
浙江大学远程教育学院模拟试题答案课程代码名称18030740兽医微生物学与免疫学年级专业(层次)畜牧兽医专升本一、填空题(20分,每空1分)1. 吕文虎克(Antony van Leeuwenhoek)2. 微米(micrometer, μm)3. 球状(菌)、杆状(菌)、螺旋状(菌)4. 细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、核体5. 营养物质、温度、酸碱度、渗透压、气体环境6. 酵母菌、霉菌、担子菌7. 立克次体8. 中枢免疫器官、外周免疫器官二、名词解释(30分,每题5分)1. LD50:即半数致死量(median lethal dose),是指能使接种的实验动物在感染后一定时限内死亡一半所需的微生物量或毒素量。
2. 质粒:是细菌染色体外的遗传物质,多为环状闭合双螺旋DNA分子。
3. SPF动物:即无特定病原体动物(specific parhogen-free animals),是指不存在某些特定的具有病原性或潜在病原性微生物的动物。
4. 细胞病变:病毒感染导致的细胞损伤称之为细胞病变,简称CPE,可在光学显微镜下观察,是病毒学检测及研究的常手段之一。
5. 抗原决定簇:抗原分子表面具有特殊立体构型和免疫活性的化学基团称为抗原决定簇,由于其通常位于抗原分子表面,又称为抗原表位。
6. 单克隆抗体:由一个B细胞分化增殖的子代细胞(浆细胞)产生的针对单一抗原决定簇的抗体称为单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody, McAb)。
三、简答题(30分,每题10分)1. 细菌对革兰氏染色呈现阳性(紫色)和阴性(红色)两种反应的结果,一般认为与细菌细胞壁的结构与组成有关。

• A 以课件自主学习为主,辅以必要旳教学辅导• B 以书本学习为主,教师讲课辅导• C 以课件自主学习为主,学院没有辅导• D 以面授学习为主2.课程学习应以()内容为主。
• A 视频课件• B 教材• C 答疑讨论• D A类课件3.用于理解学校一学期或一年旳教学活动日程安排(包括开学日期、报到注册日期、开始上课日期、考试日期、学期结束日期、开始放假日期等,以及还规定了重要活动和重要节假日旳安排旳教学指导文献是()。
• A 开课计划• B 专业教学计划• C 院历• D 开考计划4.按教育部规定,专升本和大专层次旳最低修业年限均为()年。
• A 2• B 2.5• C 4• D 55.学生一年选课次数为()。
• A 1• B 2• C 4• D 2~46.下列有关统考免考条件描述错误旳是()。
• A 符合“已具有国民教育系列本科以上学历旳”,免统考所有科目• B 符合“非英语类专业,入学注册时年龄满40周岁”旳,免“大学英语B”• C 符合“非计算机类专业,获得全国计算机等级考试一级B或以上级别证书”旳,免“计算机应用基础”• D 非英语类专业,1月之后大学英语等级CET四级成绩到达420分或更高成绩旳,可以免考“大学英语B”7.用于理解要完毕学业需学习哪些课程、课程旳开课学期、每门课程旳教学环节构成(有否试验)、每门课程旳性质(必修课、选修课等)、每门课程旳教课时数安排、以及每门课程旳考核方式(考试或考察)旳教学指导文献是()。
• A 课程导学• B 专业教学计划• C 院历• D 开考计划8.学生本人各学期旳学习课程,一般状况下通过()进行。
• A 所有由学生网上自主选课• B 学习中心安排• C 学院默认配课• D 学生书面申请9.如下有关公共选修课程旳说法,有误旳是()。
• A 公共选修课程规定修读一定学分。
• B 公共选修课程学分超过规定旳学分数后,可替代专业必修课程。

浙江大学远程教育学院 《物理化学》课程作业(必做)姓名:学 号:年级:2014春药学学习中心:杭州学习中心—————————————————————————————第一章 热力学第一定律一、填空题1. △U=Q+W 适用于 宏观上静止且无外力场存在的封闭 系统。
2. △H=Q P 的适用条件是 封闭系统在非体积功为0且等压 。
3. 系统的性质分为广度性质和 强度性质 。
4. 水(101325Pa ,273.15K )在等温等压下凝结成冰(101325Pa ,273.15K )过程 的W 小于 零(填“小于”、“大于”或“等于” )。
二、简答题1. 什么是系统?什么是环境?答:将一部分物质从其他部分中划分出来,作为研究的对象,这一部分物质就称为系统; 系统之外与系统密切相关的部分称为环境。
2. 什么是热力学第一定律?答:将能量守恒与转化定律应用于宏观的热力学系统即为热力学第一定律。
三、计算题1. 1 mol 单原子理想气体在298K 时,分别按下列三种方式从15.00dm 3膨胀到40.00 dm 3: (1)自由膨胀; (2)等温可逆膨胀;(3)在恒定外压为终态压力下等温膨胀。
分别求上述三种过程的Q 、W 、ΔU 和ΔH 。
答:(1)自由膨胀;0)(0)(1212e ===V V V V p W -⨯--因为理想气体的热力学能和焓都只是温度的函数,而理想气体自由膨胀过程温度不变,所以:ΔU =ΔH =f (T )=0 (2)等温可逆膨胀;因为理想气体的热力学能和焓都只是温度的函数,所以等温过程ΔU=ΔH=0W=-nRTln(v2/v1)=-1x8.314x298ln(40/15)=-2430J Q=-w=2430J(3)在恒定外压为终态压力下等温膨胀。
ΔU=ΔH=0P=nRT/V=(1×8.314×298)/(40/1000)=61.94KPa W=-61.94 × (40-15) =-1548.5J Q=-w=1548.5J2. 已知298.2K 时,NaCl(s)、H 2SO 4(l)、Na 2SO 4 (s)和HCl(g)的标准摩尔生成焓分别为-411、-811.3、-1383和-92.3 kJ·mol -1,求下列反应2NaCl(s) + H 2SO 4(l) = Na 2SO 4(s) + 2HCl(g)在298.2K 时的△r H m ө。

A 复表皮B 绿皮层C 初生皮层D 次生皮层正确答案:B单选题2.【全部章节】外果皮、中果皮、内果皮较易分离的果实是()。
A 浆果B 柑果C 梨果D 瓠果正确答案:B单选题3.【全部章节】菊科植物的连萼瘦果由()共同形成。
A 上位子房与花萼B 下位子房与花萼C 半下位子房与花萼D 半上位子房与花萼正确答案:B单选题4.【全部章节】牵牛的茎为()。
A 缠绕茎B 匍匐茎C 平卧茎D 直立茎正确答案:A单选题5.【全部章节】桑椹肥厚多汁的部分是()。
A 花托B 花序托C 花序轴D 花被正确答案:D单选题6.【全部章节】何首乌块根横切面上的圆圈状花纹在药材鉴别上称()。
A 星点B 菊花心C 云锦花纹D 同心花纹正确答案:C单选题7.【全部章节】地黄经加工炮制为熟地黄,改变了药物性能,其功效变为()。
A 清热降火B 补血滋阴C 滋阴凉血D 生津凉血正确答案:B单选题8.【全部章节】唇形科植物的花柱插生于纵向分裂的子房基部称()。
A 花盘B 腺体C 合蕊柱D 花柱基生正确答案:D单选题9.【全部章节】花程式中拉丁文字母缩写“C”,表示()。
A 花被B 花萼C 花冠D 雄蕊群正确答案:C单选题10.【全部章节】人参的芦头为()。
A 根茎B 块茎C 球茎D 鳞茎正确答案:A单选题11.【全部章节】裸子植物属于()。
A 低等植物B 隐花植物C 无胚植物D 显花植物正确答案:D单选题12.【全部章节】根茎和块茎为()。
A 地上茎变态B 地下茎变态C 正常茎变态D 发育不良正确答案:B单选题13.【全部章节】槐树的叶为()。
A 掌状三出复叶B 羽状三出复叶C 掌状复叶D 羽状复叶正确答案:B单选题14.【全部章节】大黄根茎的异常维管束(星点)存在()。
A 皮层中B 韧皮部中C 木质部中D 髓中正确答案:D单选题15.【全部章节】淡竹叶的脉序为()。
A 二叉脉序B 弧形脉序C 网状脉序D 直出平行脉正确答案:D单选题16.【全部章节】根有定根和不定根之分,定根有主根,主根是从()发育而来。

第6章计算机网络基础单选题其实我所给的这些典型题目就是期末考试题或统考题,因此必做;参考答案在另一个Word文档中一.计算机网络的形成与发展、网络的分类、网络拓扑结构、资源共享1、计算机网络是__B____相结合的产物;请看解析A.计算机技术与通讯技术B.计算机技术与信息技术C.计算机技术与电子技术D.信息技术与通讯技术解析又问:计算机网络是计算机与______相结合的产物;A.各种协议 B.通信技术 C.电话答:选B;2、下列有关计算机网络叙述错误的是___D___;请看解析A.利用Internet网可以使用远程的超级计算中心的计算机资源 -- 对,属于资源共享B.计算机网络是在通信协议控制下实现的计算机互联C.建立计算机网络的最主要目的是实现资源共享D.以接入的计算机多少可以将网络划分为广域网、城域网和局域网解析网络划分为广域网、城域网和局域网是按网络所覆盖的范围或面积来划分的;例如,由计算机组成的覆盖范围在10公里以内的网络属于局域网LAN;3、最早的第一阶段计算机网络系统,有____A____个主机;请看解析--- 以一台主机为中心的远程联机系统D.几十台解析第一阶段的计算机网络又称为"面向终端的计算机网络",即一台主机,多个终端;4、____C____被认为是Internet的前身;参考第6行,说明:Internet的中文名为“因特网”请看解析A.万维网--- 是美国国防部开发的一个网络解析又问:Internet是由______发展而来的;A.局域网;B. 标准网;;;答:选C;5、当前普遍使用的Internet IP版本是__C______;参考--- 下一代网络的IP版本为Ipv6--- 我们目前使用网络的IP版本为Ipv4解析略6、LAN通常是指___B___;请看解析A.广域网B.局域网C.资源子网D.城域网解析要求记:LAN是局域网的缩写,MAN是城域网的缩写,WAN是广域网的缩写,Internet中文名为因特网;有人问:MAN通常是指________;A.广域网B.城域网C.局域网D.互联网;答:选择B;7、一个学校内部网络一般属于_B_______;请看解析A.城域网B.局域网C.广域网D.互联网解析有人问:如果是通过电信从长沙到北京的计算机网络属于什么网答:属于广域网,Internet是广域网中的一种,从技术角度看广域网属于互联网,所以我们也把因特网称为互联网;我们目前通过Internet因特网可以方便地进行长沙与北京之间的互相访问;8、将计算机网络划分为局域网、城域网、广域网是按___C_____划分;A.用途B.连接方式C.覆盖范围 --- 有的书上又叫做:网络的作用范围D.以上都不是解析略9、将计算机网络划分为公用网和专用网是按____A____划分;请看解析A.使用范围B.连接方式C.覆盖范围D.以上都不是解析计算机网络按使用范围划分为公用网和专用网;如果按覆盖范围一般可划分为三类,它们是:LAN、MAN、WAN;10、计算机网络的基本分类方法主要有两种:一种是根据网络所使用的传输技术;另一种是根据___C___;A.网络协议B.网络操作系统类型C.覆盖范围与规模D.网络服务器类型与规模解析略11、属于不同城市的用户的计算机互相通信,他们组成的网络属于__C______;A.局域网B.城域网 ---- 如果是在同一个城市里用户之间通信属于城域网;C.广域网 ---- 如果是不同城市的用户的计算机互相通信则属于广域网D.互联网解析略12、I nternet主要由四部分组成,其中包括路由器、主机、信息资源与_D_____;A.数据库B.管理员C.销售商D.通信线路 --- 对;通信线路又分为“有线”和“无线”两种解析略13、支持局域网与广域网互联的设备称为___C___;请看解析A.转发器B.以太网交换机C.路由器 ---- 例如,一个医院欲和因特网互联,则必须购买”路由器”D.网桥解析又问:一个校园网与城域网或广域网互联,它应该选用的互联设备为______;A.交换机 B.网桥 C.路由器 D.网关;答:选择C;14、I nternet网属于一种__C____;A.校园网B.局域网C.广域网NT网解析略15、以下哪个不是网络拓扑结构___C___;请看解析A.总线型B.星型C.开放型D.环型解析参考,常见的网络拓扑结构主要有:星型拓扑结构、总线型拓扑结构、环型拓扑结构和树型拓扑结构;特别说明:树型拓扑结构不是独立的,它可看作由“总线型”和“星型”演变而来的;16、____B___是由总线拓扑结构也包括了星型结构演变而来的,它看上去像一颗倒挂的树;A.网状拓扑结构B.树型拓扑结构C.环型拓扑结构D.总线拓扑结构解析略17、各结点都与中心结点结点可以理解为计算机连接,呈辐射状排列在中心结点周围,这种结构是__B______;A.总线拓扑结构B.星型拓扑结构C.环型拓扑结构D.网状拓扑结构解析略18、通过一根传输线路将网络中所有结点即计算机连接起来,这种拓扑结构是__A_____;A.总线拓扑结构B.星型拓扑结构C.环型拓扑结构D.以上都不是解析略19、各结点首尾相连形成一个闭合的环,其网络逻辑拓扑结构为___C_____;A.总线拓扑结构B.星型拓扑结构C.环型拓扑结构D.以上都不是解析略20、对于单个结点的故障不会影响到网络的其他部分,但中心接点的故障会导致整个网络的瘫痪网络拓扑结构是____B____;A.总线拓扑结构 ---总线型结构往往会出现:某个结点故障将导致整个网络瘫痪;B.星型拓扑结构 --- 现在一般都用星型结构来连接局域网C.环型拓扑结构D.树形拓扑结构解析略21、上面几种结构主要用在计算机局域网的连接中,如果有人问:目前存在的广域网例如因特网主要采用___C___拓扑结构;A.总线型B.星型C.网状型 ---- 网状型拓扑结构和前面几个是有区别的,主要用在广域网中的连接D.环型解析略22、网状拓扑结构的缺点是___D_____;A.对根结点的依赖性大 --- 这是树型拓扑结构的缺点B.中心结点的故障导致整个网络的瘫痪 --- 这是星型拓扑结构的缺点C.任意结点的故障或一条传输介质的故障能导致整个网络的故障;D.结构复杂解析略23、星型拓扑结构的优点是__B______;A.易实现、易维护、易扩充B.单个结点的故障不会影响到网络的其他部分C.易于扩充与故障隔离D.系统的可靠性高解析略24、计算机网络的目标是实现__C____;A.文献检索B.运行速度快C.资源共享 ---- 这里的资源可理解为数据、软件、硬件设备D.数据处理解析略25、关于计算机网络资源共享的描述准确的是___D___;请看解析A.共享线路B.共享硬件C.共享数据和软件D.共享硬件、数据、软件 ----硬件共享可理解为:例如连网的计算机可以共享一台打印机硬件解析又问:网上共享的资源有________、________和_______;应该填:硬件软件数据;26、在局域网中,用户共享文件夹时,以下说法不正确的是____C____;A.能读取和复制文件夹中的文件B.可以复制文件夹中的文件C.可以更改文件夹中的文件 ---- 只要给你适当的权限,你就可以办到D.不能读取文件夹中的文件解析略二.局域网的基本组成、功能与特点、以及广域网含Internet若干概念27、局域网为了相互通信,一般安装__A____;A.调制解调器---某电脑要通过电话线连接到因特网,则要用调制解调器,完成数模转换B.网卡 ---局域网中为了相互通信必须安装网卡,它负责数据的收发C.声卡D.电视解析略28、局域网常用设备不包括___D___;A.网卡NIC ---- 计算机要接入局域网必须安装网卡B.集线器Hub ---- 星型网连接就用到集线器,是一个中央收发设备;C.交换机Switch -----相当于集线器,但功能比集线器强,只不过价格贵一些D.显示卡VGA解析略29、网络可以通过无线的方式进行连网,以下不属于无线传输介质的是___C_____;A.微波B.无线电波C.光缆 --- 属于有线的,传输的是由数字信号转换过来的光信号D.红外线解析略30、基于文件服务的局域网操作系统软件一般分为两个部分,即工作站软件与__C____;A.浏览器软件B.网络管理软件C.服务器软件D.客户机软件解析略31、通过局域网连接到Internet,需要硬件___B___;请看解析--- MODEM就是所谓的调制解调器B.网络适配器 --- 就是我们平时所说的“网卡”C.电话D.驱动程序解析通过局域网连接到Internet,必须使用网卡网络适配器;通过电话线接到Internet需要使用调制解调器,或者是ADSL设备,目前多半采用ADSL设备实现宽带连接;32、典型的局域网硬件部分可以看成由以下五部分组成:网络服务器、工作站、传输介质、网络交换机与___D___;参考,但是路由器不一定要有,它是局域网接入Internet所必须的设备地址B.路由器\IP协议D.网卡解析略33、网络的有线传输媒体有双绞线、同轴电缆和__C____;A.铜电线B.信号线C.光缆 --- 记住:有线传输媒体或介质主要是:双绞线、同轴电缆和光缆D.微波解析略34、计算机网络系统中的硬件包括:_B_____;A.网络连接设备和传输介质;B.服务器、工作站、连接设备和传输介质; --- 对,其中网卡包括在“连接设备”中C.服务器、工作站、连接设备;D.服务器、工作站和传输介质;解析略35、一个办公室中有多台计算机,每个计算机都配置有网卡,并已经购买有一台网络集线器和一台打印机,一般组成局域网通过的传输介质是___B______;A.光纤B.双绞线 --- 对C.电话线D.无线解析略36、局域网中,主要由___D_____提供硬盘、文件数据及打印共享等服务功能;A.用户工作站B.传输介质C.网络设备D.服务器 --- 由网络服务器提供这些服务解析略37、___B_____将工作站或服务器连到网络上,实现资源共享和相互通信、数据转换和电信号的匹配;A.网关B.网卡C.转接设备D.以上都不是解析略38、下面不属于网络通信设备的是___B___;A.路由器B.扫描仪 --- 扫描仪是计算机的输入设备C.交换机D.中继器解析略39、一般来说,计算机网络可以提供的功能有____D__;A.资源共享、综合信息服务B.信息传输与集中处理C.均衡负荷与分布处理D.以上都是 ---- 以上几点是计算机网络的主要功能解析略40、决定局域网特性的主要技术要素是:网络拓扑、传输介质与__D____;A.数据库软件B.服务器软件C.体系结构D.介质访问控制方法解析略41、在局域网中不能共享___C_______;A.硬盘B.文件夹C.显示器D.打印机解析略42、局域网的主要特点不包括__B____;请看解析A.地理范围有限B.远程访问C.通信速率高 --- 因为范围比较小,所以通信速率远比因特网高D.灵活,组网方便解析又问:局域网相比较广域网的特点有______;答:局域网的数据传输速度更快43、局域网的主要功能和作用是___A_____;A.实施网络通信和共享网络资源B.提供远距离通信C.提供高速通信服务D.以上都不是解析略44、在广域网中,通信子网主要包括____B____;看解析A.传输信道和终端设备B.转接设备和传输信道C.转接设备和终端设备D.以上都不是解析广域网可看作由分布在各地的“局域网”和“城域网”连接而成;广域网Internet也是广域网中的一种分为两部分:第一部分是通信子网由通信线路和转接设备路由器就是一个转发设备组成,第二部分是资源子网;45、广域网数据交换一般采用的方式是__B______;A.直接传送B.存储转发――对比较难,如果愿意掌握的可记一下C.路由转发D.以上都不是解析略46、广域网可以提供的服务模式有____C____;看解析A.只提供面向连接的服务模式B.只提供面向无连接的服务模式C.提供面向连接和无连接两种服务模式D.以上都不正确解析以后会知道Internet中,TCP协议是面向连接的,而UDP是不面向连接的;47、广域网的数据传输速率一般比局域网的数据传输速率___B_____;A.高B.低C.相等D.不确定解析略48、对于广域网来说,下列说法不正确的是____A____;A.作用范围必须在几千公里以上 ---不一定的,在一个地区也可以用广域网技术组成广域网B.广域网有时可称为"远程网"C.广域网一般采用存储转发的方式进行数据转化;D.广域网是基于报文交换或分组交换技术的除了传统的公用电话交换网解析略49、I nternet主要由四部分组成,其中包括路由器、主机、信息资源与_____D________;看解析A.数据库B.管理员C.销售商D.通信线路解析Internet是广域网中一种,因此有资源子网它有主机、信息资源等和通信子网它有路由器和通信线路等组成50、I nternet 主要的互联设备是____B____;A.集线器B.路由器 --- 对;C.调制解调器D.以太网交换机解析略三.网络协议重点讲“因特网协议”、Internet接入方式51、计算机之间的相互通信需要遵守共同的规则或约定,这些规则叫做___B_____;A.准则B.协议 ---- 其英文单词是 Protocol,所以协议常以P字母作为缩写C.规范D.以上都不是解析略52、网络通信是通过___C_____实现的,它们是通信双方必须遵守的约定;A.网卡B.双绞线C.通信协议D.调制解调器解析略53、属于Internet的核心协议是___B___;请看解析A.采用IEEE 802协议B.采用TCP/IP协议 ----要求记中文名:TCP称为传输控制协议,IP称为网际协议C.采用ISO/OSI 7层协议D.以上都不是解析又问:传输控制协议/网际协议即______,属于工业标准协议,是Internet采用的主要协议; IP ;答:选择B;54、I nternet采用的主要协议是TCP/IP,在因特网上百种协议中,TCP/IP是最基本的、必不可少的,但是从应用的角度看还有很多应用层协议;问题:HTTP协议是___D_____;参考,Internet服务之一即信息浏览服务,使用的应用层协议就是HTTP,HTTP中文意思是超文本传输协议A.邮件传输协议B.传输控制协议C.统一资源定位符D.超文本传输协议解析略55、T CP\IP协议是Internet中计算机之间通信所必须共同遵循的一种__B____;请看解析A.信息资源B.通信规定C.软件D.硬件解析 TCP\IP协议已经成为了“目前Internet上广泛采用的通信协议”,当然,别的协议也可以使计算机之间互相通信;56、I nternet上的网络协议统称为Internet协议簇,其中传输控制协议是__B____;--- 网际协议--- 传输控制协议提供可靠的数据传输,它是面向连接的--- 用户数据抱协议提供不可靠的数据传输,它不面向连接解析略57、网络协议是计算机网络中传递、管理信息的一些规范;下列哪种网络协议是互联网Internet所必须使用的:__C____;\SPX\IP解析略58、提供不可靠的数据传输协议是____D____;这个题目比较难,记不住就算了;请看解析--- TCP是可靠的数据传输协议--- UDP是不可靠的数据传输协议解析Internet上,传输层的两种协议是TCP和UDP;有人问:在Internet的通信协议中,可靠的数据传输是由______来保证的;协议协议协议协议;答:选B;59、调制解调器modem的功能是实现__B____;请看解析A.数字信号的编码B.数字信号的整形C.模拟信号的放大D.模拟信号与数字信号的转换而且是互相转换解析如果是要拨号入网,因为用的是公用电话线系统,而电话线只能传输“模拟信号”,所以拨号入网必须安装调制解调器设备,用它把计算机的数字信号转换为模拟信号;60、拨号入网使用的MODEM中文名为:调制解调器一端连在计算机上,另一端应连在_D_____;A.打印机上B.电话线上C.数码相机上D.扫描仪上解析略61、为了以拨号的方式接入因特网,必须使用的设备是_A_____;B.网卡C.电话机D.声卡解析略62、接入因特网不会影响用户正常拨打和接听电话的途径主要是通过___D___;说明:用Modem连接Internet现在基本上没有了,而是通过ADSL设备宽带接入,其原理是不一样的;用ADSL接入不影响用户正常打电话B.局域网C.拨号和局域网说明:现在有一种是IP电话,也可以通过接入Internet局域网来打电话解析略63、A DSL技术主要解决的问题是__D____;请看解析A.宽带传输B.宽带接入C.宽带交换D.多媒体综合网络解析ADSL技术的特点是:1在电话线路上使用ADSL,可以同时进行电话和数据传输,两都互不干扰2ADSL 的传输速率通常比使用传统的MODEM要高3ADSL的非对称性表现在上行速率和下行速率可以不同;64、和普通Modem不同,安装ADSL Modem时必须安装___B___协议;\IP--- 对这就比较难了,不一定要求解析略65、I SP的中文名称为__C____;如果PC机要接入Internet,则必须找ISP,ISP中文意思是:因特网服务提供者软件提供者应用提供者服务提供者 ---ISP是Internet Service Provider的缩写访问提供者解析略66、在拨号上网过程或ADSL宽带上网中,连接到通话框出现时,填入的用户名和密码应该是___C___;A.进入Windows时的用户名和密码B.管理员的帐号和密码提供的帐号和密码 --- 对;D.邮箱的用户名和密码解析略67、数据通信中的信道传输速率单位用bps表示,bps的含义是__C____;per Secondper Secondper Second ---- 每秒钟传输多少个二进制位,而不是字节per Second四.Internet相关知识包括其发展、IP地址、域名系统、Internet常见服务68、关于Internet,下列说法不正确的是___D___;请看解析是全球性的国际网络 -- 对起源于美国 ---对C.通过Internet可以实现资源共享 ---对不存在网络安全问题解析要求知道:Internet最先是由美国的______网发展和演化而来; 答:选A;ARPANET网是源于美国国防部的一项计划;69、目前世界上规模最大、用户最多的计算机网络是Internet,下面关于Internet的叙述中,错误的叙述是___A___;网由主干网、地区网和校园网企业或部门网等多级网络组成World Wide Web是Internet上最广泛的应用之一 -- 网就是所谓的信息浏览服务使用TCP\IP协议把异构的计算机网络进行互连的数据传输速率最高达10Mbps --- 错,局域才有这个速度解析略70、I nternet是全球最具影响力的计算机互联网,也是世界范围的重要的_B_____;A.信息资源网B.多媒体网络C.办公网络D.销售网络解析略71、中国教育科研网的缩写为___B___;请看解析ChinaNET是“中国公用计算机互联网”的简称;--- 对China Education and Reserch Network解析 CERNET中文意思是“中国教育和科研计算机网”72、有关Internet互连网的概念错的是__D_____;即国际互连网络具有子网和资源共享的特点C.在中国称为因特网是一种局域网的一种解析略73、下列IP地址中,非法的IP地址组是_D_____;请看解析与与与与.. -- 错解析:两个注意点:1是由4个字节组成,用3个小圆点隔开;2既然是字节,如果用10进制表示,则取值范围为:0—255之间,即不能超过255;又问:IP地址能唯一的确定Internet上每台计算机与每个用户的______;A.距离 B.费用 C.位置 D.时间答:选C;74、下列关于IP地址的说法中错误的是___C___;A.一个IP地址只能标识网络中的唯一的一台计算机C.地址是一个合法的IP地址 --- 错,有一个数字超过了255;D.同一个网络中不能有两台计算机的IP地址相同解析略75、I Pv4地址有____D__位二进制数组成;请看解析--- Ipv4的IP地址由4个字节组成,所以二进制位数为:48=32--- 新一代Ipv6的IP地址由128个二进制位组成;解析又问:IPv6地址有________位二进制数组成; 选D;76、能唯一标识Internet网络中每一台主机的是__B____;地址C.用户密码D.使用权限解析略77、一个IP地址包含网络地址与__C____;A.广播地址B.多址地址C.主机地址 --- IP地址中含有两部分信息:网络地址和主机地址记一下D.子网掩码解析略78、配置TCP\IP参数的操作主要包括三个方面:___A___、指定网关和域名服务器地址;请看图示和解析A.指定本地主机的IP地址及子网掩码B.指定本地主机的主机名C.指定代理服务器D.指定服务器的IP地址解析请参考第11小题也可看例6-7;为了更好的理解本题,给出了一个图示可从桌面上的网上邻居进入得到…;79、对请看上一选择这一项,则有如下设置…域名服务器的IP地址题的提示地址B.子网掩码地址D.网关地址和DNS服务器地址解析略80、在Internet中,主机的IP地址与域名的关系是______C_______;请看解析地址是域名中部分信息的表示B.域名是IP地址中部分信息的表示地址和域名是等价的地址和域名分别表达不同含义解析 DNS称为域名服务系统,它的作用是专门用来将主机域名解释为对应的IP地址,为什么要引进域名呢考虑到IP地址不容易记忆,因此为了“便于记忆”引入了一个字符串也用“点”分隔来表示一台主机,但是计算机只识别IP地址,因此必须用支持DNS协议的域名服务器来充当解析任务,把域名转变为IP 地址又说为“域名到IP地址的映射”;81、是Internet中主机的__D____;请看解析A.硬件编码B.密码D.域名 ---对一看到该字符串域名就知道它是浙江大学的主页地址解析一看到该字符串域名就知道它是浙江大学的网址;代表是信息浏览网,zju是浙江大学的缩写,edu是教科网,顶级域名cn代表中国;请参考;在域名中,从右至左分别是国家或地区域名又称顶级域名,第2级是机构名,第3级是单位名,最左边是主机名;82、中国的顶级域名是__A____;参考,请看解析解析参考,国家或地区域名又称顶级域名例如:cn---代表中国,hk-代表香港,ca---代表加拿大等等;次顶级域名代表机构名,如com商业、edu教育、gov政府、net网络服务提供者等;83、域名中的gov、cn分别表示__C____;A.商业、中国B.商业、美国C.政府、中国D.科研、中国解析略84、用于解析域名的协议是___B___;域名最终还必须解释为IP地址,请看解析---- DNS的中文名是“域名服务系统”解析域名服务DNS的主要功能是将域名翻译为IP地址,或者说:通过请求及回答获取主机和网络相关信息包括相应的IP地址85、某台主机的域名为,其中___B___为主机名;前面说过了域名左边第1个是主机名,然后是单位名、机构名、国家名解析略86、__B__;---- 输入,IE自动转换为: ---- 错cn与edu次序弄错了;---- 可以因为http协议可以省略解析略87、域名服务是使用下面的___C___协议;解析略88、域名代表着一种身份,一般来说,从某网站名字,可以看出它代表_______B______;请看解析A.教育机构 --- 对应eduB.商业机构 --- 对应comC.政府机构 --- 对应govD.网络服务提供者 --- 对应net解析说明:中的 edu可能是一个单位名的缩写,com才是机构名;又问:域名代表着一种身份,一般来说,从两个网站名字、.可以看出它分别代表中国的某____;答:不要弄错位置,第一个要看清楚,机构名是com,所以正确的答案是:商业机构和政府机构;89、从这里开始简单地给出Internet若干服务题目,但更详细题目放到第7章讲;问题:万维网WorldWide Web又称为__B____,是Internet中应用最广泛的领域之一;B.全球信息网 --- 记住:全球信息网、或网、或万维网都是指Internet中的信息浏览服务C.城市网90、下列不属于Internet信息服务的是__C____;参考,Internet常见服务有哪些91、92、A.远程登录B.文件传输C.实时监测控制D.电子邮件解析略93、下列对Internet叙述正确的是__C____;就是 --- 错是Internet一种服务就是信息高速公路是众多自治子网和终端用户机的互联就是局域网互联 --- 错要用到广域网技术;解析略94、下列不属于一般互联网交流形式的是___D___;看解析--- 属于网络即时通信软件,可实现网络在线交流--- 电子公告板,属于一种电子信息服务系统C.博客 --- Blog,是Weblog的缩写,中文意思是:网络日志;博客又当作Blogger写博客的人解析个人博客网站是通过互联网发表各种思想的场所,其中博客是_______;A.博士的客人的汉译 C.写博士论文的人D.博学的人;答:选B;95、下列关于在互联网上进行网上交流错误的是__D____;A. Telnet远程登录可以登陆BBS --- 对B."博客"是使用特定的软件,在网络上出版、发表和张贴个人文章的人,并实现网上交流也是一种网上交流形式D."万维网"就是BBS的论坛 --- 错,"万维网"和BBS是因特网中两个不同的服务解析略96、网上交流常见的形式有___D___;A.网上讨论BBSB.网络会议C.网上电话等D.全部都是解析略97、网上软件下载,是利用了Internet提供的__B____功能;A.网上聊天B.文件传输 --- 这种服务主要是实现在两个连网的计算机之间传输文件,用的是FTP协议;C.电子邮件D.电子商务解析略98、域名为的站点一般是指___C___;主要从左边第1个字符“BBS”中获取信息A.文件传输站点B.新闻讨论组站点C.电子公告栏站点 -- 一般主机名用BBS打头D.电子邮件中对方的地址解析略99、互联网的普及,在很大程度上依赖于两件事:一是互联网的商业化,另一则是对网络信息的组织产生了一种崭新的方式__A____;A.环球网 --- 例如:它可实现电子商务功能,又可以方便的实现信息浏览B.局域网C.广域网D.企业内部网解析略100、缩写表示的是__C____,它是Internet提供的一项服务;。

浙江⼤学远程教育学院试题卷浙江⼤学远程教育学院试题卷2006—2007学年秋冬学期期中作业课程名称英语(3)学习中⼼专业年级学号姓名VocabularySection A: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:1). When I said some people are lazy, I didn’t ________ to you.A. applyB. meanC. mentionD. refer2) The speaker ________ the whole audience with his enthusiasm.A. infectedB. effectedC. defectedD. defended3) I am ________ of watching TV all the time; let’s go out for a walk.A. wornB. boredC. tiredD. fed up4) After leaving the cinema, he ________ straight for home.A. setB. headedC. wentD. proceeded5) I’ve got a ________ in the tax office who I think might help us out of trouble.A. contrastB. contactC. contractD. concrete6) Jack ________ in enthusiasm what he lacked in experience.A. made forB. made outC. made up ofD. make up for7) He always ________ himself hard to get his work finished on time.A. drivesB. programsC. depressesD. rules8) Janet felt ashamed that she hadn’t been able to ________ her fear.A. commitB. commandC. conquerD. conserve9) She ________ the tube hard until the last bit of the toothpaste came out.A. squeezedB. extendedC. minimizedD. oppressed10) His work as a simultaneous interpreter requires strong powers of ________.A. considerationB. concentrationC. intensityD. attention11) These research results are ________ over a wide range of circumstances.A. applicableB. changeableC. enjoyableD. bearable12) Silence ________ on the room. Everybody was worried about the child’s safety.A. aroseB. occupiedC. appearedD. fell13. My sister Lucy ________ her boss with her capabilities and efficiency. Figured B. impressed C. reached D. volunteered14. He is _________ two foreign languages.A. essential toB. involved withC. familiar withD. anxious about15. She ________ the way she is treated in school.A. rewritesB. reducesC. resentsD. rents16. My father had a very ________ nature; we had to do whatever she ordered us to and otherwise she would get anger.A. physicalB. dominantC. financialD. sole17. The teacher pointed out that all of the students need, in short, to learn to read ________.A. exclusivelyB. activelyC. suddenlyD. socially18. Mother often asked us not to judge people by ________ .A. separationB. involvementC. adherenceD. appearances19. Tom declared that he didn’t want to have anything to do ________ the political party.A. atB. intoC. offD. with20. Roy must have gone out early this morning, for he did not ________ for breakfast.A. bring alongB. sign upC. show upD. set upStructure1. There was a park near our house and we ________ play football with our classmates in it when we were young.A. were used toB. use toC. were using toD. used to2. The president’s suggestion that the manager of the personnel department ________ the candidate again was accepted at the meeting.A. interviewsB. interviewedC. interviewD. were to interview3. All the arrangements should have been completed ________ the departure.A. prior toB. next toC. apart fromD. other from4. Catherine didn’t run ________ catch the bus to the Space Museum.A. enough fast toB. fast enough toC. enough fast andD. fast enough and5. Ten ponds ________ not enough if you want to have a good dinner in a good restaurant.A. isB. areC. hasD. have6. ________ I like the color of the hat, I don’t like its shape.A. UnlessB. AsC. WhileD. Whether7. After ________ seemed to be an endless wait, the chairman finally showed up.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whatever8. More American people fail to pay medical insurance fee than ________ .A. they are believedB. generally believedC. believedD. is generally believed9. “I hope the children won’t go near the water. ”“I warned them ________.”A. notB. not toC. not goD. wouldn’t10. I t is worthwhile for parents to spend an hour or two ________ with their children every week.A. talkB. to talkC. talkingD. talked toCloze(1) The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages 1 young couples, are the result of 2 attraction and affection 3 than practical considerations.In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teen-agers begin 4 in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social 5 .Though young people feel 6 to choose their friends from 7 groups, most choose a mate of similar background. This is 8 in part to parentalguidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually 9 choices by 10 disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.11 , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial ) occur because of the greater 12 of today's youth and thefact that hey are restricted by 13 prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college,14 in the armed forces.15 pursue a career in a big city.Once away from home and family, they are more 16 to date and marry outside their own social group. In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither 17 nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are 18 the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. I t can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and 19 a family. Marriages between people of different national 20 (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here since colonial times.1. A. involving B. linking C. connecting D. correlating2. A. personal B. emotional C. mutual D. magnetic3. A. more B. less C. other D. rather4. A. dating B. appointment C. engaging D. matching5. A. position B. association C. contract D. contacts6. A. certain B. embarrassed C. hesitated D. free7. A. similar B. identical C. diverse D. differential8. A. for B. likely C. due D. because9. A. give B. influence C. make D. offer10. A sounding B. avoiding C. expecting D. voicing11. A. However B. Moreover C. Therefore D. Furthermore12. A. mobility B. motive C. moral D. mission13. A. scarcity B. satisfactory C. abundant D. fewer14. A. work B. serve C. stay D. remain15. A. but B. otherwise C. or D. likewise16. A. certainly B. likely C. reluctant D. readily17. A. lack B. rare C. scared D. relieved18. A. in B. at C. on D. for19. A. raise B. obtain C. grow D. unite20. A source B. origin C. resource D. baseReading Comprehension 1Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Washington Irving was America's first man of letters to be known internationally. His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States. He was, in fact, one of the most successful writers of his time in either country, delighting a large general public and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Hawthorne in the United States. The respect in which he was held was partly owing to the man himself, with his warm friendliness, his good sense, his urbanity, his gay spirits, has artistic integrity, his love of both the Old World and the new. Thackeray described Irving as "a gentleman, who, though himself born in no very high sphere, was most finished, polished, witty; socially the equal of the most refined Europeans." In England he was granted an honorary degree from Oxford—an unusual honor for a citizen of a young, uncultured nation---and he received the medal of the Royal Society of Literature; America made him ambassador to Spain.Irving's background provides little to explain his literary achievements. A gift but deliberate child, he had little schooling, He studied law, but without zeal, and never did practice seriously. He was immune to his strict Presbyterian (基督教长⽼会的) home environment, frequenting both social gatherings and the theatre.1. The main point of the first paragraph is that Washington Irving was ______.A) America's first man of lettersB) a great writer who was successful in his own country andother parts of the world as wellC) a man who won the respect of other writers because of hishigh social statusD) a man who was able to move from literature to politics2. What is implied by the comment about Scott, Poe and Hawthorne?A) Irving's great popularity resulted in the admiration of Scott, Poe andHawthorne.B) More Americans than Britains admired Irving.C) Irving's work was not only popular, but also of high literary quality.D) Irving's success was attributed to his family background.3. What can be said about Irving's law career?A) He only began to practice law late in life.B) He spent very little time working as a lawyer.C) He never practiced law although he studied it.D) He worked as a lawyer with great enthusiasm.4. Why did Thackeray think that Irving's social grace was unusual?A) Because Irving's degree was honorable and unusual.B) Because his parents were not aristocratic.C) Because he had good sense and gay spirits.D) Because he often exhibited warm friendliness.5. Which of the following best describes the effect of Irving's Presbyterian background on his life?A) It had almost no effect on his life.B) It promoted his interest in law.C) It fostered his love for literature.D) It enabled him to become a successful writer.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Psychologists now believe that noise has a considerable effect on people's attitudes and behavior. Experiments have proved that in noisy situations (even temporary ones), people be have more irritably and less cooperatively; in more permanent noisy situations, many people cannot work hard, and they suffer from severe anxiety as well as other psychological problems. However, psychologists distinguish between "sound" and "noise". "Sound" is measured physically in decibels. "Noise" cannot be measured in the same way because it refers to the psychological effect of sound and its level of "intensity" depends on the situation. Thus, for passengers at an airport who expect to hear airplanes taking off and landing, there may be a lot of sound, but not much noise (that is, they are not bothered by the noise). By contrast, if you are at a concert and two people behind you are whispering, you feel they are talking noisily even if there is not much sound. You notice the noise because it affects you psychologically. Both sound and noise can have negative effects, but what is most important is if the person has control over the sound. People walking down the street with earphones, listening to music that they enjoy, are receiving a lot of decibels of sound, but they are probably happy hearing sounds which they control. On the other hand, people in the street without earphones must tolerate a lot of noise which they have no control over. It is noise pollution that we need to control in order to help people live more happily.6. According to the passage, people _____.A) can not work better in a noisy situationB) will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollutionC) can be psychologically affected by working in very noise factoriesD) may cooperate well in a noisy surrounding7. “Sound”, as defined by the psychologist, _____.A) can be measured in the same way that "noise" is measuredB) may be extremely harmful to healthC) is not at all different from "noise"D) can be measured by machines8. People waiting at an airport _____.A) enjoy hearing airplanes taking off and landingB) are usually not troubled by the noiseC) can easily tell sound from noiseD) are often physically affected by the noise9. People enjoy listening to music,_____.A) though they are receiving a lot of decibels of sound in factB) because it does not have any negative effectC) because they do not have to tolerate the noise around themD) even though it is sometimes unpleasant hearing strange sounds10. We can conclude from the passage that we need to control noise pollution if _____.A) we want to stay both psychologically and physically healthyB) we don't want to be physically dentC) we want to cooperate wellD) we don't want to be anxiousPassage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Is there a "success personality"? Some winning combination of qualities that leads almost inevitably to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula, and can anyone develop it?At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, probing the attitudes of 1500 prominent people selected at random from Who's Who in America. Our research finds out a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is common sense.Common sense is the most prevailing quality possessed by our respondents. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that common sense was very important in contributing to their success.To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to sweep aside extra ideas and get right to the core of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way: "The key ability for success is simplifying. In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important."Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oil man's answer is that common sense can definitely be developed. He attributes his to learning how to debate in school. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their and your own mistakes.Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field, self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. But common sense standsout. If you develop these qualities, you'll succeed. And you might even find yourself listed in Who's Who someday.11. It can be known from the passage that Who's Who _____.A) is a very useful book telling us how to succeedB) is a book providing us with the information about the family life of some famouspeopleC) is a book providing us with the names and brief biographies of the top successfulpeopleD) is a book from which we can find out the names of different peoples in the world12. According to the author, common sense _____.A) is something that common people like bestB) is a popular quality a person is born withC) is something that enables one to form correct opinionsD) is a quality that is possessed by common people13. It can be inferred from the passage that a successful businessman _____.A) tries to get experience through practiceB) pays attention to the essence of a problem when he tries to solve itC) keeps on learning in order to be successfulD) has strong willpower, extensive interest and intelligence14. The passage is mainly concerned with _____.A) organizational ability and good work habitsB) the way to obtain big profits and achieve fame and successC) knowledge and interest which are primary to successD) what successful people have in common15. According to the author, how can one develop one's common sense?A) To become a businessman.B) To learn how to debate and learn from mistakes.C) To become famous.D) To be simplifying.Passage FourQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Brazil has become one of the developing world's great successes at reducing population growth but more by accident than design. While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard.Brazil's population growth rate has dropped from 2.99 a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93 a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played animportant, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world's biggest producers of soap operas. Global, Brazil's most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based on wealthy characters living the high life in big cities."Although they have never really tried to work in a massage towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class values not man children, different attitudes towards sex, women working," says Martine. "They sent his image to all parts of Brazil and made people conscious of other patterns of behavior and other values, which were put into a very attractive package."Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers. "This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption was in compatible with unlimited reproduction." says Martine.16. According to the passage, Brazil has cut back its population growth _______.A) by educating its citizensB) by careful family panningC) by developing TV programmersD) by chance17. According to the passage, many Third World countries _______.A) haven't attached much importance to birth controlB) would soon join Brazil in controlling their birth rateC) haven't yet found an effective measure to control their populationD) neglected the role of TV plays in family planning18.The phrase “puts it down to” (Line 1, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to “_______”.A) attributes it toB) sums it up asC) finds it a reason forD) compares it to19. Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazil's birth rate because _______.A) they keep people sitting long hours watching TVB) they have gradually changed people's way of lifeC) people are drawn to their attractive packageD) they popularize birth control measures20. What is Martine's conclusion about Brazil's population growth?A) The increase in birth rate will promote consumption.B) The desire for consumption helps to reduce birth rate.C) Consumption patterns and reproduction patterns are contradictory.D) A country's production is limited by its population growth.浙江⼤学远程教育学院试题卷2006—2007学年秋冬学期期中作业课程名称英语(3)学习中⼼专业年级学号姓名Section A: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14. 15.16. 17. 18. 19. 20Structure1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Cloze1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.Reading Comprehension 1Passage One1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Passage Two6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Passage Three11. 12. 13. 14. 15.Passage Four16. 17. 18. 19. 20.浙江⼤学远程教育学院试题卷(期中)2006-2007学年冬季学期课程名称⽣物化学学习中⼼专业(层次)学号姓名⼀、选择题(20分)1.有关蛋⽩质三级结构描述,错误的是A.具有三级结构的多肽链都有⽣物学活性B.亲⽔基团多位于三级结构的表⾯C.三级结构的稳定性由次级键维系D.三级结构是单体蛋⽩质或亚基的空间结构E.三级结构是各个单键旋转⾃由度收到各种限制的结果2. 蛋⽩质变性是由于A.蛋⽩质⼀级结构的改变B. 蛋⽩质亚基的解聚C.蛋⽩质空间构象的破坏E. 蛋⽩质⽔解3. DNA的解链温度指的是A.A260nm达到最⼤值时的温度B.A260nm达到最⼤值的50%时的温度C.DNA开始解链时所需要的温度D.DNA完全解链时所需要的温度F.A280nm达到最⼤值的50%时的温度4. 酶原激活作⽤在酶分⼦结构上的变化是:A.⼀级结构的改变B.空间构象的改变C.酶蛋⽩亚基的聚合D.酶蛋⽩与特异的辅基结合形成全酶E.⼀级结构和空间构象同时发⽣改变5..在下列关于三羟酸循环及氧化磷酸化中能产⽣ATP最多的步骤是A.苹果酸-草酰⼄酸B.琥珀酸-苹果酸C.柠檬酸-异柠檬酸D.异柠檬酸-α-酮戊⼆酸E.α-酮戊⼆酸-琥珀酸6.糖原的1个葡萄糖经糖酵解可⽣成⼏个ATPA.1B.2C.3D.4E.57..糖酵解途径最重要的调控位点是A.磷酸化酶B.乳酸脱氢酶C.葡萄糖激酶D.丙酮酸激酶E.磷酸果糖激酶-18. 在胞液中,乳酸脱氢⽣成的NADHA.可直接进⼊呼吸链氧化B.在线粒体内膜外侧使琥珀酸-苹果酸酸⽢油转变成磷酸⼆羟丙酮后进⼊线粒体C.仅仅需要内膜外侧的磷酸⽢油脱氢酶的催化后即可直接进⼊呼吸链D.经α-磷酸⽢油穿梭作⽤后可进⼊琥珀酸氧化呼吸链E.上述各条都不能使胞液中的NADH进⼊呼吸链氧化9. 磷酸戊糖途径A.是体内产⽣CO2的主要来源B. 可⽣成NADPH供合成代谢需要C.是体内⽣成糖醛酸的途径D.饥饿时葡萄糖经此途径代谢增加E.可⽣成NADPH,后者经电⼦传递链可⽣成ATP10. ⽣物体内能量转换的基本⽅式是A.三羧酸循环B.底物⽔平磷酸化C.氧化磷酸化D.ATP-ADP循环E.磷酸肌酸脱磷酸⼆、填空(20分)1.DNA双螺旋结构稳定的维系横向维系,纵向则靠维持。

浙江大学远程教育学院试题卷2005-2006学年秋季学期课程代码名称0001001现代远程学习入门学习中心年级2005级专业(层次)护理学、药学(专升本/高升本)学号姓名一、填空题(每格1分,共18分)1、浙江大学远程教育学院网址_________________ _______(教科网)或____________ _____________(网通)或_____ ____________________(电信)。
2、我院学分制操作平台网址___________________ ____。
4、我院医学类学生服务信箱的E-mail地址____________________ ____,医学类教师热线电话___________________________。
5、我院助学课件的浏览方式有_________ ___和________________。

浙江大学远程教育学院试题卷2003—2004学年第一学期(期中)课程代码名称英语(1)教学站___________________________年级专业(层次) 03级专升本所有专业学号姓名________________I 听力理解:(10%)(期中不考,期末要考)II 词汇选择:选择最佳答案(15%)1. Then you the form along with the money to pay for your course fee.A)turn out B) turn up C) turn in D) turn down2. You should for your other school records such as a high school diploma or GED certificate to be sent to the school.A) admit B) arrange C) agree D) apply3. Please your telephone number on the application form.A) depend on B) fill with C)fill out D)find out4. Henry is an able man, but he demands too much of the people around him.A) on the other hand B) on one handC) nevertheless D) what’s more5. Staying at these houses is cheaper than staying at hotels, and the is friendlier and more homelike.A) customer B) corporation C) research D) atmosphere6. That teacher is very with her pupils.A) favorite B) ordinary C) popular D) necessary7. Jane never any of our discussions, does she?A) involves in B) participates in C) applies to D) takes place of8. He has been off school for several years illness.A) because B) because of C) in spite of D) unless9. The jewels I $500 turned out to be worthless.A) paid for B) paid C) bought for D) bought10. Many of the things sold “door to door” are very expensive items, which usually theconsumer signing a contract to pay large amounts of money over a number of years.A) involve B)deal C) contain D) succeed11. That bit of the form is for UK citizens—it doesn’t you.A) decide on B) apply to C) get to D) sell to12. some recent work your older work and you’ll see how much you’ve improved.A) Get…out of B) Involve…in C) Put…into D) Compare…with13. We decided to our holiday until next month because we are too busy this month.A) invite B) pass C) delay D) check14. The oil company put on me to sell my precious land.A) contract B) method C) quality D) pressure15. Sally made many at the department store on Sunday afternoon.A) requirements B) purchases C) cleaners D) disadvantagesIII 语法选择:选择最佳答案(15%)1. And usually you can take many of those courses you want.A) such…as B) so…as C) as…as D) too…as2. Jane’s parents wouldn’t let her with boys.A) go out B) going out C) to go out D) goes out3. If you too hot during the night, turn down the central heating.A) feels B) felt C) feel D) will feel4. It was such a big menu that I didn’t know .A) to choose what B) choose whatC) what to choose D) what it chooses5. Mother saved every penny she could spare for my schooling.A) to pay B) paying C) to be paid D) paid6. Come tomorrow and give the application to that man at that desk.A) sat B) sitting C) sit D) sits7. Most of the people to the dinner party were their old friends.A) inviting B) to invite C) invited D) invite8. You needn’t thank me. This is I ought to do.A) how B) which C) what D) that9. The operation involves a small tube into his heart.A) putting B) to put C) put D) having put10. It was difficult for us any conclusion from the discussion.A) drawn B) drawing C) to draw D) drew11. all people at the club, Jane is the last one I’d expect to see.A) With B) Of C) On D) To12. The question is difficult for the students to answer, since their teacher once explained it inclass clearly.A) not too B) much not C) too D) very13. London has any other city in the United Kingdom.A) a larger population than B) a large population thanC) as a larger population as D) as a large population than14. ——What did the professor tell you to do?——I had to write a report.A) two-thousand word B) two-thousand-wordsC) two-thousand words D) two-thousand-word15. I’m interested in you’ve told me.A) that B) all C) all what D) anything whichIV 阅读理解:(30%)(1)“Free”DrivingA tourist comes out of the airport. There are a lot of taxis, but the tourist asks every taxi-driver his name. He takes the third taxi. It costs $5 from the airport to the hotel.“How much does it cost for thewhole day?”The tourist asks.“$100,”says the taxi-driver. This is very expensive, but the tourist accepts the price.The taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere. He shows him all the monuments and all the museums. In the evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver $100 and says:“What about tomorrow?”the taxi-driver looks at the tourist:“Tomorrow? It's another $100 tomorrow.”But the tourist says:“That's O.K. if that's the price. See you tomorrow.”The taxi-driver is very pleased.The next day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again. They visit all the museums again and all the monuments. And in the evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver $100 again and says:“I'm going home tomorrow.”The taxi-driver is sorry. He likes the tourist and, above all,$100 a day is good money.“You're going home. Where do you come from?”he asks.“I come from New York.”“New York!”says the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you Know her?”“Of course I know her. She gave me $200 for you.”1.The tourist comes here .A) by taxi B) by train C) by bus D) by plane2.The tourist chooses the third taxi-driver because .A) the third taxi-driver asks for less moneyB) the first two drivers don't want to take himC) the third driver is the right person he is looking forD) the first two taxi-drivers ask for more money3.Which of the following is true?A) The tourist is not honest.B) The taxi-driver is not honest.C) Neither the tourist nor the taxi-driver is honest.D) The taxi-driver's sister is not honest.4.The phrase“good money”means .A) a lot of moneyB) little moneyC) not bad moneyD) new money5.For the two days driving, the taxi-driver gets from the tourist.A) $100 B) $200 C) nothing D) a little money(2)A Woman Who Knew EverythingIn a city there once lived a woman who knew everything. Her name was Mrs. Ford. She was the wife of Ford, a banker.When any of her friends talked to her about anything, she knew all about it. No one ever found anything that she did not know.One day two young men came to live in the city, and they met Mrs. Ford at a friend's house. They began to talk about Indian rings, but Mrs. Ford knew more about them than they knew. She told them all about old African rings too.“That woman knows a lot,”said one of the young men angrily when they were outside the house.On another day they met Mrs. Ford in the street, and the three began to talk about Greece. Mrs. Ford knew all about Greece. She told the other two about the people of Greece, about the River Arta, and aboutthe hills of the country. On another day she told them a lot of things about newspapers. Once she showed them some old Egyptian words, and she could read them. She knew everything.The two young men became very tired of Mrs. Ford, but they often had to meet her and talk to her.One day they were asked to go to dinner at one of the houses in the city. Mrs. Ford was asked to go too.“Let's find something which she doesn't know, said one of them. We'll read about it and then we'll talk about it at dinner.”On the next day one of them was in a bookshop, and he found a big book. This book was called Everything You Want To Know, and it was written by R. Cotter. He bought it and took it home.“This is just the book that we want,”said the other when he saw it.“It has all kinds of things in it. Look here!”He showed his friend Lamps in Old Greece, The Smaller Animals of Africa, and Indian Rivers.“We must find something better than those,”said the man who bought it.They looked again and found. The Eyes of a Fish. It told them everything about the eyes, and even about the inside parts. They read it through many times, and when they went to the dinner they knew all about the eyes of a fish.At dinner, when the fish was brought to the table, the two young men began to talk about the eyes of a fish. One of them asked Mrs. Ford a lot of questions about the inside parts of the eyes, she knew all the answers and she said the same as the book said.“Have you read that book which is called Everything You Want To Know?”he asked,“You say just the same as that book says.”“Read it?” she cried.“I wrote it!”“You wrote it! But it was written by R. Cotter.”“Yes,”she said.“Rose Cotter was my name before I was married.”6.The two young men became very tired of Mrs. Ford when .A) they first met herB) they talked about GreeceC) they had heard her talk a lotD) they went to a dinner7.Mrs.Ford wrote the book“Everything You Want To Know” .A) when she got marriedB) when she was fifteenC) when she graduated from collegeD) before she got married8.One of the two young men went to a bookshop .A) to buy a bookB) to see a friendC) to find something Mrs. Ford didn't knowD) to ask the book seller some questions9.Mrs.Ford Knew a lot about so many things and so many places because .A) she had done them herselfB) she had been to these placesC) she was well educatedD) Mr. Ford was a banker10.What kind of person was Mrs. Ford ?A) She was young and pretty.B) She was fond of talking.C) She wrote a lot of books.D) She knew everything.(3)Mr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for their holiday. They had a dog called Blackie which they were very fond of, but they could not take him abroad with them. So they looked for a good place to leave him while they were away, and at last found a place which looked after dogs very well while their owners were away. They took Blackie there just before they left for their holiday, and sadly said good-bye to him. At the end of their holiday, they got back to England very late at night, and as they thought that the place where Biackie was staying might be closed at that late hour, they decided to wait until the next morning before going to get him. So the next morning Mr. Brown got into his car and drove off happily to collect Blackie. When he reached home with the dog, he said to his wife,“Dear, do you know, I don't think Blackie can have enjoyed his stay at that place very much. He barked all the way home in the car as if he wanted to tell me something.”Mrs. Brown looked at the dog carefully and then answered.“You are quite right, dear. He was certainly trying to tell you something. But he wasn't trying to tell that he hadn't enjoyed his stay at that place. He was only trying to tell that you were bringing the wrong dog home. This isn't Blackie.”11.Mr and Mrs. Brown were going abroad .A) for their business B) for their healthC) for their son, John D) for their holiday12.When they knew they couldn't go abroad with their Blackie, .A) they sent him to their neighbourB) they found a good place to leave himC) they gave up their tripD) they threw away the dog13.When they were to leave for their holiday, both of them were very .A) upset B) happy C) light-hearted D) excited14.After the holiday they returned to England .A) late that night B) on a sunny morningC) on a rainy afternoon D) early that day15.On the way home Blackie barked because .A) he couldn't recognize his ownerB) he felt as happy as his ownerC) he didn't enjoy his stay at that placeD) he wouldn't like to leave the placeⅤ完形填空:10%A young lady who was on holiday in London walked into a 1 to collect some money which 2 there for her by post from the town where she lived.The clerk behind the counter 3 her, so he said,“What proof(证明)have you got that you are 4 the lady who should get 5 money?”The young lady looked 6 for a few minutes and said,“I don't think I 7 any proof with me.”But then she suddenly looked happy again. She opened her bag, took a photo 8 out of it and showed it to the clerk.“Here's something,” she said.The clerk looked at the photo 9 and then the young lady. Then he nodded his head and paid the money to her 10 a word.1.A) shop B)store C)post office D)school2.A) had been sent B)had sent C)were sent D)would send3.A) knew B)knew little about C)had known D)didn't know4.A) not B)really C)like D)sure5.A) these B)those C)much D)this6.A) worrying B)to be worried C)worried D)being worried7.A) had brought B)was bringing C)brought D)have brought8.A) by herself B)for herself C)of herself D)from her9.A) carefully B)carelessly C)sadly D)angrily10.A) instead of saying B)no saying C)in spite of D)without sayingVI 中译英:(20%)1.你们大学今年招收了多少学生?2.接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班。

2021 浙大远程教育〔高起专英语在线作业题库〕顺序打乱 CTRL+F查找即可1、单项选择题1. Do you have anything ______? A sayingB to sayC saidD say正确答案:B2. I found ______ difficult to work together with him. A itB itsC thatD those正确答案:A3. We demanded that we ______ of any change in the plan. A informedB would be informedC be informedD had been informed正确答案:C4. Finally the thief handed in everything _____ he had stolen to the police. A whichB thatC whatD whatever正确答案:B5. I can still remember the sitting room _____ my mother and I used to sit in the evening.A whatB whichC thatD where正确答案:D6. — This cloth _____well and _____ long.— Ok. I'll take it. " A washes/lastsB is washed/lastedC washes/is lastedD is washing/lasting正确答案:A7. The farmers used wood to build a house _____ grain can be stored. A with whichB whereC in thatD which正确答案:B8. October 1,1949 is the day _____ we’ll never forget. A whenB thatC whereD in which正确答案:B9. Let ____ do it again. A IB meC heD she正确答案:B10. It’s eight o’clock. Jim’s family ______ TV. A is watchingB are watchingC watchD to watch正确答案:B11. —When did he go to America?—Oh, he ______ there since half a year ago. A wentB has beenC has goneD was正确答案:B12. ______ at the bus stop, he found a lot of people waiting there. A ArrivedB ArrivingC Being arrivedD To arrive正确答案:B13. —Where _____ the guidebook? I can’t see it anywhere.—I _____ it right here, but now it’s gone. A did you put; have putB had you put; have putC have you put; putD were you putting; put正确答案:C14. —What is the price of petrol these days—Oh, it ______ sharply since last month. A is raisedB has risenC has arisenD is increased正确答案:B15. She stared at the painting, wondering where she ______ it. A sawB has seenC seesD had seen正确答案:D16. He is the most careful boy _____ I know. A whatC asD /正确答案:D17. He stepped into the office, _____ down and began to fill in the forms. A sittingB to sitC satD having it正确答案:C18. His job is ______ English. A teachB to teachC taughtD teaches正确答案:B19. When Jack arrived he learned Mary ____ for almost an hour. A had goneB had set offC had leftD had been away正确答案:D20. She brought with her three friends, none of ______ I had ever met before. A themB whoC whomD these正确答案:C21. The students ______ busily when Mrs Brown went to get a book she ______ in the office.A had written; leftB were writing; has leftC had written; had leftD were writing; had left22. The teacher told us ______ late again. A aren't beB don't beC not to beD not be正确答案:C23. Tom, you’re too lazy! The work _____ have been finished yesterday. A wouldB shouldC mustD could正确答案:B24. ______ he comes back, I’ll tell him. A whereB HowC WhenD What正确答案:C25. The man _____ lives next to us is my English teacher. A whomB whichC whoD /正确答案:C26. —The window is dirty.— I know. It ______ for weeks. A hasn’t cleanedB didn’t cleanC wasn’t cleanedD hasn’t been cleaned正确答案:D27. —The food here is nice enough.— My friend ______ me a right place. A introducesB introducedC had introducedD was introducing正确答案:B28. I thought that honesty ______ the best policy. A wasB isC beingD be正确答案:B29. Please show me the book _____ you bought yesterday. A whichB whomC whoseD this正确答案:A30. I didn't know this Picasso exhibit was closed, but I wouldn't have been able to come even if _______ about it. A I knowB I'd knownC I have been knowingD I've known正确答案:B31. They went out ______ their old friends. A visitB visitingC to visitD visited正确答案:C32. He ____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside. A shouldB mustC wouldn’tD can’t正确答案:B33. —“Do you think the thief entered through the garage door?〞—“No. If he had, I don't believe he ______ the living room window.〞 A would have brokenB had brokenC has brokenD broke正确答案:A34. ______ John, I asked where he was. A Not seeingB Not seesC Not sawD Not seen正确答案:A35. The lecture spoke of some writers and novels _____ were known to us all. A whichB thatC whoD what正确答案:B36. In warm weather, fruit and meat ______ long. A cannot be keptB don’t keepC mustn’t keepD is not kept正确答案:A37. No matter where he is, he makes ____ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. A himB thisC thatD it正确答案:D38. He must have had an accident, or he ______ here then. A would have beenB had beenC should have beenD could be正确答案:A39. The old man _____ two days after he had been sent to hospital. A diedB would dieC had diedD has died正确答案:A40. — Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?— No, ______ only the two passengers who got hurt. A there isB it wereC there wasD it was正确答案:D41. This is a _______ question . A pressesB pressedC is pressedD pressing正确答案:D42. Five minutes earlier and we _______ the last bus. A had caughtB should have caughtC could have caughtD caught正确答案:C43. If city noises _____ from increasing, people _____ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now. A are not kept; will have toB are not kept; have toC do not keep; will have toD do not keep; have to正确答案:A44. The only question _____ is to find our way home. A that matteredB that mattersC which matteredD matter正确答案:B45. I _____ to take a good holiday this year, but I wasn’t able to get away. A hopeB have hopedC had hopedD hoped正确答案:C46. I like watching CCTV 4 ______ it can help me learn more about the world. A ifB becauseC thoughD until正确答案:B47. —______ did you buy the new bag?—Last Monday. A WhereB HowC WhenD Who正确答案:C48. Your examination results were quite satisfactory, but _____ if you had spent less time in playing football? A wouldn't they have been betterB wouldn't they be betterC won't they be betterD won't they have been better正确答案:A49. —It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must be going now.—OK. ___________. A Take it easyB Go slowlyC Stay longerD See you正确答案:D50. Every possible means ____, but none ____ successful. A has tried; has provedB tried; provesC has been tried; provesD is being tried; is proved正确答案:C51. Glad to meet you! ___ is your full name? A WhatB WhereC HowD Who正确答案:A52. The girl handed everything _____ she had picked up in the street to the police. A whichB in whichC thatD all正确答案:C53. Send my regards to your lovely wife when you _______ home. A wroteB will writeC have writtenD write正确答案:D— It’s fantastic. The only pity is that I ______ the beginning of it. A missedB had missedC missD would miss正确答案:A55. — Do you enjoy your present job?— _______. I just do it for a living. A Of courseB Not reallyC Not likelyD Not a little正确答案:B56. —Was Mary in the office when you arrived there?—Yes , but she _____ soon afterwards. A had leftB leftC would leaveD will leave正确答案:B57. Where is____seat? A yoursB yourC youD yourselves正确答案:B58. The boy _____ the apple is John . A is eatingB eatsC eatingD was eating正确答案:C— I ______ a better position at IBM. A offerB offeredC am offeredD was offered正确答案:D60. The earth ______ round the sun in 365 days . A movesB movedC is movingD move正确答案:A61. She lived there before he____to China. A cameB comesC comeD coming正确答案:A62. It was raining hard, _____ kept us indoors. A whichB thatC asD what正确答案:A63. I could speak ______ Japanese ______ Chinese, so I had to talk with him in English.A not only; but alsoB both; andC neither; norD either; or正确答案:C64. A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift. A is offeredB has offeredC are offeredD have offered正确答案:A65. I’m terribly sorry for being late, but I _____ the wrong bus. A catchB had caughtC caughtD catching正确答案:C66. A poet and artist ________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. A isB areC wasD were正确答案:A67. We should get ready ______ others. A helpingB to helpC helpD help with正确答案:B68. He is ______ to lift the heavy box. A too weakB weak tooC enough weakD weak enough正确答案:A69. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ____ at a radio shop at the time. A has workedB was workingC had been workingD had worked正确答案:B70. —How long are you staying?—I don't know.___________. A That's OKB Never mindC It dependsD It doesn't matter正确答案:C71. Over the past decades, sea ice ____ in the Arctic (北极) as a result of global warming.A had decreasedB will decreaseC has been decreasingD is decresing正确答案:C72. It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer.A what; thatB that; whatC that; whichD which; that正确答案:D73. In some parts of the world, such as in England, tea ______ with milk and sugar. Ais servingB servesC is servedD served正确答案:C74. Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished.A has writtenB wroteC had writtenD was writing正确答案:D75. If only you ______ him what I said! Everything would have been all right. A didn't toldB hadn't toldC would not tellD would have not told正确答案:B76. —How can I apply for an online course?—Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. A seeB are seeingC have seenD will see正确答案:D77. Edward, you play so well. But I ______ you played the piano. A didn’t knowB hadn’t knownC don’t knowD haven’t known正确答案:A78. I saw him ______ basketball with Jack an hour ago. A playsB to playC playedD play正确答案:D79. —Look! How wonderful my car is! Oh, Jack. What are you thinking about? Don’t you like it?—I’m sorry I ______ any remark about it in time. I certainly think it’s smart. A wasn’t makingB don’t makeC won’t makeD didn’t make80. — Have you moved into the new house?— No yet, the rooms _____. A are being paintedB are paintingC are paintedD are being painting正确答案:A81. Helen ___ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband ___ home. A has left; comesB left; had comeC had left; cameD had left;would come正确答案:C82. Listen, someone ______ at the door. A knockB knocksC is knockingD knocked正确答案:C83. —Has Sam finished his homework today? —I have no idea. He _____ it this morning.A didB has doneC was doingD had done正确答案:C84. —I hear a new film is on these days. Shall we go to the cinema together,Lucy and Lily?—______ Lily ______I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our fatherin the garden. A Either;norB Either;orC Neither;nor正确答案:B85. An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week. A are to be heldB is to be heldC are holdingD will hold正确答案:B86. He came ______ in . A runB to runC runningD ran正确答案:C87. I’ll go with you as soon as I ____ my homework. A will finishB finishC am finishingD finished正确答案:B88. The pen I ____ I ____ is on my desk, right under my nose. A think; lostB thought; had lostC think; had lostD thought; have lost正确答案:B89. As a general rule, snakes ______ unless offended. A will not be bitingB do not biteC are not bitingD have not bitten正确答案:B90. Collecting stamps as a hobby ____ increasingly popular during the past fifty years.A becomesB becameC has becomeD had become正确答案:C91. — Do you mind if I open the window?—______ I feel a bit cold. A Of course not.B I’d rather you didn’t.C Go ahead.D Why not?正确答案:B92. The last time I _____ Jane,she ____ cotton〔摘棉花〕 in the fields. A had seen; was pickingB saw; pickingC had seen; pickedD saw; was picking正确答案:D93. Is this the shop _____ sells children’s clothing? A whichB whereC in whichD what正确答案:A94. More than a dozen students in that school ______ abroad to study medicine last year.A sentB were sentC had sentD had been sent正确答案:B95. Experiments of this kind ____ in both the U.S. and Europe well before the World War.A have conductedB have been conductedC had conductedD had been conducted正确答案:D96. I'd rather you ______ anything about it for the time being. A doB didn't doC don't doD didn't正确答案:B97. Let’s keep to the point or we______ any decisions. A will never reachB have never reachedC never reachD never reached正确答案:A98. It is reported that the police will soon look _____ the case of the two missing children.A uponB afterC intoD Out正确答案:C99. John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather ____ with them to school.A tookB had takenC were takingD would take正确答案:B100. —______ skirt is that on the chair?—Let me see. Oh, no, it's not mine. A WhoseB WhatC Who'sD Which正确答案:A101. The new suspension bridge _____ by the end of last month. A has been designedB had been designedC was designedD would be designed正确答案:B102. If we _____ yesterday, we ______ the work. A weren't interrupted.., would finishB didn't interrupt.., would have finishedC hadn't been interrupted.., would have finishedD hadn't interrupted.., would have finished正确答案:C103. Much labour would have been saved if the electronic computers ______ before. A had inventedB were inventedC should have been inventedD had been invented正确答案:D104. The notice ______ “No smoking〞. A is toldB readsC tellsD is read正确答案:B105. Shelly _____ California for Texas and ____ there ever since. You can go and pay her a visit on your way to Mexico. A left, workedB has left, had workedC left, has workedD has left, worked106. —Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?—_______ .I love getting close to nature. A I couldn’t agree moreB I’m afraid notC I believe notD I don’t think so正确答案:A107. His plan _____ good. A has soundedB is soundingC is soundedD sounds正确答案:D108. —I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.—______________. It was her fault. A No wayB Not possibleC No chanceD Not at all正确答案:A109. — Do you know our town at all?— No, this is the first time I _____ here. A wasB have beenC cameD am coming正确答案:B110. Without your help, I _____ have achieved so much. A can’tB shouldn’tC wouldn’tD musn’t111. Would you like a cup of coffee ____ shall we get down to business right away? A andB thenC orD otherwise正确答案:C112. Sorry, we've kept you ______ for a long time. A waitedB singC standD waiting正确答案:D113. When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ____ up, her voice had been full of life. A were hangingB had hungC hungD would hang正确答案:C114. —Kate is in hospital.—Oh, really? I _______. ________ visit her. A didn’t know; I’ll go andB don’t know; I’ll go andC don’t know; I’m going toD didn’t know; I’m going to正确答案:A115. The shop _____ at 6 am. every day. A opensB openedC is openedD is opening正确答案:A116. She said she would go and she ________ go. A didn’tB didC reallyD would正确答案:B117. It’s necessary that he _____ a recognized qualification. A hasB haveC hadD having正确答案:B118. —When will the lecture begin?—When the students ______. A have satB sat downC will sitD are seated正确答案:D119. _____ in English in class every day is important. A SpeakB TalkingC SayingD To tell正确答案:B120. This is the first time we ______ a film in the cinema together as a family. A seeB had seenC sawD have seen正确答案:D121. I _____ my son _____ a doctor, but he wasn’t good enough at science. A hoped; would becomeB had hoped; would becomeC had hoped; will becomeD hope; will become正确答案:B122. We ______ to the park if it is fine tomorrow. A will goB goC to goD went正确答案:A123. The days are ______ warmer and warmer in spring. A gettingB lookingC seemingD going正确答案:A124. As she ____ the newspaper, Granny ______ asleep. A read, was fallingB was reading ,fellC was reading, was fallingD read ,fell正确答案:B125. —______the sports meet might be put off.—Yes, it all depends on the weather. A I’ve been toldB I’ve toldC I’m toldD I told正确答案:A126. In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _____ she could turn for help.A thatB whoC from whomD to whom127. Look at those big black clouds. It ______ rain. Let’s hurry. A mustB wouldC is going toD did正确答案:C128. —What’s wrong with your coat?—Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me ____ on it. A satB had satC had been sittingD was sitting正确答案:D129. —Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?—Yes, I have. I guess it ______ now. A has gradedB is gradedC is being gradedD is grading正确答案:C130. —Do you think you could do without help?—______. This is not the first time for me. A Take careB Hurry upC Not exactlyD Don’t worry正确答案:D131. It's high time we ______ our attention to this problem. A turnedB turnC had turnedD would turn132. I wish I _____ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class. A could have sleptB sleptC might have sleptD have slept正确答案:A133. —Would you like to go on a picnic with me today?—I don't think so. To be honest, I really don't feel like ______ on a picnic. A goingB to goC goD went正确答案:A134. I saw Dave in lift this morning.— Really? He ______ around here for a long time. A won’t be seenB wasn’t seeC hasn’t been seenD hadn’t been seen正确答案:D135. ______ cease〔停顿〕 advertising, prices would be significantly reduced. A Were they toB Could theyC If theyD Would they正确答案:A136. —I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.—___________! A CheersB Good luckC Come onD Congratulations137. We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we ______ him. A would have telephonedB must have telephonedC would telephoneD had telephoned正确答案:A138. I am very happy, because my pen-friend _____ to see me this weekend . A comeB comesC comingD is coming正确答案:D139. —Where is the comic book?—I brought it to you ______ you were in the reading room yesterday. A whenB ifC BecauseD before正确答案:A140. John and I ______ friends for eight years. We first went to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ______ each other a couple of times before that. A had been; have seenB have been; have seenC had been; had seenD have been; had seen正确答案:D141. —Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.—Well, you married one. _______ . A You name itB I’ve got itC I can’t agree moreD You should know142. He is working hard for fear that he ______ . A fell behindB may fall behindC should fall behindD would fall behind正确答案:C143. The newly built cafe, the walls of ____ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us , especially after hard work. A thatB itC whatD which正确答案:D144. —Have you moved into the new house?—Not yet. The rooms ______. A are being paintedB are paintingC are paintedD are being painting正确答案:A145. The pen ______ smoothly. A was wroteB writesC has writingD is written正确答案:B146. Mary ______ a dress when she cut her finger. A madeB is makingC was makingD makes正确答案:C147. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ______ was very reasonable. A whichpriceB the price of whichC its priceD the price of that正确答案:B148. She won the first prize in the speech contest and ____ surprised us. A whichB itC asD who正确答案:B149. When did you ____ here? A got toB reachedC arrive inD reach正确答案:D150. It was not until 1920 _____ regular radio broadcasts began. A whichB whenC thatD since正确答案:C151. —You haven’t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?—I’m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you. A wasn’t sayingB don’t sayC won’t sayD didn’t say正确答案:D152. —You were out when I dropped in at your house.—Oh, I _____ for a friend from England at the airport. A was waitingB had waitedC am waitingD have waited正确答案:A153. Helen _____ her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _____ home.A has left; comesB left; had comeC had left; cameD had left; would come正确答案:C154. She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______ , in fact, I was talking about my daughter. A whomB whereC whichD while正确答案:D155. Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while, but soon ______ to his old ways. A returnedB returnsC was returningD had returned正确答案:A156. The dictionary _____ he paid 50 yuan for is very useful. A whichB for whichC on whichD about which正确答案:A157. It _____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago. A wasB areC wereD had been正确答案:A158. ____ down the radio ---- the baby’s asleep in the next room. A TurningB To turnC TurnedD Turn正确答案:D159. If he ______ hard in the past five years, things wouldn't be going so smoothly. A had not been workingB has not been workingC was not workingD were not working正确答案:A160. —Everybody is going to climb the mountain . Can I go too , mom ?— ______ Wait till you are old enough ,dear. A Will youB Why not?C I hope so.D I’m afraid not.正确答案:D161. This is the best book _____ I have been looking for all this year. A whoB whomC whichD /正确答案:D162. The lake will be further polluted unless some measures ______. A will be takenB are takenC were takenD had been taken正确答案:B163. I wonder why Jenny ______ us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A hasn’t writtenB doesn’t writeC won’t writeD hadn’t written正确答案:A164. It’s a nice house ______ it hasn’t got a garden. A andB orC butD so正确答案:C165. ______ they arrived early at the airport, they nearly missed their flight. A IfB BecauseC As soon asD Although正确答案:D166. Daniel's family ______ their holiday in Huangshan this time next week. A are enjoyingB are to enjoyC will enjoyD will be enjoying正确答案:D167. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _____ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A workB workingC is workingD are working正确答案:C168. If they _______ the contract ahead of time, they could not have missed the plan.A signedB had signedC would have signedD should sign正确答案:B169. —Do you live in this city?—No, we ______ it for holidays. A just visitB just visitedC are just visitingD have visited正确答案:C170. —Do you know our town at all?—No, this is the first time I ____ here. A wasB have beenC cameD am coming正确答案:B171. The old man _____ two days after he had been sent to hospital. A diedB would dieC had diedD has died正确答案:A172. We find the room very ______. A warmB warmlyC terriblyD hardly正确答案:A173. Many children, ______ parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village. A theirB whoseD with whom正确答案:B174. The new dictionaries are very useful.They ____ well and ____ already. A sell; have been sold outB sold; had sold outC sell, sell outD are sold; have been sold out正确答案:A175. —Honey, let’s go out for dinner.— ______ I don’t have to cook. A Forgot it!B That’s great!C Why?D Go ahead!正确答案:B176. All the furniture in the house ______ to the landlord. A is belongedB belongsC belongingD are belonged正确答案:B177. If I _____ the opportunity I would not have missed it. A had givenB was givenC had been givingD had been given正确答案:D178. I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year.A will playB have playedC played正确答案:D179. I ______ go to the shop today, for there is a lot of food at home. A mustn'tB had toC can'tD needn't正确答案:D180. His sister left home in 1998, and ______ since. A had not been heard ofB has not been heard ofC had not heard ofD has not heard of正确答案:B181. It was in 2005 ____ we began to introduce this new technique into our company. A whichB thenC whenD that正确答案:D182. Tom said he ______ a good dream yesterday evening. A dreamB dreamedC haveD has正确答案:B183. The bridge which ______ last year looks really beautiful. A was builtB builtC was set upD had been built正确答案:A184. Jimmy said that he would come to pick me up, but he ____ by now. A hasn’t turnedup〔出现〕B doesn’t turn upC won’t turn upD hadn’t turned up正确答案:A185. Look, there is an ______ tree by the wall. A appleB apple'sC apples'D apples正确答案:A186. The box is ______ heavy for her ______ carry. A very; toB too; not toC too; toD very too; to正确答案:C187. The robbers shouted, “Hands up! I’ll shoot anyone ______ moves!〞 A whomB thatC whoD whose正确答案:C188. _____ six years since I began to study English. A It isB I have beenC There areD It was正确答案:A189. It’s very noisy outside. ___ is going on? A WhoB WhatC WhichD Where正确答案:B190. October 1,1949 was the day _____ the People’s Republic of China was founded. A whichB whenC whereD in which正确答案:B191. This is the bag _____ my mother bought yesterday. A thatB whoC whomD this正确答案:A192. My suggestion yesterday was that a meeting ____ to discuss the matter. A should holdB must be heldC would be heldD be held正确答案:D193. —Hurry up. The bus is coming.—Wait a minute. Don’t cross the street ______ the traffic lights are green. A afterB untilC whileD since正确答案:B194. The computer center, ______ last year, is very popular among students in this University. A openB openingC opened。

浙江大学远程教育学院考查课《公共关系学》离线作业姓名:学号:711129328035 年级:学习中心:紫金港—————————————————————————————如果您所在的城市没有城市口号,请你结合相关资料,选择您认为较好的其它城市的标志logo图片、或宣传海报等附在文档后。
千岛湖风景区群山绵延,森林繁茂,绿视率100% ,属国家一级水体,被原新华社社长穆青赞誉为“天下第一秀水”。
4、结合查阅资料和日常生活体验,您所在的城市哪些地方可以看到你所在城市的logo标志或者宣传海报等?(20分)A 公共建筑如标志性建筑、文化宫、博物馆等B 城市窗口如车站、码头等C 特色区块如景点景区、公园等D 行业企业如特色行业、名企的推广中E 其它以上您所选择的城市标识分布的可见地点,请每处至少提供一张照片如果您所在的城市没有可见地点,请列举你所到过或可收集到的其它城市的logo标志在城市的几处分布点,每处至少一张真实图片。

A 李某和王某⼆⼈和解B 请居委会的张⼤妈进⾏调解C 到仲裁委员会申请仲裁D ⼀⽅起诉⾄法院多选题2.【第01章】⼈民法院裁定不予执⾏仲裁裁决后,当事⼈()。
A 可以再申请仲裁B 不得重新申请仲裁C 可以向⼈民法院起诉D 不得起诉多选题3.【第01章】在民事诉讼中,⼈民法院的哪些活动属于民事诉讼活动?()? A 受理案件B 合议庭向审判委员会汇报案情C 作出判决D 审判委员会讨论案件多选题4.【第01章】关于民事诉讼法与相邻实体法,正确的说法有()。
? A 两者是形式和内容的关系B 两者是相互独⽴相互配套的法律C 民事诉讼法是表现实体法⽣命⼒的法律形式D 在实体法中包含着某些程序规范,它们属于实质的民事诉讼法多选题5.【第01章】属于民事程序法的有()。
A 民事诉讼法B ⼈民法院组织法C 公证法D ⼈民调解法规多选题6.【第01章】民事诉讼法律关系的要素包括()。
A 主体B 客体C 标的物D 内容多选题7.【第01章】李某将⾃⼰所有的录像机托付给刘某代为保管,刘某的邻居王某借⽤该录像机,后不慎损坏。
A ⼈民法院和刘某或王某之间B 李某和王某之间C ⼈民法院同张某之间D 刘某和张某之间多选题8.【第01章】引起民事诉讼法律关系产⽣、变更、消灭的情况是()。
A 原告提起诉讼,⼈民法院不予受理B 法⼈消灭C 当事⼈死亡D 诉讼中发⽣⾃然灾害⽽使诉讼停⽌多选题9.【第02章】诉的要素包括()。
A 当事⼈B 诉讼标的C 诉讼理由D 法院和诉讼请求多选题10.【第02章】下列诉讼中,不属于给付之诉的有()。

浙江大学远程教育学院 《工程数学》练习题一、填空题:1. 设2iz e-=,那末z =____________,arg z =______________。
2. 设21()2z f z z =--,那么函数()f z 除了点z =______外处处解析,且()f z '=____________。
3. 微分方程1/y x '=的通解y =_________,当满足条件(1)0y =时,y =__________。
4. 设已知方程()()y p x y f x '+=的齐次方程一解为x 、非齐次方程一解为2x ,则方程的通解为y =__________________________。
5. 积分()()j t F f t e dt ωω+∞--∞=⎰称为()f t 的______变换,()f t 称为()F ω的_____函数。
6. 傅里叶变换有微分性质Φ[()]f t '=__________________。
7. 设12iz e-=,那末z =____________,arg z =______________。
8. 设1()cos()f z z=,那么函数()f z 除了点z =_____外处处解析,且()f z '=___________。
9. 微分方程xy e '=的通解y =________,当满足条件(0)1y =时,y =__________。
10. 设已知方程()()y p x y f x '+=的齐次方程一解为2x 、非齐次方程一解为x ,则方程的通解为y =_________________________。
11. 积分0()()st F s f t e dt +∞-=⎰称为()f t 的______变换,()f t 称为()F s 的_____函数。
12. 拉普拉斯变换有线性性质: Λ[()()]f t g t αβ+=________________________。

您的本次作业分数为:100分 词汇结构1.Canceling the conference will make a very bad ___________.A impressionB programC pressureD imagination正确答案:A词汇结构2.Our knowledge of the ocean has ___________ considerably over the last ten years.A reachedB risenC advancedD compared正确答案:C词汇结构3.I was reading ___________ my brother was writing.A sinceB whileC ifD as正确答案:B词汇结构小溪) or through the wood?4.___________ way shall we go? By the stream(A WhichB whatC WhoseD How词汇结构5.She didn't know ____________ information had been known by the public.A how muchB how manyC howeverD how old正确答案:A词汇结构6.Refugees (难民) are still ____________ across the border.A makingB floodingC gettingD filling正确答案:B词汇结构7.___________ had we arrived in New York City __________ we got in touch with Mr. Brown.A Not until; thatB Hardly; whenC As soon; asD No sooner; when正确答案:B词汇结构8.Ten minutes ___________ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.A seemB seemsC seemedD seeming交际英语9. - When do you plan to go? - ________________A You name it.B I'm quite lost.C That's a good idea.D The sooner, the better.正确答案:D词汇结构10.The weight of the moon is only about ___________ of the earth.A one eightyB one the eightyC one of the eightyD one eightieth正确答案:D交际英语11. - I'm going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for a holiday. - ____________________A Have a good time!B Best wishes to you.C Congratulations!D Please go ahead.正确答案:A词汇结构12.If you could complete the report by Friday, that would be ____________.A carefulB probableC idealD real交际英语13. - Let's take a vacation. - ____________A Have a good time.B Enjoy yourself.C Sounds good.D I hope you can have fun.正确答案:C词汇结构过渡) into college.14.We hope that most students will make a _____________ transition (A roughB realC solidD smooth正确答案:D词汇结构15.Jane Eyre is a good book. I have read it and I decide to read it __________.A two timeB two timesC the second timeD a second time正确答案:D交际英语16. - ________________ - Most probably we'll stay with my parents.A How do you get to the station?B How do you spend the Spring Festival?C How was your Spring Festival?D How do you like the Spring Festival?词汇结构17.Why does your brother want a new job ____________ he's already got a very good one?A whereB whenC whichD that正确答案:B词汇结构18.He must have taken the camera __________ it isn't here.A sinceB whileC whenD although正确答案:A词汇结构19.The law ___________ equal rights for men and women.A promisesB demandsC guaranteesD matches正确答案:C交际英语20. - Are you letting me plan our trip?- _________________A No, I don't mind.B Good for you.C Yes, why not?D Really?完型填空,especially for those who have never traveled a21. It is always interesting to visit another countrygreat deal. Foreign travel can be very educational for anyone if he is interested enough to makfor t hepreparations beforehand. Learning the language o f the new country w ould be difficulttraveler, 1 the benefits of such an effort would become obvious immediately on his arrival. It ma not seem important to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing how to 2 a meal or book a room is necessary for the newcomer in a strange country. Without knowing the language,it is very difficult 3 the stranger to understand the people of the new country and their customs Of course,in our small world it is often possible to find someone 4 understands our own, but this –best for the traveler. To be sure, he can see places and things without the use of a is only secondlanguage, but places and things are not the heart of any country. To get the greatest benefit froto have an understanding of thea trip 5 another country, it i s h ow important f or t he visitorlanguage.B 1.A. to B. but C. order D. for E. whoC 2.A. to B. but C. order D. for E. whoD 3.A. to B. but C. order D. for E. whoE 4.A. to B. but C. order D. for E. whoA 5.A. to B. but C. order D. for E. who正确答案:1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-E, 5-A阅读理解22. Language is a lways changing. In a society where life continues y ear after year with fewchanges, the languages do not change either. The earliest known languages had difficult grammar but a small, limited vocabulary. Over the century, the grammar changed, and the vocabulary grew. For example, the English and Spanish people who came to America during the sixteenth century gave names to all the new plants and animals they found. In this way, hundreds of new wordsToday life is c hanging v ery fast, andwere introduced i nto E nglish and Spanish v ocabularies.language is changing fast too.There are several major language families in the world. Some scientists say there are nine main families, but other scientists divided them differently. The languages in each family are connect and scientists think that they came from the same parent language. About 3% of the people in the world speak languages that are not in these major families.B1. The early language had many words and easy grammar.A. TB. FA2. In the next few hundred years we can expect language to change a great deal.A. TB. FA3. This article shows that language changes with changes in society.A. TB. FB4. From this article we can know that language will become easier and easier.A. TB. FA5. The first English and Spanish people arrived in America more than 400-500 years ago.A. TB. F正确答案:1-B, 2-A, 3-A, 4-B, 5-A阅读理解23.Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices orschools everyday by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in th morning and reach home late i n the evening. One advantage of living outside L ondon is t hathouses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. Wit the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own. Then, i the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at nigh and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country.watering a nd doing theIf o ne likes gard ens, o ne can spend one’s free t ime digging, planting,hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. T hen, when the flowers a ndvegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature. Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in th town, with its c inemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls andrestaurants.Such people would feel t hat t heir life was not worth living if t hey had to live itoutside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to tho who are glad to get away from London every night.B1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ___________A. People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city.B. People who work in London prefer t o live in the country.C. Some people enjoying city life prefer t o work and live insideLondon. D. Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside the city.C2. With the same money __________, one can buy a little house with a garden in the country.A. getting a small flat with a gardenB. having a small flat with a gardenC. renting a flat without a gardenD. buying a small flat without a gardenB3. When the garden is in blossom, it means that one ___________ if they had to live outside London.A. living in the countryB. having spend time working in the gardenC. having a garden his ownD. having been digging, planting and wateringA4. People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that __________ if they had to live outside London.A. their life was meaninglessB. their life was invaluableC. they didn't deserve a happyD. they were not worthy of their happy lifeC5. The underlined phrase get away from in the 3rd paragraph refers to _________.A. deal withB. do away withC. escape fromD. prevent from正确答案:1-B, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A, 5-C加入错题集 关闭窗体底端。


浙江大学远程教育学院《建筑施工技术》课程作业1.【第1章】水泥土搅拌桩施工时通常采用的机械是:A 回转钻机B 浅水钻机C 搅拌桩机D 四杆钻机正确答案:C2.【第1章】最佳设计平面是在满足设计规划、生产工艺和运输、排水等要求的前提下,尽量使:A 土方量最小B 土方填挖平衡C 最小运输功D A+B正确答案:D3.【第1章】四方棱柱体四个角点不可能出现的标高情况:A 全填全挖B 两点挖两点填C 三点挖一点填D 三点为零线一点挖(填)正确答案:D4.【第1章】下列哪种不是刚板桩施工时的打桩方法:A 单独打入法B 整体打入法C 围檩插桩法D 分段复打桩正确答案:B5。
【第1章】下列哪种不是影响边坡坡度的因素:A 施工工期B 气候条件C 开挖宽度D 开挖方法正确答案:C6.【第1章】基坑(槽)路堤的土方量可采用下列方法计算:A 三角棱柱体法B 等截面计算法C 拟柱体体积计算法D 四方棱柱体法正确答案:C7.【第1章】土方边坡自上而下分层开挖时,上台阶应比下台阶开挖深进不少于:A 10mB 20mC 30mD 40m正确答案:C8.【第1章】哪一种挖土机适合开挖停机面1、5m以下的土方:A 铲运机B 抓铲挖土机C 正铲挖土机D 拉铲挖土机正确答案:C9.【第1章】当填、挖土方量相差不大时,可采用什么方法计算土方量:A 工艺要求B 排水要求C 运输要求D 适当降低或提高场地设计标高值正确答案:D10.【第1章】基槽支护结构的形式宜采有:A 横撑式支撑B 搅拌桩C 挡土板D 非重力式支护结构正确答案:A11。
【第1章】当场地地形变化比较平缓时,宜采用什么方法确定最佳设计平面:A 最小二乘法B 方格网法C 相关平差法D A+C正确答案:B12.【第1章】下列哪种施工机械可不排水施工:A 铲运机B 抓铲挖掘机C 推土机D 装载机正确答案:B13.【第1章】下列那一种不是影响粘土压实的施工方法:A 碾压B 振动压实C 夯实D 强夯正确答案:D14.【第1章】拉铲挖掘机的开挖方式有:A 沟端开挖B 沟底开挖C 沟侧开挖D A+C正确答案:D15。

1.有一种化概念关系图旳学习措施,这种措施本质上是( )。
∙ A 增进语义编码旳认知方略∙ B 是一种元认知方略∙ C 是一种教学方略∙D是个体旳一种认识论信念 对旳答案:C2."据人物分析决定教学方略"旳教学原则旳根据是( )。
∙ A 认知发展理论∙ B 同化论∙C学习类型理论∙ D 个性差异理论对旳答案:C3.反应掌握高级规则旳性能动词是( )。
∙A 生成∙B 运用()∙ C 分析∙ D 思维对旳答案:A4.历史教师告诉学生,记忆历史年代时,可先记住某个熟悉旳年代,而后再通过在该年代上增减数字来记住其他历史事件旳发生年代。
对该生行为最合适旳解释是( )。
∙A 该生具有叛逆精神∙B 该生具有运用方略旳元认知意识 ∙C 该生会使用记忆方略∙ D 该生不喜欢历史对旳答案:C5.下列多媒体设计方式最也许增进学习效果旳是( )。
∙A 文本+图片∙ B 图片+言语讲解∙C 文本+言语讲解∙ D 文本+图片+言语讲解对旳答案:B6.婴幼儿在与承认旳交往中,学会辨别"你"、"我"、"他",根据奥苏伯尔旳学习分类,这里发生旳学习实质上是( )。
∙A 符号表征学习 ∙B 概念学习∙C 命题学习 ∙ D 接受学习对旳答案:B7.主张"知识是个人旳建构,不存在共同旳知识"属于( )。
∙A 社会建构主义观∙B 信息加工理论∙ C 激进建构主义观 ∙ D 奥苏伯尔旳理论对旳答案:C8.对科学取向教学论形成做出最大奉献旳教育心理学家是( )。
∙A 奥苏伯尔∙B 加涅∙C 布鲁纳∙D 布卢姆对旳答案:B9.下列有关掌握学习旳论断错误旳是( )。
∙A 掌握学习规定80-90%旳学生到达掌握水平∙B 在掌握学习中,学生到达同样原则所需要旳时间也许不一样∙C 掌握学习也是一种累积性旳学习∙D 掌握学习最终会加大学生间旳差异对旳答案:C10.贾德所做旳著名旳水下击靶试验证明旳是( )。

浙江大学远程教育学院模拟试题卷英语(专本)Part I 语音知识在下列每组单词中,有一个词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分读音不同. 请你找出这个词.1. A. invite C. drive2. C. last D. class3. C. doubt D. bound4. A. resist D. design5. B. fresh D. exhibition6. B. finger C. stronger D. organize7. B. cost C. fond D. lost8. B. horrible D. harvest9. B. direction D. select10. C. imagination D. stranger11. A. although C. thus D. breathe12. A. population D. amuse13. A. delighted B. tiny D. silent14. A. exact B. exist15. A. patient B. nation C. relation16. B. theory C. thought17. B. station D. examination18. A. research B. earth D. search19. B. puzzle D. plug20. B. explain C. excuse D. expenseⅡ词汇结构: 在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。
1. Wait till you are more _____ ___. It's better to be sure than sorry.A. inspired鼓舞B. satisfied满意C. calm平静D. certain信心、把握等到你更有把握时再做决定。
2. The thing that ________ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.A. cares 茫然若失B. matters事态C. considers考虑D. minds主意,思想句意:问题不在于你是否失败,而在于你是否尝试。
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浙江大学远程教育学院习题集浙江大学远程教育学院习题集课程代码名称_1803074兽医微生物学与免疫学_年级专业(层次)_动物医学专升本绪言—、填空题1.1683年荷兰人_______ 用自制的显微镜首次观察到微生物。
3.微生物的发展可概括为三个阶段:________________ 、和 ________________ 等。
2.细菌的形态有_______ 、________ 和________ 等三种基本类型。
3.球菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为____________ 、_________ 、___________ 、________ 和 _________ 等。
4.杆菌按其分裂方向及分裂后的排列情况可分为、_________ 和___________ 。
5.螺旋状菌分为__________ 和__________ 两种。
7.常用的细菌染色方法有哪些?&什么是革兰氏染色?有何意义?其染色机制如何?第二章细菌的生理—、填空题1.细菌细胞的代谢过程包括________ 、________ 、________ 和_______ 等四个步骤。
2.细菌物质主要通过_______ 、_________ 、________ 和 _______ 等方式进出细菌细胞。
3.细菌细胞结构的组装有两种方式:_________ 和_______ 。
4.细菌以_________ 进行无性繁殖。
5.根据生长曲线,细菌生长繁殖分为_________ 、_______ 、_______ 和 ________等四个时期。
6.细菌的生长繁殖条件主要有:_________ 、________ 、 _______ 、________ 和________ 等。
7.根据细菌对氧的需要,可将细菌分为_________ 、________ 和________ 等。
&根据细菌对温度的适应范围,可将细菌分为 __________ 、_________ 和等。
第三章消毒与灭菌—、填空题1.对微生物影响较大的物理因素包括:_________ 、________ 、________ 、________ 、微波和滤过等。
2.高温灭菌法可分为________ 灭菌法和灭菌法两类。
4.常见的湿热灭菌法有:、和_______ 。
5.影响消毒剂作用的因素主要有:、______________________ 、 ___________________ 、____________________ 、________________ 和___________________二、名词解释1.杀菌作用2.抑菌作用3.抗菌作用4.灭菌5.消毒6.防腐7.无菌&巴氏消毒法9.高压蒸汽灭菌法10.消毒剂11.防腐剂12.噬菌体三、简答题1.列述影响微生物的主要物理因素及其实用价值。
第四章细菌及其他微生物的生态一、名词解释1.共生2.共栖3.寄生4.拮抗5.无特定病原体动物6.清洁动物第五章细菌的感染与致病机理一、填空题1.构成细菌毒力的毒力因子主要有: ________ 和________ 。
2.细菌毒素按其来源、性质和作用等的不同,可分为和________ 两类二、名词解释1.感染2.病原菌3.半数致死量(LD50)4.半数感染量(ID50)5.侵袭力6.黏附素7.内化作用&外毒素9.内毒素10.类毒素三、简答题1■什么是柯赫法则?如何从分子水平解释柯赫法则?2.如何确定某种细菌具有致病性?3■试述致病菌侵入宿主细胞的主要过程。
4.细菌如何干扰或逃避宿主的防御机制5.细菌外毒素的基本特性及组成如何?6■什么是类毒素,有何用途?7.比较外毒素与内毒素的主要异同点?&细菌致病性的现代概念的精髓是什么?9.细菌毒力减弱和增强的方法有哪些?第六章细菌的遗传变异—、填空题1.根据突变范围大小,可将基因突变分为_________ 和________ 两类。
2.染色体畸变包括染色体结构上的________ 、________ 、 _______ 、_______ 和________3. _______________________ 点突变可进一步分为_ 、和。
4.常见细菌变异类型有:_________ 、________ 、 ______ 和 ________ 。
5.诱发细菌变异的方法主要有:________ 、_______ 和________ 。
6.细菌的转导分为______ 和_________ 。
7.接合性质粒有_________ 、______ 和________ 等。
&细菌遗传变异的应用主要包括: _________ 、________ 和 _______ 等。
二、名词解释1.菌丝2.抱子3.螺旋体4.霉形体5.立克次体6.衣原体三、简答题1.什么叫真菌?其主要特性是什么?2.酵母菌的构造有哪些?有哪几种繁殖方式?3.霉菌有哪几种繁殖方式?产生哪些抱子?第二十九章病毒的结构一、填空题1.测定病毒大小的单位通常是_________ 。
2.根据壳粒数目和排列不同,病毒衣壳主要有_________ 和 ________ 两种对称类型,少数为复合对称。
3.病毒的化学组成包括三类物质同:_________ 、________ 和 _______ ,前两种是最主要的成分。
4.病毒的核酸分两大类:________ 或__________ ,二者不能同时存在。
5.病毒核酸可分为________ 或__________ 、_______ 或__________ 、______ 或__________ 分节段可称为多分子,不分节段则为单分子。
5.病毒核酸可分为或、一或、______ 或__________ 分节段可称为多分子,不分节段则为单分子二、名词解释1.复制2.病毒的一步生长曲线3.感染比(MOI)4.隐蔽期5.病毒受体三、简答题1.何谓病毒的MOI及一步生长曲线?二者有何关系?2.解释病毒的复制周期及隐蔽期。
4.病毒的生物合成有何特点?5.病毒蛋白质如何翻译及加工?6.有囊膜病毒如何成熟与释放?第三十一章病毒的遗传与进化一、填空题1.病毒的基因重组包括:________ 、________ 和________ 等。
2.根据壳粒数目和排列不同,病毒衣壳主要有_________ 和________ 两种对称类型,少数为复合对称。
4.病毒的核酸分两大类:________ 或__________ ,二者不能同时存在。
5.病毒核酸可分为_______ 或___________ 、_______ 或__________ 、______ 或__________ 分节段可称为多分子,不分节段则为单分子。
二、名词解释1.突变2.缺损型干扰突变3.定点诱变4.反向遗传学5.基因重组6.分子内重组7.重配&表型混合三、简答题1.病毒基因组变异的有哪些类型?发生的机率及后果如何?2.什么是缺损型干扰突变?有何意义?3.定点诱变如何进行?第三十二章病毒与细胞的相互作用一、填空题1.病毒培养和增殖的方法主要有_________ 、_______ 和等。
2.病毒感染可分为_______ 和________ 两大类。
5.病毒核酸可分为或、或、______ 或__________ 分节段可称为多分子,不分节段则为单分子。