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1—5 AABCC 6—10 BCACA 11—15 BAACB 16—20 AABBC


21-23 AAC24-27 DBAD28-31 CBBD32-35 CDBB36-40 GEBCF



41-45 CBADB 46-50 BDDAC 51-55 ACADB 56-60 BCADC



61. made 62. remains 63. which 64. encouragement 65. the

66. from 67. using 68. branches 69. generally 70. impressive 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)


A few years before, my family went to a seafood festival in Florida. The food was delicious, the


weather was lovely, but the boat ride was great. The last thing was to go on ^ helicopter ride. My little

and a

sister was so young to go by herself, so I volunteered to accompany with her on the ride. When I got too

into the helicopter, I attempt to close the door. Airplanes have doors. So do a helicopter. Wrong! The

attempted does

pilot told me that there was no door as they went skywards 100,000 feet into the air. I had never been


more frightening in my life. It’s a good thing which the ride lasted for only 15 minutes. No more air frightened that

rides for me, I swear!


Dear Devin,

I am sorry to hear that you failed to pass HSK. I hope that the unexpected failure will not let you down, for

I have still been amazed by the excellent Chinese you spoke when we first met.

As we know, language learning is never an easy task, but needs painstaking efforts and patience. Personally,

I think you’d better pay close attention to the formal use of Chinese words and expressions, which really count.

Meanwhile, you may as well watch more Chinese materials as much as you can afford. More importantly, you should learn from the mistakes that you have made. Anyhow, you’ve already made great progress in your learning of Chinese. A good luck next time.


Li Hua



Text 1

W: Excuse me. Where can I find the nearest bank?

M: There’s a bank on Wall Street. It’s across from the shopping mall.

Text 2

W: Would you pick up a carton of eggs and a liter of milk for me?

M: Sure. Do you need anything else at the supermarket?

W: No. Wait a minute! Would you get some cookies, too?

Text 3

M: Hello, will you please send someone up to my apartment? The hot water is running, and I can’t turn it off.

W: There’s no one in the office now. I’ll send someone up as s oon as I can.

Text 4

W: Mike, I wish you’d keep that radio switched off. Can’t you see that I have this homework to finish for tomorrow?

M: Why do you always leave your weekend homework till Sunday evening…the last moment?

Text 5

W: Mark, we’ve had these chairs since we got married. They are very comfortable.

M: That doesn’t mean we’ve got to have them the rest of our lives. Anyway they’re falling apart.

Text 6

W: What’s your dream career?

M: Honestly, I want to join the army, but my parents don’t agree.

W: What do they want you to do?

M: They want me to be a doctor. They think it would be helpful and practical, not only for me but also for my relatives.

W: That sounds reasonable.

M: But I hate to see blood. What about your dream career?

W: I want to be a journalist.

M: Well, you are really good at writing.

W: And the most important thing is that I can do what I like the most while I’m working------travel!

Text 7

W: Let’s move out of here. This apartment is too small.

M: I agree. I’ll look in the pape r.

W: A house would be great. I could plant a garden. And you could use the garage for a workshop.

M: Here’s an interesting ad: For rent. Two-bedroom, unfurnished house, fenced yard, one-car garage.

W: How much is the rent?

M: The ad says $325 per month. It’s available now, and it’s got a very good location. You won’t be far from work.

Text 8

W: Where did you get that jacket? It looks exactly like the one I just bought but lost a few weeks ago. M: This is a man’s jacket, and I’ve had it forever. Haven’t you seen me wear it before?

W: No, I never have. I really feel like that’s my jacket. Do you mind if I try it on?

M: Seriously? This is not your jacket.

W: It just looks so much like mine. The last time I wore it was when I went to the movies on Saturday two weeks ago. I thought I left it at the theater.

M: Well, I bought this jacket ten years ago at a used clothing store downtown. It even has a stain on the collar that never came out. If you really want to try it on, here you go.

W: Thanks. Oh, it’s much too big. I guess you’re right. It’s not my jacket after all.

M: See? I told you.

W: You’re right. Sorry about that. I guess I’ll just buy myself a new jacket.

Text 9

M: Michelle, why are you dancing? I thought we had to study for our math test!

W: Oh, h i, Drake! I was just doing some exercise. I thought you wouldn’t get here until later. Let me turn the music off.

M: You exercise by dancing? I thought activities like running and bicycling were considered as exercise.

W: Well, those are other good ways to work out, but I like to dance. It’s fun to move around to music, and you can definitely work up a sweat. Do you like to dance?

M: I sometimes dance at parties, but I’m not a very good dancer. For exercise, I prefer playing soccer. I want to get really good this year. I hope to make the soccer team in the fall.

W: Cool! I know you like to go to the park to play soccer on the weekends. Maybe you should try dancing, and I will try playing soccer.

M: Do you know how to play soccer? It is really very easy once you try, but it does need some practice.

W: I can’t play soccer very well, even though I used to play a lot when I was a kid. If you teach me some of your soccer moves, I’ll teach you some dance moves! How does that sound?

M: It’s a deal. If there wer en’t the math test tomorrow, we could definitely go to the gym right now.

W: Right. No more fun and games. Let me get my notebook.

Text 10

Dear mom and dad,

This is my fifth day at summer camp.

Life in the outdoors isn’t exactly what I expected, but I’m not starving…Yet…so don’t worry about me.

I guess I should tell you about what I do every day. First, everyone has to get up at 5:30 a.m. Next, we

have to make our beds and tidy up the cabin. Then, we have breakfast around 6:30 a.m. After that, we have some free time, so I’ve been going down to the nearby stream to fish for a couple of hours. But yesterday, the only thing I caught was an old shoe and a tree branch. And I slipped and fell in the stream and lost my fishing pole. That ended my fishing career.

At night, we sit around a campfire in front of the cabin, sing songs, and tell ghost stories. That’s usually fun, but one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire, I got all turned around and got lost. After about an hour of wandering aimlessly in the forest, I finally found my way back, but no one seemed to have realized what had happened, thinking that I just had gone to bed. A bear or a wolf could have eaten me and no one would have known it. I was so beat I just crashe d…out like a light.

Well, today is another day and tomorrow I’ll go home…and not a bit too soon.I’ve learned that camping is just not for me.



