
其参与感和积极性 ,使其 支持与配合 系 统 分析人员理解 、分析和改 造现行的业
务流程 ,更好地理解 E P系统 并作好迎 R 接管理变革 的准备 ,确保 E P能够顺利 R 推进并 被有效 地执 行下去 。但要 防止业 务人员 作为企业 内部人参 与变 革 ,容易 产 生思维定式 等问题 ,影 响流 程的优化 与变革并可能成为新的障碍 。 ③强化学习能力确保专家 的知识向 企业 转移 。由于专家 最终要退 出企业 ,
技 术经济与管理研 宄 2 ( 第 2 O O年 期
T c u eo o c e h பைடு நூலகம் c n mis& Ma a e n a a c O. 0 2 n g me l Ree rh N 2 2 0
战 略 联 盟 ,I T业 看 到 了一 缕 阳光
出后 E P的正 常 运作 、维 护 与不 断完 R
E P培训内容主要包括 E P软件基 R R 本 知识 、E P实施方法 、E P理念与 实 R R 施效果等 。其中 E P基本知识 的培训对 R 象是全体人员 ,使大家对 E P的理解有 R
E P的正常运转毕竟要 由企业来具 体执 R 行和不 断调整 、修正甚至再次 开发 ,企 业 E P实施 专职 人 员不 可过 分依 赖专 R 家 ,要通过接受培训和积极介^具体工 作充分吸收相关知识并锻炼技能 ,确保 项 目结束时能 留下一批高素质的专业化 E P应用队伍。 R 23 充分的沟通 与全 程、全员培训 沟通 与培 训的 目的首先是使企业 ^ 员认清企业实施 E P的意义 与决心 、白 R 已在 变 革中 的 地位 及变 革对 自己的 影 响 ,了解 E P相关 知识与技能 胜 任变 R 革后 的工作要求从而 支持 、配合 E P的 R 实施 ;其次是使企业 能全 面掌握 E P的 R 相关 知识与技能 ,从而确保在顾 f 可组退

试论跨国企业战略联盟1 跨国公司战略联盟的定义与类型1.1 跨国公司战略联盟的定义综合各篇文献,跨国公司战略联盟的定义基本有以下几种:(1)迈克尔.波特在《竞争优势》一书中提出:“联盟是这样一种久期协定,即企业间跨越了常规的市场交易却没有合并。
”(2)John Dunning没有给出具体的释义,不过他描述了战略联盟采用股权共享的方式,如合并、共同出资新建,同时也包括共同研发、生产合作、营销协作等非股权形式。
(3)David Teece解释战略联盟是多个企业为实现资源共享、优势互补等战略目标而进行以契约性为特征的协作。
1.2 跨国公司战略联盟的类型(1)P[?]Ghemawat和C.K.Prahalad依据联盟价值链中伙伴所处的环节差异,把跨国公司战略联盟的类型设定为水平与垂直两种。
(2)美国学者Bernard L.simno根据所有权比例和合伙企业数量这两个维度,将跨国公司战略联盟分为四类:①非正式合作:企业协作,但不存在契约。
2 跨国企业战略联盟的理论基础和形成原因2.1 跨国企业战略联盟的理论基础有关跨国公司战略联盟的理论基础,最主要的有三个理论,分别是价值链理论、交易成本理论、资源基础理论。
(1)价值链理论价值链的概念是Michael E.Porter提出的,他认为企业产生价值的过程可细分为互不相同但又相互关联的增值活动,这些活动可以用一个“价值链”来表示。

【关键词】战略管理;要项;实施程序;五力模型;价值链一、战略管理概念的界定及实施程序战略管理(strategic management)是指企业运用适当的分析方法,确定企业目标和任务,形成发展战略,并执行其战略和进行结果评估,以达成企业目标的过程。


张 怡 跃
摘 要 : 心 竞争 力是 在 组 织 内部 经 过 整 合 了的 知 识 和技 能 . 核 尤其 是 关 于怎 样 协 调 多种 生 产技 能 和 整 合 不 同技 术 的
知 识 和 技 能 。中 国 多数 企 业没 有 建 立起 核 心 竞争 能 力 , 至 没 有核 心 竞 争 力 的概 念 。 出 了通 过 建 立 战 略 联 盟 提 升 甚 提
Ke r :d v l pme to ntr rs ; o e c mp ttv we ;sr t g c a l n e r a z he sud y wo ds e e o n fe e ie c r o e ii epo r tae i l a c ;o g nie t t y; p i t c n o i a n o to e h ol g c li n vai n
e t r ie o ’ o o e c mp ttv we ,o v n h v o i e ft i o c p .Thi a e he n e prs s d nt wn c r o e ii e po r r e e a e n d a o h sc n e t sp p rt n pr po e he c u t r a ur s o sa ihi o e c mpe ii e p we y usng sr t g c a l n e n o s st o n e me s e fe tbl ng c r o s ttv o rb i tae i li c ,a d a
企 业核 心 竞 争 力的 对 策 . 述 了 战略 联 盟 对我 国企 业 技 术 创 新 的 影 响 。 阐
关 键 词 : 业 发展 ; 心 竞 争 力 ;战略 联 盟 ; 织 学 习; 术 创 新 企 核 组 技


在西欧市场,从20__年开始,以10G SDH光网络产品进入德国为起点。

河南企业建立企业联盟的必要性(作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________)摘要:20世纪80年代以来,随着竞争的加剧,各个企业不得不调整战略经营策略,由对抗竞争转向联合竞争从联盟的形成和联盟的功能入手,分析联盟在当前企业生存发展过程中所起到的作用,即实现资源共享共担成本和风险形成优势互补对河南企业当前的经营状况与其他地区联盟企业经营状况的情况对比,得出河南企业目前的处境,并从时代背景企业内在发展的需求企业外部的竞争压力与外部企业联盟的影响三个方面,说明河南企业建立企业联盟的必要性关键词:企业联盟;河南企业;经营方式经济的发展使得企业之间的竞争愈演愈烈,各个企业认识到仅靠单个企业的力量进行发展壮大并永续下去不过是个美丽的梦想,资源的短缺产品的生产成本市场的投放方式及市场运营的成本更新和创新的成本与风险等各方面,无论是哪里遇到问题都会使梦想破灭如何有效地解决这些问题是所有企业都必须面对的,联盟的出现使很多企业看到了前进的方向,也使很多企业明白了调整和选择的方向一、企业联盟的形成和一般概念20世纪以来,经济的全球化呈越来越强之势,国际化程度迅速提高,分工不断深化,科技迅猛发展使得各个企业在探索的过程中,为了趋利避害,不得不调整战略方向,由敌对竞争转向合作竞争,其中,企业战略联盟成为合作竞争的主要形式企业联盟的迅猛发展说明了企业日渐明白:长期势均力敌竞争的结果必将使各方都面临财力和智力枯竭的境地(我国20世纪90年代的彩电价格战就充分地证明了这一点),完全损人利己的竞争时代已经结束,企业之间的联合联盟是各个企业必然面临的选择迈克尔波特(M.E.Porter)在他的《竞争优势》中说明:联盟是企业之间进行长期合作,它超越了正常的市场交易但又未达到合并的程度,也表明联盟无须扩大企业规模而可以扩展企业市场边界[1]史占中在实践和理论的基础上通过对中外学者的多种观点的综合,认为企业战略联盟是两个或两个以上的企业为了实现资源共享风险和成本共担优势互补等特定目标,在保持自身独立性的同时通过股权参与或契约联结的方式建立较为稳固的合作伙伴关系,并在某个领域采取协作行动,从而取得“双赢”效果[2]二、企业联盟的作用和诱因1.资源共享众所周知,任何企业都是资源的综合体,由于资源的稀缺性,即使同一资源在不同的企业中也会具有较强的异质性,因此,企业想依靠资源优势而拥有较长的竞争优势是难以实现的任何企业不可能完全拥有所需要的一切资源,而企业持续竞争的优势最终取决于企业内外资源的融合能力联盟使得企业超越自身边界,从内部扩展到外部,在更大的范围内进行资源的配置,促进资源配置的合理化,通过实现资源共享带来资源的节约,从而提高了资源的利用效率2.降低成本共担风险诺斯曾通过分析市场交易费用的大小,得出这样的结论:经济活动中用于交易的费用不仅在数量上非常可观,而且还在增加联盟的出现在一定程度上降低了企业的市场交易费用因为以股权参与方式建立的企业联盟可以通过一定的组织协调较好地克服企业之间的市场交易费用,从而降低组织成本而以契约方式建立的企业联盟在长期的合作交易中通过信息的积累不仅节约企业搜集信息的费用,而且在一定程度上还起到了防止道德风险的作用联盟的建立节约了资源,降低了交易成本,使得联盟中的各企业由于成本和风险共担而出现了每个企业的组织成本和经营风险都有所下降,增加了企业成长发展壮大的可能性3.优势互补企业之间的竞争归根结底是企业的竞争优势的竞争,是企业核心能力的竞争不同的企业的竞争优势也不尽相同,为了达到双赢的效果,需要企业之间展开合作竞争,取长补短,形成优势互补,因而企业战略的意义在于通过形成一种合作伙伴关系获取竞争优势联盟不仅使企业在价值链中实现经济增殖,还可能有在核心专长和其他方面由于优势的互补或叠加而产生经济的放大效应,也就是我们所说的“1+12”企业联盟改变了传统的木桶短板理论形成新的木桶长板理论,每个企业都将本企业的长板贡献出来通过联盟提高了企业的竞争优势,增强了企业的竞争力和生存能力4.其他因素建立企业联盟除了具有以上的功能外,还有联盟可以使企业促进创新避免过度竞争等方面都具有重要的作用,联盟建立的方式也比较容易实现,这些因素都可能成为导致企业联盟建立的诱因二、河南省与沿海发达地区的企业经营方式的对比1.河南企业经营现状改革开放以来,我国市场化进程不断加快,市场化的程度也在不断深化,市场方式也由生产市场转向消费市场,企业之间的竞争不断加剧,特别是随着全球化进程的加快,国外跨国公司的不断涌入更加剧了企业之间的市场竞争而从传统的计划经济体制下继承下来的我国企业具有“小而全”“大而全”“各自为政”的传统,要密切其与其他企业的合作是比较困难的一件事河南省作为中国的中部省份,河南的企业与其他沿海地区的企业相比具有典型中国传统企业的特性受政府和政策的影响较大,规模以上的大企业与省重点企业控股和参股的比重很大,政府参与和干预企业经营决策较多,企业并没有完全的市场化,有的时候还不得不依靠政府的一些保护性的政策来维持自身的生存和发展;民营中小企业却得不到政府应有的重视,融资困难一直是困扰河南民营企业的老大难问题国有银行为国民经济服务的观念一时间得不到根本的改观,行政性的门槛也将民营企业向银行申请贷款融资的手拒之门外;民间借贷的融资方式得不到应有的保障;民营企业自身对资金的需求分散数量少,又不像国有企业那样成立时间较长具有信用记录和公众形象,这些都会成为河南民营企业得不到资金支持的制约因素管理的不科学和人力资源的缺乏也是阻碍河南民营企业发展壮大的因素大企业盲目求大而扩大规模,造成资源的浪费,小企业也因得不到外界的援助不得不面面俱到,其结果只能是出现资源利用率不高技术落后成本较高盈利能力差企业竞争力不强的境地2.沿海发达地区的经营情况沿海发达地区抓住中国正处于经济转型时期的经济背景,充分利用市场机遇顺应全球经济潮流的发展趋势及时地进行经营战略调整例如,温州各行各业的中小企业都热衷于利用企业联盟的经营管理方式使企业快速发展在美特斯邦威的成功经验影响下,外包加工等虚拟经营方式被广泛应用于温州的服装制鞋等传统行业温州中小企业面对大企业的竞争压力时,充分认识合作的重要性,并能充分理解“木桶原理”,在企业起步时利用企业联盟的经营管理取长补短,成为具有“哑铃型”特征的企业虚拟经营管理让温州众多中小企业化压力为动力,充分发挥适应性强机动性强的优势,创造经营特色,实现规模效益,在市场竞争中求得生存和长足发展温州企业联盟的成功经验引起了国内其他地区企业的关注,也为其他企业建立联盟提供了很好的范例珠三角对自己的基本情况进行客观地分析并主动学习温州的联盟经营管理,取得较大的成功珠三角的中小企业采用联盟经营战略来发展自己一方面,有自主核心技术或拥有核心资源的企业,可以利用众多中小企业来虚拟自己的业务,从而集中优势增强核心竞争力;另一方面,众多的中小企业应该在与其他企业建立联盟进行经营的大潮中找准自我,不断改进自己的业务能力,从而依附其他企业成长,不断壮大自己3.现状对比温州制造不仅响彻国内,在国际市场的舞台上也成为一支不可忽视的竞争力量,珠三角也已成为影响中国经济增长发展的重要的经济带,河南企业与此同时仍然默默无闻地自我滚动前进,造成这种差距的因素固然有历史的原因制度的原因,更多的是企业本身的原因三、河南企业建立联盟的必要性1.顺应世界潮流中国经济融入世界经济大潮的大趋势已经不可逆转而中国相对弱小的民族工业唯有在竞争的基础上加强合作,才能有根本出路河南企业应怎样提高自身的竞争力应对世界经济大潮,不是依靠政府的政策保护,不是靠政府的大量的资金投入,而是要靠市场手段调整企业的经营竞争策略现在已经步入一个竞争联合的年代,联盟越来越成为企业赖以生存和发展的必要选择2.内在地缓解了河南企业发展的制约因素河南企业面对世界的竞争潮流,只有融入其中,通过企业联盟,各企业只需发挥自己的核心竞争力,只做自己最熟悉最擅长的业务,与联盟中的其他企业提高专业化分工水平,克服“大而全”“小而全”“各自为政”的顽症,节约了资源降低了成本,从而提高河南企业的经营效率,在一定程度上减轻了企业对政府的依赖,同时,也减少企业发展对资金的需求量,从根本上解决了河南民营企业融资难的问题,缓解了企业管理不科学人力资源缺乏的压力3.外在的影响因素联盟的功能和作用可使河南企业享受联盟带来的好处温州的成功经验和珠三角学习温州的成功使河南企业建立联盟少走弯路,外在的竞争生存压力更是河南企业改变传统经营策略,走联合竞争的道路的重要推动力量这说明在河南建立企业联盟是比较可行的,河南企业走企业联盟加强合作是其必然选择,只有这样才能把企业做大做强参考文献:[1] 麦克尔伯特.竞争优势[M].陈小悦,译.北京:华夏出版社,1997.[2] 史占忠.企业战略联盟[M].上海:上海财经大学出版社,2001.[3] 诺斯.制度制度变迁与经济绩效[M].上海:上海三联书店,1994.[4] 侯先荣,吴嘉华.珠三角中小企业虚拟经营的策略分析[J].特区经济,2004(6).。

一、企业战略管理1. 企业战略管理在新时代的挑战与应对2. 企业核心竞争力构建与提升策略研究3. 基于企业生命周期理论的企业战略管理研究4. 企业战略联盟的构建与风险管理二、市场营销管理1. 新零售时代的市场营销策略研究2. 基于大数据分析的市场营销策略优化3. 社交媒体营销对企业品牌形象的影响4. 基于消费者行为的市场细分策略研究三、人力资源管理1. 互联网+背景下的人力资源管理模式创新2. 企业员工培训与职业生涯规划研究3. 企业薪酬管理优化策略研究4. 基于员工满意度的企业文化建设研究四、财务管理1. 企业财务风险防范与控制策略研究2. 企业融资策略优化研究3. 企业成本管理与控制研究4. 基于企业价值的财务管理研究五、供应链管理1. 供应链协同创新策略研究2. 绿色供应链管理研究3. 供应链金融风险管理研究4. 基于互联网的供应链优化策略研究六、创新管理1. 企业创新体系建设与优化研究2. 基于开放式创新的企业研发策略研究3. 企业创新文化培育与传播研究4. 企业知识产权管理策略研究七、项目管理1. 企业项目管理流程优化研究2. 项目风险管理研究3. 项目成本控制策略研究4. 基于项目管理的组织绩效提升研究八、企业文化1. 企业文化对企业竞争力的影响研究2. 企业文化建设与员工满意度关系研究3. 企业文化传承与创新研究4. 企业文化对企业社会责任的影响研究九、国际商务1. 企业国际化战略研究2. 跨文化管理研究3. 国际市场进入策略研究4. 国际贸易风险管理研究十、企业社会责任1. 企业社会责任战略研究2. 企业社会责任与企业绩效关系研究3. 企业社会责任报告编制与披露研究4. 企业社会责任与企业可持续发展研究一、企业战略管理1. 企业战略管理在新时代的挑战与应对2. 企业核心竞争力构建与提升策略研究3. 基于企业生命周期理论的企业战略管理研究4. 企业战略联盟的构建与风险管理二、市场营销管理1. 新零售时代的市场营销策略研究2. 基于大数据分析的市场营销策略优化3. 社交媒体营销对企业品牌形象的影响4. 基于消费者行为的市场细分策略研究三、人力资源管理1. 互联网+背景下的人力资源管理模式创新2. 企业员工培训与职业生涯规划研究3. 企业薪酬管理优化策略研究4. 基于员工满意度的企业文化建设研究四、财务管理1. 企业财务风险防范与控制策略研究2. 企业融资策略优化研究3. 企业成本管理与控制研究4. 基于企业价值的财务管理研究五、供应链管理1. 供应链协同创新策略研究2. 绿色供应链管理研究3. 供应链金融风险管理研究4. 基于互联网的供应链优化策略研究六、创新管理1. 企业创新体系建设与优化研究2. 基于开放式创新的企业研发策略研究3. 企业创新文化培育与传播研究4. 企业知识产权管理策略研究七、项目管理1. 企业项目管理流程优化研究2. 项目风险管理研究3. 项目成本控制策略研究4. 基于项目管理的组织绩效提升研究八、企业文化1. 企业文化对企业竞争力的影响研究2. 企业文化建设与员工满意度关系研究3. 企业文化传承与创新研究4. 企业文化对企业社会责任的影响研究九、国际商务1. 企业国际化战略研究2. 跨文化管理研究3. 国际市场进入策略研究4. 国际贸易风险管理研究十、企业社会责任1. 企业社会责任战略研究2. 企业社会责任与企业绩效关系研究3. 企业社会责任报告编制与披露研究4. 企业社会责任与企业可持续发展研究一、企业战略管理1. 企业战略管理在新时代的挑战与应对2. 企业核心竞争力构建与提升策略研究3. 基于企业生命周期理论的企业战略管理研究4. 企业战略联盟的构建与风险管理二、市场营销管理1. 新零售时代的市场营销策略研究2. 基于大数据分析的市场营销策略优化3. 社交媒体营销对企业品牌形象的影响4. 基于消费者行为的市场细分策略研究三、人力资源管理1. 互联网+背景下的人力资源管理模式创新2. 企业员工培训与职业生涯规划研究3. 企业薪酬管理优化策略研究4. 基于员工满意度的企业文化建设研究四、财务管理1. 企业财务风险防范与控制策略研究2. 企业融资策略优化研究3. 企业成本管理与控制研究4. 基于企业价值的财务管理研究五、供应链管理1. 供应链协同创新策略研究2. 绿色供应链管理研究3. 供应链金融风险管理研究4. 基于互联网的供应链优化策略研究六、创新管理1. 企业创新体系建设与优化研究2. 基于开放式创新的企业研发策略研究3. 企业创新文化培育与传播研究4. 企业知识产权管理策略研究七、项目管理1. 企业项目管理流程优化研究2. 项目风险管理研究3. 项目成本控制策略研究4. 基于项目管理的组织绩效提升研究八、企业文化1. 企业文化对企业竞争力的影响研究2. 企业文化建设与员工满意度关系研究3. 企业文化传承与创新研究4. 企业文化对企业社会责任的影响研究九、国际商务1. 企业国际化战略研究2. 跨文化管理研究3. 国际市场进入策略研究4. 国际贸易风险管理研究十、企业社会责任1. 企业社会责任战略研究2. 企业社会责任与企业绩效关系研究3. 企业社会责任报告编制与披露研究4. 企业社会责任与企业可持续发展研究。

引言 (3)1。
1背景和意义 (3)1。
2研究的方法 (3)2。
我国中小企业的营销现状 (3)3钱江摩托营销问题分析 (4)3。
1营销观念落后 (4)3。
2营销模式单一 (5)3。
3营销能力差 (5)3.4钱江摩托营销人才急缺 (5)3.5潜江摩托发展战略规划滞后 (5)4。
钱江摩托营销创新的途径 (6)4。
1树立新的营销理念 (6)4。
2多种营销模式的选择 (6)4。
2.1“缝隙营销”战略模式 (6)4。
2.2“寄生营销"战略模式 (6)4.2。
3与大企业合作的战略模式 (7)4。
2.4钱江摩托联合营销战略模式 (7)4。
3.4P营销组合策略 (7)4.3.1产品策略 (7)4。
3.2价格策略 (7)4。
3.3渠道策略 (8)4。
3.4促销策略 (8)4.4整合多种网络营销方式,进行网络营销。
(8)5.结论 (9)参考文献 (10)致谢 (11)1。


管理案例分析论文The Strategic Alliance’ Application in Apple战略联盟在苹果公司的应用

Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Reviews (1)3. The practice of Apple (4)3.1 pattern one (Alliance with the companies of the productionchain ) (5)3.2 pattern two (Alliance with the hostile firm which is in thesame industry) (7)3.3 pattern three (Alliance with the noncompeting companies) .. 124. Application to other firms (16)5. Conclusion (19)The Strategic Alliance’ Application in Apple1. IntroductionIn 1997 ,Steve Jobs came back to and took in charge of Apple. He began his pragmatic strategy, and put the Apple back into the low-end consumer market. He has taken a series of measures to save the Apple, which is on the brink of bankruptcy. One of the most important measures is the adjustment of alliance force, including a series of establishment of strategic alliance.This pioneering work make Apple gain many external funding and technology support. And through the alliance between giants, Apple has stimulated new consumption motivation to develop the market.This article will explain the theoretical knowledge of Enterprise Strategic Alliances. And we will analysis various practice of Apple's enterprise strategic alliances especially. In addition, in this paper, this theory is applied to other companies to verify the advantages of enterprise strategic alliance strategy, and discuss its application.2. ReviewsStrategic Alliances originated from the Japanese entrepreneurs at the time of joint ventures. Some Japanese businesses found out that instead of the cooperation, purchasing advanced technology would benefit themselves more when looking for joint venture partners. This is the rudiment of strategic alliance. The concept of strategic alliance originated in Japan but prevailed in U.S. Since the year of 1990, the growth rate of domestic and international qualitative strategic alliance had reached 25% annually in U.S. The concept of Strategic alliance was also raised at the first time by Jane Hopland, the DEC Compa ny’s CEO, and a management expert Roger Nigel.The research on the strategic alliance is basically in the sphere of strategic management category, and the center of the strategic management issues, is the study of how to create and maintain the competitive advantages of enterprises. Since the 1980s, western enterprise especially transnational companies had faced a constantly changing and fierce competitive external environment. The strategic adjustment had commenced on the relationship of enterprise competition according to this phenomenon, which means the transaction from opposite competition to competitive cooperation. According to The Cooperative Competition Theory, competition does not repel cooperation, and even sometimes cooperation is more advantageous to the competition efficiency. Strategic management had researched a turning point in the 90s, which also give a clue of the changing that the research had move on from the competition to cooperation. Modern cooperation processes produced new competitors, and build the new industry system, also create a new type of competition. Strategic alliance is one of the new cooperative competitions. Performance for cooperation will commence when creating a market together, and competition will come along when market distribution is on the way. The target that strategic alliance parties try to create and share a growing bigger market is the embodiment of the view of this new competition attitude.And then, along with the rapid development of science and technology and also the constant change of the external environment of enterprise, the enterprise ability theory was raised. The enterprise ability theory is a thought that believe the deeper reason of the behavior of strategic alliances, and the cooperation on the value chain and in that way enterprise can earn greater benefits is the resources complementary and mutual learning to each other exists between the enterprise resources, including core ability and knowledge and assets.The concept of Strategic alliance was also raised at the first time by Jane Hopland, the DEC Company’s CEO, and a management expert RogerNigel. But the definition of the concept of strategic alliances, there are significant differences in the academic circle. Scholars understand and define it from their own point of view of research respectively, the more representative are the following:1. Porter, from the perspective of strategic management, believe that strategic alliances are long-term joint agreement which beyond normal market relations and have not reached the level of merger. Alliances, including technology licensing production, supply agreements, marketing agreements and joint ventures. Porter argued that without the need to expand business enterprise of the alliance, we can expand the size of the market boundaries.2. Williamson, from the view of the nature of organizational, pointed that business alliance is the organization of marginal status which is between layers of tissue and market transactions. And it is a kind of governance structure for the business transaction when the contract is incompleteness. It is also a special system of enterprise managing. Compared to the dynamic market and enterprise change, the contract of market transaction relationship between enterprises presents the imperfection because of the essence of incomplete information. Incomplete contract means the possible that the optimize configuration to the property right efficiency in the enterprise trades , strategic alliance is regarded as a kind of governance structure under the condition that contract is incomplete. It is the supplement of enterprise market’s transaction behavior.3. Tees, from view of resource integration, pointed that strategic alliance is two or more than two business partners to achieve resource sharing, complementary advantages, strategic goals and to trust and commitment to feature cooperative activities. Specific include: exclusive to the purchase agreement, exclusive production cooperation, technology exchange, R&D agreement, cooperation agreements and joint marketing.Specifically, strategic alliance is that two or more than two companies, with anticipation of the market and the company's overall business objectives, operating risk, in order to the company common strategic objectives, through various protocols, to form a organization which has the feature of complementary advantages and risks of loose. The establishment of strategic alliance, essentially through the cooperation among enterprises, is to implement the complementary form of advantage resource and allocation of risk, and to make up for the inadequacy of market transaction, thus creating value for enterprises. A strategic alliance is a partnership between firms whereby resources, capabilities, and core competences are combined to pursue mutual interests.A strategic alliance is when two or more businesses join together for a set period of time. The businesses, usually, are not in direct competition, but have similar products or services that are directed toward the same target audience. Strategic alliance is a primary form of cooperative strategies.3. The practice of AppleSince the concept of strategic alliance was raised by Jane Hopland and Roger Nigel, strategic alliance had become focus of management scholars as well as the business world. When it comes to resources, enterprise rarely is self-contained; therefore combo would occur naturally with other enterprises which lack of other resources. Constructing alliance has become a common means to enter the international market, which also become one of the three strategic to realize rapid growing.Strategic alliance includes not only the equity joint venture enterprise; it also contains the equity agreement related to production, marketing and distribution, the R&D. The successful construction of Apple is not only the initial cooperation agreement on cross licensing arrangements, joint development, joint ventures, and equity and sharing union, it also includes thedetails such as site choice, cost allocation, market share and knowledge innovation, technology and collaborative design methods as well.Graph: Apple’s strategic alliancesApple’ strategic alliances include three pattern s ---- alliance with the hostile firm which is in the same industry, alliance with the firms of the same production chain, alliance with the noncompeting companies. All of the alliances bring a lot to Apple, including profit, fame, market share and competitiveness and so on.3.1 pattern one (Alliance with the companies of the production chain)Apple has launched delicate products with the benefit of constantly companies’ alliance and finally wins the whole market. Every step showed the concept of innovation and the remarkable operation of various elements of R&D design, development, production and manufacturing, marketing and so on. Like "why enterprise exists transaction costs", all the steps are focused on "what sparked interconnected motivation of economic behavior person", or “How to improve our economic output with such a connection”. Knowing themotive is definitely a key part of the understanding of the unions of business groups. Apple possessed the typical characteristics of integration innovation paradigm through the lateral and axial union between the enterprise of upstream as well as downstream.Example: cooperate with SamsungIn August, 2007, Apple and Samsung agreed that it would use Samsung 40% of flash memory chips production. This will help to expand the field of Apple products in the market, while Samsung also can enhance the competitive strength.Now because of the iPod's market influence, flash memory for Apple is extremely useful. And Samsung is the world's largest manufacturer of flash memory chips. In the future, Apple will be the largest NAND-type flash memory customer of Samsung. According to a report issued from the market research firm I-Suppli, that due to the success of Apple's iPod Shuffle, Samsung flash memory business will be greatly promoted, so Samsung is hoped to provide greater discounts for Apple. According to the agreement, Apple will account for 40% of flash memory business production of Samsung. While Apple's iPod Shuffle was a great success, but it is also accused by the industry, that such products do not display, users can not see the selected songs. From the consumer point of view, with the price higher, the storage capacity of 2G-4G iPod with the screen is the love of market.Apple and Samsung branded bulk supply contract, Samsung will also benefit. ISupplian analyst Nam Hyung Kim said that in the first half of this year, Samsung introduced flash memory chips of a value of 24.5 billion, which operated profit 40%. "This means that Apple will have more room for price cuts." Samsung committed to provide the best price for the Apple. In the past few years, Toshiba and Hitachiare are also major suppliers of Apple's iPod.Most recent quarter, Apple sold 6.1 million iPod players, while sales of the iPod Shuffle has not been exceeded. The latter's sales revenue reached 11 billion U.S. dollars, 30% of Apple's total revenue. Kim said that if Apple introduced a flash-based mini-Pod, will be sold 3000000-600 products this year, which will make the sales of global NAND flash memory chips increased by 22%.Samsung expects, the sales price of NAND industry will decrease overall, mainly result in the high volume supply contract that Apple and Samsung reached. This move will make the two competitors of Samsung ----Toshiba and Hynix feel stressed.AnalysisThe strategic alliance that Apple established with Samsung allows Apple to concentrate on activities that best match its capabilities and make profit. On the other hand, Samsung will be able to beat its competition by selling to a larger target audience.3.2 pattern two (Alliance with the hostile firm which is in the same industry)Example: cooperate with MicrosoftApple reconciliation with the rivals of Microsoft after Steve jobs back to apple. Apple has integrated Microsoft IE browser into the apple operating system, and Microsoft has invested $150 million (Microsoft has bought $150 million apple stock) to Apple in return. Moreover, Microsoft will continue to develop software for apple machines. At the same time, Apple withdrew technical license in compatible manufacturer, which means they can no longer rely on apple's technology. The first half of 1998 was the time of iMac, and apple was finally out of the red. The performance of the company appeared its fast growth.Microsoft versus Apple has long been the marquee rivalry of the technology industry, but the two companies also have a long history as friends. Here are their 10 greatest collaborations.For more than two decades, Microsoft and Apple have had the technology industry's most high-profile (and occasionally most rancorous) rivalry. But today, I doubt that either of them considers the other its chief rival.If you could sequester Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in their respective offices, close the door, and ask (off the record) for the name of their top rival, I suspect both of them would give you the same answer: Google.For that reason alone, you'd think Microsoft and Apple would be more likely than ever to collaborate (and that's certainly a possibility). However, it's also easy to forget that the two companies have a long history of working together and developing products for each other's platforms. They are traditional friends.Microsoft's recent release of Office for Mac2011 (more on that in a second) is only the latest example of times when the two have been on the same page. These are still the exception rather than the rule, but we've come up with a list of the 10 best collaborative moments between the two companies.1. Microsoft develops Word for the original MacintoshWhen Apple developed its forward-looking Macintosh computer in the early 1980s to combat the IBM PC, which was outpacing the Apple II, Microsoft was one of the early believers in the new vision. Gates took a chance on Jobs' graphical user interface and agreed to be one of the early application developers. The result was Microsoft Word, which would eventually be one of the computing world's most popular applications. Gates said, “One of the most fun things we did was the Macintosh and that was so risky. People may not remember that Apple really bet the company.” Ofcourse, the collaboration on the Macintosh also led to Microsoft developing its own competing platform, Windows, which later became the source of the bitter rivalry between the two companies.2. Apple makes iPod compatible with WindowsA year after Apple debuted the iPod in 2001 as an accessory it hoped would buoy Mac sales, the company realized the iPod had much greater mass market potential and decided to make it compatible with Windows computers as well. That development, combined with the 2003 opening of the iTunes Music Store selling songs for 99 cents, set the iPod on a course to become one of the best-selling consumer electronics products of all time.3. Internet Explorer becomes the default browser on MacAs part of that 1997 deal, Apple agreed to make Microsoft's Internet Explorer the default Web browser for Mac. At the time, Microsoft was in a pitched battle with Netscape for Web-browser supremacy. It's easy to forget that Internet Explorer 3.0 for Mac was a decent piece of software at the time, because Microsoft had a lot of engineers working on IE. Later, IE would get a well-earned reputation for being slow, bloated, and buggy, after Microsoft won the browser war and lost interest in it. But in 1997, having two great Web browsers available for Mac (three if you count Mosaic) was a good thing, especially on the eve of the iMac and with lots of new consumers buying computers to connect to the Internet.4. Microsoft invests $150 million in AppleWhen Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1996 and soon became the interim CEO, one of the things he emphasized to Apple employees was to stop thinking about the past and Apple's old rivalry with Microsoft and start thinking about the future and how Apple could move forward in bold new ways. At Macworld 1997 in Boston, he sent the same message to Apple fans when he announced a deal with Microsoft that would bring a close to Apple's legalaction against Microsoft over Windows, provide a $150-million Microsoft investment in Apple, and bring a multiyear guarantee that Microsoft would continue to develop software for the then-ailing Macintosh platform. To the Apple fans who booed Jobs when he brought in Microsoft chairman Bill Gates via video conference to announce the Mi crosoft deal, Jobs said, “We have to let go of the notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose.”5. Microsoft licenses Exchange ActiveSync for iPhoneWhen the original iPhone was released in 2007, its primary accomplishment was a touchscreen user interface that made smartphones accessible to more than just the e-mail-junkie professionals who had previously owned BlackBerry and Palm Treo devices. However, the first iPhone was not very useful. It had limited software, and it couldn't easily connect to corporate e-mail. Apple fixed both of those problems a year later with version 2.0, the iPhone 3G, by opening up to third-party developers and licensing Exchange ActiveSync from Microsoft so that iPhone could connect to Exchange e-mail, calendar, and contacts.6. Boot Camp installs Windows on Mac hardwareIn 2006, Apple switched the Mac platform from proprietary PowerPC processors to standard Intel x86 chips — the same ones that had traditionally powered most Windows PCs. Later that year, the company released Boot Camp , a free utility that allowed Windows XP to be installed on the new Intel-based Mac hardware and dual booted with Mac OS X. (Boot Camp later supported Windows Vista and then Windows 7.) Naturally, Microsoft didn't object because Boot Camp required a Windows license.7. Snow Leopard connects to ExchangeIn Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), Apple integrated support for Microsoft Exchange into its built-in apps: Mail, iCal, and Address Book. Unfortunately, this required Exchange 2007 or later on the backend, and theintegration was a little buggy. Still, it was another step toward making Macs more friendly in the many businesses that are run on Microsoft software in the server room.8. Apple makes Safari available for WindowsSteve Jobs once jokingly compared Apple making software for Windows to “offering glasses of ice water to people in hell.” A few weeks later, Apple launched a version of its Safari Web browser for Windows. Although Safari has never taken off and gained big market share on Windows, it does have a niche appeal to those who like the sparse UI and quick-loading times. It also represents one of Apple's most open initiatives, the WebKit browser engine that powers Safari. Apple refined it from earlier technologies and then turned it into an open-source project that has since been used by Google, Nokia, Palm, BlackBerry, and others.9. Apple and Microsoft spurn Blu-ray for digital downloadsBoth Apple and Microsoft have been under pressure for the last couple of years to get on the Blu-ray bandwagon. Microsoft has been under pressure to put Blu-ray in Xbox 360, and Apple has been under pressure to put Blu-ray drives in Macs. However, both have resisted and have responded with the same reason: Blu-ray is an expensive, temporary solution, and the future of high-definition video is digital downloads. While they may not have consulted each other on this issue, the fact that each has taken up the same position has made it easier for the other to stick to it. It has also kept the movie industry from forcing consumers to buy more discs rather than offering the cheaper and more convenient option of digital downloads.10. Microsoft launches Outlook for Mac in Office 2011With Office for Mac 2011, released on October 26, Microsoft has once again made the Mac OS X version of its world-dominant productivity suite jibe a lot more closely with the latest Windows version. This is in contrast toseveral Mac editions that diverged wildly from their Windows counterparts in recent years. But by far the most significant part of Office 2011 is that it brings back a version of Microsoft Outlook for e-mail and Exchange syncing, replacing the Mac-specific Entourage (a horribly buggy piece of software). This makes the latest Macs much better equipped to function in the business world.AnalysisMicrosoft was the software industry overlord, and apple computer get better software support when making cooperation with Microsoft. Jobs solve the Apple Issue "has a good machine without good software support" of former CEOs.In addition, since the agreement in 1997 was signed, more than 3 million Macintosh computers have shipped with Internet Explorer 4.0 as the default browser. Microsoft has sold more than 1 million copies of Office 98, and Microsoft and Apple have worked together to provide a unified Java Virtual Machine for Macintosh customers. Apple's new iMac computer, which includes Internet Explorer as the default browser, has been selling like hotcakes, and nearly one-third of its purchasers are new Mac users.Apple’s alliance with Microsoft proves that there are no eternal enemies, only the interests of the eternal.3.3 pattern three (Alliance with the noncompeting companies)Example: cooperate with NIKEMay 23, 2006, in New York—Nike and Apple announced a partnership bringing the worlds of sports and music together like never before with the launch of innovative Nike+iPod products. The first product developed through this partnership is the Nike+iPod Sport Kit, a wireless system that allows Nike+ footwear to talk with your iPod nano to connect you to theultimate personal running and workout experience. That sensor talks to a small wireless receiver that attaches to Apple's iPod nano music player.Smarter than smarter.The components work together to give voice prompts, interjected while music is playing, that tell runners how far they've gone and at what pace. The iPod will also keep track of the duration, distance, and other information on each run. The data could then be uploaded to a Mac or PC, and from there to a Nike Web site called , where users can track progress, set goals, and share results. The shoes will sell for about $100. The sensor and iPod attachment will go for about $29 The Nike+iPod Sport Kit and are expected to be available in the next two months.Nike dreamed up the idea for the product and contacted Apple to develop the technology behind it, Nike CEO Mark Parker said at the news conference: "A while back we asked a big question: Could we harness the power of digital technology to improve a runner's experience?" It turns out the answer is a smart running shoe, equipped with a small sensor that can track motion and distance and other metrics that runners find important, but the information would only be available after their run is complete, not while running. "We quickly realized that making a smart shoe wasn't smart enough."So Parker called a friend: Apple CEO Steve Jobs. The result was the kit, which both called simply a "great start." The two companies will develop more products as part of an ongoing partnership.Design difficulties. The two companies are alike in design and marketing. Both are iconic brands that appeal to a consumer market that is young and considers itself hip and cool. Apple had approached Nike about being its MP3 supplier, but Nike execs came up with a bigger idea. Parker said he wanted to give more than just music to the runner. "Obviously, a lot of that was already happening," he says. "If the shoe and the iPod could talk to each other, what would they say and what's the potential of that connection? We gotthe creative side from both companies and we started exploring."When Nike and Apple designers met for the first time 18 months ago, the teams clicked. "Both companies are technology-driven companies," Jobs says. "It's just that we work in completely different areas of technology. We are semiconductors and software, and Nike is anatomy and precision-molding and thin-film technologies. What's interesting is the people are very similar."But it took some time for both teams to find their Zen state. Some of the technology challenges were tough. The sensor embedded in the new Nike Moire running sneaker was initially too big for Nike designers and too small for Apple's team. Other technical challenges centered on the duration of the battery power (close to 1,000 hours). Apple designers also had to wrestle with the wireless technology. "Wireless takes power," Jobs says. "The last thing you wanted was a wire going down your leg. It looks deceptively simple and that's how it should be. It took a while to get it right. But there is a lot of technology there."Beautiful friendship.Jobs also says keeping the price at $29 for the wireless iPod adapter was another key point. "This thing is over 90% accurate right out of the box, which is huge," Jobs says. "Something like this would normally cost a lot more money. We priced it so everyone can afford it because we want everyone to try it and experience how cool it is."Parker says Nike is offering seven styles of shoes that will be iPod-ready by allowing the sensor to be embedded into the heel. They include the new Nike Air Zoom Moire, unveiled today, as well as the Nike Shox and Air Max lines. About 4 million "PlusReady" shoes are available now and next the number could balloon to 10 million, Parker says. "If you need stability or extra cushioning, we have shoes to fit those needs that will be wired," he says.Both CEOs say the experience of developing NikePlus is just the beginning of a broader strategic relationship. Neither would describe whatthey intend to tackle next but hinted they are only limited by imagination and good business. "It's turned out to be really fun," Jobs says. "It's fun to apply technology in an area where A, it's never been done before, and B, everybody involved in it wants it for themselves. That's always a good sign. Everybody involved in this says, 'This is so cool,' It's great to work on things like this." Says Parker: "The connection between the two different products and the potential it creates is huge."No brainer. Apple and Nike aren't the first to try to crack the market for electronic gadgetry aimed at fitness enthusiasts. Nothing aside from the digital wristwatch has been all that universally successful, except digital-music players like the iPod and the Sony (SNE) Walkman before it. Nike has dallied in the digital-music realm before, having teamed up with Philips Electronics (PHG), and the now-defunct Rio before that, on MP3 players aimed at athletes.Garmin (GRMN), the Kansas-based market leader in consumer GPS receivers, has been producing watches for runners that use the Global Positioning System to track a runner's training regimen. Its Forerunner products start at about $115 and, with certain options and features, can go as high as $377.But to Trevor Edwards, Nike's vice-president for global brand management, the connection with Apple is obvious. "I think there are some ideas that you kind of go, 'Duh.' People are already out there running, and they run with music," Edwards says. "And some of them are trying to figure out how far they went. So we think this is already something people are doing. So you take their behavior and actually allow them to do it in a more simple way."At the same time, apple also actively establish different company unions in many different fields, such as the cooperation with NIKE, it will be the first time of the combination of the music and sports which means innovative series。


并通过蒙牛乳业公司的具体案例,实证分析了如何通过ASP 物流管理模式来提升核心企业的竞争优势。

企业战略论文篇一:企业战略管理论文(完全原创!!)毕业论文格式《企业战略管理》课程论文题目:基于“星晨急便”所属系电子商务系班级09级物流管理2班学号0924222059 姓名周晖摘要随着社会快速地发展和企业战略管理理论不断地完善,战略理论的重要性已经在企业中得到充分的体现。
关键字:企业战略管理财务战略并购战略物流战略AbstractWith the quick development of the rapid social and enterprise strategic management theory, strategic theory has been playing the more important in the enterprise. This article mainly use the Stars JiBian Courier company as a case, emphasising on the angles of the enterprise strategy, strategic culture, financial strategy and acquisition strategy analysis,and research the reasons of the collapse. At the same time, the case shows the modern enterprise strategy management’s importance in logistics enterprise. Finally, this article combines the strategic management method in logistics enterprise, and gives some advices that the unlogistics enterprise especially the manufacturing enterprise should pay more attention to the logistics strategy planning and implementation. Only in this way, can we make strategic thought to guide the development of the enterprise well.Keywords: Strategic management of enterprises;Financial strategy;Merger and acquisitionstrategies;Logistics strategy目录摘要.................................................................................................................................. . (2)Abstract ....................................................................................................................... .............. 3 1. 涉及的概念.......................................................................................................................... 5 2. 星晨急便公司简介.............................................................................................................. 6 3. 案例具体分析. (7)3.1战略角度 (7)3.1.1 企业文化战略............................................................................................... 7 3.1.2 企业整体发展战略....................................................................................... 8 3.1.3 财务战略....................................................................................................... 9 3.1.4 并购战略....................................................................................................... 9 3.2 长期隐患角度.........................................................................................................103.2.1 模式存在边界.............................................................................................10 3.2.2 管理存在失误 (10)4. 总结及建议 (11)4.1 经营模式................................................................................................................. 11 4.2 战略风险分析.........................................................................................................11 4.3 战略联盟................................................................................................................. 12 4.4 合理的并购.............................................................................................................12 4.5 绩效考核战略......................................................................................................... 13 4.6 人才战略................................................................................................................. 13 5. 非物流企业的物流战略借鉴.. (14)5.1 物流外包战略......................................................................................................... 14 5.2 精益物流战略 (14)5.3 敏捷物流战略......................................................................................................... 14 5.4 合作与联盟战略.. (15)5.5 延迟战略................................................................................................................. 15 5.6 多样化分拨战略.....................................................................................................15 参考文献.................................................................................................................................161. 涉及的概念企业战略:企业在激烈竞争的市场环境中,为求得生存和发展而做出的长远性、全局性的谋划,以形成企业竞争优势而采取的竞争行动和管理方法。
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罗仁基和罗斯Lorange and Rocs提出了企业战略联盟伙伴选择的“3C”原则,即兼容性Compatibility、能力Capability、投入Commitment。