
一、教学目标1. 培养学生的英语交际能力,提高学生的口语表达能力。
2. 帮助学生了解并掌握英语交际的基本原则和技巧。
3. 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高英语学习的自信心。
二、教学内容1. 英语交际的基本原则:礼貌、真诚、尊重、耐心、倾听等。
2. 英语交际的技巧:如何开场、如何提问、如何回答、如何结束等。
3. 常见场景的英语交际对话:如问候、介绍、购物、就餐、旅行等。
三、教学步骤1. 导入- 引导学生回顾已学过的英语知识,激发学生对英语交际的兴趣。
- 提出本节课的教学目标,让学生明确学习方向。
2. 基本原则讲解- 介绍英语交际的基本原则,让学生了解在交际过程中应遵循的规范。
- 结合实际案例,让学生理解这些原则在交际中的重要性。
3. 交际技巧讲解- 讲解英语交际的技巧,如如何开场、如何提问、如何回答、如何结束等。
- 通过示范和练习,让学生掌握这些技巧。
4. 场景模拟- 将学生分成小组,模拟实际场景进行英语交际。
- 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的错误,鼓励学生大胆开口。
5. 课堂总结- 对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调英语交际的重要性。
- 鼓励学生在日常生活中多运用英语进行交际。
四、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言情况,评价其参与度。
2. 交际能力:通过模拟场景,评价学生的英语交际能力。
3. 学生反馈:收集学生对本节课的反馈意见,为今后的教学提供参考。
五、教学资源1. 教材:选用适合学生水平的英语教材,如人教版、外研版等。
2. 多媒体:利用PPT、视频等辅助教学,丰富教学内容。
3. 实物道具:根据教学需要,准备相应的实物道具,如购物清单、菜单等。
六、教学反思1. 教师应关注学生的个体差异,因材施教,提高教学效果。
2. 教师应不断更新教学方法,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 教师应加强课堂互动,提高学生的参与度,培养学生的英语交际能力。


在课堂教学中可以通过多种方法达到语言 技能的综合运用,其中包括边听边作笔记、作口 头报告、课外研究项目、角色表演和模拟等等。 下面介绍几种。
利用视听材料培养学生边听边看边作笔记的技 能、课外研究项目、口头报告、角色表演/模拟
要提高说的能力,教师可使用交际游戏、解决 问题、模拟、角色扮演、个人回答、会话规则和 句型训练等方法让学生参与语言交流。
The Communicative Approach
Definition (定义)
The Communicative Approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence.
与传统课堂上教师为中心相比,教师必须具备 更广泛的管理操作技能、 交际法强调交际过程 而不是语言形式的掌握,这必然导致学生不同于 在传统教室里的角色:学生的角色变成了一个协 商者,即自己和自己、自己和学习过程、自己和 所学习的内容进行协商。在分组参加的课堂教学 环节和活动中,学生作为协商者的角色要与其他 协商者在其中相互作用,共同协商。其含意是: 学习者学习多少就贡献多少,在一种相互依赖的 环境中共同进步。
交际法主要是由英国的应用语言学家发展起 来的,与以语法为基础的教学法例如听说法不同 。在交际法的教材中,语言内容用来表达和理解 语言的不同功能,例如要求、描述、表达好恶等 等。交际法采用意念大纲或其它按语言交际功能 编写的大纲,强调在交际过程中,例如如何恰当 地使用语言去完成各种任务,像解决难题,获取 信息,与他人进行交流等等。
communication language teaching(CLT)交际教学法

A Brief Introduction to Communicative Language TeachingMethodDefinitionCommunicative language teaching is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as ―communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages‖ or simply the ―communicative approach‖.Background and development of communicative language teaching The idea of communicative language teaching developed in the UK in the early70s. The earliest reference to the term, according to Brumfit, was made in Candlin’spaper ―Sociolinguistics and Communicative Language Teaching‖ presented to theconference in London in 1971. The socio-linguistic theory emphasizes onmeaning and communication and attempts to develop learners’communicative competencefrom the socio-cognitive perspective. Rules should not be learned in isolation but should be linked with the functional usesof language. These specific functional needs of the learner have to be ascertained by aneeds analysis. Use, not merely usage, should be the objective of the CLTteacher. CLT thus posited an approach towards language teaching.Since the notion of ―communicative competence‖wasfirst put forward by Hymes in 1972, many researchers and scholars havedeveloped theoriesand practices of CLT method. With theadvance of the notion, CLT approach have developed as an important language teachingmethod and replaced the previous traditional grammar teaching methods gradually.Hymes introduced the concept of ―communicative competence‖ in order to contrast toChomsky's view of ―linguisticcompetence‖. Chomsky made a differentiation betweenlinguistic competence and linguistic performance.For Chomsky, the focus oflinguistic study is to show the speaker's abstract abilities which make them producegrammatically correct sentences. Hymes pointed out that such a view of linguistic study wasmeaningless, linguistic theory should be seen as part of a broader theory combiningcommunication and culture and stated that Chomsky'scategory of performance, which included just psychological restraints on performance and ignored all factors of socialinteraction.In Hymes' opinion, a person who acquires communicative competence acquires notonly the grammatical knowledge but also the ability to use the language as for if something isformally possible; if something is practical by the way of implementation available; ifsomething is appropriate in relation to a context that it is used; if something is done in fact.The main characteristics and principles of CLTCLT derives its essential characteristics from the fact that at every stage-the setting oflearning objectives, the development of learning contents, the elaboration and implementationof classroom activities, the judgment of learners' progress, and the definition of a syllabus—itfocuses on language as a medium of communication (Little, 1991). CLT has manycharacteristics which can be summarized as follows:(1) Language teaching should pay more attention on meaning rather thanform;(Johnson,1982; Bnunfit, 1981);(2)Fluencyshould be emphasized beforeaccuracy (Finocchiaro&Bnmifit, 1981);(3)After the learners have achieved fluency, the accuracy ofexpression should become the focus of teaching (Savignon, 1983);(4)The sequence of language presentation should be based on the semanticconsiderations and the analysis of learners' needs rather than according to linguistic structure(Munby,1978);(5) Since learning a language means learning to do things by way of the language,language teaching should be on the basis of activities (Littlewood, 1981);(6)CLT focus systematic on functional as well as structural views of language, integrating these views into a more fully communicative idea (Littlewood, 1981);(7)Since authentic communication needs a real exchange of information, classroom communication should have information gap (Prabhu,1987);(8)Since language use is the main goal of language teaching, learners should be exposedto real language in use on the basis of real materials (Allright,1981);(9)Learners should be encouraged to improve the strategies to communicate meaning inreal situations which may be above their present level of language proficiency (Canale,1983);(10) Learners should become subtle to the notion of suitableness in communication (Canale,1983).Richands and Rogers stated that ―there are some principles to be taken into considerationin practice: the task principle, the communication principle and theprinciple.‖ The followings are seven principles of CLT which s ummarized by Berns in 1990.(1) Language teaching is on the basis of the notion that language is used forcommunication. That is, language is viewed as a social tool which speakers use to makemeaning and communicate with someone about something for some purpose.(2) Diversity is recognized and accepted as a part of language development.(3) A learner's competence is viewed in relative, not in absolute aspects.(4) Over one variety of a language is recognized as a feasible sample for languageteaching and learning.(5) No single methodology or regular set of techniques is provided.(6) Language use is considered as serving textual, ideational, and interpersonal functionsand is bound up with the development of learners' competence.(7)It is fundamental that learners should be at devoted to doing things with language—that is, they use language for a lot of purposes in all periods of learning.Classroom ProceduresSano, et al (1984) argues that communicative language teaching should meet the local needs and the methodology of FL teaching should vary significantly according to the environments in which teachers find themselves working. Based on the teaching aim at the secondary schools in Japan "linguistic competence plus an ability to use the language appropriately", teachers from the communicative Teaching Society chose a method of teaching English which would be effective and appropriate in Japan and which was different from that of CLT developing in Europe at about the same time.Their procedures is :1) Warm-up.This offers learners interesting language activities to relax them and to let them use English creatively. Establishing a non-threatening environment is given prime importance here.2) Introduction of new grammatical items. This is usually carried out through conversion between the teacher and learners concerning objects or incidents familiar to them.... After eliciting appropriate responses for learners, the teacher explains the meaning of the items briefly in Japanese.3)Practice.This is generally carried out either by stimulating learners’ intellectual curiosity or by appealing to their emotional value judgments. Self—expression, activities, though sometimes quite limited in scope, are incorporated even at the earliest stage. C are is also taken to make learning and Production ―deep‖ .4) Reading the text.This includes listening to the tape of a ―gist‖explanation of the content, as well reading the text both silently and aloud.5) Communicative practice. This requires not only mastery of the target item, but also creative use of the knowledge of language so far acquired. It can be totally oral, but quite often involves some writing.There is another procedure designed by Terry Moston and Malcolm Sexton which is a systematic collection of exercise-types. They are:1) Organizing Information. Exercises in this phase focus on ways of encouraging learners to check their basic understanding of a variety of texts in a controlled way, using a range of matching and multiple choice exercises linked to various written, pictorial and heard stimuli.2) Implanting Skills. Here exercises introduce controlled simulations, designed to exploitthevariety of social meanings contained with particular grammatical structures in different situations. Once again the exercises make use of a range of stimuli.3) Developing Skills. Exercises in this phase are intended to enable the learner to make productive use of his language, but still within controlled situations.Gradually,however, the exercises encourage manage transfer to those situations and areas of interest which are personal to the hearer.4) Using Skills.In this open-ended phase, exercises concentrate on language charts and discourse plans to stimulate the production of extended spoken and written communication.Evaluation(1)Advantages of CLTCommunication—According to AbilityWhether CLT should be considered an approach or a methodology is a more abstract debate and here I want to deal with its more practical aspects. In fact, it is those very elements, and the name itself, which have been used to challenge the future relevance of CLT. Firstly, the label implies a focus on communication and some might argue that this method can't be employed genuinely with low levels as there is no authentic communication, due to a limited vocabulary and restricted range of functions. Initially, many of a learner's utterances are very formulaic. As an aside, consider just what percentage of our own English expressions are unique, and how often we rely on a set phrase; just because it is delivered unselfconsciously and with natural intonation does not make it original. The aim is that the length and complexity of exchanges, and confident delivery, will grow with the student's language ability.With the emphasis on communication, there is also the implication that spoken exchanges should be authentic and meaningful; detractors claim that the artificial nature of classroom–based (i.e. teacher - created) interactions makes CLT an oxymoron. Nevertheless, a proficient teacher will provide a context so that class interactions are realistic and meaningful but with the support needed to assist students to generate the target language. We need to consider that producing language is a skill and when we learn a skill we practise in improvised settings. For example, before a nurse gives a real injection, they have punctured many a piece of fruit to hone their technique.Accuracy as Well as InfluencyThis focus on accuracy versus fluency is one of the issues not often considered in a discussion of CLT. The teacher decides to pay attention to one or other end of this band, depending on the type of lesson, or the stage of a particular lesson, and accuracy is their choice if they want to deal with students getting things right, take an opportunity for correction, or gauge the success of their teaching, for example. Freerspeaking involves more choice, therefore more ambiguity, and less teacher intervention. While CLT implies the lessons are more student-centered, this does not mean they are un-structured. The teacher does have a very important role in the process, and that is setting up activities so that communication actually happens. There is a lot of preparation; accuracy practice is the bridge to a fluency activity. By implication, CLT involves equipping students with vocabulary, structures and functions, as well as strategies, to enable them to interact successfully.Promoting LearningThis returns us to the consideration of who we are teaching, and why. Are our students aiming to learn or acquire English? Do they need to know lexical items and linguistic rules as a means of passing an exam, or do they want to be able to interact in English? For those inclined to maintain the dichotomy between learning and acquisition, and who argue that our primary focus is learners, CLT still has relevance. It is timely to review an early definition of CLT. According to Richards and Rodgers, in Guangwei Hu, CLT is basically about promoting learning.(2)DisadvantagesThe style also is potential limited to certain types of student. For instance, it might benefit field-independent students rather than field- dependent students, extroverts rather than introverts, and less academic students rather than academic students. The CLT is not appropriate to students with an interest in language structure or a desire for personal liberation.ConclusionCLT is an innovation in language teaching. It emerged as a new teaching method in Britain in the 1970s and became popular since than. It views language as a vehicle for communication. It recognizes as its aim the teaching of communicative competence, which includes grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence. Communicative activities play an important role in developing communicative competence and are an important part in communicative classrooms. In communicative classrooms, the teacher's role is facilitator and co-communicator while students become communicators. The communicative teaching procedure has no fixed format and can vary with local needs. Teachers can use CLT flexibly according to their teaching context. With theknowledge of CLT and a better understanding of CLT principles, teachers are likely to succeed in education.Reference(1)Allright, R 1981. Language leaning through communicative practice. In K. Johnson.& K. Morrow (Eds.), Communication in the Classroom. London: Longman.(2)Berns, Margie S. 1990. Contexts of Competence: Social andCultural Consideration inCommunicative Language Teaching. New York: Plenum Press.(3)Hymes, D. 1972. On Communicative Competence. [M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin.(4)Hymes, D. 1979. On Communicative Competence: The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching. Eds. C. J. Bnimfit&K Johnson. Oxfor3: Oxford University Press(5)Cai, Kun(蔡坤). 2002.交际教学法的理论、实践与思考,[J] 广西师范大学学报(1)。

• 社会语言学诞生。1972年海姆斯提出了“交际能力”的 概念,认为语言教学不应只是让学生掌握语言的结构以及 运用语言知识的能力,更重要的是培养运用语言进行交际 能力。1976年威尔金斯制定了《意念大纲(Notional Syllabus)》,1978年威多森出版《交际语言教学法》 (Teaching Language as Communication)一书,由此, 交际教学法应运而生。
• 需要进一步处理好有错不纠与有错必究的关系。
• 如何处理语言的流畅性和准确性获得体性的关系需要进一步 探讨。
• 教学过程变成交际的过程,语言情景总还带有些虚假性。
(The Notional Approach),“意念”即从特定的交际需要和交际目
织,故又叫“功能-意念法”(The Functional-- Notional Approach
本的目的,因而又称为交际法(The Communicative Approach)
• 20世纪70年代初期,随着西欧共同体成员国的扩大,使 用的语言增多,联合国、北约组织、经济合作与发展组织 会议需要大量的翻译人才,语言不通的成为主要问题。西 欧各国更快、更多、更好地培养具有外语交际能力的人才 迫在眉睫。
communicative teaching method

communicative teaching methodCommunicative teaching method(交际教学法)Communicative teaching method is a language teaching approach developed in the 1970s, which emphasizes the importance of communication and dialogue in language learning, and the use of real-life situations to practice language. It is based on the belief that learners should be given opportunities to develop their communicative competence through meaningful and authentic communication activities.The primary goal of communicative teaching method is for learners to become proficient in using language for purposeful communication. This approach encourages students to interact with each other and engage in meaningful conversations about topics that are interesting and relevant to them. The emphasis is on creating an enjoyable, interactive learning environment where students can practice using language in a range of situations.In order to promote effective communication, activities should be designed to encourage students to work together and be creative in their use of language. For example, activities may involve role-play, discussions, debates, simulations, problem-solving and task-based activities. The aim of such activities is to give students the opportunity to use language in meaningful contexts, as well as to develop their listening and speaking skills.The use of communicative teaching method also involves providing students with appropriate feedback to help them improve their communication skills. Such feedback should focus on helping students develop their understanding of the language and how it works. Additionally, teachers should provide guidance and support to ensure that learners remain motivated and engaged in the learning process.It is important to note that communicative teaching method requires careful planning and preparation by the teacher. In order to create an effective learning environment, the teacher must beknowledgeable about the language, its structure and usage, and the cultural context in which it is used. Additionally, the teacher must be able to select appropriate activities and resources to facilitate communication between learners.Overall, communicative teaching method is an effective way of teaching language that focuses on meaningful communication and interaction between learners. It provides students with the opportunity to use language in a range of contexts, encourages creative and collaborative learning, and helps learners develop their communicative competence. With careful planning and implementation, this approach can have a positive impact on students’ language learning outcomes.。

一、教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握本节课所涉及的词汇和句型,能够运用所学知识进行日常交际。
2. 能力目标:培养学生听、说、读、写四项基本技能,提高学生的英语交际能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强学生的自信心,培养学生的团队合作精神。
二、教学内容1. 词汇:本节课涉及的词汇包括:time、weather、hobby、weekend等。
2. 句型:What do you usually do on weekends? I usually go to the movies. What about you? I usually go to the park.三、教学重难点1. 重点:掌握本节课所涉及的词汇和句型,能够运用所学知识进行日常交际。
2. 难点:正确发音,灵活运用句型进行交际。
四、教学过程(一)导入(5分钟)1. 教师通过图片、视频或歌曲等形式,引入本节课的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 学生自由讨论,分享自己的周末活动。
(二)新授(20分钟)1. 教师带领学生复习上节课所学内容,为新知识的学习做好铺垫。
2. 教师讲解本节课的词汇和句型,并进行示范。
3. 学生跟读,模仿教师的发音和语调。
(三)练习(15分钟)1. 教师设计情景对话,让学生运用所学知识进行交际。
2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,巩固所学知识。
(四)巩固(10分钟)1. 教师组织学生进行小组竞赛,巩固所学知识。
2. 学生通过听、说、读、写等形式,全面复习本节课所学内容。
(五)总结(5分钟)1. 教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
2. 学生回顾本节课所学知识,分享自己的学习心得。
五、教学评价1. 观察学生在课堂上的表现,了解学生的学习情况。
2. 通过课堂练习和小组竞赛,评估学生的英语交际能力。
3. 收集学生作业,了解学生的学习效果。
六、教学反思1. 教师在课后总结本节课的教学效果,反思教学过程中的不足。
2. 教师针对学生的实际情况,调整教学策略,提高教学效果。
英语教学法 交际法


《英语教学法教案》PPT课件第一章:教学方法概述1.1 教学方法的定义1.2 教学方法的重要性1.3 常见的教学方法介绍第二章:直接教学法2.1 直接教学法的原理2.2 直接教学法的步骤2.3 直接教学法的优缺点第三章:任务型教学法3.1 任务型教学法的理论基础3.2 任务型教学法的实施步骤3.3 任务型教学法的优缺点第四章:全身反应教学法4.1 全身反应教学法的原理4.2 全身反应教学法的实施步骤4.3 全身反应教学法的优缺点第五章:分组合作教学法5.1 分组合作教学法的原理5.2 分组合作教学法的实施步骤5.3 分组合作教学法的优缺点第六章:交际式教学法6.1 交际式教学法的理论基础6.2 交际式教学法的实施步骤6.3 交际式教学法的优缺点第七章:沉默法7.1 沉默法的原理7.2 沉默法的实施步骤7.3 沉默法的优缺点第八章:计算机辅助教学法8.1 计算机辅助教学法的原理8.2 计算机辅助教学法的实施步骤8.3 计算机辅助教学法的优缺点第九章:游戏教学法9.1 游戏教学法的原理9.2 游戏教学法的实施步骤9.3 游戏教学法的优缺点第十章:评估与反馈10.1 教学评估的重要性10.2 常见的教学评估方法10.3 教学反馈的技巧重点和难点解析一、教学方法概述难点解析:理解不同教学方法之间的差异以及如何根据学生的需求和教学目标选择合适的教学方法。

交际法英语教学案例交际法英语教学案例第1 篇教学目标:学问与技能1、Can follow the tape and points out the correct English Numbers.2、Can use the correct English pronunciation and intonation say 1 to 10,saying the chant.过程与方法1.According to the teachers‘ instruction to act。
2.Listen to the music,and cultivate with the ability of music songs.情感态度价值观Through games,action performances and other activities,develop andmaintain students interest in learning English.教学重点:To be able to understand and speak English number 1 to 10 。
教学难点:To understand and sing English songs授课类型:The new teaching教法学法:Listen ,act ,and the game method教学预备:PPT课件教学过程:Ⅰ、Warm--upLets chantOne finger,two finger,three fingers,fourOne two three four five fingers moreSix finger,seven finger,eight fingers,nineSix seven eight nine ten fingers ten.Ⅰ、PreparationT:Good morning! Boys and girls.Ss:Good morning!T:Show me your pencil/ruler/schoolbag/book.Ss will do action.Ⅰ、Presentation1.Teacher will show some pictures and let students describe thepictures.T:Look at the pictures. Whats this?S1:Its a tiger.T:Ok! How many tigers do you see? You can speak Chinese.2.Teacher will write the new word on the blackboard.T:Read after me.Ss read the new words together.3.Teacher will show the other new words by the pictures.4.Students will read the new words by the cartoon.Ⅰ、Practice1.Teacher let students count their fingers. Who can act it?2.Teacher show some pictures and let students count it one by one.3.Listen and do. Teacher will say the numbers and students do action.T:Show me five. Students listen and do action.4.Students watch the cartoon and chant after it.5.Students read the new words by the word cards.6.Students chant after the tape.板书设计:Unit4 numbersOne two three four five作业布置1.Students will count the real things.2. Sing 1-10 English songs to your parents. 交际法英语教学案例第2 篇教学目的:1、能听、说、辨认:hellohiname2、熟悉与本课有关的几个人物:DaMing(大明)Amy(埃米)Sam(山姆)教学重点、难点:单词:hellohiname句型:Whatsyourname?Mynameis.教学预备:词汇卡片三个头饰教学过程:一、开头上课1、由于本单元是开学第一个单元,有许多同学对英语一无所知,所以在教课过程中,尽量使用简洁的英语口语,必要的地方肯定使用汉语教学,尽量给同学创设一个良好的学习环境,老师可以通过手势、表情、动作等示意同学加深理解。

《英语教学法教案》PPT课件一、课程简介1. 课程目标:通过本课程的学习,使学生了解和掌握英语教学的基本理论和方法,提高英语教学能力。
2. 适用对象:英语专业本科生、研究生以及英语教师。
3. 课程内容:本课程主要包括英语教学法的基本理论、教学设计、课堂管理、评价方法等方面的内容。
二、教学方法1. 讲授法:通过讲解英语教学法的理论知识,使学生掌握相关概念和原则。
2. 案例分析法:通过分析实际教学案例,使学生了解英语教学法的具体应用。
3. 小组讨论法:组织学生进行小组讨论,培养学生的合作能力和批判性思维。
4. 实践教学:安排学生进行教学实践,提高学生的教学技能。
三、教学内容1. 第一讲:英语教学法的基本理论教学大纲的编制教学目标的确立教学原则的遵循2. 第二讲:教学设计教学内容的选择和组织教学活动的设计和实施教学资源的利用3. 第三讲:课堂管理课堂纪律的维护学生的激励与反馈教师的角色与行为4. 第四讲:评价方法形成性评价与终结性评价自我评价与同伴评价评价工具的设计与使用5. 第五讲:教学策略与技巧直观教学策略任务型教学法语言交际法四、教学评估1. 平时成绩:包括课堂参与、小组讨论、作业完成等情况。
2. 实践教学评估:对学生的教学实践进行评价,包括教学内容、教学方法、教学效果等方面。
3. 期末考试:包括理论知识考试和教学设计考试。
五、教学资源1. 教材:选用权威、实用的英语教学法教材。
2. PPT课件:制作精美的PPT课件,辅助教学。
3. 网络资源:利用网络资源,提供丰富的教学内容和案例。
4. 教学实践:安排实地教学实践,增强学生的实际操作能力。
六、教学活动设计1. 理论与实践相结合:通过讲解理论知识,结合实际教学案例,使学生更好地理解和掌握教学方法。
2. 小组讨论与合作:组织学生进行小组讨论,鼓励学生分享经验和观点,培养学生的合作精神。
3. 教学演示与反馈:安排学生进行教学演示,给予及时的反馈和建议,提高学生的教学技巧。

小学英语交际法教学案例PPT交际教学法(交际法)又称功能法(Functional Method)或意念法,由英国语言学家威尔金斯(John Wilkins)于20世纪70年代创立。
在这种需求的推动下,1971年,范·埃克出版了《入门阶段》;随后,威尔金斯(John Wilkins)出版了《意念大纲》一书,这代表着交际法的诞生。
语言的功能和意念在语言交际过程中是紧密联系的,例如,询问学校的距离:“Is the school far away from here?”询问是功能,学校和距离是意念。

• What teachers and students should do in a communicative class?
For communicative activities to take place, the teacher needs to start from controlled structural activities to social problem solving activities.
5.The advantages and disadvantages of communicative approach
5.1Advantages • ⑴Wider considerations of what is appropriate and what is accurate • ⑵Wider range of language • ⑶Realistic and motivating language practice • ⑷Drawing on learners’ knowledge and experience
3 1 2
⑴Difficult to tailor syllabus to students’ needs
(2)Fossiliza tion of learners’ errors
⑶Unclear about how rules of use can be taught
1.2. The Communicative Approach is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence.
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