
兰州大学考博英语真题及其精解1.This rock has to be_______in order to build a road.A.blastedB.exploredC.hiredD.maintained2.He did not go to the party last night,which_______her feelings deeply.A.woundedB.injuredC.hurtD.injury3.When they returned to the river,they found that the boat had _______away.A.framedB.frostedC.frownedD.floated4.If you need further information,please_______our office.A.constantB.constructC.contactD.contain5.During the war,many soldiers were killed not by_______,but by disease.A.bulledtsB.devilC.bibleD.depth6.We watched the ship until it became only a_______in the distance.A.pointB.jarC.stoveD.dot7.The English proverb‘_______the rod and spoil the child’means that if you deep from punishing the child,you will spoil its character.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi.A.ruleB.rugC.clapD.spare8.The_______was only sentenced to pay a fine of$10,000.A.wormB.trialC.tubeD.criminal9.Higher education in China is free but the_______for entrance is strong.parisonB.consequencepetitionD.crawl10.The light is too_______for me to read.I can not stand any more.A.ridB.ripeC.soupD.dim11.The water_______from the tap and damaged all the books in my study.A.sprayedB.puzzledC.inclinedD.exported12.In the United States,Congress makes the laws and the President _______them.A.ordersB.conquersC.executesD.hedges13.She is too_______to answer questions in the class.A.eagleB.coughC.eagerD.couch14.We enjoy seeing the glorious_______of the rising sun.A.beamsB.beansC.beefD.beer15.In the_______English reading course,the students have to read a lot.A.extensiveB.mechanicalC.mercuryD.opera16.He gave up his study in college in_______.A.bundleB.butcherC.ashD.despair17.Several people_______the car accident.A.witnessedB.provedC.swallowedD.drugged18.They will_______the project with the necessary funds.A.referB.relateC.furnaceD.furnish19.I took it for_______that you wouldn’t come here again.A.grandB.tameC.grantedD.thumb20.He was sent to London on a special_______.A.missingB.missileC.missionD.mistress21.This light shelf is strong enough to_______all the books here.A.wipeB.waxC.surveyD.sustain22.The_______Court is the highest court in the United States.A.VitalB.ThunderC.ReverseD.Supreme23.Our university has an international student exchange_______ with the University of Wyoming in the United States.A.processionB.provisionC.professionD.program24.He________of me the best way to go.A.investigatedB.inquiredC.frightenedD.resorted25.Mr.White tried to_______this job through the influence of his father.A.harnessB.fetchC.curseD.obtain26.The police dog finally found the_______of the prisoners of war.A.steepB.resolutionC.porterD.trail27.As the only_______in the small village,he not only fixedthe furniture but also made furniture for the villagers.A.symbolB.sourceC.panD.carpenter28.A big crowd gathered around the bus,almost_______the traffic.A.affectingB.blockingC.creatingD.mating29.As far as I see,this book has its own_______.A.meritB.signalC.visibleD.swift30.This tree is too_______to be planted in this area.A.tremendousB.vigorousC.shyD.tender31.This product is_______to change without notice.A.despiteB.evilC.subjectD.crust32.I don’t know how he can_______himself for such conduct.A.justifyB.locateC.rearD.swear33.The stolen watch has been_______to its owner.A.retiredB.pitchedC.restoredD.cured34.It is_______cold this winter in Xi’an.A.considerablyB.tightC.navalD.moreover35.It has been my_______to meet with this accident.A.journalB.reductionC.affectD.fate36.Her smile_______her secret even though she didn’t admit the fact.A.reviewedB.reversedC.respondedD.revealed37.He________that he could finish the job without any help.A.designedB.headedC.claimedD.preserved38.Professor Li_______his success to his mother.A.ownsB.ruinsC.owesD.roars39.The election_______for the State governor has begun this year.A.campaignB.boltC.hellD.immense40.Anyone without_______illness can do this simple job.dB.mindC.mentalD.mend41.Glass may_______at high temperature.A.profitB.pronounceC.stingD.melt42.Silver_______electricity far better than other materials.A.equipsB.strikesC.cracksD.conducts43.Everyone is encouraged to_______food or clothing for those who suffered a great deal in the flood.A.attributeB.distributeC.contributeD.drift44.White teeth are a sharp_______to black skin.A.contentB.contractC.contrastD.contain45.Tom is_______about photography.He spends nearly all his money on it.A.justiceB.innocentC.fierceD.crazy46.We need help from the other countries.But we do not_______ on others for support.A.engageB.leanC.stripD.multiply47.We will_______the plan because of the cost.A.councilB.journalC.dampD.oppose48.Our train is_______at Shanghai at seven o’clock this evening.A.dueB.crystalC.cushionD.cooperation49.Her voice was_______in the noise.A.filledB.entertainedC.enormousD.drowned50.He is very_______in his family and never does anything against his wife.A.henceB.possessC.outerD.humble答案:1.A2.C3.D4.C5.A6.D7.D8.D9.C10.D11.A12.C13.C14.A15.A 16.D17.A18.D19.C20.C21.D22.D23.D24.B25.D26.D27.D28.B29.A 30.D31.C32.A33.C34.A35.D36.D37.C38.C39.A40.C41.D42.D43.C 44.C45.D46.B47.D48.A49.D50.D本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。

兰州大学 2004年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题

兰州大学兰州大学兰州大学兰州大学 2004 年研究生考试题招生专业生命科学学院各专业考试科目细胞生物学一、名词解释(每个名词 2 分,共 30 分)1.氧化磷酸化: 氧化磷酸化,生物化学过程,在真核细胞的线粒体或细菌中,是物质在体内氧化时释放的能量供给ADP与无机磷合成ATP的偶联反应2.细胞分化:细胞选择性的表达各自特有的专一性蛋白质而导致细胞形态结构功能的差异3.膜骨架:细胞质膜下,与膜蛋白相连,由纤维蛋白组成的网架结构,他参与维持细胞质膜的性状并协助质膜完成多项生理功能4.静息电位:是指细胞未受刺激时,存在于细胞膜内外两侧的外正内负的电位差。
8.CDK 激酶:即周期蛋依赖性蛋白激酶,一类含有一段类似氨基酸序列的蛋白,它们可以和周期蛋白结合并受后者的调节,可以磷酸化其他蛋白,比如组蛋白H1、核纤层蛋白等9.自主复制DNA 序列:具有一段11~14bp的同源性很高的富含AT的共有序列,其上下游各200bp左右的区域是维持ARS功能所必须的。

目录Ⅰ历年真题试卷 (2)兰州大学2007年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题 (2)兰州大学2008年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题 (6)兰州大学2009年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题 (10)兰州大学2010年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题 (14)兰州大学2011年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题 (18)Ⅱ历年真题答案解析 (22)兰州大学2007年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题答案解析 (22)兰州大学2008年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题答案解析 (34)兰州大学2009年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题答案解析 (49)兰州大学2010年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题答案解析 (61)兰州大学2011年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题答案解析 (73)Ⅰ历年真题试卷兰州大学2007年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题招生专业:化学化工学院无机化学、分析化学、有机化学、物理化学、高分子化学与物理、化学信息学、药物化学生物学考试科目:613分析化学和物理化学(分析化学占40%)注意:答案请一律写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效分析化学一、填空题(20分)1误差分为系统误差和偶然误差,为了减小系统误差,通常采用____________,____________和____________试验。


第1页 共1页
2019 年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:病理学和病理生理学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
一、选择题(25 个单选,5 个多选)
二、名词解释 5 个 1. nanplasia tumor 2. 肉芽肿性炎 3. 桥接坏死 4. 肺褐色硬变 5. 全身适应综合征
三、简答题 4 个 1. 肺结核的基本病变特征,形成条件 2. 胃溃疡的病理学特点,疼痛的原理 3. 固缩肾由哪些疾动的机制
四、论述题 2 个 1. 发热的分期及热代谢特点 2. 分子病理学的含义。与传统组织病理学的区别
英语 作文是批判性思维 翻译是 copd
第1页 共1页
兰州大学 2013年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题

兰州大学 2013 年招收攻读硕士学位研究生考试试题注意:答案请一律写在答题纸上,写在试题上无效。
一名词解释(4/题)1 细胞学说:一切:细胞学说是1838~1839年间由德国植物学家施莱登和动物学家施旺最早提出,直到1858年才较完善。
2 caspase: 是一组存在于细胞质中具有类似结构的蛋白酶。
这个发光的过程中还需要冷光蛋白质水母素的帮助,且这个冷光蛋白质与钙离子可产生交互作用4 氧化磷酸化:氧化磷酸化,生物化学过程,在真核细胞的线粒体或细菌中,是物质在体内氧化时释放的能量供给ADP与无机磷合成ATP的偶联反应5 蛋白酶体:是在真核生物和古菌中普遍存在的,在一些原核生物中也存在的一种巨型蛋白质复合物。
6 信号假说:分泌性蛋白N端作为信号肽指导分泌性蛋白到内质网膜上合成,然后在信号肽的指引下蛋白质边合成边通过移位子蛋白复合体进入内质网腔在蛋白质合成之前信号肽内切除的假说叫做信号假说7 巨大染色体:在某些生物的细胞中,特别是发育的某些阶段,可以观察到一些特殊的体积很大的染色体包括多线染色体和灯刷染色体这两种染色体的总称叫做巨大染色体8.zine finger motif:锌指模式;负责5SrRNA,tRNA和部分snRNA基因转录的RNA聚合酶Ⅲ所必须的转录因子,每个锌指单位是一个DNA结合结构域,每个心智的C末端形成α螺旋负责与DNA结合9.NLS:和定位信号;也称核定位序列,是存在于亲核蛋白内的一些短的氨基酸序列片段,富含碱性氨基酸残基。

兰州大学2005年招收攻读博士学位研究生英语考试试题Section Ⅰ (20%)1.Hemp, a barsh, stiff fiber, comes from a plant that grows in both hotand mild climates.A. rigidB. stickyC. denseD. woven2. At least six times since the end of the last ice age, the MississippiRiver has dramatically altered its course.A. unfortunatelyB. radicallyC. steadilyD. incvitably3. The Depreasion years of 1930`s brought with them the notion of jobsharing to spread available work around; the workweek dropped to modem low for the United Statesof 35 hours.A. conceptB. pictureC. noticeD. program4. The longest unbroken border in the world is that between Canada andThe United States.A. reciprocalB. incessantC. uninterruptedD. enduring5. A major chatacteristic of parliament government is the fusion ofexecutive and legislative powers in one body.A. alignmentB. fixingC. strengthD. union6. New York is a shopper`s paradise whether one wants to spend afortune in elegant department stores or rifle though goods displayed on street barrows.A. turn one`s back onB. walk casually alongC. search carefully forD. to look quickly over7. The role of the performing artist is to interpret, not alter, the notes ona printed sheet of music.A. reproduceB. omitC. changeD. compose8. Within minutes, as my guide predicted, a beggar accosted me.A. insultedB. intinddatedC. approached and addressedD. asked fou money9. The stories of Sarah Onne Jewerr are considered by many to be moreauthentically regional than those of Bret Harte.A. genuinelyB. blatantlyC. intentionallyD. thoroughly10. With the down of space exploration, the notion that atmosphericconditions on Earth may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.A. continuationB. beginningC. expansionD. outcome11. When a flounder first hatches, it looks like a typical fish.A. emerges from the eggB. maturesC. swims aboutD. rises from the bottom12. Many movies receive disparaging reviews from film experts and yetbecome extremely successful.A. lengthyB. authoritativeC. negativeD. uninteresting13. A vein is a depoait of mineral matter that has filled a fault or seamin a rock.A. a caveB. a crackC. an indentationD. a hole14. During the late 1860`s, thirty-three whaling ships were trapped in aice floe off Alaska and had to be abandoned.A. protectedB. overturnedC. given upD. towed away15. There are numerous manuals available with instructions on how tofix a bicycle.A. steerB. controlC. rideD. repair16. Because he was unaware of the new limit, he was stopped andwarned for speeding.A. ignorantB. obstinateC. IntricateD. adjacent17. The strait is a difficult stretch of water, too perilous for small ferriesto cross.A. surgingB. riskyC. narrowD. windy18. The initial sounds of words are frequently stressed.A. alphabeticalB. vowelC. hardD. beginning19. Weather forecasers must know as much as possible about the stateof the atmosphere.A. organizationB. locationC. conditionD. composition20. A kiin is a type of oven in which clay is fired so that it hardens intoform of ceramic material.A . lightenced B. repairedC. meltedD. bakedSectionⅡ(20%)21. no two people think exactly alike, there will always bedisagreement, but disagreement should not always be avoided; it can be healthy if handled creatively.A. WhyB. There areC. BecauseD. That22. Until the eighteenth century , charcoal was used in blastlurnaces, as well as in glassmaking, blacksmithing, and metalworking.A. the chief fuel wasB. what the chief fuelC. the chief fuel thatD. the chief fuel23. The early cultures of the genus Homo were generally byregular use of stone tools and by a hunting gathering economy.A. well-knownB. admittedC. distinguishedD. condidered24. Mamufacturing is Canada`s most important economic activity,17 percent of the workforce.A. engagesB. engagingC. and to engageD. that it engages25. Railway industry must the growing demands for carryingfreight and passengers.A. keep pace withB. keep a pace withC. keep paces togetherD. follow the pace of26. In war time, pigeons to fly as fast as 75 miles an hour andto cover distances of 500 to 600 miles.A. are to be knownB. have been knownC. are supposed to have knownD. usually know27. The American frontier the relatively unsettled regions ofthe United States, usually found in the western part of the country.A. included inB. make up ofC. includingD. consisted of28. In carlier times there were more sheep in the South of New Zealandthan in the North; now, with increasing attention to cross-bred flocks, the reverse .A. being trueB. being the caseC. are trueD. is the case29. Most people would agree that, our age exceeds all previous ages inknowledge, there has been no increase in wisdom.A. respectiveB. relatedC. correspondingD. consistent30. Statuses are marzelous human inventions that to getalong with one another and to determine where we “fit” in society.A. enable usB. make us capableC. give us powerD. we are able31. Tidiness means keeping things out of sight and availablewhen wanted.A. so thatB. alsoC. soD. yet32. A few years ago a brand of bread to dieters with themessage that there were fewer calories in every slice.A. was offeredB. had offeredC. was offeredD. being offered33. The business institutes have more prestige in American society thanany other organization the government.A. including ofB. to includeC. includedD. including34. that life began billions of years ago in the water..A. It is believedB. In the beliefC. The beliefD. Believing35. as food additives ,antioxidants prevent fats and oilsfrom becoming rancid when exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life.A. While usedB. When usingC. When usedD. Using36. As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child,is very important in parental tasching.A. firmnessB. consistencyC. harmonyD. correlation37. John was the only one who knew how to cook because he hadin the kitchen when he was a boy.A. helped withB. helped upC. helped outD. helped himself38. Methods of measuring mass, time, and distance are ofhuman culture.A. among the oldest skillsB. they are among the oldest skillsC. what among the oldest skillsD. the skills that among the oldest39. The first glass factory the North American continentwas started in Jamostown, Virginia, in 1607.A. was established onB. being establishedC. established onD. that established it40. The notion that students are not sufficiently involved in theireducation is for the recent surge of support for undergraduate research.A. reason thatB. one reasonC. the reason whichD. reasonPart Two Translation (40%)Section Ⅰ (From English into Chinese)Directions Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.(20%)I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two, I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what colorred is. It would be wonderful to see again, but a calamity can do strange things to people. (1) It occurred to me the other day that I might no t have come to love life as I do if I hadn`t been blind. I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believe in it so deeply, otherwise. I don`t mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the loss of them made me appreciate the more what I had left.Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. (2) The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more meaningful his own private world would become. The adjustment is never easy. I was bewildered and afraid. But I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me – a potential to live, you might call it – and they made me want to fight it out with blindness.The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic. If I hadn`t been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker on the front porch for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self- confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that a assurance I am, despite imperfections, a real, positive person; (3) that somewhere in the sweeping intricate pattern of people there is a special place where I can make myself fit.It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once a man gave me an indoorbaseball. I thought he was mocking me and I was hurt. “I can`t use this,” I said. “Take it with you, and roll it around,” he urged me. The words stuck in my head. By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. (4) This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible playing baseball. At Philadephia`s Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it ground ball.All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. (5) It was no good to try for something I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.Section Ⅱ (From Chinese into English)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into English (20%)盼头(6)细娃盼过年,大人盼开春。



中国科学院2007年生态环境研究中心硕士入学考试试题-----土壤学试题中国科学院2007年生态环境研究中心硕士入学考试试题-----土壤学试题07年中科院生态环境研究中心土壤学试题(回忆版试题)一:填空与选择:(5分1题)1、旱地土壤淹水后土壤PH值是(升高/降低/不变)2、国际制、美国制和中国制中对于“砾”的直径尺寸要求都是大于_________3、草甸土、水稻土、沼泽土哪个是地带性土壤:________4、 N、P、K中哪些能被矿物固定:________5、土壤固相包括哪三个部分:______、________、_________6、土壤胶体吸附的Na+、Fe3+、H+中哪些是必须元素_______、哪些是有益元素_________二:名词解释(5分1题)1、土壤肥力(农学家的定义):2、地下水临界深度:三:计算题(10分1题)1、从“孔度=孔隙体积/土壤体积” 推导出“孔度=1-(容重/密度)”2、(记不清了)四:实践题(10分1题)1、试列举提高土壤有机质含量常用的三种措施,并简要解释原理2、试列举提高土壤氮肥利用率的三种措施,并简要解释原理3、为什么开垦土壤后土壤有机质会普遍减少?五:问答题(15分1题)1、比较团粒结构和非团粒结构土壤肥力特性差异2、比较旱田和水田的水分运动方式的不同六论述题(30分1题)你认为肥沃的土壤应该具备哪些特性?TOP 华东师范学考博试题景观生态学(2001年)(五选四)1、什么是缀块-廊道-基底模式?如何区分这三类景观结构单元?2、什么是景观的结构、功能和动态?它们之间的关系是什么?3、什么是景观连接度?它对景观功能的重要意义是什么?4、为什么要研究景观格局?研究景观格局的主要方法有哪些?5、景观生态学与自然保护和土地规划及设计有何关系?举例说明如何利用景观生态原理和方法促进生物多样性保护和自然资源管理。
4楼yiii发表于:2006-3-19 10:48:25景观生态学(2000年)(五选四)1、3S技术(遥感,全球定位与地理信息系统)技术在景观生态研究中的作用和意义;2、试述景观生态规划与设计的基本原则和组要方法;3、比较美国景观生态学派与西欧景观生态学派的工作特点;4、分析景观生态网络体系的基本特征及成因5、请设计一个用于景观空间结构的指标体系,并说明其研究方法中山大学1997——2004年人文地理学考博试题[/size]中山大学1997年人文地理学考博试题一、名词解释1、人地关系论2、人口反金字塔模式3、Mental map4、theme park二、简析20世纪以来人文地理学的理论进展三、简析97香港回归的地理意义四、简析cross-culture与经济全球化的关系中山大学1998年人文地理学考博试题一、试析发展迅速的大都市连绵区的人地关系二、试比较后现代社会和现代社会的乡村文化景观三、试析中东和平危机的地理意义中山大学1999年人文地理学考博试题一、名词解释1、Age-sex pyramid2、cultural landscape3、economic rent4、social area二、20世纪以来英美人文地理学的主要流派三、试析人地关系地域系统与可持续发展的关系四、试析南联盟科索沃问题的政治地理背景中山大学2000年人文地理学考博试题一、名词解释通论地理学地缘政治学可持续发展观洪堡二、试述20世纪50年代以前和以后人文地理学发展的特点三、试述区域发展依附理论的演进及其对后工业社会的解释价值四、举例分析旅游业发展在产业结构调整中的作用和地位五、我国最近提出开发大西北的区域发展战略其地理依据何在?中山大学2001年人文地理学考博试题一、名词解释拉采尔人地相关论行为革命海权论二、经济全球化与区域集团化对人地关系的影响三、请论述人文地理学与你报考方向的相互关系四、下图为某国人口年龄结构构成曲线,请论述年龄构成的特征及需要采取的政策。

兰州大学2021年攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题兰州大学2021年攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题专业:汉语言文字学科目:现代汉语和语言学概论一、填空(30分)1. 现代汉民族共同语称为(),以典范的()作为语法规范。
2. 声调、语调的不同,主要是语音要素中的()不同变化决定的。
3. 普通话中的送气塞擦音声母用汉语拼音表示分别是()。
4. 普通话中词语“演讲”在实际语流中的调值用数字表示分别是()。
5. 从造字法来来看,“氢”属于()字,“双”中的第二笔属于5种笔画当中的()。
6. “参差、方圆、蝴蝶、沙发”四个词中,有一个词的构词方式与另外三个不同,这个词是()。
7. “他病了三天了”“他是会来的”“他打过电话”以上三句话中,加线词有一个词性与另外两个不同,这个词是()。
8. “有人不同意”属于()结构的短语,“获得丰收”属于()结构的短语。
9. “不是鱼死,就是网破。
10. 北京话中/t/的区别特征是(),英语中/t/的区别特征是()。
11. 根据语素在词中的不同作用可以将它分为三类,英语单词readers中,read、er、s分别是这三类语素中的()。
12. 基本词汇具有稳固性、()性和()性三个特点。
13. 法语、俄语都属于()语系,维吾尔语、哈萨克语都属于()语系。
14. 从语法结构类型分析,汉语、日语分别属于()语和()语。
15. “狮子、鼠标、胡同、罗汉”四个词中,属于外来词的是()。
二、举例解释下列名词术语(35分)儿化表音文字义素句类双关语言符号的任意性克里奥耳语三、简答题(50分)1. an、ian、uan、üan四个韵母的韵腹用国际音标表示分别是什么?为什么在汉语拼音中可以用一个字母拼写这些不同的元音?2. 汉语中动词和形容词的语法特性有何不同?请举例说明。

315 微分方程与动力系统 《常微分方程几何理论与分支问题》,张锦炎,冯贝叶著,1997 年第二次修订 本,北京大学出版社; 《微分方程定性理论》,1997 年版,科学出版社。 316 数学物理方程 317 偏微分方程 318 图论 《数学物理方程讲义》,姜礼尚、陈亚浙等,高等教育出版社; 《二阶椭圆型方程与椭圆型方程组》,陈亚浙、吴兰成著,科学出版社;《非线性发 《图论及其应用》(中译本),Bondy,Murity 著,科学出版社;《Introduction to 《数学物理方程》谷超素、李大潜等,高等教育出版社。 展方程》,李大潜、陈韵梅著,科学出版社。 graph theory》,Wilson 著。 319 概率论基础与数理统计 《概率论基础》,严士健等著 ,1982 年版,科学出版社;《数理统计-基本 概念及专题》,Bickel 等著,李泽慧等译,1991 年版,兰州大学出版社;《数理统计习题教程》,李泽 慧等著,兰州大学出版社。 320 微分方程数值逼近 《Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations》(第一、第 二部分)A.Quarteroni,A.Valli 著,Springer-verlag(世界图书公司)北京,1998。 321 数学生态学模型概论《数学生态学》[加]E.C.皮洛著,卢泽愚等译,科学出版社,1998 年第二版。 322 抽象代数 323 复杂性理论 《代数学》,科学出版社,1964 年版。 《可计算性、复杂性及语言》,M.D.Davis 等,清华大学出版社,1989 年版。
《固体电子器件》,B.G.Streetman 著,兰州大学出版社,2005 年。
《粒子与场》,户里著,朱重远等译,科学出版社,1981 年版。 《引力论与宇宙》,温伯格著,邹振隆等译,科学出版社,1980 年版。 《统计力学》,帕斯里亚著,湛垦华等译,高等教育出版社,1985 年版。 DYNAMICS,S.NEILRASBAND。 《理论物理学中的计算机模拟方法》,Heerman 著,秦克城译。 《铁磁学》(中册),钟文定著,科学出版社,1998。 《穆斯堡尔谱学》,马如璋、徐英庭主编,科学出版社,1998。

2001年兰州大学2007年招收攻读博士学位研究生英语考试试题Section I1. An important function of early stone took was to extract highly nutritious food from large animal carcassesA. destroyB. identifyC. RemoveD. compare2 Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying communities and highways as well as with urbanaffairsA. outlandishB. Remote C exempted D. exclusive3. Potash and soda are not interchangeable for all purposes, but for glass- or soap-making either would do.A. advantageousB. convenientC. identifiableD. equivalent4. With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on Earth may be unique in the systemwas strengthenedA. continuationB. beginningC. expansionD. Outcome5. When the glaciers thawed after the last ice age the five Great Lakes of North America were formedA. meltedB. advanced C evaporated D. exploded6. New York is a shopper's paradise whether one wants to spend large sums of money in elegant department storesor rifle though goods displayed on street barrowsA. a fortuneB. a dimeC. MuchD. quite lot7. During the rainy season the Mississippi River may carry away hundreds of acres of valuable topsoil from onearea and arbitrarily deposit it in another.A. lawfullyB. SubsequentlyC. RandomlyD. mercilessly8. Over six million citizens of the United States collect benefits from private pension plans each year.A. nongovernmentalB. unauthorizedC. confidentialD. nontransferable9. Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the overwhelming majority are dormantA. unchartedB. unpredictableC. MinorD. inactive10. The lymphatic system includes a network of tiny capillaries that lie adjacent to the fine blood vessels.A. independent ofB. nearC. obscured byD. within11. One of California's most acute problems is an inadequate water supply.A. criticalB. unusualC. PersistentD. unexpected12. It is estimated that at one time there existed from one to two thousand American Indian languages and at leastas many cultures, each different in some respect from all the others.A. prospectB. StagesC. AspectD. activity13. The eardrum, a taut membrane located at the end of the ear canal, separates the outer ear from the inner ear.A lightly tinted B. tightly stretched C. somewhat opaque D. delicately made14.It was commonly felt that the purchase of Alaska by the United State in 1867 was foolish.A. requiringB. sendingC. buyingD. applying15. In the Pacific Northwest, as climate and topography vary, so do the species that prevail in the forests.A dominate B. rebuild C. invade D. tend16.In frogs and toads,the tongue is fixed to the front of the mouth in order to facilitate projecting it at somedistance, greatly in aiding in capture of insects.A proscribing B. Protruding C. Provoking D. protracting17. Stare twinkle as a result of the turbulent stale of the air through which their light passes.A. in addition toB. in spite ofC. because ofD. with regard to18. Most meat-eating animals use their teeth to seize and kill prey.A. attackerB. nourishmentC. enemiesD. victims19.It is ridiculous to become angry about such an insignificant matter,A. absurdB. NourishmentC. tragicD. unpardonable20.How many people are aware that a dancer with New York City Ballet typically wears out a minimum of twohundred pairs of toe shoes per year?A. onlyB. at leastC. exactlyD. fewer thanSection II (20%)21.Not until the eighteenth century _____the complex chemistry of metallurgy.A. when scientists began to appreciateB. did scientists begin to appreciateC. scientists who were beginning to appreciateD. the appreciation of scientists began22. Pewte, ____ for eating and drinking utensils in colonial America, is about ninety percent tin with copper orbismuth added for hardness.A. widely used itB. was widely usedC. which widely usedD. widely used23. Lyndon B. Johnson was the only United States President whose oath of office ____by a woman, Judge SarahTilghman Hughes.A. was administeredB. being directedC. was accomplishedD. of administration was24. Protein digestion begins in the stomach _____ ends in the small intestine.A. whenB. whileC. AndD. because25.___fee growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of Texas has remained heavilydependent on oil and gas.A. AsB. DespiteC. ThoughD. In case26. Probably at about the same time speech, ____laughter originated too.A. increasedB. brought aboutC. EvolvedD. resulted27. The United States Capitol building in Washington D.C, is ____in a small park surrounded by a number ofimpressive government buildings.A. located B- secluded C formed D. Spotted28. In earlier times there were more sheep in the South of New Zealand than in the North; now, ____ to cross-bredflocks, the reverse is the case.A. in increase attentionB. with increasing attentionC. with attention increasingD. in attention29. Researchers ____ that when people are mentally engaged biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it toact more effectively.A. have brought aboutB. had set up C have established D. had put up30. Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enables us to get along with one another and ___ where we insociety.A. to determineB. determineC. to the determinationD. by determining31. If pollution continues to increase _____the present rate, formation of aerosols in the atmosphere will cause theonset of an ice age in about fifty years time.A. withB. inC. ByD. at32. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieters with____ that there were fewer calories in every slice.A. messageB. the messageC. MessagesD. information33. Americans view business _____based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society.A. being as more firmlyB. as more firmlyC. as being more firmlyD. as is more firmly34. By 1872 the United States had 70 engineering colleges, ____astonishing expansion credited largely to theMorrill Act of 1862.A was B. because C. to which D. an35. When used as food additives, antioxidants prevent fats and oils ____rancid when exposed to air, and thusextend their shelf life.A. from becomingB. becomingC. to becomeD. to becoming36. Parents should realize that ……example is better than ____”A. statementB. lessonC. ProverbD. precept37.Arabian camels are usually about 7 feet high and generally sandy-colored, _____sometimes they are white,various shades of brown or black.A but that B. though C. however D. therefore38. ____they sometimes swim alone, dolphins usually congregate in large groups, often numbering in the hundreds.A. EvenB. WhyC. AlthoughD. Nevertheless39.___in the desert is mainly due to the limited supply of desert water.A Plants are widely spaced B. The wide spacing of plantsC. The spacing of plants is wideD. Plants to be spaced widely40. Faults in the Earth's crust are most evident in sedimentary formations, _____interrupt previously continuous layers.A. by whichB. which itC. where theyD. thus it。
【爱考宝典】2020年兰州大学文学考研介绍、专业目录、参考书目、 分数线
