2015年北京航空航天大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. WritingV ocabulary1.I hope you don’t think I’m______but I’ve had the electric fire on for most of the day.A.exquisiteB.extravagantC.exoticD.eccentric正确答案:B解析:句意:我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。
exquisite 精致的,优美的,高雅的。
2.Beene’s new novel proves he isn’t just a______in the pan.A.flareB.glitterC.sparkD.flash正确答案:D解析:句意:比尼的新小说证明他并不是昙花一现。
a flash in the pan昙花一现(开始的时候表现很出色,但很快就默默无闻)。
3.The newly-built Science Building seems______enough to last a hundred years.A.spaciousB.sophisticatedC.substantialD.steady正确答案:C解析:句意:那栋新建的科学楼看起来很牢固,好像可以屹立一百年不倒。
4.There is nothing in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to______a difference.A.displayB.indicateC.demonstrateD.appear正确答案:B解析:句意:在物理结构、大脑或内部器官上并没有显现出任何差异。
2015年北京航空航天大学翻译硕士考研真题汉语写作与百科知识一.名词解释(20个,40分)1唐装2打虎拍蝇3马航客机失联4十一税5西进运动6岐黄之术7启蒙运动8文艺复兴9甲午战争10信用卡112014西非埃博拉病毒疫情12堰塞湖13wifi14涂鸦资料来源:育明考研考博官网15奥斯维辛集中营16银河系17三权分立18单独两孩19苏格兰公投20北回归线二.文言文段落翻译加中心思想赏析(不少于300字)屈原列传截取2段,岳阳楼记“先天下之忧而忧后天下之乐而乐”这一段又是史记文言文作文:三.议论文:船长精神(一则材料60年代的某船长在意外时冷静指挥疏散船上人员结果自己牺牲另一则材料即14年韩国轮船失事船长逃跑被判刑,以“船长精神”自主命题,写议论文)翻译硕士英语:作文题目:on self-confidence英语翻译基础:资料来源:育明考研考博官网一.词条翻译:第一题第二题英翻中&中翻英共30个词条二.段落翻译:英译汉1mayor植树绿化城市环保措施2贫穷国家发展受阻发达国家发展快速3不同环境下人的生理适应状况汉译英1科技类2失去后才懂得珍惜(失去朋友才知道珍惜生病后才知道珍惜身体等)3习近平主席“一带一路”【One Belt and One Road】21世纪海上丝绸之路【21st Century Maritime Silk Road】丝绸之路经济带【the Silk Road Economic Belt】汉译英常用方法和技巧与词有关的翻译方法包括:✓直译和意译✓词义的选择资料来源:育明考研考博官网✓词的增补与省略✓词类转义法✓重复法✓正说反译法和反说正译法✓分句法和合句法第一节直译和意译首先应当指出,直译不是死译,而是指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译。
直译:Our friends are all over the world.意译:We have friends all over the world.直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。
2015年北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题词组翻译:1、Bogor Goals2、FTAAP3、zero-sum game4、ALS5、NASA6、genomic variation7、ozone depletion8、sinology9、bitcoin10、UNCED11、Paparazzi12、amino acid13、Digital divide14、Existentialism15、Silver-spoon kids1)十八届四中全会2)亚太经合组织3)互联互通4)量化宽松政策5)公使衔参赞6)埃博拉病毒7)自闭症8)防空识别区9)负面清单10)房产税11)专利技术12)和而不同13)地沟油14)真人秀15)逆袭英译汉:关于环境立法之类的汉译英:孟子的“四端”《中庸》,恻隐之心,礼义廉耻之类的,价值观翻译硕士词汇辨析3abolish,cancel,eliminate,dispose,erase,exclude,extinguishabolish,cancel,eliminate,dispose,erase,exclude,extinguish这一组动词都有“取消,除掉”的意思。
abolish v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。
The government abolished the tax on alcohol.政府取消了酒税。
Cancel v.对预先安排的某种活动(如旅行、计划、会议等)的取消;删去(字、句)。
The meeting has been cancelled because of the flu.会议由于流感而取消了。
eliminate v.指消除、淘汰已经存在但是现在不需要的东西The losing team was eliminated from further competition.失利的那个队被淘汰了,不能参加下一阶段的比赛。
The doctor helped him eliminate toxins from the intestine.医生帮助他排出肠中毒素。
北京大学2015年翻译硕士考研真题回忆版凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构HumanitiesCharity ConcertVeiled critismTheme parkUser-friendly manualYellow pagesWell-to-do familyRoman Catholic Church汉译英职业道德吉尼斯世界纪录大全室内设计个人所得税罚点球复活节恐怖电影方便面汇款单团体操读者文摘新闻摘要海洋博物馆预算委员会篇章翻译中译英没找到出处,是关于loyalty的。
页共 3 页第二篇:2014北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆+经验2014年北京大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆+经验2014北大MTI真题回忆版本一以为会有人发。
2015年北京外国语大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题词组翻译:1、Bogor Goals2、FTAAP3、zero-sum game4、ALS5、NASA6、genomic variation7、ozone depletion8、sinology9、bitcoin10、UNCED11、Paparazzi12、amino acid13、Digital divide14、Existentialism15、Silver-spoon kids1)十八届四中全会2)亚太经合组织3)互联互通4)量化宽松政策5)公使衔参赞6)埃博拉病毒资料来源:育明考研考博官网7)自闭症8)防空识别区9)负面清单10)房产税11)专利技术12)和而不同13)地沟油14)真人秀15)逆袭英译汉:关于环境立法之类的汉译英:孟子的“四端”《中庸》,恻隐之心,礼义廉耻之类的,价值观(四)英语主谓结构与汉语“主题+述题”结构对译由于英语句子总是主谓结构,而汉语句子更多的是“主题+述题”结构,所以将英语句子译成汉语时,往往可以译成“主题+述题”结构,特别是当相应的主谓结构有点拗口时。
例如:37)I knew nothing about it.这件事我一点儿都不知道。
38)Can I read the book first?这本书我可以先看吗?试比较:我可以先看这本书吗?39)Somehow I doubt it.这我倒有点怀疑。
40)I’ve been wondering about something.原译:我一直纳闷某件事。
41)My son is using the car this morning and will be this afternoon.原译:我儿子今早一直在用汽车而且要用到下午。
2015年北京航空航天大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(总分:46.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、名词解释(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.唐装(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:唐装:由清代满族的马褂演变而来,是以马褂为雏形,加入立领和西式立体裁剪所设计的服饰。
)解析:2.十一税(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:十一税:又名“十一捐”,是古代以色列民族一种古老的捐献方法,常用于指犹太教和基督教的宗教奉献,欧洲封建社会时代被用来指教会向成年教徒征收的宗教税。
)解析:3.启蒙运动(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:启蒙运动:17至18世纪欧洲资产阶级和人民大众反封建的思想文化运动,是文艺复兴之后欧洲的第二次思想解放运动。
2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)翻译硕士词汇辨析5award,rewardaward,reward的用法award v.指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。
The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student.学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。
This new invention won the highest award.这项新发明获得最高奖。
However,I do not want to sound like a Hollywood actor accepting an award.然而,我不想听起来像一个正在接受奖项的好莱坞演员。
It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。
reward v.酬劳,奖赏,回报,通常指因做了某一件事或提供了某种服务而应得到报酬或酬谢,其后一般以人或人的行为作宾语。
2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)如何记忆翻译硕士英语常用词汇单词是不是感觉越背记住的越少,而且刚刚背过还没几个小时就忘了,如果你还是这样的情况,那么就来听听巧妙记忆翻译硕士相关词汇。
1.ubl,bili=able,表示“能力”able a能够的ability n能力habilitate v装备;使具备能力(h可看作have+abilit+ate→有能力→使具备能力)rehabilitate v修复,翻新;使健康;改造(犯罪)(re重新+hubiliate具备能力)debilitate v削弱力量,使衰弱(de去掉+abilit+ate→去掉能力→使衰弱)debility n体弱,虚弱(de去掉+ability能力)2.agog=lead,表示“引导”demagogue n煽动者(dem人民+agogue→引导肉民者→煽动者)pedagoue n教师(ped儿童+agogue→引导儿童者→教师)agog a渴望的,热心的(引导人往前走的心情→渴望的)3.agon=struggle,表示“挣扎,斗争”agony n痛苦agonize v感到苦恼(agon+ize)antagonize v反对,对抗(ant[=anti反]+agon+ize→反过来斗争→对抗) antagonist n对手(ant[=anti反]+agon+ist→反过来斗争之人→对手) 4.alb=white,表示“白色”albsecent a发白的(alb+escent产生……的→产生白的)albino n白化病(alh+ino表示某种病)album n相册;集邮册(alb+um表示物→空白的东西→用来放东西的册子) 5.alg=pain,表示“痛”neuralgia n神经病(nrur神经+alg+ia→神经痛的病)nostalgia n思乡病(nost家+alg+ia→想家)analgesic n止痛药(an无+alg+esic药物→无痛药物→止痛药)6.alt=high,表示“高”altitude n高度(alt+itude表名词)altimeter n高度计(alri+meter测量计)alto n男高音(alt+o)altar n祭坛(alt+ar→高出的东西→祭坛)exealt v升高,赞扬(ex出+alt→高出来→升高;赞扬)exalted a高贵的;被赞扬的7.ampl=large,表示“大”ample a宽大的;充足的amplify v放大,扩大(ampl+ify表动词→扩大)amplitude n广大,宽阔(ampl+itude表名词)8.anci,antiq=old,表示“古老”ancient a古代的(anci+ent)ancientry n古旧;古代事物(ancient古代的+ry表名词)antique a古代的n.古物antiquated a陈旧的(antique+ated)antiquity n古旧,古代(antique古代的+ity)9.andro=male,man表示“男人”aoderogynous a不男不女的(andro+gyn妇女ous)android n机器人polyandry n一妻多夫制(poly多+andry男人)10.arbit(r)=judge,表示“判断”ablter n仲裁人;泰斗(arbit+er表示人)arbirary a武断的(arbitr+ary→做出[自己的]判断→武断的)arbitrate v仲裁,公断(arbitr+ate)11.arc(h)=bow,表示“弓”archer n弓箭手(arch+er人)arch n拱形arcade n连拱廊(arc+ade表名词,如cascade瀑布)12.arm=weapon,表示“武器”armada n舰队(arm+ada表名词,通常表示群体)armistice n休战;停战条约(armi+stice[=stand停止]→武器停止→休战) armor n盔甲(arm+or)disarm v解除武器(dis去掉+arm→去掉武器)armament n军队;兵器(arm+a+ment→武器→兵器)13.aug=increase,表示“增加”augment v增大(aug+ment)auction n拍卖(auct[=aug]+ion[价钱]扩大→拍卖)august a威严的august n八月(八月是水果长大的季节)augury n预兆,征兆(augu+ry→[使事态扩大的]预兆,augur愿意是“鸟”的意思,古人根据看到什么“鸟”来做出预料)14.balm=balsam,表示“香油”balm n香油;安慰物balmy a芬芳的;温和的(balm+y)embalm v保存尸体;铭记(em进入+balm→古人用香油等保存尸体,引申为铭记)15.ban=prohibit,表示“禁止”ban n禁止;禁令banal a平庸的;陈腐的(ban+al→被禁止的→陈腐的)banish v流放,驱逐出境(ban+ish表动词→禁止入境→驱逐)abandon v抛弃,放弃(a不+ban+don给予→不禁止给出去→放弃)16.bar=weight表示“重,压”baric a气压的barometer n气压针(baro+meter计量器)baritone n男中音(bari+tone声音→压下去的声音→男中音)17.barr=sticj,表示,“捧,栏”barrage n阻塞,遮断(barr+age表名词→用捧拦住→阻塞)barricade n障碍物(barr+ic+ade表名词)barrier n栅栏(barr+ier)embarrass v使发育,使难堪(em进入+barr+ass表名词→被拦住→使难堪) 18bat=beat,表示“打,击”batter v连续猛打(bat+ter常表示连续动作,如stutter口吃)abate v减少,减轻(a不bat+e→不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等)debate v辩论,讨论(de加强+dat+e→加强打击→反驳,辩论)rebate v减少;回扣(re回+bat+e→打回去的[东西]→回扣)combat n战斗(com共同+bal→共同→共同打→战斗)baton n棍,警棍(bat+on)battle n战斗(batt+le)battalion n营(batt+alion表名词→打的[队伍]→部队的营)19.biblio=book,表示“书”bibliography n书目提要(biblio+araphy学科→书的学科→书目提要) bibliophile n藏书家(biblio+phile爱→爱书的人)Bible n圣经biblophobla n憎恶书籍(biblio+phob恨+ia病→恨书的病)20.blanc=vwhile表示“白”blank a空白的(blanc的变体blanket n毯子(blank+et→白色[织物]→靴子)blanch v漂白,发白(blanc的变体)21.brace=two arms,表示“两臂”brace v支持,使坚固的n.支持物bracelet n手镯(brace+let小东西→带在手上的小东西→手镯) embrace v拥抱;包括(em进入+brace→进入两臂→拥抱)22.braid=twist,表示“扭”braid v编成辫子upbraid v叱骂,谴责(up向上+braid→向上扭→扭住不放→叱骂) embroidery n刺绣(em使+broid[=braid]+ery→使[线]扭在一起→刺绣) 23,bu=ox,表示“牛”bull n公牛bully v欺负(别人)(象公牛一样吓唬别人)bucolic a牧场的,田园的(buc+olie表形容词)buffalo n公牛(可能是bull的变体)bugle n军号,喇叭(bull+angle的组合)24.calc=stone,表示“石头”calculate v计算(calc+ulate)calcfy n钙化;僵化(calc+ify)recalcitrant a顽固的;不服从的(re重新+|calc+itrant表形容词→重新变成石头顽固的)calcium n钙(cale+ium表名词,常指化学元素,如;alu-minium铝) 25.calori=heat,表示“热”calorie n热卡calorify v加热(calor+ify表动词)calorifacient a生热的(calori+fac做+ient→做出热→生热的)26.camp=field表示“田野”camp n营地campus n校园(camp+us)encamp v宿营(en进入+camp营地)campaign n战役(camp+aign名词后缀→营地→战役)27.car,char=dear,表示“可爱的”caress v/n.爱抚,拥抱charity n慈爱(char+ity)charitable a慈善的(charity+able能…..的)cherish v珍爱(cher[=char]+ish表动词,如finish)28.Card chart=paper,表示“纸片”chart n图表charter n特许状;契约(chart+er→纸上的东西→契约等)chartered a特许的;包租的(用契约的形式把东西包下来)discard v放弃,抛弃(dis去掉+card+把[废纸]扔掉→抛弃)29.cast=pure,表示“纯洁”caste n种姓制度chaste a纯洁的(chast=cast)castigate v惩罚;严厉批评(cast+igate表动词→使…纯洁→惩罚[错误]) 30.cav=hole,表示“洞”cave n洞穴cavity n穴;腔(cav+ity)cavelet n小洞(cave+let小东西→小洞穴)cavern n大洞concave a凹面的(con全部+cave→全部像洞一样→凹进去的)excavate v挖掘(ex出+cav+ate→从洞中出来→挖出)excavation n挖掘;出土文物31.cwns=judge,表示“判断”censor a审查员(cens+or→判断之人→审查员)censorious a挑剔的(censor+ious→用审查员的[眼光]看→挑剔的) censure n责难(cens+ure→判断审查[别人]--责难)census n人口普查(cens+us表名词→查[人口]→普查)32.chor=sing,dance,表示“歌,舞”chaorus n合唱(队)(chor+us表名词)choreographer n舞蹈动作设计者(chor+eo+graph写+er人→写舞蹈的人) choreography n舞蹈设计(chor+eo+graphychoir n合唱队(choir=chor)33.ehrom=color,表示“颜色”monochrome a单色的(mono单个+chrome颜色)chromatic a彩色的(chrom+atic形容词后缀)chromosome n染色体(chrom+o+some形体)34.cil=call,表示“召集”conceiliate v安抚,劝诱(con共同+cil+iate→把人召集到一起来→安抚[别人]) conciliatory a安抚的(conciliate+ory)reconcile v和解(re再+con+cil+e→[双方]再次召集到一起→和解) irreconcilable a不可调和的(ir不+reconcile+able能…..的)35civ=citizen,表示“公民”civil a市民的civlity n谦恭,礼仪(civil市民→文明+ity→谦恭有礼)civilian n民众,平民(civil+ian)civilization n文明,文化(civil市民→文明+ization[ize+ation]→文明)36.coct=cook,表示“煮,调配”concoct v编造,虚构(con全部+coct→全部是调配出来的→编造)decoct v煎,熬(de强调+coct→不断煮→煎熬)precocious a早熟的(pre提早+coc+ious→提早熟→早熟的)precocity n早熟(pre+coc+ity)37.cogn=know,表示“知道”cognition n认知,认识(cogn+ition)cognizable a可认识的(cogn+ize+able→能够知道的)cognizant a知晓的(cogn+ize+ant)recognize v认出(re再+cogn+ize→再次知道→认出来)precognition n预知,预见(pre预先+cogn+ition→预先知道→预知)=banquet,表示“宴会”comedy n喜剧(com+edy表名词→像宴会一样热闹→喜剧)comic a好笑的(由喜剧而来)encomiun n高度赞扬(en进入+com+ium→开宴会庆祝→高度赞扬)资料来源:育明考研考博官网。
2015年北京航空航天大学英语翻译硕士MTI真题及答案解析(1/30)Vocabulary第1题I hope you don´t think I´m______but I´ve had the electric fire on for most of the day.A.exquisiteB.extravagantC.exoticD.eccentric下一题(2/30)Vocabulary第2题Beene´s new novel proves he isn´t just a______in the pan.A.flareB.glitterC.sparkD.flash上一题下一题(3/30)Vocabulary第3题The newly-built Science Building seems______enough to last a hundred years.A.spaciousB.sophisticatedC.substantialD.steady上一题下一题(4/30)Vocabulary第4题There is nothing in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to______a difference.A.displayB.indicateC.demonstrateD.appear上一题下一题(5/30)Vocabulary第5题This kind of material can______heat and moisture.A.deletepelC.constrainD.repel上一题下一题(6/30)Vocabulary第6题The river is already______its banks because of excessive rainfall, and the city is threatened with aA.parallel toB.level inC.flat onD.flush with上一题下一题(7/30)Vocabulary第7题The political future of the president is now hanging by a______.A.threadB.cordC.stringD.rope上一题下一题(8/30)Vocabulary第8题Half the profits are______in a corporate account that can be drawn on only with stockholder consent.A.investedB.depositedC.storedD.saved上一题下一题(9/30)Vocabulary第9题Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a ______if approached with enthusiasm.A.prizeB.rewardC.refundD.bonus上一题下一题(10/30)Vocabulary第10题The speaker______us with tales of exotic lands and buried treasure.A.detouredB.offsetC.tantalizedhered上一题下一题(11/30)Vocabulary第11题Government loan have been the______of several shaky business companies.A.tornadoC.delinquencyD.momentum上一题下一题(12/30)Vocabulary第12题After a period of probation a______becomes a nun.A.sopranoB.hippieC.noviceD.monsieur上一题下一题(13/30)Vocabulary第13题While she had the fever, she______for hours.A.ravedB.sniggeredC.titteredD.perforated上一题下一题(14/30)Vocabulary第14题On August 18th the president announced a general______for political exiles.A.adoB.yogaC.quartetD.amnesty上一题下一题(15/30)Vocabulary第15题The scents of the flowers was______to us by the breeze.A.interceptedB.detestedC.saturatedD.wafted上一题下一题(16/30)Vocabulary第16题The plumb line is always perpendicular______the horizontal plane.A.withB.fromC.atD.to上一题下一题(17/30)Vocabulary第17题If it doesn´t rain within the next few weeks, the crops will have to be watered if they are______.A.to surviveB.to be survivedC.being survivedD.surviving上一题下一题(18/30)Vocabulary第18题She refused to______the car key to her husband until he had promised to wear his safety belt.A.hand inB.hand outC.hand downD.hand over上一题下一题(19/30)Vocabulary第19题______seen by anyone, the thief escaped.A.Being notB.Not beingC.To beD.Be not上一题下一题(20/30)Vocabulary第20题She keeps herself to herself. ______, she would be better married.A.To consider all thingsB.Considering all thingsC.All things consideredD.All things considering上一题下一题(21/30)Vocabulary第21题The fossilized remains of a type of camel______a dog have been found in the Badlands of South Dakota.A.no more larger thanB.not larger thanC.no larger thanD.which no larger than上一题下一题(22/30)Vocabulary第22题We are making good progress, but we must not______until we have achieved our objective.B.give upC.put upD.draw up上一题下一题(23/30)Vocabulary第23题Alexander Graham Bell invented______telephone in 1876.A./B.aC.oneD.the上一题下一题(24/30)Vocabulary第24题Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United States, ______ when massive highway-building programs permitted greater suburban growth.A.and accelerated a phenomenonB.a phenomenon that acceleratedC.accelerating a phenomenon whichD.the acceleration of which phenomenon上一题下一题(25/30)Vocabulary第25题______by the United States government´s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index compares current costs of goods and services with past costs.A.To prepareB.As it preparedC.When preparationD.Prepared上一题下一题(26/30)Vocabulary第26题As the train will not leave until one hour later, we______grab a bite at the snack bar.A.may wellB.just as wellC.might as wellD.as well上一题下一题(27/30)Vocabulary第27题Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ______the atmosphere.A.as it isC.the same asD.and so is上一题下一题(28/30)Vocabulary第28题Our civilization cannot be thought of as______in a short period of time.A.to have been createdB.to be createdC.having been createdD.being created上一题下一题(29/30)Vocabulary第29题Their coach must______the team´s poor performance.A.answer forB.answer toC.answer backD.answer about上一题下一题(30/30)Vocabulary第30题Jean Wagner´s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it______in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.A.is to be analyzedB.has been analyzedC.be analyzedD.should have been analyzed上一题下一题(31~35/共18题)Reading ComprehensionThe term "Ice Age" may give a wrong impression. The epoch that geologists know as the Pleistocene and that spanned the 1.5 to 2. 0 million years prior to the current geologic epoch was not one long continuous glaciation, but a period of oscillating climate with ice advances punctuated by times of interglacial climate not very different from the climate experienced now. Ice sheets that derived from an ice cap centered on northern Scandinavia reached southward to Central Europe. And beyond the margins of the ice sheets, climatic oscillations affected most of the rest of the world; for example, in the deserts, periods of wetter conditions(pluvials)contrasted with drier, interpluvial periods. Although the time involved is so short, about 0. 04 percent of the total age of the Earth, the amount of attention devoted to the Pleistocene has been incredibly large, probably because of its immediacy, and because the epoch largely coincides with the appearance on Earth of humans and their immediate ancestors.There is no reliable way of dating much of the Ice Age. Geological dates are usually obtained by using the rates of decay of various radioactive elements found in minerals. Some of these rates are suitable for very old rocks but involve increasing errors when used for young rocks;others are suitable for very young rocks and errors increase rapidly in older rocks. Most of the Ice Age spans a period of time for which no element has an appropriate decay rate.Nevertheless, researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events. For example, an early classification of Alpine glaciation suggested the existence there of four glaciations, named the Gunz, Mindel, Piss, and Wurm. This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits and events not directly related to glacial and interglacial periods, rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains found in interglacial beds themselves interstratified within glacial deposits. Yet this succession was forced willy-nilly onto the glaciated parts of Northern Europe, where there are partial successions of true glacial ground moraines and interglacial deposits, with hopes of ultimately piecing them together to provide a complete Pleistocene succession. Eradication of the Alpine nomenclature is still proving a Herculean task.There is no conclusive evidence about the relative length, complexity, and temperatures of the various glacial and interglacial periods. We do not know whether we live in a postglacial period or an interglacial period. The chill truth seems to be that we are already past the optimum climate of postglacial time. Studies of certain fossil distributions and of the pollen of certain temperate plants suggest decreases of a degree or two in both summer and winter temperatures and, therefore, that we may be in the declining climatic phase leading to glaciation and extinction.第31题In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with______.A.searching for an accurate method of dating the Pleistocene epochB.discussing problems involved in providing an accurate picture of the Pleistocene epochC.declaring opposition to the use of the term "Ice Age" for the Pleistocene epochD.criticizing fanciful schemes about what happened in the Pleistocene epoch第32题The "wrong impression"(line 1.)to which the author refers is the idea that the______.A.climate of the Pleistocene epoch was not very different from the climate we are now experiencingB.climate of the Pleistocene epoch was composed of periods of violent stormsC.Pleistocene epoch consisted of very wet, cold periods mixed with very dry, hot periodsD.Pleistocene epoch comprised one period of continuous glaciation during which Northern Europe was covered with ice sheets第33题Which of the following does the passage imply about the "early classification of Alpine glaciation"?A.It should not have been applied as widely as it was.B.It represents the best possible scientific practice, given the tools available at the time.C.It was a valuable tool, in its time, for measuring the length of the four periods of glaciation.D.It could be useful, but only as a general guide to the events of the Pleistocene epoch.第34题The author refers to deserts primarily in order to______.A.support the view that we are probably living in a postglacial periodB.illustrate the idea that what happened in the deserts during the Ice Age had far-reaching effects even on the ice sheets of Central and Northern EuropeC.illustrate the idea that the effects of the Ice Age´s climatic variations extended beyond the areas of iceD.support the view that during the Ice Age sheets of ice covered some of the deserts of the world第35题The author would regard the idea that we are living in an interglacial period as______.A.unimportantB.unscientificC.self-evidentD.plausible上一题下一题(36~40/共18题)Reading ComprehensionInvestigators of monkeys´social behavior have always been struck by monkeys´aggressive potential and the consequent need for social control of their aggressive behavior. Studies directed at describing aggressive behavior and the situations that elicit it, as well as the social mechanisms that control it, were therefore among the first investigations of monkeys´social behavior.Investigators initially believed that monkeys would compete for any resource in the environment; hungry monkeys would fight over food, thirsty monkeys would fight over water, and, in general, any time more than one monkey in a group sought the same incentive simultaneously, a dispute would result and would be resolved through some form of aggression. However, the motivating force of competition for incentives began to be doubted when experiments like Southwick´s on the reduction of space or the withholding of food failed to produce more than temporary increases in intra-group aggression. Indeed, food deprivation not only failed to increase aggression but in some cases actually resulted in decreased frequencies of aggression.Studies of animals in the wild under conditions of extreme food deprivation likewise revealed that starving monkeys devoted almost all available energy to foraging, with little energy remaining for aggressive interaction. Furthermore, accumulating evidence from later studies of a variety of primate groups, for example, the study conducted by Bernstein, indicates that one of the most potent stimuli for eliciting aggression is the introduction of an intruder into an organized group. Such introductions result in far more serious aggression than that produced in any other types of experiments contrived to produce competition.These studies of intruders suggest that adult members of the same species introduced to one another for the first time show considerable hostility because, in the absence of a social order, one must be established to control interanimal relationships. When a single new animal is introduced into an existing social organization, the newcomer meets even more serious aggression. Whereas in the first case aggression establishes a social order, in the second case resident animals mob the intruder, thereby initially excluding the new animal from the existing social unit. The simultaneous introduction of several animals lessens the effect, if only because the group divides its attention among the multiple targets. If, however, the several animals introduced to a group constitute their own social unit, each group may fight the opposing groupas a unit; but, again, no individual is subjected to mass attack, and the very cohesion of the groups precludes prolonged individual combat. The submission of the defeated group, rather than unleashing unchecked aggression on the part of the victorious group, reduces both the intensity and frequency of further attack. Monkey groups therefore see to be organized primarily to maintain their established social order rather than to engage in hostilities per se.第36题The author of the passage is primarily concerned with______.A.advancing a new methodology for changing a monkey´s social behaviorparing the methods of several research studies on aggression among monkeysC.explaining the reasons for researchers´ interest in monkeys´ social behaviorD.discussing the development of investigators´ theories about aggression among monkeys第37题Which of the following best summarizes the findings reported in the passage about the effects of food deprivation on monkeys´ behavior?A.Food deprivation has no effect on aggression among monkeys.B.Food deprivation increases aggression among monkeys because one of the most potent stimuli for eliciting aggression is the competition for incentives.C.Food deprivation may increase long-term aggression among monkeys in a laboratory setting, but it produces only temporary increases among monkeys in the wild.D.Food deprivation may temporarily increase aggression among monkeys, but it also leads to a decrease in conflict.第38题The passage suggests that investigators of monkeys´social behavior have been especially interested in aggressive behavior among monkeys because______.A.aggression is the most common social behavior among monkeysB.successful competition for incentives determines the social order in a monkey groupC.situations that elicit aggressive behavior can be studied in a laboratoryD.most monkeys are potentially aggressive, yet they live in social units that could not function without control of their aggressive impulses第39题It can be inferred from the passage that the establishment and preservation of social order among a group of monkeys is essential in order to______.A.keep the monkeys from straying and joining other groupsB.prevent aggressive competition for incentives between that group and anotherC.prevent the domination of that group by anotherD.protect individuals seeking to become members of that group from mass attack第40题Which of the following best describes the organization of the second paragraph?A.A hypothesis is explained and counter evidence is described.B.A theory is advanced and specific evidence supporting it is cited.C.Field observations are described and a conclusion about their significance is drawn.D.Two theories are explained and evidence supporting each of them is detailed.上一题下一题(41~45/共18题)Reading ComprehensionIt is an unfortunate fact that most North Americans know little about American Indian culture and history. Scholars have studied such matters, but they have not succeeded in broadcasting their conclusions widely. Thus, it is still not widely known that American Indians have epics, that they performed plays long before Europeans arrived, and that they practiced politics and carried on trade.One way to gain a fuller appreciation of this rich culture is to examine American Indian poetry, for poetry is in all cultures the most central and articulate of the arts. It is especially important that we study American Indian poetry as this poetry can create a context that gives cohesive expression to the crafts, the artifacts, and the isolated facts that many Americans have managed to notice willy-nilly. Even a survey of American Indian poetry reveals a range of poetic thought and technique that defies easy generalization. Jarold Ramsey hazards a summary, however, which serves at least to give the uninitiated reader some sense of what American Indian poetry is like. Overall, he writes, it represents " an oral, formulaic, traditional, and anonymous art form," whose approach is to emphasize the "mythic and sacred" components of reality. It "flourished through public performances... by skilled recitalists whose audiences already knew the individual stories" and valued the performers for their "ability to exploit their material dramatically and to combine them[their stories]in longer cycles" rather than for their "plot invention. " Because this poetry belongs to highly ethnocentric tribal peoples, whose cultures " we still do not know much about," it " is likely to seem all the more terse, even cryptic.American Indian poetry has another feature that Ramsey ignores: it is always functional. Whether sung, chanted, or recited; whether performed ceremonially, as entertainment, or as part of a task such as curing a patient or grinding corn; or whether recited individually or by a group, it is always fully woven into the fabric of ordinary life.For complicated reasons, American Indian poetry has basically been ignored by non-Indian cultures. Kenneth Lincoln writes that failure to hear American Indian voices results " partly... from the tragedies of tribal dislocation, partly from mistranslation, partly from misconceptions about literature, partly from cultural indifference. " Brian Swann suggests an additional explanation; tribal poetry is oral, whereas Europeans arrived in the New World with a deeply ingrained belief in the primacy of the written word. As a result, European settlers found it hard to imagine that poetry could exist without written texts and thus that the American Indians had achieved something parallel to what Europeans called literature long before Europeans arrived. As a consequence, Europeans did not fully respond to the rich vitality of American Indian poetry.第41题According to the passage, American Indian cultures have produced all of the following forms of artistic expression EXCEPT______.A.craftsB.oral epicsC.songsD.written poems第42题According to Jarold Ramsey, American Indian poetry is an art form characterized by its______.A.unusual depictions of landscapesB.adaptability to public performanceC.universal accessibilityD.highly original plots第43题According to the passage, it would be unusual for American Indian poetry to be______.A.attributed to specific authorsB.sung by a group of performersC.chanted while workingD.sung during a sacred ceremony第44题It can be inferred from the passage that Brian Swann believes which of the following about the European settlers of America?A.They probably were more literate, on the average, than the general European population they left behind.B.They probably thought it necessary to understand American Indian politics before studying American Indian literature.C.They probably did not recognize evidence of an oral poetic tradition in the American Indian cultures they encountered.D.They probably could not appreciate American Indian poetry because it was composed in long narrative cycles.第45题Which of the following best describes the organization of the last paragraph of the passage?A.An observation is made and qualifications of it are provided.B.A phenomenon is noted and explanations for it are presented.C.A hypothesis is presented and arguments against it are cited.D.A prognosis is made and evidence supporting it is discussed.上一题下一题(46~48/共18题)Reading ComprehensionThere are two major systems of criminal procedure in the modern world-the adversarial and the inquisitorial. Both systems were historically preceded by the system of private vengeance in which the victim of a crime fashioned a remedy and administered it privately, either personally or through an agent.The modern adversarial system is only one historical step removed from the private vengeance system and still remains some of its characteristic feature. For example, even though the right to initiate legal action against a criminal has now been extended to all members of society(as represented by the office of the public prosecutor), and even though the police department has effectively assumed the pretrial investigative functions on behalf of the prosecution, the adversarial system still leaves the defendant to conduct his or her own pretrial investigation. The trial is viewed as a forensic duel between two adversaries, presided over by a judge who, at the start, has no knowledge of the investigative background of the case. In the final analysis the adversarial system of criminal procedure symbolizes and regularizes punitive combat.By contrast, the inquisitorial system begins historically where the adversarial system stopped its development. It is two historical steps removed from the system of private vengeance. From the standpoint of legal anthropology, then, it is historically superior to the adversarial system. Under the inquisitorial system, the public prosecutor has the duty to investigate not just on behalf of society but also on behalf of the defendant. Additionally, the public prosecutor has theduty to present the court not only evidence that would convict the defendant, but also evidence that could prove the defendant´s innocence. The system mandates that both parties permit full pretrial discovery of the evidence in their possession. Finally, an aspect of the system that makes the trial less like a duel between two adversarial parties is that the inquisitorial system mandates that the judge take an active part in the conduct of the trial, with a role that is both directive and protective.Fact-finding is at the heart of the inquisitorial system. This system operate on the philosophical premise that in a criminal action the crucial factor is the body of facts, not the legal rule(in contrast to the adversarial system), and the goal of the entire procedure is to attempt to recreate, in the mind of the court, the commission of the alleged crime.Because of the inquisitorial system´s thoroughness in conducting its pretrial investigation, it can be concluded that, if given the choice, a defendant who is innocent would prefer to be tried under the inquisitorial system, whereas a defendant who is guilty would prefer to be tried under the adversarial system.Questions:第46题According to the passage, what is the central distinction between the system of private vengeance and the two modern criminal procedure systems?(3 points)_____第47题What are characteristics of the inquisitorial system? Please make a brief summary.(4 points)____ 第48题What´s the author´s attitude towards the inquisitorial system?(3 points)____上一题下一题(1/1)Writing第49题Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic____On Self-Confidence上一题交卷交卷答题卡答案及解析(1/30)Vocabulary第1题I hope you don´t think I´m______but I´ve had the electric fire on for most of the day.A.exquisiteB.extravagantC.exoticD.eccentric参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:句意:我几乎一整天都开着电热炉,希望你不会觉得我很浪费。
2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)19校真题中的汉语作文北外2010二、应用写作(40分)请根据你所熟悉的一种商品,替厂家拟一份产品介绍广告。
2015年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30个词组翻译(共30分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to Aisa Msfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法写了三点翻译硕士英语:1.单选10个————非常基础的词汇语法题2.完型,共20个20分(因为是10个选择,10个填空)3.阅读三篇选项阅读(共10题,每题2分)两篇问答阅读(共5题,每题4分)4.作文graduate education VS undergraduate education本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数400)被动语态翻译英语中被动语态使用范围很广,凡是在不必或不愿说出或无从说出施动者以及为了便于连贯上下文或者为了强调动作的承受者等场合,往往都用被动语态。
例如:Eg.On Practice has been translated into many foreign languages.《实践论》已译成许多国家的文字。
Eg.The whole country was armed in a few days.几天以内,全国就武装起来了。
Eg.Another middle school has been set up in our district.我们区又办了一所中学。
Eg.1,200people had been saved soldiers in the earthquake.在地震中,战士们已救出1200人。
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4.cultural substitution
6.Descriptive Translation Studies
7.Documentary Translation
12.sight translation
13.target language
1、Since1989Mayor Richard Daley has presided over the planting of more than300,000 trees,which he says not only please the eye but“reduce noise5air pollution and summer heat”
Twenty-one underatilized acres around the city have been turned into72community gardens and parks.The renovation of Soldier Field on the lakefront will include17acres of new parkland.The largest park project,the Calumet Open Space Reserve on the far Southeast Side,is4,000acres of prairies,wetlands and forests.
The city contracts with an organization called the Christian Industrial League,which hires many down-and-out persons’to wash stress and water plants.And the organization is building a greenhouse that will sell flowers in winter.
2、Bhagwati says“Unions In poor countries face a lose-lose situation’Higher standards are apt to raise the poorer nations9costs of production,crippling those nations’competitiveness.If the standards are not implemented,those nations’exports are punished with sanctions.So for the unions in rich countries,the moralization of trade is win-win.
Time was,protectionists were mostly on the right,protecting corporations in the name of nationalism.Now most are on the left5where the vocabulary of victimization prevails.The left’s agenda-—expanding government at the expense of markets in the allocation of wealth and opportunity—makes economic autarky a temptation.The same mind-set also opposes challenges to government monopolies such as public education and Social Security.
3、Man-adapted physically as well as culturally to the new surroundings Into which he moved.Those who stayed in or moved to equatorial climates developed dark skin to protect them from the rays of the sun.Those who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D.People in cold dry climates became stocky,to conserve heat.People in hot dry climates tended to become tall and thin,to dissipate heat.