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Title: An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love 题目:简•爱的爱情



年级:09 级 2 班





Table of contents

1.Introduction (3)

2.Jane Eyre’s Personality (5)

2.1 Jane Eyre’s Adamancy (5)

2.1.1. Jane Eyre’s Life at Her Aunt’s Home (5)

2.1.2. Jane Eyre’s SchoolLife (5)

2. 1. 3 Jane Eyre Looking for a Job in the Town (6)

3. Jane Eyre’s Self-respect (6)

3.1.Jane Eyre Meeting with Mr. Rochester (6)

3.2. Jane Eyre Falling in Love with Mr. Rochester (8)

3. 3. Jane Eyre Deviating from Mr. Rochester (9)

3.4. Jane Eyre Refusing Mr. St. John River’s Courting


4.Con clusion (11)

5.bibli ography (12)

An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love Grade:09 Class:2 Yan chunping Instructor:Wang Fengling

Abstract:Jane Eyre is a piece of autobiographical fiction. It is Charlotte. Bronte’s first novel published in 1849. The novel creates a female image who is against social pressure with rebellion and independence. It is filled with love, passion and reason, and maintains its unique artistic charm. This thesis analyzes some major characters in the novel a nd takes a lot of examples to show the author’s meaning and reflect the theme. This kind of description makes the figure a real person with blood and flesh. It also reflects the author’s resistant spirit. The Heroine of Jane Eyre, a plain and little girl, lives under traditional pressure to pursue for independence and love loyalty. This thesis analyzes her personality. Under her adamancy and self-respect, she literally has got a fiery heart for her love. Furthermore, the thesis tells us the Heroine’s love standpoint that the love should rely on the independent economy and should be equal in their spirit for both the lovers.

Key Words:Love; self-respect; rebellion; women consciousness




Charlotte Bronte was born in a Priest’s family in York Shire in 1816. Her mother died when she was five years old, but her father was an intellect, he often taught his children to read books and magazines and told stories to them. Charlotte was interest in literature, so when she was very young, she was sent to a boarding school and when she was 15, she went to another school to study. In order to support her family, she became a teacher. In 1847, she published her novel Jane Eyre, the novel was a great shock at that time and made her successful. She died in 1885.

Jane Eyre is a great novel that it is an important position in the history of British literature. And it has been translated into various languages and adapted for movie, readers all through the world. The period when Jane lived corresponds with the time of Queen Victoria’s ruling. Victoria who ruled over the British Empire for more than 60 years was a well known queen in English history. The period has been generals regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history.

Jane Eyre has the deep romantics color and has also depicted the actual life novel. The novel begins with Jane in the uncle’s house pass her childhood, she is packed off to a charitable boarding school and Jane sets herself to learn. She becomes a teacher; she is employed as governess of the French daughter of Rochester in his country mansion, Thornfield. In the place she has her own love. When they come to a marriage, Jane has discovered that Rochester has a mad wife who is hidden in that

h ouse. Jane doesn’t want to be Rochester’s mistress and leaves Thornfield. She is rescued by the Rivers family. When Jane proposes marriage by John River, Jane knows John Rivers in order to undertake missionary work, so Jane refuses John River’s courting. T hen Jane gains a large amount of inheritance from her uncle who she has never known. She returns to Thornfield, but the house has been destroyed by a fire started by the mad wife. She finds Rochester, blind and alone. Then they marry and find happiness together.

I. Jane Eyre’s Personality
