
考研翻译测试题及答案一、英译汉1. The rapid development of science and technology has brought about significant changes in the way people live and work.答案:科学技术的快速发展已经给人们的生活和工作方式带来了重大的变化。
2. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development, we need to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection.答案:为了实现可持续发展的目标,我们需要在经济增长和环境保护之间取得平衡。
3. The government has implemented a series of measures to promote social equity and justice.答案:政府已经实施了一系列措施来促进社会公平和正义。
二、汉译英1. 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式发生了根本性的变化。
答案:With the widespread of the internet, the way people obtain information has undergone fundamental changes.2. 教育是提高国家竞争力的关键因素之一。
答案:Education is one of the key factors in enhancing a country's competitiveness.3. 保护环境是每个公民的责任。
答案:Protecting the environment is the responsibility of every citizen.三、段落翻译1. The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family, share experiences, and access information from around the world.答案:技术的进展已经彻底改变了我们的沟通方式。

2023考研英语:翻译模拟题答案(三)2023考研英语:翻译模拟题答案(三)Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economistsfocus on the way in which individuals, groups,business enterprises, and gover____ents seek toachieve efficiently any economic objective they select.(1) Other fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed, history records changes in human objectives, and sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts.The second field, macroeconomics, deals with modern explanations of national ine and employment.Economic issues have occupied people’s minds throughout the ages. (4) Aristotle and Plato inancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth, property, and trade, both of whom were prejudicedagainst merce, feeling that to live by trade was undesirable. The Romans borrowed their economic ideas from the Greeks and showed the same contempt for trade.(5) During the Middle Ages the economic ideas of the Roman Catholic church were expressed in the law of the church, which condemned the taking of interest for money loaned and regarded merce as inferior to agriculture.Economics as a subject of modern study, distinguishable from moral philosophy and politics, dates from the work, Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), by theScottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith. Mercantilism and physiocracy were precursors of the classical economics of Smith and his 19th-century successors.答案1.其他领域的研究也有助于对此的理解:心理学和伦理学试图解释目的是如何形成的,历史记录着人们所追求的目的的变化,社会学那么从社会环境的角度来解释人们的行为。

英语翻译硕士MTI模拟试题及答案解析(10)(1/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第1题NAFTA下一题(2/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第2题Swan song上一题下一题(3/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第3题Babel上一题下一题(4/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第4题wet blanket上一题下一题(5/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第5题POD上一题下一题(6/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第6题The Book of Songs上一题下一题(7/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第7题HDTV上一题下一题(8/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第8题non-tariff barrier上一题下一题(9/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第9题nationalization上一题下一题(10/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第10题moral hazard上一题下一题(11/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第11题CBS(12/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第12题give the floor to上一题下一题(13/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第13题Please rise for the national anthem.上一题下一题(14/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第14题civil society上一题下一题(15/15)Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points,1 point each):第15题ecological deterioration上一题下一题(1/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第16题三通上一题下一题(2/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第17题鸦片战争上一题下一题(3/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第18题诚信缺失上一题下一题(4/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第19题发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享上一题下一题(5/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第20题减少社会不平等现象上一题下一题(6/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第21题君子和而不同上一题下一题(7/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第22题混合经济(8/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第23题与国际接轨上一题下一题(9/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第24题政企分开上一题下一题(10/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第25题昼夜服务上一题下一题(11/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第26题希望工程上一题下一题(12/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第27题锁匠上一题下一题(13/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第28题红糖上一题下一题(14/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第29题中国人民银行上一题下一题(15/15)Translate the following terms into English (15 points,1 point each):第30题推进政务公开上一题下一题(1/1)Translate the following passages into Chinese (60 points):第31题On LeadershipWhat is leadership? Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify.Leaders don’t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves,by building an environment that encourages creativity ,and by operating with honesty and fairness.Good leaders aren’t “ lone rangers. ” They recognize that an organization’s strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.Leaders know that when there are two opinions on an issue,one is not bound to bewrong.They recognize that hustle and rush are the allies of superficiality. They are open to new ideas,but they explore their ramifications thoroughly.Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future—not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility,to innovate,and to initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what’s already there. They want to move forward to create something new.Leaders provide answers as well as direction,offer strength as well as dedication,and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they work with.Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than conformity. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict.Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best,helping them to grow to their fullest potential,and motivating them to work toward a common goal. Leaders make the right things happen when they’re supposed to.A good leader,an effective leader,is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to get. A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization,for the work they do,and for their abilities,aspirations and needs,will find that respect is returned. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.上一题下一题(1/1)Translate the following passage into English (60 points):第32题作为美国馆的首席合作伙伴,我们很荣幸地参与了本届上海世博会。

科技类篇章翻译。科技类篇章涉及专业领域的知 识和技术,考生需具备相关背景知识,并注意专 业术语的翻译和表达。
经济类篇章翻译。经济类篇章涉及市场经济、国 际贸易、金融投资等内容,考生需注意经济术语 的准确翻译和表达。
在翻译过程中,考生需注意处理 中西方文化差异,避免因文化背 景不同而造成的误解或歧义。
政治类篇章翻译。政治类篇章通常涉及国家政治 、经济、社会等方面的内容,考生需注意政治术 语的准确翻译和表达。
文化类篇章翻译。文化类篇章涉及不同国家和地 区的文化传统、历史背景等内容,考生需注意文 化差异的处理和表达方式的转换。
分析并列连词(and, but, or等)连接的句子成分,分别进行翻译 ,再根据逻辑关系进行组合。
识别主句和从句,先翻译主句,再翻译从句。注意从句的引导词 和时态,确保译文的准确性。
理解倒装结构,还原句子正常语序进 行翻译。注意保持译文与原文的语气 和语调一致。

The______of social security benefits often feel that they are contributing more than they in fact receive in terms of medical care, pensions, etc
A.let in
B.let out
C.let go of
D.let off
The Supreme Court´ s decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important ______for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering. .
A.then reducing
B.and reduce
C.although reduce
D.rather than reducing
The symphony´ s second movement-slow, mournful, and ______-is based on a funeral march.
She had a strong______to give a talk about her experiences, because she didn´ t like the limelight.

考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案(一)Gandhi ’ s pacifism can be separated to some extent from his other teachings.(1)(Its motive was religious, but he claimed also for it that it was a definitive technique, a method, capable of producing desired political results. Gandhi ’ s attitude was not that of most Western pacifists. Satyagraha,) (2(the method Gandhi proposed and practiced, first evolved in South Africa, was a sort of non-violent warfare, a way of defeating the enemy without hurting him and without feeling or arousing hatred.) It entailed such things as civil disobedience, strikes, lying down in front of railway trains, enduring police charges without running away and without hitting back, and the like. Gandhi objected to “ passiveresistance as” a translation of Satyagraha:in Gujarati, it seems, the word means in the truth ” .(3(In his early days Gandhi served as a str-ebtecahreerr on the Britishfirmness side in the Boer War, and he was prepared to do the same again in thewar of 1914-1918.) Even after he had completely abjured violence he was honest enough to see that in war it is usually necessary to take sides. Since his whole political life centred round a struggle for national independence, he could not and, (4)(indeed, he did not take the sterile and dishonest line of pretending that in every war both sides are exactly the same and it makes no difference who wins.) Nor did he, like most Western pacifists, specialize in avoiding awkward questions. In relation to the late war, one question that every pacifist had a clear obligation to answer was: “ What about the Jews? Are you prepared to see them exterminated? If not, how do you propose to save them without resorting towar? ” (5)(I must say that I have never heard, from anyWestern pacifist, an honest answer to this question, though I have heard plenty of evasions, usually of the “ yo’u re another ” type.) But it so happens that Gandhi was asked a somewhat similar question in 1938 and that his answer is on record in Mr. Louis Fischer ’ s Gandhi and Stalin. According to Mr. Fischer, Gandhi’ s view was that the German Jews ought to commit collective suicide, which “ would have aroused the worland the people of Germany to Hitler’ s violence. ”总体分析本文是一篇介绍甘地的和平主义的文章。

最新考研英语一翻译模拟试题及答案考研英语一翻译模拟试题及答案为广大考生整理了考研英语一翻译模拟试题及答案,供广大考生参考:Whether or not animals are due equal consideration is an unresolved issue. 46) I have defended a moral presumption in favour of equal consideration, and it is clear that appeals to species will not overturn that presumption. Almost as certainly, contract theory will not do so either. But, while no published discussions of the appeals to moral agency and to social bonds have carried the burden of proof on the inegalitarian, it may be premature to preclude the possibility that the relevant argument could be developed more successfully. 47) Among the various challenges to equal consideration, the strategy of appealing to the common-sense moral differences regarding assistance and killing seems strongest. Combining this approach with either, or both, of the suitably developed appeals to moral agency and social bonds may offer the most formidable possible challenge to equal consideration. 48) But the very real possibility the our intuitions regarding assistance and killing are shaped by pro-human, anti-animal prejudice justifies a continued presumption in favour of equal consideration. Only a challenge that was explicit, coherent, and more compelling than any produce so far could overturn that presumption.Suppose that the presumption favouring equal consideration foranimals were successfully overturned, how should we understand animal moral status? As we have seen, the view that animals have moral status is not plausible, in view of thearguments we have canvassed. 49) But there is a position that falls in between that extreme one and the equal-consideration approach, a view that is intuitively fairly plausible and no doubt tacitly accepted by many people.To get a handle on this view, one needs to imagine two particular scales and then merge them. The first is the phylogenetic scale, or at least one way of construing it. This scale is an evolutionary hierarchy with animal species that are more biologically and cognitively complex closer to the top. The second scale is a hierarchy of moral status. Being at the very top have the highest moral status and deserve full consideration. Beings somewhat lower deserve very serious consideration but less that what the beings on the top deserve. 50) As one moves down this scale of moral status or moral consideration, the amount of consideration one owes to beings at a particular level decreases. At some point one reaches beings who deserve just a little consideration.答案及译文主要引用了外研社的斑斓阅读系列的《动物权利》中杨通进的译文。

考研英语二(翻译)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. Reading ComprehensionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)1.Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require months of travel through Europe. How would I, unable to speak the language, totally unfamiliar with local geography, set up interviews and do research? So I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you can’t learn if you don’t try. So I accepted the assignment. By the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. The point is that the new is almost by definition scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you. I’ve learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a balloon. And I’ll go on doing such things. It is not because I am braver than others, but because I will accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can accomplish wonders.正确答案:几年前,我被分配了一项写作任务,为此要在欧洲旅游几个月。

考研英语模拟翻译—英译汉试题以及答案一、考研英语翻译英译汉1. It is better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.A.最好的工作要慢慢找,不要太着急。
【答案】C【解析】本题的翻译要点是“It is better to do sth. than to do sth. ”和“take yore time”。
“It is better to do sth. than to do sth. ”这个句型表示是两件事情的比较,“最好采取……,而不是……”选项A理解出错,选项B没有把这种比较的意思表达出来,选项D 没有翻译出“this job”。
知识模块:英译汉2. Not until the problem 0f talents and funds is solved, is our talking about the project meaningful.A.不到解决人才和资金问题的时候,无须讨论这项工程的。
【答案】C【解析】本题的翻译要点是对“Not until…”这个句型的理解。
知识模块:英译汉3. us of the overcharge on your account and we have contacted the store on your behalf and are awaiting their reply.A) 承蒙告知您受到恶意透支的指控,我们已经派代表与商店联系并正在等待回音。

考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷43(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. Reading ComprehensionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)1.That is the reason why I am not in favour of revising the plan.正确答案:这就是我不赞成修改计划的原因。
解析:(移位法) 知识模块:翻译2.The basic unit of money in the U.S. is dollar which is worth 100 cents.正确答案:美国的本币是美元,1美元相当于100美分。
解析:(顺译法) 知识模块:翻译3.In the past decades, considerable progress has been made in science and technology which has revolutionized our lives.正确答案:在过去的几十年里,科学技术取得了巨大的进步,而这种进步使我们的生活发生了革命性的变化。
解析:(顺译法) 知识模块:翻译4.Yesterday afternoon I met an old friend of mine, who said that he would go abroad next week.正确答案:昨天下午,我遇到了一位老朋友,这位老朋友说他下个星期要出国了。
解析:(单独翻译法) 知识模块:翻译5.She is very patient towards her husband, which her husband seldom is to her.正确答案:她对其丈夫很有耐心,而她的丈夫对她却很少有耐心。

考研英语二(翻译)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. Reading ComprehensionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)1.Some years ago I was offered a writing assignment that would require months of travel through Europe. How would I, unable to speak the language, totally unfamiliar with local geography, set up interviews and do research? So I sat down to write a letter begging off. Halfway through, a thought ran through my mind: you can’t learn if you don’t try. So I accepted the assignment. By the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. The point is that the new is almost by definition scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you. I’ve learned to ski at 40, and flown up the Rhine River in a balloon. And I’ll go on doing such things. It is not because I am braver than others, but because I will accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believe I can accomplish wonders.正确答案:几年前,我被分配了一项写作任务,为此要在欧洲旅游几个月。

考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷45(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. Reading ComprehensionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)1.Television, the most pervasive and persuasive modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world.正确答案:电视,这项以更新变革快为标志的最普及和最有影响力的现代技术,正在步入一个新时代,一个极先进尖端和多样化的时代,这将重塑我们的生活和我们的世界。
涉及知识点:翻译2.Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily, and only a few questions of secondary importance remain to be discussed.正确答案:大部分问题已经圆满解决了,只剩下几个次要问题仍需再议。
涉及知识点:翻译3.Nowadays people usually prefer driving to being driven.正确答案:现在人们喜欢自己开车,而不喜欢坐别人开的车。
涉及知识点:翻译4.She likes being looked at.正确答案:她喜欢别人看她。

考研英语(翻译)模拟试卷39(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. Reading ComprehensionSection II Reading ComprehensionPart CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. (10 points)【F1】Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as steering the economy to a soft landing or a touch on the brakes, makes itself sound like a precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth. The link between interest rates and inflation is uncertain. And there are long, variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy.【F2】Hence there is an analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rearview mirror and a faulty steering wheel.Given all these disadvantages, central bankers seem to have had much to boast about of late. Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3% last year, close to its lowest level in 30 years, before rising slightly to 2.5% this July. This is a long way below the double-digit rates which many countries experienced in the 1970s and early 1980s.It is also less than most forecasters had predicted. In late 1994 the panel of economists which The Economist polls each month said that America’s inflation rate would average 3.5% in 1995. In fact, it fell to 2.6% in August, and is expected to average only about 3% for the year as a whole.【F3】In Britain and Japan inflation is running half a percentage point below the rate predicted at the end of last year, this is no flash in the pan; over the past couple of years, inflation has been consistently lower than expected in Britain and America.【F4】Economists have been particularly surprised by favourable inflation figures in Britain and the linked States, since conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially America’s, have little productive slack. America’s capacity utilisation, for example, hit historically high levels earlier this year, and its jobless rate(5.6% in August)has fallen below most estimates of the natural rate of unemployment—the rate below which inflation has taken off on the past.Why has inflation proved so mild? The most thrilling explanation is, unfortunately, a little defective.【F5】Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended the old economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.1.【F1】正确答案:有很多用来描述货币政策的词汇,如引导经济软着陆,触动经济刹车,听起来像是一门精确的科学。
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考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案解析(1)Any discussion of the American educational system would be less than complete if it did not mention the emphasis that many colleges and universities place upon the nonacademic, social,“extracurricular”aspect of education, often defined as personal growth. Perhaps a useful way of viewing the notion of personal growth would be to picture the very large and general term“education” as being all-embracing, including as subsets within it academic and nonacademic components.This may be one of the most difficult concepts to convey to someone who is not intimately familiar with American higher education. Few educational systems in other countries place the same emphasis on this blend of academic and personal education. The majority of colleges and universities in the United States make some attempt to integrate personal and intellectual growth in the undergraduate years. (2) If the ultimate goal of undergraduate education in America were simply to convey a set body of knowledge, the term of studies could undoubtedly be reduced. Yet the terms of studies are extended in order to give students a chance to grow and develop in other ways.Numerous opportunities are made available to students to become involved in sports, student government, musical and dramatic organizations, and countless other organized and individual activities designed to enhance one’s personal growth and provide some recreationand enjoyment outside of the classroom. (3)Experience with campus organizations and off-campus community involvement can be highly valuable in preparing international students for future leadership in their professional field upon their return home.The typical American college’s support for extracurricular activity is perhaps unique in the world, This special educational dimension, beyond the classroom and laboratory experience, does not mean that extracurricular participation is required to gain an American degree. It remains an entirely optional activity, but (4)it is noted here because Americans have traditionally viewed success in one’s role as a citizen as closely linked to a “well-rounded”life that incorporates a variety of social, athletic, and cultural activities into a person’s experience.A great many American campuses and communities have organized special extracurricular activities for students from other countries. (5) On most campuses, one can find an international club, which includes Americans, where students can get to know and learn socially from students from other countries, as well as Americans. International students are almost always invited, through organized hospitality activities, into the homes of Americans living in or outside the academic community.答案1.如果对美国教育体系的讨论未能涉及许多学院及大学教育中非学术性的、社会的及“课程外”的方面,即其对个性成长的重视,那么这种讨论就不全面。
试题精解1.[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:条件状语从句、后置定语。
句子的主干是:Anydiscussion … would be less than complete。
If条件从句翻译时应前置,其中代词it指代主句主语Any discussion …。
条件句中又含有that引导的定语从句修饰the emphasis。
定语从句的主干是:… universities place (emphasis)upo n the … education,句子最后的分词结构(which is)defined as personal growth是前面名词短语the nonacademic, social,“extracurricular”aspect of education的后置定语。
词汇方面:place emphasis upon (sth.)强调,重视;extracurricular课外的,业余的,extra-前缀意为“在外,外面”;personal growth个人成长。
2.[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:条件状语从句、词义的选择。
词汇方面:convey意思是“运送;传达,表达”,文中和knowledge 搭配应译为“传授”。
a body of原意是“大量,大批,大堆”,加入set 后,可译为“一定量的”。
3.[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:介词短语、词性转换。
这是个简单句,其主干是experience can be valuable,句子中的修饰成分基本上都是介词短语。
主语experience后with … involvement 结构做后置定语,翻译时将它提前;in preparing …结构做状语,译为“在……方面”。
4.[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:状语从句、后置定语。
该句是含原因状语从句的主从复合句,主句是it is noted here。
Because引导的从句的主干是:Americans … viewed success …as closely linked to a “well-rounded”life,in one’s role as a citizen做后置定语修饰success,life后接有that引导的定语从句做定语。
well-rounded 是形容词,意为“全面的,完善的”。
incorporate sth. into sth.意为“将……包括在内,包含”。