
公开课教案大班奏乐活动《愤怒的小鸟》一、活动目标1. 了解《愤怒的小鸟》的游戏背景和角色特点,培养幼儿的观察力和想象力。
2. 通过奏乐活动,培养幼儿的音乐节奏感和团队协作能力。
3. 培养幼儿的耐心和注意力,提高他们的自我控制能力。
4. 培养幼儿的创造力,鼓励他们大胆表达自己的情感和想法。
二、活动准备1. 《愤怒的小鸟》游戏画面或角色图片若干。
2. 乐器(如打击乐器、钢琴等)和相关音乐材料。
3. 画纸、画笔、彩泥等创作材料。
4. 计时器或其他计时工具。
三、活动过程1. 导入:教师展示《愤怒的小鸟》游戏画面或角色图片,引导幼儿观察并分享他们对游戏的了解和感受。
2. 游戏介绍:教师简要介绍《愤怒的小鸟》的游戏规则和角色特点,激发幼儿的兴趣。
3. 奏乐活动:教师播放《愤怒的小鸟》相关音乐,引导幼儿跟随音乐节奏进行奏乐,培养幼儿的音乐节奏感。
4. 创作环节:教师分发创作材料,引导幼儿根据《愤怒的小鸟》的游戏场景或角色特点进行创作,如绘画、彩泥等。
5. 展示环节:鼓励幼儿展示自己的创作作品,并分享创作过程中的想法和感受。
四、活动评价1. 观察幼儿在奏乐活动中的音乐节奏感和团队协作能力,评价他们的参与度和合作程度。
2. 评价幼儿在创作环节中的观察力、想象力和创造力,以及他们的耐心和注意力。
3. 收集幼儿和家长的反馈意见,了解活动效果,不断优化教学方案。
五、活动延伸1. 家园共育:教师与家长沟通,了解幼儿在家庭中的表现,鼓励家长参与幼儿的学习和成长。
2. 环境创设:将《愤怒的小鸟》游戏元素融入幼儿园环境,如布置游戏角、制作相关主题墙饰等。
3. 相关课程:结合本次活动,开展更多关于《愤怒的小鸟》的相关课程,如科学实验、数学游戏等。
4. 期后活动:组织类似的主题活动,让幼儿在实践中不断成长和提高。
六、教学内容1. 《愤怒的小鸟》游戏基本规则和角色介绍。
2. 音乐节奏感和团队协作能力的培养。
3. 观察力、想象力和创造力的培养。

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Have you ever played Angry Birds? It's a popular mobile game where you launch birds at structures to destroy them and defeat the pigs inside. But have you ever thought about why the birds are so angry?In the game, the birds are depicted as being angry because the pigs have stolen their eggs. This is a common theme in many cartoons and movies, where the hero's motivation is to get back something that was taken from them. It's easy to relate to this feeling of anger and injustice.But in real life, we don't often have such clear-cut reasons for our anger. We might get angry at someone for cutting us off in traffic, or for not listening to us when we're talking. These small annoyances can add up and make us feel frustrated and angry.Sometimes, our anger can even be directed at ourselves. We might get angry for making a mistake or not living up to our own expectations. This can be a difficult emotion to deal with, as we often feel like we're letting ourselves down.So what can we do when we feel angry? One strategy isto take a deep breath and count to ten. This can help us calm down and think more rationally about the situation. We can also try to express our feelings in a constructive way, such as by talking to a friend or writing in a journal.In the end, it's important to remember that anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. It's okay to feel angry, but it's important to find healthy ways to deal with it and not let it control our actions.Just like the angry birds in the game, we can learn to channel our anger in a productive way and achieve our goals.。

愤怒的⼩鸟(Angry Birds)⼼得 前⾔ 最近这款迷⼈的卡通游戏“愤怒的⼩鸟”可以说席卷了整个世界。
笔者我也⼀样,作为是⼀个住在纽约的华⼈,在⼀次去曼哈顿赏雪景的途中于⼀家“A p p l e”公司的商店⾥偶然地接触到了“A n g r y B i r d s”,那种⽣动的画⾯⼀下⼦就让我上了瘾,回家之后都⽆法忘怀。
接着,我终于寻到了P C版的“A n g r y B i r d s”,激战之后现在已经拿到全部关卡的三星,还有17颗⾦蛋加星,感慨之余,便决定要把这些经历⼼得拿出来分享给更多⼈。
简介 “A n g r y B i r d s”,中⽂叫作“愤怒的⼩鸟”,是⼀款由“R o v i o”开发的经典卡通游戏巨作。
开始玩家们只能通过“A n d r o i d”或者“i p a d”等⼯具来玩,不过现在已经有了完整的P C版,让电脑玩家们也过⾜了瘾。
游戏有四个主题(T h e m e),加上⾦蛋的17关,总计212关(现在还有圣诞版等新关卡,但我这⾥只讲原版)。
关卡介绍 “A n g r y B i r d s”所有的关卡不是⼀次性打开的,必须要完成上⼀关才能继续进⾏闯关,这个问题应该不⼤,因为游戏的难点在于拿三星。
第⼀主题(P o a c h e d E g g s),这⾥共有63个⼩关,分成了三个版块。


《愤怒的小鸟》—游戏策划案版本说明修改日期说明文字0.1 2011-07-14 创建文档0.2 2011-09-06 修改文档游戏策划人:刘悦婷游戏策划日期:2011-07-14目录1. 游戏概游戏概述 (3)1.1游戏名称 (3)1.2游戏类型 (3)1.3游戏背景 (3)1.4游戏风格 (3)2. 游戏玩法 (3)2.1 操作机制 (3)2.2游戏玩法 (3)2.3示例截图 (4)3. 游戏特色及实现方案 (4)3.1 多种发射轨迹 (4)3.2发射时角度和力度的控制 (5)3.3 碰撞效果的实现 (5)4 场景中涉及精灵描述 (6)4.1 鸟的类型和功能 (6)4.2 猪的类型和功能 (7)4.3 物体的类型 (8)4.4 各种伤害的计算 (8)5 关卡设计 (9)5.1 积分统计规则 (9)5.1.1获取积分的判定 (9)5.1.2 获取积分的规则 (9)6. UI界面规则 (9)1.游戏概游戏概述1.1游戏名称游戏的名称为《愤怒的小鸟》,英文名为《Angry Birds》。
2.游戏玩法2.1 操作机制触屏操作:该游戏是支持触屏玩法的,所以在当前屏幕中当小鸟在弹弓上时,可以通过触摸的方式控制鸟的移动。

愤怒小鸟英文作文英文:Angry Birds is a popular mobile game that has been around for years. The game is about a group of birds who are angry because their eggs have been stolen by a group of pigs. The birds then use a slingshot to launch themselves at the pigs in an attempt to get their eggs back.I have played Angry Birds before and I can understand why it is so popular. The game is very addictive and it can be frustrating when you can't beat a level. However, once you finally beat a level, it feels very rewarding.One thing that I like about Angry Birds is thedifferent types of birds that you can use. Each bird hasits own unique ability that can be used to help you beat a level. For example, the yellow bird can be used to break through wood, while the blue bird can be split into three smaller birds to cover more ground.Overall, Angry Birds is a fun and challenging game that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a new mobile game to play.中文:愤怒的小鸟是一款流行的手机游戏,已经存在多年。

Angry Birds is a puzzle video game.In the game, players take control of a group of multi-colored birds that are attempting to retrieve eggs that have been stolen by a group of evil green pigs. On each level, the pigs are protected by structures made of different materials such as wood, ice and stone, and the purpose of the game is to remove all the pigs in the level.Using a slingshot, players launch the birds with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. And as players advance through the game, new birds appear, some with special abilities that can be activated by the player.There are 6 types of birds used in Angry Birds Space.The first one is the basic one. Everyone’s favorite red bird is the sign bird of the series and the leader of all birds. Well, in space, Red Bird is more powerful than ever and trying to get his flock home. So in here, its Chinese name is “红侠鸟”.The second one is Blue Bird, and its Chinese name is “超人鸟”. As the youngest of birds, its ability to separate into three birds and deliver with every fling will be sure to give those Angry Birds the upper hand in their fight.A black bird can explodes when irritated. So in space this black bird’s name is Bomb Bird, and its Chinese name is “爆爆鸟”. Bomb Bird will use its heat shock wave to blast anything in its vicinity.The fourth one is Lazer Bird. Its Chinese name is “穿梭鸟”. This bird has now turned into the purple bird. And when it waslaunched to the buildings, you can click the screen lightly, and then it would be attack the place where you click in a straight line.Well, the next one is Big Brother Bird. Its Chinese name is “肥肥鸟”. It is not a bird that you want to upset as it has no limits to its awesome strength.The last one -- Ice Bird is an all new bird in Angry Birds Space. Its Chinese name is “蓝冰鸟”. Ice bird has the ability to freeze anything that gets in his way. So if you use it to hit the hard building materials, it will become as brittle as glass.。

pythonpygame愤怒的⼩鸟游戏⽰例代码⼩鸟(image)游戏展⽰代码展⽰import pygame,syspygame.init()#初始化操作#保存窗⼝⼤⼩width,height=600,400screen=pygame.display.set_mode([width,height])#创建游戏窗⼝#设置窗⼝标题pygame.display.set_caption("愤怒的⼩鸟")#加载⼩鸟素材player=pygame.image.load("xiaoniao.png")#获取图像矩形位置rect=player.get_rect()#声明XY运动速度的列表speed = [3,2]left_head = pygame.transform.flip(player,True,False)right_head = player#⽆限循环while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type ==pygame.QUIT:exit()if event.type ==pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:player = left_head #⼩鸟的头向左speed=[-2,1]if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:player = right_head #⼩鸟的头向左speed=[2,1]if event.key == pygame.K_UP:player = left_head #⼩鸟的头向左speed=[2,-1]if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:player = right_head #⼩鸟的头向左speed=[2,1]rect =rect.move(speed)if rect.right>width or rect.left<0:#将图⽚⽔平翻转反转对象是否⽔平反转是否垂直翻转player = pygame.transform.flip(player,True,False)speed[0]=-speed[0]if rect.bottom>height or rect.top<0:speed[1]=-speed[1]screen.fill((255,255,255))screen.blit(player,rect)pygame.display.update()pygame.time.delay(10)这就是⽤python制作的完整原创愤怒⼩鸟,如果有懒得⼩伙伴可以在我的资源⾥下载呢,5个积分即可下载哦!我直接附上资源链接好了:到此这篇关于python pygame 愤怒的⼩鸟游戏⽰例代码的⽂章就介绍到这了,更多相关python愤怒的⼩鸟内容请搜索以前的⽂章或继续浏览下⾯的相关⽂章希望⼤家以后多多⽀持!。

愤怒的小鸟英语作文Title: The Angry Birds。
In the heart of the lush countryside, there existed a quaint little village where the chirping of birds was the sweetest melody one could wake up to. Among these avian inhabitants were the famous Angry Birds. Their vibrant plumage and fiery tempers were known far and wide, but behind their fury lay a tale worth telling.The leader of this flock was Red, a cardinal with afiery crest and a temper to match. Alongside him were Chuck, the yellow speedster, and Bomb, the explosive blackbird. Together, they defended their nests with ferocity, never backing down from a challenge.Their story began when the mischievous green pigs invaded their peaceful village, stealing their eggs. This egregious act ignited a flame within the hearts of theAngry Birds, propelling them on a journey of revenge andredemption.Fueled by anger and determination, they launched themselves from their slingshot with precision and purpose, aiming to demolish the pigs' fortresses and reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Each level presented new challenges, but with teamwork and strategy, they persevered.As they progressed, they encountered new allies such as the mighty Terence, a gargantuan bird with incredible strength, and the volatile Matilda, whose explosive eggs turned the tide of battle. Together, they formed an unstoppable force against the green menace.But amidst the chaos and destruction, Red couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt. Was their anger justified, or were they merely perpetuating a cycle of violence? It was a question that weighed heavily on his conscience as they waged war against the pigs.In a pivotal moment, Red confronted the leader of the pigs, the devious King Pig. Through their exchange, Redrealized that beneath their differences, they shared a common desire for peace and understanding. In a surprising turn of events, they forged an unlikely truce, bringing an end to the hostilities.With the conflict resolved, the Angry Birds returned to their village as heroes. But more importantly, they learned the value of forgiveness and compassion. No longer were they defined by their anger, but by their ability to rise above it and seek harmony in a world filled with discord.In the end, the Angry Birds taught us that it's okay to feel anger, but it's what we do with that anger that defines us. Through empathy and understanding, we can overcome even the most formidable obstacles and build a brighter future for all.。


愤怒的小鸟经典电影对白1、鸟销售员:大红你好啊,过得怎么样?Red: Oh, I’m horrible!大红:哦,我过得糟透了!、Matilda: We’re gonna be working managing our anger through movement.玛蒂尔达:我们将会通过动作舒缓我们的愤怒。
Chuck: Eagle, heron, peacock, warrior, mountain, tree, rabbit, fish, locust, king pigeon, and of course, downward duck.恰克:老鹰,白鹭,孔雀,战士,高山,树木,兔子,鱼类,蝗虫,鸽子,当然还有,鸭子。
Red: Yuck!大红:呸!、Red: Am I a passionate bird? Yes, but what does i t matter that we’re not the same? 大红:我是只充满激情的鸟吗?是。
但是我和你不一样又怎么了?、Red: Doesn’t anyone see what’s going on here? The whole world is in danger! And it’s up to us to stop‘em!大红:除了我没人意识到发生什么了吗?整个世界陷入了危险之中!需要我们去阻止他们!、Stella: Hey, something’s co ming!斯特拉:嘿,有东西过来了!、Red: That’s me, Red. Ever since I was a kid, I never really fit in. No one understands me.大红:那就是我,大红。

舌尖上的课堂--小学四年级英语Food教学设计邓蕴【期刊名称】《中国信息技术教育》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】4页(P86-89)【作者】邓蕴【作者单位】湖北省武汉市洪山区街道口小学【正文语种】中文第十一届NOC活动教学实践评优·恩欧希教育信息化发明创新奖● 创新整合点将电子白板、学习网站、云笔记、APP应用四种信息技术整合,运用“云”技术,使学生相互交流、分享知识。
● 教材分析本课内容为自选内容。
● 学生分析本课的教学对象为四年级学生。
● 教学目标知识与技能目标:学习食物单词:bread、cake、butter等;学生能听说读写、在生活中广泛运用到单词。
● 教学环境与准备网络环境、电子白板。
● 教学过程1.热身导入T:Which county is it?Ss:Italy!T:How about this one?Ss:China!接着,教师通过电子白板呈现一段魔术视频(如图2),视频中圆形的苹果变成了正方体,落在地上的牛奶变成了甜甜圈,要学习的单词都暗藏在魔术中了,学生学习的积极性一下就调动了起来,迫不及待想马上开始学习新单词。

他说他不想长胡子,因为他会觉得很奇怪 他早上脾气会暴躁一点,对别人也冷冷的,直到他充好电就清醒了 他有了驾照,不过是第二次才通过的 纹身时没有流一滴眼泪,不过他说了是有点痛,但没有那么糟糕
他说他的fans就像是他的菠菜 他最喜欢的三明治是火鸡馅的 他最害怕的动物是蜘蛛 他说他从未紧张过,因为他从小就希望成为焦点
贾斯汀比伯 justinbieber 介绍幻灯片
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Justin Bieber
贾斯汀· 比伯(Justin Bieber)1994年3 月1日出生。是人气正在迅速上升的加拿大 少年流行天王。他的个人单曲《One Time》 一经推出便迅速火爆,他不仅在音乐上有惊 人的才华:创作、打鼓、跳舞、弹吉他、弹 琴、小号样样行,而且长相很萌很帅气。15 岁的他先是在视频网站Youtube上“唱红” 了自己,然后被经纪人Scooter Braun发掘, 在与天王Usher商量后,Scooter Braun迅 速签下了他。近年来,他的人气风靡互联网。 《Baby》youtube全球视频点击超过六亿 全球排行第一。微博粉丝数全球第二,在 “2011年福布斯全球百位巨星排行榜”上 比伯名列第三。2011年度公告牌音乐大奖 (2011 Billboard Music Awards)获11项 提名,共获得7奖项
Luna _张晓彤 Tina _袁欣然 共同制作
Belieber love JB Forever
His friends
Taylor Swift
泰勒· 斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),美国乡村音乐女创作 歌手,会用木吉他、钢琴演奏。 她在2006年与独立唱片公司Big Machine签约。曾获得美国乡村 音乐协会奖年度最佳专辑奖、格 莱美年度专辑奖等荣誉。

愤怒的小鸟英文作文I can't believe those pigs stole our eggs again! I'm so angry right now. They think they can just waltz in and take whatever they want. Well, they've got another thing coming. We're not going to stand for this anymore.I'm ready to launch myself at those thieving pigs and show them what we're made of. They may have caught us off guard this time, but they won't get away with it again.We'll make sure they regret ever messing with us.I can feel the rage boiling inside me, fueling my determination to get our eggs back. Those pigs are in for a rude awakening when they see the full force of our anger unleashed. They won't know what hit them.I can't sit back and do nothing while those pigs taunt us with our stolen eggs. It's time to take action and show them that we're not to be messed with. They may have thought they could get away with it, but they'veunderestimated the power of our anger.I'll gather my fellow birds and we'll strategize our revenge. Those pigs won't know what hit them when we come crashing down on them with all our fury. They'll regret ever crossing us.。

愤怒小鸟英文作文Title: The Angry Birds: A Tale of Resilience and Friendship。
In the lush, vibrant forest of Redwood Valley, a diverse community of birds lived harmoniously, each species adding its unique melody to the symphony of nature. Among them, the most peculiar were the Angry Birds. Their feathers tinged with fiery hues, they were known for their short tempers and quick flares of rage.Red, the leader of the Angry Birds, was particularly renowned for his fiery disposition. He often found himself at odds with the other birds, his temper flaring at the slightest provocation. Despite his rough exterior, Red possessed a heart of gold, fiercely protective of his friends and fiercely loyal to his flock.One sunny morning, as the birds gathered to feast on ripe berries and bask in the warmth of the sun, disasterstruck. A band of mischievous monkeys descended upon the forest, hurling fruits and causing chaos wherever they went. The other birds panicked, scattering in all directions, but not Red. With a determined gleam in his eye, he rallied his fellow Angry Birds to stand their ground.As the monkeys advanced, Red and his companionslaunched themselves into the fray, their anger fuelingtheir resolve. Despite being outnumbered, they fought valiantly, driving back the invaders with a barrage of squawks and flapping wings. In the end, the monkeys retreated, vanquished by the sheer ferocity of the Angry Birds.Exhausted but victorious, the birds returned to their nest, their feathers ruffled but their spirits soaring. In the aftermath of the battle, Red realized the true power of friendship and cooperation. No longer did he see himself as just an angry bird; he was a protector, a guardian of his flock.From that day forth, the Angry Birds became known notfor their temper, but for their courage and resilience.They stood as a testament to the strength that lies within each of us, a reminder that even the fiercest storms can be weathered with the support of friends by our side.As the sun dipped below the horizon and the forest grew quiet once more, Red looked out at his fellow birds, asense of pride swelling in his chest. They had faced adversity together and emerged stronger than ever. And though the challenges ahead may be great, Red knew that as long as they stood united, they could overcome anythingthat came their way.In the end, it wasn't anger that defined the Angry Birds; it was their unwavering spirit and unbreakable bondof friendship that set them apart. And as they soared through the skies of Redwood Valley, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, as one flock, forever and always.。


愤怒的小鸟大家好,我最喜欢的电影是愤怒的小鸟,它的英文名是The Angry Birds Movie一群不会飞的小鸟,挤在一座热带小岛上,和睦宁静。

Hymmnos语语法(中文版)展开全文一、语言简介 Hymmnos是由土屋晓(AkiraTsuchiya)创作的一种自制语言,用于游戏Artonelico(魔塔大陆)全系列中。
二、语法(标准Hymmnos语)(1)基本结构由于Hymmnos语主要用于表达咏唱者的情感,所以绝大多数的句子都开始于三个单词(称之为“想音”*注1)先来看一个简单的句子:(*注2)标准写法:(较大)Was yea rachshymmnos mea英文写法:Was yea rachshymmnos mea中文翻译:我很高兴能将自己变为歌。
其中“Was yea ra”就是“想音”部分。
Was yea raLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3第I想音(Level1)表示的是感情的强烈程度。
第III想音(Level3)表示的是感情是否持续/对感情的感受(*注3、4)下面是词语的对应情况:第I想音(*注5)* Rrha –恍惚的状态* Was –很;非常* Wee –颇;相当* Fou –有点;一点* Ma –平常的状态* Nn –没精神的状态第II想音* i –焦急的* yea –高兴的* waa –高兴的(I纪神圣语 *注6)* paks –紧张的;激动的;焦躁的(*注7)* num –无* ki –认真的、集中的* wol –勇往直前、热血的* apea –沉浸于幸福中(I纪前古代语)* au –悲伤的(アルファ律(オリジンスペル:EOLIA属)*注8)* granme–有勇气,希望保护某人touwaka–渴望的、隐藏着心情的* quel–恳切的;必死的* yant–恐慌的(I纪神圣语)* guwo –发怒的;愤怒的* jyel –寂寞的* zweie –真挚的;隐藏着决定的第III想音(*注9)* ga –(我)希望尽快结束的* ra - (我)希望持续的* erra - (我)希望永远地持续的* wa –这没有什么关系,我会接受这个情况* gaya –我再也不想回到之前的状态了* gagis –自己怎么样也无所谓想音部分介绍完毕。
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Angry Birds is a puzzle video game.
In the game, players take control of a group of multi-colored birds that are attempting to retrieve eggs that have been stolen by a group of evil green pigs. On each level, the pigs are protected by structures made of different materials such as wood, ice and stone, and the purpose of the game is to remove all the pigs in the level.
Using a slingshot, players launch the birds with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playfield. And as players advance through the game, new birds appear, some with special abilities that can be activated by the player.
There are 6 types of birds used in Angry Birds Space.
The first one is the basic one. Everyone’s favorite red bird is the sign bird of the series and the leader of all birds. Well, in space, Red Bird is more powerful than ever and trying to get his flock home. So in here, its Chinese name is “红侠鸟”.
The second one is Blue Bird, and its Chinese name is “超人鸟”. As the youngest of birds, its ability to separate into three birds and deliver with every fling will be sure to give those Angry Birds the upper hand in their fight.
A black bird can explodes when irritated. So in space this black bird’s name is Bomb Bird, and its Chinese name is “爆爆鸟”. Bomb Bird will use its heat shock wave to blast anything in its vicinity.
The fourth one is Lazer Bird. Its Chinese name is “穿梭鸟”. This bird has now turned into the purple bird. And when it was
launched to the buildings, you can click the screen lightly, and then it would be attack the place where you click in a straight line.
Well, the next one is Big Brother Bird. Its Chinese name is “肥肥鸟”. It is not a bird that you want to upset as it has no limits to its awesome strength.
The last one -- Ice Bird is an all new bird in Angry Birds Space. Its Chinese name is “蓝冰鸟”. Ice bird has the ability to freeze anything that gets in his way. So if you use it to hit the hard building materials, it will become as brittle as glass.。