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B、superstitious C、Innocent
试题解析:superstitious 意为“迷信的”。
8 、 Instead of( )education and critical thinking, we should work on plausible measures against organized crimes.
A、active B、excited C、fidgety
试题解析:fidgety 意为“不安的,烦躁的;难以取悦的”。
11、It was midsummer. It looked as if the whole town were in the water,swimming or simply ( ) about.
A、debate B、quarrel C、dispute
试题解析:debate 意为“辩论;辩论会”。
3、The constant noise from his neighbors ( ) Mr. Andrews, who was busy writing his new novel.
B、accurate C、literal D、precise
试题解析:literal 意为“逐字的;无夸张的;文字的”。
7、Gamblers are ( ) folk who do not like to remain in one place for long lest it bring them bad luck.
(3) Practically unknown in his lifetime, van Gogh's art became extremely influential soon after his death in 1890. One of the first artists to be affected by his style was a Norwegian artist named Edward Munch (1863-1944), who discovered van Gogh's use of color in Paris. In The Dance of Life, Munch used strong, simple line and intense color to explore the unexpressed sexual stresses and conflicts that Sigmund Freud's studies were bringing to light. (In Germany the tendency to use color for its power to express psychological forces continued in the work of artists known as the German Expressionists.)
(2) In 1886 the painter Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) came from Holland to France, where he produced a revolution in the use of color. He used purer, brighter colors than artists had used before, he also recognized that color, like other formal qualities, could act
C、transportation D、transformation
试题解析:transition 意为“过渡;转变;变迁”。
2、Whether women should spend more time outside home has long been the subject of heated ( ) within the medical profession.
B、established C、based
试题解析:base on 意为“基于,以...为根据;在...基础上”。
15、Holmes was asked to help the police investigating the ( ) deaths of children at the hospital.
B、reason C、cause
试题解析:apology 意为“道歉, 认错, 愧悔”。
13、Every morning she makes herself a cup of coffee, without which she cannot ( ).
高级英语 2017 年 10 月真题试题及答案解析
1 、 It is universally acknowledged that making the( ) from youth to adulthood can be very painful.
A、transmission B、transition
试题解析:reasonable 意为“通情达理的, 合理的”。
6、While negotiating, one must bear in mind that a trade war is not a war in the ( ) sense.
A、collapsed B、fell
C、dropped D、tripped
试题解析:collapsed 意为“倒坍;塌下”。
5、It seems ( ) to assume that all the drugs for sale have been tested.
A、judicious B、sensitive
A、splashing B、pouring. C、spilling
D、sprinklFra Baidu bibliotekng
试题解析:splashing 意为“喷洒,泼洒”。
12、The host made a sincere ( ) to his guests for having canceled the firework show.
A、exhilarated B、exasperated C、exhausted
试题解析:exasperated 意为“使恼怒,激怒;恶化”。
4、It was so embarrassing that the chair ( ) under her weight at the meeting.
as a language in and of itself. He believed that the local or "real" color of an object does not necessarily express the artists;experience. Artists, according to van Gogh, should seek to paint things not as they are, but as the artists feel them. In Public Garden at Arles, the colors of the pathway, the trees, and the sky are all far more intense and pure than the garden's real colors. Thus, van Gogh captures the whole experience of walking alone in the stillness of a hot afternoon.
A、miraculous B、meticulous C、mysterious D、monotonous
试题解析:mysterious 意为“神秘的;难以理解的;诡秘的”。
(1) Toward the end of the nineteenth century, a small group of artists working in France and Germany began to re-evaluate the meaning and function of art. In the preceding century, art had lost many of its traditional functions. It had ceased to be an important method for recording the way things look because that job had been taken over by the camera. Artists now sought to isolate the special province of art, to define its own particular essence. Painters and sculptors joined other intellectuals in questioning classical standards based on rationalized patterns and generalized ideals. The world view of the 1890s had been so altered by the tumultuous changes of the nineteenth century that the cool. orderly classical figure style and static Renaissance compositions no longer seemed appropriate forms of expression.
A、melancholy B、anguish
C、apprehension D、memory
试题解析:melancholy 意为“忧郁, 悲哀”。
10、Boys shouldn't stay indoors all the time. They get ( ) if they cannot go outside to play.
(4) Alongside the revolution in color, another revolution was occurring in the use of space. (Ever since the Renaissance. European artists had treated the outside edges of paintings as window frames.) The four sides of a frame bounded an imaginary cube of spacea
B、scopingout C、Scolding
D、scoffing at
试题解析:scoffing at 意为“嘲笑;藐视”。
9、The recollection of the parting scene made me fall into a state of deep( ).
A、function B、continue C、burgeon D、survive
试题解析:function 意为“工作, 运行, 起作用”。
14、Critics generally believe that Hemingway's work is ( ) on his own life.