



东芝复印机维修代码大全同时按0和1键打开电源面板指示灯全部点亮,按清除/停止键解除同时按0和2键打开电源机器进入老化方式,显示AG,同时按09键解除同时按0 3或04键打开电源机器进入输入/输出检查方式,显示CH,输入不同的代码可以启动不同的部件,例如03-33暴光灯检查同时按0和6键打开电源强制启动《定影器不加热》同时按0和7键打开电源自动进稿器老化方式,显示AG,按09退出按03/04键同时打开电源,进入输入/输出检查状态显示CH,退出同时按09键1主电机ON 11 OFF2供纸辊离合器ON 12 OFF3定位辊离合器ON 13 OFF6调色剂电机ON 16 OFF7冷却风扇ON 17 OFF10 总计数器按P键20扫描电机按P键移动50% 再按P键200%21 镜头电机按P键移动50%在按P键200%22 反光镜电机按P键移动50%再按P键200%31转印输出按P键ON再按P键OFF32 分离输出按P键ON再按P键OFF33嚗光灯输出按P键ON再按P键OFF34 预转印偏压按P键ON再按P键OFF40 上纸盒电机按P键ON再按P键OFF41 上纸盒供纸离合器按P键ON再按P键OFF43 下纸盒电机按P键ON再按P键OFF44 下纸盒供纸离合器按P键ON再按P键OFF以上是检测代码,一般只使用03/04 05 08,老化方式机器空运转。

1、更换载体同时按05, 打开电源开关, 面板显示AJ, 键入调整模式N按复印允镜鼻爸担?自动)调整,键入修改值,按插入键将修改值存入内存,按3+4 复印--0 TD传感器自动调整--键入0,按复印键鼓和显影器工作大约2分钟面板显示数开始自动改变短时间后显示数停止改变。

--显示值=24(2.4±0.5v), 按插入键存入内存,按09退出---------------- ----------------退出自诊断05 模式: 键入"09"----------清除保养信号------同时按08, 打开电源开关, 面板显示AD, 键入调整模式N按复印键显示当前值,进行(自动)调整,键入修改值,按插入键将修改值存入内存,按3+4 复印----69--PM(保养周期)间隔设定--范围: 0~999,999 缺省值=0---------- 79--当前PM计数显示----范围: 0~999,999 缺省值=0----当79显示的数值达到69设定的数值时保养信号出现,重新设定保养周期可消除保养信号----------------退出自诊断08 设定模式: 键入"09"关于此项的补充0+5开机东芝复印机部分调整代码1 手动曝光调整100% 范围0~255 标准1282 手动曝光调整154% 范围0~255 标准1283 手动曝光调整50% 范围0~255 标准1284 手动曝光调整200% 范围0~255 标准1285 自动曝光调整100% 范围0~255 标准1286 自动曝光调整154% 范围0~255 标准1287 自动曝光调整50% 范围0~255 标准1288 自动曝光调整200% 范围0~255 标准12814 图像曝光调整100% 范围0~255 标准12815 图像曝光调整154% 范围0~255 标准12816 图像曝光调整50% 范围0~255 标准12817 图像曝光调整200% 范围0~255 标准12838 栅偏压输出范围0~255 标准12839 转印电压调整范围0~255 标准12840 分离偏压调整范围0~255 标准12842 栅偏压调整范围0~255 标准128* 49 自动曝光自动调整* 0 自动墨粉调整设置成24* 90 自动墨粉调整范围0~255 标准128 (表示自动墨粉传感器的调整量)0+8开机* 69 PM计数器设置方式0-999,999 初始值0 0:PM计数器无效否则PM请求79 当前PM计数器值0-999,999东芝复印机曝光量调整代码按0、5开机1--手动100%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------2--手动154%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------3--手动50%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------4--手动200%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------5--自动100%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------6--自动154%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------7--自动50%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------8--自动200%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------------------9--曝光量上限调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=255--------10--曝光量下限调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=0--------14--照片100%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------15--照片154%曝光量调整--范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------16--照片50%曝光量调整--范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128--------17--照片200%曝光量调整----范围: 0~255, 缺省值=128----C1--主电机锁住------------------------C21--光学系统没能完成初始化,光学系统锁住------------------------ C26--曝光灯烧坏------------------------C32--开箱(UA)TD传感器自动调整失败------------------------C41--电源接通时,定影热敏电阻异常或者定影灯开路------------------------C43--在预热期间,或者在预热完成后定影热敏电阻异常------------------------C44--在预热期间,或者在预热完成后定影灯开路------------------------C54--分页器-和主CPU通信错误------------------------C55--自动进稿器ADF-和主CPU通信错误------------------------C71--ADF主电机锁住------------------------C72--由定位传感器检测出的不良调整------------------------C73--EEPROM初始化不良------------------------C81--分页器输纸电机异常------------------------C82--分页器斗移位电机异常------------------------C83--分页器上限错误------------------------C84--分页器下限错误------------------------C85--分页器原位传感器错误------------------------C86--分页器移位传感器错误------------------------C94--在(CH,AJ)模式时,光学系统没能完成初始化,光学系统锁住--------------------E1--机内卡纸------E2--定影附近卡纸------E3--电源ON时有纸保留在复印机内------E4--复印期间前门盖被打开------E5--对位辊附近卡纸------E14--下纸盒进纸卡纸------E71--ADF原稿进稿部分卡纸------E72--ADF原稿传输部分卡纸------E73--ADF原稿排出部分卡纸------E75--ADF 2合1(第2张在原稿传输部分)卡纸------E81--分页器输纸部分复印纸到达时间超过卡纸,纸未到达传感器------E82--分页器输纸部分复印纸等待时间超过卡纸,纸停在传感器------1568的误码表“清除卡纸”或“检修请求”符号一闪一闪时,同时按下:“CLEAR/STOP”和“8”键,会显示以下错误码:1.复印机纸路卡纸错误代码内容备考E01复印机机体内卡纸包括旁送卡纸(旁送LED亮)E02定影器附近卡纸E03打开电源时机内卡纸E05未到达定位开关卡纸在PFU供纸通过传输辊之后还是由PPC供纸之后?2.在供纸部分卡纸错误代码内容备考E14下纸盒卡纸(PFU)纸未到达传输辊3.在ADF传输路径中卡纸错误代码内容备考E71在ADF原稿供纸部分卡纸E72在ADF原稿传输部分卡纸E73在ADF原稿排纸部分卡纸E752合1(第2张原稿在供纸部分卡纸)4。


© 2012 东芝泰格有限公司版权所有 根据版权法,在没有得到东芝泰格的书面许可的情况下严禁以任何形式复制本手册。 Nhomakorabea前言
感谢您购买东芝多功能彩色数码复印机。本手册描述如何解决使用设备时发生的问题。请把本手册放在触手可及的地方, 并用它来配置一个能最佳使用 e-STUDIO 功能的环境。 公司拥有手册的最终解释权。手册中的不当之处在所难免,敬请谅解。手册中的相关图片请以实际安装后的图片为准。
前言 1
2 前言
第二章 第三章
前言 ............................................................................................................................................ 1
描述了有利于设备操作的便捷信息。 表示页面所描述的内容与您当前所做的有关。根据需要,参见这些页面。
关于可用的选购件,请参阅随机的 《快速开始手册》中的 “选购件”。
y 根据设备的使用环境,例如:选购件的安装状态,本手册中的屏幕可能会与实际情况不同。 y 本手册中的屏幕以使用 A/B 型纸张为例。如果使用 LT 型纸张时,则按键的显示或顺序可能会与您的设备不同。
清除卡纸 ................................................................................................................................... 14 确定卡纸位置 ....................................................................................................................... 14 清除卡纸 .............................................................................................................................. 15 自动双面输稿器(下部)中的卡纸 ........................................................................................ 16 自动双面输稿器(上部)中的卡纸 ........................................................................................ 17 纸盒供纸区域中的卡纸 ........................................................................................................ 18 大容量供纸器中的卡纸 ........................................................................................................ 19 供纸工作台中的卡纸 ............................................................................................................ 19 第一纸盒中的卡纸................................................................................................................ 20 第二到第四纸盒中的卡纸 ..................................................................................................... 20 大容量供纸器纸盒中的卡纸 ................................................................................................. 21 旁路供纸托盘中的卡纸 ........................................................................................................ 22 自动双面单元中的卡纸 ........................................................................................................ 23 纸张输送通路中的卡纸 ........................................................................................................ 24 定影单元中的卡纸................................................................................................................ 25 作业分类托盘和交错分页托盘中的卡纸 ............................................................................... 27 中继桥单元中的卡纸 ............................................................................................................ 28 内置式整理器和打孔单元中的卡纸....................................................................................... 28 脊缝式装订整理器和打孔单元中的卡纸 ............................................................................... 31 脊缝式装订整理器的脊缝式装订单元中的卡纸..................................................................... 33 清除由错误的纸张尺寸设置引起的卡纸 ............................................................................... 34






一体机培训指导教材第一章:一体机的安装1、安装位置注意事项◆安装环境◆避免阳光直射◆避免过高或过低的温度◆避免灰尘◆放置平稳◆使用机器时避免歪斜2、安装过程注意事项◆使用机器说明中所要求的电源电压◆使用机器专用的电源线◆不要与其他设备共用一根电源3、维护、检查、维修的注意事项◆一定要拔下电源线后再开始维护、维修◆检查时小心切刀部分的刀片,以免划伤手◆点动滚筒时,不要将手伸进机器第二章:一体机特性一、特性1印刷幅面A3/B4(DP-23S)7 丰富的常用功能DP-2930/DP-2940:A3(290*423mm) DP-2530/DP-2540:B4(250*355mm)①简便的原稿缩除了等倍印刷外,放大和缩小还各提供了 三档自动设定。


《 A/B 尺寸模式 》◆缩放设置(70,81,86,115,122,141%)◆100%印刷◆50—500%自由缩放141%[A4→A3 , B5→B4] 放大 121%[A4→B4 , A5→B5]115%[B4→A3 , B5→A4]* DP-2530 DP-2540的最大印刷负面为B42高速制版第一张印刷品完成(A4原稿) DP-2940/DP-2540:21秒 DP-2930/DP-2530:27秒4排纸调整◆缩放设置(64,74,77,121,129,141%) ◆100%印刷◆50—500%自由缩放141%放大 129%[LTR →LDG ]121%[LGL →LDG ]排纸调整架使厚纸与薄纸都能顺畅 的排出。

5 高效灯管采用长寿命、高亮度氙气弧光灯 管照射原稿。

因为灯管的亮度不 受温度变化的影响,所以印刷品 的质量得到极大的提高。

6 操作简便 ②自检功能本纪设有自检系统,当耗材需更换时,与之 相关的设在控制面板上的指示灯将会闪烁, 以提醒用户更换耗材。


通过使用小盖板下的非常用键使操作 简单化。

RS-232C Adapter (Model 91100-85) 用户指南说明书

RS-232C Adapter (Model 91100-85) 用户指南说明书

RS-232C Adapter(Model 91100-85)USER GUIDE68X343601 Rev 1 05/07CONTENTSBefore You Begin... (1)Devices that can be used with this RS232 Adapter (1)What this adapter enables you to do (1)What you need before using the adapter (1)Connecting Your RS232C Adapter (2)Setting Up Your Devices (3)Setting Up Your Thermo Devices (4)91100-50 DuaLogR Set-Up (4)93210-50 and 93410-50 ThermoLogR Set-Up (4)37003-02 HumidityLogR Set-Up (5)Transferring Live Readings (5)Transferring Stored Readings (5)WINDOWS XPHYPERTERMINAL Set-Up (5)Port Settings for all other models (6)Troubleshooting (6)Accessories (7)BEFORE YOU BEGIN…Devices that can be used with this RS232 Adapter:91100-50 DuaLogR Thermocouple Thermometer93210-50 ThermoLogR Thermister Thermometer93410-50 ThermoLogR RTD Thermometer37003-02 HumidityLogR ThermohygrometerpH/ ORP/ Ion/ Conductivity/ TDS/ Salinity/ Resistivity/ Dissolved Oxygen Handheld Meters:PCD 650PC 650 & PD 650CD 650pH 620, 610 & 600COND 610, 600 & DO 600What this adapter enables you to do:The RS232 Adapter receives your data via Infrared signals and lets you print directly through a PC or a microprinter.What you need before using the adapter:•Your computer must have a serial communications port that can be set at 300, 600,1200, 2400 baud.•Your computer must have Windows Terminal, WindowsHyperterminal or other compatible RS232 programs. However, itis NOT compatible with the Cybercomm software.CONNECTING YOUR RS232C ADAPTERIf you are connecting to a Laptop or computer, please use the 9-pin plug.1)Connect the phone jack cable to your RS232C adapter and theother end to the 9-pin connector plug or 25-pin connector plug.2)If using a PC, ensure that your PC is plugged into a power sourceor has sufficient battery power.3)If using the microprinter, plug in the power supply adapter to apower source and connect the cable to the microprinter.*Important: Please ensure that the RS232 adaptor shows ared light.NOTE: There is no need for a separate power supply for the RS232Cadapter as it will be automatically powered by the PC or the microprinter’s main power supply once you connect them.SETTING UP YOUR DEVICESFor 600 series devices:PCD 650, PC 650 & PD 650CD 650, pH 620, 610 & 600COND 610, 600 & DO 600In order to start printing on your Microprinter, you must first configure your device to be compatible with it. Please follow these steps:1)Turn your device on.2)With the e or f arrows, shift the bar till you see SETP on thescreen and select it using the corresponding “F” button.3)Then press ENTER to proceed.4)You will see the word SYSTEM. Press ENTER again to select it.5)Using the correct “F” button, select NEXT-P three times until youreach SYSTEM –PAGE 4.6)At this page, select PRINT MODE and change IrDA to LED byusing the c or d arrows.7)Then hit ENTER to move one step down to DATA FORMAT.8)If you’re printing on a PC with the Hyperterminal* software or onthe microprinter, change the format to TEXT using the c or darrows.9)Hit F4 to exit.10)Face the device’s infrared window (usually on the left side ofdevice) directly to the RS232 Adapter’s infrared window. *Do NotMove These Positions During Printing.11)To print, simply use the e or f arrows to scroll until you seePRIN.12)Turn on your microprinter and select PRIN using the correct “F”button.NOTE: Before printing, please refer to manual for microprinter to configure it with a BAUD rate of 2400 BAUD, 8 data bits, parity = none, stop bits =1.*This adapter only works on Hyperterminal and NOT Cybercomm software.SETTING UP YOUR THERMO DEVICESFor these devices: 91100-50 DuaLogR Thermocouple Thermometer93210-50 ThermoLogR Thermister Thermometer93410-50 ThermoLogR RTD Thermometer37003-02 HumidityLogR Thermohygrometer 91100-50 DuaLogR Set-UpThe interval may be set to any time from once every 3 seconds to once every hour. This example will set the thermometer to print live readings once every 3 seconds.1.Press SETUP, then PRINT. The display indicates“minutes:seconds” with the last printing interval setup shown.The seconds will be flashing.2.Press MAX (up) or MIN (down), until the flashing digits indicate“03” seconds.3.Press HOLD (enter). The display will show the minutes flashing.4.Press HOLD again. The large upper display will show “HP”, “300”or “600”.5.Press MAX until “600” shows (use “300” for HYPERTERMINAL) inthe upper display.6.Press SETUP to exit.Aim the top of the unit at the red window of the adapter at a distance of 12 inches or less.93210-50 and 93410-50 ThermoLogR Set-UpThe interval may be set to any time from once every 3 seconds to once every hour. This example will set the thermometer to print live readings once every 3 seconds.1.Press SETUP, then PRINT. The display indicates“minutes:seconds” with thest printing interval setup shown. The seconds will be flashing.3.Press MAX (up) or MIN (down), until the flashing digits indicate“03” seconds.4.Press HOLD (enter). The display will show the minutes flashing.5.Press HOLD again. The large upper display will show “HP”, “300”,“600”, “1200” or “2400”.6.Press MAX until “2400” shows in the upper display.7.Press SETUP to exit.Aim the top of the unit at the red window of the adapter at a distance of 12 inches or less.437003-02 HumidityLogR Set-UpThe interval may be set to any time from once every 4 seconds to once every hour.This example will set the thermohygrometer to print live readings once every 4 seconds.Press SETUP, then PRINT. The display indicates “minutes:seconds” with the last printing interval setup shown. The seconds will be flashing.1.Press MAX (up) or MIN (down), until the flashing digits indicate“04” seconds.2.Press HOLD (enter). The display will show the minutes flashing.3.Press HOLD again. The large upper display will show “HP”, “300”,“600”, “1200” or “2400”.4.Press MAX until “2400” shows in the upper display.5.Press SETUP to exit.Aim the top of the unit at the red window of the adapter at a distance of 12 inches or less.Transferring Live ReadingsTo begin data transfer, press PRINT. Whenever the “PRINT” annunciator is displayed on the unit, and the red light inside the RS-232 adapter is blinking, data should appear on your computer screen.Transferring Stored ReadingsThe “STO” annunciator on the unit’s display indicates that readings are stored in memory. Press RECALL then PRINT to begin data transfer. “RCL” and “PRINT” annunciators will be on the thermometer display, and the number of readings remaining to be transferred will count down. The red light inside the RS232 adapter should be blinking.WINDOWS XP Hyperterminal Set-up1. Click on Accessories, select Communications, then Hyperterminal.2. Under NAME: Enter a name for your file and click on OK.3. Under CONNECT USING: Choose COM1.3. Click on OK.4. Under COM1 PROPERTIES: Enter 2400, hit Tab, 8, hit Tab, None, hit Tab,and 1.5. Click on OK.6. Check that the red light inside the window of the adapter is on.7. Align the infrared windows and select PRIN.5Port Settings for all other models:Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Flow Control Stop Bits 2400 8 None None 11) Click on OK. A red light should now be visible in the window of the RS-232C adapter.2) To transfer the data, click on “Transfer”. Then “Capture Text”.3) Enter a descriptive file name and click OK.4) Press PRINT on the DuaLogR (see below). When all of the data has transferred click on “Transfer”, “Capture Text”, then “Stop”.The next time you run HYPERTERMINAL, you may select DuaLogR.ht. The HYPERTERMINAL program will automatically be configured as above. Then, if the “Connection Description” window pops up, just click on “Cancel”.TROUBLESHOOTINGWhen incorrect or random characters appear on your screen, move the adaptor away or shield it from other types of light sources such as fluorescent lighting, as they may interfere with the data transfer.ACCESSORIESOrder Code Part No. Description01X344202 01X344202 RS232 (LED) Interface Adaptor(for Meter to PC/MicroprinterCommunication) ECMICROPRNTR01 01X230001 Serial Impact Microprinter (110VAC)ECMICROPRNTR02 01X230002 Serial Impact Microprinter (220VAC)ECMICROPRNTRO2CLK 01X230004 Serial Impact Microprinter withReal Time Clock (220 VAC) ECMICROPRNTRO1CLK 01X230005 Serial Impact Microprinter(110/120 VAC) power adapter。

Planar PS Series 4K Displays RS232用户手册说明书

Planar PS Series 4K Displays RS232用户手册说明书

RS232 User Manual Planar PS Series 4K DisplaysPS5074KPS5074KTPS5574KPS5574KTPS6574KPS6574KTCopyright © September 2019 by Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. and Planar Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.This document may not be copied in any form without permission from Leyard or Planar. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.Trademark CreditsWindows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.All other companies are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. DisclaimerThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Leyard and Planar Systems, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the Company shall not be liable for errors or omissions contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.Warranty and Service PlansPlanar warranty and service plans will help you maximize your investment by providing great support, display uptime, and performance optimization. From post-sale technical support, to a full suite of depot services, our services are performed by trained employees. When you purchase a Planar product, you get more than a display; you get the service and support you need to maximize your investment. To find the latest warranty and service information regarding your Planar product, please visit /support or /en/support/Part Number: 020-1383-00ATable of ContentsRS232 Codes (4)1.RS232 Command Format (4)2.Connection Setting (6)mand Tables (7)4.Example (17)Accessing Planar’s Technical Support Website (18)RS232 CodesRS232 control is not necessary for operation but is a convenient way to control displays from a computer at a distance. Most things you can do with the remote, you can do with RS232 commands.Plus, you can send inquiries to the displays and find out the current settings and values.1. RS232 Command FormatCommands sent from the initiator to the follower must have the following format:(www:xyz) [CR]Where:●‘(‘ and ‘)’ indicate the start and end of the command data. If these characters are present,the command processor shall assume that “valid” command data is present in the command string.If these characters are not present in the command, the command processor shall assume the data is not valid command data and ignore it.●“www” indicates the command code. This field is case insensitive (i.e. “PWR”,“pwr” and“PwR” should all be treated as “PWR”).●“:x” is the destination parameter. This is an optional parameter that indicates which memorythe command is referencing. This parameter is reserved and shall not be used at this time.●“y” is the operand, which can have one of the following values:o‘?’ = “Get” operando‘=’ = “Set” operando‘+’ = “Increment” operando‘-‘ = “Decrement” operand●“z” is the value to set for this parameter. It can have one of two formats:o Integer value: Any positive or negative number (example: 100)o String value: Any string surrounded by double quotes (example: “This is a string”)●“[CR]” is the ASCII carriage return key (0x0D).Responses sent from the follower to the initiator shall have the following format:(u;www:x=z) [CR]Where:●‘(‘ and ‘)’ indicate the start and end of the command data. If these characters are present,the command processor shall assume that “valid” command data is present in the command string. If these characters are not present in the command, the command processor shall assume the data is not valid command data and ignore it.●“u;” indicates the response code. This is only used by followers responding to a validcommand received. For any response code other than 0, the follower shall echo back the command received rather than filling in the fields listed below. The following response codes can be used:o0 = Command successfully processedo 1 = Unknown command codeo 2 = Invalid operatoro 3 = Destination parameter not supportedo 4 = Setting not availableo 5 = Setting value not availableo 6 = Setting value not supportedo7 = String too longo8 = Command not supported in standby modeo9 = Invalid parametero10 = Error processing commando11 = Password not entered●“www” indicates the command code sent by the follower. This field is case insensitive (i.e.“PWR”, “pwr” and “PwR” should all be treated as “PWR”).●“:x” is the destination parameter. This is an optional parameter that indicates which memorythe response is referencing. This parameter is reserved and shall not be used at this time.●“z” is the new value (for set/increment/decrement commands) or the current value (for getcommands) for this parameter. It can have one of two formats:●Integer value: Any positive or negative number (example: 100)●String value: Any string surrounded by double quotes (example: “This is a string”)●“[CR]” is the ASCII carriage return key (0x0D).2. Connection SettingThe RS232 connection must use the following settings:The display’s RS232 connector is wired in the straight through configuration, with the pinout as follows:●Pin 2: Tx out●Pin 3: Rx in●Pin 5: Ground●Shell: Ground●All other pins: No connectNote: RS232 commands over LAN can be achieved by opening a TCP connection on Port 23 to the display.Note: RS232 and LAN functionality will not work in standby mode if Power Saving Config is set to Wake on VGA. Use another Power Saving Config selection if RS232 or LAN support is needed.Consult the Planar PS Series 4K Displays User Manual for more information.3. Command TablesNote: Certain commands are only available in later versions of firmware. Please upgrade to the latest firmware version if unsupported commands are encountered.4. ExamplePower ControlTurn monitor power on [CMD: PWR][Command] : (PWR?) [CR][Response] : (0;PWR=1) [CR]Turn monitor power off [CMD: PWR][Command] : (PWR=0) [CR][Response] : (0;PWR=0) [CR]Display AdjustmentIncrease brightness from 24 to 25 to monitor [CMD: BRI] [Command] : (BRT+) [CR][Response] : (0;BRT=25) [CR]Other ControlInvalid command code [CMD: ZZZ][Command] : (ZZZ=0) [CR][Response] : (1;ZZZ=0) [CR]Invalid parameter (string instead of int) [CMD: CON][Command] : (CON=”Some string”) [CR][Response] : (9;CON=”Some string”) [CR]Accessing Planar’s Technical Support Website Go to /support to locate the following support documents and resources: • User Guide• RS232 User Manual• Touchscreen drivers• Standard warranties• Planar support hotline number and email。




目录一、简介1.1 电磁加热原理1.2 088系列简介二、原理分析2.1 特殊零件简介2.1.1 LM339集成电路2.1.2 IGBT2.2 电路方框图2.3 主回路原理分析2.4 振荡电路2.5 IGBT激励电路2.6 PWM脉宽调控电路2.7 同步电路2.8 加热开关控制2.9 VAC检测电路2.10 电流检测电路2.11 VCE检测电路2.12 浪涌电压监测电路2.13 过零检测2.14 锅底温度监测电路2.15 IGBT温度监测电路2.16 散热系统2.17 主电源2.18辅助电源2.19 报警电路三、故障维修3.1 故障代码表3.2 主板检测标准3.2.1主板检测表3.2.2主板测试不合格对策3.3 故障案例3.3.1 故障现象1一、简介1.1 电磁加热原理电磁灶是一种利用电磁感应原理将电能-磁能-热能的厨房电器。


1.2 088系列简介088系列是由东芝电子技术开发制造厂设计开发的新一代电磁炉,介面有LED发光二极管显示模式、LED数码显示模式、LCD液晶显示模式、VFD荧光显示模式机种。


P232 Plus 用户手册说明书

P232 Plus 用户手册说明书

Safety InformationBefore you use, operate, dissemble the product, or change or remove any parts, components or materials of the product, please ensure that you carefully read this P232 User's Manual ("Manual") and the safety instructions described below, and strictly follow the instructions of such safety information.If there is any question regarding the product and you feel the information provided in the Manual does not provide adequate assistance in terms of solving the problem you are facing, please contact our customer service staff immediately for professional assistance with troubleshooting.For your own safety, HiTi Digital, Inc. (”HiTi”) strongly recommends the use of HiTi manufactured and/or designated consumables, accessories, or peripherals of the product ONLY. HiTi DOES NOT GUARANTEE, implied or expressly, the compatibility of the product with any non-HiTi made consumables, accessories, or periphrals. Using any non-HiTi made/designated consumables, accessories, or peripherals which are intended for the product only may damage the product, and/or causes personal injuries and property damages to the user and/or any third parties.DO NOT ALLOW MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF 12 TO USE, OPERATE, HANDLE OR STRORE THE PRODUCT AND/OR ITS BATTERY AND CHARGER PACK.ALL USE, OPERATION, HANDLING OR STORING OF THE PRODUCT, ITS BATTERY AND CHARGER PACK, AND ANY OTHER CONSUMABLE OR ACCESSORIES BY ADOLESCENTS ABOVE 12 SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN THE PROPER PRESENCE AND CONSTANT SUPERVISION OF FULLY CAPABLE LEGAL GUARDIANS. THE MANUAL AND ALL THE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS THEREIN SHALL BE READ TO SUCH ADOLESCENTS PRIOR TO ANY USE, OPERATION, HANDLING OR STORAGE OF PRODUCT OR ITS BATTERY AND CHARGER PACK.PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURIES OR DAMAGES IN PERSON OR PROPERTY IN ANY FORM, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCURRED DUE TO USER'S FAILURE TO FOLLOW STRICTLY THE INFORMATION AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED IN THE MANUAL, OR DUE TO ANY USE OF PRODUCT FOR UNINTENDED PURPOSES. The printer may cease printing for a while when temperature is high.NoticeHereby HiTi declares that Pringo P232 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.FCC NoticeYou are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment complies with the FCC/IC radiation exposure limits sent forth for uncontrolled equipment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement C to OET62 and RSS-102 for the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that is deemed to comply without maximum permissive exposure evaluation (MPE). But it is desirable that it should be installed and operated with at least 20cm or more between the radiator and person's body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet, and ankles).This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause interference, and(2)this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Battery WarningsPlease be advised that charging the product and/or its originally supplied battery with any means, accessories, peripherals, or components other than the HiTi-made/designated charger can directly lead to overheating, meltdown and/or explosion of battery, and thereby causing damages of the product and the personal injuries and/or property damages to the user and/or any third parties.KEEP THE PRODUCT (WHEN IN USE OR OTHERWISE), AWAY FROM MINORS AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO PERFORM CHARGING OR USE THE PRODUCT WITHOUT PROPER PRESENCE AND SUPERVISION OF ADULTS.Please follow strictly all the instructions and safety precautions (including but not limited to correct use, proper handling, etc.) Any improper or incorrect use, or handling of the battery of the product may cause injuries and damages to the user or third parties, and HiTi will NOT be liable for any such damages or liabilities of any form.If the owner of the product should decide to allow any third party to use the product, including but not limited to handling, maintaining, storing, or charging/discharging the product, it would be the owner's sole responsibility to request such third party user o read carefully and follow strictly the instructions and safety precautions prescribed in the Manual. The owner should be fully responsible or any injuries/ damages caused to said third party-user and allow such third party user to use at the product owner's own risk.Battery CautionsThe battery shall be charged or discharged within a range of temperature 0-40 (32-104 ). If the battery is charged at the temperature out of the specified range, leakage, heat generation or other damage may be caused.Do not use the battery in other product.Do not drop or impact the battery.Do not attempt to disassemble or open, crush, deform, puncture, shred or alter the battery.Do not apply water or liquid of any kind to the battery.Store the battery well out of the reach of children; or, supervise children battery usage,Store the battery in an indoor location with low relative humidity and between the temperature of 0-25 (32-77 ). If the battery is subject to store more than 3 months, it is recommended to recharge the battery periodically.Do not use a battery that appears damaged or deformed, has any rust on it casting, is discolored, overheats, or emits a foul odor.Keep metallic conductive objects away from battery terminals. Metal objects in contact with the connectors can cause a short circuit and damage.Immediately flush water over parts of the body of clothing that come into contact with the inner contents of a battery if the outer casing incurs damage. If any of the substances should contact internal tissues, such as eyes or the mouth, immediately flush with water and seek medical assistance.Improper use of the battery may result in a fire, explosion, or other such hazards.Take extra precautions to keep a leaking battery away from fire. There is a danger of ignition or explosion.Promptly dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations.Copyrights & Disclaimer of WarrantiesAll rights reserved. The information contained in this user manual is subject to change without notice. HiTi makes no warranty with regard to the material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. HiTi Digital, Inc. will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of the material.iOS and App Store are a trademark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. All other trade names and trademarks are properties of their respective owners.Disclaimer of USER’S MANUALYOU acknowledge that nothing in MANUAL gives YOU a right to use any of HiTi’s trademarks, service marks, product or service names, slogans, and logos or images unless YOU have agreed otherwise in writing with HiTi. The information contained in this MANUAL is subject to change without notice. YOU acknowledge that HiTi reserves the right to modify the MANUAL at any time, and each such modification shall be effective upon posting on the WEBSITE (http:), and such reference shall constitute an integral part of the MANUAL and warranty. YOUR continued use of the WEBSITE following any such modification will be deemed YOU agree to be bound by and YOUR acceptance of the modified Content. It is therefore important that YOU read and visit this WEBSITE on a regular basis to ensure YOU are updated as to the applicable MANUAL and related notices. If YOU do not agree to be bound by these NOTICES and to abide by all applicable law, YOU must discontinue using the WEBSITE immediately and contact our customers’ service about your problem.Power button LEDSolid White Ready to printBlink White PrintBlink Red ErrorLED shows the status of the printer. You may also tap in the App to check for printer status and troubleshooting instructions.For complete instructions, please refer to the section “troubleshooting” on P . 9.Paper door Paper door latch(Pringo APP will show the errormessage: run out of paper orribbon, etc.. It will disappearonce fill in)Solid Orange Low BatterySolid Blue ChargingSolid Blue and White: Charging and ready to print. Charging while turning on the printer Note: it won't charge the printerwhile printing. Once finish theprinting, it will then begin tocharge (Please note thecharger is 5V 2A).Solid Blue and White: Charging and ready to print. Note: it can not print while thebattery is too lowcharger is 5V2A).Charging while turning on the printer (Low battery) Ribbon doorConnect Prinhome via NFC: (Android system supported only.) 1.Please switch on NFC on your mobile or2. Touch the printer on logo with your deice. Notice: Make sure your device is switchedon and screen unlocked.3.NFC will wake up Prinhome APP automatically and create connection with the Printer.The battery is not fully charged at shipment. Charge the battery before use.Charging time: 3.5 hours using the supplied adapter (5V,2A)(excluded) Charging time may be longer when charged with PC, other low-power USB port or other adapter.The printer may print 50 sheets continuously with a fully charged battery*Unplug the charger when not in use*Under the condition of Hi Ti laboratory testNoteThe printing head needs to be heat up in order to perform the intended functions of the product properly. Therefore it is inevitable that the printing head becomes HOT WHILE PRINTING. DO NOT TOUCH THE PRINTING HEAD DURING PRINTING PROCESS! DO NOT TOUCH THE PRINTING HEAD RIGHT BEFORE OR AFTER THE PRINTING PROCESS! Touching the printing head is likely to cause additional damages to the product, other than jeopardizing the product user's, or any other third party's, personal safety.detachable border toward the paper door latchNoteWorks only with HiTi printing kits.Please always load 5 photo papers when paper tray is empt y.Only hold the paper by its margins; avoid touching the printer surface with your fingers. Do not reuse paper for printing on the blank partTurning on & off the printerpress 1 secondPower offpress 3 secondsOn iOS device On Android devicescan barcodePlease download and installthe App on your mobile devicebefore printing.Search for “Pringo” in Google Play2.Connect to the printerNoteYou may change SSID (network name) and setuppassword in “Printer Settings” inthe App.Due to the restriction of network architecture, your mobile device may not connect via WiFi and to 3G network simultaneously.Take a new picture or select any photo from album in the App.If your mobile device is not connected to Pringo P232 Plus:I. Connect to printer via WiFi in WiFi settings on your mobile device (see section “Connecting the mobile device with the printer” on p8)II. Return to the App and tap to send the photo to print again.Printing quality may be affected by the available RAM on your device.The photo makes 5 passes in and out of the printer. Please do not touch or pull the paper before printing isPick up each photo manually before sending another image for printing.DURING PRINTING. DO NOT TOUCH PRINTING HEAD IN ANY WAY DURING, RIGHT BEFORE, OR RIGHT AFTER PRINTING. Failure to followthese safety instructions may cause damages to the product and/or jeopardize the user's or third party'spersonal safety.Make sure the paper exit slot is clear from obstacle.Handle the printer with care to preserve its life. Do not drop the printer or hit it against a hard object.Damage caused by human abuse or improper usage is excluded from the warranty.Please wipe the glass on printer head back and forth with alcohol prep pad 2 times gently after every100 prints. You may continue printing until the alcohol evaporates and any remaining fibers areremoved from the printer head. Please be noted that fibers on the printing head may cause printoutdefects (such as banding).After connecting your mobile device with the printer via WiFi, you may find the information about the App, printer firmware, printer battery and other settings here.•Firmware Version•Read the details of the update and updatemanually.•Please don’t turn off the printer or remove thebattery during updating.•Printer will reboot automatically when finishingupdate.•Auto Power Off•Printer will be shutdown automatically when idlefor more than 3 minutes by default. You maychange or turn off the setting.•The longer Auto Power Off setting is the morepower will be consumed while idle (battery lifemay be affected by the setting).•Printer WiFi Settings•You can change printer WiFi SSID (networkname) to a more memorable name in the setting.•Setting up password may help to prevent yourprinter from unauthorized printing.If a problem occurs with the printer (when LED flashes RED),please always tap for instruction of troubleshooting.When the problem is solved, send the photo again for printing and follow the steps to remove the errorClose the ribbon door or insert a ribbon1. Change a ribbon2. Tap ‘OK’ in App and send the photo to print again.1. Load paper to the paper tray2. Tap ‘OK’ in App and send the photo to print again.1. Tap ‘OK’ in App, jammed paper will be ejected automatically.If jammed paper is not ejected automatically, Please.Turn off theprinter and pull out paper gently↓If a gentle tug is not sufficient to remove the paper, please contactcustomer support help desk or your distributor. Do not remove jammedpaper/ribbon by force. The printer could be damaged.Make sure you are using the App “Pringo” to update printer firmware; if theproblem persists, please contact customer service support help desk.Wait for about 8 seconds after turning on the printer.Do not use the printer near a device that used 2.4 GHz frequency bandsuch as a microwave oven or Bluetooth since it will cause radio waveinterference.Place the printer and mobile device close and do not place any objectbetween them.1. Press RESET swtich with the tip of an unfolded paper clip forabout 3 second to reset the printer to factory default settings.2. Connect to the printer with factory default settings after automaticreboot.↓Be sure to install the battery and power on the printer before reset.Recharge the battery with the supplied battery chargerWait for a few seconds the printer to cool downPrinting resolution290 x 290 dpi256 GradationsPhoto Format JPEG2" x 3.4" (54x86mm)Printing time About 60 secs157 x 99 x 28 mmWeight About 398g ± 10gDC 7.4VOperation temperature15 - 3220% RH - 90% RHBattery pack Voltage 7.4VCapacity 2600 mAhInput 100-240V 50/60Hz Max 0.2A Output 5V 2A。



PFP 下纸盒进纸传感器:
PFP 下纸盒卡纸 (纸张未达到 PFP 下纸盒供纸传 感器): 未到达 PFP 下纸盒供纸传感器
13-[04.SENSORTEST]、传感器是否异常、相关接口 及线束、主板 PFP 下纸盒进纸离合器:04-228、离合器是否异常、 相关线束、PFP 板、主板 PFP 下纸盒搓纸棍、分离辊、进纸辊是否有磨损
通过 PFP 下纸盒供纸传感器后未
代码 E32 E35
E36 E40 E41
分类 纸张输送卡纸
盖板打开 导致的卡纸
盖板打开 导致的卡纸
PFP 上纸盒输送卡纸
PFU 供纸传感器:03-[INTERRUPT]OFF/[7]/[5]、
打印期间,打开了 PFU 盖板
纸张输送卡纸 (ADU 部分)
未到达 ADU 传感器造成卡纸: 纸张返回出口部分后未到达 ADU 传感器
ADU 传感器:13-[04.SENSORTEST], 传感器及线 束连接、ADU 板、主板 ADU 内各辊是否磨损,相关纸路是否有异常
主电机 LED 灯不亮:检查相关线束连接,主板
CN305-B8 主电机锁死信号是否一直为低电平
CPU 输入电压引脚 IC24-12 是否一直为低电平
PFP 电机:



东芝232维修手册东芝E-STUDIO 232维修知识和技能1、错误代码查看同时按下“8” + “Clear”键,查看错误代码。






C010 -是相关的驱动系统,传感器或离合器C260 -扫描单元相关的,曝光灯,灯控板,电机传感器。

C410 -定影相关,定影灯,热保险,热敬电阻,輕。

C550 -信号传输相关,电路板或者接插连线。

C730 -输稿器相关,电机。

C940 -电路相关,主CPU, LGC板,DRV板,高压板。

C970 -高压传输相关,主充漏电。

CA10 -激光单元相关,多棱镜电机,激光二极管。

CB20 -文件处理器相关。

CDFO -错位接收盘(没检测到原始位置)。

CF60 -废粉回收相关(通过SM 2-17, SW9废粉传感器检查)。


F070 -F100 -硬盘(尝试格式化08-690) oF110 -主CPU与扫描板通信错误。


电子归档功能的错误代码(2Bxx)电子邮件功能的错误代码(2Cxx)文件共享功能的错误代码(2Dxx)电子邮件接收的错误代码(3Axx到3Fxx)2、扫描相关错误代码C260灯控板,曝光灯或明暗校正板相关C270, C280扫描电机或原位传感器输出测试03-261扫描电机测试03-264/265扫描电机冷却风扇03-267曝光灯输出测试(在安装输稿器时检查安装位置用到)调整及设定05[308]将灯架复原到初始原位03[305-340]扫描器部分调整08E312-314]扫描计数器3、鼓清洁/处理单元高压控制600V的预转印高压同样山高压板生成。


错误代码C970高压传输异常(检查是否有主充高压漏电)调整代码05[210]主充电压测试809, 826, 864, 865, 866, 867]主充电压设置08[805-05[220, 221, 222]转印电压测试08[833-837, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863] 转印电压设置05[233, 234, 235]分离电压测试拆卸与安装(实践操作)与e-studio 230/280通用,也采用了整体处理单元。



Safety.book Page 1 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PMђ㣓⭫㝇 ⭞⭞ 䈭䰻䈱Safety.book Page 2 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PMSafety.book Page 3 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PM3目录简介 (5)安全使用电脑、组件和附件 (6)电源 (6)通信 (12)主机 (14)系统/外设 (20)如何更舒适地使用电脑 (25)良好的工作姿势 (25)使用外接键盘、鼠标或显示器操作电脑 (26)打字方式 (27)休息及变换工作任务 (27)移动过程中使用电脑的提示 (27)搬运电脑 (27)寻求额外的帮助 (28)检查清单 (28)您购买的电脑系统可能会带有包含最先进的数据存储技术的可刻录和/或可擦写光盘驱动器及相关软件。

同其它新技术一样,您必须先阅读并遵循随附的或以电子方式提供的相关用户指南和/ 或手册中所有的设置及使用指引。








Safety.book Page 4 Friday, March 24, 2017 4:35 PM4商标Wi-Fi是Wi-Fi Alliance的注册商标。



东芝232282维修手册东芝232282维修手册第一章:介绍- 产品概述- 产品特点- 产品规格第二章:安全注意事项- 电气安全注意事项- 使用安全注意事项- 维修安全注意事项第三章:组件和部件- 外部部件结构图- 内部组件结构图- 组件和部件列表第四章:故障排除- 常见故障现象- 故障排除流程1、故障现象描述2、故障可能原因3、故障排除步骤第五章:维修方法- 维修工具和设备- 维修步骤1、拆解组件2、更换故障部件3、组装部件4、功能测试第六章:常见问题解答- 常见问题和解决方案列表第七章:维护保养- 日常维护保养措施- 定期维护保养方法第八章:技术支持- 客户服务热线- 技术支持联系方式附件:1、外部部件结构图2、内部组件结构图3、组件和部件清单4、保养记录表法律名词及注释:1、侵权:指违反他人合法权益的行为,包括但不限于侵犯著作权、商标权、专利权等。










PD230用户手册NORTECH 国际公司版权© 1996文档号 : 301UM0004-02出版日期 : 1997年3月目录1. 引言 (1)2. 技术参数 (2)2.1 功能参数 (2)2.2 电气参数 (3)2.3 环境参数 (3)2.4 机械参数 (3)3. 操作说明 (4)3.1 硬件安装 (4)3.2 开关设置选择 (5)3.2.1 频率选择 (5)3.2.2 灵敏度 (5)3.2.3 自动灵敏度提高 (6)3.2.4 存在时间 (6)3.2.5 复位开关 (6)3.2.6 内部连接选择 (6)3.3 前面板指示 (7)4. 操作指南 (8)4.1 检测器调谐 (8)4.2 检测器灵敏度 (9)4.3 操作模式 (9)4.4 响应时间 (10)5. 安装指导 (11)5.1 操作影响 (11)5.2 线圈和馈线的规格 (12)5.3 感应线圈的几何尺寸 (12)5.4 线圈安装 (12)6. 配置 (15)6.1 PD231 检测器 (15)6.2 PD232 检测器 (15)6.3 PD234 检测器 (16)7. 应用 (17)8. 客户故障分析 (18)8.1 发现的故障 (18)8.2 DU100-检测器诊断仪 (19)8.3 功能测试 (20)1. 引言PD230是基于微处理器设计的用于停车场和车辆出入控制的双通道车辆检测器。




























东芝 STUDIO 182 212 242 说明书

东芝 STUDIO 182 212 242 说明书







前言 1用户注意事项在选定了安装e-STUDIO182/212/242的合适位置后,请不要再改变这个位置。



根据IEC60825-1:1993/EN 60825-1.1994及补充说明,该单元为等级1激光产品。

该单元使用激光二极管输出为5 mW、波长785 nm和连续脉冲。




2 用户注意事项在阅读本手册之前手册系列这些手册用于e-STUDIO182/212/242。













同时按0 3或04键打开电源机器进入输入/输出检查方式,显示CH,输入不同的代码可以启动不同的部件,例如03-33暴光灯检查同时按0和6键打开电源强制启动《定影器不加热》
0 TD传感器自动调整--
0."5v),按插入键存入内存,按09退出---------------- ----------------






东芝系列维修手册第一章:介绍1.1 使用目的1.2 范围和适用性1.3 术语和缩写第二章:产品概述2.1 产品特点2.2 硬件规格2.3 软件规格2.4 外观设计2.5 附件列表第三章:维修流程3.1 常见故障诊断3.2 维修所需工具3.3 打开设备3.4 组件拆卸和更换3.5 组件固定和连接3.6 维修完成测试第四章:维护与保养4.1 清洁指南4.2 电源管理4.3 防尘处理4.4 温度和湿度要求4.5 停电和断电保护第五章:常见问题解决方案5.1 无法启动设备5.2 屏幕显示问题5.3 声音问题5.4 网络连接问题5.5 外部设备无法识别5.6 其他常见问题第六章:故障代码和解决办法6.1 硬件故障代码6.2 软件故障代码6.3 解决办法和故障排除步骤第七章:维修记录与保修7.1 维修记录表格7.2 保修政策和流程7.3 延长保修计划第八章:维修安全与注意事项8.1 电源安全8.2 维修过程中的安全注意事项8.3 设备维护与保养注意事项8.4 废弃设备处理第九章:常见维修工具使用说明9.1 螺丝刀9.2 钳子9.3 测量工具9.4 探头和夹子9.5 清洁工具第十章:常见故障案例及处理方法10.1 故障现象描述10.2 故障原因分析10.3 解决措施和步骤结论本手册详细介绍了东芝系列产品的维修流程、维护与保养方法以及常见故障解决方案。







东芝E-STUDIO 230,280维修手册中文_部分2

东芝E-STUDIO 230,280维修手册中文_部分2

3[E]副扫描方向的图像位置<步骤>(1)同时按下数字键[0] 和[5],打开电源。

→ (调整模式)(2)将刻度尺置于原稿玻璃上,刻度尺的前端紧靠左边的原稿标尺。

(3)按下[FAX]键在A3(LD )、100% 和下纸盒模式下进行复印。

(4)测量从纸张前端至刻度尺复印图像10 毫米处的距离D 。

(5)检查距离 D 是否位于 10±0.5 毫米范围内。

(6)如果不是,按照以下步骤更改值并重复以上步骤 3 至 5。

(调整模式)→ (输入代码[305]) → [START]→(键入一个值(可接受的值:0 至 255))→ 按下[ENTER]或[INTERRUPT]键(储存在存储器中)。

→ (显示“100% A ”。

)*调整值越大,图像移位至尾端越多(0.14 毫米/级)。

图 3-15[F]前端消边<步骤>(1)同时按下数字键[0] 和[5],打开电源。

→ (调整模式)(2)打开稿台盖板或RADF 。

(3)按下[FAX]键在A3(LD )、100%、文本/照片和下纸盒模式下进行复印。

(4)测量复印图像前端空白区E 。

(5)检查空白区 E 是否位于 3+0.5 毫米范围内。

(6)如果不是,按照以下步骤更改值并重复以上步骤 3 至 5。

(调整模式) → (输入代码[430]) → [START]→(键入一个值(可接受的值:0 至 255))→ 按下[ENTER]或[INTERRUPT]键(储存在存储器中)。

→ (显示“100% A ”。

)*调整值越大,空白区越宽(约为 0.04 毫米/级)。

图3-163[G]右侧消边<步骤>(1)同时按下数字键[0] 和[5],打开电源。

→ (调整模式)(2)打开稿台盖板或RADF 。

(3)按下[FAX]键在A3(LD )、100%、文本/照片和下纸盒模式下进行复印。

(4)测量复印图像右侧空白区F 。

(5)检查空白区 F 是否位于 2±1.0 毫米范围内。

Digilent PmodRS232 Converter Module Board数据手册说明书

Digilent PmodRS232 Converter Module Board数据手册说明书

D i g i l e n t P m o d R S 232™ C o n v e r t e r M o d u l e B o a r d R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l®Revision: June 6, 2012Note: This document applies to REV B of the board.215 E Main Suite D | Pullman, WA 99163(509) 334 6306 Voice and FaxDoc: 502-068page 1 of 2OverviewThe PmodRS232 Converter Module Board (the RS232 module) translates voltage from the logic levels used by Digilent system boards to the RS232 voltage used for serial communications.The RS232 module creates a two-way I/Oexchange by converting RS232 voltage to logic level voltage and converting logic voltage to RS232 voltage. RS-232 voltage levels are -3 to -12V for a logic ‘1’, and +3 to +12 for a logic ‘0’.The RS232 module is configured as a data communications equipment (DCE) device. It connects to data terminal equipment (DTE) devices, such as the serial port on a PC, using a straight-through cable.Features include:• A Maxim Integrated™ MAX3232CSERS232 transceiver• a DB9 connector and 6-pin header • transmit and receive data functions • optional RTS and CTS handshakingfunctions• small form factor (1.00” x 1.30”).Functional DescriptionThe RS232 module provides two transmit buffers and two receive buffers. A transmit buffer converts a logic-level signal on its input to an RS232 voltage-level signal on its output. A receive buffer converts an RS232 voltage-level signal on its input to a logic-level signal on its output.The RS232 module can be configured as either a 3-wire DTE serial port (with one transmitter for transmit-data signals, onereceiver for receive-data signals, and a signal-ground connection), or as a 5-wire DTE serial port with an additional transmitter and receiver for RTS and CTS handshaking signals, respectively.The RS232 module is designed to work with either Digilent programmable logic system boards or embedded control boards. Most Digilent system boards (like the Basys, Nexys or Cerebot) have 6-pin connectors that allow the RS232 module to plug directly into thePmodRS232 Reference Manual Digilent, Inc.page 2 of 2system board or to connect via a Digilent 6-pin cable.Some older Digilent boards may need aDigilent Module Interface Board (MIB) and a 6-pin cable to connect to the RS232 module. The MIB plugs into the system board and the cable connects the MIB to the RS232 module.(6) Vcc (3.3 - 5V)(5) GND(1) CTS (2) RTS (3) TXD (4) RXDRS232 Module Connector J1The RS232 module is wired as a DTE device. RS232 signals are named from the perspective of the DCE. The TXD signal carries data from the DCE to the DTE, therefore, the TXD signal on pin 3 is connected to the output of a receiver and should be connected to thereceive input of a UART on the system board. Similarly, the RXD signal carries data from the DTE to the DCE and is connected to the input of a transmitter on the RS232 module andshould be connected to the output of the UART on the system board.The CTS signal on pin 1 can be connected to the input of a transmitter and the RTS signal on pin 2 can be connected to the output of a receiver. These connections are made using jumper blocks JP1 and JP2, as described below.Digilent embedded control boards, like theCerebot, have one or more connectors with the UART signals configured correctly for direct connection of the RS232 module. On Digilent programmable logic boards like the Basys or Nexys, a UART must be defined in the logic of the FPGA or CPLD and the appropriate signal connections must be defined to connect the UART to appropriate connector pins.Using Jumper Blocks JP1 and JP2Jumper blocks JP1 and JP2 are used toconfigure the RS232 module for either 3-wireor 5-wire operation. Pins 1 and 2 of JP1 are connected to pins 1 and 2 of connector J1, respectively. Pins 1 and 2 of JP2 areconnected to the CTS transmitter and the RTS receiver, respectively.To configure the RS232 module as a 3-wire DTE with no handshaking, place a shorting block across the two pins of JP2 and ensure there’s no shorting block on JP1. This loops RTS back to CTS on the RS232 side of the module and leaves pins 1 and 2 unconnected on J1.To configure the RS232 module as a 5-wire DTE with RTS/CTS handshaking, place ashorting block across pin 1 of JP1 and pin 1 of JP2, and place another shorting block across pin 2 of JP1 and pin 2 of JP2. This connects the CTS transmitter to pin 1 of J1 and the RTS receiver to pin 2 of J1.。

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东芝E-STUDIO 232维修知识和技能




C系列 / F系列错误代码。


C010 –是相关的驱动系统,传感器或离合器
C260 –扫描单元相关的,曝光灯,灯控板,电机传感器。

C410 –定影相关,定影灯,热保险,热敏电阻,辊。

C550 –信号传输相关,电路板或者接插连线。

C730 –输稿器相关,电机。

C940 –电路相关,主CPU,LGC板,DRV板,高压板。

C970 –高压传输相关,主充漏电。

CA10 –激光单元相关,多棱镜电机,激光二极管。

CB20 –文件处理器相关。

CDF0 –错位接收盘(没检测到原始位置)。

CF60 –废粉回收相关(通过SM 2-17,SW9废粉传感器检查)。

F070 –系统CPU与驱动CPU通信错误。

F100 –硬盘(尝试格式化 08-690)。

F110 –主CPU与扫描板通信错误。


电子邮件接收的错误代码(3Axx到 3Fxx)


与e-studio 230/280通用,也采用了整体处理单元。





e-studio 230/280的鼓分离爪有3个,e-studio 232/282的鼓分离爪只有2个。




e-studio232/282中的显影单元与e-studio 230/280通用,这样的机械结构保证了回收墨粉在循环使用。



2.自动墨粉传感器环境温度/湿度温度调整(而Hudson 中采用的是仅根据鼓温度的反控制调整)
03[249]显影偏压[-DC] 开/关



磁穗高度为0.45mm, 调整时使用磁辊间距调整夹具。




参考:对位辊旋转的转速约为 133mm/sec







08[407-413,437,438,448,450-453,515-521] 定影温度




