

TOEFLiBT 高分作文 思路+范文 完美重排版

TOEFLiBT 高分作文 思路+范文 完美重排版

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Lost Lawyer2006 年11 月10 日Page 2 of 201TOEFL.iBT 高分作文思路+范文完美重排版1. Why people attend college?People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.『分析』说明人们选择上大学的具体原因(一个或者多个):增加经验、拓展知识、开阔视野为了实现理想(ideal; idealistic)(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书)为了保证将来的就业机会父母要求子女上大学别人都上大学了,所以自己也选择读书找不到工作("无知",总是一部分人做出某个选择的理由。







解决方案类综合写作的阅读材料通常是针对某一问题提出解决方案,也就是说这类阅读材料主旨句模式一般为:there are three possible solutions to help…/ three measures are considered to prevent…等。



在解释部分中,阅读材料进一步指出是因为B导致C,而A是B的解决方法,所以只要使用A,C 也可以得到解决。


针对借鉴方案类题材的综合写作,听力材料对于阅读材料的反驳方式无外乎三种:1. 说明阅读给出的方法不可行,如金钱上prohibitively、expensive、时间上太过浪费、范围上太大以至于方法不能合理有效应用等等。


2. 阅读给出的方法有其他坏处,这些坏处跟本身能否达到目的不同,而是可以达到原定目标,但是代价太大。

3. 阅读给出方法后所使用的理论基础不成立(即上文中的并不是B导致C),在这种情况下,影响因素不同,所以针对该影响因素所提出的解决办法一定不能有效解决问题。



托福独立写作新题库— 188 题库一、教育类1. Teachers are appreciated and valued nowadays not as much as they werebefore. (Students nowadays do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.) 难度 4 考频 42. University should spend more money supporting social activities rather thanimproving the food students eat. 难度 4 考频 33. When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you preferto work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day,or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation? 难度 5 考频 34. Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous smallassignments,whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by onlya few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?4/25. In order to attract good students, many universities spend a lot of money in society activities.3/36 The student should be required to take history courses in the university no matterwhat their field of study is.5/37 Students can get as much benefits from participating student organizations or clubactivities as from their academic studies.4/38 Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the musicwhile studying.3/49 Teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by otherteachers.3/410 All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to updatetheir knowledge.3/311. Children should play and study rather than learn how to do household chores.3/412. some people think that it is an important part of children's education to go on field trips(eg. Museums).other people think a child's time is better spent in classroom at school.3/213. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learna practical skill.School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?4/114. The most important investment that can be made to the education of children aged from four to seven is giving them a computer.3/215. Which is more important: having more facilities or hiring more teachers?3/416. Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.3/317. If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do?3/21.)Interrupt your teacher right away;2.)keep silent;3.)correct your teacher after class.18. Students are more interested in politics today than before.4/119. The best way for a teacher to let student become interested in a subject is to help them know how to use it in their lives outside school.3/320. Online games, cell phones and networking Web Site make educating children a more difficult task.2/321. If one of your friends needs assistance in a one of the courses you are good at, it is better for him to turn to you for help or ask for a tutor?3/122. When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do alone.3/223.What kind of universities do you prefer,universities whose graduates can find good jobs or universities where there are famous professors.3/324. Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What's your view? 3/425. To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on professors'salaries.3/426. Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are now easier to become educated than in the past?3/327. If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.3/228. Do high school students should take a course on basic economics?4/129. University students should take part-time jobs.2/230. Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.4/331.Students are more influenced by teachers than by their friends.3/332.Children should only play sports for fun rather than play sports in competitions or contests.4/233. A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing.3/334. Playing computer games is a waste of time for children.3/2二、人生&成功类35. In order to succeed, people should be more like others than be different with others.4/436. Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not.5/437. People who go out to live out of their native village or town tend to be more successful and happier than people who don’t.3/238.People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group. (In a cooperation of team, the people who cannot accept criticize couldn’t be successful.)4/539.It is better to wait in patience than take action?4/440.The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill.3/341. For future career success, is relate well to other people more important than studying hard at school?4/142. It is more likely for people with more skills to succeed.3/443. Successful leaders should make others part of the decision-making process.4/244. To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.5/345. It was easier to achieve success in the past than it is today.3/346. Good looks and clothing are more important for success than good ideas.4/347. Is necessary for people to let others know the strengths and accomplishments to get succeed?4/248.Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well.3/249. Should people stick to your challenging dream or pay attention to carry out your real dream?5/250. Talented people's leadership is inborn and can't be learned by people.4/351.In order to become financially responsible adults,children should manage their own money at the young age.3/252. People should state their honest opinions even though they know others will disagree with their views.4/453.You are helping to elect a student leader for a student organization or a club. Do you agree or disagree that honesty is the most important thing to consider indeciding whom to vote for?3/254. Since people care public recognition more than money. They will work harder after their efforts are recognized--even if there is no more money given.3/455. The way a person dresses is a good indication of his/her personality and character.5/356. Do you agree that people will feel happier if they have fewer possessions?4/357. People can achieve happiness if they can make others happy. (The best way to achieve happiness is try to make other people happy.)5/358.In the past,it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.4/259.The most important characteristic for politician is to accept responsibility for mistake.3/260.It is better to finish a project and then start another one than to do several things at the same time.3/261. Spending money on traveling&vacation vs. saving for future.3/562. To solve the present and future problems, it is necessary to understand the past.4/263. Being creative is more important in finding the best solution to a problem than planning carefully.5/264. It is better to use one’s own knowledge and experience to solve problems than to get advice from others.4/365. Sports teach us lessons about life.4/2三、社交生活类66. Which of the following do you think contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation?3/3Good FoodGood LocationGood Friends to travel with67. In the past people are more friendly than that today.4/268. It is impossible to be always honest to your friends.4/469.It's almost always better that shopping at one large store to buy all things you need at the same time than at several small specialized stores. 3/270.Which is a better friend,the intelligent one or the one has a good sense of humor?3/371. Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends. A. joininga sports team, B.participate in community activities,C.traveling 3/372. The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from?3/473. Two people can still become friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.3/374. To celebrate some major events such as birthday or graduation , organizing bigparty with a lot of people is better than small party with only families and close friends.4/375. It is not good to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends.3/476. People who have interest in different things cannot be friends.3/377. Spending time alone is the best way to relieve stress.3/278. It is more fun to see a movie in the cinema with other people than see a movie at home.3/379. Young people are more willing to help others than those in the past years.3/280. Is there a good reason to be impolite (rude) to another person?4/381. It is important to know about what is happening around the world, even if it does not affect your personal lives.4/282.People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.3/383. Do you agree that watching sports on TV and following sports team have some negative impacts on people? 3/284. People rely on their neighbors less now than they did in the past.3/285. We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person like.3/386. Which of the following factors is most important for you? living in an area not expansive, living close to relatives, living in an area with many shops and restaurants.3/387. Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online . Which do you prefer and why?3/388. When making major purchase(eg. Car or laptop), our decision can be influenced by different sources of information.Explain how each of the following source of information can influence your decision.1)recommendations from friends or colleagues 2)information from media(eg. TV, magazines, newspapers) 3)recommendations from the sales person in the store 3/389. If people are on vacation, they should leave their mobile phones at home. 3/290. More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.3/291.If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others,will you use e-mail/text messaging OR use telephone/voice-messaging.3/3四、工作类92. An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process. 4/293. Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.3/494. Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment does.3/395. The best leaders are those who are willing to admit when they made bad decisions.4/296. Employees should follow the orders rather than proposing new ideas.3/297. It is better to work at home by using one's own computer and telephone than todo the same work in the company's office. 3/498. Some jobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends. Some jobs pay few salaries but allow employees staying with family and friend. Which job do you prefer? Why?3/399. The ability to adapt to the environment is more important than excellent knowledge for job.4/2100. The most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees.3/3101. It is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours.3/2102. People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.4/3103. Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one’s work? 3/3104. Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy to lose? 4/2105. A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.3/3五、社会类106.People are happier when they finish a challenging or difficult job than when they complete an easy task.4/2五、社会类107.Younger people spend more time on improving the world than in the past. 4/2108. The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.3/3109. Is it as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people? 3/3110. Do you agree or disagree young people today are better able to make decisions for their own life than in the past?3/3111. The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.4/4112. Do you agree with the statement that the opinions of celebrities, such as famous entertainers and athletes, are more important for the young people than they are to the older people.3/4113. Young people nowadays have no influence on decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.3/2114. Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.3/3 115. Sports and exercises are more important to elderly people than to young people.3/2 116. The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because 六、其他the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.3/4 六、其他117. People often buy products not because they really need them but because othe r people have them.4/2118. Do you agree or disagree it is important to have rules of clothing people are allowed to wear to work and school?3/2pare with the people living in cities,the people living in village and farm area are more satisfied with their lives. 3/5120.society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.4/3 121. Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past. 3/4 122. Is it easier to maintain good health than in the past?3/3123. Which of the following should you change to improve your health1.) The kind of food you eat2.) The amount of exercise3.) The amount of stress. 3/2124. People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from thei r family members so there is no need for the government to help them.3/3125. Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful developmentof a country.3/2126. Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to have more privacy than they have now.3/3127. Automobile has had greater effects on society than airplanes.3/2128.The most important problem that affects the society today will be solved during my life time?5/3129. The world is changing fast, people are less happy. 4/3130. The fast development of society today is a positive trend.3/2131. Children should do jobs that are similar to those of their parents.3/2132. People should buy things that are made in their own country, even if the price of these products is higher than that of the products made in other countries.3/2133.Professional athletes who receive high salaries,such as football or basketball players,deserve what they get.3/4134. Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore. 3/3135. People should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportation such as buses and trains.3/2136.People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country.3/2137. Printed books have greater effects on society than TV does.3/2138. Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money.3/2139. People today spend too much time on enjoyment. We only do what we like to do rather than what we should do.4/2七、家庭类140.Is it true that parents can raise children more easily than 50years ago3/4141. Parents have spent too much time to help determine the future of their children, children should make their own decisions. 3/3142.Should parents spend more time playing with their children or do something related with study3/4143.Busy parents have less time to spend with their children.Some people think time should be spent to play games or sports. Others think time should be spent by doing something together related to schoolwork.3/4144. One of the ways that parents can help children be ready for adult life is to ask them to do a part-time job.3/3145. Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.3/2146. Parents should help children do their work rather than encouraging them to do the work on their own.3/3147.The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for animals.3/2148. Parents do not understand their children as well as the parents did 50 years ago.3/2149. Parents should give money to their children for their high marks at school.3/1 150. It is not that important for families to regularly eat meals together?4/2 151. In modern society, parents learn more things from their children than children learn from parents.4/3152. The most important thing people learnt is from families. 3/2pared with people who live in urban areas,the people who live in rural areascan take better care of their families.3/2154. Some people think that they can solve problems by themselves or with the help of their parents. Thus, we need not the help from the government.3/2八、政府政策类155. It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. (Government should give more money in support of arts than that of athletic such as state-sponsored Olympic teams.) 3/4156. Should governments spend money on scientific research even if it has no practical value? 4/2157. Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.158. It's more important for the government to build new housing than preserve old and historical building.3/4159. The government should spend more money on improving access to the Internet than on the public transportation.3/3160. In times of economy crisis, which area should government reduce the spending?3/2 -Education-Health Care-Support for unemployed 九、媒体类161. Advertisement is not honest than it is in the past; and cannot help us to decide what product do we buy.3/3162. Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.3/2163. Advertisements targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned.3/2164. Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country is always more interesting than those made in other countries.3/3165. Only movies that can teach us something about real life??is worth watching. 5/3166.Movies and televisions have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.3/4167. Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished. 4/2168. We need to have different sources of news and information to know which one is the real one or who is telling the truth. (In order to become well-informed, one has to get information from different news resources. ) 3/4169. Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.3/2 170. Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers? 3/3十、环境保护类171. Though modern agricultural practices damage the environment, feeding the world'sgrowing population is more important than protecting against environmental damage. 3/3172. Although many people in many countries care about environmental problems (such as pollution and global warming), the environment will not become better in the future. 3/4173. The environmental issue is too complex to be solved by the individuals.3/3174. Many countries are paying attention to environmental problems. But the attention is not making the environmental situations better.3/4175.The best way to reduce air pollution is that government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol)of the cars.3/4176. Some people argue using cleaner energy to protect the environment, but the traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive. What is your suggestion? 4/2177. It is important for the government to protect animals and wilderness areas for future generations.3/3178. Solving environmental problems is the best way for the government to improve public health.3/2179. The government should give priority to improving healthcare than to solving environmental problems.3/4十一、科技类180. Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact that is brought by their discoveries or inventions.4/2181. Government should support scientific researches which do not have practicaluses.3/2182. Scientists have been working to make technology easier and human friendly. How do you think technology had affected our lives?3/4183. Governments and companies should share their scientific discoveries with each other.3/3184. When a new technological device become available. Some people buy it right away, while others will wait until many have acquired it. Which view do you agree with and explain why.3/4185. Although new technology and science will continue to advance and improve people's life, the most significant improvement has been made.4/3186. Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact that is brought by their discoveries or inventions.4/2187. Technology has made children less creative than children were in the past.4/2188. Technology makes people’s lives simpler rather than makes people’s lives more complicated.3/4。









说真的,在考前猛扑在托福写作机经身上,倒不如一开始就把今日这份资料打印出来,每天想几条写作的理由,这样比考前的机经、冲刺靠谱多了!不知大家读了上文,有没有受到启发,托福写作机经的使用不是单纯地背诵而已!2021年1月1112日托福写作机经小范围预报1. What is the most important thing for a country’s leader to assure the prosperity of the country?1) Creating more jobs for unemployed worker2) Increasing agriculture and lowering the food price3) Increasing access to affordable houseThe leaders of a country have no shortage of difficult decisions to make. For example, should they lead their countryto success by creating jobs, by promoting agriculture, or by ensuring housing is affordable? Leaders should certainly invest into all of those options, but I believe that the government should use most of its resources to lower the cost of housing.Ensuring low cost housing is better than creating more jobs because creating government jobs is only a Band-Aid solution. It offers a temporary solution, not a permanent one. If there’s a lack of jobs, then that’s a sign that the economy is hurting. If that’s the case, then low-cost housing would actually help more than the government creating unnecessary jobs. As the cost of housing comes down, people will have more disposable income. Businesses will grow, and thus will provide more jobs. It’s a win-win scenario.Similarly, lowering the cost of housing is also better than promoting agriculture in order to reduce the cost of food. While it is true that everyone must eat, it’s also true that everyone must live somewhere. The difference is that a country’s citizens must live in housing within that country, but they don’t need to eat food that comes from that country. These days, we import a large portion of our food from other countries. If a country’s agriculture isn’t providing enough food, then perhaps that country’s land just isn’t ideal for agriculture and it would be a waste of money to attempt to force more agriculture to happen. A better solution would be to focus on the problem it can fix: housing.Meanwhile, reducing the cost of housing is a realistic goal for a country to tackle, and it has long-term benefits that produces a natural boost to the economy. Housing takes up thelargest chunk of most people’s paycheck. For example, we learned in my personal finance class that people should expect to pay between 20% to 30% of their monthly salary on housing. With lower housing costs, people would be able to survive with a lower-end job. People would be able to afford imported food. The economy would improve because people would have more money to spend. This is the solution the government should focus on.In the end, government leaders should invest in the success of the country in every way they can. However, I think investment in lowering the cost of housing will bring the best results.2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.Nowadays, employers are highly selective: requiring employees to have both academic proficiency and social flexibility. Hence, to increase your chances of getting a desired job, having the ability to adapt to a changing condition is as important as having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study. Academic data being equal, the ability to reduce conflict and increase participation is a decisive factor that contributes to your career success.To begin with, the ability to reduce conflict in school and work is partly the course of socialization going beyond the school curriculum. Whereas excellence in any field of study is essential, your success in work depends not only on academicknowledge but also on how to adjust to a changing circumstance. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to be able to adjust to a rather conflicting society because this kind of social flexibility can facilitate your interaction with other people. In other words, communicating respect for potential friends and mates is instrumental to avoiding conflict, particularly in the workplace. In reality, the process of learning this skill begins in school, in both verbal and non-verbal ways. It may be said that without acquiring the ability to reduce conflict, you may run the risk of becoming what is called a social ineptitude, far away from the spirit of teamwork.In certain respects, the success in school and work is a matter of the behaviorism to get flexible in social participation. Thus, you are supposed to learn to be as agreeable and acceptable as need be, mainly through taking part in (without intruding into) a variety of social activities, verbally as well as non-verbally. Verbally, you can increase participation by using the skill to say the right thing at the right time in the right place. It is because positive participation implies your good skill in listening as much as speaking. Similarly, in a non-verbal manner, you can increase participation by doing the right thing at the right time in the right place. In short, you had better adapt yourself to a changing condition or circumstance and behave correspondingly in the right behavior.Finally, worthy of mentioning is that, although socialization may differ from culture to culture, the rules are invariably related to skills to help reduce conflict and increase participation in school and work. Not underestimatingthe importance of having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study, you ought to also learn those essential social skills to become successful in life. Academic proficiency and social flexibility should not be considered as something like black and white, you may just as well think that the job market is largely in the color of grey.托福写作的字数都有什么讲究新托福作文需要行文不啰嗦,〔句子〕应越短越好,假如一个字能说清晰的,就不要用两个字。


① 看首句找主旨
• P145 Unit 8 食物问题
• 主旨:
• The university is planning to change the food-service system on campus.
• The university decides to foodservice system
• 2. Charitable gifts can also be made for reasons involving personal interest.
• Personal interest is another reason for charitable gifts.
• 3. In addition to tax benefits, donors often receive favorable publicity for making donations, and they have an opportunity to influence the world around them.

少 ~ → ↓ choice
• Cost: 比 → c ↓

No比→ ↑
• Serv:good

• Sch plan: 多cmpy→ ↑choice

少 ~ → ↓ choice
• We have many choices about food among many companies. Conversely, the choices are less if there are one or tow companies.






托福教育类独立写作题目整理1) Some people think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas with each other is a good way to help students learn; others think giving students time for discussion is ineffective or a waste of time. Which idea do you agree with, and why?2) Parents must have strict rules to help their children to be successful.3) Some people believe that taking field trips (for example, going to the museum) is an important part of children’s education. Others believe that it is better for children to studying at school. Which opinion do you prefer?4) The best way for a teacher to help students interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.5) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.6) Universities should require all their students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.7) Younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.8) Some people say that teachers and parents should decide what assignment or activities children should do after school. Others say that children should make these decisions on theirown. Which view do you agree with?9) Do you think children’s after scho ol activities should be arranged or should be chosen by children themselves?10) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: These days, children spend more time in doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.新托福写作范文解析之教育类话题范文题目:It is more important to choose to study a subject that interests you than a subject preparing you better for a job or career. Do you agree or disagree?题目有关教育中的”课程选择“并联系职业规划。


托福写作的评分标准主要包括内容、组织和语言三个方 面。内容方面要求观点明确、逻辑清晰;组织方面要求文 章结构合理、段落分明;语言方面要求语法准确、表达流 畅。
提高语言表达能力的有效方法是多读、多写、多听。多 读可以培养语感,熟悉常用表达方式;多写可以锻炼语言 组织能力,提高写作技巧;多听可以增强语感,熟悉英语 表达方式。
综合写作范文解析部分主要介绍托福考 试中综合写作题型的答题技巧和范文示 例。
这部分内容将重点讲解如何进行有效的阅 读、听力和写作的整合,并提供一些综合 写作题型的答题技巧。同时,将提供一些 优秀的范文示例,帮助考生更好地理解综 合写作的评分标准和要求。
《托福写作教程》ppt课 件
目 录
• 托福写作简介 • 托福写作技巧 • 托福写作题型解析 • 托福写作范文解析 • 托福写作模拟试题及答案 • 学生常见问题解答
确保考生具备足够的英语表达能力,以适应国外大 学的学习和生活
独立写作要求考生在30分钟内完成一篇150-225词的作文,就某一话题阐述自己的观 点。
独立写作题目通常涉及教育、文化、科技、社会等话题,要求考生在有限时间内清晰、 有条理地表达自己的观点,并使用具体例子和细节支持论点。
独立写作的评分主要依据内容、语言、结构和例子四个方面,要求考生在文章中展现出 良好的语言表达能力和逻辑思维能力。








一、综合写作:首先说下综合写作是什么样的东西吧,其实无非就是“一篇阅读+一段听力+ 总结”。

开头给你 3 分钟看下给出的阅读材料,之后听一篇听力,最后总结下听力和阅读都说了什么,以及它们之间的逻辑关系是什么。

这里给出一个我做综合写作会有的一个笔记图,整张草稿纸分成两半,左半部分是 reading 部分,右半部分是 listening 部分。

注意现在 3 分钟阅读开始了。


只要是做过一两次独立写作的同学都知道你在读完第一段的时候会得到一个main idea,即reading 的主观点是什么,这个时候你就在草稿纸 main idea 那一栏把它给记下来。


一般会给出一个 supporting idea,这个 supporting idea 一定是用来支持main idea 的,就好像你平时写作文的时候第一段会给出一个观点,就好比:我觉得A 是个大好人(main idea),可是你光说 A 是大好人,不给出证明的点别人不信你啊,所以你接着说因为A 是个诚实守信的好孩子(supporting idea),这里的诚实守信算是好人的一个标准吧。

那考试给出的文章自然也是按这个逻辑走的,可是我们光说道理不行啊,为了论证文中给出的这个 supporting idea,或是丰满文章内容,一定要给出一些 evidence 去支持这个 supporting idea,就好比A 是个诚实守信的好孩子,是因为他从来不欺骗同学、他从不食言等等,例子可多可少,具体数目不会有限制。


分论点一:Salvage logging removes the remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, which is likely to help forest areas recover from the disater. (回收伐 木移除损毁的树木,为新生树木腾出空间)
一.阅读材料 要求3分钟内通读250词左右的一篇学术短文。需要找出主论点和三个分论点并依此进行后续的听力。 短文第一段:主论点段。读完全段。第一句提出所议论的学术主题,最后一句提出作者所持意见,即主论点。 (偶尔有主题在第二句或主论点在倒数第二句的情况。) 短文二三四段:这三段的首句分别为三个分论点,用来支撑阅读首段主论点。首段后面是分论点的细节。细 节对分论点进行论述,其中体现因果关系:细节 - 因;论点 - 果 主论点和分论点之间是总分关系;分论点和细节是因果关系。
二.听力材料: 结构:对应阅读部分的四段,听力部分也是四段:逐一反驳阅读主论点和三个分论点; 内容:根据听力对阅读内容的复述、逻辑转折词来定位反驳内容(论点反驳和细节); 听的过程中抓住表否定或质疑的词,着重记录听力中的反驳观点和细节。有时一个分论点反驳会有不 止一个细节,需要记全; 简要笔记,但不要耽误听力的进行。
模板 = 结构框架 + 内容
序数词/逻辑顺序短语 + 阅读内容(论点+细节)+ 逻辑转折词/句 + 听力内容(反驳+细节)
First,the reading passage says that 论点,because 细节.However, the professor argues that 反驳,since 细节.



托福模拟考试写作-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分是文章引言的一部分,用于对即将讨论的主题进行简要介绍和概括。


托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)是一个广泛接受的英语语言考试,用于评估非英语为母语的人士的英语水平。












1.2 文章结构2. 正文2.1 要点1: 托福模拟考试的意义在进行托福模拟考试写作之前,我们需要明确模拟考试的意义所在。





托福写作话题语料库——by 久久一、教育类话题语料库1. 学习一门学科还是多门学科?专才VS 通才You’ll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. You’ll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free. You’ll need the creativity and ingenuity you develop in all your classes to build new companies that will create new jobs and boost our economy. 你们需要在数理科学课程上学习的知识和技能,去治疗癌症、艾滋那样的疾病,和解决我们面临的能源问题与环境问题;你们需要在历史社科课程上培养出的观察力与判断力,来减轻和消除无家可归与贫困、犯罪问题和各种歧视,让这个国家变得更加公平和自由;你们需要在各类课程中逐渐累积和发展出来的创新意识和思维,去创业和建立新的公司与企业,来制造就业机会和推动经济的增长。

2 失败是成功之母;自信Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures. JK Rowling’s first Harry Potter book was rejected twelve times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and he lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, "I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."因为在这个世界上,最最成功的人们往往也经历过最多的失败。







对于阅读材料,如何归纳呢?以TPO29托福综合写作阅读其中一段材料为例:First, the edmontosaur's diet supports the migration hypothesis. Edmontosaurs fed exclusively on plants. Since there would have been no plants growing during the cold and dark North Slope winter, it appears that the edmontosaur must have left for at least part of the year and migrated to more temperate zones to find food.概括内容为:Edmontosaurs fed exclusively on plants----- have to leave the cold and dark North Slope winter to more temperate zones to find food .对应的托福听力材料:First, the edmontosaur did not have to migrate to find food. One hundred million years ago the summer temperatures in the North Slope area were warmer than they are today. And remember in arctic regions like the North Slope the sun shines 24 hours a day at the peak of the summer, the warm temperatures and the extensive daylight created incredibly good growing conditions for plants, so much vegetation was produced during the summer that when the vegetation died as the winter came, there was a lot of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter. The edmontosaur could have easily lived on the dead plant matter during in the winter.概括为:Edmontosaurs did not have to migrate to find food---the summer temperatures in the North Slope area were warmer than they are today,there was a lot of nutritious dead vegetation around in the winter.这里需要注意的是:由于听力材料只听一遍,在发挥托福综合写作概括能力之前,考生需要根据阅读材料的内容预测听力内容的重点并带着预测来听。




(讲义P110)atwenty-fourhourperiod√例外:agreetingscard √asavingsbank√acommunucationssatellite√asportscar√asalesgirl√asystemsengineering√2.manywoman修饰名词,单复数与后面的名词的单复数一致,比如:womenboxers(讲义P111)3.thehighsetscientificlabX achemicallabX amathmatics(n.)professor√abiologicaltextbookX当表示某一学科的教授、学生、教科书、实验室、系等教学要素,应该用名词修饰,而不是用形容词。

eg:aphysicsstudentthescientificandtechnicalfield(用形容词因为field不是教学要素)B、限定词与名词单复数:(讲义P14)1.some/any/all单复数均可,可数不可数均可如:somekind某一种 somekinds某些种sometime somemoneyanyofthebooks/so meofthebooks→any/some作代词Wouldyoulikesomecoffee?(想要得到肯定的回答) 2.Many+plMuch+/Λ/ (见讲义P13)Asmuchas2,000kms.√永远作单数Asmanyas50precentoftheincome.X precent/Λ/ Asmuchas50precentoftheincome.√2000kmsisalongdistance.√manyare…bymany… many也可以作prep(讲义P113)3.few/afew 可数,肯定(讲义P12)little/alittle不可数,否定(a)few+n.s4.each/every单数,可数eg eachtenboys√eachmajorstylesXeachmajorstyle√5.数词/several+pl.fiveaircraft√ severalsettings√several+n.s6.oneof+pl (讲义P17)among+pl (讲义P111)7.first/only/simple单/复数均可thefirstschool 第一所学校thefirstschools第一批学校theonlyuniversity唯一的大学theonlyuniversity唯一的几所大学single:asingle+n.(sing)/nosingle+n.(sing)也可pl:twosinglerooms8.another+sing(复数也可以,但不多)other+pl(单数也可以,但不多)anyother+singanothertwoboys otherpart ttheother+sing/planyotherstate=anyoftheotherstates9.Hundred/thousand/million数量词=数词+量词fivethousandspiecesX→fivethousandpiece (five:数词thousand量词)一亿本书:hundredmillionsbooksXhundredsmillionbooksXhundredsmillionsbooksX(a)hundredmillionsbooks√数量10.anumberof+pl+v(pl) (讲义P189)thenumberof+pl+v(sing)11.Various/diverse/numerous+pl.C、可数与不可数名词:1.常考的可数n. (讲义P235)achancediscovery一个偶然发现population:人口数/Λ/ 各地的人口数/c/ 人群/c/:asamplepopulationmakegreateffortstodocoloreffectsaclue一条线索anamountof+/Λ/2.常考的不可数名词: (讲义P101)a.流体:airsmokeoi lwater…b.总称名词:poetryfoliage… [集合名词:familypeoplepolice…+are]c.抽象名词:wisdomknowledgeinformation…d.自然现象:sunlightdarknessweatherrain…[但是:aheavyrain前有adj.,raindrop滴,可数]e.颗粒装物体:ricesaltparder(颗粒)…f.疾病:measlesmumpsdiaheties…g.学科:讲义P102 statistics:统计学,不可数;统计数据,可数3.常考的不规则单复数:(讲义P1034)*tooth划线,这个答案一定错。









EDUCATION(一)1、培养(某种素质)(团队精神)或者(责任感)cultivate/foster/nurture a sense of duty OR team spirit2、促进身心发展promote phisical and mental/emotional/intellectual development3、心理健康emotional/mental/intellectual/phycologica well-being/welfare/soundness(mental)l身体健康(健硕)phisical fitness(残疾人phisical challenged people智障mental challenged people老年人elder/senior/aged citizen4、学习能力(先天就有的)gift/talent/aptitude5、学习能力(后天学习到的)skill/ability6、学生接受的学校教育schooling7、儿童接受的家庭教育upbringing/parenting8、给学生以动力或者motivate/encourge/inspire sb to do/give sb motivation to do9、青少年adolesent/youngster/youth(二)1、传授知识impart/inculcute knowledge to sb理论知识theoretical knowledge实践practical knowledge2、灌输高尚的道德观念instill high moral values3、给学生以灵感stimulate the students thoughts或者inspire the students/give the students inspiration4、家长教育子女的方式parenting/upbringing5、教学法teaching methodology/pedagogical methodology6、适应adapt to do sth/ become accustomed to do sth/adjust oneself to do sth7、适应能力adaptation8、学生对老师所教的东西的掌握students' grasp/command of what has been taught9、就业技能marketable/employable skill(三)1、限制创造力的发展constrain/stifle/extinguish the development of creativity2、打击学生的积极性或者dampen/sap the students'enthusiasm OR frustrate the students3、产生不必要的压力lead to/result in/create/bring/beget undue/unneccessary/excessive p/s4、塑造某人的性格mould one's character5、责任感a sense of obiligation/responsbility/duty6、学生不应该只是被动的接受简单知识的容器students should not be treated as passive receptacals of predigested ideas7、死记硬背learning things by rote8、开阔视野expand/widen/broading one's vision(四)1、记忆方程式memorize equation公式formulas定理theorems定律laws2、应用apply(vt)3、盲从follow something blindly/indiscriminately4、填鸭式的教育学生force-feed the students5、为了记忆而记忆memorize for memorization's own sake6、学校school/university/college/acedemy7、把学生分开教育segregate students8、来自其他学生的压力peer pressure9、逆境adverse circumstances/adervisity10、团队精神team spirit11、独立自考thinking independently(五)1、在理解的基础上学习learning things through understanding2、鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题encourage students thinking critically3、学生的反馈students' feedback/input4、学生评价老师的表现students appraise/envaluate the teachers' performance5、课程总称curriculum6、一门课程syllabus7、课外活动extra-curiicular activity8、学校是社会的缩影A school is society in miniature.9、不遵守纪律(名词)indiscipline/disbehavior/dischief10、不遵守纪律的(形容词)学生disruptive/unruly students(六)1、理论知识theoretical knowledge实践知识practical knowledge2、通才generalist专才specialist3、全面发展的well-rounded/versatile4、为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal welfare/well-being5、人文学科humanaities社会学科social scienses艺术arts文学literal arts/studies理科sciences工科enigineerings6、某单独学科discipline7、基础科学basic science8、应用科学applied science9、小学教育primamy-level education中学教育secondary-level education大学教育tertiary-level education职业教育vacational education/training10、青少年adolesents/youths/youngsters(*)sentenses1、众所周知,在当代教育是一个人成功的决定因素之一。
























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托福写作教育类总结教育类话题1、学生层面①要不要多学一门课,要不要多干别的事情反对: (1)不要上,学生压力大a: grades 的压力b: competition 的压力c: 需要时间来complement what they lack(2) 可以通过其他方式field trip: a interest 学生更有兴趣b 锻炼学生的品质:合作精神、克服困难、interpersonal skills②其他方式上课:online course:time-consuming,efficiency, more study materialField-trip :interest, interpersonal skills, cooperativeMake friends with strangers, art persuasive in group setting, and the ability of giving a presentation in the front of the audience.对学生的四大好处① skills a: interpersonal skillsb: time management skills---prioritize tasks/manage time /combat stress② quality a: independence--- reduce reliance on othersb: perseverance: overcome difficulties--optimistic③ knowledge a: understand thoroughlyb: access to more knowledgec: interest④ future career development a: locate workb: promotion 更有竞争力2、其他干扰的东西对学生的坏处1 对学习的坏处:academic performance ① understand thoroughly② intersect 没有兴趣学习2 对skill的坏处①没法培养时间管理能力 time management②没法培养 interpersonal skill 能力; addicted to/ feel reluctant to interact with others2、教师和学校层面School: a: reputation/increase enrollment rateb:donation (alumnus, company)对老师的好可以:对学生好对学校好3 教师的教学方法好教学方法的多样化:diversify ① apply advance technology in teaching② group discussion学生很忙:(忙课内,忙课外,学生要不要做,不做,很忙,即使有时间也会做课外活动和参加实习,然后写它们的好处。

Since most student are busy with their studies, sth is not a practical way to do sth. Students today have a very tight schedules. In class, they are always occupied by their assignments, exams and papers. After class, they also participate in extracurricular activities and take field trips or internships, which is why they simply do not have the time for doing sth. In addition, when they do have some treasured time, they are more likely to spend it in doing extracurricular activities and taking internships, for they can benefit a lot from them. Attending extracurricular activities can help them know to prioritize tasks and learn the importance of multitasking as well as discover effective time management skills. Taking field trips and internship motivates us to put our own theoretic knowledge into practical use. Not only can taking such internship and field trips contribute to perfect and consolidate our knowledge and skills, but also they areconducive to cultivate and foster character building such as cooperative and interpersonal skills. Without being equipped with these skills and qualities, we can never become well-rounded and a contributor workers in our company after graduated from schools. From this perspective, doing sth is an impractical approach and it can hardly play an important role in this highly competitive and ruthless arena.参加课外活动的好处①遇到跟多的人②相同兴趣的人可以增加关系Attending community activities is a very effective way to widen students social circles, for it allows them more opportunities to get to know people of different backgrounds. When attending community activities, students can meet not only peers but also people who are older or younger, and most importantly, they can do the things that they enjoy doing the most with others. Pursuing common interests with one another will definitely strength the relationships they have with others.大学教育的好处:①专业知识和实习对职业的发展好②课外活动会锻炼品质University education also serves as an irreplaceable part in the course of many people’s lives and it provides things that are not available in the earlier education. Students in college can prepare for their careers by attending specialized courses and taking internships. They are equipped with skills to use professional software and operate the certain instruments and machines. They also graduate know their the path of their career development and have their plan for the future. Besides having classes and internships, students in college and university also attend social activities which improve their skills of making friends with strangers, art of persuasion in the group setting as well as the ability of giving a presentation in the front of audience. Such skills are quite essential not only at work but also in lives. Accordingly, we can say that college education prepares students for their lives in the real jungle of the competitive world.基础教育的好处①是高等教育的基础②可以更好的认识到自己的优缺点Young children’s education lays the foundation/groundwork for the higher education by teaching them how to learn and what they are supposed to learn. In primary schools, children are taught how to read, how to work, how to ask relevant questions, as well as how to use tools like dictionaries and the Internet to look up information. They are also instructed and trained by teachers about how to memorize efficiently in order to get good scores on the tests. These are basic learning skills which are necessary for their college education. Plus young children’s education increase their self-knowledge, making them realize their weaknesses and strengths, so they can make more informed choices in deciding what they want to study in the future. Many people would avoid subjects that they were not good at even in primary schools when deciding which major to study and which job to take. From this perspective, young children’s education is the cornerstone of their higher education.教育类的句子:① the world has become a highly competitive and ruthless arena where academic degrees, certifications and qualifications can enhance the prospect of success.②从所周知 it is a well-known and well-accepted fact that...Although, college education is costly, time-consuming and demanding, education makes it easier to stay competitive in cut-throat job market and secure a well-paid job.③one reason why sb should do sth is that......./sb prefer to / be more likely to/do sth for the primary reason that.....one reason why students should participate in extracurricular activities is thatStudents prefer to participate in extracurricular activities for the primary reason that they can help them learn how to prioritize tasks and learn the importance of multitasking as well as discover effective time management skills④ it allows sb more opportunities to do sthIt allows students more opportunities to get to know people of different background.⑤传授知识 impart knowledge/ the sense of self-discipline⑥承认错误Undoubtedly, some teachers think that their authority in the classroom can be undermined by mistakes, however, teachers who acknowledge their mistakes and apologize for them when they affect the students set a model for their students.学生太忙,是压力太大,需要时间放松Students need sufficient time to release stress, students in a society pressured by grades and competition. Grades and competition are two blades of a sward which are always stabbing students’ necks. Nowadays, in these growing competitive and ruthless society, increasing competition between the students have become highly intense and it may cause students into extreme frustration and even pose a threat to students’ health. In a word, students are saturated with enormous stress, and they should definitely allocate time to do some physical activities for the sake of relieving themselves.大人也忙,忙家庭(上有老,下有小)忙工作(大量的mission,maintain relationship)Similarly, adults are clouded with numerous pressure as well, they have to assume responsibility for the family. Not only should they take care of their children and enable them to access to better education, but also they have to provide their parents with good medical care so as to ensure that they will lead a healthy life. Therefore, they have to try everything to improving themselves in order to earn money. From this perspective, adults have enormous stress and they should have time to relax, for otherwise, they may suffer from depression and even illness.这样做可以提高学生的interest (良性循环)Students usually enjoy studying easy subjects. In other word, when you take an easy course, you easily get interested in that class. Since you are interested in the subject, you are more likely to do additional research about the topic and get more knowledge from it. As the process is repeated, you will naturally become good at the subject. This virtuous cycle provides students with more knowledge than taking too difficult course in class.分数和academic performance 对学生的好处Getting a good grades and a prefect academic performance is crucial for a college student. Later when students seek a job after graduation, it is their grades and academic performance that provide the general standard by which employers evaluate their ability. When students apply for jobs after they graduate, competition will be inevitable. Thus, people with better grades are more likely to get better jobs.If you get a good grades in your subjects, you will be more likely to be interested in it. Since you are interested in the subject, you are supposed to do additional research about the topic and get more knowledge from it. As the process is repeated, you will naturally become confident and be good at the subject. This virtuous cycle encourage students to make more friends and strengthen the relationship with their teachers. On the contrary, if the students get a bad grades, they probably become diffident and even suffer from depression. Worse still, bad scores exert adverse impact on the students, they can even hardly access to higher education due to their bad scores.a: in the class, they have to accomplish numerous tasks, like take piles of assignments, various exams and enormous huge challenged papers.b: after class, they are also occupied with various of extracurricular activities. They have to participate in social activities like community services and academic clubs。
