第06-01章 遥感图像分类



通过模拟水流淹没过程,将图像 分割成不同区域,然后对每个区 域进行特征提取和分类。这种方 法能够充分利用图像的形状、纹
从种子点开始,根据像素之间的 相似性(如灰度值、纹理等)进 行区域扩展,直到无法再扩展为 止。然后对每个区域进行特征提
随机森林是一种集成学习算法, 通过构建多个决策树并结合它们 的预测结果来进行分类。这种方 法能够处理高维特征,并在一定
支持向量机(SVM) SVM是一种二分类模型,通过寻找最优超平面来对像素进 行分类。对于多类别分类问题,可以通过构建多个二分类 器来解决。
K最近邻(KNN) KNN算法根据像素周围K个最近邻的类别来决定该像素的 类别。这种方法考虑了空间上下文信息,通常能够取得较 好的分类效果。
• 流程概述:遥感图像分类的基本流程包括数据预处理、特征提取、分类器设计和分类结果评价四个主要步骤。其中,数据 预处理是对原始遥感图像进行预处理操作,如去噪、增强等,以改善图像质量和提高分类精度;特征提取是从预处理后的 图像中提取出有效的光谱、空间、纹理等特征,为后续分类器设计提供输入;分类器设计是根据提取的特征,选择合适的 算法设计分类器,实现对图像的自动分类;分类结果评价是对分类结果进行评估和分析,以验证分类方法的有效性和可行性。
城市用地分 类
遥感图像分类可用于城市用地类型的 识别与划分,为城市规划提供基础数 据。
利用遥感图像分类技术对城市扩展和 变化进行监测,为城市规划和管理提 供科学依据。
将深度学习技术应用于遥感图像分类, 提高分类精度和自动化程度。

第六章 遥感图像分类(三)

第六章 遥感图像分类(三)

K-均值方法 均值方法
K-均值算法的聚类准则是使每一分类中,像素 均值算法的聚类准则是使每一分类中, 使每一分类中 点到该类别中心的距离的平方和最小。其基本思想是, 点到该类别中心的距离的平方和最小。其基本思想是, 通过迭代逐次移动各类的中心, 通过迭代逐次移动各类的中心,直到满足收敛条件为 止。 收敛条件:对于图像中互不相交的任意一个类, 收敛条件:对于图像中互不相交的任意一个类, 计算该类中的像素值与该类均值差的平方和。 计算该类中的像素值与该类均值差的平方和。将图像 中所有类的平方和相加,并使相加后的值达到最小。 中所有类的平方和相加,并使相加后的值达到最小。 设图像中总类数为m 各类的均值为C 设图像中总类数为m,各类的均值为C,类内的像 素数为N 像素值为f, f,那么收敛条件就是使得下式最 素数为N,像素值为f,那么收敛条件就是使得下式最 小:
K-均值方法 均值方法
④ 对于所有的 如果 则迭代结束,否则转到第②步继续进行。 则迭代结束,否则转到第②步继续进行。 均值算法的优点是实现简单, K-均值算法的优点是实现简单,缺点是过分 依赖初值,容易收敛于局部极值。 依赖初值,容易收敛于局部极值。该方法在迭代过 程中没有调整类数的措施, 程中没有调整类数的措施,产生的结果受所选聚类 中心的数目、初始位置、 中心的数目、初始位置、类分布的几何性质和读入 次序等因素影响较大。初始分类选择不同, 次序等因素影响较大。初始分类选择不同,最后的 分类结果可能不同。 分类结果可能不同。
初始类别参数是指:基准类别集群中心( 初始类别参数是指:基准类别集群中心(数 是指 学期望M ),以及集群分布的协方差矩阵 以及集群分布的协方差矩阵∑ 学期望Mi),以及集群分布的协方差矩阵∑i。 无论采用何种判别函数, 无论采用何种判别函数,都要预先确定其初 始类别的参数,以下介绍几种确定的方法 介绍几种确定的方法: 始类别的参数,以下介绍几种确定的方法: 1、光谱特征比较法 首先在遥感图像中定义一个抽样集, 首先在遥感图像中定义一个抽样集,它可以 是整幅图像的所有像素, 是整幅图像的所有像素,也可以是按一定间隔抽 样的像素;然后选定抽样集中任一像素作为第一 样的像素;然后选定抽样集中任一像素作为第一 个类别(初始类别); 个类别(初始类别);



人工神经网路方法 决策树分类法 专家系统分类法

通过选择代表各类别的已知样本(训练区)的像 元的光谱特征,事先取得各类别的参数,确定判 别函数,从而进行分类。
在监督分类中,先定义信息类,然后检验它们的光 谱可分性

训练区:已知地表覆被类型的代表样区 用于描述主要特征类型的光谱属性

训练阶段的质量决定着分类阶段的成功与否,也决定着从分类中所获 取的信息的价值 用于图像分类的训练区的统计结果,一定要充分反映每种信息类型中 光谱类别的所有组成

• •


最简单的方法——仅仅需要规定每个特征的DN范围 一些像元可能未分类或重复分类


决策树是一 树状结构, 依据规则把 遥感数据集 一级级往下 细分以定义 决策树的各 个分支。
叶结点 T3

基本思想:从“原级”(根结点)开始,利 用表达式,每一个决策将影像中的像元分成 两类,使用另一表达式,每个新类又能被分 成另外的两个新类,如此不断地通过选择不 同的特征用于进一步地有效细分类,直到所 要求的“终极”(叶结点)类别分出为止。

光谱值的算术运算值(如,和、差、比值等); 主成分; ……
由于决策树分类法中的运算几乎都是由比较大小而组成的,所以与采 用复杂计算公式的最大似然比分类法等相比,可以用很短的时间进行分类 处理

任务六 遥感图像分类

任务六 遥感图像分类

图像分类1. 监督分类 (1)1.1 定义训练样本 (1)1.2 执行监督分类 (3)1.3 评价分类结果 (4)2. 非监督分类(Unsupervised Classification) (5)2.1 执行非监督分类 (5)2.2 类别定义与子类合并 (6)3. 分类后处理 (7)3.1 Majority/Minority分析 (7)3.2 聚类处理(Clump) (8)3.3 过滤处理(Sieve) (8)4. 分类结果评价——混淆矩阵 (9)遥感图像通过亮度值的高低差异及空间变化来表示不同地物的差异。



1. 监督分类监督分类总体上可以分为四个过程:定义训练样本、执行监督分类、评价分类结果和分类后处理。

实验数据:can_tmr.img1.1 定义训练样本ENVI中是利用ROI Tool(感兴趣区)来定义训练样本的,因此,定义训练样本的过程就是创建感兴趣区的过程。





第二步应用ROI Tool创建感兴趣区从RGB彩色图像上获取ROI(1)在主图像窗口中,选择Overlay→Region of Interest,打开ROI Tool对话框。

感兴趣区工具窗口的打开方式还有:Basic Tools →Region Of Interest→ROI tool,或者直接在图像窗口上点击鼠标右键,再选择ROI Tool。

(2)在ROI Tool对话框中,可以进行样本编辑(名称、颜色、填充方式等)。



1. 监督分类方法:该方法需要先准备一些具有标签的样本数据集进行训练,并从中学习模式进行分类。


2. 无监督分类方法:该方法不需要标签样本数据集,通过对图像像素进行统计分析和聚类来确定类别。


3. 半监督分类方法:该方法结合监督和无监督分类方法的优势,同时利用有标签和无标签样本数据进行分类。


4. 深度学习分类方法:近年来,随着深度学习方法的发展,基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的遥感图像分类方法变得流行。







Exploring Features in a Bayesian Framework for Material Recognition Ce Liu1,3Lavanya Sharan2,3Edward H.Adelson3Ruth Rosenholtz31Microsoft Research New England2Disney Research Pittsburgh3Massachusetts Institute of Technology celiu@{lavanya,adelson,rruth}@AbstractWe are interested in identifying the material category, e.g.glass,metal,fabric,plastic or wood,from a single im-age of a surface.Unlike other visual recognition tasks in computer vision,it is difficult tofind good,reliable features that can tell material categories apart.Our strategy is to use a rich set of low and mid-level features that capture var-ious aspects of material appearance.We propose an aug-mented Latent Dirichlet Allocation(aLDA)model to com-bine these features under a Bayesian generative framework and learn an optimal combination of features.Experimen-tal results show that our system performs material recog-nition reasonably well on a challenging material database, outperforming state-of-the-art material/texture recognition systems.1.IntroductionMaterial recognition is an important aspect of visual recognition.We interact with a variety of materials on a daily basis and we constantly assess their appearance.For example,when judging where to step on an icy sidewalk or buying fresh produce at a farmers’market or deciding whether a rash requires a trip to the doctor,material qual-ities influence our decisions.Therefore,it is valuable to build a visual recognition system that can infer material properties from images.The problem of recognizing materials from photographs has been addressed mainly in the context of reflectance es-timation.The visual appearance of a surface depends on several factors–the illumination conditions,the geometric structure of the surface sample at several spatial scales,and the surface reflectance properties,often characterized by the bidirectional reflectance distribution function(BRDF) [24]and its variants[9,16,26].A number of techniques have been developed that can estimate the parameters of a BRDF model from a set of photographs,under restrictive assumptions of illumination,geometry and material proper-ties[10,11].In this paper,we focus on recognizing high-level mate-rial categories,such as glass,metal,fabric,plastic or wood, instead of explicitly estimating reflectance properties.The reflectance properties of a material are often correlatedwithFabric FoliageGlass LeatherMetal PaperPlastic StoneWater Wood Figure1.Material recognition in the wild.The goal of this paper is to learn to recognize material categories from a single image.For this purpose,we will use our Flickr Materials Database[28] that captures a range of appearances within each material category.its high-level category(e.g.glass is usually translucent and wood is often brown),and in this work,we will exploit these correlations.However,it is important to point out that knowing only the reflectance properties of a surface is not sufficient for determining the material category.For exam-ple,the fact that a surface is translucent does not tell us if it is made of plastic,wax or glass.Unlike other visual recognition tasks such as object or texture recognition,it is challenging tofind good features that can distinguish different material categories because of the wide variations in appearance that a material can dis-play.Our strategy is to design several low-level and middle-level features to characterize various aspects of material ap-pearance.In addition to well-established features such as color,jet and SIFT[17,21],we introduce several new fea-tures,such as curvature of edges,histogram of oriented gra-dient(HOG)feature along edges,and HOG perpendicular 239978-1-4244-6985-7/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEEFigure 2.Material recognition vs.object recognition .These vehicles are made of different materials (from left to right):metal ,plastic and wood.Figure 3.Material recognition vs.texture recognition .These checkerboard patterns are made of different materials (left to right):fabric ,plastic and paper .to edges.After quantizing these features into dictionaries,we convert an image into a bag of words and use latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)[3]to model the distribution of the words.By allowing topics to be shared amongst mate-rial categories,LDA is able to learn clusters of visual words that characterize different materials.We call our model aug-mented LDA (aLDA)as we concatenate dictionaries from various features and learn the optimal combination of the features by maximizing the recognition rate.It is crucial to choose the right image database to evaluate our system.Most existing material/texture image databases fail to capture the complexity of real world materials,be-cause they are either instance databases,such as CURET [9],or texture category databases with very few samples per class,such as KTH-TIPS2[5].The high recognition rates achieved on these databases (>95%on CURET [30])sug-gests a need for challenging,real world material databases.In this work,we use the Flickr Materials Database [28]created by us,originally for studying the visual perception of materials.This database contains 10common material categories -fabric ,foliage ,glass ,leather ,metal ,paper ,plastic ,stone ,water and wood (see Figure 1).We acquired 100color photographs from for each category,including 50close-ups and 50object-level views.All im-ages have 512×384pixel resolution and contain a single material category in the foreground.These images capture a wide range of appearances within each material category.We show that although material categorization can be a very challenging problem,especially on a database like ours,our system performs reasonably well,outperforming state-of-the-art systems such as [30].2.Related WorkRecognizing high-level material categories in images is distinct from the well-studied problem of object recogni-tion.Although object identity is sometimes predictive ofFigure 4.The projection on the first two principal components (PCs)of the texton histograms are shown for all images in the (left)61classes in the CURET database [9]and (right)10classes in the Flickr Materials Database [28].The textons were derived from 5×5pixel patches,as described in [30].The colors indicate the various texture/material categories.CURET samples are more separable than Flickr.material category,a given class of objects can be made of different materials (see Figure 2)and different classes of objects can be made of the same material (see Figure 1).Therefore,many recent advances in object recognition such as shape context [2],object detectors [7]and label transfer [19]may not be applicable for material recognition.In fact,most object recognition systems rely on material-invariant features and tend to ignore material information altogether.Material recognition is closely related to,but different from,texture recognition.Texture has been de fined in terms of dimensions like periodicity,orientedness,and random-ness [20].It can be an important component of material appearance,e.g .wood tends to have textures distinct from those of polished metal.However,as illustrated in Figure 3,surfaces made of different materials can share the same tex-ture patterns and as a consequence,mechanisms designed for texture recognition [18,30]may not be ideal for mate-rial recognition.Material recognition is also different from BRDF estima-tion.In computer graphics,there is great interest in captur-ing the appearance of real world materials.The visual ap-pearance of materials like wood or skin,has been modeled in terms of the bidirectional re flectance distribution function (BRDF)[10,22]and related representations such as BTF [9]and BSSRDF [16].Material recognition might seem trivial if the BRDF is known,but in general,it is nearly im-possible to estimate the BRDF from a single image without simplifying assumptions [10,11].A number of low-level image features have been devel-oped for identifying materials.The shape of the luminance histogram of images was found to correlate with human judgement of surface albedo [25],and was used to clas-sify images of spheres as shiny,matte,white,grey etc .[11].Similar statistics were used to estimate the albedo and gloss of stucco-like surfaces [27].Several techniques have been developed to search for speci fic materials in real world pho-tographs such as glass [15,23]or skin [14].The choice of databases is,often,the key to success in vi-240sual recognition.The CURET database[9]that consists of images of61different texture samples under205different viewing and lighting conditions,has become the standard for evaluating3-D texture classification algorithms.A vari-ety of methods based on texton representations[6,18,29], bidirectional histograms[8]and image patches[30]have been successful at classifying CURET surfaces(>95% accuracy).The KTH-TIPS2database[5]consisting of11 texture categories,4samples per category,and each pho-tographed under a variety of conditions,was introduced to increase the intra-class variation.It was shown that a SVM-based classifier achieves98.5%accuracy on this database [5].Our Flickr Materials Database[28]contains10ma-terial categories and100diverse samples in category.On inspecting the images in Figure1and the plots in Figure 4,it is apparent that the Flickr Materials Database is more challenging than the CURET database,and for this reason we chose the Flickr Materials Database to develop and eval-uate our material recognition system.3.Features for Material RecognitionIn order to build a material recognition system,it is im-portant to identify features that can distinguish material cat-egories from one another.What makes metal look like metal and wood look like wood?Is it color(neutral vs.browns), textures(smooth vs.grainy)or reflectance properties(shiny vs.matte)?Since little is known about which features are suited for material recognition,our approach is to try a vari-ety of features,some borrowed from thefields of object and texture recognition,and some new ones developed specif-ically for material recognition.From a rendering point of view,once the camera and the object arefixed,the image of the object can be determined by(i)the BRDF of the sur-face,(ii)surface structures,(iii)object shape and(iv)envi-ronment lighting.Given the diversity of appearance in the Flickr Materials Database,we will attempt to incorporate all these factors in our features.(a)Color and TextureColor is an important attribute of surfaces and can be a cue for material recognition:wooden objects tend to be brown,leaves are green,fabrics and plastics tend to be sat-urated with vivid color,whereas stones tend to be less satu-rated.We extract3×3pixel patches from an RGB image as our color feature.Texture,both of the wallpaper and3-D kind[26],can be useful for distinguishing materials.For example,wood and stone have signature textures that can easily tell them apart. We use two sets of features to measure texture.Thefirst set comprises thefilter responses of an image through a set of multi-scale,multi-orientation Gaborfilters,often called filter banks or jet[17].Jet features have been used to recog-nize3-D textures[18,30]by clustering to form textons and using the distribution of textons as a feature.The second setFigure5.Illustration of how our system generates features.(a) Curvature (b) Edge slice (HOG) (c) Edge ribbon (HOG)Figure6.We extract curvature at three scales,edge slice in6cells, and edge ribbon in6cells at edges.of features we use is SIFT[21].SIFT features have been widely used in scene and object recognition to characterize the spatial and orientational distribution of local gradients[13].(b)Micro-textureTwo surfaces sharing the same BRDF can look different if they have different surface structures,e.g.if one is smooth and the other is rough.In practice,we usually touch a sur-face to sense how rough(or smooth)it is.However,our visual system is able to perceive these properties even with-out a haptic input.For example,we can see tiny hairs on fabric,smooth surfaces in glass objects,crinkles in leather and grains in paper.In order to extract information about surface structure, we followed the idea in[1],of smoothing an image by bi-lateralfiltering[12]and then using the residual image for further analysis.The process is illustrated in Figure7.We choose three images from material categories(a)-glass, metal and fabric-and perform bilateralfiltering to obtain base image in(b)and display the residual in(d).The resid-ual of bilateralfiltering reveals variations in pixel intensity at afiner scale.For the fabric and metal example in Figure 7,the residual is due to surface structure whereas for glass, these variations are related to translucency.Although it is hard to cleanly separate the contributions of surface struc-ture from those of the BRDF,the residual contains useful information about material category.We apply the same ap-proach for characterizing the residual as we did for texture. 241(a) Original image (b) Base image (bilateral filtering) (c) Canny edges on (b) (d) Residual image: (a)-(b)(e) Edge slices(f) Edge ribbonFigure 7.Some features for material recognition .From top to bottom is glass ,metal and fabric .For an image (a)we apply bilateralfiltering [1]to obtain the base image (b).We run Canny edge detector [4]on the base image and obtain edge maps (c).Curvatures of the edges are extracted as features.Subtracting (b)from (a),we get the residual image (d)that shows micro structures of the material.We extract micro-jet and micro-SIFT features on (d)to characterize material micro-surface structure.In (e),we also show some random samples of edge slices along the normal directions of the Canny edges.These samples reveal lighting-dependent features such as specular highlights.The edge ribbon samples are shown in (f).Arrays of HOG’s [7]are extracted from (e)and (f)to form edge-slice and edge-ribbon features.We compute the jet and SIFT features of the residual image,and name them micro-jet and micro-SIFT for clarity.(c)Outline ShapeThough a material can be cast into any arbitrary shape,the outline shape of a surface and its material category are often related e.g .fabrics and glass have long,curved edges,while metals have straight lines and sharp corners.The out-line shape of a surface can be captured by an edge map.We run the Canny edge detector [4]on the base image,trim out short edges,and obtain the edge map shown in Figure 7(c).To characterize the variations in the edge maps across ma-terial categories,we measured the curvature on the edge map at three different scales as a feature (see Figure 6).(d)Re flectance-based featuresGlossiness and transparency are important cues for mate-rial recognition.Metals are mostly shiny,whereas wooden surfaces are usually dull.Glass and water are translucent,while stones are often opaque.These re flectance properties sometimes manifest as distinctive intensity changes at the edges in an image.To measure these changes,as shown in Figure 6(b),we extract histogram of oriented gradients (HOG)[7]features along the normal direction of edges.We take a slice of pixels with a certain width along the nor-mal direction,compute the gradient at each pixel,divide the slice into 6cells,and quantize the oriented gradients in to 12angular bins.This feature is called edge-slice .We also measure how the images change along the tangent directionof the edges in a similar manner,as suggested in Figure 6(c).This feature is called edge-ribbon ,which is also quan-tized by 6cells and 12angular bins for each cell.We have described a pool of features that can be po-tentially useful for material recognition:color ,SIFT ,jet ,micro-SIFT ,micro-jet ,curvature ,edge-slice and edge-ribbon .The flowchart of how our system generates these features is shown in Figure 5.Amongst these features,color,SIFT and jet are low-level features directly computed from the original image and they are often used for texture analysis.The rest of the features,micro-SIFT,micro-jet,curvature,edge-slice and edge-ribbon are mid-level features that rely on estimations of base images and edge maps (Fig-ures 7(b)&(c)).A priori,we do not know which of these features will perform well.Hence,we designed a Bayesian learning framework to select best combination of features.4.A Bayesian Computational FrameworkNow that we have a pool of features,we want to combine them to build an effective material recognition system.We quantize the features into visual words and extend the LDA [3]framework to select good features and learn per-class distributions for recognition.4.1.Feature quantization and concatenationWe use the standard k-means algorithm to cluster the in-stances of each feature to form dictionaries and map image242Figure 8.The graphical model of LDA [3].Notice that our cate-gorization shares both the topics and codewords.Different from[13],we impose a prior on βto account for insuf ficient data.features into visual words.Suppose there are m features inthe feature pool and m corresponding dictionaries {D i }m i =1.Each dictionary has V i codewords,i.e .|D i |=V i .Since fea-tures are quantized separately,the words generated by thei th feature are {w (i )1,···,w (i )N i },w (i )j ∈{1,2,···,V i }and N i is the number of words.In order to put a set of different words together,a document of m sets of words{w (1)1,···,w (1)N 1},{w (2)1,···,w (2)N 2},···,{w (m )1,···,w (m )N m }(1)can be augmented to one set{w (1)1,···,w (1)N 1,w (2)1+V 1,···,w (2)N 2+V 1,···,w (m )1+ m −1i =1V i ,···,w (m )N m + m −1i =1V i }(2)with a joint dictionary D =∪i D i ,|D |=m i =1V i .In this way,we reduced the multi-dictionary problem to a single-dictionary one.tent Dirichlet AllocationThe latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)[3]was invented to model the hierarchical structures of words.Details of the model can be found in [3,13].In order to be self-contained,we will brie fly describe the model in the con-text of material recognition.As depicted in the graphi-cal model in Figure 8,we first randomly draw the mate-rial category c ∼Mult(c |π)where Mult(·|π)is a multino-mial distribution with parameter π.Based on c ,we select a hyper-parameter αc ,based on which we draw θ∼Dir(θ|αc )where Dir(·|αc )is a Dirichlet distribution with parameterαc .θhas the following property: ki =1θi =1where k is the number of elements in θ.From θwe can draw a se-ries of topics z n ∼Mult(z |θ),n =1,···,N .The topic z n (=1,···,k )selects a multinomial distribution βz n from which we draw a word w n ∼Mult(w n |βz n ),which cor-responds to a quantization cluster of the features.Unlike [13]where βis assumed to be a parameter,we impose a conjugate prior ηupon βto account for insuf ficient data as suggested by [3].Since it is intractable to compute the log likelihood log p (w |αc ,η),we instead maximize the lower bound L (αc ,η)estimated through the variational distributions over θ,{z d },β.Please refer to [3]for details on deriving thevariational lower-bound and parameter learning for αand η.Once we have learned αc and η,we can use Bayesian MAP criterion to choose the material categoryc ∗=arg max cL (αc ,η)+λc .(3)where λc =log πc .4.3.Prior learningA uniform distribution is often assumed for the prior p (c ),i.e .each material category will appear equally.How-ever,since we learn the LDA model for each category inde-pendently (only sharing the same β),the learning procedure may not converge in finite iterations.Therefore,the proba-bility density functions (pdfs)should be grounded for a fair comparison.We designed the following greedy algorithm to learn λby maximizing the recognition rate (or minimizing the error).Suppose {λi }i =c is fixed and we want to optimize λc to maximize the rate.Let y d be the label for document d .Let q d,i =L d (αi ,η)+λi be the “log posterior”for document d to belong to category i .Let f d =max i q d,i be the maximum posterior for document d .We de fine two sets:Ωc ={d |y d =c,f d >q d,c },Φc ={d |y d =c,f d =q d,y d }.(4)Set Ωc includes the documents that are labeled as c and mis-classi fied.Set Φc includes the documents that are not la-beled as c and correctly classi fied.Our goal is to choose λc to make |Ωc |as small as possible and |Φc |as large as pos-sible.Notice that if we increase λc ,then |Ωc |↓and |Φc |↓,therefore the optimal λc exists.We de fine the set of cor-rectly classi fied documents with λ c :sΨc ={d |d ∈Ωc ,f d <q d,c +λ c −λc }∪{d |d ∈Φc ,f d >q d,c +λ c −λc },(5)and choose the new λc that maximizes the size of Ψc :λc ←arg max λc|Ψc |.(6)We iterate this procedure for each c repeatedly until each λc does not change.4.4.Augmented LDA (aLDA)Shall we use all the features in our prede fined feature pool?Do more features imply better performance?Unfor-tunately,this is not true as we have limited training data.The more features we use,the more likely that the model over fits the training data and the performance decreases on test set.We designed a greedy algorithm in Figure 9to se-lect an optimal subset of our feature pool.The main idea is to select the best feature,one at a time,that maximizes the recognition rate on an evaluation set.The algorithm stops when adding more features will decrease the recognition rate.Note that we randomly split the training set H into L for parameter learning and E for cross evaluation.After D is learned,we use the entire training set H to relearn the parameters for D .243Input:dictionary pool{D1,···,D m},training set H •Initialize:D=∅,recognition rate r=0•Randomly split H=L∪Efor l=1to mfor D i∈D•Augment dictionary D =D∪{D i}•Concatenate words according to D using Eqn.(2)•Train LDA on L for each category(sharingβ)•Learn priorλusing Eqn.(5)and(6)•r i=recognition rate on E using Eqn.(3)endif max r i>r•j=arg max i r i,D=D∪{D j},r=r jelsebreakendend•Train LDA and learn priorλon H•r=recognition rate on HOutput:D,rFigure9.The augmented LDA(aLDA)algorithm.5.Experimental ResultsWe used the Flickr Materials Database[28]for all ex-periments described in this paper.There are ten material categories in the database:fabric,foliage,glass,leather, metal,paper,plastic,stone,water and wood.Each cate-gory contains100images,50of which are close-up views and the rest50are of views at object-scale(see Figure1). There is a binary,human-labeled mask associated with each image describing the location of the object.We only con-sider pixels inside this binary mask for material recognition and disregard all the background pixels.For each category, we randomly chose50images for training and50images for test.All the experimental results reported in this paper are based on the same split of training and test.We extract features for each image according to Figure 5.Mindful of computational costs,we sampled color,jet, SIFT,micro-jet and micro-SIFT features on a coarse grid (every5th pixel in both horizontal and vertical directions). Because there are far fewer pixels in edge maps than in the original images,we sampled every other edge pixel for cur-vature,edge-slice and edge-ribbon.Once features are ex-tracted,they are clustered separately using k-means accord-ing to the number of clusters in Table1.We specified the number of clusters for each feature,considering both di-mensionality and the number of instances per feature.After forming the dictionaries for each feature,we run the aLDA algorithm to select features incrementally.When learning the optimal feature set,we randomly split the50 training images per category(set H)to30for estimating parameters(set L)and20for evaluation(set E).After the feature set is learned,we re-learn the parameters using theFeature name Dim average#per image#of clusters Color276326.0150Jet646370.0200SIFT1286033.4250 Micro-jet646370.0200Micro-SIFT1286033.4250Curvature33759.8100Edge-slice722461.3200Edge-ribbon723068.6200 Table1.The dimension,number of clusters and average number per image for eachfeature.fabricfoliageglassleathmetalpaperplasticstonewaterwoodfabricfoliageglassleathermetalpaperplasticstonewaterwood0. paperleather: fabricmetal: glass fabric: stonestonewood:glass: foliage Figure12.Left:the confusion matrix of our material recogni-tion system using color+SIFT+edge-slice feature set.Row k is the probability distribution of class k being classified to each category.Right:some misclassification bel“metal: glass”means that a metal material is misclassified as glass.50training images per category and report the training/test rate.In the LDA learning step,we vary the number of top-ics from50to250with step size50and pick the best one.The learning procedure is shown in Figure10,where for each material category we plot the training rate on the left in a darker color and test rate on the right in a lighter color.In Figure10,the recognition rate is computed on the en-tire training/test set,not just on the learning/evaluation set.First,the system tries every single feature and discovers that amongst all features,SIFT produces the highest evaluation rate.In the next iteration,the system picks up color from the remaining features,and then edge-slice.Including more features causes the performance to drop and the algorithm in Figure9stops.For thisfinal feature set“color+SIFT +edge-slice”,the training rate is49.4%and the test rate is 44.6%.The recognition rate of random guesses is10%.The boost in performance from the single best feature (SIFT,35.4%)to the best feature set(color+SIFT+edge-slice,44.6%)is due to our aLDA model that augments vi-sual words.Interestingly,augmenting more features de-creases the overall performance.When we use all the fea-tures,the test rate is38.8%,lower than using fewer features.More features creates room for overfitting,and one solution to combat overfitting is to increase the size of the database.The fact that SIFT is the best-performing single feature in-244f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o o df ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o od Figure 10.The per-class recognition rate (both training and test)with different sets of features for the Flickr database [28].In each plot,the left,darker bar means training,the right,lighter bar means test.For the two numbers right after the feature set label are the recognition rate on the entire training set and the rate on the entire test set.For example,“color:37.6%,32.0%”means that the training rate is 37.6%and the test rate is 32.0%.Our aLDA algorithm finds “color +SIFT +edge-slice”to be theoptimal feature set on the Flickr Materials Database.f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n ew a t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n ew a t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e wa t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n ew a t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n ew a t e r w o o d f ab r ic f o l i a g e g l a s s l e a t h e r m e t a l p a p e r p l a s t i c s t o n e w a t e r w o od Figure 11.For comparison,we run Varma-Zisserman’s system [30](nearest neighbor classi fiers using histograms of visual words)on our feature sets.Because of the nearest neighbor classi fier,the training rate is always 100%,so we simply put it as N/A.dicates the importance of texture in material recognition.In addition,SIFT also encapsulates some of the informa-tion captured by micro-SIFT.Edge-slice,which measures re flectance features,is also useful.For comparison,we implemented and tested Varma-Zisserman’s (VZ)algorithm [30]on the Flickr Materials Database.The VZ algorithm clusters 5×5pixel gray-scale patches as codewords,obtains a histogram of the codewords for each image,and performs recognition using a nearest neighbor classi fier.As a sanity check,we ran our im-plementation of VZ on the CURET database and obtained 96.1%test rate (their numbers are 95∼98%,[30]).Next,we ran the exact VZ system tested on CURET on the Flickr Materials Database.The VZ test rate is 23.8%.This sup-ports the conclusions from Figure 4that the Flickr Materials Database is much harder than the CURET texture database.As the VZ system uses features tailored for the CURET database (5×5pixel patches),we ran VZ’s algorithm using our features on Flickr Materials Database.The results of running VZ’s system on exactly the same feature sets as inFigure 10are listed in Figure 11.Since VZ uses a nearest neighbor classi fier,it is meaningless to report the training rate as it is always 100%,so we only report the test rate.It is obvious why many of our features outperform fixed size gray-scale patch features on Flickr Materials Datatbase.In fact,the VZ system running on SIFT features has test rate of 31.8%,close to our system using SIFT alone (35.2%).However,combining features under the VZ’s framework only slightly increases the performance to a maximum of 37.4%.Clearly,the aLDA model contributes to the boost in performance from 37.4%to 44.6%.The confusion matrix of our system (color +SIFT +edge-slice,test rate 44.6%)in Figure 12tells us how often each category is misclassi fied as another.For example,fab-ric is often misclassi fied as stone ,leather misclassi fied as fabric ,plastic misclassi fied as paper .The category metal is more likely to be classi fied as glass than itself.Some misclassi fication examples are shown in Figure 12.These results are not surprising because there are certain common-alities between leather and fabric ,plastic and paper ,as well245。

第六章 遥感图像分类(一)

第六章 遥感图像分类(一)

1、分类系统的确定和训练样本的选择。均依靠人为 主观因素; 2、同一类地物光谱差异较大时,导致训练样本很难 具有较好的代表性; 3、训练样本的选取和评价要花费较多人力和时间; 4、只能识别训练样本所定义的类别。
非监督分类的特点: 优点:
1、不需要事先对所要分类的区域有广泛的了解和熟 悉,而监督分类则必须有较好的了解才能选择训练样本。 2、人为误差的机会减少。 3、独特的、覆盖量小的类别均能够被识别,而监督 分类存在被分析者的失误丢失信息的情况。
2、句法模式识别 句法模式识别是基于描述模式的结构特征, 用形式语言中的规则进行分类。 这种识别方法将复杂地物层层简化直至最小 单元(基元),由基元构成子模式再以不同方式 构成模式的过程如同由子构成词、由词构成句子 的过程。
3、模糊模式识别 模糊模式识别的思想基于事物的表现有时不 是绝对的,而是存在一个不确定的模糊因素,同 样在遥感影像计算分类中也存在着这种模糊性。 是基于模糊理论的分类方法。 4、神经网络分类 神经网络分类是人类大脑神经系统识别分析 的模拟与简化。除了利用图像本身特征之外,还 可以利用以往分类的经验,在被分类信息的引导 下,自行改造其自身结构及其识别方式,达到最 佳分类效果。
第六章 遥感图像分类
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 基本知识 遥感图像分类基本原理 监督分类 非监督分类 遥感图像分类新方法 分类后处理和精度分析
6.7 分类中非光谱辅助信息应用
6 遥感图像分类
图像分类就是对地球表面及其环境在遥感图像 上的信息进行识别和分类,从而达到识别图像信息 所对应的实际地物,提取所需地物信息的目的。其 目的是将图像中每个像元根据其不同波段的光谱亮 度、空间结构特征或其他信息,按照某种规则或算 法划分为不同的类别。


将原始特征进行变换,生成新的特征,以更好地 反映地物类别之间的差异。
通过比较分类结果与实际地物类别, 计算分类精度、混淆矩阵等指标。
多源遥感数据融合可以提高分类精度和可靠性,但同时也带 来了数据匹配、融合算法选择等问题。
解决多源遥感数据融合问题的策略包括使用先进的融合算法 ,如基于深度学习的融合方法,以及优化数据匹配方法。
遥感图像分类技术正朝着高精度、高效率和自动化的方向发展 。
评估分类结果的稳定性、可靠性以及 抗干扰能力。
根据分类结果在实际应用中的价值, 如土地利用、资源调查、环境监测等
遥感图像常常受到噪声、失真和 模糊等影响,导致数据质量下降

数据质量问题还表现在不同传感 器获取的图像之间的差异,以及 不同时间获取的图像之间的变化
遥感图像分类在多个领域有广泛应用,如环境保护、城市规划、资源调查、军事 侦察等。
通过遥感图像分类,可以快速获取大范围的地物信息,为相关领域的决策提供科 学依据。



类别=5;光谱 混淆?
பைடு நூலகம்
基本原理 同类地物在相同条件下(光照、地形等)应该 具有相同或相似的光谱信息和空间特征信息。不同 类地物之间具有差异。根据这种差异,将图像中的 所有像素按其性质分为若干个类别(class)的过程, 称为图像的分类.
遥感图象光谱特征 1. 不同地物在同一波段上的亮度互不相同; 2. 不同地物在不同波段上的亮度规律不同; 3. 同物异谱; 4. 异物同谱;
X [ x1, x2,, xn ]
感图像分类算法的核心是确定判别函数fAB(x)和 相应的判别准则。
原理: 通过迭代,移动各个基准类别的中心,直至得到最 好的聚类结果为止。
K均 值 法 分 类 过 程








1. 像素级分类:像素级分类是将图像中的每个像素点都进行分类。



2. 对象级分类:对象级分类是将图像中的连续区域作为分类单元,对整个区域进行分类。



3. 混合分类:混合分类方法是将像素级分类和对象级分类相结合,综合利用两者的优点。





1. 光谱特征提取:光谱特征是指通过对图像中每个像素点的光谱反射率进行分析和处理,提取出的表示不同地物的特征。


2. 纹理特征提取:纹理特征是指图像中不同地物的纹理差异。









§6—1 遥感图像的目视判读一、景物特征与判读标志景物特征主要有光谱特征,空间特征和时间特征,此外在微波区还有偏振性。



各种地物在影像上的各种特有的表现形式称为判读标志(image interpretation)。














准确性——确保选择的样区与实践地物的 一致性
代表性——思索到地物本身的复杂性,所 以必需在一定程度上反映同类地物光谱特 性的动摇情况
统计性——选择的训练样区内必需有足够 多的像元
▪ 植被 老城区 耕地 水 新城区
分类的总目的是将图像 中一切的像元自动进展 土地覆盖类型或土地覆 盖专题的分类
统计分类 构造分类 模糊分类 神经网络分类 小波分析 专家系统 遥感图像计算机分类
优点: 不需求预先对待分类区域有广泛的了解 需求较少的人工参与,人为误差的时机减
少 小的类别可以被区分出来 缺陷: 盲目的聚类 难以对产生的类别进展控制,得到的类别
监视分类的缺陷在于,必需在分类前确定 样本,难度大、效率低
K-均值法〔K-means Algorithm〕 迭代自组织数据分析技术方法〔
Iterative Self-Organization Data Analysis Techniques,ISODATA〕
K-均值算法的聚类准那么是使每一聚类中,像元 到该类别中心的间隔的平方和最小
地物类数据在特征空间中构成特定的点群 每一类的每一维数据都在本人的数轴上为正态分





非监督分类运用ISODATA(Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique)算法,完全按照像元的光谱特性进行统计分类,常常用于对分类区没有什么了解的情况。








由于基本的非监督分类属于IMAGINE Essentials级产品功能,但在IMAGINE Professional级产品中有一定的功能扩展,非监督分类命令分别出现在Data Preparation菜单和Classification菜单中,而监督分类命令仅出现在Classification菜单中。





第六章 遥感图像分类(二)

第六章 遥感图像分类(二)

前已述及,各类目标地物在n维特征空间中呈 前已述及,各类目标地物在n 集群的现象出现,这样如果要判别某一特征向量X 集群的现象出现,这样如果要判别某一特征向量X 的类别,只要在各集群之间画出合适的边界, 的类别,只要在各集群之间画出合适的边界,就 可以确定X的归属类别。 可以确定X的归属类别。 判别函数:用来判断X 判别函数:用来判断X矢量属于哪个类别的函 数,一般不同的类别都有各自不同的判别函数。 一般不同的类别都有各自不同的判别函数。 这些函数不是集群在特征空间的数学描述, 这些函数不是集群在特征空间的数学描述,而是 描述X属于某个类别的情形。 描述X属于某个类别的情形。 判别准则:当计算完X 判别准则:当计算完X在不同类别判别函数中 的值以后,根据这些取值来确定X 的值以后,根据这些取值来确定X属于哪一类的判 断依据。 断依据。 下面介绍两种常用的判别函数和判别准则: 下面介绍两种常用的判别函数和判别准则:
第六章 遥感图像分类
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 基本知识 遥感图像分类基本原理 监督分类 非监督分类 遥感图像分类新方法 分类后处理和精度分析 分类中非光谱辅助信息应用
前面简单介绍了监督分类和非监督分类的过 程和特点,下面具体探讨两种分类方法的原理 具体探讨两种分类方法的原理, 程和特点,下面具体探讨两种分类方法的原理, 首先讲解监督分类。 首先讲解监督分类。 监督分类思想由来: 监督分类思想由来: 如果我们事先知道了样本区类别的信息( 如果我们事先知道了样本区类别的信息(例 如目视判读、实地勘察、其它资料等), ),显然就 如目视判读、实地勘察、其它资料等),显然就 可以根据已有样本的先验知识对非样本数据进行 分类,监督分类正是基于已知样本信息并采用某 分类,监督分类正是基于已知样本信息并采用某 种数学函数法则去识别非样本数据的过程。 种数学函数法则去识别非样本数据的过程。


2) 过滤分析
提示:main>image interpreter>gis analysis>Sieve
确定最小图斑 大小
3) 去除分析
提示:main>image interpreter>gis analysis>Eliminate
确定最小图斑 大小
输出图像的数 据类型
打开上图,Edit>Column Properties…打开下图
4) 对比显示
提示:对比Utility>flicker/ Blend/ Swipe区别
1) 聚类统计
提示:main>image interpreter>gis analysis>clump
Kappa 系数值 <0.00 0.00-0.20 0.20-0.40 0.40-0.60 0.60-0.80 0.80-1.00 分类质量 很差 差 一般 好 很好 极好
• 遥感分类的精度和可靠性除了与分类方法本身 的优劣有关外,还取决于一些其它的因素:
3) 去除分析
提示:main>image interpreter>gis analysis>Eliminate
4) 分类重编码(主要针对非监督分类)
提示:main>image interpreter>gis analysis>Recode
4) 分类重编码(主要针对非监督分类)


“Max stdev from Mean”文本框中输入用于限定相对于均值的标 准差的大小。 ➢要 为 每 一 类 别 设 置 不 同 的 阈 值 :
➢A. 在类别列表中,点击想要设置不同阈值的类别。 ➢B. 点击“Multiple Values”来选择它。 ➢C. 点击“Assign Multiple Values”按钮。 ➢D. 在出现的对话框中,点击一个类别选中它,然后在对话框底部的文本
➢选择Classification > Super vised > Maximum Likelihood ➢设 定 似 然 度 的 阈 值 , 范 围 0 - 1 ➢数 据 比 例 系 数 : 这 个 比 例 系 数 是 一 个 比 值 系 数 , 用 于 将 整 型 反 射 率 或 辐 射 率
多辅助方法,如上面的可以显示不同的假彩色合成窗口,也可以进行主成分分析后进行 假彩色合成,由于去除了波段间的相关性,不同地物区分的更加明显;还可以借助 Google Earth辅助解译。
6.2 监督分类
➢第二种方法,在散点图上进行选择 ➢(1)在主图像上,选择tools > 2D scatter plots,将1波段作为X,4波段作为Y,原理
6.1 分类类型
❖监 督 分 类 : 又 称 训 练 分 类 法 , 用 被 确 认 类 别 的 样 本 像 元 去 识 别 其他未知类别像元的过程。它就是在分类之前通过目视判读和野 外调查,对遥感图像上某些样区中影像地物的类别属性有了先验 知识,对每一种类别选取一定数量的训练样本,计算机计算每种 训练样区的统计或其他信息,同时用这些种子类别对判决函数进 行训练,使其符合于对各种子类别分类的要求,随后用训练好的 判决函数去对其他待分数据进行分类。使每个像元和训练样本作
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后 官 湖
南 湖

江夏区 纸坊镇
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
空间对比分析法是根据待判读区域的特点,选择另一个熟 悉时的相且动与态遥对感比图法像是区利域用特同征一类地似区的不影同像时,间将成两像个的影遥像感相影互像 对加比以分对析比,分由析已,知从影而像了为解依同据一判目读标未地知物影动像态的变一化种的方一法种.解例 如译两方张法地.域例相如同,的遥彩感红影外航像空中像河片流,其在中洪一水张季经过节解与译枯,并水通季过节实中地验的 证彩变,红化解外译.航利者空用对像它时片很相相熟互动悉比态,较因对,此从比就“法可已以可知利进”用行到这未洪张知水彩,加红淹快外没对航损地空失物像评的片解与估译另,或速一度张其. 他一些自然灾害损失评估.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
①涵义:凭着光谱规律、地学规律和解译者的经验,通过 直接观察或借助辅助判读仪器从遥感图像上获取 特定目标地物的信息,从而推出地面的地物类型. 此方法通常应用于高空间分辨率的图像,如航片等.
遥感影像目视解译是根据遥感影像目视 解译标志和解译经验来识别目标地物.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
同类地物对比分析法是在同一景遥感影像上,由已知地物 推出未知目标地物的方法.例如,在大、中比例尺航空摄 影像片上识别居民点,我们可以根据城市具有街道纵横交 错、大面积浅灰色调的特点,与其他居民点进行对比分析, 从而将城市从众多的居民点和背景中识别出来;也可以通 过比较浅灰色调居民点的大小,将城镇与村庄区别开来.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
目视解译标志的建立 色调(tone)
全色遥感图像中从白到黑的密度比例叫色调(也叫灰度). 例如水体通常较深暗;沙地,干燥的砂砾色调发白,而潮 湿的砂砾发黑;黑白航空像片上柏树为主的针叶林,其色 调为浅黑灰色,山毛榉为主的阔叶林,其色调为灰白色.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
地表分布的目标物体都具有一定的几何形状,而根据图像 上物体特有的形态特征可以判断和识别目标地物.例如在 大比例尺遥感图像上,自然地物往往具有不规则的外形和 不规则的边界(湖泊、沙丘、山地等);人造地物一般具有 规则的几何外形和清晰的边界(楼房、道路、飞机场、港 湾设施等在遥感图像上均具有特殊形状).
摄, 1米分辨率).
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
色调(tone) 颜色(color)
遥感图像中目标地物的颜色是地物在不同波段中反射或发 射电磁辐射能量差异的综合反映,是判读遥感图像中目标 地物的基本识别标志.例如真彩色航空像片上,正常的针叶 林呈深绿色,枯萎的植被则呈现为黄绿色.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
综合考虑遥感图像多种解译特征,结合生活常识,分 析、推断某种目标地物的方法.例如,铁道延伸到大 山脚下,突然中断,可以推断出有铁路隧道通过山中.
根据地理环境中各种地理要素之间的相互依存、相 互制约的关系,借助专业知识,分析推断某种地理 要素性质、类型、状况与分布的方法.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
目视解译标志的建立 位置(site)
——多个目标地物之间的空间配置关系. 通常,依据空间 布局可以推断目标地物的属性.例如学校教室与运动操场, 货运码头与货物存储堆放区等都是地物相关布局的实例.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
通例常如人住工宅地区物建往筑往群具在有图某像种上特呈殊现的的图图型型.,例农如田多与个周建边筑的物 有防序护排林列构构成成的的图街型区等以. 及地由物教的室图、型操揭场示和了跑不道同构地成物的之学 校间等的,它内们在都联具系有,也一为定解的译整者体识图别型这.些自地然物界提中供,一了些依地据物.也 具有特定的图型,如水系有树枝状、羽毛状和格网状等多 种图型,它们综合反映了流域内地质构造和水文特征.
根据解译标志,直接确定目标地物属性与范围的一种方 法.例如,在可见光黑白像片上,水体对光线的吸收率强、 反射率低,水体呈现灰黑到黑色,根据色调可以从影像上直 接判读出水体;根据水体的形状则可以直接分辨出水体是 河流或者是湖泊。在TM4、3、2三波段假彩色影像上,植被 颜色为红色,因此,根据地物颜色可以直接区别植物与背景.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
大小(size) 纹理(texture)
也叫内部结构,是指遥感图像中目标地物内部色调或颜 色纹有理规可则以变作化为而区表别现地的物细属纹性或的细重小要的依图据案,如,并幼且年这林种看细上 纹律去过大的或重像,比同纹目细复天例一理标小出鹅尺个特地的现绒像目征物.图样片如:标的如案平上航地纹黄在,滑空物理可土某,像在成显特高一片不年示征原确上同的出与丘定农太针一航陵的田阳叶个空沟图呈高树个像壑像现度林树片区区的角看冠的,域条下在上的比中带,太去纹例以也状阳很理尺一会纹高粗,有定具据理度糙关的有此角..:规不不在可很同 区大分时不地同表的纹树理,比而较在平比滑例,尺而较在小太的阳像高片度上角则很表小现时为,地由表一 系纹列理树比冠较的粗顶糙部. 构成的整个森林的纹理;
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
地面各–种色目:指标目地标物地在物遥在感遥图感影像像中上存的在颜着色不,这同里的包色括目、 形 征解译.、而位这标–的形些地:差物目指异的标目,色标从地调地而物、物构的颜在成特色遥和了征感阴可正影影像供是等上识目;的别视形的解状目译,标人这里地员包物判括特读 时标识别各目类标地地物物的的形依状据、,纹称理之、为大小判、读图标型志等(;解译标志) 志 –位:指目标地物在遥感影像上的空间位置,这里
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
④步骤 –准备工作阶段 –初步解译 –判读区的野外考察 –室内详细判读 –野外验证与补判 –目视解译成果的转绘与制图
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
2. 计算机分类
利用计算机模式识别技术,结合地学分析、遥感图像处 理、地理信息系统与人工智能技术等,实现对遥感图像 上的信息进行属性的识别和分类,从而达到识别图像信 息所对应的实际地物。
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
目视解译标志的建立 位置(site)
目标地物的位置与它的环境密切相关,据此可以识别 一些目标地物或现象.例如水田临近沟渠.
位置分为地理位置、相对位置两种.通常,依据遥感图像 周框注记的地理经纬度位置,可以推断出区域所处的温度 带;依据相对位置,可以为具体目标地物解译提供重要判 据,例如如一条道路在河一侧中断,又在河另一侧出现并 延伸到远方,据此可以推测此处为徒涉场或渡口.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
利用透明专题图或地形图与遥感图像重合,根据专题 图或地形图提供的多种辅助信息,识别遥感图像上目标 地例物如的T方M影法像. 图,覆盖的区域大,影像上土壤特征表现不明
显等,高为线了对提识高别土地壤貌类类型型解、译土精壤度类,可型以和利植用被植类被型类也型有图一增定 加的辅辅助助信作息用..例如等高线与卫星影像复合,可以提供高程 信息,这有助于中高山地貌类型的划分.不过,使用等高线 与卫星影像复合的关键是遥感影像图必须与等高线图等 辅助图件严格配准,这样才能保证地物边界的精度.
用于判读的图像通常多是垂直拍摄的,因此遥感图 像由上于表成现像的方目式标的地不物同形、状飞是行顶姿视态平的面改图变,它或不者同地于形
起伏我的们变日化常都生会活造中成经同常一看目到标的物物在体图形像状上.呈现出 不同形状,因此解译时须考虑遥感图像的成像方式.
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
◍ 图像分类的基本原理和方法
阴影(shadow) ----遥感图像上光束被地物遮挡而产生的地物的影子.
通常,根据阴影形状、大小可判读物体的性质 阴或影高的度长.如度航、空方像向片和判形读状时受,到利光用照阴角影度可、以方了向解和 地高形层起建伏筑等物因等素的的高影度响(公影式响为,因H此=地L*物tg阴Ө*影M因(时式因 地中而H异为.建阴筑影物的高存度在,通L为常建有筑助物于的影阴像影的长解度译, ,Ө为但阴 影成笼像罩时下的的太地阳物高往度往角会,模M糊为不航清片,比甚例至尺丢分失母,从). 而
形状(shape) 大小(size)
——指遥感图像上目标物的形状、面积与体积的度量,是 遥在感不图知像道上像测片量比目例标尺地时物,比最较重两要个的物数体量的特相征对之大一小.根有据助物于 体识的别图大它像小们上可的物以性体推质大断,例小物如会体单受的车到属道地性和面,如多分湖车辨泊道率和的、池街物塘道体,宽本主度身要不亮依同度据;与 它若周们知围的道亮大像度小片的来的对区比比别例关.尺系,等则因可素以的根影据响目.标例地如物,当影像像片的上尺线寸状计 算地或物估与算背出景其反实差际较大大小时和,其分影布像规大模小,也往可往以超利出用其已按知比目例标计 地算物的在尺像寸片. 上的尺寸来比较其他待识别的目标.