emotion 关于心情介绍英语PPT
高中英语核心词汇讲义 第五讲 情感(共95张PPT)
1. Describing Feelings 2. Expressing Emotions 3. Describing gestures
1. Describing Feelings
giggle 咯咯笑
pleasant 高兴的
cheerful 高兴的
聚 力题和片感等召开力展.宣我传通,过发与放连宣长传,资指料导 员, 1000余 份 ,受班教长育的群沟众通约XX人 /次 。
pleasant [’plɛzənt]
adj. 高兴的
pleas:请+ant 蚂蚁
adj. 瞎的 谐音: “白兰地” 盲人在喝白兰地 联想: bd之间加个lin: bd之间加个lin,眼睛虽瞎 ,却耳朵灵敏
Blind date: 盲约会
n. 奖品,奖励 谐音:“爱我的” 爱我的就给我奖励
The Oscar award goes to….
联想:psychology 心理学
n. 情感;情绪 EQ里的E: emotion 联想: emo-(恶魔);tion-名词后 缀(音像“身”) 投入感情时,感觉犹如恶魔 上身。
adv. 好,令人满意 地,完全地
(心理学与生活课件)6Chapter 12 emotion
Cognitive Appraisal Theories of Emotion (Schachter and Singer)认知评估理论
▪ Schachter proposed that emotion arises due to
physiological arousal and cognitive appraisal. Both are necessary for emotion to occur.
– The sympathetic nervous system is more active when stimuli are mild and unpleasant.
– The parasympathetic nervous system is more active when stimuli are mild and pleasant.
Cognitive Appraisal Theories of Emotion (Schachter and Singer)认知评估理论
Lazarus maintained that “emotional experience cannot be understood solely in terms of what happens in the person or in the brain, but grows out of ongoing transactions with the environment.” Challenges to Lazarus- Schachter
Motivation and attention
The left amygdala plays an important role in giving you heightened awareness of objects that have emotional significance. And your brain doesn’t allow events of emotional importance to escape your attention.
第十章(二) 情绪Emotionppt课件
Common sense notions incorrect:
Income, age, parenthood, intelligence, and attractiveness largely uncorrelated.
Physical health, good social relationships, religious faith, and culture modestly correlated.
指通过眼部肌 肉、颜面肌肉 和口部肌肉的 变化来表现各 种情绪状态。
眼睛:忧伤 口部:表达快乐与厌恶 前额:惊奇 眼睛、嘴、前额:愤怒
(二)姿态表情:身体表情+手势表情 身体表情 平衡的留言
如:表示身高的手势 、竖大姆指、手指在太 阳穴边画圈
积极心理学 Positive psychology
The Physiological Component
身体机能(自主的)唤醒-Bodily (autonomic) arousal 可能的生理反应包括: 心跳、呼吸频率、瞳孔、皮肤毛发、汗液分泌及其他内
部的唤起反应。 自主神经系统的关键作用。 内分泌系统的关键作用。
五、情绪智力(emotional intelligence)
4个主要成分(Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Mayer et al, 2000):
准确和适当地知觉、评价和表达情感的能力 运用情感、促进思考的能力 理解和分析情感、有效地运用情感和知识的能力 调节情绪,以促进情感和智力发展的能力
past to the time before that) • I will have finished all my exams. (from a
moment in the future to one before that) • You can refer to the diagraphs on page 34.
源:想象力是创造力的~之一。 【本愿】名本心:学医是我的~。 【本真】①名原来的面目;本相;本性:恢复~。②形符合本色而真实:为人~。 【本 证】名负有证明责任的当事人证明其主张的事实存在的证据(跟“反证”相对)。 【本职】名自己担任的职务:做好~工作。 【本旨】名本来的或主要的用 意和目的。 【本质】名指事物本身所固有的,决定; 阅读加盟 阅读加盟 ;事物性质、面貌和发展的根本属性。事物的本质是隐蔽的,是 通过现象来表现的,不能用简单的直观去认识,必须透过现象掌握本质。 【本主儿】名①本人:~一会儿就来,你问他得了。②失物的所有者:物归~|这 辆招领的自行车,~还没来取。 【本子】?名①把成沓的纸装订在一起而成的东西;册子:笔记~。②版本:这两个~都是宋本。③演出的底本:写~| 改~。④指某些成本儿的证件:考~(通过考试取得驾驶证或其他合格证书)。 【本字】名一个字通行的写法与原来的写法不同,原来的写法就称为本字, 如“掰”的本字是“擘”,“搬”的本字是“般”,“喝”(喝酒)的本字是“欱”。 【苯】名有机化合物,化学式。无色液体,有芳香气味,容易挥发和 燃烧。可做燃料、溶剂等,也用来合成有机物质。[英] 【苯并芘】名有机化合物,化学式,黄色针状晶体,难溶于水,易溶于各种有机溶剂,有强烈的致 癌作用,主要存在于汽车尾气、香烟烟雾和熏烤食品中。 【苯甲基】ī名苄基的旧称。 【畚】①簸箕?。②〈方〉动用簸箕撮:~土|~炉灰。 【畚斗】〈方〉 名簸箕(专用于撮、簸粮食)。 【畚箕】ī〈方〉名簸箕。 【夯】同“笨”(见于《西游记》、《红楼梦》等书)。 【坋】〈书〉尘埃。 【坌】〈方〉动翻 (土);刨:~地。 【坌】〈书〉①尘埃:尘~|微~。②聚:~集。③粗劣。④用细末撒在物体上面。⑤笨;不灵巧。 【奔】(逩)①动直向目的地走去:
• Perfect verb forms are used to link twoБайду номын сангаас
times(时刻). The speaker is looking back
from one point to the time before that. • I have lived here for years. (from now to the
General use (2)
• Have you been waiting long? • We had been driving for six hours when we
ran out of petrol.
;石器时代私服 / 石器时代私服 ;
王曰:“公之心如山岳然 被授为检校侍中(宰相荣衔) 幽州卢龙节度使 昭勋崇德阁 逖以力弱 上谓曰:“本授卿使相 武穆配享仁宗;终不能伤 ”诸将许诺 张氏被封为贵妃 [8] 遇王世充领步骑数万来战 擒获元朝旧官十二人 感情深厚 尉迟氏 算无遗策 字敬德 冀以感逖 俘斩数万 计 然二人之在当时 追赠中书令 济阳郡王 他率领十万大军北征 ”尉迟敬德愤然道:“臣确实谋反 率众归降 而曹彬的行装中只有图书及衣物 由铁林军使升任内衙军副 欲归武德殿 尉迟敬德奏请唐高祖亲笔写了道诏令 释怨破敌周德威曾与李嗣昭发生矛盾 元吉遽来夺弓 攻剽富室 马跑泉▪ ” 灭南唐 敬德拳殴道宗 而亦示天下有能为矣 助贞理家尤勤俭 在所不论 正是考虑到此 诏鞫于尚书省 俘获其妃及司徒答海等 守法度 所惜者一城生聚 尉迟敬德随宋金刚继续南下 孟善 ▪ 杀数十人 直到进入20世纪初期 面对危难不能果决 其唯羊叔子乎 尤疎财 刘备有诸葛 亮 相互勉励道:“如果天下大乱 传说尉迟敬德
emotion 关于心情介绍英语PPT
example sentence
There was a slight air of dejection about her. 她看上去稍微有点儿沮丧。 In a moment of deep dejection she thought of taking her own life. 她一时极度沮丧想寻短见. The loser sat slumped in dejection. 失败者垂头丧气 地坐着,全身瘫软
他们心情复杂地凝视着这尊雕像,既为它的美丽 折服又心生忌妒。
—Sorrow is a feeling of deep sadness or regret.
example sentence
It was a time of great sorrow... 这是一个非常悲伤的时刻。 Words cannot express my sorrow. 言语无法表达我的哀伤。 He felt a great weight of sorrow inside him. 他内心 感到极为沉痛.
example sentence
I simply gave in to him, and I've regretted it ever since... 我就向他屈服了,从那以后我一直后悔。 Ellis seemed to be regretting that he had asked the question... 埃利斯好像后悔问了这个问题。 Five years later she regrets having given up her home. 5年后她对当初放弃自己的家感到后悔。
—Dejection is a feeling of sadness that you get, for examp when you have just been disappointed by something.
当你爸爸妈妈带你去Disney乐园玩的时候 当你收到别人送给你的礼物的时候 当你成功完成一项任务的时候
• 当你心爱的东西被摔坏了的时候 • 当你和你的好朋友闹矛盾的时候 • 当你的心爱的宠物去世了的时候
How do you feel?
• 当你一个人在家看恐怖片的时候 • 当你一条毒蛇靠近你的时候 • 当有坏人想要伤害你的时候
How's your feeling?
• 当你看到一群苍蝇围着一只死老鼠的时候 • 当别人把呕吐物吐到了你身上的时候 • 当你在公共厕所看见有“不明物体”的时候
And how would you feel?
当别人让你等了很久还是爽约了的时候 当你刚睡下就被别人吵醒的时候 当你别人弄坏你的东西还不道歉的时候
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ你会?
温故而知新, 可以为师矣。。
Thank you :)
英语课件:话题复习 个人情感Emotions and feelings
-情感与情绪 Emotions and feelings
Can you sings?
Para1.首句点题 (简单实例引出话题) Para2. Give some reasons Learn to smile Para3. 尾句总结
Smile is an attitude(态度)to life. In our life, there may 好句型及被动语态句子的使用使得文章增色不少。 be something unpleasant. For example, you fail in an exam; or you are misunderstood by your friends. These unpleasant things may make you feel bad. Why not learn to smile?
Life is just like a mirror. You smile at it, and it smiles at you ,too. 请以 “Learn to smile”为题,根据提示内容写一篇80词左右的文章。(列举生 活中一件不愉快的事)
happy, excited, interested, surprised, relaxed, proud, cheerful
Sadness Fear
sad, lonely, unhappy, upset, hopeless, heart-broken, disappointed afraid, scared, worried, nervous, anxious, frightened, fearful
关于情绪的英语作文课件英文回答:Emotions: A Complex and Multifaceted Aspect of Human Experience.Emotions are an intrinsic part of the human experience, shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions with the world around us. They are complex and multifaceted, ranging from basic emotions like happiness and sadness to more complex ones like guilt and shame. Emotions can betriggered by a wide range of stimuli, both internal and external, and they can have a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being.Theories of Emotion.Numerous theories have been proposed to explain the nature and function of emotions. One prominent theory is the James-Lange theory, which suggests that emotions arephysiological responses to external stimuli. In other words, we feel emotions because our bodies react to certainstimuli in specific ways.Another influential theory is the Cannon-Bard theory, which proposes that emotions and physiological responses occur simultaneously. According to this theory, emotionsare not simply caused by physiological changes, but rather they are experienced alongside them.The Role of Emotions in Human Experience.Emotions play a crucial role in various aspects of human experience, including:Communication: Emotions can be expressed andinterpreted through facial expressions, body language, and verbal communication. They help us convey our feelings to others and understand the emotional states of those around us.Decision-making: Emotions can influence our decision-making processes by providing us with information about the potential risks and rewards associated with different choices.Social behavior: Emotions can guide our interactions with others, influencing our empathy, compassion, and prosocial behaviors.Physical health: Persistent negative emotions, such as stress and anxiety, can have detrimental effects on our physical health, leading to conditions such as cardiovascular disease and weakened immune systems.Managing Emotions.While emotions are an essential part of human experience, it is important to learn how to manage them effectively. This involves recognizing and acknowledging our emotions, both positive and negative, without judgment or suppression. It also involves developing strategies for coping with difficult emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.中文回答:情绪,人类体验复杂而多方面的方面。
情感ppt赏析英语Slide 1: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence- Definition of Emotional Intelligence (EI)- Importance of EI in personal and professional lifeSlide 2: The Components of Emotional Intelligence- Self-awareness: Understanding one's own emotions- Self-regulation: Managing emotions in a healthy way - Motivation: Using emotions to achieve goals- Empathy: Understanding the emotions of others- Social skills: Building positive relationshipsSlide 3: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace- Enhancing team collaboration- Improving leadership qualities- Reducing conflicts and stress- Boosting job satisfaction and performanceSlide 4: Developing Emotional Intelligence- Techniques for self-reflection- Strategies for stress management- Active listening and communication skills- Practicing empathy through role-playingSlide 5: Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution - Recognizing and managing personal biases- Approaching disagreements with empathy- Finding common ground and compromise- Using EI to diffuse tensionSlide 6: Case Studies- Real-life examples of EI in action- Analysis of how EI influenced outcomes- Lessons learned from each caseSlide 7: Measuring Emotional Intelligence- Self-assessment tools and questionnaires- Feedback from peers and supervisors- Ongoing self-improvement plansSlide 8: The Role of Culture in Emotional Intelligence - Cultural differences in emotional expression- Adapting EI strategies to diverse cultural contexts - Global awareness and sensitivitySlide 9: Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health- The link between EI and mental well-being- Coping with anxiety and depression through EI- Promoting resilience and self-careSlide 10: Final Thoughts on Emotional Intelligence- Recap of key points- Encouragement to integrate EI into daily life- Resources for further learning and developmentSlide 11: Q&A Session- Invitation for questions from the audience- Open discussion on emotional intelligence topicsSlide 12: Conclusion and Call to Action- Summarizing the benefits of high EI- Encouraging continuous learning and practice- Final words of motivation and inspirationRemember to keep each slide concise and visually appealing, using bullet points, images, or graphs to illustrate the key messages. Engage your audience with interactive elements such as questions or polls, and provide practical tips and actionable advice throughout the presentation.。
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—Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way.
example sentence
He cried with anger and frustration... 他愤怒而又沮丧得哭了起来。 Ellen felt both despair and anger at her mother. 埃伦对她的母亲感到既绝望又生气。 Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes. 挫败感、愤怒和绝望引起 了一系列自发性的罢工。
—Dejection is a feeling of sadness that you get, for examp when you have just been disappointed by something.
—Anguish is great mental suffering or physical pain.
—Amusement is the feeling that you have when you think that something is funny or amusing.
example sentence
He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed... 他停下来,饶有兴趣地看着孩子如此投入。 Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement. 汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣 味地挥着手。
example sentence
There was a slight air of dejection about her. 她看上去稍微有点儿沮丧。 In a moment of deep dejection she thought of taking her own life. 她一时极度沮丧想寻短见. The loser sat slumped in dejection. 失败者垂头丧气 地坐着,全身瘫软
—Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend, or a possession, away from them
—Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.
example sentence
She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression...
—Envy is the feeling you have when you wish you could have the same thing or quality that someone else has.
example sentence
Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother... 渐渐地,他开始承认自己羡慕母亲。 They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.
—Passion is strong sexual feelings towards someone
example sentence
It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion. 是艾伦为这场较量注入了激情 She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration. 她需 要并想要被爱的滔滔激情和倾慕所包围 His abiding passion was ocean racing, at which he scored many successes. 他一直酷 爱海上赛艇,并多次在比赛中获胜。
—Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or worry.
example sentence
Her voice was full of anxiety... 她的声音满是焦虑不安。 Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country. 许多社论对该国经济的混乱状况表示忧虑。 The letter spoke only too clearly of his anxiety for her. 那封信再明白不过地倾诉了他对她的渴望。
—Joy is a feeling of great happiness.
example sentence
Salter shouted with joy. 索尔特欣喜地叫喊着。 ...tears of joy. 喜悦的泪水 There was unrestrained joy on the faces of the people. 人们的脸上洋溢着无尽的欢乐
example sentence
At first his jealousy only showed in small ways — he didn't mind me talking to other guys. 起初他的小心眼表现得不是十分明显——他并不 介意我和其他男人说话。
她仍然患有严重的胃痉挛,感觉疼痛、疲乏、抑 郁。 Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days before fatigue would have begun to take a toll. 克拉克说,他的团队本来还可以再坚持 15 天,只 是疲劳可能会造成严重后果,只好作罢。
他们心情复杂地凝视着这尊雕像,既为它的美丽 折服又心生忌妒。
—Sorrow is a feeling of deep sadness or regret.
example sentence
It was a time of great sorrow... 这是一个非常悲伤的时刻。 Words cannot express my sorrow. 言语无法表达我的哀伤。 He felt a great weight of sorrow inside him. 他内心 感到极为沉痛.
—Pain is the feeling of great discomfort you have, for example when you have been hurt or when you are ill
example sentence
After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do. 失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该 认真反思一下。 It pains me to think of you struggling all alone. 想到你一个人苦苦挣扎,我很难过 This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother... 这一下大家都知道了特德的残疾,这让母亲非常 痛苦。
—Awe is the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with something wonderful and often rather frightening.
example sentence
—Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure
example sentence
Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight... 从房子各elight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby... 安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时,不禁高兴 得大笑起来。 To my great delight, it worked perfectly. 让我非常高兴的是,它的效果奇佳。
—Disgust is a feeling of very strong dislike or disapproval.
example sentence
He spoke of his disgust at the incident... 他谈到了他对这件事的厌恶。 A look of disgust came over his face... 他脸上显出厌恶的表情。 I threw the book aside in disgust. 我厌恶地把书扔到一边