The four types of sustainability include human, economic, social, andenvironmental. All four are required to maintain the entirety of life on Earth. Althoughinterconnected, itis importanttonotethedifferences of eachinterms ofits nature and requirements.The very basic need of humansustainability is good reproductive healthandsafe childbearing.Those that reproduce have the responsibility of caring for their children, giving them access to proper education, and promoting their health and wellness. At some point, the childrenshould have enoughskills and knowledge suchthatthey cansustaintheir ownway of life. Itis atthatpointthatthey becomeconsidered as productive human capital as well as individuals that can go through the process of reproduction and rearing. As long as this process is maintained at a rate that all human systems can support, human sustainability should be no cause for concern.Insimple terms, economic sustainability is havinga set amount of capital for acertain period. Those who consume that capital must also conserve it so that they will continue to enjoy it towards the end of the specified period. This means thatwe must preserve all our resources as we consume them so that human beings inthe future can enjoy them as well. To achieve this, we must regenerate our resources at a rate that is equal to or faster than our consumption.Social capital is an important aspect of sustainability because it is through communities and civil societies that humankind can easily and inexpensively work together. Without proper levels of social capital, it can easily deplete and violence as well as mistrustcantake over. Whenthathappens, societies andeverythingelsethat depends on them will be destroyed. Through proper maintenance of and adherencetolaws, rules, andvalues thatsocieties havedevelopedfor thecommongood, social sustainability can be achieved.Environmental sustainability is important because it involves natural resources that humanbeings need for economic or manufactured capital. Materials takenfromnature are usedfor solutions that address humanneeds. If nature is depletedfaster than it can regenerate, human beings will be left without raw materials.Furthermore,environmental sustainability also involves ensuring that waste emissions areatvolumes thatnaturecanhandle. If not, all humans andother livingthings on Earth can be harmed to the point of extinction.可持续性分类四种可持续性包括人类可持续性,经济可持续性,社会可持续性和环境可持续性。
1.To find the area of a square or oblong,you merely multiply its length by its width.将长乘以宽就可以得到这个长方形的面积。
2.This suggests that matter can be converted into energy.这就是说物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化为物质。
3.Quantum chemistry is still in its infancy.量子化学仍处于发展初期。
4.Even the protective environment is no insurance against death from lack of oxygen.即使有防护措施,也不能保证不发生因缺氧而死亡的情况。
5.In any amchine, input work equals output work plus work done against friction.任何机器的输入功都等于输出功加上客服摩擦所做的功。
6.Earthquakes are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions.地震通常比火山爆发更具有杀伤力。
7.Heat should be applied slowly to avoid localized overheating.应慢慢加热以避免出现局部过热现象。
8.How rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen or air.燃料燃烧的速度取决于它与氧气或空气的混合程度。
9.Gene mutation is of great importance in breeding new varieties.在新品种培育方面,基因突变是非常重要的。
四六级翻译——科技类词汇1.科技园science and technology park2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones3.信息产业IT (Information Technology)4.电器设备electrical appliance5.电子设备electronic device6.电子商务e-commerce7.人工智能artificial intelligience8.先进技术advanced technology9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology10.载人航天飞行manned space flight11.发射成功successful launch12.自然科学natural science13.新兴学科new branch of science14.科技成果research achievements15.科学发展观concept of scientific development16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure19.专利,专利权patent20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture21.物种起源origin of species22.生物工程bio-technology23.基因工程genetic engineering24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)25.技术产权technology property right26.科技含量technology content27.电脑病毒computer virus28.黑客hacker29.垃圾邮件junk mail30.数码科技digital technology31.虚拟社区virtual community32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture33.网民netizen34.克隆cloning 激光laser35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds38.技术创新technological innovation39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces.41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific andtechnological inventions。
A diret current is a current flowing always in the same direction.2、阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理.Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.3、地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化.The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night.4、极化产生的异常会远远大于地形引起的异常。
Anomalies due to polarization can be so much larger than those resulting from topography.5、娱乐用水标准的发展是一个棘手的问题。
Development of standards for recreational water is therefore a complicated issue.6、结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件中保持弹性。
Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so that they hehave elastically in the environmental conditions.7、柔性转子动平衡一直是现代工业中一项很实用的关键技术。
Flexible rotor balancing is a practical and key technique in modern industry.8、你可以采取手动的方法将此服务添加到本地连接里。
You can manually add the service to the local area connection.9、他们特别强调提高电子设备的质量。
The expansio n of metals on heating must be taken into consider ation before a long metal bridge is built. 建金属大 桥前,必 须考虑金 属受热膨 胀现象。 The melting point of a substanc e is the temperat ure at which the change of state from solid to liquid occurs.
用润滑的 办法来减 小运动部 件之间的 摩擦力已 大大延长 了机器的 寿命。 或是v (用n形 式,动 名) ofn+介
classify 划分 The classifi cation of civiliza tion as the stone age, bronze age, and iron age depends principa lly on the kind of tools used. 把人类文 明划分为 石器时代 、青铜时 代和铁器 时代主要 是依据各 时代所用 的工具。
Accordin g to the director , continue d exposure of the eye to light of great intensit y would cause loss of sight. 按医生的 说法,眼 睛连续暴 露于强光 之下会丧 失视力。
在中文 中其实主 动宾 (状) 类似这样 的结构作 主语很常 见,把那 个v提出 来-n, (可加上 adj), n of主 介n, 这样构成 n介n介n 形成两介 三名词形 象,然后 后面谓语 怎么回事 再跟上, 这样转换 很好用, 也比较地 道。 The reductio n of friction between moving parts by lubricat ion has greatly prolonge d the life of machine.
(2) a mustn’t (never allowed to translate articles into Chinese) e.g. a. A watt is the unit of electrical power. 译文: 瓦特是电功率的单位。 译文 瓦特是电功率的单位。 b. The voltage between the base and the emitter is small. 译文: 基极与发射极之间的电压很小。 译文 基极与发射极之间的电压很小。 (3) an uncertainty (two choices) e.g. a. θ is a parameter. 译文 θ是(一个)参 译文: 是 一个) 数。 b. X is a variable. 译文 X 是(一个)变量。 译文: 一个)变量。
e.g. 1. Factories will not buy machines unless they believe that the machine will produce goods that they are able to sell to consumers at a price that will cover all costs.
e.g. 1. No work can be done without energy. 译文:没有能量就不能做功。 译文:没有能量就不能做功。 2. All sorts of necessities of life can be made of plastics. 译文:各种生活必需品都能用塑料制造。 译文:各种生活必需品都能用塑料制造。 3. All business decisions must now be made in the light of the market. 译文:所有企业现在必须根据市场来作出决策。 译文:所有企业现在必须根据市场来作出决策。 4. Automobiles may be manufactured with computer-driven robots or put together almost totally by hand. 译文:汽车可以由计算机操纵的机器人来制造, 译文:汽车可以由计算机操纵的机器人来制造, 或者几乎全部用手工装配。 或者几乎全部用手工装配。
mobile and cellular radio移动和细胞广播in comparison to the relative stability and modest technical developments which are occurring in long haul wideband microwave communication systems there is rapid development and expanding deployment of new mobile personal communication system. These rang from wide coverage area pagers,for simple data message transmission,which employ common standards and hence achieve contiguous coverage over large geographical areas,such as all the major urban centres and transport routes in Europe,Asia or the continental USA.This chapter discusses the special channel characteristics of mobile systems and examines the typical cellular clusters adopted to achieve continuous communication with the mobile user.It then highlights the important properties of current,and emerging,TDMA and code division multiple access(CDMA), mobile digital cellular communication systems.Private mobile radioTerrestrial mobile radio works best at around 250 MHz as lower frequencies than this suffer from noise and interference while higher frequencies experience multipath propagation from buildings,etc,section 15.2.In practice modest frequency bands are allocated between 60MHz and 2GHz. Private mobile radio(PMR) is the system which is used by taxi companies,county councils,health authorities,ambulance services,fire services,the utility industries,etc,for mobile communications.PMR has three spectral at VHF,one just below the 88 to 108 MHz FM broadcast band and one just above this band with another allocation at approximately 170MHz.There are also two allocations at UHF around 450MHz. all these spectral allocations provide a total of just over 1000 radio channels with the channels placed at 12KHz channel spacings or centre frequency offsets. Within the 12khz wide channal the analogue modulation in PMR typically allows 7khz of bandwidth for the signal transmission.when further allowance is made for the frequency drift in the oscillators of these systems a peak deviation of only 2 to 3 khz is available for the speech traffic. Traffic is normally impressed on these systems by amplitude modulation or frequency modulation and again the receiver is of the ubiquitous superheterodyne design,Figure 1.4. A double conversion receiver with two separate local oscillator stages is usually required to achieve the required gain and rejection of adjacent channel signals.One of the problems with PMR receiver is that they are requiredto detect very small signals,typically—120dBm at the antenna output,corresponding to 0.2 uV,and,after demodulating this signal,produce ann output with perhaps 1W of audio equipment, the first IF is normally at10.7MHz and the second IF is very orten at 455KHz . unfortunately,with just over 1000 available channels for the whole of the UK and between 20000and30000issued licences for these systems,it is inevitable that the average busuness user will have to share the allocated channel with other companies in their same geographical area.There are various modes of operation for mobile radio communications networks, the simplest of which is singal frequency simplex. In simplex communication, traffic is broadcast, or one way. PMR uses half duplex(see later Table 15.3) where, at the end of each transmission period, there is a handover of the single channel to the user previously receiving, in order to permit them to reply over the same channel. This is efficient in that it requires only one frequency allocation for the communication link but it has the disadvantage that all units canhear all transmissions provided they are within rage of the mobile and frequencies are allocated for the transmissions. One frequency is used for the forward or downlink, namely base-to-mobile communications. This permits simultaneous two-way communication and greatly reduces the level of interference, but it halves other’s transmissions, which can lead to contention with two mobiles attempting to initiate a call, at the same time, on the uplink in a busy syetem.Although PMR employs relatively simple techniques with analogue speech transmission there have been many enhancements to these systems over the years . Data transmission is now in widespread use in PMR systems using FSK modulation. Data transmission also allows the possibility of hard copy graphics output and it gives direct access to computer services such as databases, etc. Data prembles can also be used, in a selective calling mode, when initiating a transmission to address a special receiver and thus obtain more privacy within the system.15.4.5 Trunked radio for paramilitary use集群无线电的军事使用Another related TDMA mobile radio standard is the European trunked radio(TETRA)network which has been developed as part of the public safety radio communications service(PSRCS) for use by police, utilities, customs office, etc. TETRA in fact is part of wider international collaborations for paramilitary radio use.In these portable radios there is a need for frequency hopping (FH) to give an antieavesdropping capability and encryption for security of transmission to extend military mobile radio capabilities to paramilitary use, i.e. for police, customs and excise offices, etc. these capabilities are included in the multiband interteam radio for the associated public safety communications office in the USA while Europe has adopted the TETRA standard.TETRA is essentially the digital TDMA replacement of the analogue PMR systems. The TETRA standard has spectrum allocations of 380 to 400 and 410 to 430MHz, with the lower band used for mobile transmissions and the upper band for base station use. TETRA mobile have 1 W output power and the base stations 25 W using error with the data throughput rate varying, to meet the required quality of service. TETRA can accommodate up to four users each with a basic speech or data rate of 7.2kbit/s. with coding and signaling overheads, the final transmission rate for the four-user slot is 36 kbit/s. this equipment is large and more sophisticated than a commercial cell phone, and it sells for a very much higher price becase the production runs are much small. However, its advanced capabilities are essential for achieving paramilitary communications which are secure from eavesdropping.15.5 Code division multiple accessAnalogue communication systems predominantly adopt frequency division multiple access (FDMA), where each subscriber is allocated a narrow frequency slot within the available channel. The alternative TDMA(GSM) technique allocates the entire channel bandwidth to a subscriber but constrains the subscriber but constrains the subscriber to transmit only regular short bursts of wideband signal. Both these accessing techniques are well established for long haulterrestrial, satellite and mobile communications as they offer very good utilization of the available bandwidth.15.5.1The inflexibility of these coordinated accessing techniques has resulted in the development of new systems based on the uncoordinated spread spectrum concept. In these systems the bits of slow speed data traffic from each subscriber are deliberately multiplied by a high chip rate spreading code, forcing the low rate (narrowband data signal) to fill a wide channel bandwidth.15.7.2 3G systemsThe evolution of the third generation (3G)system began when the ITU produce the initial recommendations for a new universal mobile telecommunications system(UMTS)[www.] The 3G mobile radio service provides higher data rate services ,with a maximum data rate in excess of 2Mbit/s, but the achievable bit rate is linked to mobility. Multimedia applications encompass services such as voice, audio/video, graphics, data, Internet access and e-mail. These packet and circuit switched services have to be supported by the radio interface and the network subsystem.Several radio transmission technologies(RTT) were evaluated by the ITU and adopted into the new standard, IMT-2000. the European standardization body for 3G, the ETSI Special Mobile Group, agreed on a radio access scheme for 3G UMTS universal terrestrial radio access(UTRA) as an evolution of GSM. UTRA consists of two modes : frequency division duplex(FDD) where the uplink and downlink are transmitted on different frequencies; and time division duplex(TDD) where the uplink and downlink are time multiplexed onto the same carrier frequency. The agreement assigned the unpaired bands (i.e. for UTRA TDD ). TD-CDMA is a pure CDMA based system. Both modes of UTRA have been harmonised with respect to basic system parameters such as carrier spacing, chip rate and frame length to ensure the interworking of UTRA with GSM.The 3G proposal were predominantly based wideband CDMA(WCDMA) and a mix of FDD and TDD access techniques. WCDMA is favoured for 3G in poor propagation environments with a mix of high modest speed data traffic. It is generally accepted that CDMA is the preferred accesstechnique and, with the increase in the data rate, then the spreading modulation needs to increase to wideband transmission.WCDMA is based on 3.84Mchip/s spreading codes with spreading ratio, i.e. , K values, of 4-256 giving corresponging data ratas of 960-15 kbit/s. the upper FDD uplink band I from 1920-1980 MHz is paired with a 2110-2170 MHz downlink. In addition uplink bands II & III at 1850-1910 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz are also paired, respectively, with 1930-1990 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz allocations. the system is configured on a 10 ms frame with 15 individual slots to facilitate TDD as well as FDD transmissions. TDD is more flexible as time-slots can be dynamically reassigned to uplink and downlink functions, as required for asymmetric transfer of large files or video on demand traffic. 3G WCDMA systems use an adaptive multirate speech coder with encoded rates of 4.75-12.2 kbit/s. receivers commonly use the easily integrated direct conversion design, in place of the superheterodyne design . receiver sensitivities are typically -155dBm.The 3GPP2 standard aims to achieve a wide area mobile wireless packet switched capability with CDMA2000 1×EV DO revision A (sometimes called IS-856A). Here 1×refers to the single carrier 1.25 Mchip/s system. It achieves a 3.1 Mbit/s downlink and a delay sensitive services. The 3GPP standard has gone through many release with R4 in 2001 which introduced packet data services and R6 in 2005 to further increase the available data transmission rate . R6 pioneers the use of high-speed downlink packet access and multimedia broadcast multicast services which offer reduced delays and increased uplink data rates approaching 6 Mbit/s.In parallel with the European activities extensive work on 3G mobile radio was also performed in Japan. The Japanese standardisation body also chose WCDMA, so that the Japanese and European proposals for the FDD mode were already aligned closely. Very similar concepts have also been adopted by the North American standardization body.In order to work towards a global 3G mobile radio standard, the third generation partnership project(3GPP), consisting of members of the standardization bodies in Europe, the USA, Japan, Korea and China, was formed. It has merged the already well harmonized proposals of the regional standardization bodies to work on a common 3G international mobile radio standard, still called UTRA. The 3GPP Project 2(3GPP2), on the other hand, works towards a 3G mobile radio standard based on cdmaOne/IS-95 evolution, originally called CDMA2000.比起相对稳定、适度的技术发展是发生在宽带微波通信系统,有长期快速发展和扩大部署的新的移动个人通讯系统。
Sentence TranslationUnit 1Text A1.However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people orderbooks and other products to make money transactions.但是,因特网上的交易数量急速增长,人们从网上购书和其他的产品,进行资金交易。
2.They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems runby banks, telephone companies and even government departments.他们用电脑上网,寻找能够进入银行电脑系统、电话公司的电脑系统、甚至是政府的电脑系统的方式。
3.The first indication of a security breach may be when a customer discovers a fraudulentmoney transaction on a credit card account.当顾客发现信用卡的帐号上出现了来历不明的消费时,这可能就是安全受到了破坏的第一个标志。
4.The use of credit cards to buy things on the Internet converts the issue of Internet securityinto one of general security.用信用卡在网上购物使网络安全变成了大众所普遍关注的安全的一种5.Few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many areequally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter.很多人会在电话里随意报出自己的信用卡号码,同样地,也有很多人不留意交易完成后放在银行柜台上的副本。
科技英语翻译专题 知识点汇总
![科技英语翻译专题 知识点汇总](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9f3a75eaf90f76c660371a0d.png)
计算机冀导那一部分词汇pig 金属锭块dog挡块,止动爪cat吊锚,履带拖拉机cock旋塞,吊车horse支架,铁杆fish 接合板,夹板monkey 打桩锤;煤矿通风巷道fox绳索belly 炉腰mild steel structure 低碳钢结构Bendable switches consist of a continuous 无缝的steel beam.?可弯曲的开关由连续钢条组成。
Bricks are also produced in many different colors and with various finishes, particularly those used for decorative purpose.砖也可以烧制成许多不同的颜色,具有不同的光洁度,尤其是那些用于装饰的砖。
catalyst 催化剂Resolving power 分辨率Combining power 化合价Base 碱Base metals 非贵金属Brass 黄铜Difficult labor 难产Foreign Material 杂质Cast iron 铸铁In general, the design procedure is not straightforward and will require trial and error.一般说来,设计过程不是一帆风顺的,而需要反复试验。
(简单的)Furnace 炉子(1)Rubber is not hard, it gives way to pressure.橡胶性软,受压变形。
(2)Porcelain is commonly used to resist electric current.陶瓷常用来隔绝电流。
(3)When we speak, sound waves begin to travel and go in all directions.我们说话时,声波就开始向四面八方传播。
科技英语 动词的翻译
![科技英语 动词的翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb43414b8bd63186bdebbc10.png)
▪ Be very careful when you take antibiotics.
▪ 使用抗菌素时, 请务必当心。
▪ 科技英语中还有一些用动词原形开头的句子, 它们并不表示祈使语气,只是一种习惯表达 方式,往往含有条件意味,翻译时要视情况 加词。
inversely as the resistance. ▪ 电流的变化与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。 ▪ A pipeline across the desert may cost as much as £80,000 per
mile. ▪ 穿越沙漠的输油管道,造价高达每英里八万英镑。 ▪ The article aims at discussing recent trends in naval gun design. ▪ 本文的目的是讨论舰炮设计的新趋势。 ▪ Boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapor
▪ Do not leave dead batteries in the battery-
box as this may cause malfunction. ▪ 注意不要将废电池留在电池盒内,以免引起故障。
▪ Should the instrument show any signs of
damage, file a claim with the carrier
▪ The range of the spectrum in which heat is radiated mostly lies within the infrared portion.
计算机冀导那一部分词汇pig 金属锭块dog挡块,止动爪cat吊锚,履带拖拉机cock旋塞,吊车horse支架,铁杆fish 接合板,夹板monkey 打桩锤;煤矿通风巷道fox绳索belly 炉腰mild steel structure 低碳钢结构Bendable switches consist of a continuous 无缝的steel beam.?可弯曲的开关由连续钢条组成。
Bricks are also produced in many different colors and with various finishes, particularly those used for decorative purpose.砖也可以烧制成许多不同的颜色,具有不同的光洁度,尤其是那些用于装饰的砖。
catalyst 催化剂Resolving power 分辨率Combining power 化合价Base 碱Base metals 非贵金属Brass 黄铜Difficult labor 难产Foreign Material 杂质Cast iron 铸铁In general, the design procedure is not straightforward and will require trial and error.一般说来,设计过程不是一帆风顺的,而需要反复试验。
(简单的)Furnace 炉子(1)Rubber is not hard, it gives way to pressure.橡胶性软,受压变形。
(2)Porcelain is commonly used to resist electric current.陶瓷常用来隔绝电流。
(3)When we speak, sound waves begin to travel and go in all directions.我们说话时,声波就开始向四面八方传播。
Unit 11.在历时四年的研究中,科学家调查了地球上的许多生境、物种以及将它们联系起来的生态体系。
For four years the scientists examined the planet’s many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together.2.《千年生态系统评估综合报告》为人们提供了认识生态系统经济价值的全新视角,也为人们尊重和保护地球的生命支持体系提供了新的论据。
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report gives people a new insight into the economic importance of ecosystem services and some new and additional arguments for respecting and conserving the Earth’s life-support system.3.科学家认为,水文系统的改变可能导致破坏性洪灾的发生更加频繁和严重。
According to the scientists, changes to water systems may increase the frequency and severity of destructive floods.4.从经济角度看,与那些被用于商业开发的生态系统相比,很多原始生态系统的价值更高。
From an economic perspective, compared with the ecosystems altered for commercial use, many intact ones are more valuable.5.如何在利用地球生态系统提高人类生活水平的同时,缓解该系统所承受的压力,完全取决于人类社会。
考试日期:05 年12 月31 日1.为此,必须对电路(circuit)的基本内容有一个很好的了解。
For this purpose, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the fundamentals of the circuit.2.这个系数(coefficient)有待确定。
This coefficient remains to be determined.3.现有的教科书均没有提这一点。
None of the textbook available mentions this point.4.由于反馈(feedback)在电子线路(electronic circuit)中起着重要作用,所以对它的研究极为重要。
Since feedback plays an important role in the electronic circuit, its study is very important.5.有迹象表明,计算机的价格将进一步下跌。
There is an indication that the price of computers will fall further.6.这个方法的确管用,不过到底该在什么情况下使用它尚不清楚。
This method does work, but it is not clear in what condition it is that it should be used.7.十年前该厂的产量比现在高五倍。
The output of this factory 10 years ago is 6 times what it is now.8.激光(laser)是二十世纪六十年代引入的一项新技术,它能穿透(pierce)特别硬的物质。
A new technology introduced in the 1960s, laser can pierce very hard substances.9.为使晶体管(transistor)正常工作,必须给其电极(electrode)加(apply)上合适的电压(voltage)。
1. This type of spring is extensively used in electrical instruments, and deserves specialconsideration.这种弹簧广泛应用于电工仪表中,因此值得专门考虑一下。
(时态)2. If we had known the properties of the material, we should have made full use of it.要是当时了解这种材料的特性的话,我们就会充分利用它了。
(虚拟语气)3. Let P represent the energy which a machine transforms into useful work, and T the totalinput work, the efficiency of the engine can be expressed as P/T.假设 P 表示机器已经变成有用功的能量, T 表示总输入功,那么,发电机的效率可以表示为 P/T。
4. Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。
(被动语态)5. The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic field, dragging it out to a long tail.太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外拉牵,扯出一条长尾。
6. Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.电视通过无线电波发射和接受各种活动物体的图像。
(名词化结构)7. An understanding of the essential character of scientific investigation is best acquiredfrom the study of a representative particular science.要了解科学研究最本质的特点,最好是对特定的典型学科进行研究。
7.Radio waves are similar to visible light waves except that their wavelength is much greater.
• 无线电波与可见光波相似,只不过无线电波 的波长要长一些
8.Automatic machines ,having many advantages ,can only do the jobs they have been told to do.
• 由于分子运动而引起的力倾向于使分子保持 分开。
5.It is clear that numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers.
• 很清楚,数控就是机床采用数字操纵
6.An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.
• 结果表明,在相当长的时间内,全 球平均气温都是相当稳定的,可极 小的温度变化却意味着环境的巨大
• But according to a pair of studies published in the journal Science recently, biofuels may not fulfill that promise — and in fact, may be worse for the climate than the fossil fuels they're meant to supplement. • 但是,最近发表在科学杂志的一对研 究报告并没有验证生物燃料的这种作 用。并且,事实上,相对于要被取而 代之的化石燃料来说,生物燃料对气