创新大学英语预备级Unit 5 讲义

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Unit 5 Life

Part One Listening Comprehension

Task I Listening practice--listen to the word.

1.Guide Ss to read the six phonetic symbols: /e/, /i/, /au/, /ai/

2.Let Ss take turns to read one group of words respectively, and correct the pronunciation if necessary. (10')

3.Write down the vowels on the blackboard, and let Ss read after the teacher. (3')

4.Listen to the tape and tick the word you hear. (5')

5.Play the recording once again and check the answers one by one.(5')

Task I Listening practice--listen to the conversations.

1.Guide Ss to read the choice items so as to get known something of the conversation. (3')

2.Play it once again and let Ss repeat it sentence by sentence. The teacher repeat and explain some difficulty points to make Ss know the contents of the conversation.(5')

3.Play the tape once again sentence by sentence, trigger Ss to repeat the sentences so as to get the exact meaning of the conversations. (3')

Thumb:大拇指thumb a lift/ride:搭便车Thumb up:了不起Sink:下沉theme:主题caught a bad cold:感冒Have my hands full with this report: have + 宾语+ V-ed/ V-ing/ adj/

I will do anything but that. / I will do nothing but that…

.... But if I could... winter vacation/ summer vacation freezing

A means to make a living…Support the family/raise the children

Task II Topic-related listening

1.Let Ss listen to the tape of two conversations and do the exercises.(8')

2.Check their answers without correcting their wrong answers. (12')

3.Listen to the tape once again and then check their answers one more times to see if they can understand the conversations better.(5')

4.Play the tape sentence by sentence and let Ss repeat what they heard.(6')

Part Two Reading


1.As we see just now, the title of this unit is life, then could you tell me what kind of life do you want? Or to be more specific, what is your attitude to life?

Positive; negative…

2.What is your life purpose?

Happiness, fortune, fame, inner peace….

Never give up even the situation is very bad. Sometimes what seems to be bad may turn out to be good for you. Take a positive to life and shake off the troubles, you will be happy and free yourself from hatred.

Task I Reading Comprehension—The Donkey in the Well

1.Give Ss time to read the two passages and do the multiple choices.

Tell Ss to actively read the passage and analyze the text organization while reading.

Try to guess what will be told in the following part will be interesting for you to read.

2.Explain the difficult sentences.

Task I Reading Comprehension—Study, Being Fit May Outweigh Being Fat

1.Read through the passage and do the exercise. (15')

No matter you are overweight or not, young or old, take exercises on a regular basis, and you will be fitter.

2. Check the answers in the fast reading. (5')

Task II Fast Reading—Table for Two

1.Tell Ss they are going to read an interesting story about the love of the author's parents.

2.Give Ss time to read the passage and get prepared to tell the story in English.

3.Guide Ss to recall the story together.

The mother likes writing and wants to be a writer…

The father likes painting…

They meet in a restaurant when the father asks to share the table with the mother because the restaurant is full…

They get known to each other and made a good impression to each other…

The mother gives him the phone number and the book…
