



西门子7SJ62操作说明书西门子7SJ62是西门子公司开发的基于变电站综合自动化构架上的新型继电器,用于变电站综合自动化LSA 系统中,作为集多功能保护、监控于一身的综合间隔级测控单元。



1、 装置整定操作: 1.1装置硬件配置:(操作指南) 1.1.1装置面板介绍7SJ62前视图(注:继电器投入前,需确定其铭牌上标示的技术数据与现场运行环境是否匹配。








) 运行条件指示灯。

正常运行时标记为RUN (绿)的灯亮/装置监测到系统故障时,ERROR (红)灯会亮。

装置上电启动时 ERROR 和RUN 灯均点亮。

正常进入运行状态后,ERROR 熄灭LED 灯,7个指示灯,由用户自行定义,当装置检测到满足条件的状况后,灯亮。


LED 键,复位面板上的LED 灯与二进制触点。


9针D 型母接口功能键。






Esc 和Enter 键,用于退出特殊菜单和确认修改。

键、LED 键、功能键、Esc 与Enter 键以及用于与PC 机相连的串口插孔。

(1) 面板上一共有2个运行灯,7 个指示灯。

(2) 设备的显示屏由4行文本显示组成,可以显示各种包括数字,字母和一系列特殊符号的信息。

SIEMENS 3UA50,3UA52 断相保护热过载继电器 说明书

SIEMENS 3UA50,3UA52 断相保护热过载继电器 说明书

断相保护热过载继电器 3UA50,3UA52GB14048.4,DIN VDE0660 第102部分,IEC 60947-4-1Q/SMS 001,XK06-201 0023使用说明书编号: 4NEB 601 1482-30 *5中 文A001253!防护等级按IEC 60529为IP20级。

触指安全性符合GB4942.2和DIN VDE0106 第100部分。


图I 3UA50:与3TD40/41,3TE40,3TF30/31/40/41,3TW10/12/40/41,3TB40/41接触器组合安装。




安装安装尺寸见图II (单位:mm)a 3UA50:配用附件3UX1418单独安装。


b 3UA50:与3TF30/31接触器组合安装。

c 3UA50:与3TF40/41接触器组合安装。

(I :带有1NO 或1NC 辅助触点的接触器。

II :带有1NO+1NC 或2NO+2NC 辅助触点的接触器。

) d 3UA52:与3TF32/33接触器组合安装。

e 3UA52:与3TF42/43接触器组合安装。


2)卡装在 标准安装轨(按DIN EN50 022)上。

3)到方形试验按钮(行程3mm )的距离。

到圆形复位按钮(行程2.5mm )的距离要小2.5mm 。


允许安装位置见图 IIIa 热过载继电器与接触器组合安装。

b 热过载继电器单独安装。


安装:卡装在35mm 标准安装轨(DIN EN50 022)上。


西门子S7200 特殊标志继电器(SM)详解

西门子S7200 特殊标志继电器(SM)详解

西门子S7200 特殊标志继电器(SM)详解有些辅助继电器具有特殊功能或存储系统的状态变量、有关的控制参数和信息,我们称为特殊标志继电器。













66 Restart /86 inhibit
Locked Rotor
RTD1)-Box interface
I> >
I>, Ip
IE>, IEp
50N 51N 79
49 50BF
断路器 失灵保 护
重合闸 高阻抗 REF
Control features 7SJ63, 64
Customer presentation 5
Power Transmission and Distribution
过流- / 多功能继电器
Power Automation
Progress. It‘s that simple.
IE>, IEp
Customer presentation 9
Power Transmission and Distribution
过流- / 多功能继电器
Power Automation
Progress. It‘s that simple.

手动合闸时,继电器采取特定的措施 合闸于变压器可能产生 10 倍于In的涌流
Power Transmission and Distribution
过流- / 多功能继电器
Power Automation
Progress. It‘s that simple.



西门子7SJ62操作说明书西门子7SJ62是西门子公司开发的基于变电站综合自动化构架上的新型继电器,用于变电站综合自动化LSA 系统中,作为集多功能保护、监控于一身的综合间隔级测控单元。



1、 装置整定操作: 1.1装置硬件配置:(操作指南) 1.1.1装置面板介绍7SJ62前视图(注:继电器投入前,需确定其铭牌上标示的技术数据与现场运行环境是否匹配。








) 运行条件指示灯。

正常运行时标记为RUN (绿)的灯亮/装置监测到系统故障时,ERROR (红)灯会亮。

装置上电启动时 ERROR 和RUN 灯均点亮。

正常进入运行状态后,ERROR 熄灭LED 灯,7个指示灯,由用户自行定义,当装置检测到满足条件的状况后,灯亮。


LED 键,复位面板上的LED 灯与二进制触点。


9针D 型母接口功能键。






Esc 和Enter 键,用于退出特殊菜单和确认修改。

键、LED 键、功能键、Esc 与Enter 键以及用于与PC 机相连的串口插孔。

(1) 面板上一共有2个运行灯,7 个指示灯。

(2) 设备的显示屏由4行文本显示组成,可以显示各种包括数字,字母和一系列特殊符号的信息。

西门子SIRIUS 7PV1540-1AW30电子延时继电器说明书

西门子SIRIUS 7PV1540-1AW30电子延时继电器说明书
12 ... 240 V 12 ... 240 V 50 ... 60 Hz
12 ... 240 V
7PV15401AW30 Page 1/6
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
● full-scale value operating range factor control supply voltage rated value at AC at 50 Hz
contact rating of auxiliary contacts according to UL switching capacity current with inductive load Inputs/ Outputs product function
● at the relay outputs switchover delayed/without delay ● non-volatile Electromagnetic compatibility EMC immunity acc. to IEC 61812-1 conducted interference ● due to burst acc. to IEC 61000-4-4 ● due to conductor-earth surge acc. to IEC 61000-4-5 ● due to conductor-conductor surge acc. to IEC 61000-4-5 field-based interference acc. to IEC 61000-4-3 electrostatic discharge acc. to IEC 61000-4-2 Safety related data type of insulation category acc. to EN 954-1 Connections/ Terminals product component removable terminal for auxiliary and control circuit type of electrical connection for auxiliary and control circuit type of connectable conductor cross-sections ● solid ● finely stranded with core end processing ● finely stranded without core end processing ● at AWG cables solid ● at AWG cables stranded connectable conductor cross-section ● solid ● finely stranded with core end processing ● finely stranded without core end processing AWG number as coded connectable conductor cross section ● solid ● stranded



s交流接触器 3TF44,3TF45Q/SMS 003,GB14048.4,DIN VDE 0660,IEC 60947-4-1XK06-201 0025使用说明书编号: 4NEB 522 4571-10 e5 中文防止触及限定保护的带电部分保护等级 IP 00 按 IEC 60529!触指安全性符合 DIN VDE 0106 第100部分。


安装外形尺寸见图Ⅰ(单位:mm):-图Ⅰa 交流操作-图Ⅰb 直流操作注:* 对接地部件的最小距离。

接触器可借助接触器底上滑鞍扣装在35mm宽的标准安装导轨(DIN EN 50 022)上。




允许的安装位置见图Ⅱ:-图Ⅱ a 交流操作-图Ⅱ b 直流操作接线紧固螺钉可用电动螺丝刀旋紧,螺丝刀刀口宽度:5~6mm即使不用的接线螺钉亦必须拧紧。

允许的主电路导线截面积单线连接双线连接实心导线 mm21~16 1~16 最大16 最大16无套筒端的多股导线 mm2 2.5~16 1.5~16 最大10 最大16有套筒端的多股导线 mm21~16 1~16 最大10 最大16导线 mm2 2.5~25 1.5~25 最大10 最大25AWG制导线14~3 16~3 最大6 最大3按DIN46231 接线端子mm21~6 1~6 最大6 最大6剥线长度10mm紧固力矩 2.5~3.0Nm / 22~26.5 lb.in允许的辅助电路导线截面积实心导线2×0.5~1 mm22×1~2.5 mm2具有套筒端的多股导线2×0.5~1 mm22×0.75~2.5 mm2AWG制导线2×AWG18~12紧固力矩 0.8~1.4Nm/7~12lb.in仅采用75℃铜线接线端子的电路图及位置见图Ⅲ。



小车手动控制运行过程: 小车向前运动:手动操作按钮I0.4接通,并且小车底门关闭(Q0.3断开)时,小车向前 运动(Q0.0接通)并且停止在最前端位置(Q0.0断开,前限位开关I0.1接通); 漏斗翻门控制:手动超作按钮I0.6接通,漏斗翻门打开(Q0.1接通),货物通过漏斗卸 下,7s后自动关闭漏斗翻门(Q0.1断开); 小车向后运动:手动操作按钮I0.5接通,小车向后运动(Q0.2接通)至后限位开关位置 停止(Q0.2断开,后限位开关I0.2接通); 小车翻门控制:手动操作按钮I0.7接通,小车底门打开(Q0.3接通),将小车中货物取 下;5s后自动关闭小车翻门(Q0.3断开)。
两个分支:若吸住的是小球,则I0.2为ON, 执行左侧流程;若为大球,I0.2为OFF,执 行右侧流程。 初始状态由SM0.1初始脉冲驱动,在步进 梯形图外编制机械臂处于原点时的指示梯形 图程序(Q0.7指示)。 步进梯形图程序中,增加了机械臂上电磁 铁下降至接近开关PS0位置时的控制功能, 与限位开关LS2共同作用(状态转移图中未 表示)。


(注意!当心!)特别是设备的损坏和引起被保护设备方面的损害。 提示/须知:关于产品信息的重要部分或手册中特别值得注意的地方。
—2 —
警告! 当电气设备工作着时,设备的某些部分存在高电压,不适当的行为能导致严重的 人员伤害或重大的设备损坏。只有合格的人才能在这些设备上或它的附近进行工 作。这些人必须熟悉本手册所提到的一切警示和维护步骤以及有关安全规则。 为了使产品合理和安全工作,先决条件是设备运输恰当,储藏合适,设置合理、 安装正确,操作和维护保养正确,以及在手册的警告和须知范围内对设备的小心 操作和运行维护。特别是对有高电压的设备工作必须遵守通用规范和安全规程(如 ANSL.IEC,EN或其他国家或国际规程)。不遵守这些规则可导致人员死亡,伤害或 重大的设备损坏。 测量原理 过电压保护(59) 低电压保护(27) 6.11.2 设定值编程 过电压保护 过电压保护设定值 过电压保护信息一览表 低电压保护 低电压保护设定值 低电压保护信息一览表 6.12 频率保护(81,0/U) 6.12.1 频率保护概述 6.12.2 设定值编程 频率保护设定值 频率保护信息一览表 6.13 断路器故障保护(50BF) 6.13.1 断路器故障保护概述 6.13.2 设定值编程 断路器故障保护设定值 断路器故障保护信息一览表 6.14 自动重合闸系统(79M) 6.14.1 自动重合闸系统概述 6.14.2 设定值编程 自动重合闸设定值 自动重合闸信息一览表 6.15 故障定位 6.15.1 故障定位概述 6.15.2 设置功能参数 故障定位器设定值 故障定位器信息一览表 6.16 相序保护 6.16.1 相序保护说明 6.16.2 设定值编程 6.17 监视功能

西门子安全继电器 YRB-4EML-31S 型号说明书

西门子安全继电器 YRB-4EML-31S 型号说明书

DATA SHEET SAFETY RELAYYRB-4EML-31SFOR SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS/BARRIERS TYPE 4 SAFETY PROTECTION DEVICETECHNICAL DATAAPPLICATION AREAThe safety relay can be used to monitor electrosensitive protective equipment with monitored active switching output (OSSD) in accordance with EN 61496 as well as emergency stop and safety door locking mechanisms.Depending on the external wiring, up to category 4, PL e according to EN ISO 13849-1 or SILCL 3 according to EN 62061 can be achieved.The safety relay is equipped with three enabling current paths that drop out without delay corresponding to stop category 0 according to EN 60204-1.–For safety light curtains and access control bar-riers, emergency stop, door switch–Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 according to IEC/EN61508–Claimed Level (SIL CL) 3 according to IEC/EN62061–Performance Level (PL) e and category 4 ac-cording to EN/ISO 13849-1–Safety category 4 according to EN 954-1–Certified TÜV, CE and UL–Output: 3 N.O. safety contacts / 1 N.C. monitor-ing contact–Manual or automatic restart–LED indicator for channel 1, 2 and power supply–22.5 mm wide, DIN-rail-mountable housingMAIN FEATURESFigure 1 Derating curveTECHNICAL DATADATA SHEETYRB-4EML-S41_E.indd / page 1-2 / rev. 1 / 27.01.16 / MDMDATA SHEETPART REFERENCESTRUCTURE AND OPERATION (BLOCK DIAGRAM)WARNING: Risk of electric shockDuring operation, parts of electrical switching devices carry hazardous voltages.Before working on the switching device, disconnect the power.Please observe the safety regulations of electrical engineering and industrial safety and liability associations!Disregarding these safety regulations may result in death, serious personal injury or damage to equipment.Startup, mounting, modifications, and upgrades should only be carried out by a skilled electrical engineer!WARNING: Risk of automatic machine restart!For emergency stop applications, the machine must be prevented from restarting automatically by a higher-level controlsystem.Protective covers must not be removed when operating electrical switching devices.WARNING: Danger due to faulty devices!The devices may be damaged following an error and correct operation can no longer be ensured.In the event of an error, replace the device immediately.Repairs to the device, especially if the housing must be opened, may only be carried out by the manufacturer or autho-rized persons. Otherwise the warranty is invalidated.NOTE: Risk of damage to equipment due to incorrect installation!For reliable operation, the safety relay must be installed in housing protected from dust and humidity (IP 54).Carry out wiring according to the application. Refer to the “Application examples” section for this.NOTE: Risk of damage to equipment due to noise emissionsWhen operating relay modules the operator must meet the requirements for noise emission for electrical and electronic equipment (EN 61000-6-4) on the contact side and, if required, take appropriate measures.For the diagnostic description, please refer to the application manual for PSR safety relays.SAFETY NOTESFigure 2 Block diagramDATA SHEETKEYTwo-channel light grid monitoring (cross-circuit detection via light grid)– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 4, PL e (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 3 (EN 62061)APPLICATION EXAMPLEFigure 4 Two-channel light grid monitoringOPERATING AND INDICATION ELEMENTSFigure 3 YRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-S41_E.indd / page 3-4 / rev. 0 / 19.11.15 / MDMDATA SHEETAPPLICATION EXAMPLETwo-channel emergency stop circuit without cross-circuit detection, with monitored reset button– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 3, PL d (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 2 (EN 62061)Single-channel emergency stop monitoring– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 1, PL c (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 1 (EN 62061)Two-channel safety door monitoring without cross-circuit detection, with monitored reset button– Manual activation– Automatic activation with jumper at S33-S35– Suitable up to category 3, PL d (EN ISO 13849-1), SILCL 2 (EN 62061)Figure 5 Two-channel emergency stop circuit without cross-circuit detectionFigure 6 Single-channel emergency stop circuit with monitored reset buttonFigure 7 Two-channel safety door monitoring without cross-circuit detectionYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-31SYRB-4EML-S41_E.indd / page 5 / rev. 0 / 19.11.15 / MDM。



4 工作原理 4.1 模拟回路 4.2 数字回路 4.3 星形或三角形接线法选择 4.4 电压监视 4.4.1 单相/三相监视 4.4.2 电压不平衡保护原理 4.4.3 测量原理 4.4.4 对称电压系统的负序系统 4.4.5 电压不平衡系统 4.4.6 零序系统 5 操作和整定 5.1 显示 5.2 整定步骤 5.3 系统参数 5.3.1 一次量(Uprim/Usec)显示剩余电压 UE 5.3.2 D/Y – 转换 5.3.3 额定电压的设置 5.3.4 激活储存的显示 5.3.5 参数组转换开关/故障记录仪的外部触 发器 5.4 保护参数 5.4.1 单相或三相 U</U>-跳闸 5.4.2 过压和欠压监视的参数整定 5.4.3 正序系统电压 (U1<, U1>) 5.4.4 负序系统过压 (U2>) 5.4.5 零序系统过压 (U0>) 5.4.6 从属地址的调节 5.4.7 波特率的整定 (仅适用于 Modbus协议) 5.4.8 奇偶校验的整定 (仅适用于 Modbus协议) 5.5 故障记录仪参数 5.5.1 故障记录仪的调节

闭锁可通过配置模式自由选择(参阅第5.9节)。 输入端 D8 是闭锁与外部复位的接地(L- 或 N)。闭锁 功能在辅助电压从 D8/E8 端子断开后立即恢复。 以上功能在施加电源电压后闭合 2 秒钟。 3.1.3 外部复位输入 独立于记录时间,整个储存空间可被分成数个干扰 事件,每个带较短的记录时间。此外,故障记录仪 的清除功能也会受影响。 不可覆盖 如选择 2、4 或 8 个记录存储,整个储存空间就会 分成相应数量的储存块。当超过故障事件的最大记 录数量时,故障记录仪会阻止更多的记录,防止已 存数据被覆盖。在读取或删除数据后,记录仪将继 续记录。 的 采样 频 率是 1.25 ms ( 50 Hz) 和 1.041 ms ( 60 Hz),并被储存在循环缓冲器内。 存储分区



Power Transmission and Distribution
特定的保护 特性
合闸于变压器可能产生 10 倍于In的涌流
-> 通过2次谐波检测涌流和自动闭锁过流保护 -> 不需要另外的闭锁逻辑或者提高过流保护定值
-> 过流保护可以瞬时跳闸
特定的保护 特性
Customer presentation 11
过流- / 多功能继电器
Power Automation
Progress. It‘s that simple.
Power Transmission and Distribution
Power Transmission and Distribution
7SJ63/64 7SJ61/62
• 过流继电器 • 方向接地故障 • 开关切换
• 单一的保护功能
Customer presentation 3
过流- / 多功能继电器
Power Automation
Customer presentation 10
过流- / 多功能继电器
Power Automation
Progress. It‘s that simple.
Power Transmission and Distribution
-> 利用无限灵活的 “灵活保护功能” (7SJ64)



Description and Functions of the RS 485 Repeater
+ Terminal M5.2 of the power supply (see Table 5.3,) is used as the reference ground for signal
measurements if problems occur and must not be wired up.
Segment 1 A1 B1 A1 B1
Segment 2 A2 B2 A2 B2
PG/OP socket L+ (24 V) M A1 B1 5V M5 V
5V 24V
1M 5V 24V
L+ (24 V) M PE M 5.2
Figure 5. 1:
Block Diagram of the RS 485 Repeater
Front View of the Repeater
Function Terminal for connecting the power supply of the RS 485 repeater (pin "M5.2" is the reference ground if you want to measure the voltage between terminals "A2" and "B2"). Shield clamp for strain relief and grounding the LAN cable of bus segment 1 or bus segment 2 Terminal for the LAN cable of bus segment 1 Terminating resistor for bus segment 1 Switch for transmission rate the settings are as follows: 0: Bus segments not connected 1: 9.6 Kbps 2: 19.2 Kbps 3: 93.75 Kbps 4: 187.5 Kbps Terminating resistor for bus segment 2 Terminal for the LAN cable of bus segment 2 Catch for mounting and removing the RS 485 repeater on a standard rail Interface for PG/OP on bus segment 1




1概述1.1主要用途PR 系列小型控制继电器是一种可以用低电压、小电流来控制大电流、高电压的自动开关元件,主要用于实现自动化控制、信号传递、扩大控制范围等功能,也可直接用于控制小电机、小电磁铁等轻微负载。

1.2型号的组成及其代表意义PR 2K □L □D -D24-□①② ③ ④ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨PRIEC61810-1、GB/T 21711.1当按钮处于水平位置时,继电器处于自由状态,此时继电器可以通电吸合,也可以断电释放,且按下按钮,继电器就闭合,松开按钮,继电器就释放。


按钮按动方向3手柄操作方法序号1设计型号2触点组数3约定发电流45插脚类型指示灯描述6789序号无:表示标准型,无测试杆;T :带测试杆。

无:标准型;D 直流浪涌抑制;R 交流浪涌抑制。


PR :功率型。


K:10A 。

无:表示插脚式;P :表示焊接式。

无:标准型,无指示灯;L :表示有指示灯。

测试杆浪涌抑制线圈电压辅助代码代码含义描述代码含义表1:型号代码含义2安全使用和注意事项1)请正确选择线圈电压规格和触点容量;2)DC 规格线圈电源纹波系数应≤5%,接线时请注意正、负极性应与要求相符; 3)开闭频率应≤30cpm ,超过规定的开闭频率可能会产生误动作; 4)如插座垂直安装,推荐安装方式为触点在上,线圈在下; 5)极和极间建议为同极性使用;6)继电器至电源的连接线不能过长(建议在1m 以下),否则连接线之间的分布电容会使继电器动作响应变慢或误动作; 7)使用时请确认手动按钮设置在指定的位置; 8)配套熔断器型号为NT00‒6。

4产品技术参数4.1工作环境1)使用环境温度:-25℃~+55℃,无结冰凝露; 2)空气相对湿度:5~85%RH ; 3)安装地点海拔:≤2000m ; 4)安装类别:适用于Ⅰ、Ⅱ类; 5)污染等级:Ⅱ;6)环境保护类别: RT1(RT1对应防护等级IP40)。



8■Overview SIRIUS 3UG46 15 monitoring relaySolid-state line monitoring relays provide maximum protection for mobile machines and plants or for unstable networks. Net-work and voltage faults can be detected early and rectified be-fore far greater damage ensues.Depending on the version, the relays monitor phase sequence, phase failure with and without N conductor monitoring, phase asymetry, undervoltage or overvoltage.Phase asymetry is evaluated as the difference between the greatest and the smallest phase voltage relative to the greatest phase voltage. Undervoltage or overvoltage exists when at least one phase voltage deviates by 20 % from the set rated system voltage or the directly set limit values are overshot or undershot. The rms value of the voltage is measured.With the 3UG46 17 or 3UG46 18 relay, a wrong direction of rota-tion can also be corrected automatically.■Benefits•Can be used without auxiliary voltage in any network from 160 to 600 V AC worldwide thanks to wide voltage range •Variably adjustable to overvoltage, undervoltage or range monitoring•Freely configurable delay times and RESET response •Width 22.5 mm•Permanent display of ACTUAL value and network fault type on the digital versions•Automatic correction of the direction of rotation by distinguish-ing between power system faults and wrong phase sequence •All versions with removable terminals•All versions with screw terminals or alternatively with innova-tive spring-type terminals■ApplicationThe relays are used above all for mobile equipment,e.g. air conditioning compressors, refrigerating containers, building site compressors and cranes.■Technical specifications3UG45 11 monitoring relaysThe 3UG45 11 phase sequenced relay monitors the phase se-quence in a three-phase network. No adjustments are required for operation. The device has an internal power supply and works using the closed-circuit principle. If the phase sequence at the terminals L1-L2-L3 is correct, the output relay picks up af-ter the delay time has elapsed and the LED is lit. If the phase se-quence is wrong, the output relay remains in its rest position.Note:When one phase fails, connected loads (motor windings, lamps, transformers, coils, etc.) create a feedback voltage at the termi-nal of the failed phase due to the network coupling. Because the 3UG45 11 relays are not resistant to voltage feedback, such a phase failure is not detected. Should this be required, then the 3UG45 12 monitoring relay must be used.Correct phase sequenceWrong phase sequenceFunction ApplicationPhase sequence •Direction of rotation of the drive Phase failure•A fuse has tripped•Failure of the control supply voltage •Broken cablePhase asymmetry•Overheating of the motor due to asymmetrical voltage•Detection of asymmetrically loaded networksUndervoltage•Increased current on a motor with correspond-ing overheating•Unintentional resetting of a device•Network collapse, particularly with battery powerOvervoltage•Protection of a plant against destruction due to overvoltage8 3UG45 12 monitoring relaysThe 3UG45 12 line monitoring relay monitors three-phase net-works with regard to phase sequence, phase failure and phaseunbalance of 10 %. Thanks to a special measuring method, aphase failure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltagerange from 160 to 690 V and feedback through the load of up to90 %. The device has an internal power supply and works usingthe closed-circuit principle. No adjustments are required. Whenthe mains voltage is switched on, the green LED is lit. If thephase sequence at the terminals L1-L2-L3 is correct, the outputrelay picks up. If the phase sequence is wrong, the red LEDflashes and the output relay remains in its rest position. If aphase fails, the red LED is permanently lit and the output relaydrops.Note:The red LED is a fault diagnostic indicator and does not show thecurrent relay status. The 3UG45 12 monitoring relay is suitablefor line frequencies of 50/60 Hz.Phase failureWrong phase sequence3UG45 13 monitoring relaysThe 3UG45 13 line monitoring relay monitors three-phase net-works with regard to phase sequence, phase failure, phaseasymetry and undervoltage of 20 %. The device has an internalpower supply and works using the closed-circuit principle. Thehysteresis is 5 %. The integrated response delay time is adjust-able from 0 to 20 s and responds to undervoltage. If the directionis incorrect, the device switches off immediately. Thanks to aspecial measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected inspite of the wide voltage range from 160 to 690 V and feedbackthrough the load of up to 80%. When the mains voltage isswitched on, the green LED is lit. If the phase sequence at theterminals L1-L2-L3 is correct, the output relay picks up. If thephase sequence is wrong, the red LED flashes and the outputrelay remains in its rest position. If a phase fails, the red LED ispermanently lit and the output relay drops.Note:The red LED is a fault diagnostic indicator and does not show thecurrent relay status. The 3UG45 13 monitoring relay is suitablefor line frequencies of 50/60 Hz.Phase failure and undervoltageWrong phase sequence8/6383UG46 14 monitoring relaysThe 3UG46 14 line monitoring relay has a wide voltage rangeand an internal power supply. The device is equipped with a dis-play and is parameterized using three buttons. It monitors three-phase networks with regard to phase asymetry from 5 to 20%,phase failure, undervoltage and phase sequence. The hystere-sis is adjustable from 1 to 20 V. In addition the device has a re-sponse delay and ON-delay from 0 to 20 s in each case. The in-tegrated response delay time responds to phase asymetry andundervoltage. If the direction is incorrect, the device switches offimmediately. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phasefailure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from160 to 690 V and feedback through the load of up to 80%.The 3UG46 14 monitoring relay can be operated on the basis ofeither the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle and with man-ual or auto RESET.With the closed-circuit principle selected3UG46 15/ 3UG46 16 monitoring relaysThe 3UG46 15/3UG46 16 line monitoring relay has a wide volt-age range and an internal power supply. The device is equippedwith a display and is parameterized using three buttons. The3UG46 15 device monitors three-phase networks with regard tophase failure, undervoltage, overvoltage and phase sequence.The 3UG46 16 monitoring relay monitors the neutral conductoras well. The hysteresis is adjustable from 1 to 20 V. In additionthe device has two separately adjustable delay times for over-voltage and undervoltage from 0 to 20 s in each case. If the di-rection is incorrect, the device switches off immediately. Thanksto a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably de-tected in spite of the wide voltage range from 160 to 690 V andfeedback through the load of up to 80%.The 3UG46 15/ 3UG46 16 monitoring relay can be operated onthe basis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle andwith manual or auto RESET.With the closed-circuit principle selected8/648 3UG46 17/ 3UG46 18 monitoring relaysThe 3UG46 17/ 3UG46 18 line monitoring relay has an internalpower supply and can automatically correct a wrong direction ofrotation. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failureis reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from160 to 690 V AC and feedback through the load of up to 80%.The device is equipped with a display and is parameterized us-ing three buttons. The 3UG46 17 line monitoring relay monitorsthree-phase networks with regard to phase sequence, phasefailure, phase unbalance, undervoltage and overvoltage. The3UG46 18 monitoring relay monitors the neutral conductor aswell. The hysteresis is adjustable from 1 to 20 V. In addition thedevice has delay times from 0 to 20 s in each case for overvolt-age, undervoltage, phase failure and phase unbalance. The3UG46 17/ 3UG46 18 monitoring relay can be operated on thebasis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle andwith manual or auto RESET. The one changeover contact is usedfor warning or disconnection in the event of power system faults(voltage, unbalance), the other responds only to a wrong phasesequence. In conjunction with a contactor reversing assembly itis thus possible to change the direction automatically.With the closed-circuit principle selectedCircuit diagramsType3UG45 11 ... 3UG45 13, 3UG46 14 ... 3UG46 18General dataRated insulation voltage U iPollution degree 3Overvoltage category III acc. to EN 60664-1V690Rated impulse withstand voltage kV6Control circuitLoad capacity of the output relay•Conventional thermal current I th A5Rated operational current I e at•AC-15/24 ... 400 V A3•DC-13/24 V A1•DC-13/125 V A0.2•DC-13/250 V A0.1Minimum contact load at 17 V DC mA5Electrical endurance AC-15Million oper-ating cycles0.1Mechanical endurance Million oper-ating cycles103UG45 11-.A,3UG45 12-.A3UG45 11-.B, 3UG45 12-.B,3UG45 13, 3UG46 14,3UG46 15, 3UG46 173UG46 16,3UG46 18Note:It is not necessary to protect themeasuring circuit for device pro-tection. The protective device forline protection depends on thecross-section used.8/658/66*You can order this quantity or a multiple thereof.8■Selection and ordering dataPU (UNIT, SET, M)= 1PS*= 1 unit PG = 101✓ Function available -- Function not available1)Absolute limit values.2)1 CO contact each and 1 tripping delay time each for U min and U max .3)1 CO contact each for power system fault and phase sequence correction.For accessories, see page 8/90.Hysteresis Over-ON-delay Trippingdelay Rated control Screw terminalsDTSpring-type 3UG45 11-2BP203UG45 11-1AP203UG46 15-1CR203UG46 16-1CR203UG45 12-2BR203UG46 17-1CR203UG46 18-1CR208■OverviewSIRIUS 3UG46 31 monitoring relayThe relays monitor single-phase AC voltages (rms value) andDC voltages against the set threshold value for overshoot andundershoot. The devices differ with regard to their power supply(internal or external).■Benefits•Versions with wide voltage supply range•Variably adjustable to overvoltage, undervoltage or rangemonitoring•Freely configurable delay times and RESET response•Width 22.5 mm•Display of ACTUAL value and status messages•All versions with removable terminals•All versions with screw terminals or alternatively with innova-tive spring-type terminals■Application•Protection of a plant against destruction due to overvoltage•Switch-on of a plant at a defined voltage and higher•Protection against overloaded control supply voltages,particularly with battery power•Threshold switch for analog signals from 0.1 to 10V■Technical specifications3UG46 33 monitoring relaysThe 3UG46 33 voltage monitoring relay has an internal powersupply and performs overshoot, undershoot or range monitoringof the voltage depending on how it is parameterized. The deviceis equipped with a display and is parameterized using threebuttons.The operating and measuring range extends from 17 to275V AC/DC. The threshold values for overshoot or undershootcan be freely configured within this range. If one of these thresh-old values is reached, the output relay responds according tothe set principle of operation as soon as the tripping delay timehas elapsed. This delay time U Del can be set from 0.1 to 20s likethe ON-delay time on Del.The hysteresis is adjustable from 0.1 to 150V. The device can beoperated on the basis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuitprinciple and with manual or auto RESET. One output change-over contact is available as signaling contact.With the closed-circuit principle selectedOvervoltageUndervoltageRange monitoring8/6783UG46 31/ 3UG46 32 monitoring relaysThe 3UG46 31/3UG46 32 voltage monitoring relay is suppliedwith an auxiliary voltage of 24 V AC/DC or 24 to 240V AC/DCand performs overshoot, undershoot or range monitoring of thevoltage depending on how it is parameterized. The device isequipped with a display and is parameterized using threebuttons.The measuring range extends from 0.1 to 60 V or 10 to600V AC/DC. The threshold values for overshoot or undershootcan be freely configured within this range. If one of these thresh-old values is reached, the output relay responds according tothe set principle of operation as soon as the delay time haselapsed. This delay time U Del can be set from 0.1 to 20 s.The hysteresis can be set from 0.1 to 30 V or 0.1 to 300 V. Thedevice can be operated on the basis of either the open-circuit orclosed-circuit principle and with manual or auto RESET. One out-put changeover contact is available as signaling contact.With the closed-circuit principle selectedOvervoltageUndervoltageRange monitoringCircuit diagrams3UG46 313UG46 323UG46 33 General dataRated insulation voltage U iPollution degree 3Overvoltage category III acc. to EN 60664-1V690Rated impulse withstand voltage U imp kV6Measuring circuitPermissible measuring range single-phase AC/DC voltage V0.1 ... 6810 ... 65017 (275)Setting range single-phase voltage V0.1 ... 6010 ... 60017 (275)Measuring frequency Hz40 (500)Control circuitLoad capacity of the output relay•Conventional thermal current I th A5Rated operational current I e at•AC-15/24 ... 400 V A3•DC-13/24 V A1•DC-13/125 V A0.2•DC-13/250 V A0.1Minimum contact load at 17 V DC mA53UG46 31-.AA30,3UG46 32-.AA303UG46 31-.AW30,3UG46 32-.AW303UG46 33Note:It is not necessary to protect themeasuring circuit for deviceprotection. The protective devicefor line protection depends on thecross-section used.8/688/69*You can order this quantity or a multiple thereof.8■Selection and ordering data•Digitally adjustable, with illuminated LC display •Auto or manual RESET•Open or closed-circuit principle •1 CO contactPU (UNIT, SET, M)= 1PS*= 1 unit PG = 101Absolute limit values.For accessories, see page 8/90.Measuring rangeHysteresis3UG46 31-1AA303UG46 33-2AL30。

西门子-3RP 时间继电器

西门子-3RP 时间继电器

时间继电器电子式 3RP1/3RP2 时间继电器可用于所有需要进行延时操作的起动、保护以及开环和闭环控制回路。


通电延时:● 抑制噪声脉冲● 平稳起动电机,对线路电压冲击小断电延时:● 在断开控制电源后,仍能继续运行(风扇运转)● 电源故障时,可实现急停或将设备或系统置于一个特定的状态星/三角转换:● 为防止相间短路,电机需在50ms 内从星型电路转换到三角形电路● 所有型号都采用可拆卸端子● 所有型号都可选用螺钉型端子或笼卡式端子● 一套可选的标签用于标明多功能时间继电器所设定的功能● 7 种基本型号即能满足各种应用● 宽电压范围的多功能时间继电器,使用更为便利● 最佳的性价比● 强制断开,硬金镀层触点(可用于DIN EN 954 1 Category 2安全回路,并可和电子式控制系统配套使用)● 密封性外壳,可确保按设定参数运行3/2Sirius 继电器时间继电器1)当设定“∞” 时,无延时功能,仅用于现场检测。


2)线圈电压工作范围 0.8 ~ 1.1 x U s 。

3)线圈电压工作范围 0.7 ~ 1.1 x U s 。



2)线圈电压工作范围 0.7 ~ 1.25 x U s。

3)线圈电压工作范围 0.85 ~ 1.1 x U s。

4)线圈电压工作范围 0.8 ~ 1.1 x U s。

3/4Sirius 继电器时间继电器1)功能见 3RP1901-0 功能标牌套装。



4)线圈电压工作范围 0.8 ~ 1.1 x U s 。

5)线圈电压工作范围 0.7 ~ 1.1 x U s 。

3/5类型功能字母应用订货号编码8 功能通电延时 A用于具备 1CO 3RP19 01 - 0A带辅助电压的断电延时 B转换触头的带辅助电压的通电延时及断电延时 C 时间继电器间隔脉冲D短时接通E带辅助电压的短时分断F带辅助电压的短时接通G带辅助电压的辅助通电延时H16 功能通电延时 A用于具备 2CO 3RP19 01 - 0B带辅助电压的断电延时 B转换触头的带辅助电压的通电延时及断电延时 C 时间继电器间隔脉冲D短时接通E带辅助电压的短时分断F带辅助电压的短时接通G带辅助电压的辅助通电延时H!带瞬动触点的通电延时A!带辅助电压和瞬动触点的断电延时B!带辅助电压和瞬动触点的通、断电延时C!带瞬动触点的间隔脉冲D!带瞬动触点的短时接通E!带辅助电压和瞬动触点的短时分断F!带辅助电压和瞬动触点的间隔脉冲G!星三角转换YΔ密封罩防止无关人员误操作用于具备1 转换3RP19 02或 2 转换触头的时间继电器镙钉固装用于具备1 转换3RP19 03插脚或 2 转换触头的时间继电器时间继电器产品选型(续)功能时间继电器通电触头闭合触头打开1 转换触头A 通电延时E短时接通B 带辅助电压的断电延时 F带辅助电压的短时分断C 带辅助电压的通电延时及断电延时 G带辅助电压的短时接通(t = t ON =t OFF) (输出端脉冲形成与励磁持续时间无关)D 间隔脉冲 (脉冲间隔为 1:1) H 带辅助电压的辅助通电延时3RP19 01-0A盖板与插脚Sirius 继电器时间继电器3/7时间继电器1)如果无特殊注明。



1-6 Hz, 15 mm; 6-500 Hz, 20 m/s²; 10 cycles
-40 … +80
-40 … +80
-25 … +60
corresponds to degree of severity 3
CISPR 11, environment B (residential area)
3RB3113-4RE0 Page 2/6
subject to modifications © Copyright Siemens AG 2014
Type of voltage supply / via input/ output link master Voltage type / for auxiliary and control circuit
• at AC-15 • at 24 V • at 110 V • at 120 V • at 125 V • at 230 V
• at DC-13 • at 24 V • at 60 V • at 110 V • at 125 V • at 220 V
Type of assignement
Control circuit/ Control:
3RB3113-4RE0 Page 3/6
subject to modifications © Copyright Siemens AG 2014
Contact rating designation / for auxiliary contacts / according to UL
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s交流接触器 3TF44,3TF45Q/SMS 003,GB14048.4,DIN VDE 0660,IEC 60947-4-1XK06-201 0025使用说明书编号: 4NEB 522 4571-10 e5 中文防止触及限定保护的带电部分保护等级 IP 00 按 IEC 60529!触指安全性符合 DIN VDE 0106 第100部分。


安装外形尺寸见图Ⅰ(单位:mm):-图Ⅰa 交流操作-图Ⅰb 直流操作注:* 对接地部件的最小距离。

接触器可借助接触器底上滑鞍扣装在35mm宽的标准安装导轨(DIN EN 50 022)上。




允许的安装位置见图Ⅱ:-图Ⅱ a 交流操作-图Ⅱ b 直流操作接线紧固螺钉可用电动螺丝刀旋紧,螺丝刀刀口宽度:5~6mm即使不用的接线螺钉亦必须拧紧。

允许的主电路导线截面积单线连接双线连接实心导线 mm21~16 1~16 最大16 最大16无套筒端的多股导线 mm2 2.5~16 1.5~16 最大10 最大16有套筒端的多股导线 mm21~16 1~16 最大10 最大16导线 mm2 2.5~25 1.5~25 最大10 最大25AWG制导线14~3 16~3 最大6 最大3按DIN46231 接线端子mm21~6 1~6 最大6 最大6剥线长度10mm紧固力矩 2.5~3.0Nm / 22~26.5 lb.in允许的辅助电路导线截面积实心导线2×0.5~1 mm22×1~2.5 mm2具有套筒端的多股导线2×0.5~1 mm22×0.75~2.5 mm2AWG制导线2×AWG18~12紧固力矩 0.8~1.4Nm/7~12lb.in仅采用75℃铜线接线端子的电路图及位置见图Ⅲ。















线圈线圈的更换见图Ⅶ:-图Ⅶ a 交流操作-图Ⅶ b 直流操作确保线圈电极表面清洁,不要用润滑油或尖物清洁线圈。

技术数据重量:-交流操作约 760 g-直流操作约 1430 g允许的环境温度工作时-25℃ ~ +55℃贮存时-50℃ ~ +80℃主回路额定绝缘电压Ui AC 690V额定工作电流Ie/AC-1(55℃) A 55电动机额定功率P N/AC-3额定工作电压3TF44 3TF45- 230V kW 8.5 11- 240V kW 9 12- 400V kW 15 18.5- 415V kW 17 20- 500V kW 21 25- 690V kW 23 23短路保护:保护等级按DIN VDE0660/IEC 60947-4-1 **熔断器 gL(gG)-配合类型1 A 80-配合类型2 A 63-不熔焊I K<100×Ie A 25-不熔焊I K≥100×Ie A 25辅助回路额定绝缘电压Ui AC 690V额定工作电流Ie/AC-15/AC-11 A 5.6 (在电压230V时)短路保护:-熔断器NEOZED 和DIAZED,gL(gG) A 16-小型断路器(C特性) A 10其他数据和附件见产品样本** 备注:按照IEC 60947/ VDE 0660 ,配合类型表示:“配合类型1”:短路电流可引起接触器损坏,如有必要接触器必须更换。


苏州西门子电器有限公司1A001253!sContactor 3TF44, 3TF45Q/SMS 003,GB14048.4,DIN VDE 0660,IEC 60947-4-1XK06-201 0025 InstructionsOrder No.: 4NEB 522 4571-10 e5EnglishA001253Limited protection against contact with live partsFollow the operating instructions.InstallationFor dimension drawings see Fig. I (dimensions in mm ). - Fig. I a a.c. operated - Fig. I b d.c. operated * Minimum clearances from earthed parts.Snap onto 35 mm standard mounting rail to DIN EN 50 022 or fix on a plain surface with two M4 screws. With screw mounting, always use plain washers and spring washers.Cover the contactors during installation if foreign particles, such as swarf, can fall onto them. Install contactors in a housing if they are exposed to dirt, dust or aggressive atmospheres.For permissible mounting positions see - Fig. II a a.c. operated - Fig. II b d.c. operatedConnectionThe terminal screws can be tightened with a power screwdriver.Screwdriver blade width: 5 to 6 mm. Tighten all terminal screws even if not used. Permissible conductor cross-sections for main conductor: one terminal connected both terminals connectedSolid (mm 2 ) 1 to 16 1 to 16 max.16max.16 Finely stranded without endsleeve (mm 2 )2.5 to 16 1.5 to 16 max.10max.16 Finely stranded with endsleeve (mm 2 ) 1 to 16 1 to 16 max.10max.16 Stranded (mm 2 ) 2.5 to 25 1.5 to 25 max.10 max.25 AWG wires,solid andstranded14 to 3 16 to 3 max.6max.3 Terminal pin in accordancewith DIN 46231 (mm 2 ) 1 to 6 1 to 6 max.6max.6Stripped length 10mm Tightening torque 2.5 to 3.0Nm / 22 to 26.5 lb.in Permissible conductor cross-sections for auxiliary conductor: Solid 2×0.5 to 1mm 2 2×1 to 2.5 mm 2 Finely stranded with end sleeve 2×0.5 to 1mm 22×0.75 to 2.5 mm 2AWG wires 2×AWG 18 to 12 Stripped length 10mm Tightening torque standard type 0.8 to 1.4Nm / 7to 12 lb.inUse 75℃ copper wire only.For circuit diagrams and position of connection terminals see Fig. IIIOperationObserve operating voltage ( see rating plate of magnet coil ).The operating state of the contactor is shown at the position indicator; see Fig. IV.operate the contactor by pressing down the contact carrier..For replacement see Fig. VI .Arc chute and main contactsRemove arc chute (Fig. VI /1,2). Check main contacts (Fig. VI/3) .If necessary separateslightly welded contacts with a screwdriver.Dark or tough contacts can still function. Do not refinish or grease them. If the contact facings are eroded so that the carrier material becomes visible the contacts must be replaced.For replacement of contacts see Fig. VI/4,5,6. It is not necessary to disconnect the main conductors. Check the arc chute and replace it if necessary. Put into operation only with the arc chute fitted (fig. VI/7,8).Magnet coilFor coil replacement see Fig. VII : - Fig. VII aa.c. coil- Fig. VII b d.c. coilEnsure that the pole faces of the magnet coil are clean. Do not use grease solvents or sharp objects for cleaning.Technical DataWeight: a.c. operated approx. 760g d.c. operated approx. 1430g Permissible ambient temperature - Operation -25 ℃ to +55 ℃- Storage -50℃ to +80 ℃ Main circuitRated insulation voltage Ui AC 690V Rated operating current Ie/AC-1(55 ℃) A 55Rated operational voltageMotor rating P N /AC-33TF44 3TF45-230V kW 8.5 11 -240V kW 9 12 -400V kW 15 18.5 -415V kW 17 20 -500V kW 21 25 -690V kW 23 23 Short-circuit protection:Degree of protection to DIN VDE 0660part 102A/IEC 60947-4-1 ** Fuse-links Duty class gL(gG)-assignment type 1 A 80 -assignment type 2 A 63 -non-welding I K <100×Ie A 25 -non-welding I K ≥100×Ie A 25 Auxiliary circuitRated insulation voltage Ui AC 690VRated operating current Ie/AC-15/AC-11 5.6A at AC 230V Short-circuit protection: - Fuse-linksNEOZED and DIAZED, gL (gG) A 16 - Circuit-breaker, C-char A 10For further data and accessories see Catalog.* *Footnote: According to IEC 60947 / VDE 0660,the types of protection mean:“Assignment type 1 “: Short circuits can cause damage to the contactors making replacement of the equipment necessary. “Assignment type 2 ”: Easily separable contact welding but no other damage.Siemens Electrical Apparatus Ltd., Suzhou2Ⅰ a bⅡ a bⅢⅣⅤ3ⅥⅦ aⅦ b资料如有更改,恕不另行通知地址:苏州新区珠江路455号电话:(0512)66611188 邮政编码:215129 印刷:2002/08 /about_us/jv/seal.asp4。
