






































apdl帮助文档使用方法全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:APDL(Ansys Parametric Design Language)是一种用于ANSYS 有限元软件的编程语言,可以用于创建复杂的仿真模型和进行参数化设计。


### 1. 查找帮助文档要查找APDL帮助文档,首先打开ANSYS软件,然后点击菜单栏中的“帮助”选项。



### 2. 了解APDL基础知识在使用APDL编程时,首先需要了解一些基础知识,比如APDL的语法规则、常用命令、变量和函数等。


### 3. 阅读示例和教程帮助文档中通常会提供各种示例和教程,用户可以通过阅读这些示例和教程来了解如何使用APDL创建模型、定义边界条件、设置参数等。


### 4. 使用搜索功能帮助文档通常会提供一个搜索功能,用户可以通过关键词快速定位到自己需要的信息。


### 5. 参考命令手册APDL帮助文档中还包括了详细的命令手册,用户可以查阅命令手册来了解每个APDL命令的用法、参数和示例。


### 6. 参与社区和论坛除了帮助文档,用户还可以参与APDL的社区和论坛,与其他APDL用户交流经验和技巧。





ANSYS FLST及FITEM详解FLST 和FITEM 是在GUI 方式中,为某一命令选择操作实体时产生的,反映在log 文件中是一条FLST 命令,跟着一条或几条FITEM 命令,再跟着一条带有一个P51X 的操作命令;或者是一条FLST 命令和若干条FITEM 命令,跟着一条FLST 命令和若干条FITEM 命令,再跟着一条带有两个P51X 的操作命令。

根据ANSYS 的帮助文件,对FLST 和FITEM 的用法说明如下:1 FLST 命令FLST, NFIELD, NARG, TYPE, Otype, LENG其中各参数说明如下:NFIELD - 所选择实体对应操作命令的第几个参数(field),注意操作命令的第一个域是命令本身,因此NFIELD=2,表示是命令的第1个参数;NFIELD=3,表示是命令的第2个参数.....等。

NARG - 后续列表中的项数(即后续FITEM 命令行数)TYPE - 所选择的实体类型,定义为:1 - 节点编号;2 - 单元编号;3 - Keypoint 编号;4 - Line 编号;5 - Area 编号;6 - Volume 编号;7 - Trace points;8 - 总体直角坐标系中的坐标值;9 - 屏幕坐标选择(在屏幕X, Y 坐标中,值(-1 to 1))Otype - 数据排列方式,有两种方式:NOOR - 数据是无序的(默认);ORDER - 数据是个有序的表(例如对于E,P51X 和A,P51X 命令,其中数据的顺序与用pick 方式选择时的顺序一致)。

LENG - 数据表长度(后续FITEM 命令的个数。

如果Otype = NOOR,LENG 应等于NARG)2 FITEM 命令FITEM, NFIELD, ITEM, ITEMY, ITEMZ其中各参数说明如下:NFIELD - 所选择实体对应操作命令的第几个参数(field),注意操作命令的第一个域是命令本身,因此NFIELD=2,表示是命令的第1个参数;NFIELD=3,表示是命令的第2个参数;等。

ANSYS 中文帮助

ANSYS 中文帮助

压力3 压力4
Pseudo Node( Node(假节点) 1 温度 LBFE 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\...
BEAM3项目和序号 目和序号表(KEYOPT(9) = 1)
Output Quantity Name (变量名) SDIR 轴向直接应力 命令输入项 ETABLE 和 ESOL命令输 Item LS LS LS LEPEL LEPEL LEPEL LEPTH LEPTH LEPTH LEPTH NMISC NMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC TEMP 温度 LBFE E 10 I 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 6 19 21 23 25 27 ILI 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 7 8 12 J 7 8 9 7 8 9 7 8 9 5 6 13 14 18 20 22 24 26 28
Output Quantity Name (变量名) SDIR 轴向直接应力 命令输入项 ETABLE 和 ESOL命令输 Item LS LS LS LEPEL LEPEL LEPEL LEPTH LEPTH LEPTH LEPTH NMISC NMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC SMISC E 7 I 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 6 13 15 17 19 21 J 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 7 8 12 14 16 18 20 22



单元详解——SHELL41SHELL41–膜壳MP ME ST PP ED杆件描述SHELL41是一个三维单元,平面内具有膜强度但平面外没有弯曲强度。









单元坐标系的正向按Coordinate Systems所描述的。









单元荷载的描述见Node and Element Loads。
















ANSYS文献工作指南手册在ANSYS 产品文献工作确定的形式下面已列出。



命令参考: 描述全部ANSYS命令,按字母顺序。


要素参考: 描述全部ANSYS 要素,按数字大小排列。


包括一份每种ANSYS 要素的特性的照片的目录。

操作引导: 描述基本ANSYS 操作(例如起动),停止,相互作用或者分批操纵,使用帮助,以及使用的这图形用户界面(GUI) .基本的分析引导: 描述应用于任何类型分析的一般的任务,包括把负荷用于一个模型,获得一个解决办法,并且使用ANSYS 计划的绘图评论结果的能力。

高级分析技术引导: 讨论技术通常用于复分析或者凭经验ANSYS 用户,包括设计最优化,手工重新区划,周期的对称性,旋转的结构,submodeling,子结构化,构件模态综合和横断面。

建模和啮合引导: 解释怎样创建一个有限元模型和网捕它。

分配ANSYS引导: 解释怎样配置分配的处理环境并且继续一个分配的分析。

结构分析引导: 描述怎样进行下列结构分析:静止,情态,谐波,瞬时,范围,弯曲,非线性,物质的曲线配件,垫片共同模拟,裂缝,合成,疲劳,p 方法,梁和壳。

接触技术引导: 描述怎样执行接点分析(地面对地面,节点对表面,节点对节点) 并且描述其他有关接触的特征,例如多点的限制和点焊。

Multibody 分析引导: 描述怎样进行一次multibody 模拟分析一个使相互连接的包括灵活和/或硬的组成部分的身体的系统的动态反应。

热分析引导: 描述怎样做稳态或者瞬时的热分析。

流体分析引导: 描述怎样进行包括计算流体动力学,声学和薄膜的易流动的流量分析。

低频的电磁分析引导: 为做瞬时,静止,或者谐波磁力分析解释技术;稳态电流传导;quasistatic谐波和瞬时时间电;静电;与电路。



ANSYS官⽅帮助⽂件05-udfTutorial:Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedIntroductionThe prediction of pressure drop in an uniformly?uidized bed is a problem of long standing interest in the process industry.The Eulerian models in ANSYS FLUENT provide an impor-tant modeling tool for studying dense phase particulate?ow involving complex inter-phase momentum transfer.Despite rigorous mathematical modeling of the associated physics,the drag laws used in the model continue to be semi-empirical in nature.Therefore,it is crucial to use a drag law that correctly predicts the incipient or minimum?uidization conditions where the bed of particles is essentially in a state of suspension as a result of the balance between interfacial drag and body forces.The purpose of this tutorial is to study the hydrodynamics and bubble formation in a ?uidized bed over a period of time.It also demonstrates how to customize a drag law for granular gas-solid?ow.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:Customize a drag law for granular gas-solidow.Use the Eulerian models to predict the pressure drop in an uniformlyuidized bed.Solve the case using appropriate solver settings.Postprocess the resulting data.PrerequisitesThis tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed Tutorial1from the ANSYS FLUENT12.0Tutorial Guide,and that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT navigation pane and menu structure.Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.This tutorial will not cover the mechanics of using the Eulerian models.It will focus on the application of these models.For more information refer to Section24.5Setting Up the Eulerian Model in the ANSYS FLUENT User’s Guide.For information about user-de?ned fucntions(UDF)refer to the ANSYS FLUENT UDF Manual.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedProblem DescriptionThe default drag law in ANSYS FLUENT is the Syamlal-O’Brien drag law.This law works for a large variety of problems,but has to be tuned properly for predicting the minimum ?uidization conditions accurately.The default Syamlal-O’brien is as follows:The?uid-solid exchange coe?cient isK sl=3αsαlρl4v2r,s d sC DRe sv r,s| v s? v l|where v2r,s is the terminal velocity coe?cient for the solid phase.v r,s=0.5 A?0.06Re s+ (0.06Re s)2+0.12Re s(2B?A)+A2with A=α4.14l and B=0.8α1.28lforαl≤0.85and with B=α2.65lforαl>0.85The default constants of0.8and2.65predict a minimum?uidization of21cm/s.The experimentally observed minimum? uidization for this particular case is8cm/s.Therefore, by changing the constants we can tune the drag law to predict minimum? uidization at 8cm/s.After some mathematical manipulation,these constants come out to be0.281632and9.07696respectively.Therefore,these values have to be used to predict the correct bed behavior and are passed to the code through user-de?ned functions.The problem considered is a1m x0.15m?uidized bed as shown in Figure1.The inlet air enters in at0.25m/s and the top is modeled as a pressure outlet.The bed is packed with granular solids at0.55volume fraction(close topacking).Figure1:Problem Speci?cationModeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed Preparation1.Copy the?les,bp.msh.gz and bp drag.c to the working folder./doc/7ae06ac9a1c7aa00b52acba0.html e FLUENT Launcher to start the2D version of ANSYS FLUENT.For more information about FLUENT Launcher see Section1.1.2Starting ANSYS FLU-ENT Using FLUENT Launcher in the ANSYS FLUENT12.0User’s Guide.3.Enable Double-Precision in the Options list.4.Click the UDF Compiler tab and make sure that Setup Compilation Environment forUDF is enabled.The path to the.bat?le which is required to compile the UDF will be displayed as soon as you enable Setup Compilation Environment for UDF.If the UDF Compiler tab does not appear in the FLUENT Launcher dialog box by default, click the Show Additional Options>>button to view the additional settings.Note:The Display Options are enabled by default.Therefore,after you read in the mesh,it will be displayed in the embedded graphics window.Setup and SolutionNote:All entries in setting up this case are in SI units,unless otherwise speci?ed.Step1:Mesh1.Read the mesh?le bp.msh.gz.File?→Read?→Mesh...Figure2:Graphics Display of the MeshModeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedStep2:General1.Check the mesh.General?→CheckANSYS FLUENT will perform various checks on the mesh and will report the progress in the console.Ensure that the minimum volume reported is a positive number.2.Enable the transient solver by selecting Transient from the Time list.General?→TransientStep3:Models1.Select the Eulerian multiphase model.Models?→Multiphase?→Edit...(a)Select Eulerian from the Model selection list.(b)Retain the default settings and close the Multiphase Model dialog box.Step4:Materials1.Modify the properties for air.Materials?→air?→Create/Edit...(a)Enter1.2kg/m3for Density.(b)Enter1.8e-05kg/m-s for Viscosity.(c)Click Change/Create.2.De?ne a material called solids.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Enter solids for Name.(b)Enter2600kg/m3for Density and1.7894e-05kg/m-s for Viscosity.(c)Click Change/Create.A Question dialog box will appear asking if you want to overwrite air.Click No.3.Close the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.Step5:Compile the UDFThe UDF contains two arguments s col and f col.These refer to the indices of the phases appearing in the second and?rst columns of the table in the interaction dialog box respec-tively.Therefore in this case s col refers to the index of gas phase which is0and f col refers to the index for solids which is equal to1.De?ne?→User-De?ned?→Functions?→Compiled...1.Click the Add...button in the Source Files section to open the Select File dialog.2.Select the?le bp drag.c.3.Enter lib drag for Library Name.4.Click Build.A Warning dialog box will appear,warning you to make sure that the UDF source?lesare in the same folder that contains the case and data?les.Click OK to close the Warning dialog box.You can view the compilation history in the log?le that is saved in your working folder.5.Click Load to load the library.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedStep6:Phases1.De?ne primary phase.Phases?→phase-1?→Edit...(a)Enter gas for Name.(b)Ensure air is selected from the Phase Material drop-down list.(c)Click OK to close the Primary Phase dialog box.2.De?ne secondary phase.Phases?→phase-2?→Edit...Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Enter solid for Name.(b)Select solids from the Phase Material drop-down list.(c)Enable Granular.(d)Enter0.0003m for Diameter,and select syamlal-obrien from the Granular Viscositydrop-down list.(e)Retain the default values for the other parameters.(f)Click OK to close the Secondary Phase dialog box.Check the column numbers where the two phases appear in the Phase Interaction dialog box.In this case solid and gas appear in the?rst and second columns respectively.These columns are used to specify the phase indices in the argument list for the UDF.3.Set the drag coe?cient.(a)Select gas from the Phases selection list and click the Interaction...button toopen the Phase Interaction dialog box.i.Select user-de?ned from the drop-down list in the Drag Coe?cient group box.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedA.Ensure that custom drag syam::lib drag is selected.B.Click OK to close the User-De?ned Functions dialog boxii.Click OK to close the Phase Interaction dialog box.(b)Similarly select the user de?ned function for solid(custom drag syam::lib drag).Step7:Boundary Conditions1.Set the boundary conditions for vinlet zone.Boundary Conditions?→vinlet(a)Select gas from the Phase drop-down list and click Edit....i.Select Components from the Velocity Speci?cation Method drop-down list.ii.Enter0.25m/s for Y-Velocity.iii.Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.(b)Select solid from the Phase drop-down list and click the Edit...button to openthe Velocity Inlet dialog box.i.Click the Multiphase tab.ii.Ensure that Volume Fraction is0.iii.Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed Step8:Operating ConditionsBoundary Conditions?→Operating Conditions...1.Enable Gravity and enter-9.81m/s2for Gravitational Acceleration in the Y direction.2.Enable Speci?ed Operating Density,and enter1.2kg/m3for Operating Density.3.Click OK to close the Operating Conditions dialog box.Step9:Solution1.Mark a region for adaption.Adapt?→Region...Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Enter0.15m for X Max and Y Max respectively in the Input Coordinates groupbox.(b)Click Mark to mark the cells for re?nement.Note:Click Adapt to perform the re?nement immediately.(c)Close the Region Adaption dialog box.2.Set the solution control parameters.Solution Controls(a)Enter0.5for Pressure in the Under-Relaxation Factors group box.(b)Enter0.2for Momentum.(c)Enter0.4for Volume Fraction.3.Initialize the?ow with default values.Solution Initialization?→InitializeModeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed 4.Patch the solids volume fraction for hexahedron-r0.Solution Initialization?→Patch...(a)Select solid from the Phase drop-down list.(b)Select Volume Fraction from the Variable selection list.(c)Enter0.55for Value.(d)Select hexahedron-r0from the Registers to Patch selection list.If you wish to patch a constant value,enter that value in the Value?eld.If you want to patch a previously-de?ned?eld function,enablethe Use Field Function option and select the appropriate function inthe Field Function list.(e)Click Patch and close the Patch dialog box.5.Enable autosaving of the data?les for every100time steps.Calculation Activities(a)Enter100for Autosave Every(Time Steps).6.Set up commands for animation.Calculation Activities(Execute Commands)?→Create/Edit...Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Set2for De?ned Commands.(b)Enable Active for both commands.(c)Set10for Every for both commands.(d)Select Time Step from the When drop-down list for both.(e)Enter/display/contour/solid/vof for command-1.(f)Enter/display/hardcopy"vof-solids-%t.tiff"for command-2.(g)Click OK to close the Execute Commands dialog box.7.Set the graphics hardcopy format.File?→Save Picture...(a)Select TIFF from the Format list.(b)Select Color from the Coloring list.(c)Click Apply and close the Save Picture dialog box.8.Set up the contours display.Graphics and Animations?→Contours?→Set Up...(a)Enable Filled from the Options group box.(b)Select solid from the Phase drop-down list.(c)Select Phases...and Volume Fraction from the Contours of drop-down lists.(d)Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.9.Save the case?le(bp.cas.gz).File?→Write?→Case...10.Start the calculation.Run Calculation.(a)Enter0.001sec for Time Step Size.(b)Enter1400for Number of Time Steps.(c)Enable Extrapolate Variables.(d)Click Calculate.11.Save the data?le(bp.dat.gz).File?→Write?→Data...Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedStep10:Postprocessing1.Display contours of volume fraction.(a)Read the data?le for the200th time step(bp-1-00200.dat).File?→Read?→Data...(b)Display?lled contours of volume fraction for solid,at0.2sec(Figure3).Graphics and Animations?→Contours?→Set Up...Figure3:Contours of Volume Fraction of solid(t=0.2s)(c)Similarly display contours at0.9sec(Figure4),and1.4sec(Figure5).Figure4:Contours of Volume Fraction of solid(t=0.9s)Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedFigure5:Contours of Volume Fraction of solid(t=1.4s)2.View the animation for the?uidization process using the.tiff?les.ResultsTypically,the constants set to0.8and2.65in the default drag law have to be modi?ed to balance the interfacial drag with the weight of the bed at minimum?uidization.If this is not done,the correct bubbling pattern will not be predicted,leading toincorrect predictions of pressure drop which is the most important objective of such simulations.。



LINK10单元描述名称:LINK10—三维仅受拉或仅受压杆单元有效产品:MP ME ST PR PP EDLINK10单元说明LINK10单元独一无二的双线性刚度矩阵特性使其成为一个轴向仅受拉或仅受压杆单元。









详细特性请参考ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference (ANSYS理论手册)。



单元的初始应变(ISTRN)由Δ/L给出,这里Δ是单元长度L(由节点I和J 的位置来定义的)和零应变长度L o之间的差值。




图1单元的几何,节点位置以及坐标系示意图单元的荷载描述见Node and Element Loads(节点荷载和单元荷载)。


节点I处的温度T(I)缺省为TUNIF,节点J 处的温度T(J)默认值为T(I)。

ANSYS 官方帮助文件 05-udf

ANSYS 官方帮助文件 05-udf

Tutorial:Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedIntroductionThe prediction of pressure drop in an uniformlyfluidized bed is a problem of long standing interest in the process industry.The Eulerian models in ANSYS FLUENT provide an impor-tant modeling tool for studying dense phase particulateflow involving complex inter-phase momentum transfer.Despite rigorous mathematical modeling of the associated physics,the drag laws used in the model continue to be semi-empirical in nature.Therefore,it is crucial to use a drag law that correctly predicts the incipient or minimumfluidization conditions where the bed of particles is essentially in a state of suspension as a result of the balance between interfacial drag and body forces.The purpose of this tutorial is to study the hydrodynamics and bubble formation in a fluidized bed over a period of time.It also demonstrates how to customize a drag law for granular gas-solidflow.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:•Customize a drag law for granular gas-solidflow.•Use the Eulerian models to predict the pressure drop in an uniformlyfluidized bed.•Solve the case using appropriate solver settings.•Postprocess the resulting data.PrerequisitesThis tutorial is written with the assumption that you have completed Tutorial1from the ANSYS FLUENT12.0Tutorial Guide,and that you are familiar with the ANSYS FLUENT navigation pane and menu structure.Some steps in the setup and solution procedure will not be shown explicitly.This tutorial will not cover the mechanics of using the Eulerian models.It will focus on the application of these models.For more information refer to Section24.5Setting Up the Eulerian Model in the ANSYS FLUENT User’s Guide.For information about user-defined fucntions(UDF)refer to the ANSYS FLUENT UDF Manual.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in 2D Fluidized BedProblem DescriptionThe default drag law in ANSYS FLUENT is the Syamlal-O’Brien drag law.This law works for a large variety of problems,but has to be tuned properly for predicting the minimum fluidization conditions accurately.The default Syamlal-O’brien is as follows:The fluid-solid exchange coefficient isK sl =3αs αlρl 4v 2r,s d s C D Re sv r,s | v s − v l |where v 2r,sis the terminal velocity coefficient for the solid phase.v r,s =0.5 A −0.06Re s + (0.06Re s )2+0.12Re s (2B −A )+A 2with A =α4.14l and B =0.8α1.28l for αl ≤0.85and with B =α2.65lfor αl >0.85The default constants of 0.8and 2.65predict a minimum fluidization of 21cm/s.The experimentally observed minimum fluidization for this particular case is 8cm/s.Therefore,by changing the constants we can tune the drag law to predict minimum fluidization at 8cm/s.After some mathematical manipulation,these constants come out to be 0.281632and 9.07696respectively.Therefore,these values have to be used to predict the correct bed behavior and are passed to the code through user-defined functions.The problem considered is a 1m x 0.15m fluidized bed as shown in Figure 1.The inlet air enters in at 0.25m/s and the top is modeled as a pressure outlet.The bed is packed with granular solids at 0.55volume fraction (close topacking).Figure 1:Problem SpecificationModeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed Preparation1.Copy thefiles,bp.msh.gz and bp drag.c to the working folder.e FLUENT Launcher to start the2D version of ANSYS FLUENT.For more information about FLUENT Launcher see Section1.1.2Starting ANSYS FLU-ENT Using FLUENT Launcher in the ANSYS FLUENT12.0User’s Guide.3.Enable Double-Precision in the Options list.4.Click the UDF Compiler tab and make sure that Setup Compilation Environment forUDF is enabled.The path to the.batfile which is required to compile the UDF will be displayed as soon as you enable Setup Compilation Environment for UDF.If the UDF Compiler tab does not appear in the FLUENT Launcher dialog box by default, click the Show Additional Options>>button to view the additional settings.Note:The Display Options are enabled by default.Therefore,after you read in the mesh,it will be displayed in the embedded graphics window.Setup and SolutionNote:All entries in setting up this case are in SI units,unless otherwise specified.Step1:Mesh1.Read the meshfile bp.msh.gz.File−→Read−→Mesh...Figure2:Graphics Display of the MeshModeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedStep2:General1.Check the mesh.−→CheckANSYS FLUENT will perform various checks on the mesh and will report the progressin the console.Ensure that the minimum volume reported is a positive number.2.Enable the transient solver by selecting Transient from the Time list.−→TransientStep3:Models1.Select the Eulerian multiphase model.−→−→Edit...(a)Select Eulerian from the Model selection list.(b)Retain the default settings and close the Multiphase Model dialog box.Step4:Materials1.Modify the properties for air.−→air−→Create/Edit...(a)Enter1.2kg/m3for Density.(b)Enter1.8e-05kg/m-s for Viscosity.(c)Click Change/Create.2.Define a material called solids.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Enter solids for Name.(b)Enter2600kg/m3for Density and1.7894e-05kg/m-s for Viscosity.(c)Click Change/Create.A Question dialog box will appear asking if you want to overwrite air.Click No.3.Close the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.Step5:Compile the UDFThe UDF contains two arguments s col and f col.These refer to the indices of the phases appearing in the second andfirst columns of the table in the interaction dialog box respec-tively.Therefore in this case s col refers to the index of gas phase which is0and f col refers to the index for solids which is equal to1.Define−→User-Defined−→Functions−→Compiled...1.Click the Add...button in the Source Files section to open the Select File dialog.2.Select thefile bp drag.c.3.Enter lib drag for Library Name.4.Click Build.A Warning dialog box will appear,warning you to make sure that the UDF sourcefilesare in the same folder that contains the case and datafiles.Click OK to close the Warning dialog box.You can view the compilation history in the logfile that is saved in your working folder.5.Click Load to load the library.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedStep6:Phases1.Define primary phase.−→−→Edit...(a)Enter gas for Name.(b)Ensure air is selected from the Phase Material drop-down list.(c)Click OK to close the Primary Phase dialog box.2.Define secondary phase.−→−→Edit...Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Enter solid for Name.(b)Select solids from the Phase Material drop-down list.(c)Enable Granular.(d)Enter0.0003m for Diameter,and select syamlal-obrien from the Granular Viscositydrop-down list.(e)Retain the default values for the other parameters.(f)Click OK to close the Secondary Phase dialog box.Check the column numbers where the two phases appear in the Phase Interaction dialog box.In this case solid and gas appear in thefirst and second columns respectively.These columns are used to specify the phase indices in the argument list for the UDF.3.Set the drag coefficient.(a)Select gas from the Phases selection list and click the Interaction...button toopen the Phase Interaction dialog box.i.Select user-defined from the drop-down list in the Drag Coefficient group box.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized BedA.Ensure that custom drag syam::lib drag is selected.B.Click OK to close the User-Defined Functions dialog boxii.Click OK to close the Phase Interaction dialog box.(b)Similarly select the user defined function for solid(custom drag syam::lib drag).Step7:Boundary Conditions1.Set the boundary conditions for vinlet zone.−→(a)Select gas from the Phase drop-down list and click Edit....i.Select Components from the Velocity Specification Method drop-down list.ii.Enter0.25m/s for Y-Velocity.iii.Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.(b)Select solid from the Phase drop-down list and click the Edit...button to openthe Velocity Inlet dialog box.i.Click the Multiphase tab.ii.Ensure that Volume Fraction is0.iii.Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed Step8:Operating Conditions−→Operating Conditions...1.Enable Gravity and enter-9.81m/s2for Gravitational Acceleration in the Y direction.2.Enable Specified Operating Density,and enter1.2kg/m3for Operating Density.3.Click OK to close the Operating Conditions dialog box.Step9:Solution1.Mark a region for adaption.Adapt−→Region...Modeling Uniform Fluidization in2D Fluidized Bed(a)Enter0.15m for X Max and Y Max respectively in the Input Coordinates groupbox.(b)Click Mark to mark the cells for refinement.Note:Click Adapt to perform the refinement immediately.(c)Close the Region Adaption dialog box.2.Set the solution control parameters.(a)Enter0.5for Pressure in the Under-Relaxation Factors group box.(b)Enter0.2for Momentum.(c)Enter0.4for Volume Fraction.3.Initialize theflow with default values.−→Initialize4.Patch the solids volume fraction for hexahedron-r0.−→Patch...(a)Select solid from the Phase drop-down list.(b)Select Volume Fraction from the Variable selection list.(c)Enter0.55for Value.(d)Select hexahedron-r0from the Registers to Patch selection list.If you wish to patch a constant value,enter that value in the Valuefield.If you want to patch a previously-definedfield function,enablethe Use Field Function option and select the appropriate function inthe Field Function list.(e)Click Patch and close the Patch dialog box.5.Enable autosaving of the datafiles for every100time steps.Activities(a)Enter100for Autosave Every(Time Steps).6.Set up commands for animation.Activities(Execute Commands)−→Create/Edit...(a)Set2for Defined Commands.(b)Enable Active for both commands.(c)Set10for Every for both commands.(d)Select Time Step from the When drop-down list for both.(e)Enter/display/contour/solid/vof for command-1.(f)Enter/display/hardcopy"vof-solids-%t.tiff"for command-2.(g)Click OK to close the Execute Commands dialog box.7.Set the graphics hardcopy format.File−→Save Picture...(a)Select TIFF from the Format list.(b)Select Color from the Coloring list.(c)Click Apply and close the Save Picture dialog box.8.Set up the contours display.−→−→Set Up...(a)Enable Filled from the Options group box.(b)Select solid from the Phase drop-down list.(c)Select Phases...and Volume Fraction from the Contours of drop-down lists.(d)Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.9.Save the casefile(bp.cas.gz).File−→Write−→Case...10.Start the calculation..(a)Enter0.001sec for Time Step Size.(b)Enter1400for Number of Time Steps.(c)Enable Extrapolate Variables.(d)Click Calculate.11.Save the datafile(bp.dat.gz).File−→Write−→Data...Step10:Postprocessing1.Display contours of volume fraction.(a)Read the datafile for the200th time step(bp-1-00200.dat).File−→Read−→Data...(b)Displayfilled contours of volume fraction for solid,at0.2sec(Figure3).−→−→Set Up...Figure3:Contours of Volume Fraction of solid(t=0.2s)(c)Similarly display contours at0.9sec(Figure4),and1.4sec(Figure5).Figure4:Contours of Volume Fraction of solid(t=0.9s)Figure5:Contours of Volume Fraction of solid(t=1.4s)2.View the animation for thefluidization process using the.tifffiles.ResultsTypically,the constants set to0.8and2.65in the default drag law have to be modified to balance the interfacial drag with the weight of the bed at minimumfluidization.If this is not done,the correct bubbling pattern will not be predicted,leading to incorrect predictionsof pressure drop which is the most important objective of such simulations.。




或者参看Basic Guide | Chapter 1. Getting Started with ANSYS | 1.2. Building a Model2,首先完成help里面的tutorials,里面有结构学的,电磁学的,热学的,还有流体学的等近十类指南,选择其中的一种或者是两种来做,比如说你是做结构学的,当然就选择结构学的啦,一步步按着指导做下去,以此来熟悉anays的图形操作(GUI).参看图2.AVI学ansys还是要熟悉GUI操作的,每运行一次GUI操作会在ansys的工作目录里面生成一个.LOG文件,适当处理就会得到一个命令流文件,然后可以导入该命令流,就相当于重复了上面的GUI操作(再加入适当的APDL控制语句,就可以以小做大,这是后话,这里先不提),参看图3.avi。

3,看Basic Analysis Guide,建模,加负载,计算,通用后处理,时间后处理的基本用法这里都有了。

图4.avi4,熟悉了基本的操作之后,以后就要看一点命令流了,毕竟命令流效率高,速度快,而且最主要的,ansys高手都在用.Verification Manual,里面给出了264个例子,这是我们的好帮手,一定要熟悉,当然还是要选择自己熟悉的来做。



目录第1 章开始使用ANSYS 11.1 完成典型的ANSYS 分析 1 1.2 建立模型 1第2 章加载232.1 载荷概述23 2.2 什么是载荷23 2.3 载荷步、子步和平衡迭代24 2.4 跟踪中时间的作用25 2.5 阶跃载荷与坡道载荷26 2.6 如何加载27 2.7 如何指定载荷步选项68 2.8 创建多载荷步文件77 2.9 定义接头固定处预拉伸78第3 章求解853.1 什么是求解84 3.2 选择求解器84 3.3 使用波前求解器85 3.4 使用稀疏阵直接解法求解器86 3.5 使用雅可比共轭梯度法求解器(JCG)86 3.6 使用不完全乔列斯基共轭梯度法求解器(ICCG)86 3.7 使用预条件共轭梯度法求解器(PCG)86 3.8 使用代数多栅求解器(AMG)87 3.9 使用分布式求解器(DDS)88 3.10 自动迭代(快速)求解器选项88 3.11 在某些类型结构分析使用特殊求解控制89 3.12 使用PGR 文件存储后处理数据92 3.13 获得解答96 3.14 求解多载荷步97 3.15 中断正在运行的作业100 3.16 重新启动一个分析100 3.17 实施部分求解步111 3.18 估计运行时间和文件大小1133.19 奇异解114第4 章后处理概述1164.1 什么是后处理116 4.2 结果文件117 4.3 后处理可用的数据类型117第5 章通用后处理器(POST1) 1185.1 概述118 5.2 将数据结果读入数据库118 5.3 在POST1 中观察结果127 5.4 在POST1 中使用PGR 文件152 5.5 POST1 的其他后处理内容160第6 章时间历程后处理器(POST26)1746.1 时间历程变量观察器174 6.2 进入时间历程处理器176 6.3 定义变量177 6.4 处理变量并进行计算179 6.5 数据的输入181 6.6 数据的输出183 6.7 变量的评价184 6.8 POST26 后处理器的其它功能187第7 章选择和组件190 7.1 什么是选择190 7.2 选择实体190 7.3 为有意义的后处理选择194 7.4 将几何项目组集成部件与组件195第8 章图形使用入门1988.1 概述198 8.2 交互式图形与“外部”图形198 8.3 标识图形设备名(UNIX 系统)198 8.4 指定图形显示设备的类型(WINDOWS 系统)2018.5 与系统相关的图形信息202 8.6 产生图形显示205 8.7 多重绘图技术207第9 章通用图形规范2109.1 概述210 9.2 用GUI 控制显示210 9.3 多个ANSYS 窗口,叠加显示210 9.4 改变观察角、缩放及平移211 9.5 控制各种文本和符号214 9.6 图形规范杂项217 9.7 3D 输入设备支持218第10 章增强型图形21910.1 图形显示的两种方法219 10.2P OWER G RAPHICS 的特性219 10.3何时用P OWER G RAPHICS219 10.4激活和关闭P OWER G RAPHICS220 10.5怎样使用P OWER G RAPHICS220 10.6希望从P OWER G RAPHICS 绘图中做什么220第11 章创建几何显示22311.1 用GUI 显示几何体223 11.2 创建实体模型实体的显示223 11.3 改变几何显示的说明224第12 章创建几何模型结果显示23312.1 利用GUI 来显示几何模型结果233 12.2 创建结果的几何显示233 12.3 改变POST1 结果显示规范235 12.4 Q-S LICE 技术238 12.5 等值面技术238 12.6 控制粒子流或带电粒子的轨迹显示239第13 章生成图形24013.1 使用GUI 生成及控制图240 13.2 图形显示动作240 13.3 改变图形显示指定241第14章注释24514.1 注释概述245 14.2 二维注释245 14.3 为ANSYS 模型生成注释246 14.4 三维注释246 14.5 三维查询注释247第15 章动画24815.1 动画概述248 15.2 在ANSYS 中生成动画显示248 15.3 使用基本的动画命令248 15.4 使用单步动画宏249 15.5 离线捕捉动画显示图形序列249 15.6 独立的动画程序250 15.7 WINDOWS 环境中的动画251第16 章外部图形25316.1 外部图形概述253 16.2 生成中性图形文件254 16.3 DISPLAY 程序观察及转换中性图形文件255 16.4 获得硬拷贝图形258第17 章报告生成器25917.1 启动报告生成器259 17.2 抓取图象260 17.3 捕捉动画260 17.4 获得数据表格261 17.5 获取列表264 17.6 生成报告26417.7 报告生成器的默认设置267 第18 章 CMAP 程序26918.1 CMAP 概述269 18.2 作为独立程序启动CMAP269 18.3 在ANSYS 内部使用CMAP271 18.4 用户化彩色图271第19 章文件和文件管理27419.1 文件管理概述274 19.2 更改缺省文件名274 19.3 将输出送到屏幕、文件或屏幕及文件275 19.4 文本文件及二进制文件275 19.5 将自己的文件读入ANSYS 程序278 19.6 在ANSYS 程序中写自己的ANSYS 文件279 19.7 分配不同的文件名280 19.8 观察二进制文件内容(AXU2)280 19.9 在结果文件上的操作(AUX3)280 19.10 其它文件管理命令280第20 章内存管理与配置28220.1 内存管理282 20.2 基本概念282 20.3 怎样及何时进行内存管理283 20.4 配置文件286第1 章开始使用ANSYS1.1 完成典型的ANSYS 分析ANSYS 软件具有多种有限元分析的能力,包括从简单线性静态分析到复杂的非线性瞬态动力学分析。



ANSYS 命令介绍:FLST、FITEM和NGENFLST和FITEM 是在GUI 方式中,为某一命令选择操作实体时产生的,反映在log 文件中是一条FLST命令,跟着一条或几条FITEM 命令,再跟着一条带有一个P51X 的操作命令;或者是一条FLST命令和若干条FITEM 命令,跟着一条FLST命令和若干条FITEM 命令,再跟着一条带有两个P51X 的操作命令。

根据ANSYS 的帮助文件,对FLST和FITEM 的用法说明如下:1 FLST命令FLST, NFIELD, NARG, TYPE, Otype, LENG其中各参数说明如下:NFIELD - 所选择实体对应操作命令的第几个参数(field),注意操作命令的第一个域是命令本身,因此NFIELD=2,表示是命令的第1 个参数;NFIELD=3,表示是命令的第2 个参数.....等。

NARG - 后续列表中的项数(即后续FITEM 命令行数)TYPE - 所选择的实体类型,定义为:1 - 节点编号;2 - 单元编号;3 - Keypoint 编号;4 - Line 编号;5 - Area 编号;6 - V olume 编号;7 - Trace points;8 - 总体直角坐标系中的坐标值;9 - 屏幕坐标选择(在屏幕X, Y 坐标中,值(-1 to 1))Otype - 数据排列方式,有两种方式:NOOR - 数据是无序的(默认);ORDER - 数据是个有序的表(例如对于E,P51X 和A,P51X 命令,其中数据的顺序与用pick 方式选择时的顺序一致)。

LENG - 数据表长度(后续FITEM 命令的个数。

如果Otype = NOOR,LENG 应等于NARG)2 FITEM 命令FITEM, NFIELD, ITEM, ITEMY, ITEMZ其中各参数说明如下:NFIELD - 所选择实体对应操作命令的第几个参数(field),注意操作命令的第一个域是命令本身,因此NFIELD=2,表示是命令的第1 个参数;NFIELD=3,表示是命令的第2 个参数;等。



Material ReferenceTable of Contents1。

Introduction to Material Models1。


Material Models for Displacement Applications1。

2. Material Models for Temperature Applications1.3. Material Models for Electromagnetic Applications1。


Material Models for Coupled Applications1。

5. Material Parameters1。

6. How Material Properties Are Evaluated2. Material Model Element Support3。

Linear Material Properties3。

1. Defining Linear Material Properties3。

2. Stress-Strain Relationships3。


Anisotropic Elasticity3.4. Damping3.5。

Thermal Expansion3.6。


7. Specific Heat3.8. Film Coefficients3。


Temperature Dependency4。

Nonlinear Material Properties4.1. Understanding Material Data Tables4.2. Experimental Data4.3。

Porous Elasticity4。



Defining the Porous Elasticity Model4.4. Rate-Independent Plasticity4.4。


Understanding the Plasticity Models4.4。



ANSYS FLST及FITEM详解FLST 和FITEM 是在GUI 方式中,为某一命令选择操作实体时产生的,反映在log 文件中是一条FLST 命令,跟着一条或几条FITEM 命令,再跟着一条带有一个P51X 的操作命令;或者是一条FLST 命令和若干条FITEM 命令,跟着一条FLST 命令和若干条FITEM 命令,再跟着一条带有两个P51X 的操作命令。

根据ANSYS 的帮助文件,对FLST 和FITEM 的用法说明如下:1 FLST 命令FLST, NFIELD, NARG, TYPE, Otype, LENG其中各参数说明如下:NFIELD - 所选择实体对应操作命令的第几个参数(field),注意操作命令的第一个域是命令本身,因此NFIELD=2,表示是命令的第1个参数;NFIELD=3,表示是命令的第2个参数.....等。

NARG - 后续列表中的项数(即后续FITEM 命令行数)TYPE - 所选择的实体类型,定义为:1 - 节点编号;2 - 单元编号;3 - Keypoint 编号;4 - Line 编号;5 - Area 编号;6 - Volume 编号;7 - Trace points;8 - 总体直角坐标系中的坐标值;9 - 屏幕坐标选择(在屏幕X, Y 坐标中,值(-1 to 1))Otype - 数据排列方式,有两种方式:NOOR - 数据是无序的(默认);ORDER - 数据是个有序的表(例如对于E,P51X 和A,P51X 命令,其中数据的顺序与用pick 方式选择时的顺序一致)。

LENG - 数据表长度(后续FITEM 命令的个数。

如果Otype = NOOR,LENG 应等于NARG)2 FITEM 命令FITEM, NFIELD, ITEM, ITEMY, ITEMZ其中各参数说明如下:NFIELD - 所选择实体对应操作命令的第几个参数(field),注意操作命令的第一个域是命令本身,因此NFIELD=2,表示是命令的第1个参数;NFIELD=3,表示是命令的第2个参数;等。



ANSYSHelpViewer(压电仿真)ANSYS压电分析帮助⽂件位置ANSYSDocumentation→MechanicalAPDL→Coupled-FiledAnalysisGuide→Dir ectCoupled-FiledAnalysis→2.3.PiezoelectricAnalysis2.3.PiezoelectricAnalysis Piezoelectricsisthecouplingofstructuralandelectricfields,whichisanaturalprop ertyofmaterialssuchasquartzandceramics.Applyingavoltagetoapiezoelectricmaterialcreatesadisplacement,andvibratingapiezoelectricmaterialgeneratesavoltage.Atypicalapplicationofpiezoelectricanalysisisapressuretransducer.Po ssiblepiezoelectricanalysistypes(availableintheANSYSMultiphysicsorANSYSMechanicalproductsonly)arestatic,modal,harmonic,andtransient.Todoapiezoelectricanalysis,youneedtouseoneoftheseelementtypes:PLANE13,KEYOPT(1)=7coupled-fieldquadrilateralsolidSOLID5,KEYOPT(1)=0or3coupled-fieldbrickSOLID98,KEYOPT(1)=0or3coupled-fieldtetrahedronPLANE223,KEYOPT(1)=1001,coupled-field8-nodequadrilateralSOLID226,KEYOPT(1)=1001,coupled-field20-nodebrickSOLID227,KEYOPT(1)=1001,coupled-field10-nodetetrahedron TheKEYOPTsettingsactivatethepiezoelectricdegreesoffreedom,displacemenectriconlyoption.Largedeflections,stressstiffeningeffects,andprestresseffectsareavailableviuttheprocedure.)bilitiesareavailableforKEYOPT(1)=3.Inaddition,smalldeflectionstressstiffening capabilitiesareavailableforKEYOPT(1)=0. Foralarge-deflectionpiezoelectricanalysis,youmustusenonlinearsolutioncommandstospecifyyoursettings.Forgeneralinformationonthesecommands,refer2.3.1.HintsandRecommendationsforPiezoelectricAnalysis Theanalysismaybestatic,modal,harmonic,transient,orprestressedmodal,harm onic,ortransient.Someimportantpointstorememberare: Formodalanalysis,BlockLanczosistherecommendedsolver.TheSup ernodeandSubspacesolversarealsoallowed.PCGLanczosisnotsuppForstatic,fullharmonic,orfulltransientanalysis,selectthesparsematrix(SPARSE)solverortheJacobiConjugateGradient(JCG)solver.The sparsesolveristhedefaultforstaticandfulltransientanalyses.Depen dingonthechosensystemofunitsormaterialpropertyvalues,theasse mbledmatrixmaybecomeill-conditioned.Whensolvingill-conditioned matrices,theJCGiterativesolvermayconvergetothewrongsolution. Theassembledmatrixtypicallybecomesill-conditionedwhenthemag nitudesofthestructuralDOFandelectricalDOFstarttovarysignificantly(morethan1e15).Fortransientanalyses,specify ALPHA = 0.25,eprocessor>Loads>Time/Frequenc>TimeIntegration).Ifamodelhasatleastonepiezoelectricelement,thenallthecoupled-fie ldelementswithstructuralandVOLTdegreesoffreedommustbeofpiezoelectrictype.Ifthepiezoelectriceffectisnotdesiredintheseelemede-superpositionanalysisassumesproportionaldamping,electricalsST)arenotsupported.Ifyouareinterestedinresultssuchaselectricfiel2.3.2.MaterialPropertiesforPiezoelectricAnalysis Apiezoelectricmodelrequirespermittivity(ordielectricconstants),thepiezoelect ricmatrix,andtheelasticcoefficientmatrixtobespecifiedasmaterialproperties. Theseareexplainednext. Thefollowingrelatedtopicsareavailable:>MaterialModels>Electromagnetics>RelativePermittivity>Orthotropic).(ermittivityvaluesrepresentthediagonalcomponentsε11,ε22,andε33respectivelyofthepermittivitymatrix[εS].(Thesuperscript"S"indicatesthattheconstantsareevwaysbeinterpretedaspermittivityatconstantstrain[εS].heprograminterpretsthevaluesasabsolutepermittivity.Menu>Preprocessor>MaterialProps>MaterialModels>Electromagnetics>RelativePermittivity>Anisotropic),youcanspecifythepermittivitymatrixatcon stantstrain[εS](TBOPT=0)oratconstantstress[εT] (TBOPT=1).Thelatterinputwi llbeinternallyconvertedtopermittivityatconstantstrain[εS]usingthepiezoelectriwaysbeinterpretedasrelativepermittivity.[e]form(piezoelectricstressmatrix)orin[d]form(piezoelectricstrainmatrix).The[e]matrixistypicallyassociatedwiththein putoftheanisotropicelasticityintheformofthestiffnessmatrix[c],whilethe[d]m atrixisassociatedwiththecompliancematrix[s]. Note:Theprogramconvertsapiezoelectricstrainmatrix[d]matrixtoapiezoelectricstressmatrix[e]usingtheelasticmatrixatthefirstdefinedtemperature.TospeThis6x3matrix(4x2for2-Dmodels)relatestheelectricfieldtostress([e]matrix)ortostrain([d]matrix).Boththe[e]andthe[d]matricesusethedatatableinputdescri bedbelow:TodefinethepiezoelectricmatrixviatheGUI,usethefollowing:MainMenu>Preprocessor>MaterialProps>MaterialModels>Piezoelectrics>Piezoelectr icmatrix Formostpublishedpiezoelectricmaterials,theorderusedforthepiezoelectricmatrixisx,y,z,yz,xz,xy,basedonIEEEstandards(seeANSI/IEEEStandard176–1987),whiletheinputorderisx,y,z,xy,yz,xzasshownabove.Thismeansthatyouneedtotr ansformthematrixtotheinputorderbyswitchingrowdataforthesheartermsass hownbelow:IEEEconstants[e61,e62,e63]wouldbeinputasthexyrowIEEEconstants[e41,e42,e43]wouldbeinputastheyzrowIEEEconstants[e51,e52,e53]wouldbeinputasthexzrow2.3.2.3.ElasticCoefficientMatrixThis6x6symmetricmatrix(4x4for2-Dmodels)specifiesthestiffness([c]matrix)o rcompliance([s]matrix)coefficients.Note:ThissectionfollowstheIEEEstandardnotationfortheelasticcoefficientm atrix[c].Thematrixisalsoreferredtoas[D].Theelasticcoefficientmatrixusesthefollowingdatatableinput:ctricmatrix,mostpublishedpiezoelectricmaterialsuseadifferentorderforthe[c]matrix.YouneedtotransformtheIEEEmatrixtotheinputorderbyswitchingrowa ndcolumndataforthesheartermsasshownbelow: IEEEterms[c61,c62,c63,c66]wouldbeinputasthexyrowIEEEterms[c41,c42,c43,c46,c44]wouldbeinputastheyzrowIEEEterms[c51,c52,c53,c56,c54,c55]wouldbeinputasthexzrowyanyoftheseviatheGUI,usethefollowing:MainMenu>Preprocessor>MaterialProps>MaterialModels>Structural>Linear>Elasti c>OrthotropicFormicro-electromechanicalsystems(MEMS),itisbesttosetupproblemsinµMK。



第三章静力分析67 67单元类型:LINK1ANSYS功能示例:实体建模包括基本的建模操作;施加集中载荷;显示变形后形状和应力等值线图,通过定义单元列表显示轴向应力;基本的结果验证技巧。

ANSYS帮助文件:在ANSYS Structural Analysis Guide了解Structural Static Analysis分析知识,在ANSYS Elements Reference部分了解LINK1单元的详细资料。






具体分析步骤如下所示:1.添加标题(区别与ANSYS启动时候默认的标题)GUI:Utility menu > File > Change Title在弹出Change Title对话框(如图3-11所示)的新标题栏键入文件名“Bridge Truss Tutorial”后,单击OK按钮。

图3-11 添加标题2.定义关键点对于桁架结构通常以关键点来定义的模型,关键点为每个杆/梁的端点。




表3-3关键点坐标关键点坐标轴第三章静力分析68X Y1 0 021800 31183 3600 04 5400 31185 7200 06 9000 31187 10800定义关键点首先激活当前坐标系,在ANSYS Main Menu(如图3-12所示)中选择:GUI:Main Menu > Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS图3-12 激活当前坐标系弹出Create Keypoints in Active Coordinate System对话框(如图3-13所示)。






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二.帮助系统的内容安排:点击帮助系统的目录,就看到如下的ANSYS帮助系统的整体内容安排:1.前面4个部分是与软件版本,安装,注册相关的信息,只需作相应的了解即可,如下:※Release Notes※ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for UNIX※ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows※ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide2.接下来两个部分是比较重要的部分,ANSYS的命令和单元手册,对用到的命令和单元应作详细的了解和掌握。

※ANSYS Commands Reference※ANSYS Element Reference3.下面四个部分是ANSYS相关的操作手册,说明如下:※Operations Guide 基本界面,操作指南※Basic Analysis Procedures Guide 基础分析指南※Advanced Analysis Techniques Guide 高级分析指南※Modeling and Meshing Guide 建模与分网指南4.以下几个部分则是ANSYS分模块的分析指南,如下:※Structural Analysis Guide 结构分析指南※Thermal Analysis Guide 热分析指南※CFD FLOTRAN Analysis Guide 流体分析指南※Electromagnetic Field Analysis Guide 电磁场分析指南※Coupled-Field Analysis Guide 耦合场分析指南5.为更好的使用ANSYS方便,快捷的解决更多的工程实际问题,建议仔细学习以下几个部分:※APDL Programmer's Guide:APDL操作手册※ANSYS Troubleshooting Guide:ANSYS错误信息指南※Mechanical Toolbar:机械工具栏※ANSYS/LS-DYNA User's Guide:ANSYS/LS-DYNA操作指南※ANSYS Connection Users Guide:接口技术指南6.欲快速掌握ANSYS的使用,莫过于通过实例和练习,而ANSYS的帮助系统中则提供大量的例题及练习供用户参考,所以以下两个部分是经常光顾的。

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※Release Notes
※ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for UNIX
※ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows
※ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide

※ANSYS Commands Reference
※ANSYS Element Reference
※Operations Guide 基本界面,操作指南
※Basic Analysis Procedures Guide 基础分析指南
※Advanced Analysis Techniques Guide 高级分析指南
※Modeling and Meshing Guide 建模与分网指南
※Structural Analysis Guide 结构分析指南
※Thermal Analysis Guide 热分析指南
※CFD FLOTRAN Analysis Guide 流体分析指南
※Electromagnetic Field Analysis Guide 电磁场分析指南
※Coupled-Field Analysis Guide 耦合场分析指南
※APDL Programmer's Guide:APDL操作手册
※ANSYS Troubleshooting Guide:ANSYS错误信息指南
※Mechanical Toolbar:机械工具栏
※ANSYS Connection Users Guide:接口技术指南

※ANSYS Tutorials:ANSYS用户指南,每个分析模块都举了一个例子,并附有详细的操作步骤,可为解决此类问题提供一些帮助,市面一些ANSYS参考书所举实例较多的也出自这个部分。

※ANSYS Verification Manual:ANSYS例题练习,例子较多,但限于篇幅,帮助系统中仅给出了:问题描述,输入和输出的参数。


※ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference:ANSYS理论手册






ANSYS Mechanical的主要領域為固體結構力學、固體熱傳學、壓電力學、熱-結構耦合分析、聲場分析等,為應用於3C產品與機械相關工業的全方位CAE軟體。

爭的時代,要達成品質的提升、安全性的確保、產品的多樣化與開發時程的縮短,必須依靠優良的設計團隊與有效率的軟硬體工具來實現,而ANSYS Mechanical在產品的研發過程中,擔任了電腦輔助工程分析(CAE)的重要角色。

經由ANSYS Mechanical的電腦模擬,工程師可在最短的時間內掌握產品的物理特性與設計方案,降低失敗風險且減低實體原型機(physic al prototype)成本。

總之,ANSYS Mechanical可協助產業界達成以下目標:
1. 更好的產品設計或改善
2. 設計最佳化
3. 設計時間的縮短
4. 較低的設計成本
5. 減少使用實體原型機的成本與時間
與機械力學相關的產品還有ANSYS Structural、ANSYS Professional、ANSYS Design Space,這三項產品均屬於ANSYS Mechanical的次模組,下圖為各產品的功能範圍關係圖:
ANSYS Mechanical的主要分析功能
在結構力學方面,ANSYS Mechanical的分析型式包含了靜態(static)分析、振動模態(mod al)分析、簡諧響應(harmonic response)分析、頻譜(spectrum)分析、隨機振動(random vibration)分析、暫態動力學(transient dynamic)分析、挫屈(buckling)分析、破壞力學(f racture mechanics)分析、最佳化(optimization)分析等。

在熱傳學方面,ANSYS Mechanical的分析型式包含了穩態(steady-state)分析、暫態(tra nsient)分析、熱傳導(heat conduction)、熱對流(heat convection)、熱輻射(heat radi ation)、相變化(phase change)、質量傳遞(mass transport)等。

在耦合場(coupled fields)方面,ANSYS Mechanical的分析型式包含了熱-結構(thermal-structural)分析、熱-電(thermal-electric)分析、壓電(piezoelectric)分析、聲場-結構(ac oustic-structural)分析等。

ANSYS Mechanical的結構非線性分析
ANSYS Mechanical能處理的問題包括線性與非線性,其結構非線性分析包括了幾何非線性(geometric nonlinearity)、材料非線性(material nonlinearity)、元素非線性(element nonlinearity)、接觸分析(contact analysis)等。

幾何非線性主要應用於大位移(large dis
placement)或大變形(large deformation)問題,材料非線性則用於處理彈塑性(elasto-pl astic)、超彈性(hyperelastic)、黏彈性(viscoelastic)、黏塑性(viscoplastic)、潛變(cree p)、形狀記憶合金(shape memory alloy)等材料性質。

ANSYS Mechanical的接觸分析功能,包括了變形體對變形體(deformable-to-deformabl e)接觸,和剛體對變形體(rigid-to-deformable)接觸,而接觸元素(contact elements)的類型有點對點(node-to-node)、點對面(node-to-surface)、面對面(surface-to-surface)元素。

ANSYS Mechanical除了可處理一般實體元素的接觸分析之外,亦可處理殼元素對實體元素(shell-to-solid)、殼元素對殼元素(shell-to-shell)、樑元素對殼元素(beam-to-she ll)和樑元素對樑元素(beam-to-beam)的接觸問題。

除了結構力學的接觸應力問題,ANSYS Mechanical還可處理接觸面的熱傳問題,例如接觸面熱傳與摩擦生熱等。

針對外形變化太大的分析,例如鍛造、擠製和橡膠產品變形等,ANSYS Mechanical可採用網格重劃(rezoning)技術,防止元素過度扭曲所產生的發散問題。

許多工程問題並無法單純簡化為線性問題,例如連接器端子變形、IC封裝之錫球變形、塑性加工、橡膠產品等,這時採用ANSYS Mechanical的結構非線性分析,是最佳的選擇。
