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A transverse section (横切面)of corn (Zea mays) internode showing ground parenchyma in which vascular bundles are embedded.
Parenchyma 薄壁组织
Shown here are potato tuber (Solanum sp.) parenchyma cells
Cross section and vertical section of Collenchyma 厚角细胞的横切与纵切面
2)Sclerenchyma 厚壁组织 Brachysclereids (石细胞) and fibre (纤维)
Brachysclereids are isodiametric(等径的). Show ramified pits (分枝状纹孔)
The cells show small intercellular spaces (细胞间隙) between them.
1) Absorptive tissue 吸收组织
Epidermis and root hairs in root hair region
2) Assimilating tissue 同化组织
1 = primary wall, 2 = secondary wall, 3 = ramified pit, 4 = cell lumen (细胞腔)

Fibre (纤维):
A. Phloem fibres (韧皮纤维) may be no lignified (非木质化) , and longer & flexible (柔韧性) .
Periderm 周皮
Primary protective tissue secondary protective tissue
There are two types: Collenchyma and sclerenchyma
1)Collenchyma cells elongated with nonLignified(非木质化), unevenly thickened Primary walls.
Angular collenchyma has greatest wall thickenings where cells meet in corners.
In green parts of plant
3) Storage tissue 储藏组织
4) Ventilaiting tissue 通气组织
In hydrophytes (水生植物) and wetland plants(湿生植物).
5) Transfer cells 传递细胞
2.2. Mechanical tissues 机械组织
Tissues may be simple (consisting of one cell type only) as parachyma (薄壁细胞), collenchyma (厚角组织)or sclerenchyma (厚壁细胞), or
complex (consisting of two or more cell types) as in the case of epidermis (表皮), xylem(木质部) and phloem(韧皮部).
tiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱsues 复合组织
Simple tissue 简单组织
Plants consist of four basic kinds of Tissues systems:
Meristematic 分生组织
Mature tissues
成 Vascular
输导组织 Conducting tissue

组 织
Secretory structure 分泌结构
1. Meristem 分生组织
A specialized regions of active cell division called meristem, Including:
2. Mature tissues 成熟组织 2.1. Parenchyma cells have thin primary walls
薄壁组织 Ground tissues (基本组织) are typically parenchyma. Many parenchyma cells are Isodiametric (等径的).
promeristem 原分生组织 primary meristem 初生分生组织
secondary meristem 次生分生组织
Secondary meristem 次生分生组织
Secondary meristem cells are derived from mature Parenchyma cells ( 薄壁组织细胞).
按位置分: Apical meristem
顶端分生组织 Lateral meristem
侧生分生组织 Intercalary meristem
Apical meristems
According their origin and characters 按来源与性质分, including:
B. Xylem fibres (木纤维) is lignified (木质化),
and shorter & fragility (脆弱).
Vertical section of fibre 纤维细胞的纵切面
2.3. Dermal or Protective tissue 保护组织
Epidermis 表皮
Petiole of celery (Apium sp.) 芹菜叶柄切片.
Electron microscopy reveals greater detail.
This is another view of the angular collenchyma from the petiole (叶柄) of Rumex confertus (酸摸)