2019-2020学年英语北师大版必修4习题:模块综合检测 Word版含解析
AWhen going through major life changes,like changing careers,I would change the people with whom I spent the most time。
We’ve all gone through periods when the people in our lives have changed-graduation,moving to a new city,getting a new job,joining a new club,etc.I don’t think I need to convince you just how much influence other people can have over your identity.If you’ve ever experienced a major switch in your people environment,then you know that you change as well.Most people don’t make these choices consciously(有意识地) though。
You might consciously decide to spend more time with a certain friend,or you may ask someone out on a date to begin a new relationship.But few people choose their existing friendships deliberately。
2019-2020学年河南省郑州外国语中学九年级(上)第一次月考数学试卷一.选择题(每小题3分,共24分)1.(3分)下列条件中,能判断四边形是菱形的是()A.对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形B.对角线互相垂直的四边形C.对角线相等的平行四边形D.对角线互相平分且垂直的四边形2.(3分)把一元二次方程x(x+1)=3x+2化为一般形式,正确的是()A.x2+4x+3=0B.x2﹣2x+2=0C.x2﹣3x﹣1=0D.x2﹣2x﹣2=03.(3分)若a、b是关于x的一元二次方程x2﹣6x+n+1=0的两根,且等腰三角形三边长分别为a、b、4,则n的值为()A.8B.7C.8或7D.9或84.(3分)一个盒子中装有标号为1,2,3,4,5的五个小球,这些球除标号外都相同,从中随机摸出两个小球,则摸出的小球标号之和大于5的概率为()A.B.C.D.5.(3分)为执行“均衡教育“政策,某区2017年投入教育经费2500万元,预计到2019年底三年累计投入1.2亿元,若每年投入教育经费的年平均增长百分率为x,则下列方程正确的是()A.2500(1+2x)=12000B.2500(1+x)2=1200C.2500+2500(1+x)+2500(1+2x)=12000D.2500+2500(1+x)+2500(1+x)2=120006.(3分)下列数中,能与6,9,10组成比例的数是()A.1B.74C.5.4D.1.57.(3分)如图,菱形ABCD的两条对角线AC,BD相交于点O,E是AB的中点,若AC=6,菱形ABCD的面积为24,则OE长为()A.2.5B.3.5C.3D.48.(3分)如图,将矩形ABCD的一个角翻折,使得点D恰好落在BC边上的点G处,折痕为EF,若EB为∠AEG 的平分线,EF和BC的延长线交于点H.下列结论中:①∠BEF=90°;②DE=CH;③BE=EF;④△BEG和△HEG的面积相等;⑤若,则.以上命题,正确的有()A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个二.选择题(每小题3分,共18分)9.(3分)已知=,则=.10.(3分)在长8cm,宽6cm的矩形中,截去一个矩形,使留下的矩形与原矩形相似,那么留下的矩形面积是cm2.11.(3分)若(m﹣1)x m(m+2)﹣1+2mx﹣1=0是关于x的一元二次方程,则m的值是.12.(3分)在一个不透明的袋子中装有20个蓝色小球、若干个红色小球和10个黄色小球,这些球除颜色不同外其余均相同,小李通过多次摸取小球试验后发现,摸取到红色小球的频率稳定在0.4左右,若小明在袋子中随机摸取一个小球,则摸到黄色小球的概率为.13.(3分)如图,在菱形OBCD中,OB=1,相邻两内角之比为1:2,将菱形OBCD绕顶点O顺时针旋转90°,得到菱形OB′C′D′视为一次旋转,则菱形旋转45次后点C的坐标为.14.(3分)如图,菱形ABCD的边长为4,∠B=120°.点P是对角线AC上一点(不与端点A重合),则线段AP+PD 的最小值为.15.(3分)矩形纸片ABCD,AB=9,BC=6,在矩形边上有一点P,且DP=3.将矩形纸片折叠,使点B与点P 重合,折痕所在直线交矩形两边于点E,F,则EF长为.三.解答题(共55)16.(8分)用适当的方法解下列方程:(1)x(x﹣2)=x﹣2;(2)3x2﹣1=2x+5;17.某商场在促销活动中规定,顾客每消费100元就能获得一次抽奖机会.为了活跃气氛,设计了两个抽奖方案:方案一:转动转盘A一次,转出红色可领取一份奖品;方案二:转动转盘B两次,两次都转出红色可领取一份奖品.(两个转盘都被平均分成3份)如果你获得一次抽奖机会,你会选择哪个方案?请用相关的数学知识说明理由.18.如图,在四边形ABCD中,对角线AC,BD相交于点O,AO=CO,BO=DO,且∠ABC+∠ADC=180°.(1)求证:四边形ABCD是矩形;(2)若∠ADF:∠FDC=3:2,DF⊥AC,求∠BDF的度数.19.在一元二次方程中,有著名的韦达定理:对于一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0),如果方程有两个实数根x1,x2,那么x1+x2=﹣,x1•x2=(说明:定理成立的条件△≥0).比如方程2x2﹣3x﹣1=0中,△=17,所以该方程有两个不等的实数解.记方程的两根为x1,x2,那么x1+x2=,x1•x2=﹣,请根据阅读材料解答下列各题:(1)已知方程x2﹣3x﹣2=0的两根为x1、x2,且x1>x2,求下列各式的值:①x12+x22;②;(2)已知x1,x2是一元二次方程4kx2﹣4kx+k+1=0的两个实数根.①是否存在实数k,使(2x1﹣x2)(x1﹣2x2)=﹣成立?若存在,求出k的值;若不存在,请说明理由.②求使+﹣2的值为整数的实数k的整数值.20.如图(1),△ABC为等腰三角形,AB=AC=a,P点是底边BC上的一个动点,PD∥AC,PE∥AB.(1)用a表示四边形ADPE的周长为;(2)点P运动到什么位置时,四边形ADPE是菱形,请说明理由;(3)如果△ABC不是等腰三角形(图2),其他条件不变,点P运动到什么位置时,四边形ADPE是菱形(不必说明理由).21.随着生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人选择到电影院观看电影,体验视觉盛宴,并且更多的人通过网上平台购票,既快捷又能享受更多优惠.某电影城2019年从网上购买3张电影票的费用比现场购买2张电影票的费用少10元;从网上购买5张电影票的费用和现场购买1张电影票的费用共200元.(1)求该电影城2019年在网上购票和现场购票每张电影票的价格为多少元?(2)2019年五一当天,该电影城按照2019年网上购票和现场购票的价格销售电影票,当天售出的总票数为500张.五一假期过后,观影人数出现下降,于是电影城决定从5月5日开始调整票价:现场购票价格下调,网上购票价格不变.结果发现,现场购票每张电影票的价格每降低2元,售出总票数就比五一当天增加4张.经统计,5月5日售出的总票数中有60%的电影票通过网上售出,其余通过现场售出,且当天票房总收入为17680元,试求出5月5日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格为多少元?22.如图1,平面直角坐标系中,B、C两点的坐标分别为B(0,3)和C(0,﹣),点A在x轴正半轴上,且满足∠BAO=30°.(1)过点C作CE⊥AB于点E,交AO于点F,点G为线段OC上一动点,连接GF,将△OFG沿FG翻折使点O落在平面内的点O′处,连接O′C,求线段OF的长以及线段O′C的最小值;(2)如图2,点D的坐标为D(﹣1,0),将△BDC绕点B顺时针旋转,使得BC⊥AB于点B,将旋转后的△BDC沿直线AB平移,平移中的△BDC记为△B′D′C′,设直线B′C′与x轴交于点M,N为平面内任意一点,当以B′、D′、M、N为顶点的四边形是菱形时,求点M的坐标.2019-2020学年河南省郑州外国语中学九年级(上)第一次月考数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(每小题3分,共24分)1.【解答】解:A、对角线互相垂直相等的四边形不一定是菱形,此选项错误;B、对角线互相垂直的四边形不一定是菱形,此选项错误;C、对角线相等的平行四边形也可能是矩形,此选项错误;D、对角线互相平分且垂直的四边形是菱形,此选项正确;故选:D.2.【解答】解:x(x+1)=3x+2x2+x﹣3x﹣2=0,x2﹣2x﹣2=0故选:D.3.【解答】解:∵等腰三角形三边长分别为a、b、4,∴a=b,或a、b中有一个数为4.当a=b时,有b2﹣4ac=(﹣6)2﹣4(n+1)=0,解得:n=8;当a、b中有一个数为4时,有42﹣6×4+n+1=0,解得:n=7,故选:C.4.【解答】解:画树状图如图所示:∵共有20种等可能的结果,两次摸出的小球的标号之和大于5的有12种结果,∴两次摸出的小球的标号之和大于5的概率为=;故选:C.5.【解答】解:设每年投入教育经费的年平均增长百分率为x,由题意得,2500+2500×(1+x)+2500(1+x)2=12000.故选:D.6.【解答】解:A、10×1≠6×9,1不能与6,9,10组成比例,故错误;B、6×74≠9×10,74不能与6,9,10组成比例,故错误;C、5.4×10=6×9,5.4能与6,9,10组成比例;故正确;D、1.5×10≠6×9,1.5不能与6,9,10组成比例,故错误.故选:C.7.【解答】解:∵四边形ABCD是菱形,AC=6,菱形ABCD的面积为24,∴S菱形ABCD=AC•BD=×6DB=24,解得:BD=8,∴AO=OC=3,OB=OD=4,AO⊥BO,又∵点E是AB中点,∴OE是△DAB的中线,在Rt△AOD中,AB==5,则OE=AD=2.5.故选:A.8.【解答】解:①由折叠的性质可知∠DEF=∠GEF,∵EB为∠AEG的平分线,∴∠AEB=∠GEB,∵∠AED=180°,∴∠BEF=90°,故正确;②可证△EDF∽△HCF,DF>CF,故DE≠CH,故错误;③只可证△EDF∽△BAE,无法证明BE=EF,故错误;④可证△GEB,△GEH是等腰三角形,则G是BH边的中线,∴△BEG和△HEG的面积相等,故正确;⑤过E点作EK⊥BC,垂足为K.设BK=x,AB=y,则有y2+(2y﹣2x)2=(2y﹣x)2,解得x1=y(不合题意舍去),x2=y.则,故正确.故正确的有3个.故选:B.二.选择题(每小题3分,共18分)9.【解答】解:∵=,∴可设a=2k,b=3k(k≠0),∴==.故答案为.10.【解答】解:设宽为x,∵留下的矩形与原矩形相似,∴=,解得x=.∴截去的矩形的面积为×6=21cm2,∴留下的矩形的面积为48﹣21=27cm2,故答案为:27.11.【解答】解:由题意,得m(m+2)﹣1=2且m﹣1≠0,解得m=﹣3,故答案为:﹣3.12.【解答】解:设袋子中红色小球有x个,根据题意,得:=0.4,解得x=20,经检验x=20是分式方程的解,则在袋子中随机摸取一个小球,摸到黄色小球的概率=,故答案为:.13.【解答】解:∵四边形OBCD是菱形,相邻两内角之比为1:2,∴∠C=∠BOD=60°,∠D=∠OBC=120°.根据旋转性质可得∠OB′C′=120°,∴∠C′B′H=60°.过C′作C′H⊥y轴于点H,如图所示:在Rt△C′B′H中,B′C′=1,∴B′H=B'C=,C′H=B'H=.∴OH=1+=.∴C′坐标为(,﹣),∵360°÷90°=4,∴菱形4次旋转一周,4次一个循环,∵45÷4=11……1,∴菱形旋转45次后点C与点C'重合,坐标为(,﹣);故答案为:(,﹣).14.【解答】解:如图,作PE⊥AB于点E,DF⊥AB于点F,∵四边形ABCD是菱形∴∠DAC=∠CAB,AB=BC,且∠B=120°∴∠CAB=30°∴PE=AP,∠DAF=60°∴∠FDA=30°,且DF⊥AB∴AF=AD=2,DF=AF=2∵AP+PD=PE+DP∴当点D,点P,点E三点共线且垂直AB时,PE+DP的值最小,最小值为DF,∴线段AP+PD的最小值为2故答案为:215.【解答】解:如图1,当点P在CD上时,∵PD=3,CD=AB=9,∴CP=6,∵EF垂直平分PB,∴四边形PFBE是正方形,EF过点C,∴EF=6,如图2,当点P在AD上时,过E作EQ⊥AB于Q,∵PD=3,AD=6,∴AP=3,∴PB===3,∵EF垂直平分PB,∴∠1=∠2,∵∠A=∠EQF,∴△ABP∽△EFQ,∴,∴,∴EF=2,综上所述:EF长为6或2.故答案为:6或2.三.解答题(共55)16.【解答】解:(1)∵x(x﹣2)﹣(x﹣2)=0,∴(x﹣2)(x﹣1)=0,则x﹣2=0或x﹣1=0,解得:x1=2,x2=1.(2)整理,得:3x2﹣2x﹣6=0,∵x=3,b=﹣2,c=﹣6,∴△=(﹣2)2﹣4×3×(﹣6)=76>0,则x ==, 即x 1=,x 2=.17.【解答】解:方案一:∵转盘A 被平均分成3份,其中红色区域占1份, ∴转出红色可领取一份奖品的概率为:方案二:∵转盘B 被平均分成3份,分别为红1,红2,蓝,可列表:由表格可知,一共有9种结果,每种结果出现的可能性相同,其中两次都转出红色的结果有4种,分别是(红1,红1 ),(红1,红2),(红2,红1),(红2,红2).∴P (获得奖品).<∴选择方案二18.【解答】(1)证明:∵AO =CO ,BO =DO ,∴四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴∠ABC =∠ADC ,∵∠ABC +∠ADC =180°,∴∠ABC =∠ADC =90°,∴四边形ABCD 是矩形;(2)解:∵∠ADC =90°,∠ADF :∠FDC =3:2,∴∠FDC =36°,∵DF ⊥AC ,∴∠DCO=90°﹣36°=54°,∵四边形ABCD是矩形,∴CO=OD,∴∠ODC=∠DCO=54°,∴∠BDF=∠ODC﹣∠FDC=18°.19.【解答】解:(1)∵x2﹣3x﹣2=0,△=(﹣3)2﹣4×(﹣2)=17>0∴x1+x2=3,x1•x2=﹣2①x+x=(x1+x2)2﹣2x1•x2=32﹣2×(﹣2)=9+4=13②=(2)∵方程有两个实数根,∴△=(﹣4k)2﹣4•4k(k+1)>0∴k<0,x1+x2=1,x1•x2=①∵(2x1﹣x2)(x1﹣2x2)=2x12﹣5x1x2+2x22=2(x12+2x1x2+x22)﹣9x1x2=2(x1+x2)2﹣9x1x2∴2﹣9=解得:k=,与k<0矛盾∴不存在k的值,使(2x1﹣x2)(x1﹣2x2)=﹣成立.②+﹣2===∵+﹣2=的值为整数∴k+1=±1或±2或±4又∵k<0∴k=﹣2或﹣3或﹣520.【解答】解:(1)∵PD∥AC,PE∥AB∴四边形ADPE为平行四边形∴AD=PE,DP=AE,∵AB=AC∴∠B=∠C,∵DP∥AC∴∠B=∠DPB∴DB=DP∴四边形ADPE的周长=2(AD+DP)=2(AD+BD)=2AB=2a 故答案为:2a(2)当P为BC中点时,四边形ADPE是菱形.理由如下:连结AP∵PD∥AC,PE∥AB∴四边形ADPE为平行四边形∵AB=AC,P为BC中点∴∠P AD=∠P AE∵PE∥AB∴∠P AD=∠APE∴∠P AE=∠APE∴EA=EP∴四边形ADPE是菱形(3)P运动到∠A的平分线上时,四边形ADPE是菱形,∵PD∥AC,PE∥AB,∴四边形ADPE是平行四边形,∵AP平分∠BAC,∴∠1=∠2,∵AB∥EP,∴∠1=∠3,∴∠2=∠3,∴AE=EP,∴四边形ADPE是菱形.21.【解答】解:(1)设该电影城2019年在网上购票每张电影票的价格为x元,现场购票每张电影票的价格为y元,依题意,得:,解得:.答:该电影城2019年在网上购票每张电影票的价格为30元,现场购票每张电影票的价格为50元.(2)设5月5日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格为m元,则当天售出的总票数为[500+×(50﹣m)]张,依题意,得:(1﹣60%)m[500+×(50﹣m)]+30×60%×[500+×(50﹣m)]=17680,整理,得:m2﹣255m+8600=0,解得:m1=40,m2=215(舍去).答:5月5日当天现场购票每张电影票的价格为40元.22.【解答】解:(1)如图1中,∵∠AOB=90°,∠OAB=30°,∴∠CBE=60°,∵CE⊥AB,∴∠CEB=90°,∠BCE=30°,∵C(0,﹣),∴OC=,OF=OC•tan30°=,CF=2OF=3,由翻折可知:FO′=FO=,∴CO′≥CF﹣O′F,∴CO′≥,∴线段O′C的最小值为.(2)①如图2中,当B′D′=B′M=BD==时,可得菱形MND′B′.在Rt△AMB′中,AM=2B′M=2,∴OM=AM﹣OA=2﹣3,∴M(3﹣2,0).②如图3中,当B′M是菱形的对角线时,由题意B′M=2OB=6,此时AM=12,OM=12﹣3,可得M(3﹣12,0).③如图4中,当B′D′是菱形的对角线时,可得B′M=,AM=,OM=3﹣,所以M(3﹣,0).④如图5中,当MD′是菱形的对角线时,MB′=B′D′=,可得AM=2,OM=OA+AM=3+2,所以M(3+2,0).综上所述,满足条件的点M的坐标为(3﹣2,0)或(3﹣12,0)或(3﹣,0)或(3+2,0).。
北师大版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 B卷
北师大版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 B卷一、单选题(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)-- Would you like to play football after school?-- ________. I have a lot of homework to do.A . I'm afraid notB . Enjoy yourselfC . Take your timeD . It takes no time2. (1分)It's cold outside. Please ________your coat.A . dressB . put onC . get dressedD . wear3. (1分)They are going to buy a house _ a garden and a garage.A . inB . withC . at4. (1分)Our teacher was very happy because _____failed the examination.A . somebodyB . nobodyC . anybodyD . everybody5. (1分)—Thank you for your help.—________A . Yes, thank me.B . Thank you, too.C . Don't say that.D . You are welcome.6. (1分)— ________does Mary get up ________school days?— At 7: 00.A . What time; onB . What time; inC . What; onD . How; in7. (1分)—DO you like talking with your friends on the telephone or Wechat?—______I enjoy talking face to face.A . EitherB . NeitherC . BothD . None8. (1分)______ is how fast something moves.A . PriceB . SpeedC . Weight9. (1分)-Are these your pencils? -___________.A . Yes, it isB . No, it isn'tC . Yes, they areD . No, these aren't10. (1分)— do they want to play with?—Their friends.A . WhoB . WhatC . How二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。
山东省青岛市城阳北师大附属学校2019-2020学年度九年级上学期 10月月考 英语试题
北京师范大学青岛城阳附属学校初三英语第一次阶段性检测Ⅰ卷(30分)一、单项选择(每题1分,共10分)( )1.—does her brother improve his English?—He improves it by the teacher for help.A.How; askingB.What; askC.How; askD. What; to ask( )2.—excellent work you have done! —It’s very kind of you to say so.A.HowB. WhatC.What aD.What an( )3.The manager came up to see .A. what’s the matterB.what the matter isC. what was the matterD.what the matter was( )4.I don’t know it will be rainy on weekends, it rains, I’ll stay at home.A.unless, ifB.whether, whetherC. if, whetherD.if, if( )5.I didn’t know he will come or not.A.ifB. weatherC.whetherD. that( )6.We can’t work out the physics problem.Can you tell me ?A.what to do itB.what we should do itC.how to do itD.how should we do( )7.—The doctor warns me too much.The doctor is right.—junk food you eat, you will be.A.don’t drink; the less; the healthierB.not to drink;the less; the more healthierC.don’t drink; the more; healthierD.not to drink;the less; the healthier ( )8.—Does my question sound enough?—I don’t think so.You can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”.A.polite; politeB.polite; politelyC.politely; politelyD. politely; polite( )9.Everyone is of Jim, because he is the of the school!A.proud; prideB.pride; prideC. proud; proudD.pride; proud( )10.Now Bob dancing.But he listen to pop music in the past.A.is used to; used toB.is used to; is used toed to; is used toed to; used to二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)When people travel to foreign countries, they often make some mistakes in understanding the local language.When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of 1 decided to visit England by car.Before they left, they asked me for advice about 2 to find accommodation(住所).I suggested that they should stay at “bed and breakfast” houses, so that they could have more 3 to practice English with family. My friends accepted my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.“We didn’t 4 at bed and breakfast houses,” they said, “because we found that most families were away on holiday.”I thought this was 5 .Finally I understood what had happened. My friends knew little 6 and they thought “V ACANCIES” meant “holidays”,because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”. 7 they did not go to houses where the sign outside said “V ACANCIES”, which in English means there are free rooms.Then my friends went to houses where the sign said “NO V ACANCIES”,because they thought this meant the people who 8 the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all 9 .As a result,they stayed at 10 !Sometimes words of different languages may look similar, but in fact they do not have the same meaning.So pay attention to the language differences when travelling abroad!( )11. ( )12. ( )13.A.myA.whyA.waysB.meB.whoB.chancesC.mineC.howC.places( )14. ( )15. ( )16. ( )17. ( )18. ( )19. ( )20.A.eatA.strangeA.SpanishA.SoA.wantedA.freeA.hotelsB.stayB.excitingB.ChineseB.ButB.ownedB.busyB.homesC.workC.greatC.EnglishC.AlsoC.livedC. fullC.rooms三、阅读理解(A篇为判断正(A)误(B) ; B、C篇为选择正确答案; D篇为六选五。
【北师大版】2022-2023学年五年级下学期数学期末调研模拟试卷(A 卷)一、选择题(满分16分)1.足球有x 个,篮球比足球的6倍还多1个,篮球有( )个。
A .6x +1B .6x -1C .6÷3+1D .(6-1)÷32.8.7+7.6-8.7+7.6=( ).A .0B .15.2C .7.63.从正面观察,所看到的图形是( )。
A .B .C .4.林叔叔开了一家超市,11月前5天的营业额分别是501元、503元、498元、495元、499元。
估计林叔叔家超市11月的总营业额大约是( )元。
A .1500B .10000C .12000D .150005.三角形的两条边长分别是6cm 和8cm ,第三条边长度有( )种可能。
(取整厘米数)A .9B .10C .116.“一本书126页,看了3天后,还剩下45页,_______?”张明将问题中的未知数设为,x 列出方程:。
从方程中可以看出他要解决的问题是( )。
453126x +=A .一共有多少页B .这3天,平均每天看多少页C .看了多少页D .剩下的还要几天才能看完7.一支铅笔0.5元,3支一共要用( )元。
A .3.5元B .1.5元C .15元8.下图中的点M 所在的位置可以用小数( )表示。
A .0.6B .1.4C .1.6D .2.4二、填空题(满分16分)9.在尺子上找出下面各长度的位置,用箭头标出来,然后在下面的括号里用分数表示。
(1)用三个正方体,从正面看有3个正方体,从左面看只有1个正方体,从上面看也是3个正方体,这个图形是( )号图形。
2019-2020年九年级英语 BOOK 15 Unit 2 (1)同步练习 北师大版
2019-2020年九年级英语 BOOK 15 Unit 2 (1)同步练习北师大版I. 单项选择。
1. In the past, people used to _____ on foot or by horse.A. travelingB. traveledC. travelD. be travel2. She’s still not used to _____ in China.A. liveB. the lifeC. livedD. lives3. People will also take vacations _____ other planets.A. inB. onC. atD. to4. Will there still _____ banks in the future?A. haveB. needC. go toD. be5. ____ do you think will shopping be like in the future?A. HowB. WhatC. WhichD. Why6. There will be great increase _____ farming.A. aboutB. inC. fromD. on7. There will be personal web pages _____ the five senses.A. haveB. useC. withD. make8. Where ______ in ten years’ time?A. were youB. will you beC. are youD. have you been9. Where ______ just now?A. were youB. will you beC. are you goingD. have you gone10. What ______ I do first?A. willB. amC. shallD. wasII. 完成句子。
北师大版2019-2020学年八年级下学期语文期末考试试卷B卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题 (共2题;共4分)1. (2分)下列划线成语使用不正确的一项是()A . 当改革的浪潮以摧枯拉朽之势席卷旧的司法鉴定制度时,我国司法鉴定的一个新的时代拉开了序幕。
B . 那些对自己的事业有探索精神并乐此不疲的人,最终都走向了成功。
C . 侦探小说中眼花缭乱的情节让我一头雾水,完全忘记了如何思考。
D . 家风是一种“软约束”,通过潜移默化的影响,实现对家庭成员行为、作风、操守的有效约束。
2. (2分)下列句子中没有语病的一项是()A . 近几年,国产奶粉的质量问题频发,从客观上推进了我国消费者对“洋奶粉”的依赖心理,使得“洋奶粉”格外受宠。
B . 望着白云缭绕的巍巍香炉峰和飞流直下、势不可挡的庐山瀑布,无不使游览者感受到大自然的壮美雄奇和神功伟力。
C . 国家有关部门组织核安全方面的专家,用9个月时间对在建核电机组、待建核电机组及核燃料循环设施等进行了安全检查。
D . 中学生之所以喜欢网络小说的原因,在于这些作品大多思想情感丰富细腻,人物形象栩栩如生,而且叙述方式自由活泼。
二、句子默写 (共1题;共5分)3. (5分) (2019七上·阳江月考) 根据课文默写古诗文。
陕西省衡山县2019-2020年九年级上学期第一次月考物理试题(Word版 含答案)
这主要是因为水的【】A.密度较小B.凝固点较低C.沸点较高D.比热容较大2.高空抛物现象被称为“悬在城市上空的痛”,是一种不文明的行为而且会带来很答的社会危害,因为高处的物体具有较大的【】A.弹性势能B.重力势能C.质量D.重力3.下列事例中是通过做功的方式改变物体内能的是【】A.用酒精灯加热烧杯中的水B.放人热汤中的金属勺子变烫C.刀在磨刀石上摩擦后温度升高D.冬天人们晒太阳后身体逐渐暖和4.滑雪运动员从山坡上匀速滑下,则运动员的【】A.机械能增加B.动能不变重力势能减小C.动能和势能都减小D.重力势能增加5.如图为四冲程汽油机的一个工作循环示意图,其中将内能转化为机械能的冲程是【】6.棉线一拉就断,而铜丝却不容易拉断,这是因为【】A.铜丝分子间的引力比棉线分子间的引力大B.棉线的分子间有斥力,而铜丝的分子间没有斥力C.棉线分子间的斥力比引力大,而铜丝分子间的引力比斥力大D.棉线的分子间没有引力而铜丝的分子间有引力7.下列关于热值的说法正确的是【】A.燃料的质量越大,热值越大B.燃料热值越大,燃烧放出的热量越多C.燃料燃烧不完全时热值变小D.燃料的热值是燃料本身的一种待性,与其它因素无关8.下列关于温度热量和内能的说法正确的是【】A.物体的温度升高,它的内能定增加B物体的内能增加,它的温度一定升高C.内能小的物体不能将热量传给内能大的物体D.物体的温度越高,所含的热量就越多9.下表中有几种常见物质的比热容,小张同学根据表中的数据得出了四个结论,其中正确的是【】A.1kg水的比热容比3kg煤油的比热容小B.液体的比热容一定比固体的比热容大C.质量相等的铁块和铜块温度都升高5℃,铁块吸收的热量比较多D.质量相等的酒精和煤油吸收相同的热量,酒精的温度变化量比较大10.用两个相同的热源分别对质量为m1、比热容为c1的甲物质和质量为m2、比热容为c2的乙物质加热,并根据实验测得的数据画出甲、乙两物质的温度随加热时间变化的图线,如图所示根据图线情况,作出如下推断,其中不正确的是【】A.若m1=m2,则c1<c2B.m1<m2,则c1>c2C.若c1=c2,则m1<m2 D若c1>c2,则m1<m2二、填空题(本大题共7小题,计30分)11.(4分)下列情况中的物体各具有什么形式的机械能?(1)被举高的杠铃具有;(2)在水平地面滚动的足球具有;(3)窗台上的花盆具有;(4)在空中飞行的小鸟具有。
)1.下列方程中,是一元二次方程的是()A.xx2−3xx−5=−5B.2xx2−yy−1=0C.xx2−xx(xx+2.5)=0D.aaxx2+bbxx+cc=02.下列命题为真命题的是()A.有两边相等的平行四边形是菱形B.有一个角是直角的平行四边形是菱形C.对角线互相垂直的平行四边形是矩形D.有三个角是直角的四边形是矩形3.若关于xx的方程xx2+mmxx−6=2.则mm为()A.−2B.1 C.4 D.−34.a是方程xx2+2xx−1=0的一个根,则代数式aa2+2aa+2020的值是()A.2018 B.2019 C.2020 D.20215.如图,在正方形AAAAAAAA中,EE为AAAA上一点,连接AAEE,AAEE交对角线AAAA于点FF,连接AAFF,若∠AAAAEE=35°,则∠AAFFAA的度数为()A.80°B.70°C.75°D.45°6.有一块长40m,宽32m的矩形种植地,修如图等宽的小路,使种植面积为1140m2,求小路的宽.设小路的宽为x,则可列方程为()A.(40﹣2x)(32﹣x)=1140 B.(40﹣x)(32﹣x)=1140C.(40﹣x)(32﹣2x)=1140 D.(40﹣2x)(32﹣2x)=11407.在一个不透明的袋子中放有若干个球,其中有6个白球,其余是红球,这些球除颜色外完全相同.每次把球充分搅匀后,任意摸出一个球记下颜色再放回袋子.通过大量重复试验后,发现摸到白球的频率稳定在0.25左右,则红球的个数约是()A.2 B.12 C.18 D.248.如图,在菱形AAAAAAAA中,对角线AAAA,AAAA相交于点OO,EE是AAAA的中点,若菱形的周长为20,则OOEE的长为()A.10 B.5 C.2.5D.19.在一次新年聚会中,小朋友们互相赠送礼物,全部小朋友共互赠了110件礼物,若假设参加聚会小朋友的人数为xx人,则根据题意可列方程为()A.xx(xx−1)=110B.xx(xx+1)=110C.(xx+1)2=110D.(xx−1)2=11010.关于xx的一元二次方程kkxx2−2xx−1=0有两个不相等的实数根,则kk的取值范围是()A.kk>−1B.kk>−1且kk≠0C.kk<1D.kk<1且kk≠011.如图,在菱形纸片ABCD中,AB=2,∠A=60°,将菱形纸片翻折,使点A落在CD的中点E处,折痕为FG,点F,G分别在边AB,AD上,则EF的长为()A.74B.95C.1910D.76�312.如图,在正方形AAAAAAAA中,AAAA=4,E为对角线AAAA上与点A,C不重合的一个动点,过点E作EEFF⊥AAAA于点F,EEEE⊥AAAA与点G,连接AAEE,FFEE,有下列结论:①AAEE=FFEE.②AAEE⊥FFEE.③∠AAFFEE=∠AAAAEE.④FFEE的最小值为3,其中正确结论的序号为()A.①②B.②③C.①②③D.①③④第Ⅱ卷二.填空题(本题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分.)13.一元二次方程5xx2+2xx−1=0的一次项系数二次项系数常数项.14.xx1,xx2为一元二次方程xx2−2xx−10=0的两根,则1xx1+1xx2=.15.如图,矩形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若OB=2,∠ACB=30°,则AB的长度为.16.如图所示,菱形AAAAAAAA的对角线AAAA、AAAA相交于点OO.若AAAA=6,AAAA=8,AAEE⊥AAAA,垂足为EE,则AAEE的长为.17.如图,将一张长方形纸片AAAAAAAA沿AAAA折起,重叠部分为ΔΔAAAAEE,若AAAA=6,AAAA=4,则重叠部分ΔΔAAAAEE的面积为.18.如图,在正方形AAAAAAAA中,AAAA=6,点E,F分别在边AAAA,AAAA上,AAEE=AAFF=2,点M在对角线AAAA上运动,连接EEEE和EEFF,则EEEE+EEFF的最小值等于.三、解答题(本题共8小题,共66分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)19.(6分)解下列方程:(1)3xx2−4xx−1=0;(2)2�xx−3�2=xx2−920.(8分)已知方程xx2+�kk+1−6=0是关于xx的一元二次方程.(1)求证:对于任意实数kk方程中有两个不相等的实数根.(2)若xx1,xx2是方程的两根,kk=6,求1xx1+1xx2的值.21.(8分)如图,在菱形AAAAAAAA中,对角线AAAA,AAAA交于点OO,AAEE⊥AAAA交AAAA延长线于EE,AAFF∥AAEE交AAAA延长线于点FF.(1)求证:四边形AAEEAAFF是矩形;(2)若AAEE=4,AAAA=5,求AAAA的长.22.(10分)“端午节”是我国的传统佳节,民间历来有吃“粽子”的习俗,某食品公司为了解市民对去年销量较好的肉馅粽、豆沙馅粽、红枣馅粽、蛋黄馅粽(以下分别用A、B、C、D表示)这四种不同口味粽子的喜爱情况,在节前对某居民区市民进行了抽样调查,并将调查情况绘制成如图两幅统计图.请根据以上信息回答:(1)参加本次调查的有______人,若该居民区有8000人,估计整个居民区爱吃D粽的有______人.(2)请将条形统计图补充完整;(3)食品公司推出一种端午礼盒,内有外形完全相同的A、B、C、D粽各一个,小王购买了一个礼盒,并从中任意取出两个食用,请用列表或画树状图的方法,求他恰好能吃到C粽的概率.23.(8分)阅读材料,回答问题.材料1:为了解方程�xx2�2−13xx2+36=0,如果我们把xx2看作一个整体,然后设yy=xx2,则原方程可化为yy2−13yy+36=0,经过运算,原方程的解为xx1,2=±2,xx3,4=±3,我们把以上这种解决问题的方法通常叫做换元法.材料2:已知实数mm,nn满足mm2−mm−1=0,nn2−nn−1=0,且mm≠nn,显然mm,nn是方程xx2−xx−1=0的两个不相等的实数根,由韦达定理可知mm+nn=1,mmnn=−1.根据上述材料,解决以下问题:(1)为解方程xx4−xx2−6=0,可设yy=____,原方程可化为____.经过运算,原方程的解是____.(2)应用:若实数aa,bb满足:2aa4−7aa2+1=0,2bb4−7bb2+1=0且aa≠bb,求aa4+bb4的值;24.(10分)中秋期间,某商场以每盒140元的价格购进一批月饼,当每盒月饼售价为180元时,每天可售出60盒.为了扩大销售,商场决定采取适当降价的方式促销,经调查发现,如果每盒月饼降价2元,那么商场每天就可以多售出5盒.(1)设售价每盒下降xx元,则每天能售出______盒(用含xx的代数式表示);(2)当月饼每盒售价为多少元时,每天的销售利润恰好能达到2550元;(3)该商场每天所获得的利润是否能达到2700元?请说明理由.25.(12分)在数学实验课上,老师让学生以“折叠筝形”为主题开展数学实践探究活动.定义:两组邻边分别相等的四边形叫做“筝形”.(1)概念理解:如图1,将一张纸对折压平,以折痕为边折出一个三角形,然后把纸展平,折痕为四边形AAAAAAAA.判断四边形AAAAAAAA的形状:筝形(填“是”或“不是”);(2)性质探究:如图2,已知四边形AAAAAAAA纸片是筝形,请用测量、折叠等方法猜想筝形的角、对角线有什么几何特征,然后写出一条性质并进行证明;(3)拓展应用:如图3,AAAA是锐角△AAAAAA的高,将△AAAAAA沿边AAAA翻折后得到△AAAAEE,将△AAAAAA沿边AAAA翻折后得到△AAAAFF,延长EEAA,FFAA交于点G.①若∠AAAAAA=50°,当△AAAAEE是等腰三角形时,请直接写出∠AAAAAA的度数;②若∠AAAAAA=45°,AAAA=2,AAAA=5,AAEE=EEEE=FFEE,求AAAA的长.26.(12分)探究式学习是新课程倡导的重要学习方式,某兴趣小组学习正方形以后做了以下探究:在正方形AAAAAAAA中,E,F为平面内两点.【初步感知】(1)如图1,当点E在边AAAA上时,AAEE⊥AAFF,且B,C,F三点共线.请写出AAEE与FFAA的数量关系______;【深入探究】(2)如图2,当点E在正方形AAAAAAAA外部时,AAEE⊥AAFF,AAEE⊥EEFF,E,C,F三点共线.若AAEE=2,AAEE=4,求AAEE的长;【拓展运用】(3)如图3,当点E在正方形AAAAAAAA外部时,AAEE⊥EEAA,AAEE⊥AAFF,AAEE⊥AAEE,且D,F,E三点共线,猜想并证明AAEE,AAEE,AAFF之间的数量关系.2024-2025学年九年级数学上学期第一次月考模拟卷(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
2022-2023学年英语北师大版(2019)必修三单元测试卷 Unit 7 Art
2022-2023学年英语北师大版(2019)必修三单元测试卷 Unit 7 Art 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解Top Public Sculpture Parks to Visit in AmericaKasmin Sculpture Garden (New York City)This quiet sculpture garden in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood is far from the crowds. Owned and operated by Kasmin Gallery, this exhibition space can be viewed from the nearby High Line. It is designed by Future Green, a Brooklyn, landscape architect studio, and it stands beside a famous building designed by Zaha Hadid. There's a current exhibition featuring bronze (铜) sculptures by Alma Allen, which shows the artist's regard for Utah.Tippet Rise Art Center (Fishtail)This sculpture garden is worth the trip to the Beartooth Mountains in Fishtail. It is a 12,500-acre ranch (牧场), which is peppered with public art, including sculptures by Mark di Suvero, among others. This summer, the ranch will be open to those who are hiking or traveling by bike.Storm King Art Center (New Windsor)By far the most popular sculpture park in upstate New York, it is a 500-acre sculpture park in Hudson Valley. Since opening in 1960, it has grown to include dozens of sculptures that change over time. In its collection, the park owns sculptures by famous artists including Carl Andre, Louise Bourgeois, and Daniel Buren.Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle)This outdoor park was created by the nearby Seattle Art Museum and features a large red sculpture by Alexander Calder called Eagle, as well as Wake by Richard Serra. Since 2007, this waterfront park has brought creativity to Elliott Bay. The landscape design fits in with the local roads and skyline, facing the harbor in what's recognized as Seattle's largest downtown green space.1、What can be learned about the garden in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood?A. It is run by Kasmin Gallery.B. It is designed by Zaha Hadid.C. It has become a part of the High Line.D. It stands for Alma Allen's respect for Utah.2、Which of the following parks is located in Hudson Valley?A. Kasmin Sculpture Garden.B. Tippet Rise Art Center.C. Storm King Art Center.D. Olympic Sculpture Park.3、Where can you see the sculpture Wake?A. In New York City.B. In Seattle.C. In New Windsor.D. In Fishtail.Matt Doogue, a 34-year-old nature photographer, had been suffering from depression when he first found his passion for taking pictures of insects and his work is now featured inhouse," says Doogue. "When I attempted to end my life, I knew I needed to see someone. I went to the doctors and got treatment, but I know that I needed something more and that's when I started photography."Now a dad of two, Doogue found that looking at insects through a camera helped him in ways he could never have imagined and it proved to be the lifeline he needed. It had a calming effect that helped him to disconnect from stress. And his astonishing images, showing insects and spiders in amazing detail against brightly colored backgrounds, caught the eye of publishers at National Geographic. "I ended up as one of their featured photographers," recalled Doogue. "It was the peak of my career. It was incredible."Originally from Salford, Greater Manchester, he now lives in Armadale, West Lothian, Scotland. Though he fears that Scotland is in the middle of an epidemic of male suicide, he believes that sharing his love of nature photography can help others to cope with their mental health issues as well. "I think the problem is this man-up approach; the idea that men need to be strong puts so much pressure on young males to be fine all the time," says Doogue. "This is why I try and be so open about my own experience. Whenever I am out with my camera, I don't think about my other worries. It is just me and the environment around me. You can lose yourself in a spider making its web."4、What does the underlined phrase "hit rock bottom" in paragraph 1 mean?A. Be in the worst possible situation.B. Reach the bottom of a valley.C. Crash into the lowest part of a rock.D. Launch an attack on the rock bottom.5、How did photography benefit Doogue?A. It gave him a new way to express himself.B. It helped him to escape from pressure.C. It provided him with life-saving skills.D. It offered him an opportunity to explore nature.6、What caused Scottish men to develop mental health problems?A. The way men employ to solve problems.B. The lack of love for men's life and work.C. The worry that men get separated from people.D. The belief that men are expected to be strong.7、What is the main purpose of the author in writing the text?A. To warn the severity of mental problems.B. To show the benefits of nature photography.C. To advise readers to get close to nature.D. To introduce Doogue's fighting against depression.The sun is setting, brightening your kids' faces as they play in the waves. You reach for your phone for this perfect moment. But before you do, here's a bit of surprising science: Taking photos is not the perfect way to keep memory as you think.Taking too many pictures could actually harm the brain's ability to keep memories, says Elizabeth Loftus, a psychology professor at the University of California, Irvine. So we get the photo but kind of lose the memory.Photography "outsources" memories. It works in two ways: We either shake off the responsibility of remembering moments when taking pictures, or we're so distracted (分散注意力的) by the process that we miss the moment altogether.The first explanation is the loss of memory. People know that their camera is recording that moment, so they don't try to remember. Similarly, if you write down someone's phone number, you're less likely to remember it offhand because your brain tells you there's just no need. That's all well and good—until that piece of paper goes missing.The other is distraction. We're distracted by the process of taking a photo—how we hold our phone, composing the photo, such as smiling faces, the background to our liking and clear image, all of which uses up our attention that could otherwise help us memorize.However, taking photos can benefit memory—when done mindfully. While taking a photo may be distracting, the act of preparation by focusing on visual details around has some upsides. When people take the time to zoom in (拉近镜头) on specific things, memories become strengthened.Another benefit is that we recall moments more accurately with the photos. Memory hasbeen reshaped with the help of new information and new experiences. Thus, photos or videos help us recall moments as if they really happened.Memories die away without a visual record backing them up. Therefore, a photo is an excellent tool to help remember when done purposefully, which is worth exploring further.8、What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To call on readers not to take photos.C. To show the interest in taking photos.D. To make us think of similar experience.9、Why does photography "outsource" memories?A. Photos are more detailed than memories.B. Taking photos is helpful for us to memorize.C. People depend more on photos to remember than their brains.D. Many sources influence people's memories during photo-taking.10、What may likely be discussed next?A. Situations when taking photos is better.B. How to stay focused while taking photos.C. When distraction is most likely to happen.D. How to use photo-taking to memorize better.11、Which of the following could be the best title for the text?A. Photography Does Help to MemoriesB. Too Many Photos Taken Results in Poor MemoriesC. Remember the Moment and Take Photos ProperlyD. The Fewer Photos We Take, the Better We Will RememberThe first model of Apple's iPhone was launched in June 2007. Since then, many different smartphones have been introduced. The devices now influence our daily lives in many ways. One thing that has changed is that many people now use their phones to easily take pictures without the need for a camera. Not surprisingly, this change has caused major business problems for camera manufacturers.Of course, the camera built into the first iPhone 15 years ago did not include a high-quality camera able to compete with separate camera models. But over the years, smartphone makers have invested heavily in research and development to change that. Today, many smartphones have high-quality cameras designed to produce better pictures. And most phonedevices also offer powerful tools to improve the quality of the pictures we take.Japan's Camera &Tmaging Products Association (CIPA) said the digital camera market continually expanded starting in 1999. It experienced its first decrease in 2009 —and continued to fall thereafter. The biggest change appeared from 2010 to 2020, when worldwide camera shipments fell about 93 percent, CIPA reported. The decreases were mainly caused by drops in shipments of digital cameras that have built-in lenses.However, camera makers have had more success selling digital cameras with interchangeable lenses. This is because these cameras are generally targeted at professional photographers who demand higher quality. Such cameras can produce "high image quality that distinguishes them from smartphones," CIPA said.But this does not mean that professional photographers never use smartphones to capture pictures. Brynn Anderson is based with the AP in Atlanta, Georgia. She said: "Sometimesphotographed. Using a phone makes it easier for me to get comfortable moments that might not happen otherwise." Rodrigo Abd, an AP photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina says using the iPhone makes it easier for him "to always be attentive" to everyday events when not covering a news story. Oded Balilty is based in Tel Aviv, Israel. "It is definitely an alternative tool," he said of the iPhone. But he added: "It's the photographer not the device, that determines the quality of a photo."12、What is the potential cause of the first decrease of digital cameras in 2009?A. Less money was invested to improve digital cameras.B. Cameras had been built into smartphones and improved.C. Fewer digital cameras with built-in lenses were producedD. The digital camera market stopped promoting new products.13、Why do digital cameras with interchangeable lenses enjoy good sales.A. They are more affordable.B. They have superb shooting quality.C. They offer the power to beautify photos.D. They are specially designed for professionals.14、What does the underlined word "intimidating " in the last paragraph probably pean?A. Amusing.B. Demanding.C. Rewarding.D. Scaring.15、What does Oded Balilty mean?A. The level of the photographer depends on the iPhone.B. The iPhone completely replaces his professional tool.C. The professional skills of the photographer is crucial.D. The iPhone enables him to work at any time and place.二、七选五16、Art in 21th Century LifeThe word "art" usually brings to mind images of white-walled galleries, abstract paintings costing millions of dollars, far removed from our everyday experience. ①________ The Internet has changed the idea that art appreciation is only for the noble. ②_______ You can even visit several museums around the world using virtual reality headsets, without leaving your home.③_______ Art has always been a vehicle for self-expression, but social media have made it much easier to share amateur work with the whole world. Where an amateur artist or musician might one have shared their work with a circle of friends and family, they can now sell their work to anyone in the world."A picture is worth a thousand words" is the motto of data visualization enthusiasts. The amount of information available today can be overwhelming, so some statisticians (数据分析师) made it their mission to present this mass of data using infographics that are easy for the public to understand. ④________ Of course, graphs can be abused to mislead the audience, so we need to take care to interpret them the right way.Another way that art facilitates education is by helping us to conceptualize things that are invisible to the naked eye. ⑤_______ Likewise, the mind-bending concepts in physics such as black holes can be better understood with the help of illustrators who have backgrounds in both art and science.A. Many platforms of social media help teaching the public art.B. Yet art is indeed closer than many would believe it to be nowadays.C. As most of our environment is man-made, everything in it contains art.D. Netizens are not only consumers of art but creators and participants, too.E. Biology students would find videos such as "The inner Life of the Cell" helpful.F. They present information in visually appealing ways instead of using dry numbers.G. It has enabled more people than ever to have access to visual art and music of all types.三、完形填空(15空)Let me tell you a secret. There are no wrong answers when you're talking about art.engagement with an artwork is this: Do you like it or not?the Emperor's people.you don't like it, that's OK! It doesn't matter what other people say or think.An art historian called Ernst Gombrich believes that a viewer "completed" the artwork,17、A. giving B. saying C. communicating D. connecting18、A. back away B. put away C. break off D. carry off19、A. Now that B. In that C. Even though D. As though20、A. pain B. fear C. surprise D. regret21、A. belief B. argument C. concern D. reason22、A. simply B. probably C. largely D. usually23、A. fresh B. equal C. unique D. different24、A. warned B. told C. reminded D. cheated25、A. supporters B. ministers C. soldiers D. subjects26、A. recognize B. describe C. explain D. wonder27、A. heart B. innocence C. audience D. truth28、A. Obviously B. Actually C. Similarly D. Accordingly29、A. appreciate B. create C. comment D. study30、A. surprising B. relaxing C. puzzling D. striking31、A. viewing B. collecting C. describing D. understanding四、语法填空32、I loved art from a young age. However, I grew up in the countryside where there were not many ①____ (opportunity). But I was fortunate since my father was teaching at a high school. I spent my childhood playing in the schoolyard, reading at my father's office and②_____ (draw)in the classrooms. There was nothing much ③______ (play)with, but he hada lot of chalks. I would draw on the blackboard and later, the playground ④_____ (become)my canvas.At my elementary school, art classes were very simple, so I taught myself. I would look at picture stories, posters, and sometimes advertisements and make copies of ⑤______ (they). The turning point came when I was about 10 years old. My father took me to visit ⑥_____ artist, who was my father's art teacher and told me, "You can't just be copying. You should observe real objects, real things and draw from life."As he was talking, he drew a profile(侧影)of my father, ⑦______ looked totally like my father and I was ⑧_____ (surprise). I learned my first lesson in art from that experience—to draw from ⑨_____ (observe). In the mid-1990s, my paintings ⑩______ (exhibit)in the Dallas Fort Worth area and I started gaining recognition and awards.五、书面表达33、为让学生体验中国绘画艺术,感受中国画的魅力,学生会打算本周六组织英语俱乐部成员和交换生去参观中国画画展。
北师大版2019-2020九年级数学上册1.6应用一元二次方程培优训练题B(附答案)1.九年级(3)班文学小组在举行的图书共享仪式上互赠图书,每个同学都把自己的图书向本组其他成员赠送一本,全组一共互赠了240本图书.设全组共有x名同学,依题意,列出的方程是()A.x(x+1)=240 B.x(x 1)=240 C.2x(x+1)=240 D.12x(x+1)=2402.瑞安某服装店十月份的营业额为8000元,改进经营措施后营业额稳步上升,十二月份的营业额达到11520元.如果平均每月的增长率为x,则由题意可列出方程为()A.8000×2x=11520B.8000(1+x)=11520C.8000(1+2x)=11520D.8000(1+x)2=115203.某学校2013年年底调查学生的近视率为15%,经过两年的时间,2015年年底再次调查该校学生的近视率为20%,设该校这两年学生人数总数不变,学生近视率年均增长率为x,则以下所列方程正确的是()A.(1+x)+15%(1+x)2=20% B.15%(1+x%)2=20%C.15%(1-x)2=20% D.15%(1+x)2=20%4.如图,在宽为20m,长为32m的矩形地面上修筑同样宽的道路(图中阴影部分),余下的部分种上草坪.要使草坪的面积为540m2,求道路的宽.如果设小路宽为x,根据题意,所列方程正确的是()A.(32+x)(20+x)=540 B.(32﹣x)(20﹣x)=540C.(32+x)(20﹣x)=540 D.(32﹣x)(20+x)=545.足球比赛规定:胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分.某足球队共进行了6场比赛,得了12分,该队获胜的场数可能是()A.1或2 B.2或3 C.3或4 D.4或56.某款手机连续两次降价,售价由原来的元降到了元.设平均每次降价的百分率为,则下面列出的方程中正确的是()A.B.C.D.7.毕业典礼后,九年级(1)班有若干人,若没人给全班的其他成员赠送一张毕业纪念卡,则全班送贺卡共1190张,九年级(1)班人数为()A.34 B.35 C.36 D.378.某商场把一双钉鞋按标价的八折出售,仍可获利20%.若钉鞋的进价为100元,则标价为()A.145元B.165元C.180元D.150元9.(2017春•婺城区校级期中)某开发公司今年一月份收益达50万元,且一月份、二月份、三月份的收益共为175万元,问二、三月平均每月的增长率是多少?设平均每月的增长率为x,根据题意可列方程()A.50(1+x)2=175 B.50+50(1+x)2=175C.50(1+x)+50(1+x)2=175 D.50+50(1+x)+50(1+x)2=17510.三角形的两边长分别为3和6,第三边的长是方程x2-6x+8=0的一个根,则这个三角形的周长是()A.9 B.11 C.13 D.1411.某城市2015年底已有绿化面积300公顷,经过两年绿化,到2017年底绿化面积为363公顷.设绿化面积平均每年的增长率为x,由题意所列方程是______.12.一个产品原价为a元,受市场经济影响,先提价20%后又降价15%,现价比原价多_____%.13.某村种的水稻前年平均每公顷产7200kg,今年平均每公顷产8450kg.设这两年该村水稻每公顷产量的年平均增长率为x,根据题意,所列方程为_______________________。
2024-2025学年北师大版(2019)选择性必修3英语下册月考试卷709考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏一、选择题(共5题,共10分)1、Statistics _______ one of the subjects that I study.A. areB. isC. wereD. was2、It is generally believed _______ improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous(繁荣的) economy.A. asB. thatC. thisD. what3、________ is against my principle, I think, is to cheat in the examinations.A. WhatB. AsC. ItD. That4、________, as a matter of fact, has been put forward at the conference is that the government should encourage the graduates to set up their own business.A. WhatB. WhichC. ItD. As5、It is ________ he often feels sleepy in class ________ makes his teachers worried about him.A. what; thatB. that; whatC. that; thatD. /; that二、根据首字母填写单词(共3题,共6分)6、His breakfast normally c _______ of dry bread and a cup of tea. (根据首字母单词拼写)7、I c __________ all of you on this achievement. (根据首字母填空)8、We guarantee to r __________ your money if you’re not delighted with your purchase.(根据首字母填空)三、短文改错(共1题,共2分)9、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文;请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
6.—Which is _________ season to visit Yuyuantan Park?
—Spring. It's fantastic.
A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best
7.— Mum, my friends and I _________ to the cinema tonight.
4.—_________ do you play tennis?
—Once a week.
A.How soonB.How oftenC.How muchD.How many
5.Excuse me, sir, you _________ smoke in the forest. It's dangerous.
11.Smoking _____ in public places in China.
A.allowsB.doesn’t allow
C.allowedD.isn’t allowed
12.—Tom, can you tell me _________ to Lao She Tea House tomorrow?
A.have your own bikeB.speak another language
C.be interested in museumsD.be at work before 8:00 a.m.
23.If you want to work before going to school in the morning, you can________.
Just then Patti came up and said, “I’m working on a new monologue. You’ll love it!” Anna sighed. She believed Patti, but if she included everyone, the whole school would be in the show. Anna asked her closest friend, Margaret, for17. Margaret thought for a few moments. “Maybe youcanfind teachers to be the judges for the tryouts. But remember to keep their names secret so that students won’t18them.” “You’ve saved the day, Margaret. Thanks!” Anna took a deep breath and smiled. “That’s the perfect19.” Early the next day, Anna visited several teachers. They were all happy to help. Anna then spread the news that anonymous(匿名的) judges would decide the winners of the tryouts. Her worries were gone, and she felt20again.
2019_2020学年⾼中英语Unit5Rhythm测评A含解析北师⼤版必修2Unit 5 Rhythm测评(A)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第⼀部分听⼒(共两节,满分30分)(语⾔能⼒)第⼀节(共5⼩题;每⼩题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下⾯5段对话。
1.What does the man think of the lecture?A.Boring.B.Lively.C.Interesting.2.What’s the man?A.A teacher.B.A taxi driver.C.An actor.3.What’s the weather like?A.Cloudy.B.Rainy.C.Cold.4.How much will the woman pay for the two books?A.$5.9.B.$3.4.C.$2.5.5.What’s the time in L ondon now?A.5:00 pm.B.11:00 am.C.9:00 am.第⼆节(共15⼩题;每⼩题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下⾯5段对话或独⽩。
6.What does the woman think of her job in the Peace Corps?A.It is enjoyable.B.It is boring.C.It is a waste of time.7.What does the woman think is the most rewarding thing in the Peace Corps?A.Moving to a new office.B.Learning about another culture.C.Fitting into a different community.听第7段材料,回答第8⾄10题。
北师大版数学九年级上学期期末测试卷学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________满分150分时间120分钟A卷(共100分)一.选择题(共10小题,满分30分,每小题3分)1.(2020•十堰)某几何体的三视图如图所示,则此几何体是()A.圆锥B.圆柱C.长方体D.四棱柱2.(2020春•雨花区校级期末)关于x的方程(m﹣3)x m2−2m−1−mx+6=0是一元二次方程,则它的一次项系数是()A.﹣1B.1C.3D.3或﹣13.(2019秋•长清区期末)如图,小明夜晚从路灯下A处走到B处这一过程中,他在路上的影子()A.逐渐变长B.逐渐变短C.长度不变D.先变短后变长4.(2019秋•龙华区期末)如图,已知四边形ABCD是正方形,E是AB延长线上一点,且BE=BD,则∠BDE的度数是()A.22.5°B.30°C.45°D.67.5°5.(2020•大通区模拟)如图,四边形ABCD和A'B'C'D'是以点O为位似中心的位似图形,若OA:OA'=2:3,则四边形ABCD与A'B'C'D'的面积比是()A.4:9B.2:5C.2:3D.√2:√36.(2020春•阿城区期末)正方形具有而菱形不具有的性质是()A.对角线互相平分B.对角线相等C.对角线平分一组对角D.对角线互相垂直7.(2020•宜城市模拟)不透明的袋子中装有红球1个、绿球1个、白球2个,除颜色外无其他差别.随机摸出一个小球后不放回,再摸出一个球,则两次都摸到白球的概率是()A.112B.16C.14D.128.(2020春•安庆期末)若关于x的一元二次方程bx2+2bx+4=0有两个相等的实数根,则b的值为() A.0B.4C.0或4D.0或﹣49.(2020•成都)如图,直线l1∥l2∥l3,直线AC和DF被l1,l2,l3所截,AB=5,BC=6,EF=4,则DE的长为()A .2B .3C .4D .103 10.(2019秋•阜南县期末)若双曲线y =k−3x 在每一个象限内,y 随x 的增大而减小,则k 的取值范围是( )A .k ≠3B .k <3C .k ≥3D .k >3二.填空题(共4小题,满分16分,每小题4分)11.(2019春•左贡县期中)有一个角是直角的平行四边形是 ;有一组邻边相等的平行四边形是 ;四条边都相等,四个角都是直角的四边形是 .12.(2020•浙江自主招生)如图,有五张点数分别为2,3,7,8,9的扑克牌,从中任意抽取两张,则其点数之积是偶数的概率为 .13.如图,在▱ABCD 中,AC ,BD 相交于点O ,点E 是OA 的中点,连接BE 并延长交AD 于点F ,已知S △AEF =4,则下列结论:①AF FD =12;②S △BCE =36;③S △ABE =12;④△AEF ∽△ACD ,其中一定正确的是 .(填序号)14.若关于x 的方程(m ﹣3)x 2﹣4x ﹣2=0有实数根,则m 的取值范围是 .三.解答题(共6小题,满分54分)15.(12分)(1)解方程:x2﹣2x﹣24=0.(2)已知a:b:c=2:3:4,且2a+3b﹣2c=10,求a﹣2b+3c的值.16.(8分)如图,正方形ABCD的对角线相交于点O,∠CAB的平分线分别交BD、BC于E、F,作BH⊥AF于点H,分别交AC、CD于点G、P,连结GE、GF.(1)试判断四边形BEGF的形状并说明理由.(2)求AEPG的值.17.(8分)(2020•宿州模拟)如图,已知反比例函数y=kx的图象与一次函数y=x+b的图象交于点A(1,4),点B(﹣4,n).(1)求n和b的值;(2)求△OAB的面积;(3)直接写出一次函数值大于反比例函数值的自变量x的取值范围.18.(8分)已知关于x的一元二次方程(k﹣1)x2﹣k2x﹣1=0的一个根是﹣1,求k的值.方程是否还有其它根?如果有,试求出来.19.(8分)“端午节”是我国的传统佳节,民间历来有吃“粽子”的习俗,某食品公司为了解市民对去年销量较好的肉馅粽、豆沙馅粽、红枣馅粽、蛋黄馅粽(以下分别用A、B、C、表示)这四种不同口味粽子的喜爱情况,在节前对某居民区市民进行了抽样调查,并将调查情况绘制成如图两幅统计图.请根据以上信息回答:(1)参加本次调查的有人,若该居民区有8000人,估计整个居民区爱吃D粽的有人.(2)请将条形统计图补充完整;(3)食品公司推出一种端午礼盒,内有外形完全相同的A、B、C、D粽各一个,小王购买了一个礼盒,并从中任意取出两个食用,请用列表或画树状图的方法,求他恰好能吃到C粽的概率.20.(10分)(2019•晋江市一模)在我国古代数学著作《九章算术》中,有一名题如下:今有木去人不知远近,立四表,相去各一丈,令左两表与所望参相直,从后右表望之,入前右表三寸.问木去人几何?可译为:有一棵树C与人(A处)相距不知多远,立四根标杆A、B、G、E,前后左右的距离各为1丈(即四边形ABGE是正方形,且AB=100寸),使左两标杆A、E与所观察的树C三点成一直线.又从后右方的标杆B观察树C,测得其“入前右表”3寸(即FG=3寸),问树C与人所在的A处的距离有多远?B卷(共50分)四.填空题(共5小题,满分20分,每小题4分)21.(2020•高邮市一模)如图,由10个完全相同的小正方体堆成的几何体中,若每个小正方体的边长为2,则主视图的面积为.22.(2019秋•天峨县期末)关于x的一元二次方程(m﹣3)x2+x+m2﹣9=0有一根为0,则m的值为.23.如图,点P的坐标为(6,4),PM⊥x轴于点M,PN⊥y轴于点N,反比例函数y=kx的图象交PM于点A,交PN于点B,若四边形OAPB的面积为18,则k=.24.(2019秋•莲湖区期末)如图,已知AD:DB=2:1,CE:EA=2:3,则CF:DF=.25.(2020•浙江自主招生)如图,在菱形ABCD中,AB=BD=2,点E,F分别在边CD,BC上,且BF=CE.连接BE,DF相交于点H,连接AH,BD相交于点G.若BF:FC=2:1,则AH=.五.解答题(共3小题,满分30分)26.(8分)某幼儿园举行用火柴棒摆“金鱼”比赛如图所示,请仔细观察并找出规律,解答下列问题:(1)按照此规律,摆第n图时,需用火柴棒的根数是多少?(2)求摆第50个图时所需用的火柴棒的根数;(3)按此规律用1202根火柴棒摆出第n个图形,求n的值.27.(10分)如图,在正方形ABCD中,E是AD的中点,点F在DC上,且DF=14DC,试判断BE与EF的位置关系,并说明理由.28.(12分)(2019•达拉特旗一模)如图,一次函数y=−12x+3的图象与反比例函数y=kx(k>0)的图象交于A,B两点,过A点作x轴的垂线,垂足为M,△AOM面积为2.(1)求反比例函数的解析式;(2)在y轴上求一点P,使P A+PB的值最小,并求出其最小值和P点坐标.答案与解析A卷(共100分)一.选择题(共10小题,满分30分,每小题3分)1.(3分)(2020•十堰)某几何体的三视图如图所示,则此几何体是()A.圆锥B.圆柱C.长方体D.四棱柱[解析]解:∵主视图和左视图都是长方形,∴此几何体为柱体,∵俯视图是一个圆,∴此几何体为圆柱,故选:B.2.(3分)(2020春•雨花区校级期末)关于x的方程(m﹣3)x m2−2m−1−mx+6=0是一元二次方程,则它的一次项系数是()A.﹣1B.1C.3D.3或﹣1[解析]解:由题意得:m2﹣2m﹣1=2,m﹣3≠0,解得m=﹣1或m=3.m=3不符合题意,舍去,所以它的一次项系数﹣m=1.故选:B.3.(3分)(2019秋•长清区期末)如图,小明夜晚从路灯下A处走到B处这一过程中,他在路上的影子()A.逐渐变长B.逐渐变短C.长度不变D.先变短后变长[解析]解:当他远离路灯走向B 处时,光线与地面的夹角越来越小,小明在地面上留下的影子越来越长,所以他在走过一盏路灯的过程中,其影子的长度逐渐变长,故选:A .4.(3分)(2019秋•龙华区期末)如图,已知四边形ABCD 是正方形,E 是AB 延长线上一点,且BE =BD ,则∠BDE 的度数是( )A .22.5°B .30°C .45°D .67.5°[解析]解:∵BE =DB ,∴∠BDE =∠E ,∵∠DBA =∠BDE +∠BED =45°∴∠BDE =12×45°=22.5°.故选:A .5.(3分)(2020•大通区模拟)如图,四边形ABCD 和A 'B 'C 'D '是以点O 为位似中心的位似图形,若OA :OA '=2:3,则四边形ABCD 与A 'B 'C 'D '的面积比是( )A .4:9B .2:5C .2:3D .√2:√3[解析]解:∵四边形ABCD 和A ′B ′C ′D ′是以点O 为位似中心的位似图形,OA :OA ′=2:3, ∴DA :D ′A ′=OA :OA ′=2:3,∴四边形ABCD 与四边形A ′B ′C ′D ′的面积比为:(23)2=49,故选:A.6.(3分)(2020春•阿城区期末)正方形具有而菱形不具有的性质是()A.对角线互相平分B.对角线相等C.对角线平分一组对角D.对角线互相垂直[解析]解:正方形和菱形都满足:四条边都相等,对角线平分一组对角,对角线垂直且互相平分;菱形的对角线不一定相等,而正方形的对角线一定相等.故选:B.7.(3分)(2020•宜城市模拟)不透明的袋子中装有红球1个、绿球1个、白球2个,除颜色外无其他差别.随机摸出一个小球后不放回,再摸出一个球,则两次都摸到白球的概率是()A.112B.16C.14D.12[解析]解:画树状图为:共有12种等可能的结果数,其中两次摸出的球都是的白色的结果共有2 种,所以两次都摸到白球的概率是2 12=16,故选:B.8.(3分)(2020春•安庆期末)若关于x的一元二次方程bx2+2bx+4=0有两个相等的实数根,则b的值为() A.0B.4C.0或4D.0或﹣4[解析]解:根据题意得:△=(2b)2﹣4×4×b=4b2﹣16b=0,解得b=4或b=0(舍去).故选:B.9.(3分)(2020•成都)如图,直线l1∥l2∥l3,直线AC和DF被l1,l2,l3所截,AB=5,BC=6,EF=4,则DE的长为()A .2B .3C .4D .103[解析]解:∵直线l 1∥l 2∥l 3,∴AB BC=DE EF,∵AB =5,BC =6,EF =4,∴56=DE 4,∴DE =103, 故选:D .10.(3分)(2019秋•阜南县期末)若双曲线y =k−3x在每一个象限内,y 随x 的增大而减小,则k 的取值范围是( ) A .k ≠3B .k <3C .k ≥3D .k >3[解析]解:∵双曲线y =k−3x 在每一个象限内,y 随x 的增大而减小,∴k ﹣3>0∴k >3故选:D . 二.填空题(共4小题,满分16分,每小题4分)11.(4分)(2019春•左贡县期中)有一个角是直角的平行四边形是 矩形 ;有一组邻边相等的平行四边形是 菱形 ;四条边都相等,四个角都是直角的四边形是 正方形 .[解析]解:有一个角是直角的平行四边形是矩形;有一组邻边相等的平行四边形是菱形;四条边都相等,四个角都是直角的四边形是正方形.故答案为:矩形;菱形;正方形.12.(4分)(2020•浙江自主招生)如图,有五张点数分别为2,3,7,8,9的扑克牌,从中任意抽取两张,则其点数之积是偶数的概率为710.[解析]解:根据题意,当不考虑抽牌顺序时,可以画出如下的树形图从上图可以看出,从五张牌中任意抽取两张,共有10种抽法,其中抽取的点数之积是偶数的有7种,所以点数之积是偶数的概率:P =710.故答案为:710. 13.(4分)如图,在▱ABCD 中,AC ,BD 相交于点O ,点E 是OA 的中点,连接BE 并延长交AD 于点F ,已知S △AEF=4,则下列结论:①AF FD=12;②S △BCE =36;③S △ABE =12;④△AEF ∽△ACD ,其中一定正确的是①②③ .(填序号)[解析]解:∵在▱ABCD 中,AO =12AC ,∵点E 是OA 的中点,∴AE =13CE ,∵AD ∥BC ,∴△AFE ∽△CBE ,∴AFBC =AECE =13,∵AD =BC ,∴AF =13AD ,∴AF FD =12;故①正确;∵S △AEF =4,S △AEF S △BCE=(AF BC)2=19,∴S △BCE =36;故②正确;∵EF BE=AE CE=13,∴S △AEFS △ABE=13,∴S △ABE =12,故③正确;∵BF 不平行于CD ,∴△AEF 与△ADC 只有一个角相等,∴△AEF 与△ACD 不一定相似,故④错误, 故答案为:①②③.14.(4分)若关于x 的方程(m ﹣3)x 2﹣4x ﹣2=0有实数根,则m 的取值范围是 m ≥1 .[解析]解:①当m﹣3=0,即m=3时,该方程是一元一次方程,符合题意;②当m﹣3≠0,即m≠3时,△=(﹣4)2﹣4(m﹣3)×(﹣2)≥0,整理,得m﹣1≥0,解得m≥1.则m≥1且m≠3.综合①②知,m的取值范围是:m≥1.三.解答题(共6小题,满分54分)15.(12分)(1)解方程:x2﹣2x﹣24=0.(2)已知a:b:c=2:3:4,且2a+3b﹣2c=10,求a﹣2b+3c的值.[解析]解:(1)∵x2﹣2x﹣24=0,∴(x﹣6)(x+4)=0,即x﹣6=0或x+4=0,解得:x1=6,x2=﹣4.(2)∵a:b:c=2:3:4,∴设a=2k,则b=3k,c=4k.∵2a+3b﹣2c=10,∴4k+9k﹣8k=10,解得:k=2,∴a=2,b=6,c=8,∴a﹣2b+3c=4﹣12+24=16.16.(8分)如图,正方形ABCD的对角线相交于点O,∠CAB的平分线分别交BD、BC于E、F,作BH⊥AF于点H,分别交AC、CD于点G、P,连结GE、GF.(1)试判断四边形BEGF的形状并说明理由.(2)求AEPG的值.[解析]解(1)四边形BEGF是菱形,理由如下:∵∠GAH=∠BAH,AH=AH,∠AHG=∠AHB=90°,∴△AHG≌△AHB,∴GH=BH,∴AF是线段BG的垂直平分线,∴EG=EB,FG=FB,∵∠BEF=∠BAF+∠ABE=67.5°,∠BFE=90°﹣∠BAF=67.5°∴∠BEF=∠BFE,∴EB=FB,∴EG=EB=FB=FG,∴四边形BEGF是菱形.(2)设OA =OB =OC =a ,菱形BEGF 的边长为b .∵四边形BEGF 是菱形,∴GF ∥OB ,∴∠CGF =∠COB =90°,∴∠GFC =∠GCF =45°,∴CG =GF =b ,∵四边形ABCD 是正方形,∴OA =OB ,∠AOE =∠BOG =90°∵BH ⊥AF ,∴∠GAH +∠AGH =90°=∠OBG +∠AGH .∴∠GAH =∠OBG ,∴△OAE ≌△OBG .∴OG =OE =a ﹣b .∵在Rt △GOE 中,GE =√2OG ,∴b =√2(a ﹣b ),整理得a =2+√22b . ∴AC =2a =(2+√2)b ,AG =AC ﹣CG =(1+√2)b .∵PC ∥AB ,∴BGPG =AGCG =(1+√2)bb=1+√2,由△OAE ≌△OBG 得AE =BG ,∴AE PG=1+√2.17.(8分)(2020•宿州模拟)如图,已知反比例函数y =kx 的图象与一次函数y =x +b 的图象交于点A (1,4),点B (﹣4,n ).(1)求n 和b 的值; (2)求△OAB 的面积;(3)直接写出一次函数值大于反比例函数值的自变量x 的取值范围.[解析]解:(1)把A 点(1,4)分别代入反比例函数y =k x,一次函数y =x +b ,得k =1×4,1+b =4,解得k =4,b =3,∵点B (﹣4,n )也在反比例函数y =4x的图象上,∴n =4−4=−1; (2)如图,设直线y =x +3与y 轴的交点为C ,∵当x =0时,y =3,∴C (0,3), ∴S △AOB =S △AOC +S △BOC =12×3×1+12×3×4=7.5;(3)∵B (﹣4,﹣1),A (1,4),∴根据图象可知:当x >1或﹣4<x <0时,一次函数值大于反比例函数值.18.(8分)已知关于x的一元二次方程(k﹣1)x2﹣k2x﹣1=0的一个根是﹣1,求k的值.方程是否还有其它根?如果有,试求出来.[解析]解:由题意,(k﹣1)x2﹣k2x﹣1=0的一个根是﹣1,分析有k﹣1+k2﹣1=0,即k2+k﹣2=0,(2分)解得,k1=﹣2,k2=1(不合题意,舍去),∴k=﹣2,(3分)当k=﹣2时,原方程化为:3x2+4x﹣1=0,(4分)∴x1=−1,x2=−13,(5分)∴另一根是x2=−13.(6分)19.(8分)“端午节”是我国的传统佳节,民间历来有吃“粽子”的习俗,某食品公司为了解市民对去年销量较好的肉馅粽、豆沙馅粽、红枣馅粽、蛋黄馅粽(以下分别用A、B、C、表示)这四种不同口味粽子的喜爱情况,在节前对某居民区市民进行了抽样调查,并将调查情况绘制成如图两幅统计图.请根据以上信息回答:(1)参加本次调查的有600人,若该居民区有8000人,估计整个居民区爱吃D粽的有3200人.(2)请将条形统计图补充完整;(3)食品公司推出一种端午礼盒,内有外形完全相同的A、B、C、D粽各一个,小王购买了一个礼盒,并从中任意取出两个食用,请用列表或画树状图的方法,求他恰好能吃到C粽的概率.[解析]解:(1)根据题意得:240÷40%=600(人);根据题意得:8000×40%=3200(人);故答案为:600;3200;(2)A的人数为600×30%=180(人);C的人数600﹣180﹣60﹣240=120(人);如图:(3)列树状图如下:P=612=0.5.20.(10分)(2019•晋江市一模)在我国古代数学著作《九章算术》中,有一名题如下:今有木去人不知远近,立四表,相去各一丈,令左两表与所望参相直,从后右表望之,入前右表三寸.问木去人几何?可译为:有一棵树C与人(A处)相距不知多远,立四根标杆A、B、G、E,前后左右的距离各为1丈(即四边形ABGE是正方形,且AB=100寸),使左两标杆A、E与所观察的树C三点成一直线.又从后右方的标杆B观察树C,测得其“入前右表”3寸(即FG=3寸),问树C与人所在的A处的距离有多远?[解析]解:∵四边形ABGE 是正方形,∴∠A =∠G =90°,AE ∥BG ,∴∠ACB =∠GBF .∴△BAC ∽△FGB .∴AB GF=AC GB.又AB =BG =100寸,FG =3寸.∴1003=AC 100.解得AC =100003. 答:树C 与人所在的A 处的距离为100003寸.B 卷(共50分)四.填空题(共5小题,满分20分,每小题4分)21.(4分)(2020•高邮市一模)如图,由10个完全相同的小正方体堆成的几何体中,若每个小正方体的边长为2,则主视图的面积为 24 .[解析]解:主视图有3列,每列小正方数形数目分别为3,2,1;左视图有3列, ∴主视图的面积为:2×2×(3+2+1)=24.故答案为:24.22.(4分)(2019秋•天峨县期末)关于x 的一元二次方程(m ﹣3)x 2+x +m 2﹣9=0有一根为0,则m 的值为 ﹣3 . [解析]解:把x =0代入方程(m ﹣3)x 2+x +m 2﹣9=0得m 2﹣9=0,解得m 1=3,m 2=﹣3, 而m ﹣3≠0,所以m 的值为﹣3.故答案为﹣3.23.(4分)如图,点P 的坐标为(6,4),PM ⊥x 轴于点M ,PN ⊥y 轴于点N ,反比例函数y =kx 的图象交PM 于点A ,交PN 于点B ,若四边形OAPB 的面积为18,则k = 6 .[解析]解:∵点P (6,4),∴点A 的横坐标为6,点B 的纵坐标为4,代入反比例函数y =kx 得,点A 的纵坐标为k6,点B 的横坐标为k4,即AM =k 6,NB =k 4,∵S 四边形OAPB =16,即S 矩形OMPN ﹣S △OAM ﹣S △NBO =16,6×4−12×6×k 6−12×4×k4=18,解得:k =6.故答案为:6.24.(4分)(2019秋•莲湖区期末)如图,已知AD :DB =2:1,CE :EA =2:3,则CF :DF = 2:1 .[解析]解:过D 作DM ∥AC ,交BE 于M ,∵DM ∥AC ,∴△BMD ∽△BEA ,∴DM AE=BD AB,∵AD :DB =2:1,∴DM AE=BD AB=11+2=13,即AE =3DM ,∵CE :EA =2:3,∴CE =2DM ,∵DM ∥AC ,∴△DMF ∽△CEF ,∴CFDF=CE DM=2DM DM=21,故答案为:2:1.25.(4分)(2020•浙江自主招生)如图,在菱形ABCD 中,AB =BD =2,点E ,F 分别在边CD ,BC 上,且BF =CE .连接BE ,DF 相交于点H ,连接AH ,BD 相交于点G .若BF :FC =2:1,则AH = 6√77.[解析]解:取CD的中点M,连接BM;设CF=2λ,则F=4λ,BC=6λ;∵四边形ABCD为菱形,∴AB=BC=CD,而AB=BD=2,∴BC=CD=BD=2,△BCD为等边三角形,∴CM=3λ,BM=3√3λ;∵CE=BF=4λ,ME=λ;由勾股定理得:BE2=BM2+EM2,∴BE=2√7λ;在△BDF与△CBE中,{BF=CE∠DBF=∠BCEBD=BC,∴△BDF≌△CBE(SAS),∴∠BDF=∠CBE,∴∠BHF=∠BDF+∠DBE=∠CBE=∠CBE+∠DBE=60°,∴△BFH∽△BEC,∴BFBE=BHBC,∵BF=CE,BC=AB,∴CEBE =BHAB,即CEBH=BEAB;∵AB∥CD,∴∠BEC=∠ABH,∴△BCE∽△AHB,∴BCAH =BEAB,即6λAH=2√7λ6λ,∴AH=18√7λ7,而6λ=2,∴AH=6√77,故答案为6√77.五.解答题(共3小题,满分30分)26.(8分)某幼儿园举行用火柴棒摆“金鱼”比赛如图所示,请仔细观察并找出规律,解答下列问题:(1)按照此规律,摆第n图时,需用火柴棒的根数是多少?(2)求摆第50个图时所需用的火柴棒的根数;(3)按此规律用1202根火柴棒摆出第n个图形,求n的值.[解析]解:(1)第n个图需要的火柴棒根数为:8+6(n﹣1)=6n+2.(2)当n=50时,6n+2=6×50+2=302(根)即摆第50个图时需用火柴棒302根.(3)6n+2=1202,解得:n=200.∴用1202根火柴棒摆出第n个图形,n为200.27.(10分)如图,在正方形ABCD中,E是AD的中点,点F在DC上,且DF=14DC,试判断BE与EF的位置关系,并说明理由.[解析]解:BE⊥EF.理由如下:设正方形ABCD的边长为4a,∵E是AD的中点,DF=14DC,∴AE=DE=2a,DF=a,∵ABDE=4a2a=2,AEDF=2a a =2,∴ABDE=AEDF,而∠BAE=∠EDF,∴△ABE∽△DEF,∴∠AEB=∠EFD,∵∠EFD+∠DEF=90°,∴∠AEB+∠DEF=90°,∴∠BEF=90°,∴BE⊥EF.28.(12分)(2019•达拉特旗一模)如图,一次函数y=−12x+3的图象与反比例函数y=kx(k>0)的图象交于A,B两点,过A点作x轴的垂线,垂足为M,△AOM面积为2.(1)求反比例函数的解析式;(2)在y轴上求一点P,使P A+PB的值最小,并求出其最小值和P点坐标.[解析]解:(1)设A 点的坐标为(a ,b ),则OM =a ,AM =b ,∵△AOM 面积为2,∴12ab =2, ∴ab =4,∵点A 在反比例函数图象上,∴k =4,∴反比例函数的解析式为y =4x ;(2)依题意可知,A 、B 两点的坐标为方程组{y =−12x +3y =4x的解, 解方程组得:点A 的坐标为(2,2),点B 的坐标为(4,1),点A 关于y 轴的对称点A ′的坐标为(﹣2,2),连接A ′B ,交y 轴于点P ,点P 即为所求,此时P A +PB 最小,最小值为A ′B 的长.由勾股定理得:A ′B =√(4+2)2+(2−1)2=√37.设直线A ′B 的解析式为y =kx +b ,代入A ′,B 的坐标得{2=−2k +b 1=4k +b ,解得:{k =−16b =53, ∴y =−16x +53,点P 的坐标为(0,53).。
2019-2020学年北师大二附中高三英语期中考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AHubeiProvincehas long been a favorite Chinese tourist destination because of its natural scenery, historic cities, and beautiful mountains. Here are some of the best places to visit inHubeiProvince.YellowCraneTowerYellowCraneToweris known as one of the Three Famous Towers South of Yangtze River, together withYueyangTowerinHunanand Tengwang Pavilion inJiangxi. The history ofYellowCraneTowerdates back to the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history. The tower was used as a watchtower by the King of Wu's army in the beginning.Enshi Grand CanyonEnshi Grand Canyon can beChina's answer to the Grand Canyon inArizona, theUnited Statesin beauty. The canyon runs 108 kilometers and occupies a land area of 3,000 square kilometers. The region where Enshi Grand Canyon is located used to be a vast sea with many limestone deposits 230 million years ago.Shennongjia Scenic AreaIt is famous for its varied plant species as well as mountains. Regarded as the “Lungs of Central China", the forest coverage reaches over 90 percent of the area. Due to the special climate, it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. Sometimes clouds stretch around mountains, rewarding tourists with unforgettable views. Besides, the area is home to some rare animals such as golden monkeys, white bears and antelope.The Three-Gorge Tribe scenic spotLocated in the area of the Xiling Gorge in the city ofYichang, it has the beauty of landscape paintings. The spot is a “ProtectedCenterof the Popular Culture and Art of the Three Gorges”. Since ancient times, a lot of famous scholars have produced a great number of excellent poems praising the beauty of this place, some of which are carved on the stones along theYangtze River.1. What is special aboutYellowCraneTower?A. It has a long history.B. It offers a scenic view.C. It once served war's purposes.D. It is the best-known tower inChina2. Why is the Grand Canyon inArizonamentioned ?A. To explain its popularity inChina.B. To help readers know more about it.C. To prove the beauty of the Chinese canyon.D. To show differences between the two canyons.3. Which place will a Chinese literature lover probably visit?A. Enshi Grand Canyon.B.YellowCraneTower.C. Shennongjia Scenic Area.D. TheThree-Gorge Tribe scenic spot.BIn the northern part ofAustin there once lived an honest family by the name of Smothers. The family had John Smothers, his wife and their five-year-old daughter.One night after supper the little girl was ill with a serious stomachache, and John Smothers hurried downtown to get some medicine. He never came back. The mother was very sad over her husband's disappearance, and it was nearly three months before she married again, and moved to San Antonio. The little girl recovered and in time grew up to womanhood. After a few years had rolled around, the little girl also married in time, and she also had a little girl of five years. She still lived in the same house where theydweltwhen her father had left and never returned.By an unbelievable coincidence her little girl was taken with the same stomachache on the same night of the disappearance of John Smothers, who would now have been her grandfather if he had been alive. “I will go downtown and get some medicine for her,” said John Smith(for it was he whom she had married). “No, no, dear John,” cried his wife. “You, too, might disappear forever, and then forget to come back.” So John Smith did not go, and together they sat by the bedside of little Pansy. After a little while Pansy seemed to grow worse, and John Smith again wanted to go for medicine, but his wife would not let him.Just then, the door suddenly opened and an old man with long white hair entered the room. “Hello, here is grandpa,” said Pansy. She had recognized him before any of the others. The old man drew a bottle of medicine from his pocket and gave Pansy a spoonful. She got well immediately. “I was a little late,” said John Smothers, “as I waited for a street car.”4. What happened after John Smothers disappeared?A. His daughter took some medicine.B. His wife left for San Antonio.C. Pansy immediately had a stomachache.D. John Smith went for medicine.5. What does the underlined word “dwelt” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Lived.B. Left.C. Returned.D. Married.6. What is the relationship between John Smothersand Pansy?A. Husband and wife.B. Father and daughter.C. Grandfather and granddaughter.D. Father and son.7. How could Pansy's mother feel when she saw John Smothers?A. Worried.B. Sad.C. Uninterested.D. Surprised.CHumans are the only creature that gets around by standing up and putting one foot in front of the other. Our ability to walk upright has allowed humankind to travel great distances and survive changing climates, environments and landscapes.Countless scientific studies have found that walking is really good for us and this simple act can provide a number of healthimplications, which help people live longer. In fact, a walking routine, if done properly, might be the only exercise people need.How much walking should one aim for? You’ve likely heard we need 10,000 steps a day. That’s about 5 miles. But contrary to popular belief, this recommendation doesn’t come from science. Instead, itis from a 1960s advertising campaign to promote a pedometer (计步器) in Japan. Perhaps because it’s a round number and easy to remember, it stuck.Since the 1960s, researchers have studied the 10,000-steps-a-day standard and have turned up mixed results. Although 10,000 steps is certainly a healthy and worthwhile goal, it’s not fit for all.For instance, a recent Harvard University study involving more than 16,000 senior women found that those who got at least 4,400 steps a day greatly reduced their risk of dying early when compared with less active women. The study also noted that these benefits continued up to 7,500 steps. This 7,500 mark isn’t surprising: It’s similar to common public health recommendations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate (适度的) physical activity a week for adults.8. What does the underlined word “implications” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. BenefitsB. Problems.C. Habits.D. Manners.9. Where does the 10,000-steps-a-day standard come from?A. A Harvard University study.B. Science research on health.C. A pedometer advertisement.D. Public health recommendation.10. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. 7,500-steps-a-day standard is the best choice for all.B. More than 16,000 old people were involved in the study.C. Those who walk at least 4,400 steps a day won’t die early.D. 150-minute moderate exercise a week for adults is advised.11. What does the author mainly want to tell readers?A. The more you walk a day, the healthier you will be.B. We can benefit from continuous and proper walking.C. Walking upright helps humankind to explore the world.D. Advertisements can always tell us some scientific suggestions .DNina Wygant, 11, sits in front of a long table in a classroom that looks more like a trendy coffee shop than an elementary school classroom. Some of her fifth-grade classmates at Hopewell Memorial Junior High School sit on high-top chairs at counters. Others choose to sit in club chairs or soft bean bags in comfortable. "I like it because it gives us an environment we like or need to settle down and read a book that we would like to concentrate on instead of having desks and being all quiet," said Vivian Garcia, 10. “You can just space out and have your own little area. I find it very amazing that you can pick your own books instead of being told what to read.”That’s the end goal, said teacher Heather Shadish. Reading has always been a passion for this English language arts and science teacher, a passion she instills(灌输)in her pupils. Back then, in her literature class in graduate school at Chatham University, a professor read aloud the first chapter ofBecause of Winn-Dixieby Kate DiCamillo, a Newbery Medalist. "That was the moment I knew I wanted to some day teach reading. There was a spark there. I just felt these are the kind of books I need to share with kids ---the books that are going to make them feel something and make them fall in love with reading instead of reading being achore.”But information in children's workbooks is limited, so they open tablets and connect to Epic - a digital librarythat's free to educators and librarians, but $7.99 a month for parents — giving kids unlimited access to approximately 35,000 books(both print and audio), quizzes and videos to enhance learning.“Epic gives students access to information not found in a textbook and presents it in a more interesting way," she said.12. What does Vivian think of the reading experience?A. She favors club chairs and free discussion.B. She feels comfortable to be told what to read.C. She enjoys the environment and reading choice.D. She finds it easy to pick a book in a crowded area.13. What does the underlined word “chore" in paragraph 2 mean?A. Task.B. Process.C. Habit.D. Skill.14. What can children get from Epic?A. Free audio books.B. Tasks on reading levels.C. Advice from educators.D. Useful learning resources.15. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. A Teacher's New Reading MethodB. Pupils' love of Reading RoomC. Options of Teaching ReadingD. Easy Access to Digital Reading第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
北师大版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(十二)B卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分) I like my bike. It brings me a lot of fun. When I was an1boy, my father bought it for me. It is my “horse”. I often go to school2my bike. I like riding a bike 3 it is very convenient. If I go out by bike, it is 4 to find a place for parking it. Bikes are very cheap, so most people can buy one. There are three people in my family. 5of us has a bike. My parents are teachers in my school. In the morning, Mum, Dad and I each 6 to school. However on a rainy day we walk to school, because the road is bad for riding. I think riding bikes can make us7 . It not only helps us exercise more but also 8 the air clean. The bike is very important in Chi nese people’s life. So riding bikes can help you to 9 more about China and the Chinese people. Now people in the world say China is the country of bikes because there are 10 bikes in China. I hope people all round the world like them.(1)A . eight years oldB . eight year oldC . eight-year-oldD . eight-years-old(2)A . byB . onC . fromD . in(3)A . soB . butC . whileD . because(4)A . hardB . lateC . happyD . easy(5)A . EachB . BothC . NoneD . Some (6)A . walkB . runC . driveD . ride (7)A . strangeB . busyC . strongD . poor (8)A . feelsB . keepsC . seesD . likes (9)A . tellB . knowC . visitD . ask (10)A . so manyB . so muchC . too much二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共10分)2. (10分)完形填空On May Day holiday of this year, my parents and I went to the Great Wall. On the way I felt 1, because this was my first visit. I had dreamed 2 this trip many times. We took a train first, and then we took a bus to 3 there. When it appeared in front of me, I couldn't help 4. I said, "What a wonderful 5 it is!"When I walked on the Great Wall, I felt very proud because it is 6wall in the world. At the same time, I couldn't believe my eyes. I wondered how the ancient people built it by 7. I wondered how many people took part in building it. It was a mystery to me.I almost lost 8 in the beautiful scenery around it. "He 9 doesn't reach the Great Wall is nota 10 man. Now I'm on the top! I'm a true man," I said loudly.But, 11 there are many visitors every day, there are many problems for the Great Wall. For example, many visitors throw 12 about or spit on the Great Wall and some visitors 13 carved their names on it.As visitors, I think we 14 try our best to protect the Great Wall, not to destroy it. It's our duty. The past is not only for us to enjoy 15 for the people in the future.(1)A . worriedB . excitedC . lonelyD . proud(2)A . ofB . atC . onD . in(3)A . arrive atB . reachC . arrive inD . get(4)B . smilingC . jumpingD . reading (5)A . pictureB . sightC . holidayD . trip(6)A . the tallestB . the highestC . the farthestD . the longest (7)A . handB . machineC . toolD . foot(8)A . meB . myselfC . oneselfD . itself(9)A . whatB . whenC . whoD . how(10)A . falseB . strongC . realD . true (11)A . whenB . whileC . asD . why (12)A . rubbishB . stoneC . foodD . juice (13)A . everB . neverC . evenD . always (14)A . mayB . canC . wouldD . should (15)A . butB . but alsoC . alsoD . and三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)阅读理解With the development of economics(经济), the problem of left-behind children(留守儿童) has become a serious social problem. More and more people haveRealized we should do something to help them. One of the biggest problems is that the children are all hungry for the love from their parents. Many of them can just get a call or a letter from their parents half a year, a year or even several years, which makes some children lost their parent's faces. When they meet their own troubles they have no one to talk with. Nobody gives them enough care. Because of being too far away from their parents, the left-behind children's study is the second biggest problem. From a survey(调查)about their study, only two percent of the children get good results, while ten percent of them are common and eighty-eight percent of them are poor. What a pity!There are also many other problems of the left-behind children, such as having no ability to protect themselves, unhealthy lifestyles, spending too much pocket Money and being crazy about Internet and so on. In a word, to solve all the problems of the left -behind children needs the government, families and schools to try their best together.(1)How many problems are mentioned in the passage?A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . More than four.(2)Which problem is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . Having no place to live.B . Being crazy about the Internet.C . Unhealthy lifestyles.D . Not study well.(3)What's the meaning of "some children lost their parents faces"A . Some children lost their parents.B . Some children couldn't find their parents.C . Some children can't remember what their parents look like.D . Some children can't get any information about their parents.(4)Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?A . All of the left-behind children can see their parents often.B . The left-behind children can see their parents often.C . The left-behind children have much money.D . The left-behind children problem is a social problem.(5)What is the best title of the article?A . The Left-behind ChildrenB . What is Left-behind ChildrenC . The Problems of the Left-behind ChildrenD . How to help the Left-behind Children4. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修三 单元综合检测(一)【含答案】
单元综合检测(一)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AIt's always adventurous and romantic to visit an island country.Take a look at some breathtakingly beautiful island countries in the world,which everyone should visit at least once in his lifetime.MaldivesIt's believed that Maldives is one of the most popular honeymoon places as well as one of the most beautiful island countries.Situated in the middle of the Indian Ocean,Maldives is made up of a series of ancient coral reefs that grow up along the sides of ancient volcanoes,with fascinating beaches.FijiFiji has plenty of surprises for any adventurous travelers.It is famous for the world's best surf scenes,attracting many surfing lovers to ride the great waves.Well,if surfing is not for you and you love sitting on the beach and relaxing,hiking or seeing breathtaking waterfalls,Fiji is also a suitable island country to visit.MaltaMalta,a beautiful southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea,has a rich history and culture.There are amazing sky-high cliffs to climb,wonderful temples to visit and lots of amazing places to go diving.There are plenty of interesting things to explore here and everyone can find something to enjoy.The historic part of Malta is shown in its architecture,great walled cities,and many underground tunnels.1.Which place will be most likely to be chosen by a newly-married couple according to the text?A.the Mediterranean Sea B.MaldivesC.Malta D.Fiji2.What is the special part about Fiji?A.You can see the world's most breathtakingwaterfallsB.It is surfing lovers' favourite island country.C.There are skyhigh cliffs to explore.D.You can try the world's longest tunnel.3.What can tourist do in Malta?A.Hike on green plains.B.Ride the greatest waves.C.See breathtaking waterfalls.D.Explore underground tunnels.【语篇解读】本文是一则广告,大海里的岛国的风景非常美丽,文章中介绍了著名的三个岛国Maldives、Fiji、Malta的特别之处,旨在吸引游客前往参观。
2019-2020学年北师大二附中未来科技城学校高三英语期中试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANational Disability Insurance Scheme (方案)The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will transform the way Queenslanders with disability are supported and change the way disability services are funded and delivered.Under the scheme, Queenslanders with disability will have choice and control over how they access support and who delivers them. They will also have certainty that they will be supported throughout their lifetime to achieve their personal goals.The NDIS will have an effect on the following programs.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with DisabilityThe NDIS will not disrupt existing services for qualified students. The Queensland Government will also continue to provide school transport assistance for students with disability who are not qualified to receive funding via the NDIS.For more information about the School Transport Assistance Program, and to check your qualification, visit the Education and Training website.Taxi Subsidy (补助金) SchemeThe Queensland Governmenthas lengthened the Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS) membership for NDIS qualified members to 31 October, 2022. This will allow more time to solve transport support arrangements under the Commonwealth’s NDIS.You can find more information about the TSS and your qualification on the TransLink website.Disability Parking Permit SchemeNo changes will be made to the Disability parking permit scheme when the NDIS is introduced inQueensland. Current arrangements for this scheme will be maintained.You can find more information on this scheme, and check your qualification, on the Queensland Government website.Public Transport Concessions for People with DisabilityThere will be no change to concessions on public transport for people with disability when the NDIS is introduced inQueensland. TransLink will continue to ensure concessions are provided for disabled persons travelling on public transport inQueenslandwhen the NDIS is introduced.You can find more information about public transport discounts for people with disability, and check your qualification, on the TransLink website,1.Which program helps drive the disabled to and from school?A.Taxi Subsidy Scheme.B.Disability Parking Permit Scheme.C.Public Transport Concessions for People with Disability.D.School Transport Assistance Program for Students with Disability.2.What can we learn about Taxi Subsidy Scheme?A.The scheme is for parking permit.B.The existing membership can be effective for longer time.C.There is no change to current arrangements for the scheme.D.The NDIS will not break off existing services for qualified students.3.What do the four programs have in common?A.They are all related to transport.B.They are all largely affected by NDIS.C.They all can be checked on the same website.D.They all provide discounts for disabled persons.BDo you ever listen to the songs that your parents like? Chances are that you don’t. You probably think the music that they like is old and boring and that the songs on your playlist are muchcooler. But scientists found that people’s music taste changes as time goes by. So it is likely that your own musical preferences will follow a similar path to your parents’, whether you like it or not.We used to think that culture and personality (个性) are the only reasons for different music choices. But researchers at the University of Cambridge noticed that as people enter into different age groups, their social environment changes, and so does their music taste. There are some musical periods that people go through in their life.The first period comes in the teenage years, during which people like strong music such as punk and rock,because teenagers tend to be aggressive or want to be independent.But as people move into early adulthood, their lifestyles change they want to build close relationships with others. As a result, they become fonder of contemporary music, such as pop and R&.B, which is usually uplifting and danceable.When middle age comes, most people have settled down. During this period, people prefer music, such as jazz and classical, as well as music like country, folk and blues.As for old people, they prefer old songs in their childhoods. They generally listen to relaxing music, such as country music and jazz music. But you must be questioning. “Aren’t there old people who are still interested in or even crazy about rock music?” Of course there are. But their reasons for listening to rock music may have changed. At that age people may listen to remind themselves of their youth.4. What do young people usually think of the songs their parents enjoy?A. They are actually less cool.B. They are worth listening to.C. They are especially serious.D. They are hard to understand.5. How many musical periods are there that people go through in their life?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.6. People who want to make friends mostly prefer ________.A. jazz musicB. country musicC. rock musicD. pop music7. What is the best title for the text?A. People Have Different Opinions on MusicB. People Listen to Music for the Same ReasonC. People’s Taste in Music Changes with TimeD. People’s Lifestyle Can Be Changed by MusicCItzhak Perlman was born in Tel Aviv, in whatwas thenPalestine, in 1945. Today he lives inNew York City. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in almost every major city. He has won many Grammy awards for his recordings. He has also won Emmy Awards for his work on television.Itzhak Perlman suffered from polio (小儿麻痹症) at the age of four. The disease damaged his legs. He uses a wheelchair or walks with the aid of crutches (拐杖) on his arms. But none of this stopped him from playing theviolin. He began as a young child. He took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his teachers recognized that he had a special gift.At thirteen he went to the United Sates to appear on television. His playing earned him the financial aid to attend theJuilliardSchoolinNew York. In 1964 Itzhak Perlman won the Leventritt Competition in that city. His international fame had begun.His music is full of power and strength. It can be sad or joyful, loud or soft. But critics (评论家) say it is not the music alone that makes his playing so special. They say he is able to communicate the joy he feels in playing, and the emotions that great music can deliver.Anyone who has attended a performance by Itzhak Perlman will tell you thatit is exciting to watch him play. His face changes as the music from his violin changes. He looks sad when the music seems sad. He smiles and closes his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often looks dark and threatening when the music seems dark and threatening.8. According to the passage, what do we know about Itzhak Perlman?A. He is 75 years old today.B. He was born inNew York City.C. He has some achievements in music.D. He was a rich citizen of the world.9. When Itzhak Perlman first learned music, his teachers ________.A. ignored his talentsB. thought he was fit to learn musicC. had pity on himD. didn't want to accept him10. What makes Itzhak Perlman's playing special according to critics?A. The emotions he communicates in his playing.B. The style in which he plays his music.C. The kind of music he plays.D. The power and strength in his music.11. How do people feel when they hear Itzhak Perlman play?A. Moved.B. Calm.C. Funny.D. Excited.DBob, a Burroughs junior high school football player, always had his mom cheering him on. He didn’t playexciting positions. He played as a linebacker(中后卫球员). Sadly, he often found himself at the bottom of the piles, where everyone would jump onto each other at the end of every play. Bob's mom realized it was hard for her son to hear her cheering. She hadto find a solution, but couldn't find one.Then one day the coach from the school team asked him if he wanted to join the team. Bob wasecstatic, because he was only a ninth grader. His mom was also excited, since she loved football and especially loved watching her son play. She kept considering a way for him to hear her. A cowbell! That was it. Now from the bottom of the piles Bob would hear his mom shaking her cowbell crazily, knowing she was there for him.Bob's team finally made it to the state championship game. What exciting time to play at Busch Stadium under the lights! This experience made Bob appreciate all the years that his mom had sacrificed everything to get him to practice every day, to wash his uniforms, and to never miss a game. He had to do something.On the night of the state championship game, the loudspeakers introduced Bob, and as he walked onto the field his mom shook the cowbell, hard. However, it didn’t sound right. She looked its inside, and found a note saying,”Thank you, Mom.” Bob had left her a note expressing his appreciation for always being with him, filling her heart with warmth.Finally Burroughs claimed the title of State Champion. While others were cheering and admiring the state championship cup, Bob' s mom clutched(紧握) her cowbell happily.Years later, Bob’s mom died. While digging through her belongings, he found the cowbell with the note. Bob took it to his mom's funeral and rang it, whispering, "Thank you, Mom.”12. What does the underlined word "ecstatic” mean in Paragraph 2?A. CuriousB. DisappointedC. AnxiousD. Delighted13. Why did Bob's mom want to get a cowbell?A. To amuse her cow.B. To teach her cowC. To attract his attention.D. To make him hear her14. What can be learned from Paragraph 3?A. Bob's mom devoted much time to himB. Bob was the best player in his teamC. Bob owed his success to his coachD. Bob's mom was a football player at college15. Why didn’t the cowbell sound as usual that night?A. The mother was very weak.B. Bob had put a note inside the bell.C. The weather became terrible suddenlyD. The bell had been broken deliberates.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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(共5题;共10分)1. (2分)Who has a bike?A . Tony.B . Sally.C . Lily.2. (2分)What would Rick like to eat?A . A bowl of noodles.B . Some bread.C . A hamburger.3. (2分)How long does it take Steve to take the bus to the radio station from home?A . Sixteen minutes.B . Sixty minutes.C . Five kilometers.4. (2分)What was Nick doing when the rainstorm came?A . Doing the chores.B . Doing his homework.C . Playing computer games.5. (2分)What is Linda's friend's name?A . Alice.B . HelenC . Jenny.二、听下面几段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C (共5题;共10分)6. (2分)What's the boy's father's favourite book?A .B .C .7. (2分)What is Amy's favorite subject?A . Painting.B . English.C . Chemistry.8. (2分)听句子选择最佳答案A . Tea and coffee.B . Tea with milk.C . Milk.9. (2分)What's Betty doing now?A . She's reading.B . She's writing.C . She's singing.10. (2分)What does Ted's mother want him to do?A . To wash his clothes.B . To do the dishes.C . To do his homework.三、听下面几段对话或独白,完成问题。
选出与你所听对话或独白内容相 (共4题;共25分)11. (4分)听较长对话,回答问题。
(1)What day is it today?A . Saturday.B . Sunday.C . Monday.(2)What is the boy busy doing?A . Shopping.B . His homework.C . The housework.12. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。
(1)What's wrong with Lisa?A . She has a cough.B . She has a sore neck.C . She has a fever.(2)What did Lisa do on the weekend?A . She lay down and rested all weekend.B . She played computer games all weekend.C . She played basketball.(3)What should Lisa do?A . She should stop playing computer games.B . She should lie down and rest.C . She should often exercise.13. (10分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。
(1)In which exam did the boy get a full mark? (Maths exam/English exam/Chinese exam)(2)Which activity will the boy take part in during the English Week? (the English speech contest /the English songs competition/the English play)14. (5分)根据录音,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项。
A . Grace'sB . Gina'sC . Jenny's(2)A . grandmotherB . motherC . father(3)A . mapB . photoC . school(4)A . CousinsB . BrothersC . Friends(5)A . TwoB . ThreeC . Four四、阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)15. (10分)阅读理解A . often forget to buy what you needB . have to stand to pay for the thingsC . can buy something you need easilyD . can call for everything you want(2)If you don't like to eat anything spicy or drink anything fizzy, you may try _________ to see how different it is.A . PolygotB . GasgoC . CompuWizD . Mosso(3)Try to _________ and you will learn any language in a very short time.A . click on the WebshopB . call at 2839-0818C . send e-mails to friendsD . follow Polgot’s system(4)You can save 50% of your money if you _________ before July 1st.A . learn surfing the Internet at CompuWiaB . hold a chance to try GasgoC . start early with Polygot's systemD . buy something from the Webshop(5)According to the passage, we can know it's _____________.A . a piece of newsB . an adC . a storyD . a survey16. (10分)(2016·恩施)阅读B篇材料,根据材料内容,从各题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Five years ago, my mother gave birth to a brother for me when I was 8. I have learned a lot from getting along with him.After he was born, I almost became a babysitter. I had to amuse him after school. I would make faces and sing to him when he was crying. Sometimes I even carried him everywhere in our yard to refresh him while my parents were busy. What I liked to do best was to feed him when looking after him. How cute he was as he tasted his favorite food!My parents often praised me happily. As an elder brother, you've made contributions to looking after your younger brother. "I have got happiness from sharing. When I was young, I was the only child in my family. I could get what I wanted from my parents and get my parents' whole love. I was a" Little Emperor".But now, as long as I get something good, I will share it with him. I remembered the year when he was three, he was fond of Rubik cubes(魔方)I bought one for him with my lucky money as a birthday present. When he got the toy, he was so happy that he laughed, hugged me and said,"Brother, I love you ! "Thanks for spending these years together with my family. It has taught me what responsibility means, what unselfishness means and what friendship means. Not only should I look after myself, but also I should pay attention to my family and my friends.(1)The underlined word "amuse" in the second paragraph means _________.A . 开他玩笑B . 令他开心C . 令他生气D . 令他讨厌(2)When looking after his younger brother, the writer did the following EXCEPT ________A . carrying him everywhereB . making faces and singing to himC . feeding himD . telling stories to him(3)How old was the writer when he bought the birthday present for his younger brother?A . 3.B . 8.C . 11.D . 13.(4)Before his younger brother was born, the writer.A . was a babysitter in his familyB . was a “Little Emperor”in his familyC . cooked for his familyD . bought a Rubik cube for himself(5)If you have a brother or a sister in your family, you might learn to be ______ from the passage.A . responsibleB . selfishC . lonelyD . puzzled17. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。