



2013级口语考试题目Answer the following question within 3 minutes.1. Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery? Some suggested ideas:★Negative:(1) We should not attempt to change nature.(2) Most employers need skilled employees rather than good-looking ones.(3) One’s inner beauty or qualities like honesty, faithfulness, diligence and sense of humor are more important than one’s appearance.2. Many college students choose to take part-time jobs in their spare time. What do you think may be the advantages of it? :★taking part-time jobs may have at least three benefits for college students in my eye. First and foremost, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, if a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his 1Practice will enable him to better understand what he has learned from books. What’s more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what has been taught in clas s, and he will learn something that doesn ‘t exist in books but in practice. Moreover, students can accumulate work experience through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after graduation and help them to prepare for future careers. In addition, graduate students lacking in practical work experience are often disfavored in job-hunting markets.Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve stude nts’ financial burden, especially those who are from poor families.3. Students spend a lot of time watching all kinds of TV programs during their holidays, ranging from TV series to Talent Show. But it may he harmful if we watch TV too much. Could you give some reasons? :★The most important reason why watching TV is bad is that it influences how much family members communicate. Parents, grandparents, and other family members have a lot of wisdom to share. This wisdom, however, is often ignored by young people who watch TV.Furthermore, it reduces children’s study time.Finally, TV programs can be a bad influence. Some shows include inappropriate language and too much violence. Many researchers say children do repeat what they see on TV.4. Please describe what kink of people you expect your dream lover to be. :★He or she should be a loving and caring individual. Not only does he or she love her family, but he or she is warm-hearted to help those around or even someone who they don’t know.He or she should be loyal to their nation, their family and their career. Hard-working is an indispensable quality.He or she is supposed to know romance, tolerance and humor.If he is a handsome or she is a beautiful, that would be better.Someone who is good at cooking is always welcome.5. What are the pros and cons of exercises? / What are the advantages and disadvantages of exercises? :●Pros of exercises:1) It improves appearance. Through exercise, you can get a nice figure.2) It strengthens the heart.3) It can improve your health.4) It can enhance your mood and reduce depression and anxiety.●Cons of exercises:1) It may affect one’s personal life. Some people are so obsessed with exercise that they give little time and attention to other aspects of their personal lives.2) If we do exercise in a wrong way, it can actually harm our body. Some work out hard and pull their muscles; some even hurt a joint or break a bone.6. Many college students and high school students choose to study abroad after their graduation. What is your view of studying abroad? :▲T(e students who bhѯos䀥to study abroad believe that overseas studY will 聢e vgry rew聡rding. They dhink they wil le⁡聲nȠimportant sk)lls,(such as a f reign languaࡧe, ar⁴, or technologyီ`And they Also think it will alloɿtjem to meɥt peoðlu w)th$diffepgvt txoughts. \hese new thkugits, tje studeNts believe, will broaden their minds and help build themr æuture careers.On the other hanF,!some reasons0can account for why most students refu{e to s|udy abroad.First, studying abboad is cost|y. St}dents may pay up3to three0or foub times }ore than they would if they st}dy at a local universi4y. This expeose often causes a heaty burden to ordinaRY families. Second, studying abroad means they have to ldave their griends and(family behind. Withou4 the s5pport of family and friefds, stutents suffer many difficultiesThird, it often briîgs about the experience of asto}nding culture shock. Some students can’t adapt wm|m to the new mnvironme.t and suffer from`traumatmc stress.5. What are the advantageóand dksadvajtages`of public transportation?!:★Advantagesofpu聢lictransp聯rtation䁭ay8bࡧ䁬istedasfolɬowsࡧItũsconvenientWehaѶeɤevѥl聯pedamࡧtu䁰epublictŲaNsportatiࡧnРnetworkwhichcantakeyouto every corneѲofthe`cétyItsavewmoneyTh August8feewepq}forpublictransporta⁴ionmsmuchsheaperthafĠthecࡧstwe~eedtopࡧyɩf†werideourowcarWѥcamakefriends耠whenwetakepublictranspo聒tation☇Disadvqotagesof†publictransortctioma}bࡧ listedasfollowsItisnotsoaomfortable TieѢusandthemetroareoftencrowdedespeciallyinru shhours ItistimeconsumingIthastostopfromtimetotimetopickuppassengersOnceyoumissabusyoumayhavetowaitforqu itealongtimefornextone ItsometimescanbedangerousThebusandthemetroareusuallyoverloadedinrushhoursthereforeithaspotentialrisk sWhatqualitiesdoyouthinkgreatpeopleshouldhave?★Shouldonehelphisorherfrienddosomethingillegal?Whatarethelimitsoffriendship? HowshouldwelookatfameandwhatshoulfwedmintiefacࡧoŦ聧ameĿ☥FirstĬther`is䁮o聴hinewrongwihfaíefameisasymbolof†successinone‛scareerwien䀠nehasaahievedfameshowsth`ࡧÁpersonhasdonewelh†Itc䁡Ů4evenenbࡧurageࡧpepleŴo workhasdertoeoevenbbetterworkthťreforɥweshouldhiveapositiveattitudesto wardsfšme$▬not ࡧak⁩nѧit耠a burࡧen. but aѶoiding tje co⁩ruttion that$can occur because of it. Ibter ɢecome famg䀠we should continueto do well. Whetࡧer it is in the science or0䁩n the arts ,⁡ѣcomplishment an䁤selfless devot䁩onࡧto wok(shoUld continࡧe.11.РDoes$ǪardȠwork cɯu䁮t?耯Is hard work important in ɯne’s pursɵit of success? :12. Can耡a perwon 聲el聹on the welf⁡ve syrtem$for everydhing? W聨y? кࡧ13.ȠUe"have enteved E-tImes. TѨe g|obe ũs li䁮ked By dhe Internet. Butpeoɰle have dif聦erent id%as on thE Intdrnet. What’r your ࡧiEwĿ :14.РShould we )g䁮⁩re ourࡧfsiends ࡧ䉮d`famIly foR pheȠsak䁥of ou䁲ownࡧintu2%sts? ;0‵.Chináh䁩s declaࡧe䁤a w䁡r on corru⁰ti䅯N wiôᅨa focus on corrtpt gůvernme.t ofࡧicials+ Is ѩt"possible foŲ"ࡧhina to ɥnd ࡧorŲuption? :ࡧ16. IQࡧhas been used for years to measure peopme. Hůwever, people star聴t䁯ტe ke䁥n on EQ these days. Shat’ѳ䀠yur view on IQ and EQ?`:•䀱7. щs monࡧy the most impɯrtant tling in䀠qࡧur ife? If îov, what ɩࡧ5it?18. What makes you feel St:ࡧssed? How to deal with(ɩŴ?19.(Shѯ⁵ld the useࡧof怠disposabld0p䁬astic bags bm âanned?Gave your reasoŮs.20. _hom ࡧo you turn to†for help when xou have pro⁢l emsࡧ職hy?。



Learn how to talk about travel destinations and make necessary arrangements.
Transportation Options
Discuss different modes of transportation such as planes, trains, and cars.
Talking about Hobbies and Interests
Outdoor Activities
Explore different outdoor hobbies such as hiking, camping, and swimming.
Arts and Entertainment
Discuss your favorite music, movies, and cultural events.
Common English Phrases and Expressions
Learn essential greetings and how to introduce yourself confidently in English.
Family and Relationships
3 Seeking Assistance
Discover how to politely ask for help when faced with challenges or uncertainties.
Ordering Food and Drinks in a Restaurant
Cuisine Variety
大学英语口语测试题库培 训课件
Discover the fascinating English speaking world through this comprehensive training course, covering greetings, family, hobbies, work, and more.



as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill
in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its
wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with
straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares
• Task 2 Question and Answer • In this task, you are to answer two questions. For each uestion, you will have
20 seconds to respond. Please start speaking on hearing the beep. • (问题文字不显示在屏幕上) • Question 1: • What would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? • (考生A和B同时回答,时间20秒) • Question 2: • Which city in China do you like most? And why? • (考生A和B同时回答,时间20秒)
• (屏幕显示以下文字)
• Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the



《大学英语口语》章节测试题与答案Unit 1 Pronunciation1.根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的1个单词。










BA、noodlesB、pairC、climbD、comeUnit 1 Pronunciation (小节测试)1.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词AA、catB、wellC、legD、pen2.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词DA、cupB、butC、duckD、car3.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词AA、mouthB、bookC、lookD、pull4.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词BA、doctorC、boxD、dog5.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词CA、poorB、tourC、beerD、sure6.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词BA、shipB、phoneC、sleepD、pear7.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词AA、fatherB、threeC、mathsD、thirsty8.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词CA、photoB、laughC、rangeD、leaf9.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词BA、bedB、clothesC、handD、seed10.根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词DA、violinB、moveC、voteD、widow2章 Unit 2 Greeting (教师出镜部分小节测试)1.In Thailand, people greet each other by putting their palms together. 正确2.In Holland, the normal way of greeting on formal occasions is an Eskimo kiss.错误3.It’s unnecessary to use formal expressions and you can say “hi” or “hello” to greet each other in a business meeting. 错误4.Addressing each other by his or her title is necessary because titles represent people’s social status and achievements. 答案:正确5.Although people from different cultures may have very different customs and beliefs, you don’t have to respect these differences when welcoming a business partner.答案:错误Unit 2 Greeting1.Which of the following describes the way children greeted elders in ancient China? AA、Kowtowing to their grandparents.B、Putting their palms together.C、Shaking hands.D、Waving hands.2.Which of the following belongs to the ancient greeting way in China?BA、Bowing to others.B、Doing fist and palm salute.C、Kissing cheeks.D、Kissing forehead.3.Which of the following is not a modern way of greeting? DA、Eskimo kiss.B、Shaking hands.C、Putting palms together.D、Kowtowing to others.4.What is not advised when greeting each other in a business meeting? BA、Using formal expressions.B、Addressing each other by his or her nickname.C、Proper body language.D、Dressing appropriately.5.Which of the following sentences is not a formal expression? DA、How do you do!B、Nice to meet you.C、It is a great pleasure to meet you.D、What’s up?6.What does title represent in business meeting? AA、Social status.B、Hobby.C、Main idea.D、Nickname.7.What may not leave a good impression on your interviewer? DA、Dressing appropriately.B、Using proper body language.C、Addressing the interviewer by his or her title.D、Speaking loudly.8.Which of the following is not advised when welcoming a business partner? CA、Using proper body language.B、Being polite.C、Behaving rudely.D、Dressing appropriately.9.If your business partner is a woman, what should not be done? AA、Asking her age.B、Preparing a bunch of flowers.C、Being polite.D、Using proper body language.10.What is the most common way of greeting in China now? BA、Smiling.B、Shaking hands.C、Kissing cheeks.D、Bowing.2.2无题目2章 Extended Reading (小节测试)1.In Britain, they usually kiss on the cheek between men and women when they first meet. 答案:错误2.The Spanish greeting is “hola” and the Zulu say “sawubona”when greeting friends.答案:正确3.The common greeting for men and women is to bow to each other in both Philippines and Japan. 答案:错误4.In Russia, a typical greeting is a very firm handshake without direct eye contact. 答案:错误5.In Armenia, a woman needs to wait for the man to offer his hand for the handshake. 答案:正确3章 Food(教师出镜部分小节测试)1.Table Manners are very important in China. 答案:正确2.Tables in China are usually round, and the seat facing the door is normally for the host.答案:正确3.In China, people usually help others to get food with their own chopsticks. 答案:错误4.In the west, round tables are the standard. 答案:错误5.In the west, you need to use your fork with your right hand and the knife with your left hand. 答案:错误Unit 3 Food1.Which of the following is the traditional food during Chinese New Year? AA、Jiaozi.B、Fried Rice.C、Hot Pot.D、Peking Roast Duck.2.Which of the following specialties belongs to Japan? BA、Curry Crab.B、Sushi.C、Pizza.D、Bibimbap.3.Which of the following tableware are not often used by Chinese? DA、Bowls.B、Chopsticks.C、Spoons.D、Forks.4.Which of the following food belongs to America? BA、Jiaozi.B、Hamburger.C、Sushi.D、Hotpot.5.What do people usually use for eating in India? DA、Using Chopsticks.B、Using spoons.C、Using bowls.D、Using their right hand.6.Which of the follwing food is healthy food? AA、Fruit.B、Hamburger.C、Ice cream.D、Pizza.7.Which of the follwing food is junk food? DA、Vegetable.B、Fruit.C、Fish.D、Hamburger.8.Which of the following questions is not asked by the waiter? CA、May I help you?B、How many people in your party?C、May I have the mushroom pizza, please?D、What time would you like the reservation for?9.Which of the following sentences is not said by the customer? AA、What would you like to drink?B、Can I make a reservation at your restaurant in advance?C、There will be two, my wife and I.D、I would like to come at six10.In western countires, where do the hosts often sit when they serve guests a meal? CA、On the right side of the table.B、On the left side of the table.C、At the end of the table.D、Facing the door.3.2无题目3.3 Extended Reading (小节测试)1.French people take great pride in their nation’s culinary reputation. 答案:正确2.The French tend to buy fresh meat from the supermarket, where they can inspect the piece before purchasing it. 答案:错误3.In France, vegetables do play a starring role in a meal. 答案:错误4.Cheese is always served after dessert. 答案:错误5.On an ordinary night, the French are most likely to eat fruit for dessert. 答案:正确Unit 4 Shopping(教师出镜部分小节测试)1.In a bazzar, there are many big supermarkets and shoppingmalls. 答案:错误2.A shopping mall usually contains stores, movies theatres, restaurants, and even clinics. 答案:正确3.To buy food or daily necessities, large grocery stores or supermarkets are good choices. 答案:正确4.One of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is we can try the clothes on. 答案:正确5.There are many things we should consider when buying a mobile phone, such as its function, brand, price and phone chains. 答案:错误Unit 4 Shopping1.A __________may contains stores, movie theaters, restaurants or even clinics. CA、grocery storeB、supermarketC、shopping mallD、bazaar2.Why do people prefer to buy food or daily necessities in grocery stores or supermarkets?A、Because things there are in great variety.B、Because the prices there are higher.C、Because of the after-sale service.D、Because they are often nearer.3.If we want to buy furniture or electric appliances, which one is the reasonable choice? CA、A grocery storeB、A supermarketC、A department storeD、A boutique4.If the original price of a sweater is $200 and today it is sold with a sign “60% off”, how much should the buyer pay? CA、$140B、$ 120C、$80D、$ 605.“No refund no exchange” means:BA、存货不卖B、不退不换C、不开发票D、无购物税6.Which one is not one of the advantages of shopping online? CA、Convenient.B、A lower price.C、Quality guarantee.D、Quick.7.When we go shopping in stores, shop assistants often want to help us and ask ____________.AA、What do you need?B、How do you do?C、Have you had your meal?D、How much money do you have?8.These days, lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the__________.BA、nearby grocery storesB、InternetC、Wal-MartD、sellers9.One of the great advantages of going in-store shoppingis___________.AA、we can try the clothes onB、all colors of clothes are availableC、all sizes of clothes are availableD、things are often less expensive.10.If we want to go shopping at Taobao, what is the first step we should do? AA、Create a Taobao account.B、Get a bank card.C、Bargain with the customer service.D、Pay with pay treasure carton.4.31.This year, as usual, many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops. 答案:错误2.These days lots of people can do their shopping in their own homes thanks to the Internet. 正确3.Male and female are more likely to buy their Christmas gifts online now. 答案:正确4.Although more and more people begin to do shopping online, a majority of Internet users still do have security worries. 答案:错误5.To compete with online shopping, many companies and shops have more special offers and begin the sales earlier than before. 答案:正确5.11.Doing sports is the only way to lose your weight. 答案:错误2.The fat want to be the thin and the thin are satisfied with their figure. 答案:错误3.Doing sports is beneficial to both the health and the studies. 答案:正确4.Some people choose to relax by travelling. 答案:正确5.Travelling can open our mind to new culture. 答案:正确Unit 5 Sports1.When were Beijing Olympic Games held? AA、2008B、2004C、2000D、20122.Which of the following sports is the favourite one in China? BA、swimmingB、table tennisC、gymnasticsD、volleyball3.Which sport is Harbin famous for ? BA、tennisB、skiing and skatingC、divingD、basketball4.Which sport are the American people crazy about? AA、baseballC、hikingD、diving5.Which one is not the most popular team sports? CA、baseballB、hockeyC、skatingD、basketball6.Which culture is the special one in China? AA、WushuB、footballC、swimmingD、table tennis7.Which sport is the most popular in the world? DA、hikingB、baseballC、basketballD、football8.Which one is played by all ages in America and Cuba?AA、baseballB、hockeyC、hikingD、swiming9.Which of the following is the individual sport? DB、ice hockeyC、footballD、Golf10.Which of the following is the recreational sport? DA、baseballB、ice hockeyC、snowboardingD、walking5.2无题目5.31.The opening ceremony showcased the unique Chinese cultural heritage. 答案:正确2.The Beijing Olympics is the geographically farthest Olympic Games to Mongolia. 答案:错误3.The Beijing conveyed the message of harmony, isolation and peace. 答案:错误4.The splendid opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics showed China’s profound culture and wisdom of its people. 答案:正确5.The excellent performance of the Chinese athletes would go down in the world’s sports history. 答案:正确6.11.Travel gives us the opportunity to enjoy new and exotic foods and beautiful scenery. 答案:正确2.When you travel, the place you live is not an important factor. 答案:错误3.You should make a reasonable timetable to make sure what you should do one by one. 答案:正确4.You should learn some information about cultures and customs in the target country and notice cultural differences between China and the target country. 答案:正确5.You don’t need to make a reservation in advance. 答案:错误Unit 6 Travel1.What benefit can travel bring to you?AA、It can widen your knowledge.B、It can save your time.C、It may give you boredom and gloom.D、It gives you more time to finish your work.2.Travel is about exploring the world except ________.DA、connection with different peopleB、discovery about the new placesC、your findings of the worldD、living habits3.Travel is a good opportunity for you to ______.CA、finish your workB、contact with your customersC、have a relaxationD、living habits4.Travel offers you a chance to practice ______.CA、your working abilityB、your writingC、a foreign languageD、your cooking5.What do you need to do to make your trip an easy one according to the video? AA、book a room in advanceB、pack everythingC、prepare some food to eat on the planeD、buy a lot of clothes6.When making the hotel reservation, you need to make clear______ first.AA、how many nights you would like to stayB、the priceC、if breakfast is includedD、the size of the room7.If you are not satisfied with the room the receptionist recommended, you may say_______DA、It’s too expensive and it’s not reasonable.B、No, I think I may go to another hotel.C、I don’t like it.D、Could you show me something less expensive?8.According to the video, there is more information you need to know EXCEPT_______CA、If you need your passport when booking the room.B、Is breakfast included in the room rate.C、If it is a sea-view room.D、if you need to bring your passport with you when coming to the hotel.9.We need to ________ when traveling abroad.DA、Make a reasonable timetable.B、Learn the cultures and customs about the country, and notice the culture differences.C、Make reservation in advance.D、All of the above.10.What is important when traveling in your own country? DA、Take some medicine with you.B、Safety should be put into the first place.C、You should take care of your possessions.D、All of the above.6.2无题目6.31.The Statue of Liberty was given to the U. S. by the French in 1886 as a token of friendship. 答案:正确dy Liberty’s thorny crown has five points representing the five seas. 答案:错误dy Liberty’s thorny crown has five points representing the five seas. 答案:错误4.Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty has received a new torch, because the old torch was broken. 答案:错误5.As one of the most symbolic gestures of all time, the Statue of Liberty represents freedom, liberty, justice and also the friendship of foreign nations who also believe in freedom and fair and equal treatment for all. 答案:正确7.11.Regular exercise is one of the most important factors that contribute to good health. 答案:正确2.Good living habits are beneficial for keeping fit. 答案:正确3.Eating fast food can help create a healthy state of mind. 答案:错误4.Getting close to nature and lay aside your work to enjoy yourself temporarily are useful relaxations. 答案:正确5.After being injured, you need to wash the area of cut with sterile water in case of infection. 答案:正确Unit 7 health1.What kind of health do people care about? DA、Physical health.B、Mental health.C、Psychological health.D、Physical and mental health.2.What are the main threats to health in the modern society? DA、Smoking, drinking alcohol and an unbalanced diet.B、Air pollution and traffic accidents.C、Human’s emotional instability.D、All of the above.3.What are the main factors that contribute to good health? DA、Do regular exercise and develop good living habits.B、Balance the diet and have a proper meal plan.C、Have a positive attitude.D、All of the above.4.How to keep healthy physically? BA、Do not smoke and drink alcohol.B、Do regular exercise and have a balanced diet.C、Do more walking, running and swimming.D、Eat less fat, oil, sweets and more nutritious food.5.How to keep healthy mentally? CA、Listen to the music and go to the pub regularly.B、Play with friends happily and go outing reluctantly.C、Listen to the music and play with friends happily.D、Go to the pub regularly and go outing reluctantly.6.What is the first thing to do if you want to see a doctor in western countries? AA、Make an appointment.B、Call the secretary of the doctor.C、Make sure the hospital is available.D、Describe the symptoms to the doctor.7.Which one is NOT important in dealing with the stress? BA、Do exercise and have a good diet.B、Have a good sleep.C、Talk to someone.D、Make time for fun.8.Which one is NOT the healthy habit? DA、Cook meals at home and drink more water.B、Go outside.C、Less sitting and more standing.D、Have meals whenever you want to.9.Which is NOT the advantage of drinking more water? DA、Nourish skin.B、Prevent kidney stones.C、Keep poops regularly.D、Refresh yourself.10.What is the harm of excessive sitting? CA、People will get sleepy.B、People will be exhausted.C、It can take years off of life.D、It can hurt the vertebral column.7.31.It is of little help to do some brain exercises to improve your memory. 答案:错误2.Drugs and alcohol abuse can be the cause of significant memory loss. 答案:正确3.Getting lost while driving or walking in a familiar place is a sign of memory loss. 答案:正确4.Doing a puzzle is an excellent way to use your brain’s power of recall and association. 答案:正确5.Strong links between good brain health and strong personal relationships haven’t been found so far. 答案:错误8.11.You will get acquainted with cyber friends on your trip. 答案:错误2.The most important person to you is your intimate friends. 答案:错误3.In a traditional British wedding, a silver sixpence will be placed in the bride’s right shoe. 答案:错误4.The first thing to keep a long friendship is to contact with your friends not too often. 答案:错误5.The generation gap is quite common in almost every family. 答案:正确Unit 8 Friendship, Love and Marriage1.Which of the following can best describe “intimate friends”? AA、Best friendsB、Casual friendsC、Snobbish friendsD、Partners2.Who will get acquainted with you on your trip? DA、Cyber palsB、PartnersC、Intimate friendsD、Tour pals3.Which of the following is not the feature of “cyber pals”? BA、They don’t know mutual real identity.B、They know each other in the real world.C、They know each other through the Internet.D、They contact with each other online.4.Why does the bride wear a piece of family jewelry while getting married? DA、It is the bride’s favorite.B、It is the unique one.C、It is very precious.D、It is a link with the bride’s family and her old life.5.Which of the following method does not mention to enable your friends cherish the friendship more? AA、You are busy with your own matters.B、You want to help them to solve their problems.C、You want to know more about them.D、You are interested in their lives.6.What will you do when your friends ask for suggestions from you? CA、Know about their entire life.B、Leave them alone.C、Respect their privacy.D、Just listen to him/her silently.7.What if your friends made mistakes? AA、Forgive them.B、Blame them.C、Laugh at them.D、Isolate them.8.What can “generation gap” bring about in a family?CA、LonelinessB、WorriesC、ConflictsD、Happiness9.Which of the following is not the effect of discussing openly at family gatherings? DA、Create a close relationship.B、Build up understanding.C、Enhance the harmony among families.D、Arise arguments for each other.10.How can the family members avoid being too proud? BA、Consider that each person has his or her own weaknesses.B、Teenagers would realize that their parents have to support them financially.C、Always talk about how intelligent they are.D、Parents would realize that their children’s new style doesharm to their studies.8.3.1.People often lie on the Internet, so meeting online friends is not reliable. 答案:错误2.Before the meeting, you’d better not contact with your online friends. 答案:错误3.Going somewhere private with the person you first meet is not suggested. 答案:正确4.First impression is produced by rational judgments not by emotional ones. 答案:错误5.Your families should not involve in offering opinions about your cyber friends. 答案:错误9.11.Easter, also called Easter Day or Easter Sunday, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his Crucifixion. 答案:正确2.On the Third Sunday in May, that is Mother’s Day. Of course this is a special day honoring mothers. 答案:错误3.Memorial Day falls on May 30th. It is a day in remembrance of war dead. 答案:正确4.On the fourth of June is Independence Day. 答案:错误5.On the first Monday in September is Labor Day. Obviously it isa day of recognition of workers. 答案:正确Unit 9 Festivals1.The family _______________ when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve? AA、give each other the best wishesB、buy each other presentsC、sing, danceD、play cards2.Where is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated?BA、In Japan.B、In America.C、In India.D、In Thailand.3.Why do people race dragon boats during the Dragon Boat Festival? AA、To commemorate the death of Qu Yuan.B、To welcome the coming year.C、To celebrate the harvest.D、To mark the end of the old year.4.On April Fool’s Day, people usually __________.CA、send presents to othersB、ask friends to have dinnerC、play jokes on othersD、have a day off5.When are all the lanterns hung up? AA、On the evening of the Lantern Festival.B、On 15 January.C、On New Year’s Day.D、At the Spring Festival.6.What do people do at the Lantern Festival? DA、Play “trick or treat”.B、Eat dumplings.C、Make pumpkin lanterns.D、Guess the riddles on the lanterns.7.The first to celebrate Thanksgiving were ____.CA、people in CanadaB、Governor BradfordC、some people from EnglandD、the American Indians8.On Mother’s Day, people _____.AA、send some flowers to their mothers.B、wear a pink or red rose or carnation.C、wear a white flower.D、send gifts of love to their mothers.9.Why is it said that Halloween is the children’s New Year’s Eve? DA、Because Halloween comes the day before All Saints DayB、Because only on that day children can go around the neighborhoodC、Because children can get money from their parents on HalloweenD、Because children dress up with costumes, eat a lot, and stay up celebrating10.What’s the main purpose of Veterans Day? BA、To let people have one more day off.B、To show respect for soldiers’ contributions.C、To organize fun activities for school children.D、To celebrate America’s success in world wars.9.2无题目9.31.The Chinese have celebrated the harvest during the mid-autumn with a full moon since the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 10th century BCE).答案:正确2.In some areas of China, there are still customs in which“women don’t worship the moon and the men don’t offer sacrifices to the kitchen gods.” 答案:错误3.One year, the nine suns rose in the sky together, causing great disaster to people. Yi shot down eight of the suns and left only one to provide light.答案:错误4.Chang’e fled to the moon and became the spirit of the moon.答案:正确5.In the ancient time, there was a hero named Hou Yi who was excellent at shooting. His wife was Chang’e. 答案:正确10.11.You needn’t find out the information about the company you would like to work for. 答案:错误2.You must be punctual when you get to your interview appointment. 答案:正确3.Do not fiddle with objects such as jewelry, your hair or pens when you first meet your interviewers. 答案:正确4.You need to dress formally and wear any colors you like in order to gain more attention of the interviewers. 答案:错误5.If you want to survive unemployment and prepare yourself for a new job, you could pick up some language skills, learn more compu ter skills or consider becoming an apprentice in a new field. 答案:正确Unit 10 Employment1.What job is considered as the engineer of human soul? AA、TeacherB、DoctorC、ActorD、Lawyer2.Which of the following sentences is doctor’s job description? BA、Correct students’ assignments.B、Diagnose and cure diseases.C、Drive a car.D、Help clients invest stock market.3.What profession is considered as angels in white? BA、TeacherB、DoctorC、DriverD、Lawyer4.Who can work at home to create software without going to the office? AA、Computer EngineersB、DoctorsC、LawyersD、Teachers5.Who can provide legal service to the clients and help to protect their rights? CA、DoctorsB、ActorsC、LawyersD、Nurses6.What profession was not believed to be a stable job in the past? AA、ActorB、TeacherC、DoctorD、Civil Servant7.Which of the following reasons does not explain why some young people dream of being film stars? DA、They can earn a lot of money.B、They may enjoy some privileges.C、They can set a good example for the young.D、They are afraid of being recognized by the public.8.What is the first step if you want to find a job? AA、Do researches.B、Have a plastic surgery.C、Buy fashionable clothes.D、Have a nice haircut.9.What cannot cause a lateness for an interview? DA、Traffic jamB、Delayed flightC、Flat tyreD、Early rise10.What body language is not advised when one meets his interviewer? DA、SmileB、Offer a handshakeC、Stand straightD、Fiddle with objects10.2无题目10.31.In a good resume, your job titles are more important than your accomplishments. 答案:错误2.One way to gain an advantage is to rewrite your resume for each new potential employer.答案:正确3.You can write a resume in either a chronological or functional format. But please don’t use a combination of the two.答案:错误4.If you’ve had a long career in one industry, it’s good for you to use the chronological format to present information in resumes. 答案:正确5.You’d better show all years of experience in your field to make your potential employer know you well. 答案:错误Spring Festival (Part1)--Quiz1.The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in the history dating from __________.DA、2400 B.C.B、2600 A.D.C、2400 A.D.D、2600 B.C.2.When did people do house cleaning in the past? AA、People used to do house cleaning on the 20th day of the 12th month.B、People used to do house cleaning on the 21st day of the 12th month.C、People used to do house cleaning on the 20th day of the 11th month.D、People used to do house cleaning on the 21st day of the 11th month.3.Which of the following is not mentioned as one of the customspeople followed in the past? DA、The gates were repainted.B、The outer walls were whitewashed.C、The windows were freshly papered.D、The domestic animals were fed.4.Why did family members stay up as late as they can on NewYear's Eve? AA、It was believed that gods in Heaven would bless those who stayed up late.B、It was believed that gods in Heaven would spread gold over to each family.C、It was believed that those who stayed up late could see gods in Heaven.D、It was believed that those who stayed up late could be lucky in the next year.5.Why do Chinese dumplings imply wealth? AA、Because they have the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots.B、Because they are very delicious.C、Because they have the shape of ships.D、Because they have the shape of bamboo.Spring Festival (Part 2)--Quiz1.What is not true of Monster Year according to the legend?DA、It was extremely ferocious.B、Year lived deep at the bottom of the sea all year round.C、Year climbed up the shore only on New Year’s Eve.。



Familiar with English expressions for different topics and scenarios
Master basic pronunciation, intonation, and grammar rules
Requires a certain vocabulary and cultural background knowledge
Read English newspapers, magazines, and books to expand your vocabulary and familiarize yourself with different writing styles and language usage
Listen to English podcasts, news broadcasts, and videos to improve your listening comprehension and promotion
Exam preparation strategies and techniques
Skills for improving oral expression ability
Speak confidently
Practice speaking English with confidence and fluency Use property promotion and integration, and avoid stuttering or isolation
Purpose and significance of the exam
Purpose and significance


Correct use of stress: Emphasize key words or phrases correctly in a sentence to make the meaning clearer.
Mastering the rising and falling tone: expressing different tones of questioning, affirmation, emphasis, etc. through the changes in the rising and falling tone.
PPT courseware for the English Speaking Proficienc
目 录
• Introduction to the English Speaking Proficiency Test
• Skills for achieving oral efficiency • Standard speaking practice • Example analysis of oral profitability
Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to speak fluently and accurately in English, including enrollment, grammar, and vocabulary usage
Reading comprehensio
Grasp the overall meaning: In addition to paying attention to details, one should also be able to understand the main idea and intention of the entire conversation or speech.



大学英语四(视听说)口语测试试题+答案Part I. Speech: Please make a speech on each topic. Time Limit: 1 minute1. Say sth about the most emotional (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, …) moment(s) in your life 2. What harm can anger cause ? Can you suggest some ways to control anger ? 3. Can people be judged by their looks? Why or why not ? 4. If If an an an earthquake earthquake earthquake strikes, strikes, strikes, how how how would would would you you you feel ? feel ? What What would would would you you you do do do or or or pay pay attention to ? 5. Why do people sometimes hate their jobs? What to do when you hate your job? 6. Why Why do do do some some some people, people, people, especially especially especially young young young people, people, people, constantly constantly constantly switch switch switch jobs? jobs? jobs? In In In you you opinion, is this good or harmful? 7. What advantages and disadvantages does the stock market offer? 8. Do you think most people today will put their money in banks, the stock market or real estate? Why? Part II. Situational Dialogue: Please make a dialogue on each topic. Time Limit: 2 minutes 2 minutes1. Jim asks why Helen looks sad. Helen says she has to repeat several courses, and Jim promises to help her. Helen then complains that she cannot find an internship, and Jim also promises to provide help. Finally Helen asks Jim to buy breakfast for her. This time, Jim refuses to help her. 2. Jim Jim is is is surprised surprised at at the the the sight sight sight of of of Helen Helen Helen because because Helen Helen has has has changed changed beyond recognition. Jim is surprised again and again to learn that Helen has undergone a facelift and liposuction. Helen explains why she had the surgery. 3. Helen Helen Parker is Parker is a company boss boss and Jim Smith is and Jim Smith is a client. Helen Helen calls calls calls Jim Jim Jim and and makes an appointment. Jim talks to Helen about the exact time for their meeting. Later Helen calls Jim again to change the appointment time. Jim discusses a new appointment with Helen. 4. Helen is a good employee who is quitting. Mr. Smith is the boss. Helen Mr. Smith Expressing regrets about quitting Explaining she has to leave in 3 weeks Hoping there is time to hire and train a replacement Promising to help in future Asking for details Expressing regrets Praising Praising Helen Helen Helen and and and expressing expressing expressing regrets regrets again Expressing thanks and regrets Expressing regrets again 5. Jim Jim is is is not not not experienced experienced experienced in in in investing investing investing in in in the the the stock stock stock market market market and and and seeks seeks seeks Helen Helen Helen’’s suggestions. Knowing that Jim wants to sell his stock, BCD, which has dropped more than 50 cents a share, Helen tells Jim that the market is cyclical and advises him him to to to keep keep keep it. it. it. Seeing Seeing Seeing that that that Jim Jim Jim is is is eager eager eager to to to make make make money money money in in in a a a short short short time, time, time, Helen Helen suggests he buy XYZ stock. Jim : You look down in the dumps.What can I do to cheer you up. Hallen It ’s not going to work. I ’m too depressed J : Come, on. Tell me what ’s on your mind. H : Everything. My girlfriend le me; my dog ran away; my wallet was stolen. J: Don ‘t worry. I ‘ll help you solve the biggest problem: finding you a new girlfriend. H : Forget it. Anyway, I ’m ge ng bad grades, and I was told that I was told that I have to repeat a lot of courses next year. When I heard that, I almost lost it. J: Look, relax. I ’ll help you with those courses. H : Oh, and I can not also find an intership. J: Rest assured that I can help you solve it too. H : Thank you.However,I donot have the breakfast at the moment. J: Yeah, but I also have three week ‘s laundry to do., and my room is a pigsty. H : Forget it. You ’re on your own. J: Come, on. What are friends for? H : To keep you in high spirits; not to do your laundry. 2H: Hi, John, nice to see you here.J: Hi, sorry, your name escapes me momentarily H: Oh, I Oh, I’’m Sally. Don m Sally. Don’’t you recognize me?J: Now I see, you Now I see, you’’re Sally! You have changed beyond recognition!H: I had cosmetic surgery. J: I I’’m confuses! I thought you were good-looking before.H: My nose was rather flat. The bridge of my nose wasn ’t high enough.So I got my nose fixed .J: That That’’s s absolutely absolutely absolutely unnecessary. unnecessary. unnecessary. I I I can can can also also also see see see your your your eyes eyes eyes have have have changed changed a lot.H: Yeah, my single-folded eyelids have become double-folded.J: What else did you do?H: I also have my teeth straightened. I felt uncomfortable about my uneventeeth whenever I smiled. Now I think I have a better smile.J : Why do you have so much surgery?H: I believe believe a a better better physical physical physical appearance appearance appearance will will help me land a better job.J: Nonsense. Most employers are more interested in your practical abilitythan your looks.3J: Hell, Jenny here.H: Hello, this is Helen, your mobile phone battery supplier.I supplier.I’’mcalling to make an appointment with you.J: Hi,Helen . Glad to hear from you again. What ’s on your mind? H: We We’’ve produced a new battery that is inexpensive, but powerful. It can last a long time.J: We We’’ve already got a goof selection. selection. What What What’’s so special about your new product?H: Well, could you arrange for me to meet your boss Linda? Then I ’ll go into details.J: OK, when can you come? H: I was hoping hoping to to get get together together together with with with Linda Linda Linda this this this week, week, week, if if possible. possible. I I want to get going on this right away.J Let me check her timetable Let me check her timetable……Yes, she Yes, she’’s completely free ThursdayH: OK.I OK.I’’m sure it m sure it’’ll be a rewarding meeting. Thank you. Good-bye.[Later]J: Hello. Is Helen there, please?H: Hello. Jim speaking.J: Hi, Dick, this is Jenny. Something unexpected unexpected has has come up. I ’m afraid we have to postpone the meeting with you on Thursday.H: That That’’s disappointing. When can we meet?J: Linda has to put the meeting off until sometime on Friday. Will that suit you?H: I ’m afraid I can m afraid I can’’t go on Friday. I t go on Friday. I’’ll be flying to another city on business.J: Then could you come after five on Thursday?Dick: Certainly, Can we make it five thirty then?Jenny: Five thirty thirty’’sperfect. Linda will be waiting for you at five thirty on Thursday.Dick: Ok. Great! Thanks. Bye.4 H: Excuse me, Mr. Smith , do you have a minute to spare ?M: The question suggests something serious, Helen . What ’s up? H: Well, uh …Thank you Thank you very much for very much for very much for offering me a offering me a offering me a permanent job. permanent job. permanent job. But now But nowI ’ve received a notice of admission to a Master ’s degree programin my university. I ’m afraid I have to leave in three weaks.M: Oh, what a pity. You did an excellent job here, and everyone likes you.H: I really enjoyed working here. But further studies will give me more opportunities to grow professionally.M: In that case, I won’t keep you, keep you, Helen . I just want to tell you that I ’m sad you ’ll be leaving us.H: I hope this one-month notice will give you time to hire and train areplacement.M: Thanks for the notice, Helen . Assistant like you are rare. I guesswe ’d better start looking as soon as possible.H: With your approval, I ’ll ll post post post notice today notice today notice today and interview and interview applicants for you.M: That would be great. Schedule them in as you see fit. Helen , withoutyou, things here will be different.H: Thank you for your kind words. If you have any problem, problem, please please feel freecall me.5555555555555J: Hey,Helen,I hear you become amillionaire by investing in the stock market.But I always lose money in the market.Can you give me some suggestions?H: Well,you H: Well,you’’d better observe the market closely.J:My stock ,BCD,has dropped more than 50 cents a share.Do you think I sell it? H: The market will surge in the future.You should keep it.However,if you are eager to make money in a short time,you can buy XYZ stock. J: Thank you. 9. Say sth about the most emotional (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, …) moment(s) in your life I will describe A most embarrassed moment I recall in my life .I looked for a part- time job in the last summer vacationI was interviewed by a man from a company. I told him that I have many advantages, and I can be competent for this job. Then,he asked me what is your advantage ,and what is your disadvantage and what kind of man dou you want to be ? I could not answer these questions well because I had never thought about them before. so I think that monemt is the most embarrassed moment in my life 10. What harm can anger cause ? Can you suggest some ways to control anger ? We all konw anger can hurt our families and friends and it is harmful to ourown own body body .So it is very very important important important for for us to try to c ontrol anger control angerWhen we are angering. There are many ways to control anger such as rest , relax ation.,reading, taking a deep breath and so on.11. 3 Can people be judged by their looks? Why or why not ? I think W e should never judge people by their appearance, otherwise we may easily be cheated. Nowadays, many unemployed people dress up to be universi ty students or government officials, to cheat people out of their money, so we have to be very careful.Actually, even at a job interview, it is very important to dress properly. However,The employer may attach more importance to one ’s qualities, su ch as sincerity, creativity and communication skills than to one ’s appearance. 12. 4If If an an an earthquake earthquake earthquake strikes, strikes, strikes, how how how would would would you you you feel ? feel ? What What would would would you you you do do do or or or pay pay attention to ? When the earthquake strikes,I feelt the wold is shaking and we need to d o some things to protect ouselves. If you ’re driving while an earthquake hits, stop your vehicle and stay in your car, but mak e sure to stay away from bridges, buildings, and utility wires.If you are at home, you can hide under a table and stay away from windows;The above is my suggestions555555Why do people sometimes hate their jobs? What to do when you hate your job? · They had no idea what they wanted to do with their lives.They feei bored and tired when they always do the same thingsIf I hate my job,I willGive myself a Break orContemplate the reasons and make the appropriate changes Besides, Ican l ook look for a new job6 Why Why do do do some some some people, people, people, especially especially especially young young young people, people, people, constantly constantly constantly switch switch switch jobs? jobs? jobs? In In In you you opinion, is this good or harmful? They have low wages and the development of the company in the future is poor.Above all,They think they are so young that they have many chances.It has some advantagesand a gre They can have higher wages,Widen their field of visionWiden their field of vision and a greater probability of successThe disadvantages are that they must establish theirCommunications again and make the employers lose their confidence77777777777The stock market has its advantages. When a company is listedon the stock market, it can raise funds, which can be used to promoteits development. When many promising companies offer their shares tothe public, a huge amount of money can be collected, which will boost the growth of the national economy.However, in a bear market most stocks depreciate , andmany investors lose money. Worse still, some companies make falsefinancial reports to cheat the public,which make the public lose more money .An unhealthy stock market is harmful to the country.888888888Do you think most people today will put their money in banks, the stock market or real estate? Why? It seems to me that most Chinese are traditional, and they like to put their money in the bank . It is true that bank interest rates are low. However, deposits in banks are safe. You can be almost in the 1990s, many Chineseseldom enter the stock because the stock depreciate easilyThe real estate【房地产】 market was hot, or rather overheated.NOw, the government publishs regulations to discourage The real estate .Soperhaps some funds will pull out of the real estate market and move to the banks . Generally speaking, I think most Chinese prefer to save their money in banks for guaranteed returns.。



全新大学英语听说教程2口语考试English-Dialogues全新大学英语听说教程2口语考试EnglishDialogues--宸寕,苦鬼1 (Unit 1). Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend. Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.A: Hi, Cherry. How are you recently? It is reported that this weekend seems to be fine days. Do you have any ideas?B: Hmm. Sounds wonderful! Let me think…. How about playing swimming? I just found an amazing place by HuangJia Lake.A:Maybe we should consider some other sports .Huangjia Lake is too far from here.B:Then how about badminton? We can play it just behind our dormitory.A: That can’t be better! Maybe we can call Vienne, I think she will be interested in it.B:We can play badmintons by turns when someone feel a little tired.A: Nice. When and where do we meet?B:In front of the gate of the college,time eh,how about 4:00 p.m.?A:I must clean my dorm during that time.Can we meet at 4:30, half an hour later?B:That’s okay. We had better wear casual clothes. I can’t wait anymore,In fact,I am keen on sport!A:Me,too.See you this wonderful weekend.B:See you.2 (Unit 2) You and your friend are at a Chinese restaurant / an American fast food restaurant. Practice ordering / getting a meal. One will be the waiter / waitress and the other the customer. A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?B: Yes.The reservation is under Lily.A: If you follow me, I will Show you to your table.B: Thank you. (Found it) May I have a menu,please?A: Sure.You may consider the specials on thefirst page.B: Thank you,but I’m afraid that the Mapo bean curd doesn’t fit me today.I have the sore throat.A: I see,how about cold chicken?It tastes lightly.Maybe you can have a try.B: Yeah.And...what do you recommend to me? A: We have a daily chef's special of steak.B: Any side dishes?A: Yeah. Two salad and the potato.B: Okay, and one boiled potatoes.A: Would you like something to drink?B: Two double Moka,please.A: Good. I will bring these immediately.B: Thank you.By the way,can I pay the bill by swiping credit?A: Sure.Our restaurant supposes any CUP cards.B: Got it .Thank you.A: My honor.3 (Unit 3): Ask your friend about today’s weather forecast. Then say something about what kind of weather you like.A:Hi,Cherry. How are you recently ?B:Fine. I stay at library all the time to prepare the final .How about you?A:Stay at dormy...because it’s high temperature outside.B:Is sun shine shining through your balcony ? A:Always! It faces with the wrong direction .I fear high temperature.you know!B: Poorly.I think I can’t empathize with you.I feel comfortable these days.A:As for me. It’s so hot these days.I even want to hide in the refrigerator! You know, it’s just approach April!B:Clam down. It’s reported that the temperature will go down a few degrees.A:Really?How do you know that?B:I just surfed the Internet and be told from the China Meteorological Administration.(中国气象局)A: Really? That couldn’t be better. I hate the high temperature. I love the cool and cloudy day. What about you ?B:May I contradict you on this point?A:Bad news... The exception of you will be true.Summer is coming!B:I can’t wait anymore! I love sweating! I love swimming!A:Swimming as a psychic way in sum mer can’t be a wrong choice,B:Ong, I can imagine how plagued(折磨) you are.poor Lily.4(Unit 4): Talk with your partner about the type of music / song / singer / composer / instrument you like and the reason why you like it.A:Hi,Cherry. What are you doing?B:Oh.I’m listening to the music.Do you want to share one earphone with me?A:Why not? Thank you. Wow,it’s also my favourite singer.B:Really? You like Song Dongye,too?As far as know, he is an excellent balladeer.A:I paid a close attention to him when I was a senior.I start to touch more and more indie and attract me deeply.A:So,you like folk?B:Yes,folk is my favourite kind of music.It can make me feel relaxed and comfortable.A:Any other styles?Maybe we have the same taste.B:Truth to tell,I also like rock and roll.It makes me feel high and full of energy.A:Really? Which singer is your favourite?B:I love Michel Jackson best.You know,it becomes a classical symbol,and he worthy of a legend.A:Unbelievable! We are the same!I also like pop,rap and blues.I bet you don’t hate them ,either!B:Yeah.That’s really songs in different styles. A: Hey, Strawberry Music Festival is coming.There are 3 stages including folk,rock sothat we can choose our suitable stage. Shall we go together?B:Wonderful! I haven’t been there before.It will be an unforgettable memory in my life.5(Unit 5): Suppose you are a doctor and your partner is a patient, who has felt tired and weak for a month. Ask your patient about his / her symptoms and prescribe medications and offer some advice.A:Good morning,doctorB:Good morning.What’s the matter?A:I feel sore and tired all over. I’m afraid that I’m ill.B:How long have you been like this?A:One month,I think.B:When do you go to bed?A:Usually after 12 o’clock these days.B:You must go to bed on time.It hurts your body badly.You have to be responsible for yourself. A:I will be .Thank you,B:Any other symptoms?A:My nose is stopped up since last night.B:This is a thermometer.Here you are.Oh gush,it’s 40 degrees.A:Is it serious?B:Take it easy.You’ve got a flu.Here are some pills for you.Please take them 3 times a day and drink more water.A:Thank you very much!B:Never forget to have a good rest.I hope you can recover as quickly as possible.6(Unit 5). One of your roommates has a bad cough. Ask him / her what the matter is. Discuss the symptoms with him / her and then offer your advice.A:You look quite tired.What’s wrong with you? B:I’m feeling terribly awful and I seem to have lost appetite in everything.A:I’m sorry to hear that.How long have you been ill like this?B:I have been coughing badly for several days and my head is aching fiercely.It even made me can’t sleep at night.A:Have you got some medicine?B:No,I’m too busy to go to the hospital.A:Take it easy.You’d better go to the doctor and get some advice.Health is far more important than work.B:Well,maybe I really have to take a rest.I’ll make an appointment with the doctor this afternoon.A:And remember to drink more water and add clothes when it gets cold.B:Got it.Well,I’ll take care of myself.A:Wish you good health.B:Thank you a lot.7(Unit 7): Your friend is wearing something he or she received as a birthday gift, offer compliments and then. talk about your favorite style of clothing (casual/ formal/ sporty/fashionable) and one compliments the other’s new jacket/ shirt/ necklace…etc.A:Hi,Cherry,thanks for your cute present!B:You are welcome.Wow,Lily!You look like a star today !A:Thank you.My mom dressed me up as a birthday gift to me ,and I like it very much ! B:What a nice skirt !You look quite beautiful in the yellow skirt.A:Thanks,it’s now my favorite skirt.B:And I like your new haircut very much.A:How nice of you to say so.B:Did you style it yourself?A:No,I had it done at a hairdresser’s in town.Don’t just talk about me. You look nice ,too.When did you buy this T-shirt?B:Well,I bought it during my travel to HK ,and this is my favorite color !And you?What’s your favorite color?A:Ahh,maybe yellow.It makes me feel bright. B:And quite suits you.A:Aha,how sweet of you ti say that.My mother iscalling me,I’m sorry I have to go now.B:Bye,see you later.A:See you.8(Unit 8): You and your friend are discussing the traffic situations in your town. Express your opinion as to what the local government and each member of society should do to solve the problem caused by too many traffic jams. (You may consider the following solutions in your conversation:to build a highway; to give training to drivers; to issue strict traffic regulations; to persuade people to observe traffic regulations and not to cross the street when the red light is on.)A:What’s your opinion about the more and more serious traffic jam these days?B:As far as I’m concerned,it is no doubt that it is high time that the government took action.There should be more highways,overpasses and underpasses built tocushion the pressure of traffic.A:I can’t agree more.And as I see it,The government not only needs to build more roads, but also encourage people to take public transport.B:Year,and training to drivers is also necessary.It can reduce the time waste on road. A:And we must be under more strict regulations to regulate ourselves.B:Right,we can persuade people to observe traffic regulations and not to cross the street when the red light is on.A:And we can also talk people who have cars into using public transportation more.It can improve traffic jam as well as decrease air pollution.B:That’s the way to solve the problem.9(Unit 9). Ask your partner about his / her plan to pursue postgraduate studies. Try to use the language that expresses certainty and possibilityin your conversation.B:Hey,Lily,have you got any plan about your postgraduate studies?A:Well,I think I’ll keep further study and work at the same time.Work to support my study.B:Have you made up your mind?A:Yes,I’m sure I’ll have no regrets.And how about you?B:Maybe I’m not so ambitious as you.I think. A:So what do you want most in life?B:A decent job,an apartment of my own,and a family that I really love.A:I guess most people would like to have those.What more can you wish for?B:Oh,I know what I want.A mini-library of my own for me to study and read.A:Are you certain you will have no regrets?B:I’m sure of it.You know,I like peaceful and free atmosphere.A:Wonderful.Wish you good luck.B:Thank you.10.(Unit 11): Talk with your partner about what you know about a famous person and why do you admire him / her.A:Who is that woman on the screen?B:Don’t you know?Well,I’m not going to tell you,but you may ask me five questions to work out who she is.A:That’s sounds fun.Okay,now we can start our first question.What’s her name and nationality? B:Ce line Dion,French.A:Beautiful name.Is she an actor or a musician? B:Strictly saying,she is a singer.Her most famous song is “My Heart Will Go On”,the theme song of Titanic.A:It’s one of my favourite song.I remember it came out in 1997.B:Yes,you’re right.A:When was she born and where was she born? B:That’s two questions.A:Oh,come on.B:All right.She was born in 1968 in Canada.Five questions finished.A:Don’t be so stubborn.I beg you one more chance.I’ll be very grateful if you’d like to say something about her achievements or experience.B:By 1983,she was the only one who won gold award in music in Canada.She is the most famous singer in French and English music field and she has won the World Music Awards for 12 times and Grammy Awards for 5 times.A:Such a legendary figure!Thank you very much!B:You are welcome.。



大学英语全部口语考试题目及详细答案Topics for mini-talk (one minute)1.Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?For example, you can forget the unhappy things easily.easily turn your previous enemies into friendsforget the unhappy expieriences easily.recover from hurt quickly.don't have to get self involved in the sad and unhappy memory but to look ahead. You can lose your bad memory , such as lose love , sad issues , or unsuccessful periodA poor memory may have some advantages. With the passage of time, the sad memories will fade. Those with a short memory tend to recover faster than those with a tenacious memory. For the same reason, forgetful people may be more ready to forget their daily worries and forgive others for their offenses. With a less retentive mind, they may enjoy life more2.Do you think it is necessary for most of Chinese children to do a lot of difficult math problems for Olympic Math Competition?Some parents believe that by doing a lot of difficult math problems, their children will have a solid foundation in math. Some parents even believe that trying to solve hard math problems will promote the growth of children's brains and help develop their logical reasoning ability and concentration, which will facilitate learning in other areas. On the other hand, many people believe that it is unnecessary and unnatural for children to study difficult math problems. Some people even believe that strict math training harms children's moral and physical development. Fierce competition may dampen the spirit of teamwork, which is so important in the contemporary world.3.What study habits seem to be common among successful students?Many top students seem to have these good study habits: They tend to have a strong sense of time and organize their time well. They may draw up their study plan well in advance. While studying, they check whether they are working ahead of schedule or lagging behind it. They usually work in a systematic way. Before class, they preview the text to get some idea about what the teacher is going to say and which part of the text is difficult. In class, they listen attentively, take notes of the main points of the lecture, and ask questions when they don't understand. After class, they review what they have learned. By going through the text and the notes, they can remember important information.4.Should we be punctual for class, work, or appointments? Why?In the past, Chinese did not attach much importance to punctuality. In an agricultural country punctuality was not very important. But nowadays, owing to the quickened pace of life and the influence of Western concepts of time, the Chinese seem to be paying more attention to punctuality. If somebody is twenty minutes late for an appointment, you may be annoyed because it is a waste of your time. To avoid being late, we should make adequate preparations. In case an emergency prevents us from arriving at the destination on time, we can call ahead to inform the person concerned of the delay. But for entertainment activities like aparty, we may be a bit late, for that causes no inconvenience to others.5.If you wanted to start a business, which factors would you consider first? Why?If I wanted to launch a business, I would consider all of these factors, for they all play an indispensable role. First of all, I would consider my ability. Since I majored in biology, I would be cautious in starting a company to sell something I am not familiar with such as building materials or DVDs. With my educational background, I may find it easier to run a company selling bio-tech products. The next thing I would have to take into account, is the money available. Suppose the establishment of a company required a capital of a million dollars, I would try to see whether I could get a loan. If not, I would give up the idea and try to set up a smaller service company that required less capital. Last but not least, I would survey the market to see if the products I planned to deal with could be sold. If they were unmarketable,I had better give up the idea of founding a company in this area. If they soldwell, then I would go ahead.6.Name at least 5 recreational activities, and give specific comments on one of them.Killers’ Night(杀人游戏)Sanguo kill(三国杀)skip(跳绳)Hide and Seek(躲迷藏)Throw handkerchief(丢手绢)Hide and Seek:First, we selected one by some rules and covered his eyes and make him count, long or short is ok, while others must find a place to hide away in this period of time. And then It's time to find others. the one who was found firstly will be the one seeked in the next round. Games can be repeated .7.Can you think of some practical measures to protect forests?I think the most important thing to do is to create a law to forbid the cuttingof trees in certain areas. Even when timber(木料) is needed for construction (建设), logging(伐木工作)should be well planned. In addition to the law, we also need law enforcement personnel who will fine those who fell treesillegally. It is not enough to protect the existing forests. We must also planttrees to make new forests. We should also grow various types of trees toensure bio-diversity. To make the a forestation program successful, thegovernment should award those units and individuals that have madeoutstanding contributions.8.What is the relationship between one’s attitude to life and one’s fate?I want to say is that the attitude is everything . Only one has a positive attitude canhe be dynamic on his life and job . Image a student having no interests in everything , what can he do , he doesn’t want to do anything ,and then his life or even more his fate will become fade.A good attitude can make up one’s deficiency (缺点) and a bad attitude canmake advantages into disadvantages. Your attitude really determines your future,it is the key to success, It can directly affect your work and life quality . So we should keep positive to what we meet and to do our best to solve it .Because the attitude is really everything.9.What are the problems jobless workers may have? How can they overcome their difficulties?I think the unemployment reasons include the political issues, economic issues ,and personal element.With the population of the unemployment increasing, the competition of one job is becoming more and more serious. So that some people are accepted will inevitably[in'evitəbli be accompanied by more people lose their jobs. Meanwhile, with the development of science and technology, the same work needs fewer and fewer people, this is also the reason in unemployment multiply['mʌltiplai].Solution: first of all, I think they can try to engage in some other works, try those works whose technical requirement is not very high , or they can increase their knowledge accumulation, to learn something about their new not-bad works, so that they may also be obtained again .10.What kinds of employees are likely to be fired?I think the most possible person is those with low sense of responsibility, whoalways can't finish the tasks of the job, they may make the company suffered unnecessary losses sometime.And then is the person whose qualities are not very good, such as those lazy ones, those who love gossip . Maybe they've always made others be antipathetic [[,æntipə'θetik] towards themselves before they realized that. No one is willing to cooperate with these men, so finally they are likely to be fired. There are some othe rs who always make mistakes or someone that’s really unable, both of them are very likely to be fired eventually .1.What are the reasons for the growing popularity of SOHO?【【I think the most important reason that lots of people is choosing SOHO is that they can manage their own interests and hobbies to be free in choicing works, they needn’t to worry about the restriction from time, place and space.Secondly , the reason is to keep up with the fashion . SOHO has become a fashionable representation. It symbolizes a free, relaxed and comfortable life, one that can make people be free in developing their abilities and doing what they want to do .2.Name at least 5 natural disasters and try to describe the damage caused by the natural disasters?【【The natural disasters include floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, mudslides, drought, tornadoes, red tide,and so on.Destruction: the damage from natural disasters mainly have the personal safety and economic, among which the most important is the personal safety, no matter what the disaster is, it often accompany with human’s injury or even losing their lives, like the wenchuan earthquake in 2008 .Of course, natural disasters will inevitably accompany by the economic losses,either directly or indirectly . So that is my shallow understanding towards the natural disasters .3.Why do people want to improve their appearance? In what ways can people?【【Because appearance will directly affect one's work, marriage, even his success. According to a survey, three-quarters of person affirm the importance of appearance, and the facts just also shows the importance of one’s appearance.How? Firstly we need to admit that the appearance is inherent;, we can't change .A good-looking man might succeed, but a ugly m an doesn’t always fail. So, instead of not being confident with yourself, we may as well improve ourselves from the other side, for instance we can really grasp a useful technology to prepare ourselves for a better job and future, through this the method can we also finish that so-called improvement.4.What measures should we take to prevent drunken driving?【【1, carry out in-depth safety propaganda [,prɔpə'ɡændə] education activities, raise the driver's traffic safety consciousness ['kɔnʃəsnis].2, intensify(加强) the check method towards drunk drivers and to be mandatory ['mændətəri] in preventing the accidents3, we should make the family members and friends、relatives to remind the drivers, let them know clearly their responsibilities and importance. 15.“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” What is your opinion of the proverb?We often say: "There’s no such thing as a free lunch." It means tell us, everything should have given, no pay no benefit, no pay will want to pick up cheap, and that is impossible. In fact,All success all need our own efforts.We can't pray god to give us that we want. God just give us the chance.We must seize the opportunity by myself. It's the truth.16.What would you say if your friend wants to borrow money from you?In our daily life ,we aways face some terrible troubles. Expecially , the economic problem.so others. if someone wants to borrow money from me, I will give two different answers depend on different satution. On the one hand ,when my friend exactly need money and I have spare cash at hand ,I think I will lend money to him .On the other hand ,if I am getting in the economic crisis, and running short of money too. I will feel sorry but I can only say that the spirit is willing but the body weak (that 后面这句是爱莫能助的意思).In conclusion , I want to say : if we can ,we should help others .That not only help our friend but also make us feel happy .17.What are the negative social effects of advertisements made by movie stars?There are so many disadvantages to advertising. First, the posters and billboards can block scenic views and ruin the environment. Second, people who cannot afford the advertised product may develop a sense of inferiority. Third, as often as not, ads encourage unnecessary buying. Fourth, ads usually portray youngand beautiful people.18.Do you think a good interior decoration of classrooms will help students to focus their attention? Why?For this thing,everyone has everyone's views. Maybe someone say well, and someone say it’s bed.I think a good interior decoration of classrooms will help students to focus their attention. A good interior decoration of classrooms let a person spirits.This makes the students interested in listening to the teacher carefully,not absent-minded.For teacher, they will have good mood. Their class will be better.19.What extracurricular activities can help a student land a job after graduation?For work ability, I think there are several important factors. Those are healthy,knowledge and Communicative ability. For this,we can participate in some sports’ activities, I think sports meet is very well to exercise.We can join some activities, such as debate, or to buy some things that a meeting needs. These are good to improve our own ability and quality.20.Suggest at least three ways to cheer up a classmate in low spirits.Relax. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Happiness is largely a choice. Feel gratitude for all of the good in your life.You must learn to how to play, enjoy yourself.Listen to music, play music, let your mind to be quiet.Find a hobby you love. Engage in pleasurable activities, like me, I like watching movie and sleeping, it will make me forget all trouble.Topics for Debate (3-4 minutes)1.What do you think people will choose: a low-paid job one likes, or a boring well-paid job?Candidate 1: I think that many people prefer to find a job that they really like. Candidate 2: I think that some people may choose a well-paid job instead of a job close to their heart.I think many people prefer to find a job that they really like. After all, most people want to enjoy themselves rather than have plenty of money without a sense of achievement and happiness. On the other hand, some people may choose a well-paid job instead of a job close to their heart to earn more money. If one is in serious financial difficulty, one can hardly afford the luxury of a dream job. Money is the top priority.2. Should different cultures integrate or keep their own characteristics? Candidate 1: I think that different cultures should integrate during the trend toward globalization.Candidate 2: I think that diversified cultures make our world more interesting and colorful.First, Merging into of will make the culture to have multi-faceted, best illustrate, such as American culture Canadian culture and native culture difference. Secondly, why this multi-faceted will benefit. Of course, bad also have, that is aboutto explain why advantages disadvantages. Or examples such as the United States and other western developed countries give full play to the advantage of the strong in culture. China is also on its way.Finally, the full analysis maintain their feature in the disadvantages and shortcomings than it tries to explain the advantages. Best explanation of the world's cultures is the trend of fusion, not independence.A well-integrated nation can better keep the unity and stability of the country. People in some countries dislike foreigners or ethnic minorities to behave in different ways. They prefer foreigners to be assimilated.From the saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”, we know local people expect foreigners to conform to local customs.From the phrase “Immigration and Naturalization (归化) Service” used in America, it seems foreigners are unnatural and should become naturalized citizens.Those who behave differently are more likely to be subject to racial attacks.The trend toward globalizations encourages international exchanges and integration of cultures.In favor of diversification:If all nations integrated into one, the world would be monotonous.The world is interesting and colorful because of its diversified cultures. Multiculturalism encourages tolerance and understanding among diverse groups in a society, thus promoting stability and development.All ethnic groups should be allowed to maintain their unique characteristics. To achieve this, the Chinese government has adopted a series of favorable policies for ethnic minorities.3. What kind of boss would you like to work for: one who is inefficient but kind, or one who is efficient but very strict with employees?Candidate 1: I think that many people, if not most, prefer to work for a kind, good-natured boss.Candidate 2: I think that some people, including me, will choose to work for a boss who is capable but very strict with his subordinates.Many people, if not most, prefer to work for a kind, good-natured boss. Under such a boss, they feel secure and happy. The boss won't scold employees simply because they have made a small mistake. He will also be generous. It is true that sometimes because of his lack of ability, his company may not reap huge profits, and employees can hardly get a raise. But happiness is surely more important than money. However, some people, including me, will choose to work for a boss who is capable but very strict with his subordinates. If the boss is capable, he will lead the company to one new height after another. When the company thrives, all employees will benefit. Even if the boss may give an employee a severe dressing-down for something he or she did, the employee can learn a lesson from the event. Under such a boss, employees can gain valuable experience, which may serve as a good foundation for them to start a business of their own in the future.4. Which do you prefer, Chinese movies or foreign movies? Why?Candidate 1: Occasionally I do enjoy seeing a foreign movie.Candidate 2: I feel more at home with Chinese movies.my answer is Chinese Movies.reasons below:As we know ,every excellent movie has its special background , if u have known it very well ,then it is helpful for us to grasp the real sentiment the movie intend to express.otherwise,u might cannot seeing into it at all.i mean the comprehension of the culture that the movie involved in is very important .So i am chinese , i know Chinese culture very well ,So when i watch a Chinese Movie, i feel good ,at least i prefer Chinese movie at present, maybe oneday when i learns foreign culture very well , i gonna prefer foreign movies 2.i believe every culture has its attraction and glorious.It is my presonal opinion .As a young man,I wanched a lot movies,both Chinese movies and foreign ones,but the latter is my favourite.let me tell you why foreign movies attract me more,first,their drama is better,the story is thrill and suspensive,more like a story;additionally,there are much more famous movies and movie stars in foreign countries,like America;the last thing is I wanna improve my English by watch a lot of foreigh movies.so,I prefer foreign movies to Chinese movies.5. Do you think a girl should share the expenses or let the boy pay the bill? Candidate 1: I think it is natural that some girls no longer want men to pick up the check.Candidate 2: I think that the normal pattern is that the boy pays the bill. Depend on the personality. someboy in his mind, it is shameful to pay by his girl. But it seems a boy like is less and less. Girls doesn't mind to share the cost on a date, which means she can relax and feel free at the most.no !!in my eyes ,a pair of lovers,.if you date,you shouldn't pay for everything,just a heart .the heart of your love for herIn the past, the normal pattern was that men worked, while women did not. Thus, it was natural for men to pay. Things have changed now. A certain level of equality between men and women has achieved, so it is natural that some girls no longer want men to pick up the check. Instead, they prefer to share or “Go Dutch.” to show that they are equal to males6. What do you think is the most important factor that leads you to buy something: price, quality, brand name or style?Candidate 1: As a student, I am not rich. When I go shopping, I may choose price and style over quality and brand name.Candidate 2: When I do shopping, I consider quality and brand name first. Quality of course.Quality is one of the most important part that I will take into consideration when buying something.It stands for the fame of a certain product. The quality of product directly affects every aspects of our life. For example, the quality of the food may have an impact on one's health; the quality of the book may influence our eyesight.May be you need it . But when people feel unhappy she tends to buy something uselesrWhat you see there is a desire to buy. Mabay you need it .After the temptation to see ,Because it looks very beautiful and the quality is Good .If I have to pick one between these two, I gonna say price.It is the first factor I consider when I plan to buy sth7. Nowadays, drunken drivers are bound to be punished by being sent into jails. What do you think about it?Candidate 1: I think this practice can definitely prohibit drunken driving. Candidate 2: I think this punishment is not strong enough to stop drunken driving.8. Is there a relationship between reason and emotion? Which plays a bigger role in our lives?Candidate 1: I think that reason plays a bigger role.Candidate 2: I think that emotion plays a bigger role.Both reason and emotion are important in our lives. Although they are obviously different from each other, they complement each other just the same. Think about it, it is difficult to isolate reason from emotion and vice versa. When one is arguing, one is combining logic with feelings. When a speaker is advocating a principle, the feeling he puts into his voice reinforces his argument. When scientists conduct researches, they may choose an area that is interesting to them. Darwin studied science because he had been fascinated by plants and animals since his childhood. However, in some areas either reason or emotion may play a bigger role. Science students may need more logic than emotion to conduct experiments, while art students tend to rely more on their emotion for creativity. Within a family, people usually cherish the emotional ties between family members. Emotion could be more important than reason when falling in love or trusting a member of one's family, whereas reason plays an important role when deciding how to educate a child. Together or separate, reason and emotion play critically important roles in our lives. What do you think? Or feel?9. When a boss employs or promotes people, what may be the chief consideration: their education or their practical ability?Candidate 1: I think that one’s educational background is not unimportant. Candidate 2: I think that most bosses may probably attach more importance to the candidate’s ability.If I wanted to launch a business, I would consider all of these factors, for they all play an indispensable role. First of all, I would consider my ability. Since I majored in biology, I would be cautious in starting a company to sell something I am not familiar with such as building materials or DVDs. With my educational background, I may find it easier to run a company selling bio-tech products. The next thing I would have to take into account, is the money available. Suppose the establishmentof a company required a capital of a million dollars, I would try to see whether I could get a loan. If not, I would give up the idea and try to set up a smaller service company that required less capital. Last but not least, I would survey the market to see if the products I planned to deal with could be sold. If they were unmarketable, I had better give up the idea of founding a company in this area. If they sold well, then I would go ahead.In fact, most bosses will consider both, though they may probably attach more importance to the candidate's ability. After all, a company's profits come directly from the abilities of the entire staff. Many of the qualities of a good worker such as diligence, teamwork, loyalty to the company, and courtesy to customers are gained through on-the-job training rather than from book knowledge.10. Stores are closed in the evenings and on weekends in many Western countries, while they are normally open in China. Which system do you prefer? Why? Candidate 1: I think that the weekend is meant for people to have a rest and the employees at stores, post offices and so on all deserve a rest.Candidate 2: I think if all stores are closed, it can be inconvenient for many people, especially those in double-income households.In my opinion, each system has its advantages and disadvantages. The weekend is meant for people to have a rest, and the employees at stores, post offices, government departments, schools and so on all deserve a rest. The two-day weekend was won after centuries of demands for workers' rights. If one store breaks the rules and stays open on the weekend, it will do unusually good business, but this is unfair competition. If people can enjoy proper rest over the weekends, they can work more vigorously during the weekdays.However, if all stores are closed, this can be inconvenient for many people, especially those in double-income households. If a small proportion of the population, that is those in the service industry, work on weekends, most people will enjoy their weekends even more. On the whole, I am in favor of the current Chinese system.。


目前有7个题型,Reading aloud用于Band 1-2。每套题至少要包括以下4-5个题型。 Reading aloud Listening and speaking Questions and answers Comment on English sayings and quotations Describing pictures Talking about movies Group discussion
Hints: Numerous UFO photos in the world can show UFOs are alien spacecraft. Many planets outside the solar system are similar to the Earth. So there is a possibility that aliens do exist. Nearly all photographs are blurry and many have been proved to be forgeries. There is no evidence of intelligent aliens living anywhere in our solar system or in outer space. [准备时间:20 seconds] [答题时间:60 seconds]
Part 4 Discussion [5 minutes, 20 points]
Each group is composed of three students – Student A, Student B and Student C.



• 3.Do you often help the disabled people? How?

Paper 4
• 1.Do you often watch TV? Why/ Why not?
• 2.What are your hobbies? Please say something about them?
• 1.Do you like to have a part-time job? Why/ Why not?
• 2.How do you find your English teacher?
• 3.What is your favorite subject? Why?

Paper 13
1.Do you keep any pets? Why/ Why not?

Paper 10
• 1.Please say something about your hometown.
• 2.Do you often play computer games? Why/ Why not?
• 3.What is your favourite university? Why?


Paper 9
• 1.Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why/ Why not?
• 2.Are you ready to help others? Why/ Why not?
• 3.How do you improve your spoken English?
• 3.How do you celebrate your birthday?



⼤学英语⼝语试题Unit 1 Campus LifeTopic: Learning to Be IndependentPart I Related Questions1. What does “being independent” mean to you?2. Do you enjoy your college life better than your high school life?3. Do you think your college life is one of your most valuable experiences? Why?4. How do you usually make decisions like course taking or part-time job taking?5. How do you handle the problems or troubles between you and your roommates orclassmates?6. Do you enjoy the school environment here on campus? Why or Why not?7. What do you gain most via your campus life?Part II Interchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Learning to Be Independent” according to the key words/outline given on the card.2. Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic.Part III Complementary Questions1.If you got another chance, would you still choose our university? Why or whynot?2.Who do you turn to if you encounter any difficulties? Why?4.Do you think it’s easy to make friends on campus? Why or why not?5.Do you think the courses you’ve taken here are mostly useful? Why or why not?6.During the discussion, what did you mean by saying…?Unit 2 FriendshipTopic: Different Understandings of FriendshipPart ⅠRelated Questions1. Do you doubt the possibility of a friendship between a man and a woman?2. Is it always true that a friend in need is a friend indeed?3. Can friendship be formed inside the family circle? Why or why not?4. Do you have any good ideas on making new friends? How to do?5. Do you think maintaining friendship is a difficult thing? Why?6. What is the basis of friendship?Part ⅡInterchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Different Understandings of Friendship” according to the key words/outline given on the card.2. Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic.Part ⅢComplementary Questions1. What is real friendship like?2. What are your criteria for choosing friends?2.What do you think we should do to make friendship last forever?3.Good friends sometimes quarrel. What do you think of it?4.What are the important factors in developing real friendship?5.Do you think “a friend in need is a friend in deed” is always true?Topic: Criteria for Choosing a PartnerPart ⅠRelated Questions2.What will your Mr./Mrs. Right be in your mind?3.What do you think is your best quality?4.What do you think is/are the most important quality(s) that your ideal partner should have?5.What is true love in your eyes?6.Do you think personality is a very important factor when choosing a partner?7.What kind of person is worth loving in your mind? Describe the person with at least three words.Part ⅡInterchange1.Individual Activity: Talk on “Criteria for Choosing a Partner” according to the key words/outline given in the card.2.Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic.Part ⅢComplementary Questions.1.During the discussion, why did you say that…?2.Many boys want to look for beautiful girls as their girlfriends ,what do you think of it?3.What quality / qualities do you think your ideal partner must not have?4.What do you think is the most important factor for choosing a partner?5.Which factor do you prefer, good temper or good money?6.What do you think is your least attractive characteristic?Topic: Ways to Keep FitPart Ⅰ Related Questions1.What is your favorite sport? Say something about it.2.Do you manage to find time for playing sports everyday?3.Do you think sports activities can improve your personality?4.Which sports star is your role model and explain why you admire this person.5.Why do more and more people take sports nowadays?6.What do you think of the importance of playing sports?7.If someone doesn't like sport, how do you get him to play?Part Ⅱ Interchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Ways to Keep Fit”according to the key words/outline given in the card.2. Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic.Part Ⅲ Complementary Questions1. During the discussion, why did you say that…?2. Some students are complaining that they are too busy with their studies to dosports. What is your opinion?3. Do you think people may get a quick result of keeping fit if they overdo theirexercise?4. What kind of mental relaxation will do good to people’s psychologicalwell-being?5. What sports are suitable for our university students?Unit 5 TravelTopic: Getting a Different Experience on TravelPart I Related questions1.Do you enjoy traveling? Why or Why not?2.What benefit(s) people may get through traveling?3.Where would you prefer to go, traveling around the natural sceneries or visitingfamous cities?4.Do you think it’s worthwhile to spend a lot of money on traveling abroad? Whyor why not?5.Do you agree with the idea of a Chinese saying, which says that traveling aroundthousands of places is better than reading thousands of books?6.If you happen to win a great fortune from lottery, would you use it to travel?Why or why not?Part II Interchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Getting a Different Experience on Travel”according to the key words/outline given on the card2. Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic1.What would you do, if you were on vacation?2.If you were to travel, would you travel with your friends or your parents?3.Why do many young people prefer studying abroad to studying in domesticuniversities?4.What do you think people usually benefit from traveling?5.Please briefly describe one of your favorite experiences on traveling.6. During the discussion, why did you say that…?Unit 6 Holidays and FestivalsTopic: Holiday Break: a happy time with painsPart ⅠRelated Questions1.Can you name one or two Chinese traditional festivals and briefly introducethem?2.Can you name one or two western festivals and briefly introduce them?3.How do you usually spend Spring Festival/National Holiday/(or any otherholiday)…?4.Which festival or holiday are you most interested in? Please give reasons.5.Now many young people in China celebrate Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Howdo you feel about it?6.Do you like to go traveling during the holidays? Why or why not?Part ⅡInterchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Holiday Break: a happy time with pains” according to the key words/outline given in the card.2.Group Activity: Further discussion about this topic.Part ⅢComplementary Questions2. A lot of tourists complain about poor services on holidays. What are the mainreasons?3.Do you think most of the Chinese holidays have lost their original meaning? Whyor why not?4.Do you have any ideas to cope with problems arising in holiday breaks such asbusy transportation, poor services?Unit 7 FoodTopic: Eating Habits and HealthPart ⅠRelated Questions1.Do you know the four typical Chinese cuisines? What are they?2.What is your favorite Chinese food? Why?3.Which do you prefer, Chinese food or western food?4.What kind of popular western food do you like best? Why?5.Which factor do you prefer when you choose food, good taste or good nutrition?6.Can you name some good eating habits?Part ⅡInterchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Eating Habits and Health” according to the key words/outline given in the card.Part ⅢComplementary Questions1. During the discussion, why did you say that…?2. What are the advantages of Chinese food compared with western food?3. Some children are crazy about popular western food. What are the possible reasons?4. Do you often eat packaged food, why or why not?5. Shall we stop using food additives completely?Unit 10 EnvironmentTopic: Ways to Protect EnvironmentPart I Related questions1.Do you think protecting environment is the duty of every person? Why?2. Can you list some of the environmental problems in China?3. Which is more important for China, developing economy or protectingenvironment?4.What environmental problem directly affects common people’s daily life? Andhow?5. Are you satisfied with the environment of Xi’an? Why or Why not?6. Can you list some causes of environmental problems in China?Part ⅡInterchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on “Ways to Protect Environment”according to the key words/outline given in the card.2.Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic.2.What suggestions can you make for raising public awareness of environmentalimportance?3.What should industry people do to improve our environment?4.What should ordinary people do to improve our environment?5.Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future environment? Why?Unit 11 Job MatchingTopic: How to Make a Job a Good Match (⾮常相配) for You?Part ⅠRelated Questions1.Have you thought about your future career?2.Have you an ideal job in your mind?3.Can you predict where you will work in ten years from now on?4.Do you have any experience on job fair?5.What factors will you consider first when you hunt for a job? Why?6.Will you quit a job you are interested in just because of poor salary?7.Will you take a job that has little to do with your major? Why?Part ⅡInterchange1. Individual activity: Talk on “How to Make a Job a Good Match for You?”according to the key words given in the card2. Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topic.Part ⅢComplementary Questions1.During the discussion, why did you say that……?2.Many young people won’t begin to hunt for a job until they have done a Master’sdegree. What do you think of it?4.Which do you prefer in your future job: a lot extra stress but a good pay or a lesscompetitive atmosphere but less pay?5.Where would you like to work? Shanghai or Xi’an?Unit 13 PersonalityTopic: Factors Affecting One's PersonalityPart ⅠRelated Questions1.What are your characters? Are you satisfied with them?2. Do you think your personality is something that you were born with?3. Do you unusually feel shy? Why or why not?4. What do you think the extroverted people should be like?5. What is the perfect personality to you?6. Do you think you can change your personality type? Why or why not?7. Should shy and quiet people change their character? Why?Part ⅡInterchange1. Individual Activity: Talk on the topic "Factors Affecting One's Personality" according to the key words/outline given on the card.2.Group Activity: Further discussion and argument about this topicPart ⅢComplementary Questions1. Are you satisfied with your character? What kind of improvement you think youshould make?2. Do you sometimes feel as if nobody seems to understand you? Why?3. Is it possible to change our personality type as a result of experiences or as aresult of pressure to be different?5. Are you different at school from what you are at home? Why?。



英语口语考试试题(本科)英语口语考试试题(本科)Unit 1 Life is a learning curveIndividual Ability:1.What are you learning at the moment? Do you enjoylearning it? Why?2. What difficulties have you encountered while learning English?3. In your opinion, what factors affect intelligence?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following situation. Use the skills for giving and responding toadvice.Situation :My Roommate is driving me crazy!A Your roommate loves shopping. Every month she buys new clothes,shoes, and designer bags using a credit card. Her room is full ofclothes she never wears. She spends more money than she hasand borrows money from you to pay herrent. And she hasn’tpaid you ba ck for two months. Explain your problem to B. Then listen and respond to B’s advice.B Listen to A’s problem. Give A some advice.Unit 2Journey into the unknownIndividual Ability:1.Do you like cultural things or natural beauty in travel?2.Have you traveled much? Where have you been? What did youlike most?3.If you can afford the money and time, which place(s) wouldyou love to go? Why?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following /doc/bf18473099.html,e the skills for asking for and giving directions.Situation :I can ’tfind my way!A You want to go to the following places:1. A nightclub called Risky Business;2. A restaurant called The Waterfall;3. The screen by the Pond cinema;4. The museum of Fashion and Design.Ask B for directions to these places.B Listen to A ’s problem. Read the map on Page 145 of yourtextbook and give directions to A.Unit 3 Time outIndividual Ability:1.What do you like doing in your free time? And where do youusually go?2.Have you ever thought of taking a part-time job? Why?3.How will you spend an evening out in your city with no morethan 30 yuan?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the followingsituation. Use the skills of managing phone problems.Situation :Changing a reservation.A You are calling Brandon’s Restaurant. You want to change your reservation from 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday to 8:00 p.m. next Wednesday. There will now be 10 people, not five, so you need a bigger table.B You work for Brandon’s Restaurant. Answer the customer’stelephone. Check the reservation, take the message, change the reservation and confirm if it is possible.Unit 4 Life under the spotlightIndividual Ability:1. What are the positive and negative things about being famous?2.Which famous person would you most like to meet? Why?3.Do famous people have special responsibilities to society?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following/doc/bf18473099.html,e the skills for making requests and offers.Situation :Shopping for clothesA You are a client. You want to go shopping for clothes. Askthe concierge (旅馆服务台职员) to recommend a shopping mall.B You are a concierge. Listen and respond to A’s requests.Unit 5Urban pulseIndividual Ability:1. What are the good things about living in your hometown?2. Which city do you know well? Talk about all the positive ornegative things about the city.3.What are the differences between city andcountryside life?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the followingsituation. Use the skills for making and responding tocomplaints.Situation :What’s wrong with the school facilities?A You are a student at the Noparlo School of English.You findthat the heat doesn’t work and the equipment in the Self Access Center is faulty. Talk to the director of the school to complain about the problem.B You are the director at Noparlo School of English. Listento the student’s problems and respond to his/her complaint.Unit 6 Climbing the career ladderIndividual Ability:1.What is your ideal job? Why?2.Do you think it is easier to find a job for thosewho have higher education background? Why?3.If you were a boss, what would you do to motivate yourstaff?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following /doc/bf18473099.html,e the skills for expressing likes and dislikes.Situation :Talking about hobbiesA You are talking to StudentB about your hobbies. Express youlikes or dislikes toward different activities.B You are having a conversation with Student A about hobbies.Express you likes or dislikes toward different activities.Unit 7 Time of technology: A blessing or a curse?Individual Ability:1. What items of technology couldn ’t you live without?Why?2.How much has technology changed your life?3.What new scientific developments do you expect to seein the next ten years?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the followingsituation. Use the skills for expressing essentiality.Situation :What electronic gadgets should we buy?A You are a designer.You are shopping in an electronics store with B, to whomyou’re newly married. Describe the essentiality of different gadgets (mobile phone, laptop, MP3 player, DVD player, digital camera, digital TV, iPad, etc.) and discussw i t h B w h i c h i t e m s t o b u y .B You are a secretary. You ’re newly married to A. Discuss thenecessity of buying these gadgets with A. Then decide on which i t e m s t o b u y.Unit 8 Discovering your true identityIndividual Ability:1. Which members of your family do you feel close to?Why?2.What family characteristics have you inherited?3.Have you ever met your great-grandparents? What doyou know about them?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following situation. Use the skills for introducing an opinion.Situation :Shall we get an air conditioner.A You are a college student. As summer approaches, the dormyou live in is getting increasingly hot.So you suggest installing an air conditioner. Discuss with your roommate B on this matter and express your opinions.B You are A’s roommate. You don ’tthink it’s necessary to install an air conditioner considering its cost. Discuss with A on this matter and express your opinions.口语考试试题(工美体育)Unit 1 Life is a learning curveIndividual Ability:1.What are you learning at the moment? Do you enjoylearning it? Why?2. What difficulties have you encountered while learning English?3. In your opinion, what factors affect intelligence?Use the skills for giving and responding to advice.Situation:My Roommate is driving me crazy!A Your roommate loves shopping. Every month she buys new clothes, shoes, and designer bags using a credit card. Her room is full of clothes she never wears.She spends more money than she has and borrows moneyfrom you to pay her rent. And she hasn’tpaid you back for two months. Explain your problem to B. Thenlisten and respond to B’s advice.B Listen to A’s problem. Give A some advice.Unit 2 Journey into the unknownIndividual Ability:1.Do you like cultural things or natural beauty in travel?2.Have you traveled much? Where have you been? What did youlike most?3.If you can afford the money and time, which place(s) wouldyou love to go? Why?Use the skills for asking for and giving directions.Situation:I can’t find my way!A You want to go to the following places:1. A nightclub called Risky Business;2. A restaurant called The Waterfall;3. The screen by the Pond cinema;4. The museum of Fashion and Design.Ask B for directions to these places.B Listen to A ’s problem. Read the map on Page 145 of your textbook and give directions to A.Unit 3 Time outIndividual Ability:1.What do you like doing in your free time? And where do you usually go?2.Have you ever thought of taking a part-time job? Why?3.How will you spend an evening out in your city with no more than 30 yuan?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following situation. Use the skills of managing phone problems.Situation :Changing a reservation.A You are calling Brandon’s Restaurant.You want to change your reservation from7:00p.m. on Tuesday to 8:00 p.m.next Wednesday. There will now be 10 people, not five, so you needa bigger table.B You work for Brandon’s Restaurant. Answer the customer’s telephone.Check the reservation,take the message, change the reservation and confirm if it is possible.Unit 4 Life under the spotlightIndividual Ability:1.What are the positive and negative things about being famous?2.Which famous person would you most like to meet? Why?3. Do famous people have special responsibilities to society? Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following situation.Use the skills for making requests and offers.Situation:Shopping for clothesA You are a client. You want to go shopping for clothes. Askthe concierge (旅馆服务台职员) to recommend a shopping mall.B You are a concierge. Lis ten and respond to A’s requests.Unit 5 Urban pulseIndividual Ability:1. What are the good things about living in your hometown?2. Which city do you know well? Talk about all the positive or negativethings about the city.3. What are the differences between city and countryside life?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following situation.Use the skills for making and responding to complaints.Situation:What’s wrong with the school facilities?A You are a student at the Noparlo School of English.You find that the heat doesn’t work and the equipment in the Self Access Center is faulty. Talk to the director of the school to complain about theproblem.B You are the director at Noparlo School of English. Listento the student’s problems and respond to his/her complaint.Unit 6 Climbing the career ladderIndividual Ability:1.What is your ideal job? Why?2.Do you think it is easier to find a job for those whohave higher education background? Why?3. If you were a boss, what would you do to motivate your staff?Group Task: Work in pairs and role-play the following situation.Use the skills for expressing likes and dislikes.Situation:Talking about hobbiesA You are talking to StudentB about your hobbies. Express youlikes or dislikes toward different activities.B You are having a conversation with Student A about hobbies.Express you likes or dislikes toward different activities.单纯的课本内容,并不能满足学生的需要,通过补充,达到内容的完善教育之通病是教用脑的人不用手,不教用手的人用脑,所以一无所能。


Βιβλιοθήκη 大学英语应用能力测试口试培训详细教 程
56、死去何所道,托体同山阿。 57、春秋多佳日,登高赋新诗。 58、种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴 理荒秽 ,带月 荷锄归 。道狭 草木长 ,夕露 沾我衣 。衣沾 不足惜 ,但使 愿无违 。 59、相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。 60、迢迢新秋夕,亭亭月将圆。
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭


2. How many girl students? There are 27 girl students in my class.
对话18:我一般早上六点起床,早 饭吃面包,喝牛奶。
1.What time do you get up? 2.I usually get up at 6 o'clock. 2. What do you have for breakfast? I usually eat some bread and drink
1.What do you usually do after
2.I usually go out for a walk after
2.What benefits can it bring for
3.It’s good for mpypt精选h版ealth.
1.Which class and which grade are
you in?
2.I'm in Class Two, Grade Three.
2.Where do you live?
3. I live in the Ninth Street near the
对话14:单词“panda”的意思是“中国 四川一种吃竹子的动物”。 1. How many letters are there in the word 'panda'? There are five letters in the word ‘panda’.



新标准大学生英语三口语试题Unit 1 Discovering yourselfPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.1.How would you sum up yourself in six words?2.What are your strengths and weaknesses?3. Do you think the major you chose suits your personality? Why?4. What is your greatest achievement so far?5. How do you see yourself in ten year’s time?6. How do you understand the message “life is shor t; act now” in Active Reading Two?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: How to get a balance between enjoying life now and preparing for the future?Unit 2 Childhood memoriesPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.1. Would you please talk about what you were like as a child?2. Please talk about an important person from your childhood.3. What do you think are the advantages of being a child today, in contrast with when you were a child?4. What do you think the disadvantages are?5. what do children do today which you wish you could have done? What do they do which you disapprove of?6. What important events in childhood can affect peoplewhen they’re older?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: What are the responsibilities of the following in bringing up children? The family school society the government Unit 3 Art for art’s sakePart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.1.Do you like listening to music? Why or why not?2. Would you pay a lot of money for a piece of art? Why or why not?3. Do you agree that one picture can be worth a thousand words?4. How are paintings different from photographs?5. Can young artists make a living from their art in China?6. Do you think traditional Chinese art forms like Peking Opera have to be modernized to remain popular?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Which do you think is the greatest form of art? Any why?Unit 4 Changing TimesPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.2.New technologies have made some jobs disappear. Give examplesto illustrate.3.Which recent technological changes have made your life easier?4.New technologies must have brought some changes to your life orstudy. Do you think the changes have positive or negative effects?5.What are the advantages of a more traditional way of life?6.Do you think the times we live in today in China is exciting or boring?Explain your viewpoint.7.Is globalization a good thing? Why or why not?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Discuss whether or not you think modern technology makes our lives better.Unit 5 A Place In SocietyPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.8.How important is cultural awareness in an international businessdeal?9.Do you think it’s i mportant for people to put something back intosociety? Why/Why not?10.What is Individualism?11.How do you understand the term of Collectivism?12.Which kind of society is stronger: an “individualist” or a“collectivist” one? Why?6. Have you ever volunteered for any kind of charity work? /Have youever done any voluntary work? What did you do? How did you feel afterwards?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: What forms of prejudice are you aware of in society?Whichdo you think are the most harmful, and why?What can be done to overcome them?Unit 6 Streets full of heroesPart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.13.How much do you know about 9/11? (when, where, and what)14.Under what circumstances can ordinary people become heroes?15.What are the qualities that make a hero? List them in sequence ofimportance and explain why.16.Would you like to name some Chinese and Western heroes? Why arethey heroes in your eyes?17.Which one fascinates you more, the unsung hero in life orlarger-than-life hero in films? Please give your supporting opinions.18.Which kinds of qualities would you like to develop yourself in orderto make you a hero one day?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: Heroes are everywhere. They are in literature. They are in films and video games. They are in real life. What are the differences of them? Which type of hero is easier for people to identify with? Who is your ideal hero?Unit 7 The Secret Life of SciencePart I Reading aloudPart II DiscussionSection One Each of the students will be asked one question.19.Do you have bad lucks in your life? Do you ever get the expressionthat you are born unlucky?20.Is bad luck an acceptable explanation for when things go wrong?21.Are there any non-scientific ways people use to avoid bad luck? Whatare they if yes?22.How do you explain that bad things come in twos?23.Why do people everywhere sing? Do you think music can be moreexpressive than words?24.Do you think music can literally change the way you think?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:Do you think some people are luckier than others? Please make full use of examples and stories or scientific theories to support your viewpoint.。


Tuning up
• What do we study for? • How good a job should be so that it can be called a good one? • What kind of job do you
The Best Job
• Do you believe there does exist "The Best Job" in the world?
Teacher • 6. Teacher • 7. Artist • 8. Psychologist • 9. Financial services
sales agent 5
• 10. Operating engineer
Job Interview
• What is your greatest strength?
• I don't have a good sense of direction.
• I still lack some experience in this area, and I know I must work extremely hard to gain more.
• I didn't do very well on time management, therefore I've
you meet the criteria, which is
to be laid back, relaxed and
• Clergy 神职人员,牧师
• The least worlห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ly are reported to be the happiest of all.
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2. What do you think of shopping on line?
3. Where do you prefer doing shopping: a large shopping mall or a small shop?
一级话题(5) PETS

1. Have a discussion on why people keep pets? 2. Which is your favorite pet, dogs, cats or some others? Why? 3. Do you think pets should be treated as human beings? Why?
《大学英语口语教学与研究》 项目研究成果(之三)

进行性评估 终结性评估 主题功能句型

课堂测验 课堂活动 评估原则 比例

教师以口头作文、看图说话等命题方式对 学生口语表达能力进行考核。 教师在测验完成后对学生口语能力的多方 面进行指导和反馈。 条件允许的话,可以进行录音,以备教师 再次打分和学生进步对比用。 课堂测验的成绩可按照一定的比例计入学 生总评成绩中。
一级话题(3) SEASON

1. To ask your partner which season is his/her favorite and why he/she likes it. 2. To give the Beijing Olympic Committee some suggestions on how to make Beijing Olympic Games more successfully in terms of weather forecast. 3. To ask your partner’s view on the relationship between the weather changes and human activities in today’s world and explain why.

“人本主义”:无论是形成性评估还是终结 性评估,都应注重“人本”方法,即,学生 是参与的主体,评估和测试都应以学生的需 要和实际情况为出发点和落脚点。 整体设计:各种评估和测试手段应从整体考 虑,纳入教学的整体安排中,评估过程要连 续一致,在时间上、参与者上保持统一。 动态平衡:两种评估方式的具体形式和比例 要根据学生实际和教学实际及时调整,动态 变化。
根据形式和内容分: 语法类:英语解释、改正句子、句型变换 技能训练类:朗诵段落、复述短文、重复 句子 图片类:填充表格、看图说话 综合类:口头报告、摘要、面试
根据参与者分: 学生参与类:对话、角色扮演、讨论、辩 论 教师与学生共同参与类:提问回答、面试
一级话题(4) FOOD

1. Talk with your partner about your eating
habits, whether they are healthful? If not, try to offer suggestions to each other. 2. Talk with your partner about different food cultures in the world.
进行性评估在整个成绩评定所占的比例为 70%----80%左右。 终结性评估比例在整个成绩评定中为20%30%左右。


一级话题(8) 二级话题(8) 三级话题(8) 四级话题(to be continued)
一级话题(1) SPORT

1. Tell your partner about your favorite sport, your way to exercise, how do you like it and why? 2. Can you offer creative plans or thoughts to help China successfully host 2008 Olympics? Let’s work on it. 3. Tell your partner the knowledge of the sports mentioned, such as their rules, stars, histories, a memorable match, etc.
根据活动的难易程度分: 初级类:重复句子、大声朗读、填充表格、 改正句子、句型转换、 中级类:看图说话、描述/解释、提问回答、 讨论 高级类:摘要、面试、口头报告、辩论评估原则(1) Nhomakorabea
进行性评估可通过多次多形式的方式进行 记录。学生的参与程度与参与效果根据学 生的表现给予打分。全程记录和打分之后, 统计为形成性评估部分的学生成绩。 终结性评估多在学期末,考试形式相对教 固定。通过交换教师监考、统一评分标准、 统一考试内容、统一考试形式、统一考试 时间等手段尽量保证终结性评估成绩的准 确性。

3. Which do you prefer: Chinese food or the Western food?
一级话题(5) SHOPPING

1. Do you enjoy shopping? Why? Talk about
your shopping habit with your partner.
一级话题(2) FRIEND

1. Describe one of your best friends to your partner and explain why you choose him/her as your friend. 2. Tell your partner your understanding of the saying “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.” and Give examples. 3. What role friendship plays in your life?