2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷 .doc

春华教育集团2019 年成人高考第一次模拟考试专升本------《英语》试题---------- 本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 150 分。
考试时间150 分钟。
-题----- 题号I II III IV V VI 总分-----分数--------答-第 I 卷(选择题,共125 分)-------------得分评卷人-I. Phonetics(5points)-- 得- - - - - - - - --Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlinedletters or- - -类---letter combinations markedA,B,CandD. Compare theunderlined parts and -科-- identifythe onethatisdifferent fromthe others in pronunciation.Mark your 不----- answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet.----() 1. A.vitalB.silent C. fierce D. collide-----() 2. A.taught B. laugh C.caught D. fault-----() 3. A. reception B. concept C. capture D. receipt内--号-() 4. A.boom B. goose C. flood D. gloom --考--() 5. A.singerB.finger C. hanger D. ringer ----------得分评卷人II. Vocabulary and Structure (15Points)线- - - - - - - - - - --Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentencethere are- - - -名-four choices marked A , B, C and D. Choose one answer that bestcompletes the--姓- sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet.订--() 6. We asked both John and Jerry, but ____ could offer a satisfactoryexplanation.------ A.eitherB.neither C. both D. nor-----()7. I ’d like to find someone ____ I can discuss such aproblem.----A. whoB. whomC. to whomD. withwhom装---() 8. The baby can ’t even sit up yet, ____walk!----- A. don ’ tmentionB. otherthan C. let aloneD. rather than------ () 9. I did not notice that my dog was missing ____ a moment ago.-- A.()10.The company director has informed us that we must ____ department budget by 25%.《英语》第1页共10页A. cutup B. cut away C. cut off D. cut down() 11. Companies usually ____ a number of experiments before a new product is launched.A. practiceB.conduct C. carryD.control() 12. I remembered that the air conditioners ____ turned off before I left home.A. wereB. were tobeC. havebeen D. had been() 13. --How do you like your newjob?--Well, it is great ____ salary, but it does not offer much prospects for promotion.A.in chargeofB. in caseofC. in termsof D.in favor of() 14. In my opinion this is a(an) ____ different matter.A.merelyB.entirely C. purelyD.fully() 15. Take an umbrella with you in caseit ____.A. manyrainB. couldrainC.rains D. rained() 16. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ behind his back.A.to have been tiedB.tied C.to be tied D. having tied() 17. --Do you think Joshua is the right person forthis job?--He iswell-grounded in economictheory,butlacks ____ inproductionmanagement.A. devotionB.attitudeC.energy D. experience() 18. ____ about it earlier, we could have warned people of the danger.A. Had we knownB. Should we knowC. Have weknown D. Would we know() 19. It was ____ of you not to disturb these old people late last night.A.patient B. modest C.deliberate D. considerate() 20. --Hey, what do you think of his speechlast night?--I have no idea. I arrived ____ find that he had almost finished it.A.in ordertoB. onlytoC. so asto D. ready to得分评卷人III. Cloze(30points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices markedA , B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark youranswer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Once a foreigner travelling in France came to Pairs for a few days. ___21__ the very first day of his staying in the French capital he __22__ a telegram to his wife __23__ the name and address of the hotel __24__ he was staying. Then he decided to go out and __25__ the places of wonders in the capital. He took a long walk along the streets of the city, visiting a few museums and by the end of the __26__ he felt wired.He wanted to __27__ the hotel to take a rest there, but suddenly he __28__ he remembered __29__ the name nor the address of the hotel. He felt quite __30__ and slowly walk along the《英语》第2页共10页street, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he found __31__ in front of a post office. He quickly raninside and said __32_ _ an excited voice. “ give me a telegram form, please. ” “ here youare, man answered, giving him a form. It did not __33__ long to fill it in. a minute later he handed inthe telegram and paid the man.His wife was greatly __34__ when an hour later she received __35__ telegram from her husband: “ Send me my address atonce! ” ( ) 21. A.At B. On C. In D. For ( ) 22. A. carriedB. madeC. sentD. did ( ) 23. A.ofB. withC. inD. by ( ) 24. A. where B. which C. with which D. for which ( ) 25. A. watchB. noticeC. seeD. look ( ) 26. A.dayB. museumC. cityD. street ( ) 27. A. look for B. searchC. return toD. find out( ) 28. A. noticed B.realized C. considered D. thought of ( ) 29. A. both B. neither C.either D. any ( ) 30. A. missed B. alone C. worried D. worrying ( ) 31. A. himselfB. a personC. someoneD. him ( ) 32. A.atB. withC. inD. of ( ) 33. A.costB. spendC. takeD. get( ) 34. A. frightened B. angry C.disappointed D. surprised () 35.A. the firstB. otherC. a quickD. a second得 分 评卷人 IV . Reading Comprehension(60 points)Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A ,B ,C andD. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.Passage oneWhat do you use to get around town? A cat? A bike? Your feet? Perhaps you should try a Segway!The Segway is perfect for short journey. It is an electric vehicle thatconsists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platformto the handlebars. To ride it, you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip (扭转把手) on theleft handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors, a decrease in the seed of the left wheel would turn the Segway to the left. With never models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope (陀螺仪) detects yourmovements and prevents the machine form falling over. The Segway has a《英语》第3页共10页maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it inand recharge the battery.Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoywalks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers use them as analternative to the golf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take thedog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers tomove quickly whilst maintaining contact with the public. They are also becoming acommon sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism,particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outsidea cafe for a while and there is a good chance you will see a group of touristspassing on Segways.() 36.What is the Segway according to this passage?A. A pole that connects two handlebars.B. An electric two-wheeled vehicle for short trips.C. A bicycle with a platform between two wheels.D. A newly appeared public traffic vehicle.() 37. How do you turn to the left on Segways of newer models?A. Press the left barB. Adjust the twist gripC. Lean to the leftD.Control the gyroscope() 38.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?A. Less than 19 kmB. About 19 kmC. More than 38 kmD. About 38 km() 39.The last paragraph focuses on ____?A. When a Segway is usefulB. Where to find a SegwayC. How to control a SegwayD. What a Segway is likePassage TwoWe all love a hero, and rescue dogs are some of the biggest heroes of all.You will often find them going above and beyond duty to save someone, risking--and at times losing--their lives in the process.Rescue dogs are generally found in the Sporting and Hunting Groups, or fromthe traditional Herding Group. These types include the Bloodhound, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Belgian Malinois--all of which are chosen for search-and-rescue duty because of their amazingThese types also have a keen sense of hearing and smell--to better locate lost individuals — and are often able to access hard-to-reach areas. As highly trained animals, they serve in many different fields, including specialist search, snowslide rescue, dead body location, and tracking.To overcome obstacles and succeed when performing the demanding duties of a search-and-rescue worker, a dog must display certain qualities. In addition to intelligence and strength, the dog must be swift, confident, easily trainable, adaptable, and have a high level of stamina (耐力 ) and endurance.《英语》第4页共10页A strong sense of group cooperation and an ability to engage in friendly play during"down"time is also required of search-and-rescue dogs.A rescue dog goes through many, many hours of intensive training to be fit for duty.Trainingis not for the faint-hearted. Certification training can take from two to three years, working threeto four hours a day, three to six days a week, often in group,team-oriented sessions.Each search-and-rescue field requires different types of training. Rescue training, for instance,includes "air scenting"--where dogs are trained to smell the air for the victim' s scent ( 气味 ) andthen follow t he scent to the person. This ability is crucial to finding victims trapped undercollapsed buildings and snow slide.() 40. Rescue dogs are chosen probably because__A. they are braveB. they are loyalC. they have amazing appearancesD. they have good eyesight() 41. What does "faint-hearted" in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Courageous.B. Slow.C. Energetic.D. Cowardly.() 42. Which ability is most important for dogs to rescue people trapped in snow?A. Extraordinary smelling.B. Swift movement.C. Sharp hearing.D. A strong memory.() 43. What is the passage mainly about?A. Selection process of rescue dogs.B. Risks rescue dogs are faced with.C. Qualities and training of rescue dogs.D. Types of tasks rescue dogs can perform.Passage ThreeDuring a television play the sound man must be ready to make every sound as it isneeded. Sound effects are of three kinds: real, imitated and recorded .Real sounds are those of doorbells, telephone bells, and other small objectseasy to keep in a studio . But the sound man must imitate many sounds . For baconfryin9 ,he crumples cellophanepaper.A long sheet of metal hanging in a doorway makes thunder?He taps one rubbersink plunger and then another on a table to imitate a horse walking on pavement . For a horse galloping along a gravel road ,the sound man can use thetwo halves of a coconut,pounding each in turn very fast on the table.Recorded sound effects are used for noises he cannot himself produce offstage .He pays records for such sounds as a rooster crowing , a train leaving a station , and a baby crying .The sound man is an important part of any television production .( )44. The sound man is important because he________?A. makes fl TV play more lifelikeB. is kept busyC. 1ets an actor know when to life a telephone receiver《英语》第5页共10页D. is always learning new methods( )45. The examples given for the first kind are________ .A. whistles and sirensB. typewriters and cash registersC. church bells and telephone bellsD. doorbells and telephone bells( )46. The metal sheet used to imitate thunder must be________ .A. tightly fastened on all sidesB. 1ying flatC. neither A nor BD. both A and B( )47. Recorded sound effects are used for a_______?A. train leaving a stationB. baby cryingC. rooster crowingD. all of the abovePassage FourEqual pay for equal work is a phrase used by the American women who feel thatare looked down upon by society. They say it is for women to be paid less than menfor the same work. People who hold the opposite opinion (mainly men ) have ananswer to this. They say that men have more responsibility than women ; a marriedman is expected to earn money to support his family and to make the importantdecision ,and therefore it is right for men to be paid more. There are some peoplewho hold even stronger opinion than this and are against married women working atall. When wives go out to work , they say, the home and children are given noattention to. If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full time job , theywill be unable to do the things. Women are best at making a comfortable home andbringing up children. They will have to giveup their present position in society.This is exactly what they want to give up, the women who disagree say. They want toescapefrom the limited place which society expects them to fill and to have freedom to choose between ajob and home life , or mixture of the two. Women have the right of equal pay and equalopportunities.These women have expressed their opinions forcefully busing the famous saying ,“ Al menare created equal. ”They point out that the meaning of this sentence is “ allhuman being arecreated equal. ”( )48. The women use the phrase “ equal pay for equal work d emand”tothat _____.A. woman's work shouldn't be harder than men'sB. men should be paid less than womenC. men and women should be paid the same amount of money for the same workD. people doing harder work should earn more( )49.What exactly do the women who disagree want to give up ?A. Their jobB. Their home life《英语》第6页共10页C. Their present position in societyD. Their right to pay( )50.People who disagree with women's opinions believe _____.A. men's responsibilities are different from women'sB. men can earn money more easily than womenC. women can't do what men canD. men have to work much harder than women( )51. The women use the saying “ all men created equal that ”. to showA. the position of women has changed a little in modern timeB. men and women had equal power in early American societyC. men's right are always considered more important than women'sD. in American society men and women should in modern time( )52.The women who disagree say that _______.A. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life the liveB. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homesC. if women are given equal pay , their opportunities will be greatD. women need opportunities to go out of the house more oftenPassage FiveAbout 35% of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution ofhigher learning. The word college is used to refer to either a college or auniversity. Theseinstitutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) orBachelor Science(B.S.) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only a two-yearprogram) for oneto two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore ( 二年级生 ) or junior ( 三年级生 ). It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one. Most private schoolsrequir e strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well asspecificcollege prep classes in high school. Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges andfamous private schools are very expensive. Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, byearning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degreesin grad (graduate) school. Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require suchadvanced studies.Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Somehave full-timejobs and go to school part-time. Often some will take five or more years tocomplete a four-yearprogram because of money / job demands on their time.While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student ’ s time, moststill enjsocial activities. Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular.However, gatheringtogether for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university isprobably the most popularactivity.( )53. College education is _______ in America.A. very rareB. quite commonC. somethingdifficult D. almost impossible《英语》第7页共10页( )54. Which of the following is NOT required for entering most private schools.A. entrance examinationsB. college prep classesC. GPAD. taking part in many activities( )55. How can poor students attend private schools?A. Only by working at part-time jobs.B. Only by working at full-time jobs.C. Only by earning scholarships.D. All of above.得分评卷人V. Daily Conversation(15 points)Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet.A. So nice to hear you again.C. Who’s that calling?E. it ’s 333—6546G. Why didn’tshe call me? B.Really?D. what’s happened? F. Have a nice day! H. Fine.Susan: Hello. May I speak to Tony?Tony: This is Tony speaking. _______Susan: It ’ s Susan.Tony: Oh, Susan, it ’ s been a while since we ’ ve talked last time. _______Susan: Same with me. Hey, did you know Terry is going to be married? She invited meto her wedding and she wants you to attend also.Tony: ________Susan: definitely. I ’ m calling to tell you this.Tony: ________Susan: She tried. But the line is always busy.Tony: well, I may have stayed on the phone too long. Can you give me her number? I ’ llcall her later.Susan: of course. _________Tony: Thanks.第 II 卷(非选择题,共25 分)得分评卷人VI. Writinge(25 points)D irections: For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100-120 words based on the following information. Remember to write itclearly.你( Li Yuan) 收到朋友Lucy 的 e-mail ,她在邮件中谈及旅行计划。

春华教育集团2019年成人高考第一次模拟考试专升本《英语》试题本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分。
第I 卷(选择题,共125分)I .Phonetics(5 points)Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters orletter combinations markedA,B,CandD. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.()1. A. vital B. silent C. fierce D. collide ()2. A. taught B. laugh C.caught D. fault ()3. A. reception B. concept C. capture D. receipt ()4. A. boom B. goose C. flood D. gloom ()5. A. singer B. fingerC. hangerD. ringerII. Vocabulary and Structure (15 Points)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences i n this section. For each sentence there arefour choices marked A ,B ,C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.()6. We asked both John and Jerry, but ____ could offer a satisfactory explanation.A. eitherB. neitherC. bothD. nor()7. I ’d like to find someone ____ I can discuss such a problem.A. whoB. whomC. to whomD. with whom()8. The baby can ’t even sit up yet, ____walk!A. don ’t mentionB. other thanC. let aloneD. rather than()9. I did not notice that my dog was missing ____ a moment ago. A. beforeB. onC.toD. until()10.The company director has informed us that we must ____ department budget by 25%.题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分分数得分评卷人得分评卷人姓名考号科类------------------装-------------------订--------------------线------------------内--------------------不-------------------得------------------答-------------------题-----------------A. cut upB. cut awayC. cut offD. cut down()11. Companies usually ____ a number of experiments before a new product is launched.A. practiceB. conductC. carryD. control()12. I remembered that the air conditioners ____ turned off before I left home.A. wereB. were to beC. have beenD. had been()13. --How do you like your new job?--Well, it is great ____ salary, but it does not offer much prospects for promotion.A.in charge ofB. in case ofC. in terms ofD.in favor of()14. In my opinion this is a(an) ____ different matter.A. merelyB. entirelyC. purelyD. fully()15. Take an umbrella with you in case it ____.A. many rainB. could rainC. rainsD. rained()16. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ behind his back.A.to have been tiedB. tiedC.to be tiedD. having tied()17. --Do you think Joshua is the right person for this job?--He is well-grounded in economic theory, but lacks ____ in production management.A. devotionB. attitudeC. energyD. experience()18. ____ about it earlier, we could have warned people of the danger.A. Had we knownB. Should we knowC. Have we knownD. Would we know()19. It was ____ of you not to disturb these old people late last night.A. patientB. modestC. deliberateD. considerate()20. --Hey, what do you think of his speech last night?--I have no idea. I arrived ____ find that he had almost finished it.A.in order toB. only toC. so as toD. ready to得分评卷人III. Cloze(30 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackeningthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Once a foreigner travelling in France came to Pairs for a few days. ___21__ the very first dayof his staying in the French capital he __22__ a telegram to his wife __23__ the name and address of the hotel __24__ he was staying. Then he decided to go out and __25__ the places of wondersin the capital. He took a long walk along the streets of the city, visiting a few museums and by the end of the __26__ he felt wired.He wanted to __27__ the hotel to take a rest there, but suddenly he __28__ he remembered__29__ the name nor the address of the hotel. He felt quite __30__ and slowly walk along thestreet, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he found __31__ in front of a post office. He quickly raninside and said __32__ an excited voice. “ give me a telegram form, please.”“ here you are, man answered, giving him a form. It did not __33__ long to fill it in. a minute later he handed inthe telegram and paid the man.His wife was greatly __34__ when an hour later she received __35__ telegram from herhusband: “ Send me my address at once!”()21. A.At B. On C. In D. For()22. A. carried B. made C. sent D. did()23. A. of B. with C. in D. by()24. A. where B. which C. with which D. for which()25. A. watch B. notice C. see D. look()26. A. day B. museum C. city D. street()27. A. look for B. search C. return to D. find out()28. A. noticed B. realized C. considered D. thought of()29. A. both B. neither C.either D. any()30. A. missed B. alone C. worried D. worrying()31. A. himself B. a person C. someone D. him()32. A. at B. with C. in D. of()33. A. cost B. spend C. take D. get()34. A. frightened B. angry C. disappointed D. surprised()35.A. the first B. other C. a quick D. a second得分评卷人IV. Reading Comprehension(60 points)Directions: There are five reading passages i n this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C andD. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet.Passage oneWhat do you use to get around town? A cat? A bike? Your feet? Perhaps you should try aSegway!The Segway is perfect for short journey. It is an electric vehicle that consists of a platformbetween two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it, you stepup onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster,and backwards to slow down.On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip(扭转把手)on the left handlebar. Thisvaries the speeds between the two motors, a decrease in the seed of the left wheel would turn theSegway to the left. With never models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope(陀螺仪)detects your movements and prevents the machine form falling over. The Segway has amaximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it inand recharge the battery.Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers use them as an alternative to thegolf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly whilst maintaining contact with the public. They are also becoming a common sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism, particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a while and there is a good chance you will see a group of tourists passing on Segways.()36.What is the Segway according to this passage?A. A pole that connects two handlebars.B. An electric two-wheeled vehicle for short trips.C. A bicycle with a platform between two wheels.D. A newly appeared public traffic vehicle.()37. How do you turn to the left on Segways of newer models?A. Press the left barB. Adjust the twist gripC. Lean to the leftD.Control the gyroscope()38.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?A. Less than 19 kmB. About 19 kmC. More than 38 kmD. About 38 km()39.The last paragraph focuses on ____?A. When a Segway is usefulB. Where to find a SegwayC. How to control a SegwayD. What a Segway is likePassage TwoWe all love a hero, and rescue dogs are some of the biggest heroes of all. You will often find them going above and beyond duty to save someone, risking--and at times losing--their lives in the process.Rescue dogs are generally found in the Sporting and Hunting Groups, or from the traditional Herding Group. These types include the Bloodhound, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Belgian Malinois--all of which are chosen for search-and-rescue duty because of their amazing physical strength, loyalty, and their tendency for mental stability.These types also have a keen sense of hearing and smell--to better locate lost individuals—and are often able to access hard-to-reach areas. As highly trained animals, they serve in many different fields, including specialist search, snow slide rescue, dead body location, and tracking.To overcome obstacles and succeed when performing the demanding duties of a search-and-rescue worker, a dog must display certain qualities. In addition to intelligence and strength, the dog must be swift, confident, easily trainable, adaptable, and have a high level of stamina (耐力) and endurance.A strong sense of group cooperation and an ability to engage in friendly play during "down"time is also required of search-and-rescue dogs.A rescue dog goes through many, many hours of intensive training to be fit for duty. Trainingis not for the faint-hearted. Certification training can take from two to three years, working threeto four hours a day, three to six days a week, often in group,team-oriented sessions.Each search-and-rescue field requires different types of training. Rescue training, for instance, includes "air scenting"--where dogs are trained to smell the air for the victim' s scent (气味) and then follow the scent to the person. This ability is crucial to finding victims trapped under collapsed buildings and snow slide.()40. Rescue dogs are chosen probably because__A. they are braveB. they are loyalC. they have amazing appearancesD. they have good eyesight()41. What does "faint-hearted" in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Courageous.B. Slow.C. Energetic.D. Cowardly.()42. Which ability is most important for dogs to rescue people trapped in snow?A. Extraordinary smelling.B. Swift movement.C. Sharp hearing.D. A strong memory.()43. What is the passage mainly about?A. Selection process of rescue dogs.B. Risks rescue dogs are faced with.C. Qualities and training of rescue dogs.D. Types of tasks rescue dogs can perform.Passage ThreeDuring a television play the sound man must be ready to make every sound as it is needed.Sound effects are of three kinds:real,imitated and recorded.Real sounds are those of doorbells,telephone bells,and other small objects easy to keep in a studio.But the sound man must imitate many sounds.For bacon fryin9,he crumples cellophane paper.A long sheet of metal hanging in a doorway makes thunder?He taps one rubber sink plunger and then another on a table to imitate a horse walking on pavement.For a horse galloping along a gravel road,the sound man can use the two halves of a coconut,pounding each in turn very fast on the table.Recorded sound effects are used for noises he cannot himself produce offstage.He pays records for such sounds as a rooster crowing, a train leaving a station,and a baby crying.The sound man is an important part of any television production.( )44. The sound man is important because he________?A. makes fl TV play more lifelikeB. is kept busyC. 1ets an actor know when to life a telephone receiverD. is always learning new methods( )45. The examples given for the first kind are________.A. whistles and sirensB. typewriters and cash registersC. church bells and telephone bellsD. doorbells and telephone bells( )46. The metal sheet used to imitate thunder must be________.A. tightly fastened on all sidesB. 1ying flatC. neither A nor BD. both A and B( )47. Recorded sound effects are used for a_______?A. train leaving a stationB. baby cryingC. rooster crowingD. all of the abovePassage FourEqual pay for equal work is a phrase used by the American women who feel that are lookeddown upon by society. They say it is for women to be paid less than men for the same work.People who hold the opposite opinion (mainly men)have an answer to this. They say that menhave more responsibility than women;a married man is expected to earn money to support hisfamily and to make the important decision,and therefore it is right for men to be paid more. Thereare some people who hold even stronger opinion than this and are against married women workingat all. When wives go out to work,they say,the home and children are given no attention to. Ifwomen are encouraged by equal pay to take full time job,they will be unable to do the things.Women are best at making a comfortable home and bringing up children. They will have to giveup their present position in society.This is exactly what they want to give up, the women who disagree say. They want to escapefrom the limited place which society expects them to fill and to have freedom to choose between ajob and home life,or mixture of the two. Women have the right of equal pay and equalopportunities.These women have expressed their opinions forcefully busing the famous saying,“Al l men They point out that the meaning of this sentence is “all h uman being are are created equal.” created equal.”demand that _____.( )48. The women use the phrase “equal pay for equal work” toA. woman's work shouldn't be harder than men'sB. men should be paid less than womenC. men and women should be paid the same amount of money for the same workD. people doing harder work should earn more( )49.What exactly do the women who disagree want to give up?A. Their jobB. Their home lifeC. Their present position in societyD. Their right to pay( )50.People who disagree with women's opinions believe _____.A. men's responsibilities are different from women'sB. men can earn money more easily than womenC. women can't do what men canD. men have to work much harder than womenthat ___.( )51. The women use the saying “all men created equal” to showA. the position of women has changed a little in modern timeB. men and women had equal power in early American societyC. men's right are always considered more important than women'sD. in American society men and women should in modern time( )52.The women who disagree say that _______.A. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life the liveB. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homesC. if women are given equal pay,their opportunities will be greatD. women need opportunities to go out of the house more oftenPassage FiveAbout 35% of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution ofhigher learning. The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university. Theseinstitutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor Science(B.S.) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only a two-year program) for oneto two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore (二年级生) or junior (三年级生).It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one. Most private schoolsrequire strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well as specificcollege prep classes in high school. Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges andfamous private schools are very expensive. Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, byearning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degreesin grad (graduate) school. Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require suchadvanced studies.Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Some have full-timejobs and go to school part-time. Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-yearprogram because of money / job demands on their time.While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student’s time, most still enjo social activities. Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular. However, gatheringtogether for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university isprobably the most popular activity.( )53. College education is _______ in America.A. very rareB. quite commonC. something difficultD. almost impossible( )54. Which of the following is NOT required for entering most private schools. A. entrance examinations B. college prep classes C. GPAD. taking part in many activities( )55. How can poor students attend private schools? A. Only by working at part-time jobs. B. Only by working at full-time jobs. C. Only by earning scholarships.D. All of above.V. Daily Conversation(15 points)Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete thefollowing dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Susan: Hello. May I speak to Tony? Tony: This is Tony speaking. _______ Susan: It’s Susan.Tony: Oh, Susan, it ’s been a while since we ’ve talked last time. _______Susan: Same with me. Hey, did you know Terry is going to be married? She invited me to her wedding and she wants you to attend also. Tony: ________ Susan: definitely. I ’m calling to tell you this.Tony: ________Susan: She tried. But the line is always busy.Tony: well, I may have stayed on the phone too long. Can you give me her number? I ’llcall her later.Susan: of course. _________ Tony: Thanks.第II 卷(非选择题,共25分)VI. Writinge(25 points)D irections: For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100-120 wordsbased on the following information. Remember to write it clearly.你(Li Yuan) 收到朋友Lucy 的e-mail ,她在邮件中谈及旅行计划。

2019 年专升本英语试题及答案Ⅰ。
Phonetics (10 points)1.A. enough B. about C. touch D. young准确答案是:B A2.A. thirsty B. throat C. youth D. those准确答案是:D3.A. shut B. cut C. funny D. use准确答案是:D4.A. thanks B. pills C. news D. films准确答案是:A5.A. dear B. heart C. ear D. tear准确答案是:B6.A. births B. depths C. months D. mouths准确答案是:D7.A. election B. pronunciation C. question D. operation准确答案是:C8.A. hot B. home C. top D. off准确答案是:B9.A. may B. day C. stay D. Sunday准确答案是:D10.A. weigh B. eight C. seize D. daily准确答案是:CⅡ。
Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)11. _______ we won the war.A. In the endB. On the endC. By the endD. At the end准确答案是:A12. As a poor fresh student ,he had to do a part-time job _______ money.A. owing toB. because ofC. on account ofD. for the sakeof准确答案是:D13. Too much drinking would ______ his health.A. do harm forB. do harmful toC. do harm toD. do harmfulfor准确答案是:C14. The days _______ you could travel without a passport area thing of the past.A. in whichB. on whichC. of whichD. at which准确答案是:A15. He insists that he ______ innocent.A. isB. beC. should beD. were准确答案是:A16. The teacher said ,“Stop ______ ”。

2019 年公共英语 (PETS) 考试三级模拟试题 ( 一) Section I Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Directions:This .section is designed to test your ability tounderstand spoken English. You will hear a selection ofrecorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part Aand Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first putdown your answers in your test booklet. At the end of thelistening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes totransfer your answers from your test booklet onto yourANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as youwill not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers. Choose thecorrect answer-A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet.You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you willhear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Example:You will hear:W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time?M:Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes.You will read:Who do you think the woman is talking to?[A] A bus conductor.[ B] A clerk at the airport.[ C] A taxi driver.[D] A clerk at the station.From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to knowthe arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [ B ] and mark it in your testbooklet.Sample Answer: [ A ] [B] [C] [D]Now look at question 1.1.What do the girls have in common?[A] Both of them are going to Zimbabwe.[ B ] They are both from Africa.[ C ] They are of the same age.[D] They are interested in African art.2. What do we learn from this conversation?[A] Mr. Smith is the new manager. [B] The manager is a man.[C] The former manager has left. [D] The manager is not here.3. What does the woman want to know?[A]Where to board the plane. [B] Where to finda telephone.[C]The flight number. [D] The departure time.4. What does the woman mean?[A]She doesn' t want to ask Mr. Jackson herself.[ B ] She doesn ' t want to work for Mr. Jackson.[ C ] Mr. Jackson may have broken the tape recorder.[D]Mr. Jackson might fix the tape recorder.5. What does the woman mean?[ A] They don't have to go to the concert. [ B]His brother should let them use the car.[ C ] The subway is fine with her. [D] A car wouldn ' tbe any faster.6. Why is the man tired?[A] His job is difficult. [B] His job isn't interesting.[C]He doesn't know how to do his job. [D] He doesn't sleep well at night.7. What do we learn from this conversation?[A]The woman will probably go to Canada for her vacation.[ B] The woman will probably wait until summer to go to Mexico.[ C] The woman will probably not go to Canada forher winter vacation.[ D] The woman will probably stay home during her vacation.8. What does the woman mean?[A] The man needs to continue walking.[ B ] The man needs to go straight back for two blocks.[ C ] He has already passed the building.[ D] The building is to his right.9. What was Peter doing at the hospital?[A]Something is wrong with his baby. [B] His wifejust had a new baby.[C]He went to see a doctor. [D] He was seeing his sister.10. What does the man mean?[A]He is not free after dinner. [ B] He can go to theconcert if he has time.[ C ] They can not go to concert together. [ D ] He willgo to the concert.Part BYou are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE.Mark your answers in your test booklet.Questions 11-14 are based on the following conversation. You now have 20 seconds to read the questions II -14.11. When did the conversation take place?[A]Before summer vacation. [B] During summer vacation.[C]After summer vacation. [D] In class.12. Who are the two speakers?[A]Brother and sister. [B] Unemployed young man and woman.[C]College students. [D] High school kids.13. What kind of jobs does the man prefer?[A]Camp jobs. [B] A job at a hotel.[C]A job in the open air. [ D ] Cutting grass.14. What do we learn from this conversation?[A] Camp jobs are very attractive.[ B ] Customers at hotels usually give tips to waiters.[ C ] High school kids usually help their parentscutting grass.[D]The man wants a job outside because machines do all the work.You now have 40 seconds to check your answersto questions 11 - 14.Questions 15-18 are based on the following conversation. You now have 20 seconds to read the questions 15 -18.15.Where does this conversation take place?[A] In Detroit. [B] At the railroad station.[C] At the bus station. [D] At Cleveland airport.16.Why does the traveler want to take a bus?[A] The bus tickets are cheaper than the train tickets.[ B ] The bus trip is comfortable because it isair-conditioned.[C]Bus stops at several cities along the way.[D]The traveler wants to experience another way of traveling.17.Why are the bus tickets much cheaper than the train tickets?[A] The bus trip takes longer time.[B]The bus stops at several cities.[C]Few people enjoy bus trip.[D]There is no rest room in the bus.18.Why couldn' t the passenger use the train ticket to pay for the bus ticket?[A]The train ticket costs more than the bus ticket.[B]The train station belongs to another company.[ C] Her uncle and aunt don ' t agree with him to do so.[ D] She doesn' t want to pay extra money to thebus station.You now have 40 seconds to check your answersto questions 15 -18.Questions 19-22 are based on the following news report. You now have 20 seconds to read the questions 19 -22.19. Why did the students clean the cars?[ A ] They wanted to help the cleaner ' s daughter.[B]They wanted to earn some pocket money.[C]They needed money for their classmate' smedical expenses.[D]They wanted to help a hospital.20.What was the biggest problem the cleaner' s daughter faced?[A] She had a serious heart disease.[B]She would not clean the cars herself.[C]Her father was ill and she had no family in Hong Kong.[D] Her school friends were too poor to help her.21.Whom did they also turn to for the funeral expenses?[A] The girl's relatives. [B] The car owners.[C]Their parents. [D] Residents of the building.22. What did the girl want to do?[A]To live with her relatives. [B] To be independent.[ C] To become a doctor. [ D] To stay with one of her classmates.You now have 40 seconds to check your answersto questions 19 -22.Questions 23 -25 are based on the following conversation. You now have 15 seconds to read the questions 23 -25.23. What does the man want to do?[A] Play basketball with friends from work.[ B] Try out for the company basketball team.[ C ] Get in shape and compete in a cycling race.[ D ] Become a star player.24. What is the woman' s main concern?[A]She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.[ B ] She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.[ C ] She is concerned about her husband ' s health.[D]She is afraid her husband will becomea laughingstock.25.What does the woman advise about the man's diet?[A] He should consume less salt.[ B] He should eat less fatty foods.[ C ] He should add more protein products to his diet.[D] He should avoid eating sweet things.You now have 30 seconds to check your answersto questions 23 -25.Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to the ANSWER SHEET I.That is the end of the listening comprehension section.SectionⅡ Use of English (15 minutes)Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C, or Don your ANSWER SHEET 1.TextGeography is the study of the relationship betweenpeople and the land. Geographers (地理学家) compare andcontrast 26 places on the earth. But they also 27 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 28 . The word geography 29 from two Greek words : ge ,the Greek word for "earth" and graphein, 30 . means "to write". The English word geography means "to describe the earth". 31 geography books focus on a small area 32 a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 33 continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another 34 to divide the studyof 35 is to distinguish betweenphysical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the 36 starts with human beings and 37 how human beings and their environment act 38 each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, 39 branch can neglect the other.A geographer might be described 40 one who observes, records, and explains the 41 between places. If all places 42 alike, there would be little need for geographers.We know, however, 43 no two places are exactly the same. Geography, 44 , is apoint of view, a special way of 45 at places.26.[A] similar [B] various [C] distant [D] famous27.[A] pass [B] go [C] reach [D] set28.[A] whole [B] unit [C] part [D] total29.[A] falls [B] removes [C] results [D] comes30.[A] what [B] that [C] which [D] it31.[A] Some [B]Many [C]Most [D]Few32.[A] outside [B] except [C]as [D]like33.[A] extensive [B] entire [C] overall [D] enormous34.[A] way [B] means [C] habit [D] technique35.[A] world [B] earth [C] geography [D] globe36.[A] second [ B] later [C] next [D] latter37.[A] learns [ B ] studies [ C ] realizes [ D ] understands38.[A] upon [B] for [C]as [D] to39.[A] neither [B] either [C] one [D] each40.[A] for . [B]to [C]as [D]by41.[A] exceptions [B] sameness [C] differences [D] divisions42.[A] being [B] are [C] be [D] were43.[A] although [B] whether [C] since [D] that44.[A] still [B] then [C] nevertheless [D] moreover45.[A] working [ B ] looking [ C ] arriving [ D ]gettingSectionⅢ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark four answers on theANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across thecorresponding letter in the brackets.Text INo one knows exactly how many disabled (残废的) people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the figure isover 450 million. The number of disabled people in Indiaalone is probably more than double the total population ofCanada.In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people havesome disability. Disability is not just something that happens toother people. As we get older, many of us will become lessmobile ( 可动的 ) , hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and occur at any timeof life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many othersbecome disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many othersmay have a period of disability in the form of a mentalillness. All are affected by people ' s attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers. Nexttime you go shopping or to work or visitfriends, imagine how you would manage if you could notget up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you copeif you could not see where you were going or could not hearthe traffic? But there are other barriers : prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably representsby far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossiblefor the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severelydisabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.46. The first paragraph points out that _________.{ A J it is possible to get an exact figure of the world's disabled people[ B ] there are many disabled people in the world[ C ] the number of disabled people in India isthe greatest[ D ] India has not much more disabled peoplethan Canada47.The key word in Paragraph 4 is _________.[ A ] barriers [ B ] ignorance[C] disability [D] prejudice48.The last word of the passage "counts" most probably means _________.[A]"is most important" [B] "is included"[C]"is considered" [D] "is numbered"49.Which of the following statements is NOTtrue according to the passage?[A] There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.[ B ] The whole society should pay due attention tothe barriers faced by the disabled people.[ C ] Even the able-bodied may lose some of theirbody functions when they get older.[D]There still exists prejudice against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance.50.It can be concluded from the passage that _____ __.[A] we should try our best to prevent disablement[ B] we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled[C]the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled[D]both physical and mental barriers are hard to break downText 2A small piece of fish each day may keep the heart doctor away. That' s the finding of an extensive study of Dutch men in which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who consumed at least an ounce of salt water fish per day than those who never ate fish.The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific backing to the longheld belief thateating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart.Heart disease is the nuinber-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths oc- curring from heart attacks each year. But researchers previously have noticedthat the incidence ( 发生率 ) of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There arefewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ounces of fish a day, and among the Japanese, whose daily fish consumption averages more than 3 ounces.For 20 years, the Dutch study followed 852 middle-aged men, 20 percent of whom ate no fish.At the start of the study, the average fish consumption was about two-thirds of an ounce each day with more men eating lean ( 瘦的 ) fish than fatty fish.During the next two decades, 78 of the men died from heart disease. The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those ofthe Japanese or Eskimos. This relationship was trueregardless of other factors such as age, high blood pressure,or blood cholesterol (胆固醇) levels.51.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?[A]The Dutch research has proved that eating fish can help to prevent heart disease.[ B] Heart doctors won't call your house so long as you keep eating fish each day.[C]Among all the diseases heart disease is themost dangerous in America.[D]There is a low incidence of heart disease in such countries as Japan and Greenland.52.The phrase "this relationship" (in Line 3, Para. 5) refers to the connection between_________ and the incidence of heart disease.[A] the amount offish eaten [B] regular fish-eating[ C ] the kind of fish eaten [ D ] people ofdifferent regions53. The passage is mainly about _________.[ A ] the high incidence of heart disease insome countries[ B ] the effect of fish eating on people ' s health[ C] the changes in people' s diet[D]the daily fish consumption of people in different cultures54.Why is heart disease the most dangerous killer inthe United States?[A]Because American people drink too much spirits.[B]Because there are a great number of fat people there.[ C ] The author does n ' t give a definite answer.[D]Because American people eat too much fatty fish.55.How many lives could probably be saved each year in the United States by eating fifth according to the Dutch study?[A] 550,000. [B] 275,000.LC] 110,000. [D] 852.Text 3Being assertive ( 过度自信 ) is being able to communicate with other people clearly. If you felt that you had expressed what was important to you and allowed the oilier person to respond in their own way then, regardless of the final outcome, you behaved assertively. It is important to remember thatbeing assertive refers to a way of coping withconfrontations ( 对抗 ) 。

2019年安徽专升本招生考试(公共英语)模拟试题Part I Vocabulary and Structure(30points)Directions:In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentence. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1.He was speaking so fast at the conference ________we could hardly follow him.A. whatB. asC. butD. that2.People ________in summer in the lakes around the city, but now there is no lake available.A. used to swimmingB. was used to swimmingC. were used to swimD. used to swim3.--What time is the football game on?--I have ________,but I can check it for you in the newspaper.A. not ideaB. no ideaC. no ideasD. not ideas4.We’ve got two TV sets, but we still can ’t watch anything because________ works properly.A. eachB. eitherC. neitherD. every5.Jack worked late into the night, ________he had not finished even half of the job.A. only findingB. only foundC. only findD. only to find6.There is no doubt ________he is a good employee, for he has all the qualities that the company needs.A. asB. WhoC. thatD. what7.It suddenly ________me that we could turn to the police foe help.A. happened toB. occurred toC. took placeD. turned up8.The young man cheated his friend of much money, ________was really disgraceful.A. itB. whoC. thatD. which9.“John is learning German in his free time. ”“ ________. ”A. So his sister doesB. So is his sisterC. So does his sisterD. So his sister is10.As the price of oil keeps ________,people have to pay much more for driving.A. to go upB. going upC. gone upD. go up11.If you want to join the club, you need to show your photo ID and ________this form first.A. put upB. try out.C. fill in.D. set up12.Since he graduate from the university, he________ in an accounting company in Beijing.A. has been working.B. had workedC. had been working.D. was working13.The sales department was required to ________a plan within three weeks for marketing the new products.A. turn up.B. get up.C. come up with.D. put up with14.It was because It rained heavily yesterday ________he could not come to the evening school on time.A. that.B. so that.C. so.D. when15.Nearly________of the 9,000 species of birds feed on insects.A. the three fifth.B. three fifthsC. three fifth.D. the three fifths16.________his brother, John is shy and does not make friends easily with others.A. Unlike.B. Alike.C. Liking.D. Dislike17.He is talking so much about America as if he ________there before, but he has never been abroad.A. has been.B. had been.C. being.D. has gone18.We must finish the job before Friday, no matter________ different it is.A. however.B. whatever.C. how.D. what19.Before________for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. apply.B. applying.C. applied.D. to apply20.Whether I will go or stay ________on the information about my mother's health condition form the door.A. depends.B. department.C. depend.D. depending21.When I was in America, I visited almost all the buildings ________had been built before the 18th century.A. where.B. which.C. that.D. whose22.I suggested ________at the hotel but my wife was eager________.A. staying;to go shopping.B. to stay;to go shoppingC. to stay;going shopping.D. staying;going shopping23.Tom________to his teacher for being late for class.A. apologized.B. pardoned.C. forgave.D. excused24.Much to the students'________, the examination was postponed to the next Friday.A. problem.B. burden.C. relief.D. belief25.He was anything ________pleased when he heard the news that he was not admitted to his favorite university.A. If.B. so.C. but.D. and26.We investigated other companies in the market to find out ________they would handle complaints from their customers.A. that.B. how.C. what.D. where27.By the end of next year, Rose________ as a manager of the company for five years.A. works.B. is working.C. had worked.D. will have worked28.Mary found________ extremely hard to pass the driving test after the enforcement of the new traffic regulations.A. it.B. this.C. that.D. what29.________a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!A. Where.B. HowC. What.D. That30.The general manager sat there,________ to the report from each department.A. to listen.B. being listenedC. listen.D. listeningPart II Cloze Test(20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank you should decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage .Mr. Johnson worked in an office. He was short and overweight, and he looked like a fifty-year-old man 31 he was no more than thirty-five. He 32 three thousand dollars a month and had his own house and car. But he was very miserly(吝啬的)and had 33 friends. He took good care of nobody but 34 .He was introduced to several girls. but he never bought any 35 for them and no girl liked a man like him. So he had to 36 alone in his beautiful house. He was always sad of it but didn ’t know the37 .One Sunday morning Mr. Johnson felt lonely 38 and wet out for a walk near a park. It was a fine day. The sun was 39 and the birds were singing in the trees. Beautiful 40 and green grass could be seen everywhere. He 41 about his sadness and walked on. Suddenly he heard someone was calling from 42 .He turned round and saw a pretty girl with a pair of glasses 43 to catch up with him. He felt strange 44 he didn ’t know her at all, but he stopped to45 her.“Don’t you remember me, sir? ” asked the girl. ” I46 you last December!” “I ’m47 you’re one of my children ’s father, ” the girl said .Suddenly she found she didn ’t know the man at all and her48 turned red and hurried off.49 her walking away, Mr. Johnson could not understand 50 it meant. Of course, he didn ’t know that she was a primary school teacher.31.A. if B. whether C. though D. where32.A. paid B. was paid C. borrowed D. was borrowed33.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little34.A. he B. him C. his D. himself35.A. presence B. presents C. presenters D. presentation36.A. live B. play C. work D. build37. A. excuse B. advice C. suggestion D. reason.38.A. in the office B. At school C. at home D. in the restaurant39.A. flying B. shining C. standing D. sitting40.A. plants B. rocks C. flowers D. stones41.A. wrote B. read C. remembered D. forgot42.A. behind B. front C. away D. over43.A. resting B. trying C. planning D. asking44.A. while B. until C. unless D. because45.A. wait for B. help out C. find out D. discuss with46.A. examined B. hurt C. visited D. invited47.A. happy B. sure C. sad D. sorry48.A. head B. eyes C. nose D. face49.A. Watching B. Drawing C. Beating D. Receiving50.A. why B. when C. where D. whatPart III Reading Comprehension(50 points)Directions: In this part there are five passages. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singer line through the centre.Passage 1Anthropology(人类学)is the study of how people live. It includes their family life, religion, laws and language. The term “anthropology ” comes from two Greek words: “anthropos ” means “human being ” and “logy ” means “the science of ”. Anthropology can be divided into two areas. These two main divisions are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology.Anthropologists define human progress in three main steps. Step one begins with the first human being and continues until the last of people who hunted animals just to survive .Step two includes people who grew food. In this step, there was progress in invention and religion. Step three deals with first civilization, such as those in Egypt and parts of Asia.Anthropologists always seek new information about people .For instance, recent evidence found in Ethiopia and Kenya shows humans earlier in history than it was previously believed.51.According to the passage, anthropology is study of________A. family life, religion and artB. the differences between science and artsC. human beingsD. different cultures52.Which of the following belongs to the second step of human progress?A. Progress was made in religion and inventionB. Humans hunted animals just to surviveC. The first civilization came into being.D. People started to learn science and arts53.Which of the following statements is TURE?A. Furniture and movies belong to physical anthropology.B. Anthropologists are still trying to get new findings about people.C. The study of human beings began in Egypt and part of Asia.D. The first civilization appeared only in Egypt and part of Asia.54.According to the passage, what have anthropologists recently found?A. There are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology.B. There are three step in the progress of human beings.C. There were more civilizations in Egypt than in parts of Asia.D. There is a longer history of human beings than it was thought before.55.Which could be the best title for the passage?A. AnthropologyB. The Progress of Human BeingsC. The CivilizationsD. The Study of AnthropologistsPassage 2The legal limit for driving after drinking is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood in the U.S. When tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, sex, and the sort of drinks you have had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks.In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you're below the legal limit, you can still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening, you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you are still over the legal limit.In addition, if you have had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit. In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive through a set of moveable posts in the driving test... and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you're safe is not to drink at all.Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young people. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath analyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit. It is important to remember that driving after drinking doesn't just affect you. If you are involved in an accident, it affects a lot of other people as well, at least the person you might kill or injure.56.The amount of alcohol one can drink before reaching the legal limit________.A. is 80 milligrams of pure alcoholB. is about three standard drinksC. is different for different peopleD. is not related to one ’s body weight57.When might you be taken to court by the police for drinking and driving?A. When you have driven a vehicle after drinking any alcohol at all.B. When you have had at least three drinks before driving.C. Only when you tests show that you have 80 milligrams of alcohol at all.D. When the police think that you r driving is affected by alcohol.58.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TURE?A. When you have been drinking heavily in the evening, you might be still over the legal limit the next morning.B. The more alcoholic drinks the drivers have had, the more likely they are to pass the driving test.C. If you have had a standard drink, you may drive an hour later.D. If you want to drive safely, you had better not drink at all.59.Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents in that________.A. most drivers who die in these accidents have been drinkingB. more young people die in drink-related accidents than in any other wayC. drinking affects people ’s blood alcohol concentrationD. one in three drivers drink heavily60.What does this article urge you to remember about driving after drinking?A. You may be taken to court by the police.B. You may put yourself in danger.C. You may find your driving ability affected.D. Y ou may put many other people at risk.Passage 3On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke, dressed for going out, took her handbag with some money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went her handbag some money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursday. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone.At six o ’clock she came home, let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house? How? Had someone got in? She checked the back door and the windows. All were locked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign of forced entry.Over a cup of tea she was wondering whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door—“ a master key ”perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Was anyone watching her movements? On the Thursday after that, dressed as usual, she went out at her usual time, but she didn ’ t go to the club. Instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself in through her gardenand the back door. She settled down to wait.It was just after four o ’clock when the front door bell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time. The bell rang again, and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly toward the front door. A long piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand. There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. The wire fell to the floor, the hand was pulled back, and Mrs. Clarke heard the sound of running feet.61.Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursday because__________.A.she worked at a club on the day B.she had visitorsC.she went to a club D.she went out shopping62.If someone had made a forced entry,________.A.Mrs. Clarke would have found a broken door or windowB.he or she was still be in the houseC.things would have been thrown aboutD.he or she would have needed a master key63.On the third Thursday, Mrs. Clarke left home________.A. to go to the club as usualB. to see if the thief was hanging about outsideC. to report the break-in to the policeD. to trick the thief64.The lock on the front door was one which________.A. could not be opened through the letter-boxB. could be opened with a long piece of wireC. could not be opened without a keyD. could be opened by using a knob instead of a key65.The wire fell to the floor because________.A. Mrs. Clarke refused to open the door B.the thief ’s glove dropped offC.it was too hot to hold D.the thief just wanted to get awayPassage 4No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the number is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people: as we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.66. The first paragraph points out that________.A. there are many disabled people in the worldB. the number of disabled people in India is the biggestC. India has many more disabled people than CanadaD. it is easy to get an exact number of the world's disabled people67.The last paragraph focuses on_________.A. disabilityB. ignoranceC. prejudiceD. barriers68. The last word “counts ” most probably means “________. ”A. is importantB. is consideredC. is includedD. is numbered69.Which of the following statements is NOT TURE?A. Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.B. There are about 10 percent disabled people in the United Kingdom.C. The whole society should pay due attention to the barriers faced by disabled people.D. There still exits prejudice against the disabled that is easy to break down.70. It can be concluded from the passage that________.A. we should try our best to prevent disabilityB. both physical and mental barriers are hard to break downC. we should take a proper attitude towards the disabledD. the able-bodied people will fully understand the disabledPassage 5Kaitlin Riffel ’ s dream to end poverty(贫困) started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.“ I never realized there were people in the world who didn’t have a home or food before, ” said Kaitlin, who is now sixteen. “I knew there was something I had to do about that. ”At age eight, she started raising money to build a playground. "It took me two years," Kaitlin said. "We started small. We wanted to do something to make a difference. ”In 2014, When Kaitlin was thirteen, she visited Central America, and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard. That year, we set Kids on a Mission, which has helped hundreds of people there.“ The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one," Kaitlin said. “We also got to see the dirty rivers that those people were drinking out of.Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for people living in poverty is now an important task for Kids on a Mission. “This young lady is changing the hearts of people, and also changing the world," said the headmaster of Kaitlin's school.71. The job of Kaitlin's father was to__________A. sell foodsB. build playgroundsC. visit schoolsD. help homeless people72. When did Kaitlin set Kids on a Mission?A. In 2009.B. In 2011.C. In 2014.D. In 2017.73. What was people's life like in Central America according to Kaitlin?A. They lived in strong houses.B. Their drinking water was dirty.C. Their bedrooms were very big.D. They had enough food and clothes.74. What can we infer from the headmaster's words?A. Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.B. Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.C. Kaitlin often changes schools for her study.D. Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.75. What might be the best title for the text?A. School life in AmericaB. Gift from a headmasterC. Father ’s duty in the familyD. Girl's dream to end povertyPart IV Translation(20 points)Directions: In this part, there is one paragraph in English. Read the paragraph carefully and translation it into Chinese.Sometimes in life, you can find a special friends, someone who changes your life just by being part of it; someone who makes you laugh until you cannot stop; someone who makes you believe that there is really something good in the world; someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open. This is forever friendship.Part V Writing(30points)Directions:For this part, you are required to write a comprehension of 120 to 180 words. Your writing should be based on the title and outline given below.1.人生难免会有失败;2.人们对失败的态度;3.你的观点。

普高专升本英语(阅读理解)模拟题2019年(19)(总分150,考试时间120分钟)Reading Comprehension单选题Men have traveled ever since they first appeared on the earth.In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to escape from hostile neighbors, or to find more favorable climates. They traveled on foot. Their journeys were long, tiring, and often dangerous. They protected themselves with simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together.Being intelligent and creative, they soon discovered easier ways of traveling. They rode on the backs of their domesticated animals: they hollowed out tree trunks, and by using bits of wood as paddles, were able to travel across water. Later they traveled, not from necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reason why we travel today.Traveling, of course, has now become a highly organized business. There are cars and splendid roads, express trains, huge ships and jet airliners, all of which provide us **forts and security. This sounds wonderful. But there are difficulties, if you want to go abroad, you need a passport and a visa, tickets, luggage, and a hundred and one other things. If you lose any of them, your journey may be ruined.1. In primitive times men traveled______.A. for joyB. from necessityC. to broaden the mindD. to escape from the wild animals2. Their journeys were long, tiring and often dangerous, so they had to take measures to protect themselves EXCEPT______.A. they had to arm themselves with wooden sticksB. they protected themselves with stone clubsC. they had to travel in groupsD. they never traveled at night3. Later, men found it easier to travel because______.A. they could travel by wagonsB. they could ride on their tame animals and go across water in hollowed tree trunksC. the roads were splendidD. the climates were favorable4. Traveling has now become a highly organized business______.A. so we can travel anywhere without difficultyB. because we are provided with all kinds of convenient means for travelingC. because traveling organizations can be found in the countries the world overD. so travelers have increased rapidly5. In the sentence of paragraph 2 "... to escape from hostile neighbors..." , "hostile" means______.A. talkativeB. hotheadedC. enthusiasticD. unfriendlyThere are many factors which may have an influence on adults and children being able to lead a healthy life.Nowadays, people are very busy. Often, both parents work outside the home. Children are expected to take on more responsibility at home to help their parents. They also have sporting and leisure activities as well as school expectations.The busyness also adds another factor: the need to use cars to get from one place to another quickly.Today, society places a lot of emphasis on technology. Computers, DVDs, CDs, televisions and PlayStations have become major leisure activities, rather than traditional more active pursuits. This has led to a more sedentary lifestyle.The media provide entertainment and information. Unfortunately, they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyles. It is much more convenient at times to buy a quick takeaway rather than prepare a meal. The media constantly bombard(轰炸) their audience with "perfect" body images, the need to buy the most fashionable clothes, the most up-to-**puter games, the best places to visit and the best things to do.Environments vary. We may be exposed to pollution, such as cigarette smoke. This can be harmful to people who suffer from breathing difficulties. Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it difficult to lead a healthy life.Perhaps the important factor influencing healthy lifestyles is motivation, or the desire to be healthy. Any person who wants to be healthy will find a way to be healthy—if he/she is motivated enough!6. The passage is mainly about______.A. benefits of a healthy life styleB. demands of daily lifeC. factors affecting a healthy lifestyleD. a positive approach to healthy living7. The word "sedentary" in paragraph 4 probably means______.A. having a lot of things to doB. involving little exercise or physical activitiesC. being isolated from the outside worldD. experiencing a lot of stress8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a factor leading to the popularity of fast food?A. Cheap price.B. The media.C. Busy lifestyles.D. Convenience.9. Which is NOT listed as a factor influencing the ability to have a healthy lifestyle?A. Pollution.B. Economic factors.C. Dependence upon cars.D. Influence of family or friends.10. According to the author, ______may be the most important factor influencing healthy lifestyles.A. technologyB. cultural backgroundC. environmentD. the desire to be healthyAlan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners. One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment. He did not want to be early or late. He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi."Excuse me, sir," he said, very politely, "but could you tell me the time?"The man, who was very well-dressed and looked quite rich, said nothing. He did not even look at Alan. Alan spoke to him again. "Excuse me, sir," he said, "but could you please tell me what time it is?"This time the man looked at him, but he did not speak and looked quickly away. Alan thought to himself: well, he can hear me: he must be just rude. So Alan asked again, "Why wouldn' t you tell me the time, sir?"The man turned towards him and said, "Put yourself in my shoes. I am standing here waiting for a taxi. **e up to me and ask me for the time. If I tell it to you, you will thank me. I will say ' That' s all right. ' You may then say ' It' s a beautiful day,' to which I may reply ' Yes, I like these sunny winter days. ' Before we know what is happening we have a friendly conversation. You are a pleasant, polite young man, so when my **es, I offer you a ride. You accept. We talk. I like you. You like me. I invite you to my home. You meet my daughter. She is a very pretty girl. You are a good-looking man. You like each other. Soon you fall in love. You want to marry. Now do you understand my problem?"Alan shook his head. "No, sir, I'm sorry, I don't. Everything you have said seems very natural to me. " "Exactly," the man said, "and I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch. Good morning to you. " And with these words he hurried away.11. Why did Alan ask the man what time it was?A. He was too late.B. He was very early.C. He had left his watch home.D. He wanted to meet the man' s daughter.12. What did Alan think of the man when he would not tell him the time?A. He was impolite.B. He was deaf.C. He was stupid.D. He spoke no English.13. What did the man mean by the underlined part "Put yourself in my shoes"?A. Don't interrupt me.B. My shoes hurt me.C. Come and try my shoes.D. Try to understand me.14. What kind of a man was Alan Chang in the man' s opinion?A. A thief.B. A poor man.C. A cheat.D. A rich man.15. The story is mainly about______.A. how rude a person can beB. how one thing leads to anotherC. where a person can't tell the timeD. why you shouldn' t speak to strangersI knew a man who was asked to be the new dean(院长) of the College of Business of a large university. When he first arrived, he studied the situation the college faced and felt that what it needed most was money. He recognized that he had a unique capacity to raise money, and he developed a real sense of vision about fund-raising as his primary function.This created a problem in the college because past deans had focused mainly on meeting day-to-day faculty needs. This new dean was never there. He was running around the country trying to raise money for research. But he was not attending to the day-to-day things as the previous dean had. The faculty, who were used to working with the person at the top, had to work through his administrative assistant.The faculty became so upset with his absence that they sent a delegation to the president of the university to demand a new dean or a fundamental change in his leadership style. The president, who knew what the dean was doing, said, "Relax. He has a good administrative assistant. Give him some more time. "Within a short time, the money started pouring in and the faculty began to recognize the vision. It wasn' t long until every time they saw the dean, they would say, " Get out of here! We don' t want to see you. Go out and bring in more funds. Your administrative assistant runs this office better than anyone else. "This man admitted to me later that the mistake he made was not doing enough team building, enough explaining, enough educating about what he was trying to accomplish. From him I learned a powerful lesson. We need to constantly be asking ourselves, "What is needed out there, and what is my unique strength?"16. The new dean thought that the most important thing for him to do was to______.A. gain a sense of visionB. set up a primary goalC. win the trust of the facultyD. raise money17. The new dean was different from the past deans in that______.A. he was less responsibleB. he didn't attend to daily thingsC. he had an administrative assistantD. he didn't like to talk with others18. We can learn from the passage that the faculty______.A. was not well paid for their workB. didn' t understand the new dean' s ideas at firstC. had a conflict with the president of the universityD. didn't want to work with the administrative assistant19. The faculty would ask the new dean to get out because they______.A. were upset by his leadership styleB. wanted to get rid of himC. were unhappy with his explanationD. wanted him to bring back more money20. What was the mistake the new dean realized he had made?A. He was absent all the year around.B. He was insensitive to the faculty' s needs.C. He didn't communicate well with the faculty.D. He didn't work hard to accomplish his goal.。
2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷 .doc

2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷选择题(50题共150分)1、_____ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A、ItB、AsC、ThatD、What正确答案:B2、Students sometimes support themselves by _________ of part-time jobs.A、effortsB、meansC、methodsD、ways正确答案:B3、The joy of travel, having long _______ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.A、canceledB、neglectedC、missedD、discarded正确答案:B4、The horse is getting old and can't run ___ it did.A、as faster asB、so fast thanC、so fast asD、such fast as正确答案:C5、All the arrangements should have been completed prior ________our departure.A、inB、toC、byD、before正确答案:B6、His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, but _____.A、a little did he hearB、little did he hearC、little heard heD、a little heard he正确答案:B7、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ___ so rapidly.A、is changingB、has changedC、will have changedD、will change正确答案:A8、By no means _______ to our plan for the trip.A、will she agreeB、she will agreeC、agrees sheD、will agree she正确答案:A9、You ________ return the dictionary now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A、can'tB、mustn'tC、needn'tD、may not正确答案:C10、Larry is the only one of the club members who ______ to be invited.A、is goingB、are goingC、has been goingD、have been going正确答案:A11、Getting a right job can be difficult ____the students_____ prepared to deal with the job interview.A、if;beB、unless;beC、unless;areD、if;are正确答案:C12、The doctor tried to ______ the patient with a new drug.A、recoverB、healC、treatD、handle正确答案:C13、I will not spend so much money on that fur coat, for I don't think it is ________.A、worth buyingB、worth to buyC、worthy buyingD、worthy of buy正确答案:A14、Weather _________, the picnic will be held as scheduled.A、permitsB、should permitC、will permitD、permitting正确答案:D15、He spoke so quickly that I didn't _________ what he said.A、make forB、make sureC、make upD、make out正确答案:D16、The book contained a large _______ of information.A、dealB、amountC、numberD、sum正确答案:B17、I took _______ for granted that he would believe in us.A、thatB、the thingC、itD、this正确答案:C18、After ten years, she changed a lot and looked different from _____ she used to be.A、thatB、whomC、whatD、who正确答案:C19、I got his mother's phone call at eleven. ______that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.A、Then did I knowB、Only then I knewC、Only then did I knowD、Only then knew I正确答案:C20、I'd like to take ________of this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation.A、advantageB、occasionC、benefitD、profit正确答案:A21、You didn't let me drive. If we ________ in turn, you _________ so tired.A、drove; didn't getB、drove; wouldn't getC、were driving; wouldn't getD、had driven; wouldn't have got正确答案:D22、While he __________ the poster, a door somewhere behind him opened.A、is staring atB、stared atC、did stare atD、was staring at正确答案:D23、Listening to music and sports news ________ what I enjoy most.A、areB、isC、becomeD、have been正确答案:B24、With all the work on hand, she__________ to the cinema last night.A、mustn't goB、might have goneC、could not goD、couldn't have gone正确答案:D25、The number of articles published on entertainment ______ amazing.A、isB、areC、wereD、have been正确答案:A26、I _________ like to make a comment on this proposal.A、couldB、wouldC、mustD、might正确答案:B27、I wonder how long ago this school __________.A、has begunB、beginsC、beganD、had begun正确答案:C28、By last night she ________ 200 pages of this book.A、has readB、have readC、readD、had read29、Can you imagine what the world would be like if _________ no computers?A、there areB、there has beenC、there wereD、we have正确答案:C30、Twenty dollars _______ more than I could afford.A、will beB、isC、areD、were正确答案:B31、They ________ in Chicago, but now they live in New York.A、used to livingB、were livingC、would liveD、used to live正确答案:D32、I don't think this room will be big enough to _______ all the guests.A、containB、holdC、keepD、swallow正确答案:B33、_______ the people have become the master of their own country _________ science can really serve the people.A、It is only then;thatB、It was that;whenC、It is only when;thatD、It was when;then 正确答案:C34、I wish you _________ go with me tomorrow.A、willB、wouldC、shallD、can正确答案:B35、Americans eat ________ as they actually need every day.A、twice as much proteinB、protein twice as muchC、twice protein as muchD、protein as twice much正确答案:A36、I didn't accept his offer last week, but I _________.A、hadB、would doC、should haveD、might have to正确答案:C37、_______ that we couldn't catch up with him.A、So fast he ranB、So fast did he runC、So fast ran heD、Such fast did he run正确答案:B38、I will not _______ my children be treated in such a way.A、permitB、admitC、allowD、let正确答案:D39、The workers are not allowed to smoke in the factory. They ______ do that.A、mustn'tB、don't have toC、needn'tD、have to正确答案:A40、Don’t let the child play with knives ______ he cuts himself.A、in caseB、so thatC、now thatD、only if正确答案:A41、His long service with the company was _______ with a present.A、admittedB、acknowledgedC、attributedD、accepted正确答案:B42、_________ you join us in the vocabulary game?A、ShouldB、ShallC、MayD、Will正确答案:D43、The Government has expressed its _______ of the plan to build three new factories.A、trustB、faithC、effortD、approval正确答案:D44、The subject of these lectures _______ by the lecture committee.A、announcesB、have been announcedC、announcedD、has been announced 正确答案:D45、The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _________what he was saying.A、take inB、take outC、take upD、take over正确答案:A46、The house always_______ me of a holiday I spent in England.A、remembersB、recallsC、connectsD、reminds正确答案:D47、The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, _______ after 11 pm.A、to stay outB、from staying outC、staying outD、not to stay out正确答案:A48、In the weeks _____ followed, we lived in the factory _____ you visited last year.A、when; whereB、which; whereC、when; thatD、that; that正确答案:D49、The Prime Minister worked hard all his life on ___ of the poor.A、benefitB、advantageC、happinessD、behalf正确答案:D50、The accident _______ him of his sight and the use of his legs.A、excludedB、disabledC、deprivedD、gripped正确答案:C2019春专升本计算机模拟卷选择题(50题共150分)1、PowerPoint中,设置幻灯片放映时的换页效果为"垂直百叶窗",应使用"幻灯片放映"菜单下的选项是_______。

2019年安徽专升本招⽣考试(公共英语)模拟试题2019年安徽专升本招⽣考试(公共英语)模拟试题Part I Vocabulary and Structure(30points)Directions:In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentence. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1.He was speaking so fast at the conference ________we could hardly follow him.A. whatB. asC. butD. that2.People ________in summer in the lakes around the city, but now there is no lake available.A. used to swimmingB. was used to swimmingC. were used to swimD. used to swim3.--What time is the football game on?--I have ________,but I can check it for you in the newspaper.A. not ideaB. no ideaC. no ideasD. not ideas4.We’ve got two TV sets, but we still can ’t watch anything because________ works properly.A. eachB. eitherC. neitherD. every5.Jack worked late into the night, ________he had not finished even half of the job.A. only findingB. only foundC. only findD. only to find6.There is no doubt ________he is a good employee, for he has all the qualities that the company needs.A. asD. what7.It suddenly ________me that we could turn to the police foe help.A. happened toB. occurred toC. took placeD. turned up8.The young man cheated his friend of much money, ________was really disgraceful.A. itB. whoC. thatD. which9.“John is learning German in his free time. ”“ ________. ”A. So his sister doesB. So is his sisterC. So does his sisterD. So his sister is10.As the price of oil keeps ________,people have to pay much more for driving.A. to go upB. going upC. gone upD. go up11.If you want to join the club, you need to show your photo ID and ________this form first.A. put upB. try out.C. fill in.D. set up12.Since he graduate from the university, he________ in an accounting company in Beijing.A. has been working.B. had workedC. had been working.D. was working13.The sales department was required to ________a plan within three weeks for marketing the new products.C. come up with.D. put up with14.It was because It rained heavily yesterday ________he could not come to the evening school on time.A. that.B. so that.C. so.D. when15.Nearly________of the 9,000 species of birds feed on insects.A. the three fifth.B. three fifthsC. three fifth.D. the three fifths16.________his brother, John is shy and does not make friends easily with others.A. Unlike.B. Alike.C. Liking.D. Dislike17.He is talking so much about America as if he ________there before, but he has never been abroad.A. has been.B. had been.C. being.D. has gone18.We must finish the job before Friday, no matter________ different it is.A. however.B. whatever.C. how.D. what19.Before________for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. apply.B. applying.C. applied.D. to apply20.Whether I will go or stay ________on the information about my mother's health condition form the door.B. department.C. depend.D. depending21.When I was in America, I visited almost all the buildings ________had been built before the 18th century.A. where.B. which.C. that.D. whose22.I suggested ________at the hotel but my wife was eager________.A. staying;to go shopping.B. to stay;to go shoppingC. to stay;going shopping.D. staying;going shopping23.Tom________to his teacher for being late for class.A. apologized.B. pardoned.C. forgave.D. excused24.Much to the students'________, the examination was postponed to the next Friday.A. problem.B. burden.C. relief.D. belief25.He was anything ________pleased when he heard the news that he was not admitted to his favorite university.A. If.B. so.C. but.D. and26.We investigated other companies in the market to find out ________they would handle complaints from their customers.A. that.B. how.C. what.D. whereA. works.B. is working.C. had worked.D. will have worked28.Mary found________ extremely hard to pass the driving test after the enforcement of the new traffic regulations.A. it.B. this.C. that.D. what29.________a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!A. Where.B. HowC. What.D. That30.The general manager sat there,________ to the report from each department.A. to listen.B. being listenedC. listen.D. listeningPart II Cloze Test(20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank you should decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage .Mr. Johnson worked in an office. He was short and overweight, and he looked like a fifty-year-old man 31 he was no more than thirty-five. He 32 three thousand dollars a month and had his own house and car. But he was very miserly(吝啬的)and had 33 friends. He took good care of nobody but 34 .He was introduced to several girls. but he never bought any 35 for them and no girl liked a man like him. So he had to 36 alone in his beautiful house. He was always sad of it but didn ’t know the37 .One Sunday morning Mr. Johnson felt lonely 38 and wet out for a walk near a park. It was a fine day. The sun was 39 and the birds were singing in the trees. Beautiful 40 and green grass could be seen everywhere. He 41 about his sadness and walked on. Suddenly he heard someone was calling from 42 .He turned round and saw a pretty girl with a pair of glasses 43 to catch up with him. He felt strange 44 he didn ’t know her at all, but he stopped to45 her.“Don’t you remember me, sir? ” asked the girl. ” I46 you last December!” “I ’m47 you’re one of my children ’s father, ” the girl said .Suddenly she found she didn ’t know the man at all and her48 turned red and hurried off.49 her walking away, Mr. Johnson could not understand 50 it meant. Of course, he didn ’t know that she was a primary school teacher.31.A. if B. whether C. though D. where32.A. paid B. was paid C. borrowed D. was borrowed35.A. presence B. presents C. presenters D. presentation36.A. live B. play C. work D. build37. A. excuse B. advice C. suggestion D. reason.38.A. in the office B. At school C. at home D. in the restaurant39.A. flying B. shining C. standing D. sitting40.A. plants B. rocks C. flowers D. stones41.A. wrote B. read C. remembered D. forgot42.A. behind B. front C. away D. over43.A. resting B. trying C. planning D. asking44.A. while B. until C. unless D. because45.A. wait for B. help out C. find out D. discuss with46.A. examined B. hurt C. visited D. invited47.A. happy B. sure C. sad D. sorry48.A. head B. eyes C. nose D. face49.A. Watching B. Drawing C. Beating D. Receiving50.A. why B. when C. where D. whatPart III Reading Comprehension(50 points)Directions: In this part there are five passages. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singer line through the centre.Passage 1Anthropology(⼈类学)is the study of how people live. It includes their family life, religion, laws and language. The term “anthropology ” comes from two Greek words: “anthropos ” means “human being ” and “logy ” means “the science of ”. Anthropology can be divided into two areas. These two main divisions are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology.Anthropologists define human progress in three main steps. Step one begins with the first human being and continues until the last of people who hunted animals just to survive .Step two includes people who grew food. In this step, there was progress in invention and religion. Step three deals with first civilization, such as those in Egypt and parts of Asia.Anthropologists always seek new information about people .For instance, recent evidence found in Ethiopia and Kenya shows humans earlier in history than it was previously believed.51.According to the passage, anthropology is study of________A. family life, religion and artB. the differences between science and artsC. human beingsD. different cultures52.Which of the following belongs to the second step of human progress?A. Progress was made in religion and inventionC. The first civilization came into being.D. People started to learn science and arts53.Which of the following statements is TURE?A. Furniture and movies belong to physical anthropology.B. Anthropologists are still trying to get new findings about people.C. The study of human beings began in Egypt and part of Asia.D. The first civilization appeared only in Egypt and part of Asia.54.According to the passage, what have anthropologists recently found?A. There are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology.B. There are three step in the progress of human beings.C. There were more civilizations in Egypt than in parts of Asia.D. There is a longer history of human beings than it was thought before.55.Which could be the best title for the passage?A. AnthropologyB. The Progress of Human BeingsC. The CivilizationsD. The Study of AnthropologistsPassage 2The legal limit for driving after drinking is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood in the U.S. When tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, sex, and the sort of drinks you have had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks. In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you're below the legal limit, you can still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening, you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you are still over the legal limit.In addition, if you have had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit. In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive through a set of moveable posts in the driving test... and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you're safe is not to drink at all.Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young people. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath analyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit. It is important to remember that driving after drinking doesn't just affect you. If you are involved in an accident, it affects a lot of other people as well, at least the person you might kill or injure.56.The amount of alcohol one can drink before reaching the legal limit________.A. is 80 milligrams of pure alcoholB. is about three standard drinksD. is not related to one ’s body weight57.When might you be taken to court by the police for drinking and driving?A. When you have driven a vehicle after drinking any alcohol at all.B. When you have had at least three drinks before driving.C. Only when you tests show that you have 80 milligrams of alcohol at all.D. When the police think that you r driving is affected by alcohol.58.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TURE?A. When you have been drinking heavily in the evening, you might be still over the legal limit the next morning.B. The more alcoholic drinks the drivers have had, the more likely they are to pass the driving test.C. If you have had a standard drink, you may drive an hour later.D. If you want to drive safely, you had better not drink at all.59.Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents in that________.A. most drivers who die in these accidents have been drinkingB. more young people die in drink-related accidents than in any other wayC. drinking affects people ’s blood alcohol concentrationD. one in three drivers drink heavily60.What does this article urge you to remember about driving after drinking?A. You may be taken to court by the police.B. You may put yourself in danger.C. You may find your driving ability affected.D. Y ou may put many other people at risk.Passage 3On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke, dressed for going out, took her handbag with some money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went her handbag some money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursday. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone.At six o ’clock she came home, let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke in her house? How? Had someone got in? She checked the back door and the windows. All were locked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign of forced entry.Over a cup of tea she was wondering whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door—“ a master key ”perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Was anyone watching her movements? On the Thursday after that, dressed as usual, she went out at her usual time, but she didn ’ t go to the club. Instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself in through her gardenand the back door. She settled down to wait.It was just after four o ’clock when the front door bell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time. The bell rang again, and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly toward the front door. A long piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caughtClarke heard the sound of running feet.61.Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursday because__________.A.she worked at a club on the day B.she had visitorsC.she went to a club D.she went out shopping62.If someone had made a forced entry,________.A.Mrs. Clarke would have found a broken door or windowB.he or she was still be in the houseC.things would have been thrown aboutD.he or she would have needed a master key63.On the third Thursday, Mrs. Clarke left home________.A. to go to the club as usualB. to see if the thief was hanging about outsideC. to report the break-in to the policeD. to trick the thief64.The lock on the front door was one which________.A. could not be opened through the letter-boxB. could be opened with a long piece of wireC. could not be opened without a keyD. could be opened by using a knob instead of a key65.The wire fell to the floor because________.A. Mrs. Clarke refused to open the door B.the thief ’s glove dropped offC.it was too hot to hold D.the thief just wanted to get awayPassage 4No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world, but estimates suggest the number is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom, about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people: as we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases. The longer time goes on, the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people's attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers. Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends, imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or on to buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through, so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability, not their disability, which counts.B. the number of disabled people in India is the biggestC. India has many more disabled people than CanadaD. it is easy to get an exact number of the world's disabled people67.The last paragraph focuses on_________.A. disabilityB. ignoranceC. prejudiceD. barriers68. The last word “counts ” most probably means “________. ”A. is importantB. is consideredC. is includedD. is numbered69.Which of the following statements is NOT TURE?A. Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.B. There are about 10 percent disabled people in the United Kingdom.C. The whole society should pay due attention to the barriers faced by disabled people.D. There still exits prejudice against the disabled that is easy to break down.70. It can be concluded from the passage that________.A. we should try our best to prevent disabilityB. both physical and mental barriers are hard to break downC. we should take a proper attitude towards the disabledD. the able-bodied people will fully understand the disabledPassage 5Kaitlin Riffel ’ s dream to end poverty(贫困) started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.“ I never realized there were people in the world who didn’t have a home or food before, ” said Kaitlin, who is now sixteen. “I knew there was something I had to do about that. ”At age eight, she started raising money to build a playground. "It took me two years," Kaitlin said. "We started small. We wanted to do something to make a difference. ”In 2014, When Kaitlin was thirteen, she visited Central America, and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard. That year, we set Kids on a Mission, which has helped hundreds of people there.“ The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one," Kaitlin said. “We also got to see the dirty rivers that those people were drinking out of.Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for people living in poverty is now an important task for Kids on a Mission.71. The job of Kaitlin's father was to__________A. sell foodsB. build playgroundsC. visit schoolsD. help homeless people72. When did Kaitlin set Kids on a Mission?A. In 2009.B. In 2011.C. In 2014.D. In 2017.73. What was people's life like in Central America according to Kaitlin?A. They lived in strong houses.B. Their drinking water was dirty.C. Their bedrooms were very big.D. They had enough food and clothes.74. What can we infer from the headmaster's words?A. Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.B. Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.C. Kaitlin often changes schools for her study.D. Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.75. What might be the best title for the text?A. School life in AmericaB. Gift from a headmasterC. Father ’s duty in the familyD. Girl's dream to end povertyPart IV Translation(20 points)Directions: In this part, there is one paragraph in English. Read the paragraph carefully and translation it into Chinese.Sometimes in life, you can find a special friends, someone who changes your life just by being part of it; someone who makes you laugh until you cannot stop; someone who makes you believe that there is really something good in the world; someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open. This is forever friendship.Part V Writing(30points)Directions:For this part, you are required to write a comprehension of 120 to 180 words. Your writing should be based on the title and outline given below.1.⼈⽣难免会有失败;2.⼈们对失败的态度;3.你的观点。

2019 成人高考专升本英语模拟试题及答案(6) 一。
语音知识 ( 共 5 小题 ; 每题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分。
1.A. piece B. cheek C. dealt D. receive2.A. glove B. stone C. globe D. spoke3.A. flew B. knew C. threw D. grew4.A. hotel B. hopeless C. holiday D. honest5.A. society B. precious C. decision D. medicine二。
词汇与语法知识 ( 共 25 小题 ; 每题 1.5 分,共 37.5 分。
) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出的一项。
6.Allen _______ any good job since he came to NewYork City two years ago.A. hasn't foundB. didn ‘t findC. doesn't findD. hadn ‘t found7. “Let me _______ you ,” said my boss ,“ you should call me immediately after you arrive at the airport. ”A. askB. adviseC. rememberD. remind8.The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question.A. discussB. and discussingC. discussingD. and discussed9. This village ______ to be the place in which Ernest Hemingway,one of the greatest American writers ,wrote this story.A. is believingB. is believedC. believesD. believe10.It's reported that by the end of last month thesale of the company ______ by 10%.A. has risenB. had been risingC. had risenD. has been rising11.-How _________ will you be able to finish thepainting?-In a couple of hours.A. soonB. oftenC. longD. fast12. ______ any friends in the,he felt quite lonely city and helpless.A. No to haveB. No havingC. Not to haveD. Not having13. Dr. White was away to the South last month ,so he didn't attend the meeting _______ in Beijing.A. having heldB. to holdC. to be heldD. held14. _______ at his paper over the weekend,Neil didn't finish it.A. As he worked hardB. Hard as he workedC. How he worked hardD. How hard he worked15.-Are you satisfied with her work,sir?-Not at all. It couldn't be any _______.A. betterB. bestC. worseD. worst16.That was _______ matter that I had no choice but totalk it over with my parents.17.This disease is second only _______ heart attackas a cause of death all over the world.18.The word is new to us. You'd better ______ in the dictionary.A. look at itB. look for itC. look it upD. look it out19. If there is no one _______ him with the,preparation he will have to put off the meeting.A. helpB. to helpC. helpsD. helped20. As soon as she _______ open the letter ,Mrs. Whitewill find out what has happened to her husband.A. tearsB. is tearingC. will tearD. has torn21. ______ the government argees to give extra money,the theatre will have to be closed next month.A. UnlessB. IfC. Since D As22.To reduce weight ,plastic has taken _______ of ironand steel in making boats.A. its placeB. placeC. the placeD. a place23.-Let me help you with your suitcase.-________.A. You're very niceB. Yes ,you're so helpfulC.No ,I can doD.It's very kind of you24.These three English novels are for you. The rest_______ for the other students in your class.A. wereB. isC. areD. was25.You _______ have seen Jane in her officelast Friday;she's been out of town for two weeks.A. couldn'tB. mustn ‘tC. wouldn'tD. shouldn ‘t26. Henry never said that he was good at maths ,_______ he?A. wasB. didC. didn'tD. wasn‘t27.The little girl showed the policeman the corner_______ she was knocked off her bike.A. andB. whichC. thatD. where28.The snow was so deep that the climbers could not________ to the camp.A. get overB. get alongC. get throughD. get around29.In need of money ,Bob had to take ______ job thatwas offered to him.A. whateverB. no matter whatC. whicheverD. no matter which30. My friend and I would like to go to the concert,but ________ of us has got a ticket.A. bothB. noneC. neitherD. all三。

(A) the other
(B) others
(C) another
(D) other
13. Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs _______ day.(1分)
(A) other
(B) the other
16). Who suffered most from the recent unseasonable frost?(2分)
(A) The restaurants and hotels.
(B) The coffee growers in Brazil.
(C) Smugglers.
(D) The coffee growers in other countries.
(A) this
(B) that
(C) one
(D) it
Much of the world’s coffee is grown in Brazil. Not long ago an unseasonable frost swept through coffee plantations there. The result affected people in many countries for a long time to come. At first, reports of serious damage were received. These led to a sharp rise in the price of coffee, which had not been a highly profitable crop. Growers in other countries made extra efforts to increase their exports to profit from the expected shortage. However, they were hampered by smugglers who wished to avoid government controls. The price of coffee fell slightly. Then large restaurants and hotels began to buy coffee to build up stocks for future use. The price rose sharply and public resistance developed. Housewives organized a boycott of coffee. This led to a rise in the price of tea and a fall in the price of coffee. Much to the dismay of growers, the price fell sharply. Their response was rather surprising. Instead of selling their stocks of coffee, they began to buy on the open market. Their motive was clear. They wanted to force the price of coffee up, and one way of doing this was to reduce the amount of coffee available for sale to the public. Luckily for coffee-drinkers, this move failed. Restaurants and hotels stopped buying coffee. Large numbers of small growers had to sell their crops to keep alive. The large growers found that they were buying more coffee than they were growing. They abandoned their efforts and let the normal law of supply and demand decided the price. Meanwhile, millions of people had changed to cheaper drinks and would not switch back to coffee.(10分)

山东省普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试题第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力理解(PartⅠListening Comprehension.本大题共20小题,每小题1,共20分。
) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Short Conversations1 . A)She finished her reading two weeks ago.B)She finished her reading quickly.C)She will write an English novel in two weeks.D)She couldn’t finish her reading in less than a month.2.A)It gets on your nerves if you buy five of them.B)It's a very good bargain.C)It's too expensive.D)If you buy five, the price is lower.3 . A)She wants to know when the man will be free.B)She will be busy every day this week.C)She will be able to go some time later.D)She doesn’t want to go to the theater with the man at all.4. A)The airplane has already left.B)The plane is overdue.C)They should take the 9:45 flight.D)The plane has arrived early at 3:39.5. A)Vacation plans. B)School hoursC)A part-time job. D)Weekend plans.6. A)She doesn't know its hours. B)She thinks it closes at 6.C)It's open all night on weekdays. D)It isn't open on weekends.7. A)Three dollars. B)Fifteen dollars.C)Half of the price. D)One third the price.8. A)Reporters. B)Students.C)Typists. D)Librarians.Long Conversation 1Questions 9 to 11 abased on the conversation you have just heard.9. A)Dresses. B)Shoes.C)Socks. D)Shirts10.A)They were worn out. B)They were dirty.C)They were of a dull color. D)They were out of style11. A)They were too casual.B)They were too dressy.C)They were uncomfortable.D)They were not charming enough.Long Conversation 2Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A)His father was somewhat over protective.B)His mother was upset if one of her kids could not spend the weekend at home.C)Both parents had to be away from home very often.D)His grandparents might complain if he didn’t come back for the holiday.13. A)Two. B)Three.C)Four. D)Five.14. A)Honesty. B)Generosity.C)Love. D)Sincerity.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear. questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15. A)Once a month. B)Once every 3 months.C)Once every 6 months. D)Once a year.16. A)A cowshed. B)A country cottage.C)A brick house. D)A bungalow.17.A)They often go boating on the lakeB)There is a very good market near the place.C)Not many English people go there.D)There are a lot of lakes in the region.Passage TwoQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A)Where the Americans came from.B)The size of the American population.C)Land in United States.D)American Indians.19. A)The English.B)The Dutch.C)American Indians.D)Blacks from Africa.20. A)Over 210 million.B)Less than 200 million.C)Around 40 million.D)140 million.第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part 11 Vocabulary and Structure.本大题共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分。

在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)1.–Excuse me.Is the department store far from your school?–Not very.It’s about_______.A.10minutes walkB.10minutes’walkC.10minutes’s walkD.10minute’s walk2.–May I use_______mobile phone?–Sorry,_______is left in the office.A.you;IB.your;myC.yours;mineD.your;mine3.My father was born_______.When he was_______,he went abroad.A.in1970;in his thirtyB.in the1970s;in his thirtiesC.in the1970;in his thirtyD.in1970s;in his thirties4.–I think students can have cell phones to help with their studying.–_______.They often use them to play games instead of studying.A.I’m afraid soB.All rightC.You are rightD.I don’t think so5.–Why do you like using?–Because it can help me keep_______touch with my friends.A.onB.forC.atD.in6.You must_______at the airport an hour before your plane takes off.A.check upB.check inC.check outD.check 7.–I can’t walk any further.–_______.Let’s stop here for a rest.A.Neither can IB.So can IC.Neither I canD.So I can8.______she is,the higher marks she will get.A.The more carefulB.The more carefullyC.The much carefulD.The careful9.–You are not a new member,are you?–_______.I joined only yesterday.A.No,I’m not.B.Yes,I’m not.C.No,I am.D.Yes,I am.10.This is the only dictionary______I brought back from abroad.A.whichB.thatC.whoseD.what11._______of the students in our class______girls.A.Two third,areB.Two thirds,isC.Two third,isD.Two thirds,are12.–Could you take care of our dog while we are away?–_______.A.With pleasureB.It’s my pleasureC.Never mindD.That’s all right13.–What about having a drink?–________A.Good idea.B.I don’t want to.C.Help yourself.D.Me,too.14.–Do you get someone_______your clothes?–Yes,I often have them_______.A.wash,washedB.washed,washC.washing,washD.to wash,washed15.–I’m going to a job interview.I feel a little________.–Take it easy.Listening to music can help you relax.fortableB.satisfiedC.nervousD.disappointed16.We should turn off the lights when we leave the room_______we can save electricity.A.in order toB.so as toC.such thatD.so that17._______lovely weather it is!Shall we go for a walk?A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How a18.Twenty minutes______not enough for you to finish it.A.wereB.isC.areD.has共8页第1页共8页第2页19.Amy has lunch at school every day,________she?A.doesn’tB.hasn’tC.don’tD.does20.–May I open the window to let in some fresh air?–_________.e onB.Take careC.Hold onD.Go ahead21.Mrs.Wang________be in Jinan now.She went to Beijing half an hour ago.A.can’tB.may notC.mustn’tD.needn’t22.–Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?–________A.Sorry,he is busy at the moment.B.Why didn’t you call earlier?C.Certainly.May I have your name?D.Sorry,he doesn’t want to see you.23.–The duty of Project Hope is to help poor children,isn’t it?–Yes,it has built many schools_______those children can study happily.A.whereB.whenC.whichD.what24.I didn’t want to do it any more.It_______me too much time on in.A.costB.spentC.paidD.took25.Great changes_______in our country in the past twenty years,.A.has been taken placeB.have been take placeC.have taken placeD.had been taken place26.–What’s on the desk?Some books and a pen on it?–Yes.There________a pen and some books on it.A.isB.areC.wasD.were27.–Alice,Kate called you just now when you were out.–Did she say when________me again,Dad?A.she would callB.would she callC.she will callD.will she call28.The Digital Library tells us something about a library without________..The Digital LibraryCan you imagine walking into a library and finding that all books have turned intocomputers?The first bookless public library is planned to open in San Antonio,Texas.Computers will take the place of books soon.A.bookshelvesputersC.booksD.readers29.________Wei Hua________Tom________very busy.A.Both;and;isB.So;and;isC.Either;or;isD.Neither;nor;are30.It’s careless_______such a mistake.A.of you to makeB.for you to makeC.for you makingD.of you making二、阅读理解(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分。

第I卷Part I Listening Comprehension (1 point each, 20points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one ormore questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and thequestions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D), anddecide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.Short Conversations1. A) He is surprised. B) He can’t help him. C) Hedoesn’tunderstand her. D) He is angry.2. A) On vocation. B) On business . C) Receiving treatment at thehospital. D) Studying hard at home.3. A) A quarter to nine. B) Half past eight.C)Twenty minutesago. D) Ten minutes ago.4. A) She should come back on Friday to takethe test.B) She hadbetter take more driving lessons before trying the test again.C) She ought to take thetest with another driving officer.D) She can take anotherdriving test.5. A) She wants to change her apartment. B) Her new apartment is close tothe supermarket.C) Her new apartment is very beautiful. D) She can’t see the beautiful viewof the city.6. A)If the man is late. B) A good place to shop.C) If the man’s wife isat home. D) If the man needs aride.7. A) The man is on his way to a petrol stationnearby.B) The man is driving andhe has used up his petrol.C) The man has lost hisway because there is no petrol station nearby.D) The man is waiting foranother driver who will take him toa petrol station nearby.8. A) The novel wasn’t that difficult toread.B) She couldn’t remember theauthor’s name.C) There were any funnycharacters. D) She read it a longtime ago.Long Conversation 1Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversationyou have just heard.9.A) One week. B) One month. C) Twomonths. D) Half a year.10.A) She has no tie during weekdays. B) She has no time during weekends.C) The symptoms disappear on weekends. D) Both A) andC).11.A) Take some good medicine. B) Quit the job.C) Write a complaint to the owner of thebuilding. D) There is no way out.Long Conversation 2Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversationyou have just heard.12.A) Flying like a bird. B)Going back in time and meet Mozart.C)Winning the gold medal in the polevaulting at the Olympic Game. D)Walking on the moon.13.A) Driving sports cars. B) Flyingplanes. C) Fighting an enemy. D) All of the above.14.A) Cars will be designed and tested as “virtual” machines first.B) Architects will be able to build“virtual” buildings which they can walk around and inspect.C) In hundreds of ways. D) All of the above.Section BDirections: Inthis section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you willhear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken onlyonce. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the fourchoices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage youhave just heard.15. A) Olympic athletes in training. B) City lifeguards.C) Students who are poor runners. D) Students taking a fitness test.16. A) There is a single timed test. B) There are two parts to the test.C)There will be four tests. D)If the test is less than one minute, there will only be one test.17. A) Run less than one minute on both runscombined. B) Run less than twominutes on one run.C) Run less than one minute on one run. D) Run less than seven minutesaltogether.Passage TwoQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage youhave just heard.18. A) Physical therapy equipment. B) Nuclear medicine room.C) A new operation room. D) A restaurant.19. A) It is a simple room. B) It will handle most of thelikely cases.C) It is very sophisticated. D) It will include a maternityward.20. A) They will all be doctors. B) They will all beeducated.C) The employees will benefit the localeconomy. D) The employees will be thebest in the industry.Part II Vocabulary and Structure ( 0.5 point each, 15 points ) Directions:For each of the following items, there are fourchoices marked A),B),C) and D).Decide which is the bestanswer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through thecenter.21. Not until it was completely dark __________ working.A. had they stoppedB. they stoppedC. they didn’t stoppedD. did they stop22. To be frank, I’d sooner you __________a good review yes terday for the coming test.A. hadn’t doneB. didn't doC. couldn't have doneD. wouldn't do23. _____ is none of yourbusiness.A. I shall take whatmeasuresB. What measures shall ItakeC. It is what measures Ishall takeD. What measures I shall take24. All the equipment inthe lab_____ made in ChinaA. areB. isC. beD. should25. _____about hisfinancial position that he tosses and turns at night.A. So much heworriesB. Too much does he worryC. So much does heworryD. Too much he worries26.______not to be latefor class at 8:00, the student got up quickly and went to school in a hurry.A.RemindingB.To remindC. RemindedD.Having reminded27. The dinner party theylooked forward to _____ at last.A. ComeB. cameC. comingD. comes28. The council isrefusing to _____further information about the dispute and its settlement.A. discloseB. exposeC. uncoverD. discover29.The football matchwas___ because of the heavy rain.A. called offB. called upC. called outD. called over30. He appreciated _____the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on ComparativeLiterature.A. having givenB. to have been givenC. to have givenD. having been given31. We always look forthese clothes which are a perfect combination of style, comfort and ____.A. stabilityB. durabilityC. capabilityD. availability32. If you are like mostpeople, then chances are you often_____ others while they are still talking.A. interfereB. interveneC.interruptD. disturb33. The political changesthat made globalization possible took place in a remarkably short period oftime-from 1978 to 1991 to be_____.A. rightB. correctC. accurateD. precise34. The Dallas Team isreported to _________NBA championship in the finals in 2011.A) win B) winning C) won D) have won35. Mr. Smith had anunusual _____: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as aschool teacher.A. professionB. occupationC. positionD. career36. I like this bird_________ feather is beautiful.A. whatB. whichC. whoseD. that37. According to officialstatistics, retail sales in China rose 10% and 12. 2% in the first and thesecond quarter__this year.A. accordinglyB. correspondinglyC. respectivelyD. individually38. The manager as wellas all the workers _________ to work online at home.A, encourage B. encourages C. areencouraged D. is encouraged39. The new tax law isgood for most people, so they are _________ it.A. in honor ofB. in memory ofC. in favor ofD. in search of40. He got up very early__________ missing the early bus.A. in case thatB. instead ofC. for fear ofD. in spite of41. Many people wouldlike to keep their personal affairs _______ themselves, and do with them________themselves.A. to; byB. by; toC. for; toD. in; on42. I don’t think that heshould do that thing alone, ________?A. should heB. shouldn’t heC. do ID. don’tI43. Jack had hardly comeback ________he made a call to Rose.A. sinceB. asC. whenD. than44. --- _________ thatthey won the game.---Through cooperation.A. Where was itB. How was itC.When was itD. What was it45. They_________ at thistime, but their train was late.A. should havearrivedB. should arriveC. should have had arriveD. should be arriving46.___________ fired, itwould be more difficult for you to finda good job like this.A. Would you beB. Should you beC. Could you beD. Might you be47. It is necessary thatthe language teacher__ the students to learn about foreign cultures andcustoms.A. helpsB. helpedC. helpD. will help48. Only when airpollution led to many diseases_____ the importance of protecting theenvironment.A. we realizedB. we had realizedC. did we realizeD. had we realized49. Try _______he might,he couldn’t get the window closed.A. ifB. whenC. sinceD. as50. He __________ havegone out, for his car is still here.A. can’tB. wouldn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’tPart III ReadingComprehension (1.5 points each, 30 points) Section ADirections: Inthis part there are three passages followed by questions, each with foursuggested answers marked A),B),C) and D).Choose the one that you think is thebest answer. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneIn a family where the roles of men and women arenot sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater orlesser extent, notions of male superiority are hard to maintain. The patternof sharing in tasks and in decision makes for equality and this in turn leadsto further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn toaccept equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fullyfor participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the"battle of the sexes”.If the process goes too far and man's role isregarded as less important and that has happened in some cases-we are as badlyoff as before, only in reverse.It is time to reassess the role of the man inthe American family. We are getting a little tired of "Momism" but wedon’twant to exchange it for a "neo-Popism”. What we need, rather is therecognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. Thereare signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists onthe family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they havedecided that women should not receive all the credit nor the blame. We havealmost given up saying that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning,however, to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he does have aplace in it. Nor is that place irrelevant to the healthy development of thechild.The family is a co-operative enterprise forwhich it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family needs to work outits own ways for solving its own problems.Excessive authoritarianism has unhappyconsequences , whether it wears skirts or trousers , and the ideal of equalrights and equal responsibilities is pertinent not only to a healthy democracy, but also to a healthy family.51. The dangerin the sharing of household tasks by the mother and the father is thatA. the role ofthe father may become an inferior oneB. the role ofthe mother may become an inferior oneC. thechildren will grow up believing that life is a battle of sexesD. sharingleads to constant arguing52 . Theauthor states that bringing up childrenA. is mainlythe mother’s jobB. belongsamong the duties of the fatherC. is the jobof schools and churchesD. involves apartnership of equals53. The idealof equal rights and equal responsibilities isA. fundamentalto a sound democracyB. not pertinentto healthy family lifeC. responsiblefor MomismD. what we havealmost given up54 . Withwhich of the following statements would the author be most likely toagree?A. A healthy,cooperative family is a basic ingredient of a healthy society.B. Men arebasically opposed to sharing household chores.C. Division ofhousehold responsibilities is workable only in theory.D. A woman ismore important in the home now than used to be.Passage TwoThe U.S. Treasury Department has redesigned the$100 bill, and has be releasing the new currency recently. Treasury Departmentspent nearly 10 years on the redesign and has added a number ofstate-of-the-art features: micro printing, color-shifting ink, a polymersecurity thread . The most striking change, however is the enlargement ofBenjamin Franklin's portrait: he now dominates the bill like a movie star in anewspaper advertisement.The money we carry around is so familiar thatwhenever a new bill or coin is introduced , it creates a ripple in our ordinarylives . But not much more than a ripple, and since few people use $100 billsregularly, most Americans greet the arrival of the new note with no strongeremotion than curiosity.Some foreigners, by contrast, have becomeclearly worried by the news of its arrival. Around the world , U.S.currency-and the $ 100 bill in particular-is often treated as theultimaterepository of value. The Federal Reserveestimates that two-thirds of all U.S. cash circulates outside the UnitedStates. In nations where inflation is high and where there are few crediblebanking institutions-from Latin America to Africa- people save and conductbusiness in $100 bills. And with the U.S. issuing new $100 bills, manypeople abroad are worrying that the ones they already have are about to becomeworthless.The fear is most widespread in Russia. TheRussian Central Bank estimates that somewhere between $15 billion and $20billion of U.S. currency is in Russia, about 80% of it in the form of $100bills. Everyone from small savers to businessmen to members of Mafia relies onhundreds , so the changes in the bill are causing high anxiety . Many Russianshave already changed their meager supply of $100 bills into smaller U.S. notes.But over the next few years Treasury plans to redesign every note except the $1bill.55 . Theredesign of the $ 100 bill has added all the following state-of-the-artfeatures EXCEPTA. a polymersecurity threadB. theenlargement of Benjamin Franklin's portraitC. theportrait of a famous movie starD.color-shifting ink56 . Which ofthe following statements is TRUE concerning the releasing of the new $100 bill?A. MostAmericans exhibit no stronger emotion than curiosity.B. It hascaused great disturbance among AmericansC. MostAmericans show a great interest in its new designD. AllAmericans feel only curious about it57 . Which ofthe following is TRUE concerning U.S. currency in Russia?A. The RussianCentral Bank has $15 billion to $ 20 billion ofU.S. currency.B. About 80%of U.S. currency in Russia is in the form of $100 bills.C. 80% of the$100 bills circulating outside the U.S. are in Russia.D. There is awidespread fear in Russia that U. S. currency will be devalued.58. Why havemany Russians changed their $100 bills into smaller notes?A. Smallsavers, businessmen and members of Mafia prefer smaller U.S. notes to $100bills.B. The U.S.Treasury Department plans to redesign all notes except the $1bill.C. They areafraid that their $100 bills will lose their value.D. They haveonly a small supply of $100 bills.PassageThreeTokyo is one of thoseplaces that you can love and hate at the same time. In Tokyo there are alwaystoo many people in the places where I want to be. Of course there are too manycars. The Japanese drive very fast when they can. But in Tokyo they often spenda long time in traffic jams. T okyo is not different from London, but it isdifferent when you want to walk.At certain times of theday there are a lot of people on foot in London’s Oxford Street. But thestreets near Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot, and sometimesit is really difficult to walk. People are very polite; there are just too manyof them.The worst time to be inthe street is at 11: 30at night. That is when the night-clubs are closing andeverybody wants to go home. There are 35, 000 night-clubs in Tokyo, and you donotoften see one that is empty.Most people travel to andfrom work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets every day.Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They alwaysleave and arrive on time. On a London train you would see everybody reading anewspaper. In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep, whetherhis journey is long or short. At most stations, trains arrive every two orthree minutes, but at certain hours there do not seem to be enough trains.In Tokyo, I stood outsidethe station for five minutes. Three fire-engines raced past on the way to oneof the many fires that Tokyo has every day. Tokyo has so many surprises thatnone of them can really surprise me now. Instead, I am surprised at myself: Imust go there next year on business. I know I hate the overcrowded city, butI feel like a man who is returning to his long-lost love.59 . Tokyo isdifferent from London in thatA. it has asmaller populationB. it is an international cityC. it is moredifficult to go somewhere on foot in TokyoD. its people are friendlier and politer60 . What timedoes the writer think is the worst time to go into the street?A. When thenight-clubs are closing.B.At 8 o'clock in the morning.C. When thetrain is overcrowded.D.At 11:30 a.m.61 . What doesthe writer say about Japanese trains?A. They arevery nice and comfortable.B. Thereare not enough trains.C. They oftenrun behind schedule.D. They leaveandarrive at the right time.62. The writerhates Tokyo mainly because the cityA. is dirtyand the people are impoliteB. hasbeen seriously pollutedC. is crowdedand noisyD. is notmodern enoughSection B Sentence Understanding and MatchingDirections: Matchthe Chinese sentence in the left column with the English in the right columnand mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Part 163.如果开车的人少一些,空气污染就会减少。

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,CandD. Choose one answer thatbest completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet.()6. We asked both John and Jerry, but ____ could offer a satisfactory explanation.A. eitherB. neitherC. bothD. nor()7. I’d like to find someone ____ I can discuss such a problem.A. whoB. whomC. to whomD. with whom()8. The baby can’t even sit up yet, ____walk!A. don’t mentionB. other thanC. let aloneD. rather than()9. I did not notice that my dog was missing ____ a moment ago.A. beforeB. onC.toD. until()10.The company director has informed us that we must ____ department budget by 25%.A. cut upB. cut awayC. cut offD. cut down()11. Companies usually ____ a number of experiments before a new product is launched.A. practiceB. conductC. carryD. control()12. I remembered that the air conditioners ____ turned off before I left home.A. wereB. were to beC. have beenD. had been()13. --How do you like your new job?--Well, it is great ____ salary, but it does not offer much prospects for promotion.A.in charge ofB. in case ofC. in terms ofD.in favor of()14. In my opinion this is a(an) ____ different matter.A. merelyB. entirelyC. purelyD. fully()15. T ake an umbrella with you in case it ____.A. many rainB. could rainC. rainsD. rained()16. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ behind his back.A.to have been tiedB. tiedC.to be tiedD. having tied()17. --Do you think Joshua is the right person for this job?--He is well-grounded in economic theory, but lacks ____ in production management.A. devotionB. attitudeC. energyD. experience()18. ____ about it earlier, we could have warned people of the danger.A. Had we knownB. Should we knowC. Have we knownD. Would we know ()19. It was ____ of you not to disturb these old people late last night.A. patientB. modestC. deliberateD. considerate()20. --Hey, what do you think of his speech last night?--I have no idea. I arrived ____ find that he had almost finished it.A.in order toB. only toC. so as toD. ready toDirections: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A,B,CandD. Choose the one that is most suitable and markyour answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet.Once a foreigner travelling in France came to Pairs for a few days. ___21__ the very first day of his staying in the French capital he __22__ a telegram to his wife __23__ the name and address of the hotel __24__ he was staying. Then he decided to go out and __25__ the places of wonders in the capital. He took a long walk along the streets of the city, visiting a few museums and by the end of the __26__ he felt wired.He wanted to __27__ the hotel to take a rest there, but suddenly he __28__ he remembered __29__ the name nor the address of the hotel. He felt quite __30__ and slowly walk along the street, not knowing what to do. Suddenly he found __31__ infront of a post office. He quickly ran inside and said __32__ an excited voice. “ giveme a telegram form, please.”“ here you are,” a man answered, giving him a form. It did not __33__ long to fill it in. a minute later he handed in the telegram and paid the man.His wife was greatly __34__ when an hour later she received __35__ telegram from her husband: “ Send me my address at once!”()21. A.AtB. On C. In D. For()22. A. carried B. made C. sentD. did()23. A. of B. with C. in D. by()24. A. whereB. whichC. with which D. for which()25. A. watch B. notice C. see D. look()26. A. day B.museum C. city D. street()27. A. look for B. search C. return to D. find out()28. A. noticedB. realizedC. considered D. thought of()29. A. both B. neitherC.either D. any()30. A. missed B. aloneC. worried D. worrying()31. A. himselfB. a person C. someoneD. him()32. A. atB. with C. inD. of()33. A. cost B. spend C. take D. get()34. A. frightened B. angryC. disappointed D. surprised()35.A. the first B. otherC. a quickD. a secondIV. Reading Comprehension(60 points)Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are foursuggested answers marked A,B,CandD. Choose the best answer andblacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage oneWhat do you use to get around town? A cat? A bike? Your feet? Perhaps you should try a Segway!The Segway is perfect for short journey. It isan electric vehicle that consists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it, you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip(扭转把手)on the left handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors, a decrease in the seed of the left wheel would turn the Segway to the left. With never models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope(陀螺仪)detects your movements and prevents the machine form falling over. The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it in and recharge the battery.Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers use them asan alternative to the golf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly whilst maintaining contact with the public. They are also becoming a common sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism, particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a while and there is a good chance you will see a group of tourists passing on Segways. ()36.What is the Segway according to this passage?A. A pole that connects two handlebars.B. An electric two-wheeled vehicle for short trips.C. A bicycle with a platform between two wheels.D. A newly appeared public traffic vehicle.()37. How do you turn to the left on Segways of newer models?A. Press the left barB. Adjust the twist gripC. Lean to the leftD.Control the gyroscope()38.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?A. Less than 19 kmB. About 19 kmC. More than 38 kmD. About 38 km()39.The last paragraph focuses on ____?A. When a Segway is usefulB. Where to find a SegwayC. How to control a SegwayD. What a Segway is likePassage TwoWe all love a hero, and rescue dogs are some of the biggest heroes of all. Youwill often find them going above and beyond duty to save someone, risking--and at times losing--their lives in the process.Rescue dogs are generally found in the Sporting and Hunting Groups, or from the traditional Herding Group. These types include the Bloodhound, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Belgian Malinois--all of which are chosen for search-and-rescue duty because of their amazing physical strength, loyalty, and their tendency for mental stability.These types also have a keen sense of hearing and smell--to better locate lost individuals—and are often able to access hard-to-reach areas. As highly trained animals, they serve in many different fields, including specialist search, snow slide rescue, dead body location, and tracking.To overcome obstacles and succeed when performing the demanding duties of a search-and-rescue worker, a dog must display certain qualities. In addition to intelligence and strength, the dog must be swift, confident, easily trainable, adaptable, and have a high level of stamina (耐力) and endurance.A strong sense of group cooperation and an ability to engage in friendly play during "down" time is also required of search-and-rescue dogs.A rescue dog goes through many, many hours of intensive training to be fit for duty. Training is not for the faint-hearted. Certification training can take from two to three years, working three to four hours a day, three to six days a week, often in group,team-oriented sessions.Each search-and-rescue field requires different types of training. Rescue training,for instance, includes "air scenting"--where dogs are trained to smell the air for the victim' s scent (气味) and then follow the scent to the person. This ability is crucial to finding victims trapped under collapsed buildings and snow slide.()40. Rescue dogs are chosen probably because__A. they are braveB. they are loyalC. they have amazing appearancesD. they have good eyesight()41. What does "faint-hearted" in Paragraph 5 mean?A. Courageous.B. Slow.C. Energetic.D. Cowardly.()42. Which ability is most important for dogs to rescue people trapped in snow?A. Extraordinary smelling.B. Swift movement.C. Sharp hearing.D. A strong memory.()43. What is the passage mainly about?A. Selection process of rescue dogs.B. Risks rescue dogs are faced with.C. Qualities and training of rescue dogs.D. Types of tasks rescue dogs can perform.Passage ThreeDuring a television play the sound man must be ready to make every sound as it is needed.Sound effects are of three kinds:real,imitated and recorded.Real sounds are those of doorbells,telephone bells,and other small objects easy to keep in a studio.But the sound man must imitate many sounds.For baconfryin9,he crumples cellophane paper.A long sheet of metal hanging in a doorway makes thunder•He taps one rubber sink plunger and then another on a table to imitate a horse walking on pavement.For a horse galloping along a gravel road,the sound man can use the two halves of a coconut,pounding each in turn very fast on the table.Recorded sound effects are used for noises he cannot himself produce offstage.He pays records for such sounds as a rooster crowing,a train leaving a station,and a baby crying.The sound man is an important part of any television production.( )44.The sound man is important because he________•A.makes fl TV play more lifelikeB.is kept busyC.1ets an actor know when to life a telephone receiverD.is always learning new methods( )45.The examples given for the first kind are________.A.whistles and sirensB.typewriters and cash registersC.church bells and telephone bellsD.doorbells and telephone bells( )46.The metal sheet used to imitate thunder must be________.A.tightly fastened on all sidesB.1ying flatC.neither A nor BD.both A and B( )47.Recorded sound effects are used for a_______•A.train leaving a stationB.baby cryingC.rooster crowingD.all of the abovePassage FourEqual pay for equal work is a phrase used by the American women who feel that are looked down upon by society. They say it is for women to be paid less than men for the same work. People who hold the opposite opinion (mainly men)have an answer to this. They say that men have more responsibility than women;a married man is expected to earn money to support his family and to make the important decision,and therefore it is right for men to be paid more. There are some people who hold even stronger opinion than this and are against married women working at all. When wives go out to work,they say,the home and children are given no attention to. If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full time job,they will be unable to do the things. Women are best at making a comfortable home and bringing up children. They will have to give up their present position in society.This is exactly what they want to give up, the women who disagree say. They want to escape from the limited place which society expects them to fill and to have freedom to choose between a job and home life,or mixture of the two. Women have the right of equal pay and equal opportunities.These women have expressed their opinions forcefully busing the famous saying,“All men are created equal.”They point out that the meaning of this sentence is “all human being are created equal.”( )48. The women use the phrase “equal pay for equal work” to demand that _____.A. woman's work shouldn't be harder than men'sB. men should be paid less than womenC. men and women should be paid the same amount of money for the same workD. people doing harder work should earn more( )49.What exactly do the women who disagree want to give up?A. Their jobB. Their home lifeC. Their present position in societyD. Their right to pay( )50.People who disagree with women's opinions believe _____.A. men's responsibilities are different from women'sB. men can earn money more easily than womenC. women can't do what men canD. men have to work much harder than women( )51. The women use the saying “all men created equal” to show that ___.A. the position of women has changed a little in modern timeB. men and women had equal power in early American societyC. men's right are always considered more important than women'sD. in American society men and women should in modern time( )52.The women who disagree say that _______.A. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life the liveB. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homesC. if women are given equal pay,their opportunities will be greatD. women need opportunities to go out of the house more oftenPassage FiveAbout 35% of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution of higher learning. The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university. These institutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor Science (B.S.) degree. Some students attend a junior college (providing only a two-year program) for one to two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore (二年级生) or junior (三年级生).It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one. Most private schools require strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average (GPA), as well as specific college prep classes in high school. Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges and famous private schools are very expensive. Poorer students can sometimes attend, however, by earning scholarships. Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in grad (graduate) school. Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies.Since college costs are very high, most students work at part-time jobs. Somehave full-time jobs and go to school part-time. Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-year program because of money / job demands on their time.While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student’s time, most still enjoy social activities. Sports, dances, clubs, movies, and plays are all very popular. However, gathering together for long, philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university is probably the most popular activity. ( )53. College education is _______ in America.A. very rareB. quite commonC. something difficultD. almost impossible( )54. Which of the following is NOT required for entering most private schools.A. entrance examinationsB. college prep classesC. GPAD. taking part in many activities( )55. How can poor students attend private schools?A. Only by working at part-time jobs.B. Only by working at full-time jobs.C. Only by earning scholarships.D. All of above.V. Daily Conversation(15 points)Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below andcomplete the following dialogue by blackening the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet.Susan: Hello. May I speak to Tony?Tony: This is Tony speaking. _______Susan: It’s Susan.Tony: Oh, Susan, it’s been a while since we’ve talked last time. _______Susan: Same with me. Hey, did you know Terry is going to be married? She invited meto her wedding and she wants you to attend also.Tony: ________Susan: definitely. I’m calling to tell you this.Tony: ________Susan: She tried. But the line is always busy.Tony: well, I may have stayed on the phone too long. Can you give me her number?I’llcall her later.Susan: of course. _________Tony: Thanks.第II卷(非选择题,共25分)D irections: For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in100-120 words based on the following information. Remember towrite it clearly.你(Li Yuan) 收到朋友Lucy的e-mail,她在邮件中谈及旅行计划。

1. A. piece B. cheek C. dealt D. receive2. A. glove B. stone C. globe D. spoke3. A. flew B. knew C. threw D. grew4. A. hotel B. hopeless C. holiday D. honest5. A. society B. precious C. decision D. medicine二。
6. Allen _______ any good job since he came to New York City two years ago.A. hasn't foundB. didn‘t findC. doesn't findD. hadn‘t found7.“Let me _______ you,”said my boss,“you should call me immediately after you arrive at the airport.”A. askB. adviseC. rememberD. remind8. The boys spent the whole morning _______ possible answers to the question.A. discussB. and discussingC. discussingD. and discussed9. This village ______ to be the place in which Ernest Hemingway,one of the greatest American writers,wrote this story.A. is believingB. is believedC. believesD. believe10. It's reported that by the end of last month the sale of the company ______ by 10%.A. has risenB. had been risingC. had risenD. has been rising11.-How _________ will you be able to finish the painting?-In a couple of hours.A. soonB. oftenC. longD. fast12. ______ any friends in the city,he felt quite lonely and helpless.A. No to haveB. No havingC. Not to haveD. Not having13. Dr. White was away to the South last month,so he didn't attend the meeting _______ in Beijing.A. having heldB. to holdC. to be heldD. held14. _______ at his paper over the weekend,Neil didn't finish it.A. As he worked hardB. Hard as he workedC. How he worked hardD. How hard he worked15.-Are you satisfied with her work,sir?-Not at all. It couldn't be any _______.A. betterB. bestC. worseD. worst16. That was _______ matter that I had no choice but to talk it over with my parents.A. a such seriousB. a so seriousC. such serious aD. so serious a17. This disease is second only _______ heart attack asa cause of death all over the world.A. toB. ofC. withD. from18. The word is new to us. You'd better ______ in the dictionary.A. look at itB. look for itC. look it upD. look it out。

专升本(英语)模拟题2019年(12) (总分150, 做题时间120分钟) PhoneticstownBbrownCshownDallowallowBfellowCnowDcowthirtyBthoughCthereDratherroughBdaughterC delightD throughblackB bladeC mapD sackexpectB exactC exampleD examwearB tearC bearD dearcheatBweakC increaseD areasweatB leapC featureD cheatforgotB lostCpotD postbeatB featherC teamD eachshootB bloodCroofDtooltheyB thinkCthatD thereshortageB luggageC messageD estimateworthB shortClordDsortfloodBbooksCotherDdoubleswitchBhatchC characterDmatchconstitutionB consumeCconsultD continuehalfBtalkCwallDchalkAjobBdebtC objectD describequestionB notionC exceptionD vocationsightB applyCgiveDitemdarkBarmC warmD harbour 24.supposeB dollarC nobleD photoanythingB manyC animalDateenjoyB tendC imagineD sincewoodB stoodC bloodD lookgetBgirlCcageDgowifeBfightCphoneDpraisefatherBthoseCwithoutDthingIdentification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underline parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the ONE that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the center.1.(After) a (three-hour) heated discussion, all the members in the juryAfterthree-hourCreached toDwas guilty of2.(Many) a woman (feel) (entitled) to (more) in life than justManyBfeelCentitledDmore3.(Having eaten) the cherry pie, I (struck) several pits and (nearly)Having eatenBstruckCnearlyDbroke4.John is not (enough intelligent) to (pass) (this) (economics) classenough intelligentBpassCthiseconomics5.He (lived) in Beijing (since) 1980 to 1997, but he (is now living)livedBsinceCis now livingDin6.In 1968, Amy because (one of) the American (women) (received) theone ofBwomenCreceivedDfor7.Some bosses dislike (to allow) people (to share) their responsibilities; they keep (all) important matters (tightly) into allowBto shareCallDtightly8.(It) is high time (that) you (stop) hanging about and (startedItBthatCstopDstarted looking for9.Nobody (likes) her (because) she always (behaves) as if she (is) alikesBbecauseCbehavesDis10.This is the most important respect (which) civilized (man) can bewhichBmanCfromDommuities11.(Had the author) (see) that his novel (would) cause such a commotion,Had the authorBseeCwouldDwould not12.(By the time) Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. walked on the MoonBy the timeBin July 1969Cwill haveDspace13.(It is) essential (that) every boy and every girl (has) the sameIt isBthatChasDopportunities14.less friendsBinCthanDhad15.There (are) not many people in this city (which) (own) the housesareBwhichCownDlive in16.(Looking through the window) at all the cars on the road, (theLooking through the windowBthe trafficCwas gettingDheavier17.When she (came) back from Hollywood, she wanted to (tell) everybodycameBtellCaboutDwho18.The weather is not as cold (as you think). So (I don' t think) theas you thinkBI don' t thinkCenoughDwalk on it19.He preferred (watching) TV (at) home (rather than) (go to) thewatchingBatCrather thanDgo to20.It was (him) who did all the work (on) the invention, but somebodyhimBonCelseDall the credit21.I (remember) clearly (to return) the book to him last Wednesday, butrememberBreturnCsaysDI didn't22.(If) you (will buy) one box at the regular price, you would receiveIfBwill buyCanotherDno23.(A number of) endangered (species) (increases) every year and naturalA number ofBspeciesCrepresentativeDresigned disappear24.The (three-fields) system is an agricultural method in which onefield (out of) (three) is (left) to lie fallow while the other twothree-fieldsBout ofCthreeDleft25.ItBto talkCthanDthem26.(Hard) (as) he worked, (but) Mr. Brown couldn't (keep) the shopHardBasCbutDkeep27.(It is) (extremely) important (for) an engineer (to know) to use aIt isBextremelyCforDknow28.Internet (has made possible) (for people to know) what (is going) onhas made possibleBfor people to knowCis goingDall over29.Several (people) in the crowd seemed (as) they were fighting (for) apeopleBasCforDticket30.Your nerve system reacts (to) (what) you imagine to be true (on muchtoBwhatCon much the same wayDdoesPart I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1.It is impolite of you to______people when they are in trouble.smileBlaugh onCmake fun ofDsmile at 2.similarB friendlyCalikeD familiar 3.glancedB observedC watchedDstared4.forBsinceCduringDwhile5.Dr. Smith, together with his wife and two sons,______to arrive on theareBare goingCisDwill be6.readBbeing readCreadingDhaving read7.postBto postCpostingDto have posted8.AdoBdidCwouldDcan9.well, forBwell, toCgood, atDgood, on10.It is because she is too inexperienced ______ she does not know howsoBthatCso thatDwhich11.higher 5 percentB5 percent more higherCmore 5 percent higherD5 percent higher12.isBwasCareDwere13.—Why didn't you go to the cinema yesterday? —I______, but mydidBwouldCwas going toDhad14.Johan's score on the test is the highest in the group; he ______ lastshould have studiedBmust have studiedChas studiedDshould study15.Dr. Bruce will first give you a summary of the situation and then discuss it ______.at intervalBat randomCat issueDat length16.make outBtellCmake sense ofDguess out17.set offBset upCset outDset aside18.I have some difficulties ______ these words, would you mind ______ meunderstanding, lendingBto understand, to lendto understand, lendingDunderstanding, to lend 19.taughtBhas taughtCteachesDhad taught20.Here you areBAll rightCThat's goodDThanks21.AsBAs thoughCAs far asDAs soon as22.have been toBhave gone toChad gone toDhad been to23.It is high time that we ______all ready for the meeting, ______itmust get, orBgot, orCshould get, andDget, and24.gets upBrisesCraisesDstraightens25.was wearingBwearsCis wearingwore26.saidBtalkedCtoldDspoke27.I believe there must be a _______ explanation for these strangephysicalBmentalCpracticalDnatural28.Although he offered her a high salary, he could not ______ her toadviseBpersuadeCconceiveDconvince29.You can ______ the details; just tell us the major points he mentioned during the last period.leave outBfall outCcarry outDwork out30.significanceBassistanceCpriorityDgenerosityPart III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seemsthat teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at (attempting to seize) oneanother's hands for reassurance.They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up crowded round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus—and—such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoons(蚕茧) into a larger cocoon.It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn fromthe advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today's parents have come toward high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path. But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come—with the people who respect you for who you are. That's the only kindAreaders how to be popular with aroundBteenagers how to learn to decide things for themselvesCparents how to control and guide their childrenDAccording to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them ______.Ahave much difficulty understanding each otherBlack confidenceCdare not cope with problems single-handedDAThere is no popularity that really counts.BWhat many parents are doing is in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths.CIt is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.DMost teenagers claim that they want to do what they like to, but theyThe author thinks of advertisements as ______.AconvincingBinstructiveCinfluentialDAdiffer from others in as many ways as possibleBget into the right season and become popularCfind one's real selfDrebel against parents and the popularity wavesPart IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.There are two aspects which determine an individual's intelligence. The first is the brain he is born【71】Human brains differ considerably,【72】being more able than others.【73】no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence【74】he has opportunities to learn. So the second aspect is what【75】to the individual — the environment in which he is brought【76】. If an individual is handicapped【77】, it is likely that his brain will【78】to develop and he will【79】attain【80】.forBbyC withDmostB someC manyDButB ForC StillDifB thoughCasDrefersB appliesChappensDaboutBupCforwardDrelativeB intelligentlyC regularlyDfailBhelpCmanageDeverBneverCevenDnearlyableBcapableCavailableDacceptablePart V Translation from Chinese to EnglishDirections: This part is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English.1.to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.1.I looked out but it was now too dark to see anything clearly. (Passage 3)Teaching is supposed to be a professional activity requiring long andA bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide aThe publisher was so doubtful that be wanted her to split the publishing costs with him, and all she hoped was that it would make1.For this part, you are supposed to write a narrative passage in 100-120 words according to the following situations.假设你在上班的路上(或公交车上)发现小偷正在偷别人的钱。
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2019春专升本公共英语模拟卷选择题(50题共150分)1、_____ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A、ItB、AsC、ThatD、What正确答案:B2、Students sometimes support themselves by _________ of part-time jobs.A、effortsB、meansC、methodsD、ways正确答案:B3、The joy of travel, having long _______ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means.A、canceledB、neglectedC、missedD、discarded正确答案:B4、The horse is getting old and can't run ___ it did.A、as faster asB、so fast thanC、so fast asD、such fast as正确答案:C5、All the arrangements should have been completed prior ________our departure.A、inB、toC、byD、before正确答案:B6、His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV, but _____.A、a little did he hearB、little did he hearC、little heard heD、a little heard he正确答案:B7、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ___ so rapidly.A、is changingB、has changedC、will have changedD、will change正确答案:A8、By no means _______ to our plan for the trip.A、will she agreeB、she will agreeC、agrees sheD、will agree she正确答案:A9、You ________ return the dictionary now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A、can'tB、mustn'tC、needn'tD、may not正确答案:C10、Larry is the only one of the club members who ______ to be invited.A、is goingB、are goingC、has been goingD、have been going正确答案:A11、Getting a right job can be difficult ____the students_____ prepared to deal with the job interview.A、if;beB、unless;beC、unless;areD、if;are正确答案:C12、The doctor tried to ______ the patient with a new drug.A、recoverB、healC、treatD、handle正确答案:C13、I will not spend so much money on that fur coat, for I don't think it is ________.A、worth buyingB、worth to buyC、worthy buyingD、worthy of buy正确答案:A14、Weather _________, the picnic will be held as scheduled.A、permitsB、should permitC、will permitD、permitting正确答案:D15、He spoke so quickly that I didn't _________ what he said.A、make forB、make sureC、make upD、make out正确答案:D16、The book contained a large _______ of information.A、dealB、amountC、numberD、sum正确答案:B17、I took _______ for granted that he would believe in us.A、thatB、the thingC、itD、this正确答案:C18、After ten years, she changed a lot and looked different from _____ she used to be.A、thatB、whomC、whatD、who正确答案:C19、I got his mother's phone call at eleven. ______that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.A、Then did I knowB、Only then I knewC、Only then did I knowD、Only then knew I正确答案:C20、I'd like to take ________of this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation.A、advantageB、occasionC、benefitD、profit正确答案:A21、You didn't let me drive. If we ________ in turn, you _________ so tired.A、drove; didn't getB、drove; wouldn't getC、were driving; wouldn't getD、had driven; wouldn't have got正确答案:D22、While he __________ the poster, a door somewhere behind him opened.A、is staring atB、stared atC、did stare atD、was staring at正确答案:D23、Listening to music and sports news ________ what I enjoy most.A、areB、isC、becomeD、have been正确答案:B24、With all the work on hand, she__________ to the cinema last night.A、mustn't goB、might have goneC、could not goD、couldn't have gone正确答案:D25、The number of articles published on entertainment ______ amazing.A、isB、areC、wereD、have been正确答案:A26、I _________ like to make a comment on this proposal.A、couldB、wouldC、mustD、might正确答案:B27、I wonder how long ago this school __________.A、has begunB、beginsC、beganD、had begun正确答案:C28、By last night she ________ 200 pages of this book.A、has readB、have readC、readD、had read29、Can you imagine what the world would be like if _________ no computers?A、there areB、there has beenC、there wereD、we have正确答案:C30、Twenty dollars _______ more than I could afford.A、will beB、isC、areD、were正确答案:B31、They ________ in Chicago, but now they live in New York.A、used to livingB、were livingC、would liveD、used to live正确答案:D32、I don't think this room will be big enough to _______ all the guests.A、containB、holdC、keepD、swallow正确答案:B33、_______ the people have become the master of their own country _________ science can really serve the people.A、It is only then;thatB、It was that;whenC、It is only when;thatD、It was when;then 正确答案:C34、I wish you _________ go with me tomorrow.A、willB、wouldC、shallD、can正确答案:B35、Americans eat ________ as they actually need every day.A、twice as much proteinB、protein twice as muchC、twice protein as muchD、protein as twice much正确答案:A36、I didn't accept his offer last week, but I _________.A、hadB、would doC、should haveD、might have to正确答案:C37、_______ that we couldn't catch up with him.A、So fast he ranB、So fast did he runC、So fast ran heD、Such fast did he run正确答案:B38、I will not _______ my children be treated in such a way.A、permitB、admitC、allowD、let正确答案:D39、The workers are not allowed to smoke in the factory. They ______ do that.A、mustn'tB、don't have toC、needn'tD、have to正确答案:A40、Don’t let the child play with knives ______ he cuts himself.A、in caseB、so thatC、now thatD、only if正确答案:A41、His long service with the company was _______ with a present.A、admittedB、acknowledgedC、attributedD、accepted正确答案:B42、_________ you join us in the vocabulary game?A、ShouldB、ShallC、MayD、Will正确答案:D43、The Government has expressed its _______ of the plan to build three new factories.A、trustB、faithC、effortD、approval正确答案:D44、The subject of these lectures _______ by the lecture committee.A、announcesB、have been announcedC、announcedD、has been announced 正确答案:D45、The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to _________what he was saying.A、take inB、take outC、take upD、take over正确答案:A46、The house always_______ me of a holiday I spent in England.A、remembersB、recallsC、connectsD、reminds正确答案:D47、The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, _______ after 11 pm.A、to stay outB、from staying outC、staying outD、not to stay out正确答案:A48、In the weeks _____ followed, we lived in the factory _____ you visited last year.A、when; whereB、which; whereC、when; thatD、that; that正确答案:D49、The Prime Minister worked hard all his life on ___ of the poor.A、benefitB、advantageC、happinessD、behalf正确答案:D50、The accident _______ him of his sight and the use of his legs.A、excludedB、disabledC、deprivedD、gripped正确答案:C2019春专升本计算机模拟卷选择题(50题共150分)1、PowerPoint中,设置幻灯片放映时的换页效果为"垂直百叶窗",应使用"幻灯片放映"菜单下的选项是_______。