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2. Commit appropriate resources to meet project timeline
• Participate in Electrical and Material WG efforts to define technology envelope and test metrologies • Provide materials, components, test vehicles, and assist with modeling/design/assembly/test/failure analysis as needed
FR 4

ECE R100 第1次修订

ECE R100 第1次修订

E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 100 page 2
The title of the Regulation, amend to read: “UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SAFETY AND HYDROGEN EMISSION” Paragraph 4.1., amend to read: “4.1. If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraph 5 below and annexes 3, 4, 5 and 7 to this Regulation, approval of this vehicle type shall be granted.”
E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 100 page 3
During a normal charge procedure in the conditions given in annex 7, hydrogen emissions must be below 125 g during 5 h, or below 25 x t2 g during t2 (in h). During a charge carried out by an on-board charger presenting a failure (conditions given in annex 7), hydrogen emissions must be below 42 g. Furthermore the on-board charger must limit this possible failure to 30 minutes. All the operations linked to the battery charging are controlled automatically, included the stop for charging. It shall not be possible to take a manual control of the charging phases. Normal operations of connection and disconnection to the mains or power cuts must not affect the control system of the charging phases. Important charging failures must be permanently signalled to the driver. An important failure is a failure that can lead to a disfunctioning of the on-board charger during charging later on. The manufacturer has to indicate in the owner's manual, the conformity of the vehicle to these requirements. The approval granted to a vehicle type relative to hydrogen emissions can be extended to different vehicle types belonging to the same family, in accordance with the definition of the family given in annex 7, appendix 2.”

GTR No 1

GTR No 1

ECE/TRANS/180/Add.11 April 2005GLOBAL REGISTRYCreated on 18 November 2004, pursuant to Article 6 of the AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHING OF GLOBAL TECHNICAL REGULATIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES(ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1)Done at Geneva on 25 June 1998AddendumGlobal technical regulation No. 1DOOR LOCKS AND DOOR RETENTION COMPONENTS(Established in the Global Registry on 18 November 2004)UNITED NATIONSECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 3TABLE OF CONTENTSA. STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL RATIONALE AND JUSTIFICATION (4)B. TEXT OF REGULATION (17)1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE (17)2. APPLICATION (17)3. DEFINITIONS (17)REQUIREMENTS (19)4. GENERALREQUIREMENTS (19)5. PERFORMANCECONDITIONS (23)6. TESTPROCEDURE (23)7. TESTANNEXESAnnex 1 Latch Test for Load Test One, Two, and Three Force Applications (25)Annex 2 Inertial Test Procedures (31)Annex 3 Hinge Test Procedure (39)Annex 4 Sliding Side Door, Full Door Test (44)Annex 5 Vehicle Category Definitions (48)* * *ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 4A. Statement of Technical Rationale and JustificationI. IntroductionCurrent regulations were designed to test for door openings in vehicles that were built in the 1960s. Aside from changes made to United States of America and Canadian requirements in the early to mid-1990s to address rear door openings, no significant changes have been made to any of the current regulations. While existing regulations governing door openings have proven largely effective, door openings continue to present a risk of serious injury or death to vehicle occupants, particularly when an occupant is unbelted.The precise size of the safety problem posed by inadvertent door openings is difficult to quantify because very few jurisdictions gather the type of crash data needed to evaluate the problem. This task is further compounded by the effect of occupant belt use on injury risk. Notwithstanding the difficulty in quantifying the overall benefit associated with the establishment of a global technical regulation internationally, the types of changes to door retention components needed to upgrade existing regulations and standards appear to be quite small. Additionally, vehicle manufacturers and the ultimate consumers of motor vehicles can expect to achieve further cost savings through the formal harmonization of differing sets of regulations and standards that already largely replicate each other.Research conducted by the United States of America indicates that there are approximately 42,000 door openings in crashes in the United States of America per year. 1/ While this number corresponds to less than one per cent of the roughly six million crashes that occur in that country each year, the majority of those crashes do not occur at speeds where a door opening is likely. Rather, door failures appear to be most common in moderate- to high-speed crashes. 2/ Structural failures of the latch and striker are the leading cause of door openings. The United States of America’s evaluation of its data indicates that about two-thirds (64.5 per cent) of door openings involve damage to the latch or striker, either alone or in combination with damage to one or more hinges. The next most likely causes of a door opening are the failure of the vehicle structure holding the door in place or the door itself. In 8.37 per cent of the evaluated cases, the door support, e.g., B-pillar or C-pillar, was damaged; while in 9.68 per cent of the evaluated cases, the door structure caused the door to open without damaging the actual door retention components. Only rarely did a door open with no damage to the door whatsoever (2.15 per cent). 1/ At the request of the Working Party on Passive Safety, the United States of America provided data on the magnitude of the door ejections and door openings based on 1994-99 National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) and Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) annual estimates. No data from other jurisdictions were presented.2/ In the United States of America the average change of velocity (delta V) for crashes where a door opens is approximately 30.5 km/h; the average delta V for crashes where there is no failure of the door retention system is approximately 21 km/h.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.15pageThe type of crash also has an impact on the likely type of door failure. The primary source offailure in side impact crashes was damage to the latch/striker assembly, while damage to the doorsupports was a distant secondary source. In rollover crashes, non-structural failures, i.e., thosewhere there is no damage to the door, are more common.In 1991, the United States of America conducted an engineering analysis of door latch systems incases involving vehicle side door openings to determine the loading conditions and failure modesof door latch systems in crashes. 3/ This analysis revealed the following four distinct failuremodes:Structural FailuresStructural failures are characterized as physical damage to the latch, striker, or hinges. Othertypes of structural failures include broken attachment hardware or separation of a latch, striker, orhinge from its support structure.Detent Lever-Fork Bolt Misalignment (Bypass) FailuresDetent lever-fork bolt misalignment (bypass) failures may occur when the striker is subjected tolongitudinal forces in conjunction with lateral forces. These forces cause the fork bolt to moveand become misaligned with the detent lever, causing the latch to open. These forces mosttypically occur in frontal and oblique frontal impacts.Linkage Actuation FailuresLinkage actuation failures are caused by forces being transmitted to the door’s linkage system(i.e., the connection between the door handle and the door latch) due to vehicle deformationduring a crash. It may be possible to observe some bowing of the door after a linkage actuationfailure.Inertial Force FailuresInertial force failures are latch openings due to acceleration of latch system components relative toeach other, which produce sufficient inertial force to activate the latch. Often, there is no visibledamage to the latch or striker system. Inertial loading typically occurs in rollover crashes or whena portion of the vehicle other than the door is impacted at a high speed.These four failure modes can be categorized as either structural failures or actuation failures.Structural failures usually leave clear evidence of the component failure and result in aninoperable door retention system. Actuation failures consist of latch by-pass, linkage actuation,and inertial force failures. Often a door opening caused by an actuation failure will not leave anyreadily visible evidence that the crash caused the door to open and will not affect the retentionsystem’s subsequent ability to open and close correctly. Thus, many of the failures associatedwith a latch by-pass, linkage actuation, or inertial force failure will be represented by the 2.15 percent of crashes where no damage to the door was observed.3/ Door Latch Integrity Study: Engineering Analysis and NASS Case Review,December, 1991, Docket No. NHTSA-1998-3705.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 6According to the United States of America statistics, less than one per cent of occupants who sustain serious and fatal injuries in tow-away crashes are ejected through doors. Yet, despite the relatively rare occurrence of door ejections in crashes, the risk of serious or fatal injury is high when ejection does occur. Door ejections are the second leading source of ejections in all crashes in the United States of America. They are particularly likely in rollover crashes. Door ejections constitute 19 per cent (1,668) of all ejection fatalities and 22 per cent (1,976) of all ejection serious injuries in the United States of America each year. Of the approximately 42,000 door openings in the United States of America each year, side door openings constitute approximately 90 per cent (1,501) of all door ejection fatalities and 93 per cent (1,838) of the serious injuries.The rate of ejections through doors is heavily dependent on belt use. 94 per cent of serious injuries and fatalities attributable to ejections through doors in the United States of America involve unbelted occupants. While the risk of ejection will likely vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, based on differing rates of belt use, the incidence of door openings should be relatively constant among various jurisdictions given the similarity in door designs and the lack of occupant behaviour patterns as a factor in door failures.BackgroundII. ProceduralDuring the one-hundred-and-twenty-sixth session of WP.29 of March 2002, the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Global Agreement (1998 Agreement) adopted a Programme of Work, which includes the development of a global technical regulation (gtr) to address inadvertent door opening in crashes. The Executive Committee also charged the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) to form an informal working group to discuss and evaluate relevant issues concerning requirements for door locks and door retention components to make recommendations regarding a potential gtr.The informal working group was established in September 2002. The United States of America volunteered to lead the group’s efforts and develop a document detailing the recommended requirements for the gtr. The United States of America presented a formal proposal to the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement, which was adopted in June 2003 (TRANS/WP.29/2003/49). The GRSP developed the door locks and door retention gtr. At its May 2004 session, the GRSP concluded its work and agreed to recommend the establishment of this gtr to the Executive Committee.III. Existing Regulations, Directives, and International Voluntary StandardsThere are several existing regulations, directives, and standards that pertain to door locks and door retention components. All share similarities. The Canadian and US regulations are very similar to each other and the Japanese and UNECE regulations are very similar to each other. The European Union Directive is an exact alternative of the UNECE regulation requirements. The Australian regulation has commonalities to both of the above-mentioned pairs. A preliminary analysis has been made to identify the differences in the application, requirements, and test procedures of the North American and UNECE Regulations (TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2001/1 and TRANS/WP.29/2003/49). There are no apparent conflicts between the gtr and other existing international regulations or standards. However, the gtr does incorporate aspects of the existing regulations, directives and standards that are not common to all existing requirements. Given theECE/TRANS/180/Add.17pagegenerally minor variability in the door retention designs among these jurisdictions that currentlyregulate door design, it is not expected that the additional requirements imposed by the gtr arelikely to drive major, costly changes to existing door retention designs.IV. Discussion of Issues Addressed by the gtrThe proposed gtr provides that certain door retention components on any door leading directlyinto an occupant compartment, i.e., a compartment containing one or more seatingaccommodations, must comply with the requirements of the gtr. Tractor trailers are excludedbecause they do not meet this criterion. Likewise, doors leading into cargo compartments that areseparated by a barrier would not be regulated since an individual could not access the occupantcompartment through those doors. The gtr excludes folding doors, roll-up doors, detachabledoors, and doors that provide emergency egress, as these types of doors would require entirelynew test procedures and are not in such common use as to justify the development of newrequirements and test procedures. Thus, for certain vehicle designs, some, but not all doors wouldbe regulated by the gtr.During the development of the gtr, all issues were thoroughly discussed. The followingdiscussions reflect the evaluation of the issues that lead to the final recommendations.(a) ApplicabilityThe application of the requirements of this gtr refers, to the extent possible, to the revised vehicleclassification and definitions that the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG) Common TaskInformal Group has prepared. Difficulties were encountered in determining which vehicles wouldbe covered. Currently, UNECE Regulations only apply to M1 vehicles (passenger vehicles withup to 9 seats in total) and N1 vehicles (goods vehicles weighing up to 3,500 kg gross vehiclemass). It was posited that it would be difficult to apply full door tests, such as the proposedinertial load, to large trucks and specialized vehicles. With the decision not to propose theinclusion of two full door tests, discussed in greater detail below, these concerns were largelyresolved. Likewise, the retention of a calculation for meeting the inertial load requirements wouldallow a jurisdiction to avoid applying a full-door inertial load test for doors on heavier vehicles.To address concerns about the applicability of door retention requirements to heavier vehicles, itwas proposed that the gtr only apply to passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and vans andthat other vehicles be excluded initially, then added in the future after further evaluation ofvarious door designs. The argument in favour of a more inclusive gtr focuses attention on thecurrent United States of America, Canadian, Japanese, and Australian requirements that alreadyapply to all vehicles other than buses (M2 and M3 vehicles) and that the applicability of existingrequirements to commercial trucks has not proven problematic for vehicle manufacturers. Thisargument supports the exclusion of specific door types rather than entire classes of vehicles.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 8Heavy trucks in the United States of America have been subject to that country’s door retention requirements since 1972. The United States of America requirement was extended to trucks because researchers from a major United States of America university determined in a study published in 1969 that the rate of door ejection from truck doors was approximately twice that from doors on passenger cars that met the door retention requirements. The authors of the study concluded that at 40.3 per cent, the level of door failure in the truck fleet was approximately four times the failure rate of regulated passenger cars and roughly equivalent to the rate of failure in passenger cars manufactured before 1956. They also concluded that insufficient door retention was a problem across vehicle weight classifications, with pick-up trucks, medium-weight trucks and tractor trailers all exhibiting a door failure rate in excess of 33 per cent.To accommodate both positions, the gtr will apply to all vehicles except buses, with exceptions for specific door designs. The gtr incorporates the definitions of Category 1-1 vehicles and Category 2 vehicles developed in draft Special Resolution 1 (S.R. 1) concerning common definitions and procedures to be used in global technical regulations, which will be submitted as an informal document at the one-hundred-and-thirty-fourth WP.29 session and with an expected adoption at the one-hundred-and-thirty-fifth WP.29 session. If a jurisdiction determines that its domestic regulatory scheme is such that full applicability is inappropriate, it may limit domestic regulation to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 3,500 kg or less. The jurisdiction could also decide to phase-in the door retention requirements for heavier vehicles, delay implementation for a few years, or even to impose only some of the gtr requirements to these heavier vehicles. For example, it is unlikely that a jurisdiction would want to require heavier truck doors to meet the dynamic inertial test rather than the calculation. On the other hand, the longitudinal and transverse load requirements have been applicable to heavy trucks in the United States of America and Canada for over thirty years without imposing any hardship on vehicle manufacturers.(b) DefinitionsDefinitions, used in this gtr, are defined in section B, paragraph 3. of this regulation, with the exception of those related to the applicability. Definitions that relate to the applicability are drawn from a draft version of S.R. 1 and are listed in Annex 5.(c) General RequirementsGRSP agreed to recommend that the gtr should specify requirements for side and back doors, door retention components and door locks. The United States of America, Canadian, and Australian regulations have provisions for back doors and door locks, the UNECE Regulations do not. Currently, UNECE Regulations require that the sliding door systems be tested in a fully latched position and an intermediate latched position. If there is no intermediate position, when unlatched, the door must move into an apparent open position. The United States of America and Canadian regulations have no latching system requirements for the sliding doors. The Working Party decided that it was appropriate to regulate the sliding side door latching system, but recognized that the existing UNECE requirement to determine whether a sliding side door was unlatched was too subjective. Accordingly, the gtr specifies a door closure warning system that activates when the sliding side door is not latched and there is no intermediate/secondary latching position.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.19pageThe inclusion of a requirement in the gtr that side doors remain shut during vehicle dynamic crashtests, as well as a requirement that at least one door per row be operable following a crash test,was considered. Existing UNECE Regulations with dynamic crash test components alreadyrequire all doors to stay closed during the test and at least one door per seat row to be operableafterwards. It is believed that it is unnecessary to repeat this requirement in the gtr and itsinclusion would make the certification process under this regulation very difficult. However,recognizing the value of such a requirement, non-UNECE countries have agreed to considerincluding a similar requirement in their domestic regulations. This will result in a harmonizedrequirement outside of the context of the gtr.Force levels identified in the current component static tests for latches and hinges have beenharmonized to eliminate variations due to rounding of unit conversions.(d) Performance Requirements(i) Hinged Doors IssuesCurrently, UNECE Regulation No. 11 has similar hinged door requirements to the NorthAmerican regulations, although UNECE Regulation No. 11 does not distinguish between cargoand non-cargo door latches. The Working Party agreed to recommend that cargo doors (i.e.,double doors) meet the same requirements as hinged doors if they provide access to the occupantseating compartment. Additionally, the term "cargo door" has been eliminated to clarify thatdoors that do not lead into an occupant compartment with one or more seat positions are notregulated by the gtr.(ii) Load TestsBoth regulations require load tests of the hinge systems in the longitudinal and transversedirections. These tests remain, but have been reworded such that the loads are applied based onthe alignment of the hinge system and not the alignment of the vehicle. A load test in the verticaldirection was evaluated and ultimately rejected except for back doors. Since a large number ofdoor openings occur during vehicle rollovers, it was suggested that perhaps a load test in thevertical direction would help reduce these types of openings. However, it was ultimatelydetermined that the addition of a load test conducted in a direction orthogonal to the existing testscould not be justified at the present time. Those countries concerned about protecting againstrollover crash door openings may determine that such a test would be useful outside the context ofthe gtr.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 10(iii) Inertial TestA dynamic inertial test requirement was added to the gtr, as an option to the inertial calculation. There are provisions for this type of testing in both the UNECE and North American regulations, but there is no specified test procedure. A test procedure was developed based on the testing currently conducted for the UNECE requirement and validated by the United States of America and Canada. In addition to the longitudinal and transverse tests, tests in the vertical direction were considered. Conducting the inertial test in the vertical direction is feasible, but it is much more difficult to conduct than the tests in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Since the most common failure mode demonstrated in the inertial tests conducted by Canada was in the direction of door opening, it was determined that a test in the vertical direction appeared to be beneficial only for back door designs, which commonly open in the vertical direction. However, those countries concerned about protecting against rollover crash door openings may determine that such a test would be useful outside the context of the gtr.(iv) New Combination Component TestThe United States of America developed a new combination test procedure for hinged side doors that is representative of the combination of longitudinal compressive and lateral tensile forces that occur in real-world latch failures. Currently, no regulation, directive, or international voluntary standard has such a requirement, although it is possible that a test developed by one vehicle manufacturer may be suitable for substitution once it has been fully evaluated and a benefits correlation has been conducted.Examples of the types of crashes in which forces addressed by the combination test could occur are crashes in which either the front or the rear of the vehicle is impacted (including in an offset mode). The proposed combination test procedure was a static bench test capable of evaluating the strength of the latching systems and designed to detect fork bolt detent bypass failures. No other test procedure within the gtr simulates these types of latch failure conditions.In the combination test, the latch is mounted on a flat steel plate that moves horizontally and the striker is mounted on a vertically moving ram device. During the test, the latch and striker, while in their primary coupled position, are simultaneously moved such that lateral tension (i.e., force applied perpendicularly to the coupled latch and striker) and longitudinal compressive forces (i.e., force applied against the latch toward the striker) are applied at their interface.The required forces for the primary position of the hinged side door latching systems would be simultaneous forces of 16,000 N longitudinal compressive force and 6,650 N lateral tensile force. The longitudinal force application device is moved at a rate of one centimeter per minute until the longitudinal force is achieved.There is widespread support for a test that addresses the door failure modes represented by this test. However, in some vehicles, the test setup is such that the striker cannot interface with the faceplate of the latch, rendering the test meaningless. While it is possible to modify the striker portion of the latch system so that the test can be conducted, there is strong concern regarding the adoption of this type of procedure and its potential for enforceability questions.The adoption of the combination test into the gtr is not supported at this time due to the technical difficulties in conducting the test. Instead, the Working Party delegates and representatives will continue to review work on the modification of the United States of America-based procedure, or the development of a new procedure, to capture the benefits associated with a test addressing door failures due to simultaneous compressive longitudinal and tensile lateral loading of latch systems in real world crashes. Any acceptable procedure developed could then be added to the gtr as an amendment.(v) Door HingesBoth the UNECE and North American regulations have the same load testing requirements for door hinges. The current side door requirements for hinges, which are based on SAE Recommended Practice J934, Vehicle Passenger Door Hinge Systems, appear to test adequately the strength and design of door hinges. The United States of America’s comprehensive analysis of its data and possible failure modes has not revealed problems with door hinges. Accordingly, these requirements have been included in the gtr. The current UNECE requirements only allow for the hinges to be mounted on the forward edge in the direction of travel. This requirement was based on the safety concern of a possible inadvertent opening while the vehicle is in motion. This requirement, as stated, was found to be design restrictive and the safety concerns were resolved by developing text to regulate the design and not prohibit it.(vi) Hinged Side Door System Tests (Full Door Tests)A new series of test procedures was designed to simulate real world door openings in crashes. These tests consist of door-in-frame quasi-static (full door) tests in both longitudinal and lateral directions, independent from the door system.The lateral full door test is designed to simulate latch failures in crashes that produce outwards forces on the door (i.e., through occupant loading or inertial loading) such as side crashes that result in vehicle spin and rollover. The longitudinal full door test is designed to simulate a collision in which the side of the vehicle is stretched, leading to the possibility that the striker could be torn from its mated latch (i.e., far side door in side impacts, and front and rear offset crashes on the opposite side door).The inclusion of the full door tests in the gtr was not supported because the tests raise concerns about unduly restricting door designs, developing a repeatable and enforceable test procedure, and addressing door openings under real world conditions. Because of the current UNECE requirement for both the component tests and a door closure requirement in dynamic tests, there is some question as to whether a full door test provides any additional value. In an analysis of the proposed tests using its FARS and NASS databases, the United States of America was unable to correlate the proposed tests with a reduction on door openings in real world crashes at a level that was statistically significant.The contemplated test procedures were evaluated and concerns were expressed that the new procedure will end up being unduly design restrictive, given the limitations of the test frame. For example, it may be that multiple test frames would be required to ensure an appropriate "fit" between the door and the test frame. This is because placement of the test load relative to the latch mechanism may be sufficiently different to produce significantly different results, andbecause door specific holes must be drilled into the test frame. Additionally, the test frame may not adequately address new latch designs that may be mounted in non-traditional locations. Likewise, the procedure does not allow manufacturers the benefit of non-latch attachments that are primarily used for side impact purposes but also may have a positive effect on door closure. Concerns were voiced that conducting the proposed tests on a test frame rather than on the full vehicle is impractical because not all loads can be applied to a closed door. However, it may be possible to cut the door frame and attach it to the test fixture, although such an approach may not fully replicate the actual door-in-frame as installed in the vehicle since cutting the door frame may change its characteristics. Such an approach may address the fit between the latch and striker, as well as the physical characteristics of the door and the doorframe. Accordingly, it was finally agreed not to include these proposals.(vii) Side Sliding Doors IssuesThe requirements and test procedures in both UNECE Regulation No. 11 and the North American standards for the track and slide combinations of side sliding doors are included in the gtr. The latch/striker system requirements of UNECE Regulation No. 11 are also included. However, neither regulation has a detailed full vehicle sliding door test procedure that simulates real world door openings in crashes.Simply testing the strength of the latch fails to fully account for the design of a sliding door. The current regulations for hinged doors adequately address door retention components because they test both the latch system and the hinge system. Since a sliding door has no hinges, only the latch is evaluated. The lack of a test for retention components other than the latch is an obvious weakness in the existing standards. Yet evaluating these components through a bench test would be impossible. The retention components simply are not amenable to a component test. The full-door test overcomes the lack of a component test similar to the hinge test for other doors by evaluating all retention components while the door interfaces with the doorframe.The procedure involves a full vehicle test in which a sliding door is tested by applying force against the two edges of the door. The test setup is initiated by placing two loading plates against the interior of the door. The loading plates are placed adjacent to the latch/striker system located at the door edge. If the door edge has two latch/striker systems, the loading plate is placed between the two systems. If a door edge does not have a latch/striker system, the loading plate is placed at a point midway along the length of the door edge. An outward lateral force of 18,000 N total is then applied to the loading plates, placing force against the two door edges. A test failure would be indicated by a 100 mm separation of the interior of door from the exterior of the vehicle’s doorframe at any point or either force application device reaching a total displacement of 300 mm. The gtr requires that there be no more than 100 mm of separation, even if the latch system does not fail, because, unlike hinged doors, the configuration of sliding doors allows for separation of the door from the frame without the latch system failing. The 100 mm limit is based on a commonly used measurement for maximum allowable open space in the United States of America and Canada for school bus opening requirements.The sliding door test procedure specifies that the test be conducted with force application devices that, when installed as part of the test setup, are each capable of reaching a total displacement of at least 300 mm after placement of the loading plates against the interior of the door. Under the test,。



原名程月如。在香港萊頓書 院及新亞書院肄業。1950年入長 城影片公司。1952年轉入永華影 業公司,因主演根據沈從文小說 《邊城》改編的影片《翠翠》而 成名。後主演歌舞片《千嬌百媚》 和文藝片《不了情》,蟬聯第八 屆、第九屆亞洲影展最佳女主角 獎,並獲第十三屆亞洲影展特別 紀念獎,入美國哥倫比亞大學戲 劇系為榮譽生。後下嫁龍承勳, 誕下一子,事業愛情兩得意……
現代女作家,1920年生於符拉 迪沃斯托克,長於長春一個仕 宦大家庭。本名孫嘉瑞,另有 敏子、孫敏子、柳青娘、青娘、 落霞等筆名,早年喪母,梅娘 諧「沒娘」之音。 1942年北帄的馬德增書店和上 海的宇宙風書店聯合發起「讀 者最喜愛的女作家」評選活動, 梅娘與張愛玲雙雙奪魁,從此 有「南玲北梅」之譽。
1900年八國聯軍攻陷北 京時,居北京石頭胡同為 妓,曾與部分德國軍官有 過接觸,也曾改換男裝到 皇家園林西苑(今中南海) 遊玩。 1903年在北京因涉嫌虐 待帅妓致死而入獄,解返 蘇州後出獄再至上海。
鄭蘋如(王佳芝原型) 中日混血。為上海名媛,當年上 海第一大畫報「良友畫報」曾將 其作為封面女郎。
上海淪陷後,秘密加入中統,利 用其得天獨厚的條件,混跡於日 偽人員當中,獲取情報。後參與 暗殺日偽特務頭子丁默村,而暴 露身份,被捕,一口咬定為情所 困,雇兇殺人,成為當年上海灘 重大花邊新聞之一。
1940年2月,被秘密處決於滬西 中山路旁的一片荒地,連中3槍, 時年23歲。
她曾是名動公卿的名 妓,曾幫助共和名將蔡鍔 將軍逃離袁世凱的囚禁, 更因為與蔡鍔的那段至死 不渝的愛情而被人傳頌, 上世紀八十年代,這段愛 情被拍成名叫《知音》的 電影。
老 照 片
上海灘最有名的三個女 作家之一,另外兩個是丁玲與 張愛玲。翻譯過高爾基的《海 燕》、《鄧肯自傳》等許多日 後廣為人知的優秀作品,面對 日寇的侵略,她大聲疾呼: 「寧為祖國戰鬥死,不做民族 未亡人!」這樣的愛國詩詞曾 經為她贏得了「民族之妻」的 稱號。在接受單線聯繫打入日 偽76號魔窟臥底後,背負了43 年漢奸的駡名,在帄反後帶著 一生的疲憊和自由的靈魂仰藥 自盡。



民国名人老照片(三)北洋总理肖像照作者:臧伟强来源:《收藏/拍卖》 2014年第4期文、图:臧伟强民国肇造,各种力量相继登上历史舞台,你方唱罢我登场。



“民国第一内阁”国务总理1912 年3 月,按《临时约法》的规定,北京临时政府临时大总统袁世凯推荐唐绍仪(1862 - 1938,广东珠海人)为首任国务总理人选,并组织第一届内阁。


1912 年4 月1 日,北京政府首届内阁成立。



5 月,唐绍仪经袁世凯、孙中山同意,直接向利率优惠的比利时华比银行借款一百万英镑。












日本古典文学作品データベース国書基本データベースマイクロ資料目録国文学論文目録日本文学テキスト関係サイト日本文学等テキストファイル 電子化されたテキストファイルのリンク集。




漢籍関係サイト網路資源/links/漢籍関係サイトへの出発サイト中国古典籍データベース 中国古典籍の電子化テキストのリスト。

















































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三、实训内容1.前厅接待服务2.客房做床服务四、实训设备和材料1.前厅入住登记表2.床及床上用品五、实训步骤将学生分成四组,以组为单位,进行下列实训活动(一)前厅接待Registration procedure●Greet the guest, ask their name.●Check the arrival list. If the guest is on the list continue with their registration. If they are not,check room availability and then proceed to register them.●Registration steps:1.Give the guest the reg. card.2.Ask them to complete the card.3.Ask the guest small inviting questions such as “did you have good journey, can I book you awake up call in the morning, and would you like a morning newspaper.”4.Take the reg. card from the guest, check to ensure all information has been completed,especially their signature.5.Reconfirm their method of payment. In the hotel industry we should take full prepayment ortheir credit card imprint at this stage.6.Allocate a room number using the availability chart7.Issue the key card and key, explain the purpose of the key card which is a kind of form ofidentification when staying in the hotel and all staff should ask for the key when charging items to a guest folio or even when the guest comes to front desk and asks for their key. The key card include such information facilities, services, open hours in the hotel or timetables,price8.Answer any remaining questions the guest might have.9.Give directions to the guest’s room, offer to have their luggage delivered to their room.10.Wish the guest a pleasant stay.(二)客房做床1.撤床2.带入干净的布草3.整理护床垫4.铺第一层床单5.铺第二层床单6.铺毛毯7.铺第三层床单8.装枕心,放枕头六、实训基本要求一、前厅接待服务要求:1、熟悉客人入住的工作程序。





老照片来源可分为政府、行业机构站点信息(一般以 net 、com、 gov、ac等为域名)和学校图书馆提供的信息资源(一般以 edu、ac等为域名)。






1 历史老照片对于档案部门的重要意义1.1 历史老照片的定义、类别及现状。











Contents Introduction: (4)Philosophy: (5)Trading strategies – an overview: (6)Introduction to direct access trading: (8)The US stock markets: (9)Bids and offers: (10)NASDAQ and level 2: (12)The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE): (14)NYSE stocks in the level 2 window: (15)NYSE stocks on “Island”: (16)The basics of Nasdaq order routing: (16)Short selling: (18)Basic rules for using technical analysis: (19)Market and sector analysis: (20)Types of charts: (22)Development of trends: (24)Moving averages: (26)Volume: (28)Breakouts: (29)The pivot setup: (31)Continuation patterns: (32)Moving average crossovers (36)Basic swing trading setups: (38)Flags and pennants: (40)Triangles: (42)The cup and handle: (44)Candlestick indicators: (45)Price resistance: (49)What makes stock prices move? (50)Price/Volume studies: (51)Momentum trading: (53)Gainers and dumpers: (54)Liquidity: (57)Spotting the “ax” on level 2: (59)Gaps and premarket trading: (60)Unusual prices: (63)Nasdaq order routing systems: (65)The Island ECN (ISLD): (67)Archipelago (ARCA): (68)Small order execution system (SOES): (69)Selectnet (SNET): (70)Instinet (INCA): (71)Trade Management: (72)Learning plan: (73)Paper trading: (75)Choosing brokers: (76)Commissions (77)Technical requirements/computer setup: (79)Graphics and multi monitor setup: (80)A typical trading day and pre market preparation: (83)Keys to success - psychological aspects: (88)Disclaimer: (95)Introduction:This book is designed to introduce you to the exciting world of active trading. Active trading means to actively participate in everyday price movements of the financial markets. Active trading enables you to actively manage risks and to participate from both rising and falling prices. The trades I am describing in this book can be from as short as a few seconds to as long as a few days. Many of the strategies can be applied to various timeframes. The difference between active traders and investors is that active traders trade the actual price movement versus investors who make their decisions based on the anticipation of future price movements. I tried to make this book as complete as possible. However, you will find as many strategies as traders. As you gain more experience you will realize that most strategies are based on the same basic principles and that there is really no holy grail out there.I have been trading and coaching for many years now. The need to be independent certainly was the biggest reason for me to enter the world of trading. In what other job do you have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world where you have access to the Internet? I started with investing but always felt that there has to be more to the stock market. That’s when I started watching quotes in real time and realized how big the profit potential must be if I could just cut out a small piece of the everyday movements. There are many obstacles to conquer though in order to get to a consistent success. A solid strategy, a neutral state of mind and rigid risk management are only some of the key traits needed to be successful.Whether you are planning to trade full time or just part time, this book will give you very valuable insight into the whole business. Even if you are just planning to invest you should read this book and take some of the basics of technical analysis into consideration when making your next decisions.Philosophy:Personally I don’t think trading needs to be complicated. Keeping it simple is the way to success. I have seen that with all of the worlds leading traders. They only use a few basic strategies in combination with simple tools and indicators.That does not mean trading is simple. There is great room for failure when it comes to staying neutral and to discipline.You don’t need to know everything. The key is to find a few solid strategies that work for YOU and master them. My goal is to help you on this search.I believe the most effective way to become successful as a trader is to learn directly from a pro who as already made his mistakes and been thru the struggle one faces when starting out.In my career as a coach I met many traders that were confused by all the tools they were given. Basically they had all the knowledge they needed, but no one told them how to apply itto real trading. This is why I started one-on-one coaching.For more information on coaching please see.Trading strategies – an overview:There are as many different trading strategies as there are traders. Generally they can be distinguished though by the time frame in which they take place. I suggest that every trader experiments with different strategies and then decide for himself what he is most comfortable with.A)Longer term strategies (from a day trader perspective)Investing: Investors buy shares of a certain company because they believe in its long-term growth perspective. They have little interest in most of the daily price movements and are looking to hold their shares for several years.Swingtrading:Swingtrading means to hold stocks anywhere from one to five days and sometimes more. Swingtraders try to take advantage of certain “key” situations in a stock price’s movement. Such a situation would be a buy after a pullback into solid support during a longer term uptrend. Swingtrading belongs to one of the easier to implement strategies and is excellent for people with small accounts.Overnight trading:B)Short term strategiesMomentum trading: A momentum trade usually lasts anywhere from 30 seconds to about 1 hour. Momentum trading is based on strong price movements and counter price movements often caused by news.Breakout trading: breakouts (breakdowns) do occur in any time frame.Popular charts for breakout traders are 5 minute and 15 minute charts. The holding period is anywhere from a few seconds (breakout scalp) up to the end of the day.Breakout trading means to buy stock after it has broken out above a certain price. Vice versa for shorts.Pullback trading: Pullback trading is the opposite of breakout trading. Pullback traders are looking for stock prices to pull back a significant enough amount (usually into support) in order for them to justify an entry (vice versa for shorts). Personally I am more of a breakout trader since I like the confirmation of the stock prices’ movement that I get thru the breakout; although pullback trading often has the smaller stops though. The holding period is usually a few seconds up to an hour.Scalping:Scalping describes “ultra short term” trading. Scalpers try to take advantage of very small price movements and sell their shares immediately when they have a big enough profit or the stock isn’t moving in their direction or goes against them.Cutting the spread: Cutting the spread can be seen as a scalping variety. Cutting the spread means to take advantage of the spread (the price difference between the bid and the ask price). It means to buy a stock on the bid side and to sell it immediately afterwards on the ask side for a small profit. Since the decimalization of the markets this type of trading has certainly become much more difficult because spreads have gotten much smaller, however I still see traders implementing this strategy pretty successfully.Please note that the strategies presented in this book are by no means the “holy grail”. Trading setups have to be monitored and adjusted continuously. I did try to cover all the major strategies though in order to give you a sound insight into how traders work.Introduction to direct access trading:Direct access trading has revolutionized trading in the late 90’s. Many traders are still not aware of the tremendous advantages it offers, especially for the active trader. Imagine being able to place an order with the push of one button and to get executed instantly. This is what direct access trading is all about.The traditional way to route orders was to call your broker, who would then send your order to his person on the exchange floor or to the market maker to actually execute your order. After that is done the whole process reverses in order confirm what happened with your order. If you are lucky this process will only take a few minutes, but in many cases it takes much longer. For some time now people have used online trading, which in most cases is not much different to the traditional way, with the exception that your order gets sent electronically to your broker who then processes it.With the introduction of direct access trading order execution has improved dramatically. You are now able to route your order directly to the exchange without any middlemen involved. Access to the market that was formerly only available to institutions is now available to everyone. You can decide which way your order is going to be routed and you can change or cancel it at any time in an instant.On your level 2 screen you can see all the competing bids and offers for any stock listed at the Nasdaq. Every market maker and every ECN is displayed in the level 2 window and you can directly trade with them. Think about how fast your voice travels over the phone? This is the speed you can use for routing your orders. It works solely electronically and there are no middleman involved.There are different order routes integrated into every direct access trading platform, which allow you to send orders to the various market participants.The US stock markets:The NASDAQ is a computerized exchange without an actual trading floor. Orders are executed thru a complex computer system. You will find 2 types of market participants on the NASDAQ, Market Makers (MM) and electronic communication networks (ECN’s). There are various different Market makers as well as ECN’s which all interact thru computer systems.The NYSE is a centralized exchange where shares are traded on an actual exchange floor. Every stock traded on the NYSE has it’s own “specialist” who is responsible for maintain-ing a fair and orderly market in that particular stock.On the NYSE only the specialist has insight into the order book, which holds all the orders for the stock he is responsible for. Let’s assume you are trying to buy XYZ for $15 but the best seller wants at least $15.25 for XYZ. In this case your order will be placed in the specialist’s order book on the bid side and will be executed once a seller is willing to sell you shares for your limit price. The information in the order book can be very valu-able since big buy or sell orders are points of support/resis-tance.Bids and offers:The 2 main forces in the markets are supply (bid) and demand (offer/ask). It is basically a very simple concept. But many new traders are irritated by itThere are two ways to trade stocks based on bids and offers: Passive:Passive buyingPassive buying means that you are trying to buy a stock at a price that is lower than the current best ask price. Therefore your order cannot be executed immediately (since you are not agreeing to the seller’s price) and gets displayed on the bid side of the level 2.Passive buying means to place a bid and to wait for a seller to sell you his stocks.Passive sellingWhen selling passively you are trying to sell a stock at a higher price than the current bid price. Your order won’t be executed immediately and gets displayed on level 2.Passive selling means to place an offer (ask) and to wait for a buyer to buy shares from you.There is no way to ensure that your order gets executed when trading passively, since there might be no one willing to agree to your price.Active:Active buyingActive buying means to buy shares from an existing seller who has an offer in the market. You are agreeing to someone else’s price offer.Active sellingActive selling means to sell shares to an existing buyer who has a bid in the market.When trading actively you are most likely to get your order filled immediately, unless someone else steps in front of you.Remember that you can only get filled for as many shares as the counter-part is willing to trade. Therefore you might get partial fills.NASDAQ and level 2:Level 2 is a quote screen that displays all the competing bids and offers. These bids and offers come from big institu-tions and banks as well as individual traders displaying their orders thru ECN’s. There are over 400 registered market partici-pants who are able to place bids and offers in every single stock listed on the NASDAQ. Level 2 trading literally revolutionized the markets. The NASDAQ stock exchange was the first to introduce level 2. Meanwhile there are a few international ex-changes following.Here is a look at a level 2 window that also has order entry implemented:The upper part of the window gives you some basic information about the stock, i.e. the current price, the highest price of the day, the low of the day and the total volume traded.The next part of the window is used for order entry:Here is the part with the actual level 2 quote information:The left column displays all the buy orders:The higher the price that people are willing to pay for the stock, the higher the entry in the left column. The price on top is called the “best bid”. Each different color displays another price level. There is no other meaning to these colors.The right column displays all of the sell orders:The lower the price that people are willing to sell their stocks for, the higher the entry in the right column. The price on top is called the “best ask.”The prices on top of the two columns are the best prices available at the moment. They are referred to as the “inside market.” These prices will be the ones you can find in regular level 1 quotations.Let’s take a little closer look at the ask side of our level 2 window:The first column (MMID) gives you information about the market participant. The second column (ask) tells you what price the participant is willing to sell the stock for. The third column dis-plays the size at which he or she is willing to sell. You have to multiply the number by 100, so 10 would mean that there are 1000 shares for sale. In the screen above, RSSF for example, is trying to sell 1000 shares at a price of $62.The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE):Every stock listed on the NYSE has it’s own specialist. He is responsible for maintaining a fair and orderly market in that particular stock. If you send your order to the NYSE via a direct access trading platform it will be send (via SuperDOT) directly to the specialist’s order book for execution. The special-ist is the only one who has access to the order book. Orders are executed strictly on a first come first serve basis.It is the specialist’s responsibility to maintain a fair and orderly market. One example of this would be a situation where there is a huge sell order coming into the market but there are almost no buyers - without the specialist’s help the stock price would dump irrationally. It is his responsibility to buy the stock in this situation and to keep the stock at a “fair” level. The specialist is therefore always the buyer of last resort.Every order on the NYSE has the chance to receive price improvement. For example if you are trying to buy XYZ for $100 and someone is entering a sell order with a limit of $99 you would end up buying the stock for $99.5.Since the NYSE is not fully computerized you will notice a differ-ence in the speed of execution versus Nasdaq orders. This applies to the cancellation of orders as well. Even though it is slower I usually never wait longer than a few seconds for my order to get executed; only if there a buyers/sellers at my price limit of course.NYSE stocks in the level 2 window:If you place an NYSE symbol into a level 2 box you might be confused since there is more than just the NYSE displayed. This is because most of the stocks listed on the NYSE are also traded on various regional exchanges. Even though the quotes you see are in a level 2 box they are all level 1 quota-tions since they only display the inside market (best bid and ask).Here is an example:I highlighted the NYSE quotes in this example. The NYSE quotes are almost always the most important since the major market participants use the NYSE for executions. Other market participants here include “BOST” (Boston stock exchange) or “PHIL” Philadelphia stock exchange.NYSE stocks on “Island”:Many of the ma j or NYSE and AMEX stocks are no longer only traded on the traditional exchanges. They are now being traded thru ECN’s as well, with Island “ISLD” being the most important. The basics of Nasdaq order routing:Placing trades on the Nasdaq is a little more complicated than doing so on the NYSE. There are different order routes available. Those are Selectnet, SOES (small order execution system) and ECN’s (electronic communication networks).Selectnet can be seen as the center of the Nasdaq market even though it is only the second choice at best for most active traders. Access to Selectnet allows you to send your order to every available market participant. It is also possible to place bid and offers via Selectnet.SOES was implemented as a system for non-professional traders and allows them to execute their orders against market makers. SOES only sends the order out to market makers, not ECN’s. It’s mandatory for market makers to fill orders sent to them thru SOES.ECN’s are electronic networks that allow traders to execute orders against other ECN’s as well as to place their own bids and offers. Trading thru ECN’s is the fastest order way available since there are no middlemen involved and the ECN’s computers are usually very very fast. My ECN orders usually get filled immediately if I am agreeing to someone else’s bid or offer.Order routing can get pretty complex since there are different rules and limitations for each route. Luckily there are intelligent order systems out there, which take a variety of order systems into account and do the work for you, making order routing pretty easy for the most part.I will explain order entry in more detail later in this book.Short selling:Short selling allows you to make money on a falling stock price.When selling short, you sell a stock that you don’t own (you borrow it from your broker) and try to buy it back (covering)for a lower price. For example you sell 100 shares of XYZ short for a price of $10 per share. This will ad $1000 to your account. No, the money does not actually get credited to your account since you are only borrowing from you broker. If you buy those 100 shares back for $9 per share that will mean you have to pay $900 for that transaction, leaving you with a $100 gain. When you are shorting a stock, your potential risk is unlimited since a stock can go up more than 100% but sink not more than 100%. Therefore I would stay away especially from small stocks (they often rise dramatically in price) when shorting!Short selling rulesShort selling is a little more complicated than regular buying because the short selling rule (up tick rule) prohibits you from selling into an already falling stock price and therefore making an entry more difficult. In order to short a stock the current bid and ask prices must be on an up tick, meaning they must be higher than the previous price. Your order entry software will automatically prevent you from violating this rule. You will usually find an arrow in the upper part of your level 2 window that tells you if the stock is on an up tick. Even if the stock is not on an up tick you will always be able to short it on the ask side. When there is a lot of selling pressure though, chances of getting a fill on the ask are slim.Furthermore the stock you are aiming to short has to be available for borrowing from your broker. Your broker will hold a list of stocks you can almost always borrow and has a short lookup tool. I have had very good experiences with the availability of stocks for shorting.Basic rules for using technical analysis:Multiple timeframesMost traders use technical analysis as their primary tool to find potential trades and to determine entry/exit points. Only momentum traders and scalpers might only look at the stock movement or the supply and demand they can see on the level 2 screen.When using technical analysis it is very important to get the bigger picture of the stock’s price movement. That’s why you should always have a look at multiple timeframes of charts before making a trade. Imagine a stock is looking ready to go up on the 5 min chart but is running into strong resistance on the daily chart. You don’t want to get caught buying it here but rather wait for it to break that resistance before entering a long position.I always try to look at least one intraday chart as well as the daily chart. Previous days highs and lows are always points that are every important. Other timeframes that I like to look at are 5min and 15min charts.The perfect setup shows the same “picture” on multiple time frames. Here is an example of a stock that is breaking down on the intraday chart as well as on the daily chart:Please see next page.Market and sector analysisThe overall market is most likely to determine how strong the stocks you are watching might move. Make sure to not trade against the overall market and know what to expect every day. I use the same tools and patterns for market analy-sis that I use for stock analysis. The most important thing for me to look at is the previous day’s range. The previous day’s low will serve as support to the downside and the high will serve as resistance to the upside. Besides analyzing the overall market you should also know what the individual sectors are doing to further increase your success rate. A good top down approach would be too look at the overall market first, then to determine what the general direction is most likely going to be and to look for sectors that reflect that direction the best, and finally filter out stocks out of that particular sector that provide interesting set-ups.Indicator analysisBesides the price patterns described in this book there are vari-ous technical indicators that you can use in conjunction with them. The simplest technical indicators are moving averages. Others include stochastic, money flow, rate of change etc. Gen-erally speaking, the more indicators that confirm your setup, the better. I only use moving averages and stochastic for my trad-ing. Technical indicators go along with everything described in this book; they should be seen as additional tools. However, some trades might only use certain indicators and make trades based on them. I will not describe all the technical indicators in detail since it would be too much to fit in here and most likely just be confusing. I would rather refer to the link section on my website for further reading on technical indicators.Setup pricesA setup price is a predetermined price where you are looking to enter a position. Make sure that setup prices get broken significantly before you enter your position. For example if I am looking at a buy above $50, I would wait for the stock to break that price by approximately 5 cents. This varies though, and depends a lot on the stock I am trading. The important thing is that there are trades being made ABOVE the setup price in order for the setup to be valid.Also make sure, that the stock actually trades above the setup price. This can be problem with low volume stocks where the inside market (best bid and ask) changes without any trades taking place.Types of charts:The most common way to display charts is the line chart fol-lowed by the bar chart. In the bar chart the vertical line marks the high and low, the left horizontal line marks the opening price and the right horizontal line marks the closing price. If you selected a 5 min chart, that means that each bar reflects the price movement of only 5 minutes. In a daily chart each bar/ candle displays one entire days movement.The type of chart used most by active traders is the candle-stick chart. This type of chart has been in use for over 100 years and has its origin in Japan. It is also referred to as a Japanese candlestick chart. The color of the candlestick itself tells us if there was an up - or downtrend in that par-ticular timeframe and makes reading them very easy. There are also numerous indicator based on the shape of the candlestick itself. I will talk about the most common ones later.The following candlesticks are open candlesticks, meaning that their opening price was lower than the closing price and therefore reflect an overall uptrend in the timeframe you selected. The color used here for an open candlestick is green; sometimes people will use white instead.If the opening price was higher than the closing price you get a closed candlestick that reflects a downtrend. The colors used are usually black or red.The vertical line on the top of the candlestick is always the high, no matter what color the candlestick has. The line on the bottom always marks the low. These lines are also called shadows (upper/lower) or tail. There might be no shadows at all if the opening price marks the high and the closing price the low or vice versa. The colored part is always referred to as “the body” of the candlestick.Development of trends:There are 3 trends a stock can move in:a) Uptrendb) Sideways trendc) Downward trenda) An uptrend is a series of price advances followed by price declines that don’t violate the prior low (higher highs and higher lows).In an uptrend the prior low serves as support and the last high serves as resistance. The best trade during an uptrend is of course a long trade.At some point after a rise in price the stock will be “tired” and has to “relax” a little to gain strength to make a move again. This is when a sideways trend (consolidation) develops.b) In a sideways trend highs and lows are approximately on the same level. The highs mark resistance and the lows serve as support.After a long sideways trend stocks often reverse the prior direc-tion and fall in to a downtrend (in case the prior trend was up).c) A downtrend is a series of price declines followed by price advances that don’t violate the prior highs (lower highs and lower lows). The prior high serves as resistance to the upside and the prior low serves as support to the downside. On the next page you will see a chart displaying all the trends.Trend lines and trend channels:Trend lines and trend channels are a very important part in technical analysis since they define the trend itself and show you important areas of support and resistance. I use them mostly for the longer-term analysis based on daily charts.In an uptrend a line is drawn below the “major” lows of the trend. The uptrending line shows you relevant support. The opposite is done in a downtrend; you draw a line above the “major” highs of the trend. As with many things in technical analysis it is much easier to see what I am talking about by looking at an example:Trend channels occur in stable trends when you can draw a second (parallel) trend line in addition to the one we talked about before. This time we will also draw a line above the highs of the up trend and vice versa for down trends. By drawing this line we have established a trend channel that not only shows us support, but also shows the most likely range the stock will be trading in, thus us very nice entry points at support (refer-ring to the core swing trading buy setup) and profit targets at resistance.Moving averages:Moving averages are probably the most widely followed and therefore most significant indicators. And yet, they are very simple to use.Moving averages have multiple functions. They serve as im-portant areas of support and resistance and give trade signals if a stocks’ price is crossing above or below them. If a stock trades above the moving average line it serves as support to the downside, if it trades below it will serve as resistance to the upside. An example would be the 200MA, which is often used by fund managers. A stock that is trading above its 200 day moving average is generally a good long position, as long as it holds that moving average.。



– 均值函数 – 相关函数、协相关函数 – (均方函数、方差函数)
掌握对随机现象从统计角度建立数学模型的基 本思想 熟练掌握三种基本随机对象的概念及其描述 技能要求
– – – – 根据基本事件的概率计算其他事件的概率 熟练运用全概率和Bayes公式 熟练掌握五种概率函数间的关系和性质 熟练掌握各种矩的计算
– 均值向量 – 相关矩阵,协相关矩阵 – 相关矩、协相关矩、相关系数
一类随机变量的集合 时间离散:可数无穷维的随机向量 时间连续:不可数无穷维随机向量 所以:随机过程在本质上是随机变量概 念的推广和扩展,“维数”具备了时间 上的意义
– 概率函数族(五种)
该集函数的原像是事件,原像对应的像 (数)是该事件的概率 满足三条公理和一些基本性质 是一种先验的定义 通常只在基本事件集合上给出,其他事 件上的定义根据可列可加性准则给出
条件概率 独立性 全概率公式 Bayes公式
是全书内容的基础 要熟练掌握
The End
随机系统所有输出样本点的集合 分为可数和不可数
– 可数样本空间可以用自然数集合或者其子集 表示 – 不可数样本空间可以用实数集合或者其子集 表示,也可以用欧氏空间来表示
是观察者关心的一类样本点的集合,这 些样本点具有某类特征,因而称为事件 为了逻辑上相容性,规定所有事件的集 合满足Borel三公理 Borel 基于同一个样本空间可以构造多个Borel 事件集
《随机过程》 随机过程》 第2章小结


















陈述反对意见的句型 确实是……,但是,实际上…………。



一、选择题(每题2分,共60分)1.封建时代,一直存在国有土地所有制形式,下列哪种土地属于此类型()A.君主的土地B.农民的土地C.地主的土地D.由国家政权直接掌握的土地2.下列反映秦汉时期已经出现的租佃关系的是()A.为用户阡陌封疆B.耕豪民之田,见税十五C.不抑兼并D.上米贸银,别以中下者抵租3.假如你生活在明中后期,作生意赚了很多钱,之后你会首先考虑把这钱用于()A.广置田地B.放高利贷C.兴办手工作坊D.娶妻纳妾4.下列明清时期经济现象中,符合当时世界历史潮流的是()A.玉米、甘薯等农作物传入我国并得以推广B.制瓷等手工业技术均有很大进步C.苏州丝织业“小户听大户呼织”“计日受值”D.废除了汉唐以来的人头税5.没有涉及关税问题的条约是()A.《南京条约》B. 《望厦条约》C.《天津条约》D.《北京条约》6.19世纪70年代,中国社会并存的经济成分有()①自然经济②民族工业③洋务企业④外国资本主义企业A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①②③④7.古诗中“百千家似围棋局,十二街如种菜畦”所描绘的城市是()A.咸阳B.长安C.开封D.洛阳8.中国第一部故事影片是()A.《难夫难妻》B.《定军山》C.《歌女红牡丹》D.《马路天使》9.中国铁路史上的里程碑是()A.京张铁路B.紫光阁铁路C.京广铁路D.包兰铁路10.中国新式水运业的诞生标志是()A.福建船政局B.轮船招商局C.民生轮船公司D.怡和公司11.关于勃列日涅夫改革的叙述,正确的是()A.带有很大的盲目性,造成混乱B.修补性改革,没有改变积存的弊端,后期趋于保守,改革陷于停滞C.改革陷于困境,国内局势逐渐失控,导致苏联解体D.压抑了地方和企业的积极性,阻碍了苏联经济的进一步发展12.关于重农抑商的表述不正确的是()A.重农抑商思想形成于商周时期B.是封建自然经济的反映C.在封建社会前期,值得肯定D.中唐以来,实行官商分利政策13.罗斯福推行新政的根本目的是()A.从根本上消除资本主义经济危机 B.为美国夺取势力范围和争夺世界霸权C.缓和阶级矛盾,改善人民的生活D.维护资本主义制度,巩固资产阶级统治14.西班牙殖民扩张的主要特点是()A.凭武力建立据点,垄断欧亚贸易B.掠夺金银,建立农业大庄园C.建立股份公司,发展银行信贷D.对外贸易往往与海盗掠夺分不开15.凯恩斯所说的“政府必须……成为看得见的手”其中“看得见的手”是指()A.政府干预经济和社会生活B.资本主义的市场经济C.资本主义的供给和需求关系D.自由放任和自由竞争16.春秋时期,公田大量被抛荒,私田开垦速度明显加快的直接原因是()A.大量公田被抛荒,私田增加B.铁器牛耕的使用推动了生产力的发展C.各国推行税制改革D.贵族之间争田现象严重17.“天下之盛,扬为首”唐朝后期扬州成为全国最繁华的工商业城市,经济地位超过长安和洛阳,表明()A.中国经济重心开始南移B.扬州地理位置优越C.扬州已经出现资本主义萌芽D.南北经济趋向平衡18.近期中央电视台将开拍一部有关我国古代农民起义的电视剧,工作人员准备了大量的棉衣棉裤给演员穿,这部电视剧最早反映哪个朝代的史实()A.汉朝B.隋唐时期C.秦朝D.明朝后期19.新航路开辟后,世界贸易中心转移到()A.地中海沿岸B.大西洋沿岸C.太平洋沿岸D.印度洋沿岸20.二战后,资本主义国家建立了完备的福利制度,其特点有()①覆盖面广②高收入阶层受惠多③低收入阶层大量受惠④彻底解决了贫富不均问题A.①②B.①③C.③④D.②④21.1920年,苏俄农民种流传着这样的说法:“土地属于我们的,面包却属于你们;水属于我们,鱼却属于你们;森林属于我们,木材却属于你们。




第I 卷(选择题共70分)一、选择题(共70分)(一)单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。


读某日西半球光照示意图(图1),AB 为晨昏线,回答1~3题: 1.若该日A 点正午太阳高度为45°,则该地纬度为A .66.5°NB .70°NC .67.5°ND .65°N 2.下列四个城市中,与其它三个城市日期不同的是 A .惠灵顿 B .伦敦 C .北京 D .纽约3.在未来半个月内,下列现象不可能出现的是 A .太阳直射点先北移然后南移B .悉尼夜长和昼长之差达一年中最大值C .雅加达正午太阳高度先变大再变小D .北极圈上出现极昼现象 读经纬网图(图2),完成4~6题: 4.p2与p3 两地的判断A .p2 在东半球,p3在西半球B .p2 与p3日期相差一天C .p2与p3两地在雨季吹的风向相同D .p2的昼长与p3的夜长相等5.p1与p2 两地的判断A .p1 与p2附近产生气候差异的主要原因是大气环流B .p1地区宜发展技术指向型工业,p2附近地区宜发展廉价劳动力指向型工业C .p1与p2附近地区农业景观相同D .p1与p2附近海区洋流成因相同,性质相同6.有一艘船于2003年12月24日上午17点钟(p1所在地区时)由p1附近港口出发,于2004年1月25日17点(p4所在地区时)到达p4附近海域,下列说法正确的是 A .沿途海区盐度值先变高再变低B .船上旗杆正午的影长先变长,然后再变短C .船在航行途中能接受到太阳的直射D .船的航行时间是整32天7.巴黎市区高级住宅区集中在城市西部,低级住宅区集中在城市东部,造成这种现象的主要原因是A .地形B .塞纳河的流向C .风向D .地质基础 8.读图3,从山峰向下望,将不能看见的点是 A .A 点 B .B 点C .C 点D .D 点读图4,回答9~11题。










































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