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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Period 1

Section A 1a-2c教学设计

Studying Aims(学习目标)

1.Be able to read the new words by looking at the pronunciation.(能根据音标拼读新单词)

2.Be able to use listening strategies to finish off the listening tasks.(能运用捕捉主要信息等听力技能完成判断、选词任务)

3.Be able to make a conversation in pairs (能进行有礼貌请求和请求许可的对话)

Studying procedures (学习过程)

Step 1: Daily greetings and leading into a new lesson.(导入新课)

Today we’ll learn Unit3 Could you please clean your room? In this unit we’ll talk about chores and permission. (今天,我们将学习第三单元,本单元主要谈论家务琐事与许可。)

Step 2: Show “Studying aims” (出示目标)

Step 3: Guide One

1.Read and understand the words by looking at the pronunciation. (根据音标拼读单词,


3.Finish 1a by writing down A for always, U for usually, O for often, S for sometimes, HE for hardly ever and N for never.

Step 4: Guide Two (

1.Listen and check Peter’s mother or Peter will do these chores.


2.Listen and read along the tape.

Step 5: Guide Three

1.Read the conversation in 1a and translate it by themselves.

Make polite requests :

Compare:Could you please sweep the floor?

Can you do the dishes?

Think: Which sounds more polite to you?

•情态动词can和could均可用来提出要求,但could 较为委婉、客气。Could you please+…?是一个礼貌、委婉地提出要求的句式,其后加动词原形即可。

‚注意在回答时,could要用can 代替。

2.Practice reading. (领读,齐读,分角色读)

3.Make conversations about the chores in 1a. (两人小组用1a的短语练习对话) (5')

Step 6: Guide Three

1.Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things.What does his father

say?Check yes or no. (听录音。彼得问他爸爸他能否做四件事。他爸爸说什么了,请在yes或no前打钩)


Notes: (1)stay out late ; (2)give sb. a ride/get a ride from sb.

2.Listen again.Why does Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a. (再听录音,彼得的爸爸为什么说不?在2a的表格里面连接理由)

3.Listen and check. (核对答案并跟读课本99-100页的听力材料)

4. Make conversations between Peter and his father. (编写彼得和爸爸之间的对话)

Step 7: Exercises in class (当堂训练)

1、Choice question

1.She often_____(do) some shopping on weekends.

2.Could you please_____(make)your bed?

3.I often help my mother do the______(dish) at home.

4.Could you please_______(not play) football on the street?

5.Mom_____(sweep)the floor an hour ago.

6.--Could you please take care of my dog?

---_____.I am too busy.

A.Yes,you can.


C.Sorry,I can't

7.Could you please ____his bed?




C.to make

8.---The apples are bad.Could you please ___when you go out?


A.take it out

B.take out it

C.take them out

D.take out them

2、review the key words and phrases

倒垃圾take out the rubbish

干家务do chores

洗餐具do the dishes

扫地sweep the floor

做饭make dinner

整理床铺make the bed

叠衣服fold the clothes

Step 8:Homework

1.List the words and expressions you've learnt in this section

2.Make a conversation between you and your mother, using the sentence pattern “Could you please …?”
