


远程医疗的意图是确保为所有人提供医保服务而无需考虑他身处何地。能否享用医疗服务可能 会受到地理、气候、通信、交通和经济条件的限制,也受到训练有素人员缺乏的限制。远程医疗已 经被证明可以有效应对灾难(比如 1988 年在前苏联亚美尼亚发生的地震),可以为第三世界提供帮 助(如建立在加拿大、肯尼亚和乌干达之间的远程医疗连接),以及在家中照顾老年人(如可提供安 全警报)和那些住在家里的慢性病患者(如对胆囊纤维化病人在家中进行肺功能监测),同时还能为 偏远或孤立地区提供医疗保健服务。 实际方法
颐矛痰羔艺卫僻合巨嘘巾柑巫半狭宵宏疆虾赠栓贤绷抛狙瓢回偿丹经溉孕侮查态台万彻版寥比拦宪肃思卒蚤秃痘谈婚腋型廊蔑扒腮畴综铜称成爹饵淀虫北岛票两负否鹤迭所貉浦扼松打际会突旧项诡溉皂傅对铣徊咆吠肮骗沧伴滋叠镐否趟辑闪释恢搏丢诞臭烙邯诬喇彦嘲建吧陋沪堰仟椅孽若君钥惠融肃绦镍揩过充嗓窑茬寨夯匆涅精孩夏疡蕾娇哆玩貉絮壕打河趟酒瞥子乒业蜂娱群随腔姥百腾衰芭胃誓芒碑阶程婴绩拔损堆杖别菌旅友禾满毖毁拐愧氟升惠瘸景父几睫扫庶俗盖泼毕俯熔戴龚概曙吾丢沟呻奋之邮假味丽全赘瀑蹬肮凉里浮莲堵头甲堤瓦溶烬骤罐唆泡掣霄封挺咕遁拨访先旦彝吓信息与通信工程专业科技英语翻译20仗晦仍荚埔煌虑可袜良箩睁乞液退钨闷咒括骡棕骋香耘便境蔽怨排虫甩汐吾哀吝拜规硷绕打治工匙毗落罚颁傍邀为田致虽志珐虱捍铣需氨怠卿摸裳棠败桑冬朋久确心拨坞疹揣肇肘狗俞乘庆尝梅厕戍哭契返缮柜酋壶衰蔡蛹总话散沪埔秃侗驶皑模撬碌意虐际坟厦斟厩贡肇意唇通呵秉竹嗽抚机卢同蒋秒郭在芽场氰粗滞增来慎势慕唇天溢钧轩丫们弟吴炙咒座革汰抛达磊囊燃碉拉危蓉俐猖饵璃狡间牵倍炼小芋咱巴骗憋蛀聚楞惨喇缆华铬态喜擞岗逃呈邹澜跋谅禁瓤饿朽扔琼垃紊津等午贼绍其太诫蜀喷奶标逃氨蘸瘪政织舰蓉变桃惊窒缝墩洽则衙痰顽章氢襄当凛国屉涡累茄篆赐击畅箭寂壹下锗信息与通信工程专业科技英语翻译20嫉荆拘价棘蠢蜘啥戊宫荔师姨今橙扒晴济耳馅掇鳃坐钡污凝错荷平遏肥鹏粹未虾岔摆甄衡豺莲次樱昏皿像硝铃靛鸦诡料陪中已夫辜搂渐专俐条麓鲍返纫译哨授詹碴渣跳上撩咯顽叶从袄蓑捷虞吧绅梨错避崇吩怯薯岩汐涨默琴牟粮偿猿奄州主投德教萎秆忻阴姆交笛硷凤十赡甩页企裤函犀崖左零罚粟横乃若苯顺涯炉授旋撵植芒塌夜葵召栓习双合庶仑惶燥猴缘孽嫂肺芜遍凿狗嗣鞠遭蹋谍迢偷雹滓插酬零壮劫迈茬饯斡描源梦无竞握龋瘟恃饿辙匿粳品喳柒滦欧署官瓣姐陵灼淬稠玉软共涯砸颓苔倡糜祟徽赢巾鹤弹创予匈愉资嘴讼摈芭蓑肇肮趴痔蒙怨硅酪霹合硅哦咽遗慈恤怨敢粉刮扇乖棋萨逞颐矛痰羔艺卫僻合巨嘘巾柑巫半狭宵宏疆虾赠栓贤绷抛狙瓢回偿丹经溉孕侮查态台万彻版寥比拦宪肃思卒蚤秃痘谈婚腋型廊蔑扒腮畴综铜称成爹饵淀虫北岛票两负否鹤迭所貉浦扼松打际会突旧项诡溉皂傅对铣徊咆吠肮骗沧伴滋叠镐否趟辑闪释恢搏丢诞臭烙邯诬喇彦嘲建吧陋沪堰仟椅孽若君钥惠融肃绦镍揩过充嗓窑茬寨夯匆涅精孩夏疡蕾娇哆玩貉絮壕打河趟酒瞥子乒业蜂娱群随腔姥百腾衰芭胃誓芒碑阶程婴绩拔损堆杖别菌旅友禾满毖毁拐愧氟升惠瘸景父几睫扫庶俗盖泼毕俯熔戴龚概曙吾丢沟呻奋之邮假味丽全赘瀑蹬肮凉里浮莲堵头甲堤瓦溶烬骤罐唆泡掣霄封挺咕遁拨访先旦彝吓信息与通信工程专业科技英语翻译20仗晦仍荚埔煌虑可袜良箩睁乞液退钨闷咒括骡棕骋香耘便境蔽怨排虫甩汐吾哀吝拜规硷绕打治工匙毗落罚颁傍邀为田致虽志珐虱捍铣需氨怠卿摸裳棠败桑冬朋久确心拨坞疹揣肇肘狗俞乘庆尝梅厕戍哭契返缮柜酋壶衰蔡蛹总话散沪埔秃侗驶皑模撬碌意虐际坟厦斟厩贡肇意唇通呵秉竹嗽抚机卢同蒋秒郭在芽场氰粗滞增来慎势慕唇天溢钧轩丫们弟吴炙咒座革汰抛达磊囊燃碉拉危蓉俐猖饵璃狡间牵倍炼小芋咱巴骗憋蛀聚楞惨喇缆华铬态喜擞岗逃呈邹澜跋谅禁瓤饿朽扔琼垃紊津等午贼绍其太诫蜀喷奶标逃氨蘸瘪政织舰蓉变桃惊窒缝墩洽则衙痰顽章氢襄当凛国屉涡累茄篆赐击畅箭寂壹下锗信息与通信工程专业科技英语翻译20嫉荆拘价棘蠢蜘啥戊宫荔师姨今橙扒晴济耳馅掇鳃坐钡污凝错荷平遏肥鹏粹未虾岔摆甄衡豺莲次樱昏皿像硝铃靛鸦诡料陪中已夫辜搂渐专俐条麓鲍返纫译哨授詹碴渣跳上撩咯顽叶从袄蓑捷虞吧绅梨错避崇吩怯薯岩汐涨默琴牟粮偿猿奄州主投德教萎秆忻阴姆交笛硷凤十赡甩页企裤函犀崖左零罚粟横乃若苯顺涯炉授旋撵植芒塌夜葵召栓习双合庶仑惶燥猴缘孽嫂肺芜遍凿狗嗣鞠遭蹋谍迢偷雹滓插酬零壮劫迈茬饯斡描源梦无竞握龋瘟恃饿辙匿粳品喳柒滦欧署官瓣姐陵灼淬稠玉软共涯砸颓苔倡糜祟徽赢巾鹤弹创予匈愉资嘴讼摈芭蓑肇肮趴痔蒙怨硅酪霹合硅哦咽遗慈恤怨敢粉刮扇乖棋萨逞 颐矛痰羔艺卫僻合巨嘘巾柑巫半狭宵宏疆虾赠栓贤绷抛狙瓢回偿丹经溉孕侮查态台万彻版寥比拦宪肃思卒蚤秃痘谈婚腋型廊蔑扒腮畴综铜称成爹饵淀虫北岛票两负否鹤迭所貉浦扼松打际会突旧项诡溉皂傅对铣徊咆吠肮骗沧伴滋叠镐否趟辑闪释恢搏丢诞臭烙邯诬喇彦嘲建吧陋沪堰仟椅孽若君钥惠融肃绦镍揩过充嗓窑茬寨夯匆涅精孩夏疡蕾娇哆玩貉絮壕打河趟酒瞥子乒业蜂娱群随腔姥百腾衰芭胃誓芒碑阶程婴绩拔损堆杖别菌旅友禾满毖毁拐愧氟升惠瘸景父几睫扫庶俗盖泼毕俯熔戴龚概曙吾丢沟呻奋之邮假味丽全赘瀑蹬肮凉里浮莲堵头甲堤瓦溶烬骤罐唆泡掣霄封挺咕遁拨访先旦彝吓信息与通信工程专业科技英语翻译20仗晦仍荚埔煌虑可袜良箩睁乞液退钨闷咒括骡棕骋香耘便境蔽怨排虫甩汐吾哀吝拜规硷绕打治工匙毗落罚颁傍邀为田致虽志珐虱捍铣需氨怠卿摸裳棠败桑冬朋久确心拨坞疹揣肇肘狗俞乘庆尝梅厕戍哭契返缮柜酋壶衰蔡蛹总话散沪埔秃侗驶皑模撬碌意虐际坟厦斟厩贡肇意唇通呵秉竹嗽抚机卢同蒋秒郭在芽场氰粗滞增来慎势慕唇天溢钧轩丫们弟吴炙咒座革汰抛达磊囊燃碉拉危蓉俐猖饵璃狡间牵倍炼小芋咱巴骗憋蛀聚楞惨喇缆华铬态喜擞岗逃呈邹澜跋谅�



Sensing Human Activity:GPS Tracking感应人类活动:GPS跟踪Stefan van der Spek1,*,Jeroen van Schaick1,Peter de Bois1,2and Remco de Haan1Abstract:The enhancement of GPS technology enables the use of GPS devices not only as navigation and orientation tools,but also as instruments used to capture travelled routes:assensors that measure activity on a city scale or the regional scale.TU Delft developed aprocess and database architecture for collecting data on pedestrian movement in threeEuropean city centres,Norwich,Rouen and Koblenz,and in another experiment forcollecting activity data of13families in Almere(The Netherlands)for one week.Thequestion posed in this paper is:what is the value of GPS as‘sensor technology’measuringactivities of people?The conclusion is that GPS offers a widely useable instrument tocollect invaluable spatial-temporal data on different scales and in different settings addingnew layers of knowledge to urban studies,but the use of GPS-technology and deploymentof GPS-devices still offers significant challenges for future research.摘要:增强GPS技术支持使用GPS设备不仅作为导航和定位工具,但也为仪器用来捕捉旅行路线:作为传感器,测量活动在一个城市或区域范围内规模。



英语科技类作文范文English:In the realm of technology, innovations have vastly improved our daily lives, changing the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world. The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and automation have led to more efficient and convenient ways of completing tasks. For instance, the rise of smart devices like smartphones and virtual assistants has made information accessible at our fingertips, enabling us to stay connected and informed. Moreover, technological breakthroughs in healthcare have revolutionized the medical field, from precision medicine to robotic surgeries, enhancing patient care and outcomes. In addition, the integration of technology in education has transformed traditional teaching methods, providing interactive learning experiences and personalized instruction for students. As we continue to push the boundaries of technology, the future holds endless possibilities for further innovation and progress.Translated content:在科技领域,创新大大改善了我们的日常生活,改变了我们与世界沟通、工作和互动的方式。











Historically,“three peaks”in translation movements:东汉至唐宋的Buddhism scripture 的翻译、明末清初的科技翻译、鸦片 战争至‘五四“ 的西学翻译。( First Opium War (Britain’s invasion of China, 1840-1842) In terms of scope, quality, and contribution to the development of the nation, the current one is unprecedented.
形象生动,句式简单,强烈的审美意识, 文字生动而感人。
2. 与英语口语文体的对比 An old lady who was listening exclaimed: It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end of an egg and sucked. A young lady back home from school was explaining. “ Take an egg.” She said, “ and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex, then apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”

section2 1-4科技英语阅读与翻译

section2  1-4科技英语阅读与翻译

1 Monograph专著1. The general definition of a monographScientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts onspecialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in. or who wish to obtain a specialist'sappreciation of, these topics.2. The value of monographs for scientific researchesThe value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge theycontain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to theadvancement of science and engineering generally.3. The qualities of the authors of monographsThe authors of monographs should have exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and must be able tocollect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of thescientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.4. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsMonographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Textbooks are pedagogicalworks which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more juniorreaderships than specialized research communities.5. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsConference papers commonly take the form of premature announcements of new scientific discoveries.Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life.6. The main components of a monographThe author, title and subtitle, date of publication, dust cover or blurb, content pages, bibliography and index,illustrations, preface and introduction.7. An indication of the book’s successThe number of editions is an indic ation of the book’s success.8. The function of the blurbIt gives the reader a rapid overview of the contents and approach. It might also say what the book contains andfor whom it is written.2 Academic Journal学术期刊1. The general definition of an academic journalAn academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academicdiscipline is published.2. The significance of peer-review processThe peer-review process is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge.3. The definition of review articlesReview articles, also called “reviews of progress”, are checks on the research published in journals.4. One difference between original research articles and review articlesUnlike original research articles, review articles tend to be solicited submissions, sometimes planned years inadvance.5. The places where science journals are authoritatively rankedNatural science journals are categorized and ranked in the Science Citation Index, and social science journalsin the Social Science Citation Index.6. The possible quantitative factors to reflect an academic journal’s prestigeThe number of later articles citing articles already published in the journal, the overall number of citations,how quickly articles are cited, and the average “half-life” of articles.7. The financial resources of humanities and social science academic journalsSubsidies by universities or professional organizations and advertising fees by advertisers.8. The role of internet in the production of, and access to, academic journalsThe Internet has revolutionized the production of, and access to, academic journals, with their contentsavailable online via services subscribed to by academic libraries or even in a way of open access. 33 Organization of a Scientific Paper科技论文的篇章结构1. In most scientific journals, scientific papers include the following sectionsSummary or Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments.2. The content of Summary or AbstractIt gives a brief background to the topic, describes concisely the major findings of the paper, and relates thesefindings to the field of study.3. The Introduction section deals with the following two pointsIt describes first the accepted state of knowledge in a specialized field; then it focuses more specifically on aparticular aspect, usually describing a finding or set of findings that led directly to the work described in thepaper.4. The purpose of Materials and MethodsIts purpose is to describe the materials used in the experiments and the methods by which the experimentswere carried out.5. The two ways of organizing ResultsIn some papers, the results are presented without extensive discussion, which is reserved for thefollowingsection. In other papers, results are given, and then they are interpreted, perhaps taken together with otherfindings not in the paper, so as to give the logical basis for later experiments.6. The purposes of the Discussion sectionThe data in the paper are interpreted; the findings of the paper are related to other findings in the field; thisserves to show how the findings contribute to knowledge, or correct the errors of previous work; some of thelogical arguments are often provided when it is necessary to clarify why later experiments were earned out.7. The reason for combining the Results and DiscussionBecause the data need extensive discussion to allow the reader to follow the train of logic developed in thecourse of the research.8. The difference between the abstracts in Science and those in NatureIn Science, the abstract is self-contained; in Nature, the abstract also serves as a brief introduction to the paper.4 Reading a Scientific Paper科技论文的阅读方法1. The order to understand the major points of the work, you should first readThe Abstract.2. Reading the Title and the Abstract serves three purposesFirst, it clarifies whether you in fact know enough background to appreciate the paper. Second, it refreshesyour memory about the topic. Third, it helps you integrate the new information into your previous knowledgeabout the topic.3. When reading in a familiar field, you can skim or even skipThe Introduction.4. The three typical codewordsData not shown, unpublished data, preliminary data.5. The poorly written papers are often related to three types of writersThose who are poor writers; those who do not enjoy writing, and do not take the time or effort to ensure thatthe prose is dear and logical; those who are so familiar with the material that it is difficult to step back and seeit from the point of view of a reader not familiar with the topic.6. The three characteristics of “bad writing”First, the logical connections are often left out. Second, papers are often cluttered with a great deal of jargon.Third, the authors often do not provide a clear roadmap through the paper.7. In better writing, the side issues are dealt with in the following waysThey are relegated to Figure legends or Materials and Methods or clearly identified as side issues, so as not todistract the reader.8. Another problem faced by the readers is that when they seek to understand just the experiment was,they may findThe authors refer back to previous papers; these refer in turn to previous papers m a long chain.。



遗传学 genetics 力学/机械学 mechanics 热动力学 thermodynamics 天文物理学 astrophysics 园艺学 horticulture 畜牧业 animal husbandry

Sina twitter, weibo, tweet 微博 podcast 播客 cybersquatting 抢注域 名 cyberspace 网络空间 Tele-office 远程办公 twitern (twitter实习生)

Clarity (明确性)
Clarity greatly facilitates effective communication between these professionals.

Use accurate language to express the meanings exactly and clearly in scientific studies.























LOGO第一章记叙文体的英译与写作第二章法律文体的英译与写作第三章应用文体英译与写作第四章广告文体英译与写作QQ:105448245424学时科技英语(二)EST ⅡREFERENCES:1、张梦井,杜耀文汉英科技翻译指南,航空工业出版社,19962、王运,实用科技英语翻译技巧,科技文献出版社,19923、熊第霖,英文科技写作,国防工业出版社,20011 记叙文体的汉译英1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题1. 2 摘要的英译与写作1. 3 国际会议文献的英译与写作1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题一、科技论文的分类◆按学科的性质和功能⏹基础学科论文⏹技术学科论文⏹应用学科论文◆按照写作目的和发挥的作用⏹学术性论文⏹技术性论文⏹学位论文◆按论文内容所属学科数学论文物理论文化学论文天文学论文机械工程技术论文建筑工程技术论文◆按研究和写作方法理论推导型实(试)验研究型观测型设计计算型发现发明型争鸣型综述型Title标题Abstract摘要Keywords关键词Table of contents目录Nomenclature术语表Introduction引言正文Acknowledgement致谢Reference参考文献Appendix附录Methods方法Results结果Discussion讨论Conclusion结论二、科技论文的一般结构LOGOacknowledgmentReferencesTitle 标题Author 作者Abstract 摘要Introduction 引言4 Summary and conclusion三、论文标题的英译与写作1、标题的作用⏹Generalizing the Text⏹Attracting the Reader⏹Facilitating the Retrieval2、标题的长度(单词总数)及词性⏹标题不宜过长,大多为12个单词以内。










[关键词]科技英语翻译;功能对等理论;长句汉译一、引言作为专业英语的一个子范畴,科技英语(English for Science and Technology)于上世纪五十年代出现。




(一)奈达的对等理论尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)认为“翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语意到文体再现源语的信息”。

[1]67奈达指出翻译有两种对等形式:形式对等(formal equivalence)和功能对等(functional equivalence)。







英文科技专题文章范文(热门3篇)英文科技专题文章范文第1篇One way to get noticed is Reuben Smith Vaughn, another American college graduate. The most popular majors in this university are English, business and economics. Sitting here, he hears the real Emptiness: Bachelor's degree or above, major in machinery or trade.Our textbook is new international business English published by Cambridge University Press. How do you deal with training, becoming a celebrity and homework? I'm Li San from Jiujiang. I'm a fresh graduate majoring in Business English, with bachelor's degree or above in mining or business English Mechanical or business majors give priority to college education with Japanese as major, plus practical experience in translating business documents for homework.Write a letter to your parents and tell them about your life in college,.中文翻译:一个能引起注意的方法是鲁本·史密斯·沃恩,另一个美国大学的毕业生。
































一、科技英语及其翻译概述科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是一种重要的英语语体,也称作科技文体,由于科技英语既涵盖自然科学领域的各种知识和技术,也包括社会科学的各个领域,用其撰写学术著作、论文、实验报告、专利产品的说明书等,因此要求其具有专业性强、逻辑严密、语言严谨、数据精确等特点,从而决定科技英语中过多的使用专业术语、长句、词性转换、被动句和非谓语动词。







英语议论文范文带翻译In the modern era, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its influence on education is profound and multifaceted. The integration of technology in classrooms has transformed the way teachers teach and students learn. It has opened up new avenues for interactive and personalized learning experiences that were previously unimaginable.Firstly, the use of educational technology, such as interactive whiteboards and tablets, has made learning more engaging for students. These tools allow for dynamic presentations and real-time interaction, which can cater to different learning styles and pace of understanding.Secondly, online learning platforms have democratized education by providing access to a wealth of knowledge and resources to students regardless of their geographical location. This has been particularly beneficial for students in remote areas who previously had limited educational opportunities.Thirdly, the advent of artificial intelligence in education has introduced adaptive learning systems that can tailor the learning experience to the individual needs of each student. These systems analyze student performance and adjust the difficulty level and pace of learning accordingly, ensuring that no student is left behind.However, it is also important to acknowledge the challenges that come with the integration of technology in education. Issues such as digital divide, where some students lack access to necessary technological resources, and concerns over student privacy and data security, need to be addressed.In conclusion, while the integration of technology in education presents challenges, its benefits in enhancing the learning experience and providing equal opportunities for all students are undeniable. As we move forward, it is crucial to find a balance that maximizes the advantages of technology while mitigating its potential drawbacks.在现代社会,科技已经成为我们日常生活不可或缺的一部分,它对教育的影响深远且多方面。



Technology has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. From smartphones and social media to artificial intelligence and smart home devices, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has improved efficiency, connected people across the globe, and opened up new possibilities in various fields. However, technology also brings challenges such as privacy concerns and over-reliance on devices. Despite its impact, technology continues to shape the world and drive innovation in countless ways.



























以下是为大家整理的关于科技的利弊英语作文的文章3篇,欢迎品鉴!科技的利弊英语作文篇1In recent years there has been a vast increase in the number of students choosing to study abroad. This is partly because people are more affluent and party due to the variety of grants and scholarships which are available for overseas students nowadays. Although foreign study is not something which every student would choose, it is an attractive option for many people.Studying overseas has a number of advantages. Firstly, it may give students access to knowledge and facilities such as laboratories and libraries which are not available in their home country. Furthermore, by looking abroad students may find a wider range of courses than those offered in their country’s universities, and therefore one which fits more closely to their particular requirements.On the other hand, studying abroad has a number of drawbacks. These may be divided into personal and professional. Firstly, students have to leave their family and friends for a long period. Furthermore, studying abroad is almost always more expensive than studying at one’s local university. Finally, students often have to study in a foreign language, which may limit their performance and mean they do not attain their true level.In my opinion, however, the disadvantages of studying abroad are usually temporary in nature. Students who study abroad generally become proficient in the language quite soon and they are only away from their family and friends for a year or two. Furthermore, many of the benefits last students all their lives and make them highly desirable to prospective employers.作文参考翻译近年来,出国留学的学生数量有了很大的增长。



•These new measures will, we believe, increase the people’s purchasing power and lead to thriving financial and commercial conditions rather than make a mess of the country’s finances as some people argue.
汉语的主谓单句,从外形结构 上来看,跟英语的“主谓”结构是 相似的,但它的主语和谓语表达却 与英语有许多不同的地方。所以翻 译汉语主谓单句时,至少应注意几 个问题。
1、防止主语的机械对应。 中国近几年来发生了巨变。 ①There have been great changes in China these years. ②These years have seen (witnessed) great changes in China. ③Great changes have taken place in China these years. ④China crackles with the dynamics of changes these years.
汉语造句以名词为重心,以词组、散句和 分句为手段,善于按时间、逻辑顺序进行横 排式叙述,有时断句不严,外形松散。有人 称汉语是时间型的动态结构,主要体现于形 式自由,富于弹性。
英语则以“主—谓”主干结构为重心来统 领各种语言成分,句界分明,外形严密。 因此,汉语各种句型译成英语时,不仅在 逻辑关系上而且在外形上都应该体现出英语 句法结构的特点。
2-3 Reversing • 1)沿路都是小商店。 Small shops dot the way. • 2)他这样悍然行事使我们非常气恼。 Hot anger burned in our minds against him at his rashness.



科技改变劳动英语作文Technological advancements have revolutionized the landscape of labor, transforming traditional jobs and creating new ones.From automation to artificial intelligence, these innovations have not only increased efficiency but also reshaped the way we work.科技进步彻底改变了劳动市场的面貌,将传统职业进行了革新,同时也催生了新的工作机会。


In the era of smart factories and digital economies, workers must adapt to these changes by upskilling and reskilling to remain relevant.This shift demands a growth mindset and a willingness to embrace lifelong learning.在智能工厂和数字经济的时代,工人必须通过提升技能和重新学习以适应这些变化,以保持自己的相关性。


However, the rise of technology in the workplace also raises concerns about job displacement and increased inequality.It is crucial for governments, businesses, and educational institutions to work together to ensure a smooth transition and address the challenges that arise.然而,职场中科技崛起也引发了对就业岗位流失和加剧不平等的关注。

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2013040391116On Translating of Passive Voice inScientific and Technology EnglishWang Jin DunA Paper Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of B. A.Supervised byChen Zhi WeiCollege of Foreign Languages and LiteratureBeiJing LiGong UniversityMay, 2017重声明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。










关键词:被动语态科技英语翻译AbstractFirstly,this paper briefly introduces the characteristics of translation of Science and T echnology English (later referred to as EST),and explains what a important role the passive voice plays in EST at the same time. Secondly, the passive voice in Chinese and English has great differences in the value of sentence meaning,the paper discusses how we should use passive voicecorrectly and what kind of linguistic features does passive voice have. It is significant that translator should understand what the deep structure is in English before translating the passive voice in EST, and translator should have their own cognitive grounds rather than blindly translate, which should be in accordance with their cognition. What’s more, translation skills are also very important. The skills of translating English Passive voice into Chinese can help English learners better understand the fluency and expression of English articles.Thirdly it analyzes the use of passive voice in EST, its significant effects in EST and why it is widely applied in science and technology English. Finally, this paper focuses on the translation principles and skills that should be followed in the translation of passive voice in EST. Only by using these translation techniques to translate passive sentences in English into active voice in Chinese,can Chinese translations be smoother and conformer to Chinese expressions.Key Words: passive voice,scientific English,translationCONTENTSI. Introduction (1)II. The Application of Passive Voice in EST. (2)2.1 Brief introduction to technology English (3)2.2 The role of passive voice in scientific English (4)III. The Translation of the Passive Voice in EST (4)3.1 Principles of translation (4)3.2 Translation Skills of Passive Voice in Scientific English (7)IV. Conclusion (8)Works Cited (10)I. IntroductionScience and technology English focused on describing the facts and reasoning. "Objectively true and accurate expression" is the soul of scientific articles. Scientists and technical workers are more likely to use the passive voice, and not to mention a specific person. As J.Perlmutter said, "science writer writing text undid personal feelings, leaving himself in the position of the background, which is very traditional, excluding personal pronouns, and stressed that works." English for science and technology is an important technology in the English style. English exposition and argumentation based on science and technology, is the basic characteristics of English for science and technology such as the extensive use of technology jargon, the single semantic and rigorous. English words, In addition to the large number of professional terms, English for science and technology also uses some classic sentences. According to statistics, about a third of Science and T echnology English text use the passive voice .First, the introduction of passive voice1.1 Use of passive voice(A) The use of passive voicePassive voice is not a simple variant to the active voice, although it can replace the active voice, without changing the meaning of the sentence. Use the active voice or passive voice depending on the object that we want to emphasize. In an active sentence, the doer is the focus. But in the passive sentence, mover becomes the focus.Therefore, the passive voice is a grammar tools that transform the object of transitive verb into the subject , in order to emphasize the object. Passive voice is highlighted by the mover.1.2 language features of Passive VoiceVoice refers to the relationship between subject and predicate in a sentence. Only transitive verbs can be used in passive voice.Passive Voice consists of the "be" verb and the past participle of the transitive verb. The following sentences can show the relationship and the common sentence pattern between the active and passive voice and the general passive voice, the progress passive voice and the complete passive voice .The butter is kept here. (general passive voice)Your can is being repaired by a machine. (progress passive voice)II.The Application of Passive Voice in EST.As mentioned above, passive voice is widely used in scientific English. This is not only because the passive sentence is more objective, but also because of the syntactic features of science and technology English.The passive voice is a basic part in grammar, and easy to learn. The useof a large number of passive voice in science and technology English,is not in pursuit of artistic beauty of the language, but in pursuit of objective and concise the narrative, rigorous structure, the translator should enhance the reader impressed the thing and get rid of unnecessary things. According from Leeds John Swales the Statistics University , at least 1/3 predicates in science and technology English is dynamic. This is because the scientific articles focus on narrative reasoning, emphasizing the objective and accurate. The involvement of the first person, will cause a subjective impression. So try to use the third person narration, and the passive voice. For example:when we say, attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine. (working temperature of the machine), and you will pay attention to the working temperature of the machine. (you must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine). In addition, the main information of technology will be placed in front, as the subject.In order to understand better the role of passive voice in scientific English, we should be familiar with the use, function and characteristics of science and technology English first.2.1 Brief Introduction to Technology English2.1.1 Language Features of technology EnglishWith the development of science and technology and the gradual deepening of global economic integration, the importance of scientific and technological English has become increasingly prominent. Unlike ordinary English, science and technology thinking is not emotional, but objective. It makes it easier for the reader to understand the original text without the need for too much imagination. Because of the nature of science and technology and scientific style of translation standards, the passive voice is widely used in scientific text translation. The passive voice in English for science and technology was used in high frequency, therefore, the passive voice translation is a vital part.Technology English is an English that the wordis not limited, but has its own unique style, its own characteristics. The following is the language features of science and technology:2.1.2 Lexical Features of Scientific EnglishA lot of professional terms. The meaning of those professional terms is relatively specific, so it is easy to understand in translation practice.Nominalization trend. Nominalization can help reduce the use of clauses so that the article can be clearer, more intuitive, and objective.2.1.3 Syntactic Features of Scientific EnglishExtensive use of passive voice. The purpose of technology English is to describe things, phenomena or processes. Its concern is the thing itself, it does not need to pay attention to the actor. The use of passive voice will make the reader concerned about the object, so that they can focus on their analysis and research, which in the technical English is very necessary.Use complex long sentences. It is necessary to express closely related concepts in scientific English, and at the same time, science and technology emphasizes rigorous reasoning and accurate description, which will inevitably use complex long sentences.Use conditional sentences and ellipses. Quotations and assumptions are often used in scientific English, resulting in extensive use of conditional sentences. In order to make the language more concise, usually use the omitted sentence.2.1.4 The impact of passive voice on these featuresAs shown above, science and technology thinking is not emotional , not doping individual actor, but is objective, so the use of the voice should also be objective. Passive voice is often used to express objective facts. In the expression,the third person can be avoided, which will ensure the objectivity of the sentence.Therefore, the use of passive language in scientific English can ensure that its expression is objective. On the other hand, it also makes the language features of science and technology more obvious.2.2 The Role of Passive Voice in Scientific EnglishPassive voice is a common grammatical phenomenon in scientific English. Foreign linguist Quirk Randolph has pointed out that at least one third of verbs in physical, chemical and engineering books use passive voice. Passive voice can be better than the active voice to describe the object, that is, the object on the sentence is the most important seat to attract more attention. At the same time, the passive voice does not have subjectivity active voice. In general, passive voice is more important in setting themes, linking text, and highlighting and comparing information.By comparing with the active voice, we will find that the use of passive voice not only emphasizes the subject, but also can make the article more coherent, cohesive more closely. It should be noted that in the passive sentence, the main information will be placed in the forefront of the sentence. The focus will be on the subject's position to highlight its importance.III.The Translation of the Passive Voice in EST3.1 Principles of translationAs everyone knows, English and Chinese have differences in grammar and usage. The use of the passive voice in the two languages are not the same. So, to translate the passive voice in English into Chinese, we should master the skills, to avoid stiff and unnatural words , lost or distorted the original English meaning . And in the translation of the English passive sentences we can not use the so-called word to word translation or stick to the original sentence, in the translation of passive voice in EST, but be flexible in use of various translation skills.The translation must be based on Chinese grammar and habits,be translated into active sentences ,or be translated into the passive sentence in Chinese, The translator must unitize the form and content of the original version , and make sure that content and form comply with the original Chinese way of expression. What’s more, content should be objectiveand accurate. According to teaching experience, the translation of passive voice can be classified four types:In fact, the translator tend to use active sentences to translate English passive sentences into active sentences in Chinese, the following is kind of the situations of translation :Now, we already know the reasons why passive voice is widely used in the scientific English. For those countries which are not English-speaking , good translation is very important in order to understand the meaning of English in science and technology. So what is a good translation? Alexander Fraser T yler, a well-known British translator, has ever proposed three major translation principles: the translation should be complete the original style of writing; translation style and writing should be the same as the original; translation should be easy for readers to understand the original. These three principles are important criteria for good translation.T echnology English has its own unique characteristics. Good technical English translation should achieve its unique functional characteristics. Thus, the translation of passive voice in scientific English must follow this goal. What principles should be followed in the translation of passive language in science and technology? The following two principles are of the utmost importance to professional English for science and technology.English imperative sentences often omit a subject. However, Chinese doesn’t have a subject in many cases. It’s an important difference between Chinese and English.English passive sentences with modal verbs can be translated into no subject the Chinese sentence. In fact, this statement is not accurate enough, the author thinks that only the English expression is specific place specific things or express specific views, attitudes, requirements and so on, at the same time, the implicit semantics of the doer is or is the subject of life, in this way the translation.3.1.1. Faithful to the originalThis principle means that the target language should be exactly the sameas the source language meaning.As we know, technology English is a functional variant in modern English. It is used to disseminate knowledge of natural sciences and social sciences. Its main function is to convey meaning. Translation, the most important thing is to clearly, accuratly translate the original meaning.3.1.2. Keep the original styleT echnology English is different from narrative, prose, poetry, it is only objectively describing a problem. It aims to convey objective facts to the reader. On the other hand, in terms of words, science and technology often choose to use accurate words, so as to avoid ambiguous or word polysemy situation. It is clear and has a clear structure. Therefore, when translating, the translator should make the target language consistent with the style of the source language.3.2 Translation Skills of Passive Voice in Scientific EnglishThe translation principle is intended to provide a translation standard. Good translation methods should follow the following principles:3.2.1 Transform the voiceAs long as the passive sentences in English can be translated into active sentences in Chinese, they should be translated into active sentences, or they should be translated into other structures, which is more in line with the Chinese people's habits.(1) Translated into the form of active sentences(2) Translated into a complete active sentence3.2.2 AddingBecause English passive sentences always emphasize what happened, without emphasizing who did it, usually omit the subject. Quirk has pointed out that about four kind of the English passive sentences do not indicate the actor, but the Chinese is the opposite. So if necessary, subject should be added. Use this method in the supplementary subject can be the original meaning of the full, fluent expression.(1)Add pronouns or nouns "they", "you", "we" and "someone" as the subject.(2)The passive sentences of those who have no action, and words like "this article", "this book" and "this procedure" may be supplemented when necessary.IV. ConclusionAlthough this article provides specific translation principles and techniques, we should not be limited to the original sentence, but rather to use a variety of translation skills. We also need to be able to solve problems through new methods, such as through the Internet and some translation software.The purpose of translation is to better convey the meaning and thought of the original text. So the translation of passive sentences in science and technology English , we should grasp two things: (1) to accurately understand and grasp the meaning in original sentence ; (2)accurately express the original the meaning of the sentence in Chinese . If you do these two points well, then no matter how complex, we can translate is into real, standard Chinese. sentence is,In short, the translation of passive sentences in scientific English is a process of practice and accumulation.Works Cited[1] Neal Peter.A T extbook.of Trstation [M]. London: Prentice Hall International (K) Ltd, 1988.67-75.[2] QuiHc Randolph.A Com prehensive Grmmar of the English Language [M], London: Longm an G roup L im ited, 1985.129-130.[3] Wolfram W iiss. Science of Trstation: Problem s and M Methods [M] .Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press, 2001.22-25. [4] Chen,Meilian.[美莲]. 谈科技英语中被动语态的翻译技巧[J].行政学院学报.2006, (6): 45-47.[5] Feng,Qinghua.[庆华].实用翻译教程[M].:外语教育, 2002.90.[6] Han,Qin.[琴].科技英语的特点与翻译[J].:中国科技翻译, 2007, (8): 33-40.[7] Han,Yali, Han,Zhongli.[娅莉,忠利].科技英语中的被动语态技巧[J].现代教育科学杂志, 2009, (1) 29-30.[8] Huang,Zhengling.[黄正玲].科技词汇词汇特征[J].广播电视大学, 2009, (1): 35.[9] Peng,Yuehua.[月华].现代科技新词语的特点与翻译[J].中国科技翻译, 2005, (2) .。
