
U11. 断断续续off and on2. 对…感到腻味be bored by ...3. 觉得…枯燥难懂find ... dull and difficult4. 以…而出名have a reputation for...5. 据说某人…sb. be said to be ...6. 拘谨刻板,落后于时代formal, rigid and out-of-date7. 随笔小品文an informal essay8. 躺在沙发上lie on a sofa9. 不得不面对…face up to ...10. 围坐在晚餐桌旁be seated around the supper table11. …重现在我脑海中... reawake in my mind12. 自得其乐for my own joy13. 违反规定violate the rules14. 不及格分a failing grade15. 别无选择,只好做…There is no choice but to do...16. 更不可思议的是what’s more17. 专心听讲listen attentively18. 乐乎乎地开怀大笑laugh with open-hearted enjoyment19. 心花怒放pure delight20. 最后的时刻at the eleventh hour1、沉闷的,无趣的Dull, lifeless, cheerless, tedious2、写,写出,写下来Turn out, write, compose, put down3、合理的,得体的proper, respectable4、人们想起什么I recalled the laughing arguments ...Vivid memories of sth.Come flooding back to sb.sth. reawakes in on one’s mind5、再体验recapture, relive6、快乐,幸福Joy, pleasure, delight, happiness7、嘲笑,嘲弄contempt, ridicule8、话题,题目topic, title1. 我们的经理在想法上是很如此顽固,一成不变的,他从不听从别人的意见。

Unit 1Ⅰ. Translation1.他为这次面试中可能被问到的问题做好了准备。
(confront)He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview.2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎要哭出声来。
(touch)His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。
(hand in hand)The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing.4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。
(well up)When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.5.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在三年内买一幢新房子。
(look into)Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.6.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。
(in common)People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common.7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。
(give in to)He finally gave in to his daughter's repeated requests to further her education abroad.8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。

大学英语综合教程1词汇表○1○1○1○1○1○1New Words and Expressionsoff and onfrom time to time; sometimes 断断续续地;有时possibilityn. 可能(性)take holdbecome established 生根,确立borevt. make (sb.) become tired and lose interest 使(人)厌烦associatevt. join or connect together; bring in the mind 使联系起来;使联想assignmentn. a piece of work that is given to a particular person(分配的)工作,任务,作业turn outproduce 编写;生产,制造agony▲n. very great pain or suffering of mind or body (身心的)极度痛苦assignvt. give as a share or duty 分配,分派anticipatevt. expect 预期,期望tediousa. boring and lasting for a long time 乏味的;冗长的reputationn. 名声;名誉inabilityn. lack of power, skill or ability 无能,无力inspirevt. fill (sb.) with confidence, eagerness, etc. 激励,鼓舞formala. (too) serious and careful in manner and behavior; based on correct or accepted rules 刻板的,拘谨的;正式的,正规的rigida. (often disapproving) fixed in behavior, views or methods; strict 一成不变的;严格的hopelesslyad. very much; without hope 十分,极度;绝望地excessivelyad. 过分地out of dateold-fashioned 过时的prima. (usu. disapproving) (of a person) too formal or correct inbehavior and showing a dislike of anything rude; neat 古板的,拘谨的;循规蹈矩的;整洁的primly ad.severea. completely plain; causing very great pain, difficulty, worry,etc. 朴素的;严重的,剧烈的necktien. tie 领带jawn. 颌,颚comic▲a. 滑稽的;喜剧的n. 连环漫画(册)antiquen. 古物,古玩tacklevt. try to deal with 处理,应付essayn. 散文,小品文;论说文distributevt. divide and give out among people, places, etc. 分发,分配,分送finallyad. at last 最终,终于face up tobe brave enough to accept or deal with 勇敢地接受或对付scanv. look through quickly 浏览,粗略地看spaghettin. 意大利式细面条titlen. a name given to a book, film, etc. 标题,题目vt. give a name to 给…加标题,加题目于extraordinarya. very unusual or strange 不同寻常的;奇特的sequencen. 一连串相关的事物;次序,顺序imagen. a picture formed in the mind 形象;印象;(图)像adultn. a fully grown person or animal 成年人;成年动物humorn. 心情;幽默,诙谐recallvt. bring back to the mind; remember 回想起,回忆起argumentn. 论据,论点;争论1respectablea. (of behavior, appearance, etc.) socially acceptable 可敬的;体面的;文雅的put downwrite down 写下recapturevt. (lit) bring back into the mind; experience again 再现;再次经历relivevt. experience again, esp. in one's imagination 再体验,重温violatevt. act against 违背,违反composevt. write or create (music, poetry, etc.) 创作turn inhand in (work that one has done) 交(作业)commandn.,v.命令,指令disciplinen. punishment; order kept (among school-children, soldiers, etc.) 惩罚,处分;纪律what's morein addition, more importantly 而且,此外;更有甚者contempt▲n. 轻视,轻蔑ridiculen. making or being made fun of 嘲笑,嘲弄;被戏弄open-hearteda. sincere, frank 诚挚的hold backprevent the expression of (feelings, tears, etc.) 控制(感情、眼泪等)avoidvt. keep or get away from 避免demonstrationn. act of showing or proving sth. 表明;证明careern. 生涯,事业;职业sealn. 印,图章essence▲n. the most important quality of a thing 本质;精髓congratulationn. (usu. pl) expression of joy for sb.'s success, luck, etc. 祝贺,恭喜Proper NamesRussell Baker拉赛尔·贝克Belleville贝尔维尔(美国地名)Fleagle弗利格尔(姓氏)Allen艾伦(男子名)Charlie查理(男子名)Doris多丽丝(女子名)Hal哈尔(男子名,Henry, Harold的昵称)Pat帕特(女子名,Patricia的昵称)◇2◇2◇2◇2◇2◇2◇2◇2New Words and Expressionscabbien. (infml) a taxi driverbe lost in/lose oneself inbe absorbed in, be fully occupied with 专心致志于windshieldn. (AmE) the glass window in the front of a car, truck, etc.(汽车的)挡风玻璃cabn. a taxi 出租车availablea. able to be used, had or reached 可用的;可得到的apologeticallyad. showing or saying that one is sorry for some fault or wrong 道歉地,带着歉意地or something(infml)(used when you are not very sure about what you have just said) 诸如此类的事go aheadcontinue; beginknow/learn by heartmemorize, remember exactly 记住,能背出estimatevt. form a judgement about 估计might/may(just) as well不妨,(也)无妨not much of anot a good 不太好的keep upcontinue without stopping 保持correspondencen. the act of writing, receiving or sending letters; letters 通信(联系);信件practically2ad. almostkidn. (infml) a childall the way自始至终,一直neighborhoodn. 街坊;四邻kind/sort of(infml) a little bit, in some way or degree 有几分,有点儿lose touch失去联系a couple of几个;一对,一双guyn. 家伙;伙计tougha. (infml) unfortunate; difficult; strong 不幸的;困难的;坚固的;坚强的on one's mind挂记在心头keep in touch (with)(与…)保持联系,保持接触come uphappen, occur, esp. unexpectedly (尤指意想不到地)发生,出现shrugv. lift (the shoulders) slightly 耸(肩)urgev. try very hard to persuade 力劝,催促postponevt. delay 推迟,使延期referencen. 提及,谈到;参考,查阅absolutelyad. completely 完全地,极其absolute a.reunion▲n. (家人、朋友、同事等久别后的)重聚go by(of time) pass (时间)逝去hang out(infml) stay in or near a place, not doing very much 闲荡;徘徊every now and thensometimes, at timesmostlyad. almost all; generally 几乎全部;多半,大体awfula. (infml) (used to add force) very great; very bad orunpleasant 非常的,极大的;可怕的,糟糕的chokev. (使)窒息,堵塞choke upbecome too upset to speak (因激动等)哽得说不出话;堵塞destinationn. 目的地skip▲v. 略过,跳过;跳跃sorrowfula. showing or causing sadness 伤心的,悲伤的sorrow n.in the distancefar awayunpackv. take out (things) from (a suitcase, etc.) 打开right awayat onceProper NamesFoster Furcolo福斯特·弗克洛Ed埃德(男子名)Tim Shea蒂姆·谢Parker帕克(姓氏或男子名)Culver卡尔弗(姓氏)Tom汤姆(男子名)◇3◇3◇3◇3◇3◇3attituden. 看法;态度likelya. probable 可能的ad. probably 可能privilegeda. having a special advantage 有特权的privilegen. 特权minorityn. 少数do without没有…而设法对付过去highlyad. very 很,非常3riskya. full of danger; full of the possibility of failure, loss, etc. 危险的;有风险的nastya. very unpleasant 令人难受的brutisha. 野兽般的,野蛮的anywayad. (used to change the subject of a conversation or to support an idea or argument) anyhow 不管怎么说put/turn the clock back倒退,开倒车cut offstop providing (sth.); remove (sth.) by cutting 切断,中断;切下,剪下competitionn. 竞争;比赛bring aboutmake (sth.) happen 引起,导致technologyn. 技术moreoverad. 而且,再者inquiringa. showing an interest in knowing about things 好问的,爱探索的inquirev. 询问globala. worldwide, of the whole earth 世界的,全球的suppress▲vt. keep from appearing 抑制;压制initiativen. 首创精神;主动inventivenessn. 发明才能,创造力slow downmake slower 减慢raten. 速度;比率ensurevt. make sure 保证,确保democratica. 民主的informeda. 有知识的,了解情况的;明智的informvt. 告诉,通知expertn. 专家at the momentnow 此刻,目前in two minds犹豫不决;三心二意steadya. constant; firm 平稳的;稳定的evidenta. clear, obvious 明显的cartoonn. 漫画;动画片elementn. 成分;元素astronomy▲n. 天文学audiencen. 观众;听众;读者seriesn. 连续;系列;系列节目fictionn. 小说;虚构harnessvt. control and make use of 驾驭;利用backgroundn. 背景acida., n. 酸(性的);酸味的(物质)greenhousen. 温室nucleara. 原子核的;核心的weaponn. 武器genetic▲a. 基因的;遗传(学)的engineeringn. 工程;工程学basisn. 基础lie inexist or be found in 在于roten. 死记硬背learn by rote死记硬背地学习relevancen. 相关,关联in terms of从…方面(或角度)来说;按照,根据4equationn. 等式,方程(式)briefa. short; quick 简洁的;短暂的accuratea. exact 准确的,精确的mathematicala. 数学的halvevt. 将…减半tendvi. be likely to happen or have a particular characteristic or effect 倾向,趋向in the form ofhaving the shape of; existing in a particular form 呈…的形状;以…形式precisea. exact 精确的qualitativea. 定性的;性质上的graspn. understanding 掌握,了解conceptn. 概念sufficienta. as much as is needed, enough 充分的,足够的conveyvt. make (ideas, feelings, etc.) known to another 传达;表达diagramn. 图表;图解frameworkn. 框架;结构moleculara. 分子的biologyn. 生物学transistorn. 晶体管;晶体管收音机put acrosscause to be understood 解释清楚,使被理解proportionn. 比例;部分trulyad. 真正地;确实地magicn. 魔术;魔力fit intobe part of a situation, system, etc.;be part of a group of people or things 适合;符合;属于responsibilityn. 责任educatevt. teach or train 教育entertainvt. give pleasure to; have as a guest 给…以欢乐;招待hencead. as a result, therefore; from this time 因此;从此contactvt. get in touch with 与…接触alien▲a. foreign; strange 外国的;陌生的civilizationn. 文明Proper NamesStephen Hawking斯蒂芬·霍金Einstein爱因斯坦(1879—1955,美籍德国理论物理学家)◇4◇4◇4◇4drivewayn. 宅旁私家车道mowv. 修剪(草坪),刈(草)comprehendvt. understand fullylawnn. 草地,草坪turn awayrefuse to help (sb.) or to allow (sb.) to enter a place 拒绝帮助;不让…进入weedv. 除去…的杂草;除草n. 杂草,野草assumevt. suppose 假设;以为compliment▲vt. praise 赞扬n. 赞美的言辞或行为work outplan; solve; calculate 制定出;解决;算出weeklya. happening once a week or every week 每周的;一周一次的clean upmake clean and tidy 打扫,清除helpfula. giving help; useful 有帮助的;有用的5do with(used in questions with what) 对待,处理determinationn. 决心,决定personneln. 人事部门;全体人员,全体职员apprenticen. 学徒capacityn. the ability to understand or do sth. 能力,才能micrometern. 测微计,千分尺precisionn. the quality of being exact 精密;精确(性)turn downrefuse 拒绝graduatev. (使)毕业n. (尤指大学)毕业生skilleda. having skill; needing skill 熟练的,有技巧的;技术性的grindern. 磨工grind (ground)vt. 磨,磨碎,碾碎instrumentn. 工具,器械,仪器for saleintended to be sold 待售wreckn. 残破物;(尤指失事船只、飞机等的)残骸call onvisit (sb.) for a short time 拜访bankern. 银行家;银行高级职员loanvt. lend (sth.) 借,贷n. 贷款;借,贷charactern. (人的)品德;品质;性格damna.,n. (infml) (usu. used in negatives) of even the smallest amount 丝毫reluctantlyad. 勉强地reluctant a.mortgage▲n. 抵押借款,按揭discardvt. (fml)throw away 抛弃odds and ends零星杂物,琐碎物品screenn. 纱门,纱窗;屏;荧屏hardwaren. 五金器具;(计算机的)硬件spotn. a particular place;a small dirty mark 地点;斑点confidencen. 信心amazevt. surprise (sb.) very much 使惊愕,使诧异amazementn. 惊愕,诧异peppern. 辣椒;胡椒粉Italiana. 意大利的dietn. food and drink usually taken by a person or group 日常饮食send forask for the arrival of 派人去叫,召唤;派人去取huntv. 寻找;打猎abandonvt. give up completely or forever 抛弃,放弃propertyn. land, buildings or both together; sth. which is owned (房)地产;财产shedn. 小屋,棚vt. 使脱落;使流出,散发出sometimead. 某个时候sponsorvt. 为…做保证人;主办,发起n. 保证人;主办者,发起人amusevt. cause to laugh or smile; cause to spend time in a pleasant manner 逗乐;给…提供娱乐approachv. come near(er) to 接近millionaire▲n. 百万富翁pass away(euph) (esp. of a person) die 去世handle6vt. manage; control 管理,处理;操纵livablea. fit or pleasant to live in 适于居住的homeya. (infml) pleasant; like home 舒适的;像家一样的tractorn. 拖拉机staturen. 身材,身高;境界industrialistn. 工业家,实业家routen. 路线,路程principlen. guiding rule for behavior; basic truth 信条;原则;原理visionn. the ability to make great plans for the future; sight; the ability to see 远见;视觉,视力optimism▲n. 乐观主义self-respectn. proper respect for oneself 自尊;自重above allmost important of all 最重要的是integrity▲n. quality of being honest and responsible; state of being complete 正直;完整rungn. (梯子的)横档,梯级basement▲n. 地下室gianta. of great size or force 巨大的n. 巨人balancen. 平衡;余额balance sheet资产负债表decimal▲小数createvt. produce or make (esp. sth. new) 创造,创作Proper NamesTony Trivisonno托尼·特里韦索诺Frederick C. Crawford弗雷德里克·C·克罗弗德Italy意大利Rome罗马(意大利首都)◇5◇5◇5◇5valentinen. 情人straightenv. (cause to) become straight or level (使)变直;(使)变平整make one's waygo 走去granda. splendid in size or appearance 宏伟的;壮丽的absorbvt. completely hold the attention of (sb.);take in 完全吸引住…的注意;吸收marginn. 页边空白handwritingn. 笔迹;手写稿reflectvt. be a sign of, show 反映,显示thoughtfula. thinking about what other people need; thinking deeply 体贴的;深思的insightfula. 具有洞察力的insightn. 洞察力previousa. happening or coming before or earlier 早先的,先前的ownern. a person who owns sth. 所有人locatevt. find the exact position of; establish in a certain place 找到…的位置;使坐落于correspondvi. exchange letters regularly 通信overseasad., a. to or in another country 去(在)国外(的),去(在)海外(的)fertilea. (of land) able to produce good crops 肥沃的,富饶的romance▲n. love story; love affair 爱情故事;风流韵事bud▲v. 发芽;萌芽haunt▲vt. make (sb.) worry or make (them) sad; (of ghosts) visit (a7place) regularly 使担忧,使苦恼;(鬼魂)常出没于take a chance (on sth.)attempt to do sth. in spite of the possibility of failure; take a risk 碰运气;冒险disgustvt. cause a strong and often sick feeling of dislike 使厌恶,使反感schedulevt. arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at a particular time 安排;排定n. 工作日程表,进度表lapeln. (西服上衣的)翻领sustainvt. support emotionally; keep (an effort, etc.) going, maintain 支持;使(努力等)持续下去,保持slima. slender; small 苗条的;细小的,微小的blondea., n. (woman) having fair or yellow hair 金发的(女郎)curln. 鬈发delicatea. fine, well-formed; soft, tender 精美的;柔软的,娇嫩的chinn. 下巴,颏provocative▲a. 挑逗的;挑衅的curvev. (使)弯曲go sb.'s waygo in sb.'s direction 朝某人走去sailorn. 水手,海员;航海者murmur▲v. 轻声说,咕哝grayv. (使)变成灰色tuck▲vt. 把…塞进(某处)more than a littlevery 很,非常overweighta. too fat or heavy 过胖的,超重的anklen. 踝;踝节部thrustv. 挤入;插入;猛推heeln. (鞋、袜等的)后跟;脚后跟,踵splitv. (cause to) break into two or more parts 裂开;破裂keena. (of interest, feelings, etc.) strong; deep 强烈的;热切的longingn. earnest desire 渴望companionvt. spend time or go somewhere with (sb.) 陪伴uphold▲vt. support 支持,维护sensiblea. showing or having good sense 通情达理的,理智的glown. a warm light 光亮,光辉hesitatevi. pause before doing sth. or making a decision 踌躇,犹豫gripv. take a very tight hold (of) 握紧,紧握leathern. (动物的)皮,皮革identifyvt. recognize or say who or what (sb./sth.)is 识别gratefula. feeling or showing thanks to another person 感激的be grateful to (sb.) for (sth.)因(某事)而感激(某人)salute▲v. (向…)行举手礼lieutenant▲n. 海军上尉;陆军中尉broadenv. make or become broader (使)变宽;(使)扩大wisdomn. 智慧;明智responsen. reaction; answer 反应;回答in response toin answer to 作为对…的回应attractivea. pretty; able to attract 美的;有吸引力的Proper NamesDoug Bell道格·贝尔Blanchard布兰查德(姓氏)Florida(美国)佛罗里达州Hollis Maynell8霍利斯·梅奈尔New York City纽约(市)Houssaye何赛(姓氏)◇6◇6◇6◇6extensivelyad. to a large extent, or in a large amount 广泛地;大量地intelligencen. 智力intelligenta. 聪明的,有才智的controversyn. 争论,争议surroundvt. be or go all around (sth. or sb.) 围绕;包围consciousnessn. 意识explorevt. examine thoroughly, learn about 探究,探索obviousa. easy to see and understand; clear 明显的vetn. 兽医encountervt. meet, esp. unexpectedly 遇到,遭遇revealvt. make (sth.) known 展示;揭露convincevt. make (sb.) feel sure by the use of argument or evidence 使确信,使信服feat▲n. 技艺;业绩,功绩captivityn. 被俘;监禁;束缚dominanta. ruling; most important or strongest 统治的;占优势的speciesn. (单复同)物种make a dealreach an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business or politics 达成交易conservationistn. 自然资源保护论者femalea. 雌的;女(性)的n. 雌性的动物或植物;女人gorillan. 大猩猩suspicious▲a. causing or showing a feeling that sth. is wrong 可疑的;猜疑的peanut▲n. 花生blanka. without expression; without writing, or other marks 没有表情的;空白negotiatevi. discuss in order to come to an agreement 谈判,协商staken. (usu.pl) 奖品;奖金;赌注pineapplen. 凤梨,菠萝maintainvt. continue to do or have (sth.) 保持;继续relievevt. free (sb.) from pain, anxiety, etc.; ease (pain, anxiety, etc.) 使减轻痛苦或焦虑等;减轻(痛苦或焦虑等)linkn. 链环;环节;联系v. join or connect 联系,连接orangutann. 猩猩undertakevt. (undertook, undertaken) carry out; take upon oneself (a task, etc.) 从事;承担(任务等)anthropologistn. 人类学者figure outunderstand; reason out 理解;推断出extendv. (cause to) stretch or reach; make larger or longer 延伸,伸展;扩大;加长dealingn. (usu.pl) business relations 交易,买卖plastica. 塑料的chipn. 薄片;碎片;集成电路片expandv. (cause to) grow larger 扩大,扩展switchv. change; shift 转换,变换foil▲n. 金属薄片,箔virtuousa. showing moral goodness 有道德的;善良的9envyvt., n. 妒忌;羡慕grapen. 葡萄promptlyad. immediately 立即地stemn. 茎,(树)干,(叶)梗whalen. 鲸cooperatevi. act or work together 合作,协作behavioristn. 行为主义者in sb.'s interest(s)to sb.'s advantage 为了某人的利益go farhelp very much; achieve much success 帮助很大;很有成效consultantn. 顾问behaviorn. the way one acts or behaves 举止,行为assessvt. judge the quality, importance or worth of 评估,估量judgmentn. 判断;意见,看法maten. 配偶;伙伴,同事thrivevi. grow strong and healthy; develop well 茁壮成长;兴旺at firstat the beginning 起先stretchern. 担架emergencyn. an unexpected and dangerous happening which must be dealt with at once 紧急情况;突然事件go wrongstop developing well 有毛病,出故障haltv. (cause to) stop 停住,停止throw up(infml) vomit 呕吐apparentlyad. it is clear (that) 明显地size upcarefully examine (a situation or person) in order to make a judgement 估量,判断releasevt. set free 释放slidev. (cause to) move smoothly along a surface (使)滑动primaten. 灵长目动物evidencen. sth. that gives a reason for believing sth.; trace 证据;迹象deceivev. try to make(sb.) believe sth. that is false 欺骗inaccessiblea. very difficult or impossible to reach 达不到的;难得到的originala. first or earliest 最初的;原始的colonyn. (生长在同一地方的动物或植物)群,群体;殖民地malen. 雄性动物或植物;男子a. 雄的;男(性)的gazen., v. 凝视,注视give in让步;屈服;投降underneathprep., ad. under or below 在…下面,在…底下pea-braineda. 笨的turtlen. (海)龟survivev. remain alive in spite of; continue to live or exist after 幸免于;继续存在,幸存survival n.disastern. an event causing great suffering and damage 灾难wipe outget rid of or destroy 消灭,消除dinosaurn. 恐龙horizonn. 眼界,见识;地平线Proper NamesUgene Linden尤金·林登Charlene Jendry查伦·延德里Columbus Zoo哥伦布动物园Colo科洛(文中指动物名)10Chantek夏特克(文中指动物名)Lyn Miles琳·迈尔斯University of Tennessee田纳西大学Zoo Atlanta亚特兰大动物园Gail Laule盖尔·劳尔Orky奥基(文中指动物名)Corky科基(文中指动物名)Helen Shewman海伦·休曼Seattle西雅图(美国华盛顿州西部港市)Woodland Park Zoo伍德兰公园动物园Melati梅拉蒂(文中指动物名)Towan托温(文中指动物名)◇7◇7◇7◇7\trunkn. 汽车后部的行李箱struggle withhave difficulty handling or coping with 费力地对付groceryn. (usu. pl) 食品杂货locomotiven. 机车hornn. 喇叭nearbya., ad. 附近的;在附近thumbs-upn. 翘拇指(赞同或满意的表示)gesturen. 手势;姿势echov. repeat (another's words, ideas, etc.) 重复draw sb.'s attention tomake sb. aware of (sth.) 引起(某人)注意steepa. rising or falling sharply 陡峭的kneelvi. go down on the knees; rest on the knees 跪下;跪着freightn. 货物;货运overheada. above one's head; in the sky 在上头的;架空的signalv. send ( sth. such as a warning or a message) by a light or an act 发信号传达out of the way远离,不碍事resumevt. begin again after a pause 重新开始,恢复perprep. for each 每acceleratorn. 加速器,加速装置conductorn. (AmE) 列车员mediuma. coming halfway between; not extreme 中等的n. a means which can be used to express or communicate sth.媒质,媒介messvt. put into disorder 弄乱;弄脏n. 混乱;脏乱mess around(infml) do things in an aimless way; spend time playing 随意做事;闲荡heyint. 嗨(用以唤起注意等)cool down(cause to) become calmer (使)冷静下来spotvt. see or recognize 看出,认出instantn. 片刻,瞬息intentlyad. with great attention 专心地ragn. 破布;抹布;(pl)破旧衣服braken. 制动器,刹车pull on用力拉with all one's strength使劲,用全力blastn. (汽笛等的)鸣叫explode11vi. burst with a loud noise 爆发;爆炸swayv. (cause to)move or swing slowly from side to side (使)摇动;(使)摇摆flashvi. move very fast; produce a sudden bright light 飞驰,掠过;闪烁calculatev. 计算decelerationn. 减速groan▲v. 呻吟thunderousa. extremely loud 雷鸣似的;极响的leapvi. jump 跳,跃grabv. seize suddenly; take roughly and quickly 猛地抓取bladen. 刀刃,刀身;刀片loosea. 松散的hammern. 榔头,锤crashvi. fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisily 突然重重倒下;坠毁;碰撞reach outstretch one's arm, usu. in order to get or touch (sth.) 伸手抓clear offree from, not in contact with 离开;不接触scrapev. 刮,擦instantlyad. at once; immediately 立即,即刻foreheadn. 前额punchv. hit hard 猛击,用力击nylonn. 尼龙fabricn. 织物,织品;构造,结构horrorn. great fear or shock 恐惧,震惊up and down一上一下地injurevt. harm, hurt;damage 损害;伤害injury n.hug▲vt. hold tightly in one's arms 紧抱maskn. 面具,面罩visiblea. that can be seen 看得见的,可见的twistv. 转动;(使)扭曲;扭伤ambulancen. 救护车ma'am = madam女士,小姐viaprep. by means of; by way of 通过;经过beepern. BP机,拷机internala. of or in the inside 内部的;内在的miraculouslyad. like a miracle 奇迹般地stitch▲n. (缝合伤口、缝纫、刺绣等的)一针,针脚riskvt. put (sth.) in a dangerous position 使遭受危险n. 危险,风险no way(infml) in no way; definitely not 不行;决不incidentn. sth. that happens 事情;事件sheltervt. protect; cover 保护;遮蔽n. 隐蔽处;躲避处Proper NamesJack Murphy杰克·墨菲Ramsey拉姆齐(地名)N.J.= New Jersey(美国)新泽西州Kate Pritchard凯特·普理查德Conrail联铁(一家主要在美国东北部营运的铁路公司,Consolidated Rail Corporation的缩合词)Todd托德(男子名或姓氏)Scott12斯科特(男子名或姓氏)Rich Campana里奇·坎普纳Anthony Falzo安东尼·法尔佐Gary加里(男子名或姓氏)8888888888888888888fablen. 寓言teenagern. a person who is between 13 and 19 years old 青少年run out ofuse up or finish a supply of (sth.) 用完,耗尽filen. a collection of papers on one subject 档案,卷宗foldern. holder for loose papers 文件夹drugstoren. (AmE) (兼营杂货的)药房handfuln. 一把;少量countern. 柜台taxn. 税in amazementwith a feeling of great surprise or disbelief 惊讶地modestlyad. not in very large quantity, size, etc. 不太多,不太大,适中upsetvt. make (sb.) worry or feel unhappy 使苦恼,使心烦意乱ignoranta. knowing little or nothing 无知的;不知道的ignorancen. 无知;愚昧seniorn. (AmE) student in the last year of college or high school (大学或中学)毕业班的学生slicen. a part of sth.; a thin flat piece cut from sth. 部分;(薄薄的)一片abilityn. 能力nonexistenta. not existing 不存在的chillv. become or make (sth. or sb.) cold (使)变冷;(使)不寒而栗indifferencen. a lack of interest or feeling 漠不关心sumvt. 合计;总结;概述sum up总结,概括competevi. 竞争compete with/againsttry to be better than (sb. else) 与…竞争Asiann., a. 亚洲人;亚洲(人)的financiala. connected with money 财政的;金融的accumulatev. collect, or gather together, esp. over a period of time 积累,积聚ancestorn. 祖先,祖宗intellectuala. 智力的affectvt. have an influence on 影响industriala. 工业的functionvi. operate; act 运作;起作用n. 作用,功能idlea. lazy; not doing anything 懒散的;空闲的jamv. get stuck 发生故障;卡住;堵塞break downstop working; fail, collapse 停止运转;失败,垮了drive homemake (sth.) clear so that people understand it 使清楚无误地理解humblea. 谦卑的;卑微的suggestionn. sth. suggested 建议movien. film 电影dramatizevt. write (sth.) again in a form which can be performed 将…改编为剧本,将…戏剧化European13a., n. 欧洲(人)的;欧洲人portablea. light and small enough to be easily carried or moved 便携(式)的,手提(式)的CD = compact disc激光唱片;(计算机用的)光盘countyn. (英国的)郡;(美国的)县hutn. 小屋;棚屋search forlook for 寻找wagen. 工资,工钱povertyn. the state of being poor 贫穷,贫困leisuren. spare time 空闲,闲暇luxuryn. 奢侈品;奢华;奢侈milln. a factory 工厂,制造厂subwayn. (AmE) underground railway 地铁better offricher; more comfortable 更富有;更舒服foen. (lit) an enemy 敌人scarev. frighten (使)惊慌,(使)恐惧foxholen. 散兵坑(小型掩体)securityn. the state of feeling safe and free from worry 安全wake upstop sleeping 醒了portern. (旅馆、火车站等的)搬行李工人;搬运工人wealthya. rich; having wealth 富的,富裕的complexa. not simple 复杂的manuala. 体力的;手工做的adequatea. enough 充分的,足够的slum▲n. 贫民窟plumbingn. (水、煤气等)管道设施privacy▲n. the state of being alone and undisturbed (不受干扰的)独处;隐私,隐秘trashn. (AmE) 垃圾;废物befriendvt. help; act as a friend to 帮助;以朋友态度对待declinevi., n. 衰败,衰退;下降acquirevt. get 取得,获得ashn. 废墟;灰,灰烬astonishvt. surprise very much 使惊讶swearvt. make a serious promise about 发誓,宣誓make a living by靠…维持生计miraclen. 奇迹facultyn. any of the powers of the body or mind 官能contemptiblea. 令人鄙视的,可轻蔑的coward▲n. 懦夫popn. (infml) fatherProper NamesBenjamin Stein本杰明·斯坦U.C.L.A. = University of California at Los Angeles(美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校Kevin Hanley凯文·汉利Kerry克雷(爱尔兰郡名)Ireland爱尔兰Pittsburgh匹兹堡(美国宾夕法尼来州城市)Iwo Jima硫黄岛(日本岛屿)Brazil巴西?: /Article/200809/48274_3.shtml14。
英语综合教程1 背诵内容

Unit 1 writing for myselfSuddenly I wanted to write about that, about the warmth and good feeling of it, but I wanted to put it down simply for my own joy, not for Mr. Fleagle. It was a moment I wanted to recapture and hold for myself. I wanted to relive the pleasure of that evening. To write it as I wanted, however, would violate all the rules of formal composition I'd learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade. Never mind.I would write something else for Mr. Fleagle after I had written this thing for myself.When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to compose a proper, respectable essay for Mr. Fleagle. There was no choice next morning but to turn in my tale of the Belleville supper. Two days passed before Mr. Fleagle returned the graded papers, and he returned everyone's but mine. I was preparing myself for a command to report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline when I saw him lift my paper from his desk and knock for the class's attention.Unit 2 all the cabbie had was a letter"This isn't family," he replied. "Although," he went on, "come to think of it", it might just as well have been family. Old Ed was my oldest friend. In fact, we used to call each other 'Old Friend' — when we'd meet, that is. I'm not much of a hand at writing.""I don't think any of us keep up our correspondence too well," I said. "I know I don't. But I take it he's someone you've known quite a while?""All my life, practically. We were kids together, so we go way back.""Went to school together?""All the way through highschool. We were in the same class, in fact, through both grade and highschool.""There are not too many people who've had such a long friendship,"I said."Actually," the driver went on, "I hadn't seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I moved away from the old neighborhood and you kind of lose touch even though you never forget. He was a great guy.""You said'was'. Does that mean —?"He nodded. "Died a couple of weeks ago.""I'm sorry," I said. "It's no fun to lose any friend — and losing a real old one is even tougher."Unit 3 PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD SCIENCEWhether we like it or not, the world we live in has changed a great deal in the last hundred years, and it is likely to change even more in the next hundred. Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age. But as history shows, the past was not that wonderful. It was not so bad for a privileged minority, though even they had to do without modern medicine, and childbirth was highly risky for women. But for the vast majority of the population, life was nasty, brutish, and short.Anyway, even if one wanted to, one couldn't put the clock back to an earlier age. Knowledge and techniques can't just be forgotten. Nor can one prevent further advances in the future. Even if all government money for research were cut off (and the present government is doing its best), the force of competition would still bring about advances in technology. Moreover, one cannot stop inquiring minds from thinking about basic science, whether or not they are paid for it. The only way to prevent further developments would be a global state that suppressed anything new, and human initiative and inventiveness are such that even this wouldn't succeed. All it would do is slowdown the rate of change.Unit 4 TONY TRIVISONNO'S AMERICAN DREAMAfter he passed away, I thought more and more about Tony's career. He grew in stature in my mind. In the end, I think he stood as tall, and as proud, as the greatest American industrialists.They had all reached their success by the same route and by the same values and principles: vision, determination, self-control, optimism, self-respect and, above all, integrity.Tony did not begin on the bottom rung of the ladder. He began in the basement. Tony's affairs were tiny; the greatest industrialists'affairs were giant. But, after all, the balance sheets were exactly the same. The only difference was where you put the decimal point.Tony Trivisonno came to America seeking the American Dream. But he didn't find it — he created it for himself. All he had were 24 precious hours a day, and he wasted none of them.。
Unit one 重点词汇讲解- 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册

pop upto appear in a place or situation unexpectedly 突然出现e.g.She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles.莉萨满面笑容地突然出现在门口时她吃了一惊。
You solved one problem and another would immediately popped up.你解决完一个问题,另一个问题又会马上冒出来。
tough adj.1.having or causing problems or difficulties 困难的;艰难的;棘手的e.g.Conditions are quite tough here.这里的条件很艰苦。
2.able to endure hardship; not easily defeated or injured 能耐劳苦的;不易击败的;不易受伤害的e.g.You need to be tough to survive in the jungle.你需吃苦耐劳才能在丛林中生存。
3.not easily cut, broken or worn out 强韧的;不易切开,打破或磨损的e.g.Tough glass is needed for windscreen.制造风挡需要钢化玻璃。
4.severe and unyielding 严厉的;强硬的e.g.He is an advocate of tough manners to deal with terrorism.他主张采取强硬措施应对恐怖主义。
More examples:a tough game 激烈的比赛a tough journey 艰辛的旅程a tough assignment 棘手的任务a tough criminal 凶恶的罪犯a tough guy 一个硬汉a tough character 坚韧的性格a tough steak 咬不动的牛排be set on doing sth.to be determined to do sth. 决心做某事e.g.She was set on going to Paris to spend her vacation.她决意要去巴黎度假。

Unit 1 Growing up1 . off and on : 有时,偶尔;间歇地,断断续续地off and on time 开关次数be off and on 断断续续drizzle off and on 时断时续地下毛毛雨2 . take hold : 接管, 确立, 生根, (药)生效Take and hold 夺取Take That Hold On 稍等Take Fast Hold On 紧紧握住–老习惯是很难摆脱的。
Old habits die hard. That’s why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.3 . Associate :vi. 交往;结交n. 同事,伙伴;关联的事物vt. 联想;使联合;使发生联系adj. 副的;联合的We often associate Egypt with pyramids我们总是把埃及与金字塔联系起来。
Associate Director 副董事; 副导演; 联席董事; 副总监associate learning 副学习; 联想式学习Federation Associate 联邦的同伴4 . bore: vt.grow bored with doing sth:厌烦做某事a crashing bore 讨厌至极的人/事a frightful bore 讨厌得要命的家伙an insufferable bore 讨厌得令人无法忍受的人an utter bore 极惹人厌烦的事5 . turn out:(1) 出席(某项活动)(2) 最后是,结果是(3) 制造(4) 关灯6 . anticipate: vt. 预期,期望他们预测到2012年死于艾滋病的人数将增加一倍。
They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2012.7 . tedious: adj. 冗长乏味的,沉闷的,令人厌烦的extremely tedious 极度无聊exploratory tedious 勘探钻孔8 . inspire: vt. 激励,鼓舞inspire sth. in sb .(= inspire sb. with sth.) 使某人产生某种感情;激发某人的感情9 . rigid: adj. 一成不变的;严格的If he had been a little less rigid about things, his daughter would not have left home at such a young age -如果他从前对事情不那么严格苛刻的话,他女儿就不会这么年轻就离家出走了。

13.offer us a choice of topics
14.be due to arrive at 8
15.face up to the unwelcome task
16.catch my eye
17.a sequence of mental images/bad harvests
51.registration fees, register for a course
52.can’tΒιβλιοθήκη compare to=be incomparable to
53.falsify records
54.a close tie
55.resign one’s position
56.clear one’s throat
57.be free of charge, do it for free
58.muster all the dignity
59.make an exception in your case
60.of great significance
61.resign from one’s position
62.represent eight years of hard work
Text B
46.carry out a tradition
47.be awarded a prize
48.be rewarded with a pay rise
49.maintain a relationship
50.participate in/take part in/be involved insports

一、词汇知识点1. 同义词:在学习词汇时,我们需要注意一些常见的同义词。
('glad' usually suggests a temporary happiness about a particular event, whereas 'happy' suggests a general sense of well-being or contentment.)2. 前缀和后缀:掌握常用的前缀和后缀可以帮助我们更好地识别单词的词义。
二、语法知识点1. 时态:时态是英语语法中的重要概念,包括一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等。
2. 从句:从句是一个句子中的一部分,可以作为名词、形容词或副词的一个补充。
三、听力知识点1. 听力技巧:在进行听力理解时,我们需要掌握一些有效的技巧。
2. 笔记记法:在听力过程中,我们可以采用不同的记笔记方法来帮助我们更好地理解和记忆所听到的内容。
四、阅读知识点1. 阅读技巧:提高阅读能力的关键在于掌握一些有效的技巧,如快速浏览文章、注意关键词、遇到生词时运用上下文推测词义等。
2. 阅读理解题型:了解不同类型的阅读理解题型及其解题方法对于提高阅读能力和应试能力都是非常重要的。
英语专业综合教程第一册第一单元练习答案 unit 1

Key to Unit 1Page 5 Text ComprehensionI.CIIT T T F FIV1.Our big house had seen the joys and sorrows of four generations of our family.2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago, before your mother was born.3.Many sons left home to fight against the fascists.4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart.Page 6-9 VocabularyI.1.suddenly found myself faced with2.share the same characteristic3.summer is an everlasting season4.let yourself be overcome by5.keep it in your mind and don’t ever forget itII.1.instead2.Confronted with3.lock away4.welled up5.summon6.brief7.stared8.whispering9.evil10.give inIII1. D2. B3. B4. B5. A6. D7. B8. CIV1. A. shaking B. shuddered C. shaking D. shuddered2. A. answer B. reply C. reply D. answered3. A. general B. general C. general, common D. common4. A. small B. tiny C. tiny D. smallV.1. pain, grief, sorrow, agony2. loudly, harshly, roughly3. sorrow, grief, dismay4. inconspicuously, unnoticeably5. small, little6. meet, gather7. seriously, severely, hopelessly8. lengthy, longVI1.industrial2.description3.suspicion4.assistant5.unemployed6.proof7.examination8.furtherPage 10-12 GrammarI.1. were bathing, were looking, were playing2.was sitting, was reading3.was leaving, was, arrived, learned, had left, found, had used4. were playing, heard, hid, took5. was cycling, stepped, was going, managed, didn’t hit6. gave, thanked, said, had enjoyed, knew, had not read, were7.had played, reached, entered8. was running, struckIIleft, spent, had been travelling, appeared, was, were crossing, could, arrived, was sleeping, stopped, came, were getting, was, had not arrived, would beIII Correct the errors1.talked on 改为 was talking2.This sentence is correct.3.had remembered 改为remembered4.was working改为had been working5.had resigned改为resigned6.This sentence is correct.7.This sentence is correct.8.This sentence is correct.IV1.take2.to play3.lifted, thrown4.barking5.played7.beaten8.bite, slither9.drop10.lyingV.1. Poor as / though he was, …2.Terrible as /though the storm was, …3. Hard as/though he tried, …4. Tired as/though I was,…5. Much as I would like to help you, …6. Much as I admire him as a writer, …7. Strong as/though he was, …8. Bravely as/though they fought, …Page 13 TranslationEx. I• 1. 我10岁那年,突然要搬家,从我唯一知道的家搬走,心中痛苦万分。

综合英语第一、二册词汇分类整理第一册:重点单词+一词多义1.Hand in hand:1. 手拉手2. 紧密相连:Theory and practice must go hand in hand.2.Manner: (注意manner的作单复数时不同的意思)mannered 矫揉造作的;矫饰的;不自然的1.[singular]: 方法;方式:in a/the manner 2. (言行的)方式:aggressive manner; 3. 种类:all manner of sth 各种各样的人(或物);(as) to the manner born自然而然地;in the manner of= in the style of以…风格3. [plural]: 1.礼貌;规矩:good/bad manners; have no manners= behave badly 没有礼貌2.(某个人群的)风俗;习惯;Middle-class manners3.Appreciation/appreciate1.感激;感谢[U] in appreciation of : The award is given in appreciation of her huge contribution to the film business.2.理解;体会;明白There is a growing appreciation of the need for environmental reform3.欣赏;赏识4. 涨价;增值4. Cherish 1.怀念: cherish the memory of those happy times; 2. 关爱;爱护3. 珍爱;珍视:a cherished dream/hope/memory5. Infectious 1.传染性的2. (心情、行动)有感染力的;有影响力的:His enthusiasm was infectious.6.Jolt 1.震动;颠簸:The bus jolted to a stop. 2.使震惊;使惊醒:The alarm jolted me out of a deep sleep.7. Bolt [n] 1.(门或窗的)金属插销2.螺栓a bolt from/out of the blue:大出意外的事;晴天霹雳[v](用螺栓)把…钉在一起:bolt sth to sth8. Scramble:1. [i] +over/up/down/out of etc 爬;攀登scramble to your feet 匆匆站起身2[i] 争抢;争夺+for/ scramble to do sth 3.炒蛋:Scrambled eggs9. confidence/confident/confidential1.confidence: 1.信心+in2.信任;信赖+in3.信心;把握4.秘密:gain/g et sb’s confidence 赢得某人的信任;in confidence秘密地;私下里2. confident in the knowledge that:确保You can go out, confident in the knowledge that your house is safe.10. skim :[v]1.撇去(液体面上的浮物)+off : Skim the fat off the soup. 2.(使) 在表面上方快速移动In the distance, water skiers skimmed across/over the bay;The children are skimming stone on the lake. 3.浏览;略读+through11. steer :steer sth away from/towards/into/through etc sth 1. 掌舵;驾驶2.引领;引导3.影响;引导He steered the country through a transitional period to elections;steer sb to victory=help someone win 帮助某人取得成功;steer a course:1.遵循:They tried to steer a middle course between overconfidence and undue pessimism. 2.朝着…前进steer a course for…12.Smash: 1.用力打破;打碎2.粉碎,捣毁(组织等);击败;击溃:The government would take whatever necessary action to smash the rebellion by separatist guerillas. 13.Bond 1.联系;关系+between: The trade agreement strengthened the bond between the two countries. 2.公债;债券a government/Treasury bond; 3.契约;合同4.(郑重的)许诺;保证:my word is my bond 我的话像契约一样可靠;我一定会履行诺言 5.bonds: 枷锁=shackle;束缚物:She longs to escape from the bonds of children and housework.14.affect 1.影响;身体上的伤害;感情上的打动affecting;震动2. 假装;佯装She affected a look of disinterest as she glanced at his newspaper.15.plague~epidemic/pandemic/:1.瘟疫;传染病2. [singular]普遍的祸害: the plague of violence in America today 3. (动物或昆虫)无限制的大量滋长;泛滥:A plague of journalists surrounded around the superstar. [vt]:给…造成长期的灾祸;长期困扰:The children plagued him with questions.16.conformist 1.[adj] 墨守成规的;因循守旧的2.[n]墨守成规的人,因循守旧的人17. distinction 1.差别;不同make/dra w a distinction between… 2.优秀;卓越;杰出:of (great) distinction; He is a writer of high distinction. 3.声誉;特征;特点;Have/hold/gain the distinction of : She holds the distinction of being the first woman editor of the Harvard Law Review.18.distinct 1.不同的;单独的:They were classified into two distinct groups; as distinct from: The Company, as distinct from its shareholders, should be liable for any debts. 2.清晰的;清楚的;明显的:As dawn broke, the outline of a building became distinct against the sky. 3.[usually before noun]确实的;显著的:I had the distinct impression that he did not like me.19.stature 1.身高He will be taller than his father when he reaches his full stature. 2. 名望;威望: Gain/grow/rise in stature20. fragment 1.[n]碎片:fragments of glass 2.[v](使)破碎;(使)分裂Fragmentation(含抽象意味);[n]破碎;破裂;分裂~ of the Soviet Union21.Polar 1.极地的2.截然不同的:The novel deals with the polar opposites of the love and hate.22.integrate1.使融入;使打成一片:integrate sb into sth 2.使结合;使成为一体:integrate sth into/with sth 3.使取消种族隔离Integrated:融合的;整体的;综合的;互相协调的~team 2.无种族隔离的Integration 1. 融合;融入:+into 2.种族融合:the ~ of school 3.结合;融合;整合:+of/with/intoIntegrity 1.正直;诚实:maintain/preserve your integrity; question/doubt sb’s integrity; professional/artistic/political integrity 2.完整;完全:defend the new state’s territori al integrity23.spectrum 1.系列;范围;幅度wide/broad spectrum=a large range: The course covers a wide spectrum of musical activity from opera to rock 2. 光谱3. 频率24.capacity 1.能力;:capacity to do/for sth;2.身份in a professional/personal/advisory etc capacity;in your capacity as :I attended in my capacity as chairman of the safety committee.3.容量;容积;容纳力1.The seating capacity of the theater is 5,000. 2.The hall was filled/full to capacity.25.discipline [n]1.纪律;惩罚:Impose discipline/maintain discipline 2.自控能力;自制力:Their attention wandered and they lacked the discipline to learn. 3.训练方法:Studyinga foreign language is a good discipline for mind. 4.(尤指大学的)学科;科目[v]1.惩罚;处罚:The strikers were disciplined by management. 2.discipline yourself:约束自己26.conscious:1.意识到;注意到~ of doing sth/~that 2.神志清醒的;有知觉的3.慎重的;有意的;刻意的~decision/effort 4.特别感兴趣的;关注的:Environmentally-conscious27.refine: 1. 精炼;提纯:refined sugar 2. 改善;改进;使精炼:refine one’s manners28.reflection;1. 映像:He admired his reflection in the mirror. 2. (声、光、热等的)反射3. 反映;显示;表达:The increase in crime is a sad reflection on(=shows sth bad about)our society. 4.沉思;深思;审慎的思考:She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.29. induce : 1. 劝说;诱使induce sb to do sth 2.引起;导致=cause or produce, result in, bring about, entail : Drugs which induce sleep30. Persist 1. 顽强地坚持;执着地做~ in sth/in doing sth/with sth ; 2.维持;保持;持续;存在:If the pain persists, consult a doctor.31.Vision 1.视力;视野:good/perfect/poor/blurred/normal vision; 2.想象;幻想3. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识=foresight: a leader of foresight Visionary 1.有眼力的;远见卓识的2. 梦幻的;(尤指)宗教异象的;神示的32.Vain≈futile1. 徒劳的;枉然的;in the vain hope/in a vain attempt to do/in vain; 2.自负的;自视过高的: She is too vain to wear glasses.33. Given : 1.[adj]已经安排好的;规定的:They were to meet at a given time and place. Be given to sth/to doing sth: 经常做;习惯于;2.[prep]考虑到;鉴于Given his age, he is remarkably active. Given that: It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raised taxes so much.34. moral [adj]1. 道德的:a moral issue/dilemma/question 2.道义上的;道德上的:moral responsibility/duty 3.品行端正的;有道德的4.能辨别是非的:Children are not naturally moral beings. Take/claim/seize the moral high ground声称自己的论点在道义上占优势[n]1.品行;道德2. 寓言:The moral of the fable is that honesty is always the best policy.35. scarcely [adv]1.几乎不:I can ~ believe what’s hap pened. 2.才;仅仅:We had~ driven a mile when the car broke down. 3.决不;一定不:I can scarcely refuse to help after all he’s done for me.36.conviction 1.定罪;判罪:previous conviction; 2.坚定的信仰;信念;3.深信;确信:lack conviction(缺乏信心);not carry conviction(没有说服力)37. nest 1.鸟巢2.+of 一套;一组: a nest of table38. off 1.离开;走开:be off/be off to; off/on course 偏离/在正确航线;航向2.从…(顶部或表面)离开:keep/stay off the grass 3.不上课;不工作;休息:be off 4.off and on/on and off 有时;间或;断断续续39.Distant 1. 在远处的:in the not too distant future:在不久的将来;Distant memory 遥远的记忆;the dim and distant past:很久以前;遥远的过去;Keep a respectful distance 敬而远之;2疏远的;不友好的;冷淡的; 3. 恍惚的;心不在焉的;4.远亲的;远房的 a distant relative40.somehow:1.以某种方法:somehow or other:不管怎么样;2.由于某种未知的原因41.Lean 1.清瘦而健康的;2.倚靠:lean against/on sth 3.有(选择或支持某事物的)倾向:lean in the direction of sth; lean on sb 依靠某人;leaning towards对…的倾向;爱好;偏爱42.Extend 1.提供;给予;(向某人)表示(欢迎、感谢、同情)extend sth to sth 2.涉及(范围;延伸(距离)延续(时间);Rain is expected to extend to all parts of the country. The desert extends for miles.Extension/extent: 1.This kidnapping shows an _extension_ of terrorist activity to innocent children. 2. This kidnapping shows the _extent_ of terrorist activity which has got innocent children involved.43. Identify: 1.indentify sb as sth:1.辨认;确认;2.是…的标志;显示出;2.identify with sb体会(某人)的思想感情;理解并同情(某人)的感受:He didn’t seem to be able to identify with ordinary people and their aspirations. 3.be identified with sb/sth把某人或某物联系在一起4.identify sth with sth 认为…和…一致;将…等同于44.ground [v]1.使飞机停飞;船只搁浅;2. 罚…呆在家里His parents grounded him for two weeks for smoking.3.使决定、想法建立在…之上,基于:be grounded in/on sth [n]4.理由;原因:on the grounds of: She is suing the company on the ground of unfair dismissal.45.sway [v]1.摇动;摇摆2.影响某人;使改变看法:Sway sb into doing sth 3.[n]hold sway :1.(对人们的观点或行为)有巨大的影响力;2.控制某个区域under sb’s sway:在某人的控制或统治下46.Smear:1.(胡乱地)涂,抹:be smeared with sth 2.玷污;诽谤:≈slur/smash/malign47.Facility 1.[通常用复数](房间、设备等)设施;2.(工具、制度等的)特点:Have the facility to do sth : The software has the facility to produce high-quality graphics displays.3.(用作某种用途的)区,大楼;4.[单数/U]天赋;技能;技巧:He has a facility for languages.[注]:facility作单数时指场所;作复数时指设施。
大学英语综合教程1 单词表

Unit 1 Test A off and on 断断续续地,有时take hold 生根,确立associate 使联系起来,使联想assignment(分配的)工作,任务,作业turn out 编写,制作paragraph 段落agony (身心的)极度痛苦assign 分配,分派cheerless阴郁的,沉闷的tedious乏味的,冗长的reputation 名声,名誉inability无能,无力inspire激励,鼓舞formal 刻板的,拘谨的,正式的,正规的rigid一成不变的,严格的out of date过时的excessively过分地prim古板的,拘谨的,循规蹈矩的,整洁的severe朴素的,严重的,剧烈的wavy波形的,波浪形的necktie领带pointed有尖的,尖的jaw颌,颚comic 滑稽的,喜剧的,连环漫画(册)antique古物,古玩tackle处理,应付informal(指讲话,文字)口语体的,非正式的essay散文,小品文,论说文distribute分发,分配,分送finally最终,终于face up to勇敢地接受或对付scan浏览,粗略地看spaghetti意大利式细面条title标题,题目,给...加标题,加题目于extraordinary不同寻常的,奇特的sequence一连串相关的事物,次序,顺序image形象,印象,(图)像vivid生动的,逼真的adult成年人,成年动物recall回想起,回忆起social社会的,社交的,交谊的respectable可敬的,体面的,文雅的put down写下recapture再现,再次经历relive再体验,重温violate违背,违反compose创作turn in交(作业)command命令,指令discipline惩罚,处分,纪律what’s more而且,此外,更有甚者contempt轻视,轻蔑ridicule嘲笑,嘲弄,被戏弄open—hearted诚挚的enjoyment愉快,欢乐,满意hold back控制(感情,眼泪等)avoid避免demonstration表明,证明calling职业,使命career生涯,事业,职业seal印章,图章essence本质,精髓Unit 1 Test Btradition传统award授予,给予valedictorian致告别词的毕业生代表maintain保持,维持look forward to盼望participate in参加registration登记,注册fee费(如会费等)gym健身房,体育馆compare to相比,比得上falsify窜改,歪曲plus(常置于被修饰词后面)比.。
大学英语综合教程(一)Unit1 Growing Up

nguage PointsPart One (Para1-2)off and on: from time to time,irregularlyeg:①It has been raining on and off for a week. That’s why the clothes feel damp. possibility:sate of being possibleeg:①Is there any possbility of life on Mars? (火星)take hold: 确立;生根eg:①Get rid of your bad habits before they take hold.associateeg:①Jim wished to forget everything associated with his former life. associate member准成员associate professor 副教授vice president 副总统NBA (National Basketball Association) (美) 国家篮球协会assignmenteg: ① What is today’s assignment in history ?turn out : produceeg:①This company can turn out a million television sets a month.②The sports meet turned out to be very successful.③Please turn out the radio.assigneg:①Let us assign a day for the next meeting让我们把下次会议的日期确定下来。
anticipateanticipate ﹢名词/that 预期,预想anticipate ﹢doing 预期做…eg:①In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.在生意上,你必须事先估计到你的竞争对手会如何行动。

新编实用英语综合教程一重点单词Unit 1: Communication1. Communication - the act of sharing or exchanging information, ideas, or feelings through speech, writing, or other methods.2. Verbal - relating to or consisting of words, spoken or written.3. Nonverbal - not involving or using words; not able to speak.4. Gesture - a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.5. Intonation - the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, giving meaning to words or sentences.6. Pronunciation - the way in which a word or language is spoken.7. Idiom - a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., "kick the bucket" means to die).8. Slang - informal language that is more common in speech than in writing and typically restricted to a particular group of people.9. Jargon - special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.10. Paraphrase - express the meaning of something using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.11. Feedback - information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc., used as a basis for improvement.12. Barriers - obstacles that prevent communication from being successful, such as language differences or cultural misunderstandings.Unit 2: Jobs and Careers1. Occupation - a person's regular work or profession; job or career.2. Profession - a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.3. Employment - the state of having paid work.4. Unemployment - the state of not having paid work.5. Entrepreneur - a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.6. Resume - a brief summary of an individual's education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically sent with a job application.7. Interview - a formal meeting in which one or more people question, consult, or evaluate another person.8. Career - an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.9. Job satisfaction - the feeling of fulfillment or enjoyment that a personderives from their work.10. Promotion - the action of raising someone to a higher position or rank within an organization.11. Retirement - the action or fact of ceasing to work due to old age or other reasons.Unit 3: Education1. Education - the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.2. Curriculum - the subjects or topics taught in a school or college.3. Grade - a level of study in an educational institution.4. Homework - tasks assigned to students by school teachers that are intended to be carried out outside of class time.5. Lecture - an educational talk to an audience, especially one of students ina university or college.6. Textbook - a book used as a standard source of information on a particular subject.7. Exam - a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a particular subject or skill.8. Degree - a qualification awarded to students by a college or university, usually after completing a course of study.9. Major - the subject area that a student specializes in while pursuing a degree.10. Minor - a secondary area of study chosen in addition to a major.Unit 4: Health and Fitness1. Health - the state of being free from illness or injury; a person's mental or physical condition.2. Fitness - the condition of being physically fit and healthy.3. Diet - the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.4. Exercise - activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.5. Nutrition - the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.6. Weight - a measurement of how heavy someone or something is.7. Stress - a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.8. Sleep - a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced consciousness and inactivity of the body.9. Disease - a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant,especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms.10. Allergy - a damaging immune response by the body to a substance to whichit has become hypersensitive.Unit 5: Food and Drink1. Cuisine - a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.2. Recipe - a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish.3. Ingredient - any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish.4. Appetizer - a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal tostimulate one's appetite.5. Main course - the principal item of food in a meal.6. Dessert - a sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.7. Beverage - a drink, especially one other than water.8. Fast food - easily prepared processed food served in snack bars and restaurants as a quick meal.9. Vegetarian - a person who does not eat meat or fish.10. Organic - relating to or derived from living matter, produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.Unit 6: Technology and Innovation1. Technology - the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.2. Innovation - the action or process of introducing new ideas, methods, or things.3. Computer - an electronic device that manipulates information or data, typically performing calculations or series of operations known as programs.4. Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.5. Smartphone - a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded applications.6. Software - the programs and other operating information used by a computer, which are given to it or carried in it when it is switched on.7. Hardware - the physical components of a computer or other electronic device.8. Cloud computing - the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.9. Artificial intelligence - the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.10. Cybersecurity - the protection of computer systems and networks against information disclosure, damage, or disruption.Unit 7: Environment and Sustainability1. Environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.2. Sustainability - the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level; the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.3. Pollution - the presence or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.4. Climate change - long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place or region.5. Renewable energy - energy derived from natural resources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.6. Conservation - the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment and of wildlife.7. Recycle - convert (waste) into reusable material.8. Compost - decayed organic matter used as fertilizer, especially a mixture of decaying vegetable matter and manure, commonly used in gardening and agriculture.9. Carbon footprint - the total amount of greenhouse gases produced directly and indirectly by something, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.10. Greenhouse gas - a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect, such as carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide.Unit 8: Travel and Tourism1. Travel - make a journey from one place to another.2. Tourism - the activity of traveling for pleasure or business; the provision of services for this activity.3. Destination - a place to which someone is traveling or where something is being sent; the ultimate objective of a journey.4. Accommodation - a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone lives or stays.5. Transportation - the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported.6. Itinerary - a plan for a journey or route taken by a traveler.7. Attraction - a place that is interesting or beautiful and makes people want to visit it.8. Culture - the arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or social group.9. Visa - an official authorization appended to a passport, permitting the bearer to enter the country issuing it.10. Currency - the system of money used in a country.Unit 9: Art and Entertainment1. Art - the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works tobe appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.2. Entertainment - the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.3. Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.4. Film - a movie; a motion picture.5. Theater - a building or outdoor area in which plays, and other dramatic performances are given.6. Dance - an artistic form of nonverbal communication characterized primarily by the use of movements of the body.7. Literature - written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.8. Museum - a building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic,or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.9. Gallery - a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.10. Performance - a performance of music, drama, or dance.。

Unit 1off and on (or on and off): from time to time; now and again; irregularlyIt has been raining on and off for a week. That’s why the clothes feel damp.As her patient slept soundly during the night, Nurse Betty was able to doze off and on in a bedside chair.take hold: become establishedThe idea of one child has taken hold in many Chinese families.Old habits die hard. That’s why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.bore: vt. make (sb.) feel tired and lose interestThe speaker went on and on, and the audience grew bored by his speech.Tom Sawyer grew bored with painting the garden fence, so he thought of a way to make others paint for him.a crashing bore讨厌至极的人/事a frightful bore 讨厌得要命的家伙an insufferable bore讨厌得令人无法忍受的人an utter bore 极惹人厌烦的事associate: vt. join or connect together; connect or bring in the mindWe often associate Egypt with pyramids.I can’t associate this gentle young woman with the radical political essays she has written.Jim wished to forget everything associated with his former life.anticipate: vt. expect (usu. followed by gerund or that-clause)The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in large numbers. They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2012.该动词所接的宾语可以是动名词,不可用不定式代替。

英语专业综合教程1-Unit1-neversaygoodbye综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplementReading aloud Listen and read the following sentences, paying attention to the pauses between sense groups.1. When I was ten / I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home / I had ever known.2. DIt isn’t easy, / is it, Billy?‖ / he said softly, / sitting down on the steps beside me.3. I was standing by his rosebush / when an uncle came to tell me / that my grandfather had died.综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplement4. It’s that special place in your heart / that makes them so.5. D ... We seem to have so many ways of saying goodbye / and they all have one thing in common: / sadness.‖综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplementCultural information Quote Bertrand Russell: Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. The best way to overcome it ― so at least it seems to me ― is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal.综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplementHenry David Thoreau: The failures and reverses which await men ― and one after another sadden the brow of youth ― add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplementAudiovisual supplement Watch a video clip and answer the following questions.1. What are the people doing in the video? The mother and her three children were moving to a new place.2. How did the boys feel?Simon felt excited about moving to a large house because he wanted to keep some bigger pets. But Jared was not happy about the moving. / He was angry about it.综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplement3. Have your family ever moved from one place to another?Students are encouraged to answer this question freely.综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplement综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplementMom:There it is. Pretty much … how I remember it! I was younger than you last time I was here, Simon. Mallory: Well … it’s … bi g. Simon: Yes! So I can get bigger pets here, right, Mom? Mom: Sure, get a cow! Get a whole flock! Simon: Herd. Mom: That, too. Whatdo you think, Jared? ... Jared? ... OK, here we go! Simon: It’s OK, Mr. Tibbs. It’s OK. … Oh, it has that old people smell.… It’s just an observation, not a judgment.综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业Reading aloudCultural informationAudiovisual supplementMom:You’re angry about the move. I get that. Just what are you expecting your sile nt protest will get you? … At least acknowledge this isn’t the way to deal with your anger the way you sa 综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业综英1 Unit1 never say googbye 教师上课课件综英大一英语专业。

Unit One1. have a reputationfor... 以…而出名2. face up to ... 不得不面对…3. violate the rules 违反规定4. what’s more 此外5. listen attentively 专心听讲6. hold back 控制7. out of date 过时的8. turn out 编写9. take hold 生根,确立10. turn in 上交11. off and on 断断续续12. put down 写下13. have no choice butto do 别无选择,只好做…14. lie on a sofa 躺在沙发上15. a failing grade 不及格分Unit Twobe lost in/lose oneself in 专心致志于or something 诸如此类的事get one’s attention 引起某人注意know/learn by heart 记住,能背出might as well 不妨,无妨not much of a 不太好的keep up 保持kind of /sort of 有几分,有点儿right away 立刻,马上on one’s mind 挂记在心头keep in touch 保持联系,保持接触come up 发生,出现hang out 闲荡;徘徊a class reunion 同学聚会every now and then 时常,有时Unit Threebring about 引起,导致do withoug 没有…而设法对付过去cut off 切断,中断;切下,剪下in the form of 呈…的形状;以…形式lie in 在于put across 解释清楚,使被理解slow down 减慢in terms of 从…方面(或角度)来说;按照,根据have sufficient faithin 对…充满信心the standard of living 生活水准greenhouse effect 温室效应genetic engineering 基因工程make informeddecisions 做出明智决定science fictions 科幻小说a democratic society 民主社会Unit Four1. turn away 拒绝帮助;不让……进入2. work out 制定出;解决;算出3. clean up 打扫,清除4. do with 对待,处理5. turn down 拒绝6. for sale 待售7. call on 拜访8. odds and ends 零星杂物,琐碎物品9. send for 派人去叫,召唤;派人去取10. pass away 去世11. check on 检查;调查;察看12. above all 最重要的是13.from then on 从那以后14. personneldepartment 人事部门15. down payment 首付Unit Six1. a thoughtful soul 多思善虑的心灵2. insightful mind 富于洞察力的头脑3. straighten one’s army uniform 整了整军装4. the previous owner’s name 前一位拥有人的姓名5. be shipped overseas 被运往海外6. take a chance 碰运气7. schedule the firstmeeting 安排第一次见面8. sustain sb. unfailingly 始终支持某人9. be like springtime come alive 犹如春天般生气盎然10. more than a little 很,非常11. the bitterness of my disappointment 失望的痛苦12. square one’s shoulders 挺胸站立13. go sb’s way 与某人同路14. be grateful to sb.for sth. 因某事而感激某人15. in response to 作为对…的回应。

Unit 3 Whatever Happened to Manners?Section One Pre-reading Activities (2)I. Reading aloud (2)II.Cultural information (2)III. Audiovisual supplements (2)Section Two Global Reading (4)I. Text analysis (4)II. Structural analysis (4)Section Three Detailed Reading (5)Text I (5)Section Four Consolidation Activities (14)I. Vocabulary Analysis (14)II Grammar Exercise (19)III. Translation exercises (21)IV. Exercises for integrated skills (22)V. Oral activities (23)VI. Writing Practice (24)VII. Listening Exercises (25)Section Five Further Enhancement (28)I. Text II (28)II. Memorable Quotes (30)Section One Pre-reading ActivitiesI. Reading aloudRead the following sentences aloud, making a pause between sense groups.1. Do you remember a time | when people were a little nicer, | a little softer, |a little gentler with others?2. I recently got a thank-you note from a guest | who attended a 40th birthday party| that Frank and I hosted | for Frank’s daughter-in-law.3. Now, | I know we all have busy lives, | but the note my guest s ent me | didn’t take long to write.4. Being on time for lunch dates, | for example, | shows the person we’re meeting| that we value his or her precious time | as much as we do our own.5. If you’ re a husband, | how long has it been | since you walked in the door |with a rose for your wife?II.Cultural information1. QuoteJohann Wolfgang von Goethe:A man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.2. MannersGood manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good-mannered person?Here are some common examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person. When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him. He doesn't interrupt other people when they are talking.Ideas of what are good manners vary in different regions. For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else. So it is important to know the polite and impolite behaviour before you go to a region. But it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.III. Audiovisual supplementsWatch a video clip and answer the following questions.1. Why is the girl disappointed after she talked with people in the market?2. Eliza, the girl in the video clip, was a flower girl in the market before she was taught the standard English and manners. What do you think about people’s manners? How can manners change a person?Answers to the Questions:1. Maybe she knew them before. But they couldn’t recognize her even after talking with her. So she felt disappointed.2. Open.Video Script:Flower Girl: Buy a flower, Miss?Eliza: Yes, please.Man 1: Oh, good morning, Miss. Can I help you?Eliza: Do you mind if I warm my hands?Man 1: Go right ahead, Miss.Eliza: Yes?Man 2: Excuse me, Miss. For a second, I thought you were somebody else.Eliza: Who?Man 2:Forgive me, ma’am. Early morning light playing tricks with my eyes.Man 1: Can I ge t you a taxi, ma’am? A lady like you shouldn’t be walking alone around London this hour of the morning.Eliza: No, thank you.Section Two Global ReadingI. Text analysisWhat is this essay concerned with?This essay is concerned with the necessity and significance of good manners. II. Structural analysis1. How is the essay organized?The essay is organized chiefly by means of the following methods: (1) the main idea is used as the main framework of the text; (2) the deductive method is employed in most of the paragraphs; (3) the writer’s personal experiences and some typical examples are made good use of as convincing evidence; (4) some key phrases, each of which stands in a single line, are used as subtitles.2. Work out the structure of the text by completing the table.Section Three Detailed ReadingText IWhatever Happened to Manners?Linda Dano1. Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer, a little softer,a little gentler with each other? I certainly do, and I feel that much of theworld has somehow gotten away from that. I see such a difference in New York City, for example, from when I first moved here more than 20 years ago: people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first, never saying “Thank you” when others hold a door open for them, or “Please”when they want a coworker to hand them something, never giving a wave or nod of appreciation when another motorist lets them pull out into traffic.2.We get lazy, and in our laziness we think that something like a simple “Thankyou” doesn’t really matter. But it can matter very much. The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress, how beautifully we decorate our homes, or how lovely our dinner parties are, we can’t be truly stylish without good manners.3. In fact, I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. Haven’tyou noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier?They become Cary Grant or Lauren Bacall right before our eyes. It’s funny how that happens, but it does.4. Take the long-lost art of saying “Thank you.” Like wearing a littlelipstick or making sure your hair is neat, getting into the habit of saying “Thank you” can make you f eel better about yourself, and then you look better to everyone around you. A gracious manner not only sets an excellent example for your children and grandchildren but it adds priceless panache to your image.5. Positive ThankingOf course, saying “Thank you” does wonder s for the person on the receiving end too. I recently got a thank-you note from a guest who attended a 40th birthday party that Frank and I hosted for Frank’s daughter-in-law. The note was lovely enough, but even lovelier was the fact that the guest had also included a recipe for a dish I’d compliment ed her on at an earlier gathering. It was a sweet gesture that made me feel terrific and put me in a great mood. What a gift!6. Many of us know we should write thank-you notes, but we think w e don’t havethe time or energy. Now, I know we all have busy lives, but I bet the note my guest sent me didn’t take long to write.If you feel like a feel because you’veput off sending a card, write a note that says, “I should have done this two weeks a go, but I didn’t want to let another day go by without telling you how much I enjoyed your party.” It’s much better than not writing at all.Magic Words7. Just as powerful as a thank-you note is the simple phrase “Excuse me.”Don’t you just hate it when someone knocks an enormous carry-on bag into your head when he’s barrel ing down the aisle to board an airplane —and then doesn’t bother to say he’s sorry? But when someone does stop and turn around and genuinely apologizes, doesn’t it melt away most — if not all — of the irritation you felt?8. Same for holding the door open for others when you see their hands are full.I’ll even do this for a hotel bellman carrying my luggage. Just because his job is to carry my bags doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate a little gesture that makes his life a wee bit easier. And punctuality is not a thing of the past, either. Being on time for lunch dates, for example, shows the person we’re meeting that we value his or her precious time as much as we do our own.9. Bringing Manners HomeAnd for heaven’s sake, we shouldn’t forget to use good manners with our own families. That’s where it count s the most because those are the people we love the most. How lovely it would be to put a card on your spouse’s pillow at night to sa y “Thank you” for some dear thing he or she did for you or even just to say “I love you.”10. Similarly, bringing home the most insignificant little presents for peopleyou cherish will go a long way. It shows they’re in your thoughts and you want to make them happy. If you’re a husband, how long has it been since you walked in the door with a rose for your wife? Or maybe her favorite candy — even if it’s just a Snickers bar.You’d sure get my attention if you brought me a Snickers! I firmly believe spouses should be gracious about the routine things they expect each other to do. Show that you don’t take the other person for granted. He or she is much more likely to treat you the same way.11. Good manners are infectious. Now, if we could just get everyone to catchthem!Words and ExpressionsParagraph 1Questions:1) Which sentences in the first paragraph imply that in a general sense, people now are less gentle, less friendly or less polite than people in the past?The first two sentences of the first paragraph.2) What examples does the writer give to show that many people in New York City arenot friendly or polite with one another?The writer employs the following examples to illustrate the bad manners of people in New York City: People rush into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first; they never say “Thank you” when others hold a door open for them, or “Please” when they want a coworker to hand them something; they never give a wave or nod of appreciation when another motorist lets them pull out into traffic.Words and Expressions1. appreciate: vt.1) to recognize with gratitude; be grateful fore.g. We appreciate your helping us.2) to recognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as describede.g. There's no point buying him expensive wines — he doesn't appreciate them. Derivations:appreciation: n.appreciative: adj.Synonyms:enjoy, understandComparison: appreciate, enjoyappreciate:It means “to be thankful or grateful for something,” as well as “to like or value something for its good qualities.”e.g. We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.enjoy: It stresses taking pleasure in a situation one is in, esp. to find satisfaction in doing something, and often appears in the structure of “ enjoy oneself”.e.g. Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。
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Unit 1Never Say GoodbyeParagraphs 1-4Words and Expressions1. confront: vt.1) be faced with and have to deal withe.g.The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door.Whenever we are confronted with any difficu lties, we shouldn ’t give up what we are doing.2) force to deal with or accept the truths of; bring face to face withe.g.When the police confronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty.Collocations:be confronted withconfront sb. with sth.Synonyms:encounter, face2. anguish: n. very great pain and suffering, esp. of the minde.g.Lear, a broken, confused old man, died in anguish.李尔王,这位身心交瘁、精神恍惚的老人在痛苦中死去。
Derivations:anguished: adj .anguish: vt.Synonyms:pain, suffering3. gracefully: adv.1) in an attractively and effortlessly fine and smooth mannere.g. Already in her fifties, she danced gracefully on the stage last night, attracting a largeaudience.The figure skater glided gracefully on the ice.花样滑冰者在冰上优雅地滑行。
2) in a way that shows willingness to behave fairly and honorablye.g.The request was gracefully refused.这个请求被有礼貌地回绝了。
Derivations:graceful: adj.grace n.Comparison: gracious, gracefulgraceful: moving in a smooth and attractive way, or having an attractive shape or formgracious: behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way, especially to people of a lower rank.Thank you for your__________ hospitality. (gracious)The lady of small waist is elegant and _______.( graceful)4. touch: vt.& vi.1) put one ’s hand onto. s o t r h s b. elsee.g.Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.2) have an effect on one ’s feelings; cause one to feel pity, sympathy, etc.e.g.Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world.她所处的困境牵动着全世界人民的心。
The environmental problems touch us all.这些环境问题与我们所有人都有关。
Collocation:be touched withe.g. Her hair is touched with grey.他有些灰发了。
Derivations:touched: adj.touching: adj .5. shudder: vi. shake uncontrollably for a moment, esp. from fear, cold, or dislike shudder at/withShe shuddered at the sight of the dead body.她一看到那具尸体就不寒而栗。
Comparison: shudder, shakeshudder: vi. It suggests a more intense shaking,which is less noticeable to an onlooker. shake: vt.& vi. It suggests sth. that is done to as well as by a person or object.People still ______ at the thought of that terrible earthquake. (shudder)The tree branches were _______ in that sudden gust of wind. (shaking)6. well: vi. flow or start to flow (outflow)e.g.Strong emotions welled up.Collocation:well out/up/forthShe was so moved that her tears welled out(up/forth) from her eyes.她感动得泪如泉涌。
7. rest on/upon1) lean on; to be supported bye.g.She sat down and rested her feet on the chair.2) ( e sp. of a proof, argument, etc.) be based on; be grounded on; depend one.g.His hopes rest on the leader.他的希望全寄托在领导者的身上。
e.g.Our policy should rest on the basis of self-reliance.我们的政策要建立在自力更生的基础之上。
8. through : prep.(1) in at one side, end, or surface of something and out at the othere.g.We couldn’t see through the mist.Is it quicker to drive straight through the center?(2) among or between the parts or members ofe.g.The monkeys swung through the trees.I searched through my papers for the missing documents.9. stare: vi.(1) look steadily for a long time, e.g. in great surprise or shocke.g.The child stared the stranger up and down.这个孩子上上下下地打量着这个陌生人。
He was staring, thinking.(2) be very plain to see; be obviouse.g.The lies in the report stared out at us from every paragraph.Collocations:stare sb. down/out 盯得某人局促不安stare sb. into silence 瞪得某人哑口无言stare sb. up and down 上下打量某人stare sb. in the face 近在眼前Sentences1. My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touchedwith the laughter and tears of four generations. (Paragraph 1)Paraphrase: I spent my whole life, although it was so brief, in that big old house, in which four generations of our family had lived harmoniously and experienced both happiness and sadness. Explanation: “brief as it was ”In a form a l s s c t a y l n e,b e used in a special word order to mean although . The construction suggests a very emphatic contrast.Frosty as it was , they still went out. (Although it was very extremely cold, they still went out.)Bravely as they fought, they had no chance of winning. (Although they fought so bravely, they had no chance of winning.)Translation: 我这一辈子都是在这的旧大宅子中度过的,尽管生命非常短暂,我却深深地体会到了一家四代人的欢笑与泪水。
2. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. (Paragraph 2)Explanation: The word feel can be followed by the “object + infinitive (w t o i t h)o”ut structure.Did you feel the earth move?He felt her hand tense up in his.Translation: 我感到有只手搭在我的肩上。