
()A: n e xtB: tog e therC: cin e ma【答案】C【解答】第2题.选出词尾ed 读音不同的一项()A: livedB: cleanedC: asked【答案】C【解答】考查字母组合ed在单词中的读音.lived [lɪvd],cleaned[kliːnd],asked[aːskt],根据单词的音标可知,AB的字母组合ed都是发[d].故选:C.第3题.圈出划线部分元音字母发音与其他单词不同的单词.()A: c a tB: h a teC: h a t【答案】B【解答】考查字母a在单词中发音,字母a在单词hate中发[eɪ],字母a在单词cat,hat中发[æ],B选项中a字母的发音与其它选项中a字母的发音不相同.故选:B.第4题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项。
()A: m eB: w eC: r e d【答案】C【解答】第5题.把读音不同的一项选出来.()A: r e dB: b e dC: tak e【答案】C【解答】该题考查字母e在单词中的读音.red[red],bed[bed],take[teɪk],根据单词的音标可知,AB中的划线部分的字母a都发[e].C读音不同.故选:C.第6题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: sh eepB: ch ickenC: kit ch en【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合sh,ch在单词中的发音.字母组合sh在单词sheep中发[ʃ],字母组合ch在单词chicken,kitchen中发[tʃ],A发音不相同.故选:A.第7题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第8题.选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项()A: tr ousersB: tr avelC: th rough【答案】C【解答】考查字母组合tr,th在单词中的发音,字母组合tr在单词trousers,travel 中发[tr],字母组合th在单词through中发[θ],C选项划线部分发音不相同.故选:C.第9题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词.()A: c oatB: ni c eC: c upD: c ountry【答案】B【解答】考查字母c在单词中发音,字母c在单词coat,cup,country中发[k],字母c在单词nice中发[s],B选项中划线部分发音不相同.故选:B.第10题.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.找出不同类的一项()A: blueB: blackC: bag【答案】C【解答】第2题.选出不同类的一项.()A: strongB: heavyC: thinner【答案】C【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.strong强大的.B.heavy沉重的.C.thinner比较瘦的.选项A和B是形容词,选项C是形容词比较级.选项C与其他选项不同类.故选:C.第3题.选出各组单词中不同类的一项.()A: SundayB: morningC: evening【答案】A【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.Sunday星期天;B.morning早上;C.evening 晚上.B和C选项是时间段,A选项是星期名词.故选:A.第4题.选出各组单词中不同类的一项.()A: letterB: singC: dance【答案】A【解答】考查词性分类.letter信件,sing唱歌,dance跳舞.BC属于动词,A属于名词.故选:A.第5题.选出每组中不同类的一项.()A: wroteB: gettingC: slept【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.wrote写,动词过去式;getting得到,动名词;slept 睡觉,动词过去式;A、C都是动词过去式,B是动名词,选项B与其它几个不同类.故选:B.2.阅读理解第6题.(1)_______kind________A.(2)_______smart________B.(3)_______active________C.(4)_______friendly________D.(5)_______serious________E.【答案】'B', 'A', 'D', 'E', 'C'【解答】考查看图识词.(1)B.kind善良的,图示B的老人是善良的,在摸狗.故选:B.(2)A.smart聪明的,图示A的孩子脑子里想到了新的主意,是聪明的.故选:A.(3)D.active活跃的,图示D的孩子在跳舞,很活跃.故选:D.(4)E.friendly友好的,图示E的孩子在帮老人,是友好的.故选:E.(5)C.serious严肃的,图示C的男孩一脸严肃.故选:C.第7题.看一看,选择正确的单词序号填空A. grandpa B. doctor C.farmer D. teacher E. sister(1)_______This is my________.She's a________.(2)_______He's my________. He's a________.(3)_______My brother is a________.【答案】'E', 'D', 'A', 'C', 'B'【解答】考查看图作答.(1)E,D.图示中是一个年轻的女子.第一个空,应该是"姐姐"sister;第二个空,这里表示职业,图示中的女子在教书,应该是"老师"teacher.故答案为:E,D.(2)A,C.图示表示一位老人.第一个空,应该是"爷爷"grandpa;第二个空,这里表示职业,图示中的老人是一位农民,应该是"农民"farmer.故答案为:A,C.(3)B.图示是一位医生,用doctor表示.故选:B.第8题.情景对话,选择恰当的句子补全对话。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词()A: e xcitedB: b e llC: ch e mistry【答案】A【解答】第2题.从下列单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项()A: wh i teB: k i teC: k i tchen【答案】C【解答】第3题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项()A: b ee fB: r ea dC: br ea d【答案】C【解答】第4题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: laugh edB: fix edC: watch edD: play ed【答案】D【解答】考查字母组合ed在单词中发音,字母组合ed在单词laughed,fixed,watched,中发[t],字母组合ed在单词played中发[d],所以D选项发音不相同。
第5题.选出词尾ed 读音不同的一项()A: visitedB: washedC: watched【答案】A【解答】查字母组合ed在单词中的读音.visited [ˈvɪzɪtɪd],washed[wɒʃt],watched[wɒtʃt],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ed都是发[t].故选:A.第6题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词.()A: c oatB: ni c eC: c upD: c ountry【答案】B【解答】考查字母c在单词中发音,字母c在单词coat,cup,country中发[k],字母c在单词nice中发[s],B选项中划线部分发音不相同.故选:B.第7题.判断下列画线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: old erB: app leC: young er【答案】F【解答】考查字母组合er,le在单词中的发音.字母组合er在单词older,younger 中发[ə],字母组合le在单词apple中发模糊音[l],发音不相同.故答案为:F.第8题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第9题.读一读,选出每组中划线部分读音不相同的单词.()A: n owB: elb owC: sl ow【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合ow在单词中的读音.now[naʊ],elbow[ˈelbəʊ],slow[sləʊ],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ow都是发[əʊ].故选:A.第10题.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: mou thB: th oseC: th anks【答案】B【解答】考查字母组合th在单词中发音,字母组合th在单词those中发[ð],字母组合th在单词mouth,thanks中发[θ],所以B选项发音不相同.故选:B.第2题.选出画线部分读音不同的一项.()A: b u sB: s u bwayC: s u permarket【答案】C【解答】考查字母"u"发音.字母"u"在单词"bus"中发[ʌ],字母"u"在单词"subway"中发[ʌ],字母"u"在单词"supermarket"中发[u:],C选项与其他选项画线部分发音不同.故选:C.第3题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: y esB: y oungC: g irl【答案】C【解答】考查字母在单词中的读音.yes[jes],young[jʌŋ],girl[gɜːl],根据单词的音标可知,画线部分字母在单词yes,young中都发[j],在单词girl中发[g].故选:C.第4题.选择画线部分发音不同的单词.()A: n a meB: f a ceC: d a d【答案】C【解答】考查字母a在单词中的读音.name[neɪm],face[feɪs],dad[dæd],根据单词的音标可知,字母a在单词name,face中发[eɪ].字母a在单词dad中发[æ].故选:C.第5题.单词中画线字母读音与其他两项不同的是________()A: f i shB: d i shC: l i ke【答案】C【解答】第6题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第7题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: sh eepB: ch ickenC: kit ch en【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合sh,ch在单词中的发音.字母组合sh在单词sheep中发[ʃ],字母组合ch在单词chicken,kitchen中发[tʃ],A发音不相同.故选:A.第8题.判断每组画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: si ngB: lo ngC: you ng【答案】T【解答】考查辅音字母组合ng在单词中的发音.字母组合ng在单词sing中发[ŋ],字母组合ng在单词long,young中发[ŋ],发音相同.故答案为:T.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出不同类的一项()A: doorB: strongC: big【答案】A【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.door门;B.strong强壮的;C.big大的.B和C 选项是形容词,A选项是名词.故选:A.第2题.找出每组中不同类的一项()A: SundayB: yearC: Monday【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.Sunday星期天;B.year年;C.Monday星期一.A和C选项是具体星期;B选项是年的总称.故选:B.第3题.选出不同类的一项()A: dogB: fanC: duck【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.dog狗,动物;fan风扇,电器;duck鸭子,动物;A、C都是动物,B是电器,选项B与其它几个不同类.故选:B.第4题.选出单词中不同类的一项.________A: tenB: twoC: now【答案】C【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.ten十;B.two二;C.now现在.A和B选项是基数词,C选项是副词.故选:C.第5题.选出不同类的一项()A: tieB: bambooC: glue【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.tie绑、系,动词;bamboo竹子,名词;glue粘贴,动词.A,C都是动词,B是名词,选项B与其它几个不同类.故选:B.2.阅读理解第6题.看图,选出与图片匹配的选项.A. monkey B. rabbit C. panda D. giraffe E. elephant(1)_______(2)_______(3)_______(4)_______(5)_______【答案】'D', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'B'【解答】考查看图识词.(1)D.giraffe长颈鹿.从图片可以看出这是一头长颈鹿,长颈鹿的英文是giraffe.故选:D.(2)A.monkey猴子.从图片可以看出这是一只猴子,猴子的英文是monkey.故选:A.(3)C. panda熊猫.从图片可以看出这是一头熊猫.熊猫的英文是panda.故选:C.(4)E.elephant大象.从图片可以看出这是一头大象.大象的英文是elephant.故选:E.(5)B. rabbit兔子.从图片可以看出这是一只兔子.兔子的英文是rabbit.故选:B.第7题.根据所学内容,将句子与其相应的图片匹配。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出不同类的单词.()A: parkB: hillC: nearD: lake【答案】C【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.park公园;B.hill山丘;C.near在…附近;D.lake湖.A,B和D选项是名词,C选项是介词.故选:C.第2题.读一读,选出不同类的一项()A: secondB: elevenC: twentieth【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.second第二;B.eleven十一;C.twentieth第二十.A和C选项是序数词,B选项是基数词.故选:B.第3题.选出每组中不同类的一项()A: boatB: boyC: car【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.boat船,交通工具名词;boy男孩,男性人物名词;car汽车,交通工具名词.A,C都是交通工具名词,B是指人物性别的名词,选项B 与其它几个不同类.故选:B.第4题.选出不同类的一项()A: thisB: motherC: grandfather【答案】A【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.this这个;B.mother妈妈;C.grandfather爷爷.B和C选项是名词;A选项是指示代词.故选:A.第5题.选择不同类的单词()A: pandaB: presentC: koala【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.panda熊猫;B.present礼物;C.koala考拉.A和C选项是动物名词,B选项是物品名词.故选:B.2.阅读理解第6题.根据句子选择正确图片。
(1)_______do the dishes________A.(2)_______watch TV________B.(3)_______ski________C.(4)_______play chess________D.(5)_______swim________E.【答案】'B', 'A', 'D', 'E', 'C'【解答】第7题.读句子,找出符合人物特征的句子。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出不同类的一项()A: makeB: playC: football【答案】C【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.make制作;B.play玩;C.football足球.A和B选项是动词;C选项是名词.故选:C.第2题.选出不同类的一项,将序号填到括号内.()A: lunchB: beefC: dinner【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.lunch午餐;B.beef牛肉;C.dinner晚餐.A和C选项是三餐名词,B选项是食物名词.故选:B.第3题.选出与所给单词同类的一项. bookstore()A: elseB: cinemaC: drank【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.else其他,副词;B.cinema电影院,地点;C.drank喝,动词过去式.bookstore书店,是地点,只有cinema与之同类.故选:B.第4题.选出每组单词中不同类的一项()A: fatherB: newC: grandpa【答案】B【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.father爸爸;B.new新的;C.grandpa爷爷.A 和C选项是名词;B选项是形容词.故选:B.第5题.选出毎组单词中不同类的一项()A: umbrellaB: dressC: skirt【答案】A【解答】本题考查类别分类.umbrella雨伞,生活用具名词;dress连衣裙,衣物名词;skirt短裙,衣物名词;B、C都是衣物名词,A是生活用具名词,选项A与其它几个不同类.故选:A.2.阅读理解第6题.看图读短语。
A. go swimmingB. go skatingC. art galleryD. museumE. go to picnicF. watching TV(1)_______________(2)_______________(3)_______________(4)_______________(5)_______________(6)_______________【答案】'C', 'F', 'A', 'D', 'B', 'E'【解答】第7题.将句子的大写字母编号写在相应图下的括号内.(1)_______.(2)_______.(3)_______.(4)_______.________ (5)_______.(6)_______.(7)_______.(8)_______.________A. This is a chair.B. Wash yourhands.C. Clean yournose.D. That is aboat.E. Show me your ruler.F. It is a ball.G. Put the pencilin the box.H. That's a toycar.【答案】'D', 'F', 'H', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'B'【解答】本题主要考查看图作答.(1)D.boat是指小船,图片1为一艘小船,故选:D.(2)F.ball指的是球,图片2是一个足球,故选:F.(3)H.toy car指的是玩具车,图片3是一辆车,故选:H.(4)A.chair指的是椅子,图片4是一张椅子,故选:A.(5)C.关键词是nose,图片中的小男孩手放在鼻子上,故选:C.(6)E.图片中小男孩手上拿着一把尺子,关键词是ruler,故选:E.(7)G.图片中有一支笔在盒子里,关键词是box,pencil,故选:G.(8)B.图片中有人在水池边洗手,关键词为hands,wash,故选:B.第8题.读一读,选择合适的内容补全对话.A: Do you like rabbits?B:(1)_______A:(2)_______B: I like monkeys best. The little monkey is so cute.A: Can monkeys climb trees?B:(3)_______A:(4)_______B: No, they can't fly.A: Look! (5)_______A.Can monkeys fly?B.What are the monkeys doing?C.Yes, they can.D.What animal do you like best?E.No, I don't.【答案】'E', 'D', 'C', 'A', 'B'【解答】考查补全对话.(1)E.由文中Do you like rabbits?可知此处要用与问句使用相应主语及一致助动词的答句,E选项"不,我不喜欢."使用与问句一致的助动词相应形式,符合.故选:E.(2)D.由文中I like monkeys best.可知此处在询问最喜欢的动物,D选项"你最喜欢什么动物?"符合.故选:D.(3)C.由文中Can monkeys climb trees?可知此处在询问猴子是否会爬树,问句使用情态动词,答句也要使用情态动词的相应形式,C选项"是的,它们会."符合.故选:C.(4)A.由文中No, they can't fly.可知此处在询问猴子是否会飞,A选项"猴子会飞吗?"符合.故选:A.(5)B.由文中Look!可知此处在提示对方看正在发生的事情,要使用现在进行时,B选项"那些猴子们正在做什么?"符合.故选:B.第9题.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的打"√" ,错误的打"×"。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词()A: e xcitedB: b e llC: ch e mistry【答案】A【解答】第2题.从下列单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项()A: wh i teB: k i teC: k i tchen【答案】C【解答】第3题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项()A: b ee fB: r ea dC: br ea d【答案】C【解答】第4题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: laugh edB: fix edC: watch edD: play ed【答案】D【解答】考查字母组合ed在单词中发音,字母组合ed在单词laughed,fixed,watched,中发[t],字母组合ed在单词played中发[d],所以D选项发音不相同。
第5题.选出词尾ed 读音不同的一项()A: visitedB: washedC: watched【答案】A【解答】查字母组合ed在单词中的读音.visited [ˈvɪzɪtɪd],washed[wɒʃt],watched[wɒtʃt],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ed都是发[t].故选:A.第6题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词.()A: c oatB: ni c eC: c upD: c ountry【答案】B【解答】考查字母c在单词中发音,字母c在单词coat,cup,country中发[k],字母c在单词nice中发[s],B选项中划线部分发音不相同.故选:B.第7题.判断下列画线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: old erB: app leC: young er【答案】F【解答】考查字母组合er,le在单词中的发音.字母组合er在单词older,younger 中发[ə],字母组合le在单词apple中发模糊音[l],发音不相同.故答案为:F.第8题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第9题.读一读,选出每组中划线部分读音不相同的单词.()A: n owB: elb owC: sl ow【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合ow在单词中的读音.now[naʊ],elbow[ˈelbəʊ],slow[sləʊ],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ow都是发[əʊ].故选:A.第10题.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。

2024年北京版英语小升初自测试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the main topic of the conversation?A. Traffic problems in BeijingB. Popular attractions in BeijingC. Famous universities in BeijingD. Traditional foods in BeijingAnswer: BExplanation: The conversation revolves around the most popular attractions in Beijing, specifically discussing the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.2、Where did the student go for lunch?A. At a restaurantB. At a friend’s houseC. At a school canteenD. In the libraryAnswer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, the student mentions dining at a restaurant near their school, hence the choice “At a restaurant” is correct.3、You are listening to a conversation between a teacher and a student. The student is asking for advice about which school to choose for middle school.Listen to the conversation and answer the question.Question: Which school does the student prefer according to the conversation?A. Beijing No. 1 Middle SchoolB. Beijing No. 4 Middle SchoolC. Beijing No. 7 Middle SchoolD. Beijing No. 10 Middle SchoolAnswer: BExplanation: The student mentions that they have heard good things about Beijing No. 4 Middle School and is considering it as an option for middle school. The teacher also acknowledges t he student’s preference for this school.4、Listen to a short news report about a new educational initiative in Beijing. The report discusses the program’s goals and how it aims to improve the quality of education for middle school students. Answer the question based on the report.Question: What is the main goal of the new educational initiative in Beijing?A. To reduce the amount of homework assigned to studentsB. To provide more after-school activities for middle school studentsC. To improve the quality of education through innovative teaching methodsD. To increase the number of private schools in the cityAnswer: CExplanation: The news report specifically mentions that the initiative focuses on improving the quality of education for middle school students by adoptinginnovative teaching methods and enhancing the overall learning experience.5、解析:在听力材料中,女儿提到“Mom, I h eard there’s a beautiful park nearby where we can have a picnic on Sunday.”(妈妈,我听说附近有一个很棒的公园,我们可以在周日去那里野餐。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.圈出划线部分元音字母发音与其他单词不同的单词.()A: b a gB: f a ceC: f a t【答案】B【解答】考查字母a在单词中发音,字母a在单词bag,fat中发[æ],字母a在单词face中发[eɪ],B选择中a发音不相同.故选:B.第2题.________is,选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项()A: mou thB: th reeC: mo th er【答案】C【解答】考查字母组合th在单词中的发音。
第3题.选出每组词中划线部分发音不同的一项________A: sorr yB: sunn yC: happ yD: y ellow【答案】D【解答】考查字母y在单词中发音,字母y在单词sorry,sunny,happy中发[i],字母y在单词yellow中发[j],D选项下划线部分发音不相同.故选:D.第4题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项()A: c owB: wind owC: yell ow【答案】A【解答】第5题.选出划线部分发音不同的选项()A: m eB: sh eC: e gg【答案】C【解答】第6题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: sh eepB: ch ickenC: kit ch en【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合sh,ch在单词中的发音.字母组合sh在单词sheep中发[ʃ],字母组合ch在单词chicken,kitchen中发[tʃ],A发音不相同.故选:A.第7题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第8题.判断每组画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: si ngB: lo ngC: you ng【答案】T【解答】考查辅音字母组合ng在单词中的发音.字母组合ng在单词sing中发[ŋ],字母组合ng在单词long,young中发[ŋ],发音相同.故答案为:T.第9题.选出划线部分读音与所给单词相同的选项.b________k()A: f oo dB: f oo tC: n oo dles【答案】B【解答】考查字母组合oo在单词中的读音.book[bʊk],food[fuːd],foot[fʊt],noodles[ˈnuːdlz],根据单词的音标可知,B的字母组合oo与所给单词中oo都是发[ʊ].故选:B.第10题.读一读,选出每组中划线部分读音不相同的单词.()A: n owB: elb owC: sl ow【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合ow在单词中的读音.now[naʊ],elbow[ˈelbəʊ],slow[sləʊ],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ow都是发[əʊ].故选:A.2.填空题第11题.Frank's birthday is ________.(对划线部分提问)________ Frank's birthday?【答案】'tomorrow', 'When is'【解答】考查特殊疑问句.特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句.句子的划线部分是tomorrow,是时间,询问什么时候,确定疑问词为When,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面,句子中有系动词is,变一般疑问句is提前即可.用When is Frank's birthday?提问.故答案为:When is.第12题.I can speak English.(改成否定句)I________English.【答案】"can't speak"【解答】该题考查肯定句转否定句.观察给出的句子由情态动词"can",有情态动词的句子变否定句,在其后面直接加"not",后面跟动词原形.故答案是:can't speak.第13题.I want some tea.改为一般疑问句:________【答案】'Doyouwantanytea?'【解答】第14题.【答案】'C', 'A', 'B'【解答】考查汉译英.(1)C.下午好,是常见的问候语,译为:Good afternoon.故选:C.(2)A.上午好,是常见的问候语,译为:Good morning.故选:A.(3)B.晚上好,是常见的问候语,译为:Good evening.故选:B.第15题.海伦,看这些玩具猴子.它们很可爱.Helen,________these toy________. They are________.【答案】'look at', 'monkeys', 'cute'【解答】考查汉译英.将题干进行中英文比较,"看"翻译成"look at"."猴子"翻译成"monkey",these后面用复数形式,直接加"s"."可爱的"翻译成"cute".结合要求,完成题目.故答案为:look at,monkeys,cute.3.阅读理解第16题.阅读短文选择正确的答案.Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London. This is the present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. They send it to the Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree. In the evening before Christmas, people like to look at the big tree. On Christmas Eve the streets in London aredecorated, too. The shops are very busy at Christmas. People want to buy presents for their family and friends. People open their presents on Christmas morning and they are all happy with what they get. For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. At five o'clock it's time for tea and Christmas cake. On Christmas Day people wish their nearest and dearest friends a merry Christmas.(1)Every year the people of Norway send________ to the Londoners.A: presentsB: itC: ChristmasD: a Christmas tree.(2)Before Christmas Day________ in London are decorated.A: the treesB: the streetsC:D: B and(3)What do people want to buy for Christmas?________A: They want to buy presents.B: They want to buy presents and a lot of food and drink.C: They want to buy nothing.D: They want to buy potatoes and green vegetables..(4)What is the time for tea and Christmas cake?________A: At three o'clock.B: At four o'clock.C: At five o'clock.D: At six o'clock.【答案】DDAC【解答】(1)D.根据文中关键句"Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London. This is the present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain"可知每年挪威人都会给伦敦人送圣诞树,故选:D.(2)D.根据文中关键句"They send it to the Londoners every year and Londoners decorate the Christmas tree.In the evening before Christmas,people like to look at the big tree.On Christmas Eve the streets in London are decorated,too"可知圣诞节前,伦敦的街道和圣诞树都装饰起来了,故选:D.(3)A.根据文中关键句"People want to buy presents for their family and friends. "可知人们会给家人和朋友买礼物,故选:A.(4)C.根据文中关键句" At five o'clock it's time for tea and Christmas cake."可知人们在五点喝茶和吃圣诞蛋糕,故选:C.第17题.阅读对话,选择正确的一项.Mike: Hello, Lisa. Look at the big dog.What's it doing?Lisa: It's sleeping.Mike: Whose dog is it?Lisa: It' s mine.Mike: I have a dog, too. It 's smaller than yours.Lisa: Yes, my dog is very big. How old is your dog? Mike: It's just one month old.Lisa: Oh, my dog is five years old.(1)What's the big dog doing?________A: It's playing.B: It's jumping.C: It 's sleeping..(2)Whose is this big dog?________A: Mike's.B: Lisa's.C: We don't know..(3)Whose dog is smaller?________A: Mike's.B: Lisa's.C: We don't know..(4)Lisa's dog is________old.A: five yearsB: four yearsC: one month.(5)Mike's dog is _____and_____.________A: strong; youngB: small; youngC: big; old.【答案】CBAAB【解答】(1)C.根据文中"Mike:…Look at the big dog.What's it doing?Lisa: It's sleeping."可知:那只狗正在睡觉.C. It 's sleeping(它正在睡觉).故选:C.(2)B.根据文中"Mike:Whose dog is it?Lisa: It' s mine."可知:这只大狗是Lisa的.B. Lisa's(Lisa的).故选:B.(3)A.根据文中"Mike:I have a dog, too. It 's smaller than yours."可知:Mike的狗比较小.A. Mike's.(Mike的).故选:A.(4)A.根据文中"Lisa: Oh, my dog is five years old."可知:Lisa的狗是五岁.A. five years(五年).故选:A.(5)B.根据文中"Mike:I have a dog, too. It 's smaller than yours."以及"Mike:It's just one month old."可知:Mike的狗小而且年轻.B. small(小的); young(年轻的).故选:B.第18题.阅读短文,选择正确的选项.One day, Mr Ampere went out for a walk in the street. There were a lot of people there. But all of them were not important to him. He was thinking about a maths problem. He had no paper. How could he work it out?Just then he saw a blackboard in front of him. He began to write the words with a piece of chalk on it. Then the blackboard moved(移动) a little. He moved with it. But it moved faster and faster. Mr Ampere could not ________ with it. He looked at the "blackboard" and thought "What's wrong with this? " And then he figured(弄明白) it out. It was the back of a carriage(马车).(1)Mr Ampere went out for________ in the street.A: a giftB: funC: a walk.(2)What did Mr Ampere do in the street?________A: He talked with other people.B: He thought about a maths problem.C: He did some exercise..(3)The "blackboard" moved________ than Mr Ampere.A: fasterB: slowerC: longer.(4)The "blackboard" is________.A: a real blackboardB: a piece of paperC: the back of a carriage.(5)What's the meaning of "catch up"?________A: 思考B: 追上C: 解题.【答案】CBACB【解答】(1)C.由文中关键句One day, Mr Ampere went out for a walk in the street.可知,Ampere先生去街上散步.故选:C.(2)B.由文中关键句He was thinking about a maths problem.可知,Ampere 先生在街上思考一个数学问题.故选:B.(3)A.由文中关键句 He moved with it.But it moved faster and faster.Mr Ampere could not catch up with it.可知,黑板移动的速度比Ampere先生快.故选:A.(4)C.由文中关键句It was the back of a carriage(马车).可知,黑板是马车的后面.故选:C.(5)B.由前一句He moved with it.But it moved faster and faster.可知,马车移动得越来越快,所以推测,应该是Ampere先生追不上马车了.故选:B.。

2024年北京版英语小升初复习试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following dialogue and answer the question.A: Good morning, can I help you with something?B: Yes, I’m looking for some information about the new primary school admission system in Beijing.A: Of course. The new system is based on a lottery system for students who have attended the same kindergarten as their school of choice.Question: What is the primary school admission system in Beijing based on? Answer: A lottery system.Explanation: The dialogue indicates that the new system for primary school admission in Beijing is based on a lottery system, which is the key information given in the conversation.2、Listen to the following question and answer it.Question: How can parents in Beijing register their children for primary school admission?A: They need to visit the school’s office in person.B: They can register online through the local educatio n authority’s website. C: There is no registration process required.D: They must submit a physical copy of their child’s birth certificate.Answer: BExplanation: The correct answer is that parents in Beijing can register their children for primary school admission online through the local education authority’s website, as indicated by the dialogue or the information provided in the listening passage.3.You are listening to a conversation between a student and a parent about choosing a middle school for the upcoming year.Student: “Mom, I’m really worried about which middle school to go to. There are so many options in Beijing, and I’m not sure which one is the best for me.”Parent: “Well, you should consider your interests first. If you like sports, you might want to look into schools that have a strong sports program. But if you’re more into the arts, there are schools that excel in that area as well.”Student: “But how do I know which one is the best for me?”Parent: “You can talk to your teachers and gui dance counselor, and they can give you some insights based on your academic performance and personal strengths.”Question: What is the student primarily concerned about?A)The variety of food available in different schoolsB)Which school has the best sports programC)Choosing the right middle school for the upcoming yearD)The cost of tuition at different schoolsAnswer: C) Choosing the right middle school for the upcoming yearExplanation: The student’s concern is clearly about selecting theappropriate middle school for their upcoming education, as indicated by their question to their parent about which school to choose.4.You are listening to a report about a new environmental initiative in Beijing.Reporter: “Today, we have some exciting news from the Beijing go vernment. They have launched a new initiative aimed at reducing pollution in the city. One of the key components of this initiative is the promotion of electric vehicles.”Interviewee: “That’s a great idea. Electric vehicles are much cleaner than tradition al cars, and they can help reduce air pollution significantly.”Reporter: “Yes, and the government is also encouraging people to use public transportation more often. They plan to increase the number of buses and trains in the city to make it more convenie nt.”Interviewee: “It’s important that we all do our part to protect the environment. These measures will definitely make a difference.”Question: What is the main focus of the new environmental initiative in Beijing?A)Promoting the use of traditional carsB)Increasing the number of buses and trainsC)Reducing pollution through the use of electric vehiclesD)Building more schools and hospitalsAnswer: C) Reducing pollution through the use of electric vehiclesExplanation: The report specifically mentions that the initiative is aimedat reducing pollution, and one of the key strategies is the promotion of electric vehicles, making option C the correct answer.5.Listen to the following conversation and answer the question.A: Hey, how are you preparing for the middle school entrance exam in Beijing? B: Well, I’m taking an English class twice a week, and I’m also practicing my math problems every day.A: That sounds good. What about you?B: I’m doing pretty well too. I have a tutor who helps me with both English and Chinese.Question: What are the two subjects that the second speaker is studying for the exam?A) English and MathB) English and HistoryC) Math and ChineseD) Science and ChineseAnswer: A) English and MathExplanation: The second speaker mentions that they are taking an English class twice a week and practicing their math problems every day, indicating that they are studying English and Math for the exam.6.Listen to the following dialogue and complete the following sentence with the correct information.A: Hi, have you heard about the new policy for the middle school entrance examin Beijing?B: Yes, I have. They’re introducing a new format this year.A: Oh really? What’s it about?B: Well, for the English section, they’re going to include more listening comprehension questions.Complete the sentence: The new format for the middle school entrance exam in Beijing includes more________questions in the English section.A)readingB)writingC)listening comprehensionD)scienceAnswer: C) listening comprehensionExplanation: The dialogue explicitly mentions that the new policy includes more listening comprehension questions in the English section of the middle school entrance exam.7.Listen to the conversation and answer the question.A. What is the boy doing?B. Where is the boy going?C. What is the boy’s mother doing?D. Why is the boy late?Answer: BExplanation: The boy says he is going to school, which is mentioned in the conversation.8.Listen to the short passage and choose the best answer to the question. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To inform about the importance of exercise.B. To teach how to do a new exercise.C. To persuade people to join a sports team.D. To explain the rules of a popular game.Answer: AExplanation: The passage talks about the benefits of exercise and its importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.9.What is the topic of the conversation between the two speakers?A. The weather in BeijingB. The best place to visit in BeijingC. The transportation system in BeijingD. The educational system in ChinaAnswer: DExplanation: In the conversation, the speakers are discussing the educational system in China, specifically the process of getting into middle school, which is a key topic in the “Beijing edition of the English primary school entrance examination.”10.How many subjects are mentioned in the list given by the teacher?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6Answer: CExplanation: The teacher mentions five subjects: math, Chinese, English, science, and history. Therefore, the correct answer is 5.11.Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer.A)The student wants to join the English club.B)The student is interested in the science fair.C)The student is planning to attend a music concert.Answer: CExplanation: The dialogue mentions that the student is excited about attending a music concert, which indicates their interest in music.12.Listen to the following question and choose the best answer.Question: What is the weather like today?A)It is sunny.B)It is cloudy.C)It is rainy.Answer: BExplanation: The student’s response to the question about the weather is “It’s cloudy today,” which indicates that the weather is not sunny and not rainy.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Question: Which of the following is a famous landmark in Beijing?A. The Great WallB. The Eiffel TowerC. The Statue of LibertyD. The Golden Gate BridgeAnswer: AExplanation: The Great Wall is a famous landmark in Beijing, China. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France; the Statue of Liberty is in New York City, USA; and the Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco, USA. Therefore, the correct answer is A.2、Question: What is the capital city of China?A. TokyoB. BeijingC. MoscowD. LondonAnswer: BExplanation: The capital city of China is Beijing. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, Moscow is the capital of Russia, and London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Thus, the correct answer is B.3.The Forbidden City is located in:A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. GuangzhouD. ShenzhenAnswer: B. BeijingExplanation: The Forbidden City is an imperial palace complex located in the heart of Beijing, serving as the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Beijing.4.Which of the following is NOT a famous traditional Chinese instrument?A. GuzhengB. ErhuC. QipaoD. DiziAnswer: C. QipaoExplanation: The Guzheng is a plucked seven-string musical instrument, the Erhu is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, and the Dizi is a Chinese flute. The Qipao, on the other hand, is a traditional Chinese dress, not a musical instrument. Hence, the correct answer is C. Qipao.5.Which of the following is NOT a famous landmark in Beijing?A. The Forbidden CityB. The Great WallC. The Eiffel TowerD. Tiananmen SquareAnswer: CExplanation: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris, France, not inBeijing. The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Tiananmen Square are all well-known landmarks in Beijing.6.What is the capital city of China?A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. GuangzhouD. Hong KongAnswer: BExplanation: The capital city of China is Beijing. Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong are all major cities in China but are not its capital.7、The Beijing Primary School Entrance ExamPart II: Multiple Choice Questions7.Which of the following is NOT a famous landmark in Beijing?A)Forbidden CityB)Great WallC)Tiananmen SquareD)Eiffel TowerAnswer: D) Eiffel TowerExplanation: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris, France, not in Beijing. The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Tiananmen Square are all well-known landmarks in Beijing.8.Which of the following is the correct Chinese Pinyin for “Beijing”?A)Bei JingB)Bei JingC)Bei JingD)Bei JingAnswer: A) Bei JingExplanation: The correct Chinese Pinyin for “Beijing” is “Bei Jing.” The other options either have the wrong spelling or the wrong tone marks.9.What is the capital city of China?A)ShanghaiB)BeijingC)GuangzhouD)ShenzhenAnswer: B) BeijingExplanation: Beijing is the capital city of China, known for its historical sites, modern architecture, and as the political and cultural center of the country.10.Which of the following is a famous traditional Chinese instrument?A)ViolinB)PianoC)ErhuD)GuitarAnswer: C) ErhuExplanation: The Erhu is a traditional Chinese two-stringed bowed musical instrument, known for its distinctive sound and is one of the most popular Chinese instruments. The violin and piano are Western instruments, while the guitar is also a Western stringinstrument.11、Choose the best answer to complete the sentence below.The weather in Beijing is much colder than________in Shanghai.A) thatB) itC) thisD) theseAnswer: A) thatExplanation: In comparative sentences, when comparing two different things or places, we use ‘that’ to refer to the noun mentioned earlier to avoid repetition. Here, ‘that’ refers to ‘the weather’ in Shanghai, making optionA the correct choice.12、Which of the following sentences is correct?A) Neither my brother nor I am going to the party.B) Neither my brother nor me is going to the party.C) Neither my brother nor I is going to the party.D) Neither my brother nor me are going to the party.Answer: C) Neither my brother nor I is going to the party.Explanation: When using ‘neither…nor…’, the verb should agree with the subject closest to it. In this case, ‘I’ is the subject closest to the verb ‘is’, and since ‘I’ is singular, the verb should also be singular (‘is’). Therefore, the correct answer is C. Option A is incorrect because ‘am’ doesnot agree with ‘I’ in formal English when used in this construction. Options B and D are incorrect due to subject-verb agreement and pronoun usage errors.三、完型填空(10分)Section 3: Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given.The Beijing Primary School Entrance Exam, also known as “Xiaosheng Chu,” is a significant milestone for many students and their families. Every year, thousands of children in Beijing prepare rigorously to pass this exam and secure a spot in a reputable middle school.In Beijing, the exam typically consists of four sections: Chinese, Mathematics, English, and Social Studies. The English section tests the student’s ability to understand and use the language effectively. Below is a passage with some blanks that need to be filled with appropriate vocabulary.Last week, Li Ming and his classmates received their English papers. The paper was quite challenging, and they had to answer a variety of questions. The first question was a cloze test, and here it is:The book is about a journey through time. The protagonist, Jack, visits the [1] of ancient civilizations, including the [2] of Rome and the [3] of Egypt. He also encounters incredible inventions and [4] that have shaped the world we live in today. The book is filled with [5] and fascinating facts about the past.1.A) ruinsB) landmarksC) landscapesD) cultures2.A) centerB) capitalC) embassyD) consulate3.A) pyramidsB) templesC) marketsD) festivals4.A) animalsB) discoveriesC) diseasesD) customs5.A) storiesB) riddlesC) puzzlesD) jokesAnswer Key:1.D) cultures2.B) capital3.A) pyramids4.B) discoveries5.A) stories四、阅读理解(26分)Part IV: Reading Comprehension (15 points)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.Passage:The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was built over many centuries. It stretches about 21,000 kilometers (13,048 miles) across the northern borders of China. The wall was originally constructed to protect the Chinese empire against invasions and raids by nomadic groups from the north. Construction began as early as the 7th century BC, but the majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD).The Great Wall is not just a simple wall; it consists of walls, towers, and fortresses. It is made from various materials, such as tamped earth, brick, and stone. Some sections are in good condition, while others have been damaged or even disappeared over time. The best-known and best-preserved parts of the wall were built in the 14th through 17th centuries.Today, the Great Wall is a symbol of China’s strength and determina tion. It attracts millions of tourists each year who come to admire its beauty andlearn about its history. In 1987, UNESCO designated the Great Wall as a World Heritage Site, recognizing its outstanding universal value and the need for its protection and preservation.Questions:1.When did the majority of the construction of the Great Wall take place?A. During the 7th century BCB. During the Tang DynastyC. During the Ming DynastyD. In 19872.What is the main reason the Great Wall was built?A. To serve as a tourist attractionB. To mark the boundaries of ChinaC. To protect against invasions from the northD. To show off China’s wealth3.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. The entire Great Wall is made of brick.B. The Great Wall is the longest structure ever built.C. All parts of the Great Wall are well preserved.D. The Great Wall has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.Answers:1.C. During the Ming Dynasty2.C. To protect against invasions from the north3.D. The Great Wall has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage SiteFeel free to adjust the difficulty level or content to better fit the specific needs of your students.五、写作题(16分)Topic:Imagine you are the principal of a new primary school in Beijing. Write a letter to the parents of incoming fifth-grade students, introducing the school and its unique features. Emphasize the importance of teamwork, creativity, and environmental awareness in the school’s curriculum. Conclude by inviting them to attend an orientation session to learn more about the school.Example:[Your Name]PrincipalBeijing New Horizon Primary School123 Main Street, Beijing[Date]Dear Parents,Welcome to Beijing New Horizon Primary School! I am excited to introduce you to our school and the exciting opportunities that await your child as they embark on their fifth-grade journey.At Beijing New Horizon Primary School, we pride ourselves on fostering a nurturing and inclusive learning environment. Our curriculum is designed to notonly provide a strong foundation in core subjects but also to nurture the unique talents and interests of each student. Here are some of the key features that make our school stand out:1.Teamwork and Collaboration: We believe in the power of teamwork. Students will have the opportunity to work in groups, learning to communicate effectively, share ideas, and support each other. This collaborative spirit is encouraged in all aspects of school life.2.Creativity and Innovation: We encourage students to think outside the box and express themselves creatively. Through arts, music, and technology, we provide a platform for students to explore their imagination and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems.3.Environmental Awareness: As stewards of the planet, we emphasize the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility. Students will engage in hands-on projects and activities that promote a deeper understanding of our ecological footprint and ways to reduce it.We understand that choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision, and we are committed to making the transition as smooth as possible. To help you and your child feel more at ease, we are hosting an orientation session on Saturday, [date], from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to meet our faculty, tour the campus, and learn more about our programs.Please RSVP by [RSVP date] to ensure a spot for you and your child. We look forward to welcoming you to Beijing New Horizon Primary School and being a part of their educational journey.Best regards,[Your Name]PrincipalBeijing New Horizon Primary SchoolExplanation:This example letter effectively introduces the school’s unique fea tures and invites parents to an orientation session. It highlights the school’s focus on teamwork, creativity, and environmental awareness, which are important aspects to mention in a letter of introduction. The letter is addressed to the parents, uses a friendly and inviting tone, and provides clear instructions for RSVPing to the orientation session.。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出下列各组中不同类的词.()A: deliciousB: freshC: fish【答案】C【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.delicious美味的;B.fresh美味的;C.fish 鱼.A和B选项是形容词,C选项是名词.故选:C.第2题.找出每组中不同类的一项()A: SundayB: yearC: Monday【答案】B【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.Sunday星期天;B.year年;C.Monday星期一.A和C选项是具体星期;B选项是年的总称.故选:B.第3题.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项.()A: T﹣shirtB: dressC: apple【答案】C【解答】考查类别分类.T﹣shirtT恤,服装类别名词;dress裙子,服装类别名词;apple苹果,水果类别名词.C选项与其他选项类别不同.故选:C.第4题.选出不是同类的一项.()A: buyB: likeC: grape【答案】C【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.buy买;B.like喜欢;C.grape葡萄.A和B选项是动词,C选项是名词.故选:C.第5题.判断下列单词是(T)否(F)同类.________A: readB: listenC: eating【答案】F【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.read读;B.listen听;C.eating吃.A和B选项是动词原形,C选项是动名词,三者不属于同类.故答案为:F.2.阅读理解第6题.(1)_______bank________A.(2)_______hotel________B.(3)_______post office________C.(4)_______park________D.(5)_______cinema________E.【答案】'E', 'C', 'B', 'A', 'D'【解答】考查看图识词.(1)E.bank银行.从图片E可以看出这是一家银行.与单词意思相符.故选:E.(2)C.hotel宾馆.从图片C可以看出这是一家宾馆.与单词意思相符.故选:C.(3)B.post office邮局.从图片B可以看出这是一家邮局.与词组意思相符.故选:B.(4)A.park公园.从图片A可以看出这是一个公园.与单词意思相符.故选:A.(5)D.cinema电影院.从图片D可以看出这是一家电影院.与单词意思相符.故选:D.第7题.完成句子.根据图示,用方框中的单词或词组完成句子.(请把单词或词组的序号填入相应句前的括号内.)A. Mondays B. milk C. playing football D. does homework E. ice cream(1)_______﹣What would you like to drink?﹣I'd like some________.(2)_______They have maths and Chinese on________.(3)_______Mr. Huang likes________ very much.(4)_______Sandwich and________ are my favourite.(5)_______Oliver is hard﹣working. He often________on theweekend.【答案】'B', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'D'【解答】考查看图作答.(1)B.would likesomething表示想要…观察图片可知我想要一些牛奶,即milk.故选:B.(2)A.观察图片可知他们是在星期一有数学和语文课,星期一,即Monday.故选:A.(3)C.图片是在踢足球,like doing表示喜欢做某事,踢足球是play football,play的现在分词是playing.故选:C.(4)E.图片显示的是冰淇淋,不可数,即ice cream.故选:E.(5)D.奥利弗很勤奋,图片显示他在写作业,主语是第三人称单数形式时,谓语动词do应变为第三人称单数does.故选:D第8题.选择合适的选项,补全对话。

()A: stati onB: dicti on aryC: questi on【答案】A【解答】第2题.从下列单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项()A: sh eB: r e dC: w e【答案】B【解答】第3题.Which word has the sound /ju:/?A: runB: cupC: duckD: cute【答案】D【解答】D 考查考查国际音标。
第4题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项()A: f a ceB: h a veC: n a me【答案】B【解答】第5题.选出词尾ed 读音不同的一项()A: wantedB: watchedC: visited【答案】B【解答】考查字母组合ed在单词中的读音.wanted[ˈwɒntɪd],watched[wɒtʃt] ,visited [ˈvɪzɪtɪd],根据单词的音标可知,AC的字母组合ed都是发[ɪd].故选:B.第6题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词.()A: c oatB: ni c eC: c upD: c ountry【答案】B【解答】考查字母c在单词中发音,字母c在单词coat,cup,country中发[k],字母c在单词nice中发[s],B选项中划线部分发音不相同.第7题.选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项()A: dri nkB: i nkC: si ng【答案】C【解答】考查字母组合nk,ng在单词中的发音.字母组合nk在单词drink,ink中发[ŋk],字母组合ng在单词sing中发[ŋ],C发音不相同.故选:C.第8题.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: mou thB: th oseC: th anks【答案】B【解答】考查字母组合th在单词中发音,字母组合th在单词those中发[ð],字母组合th在单词mouth,thanks中发[θ],所以B选项发音不相同.故选:B.第2题.选出画线部分读音不同的一项.()A: b u sB: s u bwayC: s u permarket【答案】C【解答】考查字母"u"发音.字母"u"在单词"bus"中发[ʌ],字母"u"在单词"subway"中发[ʌ],字母"u"在单词"supermarket"中发[u:],C选项与其他选项画线部分发音不同.故选:C.第3题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: y esB: y oungC: g irl【答案】C【解答】考查字母在单词中的读音.yes[jes],young[jʌŋ],girl[gɜːl],根据单词的音标可知,画线部分字母在单词yes,young中都发[j],在单词girl中发[g].故选:C.第4题.选择画线部分发音不同的单词.()A: n a meB: f a ceC: d a d【答案】C【解答】考查字母a在单词中的读音.name[neɪm],face[feɪs],dad[dæd],根据单词的音标可知,字母a在单词name,face中发[eɪ].字母a在单词dad中发[æ].故选:C.第5题.单词中画线字母读音与其他两项不同的是________()A: f i shB: d i shC: l i ke【答案】C【解答】第6题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第7题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: sh eepB: ch ickenC: kit ch en【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合sh,ch在单词中的发音.字母组合sh在单词sheep中发[ʃ],字母组合ch在单词chicken,kitchen中发[tʃ],A发音不相同.故选:A.第8题.判断每组画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: si ngB: lo ngC: you ng【答案】T【解答】考查辅音字母组合ng在单词中的发音.字母组合ng在单词sing中发[ŋ],字母组合ng在单词long,young中发[ŋ],发音相同.故答案为:T.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词()A: e xcitedB: b e llC: ch e mistry【答案】A【解答】第2题.读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的选项()A: t eaB: r ea dC: gr ea t【答案】C【解答】第3题.选出每组词中划线部分发音不同的一项________A: b oo kB: g oo dC: r oo mD: l oo k【答案】C【解答】考查元音字母组合oo在单词中发音,元音字母组合oo在单词book,good,look中发[ʊ],元音字母组合oo在单词room中发[uː],C选项中下划线部分发音不相同.故选:C.第4题.选出每组中画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: p igB: l i keC: m i lk【答案】B【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音.字母i在单词like中发[aɪ],字母i在单词pig,milk中发[ɪ],B发音不相同.故选:B.第5题.wh________ch,选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项()A: kn i feB: w i thC: wh i te【答案】B【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音。
第6题.判断每组画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: si ngB: lo ngC: you ng【答案】T【解答】考查辅音字母组合ng在单词中的发音.字母组合ng在单词sing中发[ŋ],字母组合ng在单词long,young中发[ŋ],发音相同.故答案为:T.第7题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词.()A: c oatB: ni c eC: c upD: c ountry【答案】B【解答】考查字母c在单词中发音,字母c在单词coat,cup,country中发[k],字母c在单词nice中发[s],B选项中划线部分发音不相同.故选:B.第8题.读一读,选出每组中划线部分读音不相同的单词.()A: n owB: elb owC: sl ow【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合ow在单词中的读音.now[naʊ],elbow[ˈelbəʊ],slow[sləʊ],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ow都是发[əʊ].故选:A.第9题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第10题.选出划线部分读音与所给单词相同的选项.b________k()A: f oo dB: f oo tC: n oo dles【答案】B【解答】考查字母组合oo在单词中的读音.book[bʊk],food[fuːd],foot[fʊt],noodles[ˈnuːdlz],根据单词的音标可知,B的字母组合oo与所给单词中oo都是发[ʊ].故选:B.2.填空题第11题.按要求完成各题.I go to school ________ (对划线部分提问)________ do________ go to school?【答案】'at 7:30.', 'What time', 'you'【解答】考查特殊疑问句.划线部分是at 7:30,是时间.询问什么时间,用Whattime +助动词do引导的一般现在时的一般疑问句提问.故答案为:What time;you.第12题.There were many people in the street.(变为否定句)________.【答案】'There were not many people in the street'【解答】本题考查there be句型转否定句.本句中含有be动词were,变否定时,直接在其后加not即可.故答案为There were not many people in the street.第13题.Sam can play chess.(改成一般疑问句)________?【答案】'CanSamplaychess'【解答】本题考查肯定句转一般疑问句.题干中含有情态动词can,转一般疑问句时将can提到句首,首字母大写.句末标点变为问号.故转为的一般疑问句:Can Sam play chess?第14题.它太大了.________A.It's too nice.B.It's too big.【答案】'B'【解答】考查汉译英.它it,是is,太大了too big.结合要求,句子翻译为:It's too big.A译为:它太漂亮了.故选:B.第15题.别伤心.Don't________.【答案】'be sad'【解答】本题主要考查汉语词汇的英文表达.题干可知,句子是祈使句的否定形式,即:在don't之后接动词原形,伤心翻译为:be sad,be动词即原形.故填:be sad.3.阅读理解第16题.Mr.White looks out of his window.There is a boy at the other side of the street.The boy takes some bread out of a bag and begins eating it.There is a very thin dog in the street, too.The boy says to it, I'll give you some bread.The dog is hungry and goes to the boy, but he does not give it any bread.He kicks the﹣dog.It runs away, and the boy laughs.Then Mr.White comes out of his house and says to the boy."I'll give you a shilling(先令)The boy is happy.and says, "Yes"."Come here."Mr.White says.The boy goes to him, but Mr.White does not give him a shilling.He hits him with a stick.The boy cries and says, Why do you hit me? I do not ask you for any money."No", Mr.White says, "And the dog does not ask you for any bread, but you kick it.(1).Where is Mr.White at first?________A: He is in the room.B: He is in the street.C: He is in front of the house.D: He stands close to the boy..(2).Why does the dog go to the boy?Because.________A: it wants to eatB: the boy asks it to do soC: the boy is the dog's ownerD: the boy is friendly to it.(3).Why does the dog run away?Because.________A: the boy gives some breadB: the dog doesn't like breadC: the dog doesn't like the boyD: the boy kicks the dog.(4).Why does Mr.White tell the boy to come up to him?Because he wants to________.A: give him a shillingB: give him a good lesson(教训)C: give him some more breadD: help the boy.(5).What kind of man do you think Mr.White is?He is a________man.A: cruel.(粗鲁的)B: sympathetic(當有同情心的)C: friendlyD: bad.【答案】AADBB【解答】(1) A.根据Mr.White looks out of his window推测怀特先生在房间内,故选:A.(2)A.根据The dog is hungry and goes to the boy推测小狗想吃东西,故选:A.(3)D.根据He kicks the dog.It runs away可知男孩踢了小狗,故选:D.(4)B.根据The boy cries and says,"Why do you hit me?I do not ask you for any money.""No,"Mr.White says,"and the dog does not ask you for any bread,but you kick it."可知通过答应给小男孩先令却打了小男孩,推测怀特先生想给男孩个教训,故选:B.(5)B.根据The dog is hungry and goes to the boy,but he does not give it any bread.He kicks the﹣dog→but Mr.White does not give him a shilling.He hits him with a stick,结合全文推测,怀特先生看见男孩戏弄小狗后,也通过答应给小男孩先令却打了他的方式给了男孩教训,从而可见怀特富有同情心,故选:B.第17题.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择正确选项,把所选择答案的字母代号填入横线上.Robin: Yifan, what's your favourite food?Wu yifan: My favourite food is ice cream.It is sweet.I don't like beef, but chicken is OK.Tomatoes are my favourite vegetable.I like salad very much. Robin: What about you, Grangpa?Grangpa: My favourite food is chicken.It is delicious.I like vegetables but not carrots.Robin: Here you are! Chicken ice cream!Wu yifan and Grangpa: Oh, no!(1)Wu Yifan's favourite food is________.A: beefB: chickenC: ice cream.(2)________ is Grandpa's favourite food.________.A: TomatoesB: ChickenC: Onions.(3)Wu Yifan doesn't like________.A: saladB: carrotsC: beef.(4)________are Wu Yifan's favourite vegetable.A: TomatoesB: CarrotsC: Chicken.(5)Do they like vegetables?________.A: Yes,they doB: Yes,I doC: No,I do.【答案】CBCAA【解答】(1)C.由文中Wu yifan:My favourite food is ice cream.可知吴一凡最喜欢的食物是冰激凌.故选:C.(2)B.由文中Grangpa:My favourite food is chicken.可知爷爷最喜欢的食物是鸡肉.故选:B.(3)C.由文中I don't like beef,可知吴一凡不喜欢牛肉.故选:C.(4)A.由文中Tomatoes are my favourite vegetable.可知番茄是吴一凡最喜欢的蔬菜.故选:A.(5)A.由文中Tomatoes are my favourite vegetable.和I like vegetables but not carrots.可知吴一凡和爷爷都喜欢蔬菜,此处用肯定回答且主语要和问句主语they保持一致.故选:A.第18题.读一读,根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。

2024年北京市英语小升初复习试题及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following conversation and answer the question.A: Hi, John. How was your science project presentation today?B: It went pretty well, I think. The teacher seemed impressed with our research on renewable energy sources.Question: What was the topic of John’s science project presentation?A) Renewable energy sourcesB) Math problemsC) Historical eventsD) Art techniquesAnswer: A) Renewable energy sourcesExplanation: The conversation indicates that John’s project was about “renewable energy sources,” which is option A.2、Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentence with the correct information.W: I c an’t believe it’s already time for summer vacation. It feels like just yesterday we were starting the school year.M: Yeah, time flies! I’m really looking forward to relaxing and catching up on some books I’ve wanted to read.Question: What are the speakers mainly discussing?A) Their favorite summer activitiesB) The passage of timeC) Their academic achievementsD) Their upcoming school projectsAnswer: B) The passage of timeExplanation: The dialogue focuses on how quickly the school year has passed, indicating a discussion about the passage of time, which is option B.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.You will hear:“Boy: Mom, can I go to the park with my friends this afternoon?Girl: Sure, but you must be back by 5 p.m. because we have dinner at 6 p.m. Boy: Okay, I’ll be back on time.”Question: What time must the boy be back?A)4 p.m.B)5 p.m.C)6 p.m.Answer: B) 5 p.m.Explanation: The girl in the dialogue says, “but you must be back by 5 p.m.”, indicating that the boy needs to return by 5 p.m.4、Listen to the short passage and fill in the blank.You will hear:“Our school library is open from Monday to Friday. It opens at 8 a.m. and closesat 5 p.m. Students can borrow up to 3 books at a time and they have 2 weeks to return them. Remember to return them on time or you will be fined.”Question: Students have_____weeks to return the borrowed books.Answer: 2 weeksExplanation: The passage states, “Students can borrow up to 3 books at a time and they have 2 weeks to return them.”, indicating t hat students have a two-week period to return the borrowed books.5、What does the woman want to buy?•A) A book•B) A magazine•C) A newspaper•D) A ticketCorrect Answer: B) A magazineExplanation:In the conversation, the woman asks about the latest issue ofa specific magazine, indicating her intention to purchase it.6、Where is the man going?•A) To the library•B) To the cinema•C) To the bookstore•D) To the post officeCorrect Answer: C) To the bookstoreExplanation: The man mentions he needs to pick up a book that has been on hold for him at the bookstore, which tells us his destination.Note: Since this is a written simulation, the actual audio component would be provided during the real test for students to listen to before answering the questions.7.You are listening to a conversation between a teacher and a student. The teacher is asking the student about his weekend plans. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.A. The student is going to visit his grandparents.B. The student is going to stay at home and study.C. The student is going to go on a trip with his friends.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the student says, “I’m just going to stay at home and study this weekend.” T herefore, the correct answer is B.8.Listen to a short passage about the importance of exercise. Choose the statement that is NOT mentioned in the passage.A. Exercise is good for physical health.B. Exercise can help improve mental health.C. Exercise is only important for athletes.Answer: CExplanation: The passage discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. However, it does not mention that exercise is only important for athletes. Therefore, the correct answer is C.9、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the questionyou hear. (The conversation will be read twice.)Conversation:M: Good morning, Miss Green. I need some advice on choosing books for my project on space exploration.W: Of course, I’d be happy to help. Have you considered looking at thenon-fiction section? There’s a great book about the history of NASA.Question:What kind of advice does the boy need?Possible Answers:A. Help with homework.B. Suggestions on books.C. Information about NASA.Correct Answer: B. Suggestions on books.Explanation: The boy asks for advice on choosing books for his project, which means he is looking for suggestions on what to read, not direct help with homework or specific information about NASA yet.10、Listen to the dialogue and decide if the statement is true or false based on what you hear. (The dialogue will be read twice.)Dialogue:W: I heard you went camping last weekend. Did you see any wildlife?M: Yes, we did. We saw a family of deer and lots of birds. But we were most excited about spotting a bear near our campsite!Statement:The campers were scared when they saw a bear.True or False?Correct Answer: False.Explanation: While it might seem logical that seeing a bear would be scary, the man explicitly states that they were “most excited” about spotting the bear. Therefore, the statement that the campers were scared is false according to the information given in the dialogue.11.You are listening to a conversation between a student and a teacher. The teacher is asking about the student’s favorite subject. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.A. MathB. EnglishC. ScienceAnswer: BExplanation: The teacher asks, “What is your favorite subject, Tom?” Tom responds, “I like English the most.”12.In this question, you will hear a short dialogue between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen and answer the question that follows.Who is going to the movies?A. The boyB. The girlC. Both of themAnswer: BExplanatio n: The boy says, “I’m thinking of going to the movies this weekend.” The girl replies, “I’m planning to go too, let’s go together!”二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Which of the following words is a synonym for “happy”?A)SadB)JoyfulC)AngryD)TiredAnswer: B) JoyfulExplanation: A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. In this case, “Joyful” is the correct answer because it means feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness, which is synonymous with “happy.” Th e other options (Sad, Angry, Tired) are antonyms or unrelated to the meaning of “happy.”2、Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: “Yesterday, she_____(go) to the park with her friends.”A)goesB)goneC)wentD)goingAnswer: C) wentExplanatio n: The sentence uses the adverb “yesterday,” which indicates a past time. Therefore, we need to use the past tense of the verb “to go,” which is “went.” The other options are not in the past tense: “goes” is present simple, “gone” is the past participle, and “going” is the present participle or gerund.3.What is the correct past tense form of the verb “go”?A)goesB)wentC)goedD)goneAnswer: B) wentExplanation: The past tense form of the verb “go” is “went.” The other options are incorrect: “goes” is the present tense, “goed” is a misspelling, and “gone” is the past participle, not the past tense.4.Choose the correct plural form of the noun “child.”A)childsB)childC)childrenD)childenAnswer: C) childrenExplanation: The plural form of “child” is “children.” Option A(“childs”) is a common misspelling, option B is the singular form, and optionD (“childen”) is another misspelling.5.Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?A. The library was built in 2005.B. The cat is catching the mouse.C. I am eating the apple.D. She reads a book every day.Answer: AExplanation: The passive voice is used when the focus is on the action rather than the doer. In option A, the library is the subject and it is being acted upon by the verb “was built,” making it in the passive voice.6.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The teacher asked us to________our homework.A. collectB. gatherC. submitD. accumulateAnswer: CExplanation: The correct word to complete the sentence is “submit,” as it means to hand in or present something for consideration. “Collect,” “gather,” and “accumulate” do not fit the context of handing in homework.7.What is the correct past tense form of the verb “go”?A. goedB. wentC. goneD. goinAnswer: B. wentExplanation: The past tense form of the verb “go” is “went.” Options A, C, and D are incorrect forms or derivatives of the word that do not represent the past tense.8.Choose the word that does not belong in the following list: happy, sad, hungry, tired, and excited.A. happyB. sadC. hungryD. excitedAnswer: C. hungryExplanation: All the other words in the list (happy, sad, tired, excited) describe emotional states. “Hungry” describes a physical state, making it the word that does not belong with the emotional states.9.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The teacher asked us to___________our books and pay attention to our pronunciation.A. lookB. readC. takeD. writeAnswer: CExplanation: The correct answer is “take” because the teacher is asking the students to bring their books, which means to take them from a place. The other options do not fit the context of the sentence. “Look” means to look at something, “read” means to read the books, and “write” means to write something down, which are not what the teacher is asking for in this context.plete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:If I___________(be) you, I would not go to the party.A. wasB. wereC. amD. isAnswer: BExpla nation: The correct answer is “were” because the sentence is in the conditional form and uses “if” to talk about a hypothetical situation. In the past conditional, the verb “were” is used instead of “was” to describe a situation that is not real. The other options, “am” and “is,” are the present tense forms, which do not fit the context of the conditional sentence.11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The book on the table is too heavy for me to pick up. I need a(n) __________.A. boxB. stickC. handD. helpAnswer: DExplanation: The correct word to complete the sentence is “help” because the sentence is indicating that the speaker needs assistance to lift the heavy book.12.Which of the following sentences is a statement?A. If it rains, we will cancel the picnic.B. She is happy because she received a promotion.C. The sky is blue, but the sun is not shining.D. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?Answer: BExplanation: Sentence B is a statement because it makes a factual claim that can be either true or false. The other sentences are questions (A and D) or contain a conditional statement (C).三、完型填空(10分)Three gaps in the following passage are numbered. Choose the best word or phrase from the options given to fill in each gap. There is one extra option which does not fit in any of the gaps.Read the passage carefully and then choose the correct answer for each gap.The story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a classic tale that has fascinated readers of all ages for over a century. It was written by Lewis Carroll and published in 1865. The story follows the adventures of a young girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole and enters a magical world filled with peculiar creatures and strange situations.Alice was a curious girl, always 1 to explore new things. One day, while playing in her garden, she noticed a white rabbit with a blue coat running 2 the field. She followed it, and soon found herself 3 a hole in the ground. She looked down and saw a strange, twisty tunnel leading into the ground. 4, she decided to follow the rabbit and see where it would lead her.As Alice fell down the rabbit hole, she felt a strange sensation. The ground seemed to spin around her, and she felt 5 dizzy. Suddenly, she found herself in a strange, dark room, surrounded by strange, twisted shapes. She was in Wonderland!1.A. excited B. hesitant C. worried D. bored2.A. through B. under C. over D. beside3.A. through B. under C. over D. beside4.A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Moreover5.A. too B. so C. very D. ratherAnswer: 1. A, 2. A, 3. A, 4. A, 5. B四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.The famous Tower of London is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in London, England. It has been the home of the royal family for centuries. The Tower of London is famous for its history, its majesticarchitecture, and its many tales of intrigue, murder, and mystery. It was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror, who used it as a fortress and a royal palace.One of the most intriguing aspects of the Tower of London is its use as a prison. Over the centuries, it has been home to many famous prisoners, including the last Tudor monarch, Queen Elizabeth I, who was imprisoned here for a short period before her execution. The Tower has also been used as a royal mint, a place to keep the crown jewels, and a zoo.One of the most famous stories associated with the Tower of London is the tale of the Princes in the Tower. In the 16th century, two young princes, Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, disappeared after being imprisoned in the Tower. Many believe that they were killed by their uncle, King Richard III, who became the next king. The mystery of the Princes in the Tower has intrigued historians and visitors to the Tower for centuries.1.Where is the Tower of London located?A. The south bank of the River ThamesB. The north bank of the River ThamesC. In the heart of LondonD. On the outskirts of London2.Which famous prisoner was once held in the Tower of London?A. Queen Elizabeth IB. King Richard IIIC. William the ConquerorD. The Princes in the Tower3.What is the most famous story associated with the Tower of London?A. The construction of the TowerB. The use of the Tower as a royal mintC. The mystery of the Princes in the TowerD. The execution of Queen Elizabeth IAnswers:1.B. The north bank of the River Thames2.A. Queen Elizabeth I3.C. The mystery of the Princes in the Tower五、写作题(16分)题目:Write an essay of about 150 words on the topic “The Importance of Reading”. You should include the following points in your essay:1.The benefits of reading for personal development.2.The impact of reading on one’s knowledge and understanding of the world.3.Suggestions on how to encourage reading among young people.Example:The Importance of ReadingReading is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in personaldevelopment and our understanding of the world. Firstly, reading broadens our horizons and fosters imagination. Through books, we can explore different cultures, experiences, and ideas, which enriches our own perspective.Secondly, reading is a powerful tool for knowledge acquisition. It equips us with information and insights that are not always accessible through other means. Whether it’s history, science, or literature, reading helps deepen our understanding of various subjects and enhances our critical thinking skills.To encourage reading among young people, schools and communities can organize reading clubs and book fairs. Additionally, parents should set a good example by reading themselves and engaging in discussions about the books they read. By creating a reading-friendly environment, we can instill a lifelong love for literature in the younger generation.In conclusion, reading is not just about entertainment; it is a vital component of personal growth and global awareness. It is essential that we continue to promote reading and make it a cherished part of our lives.Analysis:The example essay effectively addresses the three points outlined in the prompt. The first paragraph introduces the topic and emphasizes the benefits of reading for personal development, particularly in terms of broadening horizons and fostering imagination. The second paragraph discusses the impact of reading on knowledge and understanding, highlighting its role in acquiring information and enhancing critical thinking.The third paragraph provides practical suggestions on how to encourage reading among young people, including organizing reading events and setting an example through parental involvement. The essay maintains a coherent structure, with each paragraph contributing to the overall argument. The conclusion effectively summarizes the importance of reading and reinforces the essay’s main points.。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.找出下列每组中不同类的一项.()A: cinemaB: supermarketC: together【答案】C【解答】本题考查词性分类.A.cinema电影院;B.supermarket超市;C.together在一起.A和B选项是名词,C选项是副词.故选:C.第2题.选出不同类的单词()A: myB: sheC: heD: it【答案】A【解答】考查类别分类.my我的,是形容词性物主代词;she她,he他,it它,都是人称代词主格形式.A与BCD词性不同.故选:A.第3题.找出不同类的一项()A: PEB: mathsC: class【答案】C【解答】第4题.选出每组单词中不同类的一项()A: longB: shortC: size【答案】C【解答】该题考查词性分类.long长的,short短的,size尺寸,AB是形容词,C 是名词.故选:C.第5题.选择不同类的单词()A: SaturdayB: SundayC: France【答案】C【解答】本题考查类别分类.A.Saturday星期六;B.Sunday星期天;C.France 法国.A和B选项是星期名词,C选项是国家名.故选:C.2.阅读理解第6题.将单词与对应图片匹配。
(1)_______banana________A.(2)_______orange________B.(3)_______pear________C.(4)_______lemon________D.(5)_______apple________E.【答案】'D', 'A', 'E', 'B', 'C'【解答】第7题.为下列图片选择合适的对话.(1)_______________ A.一How old is your brother?一He's sixteen.(2)_______________ B.一How many eggs do you see?一I see twelve.(3)_______________ C.一How many pears can you see?一Seventeen.(4)_______________ D.一Look at that kite.一It's so beautiful.(5)_______________ E.一How many pencils do you have?一Seven.【答案】'C', 'E', 'B', 'A', 'D'【解答】本题主要考查看图作答.(1)C.由图可知,这是十七个梨子.C选项中的pears意思为:梨子,seventeen 意思为:十七,符合图片.故选:C.(2)E.由图可知,这是七支铅笔.E选项中的pencils意思为:铅笔;seven意思为:七支,符合图片.故选:E.(3)B.由图可知,这是十二个鸡蛋.B选项中的eggs意思为:鸡蛋,twelve意思为:十二,符合图片.故选:B.(4)A.由图可知,这是十六岁的生日蛋糕,A选项中的sixteen意思为:十六,符合图片.故选:A.(5)D.由图可知,这是一个风筝.D选项中的kite意思为:风筝,符合图片.故选:D.第8题.选择合适的句子补全对话。

人教版北京小升初专题英语小升初模拟1.单选题第1题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词()A: e xcitedB: b e llC: ch e mistry【答案】A【解答】第2题.从下列单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项()A: wh i teB: k i teC: k i tchen【答案】C【解答】第3题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项()A: b ee fB: r ea dC: br ea d【答案】C【解答】第4题.选出画线部分发音不同的一项.()A: laugh edB: fix edC: watch edD: play ed【答案】D【解答】考查字母组合ed在单词中发音,字母组合ed在单词laughed,fixed,watched,中发[t],字母组合ed在单词played中发[d],所以D选项发音不相同。
第5题.选出词尾ed 读音不同的一项()A: visitedB: washedC: watched【答案】A【解答】查字母组合ed在单词中的读音.visited [ˈvɪzɪtɪd],washed[wɒʃt],watched[wɒtʃt],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ed都是发[t].故选:A.第6题.选出划线部分发音不同的单词.()A: c oatB: ni c eC: c upD: c ountry【答案】B【解答】考查字母c在单词中发音,字母c在单词coat,cup,country中发[k],字母c在单词nice中发[s],B选项中划线部分发音不相同.故选:B.第7题.判断下列画线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致.________A: old erB: app leC: young er【答案】F【解答】考查字母组合er,le在单词中的发音.字母组合er在单词older,younger 中发[ə],字母组合le在单词apple中发模糊音[l],发音不相同.故答案为:F.第8题.选出划线字母发音不同的单词()A: th i sB: i tC: h i sD: l i brary【答案】D【解答】考查字母i在单词中的发音,字母i在单词this,it,his中发[ɪ],字母i在单词library中发[aɪ],D选项发音不相同.故选:D.第9题.读一读,选出每组中划线部分读音不相同的单词.()A: n owB: elb owC: sl ow【答案】A【解答】考查字母组合ow在单词中的读音.now[naʊ],elbow[ˈelbəʊ],slow[sləʊ],根据单词的音标可知,BC的字母组合ow都是发[əʊ].故选:A.第10题.下列单词中字母a发音不同的一项是________A: whatB: mapC: jacket【答案】A【解答】A 考查音标。
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北京四中小升初英语考试模拟试题一、单项选择(20分)1.There are two _____ in our school.A.library B.libraries.C.librarys2.There aren’t _____ apples in the basket, but there are some on the table.A.some B.any C.a3.—Is there a dining hall in your school?—__________A.Yes,there are.B.No,there is.C.Yes,there is.5.—Have you got a dictionary?—_______________A.Yes,I do.B.Yes,I got C.Yes,I have.6.—Where are _____?—They are on the chair.A.Tony's books B.Tony's book C.Tony books7.He ______ any aunts or uncles.A.doesn't has got B.haven't got C.hasn't got8.—How many computers _____ in your classroom?—There are two.A.are there B.are you have C.does you have9.—Where _____you _____?—I'm from Beijing.A.are, from B.do, from C.are, come10._____ is a doctor.What about _____ father?A.His,your B.Her, your’s C.His,you11.There are _____ students in our class.That is 19 boys and 21 girls。
A.forty B.fourty C.fourteen12.Juice and water are healthy drinks,_____ Coke isn't healthy drink.A.and B.but C.or13.Can I have _____ water?A.these B.some C.one14.Lingling is in __________.A.Class Four,Grade OneB.Grade One,Class FourC.Class four,grade one15.What's your _____ fruit?A.very like B.favourite C.much like16.She can't ________ in the lake.A.swimming B.swiming C.swim17.There __________ a cat and two dogs in my home.A.be B.is C.are18.He _____ hamburgers.A.like eat B.likes eating C.like to eats19. The office building _____ the classrooms.A.behind B.behinds C.is behind20.__________ there any apples in the kitchen?A.Have B.Be C.Are21.Paris is the capital of __________.A.the USA B.the UK C.France D.Australia三、完形填空(10分)NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world.There_____ 26_____ a Chinese player in this game.His name is Yao Ming.He is _____27 _____ player in this game。
In his spare time,Yao _____28_____cars. On last Christmas,he drove _____ 29 _____ old car to visit one of his _____ 30 _____.On his way, he ______ 31 _____ a policeman following him.Finally, he stopped and said to the policeman:“______ 32 _____ Christmas,sir.Is there anything wrong with me?”.“No,of course not” answered the policeman.“Then _____ 33 _____ did you _____ 34 _____ me?” asked Yao.“______35______be angry.”said the police man:“You did nothing wrong,I only want to ask you for a signature(签名)!”26.A.be B.are C.is27.A.tall B.the tallest C.tallest28.A.1ikes driving B.1ikes drive C.1ike driving29.A.a B.an C.the30.A.friends B.friend C.the friend31.A.sees B.seed C.saw32.A.Marry B.Merry C.Happy33.A.Why B.How C.When34.A.ask B.follow C.stopped35.A.Don’t B.You don’t C.You can't四、阅读理解(30分)(A)The following discussion(讨论) took place(发生) between a father and his nine-year-old son.“It's unfair(不公平),Dad.Mum wants me to make my bed, but I don't know how.”“It's time for you to learn.Where are your clean sheets(床单)?”“I don't know.”“What do you mean you don't know? You need to take care of your things.”“Where are Jack's sheets?” the father called to his wife.“Right next to ours,”the wife answered.After a moment,the father asked slowly, “Where a r e ours?”36.The discussion takes place between ________.A.a husband and a wife B.a mother and her sonC.a father and his son D.a mother and a father37.The son doesn’t know _____.A.how to wash his sheets B.how to make his bedC.how to clean his sheet D.how to clean his bed38.The father doesn't know _____.A.how to wash sheets B.how to make his bedC.how to clean sheets D.where his sheets are39.The father says his son is _____ because he doesn't know where his _____ is.A.careful,sheet B.careless,bedC.careful,bed D.careless,sheet40.Who do you think take care of the housework(家务) in the family?A.the father B.the motherC.the child D.No one(B)A girl may pass easily through the first grades.While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good grades.Girls seem to have“better brains” in school.Why do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult(成人) world done by men?According to(根据) scientists,the answer is aggression(敌对行为).Boys usually refuse to accept other people's conclusion(结论).They insist on solving problems by themselves.while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own ways.Boys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age.41.Girls get better marks at school than boys because _________.A.boys are lazierB.Girls are better at remembering things than boysC.Girls are cleverer than boysD.Teachers care more for girls than for boys42.There are so few women scientists because __________.A.Boys are cleverer than girlsB.Girls are less cared forC.Girls are lazierD.Few of them are trained to be aggressive43.According to the scientists,__________.A.boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering thingsB.boys Can easily get food jobs while girls can'tC.girls insist on doing things on their ownD.the nature of the boys and girls is the same.but their education is different44.In the view of the writer,__________.A.girls have better brainsB.boys have better brainsC.neither boys nor girls have better brainsD.usually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men45.Which of the following is right?A.Boys are cleverer in school.B.Girls are cleverer at an early age.C.Boys and girls have good points in different ways.D.Boys have good points only when they enter the adult world主观题部分五、根据首字母选择单词的适当形式填空(10分)51.I’m ten years old and my sister is two years older than me,so she is t_____ years old。