易读宝诚献精品 隆重推出E2800单机版


edoc2 ECM ISO解决方案

edoc2 ECM ISO解决方案

索 引 文 件 1
索 引 文 件 2
索 引 文 件 n
搜索引擎基于 Lucene引擎二次开 发而成,为保证对超 大量索引数据的快速 搜索支持,系统采用 索引文件分块技术, 并支持批量索引和复 合搜索,支持相似度、 推荐等数据挖掘 技 术
– 文档定位
•支持全文搜索 •支持匹配符搜索 •支持指定路径搜索 •可保存搜索条件,并加入 到我的视图 •支持文件夹搜索 •可对搜索结果再搜索 •在结果中可再搜索 •Suggestion功能 •元数据搜索 •支持索引和字段组合搜索 •Tag搜索
•电脑部 •技术部 •品质保证部 •生产部 •文件中心 •……
•草稿 •待审核 •待发布 •已发布 •已实施 •已归档 •…… • • • •
生产P 研发R 营销S 总部H

• • •

总裁办 CO 人力资 源HR 财务FA 行政 AD 采购 PD 审计 AU ……
ISO 文档特点
– 元数据
•类型维护 •名称 •签订人 •项目负责人 •项目经理 •项目秘书 •商务负责人 •项目属性
•元数据是文档属性的扩展,用户可以根据特定需 要自定义相关属性,基于此,可以将非结构的文档 延伸至结构化的数据管理,从而能使文档得以更有
•支持文件夹和文件的元数据管理 •支持元数据的继承 •支持元数据的组合

验证关系 遵循最小单 元原则 结合累加原 则 用户优先原


admin 用户名
12345 密码
vlan 1827
interface gig1/5
port link-type hybrid 定义接口模式为混合模式
port hybrid vlan 1827 tagged 定义trunk下1827vlan通过
interface fa1/1
rate-limit in 1024
interface gigaEthernet 0/52
switchport mode trunk
show mac-dynamic fastethernet 1/0/1
write file
用户端管理IP地址规划 192.168.200.XX,XX为城域网对应端口或者互联网vlan端口号,管理vlan统一设置为vlan2
interface fa1/3
port link-type hybrid 定义接口模式为混合模式
port hybrid vlan 3 untagged 定义vlan3为access模式
port hybrid pvid 3 定义vlan3通过
rate-limit out 1024
interface fa1/2
port link-type hybrid 定义接口模式为混合模式
port hybrid vlan 2 untagged 定义vlan2为access
port hybrid pvid 2 定义vlan2通过
rate-limit out 1024



2800交换机简单开局指导手册1、交换机登录用CONSOLE线登录,缺省用户名是admin 密码是zhongxing,ENABLE密码也是zhongxing,2、设置远程登录的用户名和密码create user 123456 //增加远程telnet用户,用户名请自行定义loginpass 123456 //设置login密码,密码可以自行定义adminpass 123456 //enable密码,密码可以自行定义备注:登陆密码为空时,远程TELNET无法登陆3、端口配置set port 1 enable //使能端口1,端口缺省是打开的set port 1 disable //禁用端口1set port 1 auto disable //打开端口自适应,缺省自适应是打开的set port 1 auto disable //关闭端口自适应set port 1 duplex full //强制端口1全双工set port 1 speed 100 //强制端口1速率为百兆show port 1 //查看端口状态4、配置VLANzte(cfg)#create vlan 10 name test // 创建vlan 10, vlan的名字test //zte(cfg)#set vlan 10 enable // 使用vlan 10zte(cfg)#set vlan 10 add port 4 [untag | tag] //端口4加入vlan 10 (选择作为哪种方式加入VLAN:tagged或untagged),tag就是打标记,一般用作级联口或者上联口,UNTAG一般作为普通业务口// zte(cfg)#set port 4 pvid 10 //把第4口如果配置成UNTAG方式加入VLAN10,还需要设置端口4的pvid为10,否则业务会不同//zte(cfg)show vlan //结果:系统VLAN配置列表5、配置管理IP地址加入管理VLAN是1000,16口是上联口zte(cfg)#create vlan 1000 name manager //创建管理VLAN 1000zte(cfg)#set vlan 1000 enable //使用vlan 1000zte(cfg)#set vlan 1000 add port 16 tag //在上行口打上vlan 1000标记zte(cfg)config router //进入路由配置模式set ipport 0 ipaddress //增加交换机的管理IP地址set ipport 0 vlan 1000 //与VLAN 1000绑定set ipport 0 enable //激活ipportiproute //增加默认路由exit6、配置端口聚合Set lacp enable|disable 开关交换机链路聚合功能Set lacp aggregator add|delete port portlist 在聚合组中加入|删除端口Set lacp aggregater dymanic|static|mixed 配置端口聚合模式show lacp //显示LACP的配置信息show lacp aggregator 3 //显示LACP聚合组聚合信息show lacp port 15-16 //显示LACP参与聚合的端口信息7、端口环路检测ZXR10(cfg)#set loopdetect port 1 enable开启端口1的环路检测功能ZXR10(cfg)#set loopdetect port 1 protect enable开启端口1的环路检测保护功能,当存在环路时自动关闭该端口,消除单环路造成的影响ZXR10(cfg)#show loopdetect 观察交换机环路检测情况8、端口隔离注意:整机只支持一个PVLAN。



EEDI介绍材料赖祥华2013年8月25日一、产生EEDI的背景二、什么是EEDI / SEEMP / EEOI ?目三、EEDI适用的船型四、规范生效时间五、EEDI基准线六、各阶段EEDI参考线七录七、EEDI计算公式八、EEDI对航运及造船业的影响九九、新造船EEDI验证流程十、最终验证的ITTC试航要求一、产生EEDI的背景全球气候变暖CO 2排放能源2003年,国际海事组织IMO受联合国气候变化框架公约UNFCCC委托开始制定旨在减少温室气体排放的法规;2008年10月召开的海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)第58次会议上提出将新造船二氧化碳(CO2)设计指数改为EEDI;2011年7月召开的海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)第62次会议上,能效设计指数EEDI与船舶能效管理计划SEEMP作为MAPOL附则VI的延续获得通过;2013年5月,国际船级社协会通过PR38-“能效设计指数(EEDI)计算和验证程序”;EEDI Energy Efficiency Design Index (能效设计指数)的缩写是表征船舶在二、什么是EEDI / SEEMP / EEOI ?是Energy Efficiency Design Index (能效设计指数)的缩写,是表征船舶在设计和建造阶段船舶固有的CO2排放水平的一个衡量工具;SEEMP 是Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (能效管理计划)的缩写,是船舶营运过程中用于改进船舶营运能效的一种管理文件。

EEOI EnergyEfficiency Operational Indicator (能效营运指标)的缩写,是用于是gy y p 能效营运指标的缩写是用于监测船舶营运能效的一种工具,是衡量SEEMP 实施效果的主要监测工具。

EEDI 反应了每吨-海里(货物载重容量)排放的二氧化碳数量。



ID100 台式居民身份证阅读机具
➢上市背景 ➢产品介绍 ➢产品定位、卖点 ➢产品外观 ➢产品特点 ➢产品参数 ➢功能特征 ➢软件界面及功能
应用领域 认证报告
上市背 景
二代居民身份证阅读机具市场经过10多年的发展和技术沉淀,目前已 经广泛应用于公安、民政、 、酒店、网吧、邮局、证券、医疗等行业。随 着技术的不断进步,产品形态也在不断地演变,如火车站自助取票终端、机 场登机牌自助打印终端、银联自助终端、出入境自助设备等都属于二代证安 全模块的嵌入式应用。根据国家对于快递实名制、互联网实名制和物联网发 展的 来看,身份证应用的领域将越来越广泛。二代证阅读机具市场的总体 规模将不可估量,预计未来将达到几百亿人民币。
年底年全国人大委员会表决通过了新修订的《居民身份证法》,明确 规定居民身份证登记项目包括指纹信息,目前已经全面启动身份证登记指纹 信息工作。同时,为了促进阅读机具供应市场的健康发展,满足居民身份证 应用需求,国家决定采取认证方式本着公开公正原则,对居民身份证阅读机 具产品进行合格评定,符合条件的相关企业可自愿申请产品认证。正是如此, 中控科技凭借业界领先的生物识别及RFID核心技术,以自身核心的竞争优势, 重磅推出ID100型居民身份证阅读机具,目前该产品已经通过相关机构的检测 认证,并成功入围居民身份证阅读机具公安部指定供应商名列。
2.客户可根据自身需 求,设计显示信息表 格。
在功能上,用户可根据自 己的需求定制是否显示姓 名、性别、民族、出生、 住址、号码、签发机关、 有效期限等详细信息。
为了方便信息管理, ID100第二代居民身份证 阅读机具可进入数据查询 界面,并可按条件进行查 询,通过查询用户可以明 确一定时间内所有验证人 员的相信信息。



ETCR2800KB/ETCR2800KC 开合式接地电阻在线检测仪技术规格产品型号ETCR2800KB开合式接地电阻在线检测仪ETCR2800KC开合式接地电阻在线检测仪数据显示无(可通过RS485协议读取)4位LCD 显示,可通过RS485协议读取溢出指示无显示值大于100Ω时,LCD 显示“OLΩ”符号报警指示检测仪声光报警检测仪声光报警报警设置系统软件设置检测仪面板按键设置,系统软件设置量程量程:0.01Ω~100Ω分辨力0.001Ω精度±2%rdg±3dgt(20℃±5℃,70%RH 以下)电源6VDC~12VDC,50mA Max.(外部供电,选配GPRS 12VDC 150mA Max)功耗50mA Max.(选配GPRS 12VDC 150mA Max)防爆标志Ex iaⅡBT3Ga(防爆合格证号:CE18.2332X)防水等级IP54外形尺寸124mm×118mm×76mmCT 尺寸56mm×26mm质量1000g通讯方式RS485(支持MODBUS-RTU 通讯协议)或GPRS 通信(选购)通讯及供电接口航空插12G-5P工作温湿度-20℃~55℃;20%RH~90%RH随机附件检测仪:1件;铝合金安装件:2个;1米通讯连接线:1条产品功能回路接地电阻在线监测、金属回路联结电阻在线监测、接地状况监测。




其中C 型产品配有液晶显示屏可独立安装使用,可随时观察接地电阻值,设置报警值。

4.配有RS485接口(支持MODBUS-RTU 通讯协议)或GPRS 通信,可组建网络系统,实现远程实时监测。


用 EasyBoot 3.55 制作 Windows 2000 三合一启动光盘

用 EasyBoot 3.55 制作 Windows 2000 三合一启动光盘

用EasyBoot 3.55 制作Windows 2000 三合一启动光盘的制作方法Windows 2000 模拟启动原理Windows 2000 各版本的原始安装光盘是单重启动,其引导文件中固化了光盘根目录下的i386目录(这一点给制作多重启动的N 合1 光盘带来了最大的障碍),该目录中不仅存放了Windows 2000的系统文件,而且还存放了安装所需的安装文件和驱动程序。

我们所要模拟的引导过程如下:先加载光盘引导文件w2ksect.bin(引导文件是w2ksect.bin,这个文件在EASYBOOT的安装目录的子目录ezboot 里)->setupldr.bin->->再加载驱动程序->读txtsetup.sif->开始光盘安装。

Windows 2000 三合一启动光盘(无SP3)的制作过程㈠、所需工具①、EasyBoot V3.55 启动光盘制作软件;②、Windows 2000 安装软盘组的img文件,每个版本各四个IMG文件;③、能打开二进制的软件UltraEdit 10.00B;④、IMG文件的读写软件Winimage 6.0 或以上版本;⑤、虚拟电脑软件Virtual PC(或VMware)和刻录软件。

㈡、必需的目录结构和文件①建立目录,目录结构如下图:EasyBoot││└─Disk1(制成ISO文件后的根目录)││├──Win2000│││││├── pro││ │││ └─ i386 (放置Professional版的全部安装文件)│││││├── srv││ │││ └─ i386 (放置Server版的全部安装文件)│││└── adv│││└─ i386 (放置Advance Server版的全部安装文件)│├──wpro ( 放置Professional 版模拟软盘组的文件)│├──wsrv ( 放置Server 版模拟软盘组的文件)│├──asrv ( 放置Advance Server 版模拟软盘组的文件)│└──Boot (放置Easyboot的启动文件和菜单文件)保证硬盘上有足够的空间(假设将文件存放在\EasyBoot\disk1中),全部三个版本的原始文件约占用空间为1.24 GB,生成的镜像文件约为520 MB 左右。

NetApp E2800系列存储白皮书

NetApp E2800系列存储白皮书

产品规格NetApp E2800 系列借助 NetApp 经济高效的全闪存阵列和混合阵列获得经济实惠的性能和精简性主要优势经过优化的性能利用全闪存处理各种混合工作负载。


借助适用于 VMware、Oracle 和 Microsoft 的应用感知型插件以及适用于 Splunk、Nagios 和 OpenStack 等新兴应用程序的插件和驱动程序,无缝集成到现有环境中。

易于配置和使用使用基于 Web 且功能强大的全新机载NetApp SANtricity®软件,可以轻松安装和管理 NetApp® E 系列存储系统。




解决方案购置成本较低的全闪存和混合存储NetApp E2800 存储系统提供全闪存和混合配置选项,因此可以帮助您简化 IT 基础架构并降低成本。

E2800 采用灵活的“按需购买”模式,是面临不可预知快速增长难题的各种规模公司的极佳解决方案。

与在 I/O 数据路径中增加文件或虚拟化层的其他存储系统不同,E2800 系统专门为优化混合工作负载的性能而构建。

新一代控制器基于 Intel 处理器技术构建而成,并且采用 12 Gb SAS 基础架构,可提高 IOPS 和吞吐量,帮助您从数据中获取价值,更快地采取行动。

E2800 采用基于 Web 浏览器的机载界面,简洁而时尚,可为用户提供更加出色的体验。

E2800 直观的界面在简化配置和维护任务的同时,还能提供企业级存储功能,实现稳定一致的性能、数据完整性和安全性。

动态磁盘池动态磁盘池 (Dynamic Disk Pools, DDP) 技术可在整个驱动器池中分配数据奇偶校验信息和备用容量,从而大大简化了传统 RAID 组的管理。



MA 输 入 电压 监 测 电路

通 过 在 电源
阅读 设 备依 次 向卡体 发

输入 端 连 接
个 P 沟道 M O S F E TQ 2

能 够 为 电源 适 配 器 的

送 相 应 命令
并 对 卡体 的返

输 入 提 供 高 达 1 8 V 的过 压 保 护
本 阅读器 系 统 整体 硬 件 模 块 图 如 图 1 所 示
在 主 控 电路 板 的控制 下 读 取 卡体 初始 化 信 息
液 晶 屏 上 显 示 需 要 的相 关 信 息

整个 系 统
的准确 性

核 验 工 作 的频 繁 性 以及 核 验 地 点 的不 确 定 性

经 解码 后 在
要 求检查 设 备 体 积 小 巧 时 间长
由于 省 去 了 很
阅读 器 研 发 包 括 硬 件 设 计 和 软 件 设 计 两 部 分 内容
设 计 过 程 分 用 户 需 求分 析

多单 独 的 外 设 控 制 器 件

减小 了主板面 积与元 器 件数

软 硬 件概 要 设 计

详细 设 计

最 大 限 度保 证 了 系 统 的稳 定 性 与 可 靠性
B两 大
类非 接触

IC 卡
R C 5 3 1 与 处 理 器 通 过 数据 总 线 与地 址 总 线 连 接 ● F L A S H 模块 : 固 化 系 统 运 行 的程 序 。 ~ S RA M

DC 5 V

程 序 运 行 的空 间

Sennheiser EZT 3012 诵读器指南说明书

Sennheiser EZT 3012 诵读器指南说明书

Induction loop EZT 3012Instruction manualImportant safety instructions•Please read this instruction manual carefully and completely before using the product.•Make this instruction manual easily accessible to all users at all times. Always include this instruction manual when passing the product on to third parties.•Do not use the product in situations which require special atten-tion (e.g. when performing skilled jobs).•Always keep the product dry and do not expose it to extreme temperatures.Intended useIntended use includes:•having read this instruction manual, especially the chapter “Important safety instructions”,•using the product within the operating conditions and limita-tions described in this instruction manual.“Improper use” means using the product other than as described in this instructions, or under operating conditions which differ from those described herein.1The EZT3012 induction loopThe EZT3012 induction loop is an accessory for Sennheiser infra-red and RF receivers as well as for conference units of a conference system. The EZT3012 inductively couples the audio signal from the receiver/conference unit to hearing aids.Using the volume control on the receiver the sound may be easily adjusted to suit an individual user’s hearing. This allows hearing aid wearers to take advantage of an interference free, optimum sound quality, wireless, listening experience.Delivery includes1 EZT3012 induction loop1 instruction manual23Preparing the EZT 3012 for use Connecting the induction loop̈Connect the 3.5 mm jack plug of the induction loop to the socket on your receiver or to the corresponding audio output of yourconference unit.3012 to devices that are not defibrillators.̈Connect the induction loop only to Sennheiserdevices.4̈Set your hearing aid to the T-position.If your hearing aid has no T-position, please contact your hearing aid acoustician.Wearing a receiverDepending on the receiver used, you require a lanyard or a clip (see “Accessories” on page 6) in addition to the EZT 3012 induction loop.̈Attach the optional lanyard ³ or the clip · to your RI 830S orRR 840S receiver.Cleaning the EZT3012̈Use a slightly damp cloth to clean the induction loop.56AccessoriesFor the RI 830S and RR 840S receivers, the following accessories are available from your specialist dealer:SpecificationsCat. No.Accessory/spare part528184Clip528185LanyardEZT 3012 induction loopAudio connector3.5 mm stereo jack plug Cable lengthinduction loopconnection cable75cm 40cm Impedance28Ω at 1kHzManufacturer DeclarationsWarrantySennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG gives a warranty of 24 months on this product. For the current warranty conditions, please visit our web site at or contact your Sennheiser partner.WEEE DeclarationPlease dispose of this product at the end of its operational Arraylifetime by taking it to your local collection point or recyclingcentre for such equipment.7Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany Printed in ChinaPubl.04/09532880/A01。




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戴尔 PowerEdge 2800 系统仅限服务部件更换程序说明书

戴尔 PowerEdge 2800 系统仅限服务部件更换程序说明书

Dell™ PowerEdge™ 2800 Systems Service -Only Parts Replacement ProceduresBefore You BeginRecommended ToolsServicing a Tower SystemSCSI Backplane BoardControl Panel AssemblySystem BoardRemoving the System From the RackNotes, Notices, and CautionsAbbreviations and AcronymsFor a complete list of abbreviations and acronyms, see your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .Information in this document is subject to change without notice.© 2004 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell , the DELL logo, and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell Inc.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.Back to Contents PageDell™ PowerEdge™ 2800 Systems Service -Only Parts Replacement ProceduresBefore You BeginRecommended ToolsServicing a Tower SystemSCSI Backplane BoardControl Panel AssemblySystem BoardRemoving the System From the RackBefore You BeginThe procedures in this document require that you remove the cover and work inside the system. While working inside the system, do not attempt to service the system except as explained in this document and in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide and the User's Guide available on . Always follow the instructions closely, and ensure that you review all safety precautions in the Product Information Guide .The Installation and Troubleshooting Guide contains information on system indicators, messages, and codes; system diagnostics; troubleshooting; parts removal and replacement procedures; and jumpers, switches, and connectors.The User's Guide contains information on the System Setup program.Recommended ToolsYou may need the following items to perform the procedures in this section:lKey to the system keylock l#2 Phillips screwdriver l Wrist grounding strapServicing a Tower SystemlBefore removing the cover and accessing parts within the system, you must place the tower system on its side with the system cover facing up. l If stabilizer feet are attached, remove them or orient the system so that the feet extend over the edge of the work surface.SCSI Backplane BoardRemoving the SCSI Backplane Board1.If applicable, remove the bezel.2.Turn off the system and attached peripherals, and disconnect the system from the electrical outlet and peripherals.3.Remove the system cover.4.Slide the drive tray to the maintenance position. See Figure 1-1.a. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screw that secures the drive tray release lever to the chassis.b. Rotate the drive tray release lever toward the front of the system.c. While grasping both sides of the front panel, slide the drive tray forward as far as possible.CAUTION: See your Product Information Guide for complete information about safety precautions, working inside the computer, and protecting against electrostatic discharge.CAUTION: Only trained service technicians are authorized to remove the system cover and access any of the components inside the system. See your Product Information Guide for complete information about safety precautions, working inside the computer, and protecting againstelectrostatic discharge.Figure 1-1. Moving the Drive Tray to the Maintenance Position5.Disconnect the SCSI data cable(s) from the SCSI backplane. See Figure 1-2.Figure 1-2. Connectors on Back of SCSI Backplane6.If applicable, disconnect the 1x2 backplane power cable from the SCSI backplane. See Figure 1-2.7.To disconnect the control panel cable from the SCSI backplane, grasp the cable's white plastic pull-tab and pull the cable connector directly away fromthe backplane. For the location of the connector on the backplane, see Figure 1-2.8.Unlock and slide the SCSI hard drive(s) out of the system at least 5 cm (2 inches).9.Slide the diskette/optical drive carrier out of the system at least 5 cm (2 inches), to disconnect the carrier from the backplane.10.Remove the SCSI backplane:NOTICE: Note the relative position of each SCSI data cable if more than one cable is attached to the SCSI backplaneNOTICE: When disconnecting the control panel cable, hold the white pull-tab next to the control panel cable connector to prevent damage to the SCSI backplane or the cable itself.NOTICE: To prevent damage to the drives and backplane, you must disengage or remove the SCSI drives from the system before removing thebackplane.NOTICE: If you completely remove the drives from the system, you must note the number of each drive and temporarily label them before removal, so you can replace them in the same locations.a.Lift the spring-loaded blue retention pin away from the front of the backplane, then slide the backplane upward. b. When the backplane cannot slide upward any farther, pull the backplane toward the back of the system to remove it from the retention hooks.11.If applicable, remove the daughter card from the SCSI backplane. See Figure 1-2 for the location of the daughter card connector on the SCSI backplane.Installing a SCSI Backplane Board1.If applicable, install the daughter card on the new backplane.2.Install the new backplane:a. Lower the backplane into the system and carefully feed the control cable through the opening in the backplane.Ensure that any other cables will not interfere or be damaged when installing the new backplane.b.Align the backplane with the retention hooks on the chassis, then fit the backplane over the retention hooks. c. Slide the backplane downward until the blue retention pin snaps into place.3.Connect the control panel cable to the control panel connector on the SCSI backplane. See Figure 1-2.To prevent disconnecting the cable from the control panel, deflect the end of the cable to connect it; do not pull on the cable itself.4.If applicable, reconnect the 1x2 backplane power cable to the SCSI backplane. See Figure 1-2.5.Reconnect the SCSI data cable(s) to the backplane, being very careful to install them in their original locations.6.Return the drive tray to the operating position.a. While grasping both sides of the front panel, slide the drive tray toward the system board until it meets resistance.Ensure that cables are not trapped or damaged as you move the drive tray.b.Rotate the drive tray release lever toward the back of the system. c. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the captive screw that secures the drive tray release lever to the chassis.7.Reinstall the SCSI hard drives in their original locations.8.Replace the diskette/optical drive carrier.9.Reinstall the cover.10.If you removed the feet from a tower system, reinstall them now and place the system in an upright position.11.Reconnect the system to the peripherals and electrical outlet, and turn on the system.12.If applicable, reattach the bezel.Control Panel AssemblyRemoving the Control Panel Assembly1.If applicable, remove the bezel.2.Turn off the system and attached peripherals, and disconnect the system from the electrical outlet and peripherals.3.If the system is a rack system located low enough in the rack to prevent access to the underside of the system chassis, remove the system from therack and place it on a work surface.See "Removing the System From the Rack ."CAUTION: Only trained service technicians are authorized to remove the system cover and access any of the components inside the system. See your Product Information Guide for complete information about safety precautions, working inside the computer, and protecting againstelectrostatic discharge.4.Remove the system cover.5.Remove the SCSI hard drives or filler panels from the center drive bay.6.Slide the drive tray to the maintenance position. SeeFigure 1-1.a. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screw that secures the drive tray release lever to the chassis.b. Rotate the drive tray release lever toward the front of the system.c.While grasping both sides of the front panel, slide the drive tray forward as far as possible.7.If the system is not installed in a rack, place the system on its side as shown in Figure 1-3 or Figure 1-4, with the front edge of the system overhangingthe edge of the work surface.8.Remove the control panel assembly.See Figure 1-3 or Figure 1-4 for the relative location of the control panel assembly. If you are working on a system installed in a rack, the control panel assembly is located under the front edge of the drive tray.a. From inside the center hard drive bay, open the control panel cable clamp on the floor of the drive tray.b.Disconnect the control panel cable from the SCSI backplane. Grasp the cable's white plastic pull-tab and pull the cable connector directly away from the backplane. For the location of the connector on the backplane, see Figure 1-2. c.Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the screws that secure the control panel assembly to the front panel. (Tower systems have three screws; rack systems use two screws.) See Figure 1-3 or Figure 1-4. d. Remove the control panel assembly from the system by sliding the control panel assembly toward the back of the chassis, then remove theassembly.Figure 1-3. Removing the Control Panel Assembly (Tower System)Figure 1-4. Removing the Control Panel Assembly (Rack System)NOTICE: Before removing SCSI hard drives from the system, you must note the number of each drive and temporarily label them before removal, so you can replace them in the same locations.NOTICE: A rack-configuration system is prone to tipping over if placed on its side.NOTICE: When disconnecting the control panel cable, hold the white pull-tab next to the control panel cable connector to prevent damage to the SCSI backplane or the cable itself.NOTE: While removing the control panel assembly, be careful not to damage the interface cable.Installing the Control Panel Assembly1.Holding the new control panel assembly in one hand, feed the control panel cable into the opening in the system chassis.2.Install the new control panel assembly in the system:a. Align the assembly with the opening in the chassis.b. Fit the assembly into the chassis, then slide it toward the system front panel.c. While holding the assembly in position against the front panel, secure it with the Phillips screws. (Tower systems have three screws; racksystems use two screws.)3.Secure the control panel cable in the clamp on the drive tray. See Figure 1-3 or Figure 1-4.4.Connect the control panel cable to the SCSI backplane.To prevent disconnecting the cable from the control panel, deflect the end of the cable to connect it; do not pull on the cable itself.5.If applicable, carefully lower the system to the horizontal position as shown in Figure 1-1.6.Return the drive tray to the operating position.a. While grasping both sides of the front panel, slide the drive tray toward the system board until it meets resistance.Ensure that cables are not trapped or damaged as you move the drive tray.b. Rotate the drive tray release lever toward the back of the system.c. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the captive screw that secures the drive tray release lever to the chassis.7.Reinstall the SCSI hard drives or filler panels in their original locations.8.Reinstall the cover.9.If you removed the feet from a tower system, reinstall them now, and place the system in an upright position.10.If applicable, replace the system in the rack.11.Reconnect the system to the peripherals and electrical outlet, and turn on the system.12.If applicable, reattach the bezel.System BoardRemoving the System Board1.If applicable, remove the bezel.2.Turn off the system and attached peripherals, and disconnect the system from the electrical outlet.3.If the system is a tower system, place it on a work surface.4.Open the system.5.Slide the drive tray to the maintenance position. See Figure 1-1.a. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, loosen the captive screw that secures the drive tray release lever to the chassis.b. Rotate the drive tray release lever toward the front of the system.c. While grasping both sides of the front panel, slide the drive tray forward as far as possible.6.Disconnect any cables attached to expansion cards in the expansion card cage.7.Remove the expansion-card cage. See "Removing the Expansion-Card Cage" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .8.Remove the processor fans and center fan bracket. See "Removing a Processor Fan" and "Removing the Center Fan Bracket" in the Installation andTroubleshooting Guide .9.Remove the memory module fans and back fan bracket. See "Removing a Memory Module Fan" and "Removing and Replacing the Back Fan Bracket" inthe Installation and Troubleshooting Guide.10.Remove the memory cooling shroud. See Figure 6-16 in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .11.Remove the memory modules. See "System Memory" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .12.Unlock the power supplies from the system and slide them back 5 cm (2 inches). See "Power Supplies" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .13.Remove the processor(s). See "Processor" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .14.If applicable, remove the RAID key.See Figure 7-7 in "Activating the Integrated RAID Controller" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide.15.If applicable, remove the RAC card:a. Deflect the four blue plastic standoffs away from the edges of the card, then lift the front edge of the card to disconnect the card from the systemboard.b. Lift the card from the system.16.If applicable, disconnect the parallel port cable from the system board.17.Remove the center fan assembly cradle.Lift the release tab, then slide the cradle toward the edge of the system board and lift the cradle out of the system. See Figure 1-5.Figure 1-5. Removing the Center Fan Assembly CradleCAUTION: Only trained service technicians are authorized to remove the system cover and access any of the components inside the system. See your Product Information Guide for complete information about safety precautions, working inside the computer, and protecting againstelectrostatic discharge.18.To remove the system board:a. Lift up the blue retention pin and slide the system board toward the front of the system to disengage the board from the retention tabs on thechassis. See Figure 1-6.b. Lift the system board out of the system.Figure 1-6. Removing the System BoardInstalling the System Board1.Unpack the new system board.2.Holding the system board by its front edge and the memory module socket ejectors, carefully lower the system board into the chassis, making sure thatthe I/O connectors on the back edge of the board fit underneath the ledge on the inside of the chassis back panel.When the board is properly positioned, the tabs on the chassis will fit through the corresponding slots in the system board.3.Slide the system board tray toward the back of the chassis until the retention pin snaps into place.4.Replace the center fan assembly cradle.5.If applicable, replace the RAC card. See "Installing a RAC Card" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .6.If applicable, replace the RAID key. See "Activating the Integrated RAID Controller" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .7.If applicable, reconnect the parallel port cable to the system board.CAUTION: Only trained service technicians are authorized to remove the system cover and access any of the components inside the system. See your Product Information Guide for complete information about safety precautions, working inside the computer, and protecting againstelectrostatic discharge.8.Slide the power supply(s) back into the system and secure them with the relase levers. 9.Replace the memory modules. See "Installing Memory Modules" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide . 10.Replace the processor(s). See "Replacing a Processor" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide . 11.Replace the back fan bracket and center fan bracket. See "Removing and Replacing the Back Fan Bracket" and "Replacing the Center Fan Bracket" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide 12.Replace the fans. See "Fans" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide . 13.Replace the memory cooling shroud. 14.Replace the expansion-card cage. See "Installing the Expansion-Card Cage" in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide . 15.If you disconnected any cables from the expansion cards, reconnect them now. 16.Return the drive tray to the operating position.a. While grasping both sides of the front panel, slide the drive tray toward the system board until it meets resistance.Ensure that cables are not trapped or damaged as you move the drive tray.b.Rotate the drive tray release lever toward the back of the system. c. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, tighten the captive screw that secures the drive tray release lever to the chassis.17.Reinstall the cover.18.If you removed the feet from a tower system, reinstall them now.19.Reconnect the system to the peripherals and electrical outlet, and turn on the system.20.If applicable, reattach the bezel.Removing the System From the RackIf you are removing the control panel from a system in the lowest rack location, follow these instructions to remove the system from the rack.1.Loosen the thumbscrews that secure the front panel to the front vertical rails (at the front of the rack cabinet).2.Pull the system out of the rack on its slide assemblies until the slide assembly lock snaps into place at the fully extended position.3.While pressing the system locking mechanism release button, pull the system forward to release the system from the rack rails. See Figure 1-7.ing two to four people, grasp the system at each corner and lift the system up and out of the slide assemblies. See Figure 1-7.5.The shoulder screws should lift out of the outermost slide section. If you have difficulty, make certain that the shoulder screws in the slide assembly arealigned with their opening on the top of the slide.6.Place the system on a smooth work surface.Figure 1-7. Removing the System from a RackCAUTION: Removing a system from a position high up in the rack cabinet will require up to four people and may require a sturdy, elevatedplatform to stand on. A mechanical lifting platform or similar equipment of the proper capacity may also be useful. If you attempt to remove and lower the system without enough people to safely perform the task, you risk personal injury to yourself and to others and damage to the system.Back to Contents PageDell™ PowerEdge™ 2800 Systems Service -Only Parts Replacement ProceduresNotes, Notices, and CautionsAbbreviations and AcronymsFor a complete list of abbreviations and acronyms, see your Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .Information in this document is subject to change without notice.© 2004 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell , the DELL logo, and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell Inc.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.Back to Contents PageNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.。




































德玛格CC2800-1 NT吊车性能表

德玛格CC2800-1 NT吊车性能表

CC 2800-1NTNarrow-Track Crawler Crane600t capacity classDatasheet metric CC2800-1NTSPECIFICATIONSCC 2800-1NTDescriptionThe CC 2800-1 NT (Narrow-Track) is designed for traveling to the job site on narrow roads with a fully equipped boom system –e.g. in wind parks. The crane operates on outriggers.ComponentsThe CC 2800-1 NT is based on a conventional CC 2800-1 with Quadro crawler drive and quick connection for the superstructure.The standard car body (track width 8.4 m) is replaced by the Narrow-Track-Kit comprising the following:Car body (track width 3.8 m) with front and rear outriggers2 outrigger pads (5 m x 1.4 m) for front/rear outriggers2 sideways outriggers with outrigger pads (3 m x 2.4 m)Counterweight suspension frameControl system with remote control unit and additional graphical color display on the rear of the car bodyFeaturesLow center of gravity due to innovative outrigger design and suspended counterweight.Max. permissible sideways inclination of the crane during traveling is between 2° and 2.4° depending on boom length.Max. gradeability is 10°.The sideways outriggers can be folded upways hydraulically for traveling.The powerful T erex-Quadro crawler drive enables turning on spot.All outrigger pads remain on the outriggers during traveling on the job site.The jack-up cylinders have sufficient stroke (750 mm) to level the crane on terrains with a 2° slope in any direction.The front and rear outriggers with 2 jack-up cylinders provide an outrigger base for erecting and lowering of long boom systems (Patent Pending).Driving and mounting operations with remote control unit; systems diagnostics on graphical color display.2TECHNISCHE DATENCC 2800-1NTBeschreibungDer CC 2800-1 NT (Schmalspur) wurde konzipiert, um mit aufgebautem Ausleger auf schmalen Zugangswegen zu der Einsatzstellezu fahren – z.B. in Windparks. Der Kran wird auf Stützen betrieben.KomponentenDer CC 2800-1 NT basiert auf einem herkömmlichen CC 2800-1 mit Quadro-Raupenantrieb und Schnellverbindung für den Ober -wagen. Das Standard-Mittelstück (Spurweite 8,4 m) wird durch das Narrow-Track-Kit ersetzt, das aus folgenden Komponenten besteht: Mittelstück (Spurweite 3,8 m) mit vorderer und hinterer Stütze2 Stützplatten (5 m x 1,4 m) für vordere und hintere Stütze2 seitliche Stützen mit Stützplatten (3 m x 2,4 m)Distanzrahmen für GegengewichtSteuerungssystem mit Funkfernbedingung und graphischem Farbdisplay am Heck des MittelstücksEigenschaftenNiedriger Höhenschwerpunkt durch innovative Stützenanordnung und tiefer liegendes Gegengewicht.Maximale Seitenneigung des Kranes beim Fahren liegt zwischen 2° und 2,4° – abhängig von der Auslegerlänge.Maximale Steigfähigkeit ist 10°.Die seitlichen Stützen können zum Verfahren hydraulisch nach oben geklappt werden.Durch starken T erex-Quadro Raupenantrieb ist Drehen auf der Stelle möglich.Alle Stützplatten verbleiben während des Verfahrens an den Stützen.Die Stützzylinder haben ausreichend Hub (750 mm), um den Kran auf bis zu 2° geneigtem Gelände auszunivellieren.Die vordere und hintere Stütze verfügt über je 2 Stützzylinder. Dadurch ergibt sich eine vergrößerte Stützbasis zum Aufrichten undA blegen von langen Auslegersystemen (Patent angemeldet).Fahren und Montagevorgänge erfolgen mit der Funkfernsteuerung; das graphische Farbdisplay dient der Systemdiagnose.3CARACTÉRISTIQUESCC 2800-1NTDescriptionLa CC 2800-1 NT (Narrow-Track) est conçue pour effectuer les déplacements sur voies étroites jusqu’au chantier avec un système deflèche entière m ent équipé, comme dans des parcs éoliens par exemple. La grue fonctionne sur stabilisateurs.ComposantsLa CC 2800-1 NT est conçue à partir d’une CC 2800-1 traditionnelle avec un entraînement à chenilles quadro et une connexion rapide de la partie supérieure. La partie centrale standard (largeur de chenilles 8,4 m) est remplacée par le kit Narrow-Track qui comprend les éléments suivants :Partie centrale (largeur de chenilles 3,8 m) avec stabilisateurs avant et arrière2 patins de stabilisation (5 m x 1,4 m) pour les stabilisateurs avant et arrière2 stabilisateurs latéraux avec patins de stabilisation (3 m x 2,4 m)Cadre de suspension à contrepoidsSystème de contrôle à unité de télécommande et affichage graphique couleur à l’arrière de la partie centraleCaractéristiquesCentre de gravité peu élevé grâce à la conception innovante des stabilisateurs et du contrepoids suspendu.L’inclinaison latérale maximale de la grue en translation est de 2° à 2,4° – dépendent de la longueur flèche.Capacité maximale sur rampe est de 10°.Les stabilisateurs latéraux peuvent être repliés vers l’avant via un système hydraulique lors des déplacements.L’entraînement à chenille puissant permet un virage stationnaire.T ous les patins des stabilisateurs restent sur les stabilisateurs pendant le déplacement vers le chantier.Les vérins de levage ont une course suffisante (750 mm) pour niveler la grue dans toutes les directions sur des terrains d’unepente de 2°.Les stabilisateurs avant et arrière dotés de 2 vérins de levage fournissent une base de calage pour la montée et la dépose des ystèmes à flèche longue (brevet en cours).Opérations de conduite et de montage via l’unité de télécommande; diagnostic système sur affichage graphique couleur.4For notes to lifting capacities and symbol key please refer to pages 3 and 69 of the datasheet order nr. TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1-05/11. · Zu Anmerkungen zu den Traglasttabellen und der Zeichenerklärung siehe Seiten 3 und 69 desD atenblatts Best.-Nr. TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1-05/11. · Pour les notes relatives aux capacités de levage et à lal égende, reportez-vous aux pages 3 et 69 de la fiche technique n°TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1-05/11.Outrigger baseStützbasisBase de calage7CC 2800-1NT LIFTING CAPACITIES ·TRAGFÄHIGKEITEN ·CAPACITÉS DE LEVAGECC 2800-1NTEffective Date: May 2011.Product specifications and prices are subject to change without notice or obligation. The photographs and/or drawings in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual for i nstructions on the p roper use of this equipment. F ailure to follow the a ppropriate Operator’s Manual when using our equipment or to otherwise act i rresponsibly may result in s erious injury or death. The only w arranty applicable to our equipment is the standard written warranty a pplicable to the particular product and sale and T erex makes no other warranty, e xpress or i mplied. P roducts and servicesl isted may be trademarks, service marks or trade-names of T erex C orporation and/or its s ubsidiaries in the USA and other countries. All rights are reserved. T erex®is a registered trademark of T erex Corporation in the USA and many other c ountries.Gültig ab: Mai 2011.Produktbeschreibungen und Preise können jederzeit und ohne Verpflichtung zur Ankün d igung geändert werden. Die in diesem Dokument enthaltenen Fotos und/oder Zeichnungen dienen rein anschau l ichen Zwecken. Anweisungen zur ordnungsgemäßen Verwendung dieser Aus rüstung entnehmen Sie bitte dem z ugehörigen B etriebshandbuch. Nicht b efolgung des B etriebshandbuchs bei der Verwendung unserer Produkte oder anderweitig fahrlässiges Verhalten kann zu schwerwiegenden Verletzungen oder T od führen. Für d ieses Produkt wird ausschließlich die e ntsprechende, schriftlich niedergelegte Standardgarantie gewährt. T erex leistet keinerlei darüber hinaus gehende Garantie, weder ausdrücklich noch stillschweigend. Die Bezeichnungen dera ufgeführten P rodukte und Leistungen sind gegebenenfalls Marken, Service m arken oder H an d els n amen der T erex Corporation und/oder ihrer T ochter-gesellschaften in den USA und anderen Ländern. Alle Rechte v orbehalten. …TEREX“ ist eine eingetragene Marke der T erex Corporation in den USA undv ielen anderen Ländern.Date d’effet : Mars 2011.Les spécifications et prix des produits sont sujets à modification sans avis ou obligation. Les photographies et/ou d essins contenus dans ce d ocuments sont uniquement pour illustration. V euillez vous référer à la notice d’utili s ation a ppropriée pour les instructions quant à l’utilisation correcte de cetéquipement. T out manquement au suivi de la notice d’utilisation appropriée lors de l’utilisation de notre équipement ou tout acte a utrement irresponsable peut résulter en blessure corporelle sérieuse ou mortelle La seule garantie applicable à notre équipement est la garantie s tandard écrite applicable à un produit et à une vente spécifique. T erex n’offre aucune autre garantie, expresse ou e xplicite. Les produis et services proposés peuvent être des marquesde fabrique, des m arques de service ou des a ppellations commerciales de T erex Corporation et/ou ses filiales aux Etats Unis et dans les a utres pays,et tous les droits sont réservés. «TEREX» est une marque déposée de T erex Corporation aux Etats Unis et dans de nombreux autres pays.Copyright 2011 T erex CorporationT erex Cranes, Global Marketing, Dinglerstraße 24, 66482 Zweibrücken, GermanyT el. +49 (0) 6332 830, Email: info.cranes@, Brochure Reference: TC-DS-M-E/F/G-CC 2800-1NT-05/11。


CECT的藏镜龙e是一款配置高端,功能完善的智能手机,它 不但具有手机的基本功能,还结合了PDA的扩展功能由于 内置了MByte的FlashROM ,使得e可以存储和处理
大量的信息,特别适用于商务人士的使用,既然是面向 商务领域的使用,那么中电通讯也为用户考虑了商业机 密资料的安全问题,并因此设置了信息加密功能。e可以 将用户的资料,包括电话
,我们就可以发现先前加密的照片都被移到了这里。需 要注意的是,一旦图片被移动到了“保密图库”就不能 被转移出去,只能将它删除。:eZone资料同步e的加密 功能在资料同步上传
中仍然有效。安装随机的eZone软件,并使用数据线连接 到电脑的USB接口,或者通过红外连接到电脑上。在e的 “系统”--“系统工具”--“连接电脑”界面中点击“启 动”。运
簿,日历行程,记事文字,待办事项,个人理财,图片 等几个项目设置为保密状态,并加以密码进行资料的保 护,下面我为大家详细介绍一下e的保密功能。:系统设 置首先,为了能使用e的
加密功能,必须在手机的系统设置中将此项功能开启。 方法是点击“主菜单”--“系统”--“安全密码”,然后选 择“隐藏加密记录”,同时也可以修改加密密码,然后 点击“确定”保存
点。e的记事功能包含了文字、速记和随手画三种选择, 但加密功能只能对文字部分起作用。而在“待办事项” 里的“商务类”、“个人类”的内容也可进行加密;同 时,在“个人理财”中的
“个人贷款”、“日常收支”项的具体内容,机密功能 也能对它们都起到加密作用。:图片对于一些意义重大 的图片和手机拍摄照片,我们还可以把它加入到“保密 图库”保存起来,让别人不
行eZone软件,打开“资料同步”选项,在“同步目标” 栏选择“个人助理”或者“Outlook个人文件夹”。然后 点击eZone软件界面中的“开始同步”进行同步上传。如 果资















高速下载:USB 2.0高速下载。



智能表管理系统单机版简要使用说明(单机版)泰安轻松表计有限公司二零一零年七月目录一、软件安装 ...................................................二、软件操作培训................................................1、系统参数设置..............................................2、操作员管理................................................3、计费价格定义..............................................4、智能表类型定义............................ 错误!未指定书签。

5、开户 .....................................................6、销户 .....................................................7、制作工具卡................................................8、补卡 .....................................................9、换表 .....................................................10、销售 ....................................................11、作废 (6)12、查询 ....................................................三、智能表的基本使用............................................四、软件常见故障处理............................................1 提示通讯方式失败..........................................2 电脑重装系统或系统被还原..................................3、软件换新的电脑安装........................................一、软件安装“下一步”,选择“我接受协议条款”然后单击下一步,再单击下一步,按照提示继续单击下一步,再单击下一步,再单击下一步,再单击下一步,再单击安装,最后单击结束。



华为2800 V3快速配置手册第一章概述 (3)1.1 系统了解 (3)1.2 读者对象 (3)1.3 准备工作 (3)第二章创建虚拟机 (3)2.1 SecureCRT1连接虚拟机 (3)2.2 创建虚拟机 (3)2.3 上传虚拟机操作系统的ISO镜像 (4)第一章概述1.1系统了解◆本文档介绍了华讯一体机快速配置的方法,内容主要包含如下:✓熟悉知晓华讯一体机推荐浏览器、默认IP地址、端口、用户名和密码;✓通过命令创建虚拟机(分配系统内存、CPU资源、硬盘容量);✓安装虚拟机系统(WINDOWS和LINUX);✓安装VMTOOls;✓分配安装虚拟机网络数据端口;✓华讯一体机控制器管理端口的IP地址。


第二章创建虚拟机2.1SecureCRT1连接虚拟机通过SecureCRT1远程访问到服务器,控制卡A=,控制卡B=,接入后更改为安防网本地地址,需要与省行互通;输入管理IP地址、用户名和密码,默认用户名:admin密码Admin@storage2,接入后统一更改为XMJK@xmjk20162.2创建虚拟机命令行输入:create virtual_machine general name=VGSII owner_container_id=0 memory=12GB vcpu_count=8 sys_disk_size=200GB说明:name=VGSII(虚拟机名称),owner_container_id=0(服务器控制器A),memory=12GB(内存12G),vcpu_count=8(CPU 处理器为4核),sys_disk_size=200G(系统硬盘分配100G),创建成功后,可在WEB中查看到添加的虚拟机2.3上传虚拟机操作系统的ISO镜像2.3.1查看ISO文件存放目录输入show vm_file transference_path2.3.2打开SecureFX(X)2.3.3找到上传目录将系统目录修改成/opt/images_store/iso(可复制或手动输入)2.3.4上传操作系统ISO从左侧找到ISO操作系统存放目录,直接拖拽至右侧/opt/images_store/iso目录,直到上传完成。

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●高速下载:USB 2.0高速下载。
