科技英语词汇具有专业性、精确性和简洁性。专业性指的是科技英语中大量使 用专业术语,这些术语通常具有明确的科学含义。精确性是指科技英语词汇的 选用力求准确,避免产生歧义。简洁性则是指科技英语倾向于使用复合词和缩 略词,以减少语言表达的冗余。
科技英语句子结构通常较为复杂,多使用长句和被动语态。长句能够详细阐述 科学概念和原理,而被动语态则强调了客观性和准确性。此外,科技英语还经 常使用名词化结构(Noun Phrases)和定语从句(Adjective Clauses)等 语法结构,以增加信息的密度和清晰度。
01 一、科技英语的特点
03 参考内容
二、科技英语的翻译 技巧
随着全球化的加速和科技的发展,科技英语在当今社会中扮演着越来越重要的 角色。科技英语是一种专门用途英语(ESP),其特点主要表现在词汇、句法 和语境等方面。在翻译科技英语时,了解这些特点并掌握相应的翻译技巧是准 确传达信息的关键。
科技文本中经常出现专业术语,因此理解这些术语是非常重要的。在翻译之前, 你应该了解相关的专业背景知识,以避免误解或误译。如果遇到不确定的术语, 可以查阅相关的专业词典或寻求专业人士强调客观事实。在翻译成中文时,应该尽量保 持这种被动语态的感觉,比如用“被”、“由”等词语来表达。同时,也应该 注意避免使用过多被动语态,以免使文本显得生硬不自然。
总之,科技英语的翻译需要结合其特点,灵活运用各种翻译技巧,以确保信息 的准确传递。通过不断提高自身的专业素养和语言能力,译者可以更好地服务 于读者,促进不同语言之间的科技交流与合作。
科技英语翻译是一项重要的语言技能,它需要准确、客观、精练地表达原始信 息。由于科技文本的特殊性,如专业术语、长句、被动语态等,给翻译工作带 来了一定的挑战。以下是一些有用的技巧,可以帮助大家更好地进行科技英语 翻译:
Grammar Features
客观性) (二)广泛使用被动语句(客观性 客观性 根据英国利兹大学John Swales 的统计,科技英语中 科技英语中 的谓语至少三分之一是被动态。这是因为科技文章侧 的谓语至少三分之一是被动态 重叙事推理,强调客观准确。第一、二人称使用过多, 会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述, 采用被动语态 。
Grammar Features
客观性( 客观性(Objectiveness) ) 准确性( 准确性(accuracy) ) 精练性(conciseness)。 精练性
(1) 大量使用名词化结构 (2) 广泛使用被动语句 (3) 非限定动词 (4) 后置形容词短语作定语多 (5) 省略句使用频繁 It句型和祈使句使用频繁 (6) It句型和祈使句使用频繁 (7) 复杂长句使用频繁
1. Language features 2. Vocabulary features 3. Grammar features 4. Rhetoric features
Language Features
科技英语的语言基本属于书面语言,词汇意义较 专一、稳定,表达方式较单调,语汇不具感情内 容,很少使用修辞手段。另外,科技英语有一些 科技文体所特有的习语及词组。
Vocabulary Features
7. 大量使用复合词 复合词也是科技文章的特点之一,复合词从 复合词 过去的双词组合发展到多词组合。例如: full-enclosed 全封闭的(双词合成形容词) feed-back反馈(双词合成名词) work-harden 加工硬化(双词合成动词) criss-cross交叉着(双词合成副词) on-and-off-the-road路面越野两用的(多词合成形容词) anti-armored-fighting-vehicle-missile反装甲车导弹(多 词合成名词) radiophotography无线电传真(无连字符复合词) colorimeter色度计(无连字符复合词)
➢ well-known
carbon steel
atomic weight
periodic table
acid ionization constant
activization energy
common ion effect
rate of a reaction
◆ 词汇★(构词法、词头、词尾、缩写词词汇的构成) ◆ 阅读与翻译★(较熟练地阅读和翻译英文化学文献) ◆ 写作(论文英文摘要和简单综述) ◆ 听、说能力
➢ 一、简介 ➢ 二、单词译法 ➢ 三、词类转换的译法 ➢ 四、句子成分转换的译法 ➢ 五、词序转变的译法 ➢ 六、被动语态 ➢ 七、后置定语 ➢ 八、长句(难句)
Ø Acids react with certain metals to produce hydrogen. Ø A mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen forms ammonia in
the reaction. Ø Silver hydroxide is easy to break down into the oxide
3. 复杂长句多
科技文章要求叙述准确,推理严谨,英语句子往往很 长,必须按照汉语习惯翻译成若干简单句。
ØObjectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or from naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed.
When the tanker reaches the I℃fineIy,
its load of
value.可译为:一般来讲,干燥一种固 体指的是从固体材料中除去相对少量的水或其 他液体,从而使残留液体的含量减少到可接受 的低值。
panicles.可译为:把光的运动同 波相比——这一比拟在19世纪大半个时期内 实际上已经提供了对当时观察到的现象的满意 解释——势必就妨碍了光是粒子流这个同等正
as a
stream of
确的概念的发展。 这个例句中包含有13个名词和11个介词
ably low
科技文章主要是论述科技论点,或叙述某 些自然规律、科学原理、现象等,而每门学科或 专业都会有其特定的一套精确而含义狭窄的名
管(heat—pipe)、热泵(heat—pipe)等。如果不懂 得某一领域的专门术语,就无法理解该领域的
科技文献。因此,熟悉和掌握这些科技词汇是 很必要的。
章内容进行判断。 1.2词的前、后缀意义
业词汇或行业术语。随着科学技术的飞速发 展,就必然有新词汇给新现象下定义或解释新 事物,从而组成了大量的科技词汇。 1.1专业性词汇
Unit 8
• A gear is a form of disk, or wheel, having teeth
around its periphery for providing a positive drive by meshing these teeth with similar teeth on another gear or rack.
• All the other gear forms — bevel gears, helical •
gears, and worm gears — are modifications of the spur gears. The general principle, or the principle on which gear teeth are formed, is practically the same in all the forms of gears in use.
• This results in reduced dynamic effects and attendant
The machining of forgings by this method
entails some loss of material.
2. 非人称语气(Impersonal)(无生 命的第三人称语气)
由于科技文章所描述和所讨论的是科学发现或 科技事实。重视事物自身的性能、特征和规律,重 视研究方法及获得结果的真实性,而不是报告这些 结果或自然规律是由谁发现或完成的。例如:
• The advantage of helical gears lies in the gradual
You can rectify this fault if you insert a slash.
在科技英语中则通常说: Rectification of this insertion of a slash. fault is achieved by
1)石油埋藏于地层深处。因此,仅仅靠研究地层表面,无法 确定有无石油,必须对地下的岩石结构进行地质勘测。 As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock must be carried out.
3.2 复合式分句译为非谓语动词
1)在通过一个区界大约一天以后,北半球所有暴风的总旋转 速度下降了约10%;同时暴风强度减弱,随后又恢复正常。
About a day after a sector boundary, the total spin of all the storms in the North hemisphere declines by about 10 per cent, making the storms less severe, and then returns to normal.
2.3 判断句译成被动语态
以译为英语被动句。 1 )这个汽车制造厂的动力 是一台原子能发电机提供的。
The power supply of this motor plant is provided by an atomic generator.
科技英语(Enghsh forScience and Technology,即EST )是指“一切涉及科学和技术的英语,是英语的一种变体”,内容主要包括科技论述、科技论文、实验报告、文献以及其他科技类的文字资料。
Non-finite verbs(非限定动词)
由于科技文章要求书写简练、结构紧凑,因而常常使用分词短语 代替定语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列分句;使用不 定式代替各种从句,“介词+动名词短语”代替定语从句或状语从句。 这样,既可缩短句子,又比较醒目。
Organizational culture is a major component affecting organizational performance and behavior. A safety policy is the management ‘s expression of the direction to be followed in the organization. The most important aim of safety management is to maintain and promote workers’ health and safety at work.
There is more to their life than political and social and economic problem, more than transient everydayness.
译:他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时 的柴米油盐问题。(不译“日常性”)
Technology and Science
Characteristics of Specialty English Translation Skill
Characteristics of Language Structure :
Nouns (大量使用名词化结构); Passive sentences (广泛使用被动句);
3)“每隔”与“每逢”的译法: a. every other…每隔一…… b. every other day 每隔一天 C. every third day=every three days 每三天= 每逢第三天=每隔两天 d. every sixth tree=every six trees 没六棵树= 每逢第六棵树=每隔五棵树 e. The test indicated that one transistor in every ten was out of order. 试验表明,每十只晶体管中有一只是坏的。 (这里是分组,而不是序列,故不能用“每 隔”)
4)习惯短语 A. of the order of 约为 B. second to none 首屈一指 Light has a speed second to none in the world.光速是世界上最快 的速度。 C. by halves 不完全,不彻底 The investigation into the videophone was done by halves. 对电视(或视像)电话的研究尚不够充分。 D. a hundred and one 和 a thousand and one无数的,许多的 There are a hundred and one transistors in our school. 我们学校 有许多晶体管。 E. ten to one, twenty to one 十之八九 F. a few tenths of 十分之几, 零点几…… In the present design, inputs are restricted to a few tenths of millivolt. 在目前这个设计中,输入信号限制在零点几毫伏以内。 G. fifty-fifty (half and half) 各半, 均分 The current will flow through T1 and T2 on a fifty-fifty basis. 电流将平均地流过T1和T2.
一、科技英语及其翻译概述科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是一种重要的英语语体,也称作科技文体,由于科技英语既涵盖自然科学领域的各种知识和技术,也包括社会科学的各个领域,用其撰写学术著作、论文、实验报告、专利产品的说明书等,因此要求其具有专业性强、逻辑严密、语言严谨、数据精确等特点,从而决定科技英语中过多的使用专业术语、长句、词性转换、被动句和非谓语动词。
两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语程度美联英语提供:科技英语翻译技巧科技英语翻译的5种常用翻译技巧1 顺译法:(Synchronizing)有些英语长句所表达的事物根本上是按照时间或逻辑的顺序安排的。
例如:1(1) For these forms of pollution as for all the others, (2) the destructive chain of cause and effect goes back to a prime cause: (3) too many cars, too many factories, more and more trials left by supersonic jutes, inadequate methods for disinfecting sewers, too little water, too much carbon monoxide.这个句子是由一个主句、一个状语和一个同位语组成的。
主句是(2) 破坏的因果关系链可归根于一个主要原因,也是全句的中心内容。
2 (1)Fossil fuel emit another 5.2 billion metric tons of CO2 into the air each year, (2) while the burning of tropical forests emits roughly 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2-(3) both contributing to a build up of carbon dioxide (4) that willsoon trigger the greenhouse effect. 在这个句子中,主句是(1),(2)是主句的并列句,(3)是同位语,(4)是定语从句。
科技英语特点及翻译标准CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION (1)1.1Demands of The New World (1)1.2English For Science and Technology (2)CHAPTER TWO FEATURES OF ENGLISH FOR SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGY (2)2.1Definition of EST (2)2.2Lexical Features of EST (3)2.2.1Classification of EST lexicon (3)2.2.2Word formation in EST lexicon (6)2.3Syntax Features of EST (8)2.3.1Frequent use of the simple present tense (9)2.3.2Predominance use of the passive voice (9)2.3.3Extensive use of long sentences (11)2.3.4Normalization of EST (12)CHAPTER THREE CRITERIA OF ESTTRANSLATION (14)3.1Criteria of Translation (14)3.2Criteria of EST Translation (15)3.2.1Faithfulness (16)3.2.2Preciseness (17)3.2.3Conventionalization (18)3.2.4Conformity to the age (19)CHAPTER FOUR CONCLUSION (20)BIBLIOGRAPHY (22)CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Demands of the New World…Knowledge explosion? and …information explosion? aretwo popular terms prevailing in the world today. Whether a country can acquire valuable knowledge and the latest information would doubtlessly matter greatly to its advance of science and technology and development of economy. (周方珠,2002:295).Over the last 50 years science and technology have developed rapidly all over the world. This expansion has been accompanied by an ever-increasing use of English in every area of scientific study. A UNESCO study(1957) estimated that something between 1 and 2 million scientific and technical articles,reports,patents and books were published annually,but about half of them were in English.Enormous and unprecedented expansion in scientific and economic activities created a world eagerly demanding for an international language, which fells to English.Since the middle of last century, an increasing number of the former colonies have gained independence. After achievements of political independence, they are aware that have to maintain and develop their independence with economic development. Thus the emerging third world began to plunge into their new program to develop their own economy, especially science and technology. The needs to introduce advanced science and technology from developed countriesmake it more important to learn English as a working tool.1.2 English for Science and TechnologyEnglish for science and technology took it first appearance in the 1950s when science and technology developed rapidly. As a significant international language, English was widely used in technical writings in exchange with scientific ideas. Generally speaking, it involved all written and spoken materials, and in thisthesis, only written EST texts are touched.As a communicative style to exchange information, EST demands that the writers should state matter-of-fact descriptions with concise words, and they should avoid using meaningless words to have messages rendered accurately and efficiently. To sum up, EST put emphasis on descriptions of objectivity, judgment of facts or the reasoning of logical definitions. Therefore, EST embodies accuracy, logicality and objectivity, different from literary English that tends to seek elegant style or carry strong personal emotions or inclinations of the authors.CHAPTER TWO FEATURES OF ENGLISH FORSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2.1 Definition of ESTEnglish for science and technology(EST)is a functional varying style. It is a scientific and technological register formed by scientists and technicians to meet the needs of scientific communication. It is a language used by scientists and technicians in a special situation. From the register?s viewpoint, EST is the register of science and technology for modern English.The development of EST has something to do with the changing requirement of English learning and Halliday?s work on register analysis. Many British linguists are aware that EST presents linguistic varieties with its own characteristic features. Some typical sentence patterns and a large number of technical terms and semi- technical words make EST different to a very wide extent from ordinary English.2.2Lexical Features of ESTEvery field of study has its own specific vocabulary, but most people would agree that specific vocabulary of science and technology is particular large, obscure and splintered. Words arethe basic elements of language. Apparently, it is of vital importance to grasp the main lexical features of EST. Thus, this chapter is devoted to a brief exploration of EST lexicon.2.2.1Classification of EST lexiconV ocabulary is a most important feature of scientific writings. According to Peter Newmark, …Technical translation is primarily distinguished from other forms of translation by terminology, although terminology usually only makes up about 5-10% of a text? (Newmark, 2001:151).Since science and technology developed rapidly, more and more technical terms are formed and a large number of general words have adopted new meanings referred to technique, which makes the lexicon of EST distinguished from other texts in the first instance. A good mastery of it will benefit us a lot in the translation of EST texts.EST vocabulary would usually be divided into three categories: technical words, semi-technical words, and non-technical words.●Technical wordsTechnical words refer to words that can exactly explain definite concepts in specific field of science and technology. Words in this category seem to be a little difficult to understand in that they are not often used in general English texts and ask for special knowledge in that field for correct understanding. For example:electron 电子nuclear fission 原子核裂变metrology计量学matrass卵形瓶Photopolymer光聚合版sunspot 太阳黑子neutron中子pistil 雄蕊●semi-technical wordsSemi-technical terms are used more frequently. There are many words whose use is not only confined to scientific and technical contexts and which are an essential part of technical English. They can be found in both everyday English and EST texts. Their meanings related to science are quite different from general ones, which may be relevant. Here are a few examples: forwarding technology:转发技术test tube:试管imaging system:(印刷)成像系统carrier:电信公司,载波base:(计算机)基值;(无线电)基极force:(物)transmission:(无线电)发射;(医学)遗传;(物理)透射non-technical wordsSome words are not technical in a strict sense, but tend to occur Particularly frequently in technical English, such as functional words, auxiliary verbs, pronouns, numerals, etc, which constitutes eighty-five percent of EST lexicon. They seem to fit well into the precise, impersonal and formal English of scientists and engineers.EST word general wordconvert changemaximum greatestmaximize/minimize make as big/small as possibleidentical similarappreciable a lot ofWords in left column are just corresponds with the features of EST style,which is concise, precise and formal while those in right are more preferred to.2.2.2 Word formation in EST lexiconMany scientific and technical words are formed by means of word formation according to the basic rules of word formation.In terms of formation, English may be classified into three categories: single words, compound and phrases (e.g. anti-armored-fight-vehicle-missile). A brief introduction is given as follows:●AcronymAcronyms are formed with the initial letters, which are extensively used in scientific and technical English. They are very convenient to employ this brief form, For example:WTO—World Wide Trade Organization世界贸易组织DBMS—DataBase Management SystemBASIC—Beginner?s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 初学者通用符号指令代码TOEFL—T est Of English as a Foreign Language作为外语的英语考试(托福)laser—light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光radar—radio detecting and ranging 雷达●AffixationAffixation is an important means of creating new English words with prefix and suffix, which are treated as inseparable elements of the words being coined. Here are some examples: mini- 小型;微型sub- 在...下;亚;半minicomputer 微型计算机subzero 零下的minicam 小型照相机subsystem 子系统minicab 微型出租汽车subclinical 亚临床型的-ity electricity 电学-er propeller 螺旋桨●CompoundingCompounding is the way of combining at least two words to form a new one. (刘宓庆,1998:376)EST words created by compounding always appear with three forms:(1)with a hyphenobject-oriented 面向对象的plug-and-play 即插即用(2)without a hyphengreenhouse温室online在线(3)two or more words forming a word combinationaircraft carrier 航空母舰time-consuming operation 耗时操作●BlendingBlending is regarded as a variant of compounding, which omitted the latter part of the first word and clipping off the first part of the second word(刘宓庆,1998:377). Please observe the following examples:telex←teleprinter+exchange电传code c←coder+decoder编码译码器compuser←computer+user 计算机用户syscall←system+call 系统调用psywar←psychological + warfare心理战Blended words are found more often in EST texts than others. In this way, words of EST could be made shorter, and the sentences composed of these words could be made more concise.Proper NounsSome English technical terms are borrowed from proper nouns, such as names of person, places, organizations, trade marks, etc. For example, the word ‘Haier’actually originates from a trademark,‘Kuru? derives fr om a place in eastern New Guinea; And the capital of USA Washington is named after the first US president.2.4Syntax Features of ESTA sentence is a basic linguistic unit of a text, which can be treated as an independent element to perform the communicative function. The features are said to reflect thescientists' need for communication and exchanging ideas. To achieve objective, exact and concise statements, EST sentences need to be expressed in well-organized and logical structures. EST texts differ from general English in the use of simple present tense, passive voice, word orderand sentence construction. Let us discuss a few features in the coming paragraphs.2.3.1 Frequent use of the simple present tenseIt is well known that there are sixteen tenses in English. The simple present tense is frequently used in expressing the timeless general statement(无时间性的一般叙述),such as natural phenomenon, natural law, definition theorem, formula and so on(周方珠,2005:302). Since EST texts often contain information about truths or facts with no specific time reference, the present tense is commonly used in EST texts. There are mainly three circumstances to use the simple present tense in EST texts. Please observe the following examples:a.to describe a process(1) A scientist observes carefully, applies logical thought to hisobservations and tries to find relationships in datab.to state a scientific theory or facts(2) Sound travels through the air in waves.(3) Newton found that all masses attract one other.c.to describe habitual actions(4)Altering current is usually supplied to people's houses at 50 cycles persecond.2.3.2 Predominance use of the passive voiceIt is universally known that English is different from Chinese.Thepassive voice is quite often used in English while active voice is generally found in Chinese. It is assumed that one-third of the verbs in EST writings are in the passive voice. Since scientists are more interested in action and facts than the actors, many references to people are unnecessary and sometimes confusing, which in most cases are omitted. The using of passive voice achieves clearer meaning and more concise in structure and inclines to convey a passage impersonal and objective. What is more, it allows scientists to introduce the most important information at the very beginning. For example:(5) The results of the research are to be published soon.(6) Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquidknown as latex. This is treated with acid and dried, before beingdispatched to countries all over the world.(7) The temperature of the liquid is raised by the application of heat.(8) The growth was affected by radiation.Anther pattern of passive model commonly found in EST texts is the …it?construction:is well knownis usually considerIt + should be made clear thathas been reportedcan be assumedWhile in instructions, warnings and notices, passive models areparticularly common. This type of passive construction maysuggest the formality of EST style.The passive voice is extremely useful and sometimes even regarded as mandatory in expressing objective ideas in EST, such as scientific or technical reports, where the actor is not the most important element and the concepts or principles being conveyed are of absolute importance. And in order to achieve objectivity, the passive voice is accordingly extensively used in EST texts.2.3.3 Extensive use of long sentencesScientific writings are usually put in long-sentence structure in a hope for precise and logical expression. Definitions, theorems, laws, concepts or the techniques may have in EST texts must be expressed accurately. Thus the use of modifier, qualifier or additional elements, verbal-infinitive phrases, prepositional phrases, adjectival phrases and compound nominal structure are quite frequently applied to simplification of long sentences. Here are some example sentences:(9)A robot a man so subtle that he seems to be not one but the incarnationof a winged angle, who can fly up to the skyscraper and hand in person the milk bottles to users, really a superman come into being on the earth —Robot.(10) Plastic is made from water which is a natural resource inexhaustibleand available everywhere, coal which can be minded through automaticand mechanical processes at least cost and lime which can be obtained from the calcinations of limestone widely present in nature.…(11) High melting point metals, carbides,oxides andnitrides are melted with a plasma-arc torch by coating objects with molten droplets carried in a jet of inert gas passed through the torch.(Mc Graw-Hill.1992,vol.6:p129)In example (9), the segregating constitutions range from the appositive …a man?as an inception to another appositive …a superman?as a terminus with …so…that? clause and …who? clause straggling between them; Though example (10) contains several clauses, the structures are clear and is easy to understand. Participle phrases employed in example (11) make the sentence quite concise and clear.2.3.4 Normalization of ESTNominalization is systematically correspondent to a clausal predication, which includes a head noun morphologically related to a corresponding verb. EST should adopt a concise or direct way of writing, containing objective thoughts, precise contents, and plenty of information or facts. Many modifications and restrictions are required to elaborate these concepts or ideas and the meaning of a noun phrase consisting of more than one word is usually complicated. In this way, nominalization is widely adopted. Nominalization is regarded as an important way to make sentence impersonal and compact, and is probably evolved at the very beginning in scientific andtechnical text, where it plays a dual role: to establish hierarchies of technical terms and to have an argument step by step, using complicated passages "packaged" in nominal form as Themes (Halliday, 1994:353).Thus nominalization is frequently used in EST texts. Look at the following examples:(12)The development of the rocket makes it possible for man to enterspace.(13)Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water bysolid bodies.(14)Knowledge of the forces on the gear makes possible the determinationof its size.Rather than: If we know the force on the gear we can determine its size.(15) Discharge of contents of the tank is affected by a pump.Rather than: The contents of the tank are discharged by a pump.…The development of the rocket? and …for man to enter space? in example (12) are noun phrase, which make the sentence much more concise and logical. And in example (13), the noun phrase …the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies? not only simplifies the appositive sentence but also stresses the fact of displacement.Therefore, it is easy to conclude that nominalization leads to abstractness and inclusiveness and conciseness.CHAPTERTHREE CRITERIA OF EST TRANSLATION3.1 Criteria of TranslationAs is well known, translation is a complex and frustration task, which is regarded as a practical linguistic activity aiming at the inter-lingual communication. Translation criteria serve as the core of translation theory and the principle judging translation quality.Translation criterion is the mirror to reflect to what degree people's study of translation has been conducted. Obviously, translation criteria not only guide translating work but also develop translation theories. To be a qualified translator, one needs, above all, to be familiar with history and development oftranslation criteria.In China, whenever people discuss the principles of translation, they mention the three-character principle“信达雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance ) formulated by Yan Fu.Qu Qiubai said, …Tr anslation calls for the absolute correctness and pure Chinese vernacular, thus introducing the language of new culture to the reading public.?(刘重德,1991:21)According to Lin Yutang, there are no ready-made rules to follow in translating but only technical problems which are needed to be discussed. One technical problem is the criteria for judging translation, which he considers to be …faithfulness?(忠),…expressiveness?(顺) and …beautifulness?(美).Lu Xun, who agrees to "faithfulness" and "expressiveness" to such an extreme that he emphasizes he would rather be faithful to the original than be fluent in translation.In foreign studies, a lot of representative discussion has been devoted to how to produce an acceptable translation as well.In western world, the earliest and the most influential person on discussion of translation principles is Alexander Fraser Tytler. Tytler puts forward the following three principles:(1) The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.(2) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original.(3) The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.Eugene A. Nida makes another influential translationcriterion by his translation equivalence. According to Newmark, a faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.3.2 Criteria of EST TranslationIn the past years there has been neglect in the research of criteria of science and technology translation. It seems that there is no further understanding in this issue than the school of “faithfulness ,expressiveness,elegance”,or the school of “loyalty ,smoothness”, both of which remain too general and impractical. The following paper attempts to present four principles to constitute interconnected dimensions of criteria of science and technology translation.3.2.1 FaithfulnessBy faithfulness in EST translation it refers to that the message of SL is correctly expressed in TL, it does not require that the grammar and sentence structure in SL should be the same as those in TL. …Faithfulness? in EST is, to some degree, not the same one involved in literary translation. Literary translation touches upon not only semantic equivalence, but also structures, rhetoric and positive and negative expressions. It is more complicated than EST translation in the principle of faithfulness. Here are some examples: (16) Velocity changes if either the speed or the direction changes.误:假如力的人小或方向改变了.速度跟着要变化。
《专业英语(制药工程)》【科技英语的常用句型和翻译技巧】一、概述1. 翻译的要求The Criteria of Translation:信、雅、达2. 科技英语词汇(上节课已经介绍)3. 科技英语句子的特点二、科技英语常用句型及翻译1. 被动语态1)被动语态的常用原因常用被动语态主要见于以下几个方面:①不必或无法说出主动者For a long time aluminum has been thought as an effective material for preventing metal corrosion.长期以来,铝被当作一种有效的防止金属腐蚀的材料。
►The book has already been translated into many languages.②强调行为对象,而非行为者,将行为对象作为句子的主语Three machines can be controlled by a single operation.三台机器能由一个操作者操纵。
►The work must be finished at once.③为了更好的联系上下文►They are going to build a library here next year. It is going to be build beside the classroom building.2)被动语句的翻译方法(1)仍译为被动句最常见的是在谓语前加上助词“被”,也可使用“受到,遭到,得到,叫,称,让,给,加以,为……所”等句式。
We remember how air can be made into a liquid. If the liquid is warmed again, it “boiled”and turns back into a gas.我们记得是如何把空气制成液体的。
例:The lengthof the polymer chainis specifiedby the number of repeatunitsin the chain. This is called the degree of polymerization. Unlike many products whose structure and reactions were well known before their industrial application, some polymers were produced onanindustrial scale longbefore their chemistryor physics was studied.2、大量使用科技词语科技文献中除了使用各学科专用的科技词语外,还广泛使用各学科通用的半科技词语和书面的非科技词语。
例:apply, to yield, generation, available,at the rate of 按~~的比率,以~~ 速度; in terms of 用、借助于3、表达方式程式化文章结构程式化:标题、摘要,正文(引言、论述、结论)。
(1 )介绍某个过程或功能及达到某种目标时,一般用动词不定式短语构成目的状语,放在句子的开头。
浅谈科技英语的特点及翻译标准和技巧 资料
![浅谈科技英语的特点及翻译标准和技巧 资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2abac15caef8941ea66e0564.png)
1 科技英语的特点有别于文学英语和其他形式的英语,科技英语的内容、表述、以及遣词造句都有自身特点。
1.1 科技英语词语的特点科技英语在表述时多用直观、简单、准确、无歧义词汇。
1.2 科技英语句型结构的特点科技英语涉及科技中的科学技术、科学设备、试验过程等内容,一般描述和讨论客观事物,具有较强的客观性、准确性和严密性,其语言规范,逻辑性强,结构严密。
2 科技英语的翻译原则科技英语翻译多用于科学技术交流或者描述客观事实,目的明确。
科技英语的特点与翻译一、科技英语的特点科技英语(English for science and technology,EST)指与用于科学和技术交流方面的英语口语和书面语。
另外,科技英语多用逻辑性语法词(logical grammatical operators),如表示原因的如because (of)、due (owing) to、as (a result of)、caused by、for等,表示语气转折的如but、however、nevertheless、otherwise、yet等,表示逻辑顺序的如so、therefore、thus、furthermore、moreover、in addition to等。
岩体所作 今天, 电子计算机 、 广泛运用 于解决一些数 的观察为依据, 指出地幔并非是分层排列的, 相 w i t cnmct oe cn cni“ 0 学 问题 , 问题 与 天气 预 报 和把 卫 星 送入 轨 道 反, h 蠡 h e o i h rs a 0t t t c e o e i r e b 这些 地幔的异质性是 由那些 富含“ 不相容成分” 的 h ma a e n s i n e s u l i g n 1 0 l 有关 。 te n g me t c e c i b i n a a佃 日 d 流质构成的' 这些成分趋向于流体而非固体的状 mo es d l wh c h l i e o n zn h sr e u e i h ep n r c g ii g t e l ̄ t r ¨ 大量使用定语后置结构 态, 下而上渗透扩散, 自 并依照这些流质流向的任 o ma a eil rbe f n gra po lm, ei n t g I l n r l miai te l o n l  ̄ 在科技英语 中, 我们发现还有大量的定语后 意性, 不规则地将上部地幔 的某些部分予 以改 d tis eal whc mih o src d cso ma ig 置的语法现象, ih g t b tut e iin kn , 这是与英语的句子结构特点分不 变 。 n n c n etn H t i su s a d i o n cig o e man ise . h 开的。而在汉语里, 我们通常都把定语放在所修 2结论 经济理论对于管理科学的最重要的贡献之 饰的名 词的前面。 通过对科技英语句法特点的探讨。 给我们翻 助于认识管理 对策 h 用前置法 翻译 译工作者以很多的启示: 我们应该认真分析科技 15 1 .. No mo i o os a a l f la n 英语 的句法特点, n- h l r b t,c p b e o e r - e 问题的构成. 排除可能妨碍决策的次要因素, 从而 在翻译的过程 中, 通过多种方式 ig o n t pef r ro m a i d s il a k n d h n f 来进行句法的翻译, n n u t a ts a te o r 有助于集 中精力去解决主要 的问题 。 如将被动转换成主动的结构。 b h g e t e o m t t e e sy e e o e  ̄ lf o p r r i i l s l,a t f r v n n w 将长句切分成几个汉语的短句或用括号法翻译 , 对策 2用括号翻译法来应对。 n u e i n u t a l s al o e h o d i n l 有时我们用长句分译法, 发现汉语短句据洪 i s n i d sr lp a t l v r t e w r . 灵活转换名词化结构后 置定语结构及非谓语动 的信息过于零 眈 不利于语义的集 中, 容易让读者 能学会做工, 然后被扔下不管 己仍然会孜 词形式等, 使我们的译文娃得更加客观严谨. 更加 产生误解, 我们可以采用括号翻译法来处理 孜不倦的工作, 这时, 但不能行走的机器人 甚至在今天 符合汉语的表达方式。 译成前置结构) 长句 中充当定语 能译成前置定语的域 状语的 也用于世界各地的工厂。( 参 考文 献 介词短语 、 分词短语、 同位语 、 插人语等( 滔, 郑声 对策 2翻译成独立结构 : 【 郑声滔. 英语长句汉译的括号翻译法叨. l 】 科技 中
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冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003. 郭著章,李庆生.英汉互译实用教程 [M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2000. 蒋柿红.语用等效与翻译中的信息亏损及补偿手段 [J].湖北经济学院学报, 2009 11) ( .
(上接第 221 页) 的词义, 后项动词是前项动词在趋向、 程度等 方面的补充说明。 有些后项动词原有的词义逐渐变得抽象成 为词缀, 只起到加强意义或调整语气的作用。 例如, 复合动词 “疲れ切る” 意为筋疲力尽。 “切る” 的原意 “切、 并没有体 割” 现, 只是用来强调前项 “疲れる” 的程度, 已经词缀化。又如, 震え上がる、 踏みしめる、 考え込む、 恐れ入る, 后项动词あが る、 しめる、 こむ、 入る已经失去原意, 用来强调前项的程度。 这类复合动词还包括与体 (アスペクト) 有关的一部分词。 如 読み始める、 降り続ける、 書き終わる, 前项动词也具有相对 的独立性,后项动词起到补充说明作用。但是,前项动词为 辅, 后项动词为主, 添加了语法意义, 从体上补充说明前项动 作的状态, 即読むのを始める、 雨が降るのを続ける、 書くの が終わる。 1.4 前后项动词结合成新词义的复合动词 这一类复合动词的词义特征是前后项词义紧密结合、融 合为一体,构成新词义。在新词义中看不到前后项动词的原 有意义,前后项动词在句中都不能单独对名词具有格支配关 系。如复合动词 “打ち消す” 是否定、 否认之意。而前项动词 “打つ” 的原意是殴打, 后项动词 “消す” 有熄灭、 关掉之意。这 类复合动词没有使用前后项动词的原意表示词义,抽象成其 他意义了。又如思い上がる、 落ち着く、 突き止める、 取り掛 かる等。 2 复合动词的词性 我们判断复合动词的词性,要以前后项动词作为单纯动
技文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部份。这也是广泛使用被 动态的主要原因。试观察并比较下列两段短文的主语。 (1) People get natural rubber fro rubber trees as a white, milky liquid, which is called latex. They mix it with acid, and dry it, and then they send it to countires all over the world. (2) Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid known as latex. This is treated with acid and dried befor dispatched to countires all over the world. 上面两段意思基本相同。第一段以一般英语语体写成, 第二段用科技英语语体写成。第一段五个动词只有 call 用被 动态, 而第二段五个动词全以被动形式出现, 它们都包含了较 多的信息, 并且避免了单调重复, 前后连贯, 自然流畅, 足见被 动结构可收简洁客观之效。 1.3 常用状语性分词结构 如前所述, 科技文章要求行文简练, 结构紧凑, 为此, 往往 使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构 代替状语从句或并列分句; 使用不定式短语代替各种从句; 介 词十动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。 这样可缩短句子, 又比较醒目。 2 科技英语句子的翻译技巧 2.1 名词化结构的翻译 (1) 将整个名词词组扩展成句子。 例如 The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes. 氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透 性, 因而可以用有机或无机染料着色。 (2) 将整个名词词组转换为动宾结构。 如 Two-eyed, present-day man has no need of such microscopic delicacy in his vision.普通的现代人看物体时不需要这种显微镜般的精密程度。
任何作品均有特定的文体, 原文的文体不同, 翻译方法也 随之而异。科技文体崇尚严谨周密, 概念准确, 逻辑性强, 行 文简练, 重点突出, 句式严整, 少有变化, 常用前置性陈述, 即 在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。科技 文章文体的特点是清晰准确, 精练严密。那么, 科技文章的语 言结构特色在翻译过程中如何处理,这是进行英汉科技翻译 时需要探讨的问题。 1 科技英语句法特征 科技翻译与其它翻译大不相同。科技翻译所要求的专业 性、 客观性以及精确性形成了科技英语的一个重要特征, 而这 一特征无疑又会增加翻译的难度。所以了解科技英语的句法 特征对从事科技英语翻译大有裨益。 1.1 大量使用名词化结构 《当代英语语法》 在论述科技英语时提出, 大量使用名词化 结构 (Nominalization) 是科技英语的特点之一。虽然在一般英 语中也用复合名词词组, 但就其使用频率而言而不如在科技英 语中更常见, 结构也没有科技英语中的复杂。 因为科技科技文 献中所涉及的定义、 定理、 结论等抽象概念比一般生活用于要 多的多, 且其文体要求行文简洁、 表达客观、 内容确切、 信息量 大、 强调存在的事实而非某一行为, 这些概念往往需要多层修 饰限制才能说清楚, 这就形成了科技英语的一个重要特征。 1.2 广泛使用被动语句 据统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态。这 是因为科技文章侧重叙事推理, 强调客观准确。第一、 二人称 使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称 叙述, 采用被动语态, 例如: Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。而 很少说: must pay attention to the working temperature of the You machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。此外, 如前所述, 科
(中) 2011 年 3 月
Social Sciences Discipline Research
(3)当名词结构的中心词是抽象名词或动词转变的名词 时, 翻译时要适当增词。 2.2 被动语句的翻译 (1) 译成由 “被、 让、 为” 叫、 受、 等介词引导的正规被动句。 比如: They are entirely controlled by instincts. 他们完全受本能 控制。 (2) 译成无主句。例如: Thin layers of other impermeable materials are found in nature, too. 在自然界中也发现有其它非 渗透性薄层物质。 (3) 译成判断句。 又如: Superconductivity was first discovered by the Holland physicist Iteike Kamelingh- Onnes in 1911.超导 是荷兰物理学家卡曼林・昂尼斯于 1911 年首次发现。 2.3 状语性分词结构的翻译 (1) 译成连动式分句, 即在一个主语下使用两个或两个以 上的动词, 中间用逗号隔开, 例如: solar wind grossly disThe torts the earth’ magnetic field, dragging it out to a long tail. s 太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的改变,将它向外牵 拉, 扯出一条长尾。 (2) 译成复合式分句, 即两个主语分置于两句中, 形成有 逻辑联系的并列或从属句式, 例如: About a day after a sector boundary, the total spin of all the storms in the North hemisphere declines by about 10%, making the storms less sever, and then 参考文献
Foreign Language and Literature Research
Social Sciences Discipline Research
科技英语句法特征及北・黄石 435003)
科技英语翻译, 作为一种翻译实践, 随着科学技术的迅猛发展以及外语学习的困难, 越来越受到人们的重视。 了解 科技英语翻译 句法特征 翻译技巧 科技英语的句法特征, 掌握科技英语句子的常用翻译技巧, 将会对从事科技英语翻译大有裨益。 关键词 中图分类号: H313 文献标识码: A
词时的词性为前提。 情况如下: ①他动+他动型的词性为他动, 如, 言い出す(他动) 買い忘れる(他动) 使い切る 、 、 (他动) 等。②自动+自动型的词性为自动, 生き返る 如, (自动) 落ち 、 合う (自动) 立ち上がる 、 (自动) 等。前面所论述的表示并列 关系的复合动词前后项动词处于对等关系,对名词具有相同 的格支配关系, 就要求两者的自他性必须一致, 换言之, 此类 复合动词只有两种形式, “自+自” “他+他” 结合后的词性 即 和 , 为情况①或②。③前后项动词的词性不一致时,词性一般取 决于后项动词。如, 使い慣れる (自动) 折り重なる 、 (自动) 、 勝ち取る (他动) 等。④补助动词或接尾词做后项时, 词性取 决于前项动词。如, 降り続ける (自动) 飲み過ぎる 、 (他动) 、 寝すぎる (自动) 等。 以上, 从复合动词的词义和词性两方面探究了误用原因, 希望能够给予日语学习者启示。但是,复合动词中尚存在很 多值得研究的问题, 如构词规律、 后项动词的多义用法、 母语 对学习日语复合动词的影响等。笔者将作为今后的课题进行 深一步的探讨研究。 本文为黑龙江省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目“日语 复合动词的二语习得研究” 的阶段性成果。项目号: 11552048 参考文献