
国际工程合同英汉对照阅读篇一:xxx工程合同中英文版xxx engineering contractxxx工程合同Contract No.: 合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司 Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , XX by the following Parties in . 本合同于XX年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxx Party B: xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxx Party A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. 1.In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx. 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。
2. 2.Work period for the Road Construction Project: the work shall be completed within 2 month upon signing the Contract. The condition of handover is that the Project Inspection & Acceptance Team constituted by Party A, shall issue the Inspection & Acceptance Sheet after onsite inspection.本次工程时间周期:合同签订后14个工作日内完成,并以甲方组成的竣工验收小组现场检验并出具验收单为竣工交接条件。

现根据《中华人民共和国民法典》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,经友好协商,就乙方承担项目建设工作事宜达成如下协议:1. 项目描述:本项目位于________________,主要包括_______________等。
2. 工作范围:乙方应按照甲方提供的图纸和技术要求,完成项目的建设工作。
3. 合同价款:本项目的总价款为人民币______元整(大写:人民币______元整)。
4. 支付方式:甲方应按以下方式向乙方支付合同价款:________________。
5. 工期:乙方应于____年__月__日开始施工,并于____年__月__日竣工。
6. 质量保证:乙方应保证工程质量符合国家和行业的相关标准,并对所完成的工程提供__年的质量保证期。
7. 违约责任:如一方违反本合同的任何条款,应向另一方支付违约金,并赔偿由此给对方造成的损失。
8. 争议解决:如双方在本合同执行过程中发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权将争议提交至____仲裁委员会进行仲裁。
9. 其他:本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期至项目竣工验收合格之日止。

甲方:(以下简称“业主”)地址:____________________________代表:____________________________乙方:(以下简称“承包商”)地址:____________________________代表:____________________________鉴于甲方为某项工程(以下简称“工程”)的业主,并愿意委托乙方承担该工程的施工任务;鉴于乙方愿意承担该工程的施工任务,并保证按照约定的标准和质量完成工程;双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚信的原则,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:____________________1.2 工程地点:____________________1.3 工程规模:____________________1.4 工程内容:____________________第二条合同价格2.1 乙方向甲方提交的工程报价为人民币(大写):____元整(小写):_____元。
2.2 乙方应按照本合同约定的工程内容和质量标准,完成工程。
2.3 甲方应按照本合同约定的付款方式和付款时间,向乙方支付合同价款。
第三条工程质量3.1 乙方应按照约定的标准和质量要求完成工程。
3.2 工程质量的评定标准应按照_________________执行。
3.3 乙方应承担工程质量问题的修复和返工费用。
第四条工程进度4.1 乙方应按照本合同约定的工程内容和施工方案,保证工程按时完成。
4.2 工程进度计划的制定和调整应经过甲方同意。
4.3 乙方应承担因工程进度延误而产生的违约金。
第五条付款方式5.1 甲方应按照乙方完成的工程量和质量,向乙方支付合同价款。
5.2 甲方支付合同价款的方式为:____期支付____%。
5.3 乙方应按照甲方的要求,提供相关发票和财务报表。

l 一次性 l 唯一性 l 项目目标的明确性 l 实施条件的约束性
(2) 工程项目的特点:
l 复杂程度高 l 整体性强 l 时间长 l 不可逆转性 l 产品的固定性 l 生产者的流动性 l 当地政府的管理和干预第14页源自共54页一、工程项目合同管理
(2)签订合同的任一方(如业主方、承包商方) 及参与合同管理的有关方(如监理工程师、业主代 表),对工程项目的进度、质量、造价、安全以及 环境等方面进行管理并做好协调工作。
2. 建筑工程管理模式(Construction Management Approach, CM)
•这种模式又称阶段发包方式,或快速轨道方式。 •业主在项目开始阶段就雇用施工经验丰富的咨询人员即CM经 理参与到项目中来,负责对设计和施工整个过程的管理。打 破过去那种待设计图纸完全完成后,才进行招标建设的连续 建设生产方式。 • 其特点是:由业主和业主委托的工程项目经理与工程师组 成一个联合小组共同负责组织和管理工程的规划、设计和施 工。完成一部分分项 (单项)工程设计后,即对该部分进行招 标,发包给一家承包商,无总承包商,由业主直接按每个单 项工程与承包商分别签订承包合同。
某项国际工程正处于施工阶段,业主方面接到本国政府当局情 报,该国在某日可能遭受邻国武装袭击。业主从人员安全的角 度考虑,指令承包商在该日停工。承包商执行了业主指令。届 时该国没有遭受邻国袭击,事后,承包商就停工事宜向业主提 起索赔。业主方面认可承包商索赔请求,给予相应的工期延长 和合理的费用补偿,但双方对补偿标准产生争执。

工程管理专业有关丛书1、《营销管理》菲利普·科特勒(Philip kotler)著上海人民出版社2、《一个广告人的自白》大卫·奥格威著中信出版社3、《售罄》邓小华、张弛、左农著中国经济出版社4、《销售圣经》郝秀华著中国华侨出版社5、《房产销售快速成交50招》华英雄著中国经济出版社6、《三天造就售楼冠军》余源鹏著机械工业出版社7、《世联观察-房地产调整第5年》陈劲松著广东旅游出版社8、《世联观察-房地产游戏规则与生存环境》陈劲松著机械工业出版社9、《城市消失·旅游地产》周晓华著机械工业出版社10、《联合开发-城市运营的出路》陈劲松著机械工业出版社11、《规划的市场评价》陈劲松著机械工业出版社12、《城市更新之市场模式》陈劲松著机械工业出版社13、《你应该读懂的100处世界建筑》鲁石著湖南文艺出版社14、《策划·世联报告》世联地产著机械工业出版社15、《》戴胡杰、杨波著安徽科学技术出版社16、《》刘富勤、陈德方著北京大学出版社17、《》廖俊平、陆克华著中国建筑工业出版社18、《》柴强著中国建筑工业出版社19、《》王宏著机械工业出版社20、《》陈信科著机械工业出版社21、《》王宏著机械工业出版社22、《》陈德芳著湖南大学出版社23、《》王勇、陈延辉著中国建筑工业出版社24、《》胡章喜著上海交通大学出版社25、《》李开发著中国水利水电出版社26、《》徐霞、叶彩霞、崔未合著化学工业出版社27、《》李开孟、徐成彬著冶金工业出版社28、《》余源鹏著中国经济出版社29、《》黄福新著机械工业出版社30、《》中国房产信息集团、克而瑞(中国)信息技术有限公司著中国经济出版社31、《地产-品堂:商业盛宴》苏坤著出版社:天津大学出版社32、《房地产营销新法-低唱名标杆项目全案策划》克而瑞(中国)信息技术有限公司著大连理工大学出版社33、《中国传统建筑梁、柱装饰艺术》齐学君、王宝东著机械工业出版社34、《小户型大智慧现代极简》深圳市创扬文化传播有限公司著华中科技大学出版社35、《建筑美学》曾坚,蔡良娃著中国建筑工业出版社36、《悦动140-2011风火微语录》风火广告著深圳报业集团出版社37、《旅游地产制胜攻略》中国房产信息集团著大连理工大学出版社38、《时代楼盘研究(1-12册)》唐艺设计资讯集团著唐艺设计资讯集团39、《中国优秀房地产广告年鉴2011NO。

以下是一份基础的工程项目合同管理外文范本:h2roject Contract Management: A Model for International Cooeration/h2This roject Contract (the "Agreement") is made on [Date] etween [Name of arty A] with its registered office at [Address] ("arty A"), and [Name of arty ] with its registered office at [Address] ("arty ").WHEREAS, arty A wishes to engage arty to rovide [secific services or construction work] for the roject known as [roject Name];NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual romises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the arties agree as follows:1. Scoe of Work1.1 arty shall rovide the following services: [Detailed descrition of services or construction work].1.2 The work shall e erformed in accordance with the secifications set forth in [attached documents or standards], and shall e comleted y [Comletion Date].2. Quality Assurance2.1 arty warrants that all work will e erformed to the highest industry standards and shall meet the requirements secified in the roject documentation.3. Timeline and Milestones3.1 The roject timeline shall e as follows: [Insert timeline with secific milestones and deadlines].4. Cost and ayment4.1 The total cost for the services shall e [Total Cost], ayale in accordance with the following schedule: [ayment Schedule].5. Change Orders5.1 Any changes to the scoe of work shall e agreed uon y oth arties in writing and shall constitute a change order.6. Liaility and Insurance6.1 arty shall maintain all necessary insurance olicies to cover liailities arising from the erformance of the work.7. Disute Resolution7.1 Any disute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall first e attemted to e resolved through negotiation. If negotiation fails, the disute shall e referred to [Aritration or Mediation rocess].8. Governing Law8.1 This Agreement shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction Name].9. Termination9.1 Either arty may terminate this Agreement in the event of material reach y the other arty. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the arties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written aove.[Name of arty A]y: _________________________________Name: _________________________________Title: _______________________________[Name of arty ]y: _________________________________Name: _________________________________Title: _______________________________。

国际土木工程建筑承包合同(中英文对照)International Civil Engineering and Construction Contract(中英文对照)1.背景为了实现国际土木工程建筑承包合同的良好执行和管理,特制订本合同。

FIDIC合同条款(双语)课程教学大纲 工程造价1

《FIDIC合同条款(双语)》课程教学大纲1课程基本信息课程中文名称: FIDIC合同条款(双语)课程英文名称: FIDICcontract terms课程代码: 01D150627 学时/学分: 24/1.5课程类别: 专业方向模块课程性质: 任选考核性质: 考查课适用专业: 工程造价先修课程: 房屋建筑学、建设法规后续课程: 毕业设计开课单位: 土木与建筑工程学院开课学期: 7课程团队负责人: 团队成员:2 教学目标本课程是土木工程专业的专业方向模块选修课, 介绍Fidic合同条款的基础知识、核心条款以及Fidic合同运行过程中的索赔及解决方法。
本门课程是一门理论与实践均很强的课程, 通过本课程的学习, 使学生对Fidic合同有总体的理解和认识, 能对常见的国际工程较合理的运用相关领域的国际通用规则进行分析和解决, 重在培养学生理解和运用相关条款的能力, 为从事国际工程相关的实际工作打下坚实基础。
通过本课程的学习, 要求学生达到以下目标:2.1 知识目标:1.了解Fidic合同的基础理论。
4、熟悉合同分包的性质和特征, Fidic合同分包规则。
2.2 能力、素质目标:1.具备国际工程管理专业领域的专业知识及相关的法律、法规;2、具备对工程管理专业外语文献进行读、写、译的基本能力, 能够进行跨文化的交流与合作;3.能运用Fidic合同条款解决实际工程问题;4.具备良好的人文社会科学素养和工程职业道德。
4 各教学环节对教学目标的贡献注: 1.用☆☆☆、☆☆、☆分别表示该项教学环节的贡献度为大、中等、小。
5 课程教学内容及学时分配(含实践、自学、作业、讨论等的内容及要求)注: 1.用*表示该教学内容为教学重点。

国际工程合同中英---合同标题:International Engineering roject Contract合同编号:[合同编号]甲方(业主)名称:[甲方全称]地址:[甲方地址]乙方(承包商)名称:[乙方全称]地址:[乙方地址]签约日期:[签约日期]工程地点:[工程地点]I. 引言本合同由甲方(以下简称“业主”)与乙方(以下简称“承包商”)根据平等互利的原则订立,目的在于规定双方关于[具体工程名称]的建设和管理的权利、义务及责任。
II. 工程描述本合同所涉及的工程内容、规模、技术要求、工期等详细信息如下:1. 工程内容: [详细描述工程的性质、规模、位置等]2. 技术要求: [列出工程的技术标准和规范]3. 工期: [明确工程的开始和完成日期]4. 质量控制: [规定工程质量的标准和验收程序]III. 价格条款1. 合同总价: [合同金额]2. 支付方式: [详细描述支付条件、时间和方式]3. 价格调整: [如有必要,说明价格调整的条件和程序]IV. 施工期限1. 开工日期: [具体日期]2. 竣工日期: [具体日期]3. 延期条款: [规定延期的责任、通知和赔偿等]V. 质量保证1. 保证期限: [明确质量保证的时间范围]2. 维护责任: [详细说明维护的责任方和维护措施]VI. 违约责任1. 违约定义: [明确什么情况下构成违约]2. 责任承担: [违约方应承担的责任和后果]VII. 争议解决1. 适用法律: [指定适用的法律和仲裁规则]2. 解决方式: [优先采用协商,其次是仲裁或诉讼]VIII. 其他条款1. 保密协议: [对商业秘密和技术信息的保护]2. 变更和补充: [合同变更和补充的程序]3. 终止条件: [合同提前终止的条件和处理方式]IX. 签字页本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方代表:_________________ (签字) 日期:____年____月____日乙方代表:_________________ (签字) 日期:____年____月____日---。

国际工程合同管理英文英文回答:International Construction Contract Management.International Construction Contract Management involves managing construction contracts that span across national borders. It often presents unique challenges due to differences in legal systems, cultural norms, language barriers, and project complexities. To successfully manage international construction contracts, careful planning, effective communication, and adherence to international best practices are crucial.Key Considerations.Legal Framework: Understanding the legal framework governing the contract, including applicable laws, regulations, and dispute resolution mechanisms, is essential. This involves seeking legal advice fromexperienced international construction lawyers.Cultural Differences: Recognizing and respecting cultural differences between parties can enhance communication and build trust. Adapting to local customs, business practices, and communication styles can facilitate effective collaboration.Language Barriers: Overcoming language barriers is vital for clear communication and accurate document interpretation. Utilizing translation services, interpreters, and English as a common language can reduce misunderstandings.Project Complexity: International constructionprojects often involve complex designs, diverse stakeholder involvement, and跨境物流。

国际工程合同管理英文课件## International Engineering Contract Management Course Materials.### Course Overview.This course provides an overview of the principles and practices of international engineering contract management. It covers the legal, financial, and technical aspects of engineering contracts, as well as the management of risks and disputes.### Course Objectives.Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:Understand the legal framework of international engineering contracts.Identify and mitigate the risks associated with international engineering contracts.Manage the financial aspects of international engineering contracts.Manage the technical aspects of international engineering contracts.Resolve disputes arising from international engineering contracts.### Course Outline.The course is divided into the following modules:Module 1: Introduction to International Engineering Contracts.Overview of the international engineering market.Types of international engineering contracts.Legal framework of international engineering contracts.Module 2: Risk Management in International Engineering Contracts.Identification of risks.Assessment of risks.Mitigation of risks.Module 3: Financial Management in International Engineering Contracts.Pricing of international engineering contracts.Financing of international engineering contracts.Payment management.Module 4: Technical Management in International Engineering Contracts.Project planning and scheduling.Quality control.Site management.Module 5: Dispute Resolution in International Engineering Contracts.Negotiation.Arbitration.Litigation.### Course Assessment.Students will be assessed on the basis of their participation in class, their performance on assignments,and their final exam.### Instructor Information.The instructor for this course is [Instructor's Name]. [Instructor's Name] is a [Instructor's Title] at [Instructor's Institution].## 中文回答:### 课程概览。


国际工程合同管理英文International engineering contract management is a critical aspect of global business operations. It involves the negotiation, execution, and administration of contracts between parties from different countries for the development and implementation of engineering projects. Due to the complex nature of international projects, effective contract management is essential to ensure that the interests of all parties involved are protected and that the project is completed successfully.国际工程合同管理是全球商业运营的一个关键方面。
One of the major challenges in international engineering contract management is the differences in legal and regulatory frameworks across different countries. These differences can impact the interpretation and enforcement of contract terms, leading to potential disputes and conflicts between the parties involved. It isessential for contract managers to have a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory requirements in the countries where the project is being implemented.国际工程合同管理的一个主要挑战是不同国家法律和监管框架的差异。

国际工程合同管理(双语)篇一:工程合同管理(双语)练习题解答1 Nowadays,construction includes and Engineering means not only but also mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc.3 According to WTO, the services supplied of construction markets can be discussed design and construction of building or civil engineering works5 Contractor’s primary obligations are design, execute and complete the works in accordance with and , and shall remedy any is to determine how to best meet the employer’s need, includes consideration of and review the inherent in the procurement decisions. 8 A construction project can be divided into phases, such as: identification or formulation, technical and commercial investigation, design,10 Contractual arrangement refers to the financial arrangement of a contract or basis 11 The standard forms of contract consist of second party, three essential elements for a contract formation are necessary: anoffer; 13. able to undertake responsibility for the in addition, and many other performance relateddocumentation are also inputs to contract administration.15 Procurement documents are used to seek proposals Namely tender, bid, quotation document, when buying commercial or technical skills, for procurement of building or civil engineering work.1 World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries. It is a bank in common sense made of two development institutions IBRDand IDA. (×)2 The role of standard forms of contract is to less the likelihood of unsatisfactory performance, increased costs and disputes.(√)3 For any building or civil engineering works, the evaluation criteria are limited to tender price.(×)4 A tender is an offer submitted in response to a formal invitation for tenders.(√)5 The amount of the tender security is usually 10% tender price, which shall be released when they can’t award a contract. (√)6 Condition is the word used to denote a vital termthat goes to the root of the contract, if it is not carried out, the injured party can refuse to accept the contract and sue for damages. (√)7 Drawing should clearly depict the nature and scope and the details of the contract work. Prepared by A/E. (√)8 “initiated” refers to when the contractor wins the contract, he will make a pre-contract planning. (√)9 Tenders can be sent by hand, post, delivery service in a plain sealed enveloped, or in electronics. (√)10 Covering letters aims to proposed methods of construction or proposed subcontractors, it is part of the contract. (×)11 The form of agreement should be drawn up and executed only by the employer (×)12 The progress programme helps the prediction of future progress; (×)13 The responsibility of contractor’s care of the works is from the commence date until the taking-over certificate is issued. (√)14 The cost of bringing an item of contractor’sequipment onto a site and it subsequent removal is fixed cost. (√)15 An interim payment certificate shall be deemed to indicate the engineer’s acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction. (×)1 is not the Factor affecting choice of type of contract. ( D )A costB timeC qualityD equipmentto ensure the contractor to discharge his obligations under the tender documents satisfactorily.(D )A a bankB insurance company D other acceptable guarantors D all of the above3 Shortly after the contractor receives the letter of acceptance, the A/E must notify in writing of the date for commencement of the works in order to initiate the execution of it. (A )A the contractorB employerC Both employer and the contractorD the contractor’srepresentative4 The A/E should maintain a check on progress through regular reports submit to him A the A/E’srepresentative B the contractor’s representative D the contractor D none of above5 According to the Red Book, the contractor should prepare monthly progress reports copies.A 2B 3C 6D 46 ’t the strategies towards opportunitiesA enhancingB transferC sharingD exploitation7 ’t the responsibility of contractor's representativeA Site layoutB Planning and monitoringC Resource schedulingD Site supervision a primary responsibility to ensure that the contractor gets the paid for the work executed by him and the employer gets the work for which he is paying.A Employer’sB A/E’sC Representative’s of employerD Contractor’s9 According to the provision of Red Book, when the taking-over certificate has been issued for the of the retention money shall be certified by the engineer for payment to the contractor.A the halfB allC 1/4D none of abovelevels, or for the nomination of sub contractorsappropriate.A in writingB in oralC in writing or oralD all of aboveHow do construction claims ariseIn general, construction claims occur because of the following:Delays in construction and completion of the contract;Delays in the delivery and supply of materials;Weather which slows down or prevents construction from proceeding;Owner requested changes;Changes which occur not at the request of the owner;Poor management and administration of the construction site;Site conditions which differ from those expected;The work becomes impossible to perform;Insufficient plans and specifications;Failure of any one party to disclose information which is material to the construction; Conflicts between those involved in the construction of a project;Termination of the contract by the owner or thecontractor;Acceleration of the work;Failure to adequately schedule and coordinate the work; andFailure of parties to cooperate with each other in the performance of the work.Who are the participants in construction industry The participants include: the planner, architectural and engineering designers, employer, contractor, material and equipment supplier, construction workers, supervisors, financiers, accountants, lawyers, insurers and operators, government (involved in it as purchaser, financier, regulator, and adjudicator).Which documents are included in the contract Please point out their priority. The contract document including contract agreement, drawing, specification, bill of quantities, tender and appendix, a written acceptance of the tender.The priority is as follows:(1) the contract agreement;(2) the letter of acceptance;(3) the letter of tender;(4) the particular conditions;(5) the general conditions;(6) the specification;(7) the drawing and the schedules and any other documents forming part of the contract.Brief described the supervisory functions of the A/E’s representative.(1)Precautious measures: assist in the smooth running of the contract by avoiding the execution of abortive work.(2)Overseeing site operations:ensure the work can’t emerge any deviations from the specification.(3)Checking performance against standards:to ensure the work complies with the standards prescribed in the specification.(4)Approving and monitoring contractor’s proposals: to ensure all workmanship and materials satisfy the requirements of the contract.which documents are standard forms of contract includeConditions of contract, specification, forms oftender and appendixes to tender forms of agreements, non-disclosure agreements, forms of tender security, forms of performance security, tender or proposal evaluation criteria checklists, standardized versions of all parts of the needed tender document.Who are the participants in risk identificationProject manager, project team member, risk management team, subject matter experts from outside the project team, the employer, end users, other project managers,stakeholders, risk management experts.Please point out the main types of claim.(1)Contractual claim: these are claims that are founded on specific clauses within the terms of the contract.(2)Ex-contractual claim: these are claims that are not based on clauses within the terms of a contract, although the basis of the claim may be circumstances that have arisen out of the contract and have resulted in loss or expense to the contractor.(3)Common law claim: the right established by taking action through the courts for damages for breachof contract, tor, repudiation, implied terms and other related matters.Brief descript the procedures for building and engineering projects(1)Investigation: Employer need identify a need Brief A/E, decide to proceed and how to raise funds, and obtain legal power to execute the works; A/E will define employer’s need, study need and recommend solution.(2)Design: Employer will acquire land, raise funds; while A/E will prepare drawing, specifications and other contract documents, advertise publicly or invite selected contractors to tender, and appraise tenders and select contractor; contractor will prepare and submit tender.(3)Construction: Employer and contractor will sign contract; A/E will appoint engineer’s representative and other site supervisory staff, complete works, design as necessary and transmit to contractor ,Vet contractor’s methods and temporary works, Oversee construction permanent works to specification make record drawings of works, certify payment, commissionand hand over; contractor will appoint agent and other site staff, interpret design information, plan and programme, move workforce, materials and machines to site, design and construction temporary works, and get paid; Employer will pay contractor and take over the woks.which Contract strategies can apply in response of the risks(1)Cost reimbursement contracts;(2)Remeasurement contracts;(3)Lump sum or fixed price contracts;(4)Contractual agreement.Brief describes the means of discharge of a contract, and point out several type of discharge of contract.Once each party’s contractual obligations have been fulfilled, the contract is篇二:国际工程合同管理《国际工程》课程论文题目:国际工程合同管理————探讨承包商的合同管理事宜小组成员:简政东XX0420712刘亚菲XX0420717石苗苗XX0420721任课老师:束拉专业:土木工程专业学院:土木工程学院XX年6月1日郑州大学国际工程合同管理——探讨承包商的合同管理事宜合同管理指参与项目各方均应在项目实施过程中自觉地、认真严格地遵守所签订的合同的各项规定和要求,按照各自的职责,行使各自的权力、履行各自的义务、维护各方的权利,发扬协作精神,处理好“伙伴关系”,做好各项管理工作,使项目目标得到完整的体现。

工程合同管理双语题库一、合同的订立与效力问题1: 描述合同成立的条件有哪些?答案:合同成立的条件通常包括:要约和承诺的存在、合法的目的、合法的手段、当事人的合同能力以及真实的意愿表示。
问题2: 何为不可抗力条款?其对合同履行有何影响?答案:不可抗力条款指的是因自然灾害或其他不可预见、不可避免且不可克服的事件导致合同无法履行时,受影响一方可以免除责任或延迟履行的特殊条款。
二、合同的履行与变更问题3: 如果合同中的某项内容需要变更,应当遵循哪些程序?答案:合同内容的变更应遵循合同约定的变更程序,通常需要双方协商一致,并作出书面补充协议或者修改协议,以保证变更的有效性和可追溯性。
问题4: 当一方未能履行合同义务时,另一方有哪些权利和救济途径?答案:当一方违约时,另一方拥有要求履行、索赔损失、解除合同等权利。
三、合同的终止与解除问题5: 列举几种合同可能终止的情形。
问题6: 解释“合同解除”的含义及其后果。
四、争议解决问题7: 如何处理合同争议?答案:合同争议首先推荐通过友好协商解决,若协商不成,可通过调解、仲裁或诉讼等方式解决。
问题8: 什么是仲裁条款?它与诉讼有何不同?答案:仲裁条款是合同中规定将来可能出现的任何争议应提交给仲裁机构进行裁决的条款。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年国际工程承包合同(英文版)本合同目录一览1. 合同主体与项目概述1.1 合同主体1.1.1 承包商信息1.1.2 业主信息1.2 项目概述1.2.1 项目名称1.2.2 项目地点1.2.3 项目内容2. 合同条款2.1 一般条款2.1.1 定义与解释2.1.2 合同的生效与终止2.1.3 合同的修改与补充2.2 工程设计与施工2.2.1 设计要求2.2.2 施工标准2.2.3 施工期限2.3 材料与设备2.3.1 材料质量2.3.2 设备规格2.3.3 供货期限2.4 价格与支付2.4.1 合同价格2.4.2 支付方式2.4.3 价格调整2.5 违约责任2.5.1 承包商违约2.5.2 业主违约2.6 争议解决2.6.1 协商解决2.6.2 调解解决2.6.3 仲裁解决2.6.4 法律适用3. 合同附件3.1 设计文件3.2 施工图纸3.3 技术规范3.4 材料与设备清单3.5 合同价格明细4. 其他条款4.1 保险4.2 环境保护4.3 信息安全4.4 知识产权5. 合同的签订与生效5.1 签订程序5.2 合同生效条件6. 合同的履行与监督6.1 承包商义务6.2 业主义务6.3 监理机构7. 验收与移交7.1 验收标准7.2 移交程序8. 保修与维护8.1 保修期限8.2 保修责任8.3 维护事项9. 合同的变更与解除9.1 变更条件9.2 解除条件10. 合同的终止与清算10.1 合同终止10.2 清算程序11. 保密条款11.1 保密内容11.2 保密期限11.3 违约责任12. 不可抗力12.1 不可抗力事件12.2 不可抗力后果13. 适用法律与争议解决13.1 法律适用13.2 争议解决方式14. 合同的签署与备案14.1 签署程序14.2 备案要求第一部分:合同如下:1. 合同主体与项目概述1.1 合同主体1.1.1 承包商信息承包商全称:X Construction Co., Ltd.注册地址:, X Street, X City, X Country 营业执照号码:法人代表:X1.1.2 业主信息业主全称:X Development Co., Ltd.注册地址:, X Street, X City, X Country营业执照号码:法人代表:X1.2 项目概述1.2.1 项目名称:X International Project1.2.2 项目地点:, X Street, X City, X Country2. 合同条款2.1 一般条款2.1.1 定义与解释除非本合同其他条款另有规定,本合同所用术语如下:“合同”指本合同的全部内容,包括及附件。
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国际工程合同管理(双语)篇一:工程合同管理(双语)练习题解答1 Nowadays,construction includes and Engineering means not only but also mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc.3 According to WTO, the services supplied of construction markets can be discussed design and construction of building or civil engineering works5 Contractor’s primary obligations are design, execute and complete the works in accordance with and , and shall remedy any is to determine how to best meet the employer’s need, includes consideration of and review the inherent in the procurement decisions. 8 A construction project can be divided into phases, such as: identification or formulation, technical and commercial investigation, design,10 Contractual arrangement refers to the financial arrangement of a contract or basis 11 The standard forms of contract consist of second party, three essential elements for a contract formation are necessary: anoffer; 13. able to undertake responsibility for the in addition, and many other performance relateddocumentation are also inputs to contract administration.15 Procurement documents are used to seek proposals Namely tender, bid, quotation document, when buying commercial or technical skills, for procurement of building or civil engineering work.1 World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries. It is a bank in common sense made of two development institutions IBRDand IDA. (×)2 The role of standard forms of contract is to less the likelihood of unsatisfactory performance, increased costs and disputes.(√)3 For any building or civil engineering works, the evaluation criteria are limited to tender price.(×)4 A tender is an offer submitted in response to a formal invitation for tenders.(√)5 The amount of the tender security is usually 10% tender price, which shall be released when they can’t award a contract. (√)6 Condition is the word used to denote a vital termthat goes to the root of the contract, if it is not carried out, the injured party can refuse to accept the contract and sue for damages. (√)7 Drawing should clearly depict the nature and scope and the details of the contract work. Prepared by A/E. (√)8 “initiated” refers to when the contractor wins the contract, he will make a pre-contract planning. (√)9 Tenders can be sent by hand, post, delivery service in a plain sealed enveloped, or in electronics. (√)10 Covering letters aims to proposed methods of construction or proposed subcontractors, it is part of the contract. (×)11 The form of agreement should be drawn up and executed only by the employer (×)12 The progress programme helps the prediction of future progress; (×)13 The responsibility of contractor’s care of the works is from the commence date until the taking-over certificate is issued. (√)14 The cost of bringing an item of contractor’sequipment onto a site and it subsequent removal is fixed cost. (√)15 An interim payment certificate shall be deemed to indicate the engineer’s acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction. (×)1 is not the Factor affecting choice of type of contract. ( D )A costB timeC qualityD equipmentto ensure the contractor to discharge his obligations under the tender documents satisfactorily.(D )A a bankB insurance company D other acceptable guarantors D all of the above3 Shortly after the contractor receives the letter of acceptance, the A/E must notify in writing of the date for commencement of the works in order to initiate the execution of it. (A )A the contractorB employerC Both employer and the contractorD the contractor’srepresentative4 The A/E should maintain a check on progress through regular reports submit to him A the A/E’srepresentative B the contractor’s representative D the contractor D none of above5 According to the Red Book, the contractor should prepare monthly progress reports copies.A 2B 3C 6D 46 ’t the strategies towards opportunitiesA enhancingB transferC sharingD exploitation7 ’t the responsibility of contractor's representativeA Site layoutB Planning and monitoringC Resource schedulingD Site supervision a primary responsibility to ensure that the contractor gets the paid for the work executed by him and the employer gets the work for which he is paying.A Employer’sB A/E’sC Representative’s of employerD Contractor’s9 According to the provision of Red Book, when the taking-over certificate has been issued for the of the retention money shall be certified by the engineer for payment to the contractor.A the halfB allC 1/4D none of abovelevels, or for the nomination of sub contractorsappropriate.A in writingB in oralC in writing or oralD all of aboveHow do construction claims ariseIn general, construction claims occur because of the following:Delays in construction and completion of the contract;Delays in the delivery and supply of materials;Weather which slows down or prevents construction from proceeding;Owner requested changes;Changes which occur not at the request of the owner;Poor management and administration of the construction site;Site conditions which differ from those expected;The work becomes impossible to perform;Insufficient plans and specifications;Failure of any one party to disclose information which is material to the construction; Conflicts between those involved in the construction of a project;Termination of the contract by the owner or thecontractor;Acceleration of the work;Failure to adequately schedule and coordinate the work; andFailure of parties to cooperate with each other in the performance of the work.Who are the participants in construction industry The participants include: the planner, architectural and engineering designers, employer, contractor, material and equipment supplier, construction workers, supervisors, financiers, accountants, lawyers, insurers and operators, government (involved in it as purchaser, financier, regulator, and adjudicator).Which documents are included in the contract Please point out their priority. The contract document including contract agreement, drawing, specification, bill of quantities, tender and appendix, a written acceptance of the tender.The priority is as follows:(1) the contract agreement;(2) the letter of acceptance;(3) the letter of tender;(4) the particular conditions;(5) the general conditions;(6) the specification;(7) the drawing and the schedules and any other documents forming part of the contract.Brief described the supervisory functions of the A/E’s representative.(1)Precautious measures: assist in the smooth running of the contract by avoiding the execution of abortive work.(2)Overseeing site operations:ensure the work can’t emerge any deviations from the specification.(3)Checking performance against standards:to ensure the work complies with the standards prescribed in the specification.(4)Approving and monitoring contractor’s proposals: to ensure all workmanship and materials satisfy the requirements of the contract.which documents are standard forms of contract includeConditions of contract, specification, forms oftender and appendixes to tender forms of agreements, non-disclosure agreements, forms of tender security, forms of performance security, tender or proposal evaluation criteria checklists, standardized versions of all parts of the needed tender document.Who are the participants in risk identificationProject manager, project team member, risk management team, subject matter experts from outside the project team, the employer, end users, other project managers,stakeholders, risk management experts.Please point out the main types of claim.(1)Contractual claim: these are claims that are founded on specific clauses within the terms of the contract.(2)Ex-contractual claim: these are claims that are not based on clauses within the terms of a contract, although the basis of the claim may be circumstances that have arisen out of the contract and have resulted in loss or expense to the contractor.(3)Common law claim: the right established by taking action through the courts for damages for breachof contract, tor, repudiation, implied terms and other related matters.Brief descript the procedures for building and engineering projects(1)Investigation: Employer need identify a need Brief A/E, decide to proceed and how to raise funds, and obtain legal power to execute the works; A/E will define employer’s need, study need and recommend solution.(2)Design: Employer will acquire land, raise funds; while A/E will prepare drawing, specifications and other contract documents, advertise publicly or invite selected contractors to tender, and appraise tenders and select contractor; contractor will prepare and submit tender.(3)Construction: Employer and contractor will sign contract; A/E will appoint engineer’s representative and other site supervisory staff, complete works, design as necessary and transmit to contractor ,Vet contractor’s methods and temporary works, Oversee construction permanent works to specification make record drawings of works, certify payment, commissionand hand over; contractor will appoint agent and other site staff, interpret design information, plan and programme, move workforce, materials and machines to site, design and construction temporary works, and get paid; Employer will pay contractor and take over the woks.which Contract strategies can apply in response of the risks(1)Cost reimbursement contracts;(2)Remeasurement contracts;(3)Lump sum or fixed price contracts;(4)Contractual agreement.Brief describes the means of discharge of a contract, and point out several type of discharge of contract.Once each party’s contractual obligations have been fulfilled, the contract is篇二:国际工程合同管理《国际工程》课程论文题目:国际工程合同管理————探讨承包商的合同管理事宜小组成员:简政东XX0420712刘亚菲XX0420717石苗苗XX0420721任课老师:束拉专业:土木工程专业学院:土木工程学院XX年6月1日郑州大学国际工程合同管理——探讨承包商的合同管理事宜合同管理指参与项目各方均应在项目实施过程中自觉地、认真严格地遵守所签订的合同的各项规定和要求,按照各自的职责,行使各自的权力、履行各自的义务、维护各方的权利,发扬协作精神,处理好“伙伴关系”,做好各项管理工作,使项目目标得到完整的体现。