(高等数学英文课件)8.2 Subsequences Bounded Sequences
kind [第一类间断点] of the function; all other discontinuous points are called discontinuity of the second kind[第二类间断点].
First kind
x O
Second Kind
The Classification of Discontinuous Points
The Continuity of Function
2x 1, 1 x 0
0 x1
does not continuous at
x0 .
Proof Since f (0) 3 and
xlim0 f ( x) xlim0( x2 3) 3 f (0)
x) sin( x0)
x 2
x 2
lim cos
x 2
x 2
Hence sin x is continuous at x x0. Since, x0 is arbitrary point
in the interval (,), we have sin x C(,) .
x x0
x x0
f (x) f (x)
f ( x0)
f ( x0)
The Continuity of Function
For example:
(1){1}: 1, 1 , 1 , 1 , n 23 n
(2){ (1)n1 1}: 1, 1 , 1 ,(1)n1 1 ,
(3){n (1)n }: 0, 3 , 2 , 5 n (1)n ,
(4){8}: 8,8,8,88
1 lim 0 n n 2
Find lim n3 n n n3 2n2 1
n3 n
n n3 2n2 1
n n3
The Sandwich Theorem for Sequences 'sænwidʒ]
We should choose
2.Showing that this N works.
given 0, Let N 1
1 n2
n N,
Therefore , by the definition of a limit,
Find a formula for the general term an of the sequence assuming that the pattern of the first few terms continues.
1, 2 , 4 , 8 , 3 9 27
subsequence的短语单词:subsequence1.1 词性:名词1.2 释义:随后;接着;后续;子序列(在数学或计算机科学等领域中,指序列中的一部分,其元素按原序列顺序排列)1.3 英文解释:A following part or sequence; in mathematics or computer science, a subset of a sequence where the elements are in the same order as in the original sequence.1.4 相关词汇:同义词有 sequel,succession;派生词有 subsequent(形容词,随后的;后来的)。
---2 起源与背景2.1 词源:源于拉丁语“sub-”(在……之下;低于;次于)和“sequi”(跟随),组合起来表示在某个序列之后的部分或跟随而来的情况。
2.2 趣闻:在一些古老的家族族谱记载中,会详细描述家族成员的出生顺序以及后续(subsequence)的重大事件,这些记录不仅是家族传承的一部分,也为研究当时的社会文化和人口发展提供了有价值的线索。
例如,通过分析不同家族的 subsequence 信息,可以了解到特定时期的婚姻习俗、寿命情况等。
---3 常用搭配与短语3.1 短语:- in subsequence:在随后;接下来。
例句:We will discuss the details in subsequence. 翻译:我们将在接下来讨论细节。
- subsequence of events:事件的后续发展。
例句:The subsequence of events led to a complete change in the situation. 翻译:事件的后续发展导致了局势的彻底改变。
- a subsequence of numbers:数字子序列。
(高等数学英文课件)1.3 Limits Involving Infinity
![(高等数学英文课件)1.3 Limits Involving Infinity](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e2f870026fff705cc170adb.png)
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Limits Involving Infinity
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1.3.1 Finite Limits as x … 1.3.2 Rules for Limits 1.3.3 Horizontal Asymptotes 1.3.4 Infinite Limits 1.3.5 Vertical Asymptotes 1.3.6 Oblique Asymptotes
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Infinite Limits
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故有1-a=0,a-b=0,由此得 a=b=1
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Horizontal Asymptotes
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limsinx, limsinx.
lim , lim .
x x x0
Longest common subsequence
![Longest common subsequence](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/77763fbff121dd36a32d8256.png)
If I is an IS of π with length equal to the size of a cover C of π, then I is a LIS of π and C is the smallest cover of size c.
If I is an increasing sequence, it cannot contain more than one element from a decreasing sequence. This means that no increasing subsequence can have size more than the size of any cover C, that is, if a maximum of one element from each can participate in any increasing sequence. Thus, an IS derived from this decomposition can have a maximum length of |C |=c. Conversely, C must be the smallest. If not, let c’ be the length of a cover C’ such that |C’|=< c i.e., if we derive IS from C, it must contain more than one element from one of the decreasing sequence of C’, which is not possible. Hence C has to be of smallest size.
目录第一部分英汉微积分词汇Part 1 English-Chinese Calculus Vocabulary第一章函数与极限Chapter 1 function and Limit (1)第二章导数与微分Chapter 2 Derivative and Differential (2)第三章微分中值定理Chapter 3 Mean Value theorem of differentials and theApplicati on of Derivatives (3)第四章不定积分Chapter 4 Indefinite Intergrals (3)第五章定积分Chapter 5 Definite Integral (3)第六章定积分的应用Chapter 6 Application of the Definite Integrals (4)第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter 7 Space Ana lytic Geomertry and Vector Algebra (4)第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter 8 Differentiation of functions Several variablesand Its Application (5)第九章重积分Multiple Integrals (6)第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapter 10 Line(Curve ) Integrals and Sur face Integrals……………………6 第十一章无穷级数Chapter 11 Infinite Series……………………………………………………6 第十二章微分方程Chapter 12 Differential Equation (7)第二部分定理定义公式的英文表达 Part 2 English Expression for Theorem, Definition and Formula第一章函数与极限Chapter 1 Function and L imit (19)1.1 映射与函数(Mapping and Function ) (19)1.2 数列的极限(Limit of the Sequence of Number) (20)1.3 函数的极限(Limit of Function) (21)1.4 无穷小与无穷大(Infinitesimal and Inifinity) (23)1.5 极限运算法则(Operation Rule of L imit) (24)1.6 极限存在准则两个重要的极限(Rule for theExistence of Limits Two Important Limits) (25)1.7 无穷小的比较(The Comparison of infinitesimal) (26)1.8 函数的连续性与间断点(Continuity of FunctionAnd Discontinuity Points) (28)1.9 连续函数的运酸与初等函数的连续性(OperationOf Continuous Functions and Continuity ofElementary Functions) (28)1.10 闭区间上联系汗水的性质(Properties ofContinuous Functions on a Closed Interval) (30)第二章导数与数分Chapter2 Derivative and Differential (31)2.1 导数的概念(The Concept of Derivative) (31)2.2 函数的求导法则(Rules for Finding Derivatives) (33)2.3 高阶导数(Higher-order Derivatives) (34)2.4 隐函数及由参数方程所确定的函数的导数相关变化率(Derivatives of Implicit Functions and Functions Determined by Parametric Equation and Correlative Change Rate) (34)2.5 函数的微分(Differential of a Function) (35)第三章微分中值定理与导数的应用Chapter 3 Mean Value Theorem of Differentials and theApplication of Derivatives (36)3.1 微分中值定理(The Mean Value Theorem) (36)3.2 洛必达法则(L’Hopital’s Rule) (38)3.3 泰勒公式(Taylor’s Formula) (41)3.4 函数的单调性和曲线的凹凸性(Monotonicityof Functions and Concavity of Curves) (43)3.5 函数的极值与最大最小值(Extrema, Maximaand Minima of Functions) (46)3.6 函数图形的描绘(Graphing Functions) (49)3.7 曲率(Curvature) (50)3.8 方程的近似解(Solving Equation Numerically) (53)第四章不定积分Chapter 4 Indefinite Integrals (54)4.1 不定积分的概念与性质(The Concept andProperties of Indefinite Integrals) (54)4.2 换元积分法(Substitution Rule for Indefinite Integrals) (56)4.3 分部积分法(Integration by Parts) (57)4.4 有理函数的积分(Integration of Rational Functions) (58)第五章定积分Chapter 5 Definite Integrals (61)5.1 定积分的概念和性质(Concept of Definite Integraland its Properties) (61)5.2 微积分基本定理(Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) (67)5.3 定积分的换元法和分部积分法(Integration by Substitution andDefinite Integrals by Parts) (69)5.4 反常积分(Improper Integrals) (70)第六章定积分的应用Chapter 6 Applications of the Definite Integrals (75)6.1 定积分的元素法(The Element Method of Definite Integra (75)6.2 定积分在几何学上的应用(Applications of the DefiniteIntegrals to Geometry) (76)6.3 定积分在物理学上的应用(Applications of the DefiniteIntegrals to Physics) (79)第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter 7 Space Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebar (80)7.1 向量及其线性运算(Vector and Its Linear Operation) (80)7.2 数量积向量积(Dot Produc t and Cross Product) (86)7.3 曲面及其方程(Surface and Its Equation) (89)7.4 空间曲线及其方程(The Curve in Three-space and Its Equation (91)7.5 平面及其方程(Plane in Space and Its Equation) (93)7.6 空间直线及其方程(Lines in and Their Equations) (95)第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter 8 Differentiation of Functions of SeveralVariables and Its Application (99)8.1 多元函数的基本概念(The Basic Concepts of Functionsof Several Variables) (99)8.2 偏导数(Partial Derivative) (102)8.3 全微分(Total Differential) (103)8.4 链式法则(The Chain Rule) (104)8.5 隐函数的求导公式(Derivative Formula for Implicit Functions). (104)8.6 多元函数微分学的几何应用(Geometric Applications of Differentiationof Ffunctions of Severalvariables) (106)8.7方向导数与梯度(Directional Derivatives and Gradients) (107)8.8多元函数的极值(Extreme Value of Functions of Several Variables) (108)第九章重积分Chapter 9 Multiple Integrals (111)9.1二重积分的概念与性质(The Concept of Double Integralsand Its Properities) (111)9.2二重积分的计算法(Evaluation of double Integrals) (114)9.3三重积分(Triple Integrals) (115)9.4重积分的应用(Applications of Multiple Itegrals) (120)第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapte 10 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals………………………………121 10.1 对弧长的曲线积分(line Intergrals with Respect to Arc Length) ………121 10.2 对坐标的曲线积分(Line Integrals with respect toCoordinate Variables) ……………………………………………………123 10.3 格林公式及其应用(Green's Formula and Its Applications) ………………124 10.4 对面积的曲面积分(Surface Integrals with Respect to Aarea) ……………126 10.5 对坐标的曲面积分(Surface Integrals with Respect toCoordinate Variables) ………………………………………………………128 10.6 高斯公式通量与散度(Gauss's Formula Flux and Divirgence) …… 130 10.7 斯托克斯公式环流量与旋度(Stokes's Formula Circulationand Rotation) (131)第十一章无穷级数Chapter 11 Infinite Series (133)11.1 常数项级数的概念与性质(The concept and Properties ofThe Constant series) ………………………………………………………133 11.2 常数项级数的审敛法(Test for Convergence of the Constant Series) ……137 11.3 幂级数(powe r Series). ……………………………………………………143 11.4 函数展开成幂级数(Represent the Function as Power Series) ……………148 11.5 函数的幂级数展开式的应用(the Appliacation of the Power Seriesrepresentation of a Function) (148)11.6 函数项级数的一致收敛性及一致收敛级数的基本性质(The Unanimous Convergence of the Ser ies of Functions and Its properties) (149)11.7 傅立叶级数(Fourier Series).............................................152 11.8 一般周期函数的傅立叶级数(Fourier Series of Periodic Functions) (153)第十二章微分方程Chapter 12 Differential Equation……………………………………………155 12.1 微分方程的基本概念(The Concept of DifferentialEqu ation) ……155 12.2 可分离变量的微分方程(Separable Differential Equation) ………156 12.3 齐次方程(Homogeneous Equation) ………………………………156 12.4 一次线性微分方程(Linear Differential Equation of theFirst Order) (157)12.5 全微分方程(Total Differential Equation) …………………………158 12.6 可降阶的高阶微分方程(Higher-order DifferentialEquation Turned to Lower-order DifferentialEquation) (159)12.7 高阶线性微分方程(Linear Differential Equation of Higher Order) …159 12.8 常系数齐次线性微分方程(Homogeneous LinearDifferential Equation with Constant Coefficient) (163)12.9 常系数非齐次线性微分方程(Non HomogeneousDifferential Equation with Constant Coefficient) (164)12.10 欧拉方程(Euler Equation) …………………………………………164 12.11 微分方程的幂级数解法(Power Series Solutionto Differential Equation) (164)第三部分常用数学符号的英文表达Part 3 English Expression of the Mathematical Symbol in Common Use第一部分英汉微积分词汇Part1 English-Chinese Calculus Vocabulary映射 mappingX到Y的映射 mapping of X ontoY 满射 surjection 单射 injection一一映射 one-to-one mapping 双射 bijection 算子 operator变化 transformation 函数 function逆映射 inverse mapping复合映射 composite mapping 自变量 independent variable 因变量 dependent variable 定义域 domain函数值 value of function 函数关系 function relation 值域 range自然定义域 natural domain 单值函数 single valued function 多值函数 multiple valued function 单值分支 one-valued branch 函数图形 graph of a function 绝对值函数 absolute value 符号函数 sigh function 整数部分 integral part 阶梯曲线 step curve 第一章函数与极限Chapter1 Function and Limit 集合 set元素 element 子集 subset 空集 empty set 并集 union交集 intersection 差集 difference of set 基本集 basic set补集 complement set 直积 direct product笛卡儿积 Cartesian product 开区间 open interval 闭区间 closed interval 半开区间half open interval 有限区间 finite interval区间的长度 length of an interval 无限区间 infinite interval 领域 neighborhood领域的中心 centre of a neighborhood 领域的半径 radius of a neighborhood 左领域left neighborhood 右领域 right neighborhood当且仅当 if and only if(iff) 分段函数 piecewise function 上界 upper bound 下界lower bound 有界 boundedness 无界 unbounded函数的单调性 monotonicity of a function 单调增加的 increasing 单调减少的decreasing单调函数 monotone function函数的奇偶性 parity(odevity) of a function对称 symmetry 偶函数 even function 奇函数 odd function函数的周期性 periodicity of a function 周期 period反函数 inverse function 直接函数 direct function 复合函数 composite function 中间变量 intermediate variable 函数的运算 operation of function基本初等函数 basic elementary function 初等函数 elementary function 幂函数 power function指数函数 exponential function 对数函数 logarithmic function 三角函数 trigonometric function反三角函数 inverse trigonometric function 常数函数 constant function 双曲函数hyperbolic function 双曲正弦 hyperbolic sine 双曲余弦 hyperbolic cosine 双曲正切hyperbolic tangent反双曲正弦 inverse hyperbolic sine 反双曲余弦 inverse hyperbolic cosine 反双曲正切 inverse hyperbolic tangent 极限 limit数列 sequence of number 收敛 convergence 收敛于 a converge to a 发散 divergent极限的唯一性 uniqueness of limits收敛数列的有界性 boundedness of aconvergent sequence子列 subsequence函数的极限 limits of functions函数f(x)当x趋于x0时的极限 limit of functions f(x) as x approaches x0 左极限 left limit 右极限 right limit单侧极限 one-sided limits水平渐近线 horizontal asymptote 无穷小 infinitesimal 无穷大 infinity铅直渐近线 vertical asymptote 夹逼准则 squeeze rule单调数列 monotonic sequence高阶无穷小 infinitesimal of higher order 低阶无穷小 infinitesimal of lower order 同阶无穷小 infinitesimal of the same order 等阶无穷小 equivalent infinitesimal 函数的连续性 continuity of a function 增量 increment函数f(x)在x0连续 the function f(x) is continuous at x0左连续 left continuous 右连续 right continuous区间上的连续函数 continuous function 函数f(x)在该区间上连续 function f(x) is continuous on an interval 不连续点 discontinuity point第一类间断点 discontinuity point of the first kind第二类间断点 discontinuity point of the second kind初等函数的连续性 continuity of the elementary functions定义区间 defined interval最大值 global maximum value (absolute maximum)最小值 global minimum value (absolute minimum)零点定理 the zero point theorem介值定理 intermediate value theorem 第二章导数与微分Chapter2 Derivative and Differential 速度 velocity匀速运动 uniform motion 平均速度 average velocity瞬时速度 instantaneous velocity 圆的切线 tangent line of a circle 切线 tangent line切线的斜率 slope of the tangent line 位置函数 position function 导数 derivative 可导derivable函数的变化率问题 problem of the change rate of a function导函数 derived function 左导数 left-hand derivative 右导数 right-hand derivative 单侧导数 one-sided derivativesf(x)在闭区间【a,b】上可导 f(x)isderivable on the closed interval [a,b] 切线方程 tangent equation 角速度 angular velocity 成本函数 cost function 边际成本 marginal cost 链式法则 chain rule隐函数 implicit function 显函数 explicit function 二阶函数 second derivative 三阶导数 third derivative 高阶导数 nth derivative莱布尼茨公式 Leibniz formula 对数求导法 log- derivative 参数方程 parametric equation 相关变化率 correlative change rata 微分 differential 可微的 differentiable 函数的微分 differential of function自变量的微分 differential of independent variable微商 differential quotient间接测量误差 indirect measurement error 绝对误差 absolute error相对误差 relative error第三章微分中值定理与导数的应用Chapter3 MeanValue Theorem of Differentials and the Application of Derivatives 罗马定理Rolle’s theorem 费马引理Fermat’s lemma拉格朗日中值定理Lagrange’s mean value theorem驻点 stationary point 稳定点 stable point 临界点 critical point辅助函数 auxiliary function拉格朗日中值公式Lagrange’s mean value formula柯西中值定理Cauchy’s mean value theorem洛必达法则L’Hospital’s Rule0/0型不定式 indeterminate form of type 0/0不定式 indeterminate form泰勒中值定理Taylor’s mean value theorem泰勒公式 Taylor formula 余项 remainder term拉格朗日余项 Lagrange remainder term 麦克劳林公式Maclaurin’s formula 佩亚诺公式 Peano remainder term 凹凸性 concavity凹向上的 concave upward, cancave up 凹向下的,向上凸的concave downward’ concave down拐点 inflection point函数的极值 extremum of function 极大值 local(relative) maximum 最大值global(absolute) mximum 极小值 local(relative) minimum 最小值 global(absolute) minimum 目标函数 objective function 曲率 curvature弧微分 arc differential平均曲率 average curvature 曲率园 circle of curvature 曲率中心 center of curvature 曲率半径 radius of curvature渐屈线 evolute 渐伸线 involute根的隔离 isolation of root 隔离区间 isolation interval 切线法 tangent line method第四章不定积分Chapter4 Indefinite Integrals原函数 primitive function(antiderivative) 积分号 sign of integration 被积函数integrand积分变量 integral variable 积分曲线 integral curve 积分表 table of integrals换元积分法 integration by substitution 分部积分法 integration by parts分部积分公式 formula of integration by parts有理函数 rational function 真分式 proper fraction 假分式 improper fraction第五章定积分Chapter5 Definite Integrals 曲边梯形 trapezoid with 曲边 curve edge窄矩形 narrow rectangle曲边梯形的面积 area of trapezoid with curved edge积分下限 lower limit of integral 积分上限 upper limit of integral 积分区间 integral interval 分割 partition积分和 integral sum 可积 integrable矩形法 rectangle method积分中值定理 mean value theorem of integrals函数在区间上的平均值 average value of a function on an integvals牛顿-莱布尼茨公式 Newton-Leibniz formula微积分基本公式 fundamental formula of calculus换元公式 formula for integration by substitution递推公式 recurrence formula 反常积分 improper integral反常积分发散 the improper integral is divergent反常积分收敛 the improper integral is convergent无穷限的反常积分 improper integral on an infinite interval无界函数的反常积分 improper integral of unbounded functions绝对收敛 absolutely convergent第六章定积分的应用Chapter6 Applications of the Definite Integrals元素法 the element method 面积元素 element of area平面图形的面积 area of a luane figure 直角坐标又称“笛卡儿坐标 (Cartesian coordinates)”极坐标 polar coordinates 抛物线 parabola 椭圆 ellipse旋转体的面积 volume of a solid of rotation旋转椭球体 ellipsoid of revolution, ellipsoid of rotation曲线的弧长 arc length of acurve 可求长的 rectifiable 光滑 smooth 功 work水压力 water pressure 引力 gravitation 变力 variable force第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter7 Space Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebra向量 vector自由向量 free vector 单位向量 unit vector 零向量 zero vector 相等 equal 平行parallel向量的线性运算 linear poeration of vector 三角法则 triangle rule平行四边形法则 parallelogram rule 交换律 commutative law 结合律 associative law 负向量 negative vector 差 difference分配律 distributive law空间直角坐标系 space rectangular coordinates坐标面 coordinate plane 卦限 octant向量的模 modulus of vector向量a与b的夹角 angle between vector a and b方向余弦 direction cosine 方向角 direction angle向量在轴上的投影 projection of a vector onto an axis数量积,外积,叉积 scalar product,dot product,inner product曲面方程 equation for a surface 球面 sphere旋转曲面 surface of revolution 母线 generating line 轴 axis圆锥面 cone 顶点 vertex旋转单叶双曲面 revolution hyperboloids of one sheet旋转双叶双曲面 revolution hyperboloids of two sheets柱面 cylindrical surface ,cylinder 圆柱面 cylindrical surface 准线 directrix抛物柱面 parabolic cylinder 二次曲面 quadric surface 椭圆锥面 dlliptic cone 椭球面ellipsoid单叶双曲面 hyperboloid of one sheet 双叶双曲面 hyperboloid of two sheets 旋转椭球面 ellipsoid of revolution 椭圆抛物面 elliptic paraboloid旋转抛物面 paraboloid of revolution 双曲抛物面 hyperbolic paraboloid 马鞍面 saddle surface椭圆柱面 elliptic cylinder 双曲柱面 hyperbolic cylinder 抛物柱面 parabolic cylinder 空间曲线 space curve空间曲线的一般方程 general form equations of a space curve空间曲线的参数方程 parametric equations of a space curve 螺转线 spiral 螺矩 pitch 投影柱面 projecting cylinder 投影 projection平面的点法式方程 pointnorm form eqyation of a plane法向量 normal vector平面的一般方程 general form equation of a plane两平面的夹角 angle between two planes 点到平面的距离 distance from a point to a plane空间直线的一般方程 general equation of a line in space方向向量 direction vector直线的点向式方程 pointdirection form equations of a line方向数 direction number直线的参数方程 parametric equations of a line两直线的夹角 angle between two lines 垂直 perpendicular直线与平面的夹角 angle between a line and a planes平面束 pencil of planes平面束的方程 equation of a pencil of planes行列式 determinant系数行列式 coefficient determinant第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter8 Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables and Its Application 一元函数 function of one variable 多元函数 function of several variables 内点 interior point 外点 exterior point 边界点 frontier point,boundary point 聚点 point of accumulation 开集 openset 闭集 closed set 连通集 connected set 开区域 open region 闭区域 closed region有界集 bounded set 无界集 unbounded setn维空间 n-dimentional space 二重极限 double limit 多元函数的连续性 continuity of function of seveal 连续函数 continuous function 不连续点 discontinuity point 一致连续 uniformly continuous 偏导数 partial derivative 对自变量x的偏导数 partial derivative with respect to independent variable x 高阶偏导数 partial derivative of higher order 二阶偏导数 second order partial derivative 混合偏导数 hybrid partial derivative 全微分 total differential 偏增量 oartial increment 偏微分 partial differential 全增量 total increment 可微分 differentiable 必要条件 necessary condition充分条件 sufficient condition 叠加原理 superpostition principle 全导数 total derivative中间变量 intermediate variable 隐函数存在定理 theorem of the existence of implicit function 曲线的切向量 tangent vector of a curve 法平面 normal plane 向量方程vector equation 向量值函数 vector-valued function 切平面 tangent plane 法线 normal line 方向导数 directional derivative梯度 gradient数量场 scalar field 梯度场 gradient field 向量场 vector field 势场 potential field 引力场 gravitational field 引力势 gravitational potential 曲面在一点的切平面 tangent plane to asurface at a point 曲线在一点的法线 normal line to asurface at a point 无条件极值 unconditional extreme values 条件极值 conditional extreme values 拉格朗日乘数法 Lagrange multiplier method 拉格朗日乘子 Lagrange multiplier 经验公式 empirical formula 最小二乘法 method of least squares 均方误差mean square error 第九章重积分 Chapter9 Multiple Integrals 二重积分 double integral 可加性 additivity累次积分 iterated integral 体积元素 volume element 三重积分 triple integral 直角坐标系中的体积元素 volumeelement in rectangular coordinate system 柱面坐标 cylindrical coordinates 柱面坐标系中的体积元素 volumeelement in cylindrical coordinate system 球面坐标 spherical coordinates 球面坐标系中的体积元素 volumeelement in spherical coordinate system 反常二重积分 improper double integral 曲面的面积 area of a surface 质心 centre of mass 静矩 static moment 密度 density 形心centroid 转动惯量 moment of inertia 参变量 parametric variable 第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapter10 Line(Curve)Integrals and Surface Integrals对弧长的曲线积分 line integrals with respect to arc hength第一类曲线积分 line integrals of the first type对坐标的曲线积分 line integrals with respect to x,y,and z第二类曲线积分 line integrals of the second type有向曲线弧 directed arc单连通区域 simple connected region 复连通区域 complex connected region 格林公式Green formula第一类曲面积分 surface integrals of the first type对面的曲面积分 surface integrals with respect to area有向曲面 directed surface对坐标的曲面积分 surface integrals with respect to coordinate elements第二类曲面积分 surface integrals of the second type有向曲面元 element of directed surface 高斯公式 gauss formula拉普拉斯算子 Laplace operator 格林第一公式Green’s first formula 通量 flux散度 divergence斯托克斯公式 Stokes formula 环流量 circulation 旋度 rotation,curl第十一章无穷级数Chapter11 Infinite Series 一般项 general term 部分和 partial sum 余项 remainder term 等比级数 geometric series 几何级数 geometric series 公比 common ratio调和级数 harmonic series柯西收敛准则 Cauchy convergence criteria, Cauchy criteria for convergence 正项级数series of positive terms 达朗贝尔判别法D’Alembert test 柯西判别法 Cauchy test交错级数 alternating series 绝对收敛 absolutely convergent 条件收敛 conditionally convergent 柯西乘积 Cauchy product 函数项级数 series of functions 发散点 point of divergence 收敛点 point of convergence 收敛域 convergence domain 和函数 sum function 幂级数 power series幂级数的系数 coeffcients of power series 阿贝尔定理 Abel Theorem收敛半径 radius of convergence 收敛区间 interval of convergence 泰勒级数 Taylor series麦克劳林级数 Maclaurin series 二项展开式 binomial expansion 近似计算approximate calculation舍入误差 round-off error,rounding error 欧拉公式Euler’s formula魏尔斯特拉丝判别法 Weierstrass test 三角级数 trigonometric series 振幅 amplitude 角频率 angular frequency 初相 initial phase 矩形波 square wave谐波分析 harmonic analysis 直流分量 direct component 基波 fundamental wave 二次谐波 second harmonic三角函数系 trigonometric function system 傅立叶系数 Fourier coefficient 傅立叶级数 Forrier series 周期延拓 periodic prolongation 正弦级数 sine series 余弦级数cosine series 奇延拓 odd prolongation 偶延拓 even prolongation傅立叶级数的复数形式 complex form of Fourier series第十二章微分方程Chapter12 Differential Equation解微分方程 solve a dirrerential equation 常微分方程 ordinary differential equation偏微分方程 partial differential equation,PDE微分方程的阶 order of a differential equation微分方程的解 solution of a differential equation微分方程的通解 general solution of a differential equation初始条件 initial condition微分方程的特解 particular solution of a differential equation初值问题 initial value problem微分方程的积分曲线 integral curve of a differential equation可分离变量的微分方程 variable separable differential equation隐式解 implicit solution隐式通解 inplicit general solution 衰变系数 decay coefficient 衰变 decay齐次方程 homogeneous equation一阶线性方程 linear differential equation of first order非齐次 non-homogeneous齐次线性方程 homogeneous linear equation非齐次线性方程 non-homogeneous linear equation常数变易法 method of variation of constant暂态电流 transient stata current 稳态电流 steady state current 伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation全微分方程 total differential equation 积分因子 integrating factor高阶微分方程 differential equation of higher order悬链线 catenary高阶线性微分方程 linera differentialequation of higher order自由振动的微分方程 differential equation of free vibration强迫振动的微分方程 differential equation of forced oscillation串联电路的振荡方程 oscillation equation of series circuit二阶线性微分方程 second order linera differential equation线性相关 linearly dependence 线性无关 linearly independce二阶常系数齐次线性微分方程 second order homogeneour linear differential equation with constant coefficient二阶变系数齐次线性微分方程 second order homogeneous linear differential equation with variable coefficient 特征方程 characteristic equation无阻尼自由振动的微分方程 differential equation of free vibration with zero damping 固有频率 natural frequency简谐振动 simple harmonic oscillation,simple harmonic vibration微分算子 differential operator待定系数法 method of undetermined coefficient共振现象 resonance phenomenon 欧拉方程 Euler equation幂级数解法 power series solution 数值解法 numerial solution 勒让德方程 Legendre equation微分方程组 system of differential equations常系数线性微分方程组 system of linera differential equations with constant coefficient第二部分定理定义公式的英文表达Part2 English Expression for Theorem, Definition and Formula第一章函数与极限Chapter 1 Function and Limit1.1 映射与函数 (Mapping and Function)一、集合 (Set)二、映射 (Mapping)映射概念 (The Concept of Mapping) 设X, Y是两个非空集合 , 如果存在一个法则f,使得对X中每个元素x,按法则f,在Y中有唯一确定的元素y与之对应 ,则称f为从X到 Y的映射 , 记作f:X→Y。
V、X、Z:Value of function :函数值Variable :变数Vector :向量Velocity :速度Vertical asymptote :垂直渐近线Volume :体积X-axis :x轴x-coordinate :x坐标x-intercept :x截距Zero vector :函数的零点Zeros of a polynomial :多项式的零点T:Tangent function :正切函数Tangent line :切线Tangent plane :切平面Tangent vector :切向量Total differential :全微分Trigonometric function :三角函数Trigonometric integrals :三角积分Trigonometric substitutions :三角代换法Tripe integrals :三重积分S:Saddle point :鞍点Scalar :纯量Secant line :割线Second derivative :二阶导数Second Derivative Test :二阶导数试验法Second partial derivative :二阶偏导数Sector :扇形Sequence :数列Series :级数Set :集合Shell method :剥壳法Sine function :正弦函数Singularity :奇点Slant asymptote :斜渐近线Slope :斜率Slope-intercept equation of a line :直线的斜截式Smooth curve :平滑曲线Smooth surface :平滑曲面Solid of revolution :旋转体Space :空间Speed :速率Spherical coordinates :球面坐标Squeeze Theorem :夹挤定理Step function :阶梯函数Strictly decreasing :严格递减Strictly increasing :严格递增Sum :和Surface :曲面Surface integral :面积分Surface of revolution :旋转曲面Symmetry :对称R:Radius of convergence :收敛半径Range of a function :函数的值域Rate of change :变化率Rational function :有理函数Rationalizing substitution :有理代换法Rational number :有理数Real number :实数Rectangular coordinates :直角坐标Rectangular coordinate system :直角坐标系Relative maximum and minimum :相对极大值与极小值Revenue function :收入函数Revolution , solid of :旋转体Revolution , surface of :旋转曲面Riemann Sum :黎曼和Riemannian geometry :黎曼几何Right-hand derivative :右导数Right-hand limit :右极限Root :根P、Q:Parabola :拋物线Parabolic cylinder :抛物柱面Paraboloid :抛物面Parallelepiped :平行六面体Parallel lines :并行线Parameter :参数Partial derivative :偏导数Partial differential equation :偏微分方程Partial fractions :部分分式Partial integration :部分积分Partiton :分割Period :周期Periodic function :周期函数Perpendicular lines :垂直线Piecewise defined function :分段定义函数Plane :平面Point of inflection :反曲点Polar axis :极轴Polar coordinate :极坐标Polar equation :极方程式Pole :极点Polynomial :多项式Positive angle :正角Point-slope form :点斜式Power function :幂函数Product :积Quadrant :象限Quotient Law of limit :极限的商定律Quotient Rule :商定律M、N、O:Maximum and minimum values :极大与极小值Mean Value Theorem :均值定理Multiple integrals :重积分Multiplier :乘子Natural exponential function :自然指数函数Natural logarithm function :自然对数函数Natural number :自然数Normal line :法线Normal vector :法向量Number :数Octant :卦限Odd function :奇函数One-sided limit :单边极限Open interval :开区间Optimization problems :最佳化问题Order :阶Ordinary differential equation :常微分方程Origin :原点Orthogonal :正交的L:Laplace transform :Leplace 变换Law of Cosines :余弦定理Least upper bound :最小上界Left-hand derivative :左导数Left-hand limit :左极限Lemniscate :双钮线Length :长度Level curve :等高线L'Hospital's rule :洛必达法则Limacon :蚶线Limit :极限Linear approximation:线性近似Linear equation :线性方程式Linear function :线性函数Linearity :线性Linearization :线性化Line in the plane :平面上之直线Line in space :空间之直线Lobachevski geometry :罗巴切夫斯基几何Local extremum :局部极值Local maximum and minimum :局部极大值与极小值Logarithm :对数Logarithmic function :对数函数I:Implicit differentiation :隐求导法Implicit function :隐函数Improper integral :瑕积分Increasing/Decreasing Test :递增或递减试验法Increment :增量Increasing Function :增函数Indefinite integral :不定积分Independent variable :自变数Indeterminate from :不定型Inequality :不等式Infinite point :无穷极限Infinite series :无穷级数Inflection point :反曲点Instantaneous velocity :瞬时速度Integer :整数Integral :积分Integrand :被积分式Integration :积分Integration by part :分部积分法Intercepts :截距Intermediate value of Theorem :中间值定理Interval :区间Inverse function :反函数Inverse trigonometric function :反三角函数Iterated integral :逐次积分H:Higher mathematics 高等数学/高数E、F、G、H:Ellipse :椭圆Ellipsoid :椭圆体Epicycloid :外摆线Equation :方程式Even function :偶函数Expected Valued :期望值Exponential Function :指数函数Exponents , laws of :指数率Extreme value :极值Extreme Value Theorem :极值定理Factorial :阶乘First Derivative Test :一阶导数试验法First octant :第一卦限Focus :焦点Fractions :分式Function :函数Fundamental Theorem of Calculus :微积分基本定理Geometric series :几何级数Gradient :梯度Graph :图形Green Formula :格林公式Half-angle formulas :半角公式Harmonic series :调和级数Helix :螺旋线Higher Derivative :高阶导数Horizontal asymptote :水平渐近线Horizontal line :水平线Hyperbola :双曲线Hyper boloid :双曲面D:Decreasing function :递减函数Decreasing sequence :递减数列Definite integral :定积分Degree of a polynomial :多项式之次数Density :密度Derivative :导数of a composite function :复合函数之导数of a constant function :常数函数之导数directional :方向导数domain of :导数之定义域of exponential function :指数函数之导数higher :高阶导数partial :偏导数of a power function :幂函数之导数of a power series :羃级数之导数of a product :积之导数of a quotient :商之导数as a rate of change :导数当作变率right-hand :右导数second :二阶导数as the slope of a tangent :导数看成切线之斜率Determinant :行列式Differentiable function :可导函数Differential :微分Differential equation :微分方程partial :偏微分方程Differentiation :求导法implicit :隐求导法partial :偏微分法term by term :逐项求导法Directional derivatives :方向导数Discontinuity :不连续性Disk method :圆盘法Distance :距离Divergence :发散Domain :定义域Dot product :点积Double integral :二重积分change of variable in :二重积分之变数变换in polar coordinates :极坐标二重积分C:Calculus :微积分differential :微分学integral :积分学Cartesian coordinates :笛卡儿坐标一般指直角坐标Cartesian coordinates system :笛卡儿坐标系Cauch’s Mean Value Theorem :柯西均值定理Chain Rule :连锁律Change of variables :变数变换Circle :圆Circular cylinder :圆柱Closed interval :封闭区间Coefficient :系数Composition of function :函数之合成Compound interest :复利Concavity :凹性Conchoid :蚌线Cone :圆锥Constant function :常数函数Constant of integration :积分常数Continuity :连续性at a point :在一点处之连续性of a function :函数之连续性on an interval :在区间之连续性from the left :左连续from the right :右连续Continuous function :连续函数Convergence :收敛interval of :收敛区间radius of :收敛半径Convergent sequence :收敛数列series :收敛级数Coordinate:s:坐标Cartesian :笛卡儿坐标cylindrical :柱面坐标polar :极坐标rectangular :直角坐标spherical :球面坐标Coordinate axes :坐标轴Coordinate planes :坐标平面Cosine function :余弦函数Critical point :临界点Cubic function :三次函数Curve :曲线Cylinder:圆柱Cylindrical Coordinates :圆柱坐标A、B:Absolute convergence :绝对收敛Absolute extreme values :绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum :绝对极大与极小Absolute value :绝对值Absolute value function :绝对值函数Acceleration :加速度Antiderivative :反导数Approximate integration :近似积分Approximation :逼近法by differentials :用微分逼近linear :线性逼近法by Simp son’s Rule :Simpson法则逼近法by the Trapezoidal Rule :梯形法则逼近法Arbitrary constant :任意常数Arc length :弧长Area :面积under a curve :曲线下方之面积between curves :曲线间之面积in polar coordinates :极坐标表示之面积of a sector of a circle :扇形之面积of a surface of a revolution :旋转曲面之面积Asymptote :渐近线horizontal :水平渐近线slant :斜渐近线vertical :垂直渐近线Average speed :平均速率Average velocity :平均速度Axes, coordinate :坐标轴Axes of ellipse :椭圆之轴Binomial series :二项级数。
How I Can Help You
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Prerequisite and Description
• Prerequisite: MATH 170 Calculus I and CSCI 185 Programming II • Description: An introduction to discrete structures with applications to computing problems. Topics include logic, sets, functions, relations, proof techniques and algorithmic analysis. Graph theory and trees may be studied as well
Course Objectives
1. Relate practical examples to the appropriate set, function, or relation model, and interpret the associated operations and terminology in context 2. Apply proof techniques, including logic, to problems 3. Differentiate between dependent and independent events 4. Apply the binomial theorem to independent events and Bayes’ theorem to dependent events, and solve problems such as Hashing 5. Relate ideas of mathematical induction(归纳) to recursion and apply it to problems in computer science setting 6. Apply the basic counting principles, permutations and combinations to problems in computer science setting 7. Implementing algorithms in C or C++ programs
• Is the set of rational numbers countable?
Set of Ordered Pairs
• The set of all objects with the form <i,j> is countable, where i,j are nonnegative integers.
Proof of Countability
• The set of all integers is countable.
– We can arrange all integer in a linear list as follows: 0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,... that is: positive k is the (2k+1)th element, and negative k is the 2kth element in the list.
– p(A) = 2n. Why?
• 加法原则
– 一件事情有两种做法,第一种做法有n种方式,第二种 做法有m种方式,则完成这件事情共有m+n种方法 – 定义标识符:由字符开头的8位字符数字串或者一位字 符。共有多少个合法标识符? – 含数字1的小于10000的正整数个数
• Problem 1:
Countable Set
• A set A is countable if and only if we can arrange all of its elements in a linear list in a definite order.
– “Definite” means that we can specify the first, second, third element, and so on. – If the list ended and with the nth element as its last element, it is finite. – If the list goes on forever, it is infinite.
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้Algebraic Systems and Groups
Lecture 13 Discrete Mathematical Structures
If “” is associative, then x1x2x3… xn can be computed by any order of among the (n-1) operations, with the constraint that the order of all operands are not changed.
If S has a left identity and a right identity as well, then they must be equal, and this element is also an identity of the system: e l = e l e r= e r If existing, the identity of an algebraic system is unique: e 1= e 1e 2= e 2
What a pity!
Axiom of semigroup
– Association
An example ({1,2},*), * defined as follows:
For any x,y∈{1,2}, x*y=y Proof: it should be proved that for any x,y,z in {1,2}, (x*y)*z = x* (y*z)
a priori bound 先验界限a priori distribution 先验分布a priori probability 先验概率a summable a 可和的abacus 算盘abbreviate 略abbreviation 简化abel equation 阿贝耳方程abel identity 阿贝耳恒等式abel inequality 阿贝耳不等式abel summation method 阿贝耳求和法abelian algebra 阿贝耳代数abelian differential 阿贝耳微分abelian equation 阿贝耳方程abelian extension 阿贝耳扩张abelian function 阿贝耳函数abelian function field 阿贝耳函数域abelian functor 阿贝耳函子abelian group 交换群abelian groupoid 阿贝耳广群abelian integral 阿贝耳积分abelian summation 阿贝耳求和法abelian theorem 阿贝耳定理abelian variety 阿贝耳簇abridge 略abridged notation 简算记号abscissa 横坐标abscissa of absolute convergence 绝对收敛坐标abscissa of summability 可和性坐标abscissa of uniform convergence 一致收敛横坐标absolute 绝对形absolute address 绝对地址absolute class field 绝对类域absolute coding 绝对编码absolute cohomology 绝对上同调absolute conic 绝对二次曲线absolute convergence 绝对收敛absolute curvature vector 绝对曲率向量absolute deviation 绝对偏差absolute differential calculus 绝对微分学absolute error 绝对误差absolute geometry 绝对几何absolute homology group 绝对同岛absolute homotopy group 绝对同伦群absolute inequality 绝对不等式absolute instability 绝对不稳定性absolute maximum 绝对极大值absolute minimum 绝对极小值absolute moment 绝对矩absolute neighborhood 绝对邻域absolute neighborhood retract 绝对邻域收缩核absolute norm 绝对范数absolute number 不名数absolute parallelism 绝对平行性absolute quadric 绝对二次曲面absolute ramification index 绝对分歧指数absolute rotation 绝对旋转absolute singular homology group 绝对奇异同岛absolute space 绝对空间absolute space time 绝对时空absolute stability 绝对稳定性absolute term 常数项absolute unit 绝对单位absolute value 绝对值absolute value sign 绝对值符号absolute velocity 绝对速度absolutely additive measure 完全加性测度absolutely compact set 绝对紧集absolutely complete system 绝对完备系absolutely continuous 绝对连续的absolutely continuous distribution 绝对连续分布absolutely continuous function 绝对连续函数absolutely continuous measure 绝对连续测度absolutely continuous part 绝对连续部分absolutely continuous transformation绝对连续变换absolutely convergent 绝对收敛的absolutely convergent integral 绝对收敛积分absolutely discontinuous function 绝对不连续函数absolutely integrable 绝对可积的absolutely irreducible character 绝对不可约特征absolutely irreducible representation绝对不可约表示absolutely irreducible variety 绝对不可约簇absolutely normal number 绝对范数absolutely prime ideal 绝对素理想absolutely semisimple algebra 绝对半单代数absolutely simple group 绝对单群absolutely summable sequence 绝对可和序列absolutely unbiased estimator 绝对无偏估计量absolutely unramified extension 绝对非分歧扩张absorbing barrier 吸收障碍absorbing medium 吸收媒体absorbing set 吸收集absorbing state 吸收态absorption 吸收absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption factor 吸收因数absorption index 吸收指数absorption law 吸收律absorption probability 吸收概率abstract 抽象的abstract algebra 抽象代数abstract algebraic geometry 抽象代数几何abstract automaton 抽象自动机abstract category 抽象范畴abstract code 理想码abstract complex 抽象复形abstract group 抽象群abstract interval function 抽象区间函数abstract mathematics 抽象数学abstract number 不名数abstract ordered simplicial complex抽象有序单纯复形abstract simplex 抽象单形abstraction 抽象abstraction operator 抽象算子absurd 谬论的absurdity 谬论abundance ratio 丰度比abundant number 过剩数accelerated motion 加速运动acceleration 加速度acceleration of convergence 收敛性的加速acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceptable quality level 合格质量水平acceptance 肯定acceptance inspection 接受检查acceptance limit 接受界限acceptance line 接受线acceptance number 接受数acceptance probability 接受概率acceptance region 接受区域acceptance zone 接受带access 存取access speed 存取速度access time 存取时间accessibility 可达性accessible boundary point 可达边界点accessible ordinal number 可达序数accessible point 可达点accessible set 可达集accessible vertex 可达顶点accessory extremal 配连极值accidental 偶然的accidental coincidence 偶然符合accidental error 随机误差accommodation 第accumulated error 累积误差accumulating point 聚点accumulation 累积accumulation point 聚点accumulator 累加器存储器accuracy 准确性accuracy grade 准确度accuracy of measurement 测量精确度accuracy rating 准确度acnod 孤点acount 计算actual 真实的actual infinity 实无穷acute 尖锐的acute angle 锐角acute angled triangle 锐角三角形acute triangle 锐角三角形acuteness 锐度acyclic 非循环的acyclic complex 非循环复形acyclic graph 环道自由图acyclic model theorem 非循环模型定理ad infinitum 无穷地adams circle 阿达姆斯圆adams extrapolation method 阿达姆斯外插法adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adapted basis 适应基add 加added circuit 加法电路addend 加数adder 加法器addition 加法addition formulas 加法公式addition sign 加号addition system 加法系addition table 加法表addition theorem 加法定理addition theorem of probability 概率的加法定理additional 加法的additional code 附加代码additional condition 附加条件additional error 附加误差additive 加法的additive category 加性范畴additive class 加性类additive functional 加性泛函数additive functional transformation 加性泛函变换additive group 加法群additive interval function 加性区间函数additive inverse element 加性逆元素additive number theory 堆垒数论additive operator 加性算子additive theory of numbers 堆垒数论additive valuation 加法赋值additively commutative ordinalnumbers 加性交换序数additivity 加法性address 地址address part 地址部分address register 地址寄存器addressing 指定箱位adele 阿代尔adele group 阿代尔群adequate 适合的adherent point 触点adhesion 附着adjacency 邻接adjacency matrix 邻接矩阵adjacent angles 邻角adjacent edge 邻棱adjacent side 邻边adjacent supplementary angles 邻角adjacent vertex 邻顶adjoint boundary value problem 伴随边值问题adjoint determinant 伴随行列式adjoint difference equation 伴随差分方程adjoint differential equation 伴随微分方程adjoint differential expression 伴随微分式adjoint form 伴随形式adjoint function 伴随函数adjoint functor 伴随函子adjoint graph 导出图adjoint group 伴随群adjoint hilbert problem 伴随希耳伯特问题adjoint integral equation 伴随积分方程adjoint kernel 伴随核adjoint linear map 伴随线性映射adjoint matrix 伴随阵adjoint operator 伴随算子adjoint process 伴随过程adjoint representation 伴随表示adjoint space 伴随空间adjoint surface 伴随曲面adjoint transformation 伴随算子adjoint vector 伴随向量adjunct 代数余子式adjunction 附加adjunction of an identity element 单位元的附加adjustable point 可胆点adjustment 蝶admissibility limit 容许界限admissible 容许的admissible category 容许范畴admissible chart 容许图admissible control 可行控制admissible decision function 容许判决函数admissible decision rule 容许判决函数admissible deformation 容许形变admissible domain 容许区域admissible function 容许函数admissible homomorphism 容许同态admissible hypothesis 容许假设admissible lifting 容许提升admissible map 容许映射admissible sequence 容许序列admissible space 容许空间admissible strategy 容许策略admissible subgroup 容许子群admissible test 容许检定admissible value 容许值affine algebraic set 仿射代数集affine collineation 仿射直射变换affine connection 仿射联络affine coordinates 平行坐标affine curvature 仿射曲率affine differential geometry 仿射微分几何学affine distance 仿射距离affine figure 仿射图形affine function 仿射函数affine geometry 仿射几何学affine group 仿射群affine group scheme 仿射群概型affine isothermal net 仿射等温网affine length 仿射长度affine line 仿射直线affine normal 仿射法线理变换affine space 仿射空间affine sphere 仿射球面affine surface 仿射曲面affine transformation 仿射变换affine variety 仿射簇affinely connected manifold 仿射连通廖affinely connected space 仿射连通空间affinity 仿射变换affirmation 肯定affirmative proposition 肯定命题affix 附标after effect 后效酌aggregate 集aggregation 聚合agreement 一致air coordinates 空间坐标airy function 亚里函数airy integral 亚里积分aitken interpolation 艾特肯插值aitken interpolation formula 艾特肯插值公式albanese variety 阿尔巴内斯簇aleph 阿列夫aleph zero 阿列夫零alexander cohomology module 亚历山大上同担alexander cohomology theory 亚历山大上同帝alexander matrix 亚历山大阵alexander polynomial 亚历山大多项式algebra 代数学algebra of events 事件场algebra of logic 逻辑代数algebra of tensors 张量代数algebra over k 环k 上的代数algebraic 代数的algebraic adjunction 代数的附加algebraic affine variety 仿射代数集algebraic algebra 代数的代数algebraic branch point 代数分歧点algebraic calculus 代数计算algebraic closure 代数闭包algebraic closure operator 代数闭包algebraic correspondence 代数对应algebraic curve 代数曲线algebraic equation 代数方程algebraic expression 代数式algebraic extension 代数扩张algebraic form 代数形式algebraic fraction 代数分式algebraic function 代数函数algebraic function field 代数函数域algebraic geometry 代数几何学algebraic group 代数群algebraic hull 代数包algebraic hypersurface of the seconedorder 二阶代数超曲面algebraic integer 代数整数algebraic irrational number 代数无理数algebraic lie algebra 代数的李代数algebraic logic of pocket calculator 袖珍计算机的代数逻辑algebraic multiplicity 代数重度algebraic number 代数数algebraic number field 代数数域algebraic number theory 代数数论algebraic operation 代数运算algebraic polynomial 代数多项式algebraic singularity 代数奇点algebraic space 代数空间algebraic spiral 代数螺线algebraic structure 代数结构algebraic sum 代数和algebraic surface 代数曲面algebraic system 代数系algebraic variety 代数簇algebraically closed field 代数闭域algebraically dependent elements 代数相关元algebraically equivalent 代数等价的algebraically independent elements 代数无关元algebraization 代数化algebro geometric 代数几何的algebroid function 代数体函数algebroidal function 代数体函数algorithm 算法algorithm of division 辗转相除法algorithm of euclid 欧几里得算法aligned systematic sampling 列系统抽样alignment chart 列线图aliquot part 整除部分alligation 混合法allocation problem 配置问题allowable 容许的allowable defects 容许靠allowable error 容许误差allowance 允许almost all 几乎处处almost bounded function 殆有界函数almost certain convergence 几乎必然收敛almost complex manifold 殆复廖almost convergent sequence 殆收敛序列almost equivalent 殆等价almost everywhere 几乎处处almost impossible event 殆不可能事件almost invariant set 殆不变集almost periodic function 殆周期函数almost periodicity 殆周期性almost significant 殆显著的alpha capacity 容量alpha limit set 极限集alphabetical 字母的alphanumeric 字母数字式alphanumeric representation of information 信息的字母数字表示alternate angles 错角alternating chain 交错链alternating differential form 外微分形式alternating differential of differential form 微分形式的交错微分alternating direction method 交替方向法alternating form 交错形式alternating function 反对称函数alternating group 交错群alternating harmonic series 莱布尼兹级数alternating knot 交错纽结alternating matrix 交错矩阵alternating method 交错法alternating series test 交错级数检验alternating sum 交错和alternating tensor 交错张量alternating tensor density 交错张量密度alternating tree 交错树alternation 交错alternative 交错;择一alternative algebra 交错代数alternative field 交错域alternative hypothesis 择一假设alternative normal form 析取范式alternative proposition 选言命题altitude 高度altitude theorem 高度定理amalgamated product 融合积amalgamated subcategory 融和子范畴amalgamation 合并ambient space 环绕空间ambiguous point 歧点amicable numbers 亲和数amount 量amphicheiral knot 双向纽结ample divisor 丰富除子amplitude 振幅;角amplitude of a complex number 复数角analog computer 模拟计算机analogous 类似的analogue display 相似表示analogue method 相似法analogy 类似analysis 数学分析analysis of time series 时间序列分析analysis of variance 方差分析analytic 分析的analytic arc 解析弧analytic completion 解析开拓analytic continuation 解析开拓analytic curve 解析曲线analytic dynamics 分析动力学analytic expression 解析式analytic function 分析函数analytic function of several variables多元解析函数analytic geometry 分析几何学analytic prime number theory 解析素数论analytic proof 解析证明analytic proposition 解析命题analytic set 解析集analytic space 解析空间analytic transformation 解析变换analytical differential 解析微分analytical geometry 分析几何学analytical hierarchy 解析分层analytical mapping 全纯映射analytical transformation 全纯映射analytically continuable 可解析开拓的analytically independent 解析无关的analytically irreducible variety 解析不可约簇analytically representable function 解析可表示的函数anastigmatic 去象散的anchor ring 环面ancillary statistic 辅助统计量and circuit 与电路andre permutation 安得列置换andre polynomial 安得列多项式anger function 安格尔函数angle 角angle at center 圆心角angle between chord and tangent 弦和切线的角angle function 角函数angle of 落后角angle of advance 超前角angle of attack 迎角angle of contact 接触角angle of contingence 切线角angle of declination 俯角angle of diffraction 衍射角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 斜角angle of intersection 相交角angle of lead 超前角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of rotation 旋转角angle of torsion 挠率角angle preserving 保角的angular coefficient 角系数angular coordinates 角坐标angular correlation 角相关angular derivative 角微商angular dispersion 角色散angular displacement 角位移angular distance 角距angular distribution 角分布angular domain 角域angular excess 角盈angular frequency 角频率angular magnification 角放大率angular measure 角测度angular metric 角度量angular momentum 角动量angular momentum conservation law 角动量守恒律angular motion 角运动angular neighborhood 角邻域angular transformation 角变换angular unit 角的单位angular velocity 角速度anharmonic oscillation 非低振动anharmonic ratio 交比anisotropic 蛤异性的anisotropic body 蛤异性体anisotropy 蛤异性annihilator 零化子annular 环annulator 零化子annulus 圆环anomalous magnetic moment 反常磁矩anomalous propagation 反常传播anomalous scattering 反常散射anomaly 近点角antecedent 前项anti automorphism 反自同构anti hermitian form 反埃尔米特形式anti isomorphic lattice 反同构格anti isomorphism 反同构anti position 反位置anti reflexiveness 反自反性anti semiinvariant 反半不变量antianalytic function 反解析函数antichain 反链anticlockwise 逆时针的anticoincidence method 反重法anticommutation 反交换anticommutative 反交换的anticommutativity 反交换性anticommutator 反换位子antiderivative 不定积分的antiholomorphic 反全纯的antihomomorphism 反同态antiisomorphy 反同构antilinear 反线性的antilinear mapping 反线性映射antilinear transformation 反线性变换antilogarithm 反对数antimode 反方式antimodule 反模antinode 反结点antinomy 二律背反antiorder homomorphism operator 反序同态算子antiordered set 反有序集合antiparallel 逆平行的antiplane 反平面antipodal map 对映映射antipodal point 对映点antipodal set 对映集antipode 对映点antipoints 反点antiradical 反根式antiresonance 反共振antisymmetric 反对称的antisymmetric function 反对称函数antisymmetric matrix 反对称矩阵antisymmetric relation 反对称关系antisymmetric tensor 反对称张量antisymmetrical state 反对称态antithesis 反题antitone mapping 反序映射antitone sequence 反序列antitonic function 反序函数antitonicity 反序性antitony 反序性antitrigonometric function 反三角函数antiunitary 反酉的aperiodic damping 非周期衰减aperiodic motion 非周期运动aperiodicity 非周期性apical angle 顶角apolar 非极性的apolarity 从配极性apothem 边心距apparent error 貌似误差apparent force 表观力apparent motion 表观运动apparent orbit 表观轨迹apparent singularity 貌似奇性application 应用applied mathematics 应用数学applied mechanics 应用力学approach 接近approach infinity 接近无穷大approximability 可逼近性approximable 可逼近的approximate 近似的;使近似approximate calculation 近似计算approximate construction 近似准approximate continuity 近似连续性approximate derivative 近似导数approximate differentiability 近似可微性approximate differential 近似微分approximate formula 近似公式approximate integration 近似积分approximate limit 近似极限approximate lower semi continuity 近似下半连续性approximate method 近似法approximate number 近似数approximate partial derivative 近似偏导函数approximate partial derived function近似偏导函数approximate partial differential 近似偏微分approximate solution 近似解approximate total differentiability 近似全可微性approximate total differential 近似全微分approximate upper semi continuity 近似上半连续性approximate value 近似值approximate value in excess 过剩近似值approximation 逼近approximation by excess 过剩逼近approximation calculus 近似计算approximation error 近似误差approximation function 逼近函数approximation in excess 过剩逼近approximation method 近似法approximation methods in physics 物理学中的逼近法approximation theorem 逼近定理approximation theory 逼近理论arbitrarily small 任意小arbitrary 任意的arbitrary constant 任意常数arbitrary element 任意元素arbitrary parameter 任意参数arbitrary small number 任意小数arc 弧arc component 弧分量arc cosecant 反余割arc cosine 逆余弦arc cotangent 逆余切arc hyperbolic function 反双曲函数arc length 弧长arc of a circle 圆弧arc secant 反正割arc set 弧集arc sine 逆正弦arc sine distribution 反正弦分布arc sine law 反正弦定律arc sine transformation 反正弦变换arc tangent 反正切arch 拱形archaeometry 考古测量学archimedean 阿基米德性的archimedean group 阿基米德群archimedean semigroup 阿基米德半群archimedean space 阿基米德空间archimedean total order 阿基米德全序archimedean valuation 阿基米德赋值archimedes axiom 阿基米德公理archimedes spiral 阿基米德螺线archimedically ordered field 阿基米德有序域archimedically ordered number field arcwise connectedness 弧连通性are 公亩area 面积area function 面积函数area of a circle 圆面积area preserving mapping 保面积映射areal coordinates 重心坐标areal derivative 面积导数areal element 面积元素areal integral 面积分areal velocity 面积速度argand plane 复数平面argument 自变数;辐角argument function 辐角函数argument of a function 函数的自变数argument principle 辐角原理argumentation 论证aristotelian logic 亚里斯多德逻辑学arithmetic 算术arithmetic al function 数论函数arithmetic difference 算术差arithmetic division 算术除法arithmetic element 运算元素arithmetic expression 算术表达式arithmetic function 数论函数arithmetic genus 算术狂arithmetic geometric mean 算术几何平均arithmetic geometric series 算术几何级数arithmetic logic of pocket calculator袖珍计算机的算术逻辑arithmetic mean 算术平均arithmetic number 正实数arithmetic of algebraic number fields代数数域的数论arithmetic of algebras 代数的数论arithmetic of local fields 局部域的数沦arithmetic operation 算术操作算术运算arithmetic progression 算术级数arithmetic subgroup 算术子群arithmetic unit 运算元素arithmetical hierarchy 算术谱系arithmetical predicate 算术谓词arithmetical triangle 帕斯卡三角形arrangement 排列array 排列arrow 射artificial variable 人工变量artificial variable method 人工变量法artin conductor 阿廷前导子artin conjecture 阿廷猜想artin reciprocity law 阿廷互反禄artinian module 阿丁模artinian ring 阿丁环ascending 上升的ascending chain condition 升链条件ascending difference 后向差分ascending power series 升幂级数ascending powers 升幂ascending sequence 递升序列aspherical space 非球面空间asphericity 非球面牲assemblage 集assembler 汇编assertion sign 断定号assignable cause 可指定的原因assignment problem 配置问题associate equation 相伴方程associated equation 相伴方程associated fiber bundle 相伴的纤维丛associated form 连带形式associated function 连带函数associated graded module 相伴分次模associated graded ring 形式环associated homogeneous equation 相伴齐次方程associated homogeneous system 相伴齐次组associated laguerre polynomial 连带的拉盖尔多项式associated legendre function 相伴勒让德函数associated legendre polynomial 连带的勒让德多项式associated minimal surface 相伴极小曲面associated power series 相伴幂级数associated prime ideal 相伴素理想associated radius of convergence 相伴收敛半径associated surface 连带曲面associated system 相伴系associated undirected graph 相伴无向图association 结合associative algebra 结合代数associative law 结合律associative law for series 级数的结合律associativity 结合性assume 假定assumption 假定assumption formula 假定公式asterisk 星号asteroid 星形线asymmetric 非对称的asymmetric relation 非对称关系asymmetric variety 非对称簇asymmetrical 非对称的asymmetrical graph 恒等图asymmetry 非对称性asymptote 渐近线asymptote of curve 曲线的渐近线asymptotic 浙近的asymptotic behavior 渐近状态asymptotic circle 渐近圆asymptotic cone 渐近锥面asymptotic convergence 渐近收敛asymptotic curvature 渐近曲率asymptotic curve 渐近曲线asymptotic density 渐近密度asymptotic direction 渐近方向asymptotic efficiency 渐近效率asymptotic expansion 渐近展开asymptotic formula 渐近公式asymptotic line 渐近线asymptotic mean value 渐近平均值asymptotic minimal basis 渐近极小基asymptotic order 渐近阶asymptotic path 渐近路线asymptotic plane 渐近平面asymptotic point 渐近点asymptotic rate of convergence 渐近收敛速度asymptotic series 渐近级数asymptotic solution 渐近解asymptotic stability 渐近稳定性asymptotic value 渐近值asymptotically efficient estimator 渐近有效估计量asymptotically equal 渐近相等asymptotically equal sequence 渐近相等序列asymptotically equivalent function 渐近等价函数asymptotically normal distribution 渐近正态分布asymptotically normally distributed渐近正规分布的asymptotically stable 渐近稳定的asymptotically stable solution 渐近稳定解asynchronous computer 异步计算机atiyah singer index theorem 阿蒂亚辛格指数定理atlas 坐标邻域系atom 原子atomic element 原子元素atomic formula 原子公式atomic lattice 原子格atomic proposition 原子命题atomicity 原子性attaching map 接着映射attenuation 衰减attenuation constant 衰减常数attenuation factor 衰减因数attenuator 衰减器attraction 引力attractive force 引力attractor 吸引区attribute 属性augend 被加数augmentation 扩张augmentation preserving map 增广保存映射augmented complex 扩张复形augmented matrix 增广矩阵austausch 交换autocorrelation 自相关autocorrelation coefficient 自相关系数autocorrelation function 自相关函数autocorrelogram 自相关图autocovariance 自协方差automata 自动机automatic check 自动检验automatic coding 自动编码automatic computation 自动计算automatic computer 自动计算机automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic control theory 自动控制理论automatic programming 自动程序设计automatic testing 自动检验automation 自动化automaton 自动机automaton graph 自动机图automorphic form 自守形式automorphic function 自守函数automorphism 自同构automorphism group 自同构群autonomous system 自治系统autoparallel curve 自平行曲线autoregression 自回归autoregression equation 自回归方程autoregressive process 自回归过程autoregressive transformation 自回归变换auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary angle 辅助角auxiliary circle 辅助圆auxiliary equation 相伴齐次方程auxiliary function 辅助函数auxiliary line 辅助线auxiliary variable 辅助变数average 平均值average deviation 平均偏差average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average outgoing quality 平均出厂质量average outgoing quality limit 平均出厂质量极限average quality protection 平均品质保护average sample number 平均样本数average speed 平均速度average term 普通项averaging method 平均法averaging operator 平均算子axes of coordinates 座标轴axial 轴的axial symmetry 轴对称axial vector 轴向量axially symmetric flow 轴对称流axialsymmetric vector field 轴对称向量场axiom 公理axiom of accessibility 可达性公理axiom of addition 加法公理axiom of choice 选择公理axiom of completeness 完备性公理axiom of comprehension 概括公理axiom of constructibility 可构成性公理axiom of constructivity 可构成性公理axiom of continuity 连续公理axiom of extensionality 外延性公理axiom of infinity 无穷性公理axiom of power set 幂集公理axiom of reducibility 可化归性公理axiom of regularity 正则性公理axiom of subsets 子集公理axiom of substitution 替换公理axiom of sum set 并集公理axiom of the empty set 空集公理axiom of union 并集公理axiom scheme 公理格式axiomatic 公理的axiomatic method 公理法axiomatic set theory 公理论的集论;公理集合论axiomatic system 公理系统axiomatics 公理学axiomatization 公理化axiomatize 公理化axioms of congruence 叠合公理axioms of continuity 连续公理axioms of denumerability 可数公理axioms of incidence 关联公理axioms of order 次序公理axis 轴axis of a cone 锥轴axis of abscissas 横坐标轴axis of convergence 收敛轴axis of coordinate 坐标轴axis of curvature 曲率轴axis of ordinates 纵坐标轴axis of projection 射影轴axis of reals 实轴axis of revolution 回转轴axis of rotation 回转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴axisymmetric 轴对称的axonometric perspective 轴测投影法axonometric projection 轴测投影法axonometry 轴测法azimuth 方位角azimuthal 方位角的b measurability b 可测性b measurable function 波莱尔可测函数babylonian numerals 巴比伦数字back substitution 逆计算backward difference 后向差分backward difference operator 后向差分算子backward difference quotient 后向差商backward solution 后向解法baire function 贝利函数baire measure 贝利测度baire set 贝利集baire space 贝利空间baire theorem 贝利定理balance 平衡balanced category 平衡范畴balanced functor 平衡函子balanced hypergraph 平衡超图balanced neighborhood 平衡邻域balanced sample 平衡样本balanced set 平衡集balancing method 平衡法balayage 扫除ball 球ballistic curve 弹道banach algebra 巴拿赫代数banach lie group 巴拿赫李群banach space 巴拿赫空间band 带band chart 带状图bar graph 条线图barrel 桶集barrel shape 桶型barrelled space 桶型空间barrier 闸barycenter 重心barycenter of a simplex 单形的重心barycentric 重心的barycentric complex 重心复形barycentric coordinates 重心坐标barycentric mapping 重心映射barycentric subdivision 重心重分base 底base angle 底角base line 底线base number 底数base of logarithms 对数的底base point 基点base register 基址寄存器变址寄存器base space 底空间base vector 基向量basic 基础的basic block 基本块basic field 基域basic form 基本形式basic point 基础点basic representation 基本表示basic ring 基环basic solution 基本解basic symbol 基本符号basic variable 基本变量basis 基basis for cohomology 上同爹basis for homology 同爹basis of linear space 线性空间的基basis of vector space 向量空间的基basis replacement procedure 基替换过程basis theorem of hilbert 希耳伯特基定理basis vector 基本向量batch processing 成批处理bayes decision function 贝叶斯判定函数bayes formula 贝叶斯公式bayes postulate 贝叶斯公设bayes solution 贝叶斯解beltrami equation 贝尔特拉米方程bending point 转向点bergman metric 伯格曼度量bernoulli equation 伯努利方程bernoulli inequality 伯努利不等式bernoulli method 伯努利法bernoulli number 伯努利数bernoulli polynomial 伯努利多项式bernoulli trials 伯努利试验bernoullian polynomial 伯努利多项式bernstein inequality 伯思斯坦不等式bernstein polynomial 伯思斯坦多项式bertrand curves 柏特龙曲线bertrand paradox 柏特龙悖论bessel equation 贝塞耳方程bessel function 贝塞耳函数bessel function of the second kind 第二类贝塞耳函数bessel function of the third kind 第三类贝塞耳函数bessel inequality 贝塞耳不等式bessel integral 贝塞耳积分best approximation 最佳逼近best estimator 最佳估计量best test 最佳检验best uniform approximation 最佳一致逼近beta distribution 分布beta function 函数betti group 贝蒂群betti number 贝蒂数between group variance 群间方差biadditive 双加法的biangular 双角的bias 偏倚biased estimator 有偏估计量biased sample 有偏样本biased statistics 有偏统计量biased test 有偏检验biaxial 双轴的biaxial spherical harmonic function 双轴球面低函数bicartesian square 双笛卡儿方bicharacteristic 双特征bicompact 紧bicompact set 紧集bicompact space 列紧空间bicompact transformation group 列紧变换群bicompactification 紧化bicomplex 二重复形bicomplex function 二重复形函数biconcave 两面凹的biconditional 等价biconnected space 双连通空间bicontinuous function 双连续函数bicontinuously differentiable 双连续可微bicylinder 双圆柱bidimensional 二维的bidimensionality 二维性bidual banach space 双对偶巴拿赫空间bifunctor 二变项函子bifurcation point 歧点bifurcation theory 分歧理论bigraded group 双重分次群bigraded module 双重分次模biharmonic 双低的biharmonic equation 双低方程biharmonic function 双低函数biholomorphic 双全纯的biholomorphic function 双正则函数biholomorphic mapping 双正则映射bihomomorphism 双同态bijection 双射bijective mapping 双射bijectivity 双射性bilateral 两面的bilateral derivative 双侧导数bilateral laplace transform 双侧拉普拉斯变换bilaterally bounded sequence 双侧有界序列bilinear 双线性的bilinear form 双线性形式bilinear functional 双线性泛函bilinear integral form 双线性积分型bilinear mapping 双线性映射bilinear programming 双线性规划bilinear relation 双线性关系bilinear system 双线性系bilinear transformation 双线性变换bilinearity 双线性bimatrix game 双矩阵对策bimodal distribution 双峰分布bimodule 双模binary 二元的binary arithmetic 二进制算术binary code 二进制吗binary coded decimal notation 二进制编码的十进记数法binary coded decimal system 二进制编码的十进制binary coding 二进制编码binary digit 二进制数字binary digital computer 二进制数字计算机binary element 双态元件binary number 二进制数binary number system 二进制数系binary operation 二元运算binary point 二进制小数点binary relation 二元关系binary system 二进制的binary translation 二进制变换bind 连结binomial 二项式binomial coefficient 二项式系数binomial differential 二项式微分binomial differential equation 二项微分方程binomial distribution 二项分布binomial equation 二项方程binomial expansion 二项展开式binomial integral 二项式积分binomial probability paper 二项式概率纸binomial series 二项级数binomial surd 二项不尽根binomial test 二项检验binomial theorem 二项式定理binormal 副法线binormal space 副法线空间binormal vector 副法线向量biodemography 生物人口统计学biomathematic 生物数学的biomathematics 生物数学biomechanics 生物力学biometrics 生物统计学biometrika 生物统计学biophysics 生物物理学biorthogonal system 双正交系biorthonormal expansion 双标准正交展开biorthonormalization 双标准正交化bipartite cubic 双枝三次曲线bipartite graph 偶图。
Invariance of the total differential form
Rational operation rules for total differentials
d(u v) du dv;
d(uv) vdu udv;
u v
1 v2
Partial Derivatives and Total Differentials of Multivariable Composite Functions
Proof (continued)
z u
u x
z v
v x
z u
u y
z v
v y
Since u and v are both differentiable at ( x, y),
u (z) 2x, u (z) 2 y,
so that
x u y u 2xy(z) 2xy(z) 0.
y x
Partial Derivatives and Total Differentials of Multivariable Composite Functions
Solution We have
z x
f u f u x x
f1e y f2 .
Using g f1(u, x, y), h f2(u, x, y), we have
2z ( ge y h) g e y ge y h
yx y
( f11 xe y f13 )e y f1e y f21 xe y f23 .
(高等数学英文课件)8.4 Series of Nonnegative Terms
![(高等数学英文课件)8.4 Series of Nonnegative Terms](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2e3671a202768e9950e73809.png)
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Suppose that an is an infinite series with an 0 n 1
for all n.
Series of nonnegative terms
n1 n2 1
1 x2 1,
continues, positive, decreasing.
1 x2 1 dx
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Example 1. Applying the comparison test
2 n !
n 1 n ! 2
a n1 an
2n1! lnim n1!2
2n! n!2
n!2 2n1!
2n 12n
lim n
n 12
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Example 3. Applying the ratio test
4 n n ! n !
Example 1. Applying the ratio test
2 n 5 3n
lim a n1 a n
lnim2n31n1 5
2n 5 3n
1 3
2n1 5 2n 5
1 3
y y f (x)
y y f (x)
bx O a
Example of Definite Integral Problems
Example (Area of a trapezoid with a curved top) Computing the area surrounded by the curve y f ( x)( f ( x) 0), the vertical lines x a, x b and the horizontal line y 0.
On each subinterval [xk1, xk ] , select arbitrarily a point k ,
xk1 k xk , and form the product:
f (k )xk , k 1, 2,L, n.
Add the n products f (k )xk to form the sum
integrand f and the interval of integration. Also, it is
independent of the variable of integration x . Hence the following
integrals are the same
a f ( x)dx a f (t)dt a f (u)du.
the vertical lines x a, x b and the horizontal line y 0.
Solution (3) “summation”
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Solution. We must find the integer N such that for all n
It is obvious that we can obtain N as
N 1
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Example 3. Show that 1 n1 diverges.
lim n n
1 n
, lim 1 0. n n
n n
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Example 6. Applying the Sandwich Theorem
3n2 n
cos n sin n 3n2 n
Solution. Suppose the sequence converges to some number L.
For 1 , we have
1n1 L 1
L 1 1 1 L1 1 1 L 3
L 1 1 1 L11 3 L1
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Limits of Sequence of Numbers
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Example 1. Applying the definition to show that
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Example 8. Applying the L’Hospital Rule
ln n lim n n
lim ln x lim 1 0
x x
x x
lim ln n 0 n n
lnn 1n 1 lim lim lim0 n n n 1 n n
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Example 9. Applying the L’Hospital Rule
e n4 e 1n4 lnn41n4
1 lnn4
e limn41n4
en n4
lim n n4
lim 1
e n n4
limlnn1lnn1 1
1 n
lim2n2 n21
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P617 14, 18, 24, 26, 29, 30, 32, 35, 43, 56.
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lim 1 1 n n 1 1 n
lim 1 1 n
lim 1 1 n
1 1
4 4n6 n6 3
lim 4 4n6 n n6 3
4 4n6
n6 3
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Example 5. Applying the Sandwich Theorem
Convergence 8.6 Power Series 8.7 Taylor and Maclaurin Series 8.8 Applications of Power Series
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1 1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16
1 1 1 1 1 1
lim 1 0 n n
We must find the integer N such that
for all n
n N 1 0
1us that we can obtain N as
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Example 2. Applying the definition to show that
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Example 4. Applying the limit rules
1 n
lim n 1 n n 1
4 4n6
n6 3
1 n
lim 1 1
lim1lim1 10
n n
lim n 1 n n 1
1 3n2 n
,lim 1 0. n 3n2 n
lni mco3snn2sinnn0
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Example 7. Applying the Theorem 3
lim 2 n
lim 1
li m 2 n 2 n n 2 0 1
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Example 10. Applying the L’Hospital Rule
n n
1 1
n 1n n 1
n1n n1
n ln n 1
e n1
lni mnn11n
e e limnlnn1 n n1
lim ln n1 n n1
Chapter 8 Infinite Series
8.1 Limits of Sequences of Numbers 8.2 Subsequences, Bounded Sequences, and… 8.3 Infinite Series 8.4 Series of Nonnegative Terms 8.5 Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional