



《英语写作I》课程简介课程编号:课程名称:英语写作I英文名称:English writing I课程性质:学科基础课开课对象:非英语专业课程学分:前修课程:主要参考教材:1.丁往道等,《英语写作手册》,外语教学与研究出版社,19942.杨立民等,《现代大学英语(基础写作)》,外语教学与研究出版社,20053.吴文仲等,《实用英语写作》,外语教学与研究出版社,1997.课程简介:本课的目的在于培养学生初步的英语写作能力,包括提纲、文章摘要、短文以及简单的应用文。



理论教学大纲课程性质:中(英)文课程名称:英语写作I (English Writing I)学分:4学时:40一、讲授部分第一章文稿格式教学目的与要求学习写作,应明确什么是好的文稿格式。














Task 2
its 745 on tuesday morning and 26 year old steve clerkson is going to work he puts on his jacket and picks up his cell phone paper and laptop as he leaves the house he turns on his mp3 player and put on his headphones he is ready to go
1. A comma is used to join clauses. It is put before the conjunction (and,but, or, for, so, nor, yet ) 2. A comma is used after an adverbial clause or phrase. 3. Commas are used to separate a series of words or phrases with the same function in the sentence.
II Manu Scripts • Arrangement • Capitalization
• • • •
1. two centimeters at the top 2. two centimeters at the bottom 3.one and a half centimeters on the left 4.one and a half centimeters on the right
III Diction-Using Proper Words
• I. Using words correctly • II. Using words accurately



单项选择题1、What are the four basic elements that make up a memo?2、______ is a proper expression for making requests.…….……3、The following information may be contained in the discussion segment of a memo EXCEPT______.4、What is the Chinese term for “Barter Contract”?保管合同买卖合同寄售合同易货合同5、What are the four basic elements that make up a memo?6、______ is NOT a part of the main body in a report.7、The following are information included in a personal statement EXCEPT ______.8、The function of meeting minutes is to ______.9、A descriptive abstract usually does NOT include _____ of a study.10、The following are components of a contract EXCEPT______.11、What is the English term for 文艺晚会?12、What is the Chinese term for Keynote Speech?主要演讲会议发言基调演讲主旨发言13、What’s the first item on an agenda?14、What does “Re.” stands for in the subject line of a letter?15、What’s the first item on an agenda?16、______ is NOT included in the heading of meeting minutes.17、Generally, in-text citations can be classified into _____, summarizing and paraphrasing.18、For “个人陈述”, What is the correct term?19、How to make an abstract concise?20、______ is NOT a necessary part of a business letter.21、The correct way to write address 5栋2单元218室is _____.22、_____ is not a part of a resume.23、In an academic conference agenda, more specific information of presenters is given than general conference agenda, EXCEPT ______.24、The following information is in the heading segment of a memo EXCEPT______.25、______is NOT a component of a meeting notice.26、The word “move” used in minutes refers to ______.27、The formal English term for “会议记录” is ______28、______ and ______ are the two types of analytical reports.29、_____ is an optional part in the contact information section of a CV?30、The correct way to write the date is ______.31、What are the components of an abstract?32、______ is not a component of a CV.33、The following are parts of a report EXCEPT______.34、______ is not common expression for writing abstracts.…35、The following information is in the heading segment of a memo EXCEPT______.36、______ is NOT a part of the preamble in a contract.37、______ is NOT a notice title.38、What are the components of a citation in the reference list?39、Which part can be omitted in an informal letter ______.40、Which component is NOT a part in a memo?41、Which part can be omitted in an informal letter ______.42、The English term for“结业证书”is ______.43、The following are parts of a report EXCEPT______.判断题44、You should avoid spelling or grammatical errors in your personal statement.√45、The closing segment of a memo can be brief and short.√46、There are no strict guidelines on the layout of a notice.√47、APA and MLA are two common formats for citations.√48、Generally speaking, an abstract does NOT include Conclusion.√49、Personal letters are formal letters.√50、Provide the context and background of the research is a function of the conclusion in an abstract.√51、The opening segment is not a necessary part of a memo.√52、A job application is also known as a Cover letter.√53、You should research what skills and qualities the courses you are applying to demand and show how you already have them.√54、You should mention the limitations at the beginning of your abstract.√55、休会 is the Chinese term for “Adjournment”.√56、The opening segment is not a necessary part of a memo.√57、Recipient’s address is NOT included in the letter of transmittal in a report.√58、A memo is a type of document distributed in a company or organization to deliver certain messages.√59、Inside address is NOT the component of a contract.√60、Technology Transaction Contract is the English term for “技术转让合同”.√61、A meeting notice usually begins with the wish that the reader can attend.√62、延期 is the Chinese term for “Adjournment”.√63、Email is a formal type of writing.√64、The purpose and context of a memo are presented in the opening segment.√65、A serial number must be included in a certificate.√66、The notice of meeting and agenda are usually combined in one document.√67、We do not have to cite when we use others’ research data.√68、The first impression is not important for an abstract.√69、You are encouraged to use adjectives and adverbs in minutes writing.√70、Block style is one of the format types of letters.√71、All resumes share the same components.√72、A memo is a type of document distributed in a company or organization to deliver certain messages.√73、Technology Transfer Contract is the English term for “技术转让合同”.√74、An email should begin with the main idea immediately.√75、Minutes should be written in informal style.√76、You are suggested to use tables and graphs when necessary in a report.√77、Invitations cannot be presented in the form of an email.√78、The word “you” is used when giving negative message in a letter.√79、The English term for “出生证书” is Birth Certificate.√80、In contracts, ending words and signatures often begins with the phrases “as to” or “in witness whereof”.√81、A serial number must be included in a certificate.√82、Definitions of key terms should be avoided in an abstract.√83、If the certificate is overtly addressed to someone as a letter is, the salutation often adopts “To whom it may concern”.√主观题84、Task 1:Rearrange the following sentences into a correct order.What are the types of abstract?A. A descriptive abstract indicates the type of information found in the work. It makes no judgments about the work, nor does it provide results or conclusions of the research.B. The length varies based on journal requirements and other submissions guidelines; however, it is usually less than 10% of an article’s length (approximately 200-300 words).C. A good informative abstract acts as a surrogate for the work itself. The writer presents and explains all the main arguments, results, evidence and conclusions.D. It does incorporate key words found in the text and may include the purpose, methods, and scope of the research. Descriptive abstracts are usually very short—100 words or less.E. There are two types of abstracts: descriptive and informative. With different aims, they have different components and styles.参考答案:EADCBExecutive SummaryA. The findings indicate an overwhelming tendency for teachers to use recasts in spite of the latter’s ineffectiveness at eliciting student-generated repair.B. This article presents a study of corrective feedback and learner uptake (i.e., responses to feedback) in four immersion classrooms at the primary level.C. Results include the frequency and distribution of the six different feedback types used by the four teachers, in addition to the frequency and distribution of different types of learner uptake following each feedback type.D. Four other feedback types—elicitation, metalinguistic feedback, clarification requests, and repetition—lead to student-generated repair more successfully and are thus able to initiate what the authors characterize as the negotiation of form.E. Transcripts totaling 18.3 hours of classroom interaction taken from 14 subject-matter lessons and 13 French language arts lessons were analyzed using a model developed for the study and comprising the various moves in an error treatment sequence.参考答案:BECADComplaint.A. I feel that Mandy completely disrespected us as customers and needs to be retrained in her customer service attitudes. I would also appreciate a certificate to try this establishment again as I hardly want to spend my hard-earned dollars here and risk another experience like this one.B. We gave her our drink orders and she did bring those promptly and took our order. Thirty minutes later, our food arrived, but it was cold and looked like it had been sitting out for a while. My husband motioned for Mandy to come over to our table and informed her that our food was cold. Her response was to say that it was not cold when she brought it to the table.C. I have been a loyal customer of Eat Here Restaurants since 1996 and have always been pleased with the food and service. Last Wednesday, February 18th, at around 5 p.m., we visited the Eat Here location on West Main Street in Small Town. We were very disappointed in the service we received on this day from a waitress named Mandy.D. The restaurant was not busy when we arrived. There was one other table in Mandy’s section and they were almost done eating. After being seated, we sat for about fifteen minutes before Mandy came to take our drink orders. When we told her how long we’d been waiting, she didn’t apologize but just said, “What can I get ya?”E. At this point, we asked to speak to a manager. We explained the issues we’d had already and the manager did apologize and offered to replace our food, but at this point we just wanted to leave. He told us the drinks were on him and he hoped we’d try their restaurant again. As we were leaving, we overheard Mandy telling a co-worker very loudly that we just wanted free drinks and were cheap and probably hadn’t even left her a tip. We had, in fact, left her a tip, even though the service was not stellar.Yours sincerely,Terry Royce参考答案:CDBEA87、Task 1:Rearrange the following sentences into a correct Letter of Inquiry .Dear Customer Relations,A. We have read your promotional material and are very interested in using your product. We need, however, the answere to the following questions before we can decide whether or not to use Omega Database Plus:B. I would be happy to talk with you further about your product. You can call me at (415)666666 or e-mail me.C. My team is considering using your new release of Omega Database Plus1.0 as a key part of the system. If we incorporate your product into our design, our clients will need to purchase at least a total of 140 copies of your software.D. 1. I am sure you still planning to release the Omega Dataset Plus Version 1.0 on February 12, 1988?2. Will you product support PGP encryption?E. I am a systems engineer at Arlington Programming Associates developing a new client-server net worked database system for two nonprofit corporations.Yours sincerely,Terry Royce参考答案:ECADB88、Task 1:Rearrange the following sentences into a correct Letter of Complaint.Dear Mr./Ms. Green,I am interested in the author's assistant position at ABC Company, as advertised in XXX.A. I have also gained extensive experience in legal and policy research –fields that you state the author’s assistant must be familiar with. My experience in the NYS Assembly has afforded me the opportunity to become familiar with the consolidated and unconsolidated laws of the State of New York. In particular, through my work with Assemblywoman XXXX, I have become heavily involved in the current welfare and Medicaid reform movement. I am always eager to learn more about state legislation, reading up on these topics on my own time to become more knowledgeable. I would love to bring this passion for policy and law to your company.B. I am currently employed as legislative director for Assemblywoman XXXX, Chairperson of the NYS Assembly. I believe that the skills and experiences I have gained at this position make me an ideal candidate for the job of author’s assistant.C. As legislative director, I have developed strong writing and editing skills. For example, one of my main duties is to prepare Assemblywoman XXXX’s personal legislation, which deals with issues related to her position asSenior Member of the NYS Assembly Standing Committee.D. I am confident that my experience in the Legislature and my research and writing skills qualify me for consideration. If you would like, I can provide you with current samples of my work. I have also enclosed my resume. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing my qualifications in more detail.E. This duty requires meticulous writing and editing skills, and an ability to convey complex legal ideas clearly. I have prepared dozens of pieces of legislation and received praise for the clarity of my writing.Yours sincerely,Terry Royce参考答案:BCEAD89、董事会理会 (board of directors)2020年5月8日(周五),4:00-5:30pm图书馆10楼会议室董事长主持会议内容:通过上次会议(即4月8日例会)讨论事项。



写作 能力进 度是 否一致 ?如 果不 一致 , 是传统 成 果法
指 导下 的学 生进 步快 . 还是成 果法 与过 程法相 结合 的 综 合 教学法 指导 下学 生进步 快 ? 如果综 合教 学法 比成 果教 学法更 有效 . 学生 写作 能力 的提高 是否表 现 在能 提高优 秀率 和及格 率方 面 呢?
大学实用英语 写作教学模式研究
文 瑞 英
摘 要 : 过 教 学 实验 , 比分 析 了“ 果教 学 法 ” 过 程 法 和 结 果 法相 结 合 的 综 合教 学 法 的 大 学 实用 英语 写作 教 学效 果 。 通 对 成 与 结 果 表 明 : “ 果 教 学 法 ” “ 程教 学 法 ” 将 成 和 过 结合 运 用 于 大 学 实 用英 语 写作 实验 教 学 , 提 高 学 生 的 实 用 英 语 写 作 能 力 对
作者简介 : 文瑞 英 ( 9 6 , , 南 益 阳人 , 士 , 南 中 医 药 高等 专 科 学校 ( 南株 洲 4 2 1 ) 共课 部 讲 师 , 究 方 1 7 一) 女 湖 硕 湖 湖 10 2 公 研 向 为 英 语语 言 学 、 英语 教 学 法 收 稿 日期 : 0 1 0 — 7 2 1— 9 2
师进 行评 阅。f 自由写作 。学生 自由练 习 , 固掌握 4 ) 牢
本 实 验试 图通 过 实践 一 种新 的综合 写 作教 学 方
法. 即成 果过 程 写作 教 学 法 . 陈 旧的大 学 英语 写作 对 教学模 式进 行革 新 . 用这种 新 的写作 教学模 式 给写 利
作课 堂 带来 活 力 。 发 大 学 生 的英语 写 作 兴趣 . 激 提高
我 国英 语 写 作 教学 一 直 以来 主 要采 用 成 果教 学

实用英语写作第五章教案 Composing Essays

实用英语写作第五章教案 Composing Essays

1.Planning a CompositionA. When a topic is assigned, the student should first try to think of as manyrelevant facts as he can and write down them on a piece of paper.B.At the same time, he should try to find a proper thesis or theme. Thethesis of a composition is its main point or its central idea. It is the conclusion that should be drawn from the facts to be presented in the composition.C.After that, he should look at the list of facts again, eliminate thoseunnecessary or unimportant ones, rearrange them in a logical order, and write an outline.2.Types of OutlinesAn outline subdivides the controlling idea or thesis of the essay into smaller parts, which are then developed into separate paragraphs. Roman and Arabic numerals and letters of the alphabet are generally used to number and order ideas. There are two commonly used types of outline: the topic outline and the sentence outline.A.Topic OutlineAll entries in a topic outline consist of nouns and their modifiers, or their equivalents, that is, gerund phrases or infinitive phrases. A topic outline is brief and clear, and it gives an instant overview of the entire paper.B.Sentence OutlineThe entries in a sentence outline are complete sentences. A sentenceoutline provides a more detailed plan of the paper.3.Writing the First DraftIt is necessary to write a first draft, in which there should be enough space between lines for future corrections and improvements. While writing the draft, the writer need not be afraid of the departing form theout line at one place or another. But he had better stop to revise his outline or work out a new one if he finds his original outline entirely impracticable.4.Revising the First DraftIf possible, a student should write the first draft one to two days before the time when he has to hand in the composition to the teacher. He will then have enough time for revising the draft, and be able to examine it more objectively.While revising a composition, the student should keep in mind that revision does not mean a simple correction of mistake in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics.5.Making the Final CopyThe very last step in writing a composition, a step that should never be forgotten, is to check the final copy. In doing so the writer is likely to find that he has made careless mistakes in grammar and spelling, and he may also want to change a word here and there.II Organization1.Some PrinciplesA.Like a paragraph, a composition must have unity. A speaker may beallowed to digress from his main subject for a little while, but a writer is not given such freedom.B. A composition consists of several paragraphs, each of which has onecentral thought. They must be arranged in some kind of order, so that one paragraph leads naturally to another to form an organic whole.C.Proportion is as important to an essay as it is to a painting. Main facts orideas deserve full treatment; minor ones should be given less space. The essential part of an essay is the body or the middle part. To give this part about seven-or eight-tenths of the total space will be just right. The beginning and the end, though important, have to be short.2.The BeginningA.The beginning rouses the reader’s interest in and secures his attention tothe subject matter of the essay or provides necessary background information.B.The middle gives a clear and logical presentation of the facts and ideasthe writer intends to put forth.C.The end winds up the essay often with an emphatic and forcefulstatement to influence the reader’s final impression of the essay and shows the implication or consequences of the argument.Concluding paragraphs should be short, forceful, substantial, and thought-provoking, made up mainly of restatements or summaries of the points that have been discussed. No new ideas should be introduced in a concluding paragraph.Sometimes it is good to link the concluding paragraph to the introductory. If. For instance, a question is raised in the introductoryparagraph, an answer should be given in the concluding paragraph.III Types of Writing1.DescriptionA description essay is generally developed through sensory details, or theimpressions of one’s senses—sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Not all details are useful. The writer should choose those that help to bring out the dominant characteristic or outstanding quality of the person or thing described, and leave out those irrelevant ones.A. Description of a personWhile describing a person, the writer should try to reveal the person’s character, thoughts, and feelings, which may be shown in what theperson does and says, or in how he behaves to others. And it is important to grasp the characteristic features that distinguish him from all other people.B. Description of a placePlaces may be described for their own sake, as in essays on visits to famous scenic places, but also for the purpose of revealing the personality and character of a person, or creating a feeling or mood. As in describinga person, in describing a place one should mainly write about the thingsthat make it different from other places.C. Description of an objectTo describe an object we have to depend on our senses, because we need to mention its size, shape, color, texture, taste, and smell. It is also necessary to tell how it is used if it is useful, and what part it plays in a person’s life if it is in some way related to him. But emphasis should be placed on only one aspect of the object, probably its most important characteristic.D. Description of a sceneA scene usually consists of three basic factors: the setting, the people,and the actions. It is also possible to describe the scene of some natural phenomenon.The writer should try to create a dominant impression when describing a scene. Before he begins to write, he must make up his mind as to what effect he wants the description to achieve. This will help him to decide which details to delete and which to include.2.NarrationTo narrate is to give an account of an event or a series of events. In itsbroadest sense, narrative writing includes stories, real or imaginary,biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems.Narration often goes hand in hand with description. When planning anarrative, the writer should consider these five aspects: context, selectionof details, organization, point of view, and purpose.3.ExpositionExposition means expounding or explaining. Exposition mainly dealswith processes and relationships. We are writing a descriptive essaywhen we describe the appearance of an object; but we are writing an expository essay when we explain how it is made, how it is used, and how it may change. Things can be explained by illustration, process, classification and division, comparison and contrast, and analysis of their causes and effects or definition.The most important quality of exposition is clarity. To achieve this the writer should:A.Limit his subject or the scope of discussion, or it is impossible to explainmany things clearly in a short essay:B.Prepare enough material to help his explanation; the ordinary reader oftenfinds abstract discussions hard to follow if they are not illustrated by concrete examples;C.Present his facts and views in proper order.D.Pay attention to the accuracy and clarity of words and sentences; avoidornamental as well as ambiguous expressions.4.ArgumentationThe purpose of exposition is to inform; the purpose of argumentation, on the other hand, is to convince. While an expository paper makes know something and explains it to make the reader understand, an argumentative essay tries to make the reader agree with its point of view and support it. Argumentation is actually exposition with the additional purpose of convincing or persuading.If you wish to write a good argumentative essay, you should do your best to meet the following requirements:A.A debatable pointB.Sufficient evidenceC.Good logicD.Clear logicE.Good use of the other three types of writingF.An honest and friendly attitude。



4. summary (概述,总结) • In a word, (all) in all, to sum up, in short, in conclusion 5. apposition (同位, 解释) • namely, i.e. (that is to say), for example, for instance, in other words 6. result: • therefore, and, as a result, and thus, and so
Useful expessions on time sequece:
• 1.first / second / third/ fourth… • 2.first of all • 3.firstly / secondly / thirdly/ fourthly… • 4.for one thing / for another • 5.in the first / second / third place • st / last of all • st but not least • stly • 9.next • 10.on the one hand/ on the other hand • 11.then • 12.to conclude • 13.to end with • 14.to start with / to begin with
You may use these words or phrases when you make a conclusion: • • • • • • 1. all in all 2. as a result 3. consequently 4. eventually 5. finally 6. to end with 7. in brief 8. generally 9. in general 10. in conclusion 11. to sum up 12. in summary


Then you need to plan. Make sure you have experts on your board of directors. Make up careful budgets and plan for
everything, even the number of paper clips. An essential is hiring smart people. You can learn a great deal
Argumentation 论证 · Induction · Deduction
Figures & Statistics 图表数据 · Statistics · Times
Quotation 引证 ·Direct & Indirect · Proverbs
Combination of Methods 综合法
3.1 Description
(1) Description of an Object or Event 用于描写人物、事物、地点,这种描述告诉读者客观 事物的状态,有时用来辅助解说、议论或叙述。
(2)Description of a Process or Procedure 根据事情发生的先后顺序、应该遵循的程序或步骤逐 步描述。这种段落扩展方法也称为 “how to paragraph” 或“process paragraph”,常为科技文章所采用,主要 描述实验、生产、操作和制造等具体清晰的过程。
A deficiency causes pernicious anemia, and if the deficiency is prolonged, a degeneration of the spinal cord occurs.







第一节英语写作和写作课一英语写作的涵义英语写作(English writing)的涵义很广,因此要给writing下一个科学的定义,并非易事。








1.写作是目的性很强的社会行为(social act)写作,是人类的一种社会实践活动,其目的性很强。







常考的英语作文类型1. 议论文 (Argumentative Essay)- 议论文通常要求学生就某一话题表达自己的观点,并提供支持性的理由和例证。


2. 叙事文 (Narrative Essay)- 叙事文要求学生讲述一个故事或经历,通常包含时间、地点、人物、事件和结果等元素。


3. 说明文 (Expository Essay)- 说明文的目的是解释或阐述一个概念、过程或事物。


4. 描述文 (Descriptive Essay)- 描述文侧重于通过生动的语言和细节来描绘一个场景、人物或物体。


5. 比较与对比文 (Comparative and Contrastive Essay)- 这类作文要求学生比较和对比两个或更多的对象、概念或观点。


6. 定义文 (Definition Essay)- 定义文要求学生定义一个术语或概念,并解释其重要性或意义。


7. 反思文 (Reflective Essay)- 反思文要求学生思考并写下个人的经历、感受和学习。


8. 分析文 (Analytical Essay)- 分析文要求学生深入分析一个文本、事件或现象,并提出自己的见解。


9. 应用文 (Applied Essay)- 应用文通常要求学生将理论知识应用到实际情境中。


10. 评价文 (Evaluation Essay)- 评价文要求学生对某个对象、事件或政策进行评价,并提供评价的标准和理由。


11. 问题解决文 (Problem-Solution Essay)- 问题解决文要求学生识别一个问题,并提出解决方案。



介绍理论英文作文模板范文英文回答:Introduction to Theory Essay Template。

I. Introduction。

Begin with a hook to capture the reader's attention.Provide a brief overview of the theory and its significance.State the thesis statement, which should articulate the main argument of the essay.II. Background and Context。

Discuss the historical background and development of the theory.Describe the key concepts and assumptions underlying the theory.Explore the broader context in which the theory emerged.III. Analysis of the Theory。

Examine the strengths and limitations of the theory.Evaluate its validity and reliability.Discuss the empirical evidence that supports or refutes the theory.IV. Application of the Theory。

Illustrate how the theory has been applied in various fields.Discuss the practical implications and benefits of using the theory.Analyze case studies or examples that demonstrate the application of the theory.V. Comparison to Other Theories。

实用英语写作(practical english writing)13

实用英语写作(practical english writing)13

5.范文五:申请参加会议 海伦· 亨特是恒通美国有限公司(Hunt America Inc.)办公发公司的销售培训部(the Sales Training Department)是一个很重要的部门,由市场营销部经理展 宏图直接领导。最近,培训部主任张洪向展经理汇报工作, 并与他商讨培训部机制改革的问题。展经理基本上同意他 提出的方案。张洪为了进一步确认销售培训部新的组织机 构,起草了下份备忘录 A CONFIRMATION MEMORANDUM To: Zhan Hongtu From: Zhang Hong Subject: Changes in the Sales Training Department Date: July 7, 2009 This will confirm our discussion in your office on Thursday in which we agreed on the following.
I am sure you know that you are expected to rate each employee with complete honesty; yet some people insist on giving an "outstanding" rating in all categories. It's hard for me to believe that there are no average or below-average employees in this company. Certainly there are numerous employees who will be given the highest ratings possible, yet when someone puts all his or her ratings in this category, I suspect the rater is taking the easy way out. Remember, it is your obligation to discuss with each employee the rating you give her or him, pointing out tactfully what you consider to be strong and weak points and suggesting how the employee can improve attitudes, job performance, dependability, and so on. I intend to do a random sampling of the completed merit ratings each of you turns in, and you can expect to hear from me if I think your ratings are unrealistic.



英语写作教学:理论与实践陈立平 李志雪摘 要 英语写作研究的重点已从写作成品转移到写作过程,从而导致写作教学方法的改革,过程教学法向传统的成品教学法提出了严峻的挑战。



关键词 英语写作;传统教学法;过程教学法分类号 H319 3一写作活动伴随着人类文明的产生和发展而存在。





二传统的写作教学法起源于中世纪的拉丁语教学,但作为教学实践,则始于19世纪,因其教学重点放在最终的成品上,故而称为 成品教学法(product approach)。

传统写作学把写作视为对思想的 包装:写作者将大脑中早已存在的思想提取出来,用语言将其包装好,供人观赏。


































1) Some one consider that fresh water will not touch it's end.(96年1⽉,2分) 2) One man's life lack of money, he will impossible to live on. (95年1⽉,5分) 3) As is know, that there are much fake commodities in today's society.(97年12⽉,6分) 这⾥引述的例句与考⽣通篇作⽂的写作⽔平是⼀致的,其中5、6分的例句具有典型性,代表了近乎中等⽔平考⽣的写作⽔平。


表达思想不清楚的主要原因是考⽣作⽂中严重汉化的英语,即中式英语,⽐如:"man can live happiness", "Man is iron, and food is steel.", "Women are half side sky."。








1.本文文提出了一种基于XX的算法用于改善Y的收敛速度与计算精度(convergence speed and calculation accuracy)The paper presents a XX-based algorithm to improve the convergence speed and calculation accuracy in…2.本文开发了一种XX装置,可大大提高YY系统的稳定性与抗干扰能力(stability and anti-jamming ability)The paper developed a XX device, this device could greatly enhance (raise, improve) the stability and anti-jamming ability of YY system. 3.本文发明了一种新型XX装置,解决了传统XXX系统加工精度低,成本高,产品性能不稳定的问题The paper invented a novel device, solved such problems as low accuracy, high cost and unstable product performance when using traditional system to machine parts.4.从实验结果可以看出,当XX值升高的时候,YY也将随之升高,而ZZ值却呈下降趋势。

至于WW值的少许波动(slight fluctuation),作者认为可能是…造成的结果。

如果溶液浓度(solution concentration)或电流密度(current density)能控制稳定的话,这种现象就会得到缓解甚至消除(alleviation even elimination)。



It can be seen from the experimental results that when XX increases, YY will also increase and ( however, )ZZ shows a decreasing tendency. As for the slight fluctuation of WW, the author thinks(according toauthor’s opinion,)it may be caused by …(result from…). If the solution concentration or current density could be controlled stable, this phenomenon may acquire alleviation even elimination. On this problem, XX et al. have explained in a scientific report about ….5.X与Y,Z,和w等3个变量之间的关系可以从图4中清楚地显示出来。

《实用英语写作》教案 (7)

《实用英语写作》教案 (7)

Part Nine DescriptionDescription is the second type of writing in English.In this part,we will first understand the definition of description,we will then learn the steps to write this type writing,and last we will explain in details about the four subtypes of descriptive writing.9.1DescriptionDescription is painting a picture in words of a person,place,object,or scene.A description essay is generally developed through sensory details,or the impressions of one’s senses—sight,hearing,taste,smell,and touch.That means the writer tries to make readers see,hear,or feel what he or she saw,heard,or felt.Not all details are useful.The writer should choose those that help to bring out the dominant characteristic or outstanding quality of the person or thing described,and leave out those irrelevant ones,which,if included,would only distract the reader’s attention from the main impression the writer wishes to give.Traditionally,description is divided into two types:objective and subjective.In objective description,you record details without making any personal comment.In subjective description,on the other hand,you are free to interpret details for the reader/audience.Few descriptions outside of science writing,however,are completely objective.9.2How to Write a Description1.The IntroductionIn a descriptive essay,the writer’s purpose is to create a dominant impression about a particular person,place,or object.The impression is usually expressed in the introductory paragraph.When the writer writes a thesis statement for a description,he or she needs to find a person,place,object or a scene(the topic)to write about and then states his or her attitude or impression about that person,place,or object being described(the central idea for the whole essay).Following sentences are examples of the thesis statement with the general impression underlined:1.The coopers’spacious modern living room is neatly arranged.Topic attitude or impression2.Marie is as beautiful as any Hollywood movie star.Topic attitude or impression2.The BodyIf a writer states an attitude or impression about the topic in the introduction,he or she must in the body part show readers why he or she had that impression of the topic.The writer performs this by describing the topic vividly.To give a vivid description of the topic,the writer needs to provide specific and concrete details that appeal to readers’senses—sight, sound,smell,taste,and touch.The sensory details help readers imagine what is being described and produce sense impressions that help to make description vivid.When the writer describes a person,he or she could describe the person’s physical appearance like the clothes,manner of walking,color and style of hair,facial and bodily expression,way of talking.The writer should also describe the person’s character and habits.Please read the following paragraph:The man who opened the door in answer to my knock was an elderly man, white-haired and bent.He looked at me over his spectacles,which were far down on his nose.In spite of his age,his dark eyes were keen and his voice was clear and strong.I noticed that he was wearing a bright-colored sports shirt.When the writer describes a place,he or she could describe its size,location,the items existing in it,the special features.The writer needs to mention how he or she feels about the place and what makes it an interesting or memorable place for him or her.Please read the following paragraph:The classroom is large,clean and well lighted.The walls are pale green.In the wall at the left as you enter there are three large windows.The teacher’s desk is in the front.Blackboards cover most of the wall at the right.When describing an object,the writer could describe its size,shape,color,texture,taste, smell,value,quality,use.Again the writer should focus on one aspect of the object,probably its most important feature decided by the central impression stated in the thesis statement. 3.The ConclusionThe concluding paragraph of a description should be the one that brings the details together to create a final unifying impression.It is not only a way to bring the description to a close but also a final opportunity to reinforce the writer’s purpose.4.Logical PatternThe details in a description should not be randomly arranged.They must be organized so that the reader can vividly imagine what is being described.The main pattern of organization in a descriptive essay is space order.Therefore,the writer arranges the details in an order which the eye might easily follow:from top to bottom or from bottom to top,from left to right or from right to left,from front to back or from back to front,from near to far or from far to near.Organizing descriptive details spatially gives the reader a clear picture of what is being described.It helps to provide the reader with a sense of direction,the direction that the eye of the reader might naturally follow.It also gives him the view that the writer had as an actual observer.Sometimes the writer begins with your most telling(vivid)description and move on the least striking;sometimes in time order.9.3Four Sub-types of Description1.Description of a place(A handbook by Prof.Ding,P119)Places may be described for their own sake,as in essays on visits to famous scenic places,but also for the purpose of revealing the personality and character of a person,or creating a feeling or mood.A clean and tidy room,for example,might show that the occupant is an orderly person.The howling of a chilly wind,the falling of autumn leaves,a housestanding in solitude on a barren mountain,all help to build up a somber mood and increase the feeling of depression.In describing a place,one should mainly write about the things that make it different from other places.a.Points of describing a place✧appearance;✧location;✧surroundings;✧giving a brief account of its history,✧geographic as well as economic position if necessaryPlease read the following paragraph about Oxford:OxfordOxford is an exceptionally old university town,on the River Thames,about60miles from London.Oxford’s center is the university,and all around the crossroads at the very heart of Oxford,there are gray stone colleges and other university buildings.In the center you can also find interesting old pubs and paved passages.There are a lot of churches,and one or two really large and interesting buildings,such as the Ashmolean Museum(牛津大学的阿什穆尔艺术与考古博物馆,建于1683年)and the Radcliffe Camera,with its domed roof.Like all English towns,there are parks,and one is the leafy home of university cricket in the summer months.As you leave the center and go towards the outskirts of Oxford you can see industrial estates and a car factory in one direction;and in another,attractive suburbs.There is,in fact,quite a lot of industry in Oxford.Note:Radcliffe Camera is a building in Oxford,England,designed by James Gibbs and built in1737–1749to house the Radcliffe Science Library.b.Methods of organization(P21-24of the textbook,including exercises)We can organize this kind of writing in several ways:✧Using the senses:describing how the place looks,smells,sounds,etc.✧Using spatial order:describing the physical layout(=arrangement)of the place,from topto bottom/bottom to top,left to right/right to left,front to back/back to front,near to far/ far to near,inside to outside/outside to inside,clockwise/counterclockwise,etc.✧Using chronological order.c.The dominant impression(P21-24of the textbook,including exercises)The dominant impression is an overall attitude,mood or feeling about the place you are describing.It will become the thesis of your paper and guide you in selecting supporting details.Sometimes a descriptive essay does not have an explicitly stated thesis statement.In such cases it is unified by the dominant impression it conveys.d.Tips on how to describe a place(P21-24of the textbook,including exercises)✧Decide on a dominant impression.✧Don’t use too many adjectives and adverbs.Description does not mean a lot of adjectivesand adverbs.✧Rely,chiefly,on precise nouns and vivid verbs,which provide the primary image.✧Avoid describing too much and qualifying every noun with one or more adjectives,everyadjective with one or more adverbs.In describing a place,it is important to decide where we stand when we start description. We should concentrate on the best-known features of the place and ignore the minor ones,and sentences are often in the present tense.There are some words and phrases used in describing spatial relationships:adjacent to;parallel;rectangle;corresponding to;semicircle;perpendicular to;slope; midpoint;plane;diagonal;overlapping;vertical;horizontal;intersection;pyramid;surface.Let’s discuss how to describe our library:Practice:Our LibraryThesis:The library is so important that students can’t live without it.Outline:ⅠThe construction of the library.A.It’s a big building with splendid structure.B.There are different kinds of books in it.C、The equipment in the library make borrowing books very convenient.ⅡIn the Reading-Room,students can read newspapers and magazines in the library.A.Many new magazines,books and periodicals are on display in the Reading-Room.B.There are newspapers from all provincesⅢ、Problems in the library.Ⅳ、Students need the library very much.A、The library provides students with the source which they are need.B、Students would not be able to write papers such as their graduation paper withoutusing the library.Activity1On Page22-24of the textbook2.Description of an object(A handbook by Prof.Ding,P123)To describe an object we have to depend on our senses,because we need to mention its size,shape,color,texture,taste,and smell.It is also necessary to tell how it is used if it is useful,and what part it plays in a person’s life it is in some way related to him/her./but emphasis should be place on only one aspect of the object,probably its most important characteristic.a.Methods of organization(P64-66of the textbook,including exercises)✧Using the senses:describing the object from one part to another.✧Using the senses:describing the appearance of the object.✧Listing functions:describing how the object is used or the functions of its componentparts.✧Using chronological order.b.Tips on how to describe a place(P64-66of the textbook,including exercises)✧State briefly how you got the object,if this is important.✧Provide some basic factual information about it(its size,shape,what it is made of,texture,color,etc.)✧Point out its useful features(uses/functions,etc.)✧Focus on a particular,probably the most important,characteristic of the object.✧State in what way the object is important to you.✧Express your feelings about the object,e.g.how you like it.Please enjoy the following passage:The Earliest Coins in ChinaOf the various currencies used in ancient China,the round bronze coin with a square hole in the center was by far the most common.The earliest coins in this form,known as Qin ban liang,were a product of China’s first centralized kingdom,the Qin dynasty, established by Qin Shi Huang in221B.C.Before the Qin dynasty,Chinese currency had taken many forms.Coins shaped like various items of clothing,farm implements,or knives were in circulation,but they were costly and hard to produce,and difficult to carry and transport.The new coins were a great improvement—they were relatively simple to cast and could be strung together for ease of transportation.The new coins also had a particular philosophical significance to the ancient Chinese, who made the coins to symbolize their belief that heaven was round and the earth was square,and that heaven sheltered the earth and all things in the universe were united.This concept of unity was important to the Qin emperors,who ruled over a unified China and believed their power great enough to spread to the four corners of the earth.The coins also had great aesthetic appeal.They were thought to represent the relationship between man and monly found in nature,the circle represents freedom,comfort,and ease;whereas the square is seen as something man-made,a symbol of law,order,and restraint.All these factors combined to keep the coins in circulation for more than2,000years.Only in the twentieth century did they cease to be legal tender.Activity1Page65-66of the textbook3.Description of a person(P102-105of the textbook,including exercises)Describing a person is more difficult than describing a place or an object,because people are complex and it is not easy to capture a person on paper.On the other hand,people have more qualities or features to describe:physical features,personality,speech,actions,habits, etc.;therefore a description of a person is more challenging and interesting to write,and there are ways that can make it easier.The guidelines for description of places can be applied here (参看P21-22of the textbook).a.How to describe a person✧Adopt the dominant impression approach,that is,find something of the person’sappearance,personality,or behavior or actions that makes an impression and use this as the thesis of the essay.✧Select details to support the dominant impression,but don’t give too many.✧Use concrete,vivid details to tell your readers what you find about the person.Like thedescription of a place,the description of a person relies on using concrete sensory details to add vividness to the writing.The selection of details depends on the purpose and the audience.✧Don’t overload your essay with adjectives and adverbs;rely,chiefly,on precise and vividnouns and verbs,which provide the primary image.✧Show the person in action,for action speaks louder than words.Showing is usually moreeffective than just telling(Two narrative skills:telling and showing P82-85).✧Use anecdotes,that is,brief accounts of incidents in a person’s life,to show what theperson is like,but keep the anecdotes under control and remember that they are included to provide a brief glimpse of the person in action.b.Ways of organizing a descriptive essay about a person✧Focus on one quality/feature and depict it by using one or more anecdotes.✧Describe what the person is like:from appearance to personality.✧List a few characteristic feature of the person,explaining each briefly.c.What to writer about✧You know or have met the person(even briefly);do not write about someone you haveread about or heard of.✧You have,to some extent,been influenced by this person:either you admire his/herpersonality or behavior,or you have benefited from his/her friendship,insights,attitude, etc.d.Tips on how to describe a person✧Try to reveal the person’s character,thoughts and feelings,which may be shown in whatthe person does and says,or in how he behaves to others.✧To grasp the characteristic features that distinguish him from all other people.✧Peculiarities[独特性]and idiosyncrasies[个人的习性]of a person,if any,should beincluded in the description,for they usually impress the reader deeply and give life to the person described.e.Notes on how to describe a person✧Appearance introduces the character.The subject’s physical appearance is always goodto begin with because it can show a great deal about the person’s character.For instance, can you imagine how you would describe a villain in a novel?✧Speech reveals the character.✧Behavior and anecdotes explain the character.f.Power of Details✧Like the description of a place,the description of a person relies on using concretesensory details to add vividness to the writing.✧The selection of details depends on the purpose and the audience.Please read carefully the following description of a person:Wilber Pan,a young star,comes from China.He was born in1980.8.6.He is a lovely boy who has174cm tall and69kg weight.As you can see,he has short black hair,erogenous mouth,handsome face and small eyes.Although his eyes aren't big,he also has many fans because of his sunshine smile.He is a boy just like a neighborly to you.He is more a mastermind than a singer.He has a degree that graduated from California Polytechnic State University,he is good at singing,dancing,presiding and so on.In private,Wilber is friendly to everyone who around him.Now more and more people from everywhere develop their love for him.The following are several groups of useful words and expressions of describing a person:✧short(矮),tall(高),overweight(胖),plump(丰满),skinny(太瘦了),medium weight(不胖不瘦),tubby(矮胖),muscular(强壮),elegantly(优雅),good-looking(长的好看), plain(长的一般),smartly dressed(穿着得体),well dressed(穿的漂亮),neatly dressed (衣着干净整洁),scruffily dressed(衣着不整洁),thin,slim(瘦),fat,stout(肥胖的), slender(苗条的)✧女性外表:Blond(金发碧眼的),glamorous(性感有魅力的),slender(苗条的),well-shaped body (体形丰满的),plump(丰满肥胖的),elegant and poised(雍容华贵的),graceful(优美的), thin hair(头发稀疏的),trendy(时髦的),tanned(皮肤黝黑的阳光肌肤的), natural-looking(长相一般的),pale(面色苍白的),petite(瘦小的),up-turn nose(朝天鼻的),etc.✧男性外表:bald(秃顶的),disheveled hair(头发凌乱的),bright eye(眼神明亮的),broad face(宽脸的),clean-shaven face(面庞清爽干净的),bony(瘦骨嶙峋的),muscular(肌肉健美的), robust(强壮的),chubby(肥壮敦实的),manly(男人味的),gentlemanly(有绅士风度的), etc.✧Some other useful words and expressions:amusing有趣的,easygoing容易相处的,energetic有活力的,honest诚实的,humorous 幽默的,intelligent聪明的,sensible敏感的,sensitive明智的,sophisticated成熟的, tactful机敏的圆滑的,mean坏,arrogant自大的,dull无聊的,lazy懒的,punctual守时的,kind善良的,efficient办事高效率的,strict严厉的,generous慷慨的,大方的, patient有耐心的,forgetful健忘的,reliable可靠的,boring令人乏味的,open-minded 思想开放的,traditional思想保守的,传统的,fractious易怒的,倔强的,脾气不好的, cute可爱的,pessimistic悲观的厌世的,,optimistic乐观的,coy腼腆的,怕羞的,smart 聪明的,valorous勇敢的,勇武的,brilliant有才气的,coward懦弱的人,胆小鬼, healthy,gentle温柔的,tricky狡猾的,机警的,handsome帅气的,cheeky厚颜无耻的, cranky任性的,暴躁的,selfish,etc.✧发型:dark hair,blonde金发,curly,wavy hair卷发,pony tail马尾,etc,✧脸部:brandy nose酒渣鼻,beauty spot美人痣,aged-marks老人斑,freckle雀斑,dimple酒窝, oval face鸭蛋脸,etc.4.Description of a sceneA scene is sometimes the main part of an essay,and sometimes only an episode in a long narrative.It usually consists of three basic factors:the setting,the people,and the actions.It isalso possible to describe the scene of some natural phenomenon.Again,we should try to create a dominant impression when describing a scene.Before we begin to write,we must make up our minds as to what effect we want the description to achieve.This will help us to decide which details to delete and which to include.The following is a sample of the description of a scene:A TyphoonThe typhoon came out of the sea first as a deep hollow roar.Then it appeared as a monstrous black cloud.The cloud seemed a thing alive,shaping itself this way and that,torn by contending winds.However it might stretch to right or left,it continued to spread upward and reach toward east and west.The day darkened to twilight and the dreaded roar of sound came rushing toward me from out of the depths.I crouched behind my rock and waited.At first,I remember,there was no rain,only the wild winds and the tossing sea.An hour earlier,the sea had been calm and blue.Now it was black and streaked with crests of white foam.When the rain came it was all of a sudden,as though the clouds had opened and spilled.A curtain of rain fell between mountain and sea,a solid sheet of water three feet away from me.The grass and brush on the mountainside flattened under the wind and the rain.I was surrounded by the madness,the unreason,of uncontrolled,undisciplined energy…The storm spent itself at last.The winds dispersed,the rain slackened to a drizzle and mist,the cloud fell apart and the sun shone through.I came out from my shelter and surveyed the ruin left behind.Trees had fallen on the lower levels,gullies were dug into the earth between the rocks,the very grass and underbrush lay flat and exhausted.—Pearl Buck In this description of the natural phenomenon of typhoon,Pearl Buck depicts vividly the sound,the appearance,the actions of the typhoon,an its effects on the sea,the grass,the brush, and the trees.By using such words as“deep hollow/dreaded roar,”“monstrous black cloud,”“wild winds,”“tossing sea,”“curtain of rain,”and“sheet of water,”she creates the dominant impression of the typhoon as mad,uncontrolled,and undisciplined energy.Home Assignment✧Extract a passage of description of a person from a masterpiece and write acritique/appreciation of the techniques found in it.✧What is the purpose of description?✧What concrete sensory details are used to bring out the purpose?✧How are the details arranged?✧How does the writer bear out the purpose by describing the appearance,speech,behaviorand sensory details of the persons?。

英语论文 文学理论

英语论文 文学理论




教育观察研究生实用英语写作与文化意识的培养朱琳(沈阳农业大学,辽宁,沈阳 110161)摘 要:在研究生的英语学术写作教学中传授有关文化的通识知识;引导研究生从学术角度理解语言与文化的形成;提高对实用英语写作的研究和理解的广度。











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Chapter one—Principles of Business Communication4C原则:Conciseness(简洁), Clarity(明晰), Correctness(准确),Courtesy(礼貌)Effective written workplace communication needs to show:● A style which is clear and concise(conciseness, clarity)● A tone which is polite but not overly modest (courtesy)● A presentation which contains no errors of format and language (correctness) Workplace writing types:●Informative writing: inform the reader about a product or serviceThe aim is to improve understanding.●Persuasive writing: persuade the reader that this product or service is a good oneand worth buyingThe aim is to stimulate emotions and develop enthusiasm.Levels of formality in business communication:●Bottom-up communication:To a superior=more formal●Top-down communication:From a superior=more formal●Sideways communication:To and from people of same rank=less formalChapter two—Writing MemosMemos writing guidelines:A memo (memorandum) is an administrative document. It●Is used only for communication within a company. It is an intra-companydocument and is not used for inter-company communication●May be distributed top-down ( from superiors to subordinates) or bottom-up( from subordinates to superiors)●Deal with a single topic●Names its sender(s) and recipient(s) clearly●Has short, easily readable paragraphs●May have sub-headings and numbered sub-sections●May be distributed electronically or in hard copyUsing the right language is not only a question of selecting correct vocabulary and grammar. Speakers and writing also need to take into account:●who they are addressing( the audience)●why they are speaking or writing( the purpose)●how they are communicating( the method)Using formal language increase the ‘social distance’between a sender and a recipient. Informal language reduces this distance.Chapter three—Writing Letters of RequestLetters of request are written to seek information or to obtain a response to a specific enquiry.Letters responding to requests give information but also attempt to build goodwill.These letters are all written in block format, which is now the most common format for such letters. As you can see, the main feature of this format is that everything (with the possible exception of the company’s letterhead and logo) is blocked or justified to the left side of the page. With this style, it is not necessary to use commas or full stops in the date, address, salutation, or close.Guidelines for writing request and response letters:●Subject line: write a suitable subject line to identify previous correspondence●Salutation: if you know the name of your recipient, begin Dear Mr. or Ms. X andclose Yours sincerely; if you do not know the recipient or their gender, begin Dear Sir/Madam and close Yours faithfully.●Body of letter: order information logically, explain and clarify it, provideadditional information if appropriate.●Close: end in a polite and friendly way to maintain goodwill.Chapter four—writing letters of complaint and adjustment Letters of complaint normally include the following information in the given order: ●An explanation of the problem●The consequence of the problem for both parties● A request to solve the problemLetters of adjustment normally include the following information in the given order:●An offer of apologies● A summary of action taken to rectify the problems●An assurance of goodwill including the offer of compensation, if appropriateChapter eight—applying for jobsApplication letters highlight important information which may be ‘lost’in a resume. Job application letters have a logical structure in which the information is selected and positioned to emphasize your suitability for the post. Remember to check the following:●state clearly what job you are applying for●state what your educational qualifications are and where they were obtained●sell yourself by linking your qualifications, experience and qualities with thoserequired for the position●state your contact details and availability for interviewThe functions of a resume:●It gives information about your personal status, your education/qualifications,your work record(including part-time or voluntary/charity work), any special awards, special interests, computer and language proficiency levels, and the names and addresses of referees;●It supports your claim to be worth interviewing for the advertised post and withthis in mind you may need to elaborate or emphasize certain sections of your resume in response to the demands of a particular job.A resume always contain particular information in sequence and under certain headings:●Personal Data●Education and Qualifications●Employment Record●Extracurricular Activities and Awards( for fresh graduate job-seekers)●Special Skills( languages and computer skills)●Hobbies and Sports●Referees( normally two respected people who know you well as a student and/oremployee)Language features of resumes:The main feature appears under the heading Part-time Employment Record, that is, the use of action verbs in the simple past tense. These verbs placed at the beginning of a phrase help your writing to be dynamic and engaging for your readers.Chapter ten—writing the minutes of meetings Minutes of a meeting are written for two main purposes:●To create a record of what took place in the meeting●To remind those at the meeting of the actions they need to take after the meeting Minutes always include the following facts:●The time and date of the meeting, where it was held, and who chaired it●The names of all those attending the meeting and of those who sent theirapologies for absence●The agenda items discussed and all decisions reached●The time at which the meeting ended●The time, data and venue of the next meeting●The actions which need to be taken, by whom by what date●The name of the minute-taker, his/her role and the date on which the minuteswere writtenChapter twelve—writing persuasivelyWe persuade others in three main ways:●Appeal to reason●Appeal to emotions●Appeal to trust by emphasizing the status of the company and/or individualswithin the companyAppeal to reason relates to the information in an advertisement, while the other appeals relate more closely to persuasion.Chapter thirteen—writing sales reportTo indicate upward movement(按程度由轻到重排列):● a gradual/steady rise to rise gradually/steadily● a rapid increase to increase/go upquickly/rapidly● a steep climb to climb steeply● a dramatic jump to jump dramaticallyTo indicate downward movement(按程度由轻到重排列):● a gradual/steady fall to fall gradually/steadily● a sharp drop to drop sharply/steeply● a rapid decline to decline quickly/rapidly● a dramatic decrease to decrease dramaticallyTo indicate stability or fluctuation, the peak and the bottom:●to reach the bottom/lowest point●to go through a trough●to reach a peak/the highest point●to level out●to fluctuateChapter fourteen—writing business proposals Business proposals are written to suggest new ideas for organizing a company to make it more efficient or for promoting its products and services in a more effective way. Business proposals may also be called feasibility studies, because they attempt to show that an idea will work in practice. To be practical, there are five areas in which an idea needs to work:●the technical●the resource-related●the financial●the social●the environmentalWriters of business proposals need to consider the following key questions:●Is the proposal within the possibilities of available technology?(the technical)●Does the company have qualified personnel to implement the proposal?(theresource-related)●Is the proposal cost-effective and what is the likely profit margin?(the financial) ●Will the proposal affect the lives of people in the company and/or localcommunity, including their jobs?(the social)●Will the proposal create a negative impact on the environment?(theenvironmental)A feasibility study can be developed by the use of:●Numbered and centered major headings●Clear sub-headings●Double-spaced paragraphs●An informative diagramChapter fifteen—Promoting Products and ServicesPromotional materials can be subdivided into a number of different types:●Sales letters●Promotional e-mails●Brochures●Press(or news) releases●Print and TV advertisementsTargeting the audience:●The Product or service●The prospective customers●The competitionContent:The content of any promotional material must:●Arouse interestMake the readers curious. The information you give must persuade the readers that you have something valuable to offer. You then need to motivate them to buy.●Stress benefitsMake all the benefits mentioned customer-centered, not supplier-centered. Convince the readers that your product or service will make them healthier, wealthier and wiser.●Be truthfulMake sure that all your claims are accurate. Don’t overstate the benefits of your product or service. Avoid any criticism or false advertising—it could get you into legal trouble!●Be specificCreate vivid images by using simple, observable details. Avoid phrase such as:‘lasts longer’ (then what?)‘prints more quickly’(then what?)Tips for language in promotional materials:●Write short sentences●Use simple words that are familiar to the reader●Make each word count●Use the present tense as much as possible●Avoid the passive voice●Use personal pronouns such as ‘we’ and ‘you’to reduce the distance betweenyour company and the client●Use short forms whenever possible to further reduce the distance●Use bullet points to put across ideas in a concise manner●Adapt your style to suit the product or service●Revise and edit your promotional material. Ask your colleagues to comment onwhat you have written. Leave your draft overnight and review it the next day.You’ll be surprised at the number of improvements you can make.Chapter sixteen—developing company profilesA company profile provides prospective clients and customers with what thecompany considers to be key information about the organization. This will normally include:●Facts and figures about its major products and services●The history and development of the company●Its mission and philosophy● A statement of identify● A projection of its preferred image(including a logo)While it aims to provide the reader with an overview of the company, its primary purpose is to persuade the reader to support the company in some way. So,a company profile has both informational and promotional purposes.Mission statementsOne of the most important parts of a company profile is the mission statement. This is a declaration of a corporation or organization’s philosophical ideals and values. A mission statement stresses values, positive behaviors, and guiding principles. Mission statements tend to be formally expressed and widely communicated to both internal and external audience. They set a standard by which an organization is supposed to measure itself.。
