

LESSON 2 美式发音与英式发音的区别



Read the following words, while paying to the pronunciation of the /p/

1. far car large charge smart

2. dear clear fear cheer here

3. air dare pear their where

4. for more door pour before

5. sure poor tour cure fewer

6. her turn learn word first

7. fire tired higher liar buyer

8. hour flour shower power tower

9. destroyer employer

1. half

2. bath

3. pass

4. sample

5. dance

6. calm

7. palm


A. Passage

After Charles had left the country, he started to farm in Derbyshire. This was different from marching past a sergeant.

“I can’t play cards now,” thought Charles.“ I can’t go to dances, nor laugh with my comrades-in-arms. But I shan’t break my heart,” he laughed. “ I have a car, and life is sweet and calm.”

B. Dialogue

Margaret: Where’s your glass, Barbara?

Barbara: It’s on the bar.

Martin: Barbara, Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are dancing on the grass!

Margaret: In the garden? What a laugh!

Barbara: So they are!

Margaret: They are dancing under the stars!

Martin: And Arnold’s playing his guitar.

Barbara: Doesn’t Martha look smart?

Margaret: Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!

Barbara: Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha a nd Charles.

Martin: We can’t. It’s too dark.

1. bought

2. talk

3. ball

4. caught

5. saw

6. applaud


A. Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation of /x/

coffee water caught law

bought boss tall talk

lawyer fought walk ball

cause draw daughter August

saw ought

One morning in August, at dawn, he rode his horse past the lawn, along the wall to the orchard. “How awful not to have been born,” he called to his daughter. “You fought a war for this,” she thoug ht. Then they walked in the cornfields, and thanked the Lord for their good fortune.

C. Dialogue

A Football Game Sports Report on Channel 4

Announcer: This morning the Horses returned from their game in Boston. Paul

Short, our sports reporter, was at the airport to meet them.

Paul Short: Good morning. I’m Paul Short. All the football players are walking toward me. Here’s George Small, the halfback. Good morning, George.

George Small: Good morning. Are you a reporter?

Paul Short: Yes. I’m from C hannel 4. Please tell our audience what you thought about the game in Boston.

George Small: Well, it was just awful. We lost. The score was 4 to 44. But it wasn’t my fault.

Paul Short: Whose fault was it?

George Small: The forwards.

Paul Short: The forwards?

George Small: Yes, the forwards. They were always falling down or dropping the ball! I think the other team bought them some beer before the match!

D. Little poem

Good morning to all.

Good morning to all who walk,

Good morning to all who crawl,

Good morning to all who soar,

Or swim, good morning I call.

To broad and to small, to short and to tall,

Good morning, good morning to all.



(British/X/ is changing to/A/ in American English.)

1. cot

2. clock

3. shop

4. box

5. not

6. hot


A. Read the following words, while paying attention to the different pronunciation of ???.

what want wash watch

bottle romise shop job

hot top college pot

B. Passage

“ I want an Orange Squash. I’m hot. And tell me the time, bec ause my watch has stopped,” John said while wiggling his wrist.

“ It’s one o’clock,” replied Tom. “And there’s no Orange Squash. All we have in the cupboard is a cough drop.” “ I suppose they’re quality cough drops, then?”

“ What a lot of rot you talk!”

C. Dialogue

Voice A: What’s the matter, Mr. Block?

Mr. Block: What’s the matter? I want a break from this horrible job of washing


Voice B: Buy a bottle of Starwash, Mr. Block.

Voice C: Starwash does the job.

Voice D: But it’s not a hard job with Starwash.

Voice A: You don’t need lots of hot water with Starwash.

Voice B: Star washing the modern way―with Starwash.

Voice C: Starwash is marvelous for all your washable clothes.

Everybody: Starwash is so popular!

Voice C: Next time you shop, pick up a bottle of Starwash.

D. Little poem

Froggy-boggy sat on a rock.

Froggy-boggy had a great shock.

Froggy-boggy fell off the top.

Into the pond he fell with a plop.

1. Hold the front part of your tongue low in your mouth.

2. Touch the lower front teeth lightly with the tip of your tongue.

3. Lower your jaw and open your lips slightly.

4. Raise the center part of your tongue toward the roof (hard palate)of your mouth (but not touch it).

5. Native speakers often use this sound when they ar e hesitating. It is usually written “uh”.

1. but

2. touch

3. love

4. blood


Now practice the sound in words. Listen and repeat each word twice.

1. up up

2. love love

3. cut cut

4. another another

5. above above

6. bus ? bus

7. nut nut

8. sun sun

9. bun bun

10. cup cup

1. many

2. bet

3. guest

4. bread

5. said

6. friend

The main features in pronouncing the sound /ei/

1. Hold your tongue in the same position as for /ei/, but a little lower in your mouth.

2. Place the sides of your tongue against the upper back teeth, but do not press. The muscles

of your tongue should be lax.

3. Open your lips slightly more than for /ei/.

4. Your jaw and tongue do not move as you make this short vowel sound.

5. Place your thumb underneath your chin. You should feel no tense muscles; the muscles

are relaxed.


A. Now practice the sound in words.

1. egg egg

2. guess guess

3. neck neck

4. red red

5. let let

B. Now practice the sound in sentences . Listen and repeat .

1. edge Is it the edge of the chair?

2. Ed Can you find Ed in the office?

3. less Do you want less in the shirt?

4. bet Who’s taking the bet tomorrow?

5. debt We’re talking about my debt.

6. pest The pest is all over me.

7. test The test is pretty good.

8. sell I would like to sell my boat.

9. pen His pen is awful, isn’t it?

10. pepper The pepper was passed around to all of us.


Part One Flap听辨及跟读练习

A. Read the words, while paying attention to the pronunciation of

city forty butter

water dirty matter

writer better Betty

/t/ /d/

Italian Italy

attack attic

atomic atom

photography photograph

B. Tongue twisters

Betty bought a bit of butter, “But” said she “this butter is bitter.If I put it in my batter,it will make my batter bitter” So, She bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her bitter batter better.

C. Dialogue

A: I’m taking a course at a technical college.

B: Who’s your teacher?

A: Mr. Tom Atkings.

B: But I thought, Mr. Tom Atkings taught at Harvard.

A: He taught there last term.

B: I see.

A: I’m the daughter. And I have two brothers.

B: I’ll write it down.

A: And then there’s Dennis, Doctor.

B: Dennis?

A: Dennis is the dog.

B: Oh, the dog.

A: That’s D-E-N-N-I-S, Dennis, Doctor.

B: Dennis —Yes. I got it.

Part Two鼻腔爆破听辨及跟读练习

A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice .

1. mutton mutton

2. written written

3. curtain curtain

4. certain certain

5. eaten eaten

6. button button

B. Practice the sound in sentences.

1. bitten I was bitten by the dog.

2. mitten Where’s my mittens?

3. Latin It’s a Latin word.

4. gotten I have gotten it yesterday.

5. lighten The flowers will lighten the room.

6. rotten Throw the rotten fish away.

7. cotton The cloth is made of cotton.



Part One Clear L 听辨及跟读练习






如:light let lip local lake lamp

A. Phrases and single sentences

a lovely girl All is well. Let her alone.

to tell a lie late at night Did he leave?

little by little to live well to talk loud

Is Della telling us a lie?

Laura left a little after eleven.

All love letters belong to loose Louise.

Would you like to look at the lake where Larry Lotter was eaten for lunch? Where shall we meet for lunch?

A little boy just fell into the lake.

B. Sound drill

W: Please listen and repeat:


He called the milkman.

Now listen. Don’t speak.

You quite like your food and drink cold but nobody else does.

W: D o you want this coffee? It’s cold.

M: Yes, I’ll have cold coffee.

W: Now you do the same: Yes, I’ll have cold coffee. Ready?

W: Do you want this coffee? It’s cold.

M: Yes, I’ll have cold coffee.

W: And does anybody want some cold tea?

M: Yes, I’ll ha ve cold tea.

W: And I’ve got some cold soup. Cold soup, anybody?

M: Yes, I’ll have cold soup.

W: And would you like some cold milk?

M: Yes, I’ll have cold milk.

W: And I’ve got some cold meat here too. Anybody?

M: Yes, I’ll have cold meat.

W: And does anybody want some cold potatoes?

M: Yes, I’ll have cold potatoes.

C. Conversation

A: Oh, Lucy, you’re so lucky, you are the only one who got rise in pay!

B: Well, it’s not lucky, it’s my ability.

A: I like the way you’re talking, I hope the people who work for me are all like you.

Part Two Dark L听辨及跟读练习

Dark L:舌尖抵在上齿根部,但不落下,气流从舌边涌出,声带震动

Dark L is the hard factor for Chinese English speakers all the time.

The crucial point is the function of the tongue. As is shown in the illustration, the tip of the tongue is against alveolar.


⑴all ⑵bill ⑶Carl ⑷doll ⑸else ⑹feel ⑺Gail ⑻hell

A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice .

1. kill kill 4. pail pail

2. school school 5. boil boil

3. soul soul 6. tool tool

B. Tongue twisters

Bill had a billboard.

Bill also had a board bill.

The board bill bored Bill.

So Bill sold the billboard to pay his board bill.

And the board bill no longer bored Bill.

Part Three 单词中不同位置L的听辨及跟读练习

字母L 出现在单词的词首、词中、词尾时的发音:

⑴字母L 单独或以辅音连缀的形式出现在单词的词首时,发clear L。如:fly play blame climb。

⑵字母L 单独或以双写形式出现在单词的词中时,英国人只发一个clear L。而美国人则先发一个dark L,

再发一个clear L。如:feeling alive million dollar。

⑶字母L 出现在单词的词尾或辅音前面时,英美人都发dark L。如:feel bell felt belt。

A. Practice the sound as in “like” in several different positions. Listen and repeat these words.

1. look 4. lunch 7. laugh 10. loud

2. labor 5. legal 8. lecture 11. lover

3. license 6. lawyer 9. leader 12. literature

1. alive 4. alarm 7. believe 10. dollar

2. college 5. family 8. polite 11. toilet

3. realize 6. island 9. popular 12. intelligent

1. all 4. pool 7. small 10. well

2. heel 5. dial 8. female 11. April

3. annual 6. install 9. control 12. schedule

Now practice the sound of ???? in sentences .

The bobwhite whistled somewhere in the wheat.

He only heard a wheel creak and whine.

The man with the whip whistled through his whiskers.

The wheel came off somewhere with a whirling sound.

Why does he whine and whimper everywhere?

Who’s whipping the white horse? Chasing the white whale?


GA:General American RP:Received Pronunciation

RP&GA:RP (Received Pronunciation) 公认的发音,指的是Daniel Jones 博士在1917 年版English Pronouncing

Dictionary 序言中描述的:Public School Pronunciation,这是一种被接受过的英国公学教育的人所操持的南部口音

(P.S.P.—Public School Pronunciation is a pronunciation mostly heard in everyday speech in the families of Southern

English persons whose men-folk have been educated at the great public

boarding-schools.),1926 年改称为RP。

This pronunciation is based on the Southern accent in British, which is also used among people well educated in

“preparatory” schools or “public schools”. The pronunciation of these schools are not only rather unified, but also not

influenced by regional dialect. The advantage of this pronunciation is that people from any regions of English speaking

countries can understand it, which is more generally accepted than other varieties of English.




GA (General American) is the commonly called American English, which is the general accent of most American

regions except several states in East and South of the USA. It is also extensively used in American broadcasting,

television and movies.

GA (General American)美语普通话,是为除东部及南部的一部分州以外绝大部分美国地区通用的口音。也是



1. 听力中分辨不出英音与美音。

2. 听力中分辨不出美音/A/与/K/。

3. American T 读法对于很多中国同学来讲还很陌生。

4. 字母L 的发音比较复杂,多数同学没有掌握dark l 的发音方法
