Office 365管理员实战指南
Office 365 轻松上手指南_Exchange Online
Office 365 轻松上手指南—— Exchange Online 绑定企业域名、提升企业形象邮件审批保安全、外发邮件无风险智能邮件客户端、邮件收发更自如日程管理更灵活、会议组织更轻松移动办公更便捷、重要邮件无遗漏邮件群组轻松搭建、团队协作更高效目录1.Exchange Online是什么? (1)2.Exchange Online如何帮助企业降本增效,提升核心竞争力? (2)2.1.绑定企业域名、提升企业形象 (4)2.2.智能邮件客户端、邮件收发更自如 (11)2.3.移动办公更便捷、重要邮件无遗漏 (21)2.4.日程管理更灵活、会议组织更轻松 (30)2.5.邮件群组轻松搭建、团队协作更高效 (34)2.6.邮件审批保安全、外发邮件无风险 (41)3.Exchange Online,你的必备资源链接 (44)1.Exchange Online是什么?Exchange Online是Office 365中提供的一款企业级托管邮件系统与日历共享服务,是Office 365 四大核心组件之一,用户可以从多种设备(5台PC/Mac 、5台平板电脑和5部智能手机)和Web浏览器来访问电子邮件、日历、联系人和任务;与SharePoint Online、Skype for Business Online、Office 365 Groups和Outlook等生产力工具无缝整合,大大提高了员工的工作效率。
Exchange Online提供的邮件审批、邮件加密、数据丢失防护(DLP)、移动设备数据擦除、强大的高级威胁保护(ATP)等技术足以保证您邮件系统的安全性和稳定性,可避免机密信息外泄。
返回目录2.Exchange Online如何帮助企业降本增效,提升核心竞争力?Office 365中的Exchange Online可以降低企业运维成本,提高工作效率,防止外部攻击,保证业务系统不间断运行,保证企业重要数据不丢失,为企业创收、为IT减负,提升企业核心竞争力。
Office 365 客户使用指南说明书
Customer profileCustomer bought Office 365. Microsoft partner has identified that the customer has only assigned 40% of their eligible seats for Office 365. Work with your customer to help them deploy Office 365, realizing value of each service within the Office 365 suite, driving usage and consumption to eliminate customer churn and drive incremental revenue opportunitiesUpselling opportunitiesDiscuss the ‘usage’ drivers that help SMB customers derive value from their cloud services. This will drive user satisfaction, usage and incremental seats across Microsoft cloud servicesCLM USE GUIDE FOR OFFICE 365Use OneDrive for Business with your Office 365 service Version 1 January 2016Did you Know?The average annual rate of churn of SaaS/Cloud application customers is 8.9%. Source IDCConnect to Information RemotelyEnable Mobile WorkforceTrack all customer interactionsUnderstand customers/the businessRespond quickly to customers needs Ensure OneDrive Usage –Mitigate Customer ChurnBusiness AnywhereEnable Mobile WorkforceConnect with CustomersRespond quickly to customers needsGrow Efficiently Affordable Use Based TechnologySafeguard Your Business Be Prepared for DowntimeCONVERSATION STARTERS FOR USING ONEDRIVE•How much more productive would you be if you were able to access and work on your commonly used documents across multiple devices and never having multiple versions?•How would it help you improve your responsiveness to your customers if you had all your important customer files synchronized across all of your devices ?•What if a simple change in the way you work utilizing what you already have could make you more productive?•How would you manage if your device was lost or stolen ? Would you have access to every single document ?TOP BUSINESS NEEDS•Always having access to your important files regardless of where you are or what device you are using•Being able to get to your files when you are offline•Connecting with your customers and being able to work anywhere•Reducing time it takes to search for files and documents•Save costs by getting more out of the productivity tools you already own•Reducing time spent having to learn new interfaces and tools•Peace of mind that your files and documents are alwaysprotected. Being able to access your files from any device , even if something happens to your PCWHY USE ONEDRIVE FOR BUSINESS•Securely store all of your files and share them with co-workers. Each user gets 1 TB of storage•Work together on the same file. No more emailing documents around and losing track of latest version of the document•Find the customer files you need in seconds with simple search,or use Office Delve to discover new relevant content•Cross platform support so you are able to upload your customer files, photos and videos to OneDrive from your Windows PC, Windows Phone, iPhone, iPad, or Android device.•OneDrive used in familiar environment integrated with theproductivity tools you use every day. No need to buy additional third party tools•Securely share you files with colleagues, business partners, or customers. You control who can see and edit each file•With One Drive for Business , you have the confidence that your data is continuously backed up in Microsoft’s ultra -secure geographically distributed datacenters•Your files are encrypted in transit and at rest using the most advanced encryption methods availableCOMMON QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIONS•How do I work together with my colleagues,business partners and customers using OneDrive?First of all you need to upload your documents to OneDrive, and then share them. With OneDrive its easy to work with others because you can send links to documents instead of sending file attachments. That saves on e-mail storage and prevents you from having to reconcile multiple versions of the same document•Why is Customer Lifetime Value important?Customer Lifetime value is important because you can profit over the long term with loyal, high-renewing clients. Customer Lifetime value KPI’s (key performance indicators) looks at a calculated dollaramount of the value of an average customer over their lifetime with you. Ensuring your customer uses and derives value from their services will minimize customer churn•Why should I use OneDrive over Google Drive, Dropbox and others?Why would you spend extra dollars on using third party applications that give you no additional benefits than what you already own? OneDrive is the only platform that has native and cross support for Windows PC, Windows Phone, Mac, and native apps for Android and iOS. It gives you the greatest flexibility working across your familiar Office app and is already included in your Office 365 service•Why should I care about customer churn?Churn is a risk to your business profitability. Minimize risk by taking control of customer satisfaction with what you have sold them and ensure maximum consumption of recurring services. Put proactive measures into place to assess churn and defining corrective measures will ensure continued lifetime value driving ongoing revenue and profits.COMPETE POSITIONINGI am using Google DriveWhy pay extra for storage with Google, when you already get 1TB free storage with your Office 365 subscription? Why use a solution that gives you less functionality over what you already have? With Google Drive you are unable to edit files created –you must export and edit them in another program which is time-consuming and non-productive. OneDrive works closely with Office applications and you can open and edit documents in OneDrive and collaborate in real-time and even see changes as they happen, driving enhanced productivity and user satisfaction. Use OneDrive now.I am using DropboxWhy pay extra dollars with Dropbox when you already get 1TB free storage with your Office 365 subscription? OneDrive is the only platform that has support for Windows PC, Windows Phone, Mac, and native apps for Android and iOS. OneDrive works seamlessly with Windows devices making it easy for user adoption. Make is simple for your teams working in a familiarenvironment with tools they already know. Build an adoption plan and help users get the most out of current investments now.I am using BoxWhy pay extra for storage with Box when you already get 1TB free storage with your Office 365 subscription? OneDrive is used in a familiar environment and is very easy to use as it is already built into operating system for Windows 8 & 10. CNET review (February 2016) says that Box is overcomplicated and feels overwhelming for users. Help users by letting them use the office tools they are already familiar with. Why introduce more costs and complexity for users when they already have everything they need with OneDrive? Use OneDrive today.I am using Amazon Cloud DriveWhy pay significantly more for storage with Amazon Cloud Drive when you already get 1TB free storage with your Office 365 subscription? WithAmazon Cloud Drive, you get reduced functionality. CNET review says “The Amazon Cloud Drive desktop app does not work with your file system, you can only use it to upload or download files. If you want to make changes you’ll need to go to Amazon’s website.” This introduces complexity and time lost for users. With OneDrive, s ave costs by getting more out of the productivity tools you already own and work easily together.RESOURCESGetting started with OneDriveView customer content that's relevant to you with Office DelveCollaborate on files from anywhereWatch these short videos to quickly learn the capabilities of OneDrive for Business。
OFFICE 365 管理员手册——v1.0一、Offic 365 Overview (2)1. 登陆方式 (2)2. 界面介绍 (3)二、邮件系统-Exchange Online (9)1. 管理E xchange Online 用户 (9)2. 管理接受域 (16)3.管理组织的Exchange ActiveSync (17)4.在Exchange Online 中分配角色和权限 (19)5. 安全性和遵从性 (21)三、统一沟通系统-Lync Online (33)1. 单个用户配置 (33)2. 全局用户配置 (36)3. 自定义会议邀请 (39)四、办公协作系统-SharePoint Online (39)1. SharePoint Online 介绍 (39)2. 文档库同步 (41)3. 文档库权限高级设定 (46)4. 部门网站建立 (51)5. 日历 (56)6. 通知 (62)7. 调查问卷 (64)8. 讨论版 (69)9. 网站版面设定 (73)10. 常用链接 (74)一、Offic 365 Overview1. 登陆方式打开浏览器,输入:,并输入管理员的用户名和密码2. 界面介绍作为组织管理员,您已注册Office 365 Enterprise。
您已经登录您的Office 365帐户,并浏览了Office 365管理中心。
作为管理员,在组织中的人员可以使用Office 365之前,您需要执行一些重要的设置任务。
有关设置Office 365的详细信息,请参阅Office 365部署中心。
功能区服务概述服务运行状态监测区您可以在office 365管理门户中直接创建用户,也可以使用.csv文件批量添加用户。
Office 365附带提供了Exchange Online(可提供电子邮件、日历、联系人和更多功能)和Outlook Web App。
Office 365混合架构与部署指南说明书
No integration to on-premises* Federated ID scenario can use Azure AD Sync as a backup in case of a Federation platform outage on-premOn-premises Exchange organizationSharing (free/busy, Mail Tips, Archive, PF, etc.)On-premises Lync organizationMigration of Data (Contact Lists / Scheduled Meetings)Lync On-Prem andExchange On-PremDelegate schedules meeting on-behalf of Boss *Publish status based on Outlook calendar free/busy* Supported only when both users are homed online in the same forest or both are homed on-premises.for on-premises/cloudEnables free/busy,flow between on-premises and whether cloud or on-On-Premises ExchangeE-mail Address Policies) 1 2 4 554Update-HybridConfiguration on-premises Exchange andthe on-premises Exchange to both the on-premises and 3 3Multi-Org Hybrid SupportOrg Relationship (F/B, Sharing)Get-Federation Information fallback logicIf the on-premises Autodiscover endpoint is not published properly when the wizard executes, it will warn not fail.Set-HybridConfiguration -Domains ", , autod:"-EmailAddressPolicy.Only missing proxies will be added. No addresses will be changed/removed. have an existing, non-trial, Office 365 Enterprise subscriptionYou currently do not have a licensed Exchange 2013 or Exchange 2010 SP3 server in your on-premisesYou will not host any on-premises mailboxes on the Exchange 2013 or Exchange 2010 SP3 server on which you, just cause you have 2010 and/or 2007 you cannot useSearch Exchange on-premises mailboxes and Exchange Online mailboxes in the same eDiscovery search initiated from the Exchange on-premises organization.Search Exchange on-premises mailboxes that use Exchange Online Archiving for cloud-based archive mailboxes.Search Exchange Online mailboxes from an eDiscovery search initiated from the Exchange on-premises organization by an Search on-premises mailboxes using an eDiscovery search initiated from the Exchange on-premises organization by an administrator1 2 3 41 201323 20102013 2010 1 2 312 20132007123Test-OAuthConnectivity -Service EWS -TargetUri https:///ews/exchange.asmx -Mailbox <On-Premises Mailbox> -Verbose | flTest-OAuthConnectivity -Service EWS -TargetUri <external hostname authority of your Exchange On-Premises deployment> -Mailbox <Exchange Online Mailbox> -Verbose | flRunning Get-AuthServer from the on-premises environment will yield the metadata and trust information used AuthMetadatURL- is the tenants specific endpoint for token validationCertificateString- is similar to the certificate Metadata exchange we do with the traditional MFG trustRunning Get-ExchangeCertificate will reveal that a new self signed certificate is created for OAUTHRunning Get-IntraOrganizationConfiguration from both on-Running Get-IntraOrganizationConnector from both premises shows the rest of the configuration DiscoveryEndpoints- are obtained from the IntraOrgConfigTargetAddressDomain- means the same thing it meant in org relationship, the domain name this IOC applies toOption 1: O365 mailboxes access legacy PFs on-premOption 2: O365 mailboxes access Modern PFs on-premOption 3: Exchange 2013 on-prem mailboxes access Modern PFs in O365 2007 On-Premises 2010 On-Premises 2013 On-Premises1. 2.3. 4.5.On-premises <SmtpAddress>**********************</SmtpAddress>PF/CAS instead of the CASArray1. Update to CU6 / CU7Content: /kb/2977293/en-us/library/dn497703(v=exchg.150).aspx /kb/2937358/kb/2860844/en-us/wikis/exchange/1042.aspx?sort=mostrecent&pageindex=1/en-us/wikis/exchange/office-365-move-mailbox-fails-with-transient-exception.aspx/kb/2615183/en-us/library/hh529912(v=exchg.150).aspx。
Office 365 用户指南
用户指南目录界面简介 (6)Exchange (6)Outlook (6)界面简介 (7)自动答复 (7)日历 (8)编辑日历 (8)共享日历 (9)安排联机会议 (9)联系人 (11)界面简介 (11)SharePoint (11)文档库同步 (12)SharePoint 数据库高级权限设置 (15)新闻摘要 (19)界面简介 (20)添加应用程序 (20)SkyDrive (20)界面简介 (21)即时同步 (21)共享设置 (23)网站 (23)工作组网站创建 (23)日历 (26)通知 (34)问卷 (37)讨论板 (41)版面设置 (46)文档库与Web App (47)共同编辑文档 (49)常用菜单设置 (51)Lync (52)即时消息 (52)界面简介 (52)群组会议及设置 (53)视频会议录制 (58)视频影片上传 (63)在线共享及投票 (67)系统要求 (73)•登录请使用此处给出的网址登录Office 365:https://•Lync 下载完成登录之后,将会显示如下页面,可在此处下载最新版本的Office 2013,或者,单击左侧的Lync,以便仅下载Lync。
(A2 方案仅提供Lync 的本地下载版)•更改设置完成登录之后,单击“”图标,并选择“Office 365 设置”->“语言”,然后,选择中文,另外,还可在此处更改个人密码和设置。
Exchange ExchangeExchangeExchange 包含了Outlook、日历、联系人三大功能,以下将针对此三项功能做简单的介绍。
创建新邮件 邮件项目邮件内容设置自动答复时间输入自动答复内容日历编辑日历双击要添加新活动的日期,即可进行编辑。
Office 365运维管理手册
Office 365运维管理手册目录在Office 365中建立账号 (3)添加单个用户 (3)批量添加用户 (6)配置自定义域名 (10)指定自定义域名并确认所有权 (10)配置Exchange Online和Lync Online采用自定义域名 (13)配置SharePoint Online公共网站采用自定义域名 (16)域名服务商自定义域名配置示例 (23)东方网景()自定义域名配置示例 (23)在联动天下(IDC1)自定义域名配置示例 (39)在万网(HiChina)自定义域名配置示例 (47)在易网国际(CNDNS)自定义域名配置示例 (54)在三五互联(35COM)自定义域名配置示例 (64)邮箱批量迁移 (74)比较迁移类型 (74)远程移动迁移 (74)暂存Exchange迁移 (75)直接转换Exchange迁移 (75)IMAP迁移 (75)IMAP邮箱批量迁移(以腾讯企业邮箱为例) (76)停止迁移批次 (80)重新启动迁移批处理 (81)创建和启动其他迁移批处理。
(81)配置MX 记录以指向Office 365的电子邮件组织 (81)删除迁移批处理 (81)Microsoft Exchange PST Capture (81)建立内部协作站点 (83)访问内部协作站点 (83)创建子网站 (84)更改标题、说明和徽标 (86)更改网站风格和配色 (88)编辑首页页面 (90)建立文档库 (92)创建文档库 (92)在浏览器中多人协作编辑文档 (95)开启和查看文档版本记录 (97)建立图片库 (99)建立视频资源库 (101)建立通知和公告 (104)设置顶部导航 (106)设置左侧导航 (108)在Office 365中建立账号您可以在Office 365管理中心为组织内部的员工建立账号,以便他们登录Office 365、安装软件、使用各种服务。
Office 365 移动版应用手册说明书
Utiliser Office 365 sur votre téléphone Android Guide de démarrage rapideConsultez votre messagerie électronique Configurez votre téléphone Android pour échanger des messages électroniques à partir de votre compte Office365.Accédez aux blocs-notes OneNotede votre équipeAccédez aisément aux blocs-notesOneNote stockés sur un site d’équipeSharePoint ou votre site OneDriveEntreprise à l’aide de l’applicationOneNote pour Android.Consultez votre calendrier où que vous soyezConsultez vos engagements en synchronisant vos élémentsde calendrier Office365 sur votre téléphone Android.Synchronisez vos contactsConservez vos contacts Office365 sur votre téléphone pourpartager des documents, envoyer des messages ou planifier desréunions de façon simple.Travaillez sur vos documentsAccédez à votre site OneDriveEntreprise, et partagez oumodifiez les documents stockésàcet emplacement.Collaborez avec votre équipeAccédez à vos sites d’équipe, etpartagez ou modifiez les fichiersstockés à cet emplacement.Participez à une réunion en face à faceUtilisez l’application Lync2013 pourparticiper à des réunions, utiliser lamessagerie instantanée ou passer desappels vidéo à vos collègues, et resterconnecté même lorsque vous êtes absentdu bureau.Affichez et modifiez vos documents pendant vos déplacementsUtilisez l’application Office Mobile pour les abonnés Office365 pour afficher et modifier les documents à partir de votre téléphone Android directement.•Pour envoyer des messages , appuyez sur l’icône Nouveau message , tapez votre message, ajoutez des destinataires, puis appuyez sur l’icône Envoyer .•Pour répondre à un message , appuyez sur Répondre , Répondre à tous ou Transférer .•Pour ajouter une pièce jointe à un message électronique , appuyez sur Joindre , puis ajoutez votre pièce jointe.•Pour consulter les autres dossiers de messagerie (tels que Éléments envoyés, Brouillons ou d’autres dossiers que vous avez créés), dans la partie supérieure,appuyez sur le menu déroulant en regard de l’icône Courrier électronique , puis sélectionnez le dossier que vous voulez afficher.Utiliser la messagerie électroniqueUne fois que vous avez configuré votre compte de messagerie Office 365 sur votretéléphone Android, votre messagerie électronique fonctionnera comme n’importe quel autre compte de messagerie sur votre appareil. Voici ce que vous pouvez faire :•Pour consulter la messagerie électronique , ouvrez l’application Courrier électronique sur votre téléphone, et consultez vos messages. Appuyez sur Actualiser pourconsulter les nouveaux messages.Gérer votre calendrierVotre calendrier vous permet de créer et de suivre desrendez-vous et des réunions.•Pour afficher un élément de calendrier , ouvrez l’application S Planner sur votre téléphone mobile, puis ouvrez l’élément de calendrier.•Pour créer une réunion ou un événement , depuis l’application S Planner , appuyez sur > Calendar , puis sélectionnez votre compte Office 365 pour ajouter l’élément à ce calendrier. Lorsque vous avez terminé, appuyez sur Envoyer ou Save .Gérer vos contactsVous pouvez ajouter des contacts à votre compteOffice 365, en modifier ou en supprimer. 1.Pour ajouter un contact, appuyez surApplications > Contacts > Contacts .2.Appuyez sur . Sur l’écran Enregistrer lecontact sous , appuyez sur le compte danslequel vous voulez enregistrer le contact. Entrez les informations du contact. Lorsque vous avez terminé, appuyez sur Enregistrer .3.Pour modifier ou supprimer un contact,appuyez longuement sur le nom du contact,puis appuyez sur Edit ou Delete .Collaborer et travailler sur des documents sur un site OneDrive Entreprise ou des sites d’équipe SharePoint Un site d’équipe SharePoint permet à votre équipe de communiquer, de partager des documents et de collaborer sur des projets. OneDrive Entreprise est votre site personnel sur lequel vous stockez des fichiers que vous pouvez afficher et partager aisément avec des collaborateurs. Vous pouvez accéder à des documents à partir de ces sites dans le hub Office Mobile, mais si vous voulez accéder au site, utilisez le navigateur Internet Explorer sur votre téléphone Android.Pour ouvrir OneDrive Entreprise ou un site d’équipe SharePoint:1.Ouvrez le navigateur sur votre téléphone.2.Tapez l’URL de votre site dans la barre d’adresse du navigateur. Par exemple, l’URL d’un sitepersonnel tel que OneDrive Entreprise peut ressembler à ceci: https://contoso-/personal/<nom_utilisateur>_contoso_onmicrosoft_com. Pour un site d’équipe, l’URL peut ressembler à ceci: https:///sites/contoso(remplacez «contoso» dans l’URL par le nom de domaine de votreorganisation).Remarque Si vous n’êtes pas certain de l’URL du site, accédez-y à partir du navigateur de votre ordinateur, et notez-la dans la fenêtre d’adresse ou envoyez-la par courrierélectronique à votre adresse de messagerie pour la copier/coller.3.Quand l’écran de connexion à Microsoft Office 365 apparaît, tapez vos nom d’utilisateuret mot de passe, puis appuyez sur Se connecter. Si le site s’ouvre dans un affichage mobile et que vous voulez utiliser l’affichage PC, appuyez sur Paramètres > Passer en affichage PC.Pour revenir à l’affichage mobile, appuyez sur Paramètres >Affichage mobile.4.Si l’affichage mobile est activé, appuyez sur Paramètres > Contenu du site pourafficher le contenu d’un site (par exemple, bibliothèques de documents ou de listes).Affichage mobileAffichage PC Astuce Vous pouvez facilement naviguer entre votre site OneDrive Entreprise ou les sites d’équipe que vous suivez en appuyant sur OneDrive ou Sites dans l’en-tête de navigation de l’affichage PC.Utiliser les applications AndroidVous pouvez installer les applications de téléphone Android compatibles avec Office365 pour continuer à collaborer avec vos collègues et travailler pendant vos déplacements. Pour plus d’informations sur l’installation de ces applications et la première connexion, consultez le guide de démarrage rapide Configurer Office365 sur votre téléphone Android:•Lync2013•OneNote•Office Mobile pour les abonnés Office365Envoyer un message instantané1.Une fois que vous avez trouvé la personne recherchée, appuyez sur son nom, puissur l’icône MI pour envoyer un message instantané.2.Tapez un message, puis appuyez sur Envoyer.Ajouter le son ou la vidéo à une conversation par messagerie instantanée 1.Si vous voulez appeler le contact avec lequel vous avez démarré une conversationpar messagerie instantanée, appuyez sur l’icône Téléphone, puis sur l’un desboutons d’appel.2.Pour ajouter la vidéo à une conversation audio ou par messagerie instantanée,appuyez sur l’icône Vidéo.Rejoindre une réunion LyncPour participer à une réunion Lync, appuyezsur l’icône Réunions, sélectionnez laréunion que vous souhaitez rejoindre, puisappuyez sur Rejoindre.Démarrer la vidéo dans une réunionAppuyez sur l’icône Vidéo pour démarrer lavidéo dans la réunion.Utiliser l’application Lync2013Si votre organisation utilise Lync, vous pouvez utiliser l’application Microsoft Lync2013 pour votre téléphone Android afin de rester connecté lors de vosdéplacements.Définir votre statut ou vous déconnecterPour modifier votre statut, appuyez sur l’icône Statut, puis changez de statut, ou appuyez sur Se déconnecter.Rechercher un contactAppuyez sur l’icône Contacts, sur Rechercher, puis commencez à taper le nom d’une personne dans la zone de recherche. Les résultats de votre recherche apparaîtront en dessous.Vous pouvez également faire défiler votre groupede contacts Lync pour trouver la personne que vous recherchez.Envoyer un message instantané, ajouter le son ou la vidéo .1.Si vous avez un bloc-notes ouvert, sélectionnezBlocs-notes . 2.Appuyez sur , puis sur Paramètres .3.Appuyez sur Compte > Ajouter un compteOffice 365 pour les blocs-notes professionnels/scolaires .4.Tapez votre adresse de messagerie et votre motde passe, puis appuyez sur Se connecter pourajouter votre compte Office 365.Les blocs-notes que vous avez ouverts récemment apparaissent sous Autres blocs-notes .Travailler en mode hors connexionLa synchronisation se produit automatiquement lorsque vous vous déplacez parmi des notes et des sections. Par exemple, si vous tapez une nouvelle note puis revenez à la vue des sections, la nouvelle note est synchronisée avec le bloc-notes Office 365.•Pour synchroniser l’ensemble des notes et sections ainsi que tout nouveau bloc-notes sur Office 365, dans la page Blocs-notes, appuyez sur , puis sur Tout synchroniser .Utiliser l’application OneNoteSynchroniser les blocs-notes Office 365Si vous avez des blocs-notes que vous utilisez régulièrement sur les sites Office 365 SharePoint, vous pouvez les synchroniser avec votre téléphone Android en ajoutant le compte Office 365 après vous être connecté avec un compte Microsoft. Vérifiez que les blocs-notes que vous voulez ouvrir sont des blocs-notes que vous avez récemment affichés à partir de votre ordinateur ou d’un autre appareil. Les blocs-notes auxquels vous n’avez pas accédé depuis longtemps ne sont pas synchronisés lors de votre connexion.Synchroniser vos notes à l’aide du Wi -FiSi vous préférez ne pas utiliser votre forfait données pour synchroniser des notes, vous pouvez choisir de procéder à la synchronisation uniquement lorsqu’un réseau Wi -Fi est disponible.•Appuyez sur Paramètres , puis activez la case à cocher Sync. sur Wi-Fi uniquement .1.Si vous n’êtes pas déjà connecté à vos documentsOffice 365 et que vous voulez vous connecter à OneDriveEntreprise ou aux bibliothèques SharePoint, appuyez sur le dossier Ouvrir .2.Appuyez sur Ajouter un emplacement , puis surOffice 365.3.Tapez votre nom d’utilisateur Office 365 et votre mot depasse, puis sur Se connecter .Partager des documentsVous pouvez partager des documents en les envoyant comme pièce jointe à un courrier électronique.1.Dans la liste de documents, appuyez longuement sur ledocument que vous voulez partager.2.Appuyez sur l’icône Partager.3.Appuyez sur Courrier électronique .4.Dans la fenêtre Nouveau message , tapez votre message,puis appuyez sur Envoyer .Travailler en mode hors connexionVous pouvez continuer à travailler sur votre document Office lorsque vous êtes hors connexion. Lorsque vous êtes prêt à enregistrer vos modifications sur le serveur, vérifiez que vous êtes connecté à Internet.Utiliser l’application Office MobileRécupérer des documents sur votre téléphone AndroidPour récupérer vos documents Office 365 sur votre téléphone Android, il est recommandé d’enregistrer ceux -ci en ligne, dans des emplacements tels que OneDrive Entreprise des sites d’équipe SharePoint. Vous pouvez ensuite les afficher sur votre téléphone Android à l’aide de l’application Office Mobile.Ce que vous pouvez faire dans WordOuvrir les types de fichiers suivants : .doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx, .dotm, .docm Partager des fichiers par courrier électronique Modifier les types de fichiers suivants : .docx, .dotxRechercher du texte Ajouter, supprimer et afficher des commentairesMettre en forme du texteCe que vous pouvez faire dans ExcelOuvrir les types de fichiers suivants : .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltx, .xlsm, .xltmRechercher du texte dans un classeur Modifier les types de fichiers suivants : .xlsx, .xltxTrier les données sélectionnées Parcourir des feuilles en mode Plan Mettre en forme des cellules Appliquer un filtreEffacer des cellulesVoir la somme, la moyenne, etc. d’une plage avec SommeAutoAnnuler et rétablir une action Ajouter, supprimer et afficher des commentairesPartager des fichiers par courrier électroniqueCe que vous pouvez faire dans PowerPointOuvrir les types de fichiers suivants : .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .pptm, .ppsm Parcourir les diapositives dans la vue MiniaturesModifier les types de fichiers suivants : .pptx, .pptmPartager la présentation par courrier électroniqueAjouter et modifier des commentaires de diapositive。
Office 365 Yammer 快速上手指南说明书
Guide de démarrage rapideCommuniquez avec tous les membres de votre organisation et profitez des connaissances de vos collègues. Connectez-vous avec votre abonnement Office365, puis sélectionnez Yammer dans le lanceur d’applications.TabulationsAccueil, messages, notifications Personnaliser votre profilModifier vos paramètres deprofil et de notificationDécouvrir les conversationsSélectionnez Découverte(conversations pertinentessélectionnées), Tous ou Suivi.Démarrer une nouvelle conversationPublier une mise à jour, un sondageou un compliment. Utilisez desmots-dièse(#) pour les sujets pertinents.Rechercher des réponses Recherchez des fichiers, conversations et personnes.Créer un groupeVous pouvez ouvrir un groupeà des membres extérieursà votre organisation.Rechercher un groupe existantSuivez un sujet ou projet. Pour rejoindre certains groupes, une approbation est requise.Tenir une conversation privée Envoyez un message privé directement dans la boîte de réception d’un contact.Activité récenteDécouvrez ce qui se passe dans votre réseau. Participer à une conversation Vous pouvez Aimer,Répondre, ou Partager un billet. Utilisez @mention pour inclure une personnespécifique.Modifier votre profil YammerSélectionnez> Modifier les paramètres > Profil pour mettre à jour votre image de profil et vos informations. Plus votre profil est complet, plus il est facile pour les autres membres du réseau de vous trouver.Découvrir les conversationsAprès avoir sélectionné l’onglet d’accueil Yammer de gauche, sélectionnez un onglet flux (Découverte, Tous ou Suivi) pour consulter les dernières informations disponibles.Découverte suggère des conversations pertinentes en fonction de vos abonnements et interactions Yammer.Rechercher des réponsesEntrez des mots clés dans la barre de recherche des fichiers, conversations, groupes et contacts. Sélectionnez Afficher tous les résultats de la recherche pour afficher plus de détails et filtrer les résultats.Définir des notificationsSélectionnez > Modifier les paramètres > Notifications pour recevoir par e-mail un résumé des activités spécifiques qui ont eu lieu sur votre réseau.Mention J’aime et réponse à un billetSélectionnez J’aime pour rapidement indiquer que vous êtes d’accord avec un billet.Sélectionnez Répondre pour rédiger une réponse. Utilisez des #mentions ou Informer d’autres personnes pour convier d’autres personnes à participer à la conversation.Créer un groupeDans le volet de navigation gauche, sélectionnez +. Votre groupe peut accepter des personnes extérieures à votre organisation et peut être rendu privé. Dès lors, les nouveaux membres doivent être autorisés à y accéder. Publier une mise à jourSélectionnez Mettre à jour et entrez un message dans la zone Sur quoi travaillez-vous? pour commencer une nouvelle conversation ou poser une question. Vous pouvez utiliser des mots-dièse(«#») pour les sujet pertinents, joindre des fichiers et ajouter des@mentions à des personnes spécifiques.Rejoindre un groupeSélectionnez Découvrir d’autres groupes, puis recherchez ou sélectionnez Rechercher pour rechercher des groupes. Sélectionnez + Rejoindre pour rejoindre le groupe. Si le groupe est privé, son administrateur doit approuver votre demande d’adhésion.Étapes suivantes avec YammerTrouver de l’aideExplorez les ressources d’aide et les formations pour Yammer et autres applications Office.Rendez-vous sur https:///fwlink/?linkid=871135 pour plus d’informations.Accéder à des cours, des didacticiels et des vidéos gratuits sur Office Préparez-vous à approfondir les fonctionnalités de Yammer.Rendez-vous sur https:///fwlink/?linkid=871133 pour nos formations gratuites.Envoyez-nous vos commentairesVous aimez Yammer ? Vous avez une idée pour améliorer ce produit ?Sélectionnez ? > Commentaires , puis suivez les invites pour envoyer vos suggestions directement à l’équipe produit Yammer. Merci !Liste de vérification du nouvel utilisateur YammerUtilisez cette liste de vérification pour passer en revue ces recommandations à des fins de prise en main de Yammer.Veillez à consulter et à comprendre la politique d’utilisation de Yammer devotre entreprise.Charger la photo de votre profil.Utilisez une vraie photo de vous ! Utilisez une photo de profil O365 récente pour permettre à chacun de mettre un visage sur votre nom. Optez pour une photo professionnelle, mais révélatrice de votre personnalité.Complétez au moins 3champs de profil.Nous vous recommandons les champs suivants : Service, Emplacement et Expertise. Si votre service, votre emplacement et votre photo sont absents, assurez-vous de les mettre à jour ! Votre profil permet à vos collègues de vous trouver en utilisant des mots clés associés à votre poste et à votre expertise.Suivez au moins 3collègues avec lesquels vous collaborez.Communiquez avec vos collègues via Suivi permet de personnaliser les groupes et les discussions que vous voyez.Rejoignez au moins 3groupes en fonction de votre travail ou de vos centresd’intérêtsUtilisez Rechercher pour trouver des groupes pertinents et sélectionnez Rejoindre pour afficher les conversations et devenir membre du groupe concerné. Rejoindre le groupe [Nouveau sur Yammer/Yammer 101/Aide Yammer]Posez des questions et découvrez comment travailler avec Yammer.Ajouter une mention J’aime à un billet qui vous intéresseC’est un moyen simple mais efficace de communiquer avec un collègue dont vous partagez les idées. Ne pas soyez pas timide !Répondre au message d’un collègue par un commentaire, une question ou unesuggestionRecherchez une conversation à laquelle vous aimeriez contribuer. Répondez pour ajouter votre réponse et poursuivre la discussion.Dire bonjour et publier un message sur ce que vous faites au sein de l’entrepriseTrouvez un groupe dans lequel vous présenter. Essayez d’entrer le nom d’un collègue pour l’inviter à participer à la conversation.Définir vos notifications par e-mail préférées.Sous votre profil, vous pouvez ajuster le type de notifications par e-mail que Yammer vous enverra.Télécharger les applications mobiles YammerQue vous utilisiez un smartphone ou une tablette, vous pouvez utiliser Yammer endéplacement ! Rendez-vous sur votre magasin d’applications et recherchez Yammer afin de l’installer.。
Office 365 SharePoint Assessment 配置指南说明书
This document explains the required steps to configure the Office 365 SharePoint Assessment t included with your Azure Log Analytics Workspace and Microsoft Unified Support Solution Pack.! Important: There are configuration and setup tasks to be completed prior to executing the assessment setup tasks in this document. For all prework, follow the Assessment Setup Guide from the Services Hub Resource Center.This document was last updated on April 19, 2023. To ensure you have the latest version of this document, check here: SPO PrerequisitesOffice 365 SharePoint Assessment: : Prerequisites andConfigurationContentsSystem Requirements and Configuration at Glance (3)Supported Versions (3)Account Requirements (3)Data Collection Machine Requirement (3)Setup Microsoft Assessment Azure AD Application (4)With the enabled MFA account (4)With the disabled MFA account (12)Setting permission to show Classic Workflows (if workflow report is required) (15)Install Prerequisite Cmdlets (21)Setting up the SharePoint Online Assessment (21)Appendix (25)Data Collection Methods (25)Microsoft Graph API (25)Microsoft PowerShell (25)SharePoint Modernization Scanner (25)Office 365 Assessment – Authentication Model (26)Graph API (26)PowerShell Cmdlets (26)SharePoint Modernization Scanner (27)View Prerequisite Errors (27)System Requirements and Configuration at GlanceSupported Versions•Office 365 SharePoint OnlineAccount Requirements•User account rights:o Global Administrator for Office 365o Federated Accounts are not supportedo MFA is supportedo Local Admin account or Domain account with Local Admin rights for Task setupData Collection Machine Requirements•Data collection machine hardware: Minimum 16 gigabytes (GB) of RAM, 2 gigahertz (GHz dual-core processor, minimum 2 GB of free disk space.o High End Workstation: Windows 10 – 64bit onlyo Server: Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 – 64bit only o PowerShellversion: 5.0 or greatero Depending on the size and complexity of your environment, you will need toincrease the total amount of RAM to ensure that the data collection issuccessful and completes in a timely manner.•Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or newer installedo Download from: Download .NET Framework 4.8 | Free official downloads ()•Data collection machine can be a standalone or domain joined machine.•The data collection machine must be able to connect to the Internet using HTTPS to connect to the Office 365 tenant.•Antivirus and any other type of Security software need to be configured to exclude Assessment related files, file types, working directory folders and process (Omsassessment.exe) to avoid process termination,blockage and alerts. Add an exclusion to Windows SecuritySetup Microsoft Assessment Azure AD ApplicationNote:While executing New-MicrosoftAssessmentsApplication command, you may need to enable the following settings to for the Authentication popup prompt.1. Go to Internet options and Enable JavaScript:2. Add your SharePoint Online admin center URL to the trusted sites e.g.https:// or https:// if friendly admin URLconfiguredWith the enabled MFA account1. Open PowerShell as an Administrator and then run the following on the Data Collection Machine.New-MicrosoftAssessmentsApplicationThis script will run and then prompt for Global Administrator Credentials2. Type “Y ” to install package.3. At the credential prompt, please enter an account with Global Administrator access rights.T his will install the AzureAD Preview Module4.PS: for Windows Server 20** , you may be needed to disable IE Enhanced Security5.You will be prompted to Logging, please use the Global Administrator Account, Password and MFA Code6.You will be prompted so Sign-in again after the MFA Requirement message. Use the Global Admin credentials andMFA code7. Enter your MFA code8. You will be prompted to logging again with your GA account, Password and MFA Code9.After the successful creation of the Azure Application, a browser will be launch and you will be prompted tologging again with your Global Admin Account, Password and MFA Code,PS: All prompts will be in the browser.10.You will be prompted to accept the permission request11. And you be logging into your Azure Environment.12. In Azure Select “Azure Active Directory” ❼ “App Registrations”❼ and confirm the “Microsoft Assessments” app is present13. Click on the Microsoft Assessment Application to open it and click on “View API Permissions”14.Confirm the SharePoint App Permissions section was also created.With the disabled MFA account1.Open PowerShell as an Administrator and then run the following on the Data Collection Machine.New-MicrosoftAssessmentsApplicationThis script will run and then prompt for Global Administrator Credentials:2.Type “Y” to install package. PS: This command will install the AzureADPreview module. If it doesn’t getinstalled as part of this step, make sure you install the Azure AD Preview Module.3.Once credentials have been setup, a browser will open that will ask for Read access to several objects, checkthe access requests, and then click Accept.4.Now that the App has been setup. After you click on “Accept” the Azure Portal will open.5.In the Azure Portal navigate to Azure Active Directory on the left navigation6.Click on “All Services” “App Registration”7.Click on “View All Applications”8.The new Microsoft Assessment Application will be listedSetting permission to show Classic Workflows (if workflow report is required)1.On the Azure portal, select [Azure Active Directory] > [App Registrations] and confirm the“Microsoft Assessments” app is present on the right pane.2.Click on the Microsoft Assessment Application to open it and click on “View APIPermissions”.3.Under configured permissions in the middle of the page, click on “Add a permission” button,on the right pane select “SharePoint” under the Microsoft APIs tab.with list of permissions to select.You should receive notification that updating permissions.6.Since this permission requires Admin consent, scroll to the top of the screen, and click the“Grant admin consent” button on the middle. Ensure to click the confirmation prompt “Yes” forgranting admin consent.7.If you need to remove this permission after the assessment run is complete, you can certainlyremove it, but any later runs will not report classic workflows.8.To revoke admin consent “Sites.FullControl.All” permissions, within API permissions, scroll tobottom under SharePoint category of permissions, select the ellipsis(…) on the rightcorresponding to “Sites.FullControl.All” and click “Revoke admin consent” and confirmprompt “Yes, remove”.9.To remove “Sites.FullControl.All” permissions, within API permissions, scroll to bottom underSharePoint category of permissions, select the ellipsis(…) on the right corresponding to“Sites.FullControl.All” and click “Remove permission” and confirm prompt “Yes, remove”.revoking and removing “Sites.FullControl.All” permission.Install Prerequisite CmdletsThe Azure AD Preview Module is supported on the following Windows operating systems with the default version of Microsoft .NET Framework and Windows PowerShell: Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2008 R2.If your computer has all the prerequisites for the installation, the module can be installed with the InstallModule cmdlet via PowerShell 5.0 or greater while Run as Administrator:Set-ExecutionPolicy-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSignedInstall-Module MSOnlineInstall-Module Microsoft.GraphInstall-Module-Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell-AllowClobber-ForceUninstall-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline-Force-AllVersionsInstall-Module PnP.Powershell-AllowClobber-ForceImport-Module MSOnline-VerboseImport-Module Microsoft.Graph-VerboseImport-Module PnP.Powershel-VerboseImport-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell-VerboseSetting up the SharePoint Online AssessmentOn the designated data collection machine, complete the following:1.Create the working directory for the Assessment data. i.e. C:\SPOAssessment2.Open the Windows PowerShell command prompt as an Administrator3.Run the following command:o Where <Directory> is the path to an existing directory used to store the files created while collecting andanalyzing the data from the environment.Add-SharePointOnlineAssessmentTask –WorkingDirectory<Directory>Example:Add-SharePointOnlineAssessmentTask –WorkingDirectory “C:\SPOOA”4. You will be promoted to enter an account that will be able to run a scheduled task on the Tools machine. Supplythe required user account credentials to tun the Scheduled Task. These credentials are used to run the SharePoint Online Assessment. Note: 1. The account used to setup the assessment task needs to be a local admin in the Tool Machine, it can a local account or a Domain account with full admin right on the Tool Machine. if using local account just enter the account name and password, if using a domain account use the format Domain\Account. 2. Ensure that when setting up the assessment task, the account that will be used to run the scheduled task is the account that is used to log in and setup the assessment task.5. The script will continue with the necessary configuration. It will create a scheduled task that will trigger the datacollection.6. Data collection is triggered by the scheduled task named SharePointOnlineAssessment within an hour ofrunning the previous script and then every 7 days. The task can be changed to run on a different date/time or even forced to run at once.7. You can confirm the Task is created in Task Scheduler and you can “Right Click” on the Task to Run it.8. During collection and analysis, data is temporarily stored under the WorkingDirectory folder that was configuredduring setup, using the following structure:9. After the completion of the task, you can Verify the XML files are created under the DataModel folder,10. You will notice under the SharePointAssessment folder a file with prefix of “new”11. After data collection and analysis is completed on the tools machine, it will be submitted to your Azure LogAnalytics Workbooks.12.Your assessment results will be available to view on your Service hub Dashboard. Click the SharePoint OnlineAssessment and click on “View All Recommendations” to review:13.You will then be presented with findings grouped by the focus area.AppendixData Collection MethodsThe Office 365 SharePoint Assessment uses multiple data collection methods to collect information from yourenvironment. This section describes the methods used to collect data from your environment. No Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) scripts are used to collect data.Data collection uses workflows and collectors. The collectors are:1. Microsoft Graph API2. Microsoft PowerShell3. SharePoint Modernization ScannerMicrosoft Graph APIThe Microsoft Graph API is used to get data pertaining to Office 365 Secure Score.Microsoft PowerShellPowerShell is used to collect data from both Azure AD and Office 365. PowerShell uses the cmdlets from AzurePowerShell, SharePoint Management Shell and Patterns and Practices PnP) cmdlets to connect to and pull the required configuration settings pertaining to the tenant.SharePoint Modernization ScannerSharePoint Modernization Scanner under the covers uses SharePoint Online CSOM to collect site level configurations which will be used for analysis and recommendation towards modernizing the sites. By default, the scanner collects data only from classic sites on the tenant. If you have a need to report more than just classic sites, you can configure custom csv input file with list of site URLs for the scanner to collect data from.Setting up Custom Input File for the scanner (Optional):•By default, when you run the OnDemand Assessment first time, this will create a“SPOModernizationScannerData” folder under working directory (e.g.: C:\ODA_SPO5) you configured forSharePoint Online Assessment task creation under the scheduler. In the example below, “C:\ODA_SPO5” is the working directory for SharePoint Online Assessment.•Inside the “SPOModernizationScannerData” folder, you will see that “SPOScannerDefaultInput.csv” file is generated every time when data collection starts from Task Scheduler manually or as scheduled.•SPOScannerDefaultInput.csv contains classic site URLs within the tenant. This will be used by the SharePoint Modernization Scanner tool by default for scanning.•If you wish to change to different list of sites to scan, you can make a copy of the SPOScannerDefaultInput.csv or create your own file with list of URLs with the name: SPOScannerCustomInput.csv like the following:•If you want your assessment to start the first time with custom list of sites for scanner to use, you will have to create the “SPOModernizationScannerData” folder manually and place the custom csv file with filename you see on the previous step as SPOScannerCustomInput.csv.Sample of SPOScannerCustomInput.csv files will look like the following:•Office 365 Assessment –A uthentication ModelThe Office 365 Assessment collects data using 2 methods:1.Microsoft Graph2.PowerShell Cmdlets3.SharePoint Modernization ScannerGraph APIThe assessment connects to and extracts data form Microsoft Graph using an App created in Azure. The App is granted read permissions using OAuth. The data collection machine will have a certificate which is used to connect to the Azure App, which in turns gets the data from Microsoft Graph.During the setup of the assessment, a Global Admin is required in order to create the App and grant it the relevant Read permissions so that it can query Microsoft Graph.Once the setup is completed this part of the assessment will collect data with the App via the certificate with no account requirement. The App has only read access, which helps collect data using a least privileged model.PowerShell CmdletsThe assessment also collects data from Office 365 using the following cmdlets:•Azure AD cmdlets•SharePoint Online cmdlets•SharePoint Online PnP cmdletsWhilst these cmdlets currently support modern authentication to login, they are designed to run manually. This means the support of Modern Authentication is handled for accounts with MFA by a prompt to handle the authentication.The assessment collects the data in an automated manner via a scheduled task. As this data collection is designed to run autonomously no prompts are generated. This causes an issue with account having MFA enabled, as when authenticating the account prompt for MFA does not appear and thus account cannot authenticate.We are currently working with the PG on cmdlets that will support OAuth. With cmdlets that fully support OAuth we can use the Azure App to authenticate the requests made from the cmdlets. In doing so this will remove the requirement to use a Global Admin account, as well as the current requirement to use an account that does not have MFA. SharePoint Modernization ScannerSharePoint Modernization Scanner tool uses Azure AD App based authentication using OAuth authentication mechanism. As mentioned previously, SPO Scanner will by default will use only Sites.Read.All API permissions of Azure AD App for collection. Optionally, if you need to collect workflow related data, you will need to provide the Azure AD App,Sites.FullControl.All.SharePoint Modernization Scanner will also be downloaded automatically using .NET web client when assessment is run the first time. After the first time run, the scanner version check will happen every time the assessment is run. Scanner check will ensure to check the version and download the latest only if the current version is not latest.Download is performed the GitHub repository of the SharePoint Modernization Scanner. As you can see, we use only https endpoints for the downloads and on top of that we also ensure the SHA512 bit checksum matches to ensure data integrity and security.View Prerequisite ErrorsYou can check the event viewer to view errors pertaining to prerequisites.。
Office 365 开发者指南说明书
Page02“The most strategicdeveloper surface areafor us is Office 365“- Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft Corp.01with your add-ins for Office or Office 365, or generally makes use of Office services. You automatically profit from the popularity of the productivity solution no. 1: Microsoft Office.023.4our prominent community channels. You’llalways find a helping hand for questions andassistance for boosting your success. Becausedevelopers are the key to success – both foryou and for Microsoft.0303Perfect DistributionPrivate App Catalog SharePointApp Catalog OfficeStore Azure AD/O365 marketsTemplates121 markets60 milliondownloads inspiredToolVisual Studio & Office ToolsOffice Developer Tools and Visual Studio 2015 make a perfect combination for developing great add-ins or Windows 10 apps for and with Office. And the best of it is: Both Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition and the Office Developer Tools come for rightEclipse and XCodePowerful SDKs allow for Office 365 development of native mobile apps connected to Office for Android and iOS. Thanks to the SDKs being available natively for those platforms, apps can be authored in platform specific IDEs like XCode and Eclipse. Just what you’re used platform – running!Besides the SDKs for native iOS and Android mobile apps, Office 365 features strong REST-based APIs which can be integrated with any web or cross platform development. For instance, Xamarin and Cordova are two strong allies when developing your mobile app with Office mva.msOffice 365 Develop-ment IntroductionIntroduction todeveloping Office add-ins (in German) 365 data and services.10 -> SDKs for Android & iOS Conquer new markets by embedding Office into your native mobile development for iOS and Android. Microsoft makes the Software Devel-opment Kits for these platforms available for free, making the development process as smooth as can Great ideas on your mind with the necessary controls not at hand? Office 365 JavaScript Con-trols is a free library of magnificent components that can very easily be embedded into your app or add-in. In no time, your app looks familiar to Office 365 users. Feel-good factor you UI FabricGorgeous Office style user interfaces in the twinkling of an eye. Thanks to a splendid toolkit: Office UI FabricEin weiteresFamilienmitgliedDeveloper Platform 13Page14IT HeroStep by step -setting up Office 365 in your organizationYou are thrilled by Office 365 and have crafted apps or add-ins for it that entirely convinced your boss. Con-gratulations! Now when it comes to deploying and configuring Office 365 within your organization’s existing infrastructure, your next step is to involve IT management. Be their hero and give them exactly the information they need. Short, succinct and to the point: Our guide for properly onboarding Office 365 within your Developer Network (MSDN) // // & Resources for Office DevelopersN e w sT o o l sI n f o r m a t i o nL e a r nR e s o u r c e : Up -to-date daily news , events and helpful resources for Microsoft ecosystem developers.. NewsletterOur free biweekly MSDN Flash gets you up to speed on the Microsoft development platform. NewsletterFor users: Latest news, tips and leads make working with the various Office applications easier. Microsoft Germany’s Twitter channel for developers. Developer is the place on Facebook to go for developers dealing with the Microsoft ecosystem. Studio –the perfect introduction to Office DevelopmentOffice 365 Trial V ersionRegister for Office 365 at no charge to develop, test and deploy apps for Office and SharePoint. Or use the Office 365 Developer Subscription that’s part of your MSDN Subscription. Developer Tools for Visual StudioThe Office Developer Tools and Visual Studio 2015 make a perfectcombination for creating great add-ins or Windows 10 apps with and for Office. The tools are free, just like Visual Studio Community 2015 Edition: It offers support for all kinds of Office development. Add-ins with Visual Studio Code A cross platform code editor –the perfe ct addition to your development tools. The open source editor is available for Linux, Mac OSX & Windows. 365 Dev Program 1 year Office 365 subscription,newsletter, tutorials and a lot more.Anything you need to develop and test Office add-ins or mobile Office apps. Developer CenterThe Office Developer Center is a perfect start page for the world of Office development. Developer on GitHubAn extensive repository consisting of code snippets and scenarios is available on GitHub –for all supported platforms and Office products. ExamplesCode examples for Office add-ins or a mobile application for Windows, Max, iOS or Android –the perfect start. Office Add-insTheory and practice for extending Office products with new functionality using different kinds of add-ins. TrainingsMicrosoft Virtual Academy is the free training portal for technologies within the Microsoft platform. VideosChannel 9 offers all kinds of technical video content. The MSDN Library offersdetailed technical information about any important Microsoft technology. ForumsReceive replies and solutions directly from the MSDN forums community, or decide to help others. all important developer events for the German-speaking area in the events section of Subscription access to more than 11 TB of software // access to the latest Microsoft products as soon as they’re launched to the public.Your subscription contains an Office 365 DeveloperSubscription: Start developing, testing and deploying your apps for Office and SharePoint today. Publish and sell your apps in the Office Store or make them available through a company-internal app catalogue.__________________________________Support MSDN Support Teamprovides advice regarding your questions about Microsoft’s development platform and infrastructure technologies. Contact us at no charge; our MSDN Support Team is happy to help .E-Mail:msdn-technet-*****************© 2016 Microsoft Germany. All rights reserved. Version 14.03.2016. This flyer is for informational purposes only. Always up-to-date at and XCodeDevelop native mobile apps with Office access for Android and iOS. & CordovaXamarin & Cordova are two strong partners when developing mobile apps. GraphThe easiest way to call Microsoft APIs. & iOSEmbed Office into native mobile development for iOS and Android. ControlsOffice 365 JavaScript Controls is a freely available library consisting of great components. 365 Developer Podcast –get your developer information directly from Redmond. TrainingsHands-on labs, online training, guidelines and a lot more –directly from the Office product group in Redmond.。
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使用Excel 365可以帮助用户更高效地处理数据,提高工作效率。
下面我将从多个角度来介绍Excel 365的使用手册。
1. 界面介绍,Excel 365的界面分为菜单栏、工具栏、工作表等部分。
2. 数据输入与处理,用户可以在Excel 365的工作表中输入数据,可以进行基本的编辑操作,比如复制、粘贴、剪切等。
Excel 365提供了丰富的函数和公式,用户可以利用这些函数和公式进行数据计算、统计和分析。
另外,Excel 365还支持数据筛选、排序、透视表等高级数据处理功能,帮助用户更好地处理数据。
3. 图表制作,Excel 365提供了丰富的图表类型,用户可以根据自己的数据选择合适的图表类型进行制作。
4. 共享与协作,Excel 365支持多人共享和协作编辑,用户可以通过OneDrive等方式将Excel文档分享给他人进行协作编辑,实现多人实时编辑和评论功能。
5. 高级功能,除了基本的数据处理和图表制作功能外,Excel 365还支持宏编程、数据透视表、数据连接等高级功能,用户可以根据自己的需求进行自定义操作和高级数据分析。
总的来说,Excel 365作为一款强大的办公软件,提供了丰富的功能和工具,用户可以根据自己的需求灵活运用,提高工作效率。
希望以上介绍能够帮助你更好地了解Excel 365的使用手册。
office 365 teams用法 -回复
office 365 teams用法-回复Office 365 Teams是微软推出的一款协作平台工具,旨在改善团队协作效率,提高工作效果。
在本文中,我将逐步讲述Office 365 Teams的用法以及如何最大化地利用这一工具。
第一步:创建和管理团队使用Office 365 Teams,你可以轻松创建和管理团队。
首先,你需要登录你的Office 365账户。
在登录后,点击Teams应用程序图标进入Teams 的主界面。
Office 365 Teams与其他微软工具(如Word、Excel和PowerPoint)无缝集成,你可以在团队通道中直接编辑和共享文档。
第三步:计划和组织会议Office 365 Teams提供了强大的会议功能,你可以计划和组织会议,与团队成员进行远程会议。
Office 365 Management Pack的监控和警报管理技巧
Office 365 Management Pack的监控和警报管理技巧Office 365 Management Pack的监控和警报管理技巧随着互联网和信息技术的不断发展,Office 365已经成为了企业中广泛使用的一种云服务。
对于企业来说,Office 365的可用性和稳定性显然是非常重要的,并且需要对其进行有效的管理监控。
因此,针对Office 365的监控和警报管理技巧越来越成为了企业IT部门必须掌握的技术之一。
Office 365 Management Pack是微软提供的一种监控和警报管理方案,可以对Office 365服务的运行情况进行监控和调整。
使用Office 365 Management Pack可以非常方便地对Office 365进行监控和管理,警报可以精确地指出问题,使得IT部门可以迅速地解决问题,确保服务的可用性和安全性。
下面将介绍Office 365 Management Pack的监控和警报管理技巧,帮助企业中的IT部门更好地了解Office 365的状态和问题,并有效的维护Office 365的稳定性和可用性。
监控Office 365关键性能指标首先,应该确保监控Office 365的关键性能指标,包括:1.服务的运行状态:监控Office 365服务是否正常运行,例如Exchange Online、SharePoint Online和Lync Online等。
2.服务保证等级(SLA):监控Office 365的SLA,确保服务的响应速度、可靠性等符合服务协议要求。
3.用户体验:监控Office 365用户的使用情况,确保用户可以正常地登录、使用和访问Office 365服务。
4.数据的安全性和保密性:监控Office 365数据的安全性和保密性,确保数据不会因为各种原因被泄露或丢失。
通过监控这些关键性能指标,可以及时发现问题并进行解决,避免或减少Office 365服务的中断,维护服务的承诺和用户满意度。
管理员操作手册一、管理工作流程图 (1)二、登录平台 (1)三、管理员平台操作指南 (2)1.发布公告 (2)2.统计查询 (2)3.查看培训简报 (2)4.参加主题活动 (2)5.参与论坛研讨 (2)四、管理员工作室介绍 (4)五、项目主页 (5)一、管理工作流程图二、登录平台打开项目链接,进入登录页面,输入您的用户名和密码进行登录。
Office 365用户手册
2013Office 365用户使用手册MICROSOFT |目录一、Office 365简介 (2)1. Office 365 五大商业价值 (2)2. 登陆方式 (4)二、邮件系统-Exchange Online (5)1. 界面介绍 (5)2. 邮件功能 (9)3. 日历功能 (23)4. 人脉 (27)三、统一沟通系统-Lync Online (29)1. 界面介绍 (29)2. 即时通讯 (35)3. 联机会议 (36)4. 语音会议 (43)5. 视频会议 (45)6. 会议附件上传 (48)7. 会议功能展示(PPT共享、白板、投票等) (49)四、办公协作系统-SharePoint Online (55)1. SharePoint Online 介绍 (55)2. 新闻源 (56)3. SkyDrivePro (63)4. Office Web App (71)5. 文档协作 (72)一、Office 365简介Office 365 是微软带给所有企业最佳生产力和高效协同的高端云服务。
它将Office 桌面端应用的优势结合企业级邮件处理,文件分享,即时消息和可视网络会议的需求(Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Lync Online)融为一体,满足不同类型企业的办公需求。
1.Office 365 五大商业价值1)移动办公●可从任意地点、任意设备访问您的文件新的Office 能够在您几乎所有的设备上完美运行,但在Windows 8平台上将能够发挥它最大的性能,为您带来更加逼真的、优化的触摸体验。
您可以体验一些令人心情愉悦的功能,如使用指尖缩放、在进行PowerPoint 演讲的时候缩放、或对您的Outlook 日历进行缩放,或对以月为单位的视图进行缩放,等等。
●简化文档保存和共享默认状态下,新的Office 总是会登录并把文件存储到云当中。
Hello Email Users!您好,亲爱的电子邮件用户们!Welcome to the Cloud!欢迎来到云邮件系统!Your email is about to be upgraded! Please refer to the welcome email you received for the specific date and time of your upgrade.您的电子邮件很快就要升级!请参考您收到的欢迎电子邮件中有关升级的具体日期和时间。
While yo u’re at it, please print this document now and save it for your upgrade day.You’ll need this step by step guide to log into your email and mobile devices the morning of your upgrade.既然您现在正在阅读本电子邮件,请把它打印出来,并保存到您的升级日期。
What’s so cool about Office 365 email?This enhancement will enable you to access your e-mail inbox, calendar, address book and tasks from anywhere – on smartphones, iPads, and just about any device. It also provides a significantly bigger mailbox (no more Outlook mail jail)!Office 365电子邮件有何特别之处?此增强功能将使您能够从任何设备访问您的电子邮件收件箱、日历、地址簿和任务,无论是智能手机、ipad还是所有其他设备。
office 365 teams用法
office 365 teams用法Office 365 Teams是一个基于云端的团队协作工具,它集成了电子邮件、即时通讯、文件共享、日程管理等多种功能,帮助团队成员更好地沟通、协作和完成任务。
要使用Office 365 Teams,首先需要创建一个团队。
1. **即时通讯**:团队成员可以在即时通讯窗口中实时沟通,支持文字、语音、视频等多种形式。
2. **文件共享**:Office 365 Teams提供了强大的文件共享功能,团队成员可以上传、下载、编辑共享文件,并支持权限设置。
3. **日程管理**:团队成员可以在Teams中创建和管理日程,方便团队成员安排时间,提高工作效率。
4. **集成其他应用**:Office 365 Teams与其他应用如Excel、Word、PowerPoint等集成,方便团队成员在不同场景下协作。
5. **团队协作**:Office 365 Teams强调团队协作,团队成员可以共同编辑文档、讨论问题,提高团队协作效率。
**四、常见问题及解决方案**1. **无法登录 Teams**:检查网络连接,尝试重启浏览器再登录。
2. **无法共享或编辑文件**:检查文件权限设置,确保团队成员具有相应权限。
3. **消息延迟或丢失**:检查网络设置和浏览器缓存,尝试清除缓存后再试。
**五、总结**Office 365 Teams是一个功能强大的团队协作工具,可以帮助团队成员更好地沟通、协作和完成任务。
Office 365 Groups的协作团队管理技巧
Office 365 Groups的协作团队管理技巧Office 365′s Groups is a powerful tool for collaboration and teamwork management. Designed to simplify communication, sharing of files, and collaboration for a team, Groups is an essential tool that has helped teams worldwide remain productive even when working remotely. However, managing groups efficiently can prove challenging. In this article, we’ll delve into essential Office 365 groups’ collaboration and teamwork management skills.1. Understanding the Purpose and Functionality of GroupsThe first step in managing groups efficiently is to understand the purpose and functionalities of Groups. By doing this, one can set up groups that meet their needs and facilitate easy collaboration within the team. Groups provide a centralized platform where teams can share files, communicate via chats, meet-ups, and email, and work togetherin creating documents and notes. Additionally, Groups allow you to manage permissions and access to files that members share within the group. Therefore, it is essential to understand the types of Groups available and the features and tools they offer to select or create a group that best suits your team's needs.2. Communicate and Set Expectations Early onClear communication and setting expectations for group members is crucial in managing groups effectively. This is because members of the group might have differentperspectives or expectations of what the group is for or howit should operate. Therefore, to ensure that everyone is onthe same page, it is vital to inform team members of thegroup's purpose, objectives, and expectations from the outset. This will help to establish group norms, understand the guidelines, and create a more productive yet respectfulculture for teamwork.3. Use Team CalendarsOffice 365 groups have an integrated team calendar that members can leverage to schedule meetings, important reminders, and events. This is an essential tool in managing groups because it ensures that all members are aware of team happenings, deadlines, and planned events. By having a team calendar, it becomes easier to avoid scheduling errors, save time, and streamline planning and collaboration within the team. Additionally, the team calendar can be synced with members' personal calendars for more fluid management.4. Streamline File Sharing and ManagementEffective sharing and management of files is critical to managing groups efficiently. In Office 365 Groups, members can share documents, presentations, and other file formats in real-time. However, it is essential to establish guidelines on what files should be shared within the team and how they should be shared. Additionally, it is essential to have acentral location for all files shared within a group. This will make it easier to access, manage, and track files shared by the team, saving members time and effort.5. Avoid Overloading Members with NotificationsOffice 365 Groups can become overwhelming, especially if team members receive notifications for every activity within the group. This can prove counterproductive and can lead to distractions that increase time-consuming 'communication noise'. Therefore, it is essential to establish notification norms and work towards reducing over-communication. Moreover, members can manage their notifications by specifying when they want to get notified, depending on their desired level of involvement in the group.In conclusion, effective collaboration and teamwork management in Office 365 Groups require a unique set ofskills and strategies to achieve optimal results. The above tips are some of the essential techniques and practices thatteam leaders and members can use to optimize the performance of Office 365 Groups. By understanding groups' functionalities, setting communication expectations, using calendars, streamlining file sharing, and managing notifications, team leaders can create productive team cultures that foster better collaboration and teamwork.。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4 2.8.5
规则 邮件跟踪 接受的域 远程域 连接器
2 Exchange Online
2.9 移动
2.9.1 移动设备访问 2.9.2 移动设备邮箱策 略
2 Exchange Online
2.10 公用文件夹
2.10.1 公用文件夹介绍 2.10.2 公用文件夹体系结构 2.10.3 如何新建公用文件夹及公用文件夹 邮箱 2.10.4 使用公用文件夹管理邮件
3 SharePoint Online
3.1 SharePoint 介绍
3.2 SharePoint 管理中心
3.3 网站集的设 置
3.4 OneDrive For Business
3.5 OneNote
3.6 Office Online协同办公
3 SharePoint Online
3.7 SharePoint Online Management Shell
2 Exchange Online
2.3 管理Exchange Online用户
2.3.1 管理收件人 2.3.2 利用Exchange Online邮箱发 送邮件 2.3.3 删除用户邮箱 2.3.4 使用Web管理为邮箱添加邮件地 址 2.3.5 删除用户邮件地址 2.3.6 Exchange Online配置邮件转 发
状态 联系人 即时消息
4 Skype for Business Online
4.6 Skype for Business Online联机会议
4.6.1 创建会议 4.6.2 会议功能
4 Skype for Business Online
4.7 Skype for Business Online网页应 用
3.2.1 SharePoint管理 中心 3.2.2 网站集 3.2.3 用户配置文件 3.2.4 BCS 3.2.5 记录管理
3 SharePoint Online 3.2 SharePoint管 理中心
3.2.6 安全存储 3.2.7 设置 3.2.8 SharePoint Online 搜 索管理 3.2.9 术语的管理 3.2.10 SharePoint 应用程序 (APP)管理
Office 365管理员实战指南
演讲人 2 0 2 5 - 11 - 11
01. 第一部分 Office 365快速入门 02. 第二部分 Office 365混合环境部署 03. 第三部分 客户案例及方案介绍
第一部分 Office 365快速 入门
1 Office 365产品介绍
1.1 Office 365概述
1.2 Office 365入门向 导
1 Office 365产品介绍
1.1 Office 365概述
1.1.1 Office 365商业价值 1.1.2 Office 365 企业级安全 1.1.3 Office 365云服务 1.1.4 Office 365产品介绍
4.7.1 Skype for Business Web Scheduler应用 4.7.2 Skype for Business网页参加联 机会议 4.7.3 Skype for Business网页联机会 议功能
第二部分 Office 365混合 环境部署
5 混合部署
5.2 混合部署拓 扑
3 SharePoint Online 3.1 SharePoint介 绍
3.1.1 SharePoint是什么 3.1.2 与SharePoint相关 的名词定义 3.1.3 SharePoint管理 3.1.4 SharePoint架构
3 SharePoint Online 3.2 SharePoint管理中 心
2 Exchange Online
2.1 Exchange Online介绍
2.4 权限管理
2.2 Exchange Online功能
2.5 合规性管 理
2.3 管理Exchange Online用户
2.6 共享邮箱/ 日历
2 Exchange Online
2.7 保护 2.8 邮件 2.9 移动 流
5.10 Sharepoint混合部 署
5.12 小结
5 混合部署
5.3 混合环境部署
5.3.1 本地环境配置 5.3.2 域名规划 5.3.3 证书规划 5.3.4 申请证书
5 混合部署
5.6 活动目录联合身份 验证服务ADFS
5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.6.6 5.6.7 关系
2 Exchange Online
2.3 管理Exchange Online用户
2.3.7 Exchange Online配置邮件传 递限制 2.3.8 Exchange管理中心中启用或禁 用指定协议客户端 2.3.9 管理Exchange Online的联系 人 2.3.10 管理Exchange Online的邮件 用户 2.3.11 创建资源邮箱 2.3.12 管理邮箱组
03 第三部分 客户案例及方案 介绍
第三部分 客户案例及方案介绍
6 客户案 例
7 Office 365解决方 案
第三部分 客户案 例及方案介绍
6 客户案例
案例一 Office 365
案例二 OneDrive for
案例三 SharePoint文档
第三部分 客户案例及方案介绍
6 客户案例
5 混合部署
5.8 Exchange规划 与混合部署
5.8.1 混合概述 5.8.2 Exchange混合配置 5.8.3 Exchange混合支持 5.8.4 混合环境部署流程 5.8.5 配置混合环境先决条件 5.8.6 本地Exchange 2013部 署
5 混合部署
5.8 Exchange规划与混 合部署
2 Exchange Online
2.4 权限管理
2.4.1 管理角色组 2.4.2 用户角色 2.4.3 Outlook Web App策略
2 Exchange Online
2.5 合规性管理
2.5.1 就地电子数据展示 和保留 2.5.2 审核 2.5.3 数据丢失防护 2.5.4 保留策略与保留标 记 2.5.5 如何设置日记规则
4.4 即时消息、 状态和联系人
4.6 Skype for Business Online
4.1 Skype for
4.3 Skype for
4 . 5 S k y p e To
Business Online
Business Online
5.8.7 使用混合配置向导创建混合部署 5.8.8 配置 Exchange和ExchangeOnline组织之间 的OAuth 身份验证 5.8.9 查看混合配置 5.8.10 Exchange邮件流 5.8.11 混合邮件迁移 5.8.12 Outlook自动发现流程
5 混合部署
5.9 Skype for Business 混合部署
1 Office 365产品介绍
1.2 Office 365入门向导
1.2.1 注册 1.2.2 Office 365管理中心门户 1.2.3 添加自定义域名 1.2.4 Office 365客户端软件安装 1.2.5 配置Outlook客户端 1.2.6 自定义域名账户登录Skype for Business
ADFS概述 ADFS组件 ADFS部署选项 Office 365与本地活动目录集成 ADFS安装和配置 单点登录配置 创建本地ADFS与Windows Azure AD的信任
5 混合部署
5.7 目录同步
5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.5 5.7.6
目录同步概述 目录同步的对象 目录同步流程 目录同步部署 混合部署构 建流程
5.6 活动目录联合 身份验证服务 ADFS
5.1 混合部署概 述
5.3 混合环境部 署
5.5 配置Office 365自定义域名
5 混合部署
5.7 目录同步
5.9 Skype for Business 混合部署
5.11 发布服务器
5.8 Exchange规划与混 合部署
5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.9.4 5.9.5 署 5.9.6 5.9.7
混合概述 混合配置 混合部署流程 混合要求 本地Skpe for Business部
管理混合部署中的用户 Lync Autodiscover流程
5 混合部署
5.11 发布服务器
5.11.1 ARR介绍 5.11.2 拓扑介绍 5.11.3 网络要求 5.11.4 ARR安装 5.11.5 网站发布 5.11.6 ADFS发布 5.11.7 TMG的发布规则
2 Exchange Online
2.6 共享邮箱/日历
2.6.1 共享邮箱 2.6.2 共享日历
2 Exchange Online
2.7 保护
2.7.1 恶意软件筛选器 2.7.2 连接筛选器 2.7.3 垃圾邮件筛选器 2.7.4 出站垃圾邮件 2.7.5 隔离 2.7.6 DKIM
2 Exchange Online
案例四 邮箱迁移后,本地