旅游英语课件Unit 1 Travel and Tourism
Section A Passage Reading
Teodation [ ə,kɔmə'deiʃən ] n. 住处,膳宿 destination [ ,desti'neiʃən ] n. 目的地,终点 attraction [ ə'trækʃən ] n. 吸引,吸引人的事物 schedule [ 'ʃədju:əl, 'skedʒu:əl] n. 时间表 alternatively [ ɔ:l‘tə:nətivli ] adv. 非此即彼地 category [ 'kæ tiɡəri ] n. 种类,范畴 commercial [ kə'mə:ʃəl ] adj.商业的 be subdivided into 被再分为,被细分为
Section A Passage Reading
Text B Independent Travel
Background Information: 2. 旅行社经营方式: 目前投资旅行社有两种方式:一种是自己投资申 办新的旅行社;另一种就是加盟大的品牌旅行社。两 者需要的条件和收益回报各不相同。自己投资创办旅 行社相对门槛较高,适合本身就懂行的人或有业务来 源的人。目前旅行社分为国内社和国际社两种。申办 国内社只要是某地常住户口居民就可以直接向该地旅 游委员会申办;国际社则需要国家旅游局审批,一般 需要有国内社的资历,并有良好的经营业绩才会被批 准。
Section A Passage Reading
Text A Travel Agency
Background Information: 3. 美国汽车租赁 在美国旅行最自由的方式就是自驾游。美国发达 的公路网可以带您走遍全美。美国三大汽车租赁公司 分别为:Enterprise, Hertz, and National Car Rental. 首屈一指的是Enterprise公司,它成立于1957年,在 全球机场、市区等地点设立了6000个服务站点,在美 国,加拿大,英国,爱尔兰和德国的各大机场设立服 务站点,为全球知名的汽车租赁公司。
旅游英语作文15篇旅游英语作文(一):Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train。
There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so fortable。
We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach,was really an enjoyable thing。
I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister。
There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends。
We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on。
They are very delicious。
Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive。
I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to e here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place。
旅游英语作文(二):I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays。
They are Beijing,Dalian and Huhehot。
I went to Beijing more than eight times。
• 初到异地旅游若是不熟悉该国的旅游景点可以向别人询问,其他 类似的表达法还有: • Could you recommend some interesting places to visit in the city? • 你能为我介绍一些这座城市有趣的可供参观的地方吗? • What are the best places to visit here, please? • 请问这里最好的旅游观光处在哪里? • Which places are the most-sees?
• Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?你能推 荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗? • A:Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive? • 你能推荐一家较为廉价的旅馆吗? • B:Well, there is Youth Hotel which costs under 20 dollars a night. Is that OK? • 有一家青年旅馆,一晚上不到20美元,您觉得如何? • A:OK! Thank you! • 好的,谢谢! • I'd like to stay at a hotel near the beach. • 我想要住在一间靠近海滩的旅馆。
Vocauting 远足 expedition 远征,探险 hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘 itinerary 旅行指南 itinerary, route 旅行路线 stopover 中途下车暂停 stage 停歇点,中间站
Vocabulary list
• 第一句:I want to visit some historic sites.我想参观一些历史 名胜。 • A: Where do you plan to travel? • 你打算去哪儿旅游? • B: I want to visit some historic sites. Can you suggest some places for me, please? • 我想参观一些历史名胜。请问,你能给我推荐一些地方吗? • A: How about visiting the Great Wall? I hear the Great Wall is one of the eight wonders of the world. • 去参观长城怎么样?我听说长城是世界八大奇观之一。
考试题型Definition:5分*8(下定义)Question and answer:5分*6(简答题)Translation:30分(翻译)英译中unit2\unit7\unit12Unit1 What is tourism?1、Domestic tourism:Internal tourism plus inbound tourism(the tourism market of accommodation facilities and attractions within a coutry).2、National tourism:Internal tourism plus outbound tourism(the resident tourism market for travel agents and airlines).3、Outbound tourism:Visits by residents of a country to another country.4、Inbound tourism:Visits to a country by nonresidengts.5、Grand tour:Tour of certain cities in western Europe undertaken primarily,but not exclusively,for education and pleasure.It spanned from 16th to 19th Centuries.It includes 5W:who—British aristocracy;when—from16th to19th Centuries;where—certain cities in Western Europe;what—travel;why—for education and pleasure.6、WTO:World Tourism Organization7、Why is it difficult to come up with a definition of tourism that can be universally accepted?①In the first place,tourism is the sum of activities,services and industries that delivers a travel experience.②Secondly,it includes all providers of visitor and visitor-related services.③Thirdly,it is the entire world industry of travel,hotels,transportation,and all other components,such as promotion,marketing planning.④And finally,it is the total of tourist expenditures within the borders of a nation or a political subdivision,etc.⑤In brief,the multidimensional aspects of tourism and its interactions with other activities make it rather difficult to come up with a universally accepted definition.8、Which two elements are important for tourism to get started in Greek time?Large claustrophobic cities and the means to escape from them(transportation).9、Which two factors lead to the emergence of mass tourism?Technologically in the field of transportation;and in the existence of a critical facilitating force,entrepreneurship—in the person of Thomas Cook.Unit 2 Economic impact of tourism?1、Multiplier:A ratio used to estimate total economic effect for a variety of economic activities.2、Tourism multiplier:It refers to the benefits that other industries can get from tourism.As tourists spend money on local hotels,restaurants,transportation,handicrafts and souvenirs as well as other forms of services,the businesses will respend the money which they have received from tourists.They use the money to purchase equipment,to pay employees,to pay rent,interest and taxes,to pay supplier for goods and services.The recipient then will respend the money they have received for their expenditure .3、MPC边际消费倾向:Marginal Propensity to ConsumeUnit 3 The retail travel trade1、Familiarization trip熟悉异地观光旅游:It is a trip ,usually for a few days,organised specially for travel agency staff.For example,a group of travel agents may be invited by the owner of a hotel in York to spend one or two evenings there,sampling the accommodation and learning about the facilities on offer.The hotelkeeper hopes that the travel agents will be impressed,and will remember the hotel and recommend it to their customers.2、Business house agency商务旅行社:Some travel agencies make their living by selling their travel only to businesses,rather than members of the general public.3、How did travel agency make a living?They make their living through commissions so that the more they sell,the more commission they earn.Unit 5 Tourism attractions and facilities1、Tourist attraction旅游景点:Any facility or event which attracts visitors to a particular place.Attractions come in many forms and may be either natural or man-made.2、Living museumThe museums where actors and actresses in costumes meet the public and play the roles of characters from the past,in attempts to make the exhibits come alive for visitors. A good example of this is the Jorvik Viking Center in York.3、Hatfield houseIt is situated 20 miles north of London.The home of Cecil family,this house,dating from Jacobean times is popular with the visitors who tour the lavishly decorated state rooms.4、Which three trends concerning built attractions were prevalent in UK in the late 20th century?Please cite examples to illustrate.①One marked trend in tourism industry is that built attractions are becoming more sophisticated and exciting places to visit;②another trend is that more places are being open to the public as tourist attractions,although the original purpose for which they were built had nothing to do with tourism.For instance,some churches,temples and cathedrals all over the world have come to serve a dual function as both the places of worship and as attractions for visitors.③More recently,people become more and more interested in attractions which show them at work,or familiar objects being manufactured.For instance,in the Edinburgh Crystal factory,visitors are shown around by a guide and they see the famous Edinburgh Crystal glassware being manufactured in red-hot ovens.Unit 6 Tourism and related services1、Franchising:It refers to authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company’s goods or service in a certain area.2、B&B:Bed and Breakfasts.It is often a private home and includes a room to sleep in as well as breakfast.It is small business.3、Benefits of franchising to franchiser and franchisee?For franchisers:Conserve cash and expand rapidly.For franchisees:①Receive a known “name”,the knowledge,advice,and assistance of a proven operator;②Spread the costs of promotion,advertising and reservation systems.4、Benefits of B&B to its owner and travelers?B&Bs provide the best possible avenue for travelers of all ages and locations to experience firsthand the lifestyles in areas of the country previously unknown to guests.The B&Bs host can become an area’s best ambassador.Unit 7 HR issues1、Which four beliefs concerning human resource in tourism industry were commonly held,accord to researcher Choy?①Tourism generates primarily low-skilled jobs;②Tourism generates low-paying jobs;③Tourism jobs do not offer high levels of job satisfaction;④Tourism offers limited opportunities for advancement for local residents.2、Which factors concerning industrial structure result in low payment in tourism industry?①Small unit structure of the industry;②Fluctuation波动 in levels of business activity;③Cost pressures included by competition;④A reliance on vulnerable脆弱的 and so-called “marginal不重要的,少量的”workers.翻译1 Nearly 6 million Americans were employed directly in the travel industry in 1992,making the industry the second largest employment in the country,following only health service.1992年,大约有600万美国人从事于旅游业,从而使这个行业成为仅次于卫生业的第二个雇佣员工最多的产业Travel industry employment has grown 56.3 percent in the past 10 year—over twice the growth rate for all U.S. industry.在过去的10年里,旅游业的就业比例增加了56.3%--这一数字是所有美国行业同类指数的两倍还多.Travel and tourism in 1993 were once again the nation’s leading export,generating $75 billion in expenditures from 46 million international visitors,while the 45 million Americans traveling abroad only spent $53 billion,creating a $22 billion surplus as international visitors spent more money here than Americans spent abroad.1993年,旅行和旅游业再次成为美国的出口大户,4600万国际旅行人员消费了750亿美元;而450万在国外旅游的美国人仅花掉了530亿美元,从而创下了220亿美元的盈余.2 For most tourists the quality of their experience is reliant to a large degree on the interactions they will have with the front-line staff in the travel and tourism industry.对大多数游客而言,,旅游经历的质量在很大程度上取决于和旅游业一线员工的交往.Indeed,within an industry that is characterized by diversity and heterogeneity in terms of the purpose,size,ownership and demands of the enterprise,the only real point of the homogeneity is delivering service to customers and the need to manage people in such a way that they offer a quality service.的确,在一个以各企业的宗旨,规模,所有制和要求各不相同为特色的行业,唯一真正的共同之处就是要为顾客提供服务和管理人员,使他们提供高质量的服务.The corollary of this would be the belief that such front-line staff would therefore be sufficiently well paid,trained and motivated to offer outstanding service.由此可见,要提供出类拔萃的服务,这样的一线员工应是工资丰厚、训练有素而工作积极的.The reality,however,is that often such staff have the lowest status,are the least trained,and are the poorest paid employees of the company.然而,事实上这样的员工常是该公司中地位最低、受训最少、工资最微薄的雇员.3 An ironic situation is now developing in national parks in association with tourism.国家公园眼下正出现一种和旅游业有关的出乎意料的局面.While tourism is indeed promoted,the focus of attention is shifting towards the “protection”mandate as opposed to use.尽管旅游业的发展的确得到了促进,但关注的焦点却正在向“保护”这一需要而不是使用这一需要转移. Yet,given the rising pressures of financing many park systems,increasingly more tourism is being targeted as the preferred solution.然而,鉴于许多公园系统所面临的日益严峻的资金压力,人们越来越相信增加旅游量是这个问题首选的解决办法.Conflict over park mandates is avoided since the type of tourism now being encouraged is that classed under the labels of “sustainable”, “responsible”and “environmentally conscious”.而如今所鼓励发展的旅游业是归于“可持续的”、“负责的”、“注重环境的”这些类别之下的,这样就避免了公园的需求中存在的矛盾.In consideration of the probability that tourist interest in visiting national parks will diminish in the near future,attention must shift towards how tourism,in line with sustainability principles,is planned,developed and managed to suit national park environments.考虑到在不远的未来游客们对游览国家公园的兴趣可能会减退,必须把关注的重点转移到如何根据可持续性的原则来规划、开发和管理旅游业,以适应国家公园的环境.Unit 81、Public policyIt is “Whatever governments choose to do or not to do”.A policy is deemed a public policy not by virtue of由于 its impact on the public,but by virtue of its source.2、Tourism public policyIt is whatever governments choose to do or not to do with respect to tourism.3、Public policy is studied for primarily 3 reasons.What are they?①scientific reasons学术原因;②professional reasons职场原因;③political reasons政治原因4、Concerning academic学术的 study of public policy.How is it studied?Public policy can be viewed as a dependent variable ,or an independent variable.If policy is viewed as a dependent variable,the critical关键的 focus for inquiry调查 becomes “What socio-economic and political system characteristics operate to shape the content of policy”.If it is viewed as an independent variable,then the central question becomes what impact public policy has on society and on the political system.5、Which 4 constraints限制 are confronted遭遇 by public policy research?①The lack of consensus意见一致concerning关于 definition of fundamental基本的 concepts概念;②The lack of recognition认识 given to tourism policy-making processes决策过程 and the consequent lack of comparative data and case studies;③The lack of well-defined analytical分析的 and theoretical frameworks构架;④The limited amount of quantitative and qualitative data.Unit 111、Ecotourism生态游Low impact nature tourism which contributes to the maintenance维持 of species物种 and habitats栖息地 either directly through a contribution to conservation and indirectly by providing revenue 收入 to the local community社区 sufficient足够的for local people to value,and therefore protect,their wildlife heritage area as a source of income.2、Nature tourismEncompasses围绕all forms of tourismmass tourism群体旅游,adventure tourism,low-impact touriam,ecotourism—which use natural resources in a wild or undeveloped form—including species,habitat,landscape风景,scenery风景and salt and fresh-water features特征.Nature tourism is travel for the purpose of enjoying undeveloped natural areas or wildlife.3、What do soft dimension and hard dimension of nature tourism refer to?They were based on the physical rigor严格 of the experience and also the level of interest in natural arman and Durst suggested that scientists would in most likelihood be more dedicated than casual in their pursuit工作 of ecotourism,and that some types of ecotourists would be more willing to endure hardships艰难 than others in order to secure获得 their experiences.4、Which three elements differentiate ecotourism from other forms of nature tourism?①educative;②sustainable可持续的;③ethical道德的Unit 121、Which two documents were issued by Lanzarote conference ?①Charter 宪章 for Sustainable Tourism;②The Sustainable Tourism Plan of Action 行动纲领2、Which three research themes did papers of Lanzarote conference center on ?①tourists themselves;②the effects of tourists on destinations;③transportation.Unit 131、Leisure①Time outside of a formal employment situation;②Time over and above that devoted to necessary household chores;③Time outside sleeping,eating and personal hygiene 保健 functions;④Time at the disposal 处置 of the individual;⑤Time when an individual has the freedom to choose what to do.2、Which 6 factors might influence leisure activities ?①availability of leisure time;②income;③personal mobility 运输;④culture and demography 人口统计数据;⑤provision 供应 of facilities;⑥long-term changes in society.3、What is the relationship between leisure and tourism ?Tourism is divided into leisure tourism and business tourism.Leisure tourism includes ①holidays,②VFR(visiting friends and relative),③health and fitness,④sport,⑤education,⑥culture and religion 宗教,⑦social and spiritual 精神上的.Unit 141、Sport tourismIt falls into two categories 种类,travel to participate in 参加 sport and travel to observe sport 。
英语作文 Travel旅游(优秀10篇)
英语作文Travel旅游(优秀10篇)英语作文:Adwantages of Travel 篇一英语作文:Adwantages of TravelTravel is beneficial to us in at least three ways.First, by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. We will see with our own eyes many places read of in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and local flavours if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live.Third, travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, which will arouse our deeplove :for our m0therland, but also will help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded. Travel does benefit us both mentally and physically.With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ex'er in China.高三年级英语作文:Travel 篇二高三年级英语作文:TravelTravel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.The field's his study, nature was his book.Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.三年级英语作文:旅游travel 篇三三年级英语作文:旅游travel暑假里,我和爸爸。
旅行英语名词travel、journey、tour、trip、excursion、expedition、voyage 这组名词含有“旅行”的意思。
travel 泛指旅行,指任何方式的旅行,多指到远方作长时间的旅行,只强调旅行的行为,而不强调某次具体的旅行。
例句:She had a brief stay in Paris during her recent travel.她最近旅行期间,曾在巴黎作短暂停留。
On her doctor’s advise, she went on travels abroad.听从医生的忠告,她到国外旅游去了。
Foreign travel never really appealed to him until he retired.他在退休之前并不真的喜欢出国旅行。
Nowadays,more and more young people are fond oftravel in their spare time.现在,越来越多的年轻人喜欢在他们的业余时间去旅行。
The travels of Marco Polo is one of the mostinteresting books that I have ever read.马可波罗的游记是我生平读过的最有意思的一本书。
Many businesses have found that such holiday travel incentives are very successful.许多企业发现这样的假日旅行奖励是非常成功的。
——————Joe recently traveled to Australia on business. (用作动词)乔最近到澳大利亚出差。
He wished to travel all around the world so that he could study the customs ofdifferent countries.他希望去旅游以研究不同国家的民俗风情。
English In TourismChinese GardensChapter 1 Practical Communicaton Skills In Travel IndustryUnit 1Qualities of Staff in the Travel IndustryQ1:What is the travel industry?-------Q1:----It’s a service or hospitality industry to promote people-to-people understanding and earn hard currency.Q2:What’s the meaning of multidisciplinary nature of services?Q2:-----enhance the sense of responsibility, to study the new problems with the new theories,to handle the things with correct principles, to keep the healthy mindQ3:What qualities should the people who work in tourism industry have?Q3----psychological quality of balance and stability; strong ability of social negotiation and communication; reliable,modest, concentrated, sympathetic personality,good appearance------As a staff in travel industry, She must.:Serve the tourists heart and soulResists the harmful effects from different parts of the world conscientiously.Observe discipline and abide by the law conscientiouslyFoster good tourist professional moralityHave relatively good linguistic trainingHave broad cultural knowledgeHave graceful bearing---------that means they must make up.Master common service knowledge and skillsHave rather strong abilities of recognition and communication with otherHave abilities to deal with the unexpected thingHave good psychological quality-------that means neither be intoxicated with self-satisfaction , nor disappointed to the coming misunderstanding,complaints, grievances,even the retaliation.Unit 2Skills of ReceptionI.Aim:Make Ss understand which manners a guide should have ,and how to behave.II.Difficulties and Importances:When introducing, ladies or gentlmen,who rising hands first?& inpublic ,if people always need to stand to shake hands with those who is introduced ?& Telephone Manners &dinning mannersIII.Teaching procedure:Step1:As a guide, what manners do you think she or he should have ?(Ss answer it)Step 2:Introduce the regulations about introductions:1.A man is always introduced to a woman2. A young person is always introduce to an older person3. A less important person is always introduce to a more important person.(complicated-------if hard to judge who’s more important,your companies should be introduced to others.)Step 3:Shaking hands :1.a woman should offer her hands first.2.a person should offer hand to the person who is introduced to3.adults offer their hands to children first.Step 4: rising or not ?1.A man should rise when a woman comes into a room for the first time and remain standing until she is seated or leaves the viinity.2.a woman receving a male client in her office may remain seated(risingfor a much older woman)3.In a restaurant, when a woman greets a man in passing,he need merely makes gesture of rising slightly and nodding.---------unless she pauses to speak for a moment, he rises fully and introduces her to others at his table.)4.in a family, both the host and hostess shoul rise to greet each guest.Members in famly should riseas a guest enters the room.------child can sit chatting till the guest introduced to her&him ,they should instantly stand up )5. in public, a woman keeps sitting ,when being introduced to sb at a distance.,nor need she rise when shaking hands with anyong,unless the person is much older,very prominent,or is someone with whom she wants to go on talking.Step5:indoors or out, ladies first?1.Over rough ground, he walks besides her and offers his hand if sheneeds assistance.2.He steps ahead of her to open a car door when she enters it.3.He gets out first and holds the door for her when they arrive,unless shedoesn’t want to wait.4.He precedes her down a steep or slippery stairway.5.He makes the gesture of stepping into a boat first.or off a bus first, tobe ready to help her, unless she prefers that he not do so.6.He steps into a revolving door that is not already moving ahead of awoman,but she precedes him through one that is already moving.7.When getting off an elevator,if in a crowded elevator, whoever isnearest the door gets off first. If not crowded, lady first.Step6: dinning manners(P16----19)Step7:Telephone Manners (action)A. Caller’s manners:Situation 1: To a maid or secretarySituation 2:To a childSituation 3: you recognize the voiceSituation 4:The person you are calling answersB.receiver’s mannersSituation 5:Make a phone call about a party on Sat.eveningSituation 6:Handling a wrong number /a troublesome /obscene call Situation 7: the person being called is inSituation 8:The person being called is on another line /isn’t in Welcome speechIt is made up of three essential parts namely , the salutaion, the body of the speech,and the concluding remarks .Often a greeting ,a brief self –introduction can be included.Think of etiquette not as a strict set of rules, but as a code of behavior, based on kindness and consideration.Farewell speechIt is made up of three essential parts namely , the salutaion, the body of the speech,and the concluding remarksWelcome speech &farewell speech are divided into two kinds,one is formal,another is informal.IV: Homework :Write a welcome speech and farewell speech, each in 150---200 words, and hand in it next week.Unit 3 Hotel1.Classification of the hotels2.Major departments of a hotel3.The marketing for hotelAccording to the target market, size , location ,facilities or ownership, hotels can be classified into different typesTarget market:commercial, tourist and resort propertiesLocation:City center hotels , suburban hotels, resort hotelsSize:Small hotels (<100 rooms), medium sized hotels (100>*<200), large hotels (>200 rooms) Facilities:Full-service hotel, budget hotels,self-catering hotelsOwners:The use of the name of a well-known hotel groupThe benefits of bulk purchasingThe benefits of group marketingInitial and possible subsequent assistance in the setting up and management of operational systems The classifications of the departments or divisions of a hotel are divided by the service offered into Revenue centers and support centersMajor/primary revenue centers:Room division food & beverageGuest telephones laundry/dry cleaningRecreational facilitiesBusiness centersSupport centers:Sale & marketingAccountingEngineeringSecurityPersonnel & trainingThe front office department( shop window/nerve center)Reserv ations,register guests, assign rooms, distribute baggage, store guests’ valuables,provide information, deliver mail & messages , exchange foreign currencies , check room occupancies , check guests out and so on .The main function of the front office department is to support and facilitate guest transactions and services.•pre-arrival•arrival•occupancy•departure•Reservations•Check-in & registration•Mail & information•Uniformed service & baggage handling•Telephone calls & messages•Handling guest accounts•Check-out & bill settlementReception•The reception manager•The reception supervisor•Senior receptionists & receptionistsMaximum revenue&the highest levelof roomoccupancyThe smooth runningof the front deskEach shift of the staff /assigning rooms to guests/Group arrivals /immediate problems or queriesConcierge----- uniformed staff•Head concierge----- opening car door/greeting new arrivals/giving directions /calling taxis •Doorman---- baggage handling for both arriving & departing guests•Concierge & bell staff----running errands / take messagesfor both the hotel staff and the guests/ carry bags to & from rooms /keep the lobby area clear,neat & tidyThe housekeeping department------the backbone of the hotelExecutive housekeeperAssistantsRoom attendants & housemenWake-up service,room service, laundry service , shoeshine service ,baby-sitting service and otherthings for the guests.The food & beverage service------major factor in the hotel operationThe marketing for hotelThe selling conceptFactory -- existing products--- selling &promoting -- profits through sales volumeThe marketing conceptMarket--- customer needs--- integrated marketing---Profits through customer satisfactionUnit 4 Reception in the travel agencyThe travel agency provides suppliers with a link to the public.The range of services of a travel agency includes:Reservation capabilities; travel counseling , itinerary development; travel documents; visas, and certifications; mailing or delivery of travel documents; billing and analysis of travel costs; special services related to travel( tickets for entainment shows, transfers, giveaways, complimentary services);individual client services; post-sale follow-upsThe bottom line of a travel agency is to sell travel products.1.General knowledge of geography , time zones , equipment differences such as aircraft type, differences in service standard by country or suppliers, routings, travel regulations.2.Specific knowledge of reservation procedures,fare construction , fare regulations , ticketing procedured,supplier rules (regarding baggage and denied boarding ) ,reputation of travel suppliers, and conditions at destinations.3.be creative in meeting clients’ needs and develop interpersonal skills todeal with clients of different personalities and persuasionsThree basic needs :SafetyReliability of an accurate information by being an expert Knowledgeable in schedules , routings, lodging, currency, prices, regulations, destinations and all other aspects of travel opportunities. Market researchThe tourist market focuses on existing and potential tourists.Market segmentation:a heterogeneous group of buyers or potential buyers can be divided into more homogeneous groups with relatively similar needs for productsPurpose of travel as criterion:1.relaxation and physical recreation2.sightseeing tours3.Visiting friends and relatives.4. Business travelThe design and exploitation of travel productsTravel products’ characteristics:Intangibility, simultanious pr oduction and consumption,perishability, parity,complementarity,and variabilityThe characteristics create a certain level of interdependence between suppliers and customers, and their interaction shapes the travel experience.The quality of products means :conformance to a predetermined standard based on price and value to the intended market.There are three components underlying quality: design quality; consistent performance;fitness of designThe qualities of a good agency manager:1. Ability to delegate and to control For maximum effectiveness , authority must be based on the strength of personal qualifications and not on the strength of position.2. The ability to make everyone in the office accountable for every duty performed .3. Be an expert on updating information and maintaining a flow of current information through all staff sectionsUnit 5 TransportationGeneral introduction to transportationAt the airportRoad transportation in tourismWater carriers in tourism1. What did the tourism begin with ? And when ?Tourism began with the building of the railroads in the 19th century. The first tour in the modern sense was organized by Thomas Cook in England in 1841.2.Which one has been the fastest growing means of long- distancetransportation ?Why?The largest growth of international tourism has taken place since the introduction of passenger jet airliners which make traveling faster, less expensive and more comfortable.3.What are the most significant distinctions in transport ?Between public and private, inland and international, air and surface ,and of course, between the various modes.4.Which one has high safety record ?-------Train5.Which one has become the main modes of transportation in tourism ?-------- Bus6.What facilities are there int the terminal building ?Immigration, customs, baggage areas, ticket and reservation desks ,rooms, shops , restaurants, and other facilities for the travellers’comfort.7. How many kinds of baggage are there on airlines ?Three: baggage/ luggage; checked baggage; unaccompanied baggage8. How many types of journey are there ?Four: One-way trip; round trip; circle trip; open-jaw trip9.How many types of flights are there ?Four: *nonstop servicewith no scheduled stopover en route.* Direct or through service with one of more intermediate stops en route,while the passenger remains aboard the same plane.*connecting flight with an on-line connection, the passenger changes airplanes, but remains on the same airline.* Stopover flight ,the passengers request a deliberate interruption of a trip at some intermediate point for 12 or more hours.10.Does every passenger can receive same type of service ?Why or why not?Depends on where they sit in the cabin of the plane .11. What is one of the most significant developments in travel transport ? Rental car/ provides flexibility- the freedom to go almost anywhere at any time, and to stop and stay as one pleases.12. How does a car-rental firm work ?In-town,suburban or at airports13. What conditions does a car-rental client have ?Why?A valid driver’s license ; at least 18years old; a major credit card /put down a cash deposit equal to the expected rental amount plus a specified percentage ; personally responsible14. What is the reason of ferry boat service not affected greatly by the airtraffic?Ferry routes tend to be short and comparatively inexpensive. And ferries often operate on routes that are poorly served by air; some destinations are only accessible by ferry.Imperial gardens*Private gardensMonastic GaedensImperial-----( The Summer Palace)in north Chinaprivate-----(Suzhou gardens )in south of the Yangtze River.-------- Linnan style gardens in the Pear River Delta.Monastic------over ChinaCharacteristics:Imperial gardens:buildings are opulent; extensive use of yellow glazed tiles, purple-red walls, white marble balustrade,ornate wood,stone and metal carvings, gilding, lacquering, painting and inlayings show the extravagance;grand and imperatorial .Private gardens:Compact and delicate are their characteristics.they were built within a limited area to achieve a seemingly endless variety of scenes, and through the use of furniture, poems, inscribed tablets and couplets to create poetic atmosphereMonastic gardens:Everywhere in the famous mountains and places.And monastic gardens always locate with lots of restirants and recreational buildings in downtown area,where officials or rich people usually go to burn joss sticks and worship conveniently.First stageYuan (园)For the rulers to enjoy themselves and hunt animals(spring & autumn period)Second stageFor the rulers’amusement parksafter Qin & Han dynasties/ during Han Dynasty of 4hundred years,Chinese Gardens laid the basic foundation for the art of Chinese Gardens , which included the concepts of building gardens and the engineering technology.Such as Janzhang Palace and TaiyePond.It is in the Taiye Pond that there were 3rockery islets,named Penglai, Fangzhang and Yinzhou----- three Taoist islands on which Taoist immortals were said to live.Elements in the gardenHills, waters, buildings and plantsAesthetic concept:A garden’s overall scenery, though constructed by artisans, should look like being formed by nature.----humanbeings unite with the universe.Culture of garden :Hills are valued for their veins and waters for their sources. Man of wisdom takes delight in waters; man of benevolence is delighted with mountains.Plants give the garden a natural touch as well as to add depth to the garden scenery.----Three coldweather friends—Mei flower,pine and bambooThird stage Monastary Gardens1.During Wei and Jin dynasties(206B.C—220A.D)Buddhism prevailed throughout our country: ―Famous mountains under heaven are usually occupied by monks‖.2. In the Yuan Dynasty , the layout of gardens in South China greatly improved .3.The art of Chinese gardens matured in the Tang & Song dynasties..4. The Ming & Qing dynasties have been regarded as the golden age in garden construction.5.In early 1980’s chinese gardens went abroad.Chinese Traditional Culture1.Beijing OperaOriginated in Beijing 2 hundred years ago.On basis of Anhui opera and Hubei opera, and absorbing the strong points of Kun opera and Shanxi opera,it came into being.It has one thousand traditional plays among which 300 ones are constantly performed.Its featured style is that costumes , performing techniques of singing , dialogue, acting and acrobatics.Each character role in Peking Opera has its own face chart.2.Chinese Calligraphy and paintingChinese calligraphy :Zhuanshu, Lishu, Kaishu, Xingshu and Caoshu.Zhuanshu:sealscript. It refers to jiaguwen----Dazhuan.Xiaozhuan is a standardized script. All the later scripts have developed on the basis of this one. Lishu: official script.-----vigorous and unrestrained style; the structures have more changes. Kaishu:regular or model script.Xingshu: running script. Caoshu: cursive script.Four treasures in study: brushes , ink, inkslabs, xuan paper and pigments.*Xuan paper----- sized paper , unsized paper*Ink---inkstick( oil ash, pine ash, lacquer ash)*Brush---- six kinds of hair to make brushes: horse’s mane, rabbit hair, weasel hair, mixture of weasel and goat hair, goat hair and rat hair*Inkslab----antigue and treasured item*Pigments-----water, mineral. (2)Chinese Painting:Three categories----landscape, figure and bird-and flowers.Art form: xieyi school(painting the feeling)Gongbi school( meticulous brush-work)Western painters stress a true-to-life approach,while Chinese painters stress painters’ feeling and the blank spaces .Pigments: water and mineral.Water:flower blue,umber (红棕色),rattan yellow(藤黄)and rouge.(胭脂红)Mineral pigments have colors of mineralgreen,azurite(铜蓝)and cinnabar(朱砂红)3.Chinese Cuisine, Wine and TeaChinese Cuisine----- ranked among the world’s bestColor, fragrance, taste, form and nutrition of food; the technique of cutting and temperature control.5000 different local cooking styles in China.The most popular cookings are those of Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong and Jiangsu.They may be sub-divided into eight: Shandong, Hunan, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Anhui cuisine.1.Guangdong cuisine: exquisite, taste and tenderness. Eating all kinds of birds,animals, worms and snakes.Dragon and Tiger Locked in Battle is the most famouse snake dish.2.Beijing cuisine: is much influenced by the cuisine of Forbidden City, the minorities and Shandong. Oily,salty and spicyBeijing Roast Duck Bear’s paws,Birds neat, Shark’s fin, Mutton Hot Pot3. Sichuan cuisine:popular, fiery dishesSmoked Duck with Green Tea Flavour,Hot sauce4. Shandong cuisine: original flavour ,taste without being greasy, crispness and tendernessFried Yellow- River Carp in Sweet-Sour Sauce,Dezhou braised Chicken5. Jiangsu cuisine:light seasoning,less ingredients,and slightly sweat taste.Begger’s Chicken, Steamed Hilsa HerringChinese WineMaotai Liquor-----2100 years , in the town of Maotai in the northwestern part of Renhuai county,Guizhou Province.(sorghum & wheat)Fen Liquor ---1500 years , in the Apricot Blossom Village in Fenyang County of Shanxi Province.(barley& peas)Bamboo-Leaf Green Liquor----is made by immersing bamboo leaves and dozen of medicinal herbs in Fen Liquor.It can improve health and cure diseases such as heart trouble, high blood pressure and arthritis.Shaoxing Wine----- 2000 years.---one of the best and mildest intoxicants. It has won several gold medals in the international fairs since 1920s.Chinese Tea:Six major types: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, scented tea and tea lumps.Green tea---the longest historyand varieties.Longjin Tea, Maofeng Tea , Yinzhen Teaand Yunwu TeaBlack tea----renowned the world over.,thoroughly fermented.Oolong tea--- the freshness of green tea andd the fragrance of black tea---- the most precious. White tea is as white as silver.Silver Needle and White Peony are the famous varieties.Scented tea---smells of flowers---- green tea be scented with flowers.Tea lumps---black tea or green tea is pressed into brick, cake or ball shaps .onious color.4.Chinese Arts and Crafts7000 years or more.3000B.C.----1500B.C.--- potted wares and jade carvings18thB.C.---12thB. C. ---bronze castingThe principal decorative arts in China:Pottery, jade carving, metalwork, lacquerware, furniture design and textilesJade carving---18th B.C. ---- jadeite, nephrite---differ in both chemical composition and crystalline structure.Both jadestone types may be white or colorless, but colors such as red, green , and gray may occur owing to the presence of iron, chromium(铬)and so on .jadeite of an emerald-greenhue is highly prized variety.Nowadays the centers of jade carving in China are in Suzhou, Xi’an and ShanghaiPottery glazes were developed in China before the end of the 2nd millennium BC, and porcelain was developed by the 6th century AD, more than 1000 years before its discovery in Europe.In more than 2000 years ago bronze vessels weremainly used on occasions for ceremonial, religious, or funerary purpose.4. Lacquerware----Zhou dynasty (1111B. C. ---255B. C.)----lacquer served for the decoration of carriages, harnesses, bows and arrows,etc.Today the best lacquerware is made in Yangzhou , Jiangsu.Cloisonne---- 5th A.D.----the making of enamels.2.The Cloisonne(景泰蓝)----Tang dynasty(618—907)--- the art of cloisonne is called Jingtai Blue because the craftsmanshi reached its high level in the reign of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty. Embroidery--- Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan and Su zhou3. Embroidery---2000years----four schoolsGuangdong , Sichuan , Hunan and SuzhouSuzhou-style embroidery has the characteristics of fineness, smoothness ,subdued and harm5. special Souvenirs1. Snuff bottle2. Ivory3. Carpet4. Kites5. Silver and gold inlaid jewelry6.Dough sculpture7.batik8.silk products9. rattanSkills and Techniques of Tour Guiding1.Narration in a matter-of-fact mannerTo narrate sth succinctly according to its order, logical organization and the relationship between cause and result is called narration in a matter-of-fact manner.Its purpose is to introduce the place or scenery in brief,clear and straightforward language to visitors.Liulichang Cultural Street ------the Antique Shops StreetThere is an ancient street of culture in Beijing called Liulichang Cultural Street. The street has a long history. Early in the Y uan Dynasty (1271-1368), the government began to build kilns of glazed tiles, kilning colored tiles for the use of imperial families, hence the name of Liulichang.During the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795) in the Qing Dynasty, there were more than thirty bookstores there and some shops for other trades, such as curios, drawing paper, calligraphy mounting pictures and the four treasures of study.After 1949, and especially in recent years, the government has attached great importance to the development of Liulichang.Through the reorganization and merger of shops, Liulichang still remains as attractive as it was before.2.Introduction with a focus on key eventsIn order to deepen tourists’ impressions of the place ,the characteristics of the scenic spots and features that are different from others are introduced. For instance, in introducing Xian to visitors,a capital city of 11 dynasties in history; more than 2000 years history; Silk Road started from here;the Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin; the Big wild Goose Pagoda and the Small Wild Goose Pagoda ,Tumulus of Qinshihuangdi ;Lotus Flower Garden and many others are the key events to be introduced. Apart from that, seven ancient capitals in China can be mentioned to help visitors understand of China, such as ,Beijing, Luoyang, Kaifeng,Anyang,Nanjing ,Xian and Hangzhou.3.A section-by-section explanatory introductionA very brief account of the place the visitors are going to should be given in advance so that the visitors can have a rough idea of the place before visiting the place in person.Palace Museum---Forbidden CityTime and dynasty when it was built, the area it covers, the layout of the museum, the key halls,the use of the Palace and the important cultural articles in the Palace.4.Introduction spurred by beautiful sceneryIt is initiated by a beautiful scene. Introducing in this manner makes the introduction natural, vivid, impressive and convincing.5.Question-and-answer introductionThis type of introduction avoids the danger of falling into soliloquy. A tour Guide should make the most of questions and answers in his introduction to mobilize the listeners’ initiative and enliven the atmosphere as well as exchange ideas with visitors.(question-raising/ question-answering)To a Greek tourist :do you know how many people are there in Beijing ?---If you know the population of greece, you know the population of Beijing.----Beijing has a population of more than ten million.(The tricky statement would definitely make tourists burst into laughter.)bination of factual information with abstract reasoningIn the process of explanation, the tour Guide should occasionally introduce some historical stories, folk legends or customs, as they are called.That means ,the tour guide should introduce the beauty of the place or the attraction of the scenery in very vivid language, or again by adding some legendary stories to attract visitors.The Forbidden City occupies an area of 720,000 square metres and a construction area of 150,000 square metres. It is tremendously large but was not only for the Emperor himself. It was in reality a city within a city. A legend is that the Jade Emperor in Imperial Palace of Heaven possesses 10,000 rooms ,so the Emperor while on earth was not allowed to own more than that number of rooms. That’s why there are 9,999.5 rooms in the Forbidden City.7.Traced analogy between two eventsUsing comparison to introduce sth new by mentioning it in connection to sth familiar is called the method of tracing analogy between two events.(同类比拟法)Such as forbidden City----- the White House in the United States of America/Buckingham Palace in EnglandThe Great Wall----- the Greek Guardian City8.Lecture on specific topicsBefore the tourists visit some certain place, the tour guide should give some systematic lectures on some specific topics.9.Suspension-creation methodIt means that the tour guide occasionally raises some provocative questions to arouse tourists’ interest.For example,when visiting the forest of towers ,after introduction of history,legend and beautiful scenary,the guide can ask tourists to count the number of the towers.10.Elicitation with no explanationTo achieve an even better result, the tour Guide can provide tourists with some cues or hints, and can let them see and judge by themselves before giving them the correct answer.11.Leading someone to a fascinating vistaThe tour guide should try his or her best to create an artistic conception from time to time to help establish an association and to better enjoy the real beauty of a scene.for instance, when visiting Taihu lake,the stone of Lake Tai is characterized by its transparency, wrinkles, leakage, and thinness.(皱、漏、瘦、透)If the tour guide poured one bucket of water from the stone, the water would come down along its crevices as if a group of dragons were spitting water from their mouths; if a fire were made under the stone, the smoke would come up through its numerous holes as if a group of dragons were spitting smoke upward simultaneously.12.The giving of a crucial touch to a pictureThe tour Guide should point out the most essential magnificence or importance of a matter and thereby help tourists appreciate its mystery.Many other visitors kneeling and burning incense,a question should be asked by the tour guide: Why are they burning incense, why praying ?‖By burning incense, prayers can get in touch with the god in heaven, because when the smoke is floating upward, the prayers float with it and the god can hear their praying. This is the means by which prayers on earth can pass as massages to the god. This is the secret of burning incense. Said with solid judgment--- 言之有理Argued with illustrative examples 言之有物Supported with evidence 言之有据Reasoned with feeling 言之有情Expressed with vitality 言之有趣Expanded by humour 言之有神。
旅游英语课件 TourismUnit1 What is Tourism?Unit1 What is Tourism?When we think of tourism; we think primarily of people who arevisiting a particular place for sightseeing, visiting friends and relatives, taking a vacation, and having a good time. They may spendtheir leisure time engaging in various sports, sunbathing, talking, singing, taking rides, touring, reading, or simply enjoying the environment. If we consider the subject further, we may include in our definition of tourism people who are participating in a convention, a business conference, or some other kind of business or professional activity, as well as those who are taking a study tour under an expert guide or doing some kind of scientific research or study.These visitors use all forms of transportation, from hiking in a wilderness park to flying in a jet to an exciting city. Transportation can include taking a chairlift up a Colorado mountainside or standing at the rail of a cruise ship looking across the blue Caribbean. Whether people travel by one of these means or by car, motorcoach, camper, train, taxi, motorbike, or bicycle, they are taking a trip and thus are engaging in tourism.Any attempt to define tourism and to describe its scope fully must consider the various groups that participate in and are affected by this industry. Their perspectives are vital to the development of acomprehensive definition. Four different perspectives of tourism can be identified:1. The tourist. The tourist seeks various psychic and physical experiences and satisfactions. The nature of these will largely determine the destinations chosen and the activities enjoyed.2. The businesses providing tourist goods and services. Business people see tourism as an opportunity to make a profit by supplying the goods and services that the tourist market demands.3. The government of the host community or area. Politicians view tourism as a wealth factor in the economy of their jurisdictions. Their perspective is related to the incomes their citizens can earn from this business. Politicians also consider the foreign exchange receipts from international tourism as well as the tax receipts collected from tourist expenditures, either directly or indirectly.4. The host community. Local people usually see tourism as acultural and employment factor. Of importance to their group, for example, is the effect of the interaction between large numbers of international visitors and residents. This effect ma be beneficial of harmful, or both.Thus, tourism may be defined as the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction of tourists, business suppliers, host governments, and host communities in the process of attracting and hosting these tourists and other visitors.Tourism is a composite of activities, services, and industries that delivers a travel experience: transportation, accommodations, eating and drinking establishments, shops, entertainment, activity facilities, and other hospitality services available for individuals or groups that are traveling away from home. It encompasses all providers of visitor and visitor-related services. Tourism is the entire world industry of travel, hotels, transportation, and all other components, including promotion, that serves the needs and wants of travelers. Finally, tourism is the sum total of tourist expenditures within the borders of a nation or a political subdivision or a transportation-centered economic area of contiguous states or nations. This economic concept also considers the income multiplier of these tourist expenditures.One has only to consider the multidimensional aspects of tourism and its interactions with other activities to understand why it is difficult to come up with a meaningful definition that will be universally accepted. Each of the many definitions that have arisen is aimed atfitting a special1Unit1 What is Tourism?situation and solving an immediate problem, and the lack of uniform definitions has hampered study of tourism as discipline. Development ofa field depends on (1) uniform definitions, (2) description, (3)analysis,(4) predictions, and (5) control.Modern tourism is a discipline that has only recently attracted the attention of scholars from many fields. The majority of studies have been conducted for special purposes and have used narrow operational definitions to suit particular needs of researchers or government officials; these studies have got encompassed a systems approach. Consequently, many definitions of “tourism” and “the tourist” are based on distance traveled, the length of time spent, and the purpose of the trip. This makes it difficult to gather statistical information that scholars can use to develop a database, describe the tourism phenomenon, and do analyes. The problem is not trivial. It has been tackled by a number of august bodies over the years, including the League of Nations, the united Nations, the World Tourism Organization (WTO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),the National Tourism Resources Review Commission, and the U.S. Senate?s National Tourism Policy Study.World Tourism OrganizationThe international Conference of Travel and Tourism Statistics convened by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in Ottawa, Canada, in 1991 reviewed, updated, and expanded on the work of earlierinternational groups. The ottawa Conference made some fundamental recommendations of definitions of tourism, travelers and tourists. The United Nations Statistical Commission adopted WTO? recommendations on tourism statistics on March 4, 1993.TourismWTO has taken the concept of tourism beyond a stereotypical image of “holiday-making.”The officially accepted definition is:Tourism comprises theactivities of persons travelin to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.” The term usual envi-ronment is intended to exclude tripswithin the area of usual residence and frequent and regular trips between the domicile and the workplace and other community trips of a routine character.1. International tourism:a. Inbound tourism: visits to a country by nonresidents.b. Out bound tourism: visits by residents of a country to another country.2. Internal tourism: visits by residents of a country to their own country.3. Domestic tourism: internal tourism plus inbound tourism (the tourism market of accommodation facilities and attractions within a country).4.National tourism: Internal tourism plus outbound tourism (the resident tourism market for travel agents and airlines).Traveler Terminology for International TourismUnderlying the foregoing conceptualization of tourism is the overall concept of traveler, defined as “any person on a trip between two ormore countries or between twoor more localities within his/her countryof usual residence.” All types of travelers engaged in tourism are describedas visitors, a term that constitutes the basicconcept of the entire system of tourism statistics. Visitors are persons who travel to a country other than the one in which they generally reside for a2Unit1 What is Tourism?period not exceeding 12 months, whose main purpose is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. Visitors are subdivided into two categories:1. Same-day visitors: visitors who do not spend the night in a collective or private accommodation in the country visited: for example,a cruise ship passenger spending four hours in a port.2. Tourists: Visitors who stay in the country visited for at least one night: for example, a visitor on a two-week vacation.There are many purposes for a visit, notably pleasure, business, and other purposes, such as family reasons, health, and transit.Wordschairlift an apparatus which carries people up and sown steep slopes in chairs that hang from a moving wire 升降椅;空中缆椅camper a motor vehicle big enough to live in when on holiday, use.Having cooking equipment and beds in the back part 野营车motorbike a motorcycle 摩托车psychic of the mind as opposed to the body精神上的jurisdiction the right to use the power of an official body, esp. in order tomake decisions on questions of law 管辖权;司法权,审判权composite something made up of different parts or materials 混合物,合成物encompass to include or be concerned with (a wide range of activities,subjects, ideas) 包含,包括;涉及subdivision the act of dividing something that has already been divided,or the parts that result from doing this 再分,细分contiguous (to, with) touching, next (to); having a shared borde(正式)接触着的,接近的;接壤的multidimensional 多维的hamper to cause difficulty in movement or activity 阻碍,妨碍;牵制trivial of little worth or importance 琐碎的,没有价值的august lit noble and grand 威严的;高贵的convene to call (a group of people, committee) to meet 召集(会议);召集开会stereotypical as in an overly simple picture or opinion of person, group, orthing老套的,旧框框的consecutive following in regular unbroken order 连续的,连贯的domicile formal or law a person?s home; the place where a person lives or is considered to live for official purposes[法]户籍,正式居住地,信处workplace the room r building in which workers perform their work工作场所;工厂;车间inbound AmE incoming; inward bound 进来的3Unit1 What is Tourism?outbound mowing sway from the speaker or the starting point 外出的,离开出发点underlie to be a hidden meaning or cause of 位于……之下;成为……基础foregoing (the one) that has been mentioned 前面的(事物),刚提到的(事物)conceptualization something that form a concept or concepts of概念化remunerate to reward; pay (someone) for work or trouble(正式)给……报酬;补偿transit the going or moving of people or goods from one place to another通行;过境Additional ReadingText A Mass TourismThe Historical SettingTourism harks back to the conquest of Alexander the Great (356-323BC) and the subsequent development of the Hellenistic urban system. It is argued that tourism requires both large claustrophobic cities and the means to escape from them, both of which were present in Greece during this period.Within modern times, the notion of tourism is closely linked to the idea of the “Grand Tour”,thwhich s panned the 16th to 19 Centuries. The Grand Tour is a “tour of certain cities in Western Europe undertaken primarily, but not exclusively, for education and pleasure”. This later era of grand tourism was typified by long, expensive, “classical” and “romantic” visits, mainly by the British aristocracy, to France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and the Low Countries. Over time, and with the rise of the middle professional class, the Grand Tour was patronized by a wider segment of the population. Nonetheless, only 3%~4% of the Population represented the nucleus from which Grand Tourists might have be drawn. The golden age of the Grand Tour was the 18th Century, particularly the 30 years before the outbreak of the French Revolutionin 1789. By the 1830s, the length of the Grand Tour fell from an average of 40 months in the mid-16th Century to an average of only 4 months.The growth of tourism to “mass” proportions as it is known today, has its foundation inseveral timely innovations: technologically in the field of transportation; and in the existence of a critical facilitating force, entrepreneurship-in the person of Thomas Cook.In 1815, 1 year after the Battle of Waterloo ended the Napoleonic wars, the first channel crossing by steamer was made (the site of the battle itself becoming a major tourist attraction). By 1812, a regular service was operated between the ports of Dover and Calais. In 1828 the first railways were laid in France and Austria, and in 1844 the railway reached Switzerland. “Thisrevolution in Transport technology and the low cost, speed and efficiency that it provided, led to an immediate expansion of European tourism.”Complementing transportation technology was the existence of entrepreneurial talent, “initiative” and “organizing genius” in the person of Thomas Cook. “His originality lay in his methods, his almost infinite capacity for taking trouble, his acute sense of the needs of his clients, his power of invention and his bold imagination” (Young, 1973). It has been written that “the4Unit1 What is Tourism?father of modern tourism was unquestionable Thomas Cook” (English, 1986). “Cook was the perfect entrepreneur, a brilliant opportunist, quick to sense the need of his clientele…” (Turner and Ash, 1975). Hewas a true Schumpeterian entrepreneur-“a leader, a disturber of the peace”, whohad the initiative, authority, foresight, and intuition and psycheto carry out innovations.Thomas Cook organized travel on a scale that had never been seen before. He heralded an era of organized, large-scale, relatively cheap tourism spread across national, regional and international destinations. If Europe had the “hot spots” for the Grand Tourists, the opening of the Far East, India and America, were the hallmarks of the Cook era. Until the early 1860s, Britain remained the main field of Cook?s activities; in 1862 he moved into Europe; he moved into America in 1866; took his first round-the-world trip in 1872; reached India and the Far East by the 1880s; and the first Cook hotel was established at Luxor (Egypt) in 1877.In 1862, the first true package tours were provided by Cook-all the details of transport and accommodation were pre-arranged for tourists who were, generally, of modest means. Spurred on by his example and the profits made by this entrepreneur, many imitators entered the fray. Turner and Ash write, for example, that …it was not long before his example was imitated; in 1863, the Stangen Travel Agency was established in Breslau. Stangen soon moved his center of operation to Berlin and became a successful rival to Cook? (Tuner and Ash, 1975). By 19th –Century advancesin transport technology, Thomas Cook and Son had effected arevolution in tourism by the end of the century. No longer the preserve of the wealth and the leisured, tourism was now an industry. While an average of 257 people per annum took part in Grand tourism during the 1547-1840 period (Towner, 1985), Cook had taken 20000 people to the Paris Exhibition of 1879-such was the magnitude of his entrepreneurial prowess.Despite the leaps and bounds that the industry experienced, tourism, until the 1930s, was still a matter of trains, boast and coaches. Travel by water transportation was a very important form of tourism during the 1920s and 1930s. The ships themselves were a form of floating hotel, where the act of travel was equated with tourism. Travel was seen as an end in itself. As if the industry has gone full circle, today, cruise tourism is one of the fastest growing segments of the international tourism industry.It was in 1950 that the first package holiday built around air transport was organized. This was undertaken by Vladimir Raitz, a Russian émigré educated at the London School of Economics. His successful company, Horizon Holidays (now merged with Thomson, the largest UK operator) was one of the top three tour operators in Britain. By the 1960s, the package holiday business began to use air transport in a major way as Raitz?s competitors, spurred on by his success also began using the aircraft.Still, foreign travel in the 1930s remained a luxury commoditywithin the reach of only a privileged few having both plenty of free time and considerable purchasing power. This picture was to change when, coupled with post-war peace and prosperity, came innovations in aircraft technology and changes in labor legislation, which provided paid holidays, and the development of the package tour. Aided by these innovations, mass tourism had arrived.Mass Tourism DefinedMass tourism is a phenomenon of large-scale packaging ofstandardized leisure services at fixed prices for sale to a mass clientele. Mass tourism refers to key characteristics that the international tourism industry displayed during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Mass tourism exists5Unit1 What is Tourism?if the following conditions hold.1. The holiday is standardized, rigidly packaged and inflexible, no part of the holiday could be altered except by paying higher prices.2. The holiday is produced through the mass replication of identical units, with scale economies as the driving force.3. The holiday is mass marketed to an undifferentiated clientele.4. The holiday is consumed en masse, with a lack of consideration by tourists for local norms, culture, people or the environments oftourist-receiving destinations.Standardization and rigidity are very clear characteristics ofpackage tours offered on a large scale. An inclusive charter tourprovides the same level of transportation, accommodation, meal andtransfer services to all the clients who pay the same price, visit the same sun destination, sunbathe on the same beaches, sleep in the samehigh-rise hotels and in the same type of beds, read the same tourist brochures, visit the same sites, stay the same length of time, take the same kinds of photographs and even buy the same souvenirs.Within the confines of mass, standardized and rigidly packaged tourism, choice, individuality, personalized services and flexibilityare just not possible (or where possible, it is at horrendous prices compared with the package price). There is little place within mass tourism for the individual who wishes to be different from the crows,who wishes to use different accommodation or participate in different holiday activities. It is true that many tourists have avoided the ?mass?tourist holidays and many have used the relatively cheap services of mass tourism as launching pads for their own vacations. However, in the 1960s and the 1970s, these were the exceptions rather than the common trend.Mass tourism certainly had its time and place. Today the tourism industry is in crisis. Mass tourism is no longer best practice.Conditions the gave birth to it –the frame conditions, consumers, technology, production and management practices-are themselves changing. Understanding how mass tourism came about and why it was bestpractice at the time are key to understanding why international tourism industry is being transformed and the shape that the new best practice is taking.Text B the Implications of New TourismNew tourism will change the boundaries of the tourism industry and radically alter the position of industry players. Players closest to consumers (e.g. travel agents, hotels, cruise ships) and those incontrol of the industry?s information (e.g. those that own CRSs) are expected to gain.CRSs will increasingly become the flexible alternative to pre-packaged holidays offered by tour operators. The role of tour operators is expected to decline in importance. It is no longer relevant whether a company is an airline, a travel agent, hotel or tour operator. What becomes more relevant are the activities along the value chain that they control.These changes imply a radical transformation of the opportunities available to the various players in the tourism industry. New functions and demands will emerge (e.g. quality control, flexible holidays). While at the same time other key activities will become less important (e.g. pre-packaged tours). Thus, the position of each player within the value chain will have to be re-thought. In addition, as the rules of the game continue to change, the pressures of cooperation and /or concentration are likely to be more intense.Diagonal integration-a process whereby firms use information technologies to logically6Unit1 What is Tourism?combine services for best productivity and most profitability-willbe one of the most significant developments in the international travel and leisure industry. Diagonal integration will become a international travel and leisure industry. It will continue to blur the boundaries among industry players and make the travel and tourism industry a system of wealth-creation. Already, the boundaries within the tourism industry, and between this industry and others, are becoming increasingly blurred. Players are crossing each others? borders more than ever before: banks moveinto travel agencies; insurance companies acquire hotel interests; airlines provide credit card; department stores operate travel agencies; and pleasure-boat companies move into hotels.The industry, as a result of this trend, will become more“system”-like in nature. One of thekey implications of the trend towards diagonal integration is that competitors will increasingly come from outside the industry. Equally, diagonal integration will offer opportunities for travel and tourism players to move into other industries, particularly services.New tourism holds a number of key implications for industry players. In what follows, we will briefly examine some of the implications for tour operators, travel agents, and hotels.Tour OperatorsSeveral of the value-creation activities of tour operators will decline inimportance-particularly those of packaging, risk brokerage and distribution. These functions are being increasingly superseded by computerized reservation systems. In response to the declining importance of key activities, tour operators will have to take action several fronts. They will have o: t, create more flexible packaged holidays;, expand their information functions (e.g. provide computerized reservation niches for specific products of destinations);, develop creative relationships with travel agencies (selected agents could have the option of flexible packaging holidays on-line from the tour operator?s portfolio); and, control the quality of the product at al levels.Quality control at all crucial phases in the delivery of the holiday will become a key source of competitive advantage for tour operators. Tour operators will have to take a far broader view of the holiday that they deliver. They will have to find ways of better controlling and influencing the product delivered to consumers.Travel agenciesThe importance of travel agency reservations, ticketing the client advice functions are all expected to grow in importance. Already travel agencies handle a large and growing proportion of airline bookings. In creating more value from these activities, travel agencies will have to use their CRSs creatively and provide the information that consumers want.It is to ensuring the satisfaction of the travel consumers that agencies must give priority in order to ensure their own long-term survival and competitiveness. The ability of travel agents to acquire, provide and transmit unbiased information in a courteous, efficient and timely manner will be key to their competitive success. Indeed, a competitor agency will be able to copy a convenient …high-street? location, subscribe to the same airline reservation system and place satellite printers in their corporate clients? offices. However, a competitor will have tremendous difficulty in copying travel agency personnel who place the interest of the consumers first, causing them to be loyal.New opportunities for travel agencies to create value will emerge in the areas of packaging7Unit1 What is Tourism?and in the representation of services other than those of tour operators. Travel agencies will have the information at their finger-tip to provide flexible itineraries. Strategically, through cooperation withother agencies, agents can increase buying power with airlines and other suppliers in order to obtain competitive prices for package components. This will allow travel agencies the avenue to provide competitively priced, flexible holiday packages. Travel agencies will also find it profitable to represent other services such as cruise ships, pleasure boats, car-rental companies, hotels, spas and other segments that will grow in importance in the travel and leisure industry.HotelsHotels will no longer be able to leave their marketing to tour operators or their reservations systems. They will have to get closer to their consumers and to travel agents in the market place. This is the only way that hotels will be able to adjust effectively their products to suit their changing clients. Being close to consumers and supplying the experiences they want have become so important that hotels can no longer simply sit back and expect their rooms to be sold.One of the key ingredients in the success of Sandals and SuperCluball-inclusive hotels in the Caribbean, for example, is the strong links they have established with travel agents in the marketplace. Nothing is left to chance. Sandals and SuperClub employ sales agents in the arketplace whose business it is to travel the length and breath of the USA (and increasingly mEuropean) markets to educate travel agents about their product, new services, new properties and new experiences being offered.Hotels will have to work more closely with their guests, listen to them and modify the services they offer to meet the new demands. Hotels will also have to identify market niches, segment the market and provide the experiences that consumers want and for which they are willing to pay.什么是旅游一提到旅游,我们首先会想到这样一些人:他们到某个特定的景点去观光、去拜访朋友或亲戚、去度假,并且过得很愉快。
石春满 1998年被评为全国特级导游员。山西省大同市中国国际旅行社日语导游员。现任 大同中国国际旅行社副总经理。著有《漫谈佛教及其寺院和塑像》等文章。
李志军 1998年被评为全国特级导游员。上海景致旅行社中文导游。擅长将中国文学知识 融于自然和人文景观讲解服务中,激发游客游兴,提高游客观赏水平。
Lecture 1 World Tourism Organization
Leading the World’s Largest Industry The World Tourism Organization believes that governments have a vital role to play in tourism. WTO exists to help nations throughout the world maximize the positive impacts of tourism, such as job creation, new infrastructure and foreign exchange earnings, while at the same time minimizing negative environmental or social impacts. Tourism is the world’s largest growth industry with no signs of slowing down in the 21st century. Receipts from international tourism have increased by an average of 9 p6 years to reach US$ 476 billion in 2000. During the same period, international arrivals rose by a yearly average of 4.6 percent to reach 698 million in 2000.
旅游 英语单词
1. travel.- 英[ˈtrævl]- 动词(v.),可作不及物动词(表示旅行、行进),也可作及物动词(游历、走过……路程等)。
例如:I love to travel around the world.(我喜欢环游世界。
)2. trip.- 英[trɪp]- 名词(n.),通常指短期的旅行、出行。
例如:We are going on a trip to Paris.(我们要去巴黎旅行。
)3. journey.- 英[ˈdʒɜːni]- 名词(n.),常指长途旅行。
例如:The journey took us two days.(这次旅行花了我们两天时间。
)4. tour.- 英[tʊə(r)]- 名词(n.);动词(v.)。
例如:We are on a tour of Italy.(我们正在意大利旅游。
)/ They toured the city yesterday.(他们昨天游览了这个城市。
)5. visitor.- 英[ˈvɪzɪtə(r)]- 名词(n.),游客、访问者。
例如:There are many visitors in this city every year.(每年这个城市有很多游客。
)6. sightseeing.- 英[ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ]- 名词(n.);形容词(adj.)。
例如:We went sightseeing in London.(我们在伦敦观光。
)/ a sightseeing bus(观光巴士)7. destination.- 英[ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn]- 名词(n.),目的地。
例如:Our destination is a beautiful island.(我们的目的地是一个美丽的岛屿。
1).tour n.旅行,旅游Jack made a tour aroud Europe during the summer holiday.杰克暑假期间去欧洲旅行了。
2).traveler n.旅客,旅行者All of the travelers were trapped by the sudden flood.所有的旅客都被突如其来的洪水给困住了。
3).trip n.旅行,旅游They are rich enough to charter a helicopter for the trip.他们很富有,包了架直升飞机去旅行。
4).globetrotting adj.环球旅游的;n.环球旅游He met his wife during his globetrotting last year.他去年环球旅游时结识了他的妻子。
5).airhop n.短程空中旅行The airhop must be exciting, do you want a try?空中旅行一定很刺激,你想试试吗?6).overland journey 陆地旅行lt's comfortable to make an overland journey.做一次陆地旅行很惬意。
7).cruise n.水上短途旅行The liner will make a round-the-world cruise next week.这艘游轮下周将进行一次环球航行。
8).visit v.参观,旅游Nowadays the mobile clinic would visit this remote village every week.现在巡回医疗队每周都会到这个偏僻的村庄来一次。
1.旅游英语怎么说1.journey 一般用于路途较远的长途线性旅游例如:A pleasant journey to you!祝你一路顺风!tour 一般用于巡回游,比如巡游世界一圈,这样的,一般都是回来了才用这个说,完成了一个轨迹,我喜欢随流动剧团作巡回演出。
travel,简单性的trip 一般用于简单的旅行出差之类的例如:He has gone on a business trip.他出差去了。
所以从享受角度来说,从好到差应该是journey,tour,trip,travel还是凭感觉,多读例句2.这一组就是靠语气强烈程度来区分,从强到弱依次是must can might peobably maybe3.基本可以通用,都能放句首,引导从句时maybe前要加逗号,这个我也说不太清楚,还是多读例句,读的多了感觉就出来了2.旅游这个词用英语怎么说travel vi。
旅行 My uncle is travelling in South America。
(光、声音等)行进,传导[Q] Light travels faster than sound。
旅行推销货物[Q] He travels for our firm。
【口】快速前进,飞驰 5。
移动,(眼睛)扫视 Her eyes traveled over the scene。
交往[(+with)] vt。
旅行,游遍 They travelled Australia from end to end。
经过,走过,驶过(距离) The youngsters travel long distances to school every day。
旅行,游历[U] We had ten day's travel by train。
旅游优秀英语作文: Travelling优秀9篇
旅游优秀英语作文: Travelling优秀9篇英语作文:travelling 篇一I would like to visit France. As most of the travellers know, France is a very attractive country. I would like to appreciate travellers to visit there not only because of its beautiful scene, and also the fantastic food. I do not interested in countries such as Iraq and Thiland.Due to the recent wars and social turmoil, it is quite unsafe to travel to these countries. Normally i take air-plane to travel. Thus, i think air-plane is the best way for people to travel around the world. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time and strength for me..英语作文:travelling 篇二Now National Day is coming. I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my use there are many places of interest t we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world. Second we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot days. Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held lly wewant to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.英语作文:travelling 篇三I'm very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climbing the mountain with my parents, the air on the mount ain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!I like this travel!英语作文:travelling 篇四Our motivations are murky and difficult to unravel: a mix of reverence,voyeurism and maybe even the thrill of coming into close proximity with death.The difference between what is acceptable and unacceptable as a tourist attraction is often only a matter of chronological distance.Over half a million people visit Auschwitz Birkenau each year. The standard two-and-a-half-hour guided tour gives an audience at best an abridged understanding of this vast and sprawling site. What a tourist can comprehend in such a brief visit is questionable.英语作文:travelling 篇五as a highly profitable industry, tourism needs to develop new items of interest. my suggestion is landscape plus chinese calligraphy. i think its quite potential for two reasons. the first is that chinese calligraphy is an art which is so naturally and nicely incorporated with chinas abundant resources of landscape.the second reason is that chinese calligraphy has such fascination for foreign tourists especially westerners. imagine a scenery spot displaying artists masterpieces of chinese calligraphy! such blend can nowhere be enjoyed outside of china.英语作文:travelling 篇六A trip to BeidaiheLast Sunday we had a short trip to Beidaihe.We set out in the school bus at 7:20am.the weather was pleasant and every one of us was excited,Aftertwo hours'ride,we arrived there at nine thirty.We played games on the sands and swam un the sea happily.After that ,we had lunch in a restaurant.In the afternoon we walked along the beach .It is very beautiful and we took many photos.we enjoyed ourselves very much.Time passed quickly and we hadto leave .It was half past four when we returned safely .what a wonderfor trip we had! I will never forget it.英语作文:travelling 篇七The five one day is coming.I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my use there are many places of interest t we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the nd we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held lly we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .Ithink this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.英语作文:travelling 篇八The prison gives you the opportunity to stay overnight on real prisoners benches and mattresses, according to the website, which goes on to boast that it is unfriendly, unheated and uncomfortable.There are absolutely no comforts laid on at this naval jail, built in 1905 to house the Czars mutinous sailors.Mysterious and inexplicable things are noticed in the guard house rumbling footsteps, self-unscrewing of electrical bulbs, unaccountable opening of closed doors of the cells but the appearance of impossible images has come as the most unpleasant surprise to many a visitor.英语作文:travelling 篇九Tourism is now becoming a major industry throughout the world. however, tourism in china is not as developed as it should be. if the following is done, chinas tourism will definitely be improved.First, our places of interest should be better advertised throughout the world to attract more tourists. second,facilities should be provided to ensure that tourists enjoy their trip. finally, the quality of service should be improved.Dont tell people their ideas are bad unless youve got a good one.。
二、与旅游相关的词汇1. Places to Visit•Attraction:景点•Landmark:地标•Museum:博物馆•Beach:海滩•Park:公园•Zoo:动物园2. Types of Accommodation•Hotel:酒店•Hostel:旅馆•Resort:度假村•Guesthouse:招待所•Airbnb:爱彼迎(短期出租住宿服务)3. Transport•Flight:航班•Train:火车•Bus:公交车•Taxi:出租车•Car rental:租车服务4. Activities•Sightseeing:观光•Hiking:徒步旅行•Swimming:游泳•Shopping:购物•Dining out:外出就餐三、常用口语表达1.Can you recommend any good restaurants around here?(你能推荐这附近的好餐厅吗?)2.How can I get to the nearest bus station?(我怎样能到最近的公交车站?)3.Do you have a map of the city?(你们有这座城市的地图吗?)4.What time does the museum open?(博物馆什么时候开门?)5.I’d like to book a double room for two nights, please.(我想订一个双人房间,两晚,谢谢。
)四、常见旅游问题1. 通常如何支付酒店的预订费用?大多数情况下,您可以使用信用卡或借记卡在线支付预订费用。
2. 在旅行途中如何保持安全?确保随身携带重要证件和贵重物品。
Unit 1 Tourism and Tour GuidesLearning ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, you are supposed tounderstand different definitions of tourism as well as its key elements;familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of a tour guide;learn how to achieve the professionalism as a tour guide;know some related strategies for taking Tour Guide Qualification ExaminationDefinitions of Tourism1. Tourism is a comprehensive economic undertaking and it plays a very important role in a country's economic construction.2. Tourism is a kind of foreign relations work, since it offers an effective means forperson-to-person diplomacy.3. Tourism is the practice of traveling for pleasure, a kind of cultural activity most frequently associated with rest and relaxation, sport and access to culture and nature.4. Tourism is the business of providing tours and services for tourists. It's related to businesses such as transportation, hotels and restaurants, tourist attractions and resorts, travel services and so on.5. Tourism, to individuals, refers to activities in which they acquire pleasure, relaxation or to enhance knowledge and enrich their lives.6. The tourism industry is composed of three elements: tourism resources, tourism facilities and travel services.7. Tourist attractions are the basic things that make people tourists, such as spectacular scenery or an opulent museum. Tourist facilities are conditions which open the door for local establishments to accept business from tourists. Travel services indicate the services specifically supplied for tourists, which show the ability and quality of tourist businesses. They span a pretty large range. They can be services supplied during the journey,(eg. transportation services) or the services offered in hotels or restaurants, in scenic spots or elsewhere. The services supplied by tour guides should also be counted.What is a Tour Guide?A tour guide is a person who leads tourists to scenic spots and historic attractions and introduces the history and culture of these places to them.Jobs done by Tour Guidesnavigating, communicating, interpreting, role-modeling appropriate behavior, entertaining, treating injury, ensuring safety, managing disasters etc.Five Key RolesAn Information Provider A Teacher An Entertainer A Host A Disaster ManagerUnit 2 Receiving the Guests Related Special Terms1. Major types of tourist guidestour manager/ escort 领队national guide/guide interpreter 全程导游员/全陪international receptive tourist guide 国际接待导游international tourist guide国际导游domestic tourist guide 国内导游overseas travel tourist guide 国际游导游scenic-spot guide景点导游员local guide地方导游∕地陪driver-guide司机导游员adventure guide探险导游员heritage interpreter 历史遗迹解说员escort interpreter陪同解说员Docent博物馆解说员professional tour guide职业导游员non-professional/ amateur tour guide/step on 非职业∕兼职∕临时导游员hina International Travel Service (CITS)国旅China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA)中旅China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)中青旅China Comfort Travel (CCT)中国康辉旅行社Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS) 中国海外旅行社2. Types of travelgovernment delegatio n政府代表团vacational group休假团study/ survey group考察团individual group 散客团all-in/all-inclusive tour统包旅游congress tourism会议游domestic/ground inclusive tou r国内∕地面包价旅游incentive travel奖励游group package团体包价旅游3. Tour guide’s documentation&toolsprofessional badge导游员胸卡tour guide certificate导游资格证tour banner旅行社徽旗itinerary/ schedule团队旅行计划identifying cardboard指认牌3. Steps on meeting tourists1. You should get the basic information of the group as follows:name of the travel agency,name of the liaison in charge of the group,the group code,name of the tour leader and national guide,number of tourists,names of all tour members including theirnationalities, gender, occupations, ages, religions and special requests, etc.2.Study the itinerary carefully. You should confirm details from transportation, hotels, rooms, restaurants, and meals.3.Bring all the necessary items, including tour guide certificate, professional badge, and the itinerary of the group.4.Prepare a welcome speech beforehand. The speech should be brief but full in content.4. Welcome SpeechesGood evening, ladies and gentlemen,On behalf of Beijing International TravelService and my colleagues, I would like towel come you to China and our capital city,Beijing. My name is Qian Jiang and I will be your local guide for the next several days during your stay in Beijing. Please allow me to introduce Mr. Fang, your national guide who will travel with you throughout your trip in China, and our experienced driver, Mr. Wang who has worked for the Beijing Tour Bus Company since it was established in 1998. We will do our best to make your stay in Beijing pleasant and enjoyable. I hope that your visit to our city will a memorable experience. Now, I would like to invite Mr. Fang to say a few words, Mr. Fang, please…Paris is a majestic city, a city of culture, Romance, gastronomy, design and fashion. It is also a city on the move, a city of daring. With theopening of new museums, world-class sporting events, festive and popular urban happenings, Paris is a capital that never sleeps. Whether you are a new comer or already familiar with the Paris scene, there is a vast choice awaiting you: over 1,800 classified monuments, 170 museums, 145 theaters and 380 cinemas. Some of the cultural sites of the capital are absolute “must” and among the most visited monuments in the world. Several of them have UNESCO world heritage status.Paris, however, is not just a historical city. Its riverbanks and neighborhoods, some of Which retain a village atmosphere, are an invitation to stroll and sightseeing. Paris, the eternal, City of Lights, original, modern, creative is all yours. Whether you are already “in love” with our city or here for the first time, ple ase make yourself at home.Welcome to Paris!Unit 3 A Bus Tour GuidingRelated Special TermsIntroducing the citycity proper 市区outskirt 郊区in the vicinity附近bustling city繁华都市metropolis 大都市n. (metropolitan adj.) residential area住宅区downtown商业区moat护城河municipal government市政府 (municipal adj.市政的 )continental climate大陆性气候marine climate海洋性气候highland climate高原气候license plate牌照local delicacy地方风味cuisine烹饪tour program旅游日程安排Beijing standard time北京时间land of abundance富饶之地Buddhism佛教Introducing a hoteleconomy hotel 一星级饭店somewhat comfortable hotel 二星级饭店average hotel 三星级饭店high comfort hotel四星级饭店deluxe hotel 五星级饭店commercial hotel商务酒店resort hotel 度假酒店apartment hotel公寓式酒店check in办理入住手续check out结账brochure 宣传册up-to-date facilities先进设施be of international standard符合国际标准Unit 4 Checking in at the Hotel Related Special TermsRooms:a catalog of room types single roomdouble room/ twin bed room big single roomtriple roomeconomy roomstandard room superior room standard suite deluxe room presidential suite studio room工作室multi-function room combined type roomsMeal plansEuropean plan (EP) American Plan (AP) Modified American Plan (MP) Continental Plan (CP)Front officedoorman operator information clerk reservation wake-up call(叫早)Receipt(收据、发票)key cardregistration formFood and beverage(饮料) departmentBuffet(餐室、自助餐) night barrestaurant captain(领班)executive chef(厨师长、厨师)Bartender(酒吧招待)Housekeeping departmentroom attendantChamber(房间、套间) maid(女服务员) housemanbaby cot(婴儿床)room servicesea view garden viewpool viewLaundry(洗衣服务) Shrinkable(会收缩的) Plumber(水管工) floor supervisorRecreation departmentballroombowling alley(球道)billiard room(台球)Sauna(桑拿)hairdressing/ beauty salon gym/ fitness club/health center massagefoot massagebusiness centertourist souvenir (relic 纪念品) squash courtshopping arcadeRoom reservations prior to check-inmethods of room reservations:making telephone calls,sending e-mails or faxes,sending letters by post, or visiting the hotel by personUnit 5 Itinerary Planning Related Special TermsDiscussing SchedulesdraftTentative (试验、试探)Preliminary (初步的、预备的;预试)itinerary planning (旅程、旅行计划)means of trafficabide byprivilegemutual equalityin the capacitybear the expensesuperb servicesat your requestregarding tourists as supremeActivities involvedsightseeing tripcity tourspecial interest touroptional tourethnic minority and culture tourtheme parkimperial gardenMonastery (寺院)sightseeing guide bookday-to-day eventCruise (航游,乘游船漫游)Making Tour Plans1 Travel routeThis part shows the complete travel route of the visitors' stay in China, the entry and exit port cities, time of entry into and exit from China, transportation means at each destination, duration at each destination, and major tourist2 Personal data of the visitorThis part is important for you to plan personalized service for different visitors. The information mainly includes visitors' names, gender, age, professions, religious beliefs, etc.3 Basic information of the tour groupThis part of information mainly consists of the name of the tour organizer, name and code of the tour group, number of the visitors, name of the tour leader, nationality and working language of the group, special interest and taboos, names of hotels the group is going to stay at and mode of transportation, and so on.Unit 6 Shopping during the tourQuestions1. Do you like shopping? Do you often go shopping?Yes for LadiesYes, I do. I’m really keen on/ crazy abou t shopping.I take it as my hobby, whenever I got some time off, I'd like to go shopping.I'm afraid I can't live without shopping. I feel as if addicted to it.Even window shopping.No for MenFrankly speaking, I hate it, it is so tiring, I can never understand why some ladies keep going shopping, esp. those who just keep going without buying anything (window shopping).2. What places do you often go for shopping?PLACES:shopping center, shopping mall, hypermarket(超级大卖场), local market, department store, clothing mall, emporium(商业中心), supermarket, Flea market(跳蚤市场),junk shop(旧货店),Art gallery(画廊)3. Do you like to buy something through the Internet?Yes, there’re many people shop on line, which is said very convenient, but I have never tried for security reasons.Yes, it is very popular among young people esp. boys, who don’t like go shopping.4. What kind of things do you often buy?Words:necessaries 必需品, books, food, office appliance办公用具, kitchen appliance厨房用具, clothing/ clothes, shoes, gift/present., The clothes shop,Fashionable ornament(时尚配饰), Special Local Products(当地特产), The jewellery store, Cosmetics store(化妆品),The Arts Sore The supermarket5. Who tend to do more shopping? Man or Woman? Why?Surely women are more tend to do shopping, especially the house wives, who know much better about what to buy.It depends on what to buy, for house, furniture, electronic products, etc normally it is man who does the shopping, while if it is for…I am not sure whether it’s true or not, but most of women do enjoy shopping. On the contrary, man would normally do something else instead.6. Describe a shopping center where you often go. KEY: (where, why)Normally, I’d like to go to …(Carrefour), from which I can buy comparatively better things with the lowest prices, and there are normally all kinds of things from daily necessaries to appliance, so that I do not have to keep walking in deferent stores. But I hate to line up for my turn to pay sometimes I have to wait for about 30ms, which drive me crazy.Hong Kong- the Shopping Paradisefree port(自由港) , import duty(进口税) , quality product(高质量产品) ,A shopping TrapShopping during the tourThe dos and don’tsThe dosTourists’ interests, requirements, purposeSuggestions, recommendationThe don’tsYou should not add extra shopping programs, extend the shopping time or take them to the shops other than the designated ones.You should not exaggerate the quality of tourism products.Best buys in ChinaBeijingCloisonne(景泰蓝), fresh water pearlsXi anreplicas of the Terracotta ArmyTang Dynasty hand painted chinaHangzhouLongjing Tea silk embroidery(刺绣)GuilinChina Southern Sea pearlsYunnanMounted(标本) butterfliesWhere to buydistrict bazaar flea market (跳蚤市场) junk shop(旧货店) art gallery(艺术画廊) ClothingWardrobe(服装、衣柜) ready-made/ ready-to-wear clothes housecoat/ dressing gown Bathrobe(睡衣) overalls blouse(罩衫) pyjamas(睡衣裤) dust coat twinset(女式两件套毛衣) Muffler(围巾),knitted(针织的) shawl(披肩),fur stole(毛皮披肩), girdle(腰带) ,slippers(拖鞋) sandal(凉鞋),brooch(胸针),headdress(头饰、头巾)MaterialsGem(宝石、珍宝),ruby(红宝石), sapphire(蓝宝石) ambe(琥珀)Porcelain(瓷器),Satin(缎),brocade(锦缎),Handcrafts papercraftt candle craft, Chinese paintingUnit 7 SightseeingRelated Special TermsTourismtourist trade;tourist season;off season淡季,off-peak season 淡季,off season 淡季,peak season旺季;shoulder season/period 平季,tourist spots 旅游点guide book tour brochure ,tourist attractions and resorts,remains of historic relicsstate-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城co-agricultural garden for tourismState-listed famous historic and cultural citiesseaside sanitarium mountain resortReligious toursTaoist temples,Buddhist nunnery mosque chapel nunnery shrinemonastery stupa(佛塔), Pilgrimage(朝圣) tourUnit 8 The Art of Managing a Tour(带团技巧)Please write a One Sentence Definition for tour guide and Leadership :A tour guide is a person who leads tourists to scenic spots and historic attractions and introduces the history and culture of these places to them,meanwhile,the tour guide should do the jobs ranging from navigating, communicating, interpreting, role-modeling appropriate behavior, and entertaining to helping deal with loss of belongs, treating injury, ensuring safety, and managing disasters, etc.Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management.Leadership is a complex process involving three dimensions:A. the leadersB the employees / group membersC the demands of the situationDeveloping leadership skill consists of the following 6 factors.1 .Orientations (向导,引导)2 .Quality of the Tour Commentary (解说)3 .Good Timing4 .Group Awareness5 .Using Humor6. Skillsbossy(爱指挥人的). tactfully (得体的). experience, knowledge, strong leadership skills.Unit 9 Interpretation and Visitor Experiencethe following principles are helpful guidelines when you plan interpretive activities:1 Provoking thought,2 Be relevant,3 Revealing significance,4 Entertaining and organized.Unit 10 Nonverbal Messages in Tour GuidingAppear to Be ProfessionalGrooming,[打扮],Work attire[服装],Nonverbal expressions,V oice and words.Build a Likeable PersonalitySelf-confidenceOptimismDevelop a Professional AttitudeUnit 13 The Art of Tour Commentary DeliveryMaking Your Commentary CommunicableThe following aspects are of primary importance:e Appropriate Language2.Make your nonverbal expressions supportive3. Learn to listen to your audience4 Make your communication interesting and effectiveThe Skills of Tour Commentary Delivery1. Stress features of the site2. Break the tour commentary into several related parts3. Relate the sight with memories4. Use tales and legends5. Make an analogyUnit 14 Dealing with EmergenciesManaging ProblemHow to handle the loss of travel documentsWhen your tourist has lost his passport or other travel documents, you should first obtain some detailed information about the case, and try to get back the lost documents. If such effort has been futile, you have to take the following:If the visitor is an international tourist, you should report the case to your travel agency and geta supporting document to confirm the loss. Then the visitor can report to the local Public Security Bureau and gain another supporting document. Next you help the visitor apply to his country's embassy or general consulate to China for a new one.How to handle the loss of personal belongingsIf a tourist has lost his wallet or other things on the trip, first you should be empathetic and comfort the visitor. Then you ask him detailed information and report the case to the Public Security Bureau. Next, you report the case to your travel agency for advice and assistance.How to handle lost luggageFor a tourist, probably the most intolerable inconvenience is having his luggage lost or damaged on a trip. When it should occur, there are some steps you can follow to remedy it. First, contact the luggage man to check whether he has sent it to any other room. If not so, you get in touch with the luggage transport department of your travel agency, and find out how many tour groups they have handled at the time the visitor's group arrived, and where other groups are staying, in case the visitor's luggage has been delivered to the wrong hotel.If the lost luggage cannot be retrieved within the precinct of the city, you can go on to contact the hotel, travel agency, and airport whose service this tour group has used at the previous destination, and seek their assistance in search of the luggage.When a Tourist Gets lostIf one of your group members gets lost on the tour, you may solve the problem this way. First, you inquire of other members and local people for clues. Next, you may turn to the local police station or tourism administration authority for assistance. If useless, you can also call the hotel front ofice and floor service desk to inquire if the tourist has returned to the hotel.How to Deal with a Traffice AccidentTraffic accidents usually occur during rush hour and under unfavorable weather conditions. When in such type of setting, you should be steady and calm first, and take immediate measures to rescue the wounded tourist. After that you report the case to the travel agency executive, and listen to his advice and instructions.When a Tourist is Seriously IllIn case a tourist in the group suddenly falls seriously ill, you should take the following steps. First, send the patient to the nearest hospital immediately. On board a plane, a train, or a ship, you may ask doctors from the passengers for help.If a tourist's life is in danger while with no relatives on his trip, you need to follow suggestions made by doctors and the tour leader, and urge the tour leader to notify the patient's relatives to come to the city.The Sudden Death of a TouristAt the sudden death of a tourist, you should calm down first, and then take immediate measures. If the death happens in a hotel, you should send for the hotel manager, security staff and doctors to examine the deceased and report the case to the travel authority.If a tourist suddenly dies on a trip, you should report it to the travel service executive and ask for his advice. Then you notify the deceased's relatives. After that, you ask the doctors to prepare an emergency treatment report and a certificate of death in duplicate for the tour leader, and the travel service authority.【概括总结】Unit 16Learning ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, you are supposed to:1.be familiar with preparations for the visitors’ departure;2.be clear about your responsibilities during the visit ors’ departure3.identify the formalities of seeing the visitors off at the airport4.be skillful at farewell speech deliverySection A General remarks on a farewell speechBidding farewell to visitors is the last important section of your responsibilities. A mere farewell speech might be easy to make, but it is far from enough for the farewell. As the local guide, you should try your best to make proper preparations and help the visitors wrap up their visit smoothly. Generally, a farewell involves the following steps.Making Necessary PreparationsConfirmation and double-check of the ticketsYou should remember to double check, usually one day ahead of the visitors’departure, or let the tour leader and visitors themselves check their departure arrangement.Decision on time of departure from the hotel and the last mealProper arrangement for the departure time from the hotel will allow visitors ample time to get everything ready. The arrangement should be based on the following elements:Departure details of the visitors;Suggestions from the tour leader and the national guide;Traffic conditions and weather conditions;Experience of the driver and yourself.Relavant documents preparedIn most cases, you should not keep the travel documents of the visitors. They should be reserved to the visitors or the tour leader once they are used. Remember to check your own personal belongings to see if you have kept anything belonging to the visitors.From the Hotel to the AirportLuggage CollectionBefore the tour group leaves the hotel, you should take the responsibility of handing luggage over to the porter of the hotel. All the luggage of the visitors should be collected first. The you should work with the national guide and the tour leader to see how many pieces of luggage there are, and make sure each piece is well packed and remain intact.Check-out from the hotelA tour group is supposed to check out from the hotel prior to 12:00 at noon. You should assist the visitors to finish this process at the front desk. If the check-out is made after 12:00 but before 18:00, half day's room rate should be charged from the visitors.Getting onto the busAfter evrything is settled in the hotel, it is time to get onto the bus. Don't forget to remind the visitors to check if anything has been forgotten in the guest rooms. You should make sure that everyone in the group is with the others before you leave the hotel.Bidding farewell speechRemember that you are on the bus at the moment. And this is only one of the occasions when a farewell speech, either formal or informal, can be delivered. The farewell speech on the bus may cover a brief comment about sites tourists have visited. Or it can be a review about the visitors' travel in the previous few days. It is wise to repeat the most significant elements of the tourist attractions in your city briefly, which will surely deepen their impression, and then make them feel it worthwhile to have visited your place.Departure at the airportYou must make sure enough time is spared for the visitors' formalities at the airport. After the group arrives at the airport, remind the visitors to take everything necessary with them when they get off the bus.Section B Farewell SpeechThe general content of a farewell speech might include the following points:Show your appreciation for the visitors' cooperation during your service;Briefly review their visit, and bring them back to the greatest moments of the tour;Make sincere for any inconveniences or problems that have been caused by the fault of your service during the stay;Welcome any of the visitors' suggestions and advice for the improvement of your service;Make a brief introduction to the next destination of their travel;Expressyour regards for their families and friends if they are homebound;Express your warm wishes for their coming journey.A Formal Farewell Speech at a Grand Farewell BanquetRespected Dr. David Stephenson, Vice president of Institute of International Education, and ladies and gentlemen, Your 7-day research after the annual international educational cooperation conference is coming to an end by tomorrow, and you are leave China very soon. During your stay in Beijing, I was entrusted by CITS to take the responsibility of providing you with necessary tour guiding service. At this moment, I would like to say a few words on behalf of CITS. In the first four days while I was with you, we visited some universities, some research institutes and government organizations. We have attended a couple of forums and conferences. I was deeply impressed and moved by your zest and devotion to the cooperation on higher education exchange between our two nations. We feel very lucky and honored to have such cooperative partners as you are. In theremaining three days, we visited some famous tourist attractions in Beijing. I found ever delegation member was very cooperative, and willing to offer us his or her understanding. I felt very pleased to have been with you during your visit. Once again, I would like to express our appreciation ofyour coming to China and your cooperation during your stay.There we want to thank you for your friendship. For those whom you have talked to but are not able to come here to bid farewell, I'd like to express their gratitude.During your visit to the different Organizations and institutes, you have conducted so many warm conversations with the people from all backgrounds, from government officials to students. Your comments and suggestions are so valuable for the development of our educational exchange in the future.Lastly, we sincerely hope that you will get the chance to come back to China in the nearfuture. As you may have noticed, China is developing at such a rapid speed, I am surethat when you come back again, you will feel amazed at your new discoveries. China is such a large country, and Chinese people are hospitable people. We hold that:“It is great delight to have friends afar.”Since our friendship has just started to grow here, isn’t it a great joy for us to receive you as guests again?When you arrive home, please kindly give our regards to your families and friends.Now ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and join me in a toast:To the further cooperation and friendship between our two nations;To the mutual benefit of our educational cooperation;To the health of Dr. David Stephenson;To the health of our distinguished guestsand everyone present here tonight.Cheers!Thank you very much.An Informal Farewell Speech to a Tour GroupLadies and gentlemen,Your visit to our ancient and dynamic city of Chengdu has come to a close. It has been such a pleasure for me to have stayed with you in the last few days and have served as your local guide. You were very cooperative and friendly and that has made my job a lot easier. I hope you have enjoyed the time we spent together as immensely as I do. We hope that your experience here has left you sweet memories. Please forgive us if there have been any drawbacks in out work and please feel free to give us your kind criticism and suggestions. We hope to offer you better service whenyou visit us next time. We look forward to seeing you very soon in the future. Thank you very much for coming to our city and using our service.Wish you s pleasant journey to Guilin.Goodbye!An Informal Farewell Speech on the Bus to the AirportDear friends,We are soon arriving at the airport. I t is a pity that we have been caught in such a traffic jam due to such bad weather conditions. After we arrive at the airport we will be busy with your check-in and other formalities and the departure hall has recently been crowded with tourists. We willpossibly have no chance to say goodbye to each other. Now let me take the time toexpress our thanks to you for your visit to our city.I felt very pleased to have been working with you as your local guide this time. I would like to thank you for your understanding and assistance in settling problems the other day. It was very precious for me to learn how to keep calm at the presence of difficulties. We felt glad that you have chosen Guangzhou, a modern and well developed city as your last stop in China. We hope that your brief stay here has left you a favorable impression of China and its development.Now would you please do me a favor and fill out these service quality evaluation forms? Please make ticks in items you choose and write down your kind suggestions for our。
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文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I went to a beautiful beach last week. The sand was so soft and the water was clear. I just laid there and enjoyed the sun.Yesterday, I visited a famous museum. There were so many interesting things to see. I spent hours looking atall the exhibits.I once went on a hike in the mountains. The view from the top was amazing. I could see for miles and miles.I also had a great time in a small town. The people were friendly and the food was delicious. I tried somelocal specialties.。
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N. Hall of Mental Cultivation 养心殿 O. Palace of Tranquil Longevity 宁寿宫
Beijing Opera
Peking/Beijing opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal(声乐) performance, mime(哑剧), dance and acrobatics(杂技).
Machu Picchu(秘鲁马丘比丘印加遗址) c.1450 CE Peru
Chichen Itza (墨西哥奇琴伊查库库尔软金字塔) c.600 CE Mexico
Colosseum (意大利古罗马斗兽场) Completed 80 CE Italy
Built in 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings and covers 720,000 sq.m..
The complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere.
Four Inventions:
compass(指南针) papermaking(造纸术) gunpowder(火药) printing(印刷术)
Ancient projects:
the Great Wall the Grand Canal the Dujiangyan Irrigation Project
Petra (约旦佩特拉古城) c.100 BCE Jordan
Christ the Redeemer(巴西基督像) en Wonders of the Ancient World (认识就行)
1.Great Pyramid of Giza 埃及吉萨金字塔
2.Hanging Gardens of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园
3.Statue of Zeus at Olympia 奥林匹斯宙斯神像
From 1987 to 2011, there are 41 world heritage sites in China: 29 cultural, 8 natural, and 4 mixed sites; ranking third in the world after Italy and Spain.
New Seven Wonders of the World
Wonder Date of construction Location
Great Wall of China 5th century BCE-16th century CE China
It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. The form was extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China.
Festivals in China
元旦New Year's Day 春节the Spring Festival
元宵节Lantern Festival 清明节Ching Ming Festival/Tomb-sweeping Festival
4.Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 阿尔忒弥斯神殿
5.Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus 摩索拉斯基陵墓
6Colossus of Rhodes 罗德岛太阳神巨像
7.Lighthouse of Alexandria 亚历山大灯塔
国际劳动节International Labour Day 国际儿童节International Children's Day
联合国教科文组织 UNESCO World Heritage Site
UNESC’s headquarters are located in Paris, France.
Hence it’s got the name “The Forbidden City” from “The Purple Forbidden City”
A. Meridian Gate午门 B. Gate of Divine Might神武门
C. West Glorious Gate西华门 D. East Glorious Gate东华门
The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.
UNESCO has 196 Member States. it recently added Palestine in 2011.
China is one of the founding member countries of UNESCO; and recover the legitimate seat in UNESCO in 1971.
Taj Mahal (印度泰姬陵) Completed c.1648 CE India
Great Pyramid of Giza(Honorary Candidate) Completed c.2560 BCE Egypt
The origin of the name
Ancient Chinese Astronomers believed that the Purple Star (紫微星)(Polaris) was in the center of heaven and the Heavenly Emperor lived in the Purple Palace. The Palace for the emperor on earth was so called the Purple City. It was forbidden to enter without special permission of the emperor.
端午节the Dragon-Boat Festival 七夕 Double-Seventh Day
中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 重阳节the Double Ninth Festival
国庆节National Day 国际劳动妇女节International Working Women's Day
Forbidden City
Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, was the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties.
It was first built throughout 14 years during the reign of Emperor Chengzu in the Ming Dynasty .
The program was founded with the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, which was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972.
China signed the Convention in 1985; and became a member state in 1999
In 1954, the government of Egypt decided to build the Aswan Dam, an event that would deluge a valley containing treasures of ancient Egypt such as the Abu Simbel temples. UNESCO then launched a worldwide safeguarding campaign. with the International Council on Monuments and Sites, UNESCO then initiated a draft convention to protect the common cultural heritage of humanity. So the world heritage sites came into being.
It is listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2010.
Peking opera was born when the “Four Great Anhui Troupes” brought Huiju to Beijing in 1790, for the birthday of the Qianlong Emperor.