)、牛奶、可食用的 24K黄金和刨花的松茸巧 克力(La Madeline au Truffle),盛放的容器则 是镶有黄金和钻石的高脚 杯。吃甜点用的金勺也十 分精美,而且可以让顾客 Frozen Haute Chocolate 带回家
HOW: meyer lemon curd, poached blueberries, yoghurt sorbet
HOW: praline biscuit, French chocolate mousse, butterscotch
PS: control! control!! control!!! = =!
Petits fours
The first destination——Paris
Macaron 马卡龙(杏仁小圆饼)
macaron’ s ingredients
It is meringue-based(蛋 白糖饼): made from a mixture of egg whites, almond(杏仁) flour, and both granulated and confectionery sugar..
The third destination——
Sachertorte 沙加蛋糕
Sachertorte (is a chocolate cake, invented by Franz Sacher in 1832 for in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the most famous Viennese(威尼斯人) culinary(烹饪) specialties. The Original Sachertorte is only made in Vienna and Salzburg(萨尔茨保,奥地利 地名)), and is shipped from both locations. The only place where the Original Sacher Torte is available outside of Austria is in the Sacher shop of Bolzano(博尔扎诺,意大 利地名), Italy.