amy tan and the joy luck club 谭恩美和喜福会




从跨文化视角看电影《喜福会》的女性形象1989年,美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan发表了处女作《喜福会》( The Joy Luck Club ),一举大获成功,获得了一系列如“全美图书奖”和“最佳小说奖”等文学方面的大奖。

美籍华人导演王颖于1993 年将其改编拍摄成电影,很好保持了原著的风格和多视角的叙述方式,在好莱坞创下了极高的票房。


一、形象学 -- 异国形象的分析方法19世纪,形象学与比较文学在世界文学界同时产生,到了20世纪80 年代,形象学理论渐趋成熟起来,直到90年代之后才进入我国理论学界。

形象学( Imagology )是比较文学研究领域的一个重要课题,研究主体是某一国文学作品中所塑造或描述的异国跨文化形象,法国当代著名的比较文学学者芭柔(DHPageauX将之概括为“在文学化,同时也是社会化、跨文化的运作过程中对异国看法的总和”。



















喜福会(the joy luck club)

喜福会(the joy luck club)
• After a malpractice suit, Ted has a mid-life crisis and decides to leave Rose.
The Joy Luck Club
Article clue
12 34
Story background
Four stories between four mothers and four daughters
The Joy Luck Club
Background & Characters
Name:Bao Yunpei
The Joy Luck Club
➢ Then the woman and the swan sailed across an ocean many thousands of li wide, stretching their necks toward America. On her journey she cooed to the swan: "In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English.
Article clue
12 34
Story background
The Joy Luck Club







关键词:玉坠鹅毛花瓶象征一、简介《喜福会》是由华裔美籍女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)于1989年出版的第一部小说,小说一出版立即好评如潮,并多次获奖。









素云极为珍视这个玉坠,她把它视为自己的生命(“ life’s importance”),几十年来从未离开过她的身体,这块玉坠里早已经浸润了她的体温与激情,她的期望与梦想,她的奋斗与挣扎。

tan amy人物简介

tan amy人物简介

Amy Tan人物简介:谭恩美(Amy Tan),著名美籍华裔女作家,1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。




谭恩美在《喜福会》之后,还出版了《灶神之妻》(The Kitchen God's Wife)及《百种神秘感觉》(The Hundred Secret Senses),两部都是畅销书。


















文学评论·外国文学从女性主义视角分析《喜福会》李袁媛 西安外国语大学孔悦 西安外国语大学王密丽 西安外国语大学摘 要:《喜福会》作为华裔美国文学中的经典,一直备受瞩目。




[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2018)-17-148-01一.引言作为经典作品之一的《喜福会》,是由美国华裔女作家谭恩美于1987年所著。


该著作由十六个故事组成,以四组的方式进行讲述:其中六个故事由母亲讲述:An-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong and Ying-Ying St. Clair.剩下的10个故事由她们的女儿讲述:Jing-Mei Woo, Waverly Jong, Rose Hsu Jordan and Lena St. Clair.在第一组的四个故事中,其中一个由女儿讲述,剩下的故事由母亲讲述;在第二和第三组中,这八个故事都与女儿们有关;最后一组中,这四个故事的讲述顺序正好与第一组相反,即前三个故事由母亲讲述,最后一个故事由女儿讲述。

一直以来,很多学者和评论家们都从不同的角度来解读《喜福会》,大多都是“女人地位低于男人”,Edward Said’s 的“东方主义”以及“中华文化与外来文化的碰撞”等角度。


汉语言文学毕业论文 谭恩美长篇小说《喜福会》作品分析

汉语言文学毕业论文 谭恩美长篇小说《喜福会》作品分析

正文:1作者及其作品简介1.1作者简介谭恩美(Amy Tan),著名美籍华裔女作家,1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。
























关键词:母女关系文化差异冲突融洽Analysis of The Joy Luck Club in the mother-daughter relationships reflects the Sino-US cultural differencesTANG Xian(School of foreign languages,Kunming University,YunnanKunming650214 ,China )Abstract: Based on Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club the essay analyses the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter. Respectively, in four aspects from the differences of language, differences of hosts and guests etiquette, differences of way of thinking and differences of filial piety. The conflicts between mother and daughter has always existed, until the daughters have grown up to the age of be mothers , the relationship between them is slowly becoming in harmony. As the proverb goes cultures have borders but love without borders. Understanding, sincerity and love are the best remedy to resolve the cultural differences.Keywords: mother-daughter relationships; cultural differences; conflicts ; harmony《喜福会》作为美国华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作,1989年一经出版,便在《纽约时报》上连续九个月成为销量冠军。



The Joy Luck ClubAbstractThe Joy Luck Club is written by Amy Tan,a famous Chinese American writer. In the novel, she presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share her experiences with her daughter, and they never cease to try to build a bridge over the cultural differences and conflicts between them and their daughters with their maternal love of vari ous forms. At first the daughters don’t understand their mothers and the Chinese culture that their mothers represent, but as time elapses, the daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers' past and accept their mothers in the end. In fact, it is the maternal love the Joy Luck Club mothers extend to their daughters that finally makes their daughters understand them and the Chinese culture that they represent. In this sense, the maternal love not only symbolizes Chinese culture, but more importantly serves as a bridge over the mothers and daughters, and over Chinese culture and American culture.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflicts; understanding; culture; maternal love摘要《喜福会》是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作品。



BibliographyAmy, Tan. The Joy Luck Club.New York: Ivy Books, 1989.Guan Jing 关晶. Cong Xifuhui Kan Zhongmei Wenhua Chayi 从《喜福会》看中美文化差异(……Differences Between Chinese and American Cultures in The Joy Luck Club.‟‟)Foreign Language Institutes 10 (2005): 68-69.Jing Chen 景晨. Cong Cifuhui kan Zhongmei Wenhua de Chontu yu Jiaorong 从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突与交融(……The Conflicts and Fusions of Chinese and American Cultures in The Joy Luck Club.‟‟) Writer Magazine 3 (2013): 56-57.Liu Cuilan 刘翠兰. Amy Tan and the Mother- daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club. Wulumuqi: Leimenggu University Press, 2004.Ling Jingjing 李晶晶. Cong Xifuhui de Munvchontu Kan Zhongmei Wenhua Chayi 从《喜福会》的母女冲突看中美教育文化的差异(……The Differences of Chinese and American Education Cultures from the Mother-daughter Conflict in The Joy Luck Club.‟‟) Social Science 2(2011): 70-73.Ma You 马友. Cong Xifuhui kan Zhongxi Wenhua de Chayi yu Jiaorong 从《喜福会》看中西文化的差异与交融(……The Difference and Blending of Chinese and Western Cultures in The Joy Luck Club.‟‟) Journal of Xi’an Aerotechnical College 11 (2011): 64-68.Scow, John. “Tiger Ladies.”Time108 (1989): 115-17.Wang Bijuan 王碧娟. Xifuhuizhong de Wenhua Chongtu Jiedu《喜福会》中的文化冲突解读(……Interpretation of Cultural Conflicts in The Joy Luck Club.‟‟)Foreign Literature Studies 5(2009): 43-45.Wang Dehua 汪德华. Zhongguo yu Yingmei Guojia Xisu Wenhua Bijiao 中国与英美国家习俗文化比较(……The Comparison of Custom Between China and English-Speaking Countries.‟‟)Foreign Literature Studies8(2011): 77-78. Wang, Dorothy. “AGame of Show Not Tell.”Newsweek, 77 (1989):134-37.Wei Jiaxing韦佳星. Cong Xifuhui kan Zhongxi Hunyinguan de Chayi 从喜福会看中西婚姻观的差异(……The Difference of Marriage Views in The Joy LuckClub.‟‟) Foreign Literature Studies 9(2014): 18-19.Wei Ling魏玲. Cong Wenhua Chontu dao Wenhua Ronghe-Cong Kuawenhua Jiaojixue Fenxi Tanenmei de Xifuhui 从文化冲突到文化融合-从跨文化交际学分析谭恩美的《喜福会》(……Form Cultural Conflicts to Cultural Fusion-an Intercultural Communication to Amy Tan‟s The Joy Luck Club.‟‟)Foreign Literature Studies 5 (2006): 41-45.Xu Xingyan徐行言. Zhongxi Wenhua Bijiao中西文化比较(Comparison Between Chinese and Western Cultures). Changsha: Hunan People‟ s Publishing House, 2004.“Your Mother is in Your Bones.” The New York Times,12 Mar. 1989: A-14.Yu Zhihao于志浩. Lun Waiyu Ketang Jiaoxue zhong Kuawenhua Feiyuyan Jiaojinengli de Peiyang 论外语课堂教学中跨文化非语言交际能力的培养(On the Cultivation of Intercultural Nonverbal Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Teaching). Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2006. Zhou Ying and Ma Jin 周莹和马瑾. Xifuhui Zhanshide Butongde Zhongguo Jiatingguan he Meiguo Wenhua 喜福会展示的不同的中国家庭观和美国文化(……Different Family Values in Chinese and American Cultures Shown by The Joy Luck Club.‟‟) Foreign Literature Studies 8 (2003): 78-79.。



摘要1989年,美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)发表处女作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club),此书一问世便成为热卖世界的畅销书,在美国掀起了一股华裔文学热,为华裔作品进入美国主流文学做出贡献。





关键字:电视文化平民化真实性悬念度The Joy Luck Club and Its CulturalTranslationAbstractThe Joy Luck Club is written by famous Chinese American writer Amy Tan in the end of 1980s. It is about the experience of four mothers immigrating from China and their four American born daughters living in the United States. This papermainly discusses the application of Mitchell’s Women’s Estate in The Joy Luck Club. Based on the position of women in society and family, writer thoroughly analyzesthe oppressionson women. The paper includes three chapters, theory of “Women’s Estate”, the position of women in The Joy Luck Club and consciousness-raising reflected in the Joy Luck Club. Accordingly, it is reveals that the oppressions given by men on women in families are inevitable, only can women have the ability to liberate themselves.Key Words: women; fa milies; oppressions; Mitchell’s“Women’s Estate”The Joy Luck Club and Its Cultural TranslationIntroductionThe Joy Luck Club develops 16 interrelated but independent stories : the gap between two generations as well as cultural differences in easter and western.Although written in English, it contains lots of Chinese elements, which relate to plenty of Chinese daily life. Although the daughters know some Chinese words and the mothers speak some English, communication often becomes a matter of translation, of words whose intended meaning and accepted meaning are in fact quite separate, leading to subtle misunderstandings.Throughout The Joy Luck Club, the various narrators meditate on their inability to translate concepts and sentiments from one culture to another.1.The Power of Storytelling1.1 Chinese elements in the narratives though written in English1.2 Possible reasons for using Chinese elements in the novel2.Interpretations of the symbols2.1 Suyuan’s Pendant2.2 Lena’s Vase2.3 Lindo’s Red Candle3. Major Characters of EachFamilyand Their Representation3.1 Jing-mei Woo3.2 Lindo Jong3.3 Rose Hsu3.4 Ying-ying St. ClairConclusionThe usage of Chinese elements in the novel is indispensible, for the language is closely interrelated to one culture. Despite the fact that they grow up overseas and are educated through western systems, their roots are Chinese. Interpreting the symbols, we can see the deep maternal wisdom and love of the mothers, the falling and shattering of mixed marriage and the use of tradition in claiming one’s own identity and power.The incomplete cultural understanding of both the mothers and the daughters owes to their incomplete knowledge of language. Additionally, the barriers that exist between the mothers and the daughters are often due to their inability to communicate with one another.Inconclusion, it shows the significant power of family on people's life.。


• 对于移居海外的人来说,一切都是不确定 和有待探索的。由于跨越边境后的漂浮状 态,使得他们能够更深刻地理解文化、身 份和种族的建构型。由于旧身份的丧失和 新身份的不确定,在少数文学中,对身份 和共同体的重新想像始终是紧迫的。 • 少数族裔的身份建构不仅取决于他们自己 的努力,还取决于移民国的态度。
• 霍尔认为, 在高语境文化中,人们有着类似的 经历和信息渠道。长期稳定的交流使人们 形成了对周围环境比较一致的反应。 • 因而,在处理大量日常事务时,他们往往不需 要、也不希望得到过多的背景知识。在交 谈中,无需过多的表达,双方就会心领神会,因 为共同的背景知识和想象空间会帮助听者 把说者含糊的意思拼凑起来。 • 在高语境文化中, 人们并不仅仅通过语言来 表达意思,手势、空间的运用,甚至沉默都可 以传递信息 , 他们认为“沉默比语言更有 力” 。
• 新一代华人子女因为生活在与父母截然不 同的文化环境里, 受着美国文化的熏陶, 平 时读的是英文书籍, 而非孔子的经典,往往在 思想上更倾向于接受美国文化与价值观。 • 然而, 无论华裔青年已经美国化到何种程度, 以白人为代表的主流社会依然把他们看作 是少数民族, 是中国人。这使得新生代的华 裔极易产生一种迷茫和身份危机:“我究竟是 谁?”
• 因此,在这种环境中成长起来的华裔第二 代,由于内外压力,他们认同的是宗主国 文化,而故国的文化则是他们需要超越的 对象,女儿们的最终结果就是: “事实上, 除了她的头发和皮肤是中国式的外表,她 的内部,全是美国制造的。” • 这也导致母女间的隔阂。在这一成长故事 中,母女间的交流障碍实质上体现的是两 种不同价值观的矛盾,女儿们不断试图超 越和弃绝以母亲为代表的东方遗产,从而 形成新的主体性。
• 华裔女作家任璧莲(Gish Jen)在一次接受采访中 谈道:“这种对身份的追求是非常美国化的。在中 国的人们不会探讨根的问题。你一旦开始思考身 为爱尔兰裔美国人、非洲裔美国人或华裔美国人 意味着什么时, 那你就是美国人了。” • 《喜福会》中女儿们一旦有了想做中国人的迫切 愿望,这便表明她们已经非常美国化了,不再是中国 人。” • 既然她们已经是美国人了 ,便不用担心被中国文化 同化。她们渴求具有一定的中国气质 ,在某种程度 上也反映了美国人对异域文化的向往。



Amy T an (Chinese: 譚恩美; born February 19, 1952) is a Chinese American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships. In 1993, Tan's adaptation of her first novel, The Joy Luck Club, became a commercially successful film. The book has been translated into 35 languages.Tan has written several other bestselling novels, including The Kitchen God's Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter's Daughter and Saving Fish From Drowning. She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings. Her most recent novel Saving Fish From Drowning explores the tribulations experienced by a group of people who disappear while on an art expedition in the jungles of Burma. In addition to these, Tan has written two children's books: The Moon Lady (1992) and Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat (1994), which was turned into an animated series airing on PBS. She also appeared on PBS in a short spot encouraging children to write.Personal lifeAmy Tan was born in Oakland, California to Chinese immigrants John Tan, an electrical engineer and Baptist minister, and Daisy, who was forced to leave her three daughters from a previous marriage behind in Shanghai. This incident provided the basis for Tan's first novel, 1989 New York Times bestseller The Joy Luck Club.[1]Amy is the middle child and only daughter among Daisy and John Tan's three children. In the late 1960s Amy's sixteen-year-old brother Peter died of a brain tumor. Within a year of Peter's death, Amy's father died of the same disease. After these family tragedies, Daisy moved Amy and her younger brother John Jr. to Switzerland, where Amy finished high school.[2] During this period, Amy learned about her mother's former marriage to an abusive man in China, and of their four children, including three daughters and a son who died as a toddler. In 1987 Amy traveled with Daisy to China. There, Amy finally met her three half-sisters.[3]Tan received her bachelor's and master's degrees in English and linguistics from San José State University, and later did doctoral linguistics studies at UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley.[4]She resides in Sausalito, California with her husband, Louis DeMattei, a lawyer whom she met on a blind date and married in 1974.Tan is a member of the Rock Bottom Remainders, a rock band consisting of published writers, including Barbara Kingsolver, Matt Groening, Dave Barry, Kathi Kamen Goldmark, Sam Barry (Author), and Stephen King, among others.[5]The Joy Luck Club (1989) is a best-selling novel written by Amy Tan. It focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families in San Francisco, California who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods. The book is structured somewhat like a mahjong game, with four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters. The three mothers and four daughters (one mother, Suyuan Woo, dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each part is preceded by a parable relating to the game.In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang. The screenplay was written by the author Amy Tan along with Ronald Bass. The novel was also adapted into a play which premiered at Pan Asian Repertory Theatre in New York.Sagwa is the name of a cat in the children's book Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat by author Amy Tan. Sagwa's popularity with children prompted an educational animated series of the same name on PBS Kids. In the series, which is set circa 1900 during the Qing Dynasty, Sagwa has fun in her day-to-day life while learning and teaching valuable life lessons. Theshow is notable for its setting and messages about familial obligations and loyalty.。







关键词:母女关系文化差异冲突融洽Analysis of The Joy Luck Club in the mother-daughter relationships reflects the Sino-US cultural differencesTANG Xian(School of foreign languages,Kunming University,YunnanKunming650214 ,China )Abstract: Based on Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club the essay analyses the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter. Respectively, in four aspects from the differences of language, differences of hosts and guests etiquette, differences of way of thinking and differences of filial piety. The conflicts between mother and daughter has always existed, until the daughters have grown up to the age of be mothers , the relationship between them is slowly becoming in harmony. As the proverb goes cultures have borders but love without borders. Understanding, sincerity and love are the best remedy to resolve the cultural differences.Keywords: mother-daughter relationships; cultural differences; conflicts ; harmony《喜福会》作为美国华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作,1989年一经出版,便在《纽约时报》上连续九个月成为销量冠军。








《喜福会》中以包容、沟通与信任为特征的母爱不仅体现了中国文化的精髓, 更重要的是母爱成为连接母女乃至中美两国文化的桥梁。














关键词:《喜福会》;冲突;融合;母爱AbstractAmy Tan,an outstanding Chinese American writer in the contemporary American literary world, has drawn considerable attention from mainstream critics at home and abroad. After its publication in 1989, her first novel The Joy Luck Club won her several prestigious awards including the National Book Award for Fiction and the Bay Area Book Reviewers Award.The Joy Luck Club presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Due to the differences of languages, values and heritages, the mother-daughter relationship is always of tension. It is the maternal love the Joy Luck Club mothers extend to their daughters that builds a bridge over the cultural differences and conflicts between them and their daughters and finally makes their daughters understand them and the Chinese culture that they represent. In this sense, the maternal love featured by tolerance, communication and trust not only symbolizes the essence of Chinese culture, but more importantly serves as a bridge connecting the mothers and daughters, and connecting the cultures of the two countries. In Tan's writing, the maternal love conveys profound implication, reflecting the confrontations, communication and convergence of American and Chinese cultures. The maternal love also represents the spirit that different races, nations, and cultures ought to possess in the era of globalization.In the novel The Joy Luck Club, maternal love is one of the most important themes. It is significant for us to grasp the implications of maternal love, which can help us better examine the profound connotations of the novel and the writing intention of the writer.The thesis consists of five chapters. The introductory part gives a brief account of Tan’s life, career and a review of the criticism on The Joy Luck Club. It also provides a glimpse into the organization of the paper and states its objective and significance. Chapter Two elaborates on the conflicting mother-daughter relationship in the United States, which is complicated by the mother-daughter relationship inChina. It presents in details the cultural conflicts behind the mother-daughter relationship from three aspects: conflicts in different languages, conflicts in different values and conflicts in different heritages. Chapter Three gives a full interpretation to the theme of the maternal love in the novel from the perspective of anti-Orientalism. The Joy Luck Club mothers all show a strong image. This part also gives an in-depth analysis of the maternal love expressed through the mothers’ relating to their own experience and presents the characteristics of Chinese-style maternal love. Chapter Four further highlights and sublimes the theme of maternal love in the novel. Through maternal love, the Joy Luck Club Mothers and their daughters find the way of reconciliation. Based upon the analyses in the foregoing chapters, this thesis comes to a conclusion in Chapter Five that the different cultural backgrounds behind the mother-daughter relationship are the cause of their conflicts. However, these conflicts reveal the very essence of love. It is maternal love that conquers the cultural conflicts, and builds the bridge of cultural understanding and reconstructs the harmonious mother-daughter relationship.Key Words: The Joy Luck Club; conflict; reconciliation; maternal loveAcknowledgementsMy Study in the School of Foreign Languages of Anhui University for the master’s degree is an experience of being enlightened by learned experts and scholars in linguistics and literature fields. It is their significant lectures that pave a solid theoretical basis for my research, and it is their constant inspiration that helps me to go on well with my research project. In particular, I would like to extend my thanks to Professor Zhou Fangzhu, Professor Chen Zhengfa, Professor Zhu Yue, Professor Hong Zengliu, Professor Hu Jian, Professor Yang Ling, Professor Chen Bin, Professor Zhan Quanwang and Professor Qi Tao.For this study I have relied upon IVY BOOKS’ paper edition of The Joy Luck Club, and the outstanding work of many Amy Tan critics at home and abroad, such as Professor Chen Aimin, Professor Cheng Aimin, Wendy Ho, Huntley, E. D, Heung, Marina, Kaplan, E. Ann, Mountain, Chandra Tyler, Patricia L. Hamilton. For the references collected, I’d also like to give my thanks to the library staff of Anhui Xinhua University and that of Anhui University, who extend their full cooperation to me whenever necessary.My indebtedness is due particularly to my supervisor, Professor Xu Qinghong, whose vast knowledge, penetrating insight, excellent judgment, persisting patience, and readiness to help have been a source of strength, courage and inspiration to me, without which my research thesis would not have been possible.Last but not the least, I owe great gratitude to my wife who has always been there with me, appreciating my work and providing constructive proposals, and to my baby, who has been a source of drive and motivation for me to go on whenever I am frustrated by some difficulties in the course of writing.Chapter I IntroductionChapter I Introduction1.1 Introduction to Amy Tan and The Joy Luck ClubIn 1952, Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California. In 1949, her parents left China and settled in the United States. When she was fourteen, her father and one of her brothers died of brain tumors, which left a shadow upon her sentimental heart for a long time. In 1968, she and her other brother went to Switzerland together with their mother, and she completed high school there. Then her family went back to California in the following year. Going on with her study at San Jose State University. Amy Tan achieved a Bachelor Degree of Arts in English and linguistics in 1973, and further on a Master Degree of Arts in linguistics in 1974.It is amazing that only a few years later she published The Joy Luck Club, which immediately became one of the highly acclaimed novels, and made a good beginning for her literary career. The book has been published in twenty kinds of languages.Her first book, The Joy Luck Club (1989), won the Bay Area Book Reviewers award for best book of fiction and the American Library Association award for best book for young adults, and she won the L.A. Times Book Award and the National Book Award in 1989. And in 1993 the novel was made into a Hollywood film,.Her second novel, The Kitchen God's Wife (1991), elaborates on the theme of cultural conflicts. This book was also so warmly welcome that some reviewers even assert that it is superior to its predecessor.Her third novel, The Hundred Secret Senses (1993), presents the conflicting cultures in a relationship of half-sisters. One comes from China and the other is an American child of an American mother and a Chinese father.The Moon Lady and The Chinese Siamese Cat are two attractive stories for children,. The Bone Setter's Daughter, was published in 2001.Her latest novel, Saving Fish from Drowning, was published in 2005.Amy Tan is good at interweaving the conflicts between two cultures, twoThe interpretation of the theme of maternal love in the joy luck clublanguages and two generations with Chinese folklore, fairy-tales, etc., and narrating marvelous stories switching over between the past and the present, east and west, fiction and nonfiction. Lyrical as her style is, her stories are extraordinarily fascinating.Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club is a series of stories about Chinese-American mothers and their American-born daughters. The Joy Luck Club was set up in 1949, where four young Chinese women met regularly to play mahjong, to have dinner, and by sharing their stories, keeping in contact with the lives left behind in China mainland. When Suyuan, one of the four women, dies suddenly, her completely Americanized young daughter is persuaded to take her place in the club and finally make a trip to China to meet her twin sisters, whom Suyuan was obliged to abandon many years ago in the chaos of a mass flight from the invasion of Japanese army. The story sections are divided into four parts, each with mothers telling two stories, which are mostly related to their past life in pre-1949 China, and each daughters telling two stories, one about her life of growing up and one about her family’s current situation. The exception to this pattern is Jing-mei Woo, the daughter of the founder of the Joy Luck Club, who narrates a story in each of the four sections and who adds additional continuity by narrating the first and last section. All the separate sections are monologues of the mothers or the daughters. Readers are entitled to understand the stance of both mothers and daughters, and realize the existence of communication obstacles. With the touching scene of three daughters, crying out "mama" together in China, Tan not only invites the reader to share heartfelt sorrow and grief, human imperfectness and fate's uncertainties, but shows us that a life can embrace all dreams as well. The Joy Luck Club arouses readers' interest in Chinese American literature much stronger than the works itself.1.2 Literature ReviewThe Joy Luck Club, a representative work of Chinese American literature, has greatly interested both readers and critics, but it has always been controversial in theChapter I Introductioneyes of critics. First, Amy Tan has received wide critical acclaim for the book. Novelist Carolyn See writes, “The Joy Luck Club is dazzling because of the worlds it gave us.…The only negative thing I could ever say about this book is that I will never again be able to read it for the first time” (Huntley 12). Critic Orville Schell calls the novel "a jewel of a book" , having "a wonderful eye for what is telling, a fine ear for dialogue, a deep empathy for her subject matter, and a guilelessly straightforward way of writing" (qtd. in Huntley 12). Some critics think that The Joy Luck Club creates a new literary style of Asian-American cross-cultural work by joining the family narratives of the plays of David Henry Hwang and Maxine Hong Kingston. For those critics who are not positive about the novel, they also find some praiseworthy elements in it. Rhoda Koenig says, The Joy Luck Club “is not terribly deep…One can not help being charmed by the sharpness of observation, the mixture of familiarity of Tan's themes” (Huntley 12).Chinese critics began studies on The Joy Luck Club in 1994. Zhang Xiang-hua published My View on The Joy Luck Club from the Angle of the Chinese Community in U.S.A. in the Journal of Social Science (Issue 5, 1994), which presents us the life of American Chinese in America, their happiness, anger, grief and joy and how they fight against the assimilation. Afterwards, the study on The Joy Luck Club began to flourish in China. In terms of theme, some scholars explore the cultural conflicts; some probe into the issue of identity represented in the novel; some focus their attention on Tan's depiction of Chinese culture; some take an interest in the mother-daughter relationship. With respect to perspectives, a variety of them have been taken to examine this novel. Some critics adopt cultural criticism to evaluate the novel, some take feminist approach, some examine it from the deconstruction point of view, and some others from postcolonial perspective. Most of the studies concentrate on mother-daughter relationship in the book. For example, Zhang Ziqing published the book "Sino-America Cultural Exchange in Chinese American Literature" in Foreign Literature Review in 1996, in which he comments on the conflicts between mothers and American-born daughters due to the generation gap and West-ChinaThe interpretation of the theme of maternal love in the joy luck clubdifferences. What is more, Zhang Ziqing holds the opinion that such conflicts would end in conciliation although it starts in sharp confrontation. Shi Pingping studies the theme of mother-daughter relationship in The Joy Luck Club, makes a detailed analysis to the conflict and final conciliation between the mothers and the daughters in her The Mother-Daughter Relationship and the Politics of Gender and Race (2004). Some critics concentrate on the west-east cultural conflict in the novel. For example, Cui Wansheng, in his article "A Brief Introduction to and Comment on the Chinese American Writer Amy Tan" (1997), holds that the conflicts between the mothers and the daughters are caused by the difference between Western culture and Eastern culture. Zhang Ruihua, in his paper “A Cultural Critique of Amy Tan's Novel” (2001) makes an analysis to the ethnic and female Other. From the perspective of cultural studies, Chinese American women are trapped in the double Other position. In 2001, the article "Clashes and Acculturation between Chinese Culture and American Culture: A Cultural Reading of The Joy Luck Club from the Language and Cultural Perspectives" by Cheng Aimin and Zhang Ruihua in Foreign Literature, explores how Amy Tan displayed the conflicts, collision, and convergence between the different cultures. Chinese cultural elements in the novel is another theme some critics explore, and some of them comments critically on Amy Tan's giving Westerners a false image of Chinese culture in The Joy Luck Club. One typical representative is "China and the Chinese in Fiction and Cinema" (1999) by Wang Meng.There is no doubt that the mainstream white critics attach much attention to The Joy Luck Club, but some of them hold that the novel presents a tempting, mystic, and romanticized Old China or an exoticism Other.In the meantime, it is quite interesting to note that The Joy Luck Club has received a bombardment of criticisms from Asian American male critics. Some Asian American male critics (such as Frank Chin, Jeffery Chan) don’t accept the Chinese cultural character and Chinese American heritage, while many white American critics are impressed by the inscrutable, exotic, and mysterious China or Chinese describedChapter I Introductionin the book. According to Frank Chin, "The China and Chinese Americans portrayed in her novel are the products of white racists’ imagination, not fact, not Chinese culture, and not Chinese or Chinese American literature”. In contrast, a lot of Chinese American female intellectuals and Chinese critics hold more objective and more favorable comments on The Joy Luck Club. They claim that The Joy Luck Club can be regarded as the marginal literature. They also discern Amy Tan and other Chinese American writers' ceaseless efforts in expecting that the conflicts between generations can be negotiated, and that the new generation of Chinese Americans can integrate both Chinese and American cultures through learning from each other's advantages and offsetting one’s patriarchal conceptions.We can see, in the previous studies on The Joy Luck Club that up until now, there has not been a systematic research work about the maternal love in the novel. This thesis intends to explore systematically the theme of maternal love on the part of the Joy Luck Club mothers from the perspective of anti-Orientalism.1.3 Central Argument and Overview of the ThesisThe mothers want to tell their daughters the lessons from their own miserable experience in China. Their daughters are born in the United States and brought up in American mainstream culture. Therefore, the daughters take a bias against them and the Chinese culture. They think American culture is superior to Chinese culture. Conflicts between immigrant mothers are very common in non-European immigrant families. Many critics put much attention to the mother-daughter relationship. Many more study the conflicts between mothers and daughters. But most articles only study the conflict itself and fail to explore the cause and solution to the conflict. This thesis attempts to make a study of the maternal love to find the key to their conquering the conflicts and realizing reconciliation.It is significant for us to grasp the implication of maternal love, which can help us examine the profound implication of the novel and the writing intention of the writer.The interpretation of the theme of maternal love in the joy luck clubThe thesis consists of five parts. The first part gives a brief account of Tan’s life, career and a survey of the criticism on The Joy Luck Club. It also provides a glimpse into the organization of the paper and states its objective and significance. Chapter Two elaborates on the conflicting mother-daughter relationship. It also analyzes the cultural conflicts behind the mother-daughter relationship from three aspects. Grown up in different cultural background, they do not share the same language, the same value and the same heritage. Chapter Three gives a full interpretation to the theme of the maternal love in the novel from the perspective of anti-Orientalism. The Joy Luck mothers all show a strong image. This part also gives an in-depth analysis of the maternal love expressed through the mothers’ relating to their experience and presents the characteristics of Chinese-style maternal love. Chapter Four further highlights and sublimes the theme of maternal love in the novel. Through maternal love, the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters find their way of reconciliation of the mother-daughter relationship. Based upon the analyzes in the foregoing chapters, this thesis comes to conclusion in Chapter Five that the different cultural backgrounds behind the mother-daughter relationship are the cause of their conflicts. However, these conflicts reveal the very essence of love. It is maternal love that conquers the cultural gap, and builds the bridge of cultural understanding and reconstructs the harmonious mother-daughter relationship.Chapter ⅡCultural Conflicts Behind the Mother-Daughter RelationshipChapter ⅡCultural Conflicts Behind the Mother-Daughter Relationship2.1 The Relationship between Mothers and DaughtersThe Joy Luck Club presents to us the mother-daughter relationship in a Chinese American society. From the stories told by the mothers, we can see easily that their own mothers influence all their life. The broader circumstances between China and the United States make the mother-daughter interactions more complex.2.1.1 The Relationship between the Joy Luck Club Mothers and Their Mothers in ChinaThe Joy Luck Club tells us in a lively way about the mother-daughter relationship in a Chinese American society. The Joy Luck mothers are deeply influenced by their own mothers in China. In order to help the readers understand the specific mother-daughter relationship in the Chinese American Society, the book also exposes the relationship between the immigrant mothers and their own mothers in China. Through the memory of the Joy Luck Club mothers, all of us get to know their past stories and hard experiences.A patriarchal Confucian social system used to affect seriously mother-daughter relationship in China. According to Confucian ethics, an ideal woman is supposed to abide by the teaching of Three Obediences and Four Virtues: obedience to her father before marriage, obedience to her husband after marriage, and obedience to her son after the death of her husband; morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work.The mothers were heavily influenced by the traditional Chinese morals. According to the old Chinese ideas, women are supposed to be obedient to the elders, to all the men in the family and in the society. Between the mothers and daughters of the older generation, there is much communication and tolerance. The daughters acquire the lessons and experiences on how to survive successfully and peacefully inThe interpretation of the theme of maternal love in the joy luck clubthis society through their communication. In the story of A Red Candle, Lindo Jong was engaged to the Huangs, while she understood that it was not because her mother did not love her that her mother treated her this way.Lindo always hopes to live up to her parents’ hope and bring reputation and honor to her family. After her home was flooded, Lindo Jong was sent to her future husband’s house. Lindo knew that she was supposed to be a good wife and never bring disgrace to her family. So she sacrificed herself for the others. In the new home, although she was treated as a handmaiden, Lindo still resolutely made up her mind to honor her parents’ words so that Huang Taitai had no opportunity to accuse her mother of losing face.She understood the Confucian ethics imposed upon women, and she silently put up with all the unhappiness and sufferings for many years, because she did not want to bring any shame to her family.Mothers are grown up under the Chinese patriarchal system, and out of love, they are very strict wih their daughters. For example, An-mei’s grandmother expels her own daughter and instructs her granddaughter to grow up as “good daughter”. Here the grandmother imparted her grandchildren the severe lessons of survival within the traditional Chinese culture. To be obedient daughters, wives, mothers and women is what the mothers expect their daughters.Mothers are always ready to sacrifice themselves for their children or parents out of love. An-mei’s mother hopes to cure her mother by cutting down her own flesh and putting it into her mother’s soup. To ensure her daughter’s status and future happiness in the house, An-mei’s mother even committed suicide.In the older generation, the mothers and daughters share the same cultural background, which is very important in building up their relationship with obedience and empathy.2.1.2 The Relationship between the Joy Luck Club Mothers and Their American Born DaughtersChinese mothers express their affection in silent way, different from the western tradition, in which mothers show their love for their daughters through verbalChapter ⅡCultural Conflicts Behind the Mother-Daughter Relationshipexpression or by hugging or kissing. Suyuan Woo in The Joy Luck Club is a typical example of the Joy Luck mothers.Suyuan puts high hopes on her daughter and believes that her daughter can be a "prodigy". When Jing-mei is very young, she encourages her to learn piano and does her best to create condition for Jing-mei to practice it. Here Suyuan shows her love for her daughter in the traditional Chinese way: hoping her children will have a bright future.We can see her profound love through some daily details. For instance, there is a scene in the novel when she eats crabs with her family.“And my mother... gave the one that looked the best to Old Chong, because he was nearly ninety and deserved that kind of respect, and then she picked another good one for my father. That left two on the latter: a large crab with a faded orange color, and number eleven, which had the torn-off leg. “My mother shook the platter in front of me. `Take it, already cold,’ said my mother. I was not too fond of crab, ever since I saw my birthday crab boiled alive, but I knew 1 could not refuse." (The Joy Luck Club:227)Jingmei has come to be aware how the Chinese mothers extend maternal love to their children."That is the way Chinese mothers show they love their children, not through hugs and kisses but with stern offerings of steamed dumplings, duck's gizzards, and crab." (Joy Luck Club: 227) and the mother insists that her daughter eat the big crab when her daughter chooses the crab with the missing leg —"No! No! Big one, you eat it. 1 cannot finish." (The Joy Luck Club: 227) Through her words, the mother’s personality speaks out itself that she holds others prior to herself and we can sense her deep love for her family. Though knowing that eating the crab with the missing leg could bring bad luck, Suyuan, the mother, does not give it to her husband and her daughter. Instead, she keeps it to herself. There is another characteristic common to the Chinese mothers which makes them stand out among other mother figures throughout the world —the Chinese mothers tend to be very strict and evenThe interpretation of the theme of maternal love in the joy luck clubintolerant towards their daughters’mistakes. For example, when the Chinese daughters have done something wrong, the mothers will criticize them harshly instead of encouraging them to do better the next time. However, the criticism means nothing but the tough love towards their daughters since the mothers have very high expectations of their daughters. They just reserve their true emotions beneath their feigned harshness.While the mother-daughter relationship in Tan's works always seems to be of tension, the fact that the Chinese way of expressing love is unacceptable to the Americanized daughter. But the root lies in the linguistic and cultural barrier that exists between the immigrant mother and her American-born daughter, besides the universal generational conflicts. As the mothers sail to America, they dream of raising their daughters amid the plentiful opportunities of the new country. But although they desire to live out their hopes through their daughters, the lack of communication between them prevents their wish from being fulfilled, since they cannot speak "perfect American English". Even if the mothers were to learn that, they would never be able to translate fully the nuances of their story. As the stories of The Joy Luck Club demonstrate, since the Chinese culture are different from American culture, learning simple vocabulary words is not sufficient for conveying the full meaning of stories. In fact, the language gap creates a lot of trouble in many more aspects of life. As for the daughters, they have never known the sorrows that their mothers experienced in China, hence cannot appreciate the good fortune. Their assimilation into the mainstream culture is at the expense of the rejection of their own mother's culture. As they eagerly embrace everything American, they find their Chinese mother unacceptable everyway: clothing, cooking, way of speaking and instructing. Along with their adolescent rebellion, they become impatient at whatever their mothers tell them. The lack of communication leads to alienation between mother and daughter and causes a sense of desire for both sides. The readers gradually realize, as each story moves on, that this "fraught with tension but loving" relationship overwhelmingly ends with the reconciliation of mother and daughter. On the oneChapter ⅡCultural Conflicts Behind the Mother-Daughter Relationshiphand, the mothers patiently explain their attitudes to their daughters hoping that their daughters understand their ways of doing things by telling them the stories. On the other hand, as the daughters become gradually mature to sense the two different cultures, they judge things more objectively. After years of imbalance, the American daughters ultimately share a balance between Chinese ancestry and American circumstances.2.2 Cultural Conflicts behind the Mother-daughter RelationshipAmy Tan presents vividly before us several types of conflicts between different cultures, languages, and generations by arranging stories craftily, guiding us to travel through the past and present in eastern and western cultures. While analyzing the conflicts between the mothers and the daughters, we can come to conclusion that the different cultural backgrounds play an important role in these conflicts. In The Joy Luck Club, the Chinese immigrated mothers were born and grew up in China. For this reason, it is natural that they have been influenced by Chinese culture. On the contrary, born and brought up in America, the daughters are deeply influenced by American culture. In this way, the cultural background behind the mothers and the daughters are different, which causes fierce conflicts between them. Generally, the cultural conflicts between the mothers and daughters fall into three categories: the conflict of languages, the conflict of value orientations, and conflict of religious beliefs.2.2.1 Conflicts in Different LanguagesLanguage is a spokesman of its cultural background. Living in a different context, it is impossible to be integrated into the culture if the immigrants can not speak its language. Changes in living style and different language lead to the immigrants’ anxiety and alienation in expression of thoughts. Through different types of expressions like monologue, dialogue, talk-stories and narration, language plays an important role in weaving a bond between different cultures and races.The Joy Luck Club mothers grew up and were educated in their motherland,。



解析《喜福会》中母女关系的冲突折射出的中美文化差异摘要: 美国华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club,1989)一发表,立即获得巨大成功。




关键词: 母女关系折射文化差异1 引言谭恩美是“土生土长”的美国人,血管里却流着中国人的血,美国的根源性让她不仅对美国文化有着切身的体会,父母生活习性的中国味道也让她对中国传统文化有着深刻的了解。






”[3]2 两种文化价值观的冲突——中美文化的隔阂2.1文化的冲突壳层小说中,随着对这四位女儿成长的描写,展示了四对母女间的代沟与文化隔阂。



” [2]母亲们望女成凤,把自己年轻时的遗憾用最美好的希望寄托在女儿们身上,无形中给女儿们施加了更大的压力。










美籍华裔女作家谭恩美( Amy Tan) 1989 年出版了其处女作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club )。

她是继汤亭亭( Maxine Hong Kingston )之后的美国华裔文坛上的又一颗新星。

小说一经发表就受到美国社会的广泛好评,销售27 万册,雄踞《纽约时报》畅销书榜首长达9个月。


1993 年,美籍华裔导演王颖(Wayne Wang 將小说拍成同名电影,邀请华裔演员加盟演出,获得了巨大成功。

就在同一年,由韩裔美国人金•苏珊(Susan Kim)改编的戏剧也在中美两国多个城市上演。


有人认为小说的成功在于“谭恩美在主题上延续了华裔作家特别是汤亭亭的传统, 描绘了母女两代人所代表的两种文化间相互冲突、相互融合的心灵历程,展现了东西方文化交流的进程”①。









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• Ted talk • Where does creativity hide?
The Joy Luck Club
• The Joy Luck Club is a 1989 novel written by Amy Tan.
• It focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families in San Francisco who start a club known as The Joy Luck Club, playing the Chinese game of mahjong.
• Four sections and sixteen chapters.
• Mother • Su-yuan Woo 吴素云
• Daughter • Jing-Mei Woo 吴精妹 June

• Thank you
Amy Tan & The Joy Luck Club
Amy Tan
Born February 19, 1952 Explore mother-daughter relationships and the ChineseAmerican experience. The Kitchen God’s Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, Saving Fish from Drowning and The Valley of Amazement. She also wrote a collection of non-fiction essays entitled The Opposite of Fate: A Book of Musings.
• Moral ambiguity • Buddhist fisherman says. • Way of rationalizing that is they are saving the fish from drowning.
Personal life
• born in Oakland, California. • When Tan was 15 years old, her older brother Peter and father both died of brain tumors within eight months of each other. • Move to Switzerland,
Writing style
• controversy
• www.rockbottomremainders. com
• Q. What chords does the band know? A. "E." and "A." Q. What kind of songs does the band play? A. Mainly songs that use the chords "E." and "A." • Q. How often does the band practice? A. Practice?