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1,I appreciate what you have done for me.

2,I really appreciate the fact that you stood beside me when all the others were against me.

3,I’ve got to apologize for causing you so much. 4,I’ve got to apologize for not giving you a freer,safer and more prosperous world.

5,Do you think you could possibly lend me a car for a few days?

6,Do you think you possibly give me a chance ? I desperately want to work in your company.

7,I’d be happy to introduce my friend Bob to you .

8,I’d happy to speak for the entire graduating glass of 2003 and to express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful eduation that we have received at this school.

9,I’a afraid I can’t see your point.(我恐怕不明白你的意思)

10,I’m afraid I can’t sign this contrast . It’s beyond my authority.


1,I ‘m tired of doing the routine work/I’m fed up with…/I’m sick of…2,I’m sick and tired of being told what I can do and what I can’t do! I wasn’t born yesterday, and I can make my own judgments.

3,I’m eager to make my dream come true. 4,I’m eager to show you how I’ve made great progress by using the Crazy English method !

5,Saying is different from doing. 6,Conquering English is not different from conquering a great mountain; both of them require determination, courage, and perseverance.

7,I’m disappointed in sb/sth; with sb/sth; at sth; about sth; to…; that. I’m extremely disappointed in your behavior. 8, There’s one thing that would bring me down: when my loved ones tell me that they are disappointed with me.

9,I’m satisfied with your great progress since you joined our team.

10,If you’re not satisfied with the present conditions, you should do sth to improve them instead of complaining.


1,Because of the awful traffic, I was an hour late for the meeting.

2,It was only because of his donation that we were able to build the new school.

3,In addition to entering the WTO, China is also holding the 2008 Olympic Games. 4,In addition to nutrition , you should also take enough exercise to keep healthy.

5,Instead of acting blindly , let’s stop for a second and think about what we are doing. 6,Instead of complaining , why don’t you just do what you have to do?

7,According to the weather report, there will be heavy rain tomorrow.

8,According to the pie chart , we can see the proportion of males to females in 6

categories of employment.

9,In spite of the difficulties in learning a new language for a person of my age, I’m still determined to crack English.

10,In spite of the fact that great achievements have been made in women’s social status, it must be pointed out that there is still a long way to go before their equality in society can be achieved.


1,I wish I were as young as you are.

2,I wish I hadn’t behaved so foolishly that day!

3,If only I could speak English as fluently as you.

4,If only I could afford to buy that house.

5,It’s time that you made up your mind.

6,It’s high time we faced the competition head on and developed a totally new product that makes us the clear leader.

7,I insist that I pay for the dinner tonight.

8,I can’t understand why you always insist that you’re different from us. You know---when in Rome , do as the Romans do.(入乡随俗)

9,If I were you , I would have told her the truth.

10,If I were you , I would practice English every day, and above all, I would cherish the time and energy that you have now.


1,Do you have any experience in working for an international company?

2,Do you have any experience in dealing with international companies and people from different cultures?

3,I have confidence that I will win the competition.

4,I have confidence in speaking fluent English in several months.

5,It’s always been my dream to work for your company .

6,It’s always been my dream to do sth for those poor families in the remote countryside , esp. those who cannot afford to send their children school.


1,I thind I’m quite proficient in both English and public relations.

2,I’m quite proficient in recognizing ideas with potential and making them reality. 3,I really do enjoy my work, but I believe I’m ready for a more challenging job now. 4,I really do enjoy my work , but I think I’m ready for new challenges in a new job where I can use my English more.

5,I’ll be a great asset to your company because of my many years of working experience in Silicon Valley.(硅谷)

6,I’ll be a great asset to your company because my reform ideas will help you cut costs without firing people.
