(高等数学英文课件)7.4 Trigonometric Substitutions

高等数学名词(中英文)高等数学名词(中英文)第一章函数与极限Chapter1 Function and Limit 集合set元素element子集subset空集empty set并集union交集intersection差集difference of set基本集basic set补集complement set直积direct product笛卡儿积Cartesian product开区间open interval闭区间closed interval半开区间half open interval有限区间finite interval区间的长度length of an interval无限区间infinite interval领域neighborhood领域的中心centre of a neighborhood 领域的半径radius of a neighborhood 左领域left neighborhood右领域right neighborhood映射mappingX到Y的映射mapping of X ontoY 满射surjection单射injection一一映射one-to-one mapping双射bijection算子operator变化transformation函数function逆映射inverse mapping复合映射composite mapping自变量independent variable 因变量dependent variable定义域domain函数值value of function函数关系function relation值域range自然定义域natural domain单值函数single valued function多值函数multiple valued function单值分支one-valued branch函数图形graph of a function绝对值函数absolute value符号函数sigh function整数部分integral part阶梯曲线step curve当且仅当if and only if(iff)分段函数piecewise function上界upper bound下界lower bound有界boundedness无界unbounded函数的单调性monotonicity of a function 单调增加的increasing单调减少的decreasing单调函数monotone function函数的奇偶性parity(odevity) of a function 对称symmetry偶函数even function奇函数odd function函数的周期性periodicity of a function周期period反函数inverse function直接函数direct function复合函数composite function中间变量intermediate variable函数的运算operation of function基本初等函数basic elementary function 初等函数elementary function幂函数power function指数函数exponential function对数函数logarithmic function三角函数trigonometric function反三角函数inverse trigonometric function 常数函数constant function双曲函数hyperbolic function双曲正弦hyperbolic sine双曲余弦hyperbolic cosine双曲正切hyperbolic tangent反双曲正弦inverse hyperbolic sine反双曲余弦inverse hyperbolic cosine反双曲正切inverse hyperbolic tangent极限limit数列sequence of number收敛convergence收敛于a converge to a发散divergent极限的唯一性uniqueness of limits收敛数列的有界性boundedness of a convergent sequence子列subsequence函数的极限limits of functions函数当x趋于x0时的极限limit of functions as x approaches x0左极限left limit右极限right limit单侧极限one-sided limits水平渐近线horizontal asymptote无穷小infinitesimal无穷大infinity铅直渐近线vertical asymptote夹逼准则squeeze rule单调数列monotonic sequence高阶无穷小infinitesimal of higher order低阶无穷小infinitesimal of lower order同阶无穷小infinitesimal of the same order等阶无穷小equivalent infinitesimal 函数的连续性continuity of a function增量increment函数在x0连续the function is continuous at x0左连续left continuous右连续right continuous区间上的连续函数continuous function函数在该区间上连续function is continuous on an interval不连续点discontinuity point第一类间断点discontinuity point of the first kind第二类间断点discontinuity point of the second kind初等函数的连续性continuity of the elementary functions定义区间defined interval最大值global maximum value (absolute maximum)最小值global minimum value (absolute minimum)零点定理the zero point theorem介值定理intermediate value theorem第二章导数与微分Chapter2 Derivative and Differential速度velocity匀速运动uniform motion平均速度average velocity瞬时速度instantaneous velocity圆的切线tangent line of a circle切线tangent line切线的斜率slope of the tangent line位置函数position function导数derivative可导derivable函数的变化率问题problem of the change rate of a function 导函数derived function左导数left-hand derivative右导数right-hand derivative单侧导数one-sided derivatives在闭区间[a, b]上可导is derivable on the closed interval [a,b] 切线方程tangent equation角速度angular velocity成本函数cost function边际成本marginal cost链式法则chain rule隐函数implicit function显函数explicit function二阶函数second derivative三阶导数third derivative高阶导数nth derivative莱布尼茨公式Leibniz formula对数求导法log- derivative参数方程parametric equation相关变化率correlative change rata微分differential可微的differentiable函数的微分differential of function自变量的微分differential of independent variable微商differential quotient间接测量误差indirect measurement error绝对误差absolute error相对误差relative error第三章微分中值定理与导数的应用Chapter3 Mean Value Theorem ofDifferentials and the Application ofDerivatives罗马定理Rolle’s theorem费马引理Fermat’s lemma拉格朗日中值定理Lagrange’s mean value theorem驻点stationary point稳定点stable point 临界点critical point辅助函数auxiliary function拉格朗日中值公式Lagrange’s mean value formula柯西中值定理Cauchy’s mean value theorem 洛必达法则L’Hospital’s Rule0/0型不定式indeterminate form of type 0/0 不定式indeterminate form泰勒中值定理Taylor’s mean value theorem 泰勒公式T aylorformula余项remainder term拉格朗日余项Lagrange remainder term麦克劳林公式Ma claurin’s formula佩亚诺公式Peano remainder term凹凸性concavity凹向上的concave upward, cancave up凹向下的,向上凸的concave downward’ concave down 拐点inflection point函数的极值extremum of function极大值local(relative) maximum最大值global(absolute) mximum极小值local(relative) minimum最小值global(absolute) minimum目标函数objective function曲率curvature弧微分arc differential平均曲率average curvature曲率园circle of curvature曲率中心center of curvature曲率半径radius of curvature渐屈线evolute渐伸线involute根的隔离isolation of root隔离区间isolation interval切线法tangent line method第四章不定积分Chapter4 Indefinite Integrals原函数primitive function(anti-derivative)积分号sign of integration被积函数integrand积分变量integral variable积分曲线integral curve积分表table of integrals换元积分法integration by substitution分部积分法integration by parts分部积分公式formula of integration by parts 有理函数rational function真分式proper fraction假分式improper fraction第五章定积分Chapter5 Definite Integrals曲边梯形trapezoid with曲边curve edge窄矩形narrow rectangle曲边梯形的面积area of trapezoid with curved edge积分下限lower limit of integral积分上限upper limit of integral积分区间integral interval分割partition积分和integral sum可积integrable矩形法rectangle method积分中值定理mean value theorem of integrals函数在区间上的平均值average value of a function on an integvals牛顿-莱布尼茨公式Newton-Leibniz formula微积分基本公式fundamental formula of calculus换元公式formula for integration by substitution递推公式recurrence formula反常积分improper integral 反常积分发散the improper integral is divergent反常积分收敛the improper integral is convergent无穷限的反常积分improper integral on an infinite interval无界函数的反常积分improper integral of unbounded functions绝对收敛absolutely convergent第六章定积分的应用Chapter6 Applications of the DefiniteIntegrals元素法the element method面积元素element of area平面图形的面积area of a luane figure直角坐标又称“笛卡儿坐标(Cartesian coordinates)”极坐标polar coordinates抛物线parabola椭圆ellipse旋转体的面积volume of a solid of rotation旋转椭球体ellipsoid of revolution, ellipsoid of rotation曲线的弧长arc length of acurve可求长的rectifiable光滑smooth功work水压力water pressure引力gravitation变力variable force第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter7 Space Analytic Geometry andVector Algebra向量vector自由向量free vector单位向量unit vector零向量zero vector相等equal平行parallel向量的线性运算linear poeration of vector三角法则triangle rule平行四边形法则parallelogram rule交换律commutative law结合律associative law负向量negative vector差difference分配律distributive law空间直角坐标系space rectangular coordinates坐标面coordinate plane卦限octant向量的模modulus of vector向量a与b的夹角angle between vector a and b方向余弦direction cosine方向角direction angle向量在轴上的投影projection of a vector onto an axis数量积,外积,叉积scalar product,dot product,inner product 曲面方程equation for a surface球面sphere旋转曲面surface of revolution母线generating line轴axis圆锥面cone顶点vertex旋转单叶双曲面revolution hyperboloids of one sheet旋转双叶双曲面revolution hyperboloids of two sheets柱面cylindrical surface ,cylinder圆柱面cylindrical surface准线directrix抛物柱面parabolic cylinder二次曲面quadric surface 椭圆锥面dlliptic cone椭球面ellipsoid单叶双曲面hyperboloid of one sheet双叶双曲面hyperboloid of two sheets旋转椭球面ellipsoid of revolution椭圆抛物面elliptic paraboloid旋转抛物面paraboloid of revolution双曲抛物面hyperbolic paraboloid马鞍面saddle surface椭圆柱面elliptic cylinder双曲柱面hyperbolic cylinder抛物柱面parabolic cylinder空间曲线space curve空间曲线的一般方程general form equations of a space curve 空间曲线的参数方程parametric equations of a space curve 螺转线spiral螺矩pitch投影柱面projecting cylinder投影projection平面的点法式方程pointnorm form eqyation of a plane法向量normal vector平面的一般方程general form equation of a plane两平面的夹角angle between two planes点到平面的距离distance from a point to a plane空间直线的一般方程general equation of a line in space方向向量direction vector直线的点向式方程pointdirection form equations of a line方向数direction number直线的参数方程parametric equations of a line两直线的夹角angle between two lines垂直perpendicular直线与平面的夹角angle between a line and a planes平面束pencil of planes平面束的方程equation of a pencil of planes 行列式determinant系数行列式coefficient determinant第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter8 Differentiation of Functions ofSeveral Variables and Its Application一元函数function of one variable多元函数function of several variables内点interior point外点exterior point边界点frontier point,boundary point聚点point of accumulation开集openset闭集closed set连通集connected set开区域open region闭区域closed region有界集bounded set无界集unbounded setn维空间n-dimentional space二重极限double limit多元函数的连续性continuity of function of seveal连续函数continuous function不连续点discontinuity point一致连续uniformly continuous偏导数partial derivative对自变量x的偏导数partial derivative with respect to independent variable x高阶偏导数partial derivative of higher order 二阶偏导数second order partial derivative混合偏导数hybrid partial derivative全微分total differential偏增量oartial increment偏微分partial differential 全增量total increment可微分differentiable必要条件necessary condition充分条件sufficient condition叠加原理superpostition principle全导数total derivative中间变量intermediate variable隐函数存在定理theorem of the existence of implicit function 曲线的切向量tangent vector of a curve法平面normal plane向量方程vector equation向量值函数vector-valued function切平面tangent plane法线normal line方向导数directional derivative梯度gradient数量场scalar field梯度场gradient field向量场vector field势场potential field引力场gravitational field引力势gravitational potential曲面在一点的切平面tangent plane to a surface at a point曲线在一点的法线normal line to a surface at a point无条件极值unconditional extreme values条件极值conditional extreme values拉格朗日乘数法Lagrange multiplier method 拉格朗日乘子Lagrange multiplier经验公式empirical formula最小二乘法method of least squares均方误差mean square error第九章重积分Chapter9 Multiple Integrals二重积分double integral可加性additivity累次积分iterated integral体积元素volume element三重积分triple integral直角坐标系中的体积元素volume element in rectangular coordinate system柱面坐标cylindrical coordinates柱面坐标系中的体积元素volume element in cylindrical coordinate system球面坐标spherical coordinates球面坐标系中的体积元素volume element in spherical coordinate system反常二重积分improper double integral曲面的面积area of a surface质心centre of mass静矩static moment密度density形心centroid转动惯量moment of inertia参变量parametric variable第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapter10 Line (Curve) Integrals andSurface Integrals对弧长的曲线积分line integrals with respect to arc hength第一类曲线积分line integrals of the first type对坐标的曲线积分line integrals with respect to x,y,and z第二类曲线积分line integrals of the second type有向曲线弧directed arc单连通区域simple connected region复连通区域complex connected region格林公式Green formula第一类曲面积分surface integrals of the first type对面的曲面积分surface integrals with respect to area 有向曲面directed surface对坐标的曲面积分surface integrals with respect to coordinate elements第二类曲面积分surface integrals of the second type有向曲面元element of directed surface高斯公式gauss formula拉普拉斯算子Laplace operator格林第一公式Green’s first formula通量flux散度divergence斯托克斯公式Stokes formula环流量circulation旋度rotation,curl第十一章无穷级数Chapter11 Infinite Series一般项general term部分和partial sum余项remainder term等比级数geometric series几何级数geometric series公比common ratio调和级数harmonic series柯西收敛准则Cauchy convergence criteria, Cauchy criteria for convergence正项级数series of positive terms达朗贝尔判别法D’Alembert test柯西判别法Cauchy test交错级数alternating series绝对收敛absolutely convergent条件收敛conditionally convergent柯西乘积Cauchy product函数项级数series of functions发散点point of divergence收敛点point of convergence收敛域convergence domain和函数sum function幂级数power series幂级数的系数coeffcients of power series阿贝尔定理Abel Theorem收敛半径radius of convergence收敛区间interval of convergence泰勒级数Taylor series麦克劳林级数Maclaurin series二项展开式binomial expansion近似计算approximate calculation舍入误差round-off error,rounding error欧拉公式Euler’s formula魏尔斯特拉丝判别法Weierstrass test三角级数trigonometric series振幅amplitude角频率angular frequency初相initial phase矩形波square wave谐波分析harmonic analysis直流分量direct component基波fundamental wave二次谐波second harmonic三角函数系trigonometric function system傅立叶系数Fourier coefficient傅立叶级数Forrier series周期延拓periodic prolongation正弦级数sine series余弦级数cosine series奇延拓odd prolongation偶延拓even prolongation傅立叶级数的复数形式complex form of Fourier series第十二章微分方程Chapter12 Differential Equation解微分方程solve a differential equation常微分方程ordinary differential equation偏微分方程partial differential equation,PDE 微分方程的阶order of a differential equation 微分方程的解solution of adifferential equation 微分方程的通解general solution of a differential equation初始条件initial condition微分方程的特解particular solution of a differential equation 初值问题initial value problem微分方程的积分曲线integral curve of a differential equation 可分离变量的微分方程variable separable differential equation 隐式解implicit solution隐式通解inplicit general solution衰变系数decay coefficient衰变decay齐次方程homogeneous equation一阶线性方程linear differential equation of first order非齐次non-homogeneous齐次线性方程homogeneous linear equation 非齐次线性方程non-homogeneous linear equation常数变易法method of variation of constant 暂态电流transient state current稳态电流steady state current伯努利方程Bernoulli equation全微分方程total differential equation积分因子integrating factor高阶微分方程differential equation of higher order悬链线catenary高阶线性微分方程linear differential equation of higher order 自由振动的微分方程differential equation of free vibration强迫振动的微分方程differential equation of forced oscillation 串联电路的振荡方程oscillation equation of series circuit二阶线性微分方程second order lineardifferential equation线性相关linearly dependence线性无关linearly independence二阶常系数齐次线性微分方程second order homogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficient二阶变系数齐次线性微分方程second order homogeneous linear differential equation with variable coefficient特征方程characteristic equation无阻尼自由振动的微分方程differential equation of free vibration with zero damping 固有频率natural frequency 简谐振动simple harmonic oscillation,simple harmonic vibration 微分算子differential operator待定系数法method of undetermined coefficient共振现象resonance phenomenon欧拉方程Euler equation幂级数解法power series solution数值解法numerial solution勒让德方程Legendre equation微分方程组system of differential equations常系数线性微分方程组system of linear differential equations with constant coefficientV、X、Z:Value of function :函数值Variable :变数Vector :向量Velocity :速度Vertical asymptote :垂直渐近线Volume :体积X-axis :x轴x-coordinate :x坐标x-intercept :x截距Zero vector :函数的零点Zeros of a polynomial :多项式的零点T:Tangent function :正切函数Tangent line :切线Tangent plane :切平面Tangent vector :切向量Total differential :全微分Trigonometric function :三角函数Trigonometric integrals :三角积分Trigonometric substitutions :三角代换法Tripe integrals :三重积分S:Saddle point :鞍点Scalar :纯量Secant line :割线Second derivative :二阶导数Second Derivative Test :二阶导数试验法Second partial derivative :二阶偏导数Sector :扇形Sequence :数列Series :级数Set :集合Shell method :剥壳法Sine function :正弦函数Singularity :奇点Slant asymptote :斜渐近线Slope :斜率Slope-intercept equation of a line :直线的斜截式Smooth curve :平滑曲线Smooth surface :平滑曲面Solid of revolution :旋转体Space :空间Speed :速率Spherical coordinates :球面坐标Squeeze Theorem :夹挤定理Step function :阶梯函数Strictly decreasing :严格递减Strictly increasing :严格递增Sum :和Surface :曲面Surface integral :面积分Surface of revolution :旋转曲面Symmetry :对称R:Radius of convergence :收敛半径Range of a function :函数的值域Rate of change :变化率Rational function :有理函数Rationalizing substitution :有理代换法Rational number :有理数Real number :实数Rectangular coordinates :直角坐标Rectangular coordinate system :直角坐标系Relative maximum and minimum :相对极大值与极小值Revenue function :收入函数Revolution , solid of :旋转体Revolution , surface of :旋转曲面Riemann Sum :黎曼和Riemannian geometry :黎曼几何Right-hand derivative :右导数Right-hand limit :右极限Root :根P、Q:Parabola :拋物线Parabolic cylinder :抛物柱面Paraboloid :抛物面Parallelepiped :平行六面体Parallel lines :并行线Parameter :参数Partial derivative :偏导数Partial differential equation :偏微分方程Partial fractions :部分分式Partial integration :部分积分Partiton :分割Period :周期Periodic function :周期函数Perpendicular lines :垂直线Piecewise defined function 分段定义函数Plane :平面Point of inflection :反曲点Polar axis :极轴Polar coordinate :极坐标Polar equation :极方程式Pole :极点Polynomial :多项式Positive angle :正角Point-slope form :点斜式Power function :幂函数Product :积Quadrant :象限Quotient Law of limit 极限的商定律Quotient Rule :商定律M、N、O:Maximum and minimum values :极大与极小值Mean Value Theorem :均值定理Multiple integrals :重积分Multiplier :乘子Natural exponential function 自然指数函数Natural logarithm function 自然对数函数Natural number :自然数Normal line :法线Normal vector :法向量Number :数Octant :卦限Odd function :奇函数One-sided limit :单边极限Open interval :开区间Optimization problems :最佳化问题Order :阶Ordinary differential equation :常微分方程Origin :原点Orthogonal :正交的L:Laplace transform :Leplace 变换Law of Cosines :余弦定理Least upper bound :最小上界Left-hand derivative :左导数Left-hand limit :左极限Lemniscate :双钮线Length :长度Level curve :等高线L'Hospital's rule 洛必达法则Limacon :蚶线Limit :极限Linear approximation:线性近似Linear equation :线性方程式Linear function :线性函数Linearity :线性Linearization :线性化Line in the plane :平面上之直线Line in space :空间之直线Lobachevski geometry 罗巴切夫斯基几何Local extremum :局部极值Local maximum and minimum 局部极大值与极小值Logarithm :对数Logarithmic function :对数函数I:Implicit differentiation :隐求导法Implicit function :隐函数Improper integral :瑕积分Increasing/Decreasing Test 递增或递减试验法Increment :增量Increasing Function :增函数Indefinite integral :不定积分Independent variable :自变数Indeterminate from :不定型Inequality :不等式Infinite point :无穷极限Infinite series :无穷级数Inflection point :反曲点Instantaneous velocity :瞬时速度Integer :整数Integral :积分Integrand :被积分式Integration :积分Integration by part :分部积分法Intercepts :截距Intermediate value of Theorem 中间值定理Interval :区间Inverse function :反函数Inverse trigonometric function反三角函数Iterated integral :逐次积分H:Higher mathematics 高等数学/高数E、F、G、H:Ellipse :椭圆Ellipsoid :椭圆体Epicycloid :外摆线Equation :方程式Even function :偶函数Expected Valued :期望值Exponential Function :指数函数Exponents , laws of :指数率Extreme value :极值Extreme Value Theorem :极值定理Factorial :阶乘First Derivative Test :一阶导数试验法First octant :第一卦限Focus :焦点Fractions :分式Function :函数Fundamental Theorem of Calculus :微积分基本定理Geometric series :几何级数Gradient :梯度Graph :图形Green Formula :格林公式Half-angle formulas :半角公式Harmonic series :调和级数Helix :螺旋线Higher Derivative :高阶导数Horizontal asymptote :水平渐近线Horizontal line :水平线Hyperbola :双曲线Hyper boloid :双曲面D:Decreasing function :递减函数Decreasing sequence :递减数列Definite integral :定积分Degree of a polynomial :多项式之次数Density :密度Derivative :导数of a composite function :复合函数之导数of a constant function :常数函数之导数directional :方向导数domain of :导数之定义域of exponential function :指数函数之导数higher :高阶导数partial :偏导数of a power function :幂函数之导数of a power series :羃级数之导数of a product :积之导数of a quotient :商之导数as a rate of change :导数当作变率right-hand :右导数second :二阶导数as the slope of a tangent 导数看成切线之斜率Determinant :行列式Differentiable function 可导函数Differential :微分Differential equation :微分方程partial :偏微分方程Differentiation :求导法implicit :隐求导法partial :偏微分法term by term :逐项求导法Directional derivatives :方向导数Discontinuity :不连续性Disk method :圆盘法Distance :距离Divergence :发散Domain :定义域Dot product :点积Double integral :二重积分change of variable in二重积分之变数变换in polar coordinates :极坐标二重积分C:Calculus :微积分differential :微分学integral :积分学Cartesian coordinates :笛卡儿坐标一般指直角坐标Cartesian coordinates system 笛卡儿坐标系Cauch’s Mean Value Theorem 柯西均值定理Chain Rule :连锁律Change of variables :变数变换Circle :圆Circular cylinder :圆柱Closed interval :封闭区间Coefficient :系数Composition of function :函数之合成Compound interest :复利Concavity :凹性Conchoid :蚌线Cone :圆锥Constant function :常数函数Constant of integration :积分常数Continuity :连续性at a point :在一点处之连续性of a function :函数之连续性on an interval :在区间之连续性from the left :左连续from the right :右连续Continuous function :连续函数Convergence :收敛interval of :收敛区间radius of :收敛半径Convergent sequence :收敛数列series :收敛级数Coordinate:s:坐标Cartesian :笛卡儿坐标cylindrical :柱面坐标polar :极坐标rectangular :直角坐标spherical :球面坐标Coordinate axes :坐标轴Coordinate planes :坐标平面Cosine function :余弦函数Critical point :临界点Cubic function :三次函数Curve :曲线Cylinder:圆柱Cylindrical Coordinates :圆柱坐标A、B:Absolute convergence :绝对收敛Absolute extreme values :绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum 绝对极大与极小Absolute value :绝对值Absolute value function :绝对值函数Acceleration :加速度Antiderivative :反导数Approximate integration :近似积分Approximation :逼近法by differentials :用微分逼近linear :线性逼近法by Simpson’s Rule :Simpson法则逼近法by the Trapezoidal Rule 梯形法则逼近法Arbitrary constant :任意常数Arc length :弧长Area :面积under a curve :曲线下方之面积between curves :曲线间之面积in polar coordinates :极坐标表示之面积of a sector of a circle :扇形之面积of a surface of a revolution 旋转曲面之面积Asymptote :渐近线horizontal :水平渐近线slant :斜渐近线vertical :垂直渐近线Average speed :平均速率Average velocity :平均速度Axes, coordinate :坐标轴Axes of ellipse :椭圆之轴Binomial series :二项级数微积分专有名词中英文对照absolutely convergent 绝对收敛absolute value 绝对值algebraic function 代数函数analytic geometry 解析几何antiderivative 不定积分approximate integration 近似积分approximation 近似法、逼近法arbitrary constant 任意常数arithmetic series/progression (AP)算数级数asymptotes (vertical and horizontal)(垂直/水平)渐近线average rate of change 平均变化率base 基数binomial theorem 二项式定理,二项展开式Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标(一般指直角坐标)Cartesian coordinates system 笛卡儿坐标系Cauch’s Mean Value Theorem 柯西均值定理chain rule 链式求导法则calculus 微积分学closed interval integral 闭区间积分coefficient 系数composite function 复合函数conchoid 蚌线continuity (函数的)连续性concavity (函数的)凹凸性conditionally convergent 有条件收敛continuity 连续性critical point 临界点cubic function 三次函数cylindrical coordinates 圆柱坐标decreasing function 递减函数decreasing sequence 递减数列definite integral 定积分derivative 导数determinant 行列式differential coefficient 微分系数differential equation 微分方程directional derivative 方向导数discontinuity 不连续性discriminant (二次函数)判别式disk method 圆盘法divergence 散度divergent 发散的domain 定义域dot product 点积double integral 二重积分ellipse 椭圆ellipsoid 椭圆体epicycloid 外摆线Euler's method (BC)欧拉法expected valued 期望值exponential function 指数函数extreme value heorem 极值定理factorial 阶乘finite series 有限级数fundamental theorem of calculus 微积分基本定理geometric series/progression (GP)几何级数gradient 梯度Green formula 格林公式half-angle formulas 半角公式harmonic series 调和级数helix 螺旋线higher derivative 高阶导数horizontal asymptote 水平渐近线horizontal line 水平线hyperbola 双曲线hyper boloid 双曲面implicit differentiation 隐函数求导implicit function 隐函数improper integral 广义积分、瑕积分increment 增量increasing function 增函数indefinite integral 不定积分independent variable 自变数inequality 不等式ndeterminate form 不定型infinite point 无穷极限infinite series 无穷级数infinite series 无限级数inflection point (POI) 拐点initial condition 初始条件instantaneous rate of change 瞬时变化率integrable 可积的integral 积分integrand 被积分式integration 积分integration by part 分部积分法intercept 截距intermediate value of Theorem :中间值定理inverse function 反函数irrational function 无理函数iterated integral 逐次积分Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换law of cosines 余弦定理least upper bound 最小上界left-hand derivative 左导数left-hand limit 左极限L'Hospital's rule 洛必达法则limacon 蚶线linear approximation 线性近似法linear equation 线性方程式linear function 线性函数linearity 线性linearization 线性化local maximum 极大值local minimum 极小值logarithmic function 对数函数MacLaurin series 麦克劳林级数maximum 最大值mean value theorem (MVT)中值定理minimum 最小值method of lagrange multipliers 拉格朗日乘数法modulus 绝对值multiple integral 多重积分multiple 倍数multiplier 乘子octant 卦限open interval integral 开区间积分optimization 优化法,极值法origin 原点orthogonal 正交parametric equation (BC)参数方程partial derivative 偏导数partial differential equation 偏微分方程partial fractions 部分分式piece-wise function 分段函数parabola 抛物线parabolic cylinder 抛物柱面paraboloid :抛物面parallelepiped 平行六面体parallel lines 并行线parameter :参数partial integration 部分积分partiton :分割period :周期periodic function 周期函数perpendicular lines 垂直线piecewise defined function 分段定义函数plane 平面point of inflection 反曲点point-slope form 点斜式polar axis 极轴polar coordinates 极坐标polar equation 极坐标方程pole 极点polynomial 多项式power series 幂级数product rule 积的求导法则quadrant 象限quadratic functions 二次函数quotient rule 商的求导法则radical 根式radius of convergence 收敛半径range 值域(related) rate of change with time (时间)变化率rational function 有理函数reciprocal 倒数remainder theorem 余数定理Riemann sum 黎曼和Riemannian geometry 黎曼几何right-hand limit 右极限Rolle's theorem 罗尔(中值)定理root 根rotation 旋转secant line 割线second derivative 二阶导数second derivative test 二阶导数试验法second partial derivative 二阶偏导数series 级数shell method (积分)圆筒法sine function 正弦函数singularity 奇点slant 母线slant asymptote 斜渐近线slope 斜率slope-intercept equation of a line 直线的斜截式smooth curve 平滑曲线smooth surface 平滑曲面solid of revolution 旋转体symmetry 对称性substitution 代入法、变量代换tangent function 正切函数tangent line 切线tangent plane 切(平)面tangent vector 切矢量taylor's series 泰勒级数three-dimensional analytic geometry 空间解析几何total differentiation 全微分trapezoid rule 梯形(积分)法则。

高等数学英文教材Advanced Mathematics English TextbookIntroduction:Mathematics is a universal language that allows us to explore and understand the intricate patterns and structures of the world. Over the years, advanced mathematics has become increasingly important in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. To effectively teach this subject to a global audience, an English textbook on advanced mathematics is essential. This article aims to provide an overview of the structure and content that a comprehensive advanced mathematics English textbook should encompass.Chapter 1: Real Number System1.1 The Set of Real Numbers- Introducing the concept of real numbers- Defining rational and irrational numbers- Examples and properties of real numbers1.2 Number Line and Ordering- Understanding the number line and its application to real numbers- Comparing and ordering real numbers- Absolute value and its significance1.3 Basic Operations on Real Numbers- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of real numbers- Understanding the rules and properties of these operations- Solving basic equations involving real numbersChapter 2: Functions and Graphs2.1 Introduction to Functions- Defining functions and their role in mathematics- Understanding domain, range, and the vertical line test- Different types of functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, etc.)2.2 Graphical Representations- Sketching and interpreting graphs of functions- Understanding the concepts of symmetry, intercepts, and transformations- Identifying key features of graphs, such as slope and concavity2.3 Operations on Functions- Combining and composing functions- Understanding inverse functions and their applications- Solving equations involving functionsChapter 3: Limits and Continuity3.1 The Concept of Limit- Introducing the notion of limit and its significance- Evaluating limits algebraically and graphically- One-sided and infinite limits3.2 Techniques for Calculating Limits- Working with different types of limits (including trigonometric and exponential limits)- L'Hopital's Rule and other limit theorems- Understanding indeterminate forms3.3 Continuity of Functions- Defining continuity and its properties- Identifying and analyzing discontinuities- Intermediate Value Theorem and its applicationsChapter 4: Differentiation4.1 Introduction to Derivatives- Defining derivatives and their interpretations- Calculation of derivatives using the difference quotient- The concept of instantaneous rate of change4.2 Rules of Differentiation- Derivative rules for elementary functions (power, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions)- Product, quotient, and chain rules- Implicit differentiation4.3 Applications of Derivatives- Tangent lines, slopes, and rates of change- Optimization problems (maxima and minima)- Curve sketching and concavityChapter 5: Integration5.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals- Understanding antiderivatives and their connection to derivatives- Basic techniques for finding indefinite integrals- Evaluating definite integrals using the fundamental theorem of calculus 5.2 Integration Methods- Integration by substitution and by parts- Trigonometric substitutions- Applications to areas and volumes5.3 Differential Equations- Introduction to differential equations and their basic classifications- Solving first-order differential equations- Existence and uniqueness of solutionsConclusion:An advanced mathematics English textbook needs to comprehensively cover key topics such as the real number system, functions and graphs, limits and continuity, differentiation, and integration. The textbook should present these concepts in a clear and concise manner, with relevant examples and applications. By providing a solid foundation in advanced mathematics, this textbook can empower students to tackle complex problems and contribute to various fields that heavily rely on mathematical principles.。

高等数学-微积分第1章(英文讲稿)C alc u lus (Fifth Edition)高等数学- Calculus微积分(双语讲稿)Chapter 1 Functions and Models1.1 Four ways to represent a function1.1.1 ☆Definition(1-1) function: A function f is a rule that assigns to each element x in a set A exactly one element, called f(x), in a set B. see Fig.2 and Fig.3Conceptions: domain; range (See fig. 6 p13); independent variable; dependent variable. Four possible ways to represent a function: 1)Verbally语言描述(by a description in words); 2) Numerically数据表述(by a table of values); 3) Visually 视觉图形描述(by a graph);4)Algebraically 代数描述(by an explicit formula).1.1.2 A question about a Curve represent a function and can’t represent a functionThe way ( The vertical line test ) : A curve in the xy-plane is the graph of a function of x if and only if no vertical line intersects the curve more than once. See Fig.17 p 171.1.3 ☆Piecewise defined functions (分段定义的函数)Example7 (P18)1-x if x ≤1f(x)=﹛x2if x>1Evaluate f(0),f(1),f(2) and sketch the graph.Solution:1.1.4 About absolute value (分段定义的函数)⑴∣x∣≥0;⑵∣x∣≤0Example8 (P19)Sketch the graph of the absolute value function f(x)=∣x∣.Solution:1.1.5☆☆Symmetry ,(对称) Even functions and Odd functions (偶函数和奇函数)⑴Symmetry See Fig.23 and Fig.24⑵①Even functions: If a function f satisfies f(-x)=f(x) for every number x in its domain,then f is call an even function. Example f(x)=x2 is even function because: f(-x)= (-x)2=x2=f(x)②Odd functions: If a function f satisfie s f(-x)=-f(x) for every number x in its domain,thenf is call an odd function. Example f(x)=x3 is even function because: f(-x)=(-x)3=-x3=-f(x)③Neither even nor odd functions:1.1.6☆☆Increasing and decreasing function (增函数和减函数)⑴Definition(1-2) increasing and decreasing function:① A function f is called increasing on an interval I if f(x1)<f(x2) whenever x1<x2 in I. ①A function f is called decreasing on an interval I if f(x1)>f(x2) whenever x1<x2 in I.See Fig.26. and Fig.27. p211.2 Mathematical models: a catalog of essential functions p251.2.1 A mathematical model p25A mathematical model is a mathematical description of a real-world phenomenon such as the size of a population, the demand for a product, the speed of a falling object, the concentration of a product in a chemical reaction, the life expectancy of a person at birth, or the cost of emission reduction.1.2.2 Linear models and Linear function P261.2.3 Polynomial P27A function f is called a polynomial ifP(x) =a n x n+a n-1x n-1+…+a2x2+a1x+a0Where n is a nonnegative integer and the numbers a0,a1,a2,…,a n-1,a n are constants called the coefficients of the polynomial. The domain of any polynomial is R=(-∞,+∞).if the leading coefficient a n≠0, then the degree of the polynomial is n. For example, the function P(x) =5x6+2x5-x4+3x-9⑴Quadratic function example: P(x) =5x2+2x-3 二次函数(方程)⑵Cubic function example: P(x) =6x3+3x2-1 三次函数(方程)1.2.4Power functions幂函数P30A function of the form f(x) =x a,Where a is a constant, is called a power function. We consider several cases:⑴a=n where n is a positive integer ,(n=1,2,3,…,)⑵a=1/n where n is a positive integer,(n=1,2,3,…,) The function f(x) =x1/n⑶a=n-1 the graph of the reciprocal function f(x) =x-1 反比函数1.2.5Rational function有理函数P 32A rational function f is a ratio of two polynomials:f(x)=P(x) /Q(x)1.2.6Algebraic function代数函数P32A function f is called algebraic function if it can be constructed using algebraic operations ( such as addition,subtraction,multiplication,division,and taking roots) starting with polynomials. Any rational function is automatically an algebraic function. Examples: P 321.2.7Trigonometric functions 三角函数P33⑴f(x)=sin x⑵f(x)=cos x⑶f(x)=tan x=sin x / cos x1.2.8Exponential function 指数函数P34The exponential functions are the functions the form f(x) =a x Where the base a is a positive constant.1.2.9Transcendental functions 超越函数P35These are functions that are not a algebraic. The set of transcendental functions includes the trigonometric,inverse trigonometric,exponential,and logarithmic functions,but it also includes a vast number of other functions that have never been named. In Chapter 11 we will study transcendental functions that are defined as sums of infinite series.1.2 Exercises P 35-381.3 New functions from old functions1.3.1 Transformations of functions P38⑴Vertical and Horizontal shifts (See Fig.1 p39)①y=f(x)+c,(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units upward.②y=f(x)-c,(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units downward.③y=f(x+c),(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units to the left.④y=f(x-c),(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units to the right.⑵ V ertical and Horizontal Stretching and Reflecting (See Fig.2 p39)①y=c f(x),(c>1)stretch the graph of y=f(x) vertically bya factor of c②y=(1/c) f(x),(c>1)compress the graph of y=f(x) vertically by a factor of c③y=f(x/c),(c>1)stretch the graph of y=f(x) horizontally by a factor of c.④y=f(c x),(c>1)compress the graph of y=f(x) horizontally by a factor of c.⑤y=-f(x),reflect the graph of y=f(x) about the x-axis⑥y=f(-x),reflect the graph of y=f(x) about the y-axisExamples1: (See Fig.3 p39)y=f( x) =cos x,y=f( x) =2cos x,y=f( x) =(1/2)cos x,y=f( x) =cos(x/2),y=f( x) =cos2xExamples2: (See Fig.4 p40)Given the graph y=f( x) =( x)1/2,use transformations to graph y=f( x) =( x)1/2-2,y=f( x) =(x-2)1/2,y=f( x) =-( x)1/2,y=f( x) =2 ( x)1/2,y=f( x) =(-x)1/21.3.2 Combinations of functions (代数组合函数)P42Algebra of functions: Two functions (or more) f and g through the way such as add, subtract, multiply and divide to combined a new function called Combination of function.☆Definition(1-2) Combination function: Let f and g be functions with domains A and B. The functions f±g,f g and f /g are defined as follows: (特别注意符号(f±g)( x) 定义的含义)①(f±g)( x)=f(x)±g( x),domain =A∩B②(f g)( x)=f(x) g( x),domain =A∩ B③(f /g)( x)=f(x) /g( x),domain =A∩ B and g( x)≠0Example 6 If f( x) =( x)1/2,and g( x)=(4-x2)1/2,find functions y=f(x)+g( x),y=f(x)-g( x),y=f(x)g( x),and y=f(x) /g( x)Solution: The domain of f( x) =( x)1/2 is [0,+∞),The domain of g( x) =(4-x2)1/2 is interval [-2,2],The intersection of the domains of f(x) and g( x) is[0,+∞)∩[-2,2]=[0,2]Thus,according to the definitions, we have(f+g)( x)=( x)1/2+(4-x2)1/2,domain [0,2](f-g)( x)=( x)1/2-(4-x2)1/2,domain [0,2](f g)( x)=f(x) g( x) =( x)1/2(4-x2)1/2=(4 x-x3)1/2domain [0,2](f /g)( x)=f(x)/g( x)=( x)1/2/(4-x2)1/2=[ x/(4-x2)]1/2 domain [0,2)1.3.3☆☆Composition of functions (复合函数)P45☆Definition(1-3) Composition function: Given two functions f and g the composite func tion f⊙g (also called the composition of f and g ) is defined by(f⊙g)( x)=f( g( x)) (特别注意符号(f⊙g)( x) 定义的含义)The domain of f⊙g is the set of all x in the domain of g such that g(x) is in the domain of f . In other words, (f⊙g)(x) is defined whenever both g(x) and f (g (x)) are defined. See Fig.13 p 44 Example7 If f (g)=( g)1/2 and g(x)=(4-x3)1/2find composite functions f⊙g and g⊙f Solution We have(f⊙g)(x)=f (g (x) ) =( g)1/2=((4-x3)1/2)1/2(g⊙f)(x)=g (f (x) )=(4-x3)1/2=[4-((x)1/2)3]1/2=[4-(x)3/2]1/2Example8 If f (x)=( x)1/2 and g(x)=(2-x)1/2find composite function s①f⊙g ②g⊙f ③f⊙f④g⊙gSolution We have①f⊙g=(f⊙g)(x)=f (g (x) )=f((2-x)1/2)=((2-x)1/2)1/2=(2-x)1/4The domain of (f⊙g)(x) is 2-x≥0 that is x ≤2 {x ︳x ≤2 }=(-∞,2]②g⊙f=(g⊙f)(x)=g (f (x) )=g (( x)1/2 )=(2-( x)1/2)1/2The domain of (g⊙f)(x) is x≥0 and 2-( x)1/2x ≥0 ,that is( x)1/2≤2 ,or x ≤ 4 ,so the domain of g⊙f is the closed interval[0,4]③f⊙f=(f⊙f)(x)=f (f(x) )=f((x)1/2)=((x)1/2)1/2=(x)1/4The domain of (f⊙f)(x) is [0,∞)④g⊙g=(g⊙g)(x)=g (g(x) )=g ((2-x)1/2 )=(2-(2-x)1/2)1/2The domain of (g⊙g)(x) is x-2≥0 and 2-(2-x)1/2≥0 ,that is x ≤2 and x ≥-2,so the domain of g⊙g is the closed interval[-2,2]Notice: g⊙f⊙h=f (g(h(x)))Example9Example10 Given F (x)=cos2( x+9),find functions f,g,and h such that F (x)=f⊙g⊙h Solution Since F (x)=[cos ( x+9)] 2,that is h (x)=x+9 g(x)=cos x f (x)=x2Exercise P 45-481.4 Graphing calculators and computers P481.5 Exponential functions⑴An exponential function is a function of the formf (x)=a x See Fig.3 P56 and Fig.4Exponential functions increasing and decreasing (单调性讨论)⑵Lows of exponents If a and b are positive numbers and x and y are any real numbers. Then1) a x+y=a x a y2) a x-y=a x / a y3) (a x)y=a xy4) (ab)x+y =a x b x⑶about the number e f (x)=e x See Fig. 14,15 P61Some of the formulas of calculus will be greatly simplified if we choose the base a .Exercises P 62-631.6 Inverse functions and logarithms1.6.1 Definition(1-4) one-to-one function: A function f iscalled a one-to-one function if it never takes on the same value twice;that is,f (x1)≠f (x2),whenever x1≠x2( 注解:不同的自变量一定有不同的函数值,不同的自变量有相同的函数值则不是一一对应函数) Example: f (x)=x3is one-to-one function.f (x)=x2 is not one-to-one function, See Fig.2,3,4 ☆☆Definition(1-5) Inverse function:Let f be a one-to-one function with domain A and range B. Then its inverse function f -1(y)has domain B and range A and is defined byf-1(y)=x f (x)=y for any y in Bdomain of f-1=range of frange of f-1=domain of f( 注解:it says : if f maps x into y, then f-1maps y back into x . Caution: If f were not one-to-one function,then f-1 would not be uniquely defined. )Caution: Do not mistake the-1 in f-1for an exponent. Thus f-1(x)=1/ f(x) Because the letter x is traditionally used as the independent variable, so when we concentrate on f-1(y) rather than on f-1(y), we usually reverse the roles of x and y in Definition (1-5) and write as f-1(x)=y f (x)=yWe get the following cancellation equations:f-1( f(x))=x for every x in Af (f-1(x))=x for every x in B See Fig.7 P66Example 4 Find the inverse function of f(x)=x3+6Solution We first writef(x)=y=x3+6Then we solve this equation for x:x3=y-6x=(y-6)1/3Finally, we interchange x and y:y=(x-6)1/3That is, the inverse function is f-1(x)=(x-6)1/3( 注解:The graph of f-1 is obtained by reflecting the graph of f about the line y=x. ) See Fig.9、8 1.6.2 Logarithmic function If a>0 and a≠1,the exponential function f (x)=a x is either increasing or decreasing and so it is one-to-one function by the Horizontal Line Test. It therefore has an inverse function f-1,which is called the logarithmic function with base a and is denoted log a,If we use the formulation of an inverse function given by (See Fig.3 P56)f-1(x)=y f (x)=yThen we havelogx=y a y=xThe logarithmic function log a x=y has domain (0,∞) and range R.Usefully equations:①log a(a x)=x for every x∈R②a log ax=x for every x>01.6.3 ☆Lows of logarithms :If x and y are positive numbers, then①log a(xy)=log a x+log a y②log a(x/y)=log a x-log a y③log a(x)r=r log a x where r is any real number1.6.4 Natural logarithmsNatural logarithm isl og e x=ln x =ythat is①ln x =y e y=x② ln(e x)=x x∈R③e ln x=x x>0 ln e=1Example 8 Solve the equation e5-3x=10Solution We take natural logarithms of both sides of the equation and use ②、③ln (e5-3x)=ln10∴5-3x=ln10x=(5-ln10)/3Example 9 Express ln a+(ln b)/2 as a single logarithm.Solution Using laws of logarithms we have:ln a+(ln b)/2=ln a+ln b1/2=ln(ab1/2)1.6.5 ☆Change of Base formula For any positive number a (a≠1), we havel og a x=ln x/ ln a1.6.6 Inverse trigonometric functions⑴Inverse sine function or Arcsine functionsin-1x=y sin y=x and -π/2≤y≤π / 2,-1≤x≤1 See Fig.18、20 P72Example13 ① sin-1 (1/2) or arcsin(1/2) ② tan(arcsin1/3)Solution①∵sin (π/6)=1/2,π/6 lies between -π/2 and π / 2,∴sin-1 (1/2)=π/6② Let θ=arcsin1/3,so sinθ=1/3tan(arcsin1/3)=tanθ=s inθ/cosθ=(1/3)/(1-s in2θ)1/2=1/(8)1/2Usefully equations:①sin-1(sin x)=x for -π/2≤x≤π / 2②sin (sin-1x)=x for -1≤x≤1⑵Inverse cosine function or Arccosine functioncos-1x=y cos y=x and 0 ≤y≤π,-1≤x≤1 See Fig.21、22 P73Usefully equations:①cos-1(cos x)=x for 0 ≤x≤π②cos (cos-1x)=x for -1≤x≤1⑶Inverse Tangent function or Arctangent functiontan-1x=y tan y=x and -π/2<y<π / 2 ,x∈R See Fig.23 P73、Fig.25 P74Example 14 Simplify the expression cos(ta n-1x).Solution 1 Let y=tan-1 x,Then tan y=x and -π/2<y<π / 2 ,We want find cos y but since tan y is known, it is easier to find sec y first:sec2y=1 +tan2y sec y=(1 +x2 )1/2∴cos(ta n-1x)=cos y =1/ sec y=(1 +x2)-1/2Solution 2∵cos(ta n-1x)=cos y∴cos(ta n-1x)=(1 +x2)-1/2⑷Other Inverse trigonometric functionscsc-1x=y∣x∣≥1csc y=x and y∈(0,π / 2]∪(π,3π / 2]sec-1x=y∣x∣≥1sec y=x and y∈[0,π / 2)∪[π,3π / 2]cot-1x=y x∈R cot y=x and y∈(0,π)Exercises P 74-85Key words and PhrasesCalculus 微积分学Set 集合Variable 变量Domain 定义域Range 值域Arbitrary number 独立变量Independent variable 自变量Dependent variable 因变量Square root 平方根Curve 曲线Interval 区间Interval notation 区间符号Closed interval 闭区间Opened interval 开区间Absolute 绝对值Absolute value 绝对值Symmetry 对称性Represent of a function 函数的表述(描述)Even function 偶函数Odd function 奇函数Increasing Function 增函数Increasing Function 减函数Empirical model 经验模型Essential Function 基本函数Linear function 线性函数Polynomial function 多项式函数Coefficient 系数Degree 阶Quadratic function 二次函数(方程)Cubic function 三次函数(方程)Power functions 幂函数Reciprocal function 反比函数Rational function 有理函数Algebra 代数Algebraic function 代数函数Integer 整数Root function 根式函数(方程)Trigonometric function 三角函数Exponential function 指数函数Inverse function 反函数Logarithm function 对数函数Inverse trigonometric function 反三角函数Natural logarithm function 自然对数函数Chang of base of formula 换底公式Transcendental function 超越函数Transformations of functions 函数的变换Vertical shifts 垂直平移Horizontal shifts 水平平移Stretch 伸张Reflect 反演Combinations of functions 函数的组合Composition of functions 函数的复合Composition function 复合函数Intersection 交集Quotient 商Arithmetic 算数。

英文高等数学教材Mathematics is a universal language, and its importance cannot be overstated. It serves as the foundation for countless scientific and technological advancements, making it an essential subject for students in higher education, especially those pursuing degrees in science, engineering, and related fields. As such, a well-designed and comprehensive English-language textbook for advanced mathematics is crucial to assist students in mastering the subject.I. IntroductionThe introduction of the English-language advanced mathematics textbook should provide a brief overview of the subject, emphasizing its significance and relevance to various academic disciplines. It should also highlight the intended audience, specifically upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, who already possess a solid mathematical foundation.II. Chapter Divisions and TopicsThe textbook should be divided into coherent chapters, each covering a specific topic within advanced mathematics. The organization of these chapters should be logical, allowing students to progress from fundamental concepts to more complex theories seamlessly. Some possible chapter divisions and topics could include:1. Calculus and Analysis- Limits and Continuity- Derivatives and Applications- Integration and Techniques of Integration- Differential Equations2. Linear Algebra- Matrices and Vectors- Linear Transformations- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors- Orthogonality and Inner Product Spaces3. Differential Geometry- Curves and Surfaces- Manifolds and Tensors- Riemannian Geometry- Geodesics and CurvatureIII. Pedagogical ApproachTo assist students in comprehending complex mathematical concepts, the textbook should employ various pedagogical approaches. These can include:1. Clear Explanations: Each chapter should provide clear, concise explanations of key theoretical concepts, supplemented with illustrative examples.2. Step-by-Step Solutions: Worked-out examples should be provided, guiding students through the problem-solving process, highlighting key steps and reasoning.3. Practice Problems: A collection of practice problems should be included at the end of each chapter to allow students to consolidate their understanding of the material.4. Supplementary Resources: Additional resources, such as online tutorials, interactive simulations, and video lectures, should be made available to enhance the learning experience.IV. Visual Aids and DiagramsVisual aids, such as graphs, diagrams, and illustrations, play a crucial role in visualizing abstract mathematical concepts. Including well-designed visual representations throughout the textbook can significantly aid students' understanding and comprehension.V. Real-Life ApplicationsThe textbook should incorporate real-life applications of advanced mathematics where possible. By demonstrating the practical relevance of mathematical theories, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the subject and its potential for solving real-world problems.VI. Exercises and AssessmentsApart from practice problems at the end of each chapter, the textbook should include comprehensive exercises and assessments to challengestudents' understanding and encourage critical thinking. These exercises can range from computational problems to proof-based questions.VII. ConclusionA well-crafted English-language advanced mathematics textbook can greatly enhance students' learning experience in higher education. By providing clear explanations, utilizing visual aids, and incorporating real-life applications, such a textbook can assist students in mastering the subject and preparing them for professional careers requiring advanced mathematical skills.Note: This is a fictional article and does not follow the exact structure or content of an actual advanced mathematics textbook.。

4 2
3 2 3 2
5(1) 3(1)
1 0
0 1
A1A 132
4 2
5 3
1 0
0 1
Determinant of a Matrix
• The quantity ad – bc that appears in the rule for calculating the inverse of a 2 x 2 matrix is called the determinant of the matrix.
• Here, we investigate division of matrices.
– With this operation, we can solve equations that involve matrices.
• The Inverse of a Matrix
Identity Matrices
b d
Matrices - Operations
When the original matrix is square, transposition does not affect the elements of the main diagonal
b d
a b
c d
The identity matrix, I, a diagonal matrix D, and a scalar matrix, K, are equal to their transpose since the diagonal is unaffected.

高等数学英语版教材Title: Advanced Mathematics Textbook in English VersionIntroduction:Advanced Mathematics plays a crucial role in shaping a solid foundation for students in the field of mathematics. The English version of the Advanced Mathematics textbook aims to provide students with a comprehensive and accessible resource for learning advanced mathematical concepts and techniques. This article will explore the content and benefits of the English version of the textbook.Chapter 1: FunctionsThe first chapter of the Advanced Mathematics textbook focuses on the fundamental concept of functions. It covers topics such as the definition and classification of functions, domain and range, composite functions, and inverse functions. Through detailed explanations and examples, students gain a solid understanding of these concepts, enabling them to solve various mathematical problems effectively.Chapter 2: Limits and ContinuityIn this chapter, students delve into the study of limits and continuity. They learn about one-sided limits, infinite limits, and the concept of continuity. The textbook emphasizes the importance of these concepts in areas such as calculus and mathematical modeling. Illustrative examples and exercises are provided to ensure practical application and reinforce learning.Chapter 3: DifferentiationThe third chapter introduces students to the essential concept of differentiation. It covers differentiation rules, chain rule, implicit differentiation, and higher-order derivatives. By studying this chapter, students will be able to find derivatives of various functions and apply them in real-world scenarios, such as optimization problems and related rates.Chapter 4: IntegrationThe fourth chapter deals with the concept of integration. Students learn about different integration methods, including substitution, integration by parts, and trigonometric substitutions. The textbook provides examples and exercises to strengthen students' understanding of integration techniques and their applications in finding areas, volumes, and average values.Chapter 5: Differential EquationsDifferential equations are explored in this chapter. Students are introduced to various types of differential equations, such as first-order, linear, and homogeneous equations. The textbook emphasizes the importance of differential equations in modeling real-world processes and provides step-by-step approaches to solve them.Chapter 6: Vector CalculusVector calculus is the focus of the sixth chapter. Students learn about vector functions, gradients, divergence, and curl. The textbook illustrates the applications of vector calculus in fields such as physics and engineering, enabling students to understand and solve problems related to vector fields.Chapter 7: Series and SequencesThe seventh chapter delves into series and sequences. Students discover topics such as convergence, divergence, geometric series, and Taylor series. The textbook provides exercises that encourage students to develop their skills in determining convergence and divergence of series and applying power series to solve mathematical problems.Conclusion:The English version of the Advanced Mathematics textbook provides a comprehensive and accessible resource for students studying advanced mathematical concepts. Its organized and structured approach, along with numerous examples and exercises, ensures a solid understanding of the material. Whether students are preparing for higher education or pursuing a career in mathematics and related fields, this textbook equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the field of advanced mathematics.。

1 variable t x ( x ) ; hence we obtain
is also a composite function of x with intermediate
d y
d dy d dy dt 2 dx dx dx dt dx dx & d y( t ) 1 &t ) x ( t ) & dt x ( & y( & & & & x( t ) & t ) x( t ) y( t ) 1 & 2 & [ x ( t )] x( t ) & & & & & & xy xy 3 & x
x x(t ) y y(t )
(1) If the functions x x(t ) and y y(t ) are both derivable with respect to t in ( , ) and x( t ) 0, then &
dy dx & y & x ;
y y( t )
is called the function defined by the parametric equations.
For example, if the frictional damping of air is omitted, the locus of motion of a projectile may be represented by a parametric equation:

C alc u lus (Fifth Edition)高等数学- Calculus微积分(双语讲稿)Chapter 1 Functions and Models1.1 Four ways to represent a function1.1.1 ☆Definition(1-1) function: A function f is a rule that assigns to each element x in a set A exactly one element, called f(x), in a set B. see Fig.2 and Fig.3Conceptions: domain; range (See fig. 6 p13); independent variable; dependent variable. Four possible ways to represent a function: 1)Verbally语言描述(by a description in words); 2) Numerically数据表述(by a table of values); 3) Visually 视觉图形描述(by a graph);4)Algebraically 代数描述(by an explicit formula).1.1.2 A question about a Curve represent a function and can’t represent a functionThe way ( The vertical line test ) : A curve in the xy-plane is the graph of a function of x if and only if no vertical line intersects the curve more than once. See Fig.17 p 171.1.3 ☆Piecewise defined functions (分段定义的函数)Example7 (P18)1-x if x ≤1f(x)=﹛x2if x>1Evaluate f(0),f(1),f(2) and sketch the graph.Solution:1.1.4 About absolute value (分段定义的函数)⑴∣x∣≥0;⑵∣x∣≤0Example8 (P19)Sketch the graph of the absolute value function f(x)=∣x∣.Solution:1.1.5☆☆Symmetry ,(对称) Even functions and Odd functions (偶函数和奇函数)⑴Symmetry See Fig.23 and Fig.24⑵①Even functions: If a function f satisfies f(-x)=f(x) for every number x in its domain,then f is call an even function. Example f(x)=x2 is even function because: f(-x)= (-x)2=x2=f(x)②Odd functions: If a function f satisfies f(-x)=-f(x) for every number x in its domain,thenf is call an odd function. Example f(x)=x3 is even function because: f(-x)=(-x)3=-x3=-f(x)③Neither even nor odd functions:1.1.6☆☆Increasing and decreasing function (增函数和减函数)⑴Definition(1-2) increasing and decreasing function:① A function f is called increasing on an interval I if f(x1)<f(x2) whenever x1<x2 in I. ①A function f is called decreasing on an interval I if f(x1)>f(x2) whenever x1<x2 in I.See Fig.26. and Fig.27. p211.2 Mathematical models: a catalog of essential functions p251.2.1 A mathematical model p25A mathematical model is a mathematical description of a real-world phenomenon such as the size of a population, the demand for a product, the speed of a falling object, the concentration of a product in a chemical reaction, the life expectancy of a person at birth, or the cost of emission reduction.1.2.2 Linear models and Linear function P261.2.3 Polynomial P27A function f is called a polynomial ifP(x) =a n x n+a n-1x n-1+…+a2x2+a1x+a0Where n is a nonnegative integer and the numbers a0,a1,a2,…,a n-1,a n are constants called the coefficients of the polynomial. The domain of any polynomial is R=(-∞,+∞).if the leading coefficient a n≠0, then the degree of the polynomial is n. For example, the function P(x) =5x6+2x5-x4+3x-9⑴Quadratic function example: P(x) =5x2+2x-3 二次函数(方程)⑵Cubic function example: P(x) =6x3+3x2-1 三次函数(方程)1.2.4Power functions幂函数P30A function of the form f(x) =x a,Where a is a constant, is called a power function. We consider several cases:⑴a=n where n is a positive integer ,(n=1,2,3,…,)⑵a=1/n where n is a positive integer,(n=1,2,3,…,) The function f(x) =x1/n⑶a=n-1 the graph of the reciprocal function f(x) =x-1 反比函数1.2.5Rational function有理函数P 32A rational function f is a ratio of two polynomials:f(x)=P(x) /Q(x)1.2.6Algebraic function代数函数P32A function f is called algebraic function if it can be constructed using algebraic operations ( such as addition,subtraction,multiplication,division,and taking roots) starting with polynomials. Any rational function is automatically an algebraic function. Examples: P 321.2.7Trigonometric functions 三角函数P33⑴f(x)=sin x⑵f(x)=cos x⑶f(x)=tan x=sin x / cos x1.2.8Exponential function 指数函数P34The exponential functions are the functions the form f(x) =a x Where the base a is a positive constant.1.2.9Transcendental functions 超越函数P35These are functions that are not a algebraic. The set of transcendental functions includes the trigonometric,inverse trigonometric,exponential,and logarithmic functions,but it also includes a vast number of other functions that have never been named. In Chapter 11 we will study transcendental functions that are defined as sums of infinite series.1.2 Exercises P 35-381.3 New functions from old functions1.3.1 Transformations of functions P38⑴Vertical and Horizontal shifts (See Fig.1 p39)①y=f(x)+c,(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units upward.②y=f(x)-c,(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units downward.③y=f(x+c),(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units to the left.④y=f(x-c),(c>0)shift the graph of y=f(x) a distance c units to the right.⑵ V ertical and Horizontal Stretching and Reflecting (See Fig.2 p39)①y=c f(x),(c>1)stretch the graph of y=f(x) vertically by a factor of c②y=(1/c) f(x),(c>1)compress the graph of y=f(x) vertically by a factor of c③y=f(x/c),(c>1)stretch the graph of y=f(x) horizontally by a factor of c.④y=f(c x),(c>1)compress the graph of y=f(x) horizontally by a factor of c.⑤y=-f(x),reflect the graph of y=f(x) about the x-axis⑥y=f(-x),reflect the graph of y=f(x) about the y-axisExamples1: (See Fig.3 p39)y=f( x) =cos x,y=f( x) =2cos x,y=f( x) =(1/2)cos x,y=f( x) =cos(x/2),y=f( x) =cos2xExamples2: (See Fig.4 p40)Given the graph y=f( x) =( x)1/2,use transformations to graph y=f( x) =( x)1/2-2,y=f( x) =(x-2)1/2,y=f( x) =-( x)1/2,y=f( x) =2 ( x)1/2,y=f( x) =(-x)1/21.3.2 Combinations of functions (代数组合函数)P42Algebra of functions: Two functions (or more) f and g through the way such as add, subtract, multiply and divide to combined a new function called Combination of function.☆Definition(1-2) Combination function: Let f and g be functions with domains A and B. The functions f±g,f g and f /g are defined as follows: (特别注意符号(f±g)( x) 定义的含义)①(f±g)( x)=f(x)±g( x),domain =A∩B②(f g)( x)=f(x) g( x),domain =A∩ B③(f /g)( x)=f(x) /g( x),domain =A∩ B and g( x)≠0Example 6 If f( x) =( x)1/2,and g( x)=(4-x2)1/2,find functions y=f(x)+g( x),y=f(x)-g( x),y=f(x)g( x),and y=f(x) /g( x)Solution: The domain of f( x) =( x)1/2 is [0,+∞),The domain of g( x) =(4-x2)1/2 is interval [-2,2],The intersection of the domains of f(x) and g( x) is[0,+∞)∩[-2,2]=[0,2]Thus,according to the definitions, we have(f+g)( x)=( x)1/2+(4-x2)1/2,domain [0,2](f-g)( x)=( x)1/2-(4-x2)1/2,domain [0,2](f g)( x)=f(x) g( x) =( x)1/2(4-x2)1/2=(4 x-x3)1/2domain [0,2](f /g)( x)=f(x)/g( x)=( x)1/2/(4-x2)1/2=[ x/(4-x2)]1/2 domain [0,2)1.3.3☆☆Composition of functions (复合函数)P45☆Definition(1-3) Composition function: Given two functions f and g the composite function f⊙g (also called the composition of f and g ) is defined by(f⊙g)( x)=f( g( x)) (特别注意符号(f⊙g)( x) 定义的含义)The domain of f⊙g is the set of all x in the domain of g such that g(x) is in the domain of f . In other words, (f⊙g)(x) is defined whenever both g(x) and f (g (x)) are defined. See Fig.13 p 44 Example7 If f (g)=( g)1/2 and g(x)=(4-x3)1/2find composite functions f⊙g and g⊙f Solution We have(f⊙g)(x)=f (g (x) ) =( g)1/2=((4-x3)1/2)1/2(g⊙f)(x)=g (f (x) )=(4-x3)1/2=[4-((x)1/2)3]1/2=[4-(x)3/2]1/2Example8 If f (x)=( x)1/2 and g(x)=(2-x)1/2find composite function s①f⊙g ②g⊙f ③f⊙f④g⊙gSolution We have①f⊙g=(f⊙g)(x)=f (g (x) )=f((2-x)1/2)=((2-x)1/2)1/2=(2-x)1/4The domain of (f⊙g)(x) is 2-x≥0 that is x ≤2 {x ︳x ≤2 }=(-∞,2]②g⊙f=(g⊙f)(x)=g (f (x) )=g (( x)1/2 )=(2-( x)1/2)1/2The domain of (g⊙f)(x) is x≥0 and 2-( x)1/2x ≥0 ,that is ( x)1/2≤2 ,or x ≤ 4 ,so the domain of g⊙f is the closed interval[0,4]③f⊙f=(f⊙f)(x)=f (f(x) )=f((x)1/2)=((x)1/2)1/2=(x)1/4The domain of (f⊙f)(x) is [0,∞)④g⊙g=(g⊙g)(x)=g (g(x) )=g ((2-x)1/2 )=(2-(2-x)1/2)1/2The domain of (g⊙g)(x) is x-2≥0 and 2-(2-x)1/2≥0 ,that is x ≤2 and x ≥-2,so the domain of g⊙g is the closed interval[-2,2]Notice: g⊙f⊙h=f (g(h(x)))Example9Example10 Given F (x)=cos2( x+9),find functions f,g,and h such that F (x)=f⊙g⊙h Solution Since F (x)=[cos ( x+9)] 2,that is h (x)=x+9 g(x)=cos x f (x)=x2Exercise P 45-481.4 Graphing calculators and computers P481.5 Exponential functions⑴An exponential function is a function of the formf (x)=a x See Fig.3 P56 and Fig.4Exponential functions increasing and decreasing (单调性讨论)⑵Lows of exponents If a and b are positive numbers and x and y are any real numbers. Then1) a x+y=a x a y2) a x-y=a x / a y3) (a x)y=a xy4) (ab)x+y=a x b x⑶about the number e f (x)=e x See Fig. 14,15 P61Some of the formulas of calculus will be greatly simplified if we choose the base a .Exercises P 62-631.6 Inverse functions and logarithms1.6.1 Definition(1-4) one-to-one function: A function f is called a one-to-one function if it never takes on the same value twice;that is,f (x1)≠f (x2),whenever x1≠x2( 注解:不同的自变量一定有不同的函数值,不同的自变量有相同的函数值则不是一一对应函数) Example: f (x)=x3is one-to-one function.f (x)=x2 is not one-to-one function, See Fig.2,3,4☆☆Definition(1-5) Inverse function:Let f be a one-to-one function with domain A and range B. Then its inverse function f-1(y)has domain B and range A and is defined byf-1(y)=x f (x)=y for any y in Bdomain of f-1=range of frange of f-1=domain of f( 注解:it says : if f maps x into y, then f-1maps y back into x . Caution: If f were not one-to-one function,then f-1 would not be uniquely defined. )Caution: Do not mistake the-1 in f-1for an exponent. Thus f-1(x)=1/ f(x) !!!Because the letter x is traditionally used as the independent variable, so when we concentrate on f-1(y) rather than on f-1(y), we usually reverse the roles of x and y in Definition (1-5) and write as f-1(x)=y f (x)=yWe get the following cancellation equations:f-1( f(x))=x for every x in Af (f-1(x))=x for every x in B See Fig.7 P66Example 4 Find the inverse function of f(x)=x3+6Solution We first writef(x)=y=x3+6Then we solve this equation for x:x3=y-6x=(y-6)1/3Finally, we interchange x and y:y=(x-6)1/3That is, the inverse function is f-1(x)=(x-6)1/3( 注解:The graph of f-1 is obtained by reflecting the graph of f about the line y=x. ) See Fig.9、8 1.6.2 Logarithmic functionIf a>0 and a≠1,the exponential function f (x)=a x is either increasing or decreasing and so it is one-to-one function by the Horizontal Line Test. It therefore has an inverse function f-1,which is called the logarithmic function with base a and is denoted log a,If we use the formulation of an inverse function given by (See Fig.3 P56)f-1(x)=y f (x)=yThen we havelogx=y a y=xThe logarithmic function log a x=y has domain (0,∞) and range R.Usefully equations:①log a(a x)=x for every x∈R②a log ax=x for every x>01.6.3 ☆Lows of logarithms :If x and y are positive numbers, then①log a(xy)=log a x+log a y②log a(x/y)=log a x-log a y③log a(x)r=r log a x where r is any real number1.6.4 Natural logarithmsNatural logarithm isl og e x=ln x =ythat is①ln x =y e y=x② ln(e x)=x x∈R③e ln x=x x>0 ln e=1Example 8 Solve the equation e5-3x=10Solution We take natural logarithms of both sides of the equation and use ②、③ln (e5-3x)=ln10∴5-3x=ln10x=(5-ln10)/3Example 9 Express ln a+(ln b)/2 as a single logarithm.Solution Using laws of logarithms we have:ln a+(ln b)/2=ln a+ln b1/2=ln(ab1/2)1.6.5 ☆Change of Base formula For any positive number a (a≠1), we havel og a x=ln x/ ln a1.6.6 Inverse trigonometric functions⑴Inverse sine function or Arcsine functionsin-1x=y sin y=x and -π/2≤y≤π / 2,-1≤x≤1 See Fig.18、20 P72Example13 ① sin-1 (1/2) or arcsin(1/2) ② tan(arcsin1/3)Solution①∵sin (π/6)=1/2,π/6 lies between -π/2 and π / 2,∴sin-1 (1/2)=π/6② Let θ=arcsin1/3,so sinθ=1/3tan(arcsin1/3)=tanθ= s inθ/cosθ= (1/3)/(1-s in2θ)1/2=1/(8)1/2Usefully equations:①sin-1(sin x)=x for -π/2≤x≤π / 2②sin (sin-1x)=x for -1≤x≤1⑵Inverse cosine function or Arccosine functioncos-1x=y cos y=x and 0 ≤y≤π,-1≤x≤1 See Fig.21、22 P73Usefully equations:①cos-1(cos x)=x for 0 ≤x≤π②cos (cos-1x)=x for -1≤x≤1⑶Inverse Tangent function or Arctangent functiontan-1x=y tan y=x and -π/2<y<π / 2 ,x∈R See Fig.23 P73、Fig.25 P74Example 14 Simplify the expression cos(ta n-1x).Solution 1 Let y=tan-1 x,Then tan y=x and -π/2<y<π / 2 ,We want find cos y but since tan y is known, it is easier to find sec y first:sec2y=1 +tan2y sec y=(1 +x2 )1/2∴cos(ta n-1x)=cos y =1/ sec y=(1 +x2)-1/2Solution 2∵cos(ta n-1x)=cos y∴cos(ta n-1x)=(1 +x2)-1/2⑷Other Inverse trigonometric functionscsc-1x=y∣x∣≥1csc y=x and y∈(0,π / 2]∪(π,3π / 2]sec-1x=y∣x∣≥1sec y=x and y∈[0,π / 2)∪[π,3π / 2]cot-1x=y x∈R cot y=x and y∈(0,π)Exercises P 74-85Key words and PhrasesCalculus 微积分学Set 集合Variable 变量Domain 定义域Range 值域Arbitrary number 独立变量Independent variable 自变量Dependent variable 因变量Square root 平方根Curve 曲线Interval 区间Interval notation 区间符号Closed interval 闭区间Opened interval 开区间Absolute 绝对值Absolute value 绝对值Symmetry 对称性Represent of a function 函数的表述(描述)Even function 偶函数Odd function 奇函数Increasing Function 增函数Increasing Function 减函数Empirical model 经验模型Essential Function 基本函数Linear function 线性函数Polynomial function 多项式函数Coefficient 系数Degree 阶Quadratic function 二次函数(方程)Cubic function 三次函数(方程)Power functions 幂函数Reciprocal function 反比函数Rational function 有理函数Algebra 代数Algebraic function 代数函数Integer 整数Root function 根式函数(方程)Trigonometric function 三角函数Exponential function 指数函数Inverse function 反函数Logarithm function 对数函数Inverse trigonometric function 反三角函数Natural logarithm function 自然对数函数Chang of base of formula 换底公式Transcendental function 超越函数Transformations of functions 函数的变换Vertical shifts 垂直平移Horizontal shifts 水平平移Stretch 伸张Reflect 反演Combinations of functions 函数的组合Composition of functions 函数的复合Composition function 复合函数Intersection 交集Quotient 商Arithmetic 算数。
Generalized trigonometric functions

Jan Lang (The Ohio State University)
Generalized trigonometric functions
Figure: sin6,6 , cos6,6
sin1.2,1.2 , cos1.2,1.2
Jan Lang (The Ohio State University)
π p ,q = 2
1 0
(1 − t q )−1/p dt = p q
1 0
p q
1 0
y −p /p (1 − y p )−1/q y p /p dy p πq ,p . q 2
(1 − ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ p )−1/q dy =
Jan Lang (The Ohio State University)
Generalized trigonometric functions
1 1 +q 1− p
(p )1/q q 1/p 1 1 , q) B( p πp,q x . 2
and that the norm is attained when: f (t ) = cosp,q πp,q x 2 π p ,q 2 and Tf (t ) = sinp,q
Jan Lang (The Ohio State University)
Jan Lang (The Ohio State University) Generalized trigonometric functions
Corresponding to this we define a function cosp,q by the prescription d cosp,q (x ) = sinp,q (x ), x ∈ R. (3) dx Clearly cosp,q is even, 2πp,q -periodic and odd about πp,q ; and cos2,2 = cos. If x ∈ [0, πp,q /2], then from the definition it follows that cosp,q (x ) = (1 − (sinp,q (x ))q )1/p . (4) Moreover, the asymmetry and periodicity show that | sinp,q (x )|q + | cosp,q (x )|p = 1, We will use: πp := πp,p , sinp := sinp,p and cosp := cosp,p . x ∈ R. (5)

Discover the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and its significance in integration.
Riemann Sums
Explore Riemann sums as a method for approximating definite integrals.
Functions and Graphs
Types of Functions
Discover the different types of functions and their graphical representations.
Graph Plotting
Learn how to plot and analyze functions using mathematical tools and software.
Derivative Definition
Learn the definition and basic rules
Chain Rule
of differentiation.
Discover how to differentiate
composite functions using the
Work and Energy
Explore how integration is used to calculate work and energy in various scenarios.
Differential Equations
Introduction to Differential

only one such series and its nth coefficient is
(n)(a) n!
Constructing a Series
If f has a series representation, then the series must be
f (a)
f (a)( x a)
Finding a Taylor Series
Example Find the Taylor series generated by f ( x) 1 at a 2.
Where, if anywhere, does the series converge to
1 x
Solution We need to find f (2), f (2), f (2),... .
f (n)(a) ( x a)n n!
The Maclaurin series generated by f is
( k ) (0) k!
f (0)
f (0)x
(0) 2!
the Taylor series generated by f at x = 0.
(n)(0) n!
f ( x) Pn ( x) Rn ( x) The absolute value | Rn ( x) || f ( x) Pn( x) | is called the error associated with the approximation Pn ( x).

V、X、Z:Value of function :函数值Variable :变数Vector :向量Velocity :速度Vertical asymptote :垂直渐近线Volume :体积X-axis :x轴x-coordinate :x坐标x-intercept :x截距Zero vector :函数的零点Zeros of a polynomial :多项式的零点T:Tangent function :正切函数Tangent line :切线Tangent plane :切平面Tangent vector :切向量Total differential :全微分Trigonometric function :三角函数Trigonometric integrals :三角积分Trigonometric substitutions :三角代换法Tripe integrals :三重积分S:Saddle point :鞍点Scalar :纯量Secant line :割线Second derivative :二阶导数Second Derivative Test :二阶导数试验法Second partial derivative :二阶偏导数Sector :扇形Sequence :数列Series :级数Set :集合Shell method :剥壳法Sine function :正弦函数Singularity :奇点Slant asymptote :斜渐近线Slope :斜率Slope-intercept equation of a line :直线的斜截式Smooth curve :平滑曲线Smooth surface :平滑曲面Solid of revolution :旋转体Space :空间Speed :速率Spherical coordinates :球面坐标Squeeze Theorem :夹挤定理Step function :阶梯函数Strictly decreasing :严格递减Strictly increasing :严格递增Sum :和Surface :曲面Surface integral :面积分Surface of revolution :旋转曲面Symmetry :对称R:Radius of convergence :收敛半径Range of a function :函数的值域Rate of change :变化率Rational function :有理函数Rationalizing substitution :有理代换法Rational number :有理数Real number :实数Rectangular coordinates :直角坐标Rectangular coordinate system :直角坐标系Relative maximum and minimum :相对极大值与极小值Revenue function :收入函数Revolution , solid of :旋转体Revolution , surface of :旋转曲面Riemann Sum :黎曼和Riemannian geometry :黎曼几何Right-hand derivative :右导数Right-hand limit :右极限Root :根P、Q:Parabola :拋物线Parabolic cylinder :抛物柱面Paraboloid :抛物面Parallelepiped :平行六面体Parallel lines :并行线Parameter :参数Partial derivative :偏导数Partial differential equation :偏微分方程Partial fractions :部分分式Partial integration :部分积分Partiton :分割Period :周期Periodic function :周期函数Perpendicular lines :垂直线Piecewise defined function :分段定义函数Plane :平面Point of inflection :反曲点Polar axis :极轴Polar coordinate :极坐标Polar equation :极方程式Pole :极点Polynomial :多项式Positive angle :正角Point-slope form :点斜式Power function :幂函数Product :积Quadrant :象限Quotient Law of limit :极限的商定律Quotient Rule :商定律M、N、O:Maximum and minimum values :极大与极小值Mean Value Theorem :均值定理Multiple integrals :重积分Multiplier :乘子Natural exponential function :自然指数函数Natural logarithm function :自然对数函数Natural number :自然数Normal line :法线Normal vector :法向量Number :数Octant :卦限Odd function :奇函数One-sided limit :单边极限Open interval :开区间Optimization problems :最佳化问题Order :阶Ordinary differential equation :常微分方程Origin :原点Orthogonal :正交的L:Laplace transform :Leplace 变换Law of Cosines :余弦定理Least upper bound :最小上界Left-hand derivative :左导数Left-hand limit :左极限Lemniscate :双钮线Length :长度Level curve :等高线L'Hospital's rule :洛必达法则Limacon :蚶线Limit :极限Linear approximation:线性近似Linear equation :线性方程式Linear function :线性函数Linearity :线性Linearization :线性化Line in the plane :平面上之直线Line in space :空间之直线Lobachevski geometry :罗巴切夫斯基几何Local extremum :局部极值Local maximum and minimum :局部极大值与极小值Logarithm :对数Logarithmic function :对数函数I:Implicit differentiation :隐求导法Implicit function :隐函数Improper integral :瑕积分Increasing/Decreasing Test :递增或递减试验法Increment :增量Increasing Function :增函数Indefinite integral :不定积分Independent variable :自变数Indeterminate from :不定型Inequality :不等式Infinite point :无穷极限Infinite series :无穷级数Inflection point :反曲点Instantaneous velocity :瞬时速度Integer :整数Integral :积分Integrand :被积分式Integration :积分Integration by part :分部积分法Intercepts :截距Intermediate value of Theorem :中间值定理Interval :区间Inverse function :反函数Inverse trigonometric function :反三角函数Iterated integral :逐次积分H:Higher mathematics 高等数学/高数E、F、G、H:Ellipse :椭圆Ellipsoid :椭圆体Epicycloid :外摆线Equation :方程式Even function :偶函数Expected Valued :期望值Exponential Function :指数函数Exponents , laws of :指数率Extreme value :极值Extreme Value Theorem :极值定理Factorial :阶乘First Derivative Test :一阶导数试验法First octant :第一卦限Focus :焦点Fractions :分式Function :函数Fundamental Theorem of Calculus :微积分基本定理Geometric series :几何级数Gradient :梯度Graph :图形Green Formula :格林公式Half-angle formulas :半角公式Harmonic series :调和级数Helix :螺旋线Higher Derivative :高阶导数Horizontal asymptote :水平渐近线Horizontal line :水平线Hyperbola :双曲线Hyper boloid :双曲面D:Decreasing function :递减函数Decreasing sequence :递减数列Definite integral :定积分Degree of a polynomial :多项式之次数Density :密度Derivative :导数of a composite function :复合函数之导数of a constant function :常数函数之导数directional :方向导数domain of :导数之定义域of exponential function :指数函数之导数higher :高阶导数partial :偏导数of a power function :幂函数之导数of a power series :羃级数之导数of a product :积之导数of a quotient :商之导数as a rate of change :导数当作变率right-hand :右导数second :二阶导数as the slope of a tangent :导数看成切线之斜率Determinant :行列式Differentiable function :可导函数Differential :微分Differential equation :微分方程partial :偏微分方程Differentiation :求导法implicit :隐求导法partial :偏微分法term by term :逐项求导法Directional derivatives :方向导数Discontinuity :不连续性Disk method :圆盘法Distance :距离Divergence :发散Domain :定义域Dot product :点积Double integral :二重积分change of variable in :二重积分之变数变换in polar coordinates :极坐标二重积分C:Calculus :微积分differential :微分学integral :积分学Cartesian coordinates :笛卡儿坐标一般指直角坐标Cartesian coordinates system :笛卡儿坐标系Cauch’s Mean Value Theorem :柯西均值定理Chain Rule :连锁律Change of variables :变数变换Circle :圆Circular cylinder :圆柱Closed interval :封闭区间Coefficient :系数Composition of function :函数之合成Compound interest :复利Concavity :凹性Conchoid :蚌线Cone :圆锥Constant function :常数函数Constant of integration :积分常数Continuity :连续性at a point :在一点处之连续性of a function :函数之连续性on an interval :在区间之连续性from the left :左连续from the right :右连续Continuous function :连续函数Convergence :收敛interval of :收敛区间radius of :收敛半径Convergent sequence :收敛数列series :收敛级数Coordinate:s:坐标Cartesian :笛卡儿坐标cylindrical :柱面坐标polar :极坐标rectangular :直角坐标spherical :球面坐标Coordinate axes :坐标轴Coordinate planes :坐标平面Cosine function :余弦函数Critical point :临界点Cubic function :三次函数Curve :曲线Cylinder:圆柱Cylindrical Coordinates :圆柱坐标A、B:Absolute convergence :绝对收敛Absolute extreme values :绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum :绝对极大与极小Absolute value :绝对值Absolute value function :绝对值函数Acceleration :加速度Antiderivative :反导数Approximate integration :近似积分Approximation :逼近法by differentials :用微分逼近linear :线性逼近法by Simp son’s Rule :Simpson法则逼近法by the Trapezoidal Rule :梯形法则逼近法Arbitrary constant :任意常数Arc length :弧长Area :面积under a curve :曲线下方之面积between curves :曲线间之面积in polar coordinates :极坐标表示之面积of a sector of a circle :扇形之面积of a surface of a revolution :旋转曲面之面积Asymptote :渐近线horizontal :水平渐近线slant :斜渐近线vertical :垂直渐近线Average speed :平均速率Average velocity :平均速度Axes, coordinate :坐标轴Axes of ellipse :椭圆之轴Binomial series :二项级数。
(高等数学英文课件)2.4 Derivatives of Trigomometric Functio

y 4secxcotx 4secxcotx
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Example 3
limgxg0 ? limgx......
g00limgx limcosx 1
g 0 1
b 1
目录 上页 下页 返回 结束
h 0
h 0
limsinxcosh1 limcos xsinh
sinxlimcosh1 cosxlimsinh
h0 h
h0 h
2sin2 sinxlim
h 2
h 2
h0 h 2
目录 上页 下页 返回 结束
h 0
(高等数学英文课件)2.4 Derivatives of Trigomometric Functions
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Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
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2.4.1 Derivative of the Sine Function 2.4.2 Derivative of the Cosine Function 2.4.3 Derivatives of the Other Basic
Example 3
gxg0 gx1
x 0

dy 2 dx + y = x d2 y = −k2 y dx2 2y 5 d3 y + d 2 + cos x = dx3 dx dy sin dx + tan−1 y = 1
Ordinary Differential Equations Lecture Notes
Definition (1.2.3) The order of the highest derivative occurring in a differential equation is called the order of the differential equation. In Example 1.2.2
Ordinary Differential Equations Lecture Notes
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nanyang Technological University
August 2010
Ordinary Differential Equations Lecture Notes
Ordinary Differential Equations Lecture Notes
1.2. Basic Ideas and Terminology
Begin with a very general definition of a differential equation. Definition (1.2.1) A differential equation is an equation involving one or more derivatives of an unknown function. Examples (1.2.2) The following are all differential equations.

Hyperbolic tangent
subsets unions factor
Empty set
补集 complements
§2.1: Words of Operations (I) (Cont.)
中文 混合运算
7 = 0.428571428571…= 0.428571
4. Read: 百分位:percentile
35.6078: after ? To the ? Its ? =35.61
§2.1: Words of Operations (I)
(数)运算 乘 比率
花括号 {}
不等于 ≠
operation times, multiplied by
Chinese 分数
English fraction
(pure) imaginary number
Chinese 小数
English decimal
complex number
正数 十位数
万 亿 偶数
positive number tens
ten thousand hundred million
delta x,
increment x y”
multivariate 对数, function 常用对数
y prime, y double prime
Logarithm, Common logarithm
Ell en x

x 0, 0 x.
Solution ( continued )
f ( x)cos nxdx
0 cos nxdx 1
x cos nxdx
x n
sin nxdx
(cos n
(1)n 1
{1,cos x,sin x,cos 2x,sin 2 x, ,cos nx,sin nx, }
over the interval [ , ] is zero; and the definite integral of the square of any function of the system over[ , ] is not equal to
type. Then the Fourier series of the function f must converge on the interval
x , and its sum function is
f ( x),
0) 2
0) ,
f ( x)dx a0
a0 x 2
a0 .
Solving for a0 yields
f ( x)dx.
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x3 9x2
2 7 c o s 9 c o s3 C
cos 9 x2
9 x2
99x29x2323C .
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Example 3.
dx (x a).
x2 a2
Solution. Let x a se t,t c(0 ,π 2 ), then
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Example 2. Evaluate the indefinite integral
x3 dx,3x3.
Let x3sin, 2,2, then
dxd3sin3cosd, 9x2 99sin23cos.
Example 4. Evaluate the indefinite integral
x 1 tan
dx 4x2 1 2
sec d
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Example 5. Evaluate the indefinite integral
Solution 2.
Chapter 7 Integration Techniques, L’Hospital
Rule, and Improper Integrals
7.1 Basic Integration Formulas 7.2 Integration by Parts 7.3 Partial Fractions 7.4 Trigonometric Substitutions 7.5 Integral Tables, CAS, and Monte Carlo
x3 9x2
dx23 7cso in s33cosd27
27sin2sind 2 7 1 c o s2d c o s
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Example 2. Evaluate the indefinite integral
x3 dபைடு நூலகம்,3x3.
Solution 2.
x2 x2 a2
x1 t
x2 x2 a2
t dt
a2t2 1
1 2a2
d a2t2 1 a2t2 1
a12 a2t2 1C
x2 a2
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P569 3, 9, 12, 18, 22, 25. P560 34.
dx asettcatd nt
asetctatndt atant
ln se t tca t n C 1
ln ax
x2a2 a
C 1
x x2 a2
lnxx2a2C (C C 1ln a)
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x2 1
d x
xdx 1
x x2 1
x2 x2 1 2 x2 x2 1
1 x 2 t
2 t t1
t 1 u
d u2 1
2 u 2 1 u
du u2 1
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Example 6. Evaluate the indefinite integral
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Integration 7.6 L’ Hospital Rule 7.7 Improper Integrals
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Trigonometric Substitutions
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In this section, we consider the integrals involving a2 x2 , a2 x2 , x2 a2.