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I’m Robot.
第一单元 外事接待
制药有限公司 pharmaceutical Co. Ltd 副总经理 deputy managing director 研究生 graduate student 论文 paper 研究成果 research findings 实验助手 lab assistant 市中心 downtown area 假日酒店 Holiday Inn 旅馆招待费 hotel accommodation fee 招待所 guesthouse 舒适如归 make sb. comfortable 不尽如人意之处 inconvenience in life and work 排忧解难 help sb. out
(Text for practice ) Passage one 汉译英:
1.您好!您一定是来自联盟传播服务局的大卫。理查德先 生吧。 Hello, you must be Mr. David Richard from the Alliance Communications Service.
2.我叫魏琴。 My name is Wei Qin.
11.I am looking forward to my Chinese life. 我盼望自己尽快开始我的中国生活。
12.I will work closely with my Chinese colleagues on my projects, through which I believe I will realize my ―China dream‖ in the most rewarding direction. 我会和我的同事密切合作,尽力搞好我的项目,只有这 样做才能最有成效的实现我的中国梦。
I’m Robot.
15.今晚公司总经理将设宴为您洗尘,请您携家人一起光临。 Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight, and we would like you and your family come to the dinner.
4.久闻先生大名。 I have long heard about you.
5.事实上,我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了 您的研究成果。 As a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in my couple of papers during my graduate studies.
4.As you know, this is my very first visit to China, and I am here to witness with my own eyes the magical power of the once very remote ―Oriental Dragon‖. 您知道,这是我对中国的一次初访,我在这亲眼目睹了 曾经对我多么遥远的―东方巨龙‖的魔力。
5.根据您的要求,我们为您预订了我中心东楼的―明寓‖客房。 Upon your request, we have reserved for you our Ming House suite, which is located in the East Tower of the Center.
6.―明寓‖从设计到装潢都体现了中国明朝时期的建筑风格。 This is a classic Chinese residence designed and decorated in the architectural of China‘s Ming dynasty.
Our guest house, a small family-style apartment building is also available to you if you decide to move out of the hotel. 12.不论您如何选择,我相信您和您的家人都会喜欢这里的 生活。 In any case, I am sure you and your family will enjoy your stay in this city. 13.我们会尽力为您服务,使您和您的家人有一种舒适如归 的感觉。 We will do everything we can do to accommodate you and make you feel at home. 14.您在生活或工作中若有不尽如人意之处,请立即和我联 系,我很乐意为您排忧解难。 If you should encounter any inconveniences in your life and work, don‘t hesitate to let me know and I will be very glad to help you out.
3.I have been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel honored and pleased that I will be working with my Chinese colleagues in head office of your automobile group. 我一直期待着能访问这个美丽的国家,同时我为自己能 够在贵汽车集团总部所在地和中国的同事一起工作而感 到荣幸和愉快。
假日酒店下榻,从假日酒店开车三十分钟可到我们的实 验室。 If you don‘t mind, we would like to accommodate you in Holiday Inn, which is located in the downtown area, a thirty-minutes drive from our lab. 10.旅馆住宿费由公司承担。 The company will pay for the hotel rooms. 11.如果你们不喜欢假日酒店,你们也可以搬到公司的招待 所去住,我们的招待所是一幢家庭式的公寓小楼。
Passage one 汉译英:
1. 欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海。 Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill.
2. 请允许我做自我介绍。 Please allow me to introduce myself.
3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。 My name is Jianxin Hong, I am deputy managing director of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.
7.And I am even more exited now that I have set foot on the beautiful land of China. 自踏上这片美丽的国土之后我的心情更加激动。
8.I have had my ―China dream‖ for years, now I am here to realize this dream. 我多年梦寐以求的中国梦,竟然可以在此得以实现。
7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。 We will provide you with two lab assistants.
8.必要时,我们还想邀请您的一名同事一起参加我们的一 项研究工作。 If necessary, we would like to invite one of your associates
3.是上海国际文化交流中心的代理主任。 I‘m acting director of the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchanges.
3.这是我的名片。 Here‘s my card.
4.自从您把来访日期传真给我们以后,我们一直期待着您 的到来。 We have been expecting your visit even since you sent us fax informing us your date of arrival.
to join us.
Stanford University 斯坦福大学 a land of wonder 充满奇观的国家 head office 总部 magical power 神奇的魅力 Oriental 东方的 Confucianism 儒家思想 Taoism 道家学说 inexplicable 难以言表的 set foot on 踏上……的土地 cosmopolitan city 国际大都市 maximize 充分利用 in no time 不久 rewarding 有成效的 9.您要是愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的
16.我们晚上再见。 I will see you again then.
PassageHale Waihona Puke Baidutwo 英译汉:
1.Hello, I am Robert Brown from Stanford University. 您好!我是从斯坦福大学来的罗博特.布朗。
2.I am very happy to meet you here in this land of wonder. 我很高兴能在这充满奇观的国家与您见面。
7.我相信您一定会喜欢这套古典式寓所。 I am sure you will like our house.
8.理查德先生,我们的―信息高速公路与传播服务学研讨会‖ 将如期在我中心举行。 Mr. Richard, the Symposium on Information Superhighway and Communication Service will take place at out center as scheduled.
6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人身感愉快,我很高兴我 们能在今后的半年里合作共事。 It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months.
9.Just think this charming cosmopolitan city is going to be my home for the remaining days of the year.
10.There is so much to learn about the mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform. 想了解这个神秘的国家的东西真是太多了,从古老的 文明到当代的改革。
5.You can imagine how exited I was when I received your invitation to join you in your project. 您可以想象当我收到您们请求我加入您们项目的邀请我 有多么激动。
6.Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental Civilization introduced me to the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths of my mind the inexplicable ―China dream‖. 我读大学时一位教东方文明史的教授,他使我对儒家思 想和道家学说有所了解,同时也使我萌生了一个不可名 状的―中国梦‖。