



PartⅠ Vocabulary and Structure(35%)

1.I'll accepl any job I don't have to get up early.

A.even if

B.as long as

C.in case

D.even though

2. of the two authors thinks that the danger of nuclear war is inesing.





3.I walked too much yesterday and are still aching now.

A.my leg's muscles

B.my leg muscles

C.my muscles of leg

D.my legs'muscles

4.In some conntries, is called "equality" does not really mean equal right for

all people.





5. we have finished the course,we shall start revision and prepare for the final exams.

A.By now

B.Now that

C.For Now

D.Ever since

6.The bridge was named the hero who had given his life to save a child.





7.There is no in insisthing on the impossible.





8.The Interent of the fourth generation is now in the experimental stage.The time

will come when it possible for ordinary people to use it in their daily life.


B.will be

C.must be

D.may be

9.The shopping mall built a few months ago is in the south of the city.





10.It may be five to ten years ,we can test this medicine on human patinets.





11.Bob,Dick and Tom are 6,8 and 10 years ole .





12.Children who are over-protectef by their parents may become .





13.Your explanation is still not easy enough to understand.Could you give any examples?





14.Her duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.But she also needs to do many other things.





15.Roberty Owen's ideas were far the age in which he lived.

A.in front of


C.adwancing in

D.in advance of

16.Rural communities are usually more in their child-rearing methods,while in

the toen there in more variety.





17.John Smith Community College is an educational institution to providing higher education for all residents in the community.





18.Mark ofen attempts to escape whenever he breaks traffic rules.

A.having been fined

B.to have been fined

C.to be fined

D.being fined

19.The police were accused of failing to the people about the threat of the terrorists.





20.Radio,television and press are of conveying news and information.

A.the most three common means

B.the three most common means

C.the most common three means

D.three the most common means

21.Backward technologically we are for the moment,we have perfect faith in our ability to catch up with the developed countries in time.





22.We don't need air conditioning, .

A.and neither can we afford it

B.neither can we afford it

C.and nor we can afford it

D.we can afford it neither

23.The Internet allows businessmen to their goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving.

A.keep track of

B.keep pace with

C.keep in touch with

D.keep company with

24.That field a good crop of potatoes last year.





25.The destruction of these cultural relics was a loss that no amount of meney could .

A.stand up to

B.make up for

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d18710187.html,e up with

D.put up with

26.When people do not to acceptable standards of behavior,they are bound to offend other people.





27.It was such a big challenge.Luckily,the student was just about to the questions when he suddenly found the answer.

A.even if

B.as long as

C.in case

D.even though

28.Once he starts talking about ancient China, .

A.there is no stopping of him

B.he is not stopped

C.there is no stopping him

D.it is no stopping him

29.They decided to chase the cow away it did more damage to the crops.





30.The of blood always makes him feel sick.





31.In Britain,in best time for sightseeing is spring and early summers.

A.even if

B.as long as

C.in case

D.even though

32.I should like to rent a house which is modern,comfortable and ,in a quite


A.in all

B.after all

C.above all

D.over all

33.When Mr.Jones get old,he will over his business to his son.





34.I've alresdy told you that I'm going to buy it, .

A.however much it costs

B.hoever does it costs much

C.how much does it cost

D.no matter how it costs

35.Free medical treatment in this country covers illness of all kinds for all the citizens.





PartⅡ Reading Comprehension(40%)

Passage 1

Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus.The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve.He saw a lot of people waiting in the station.Some were standing in line,and others were walking around.There was a group of schoolgirls.Their teacher was trying to keep them in line.Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆).He looked up at the clock there.It was only twenty to twelve.He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall.Just then,Mikem one of Tom's workmate came in and sat with Tom.

"What time is your bus?"asked Mike.

"There's plenty of time yet,"answered Tom.

"Well,I,ll get you some more tea then,"said Mike.

They talked while drinking.Then Tom looked at the clock again."Oh!It'going backward!"he cried."A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's haif past eleven."He was puzzled on that.

"You 're looking at the clock in the mirror."said Mike.Tom was so sorry for that.The next bus was not to leave for another hour.Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

36.Tom went into the atation cafe because .

A.Mike asked him to have a cup of tea

B.there were a group of schoolgirls there

C.it was quite early and he could fine a seat there

D.he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

37.What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?

A.Half past twelve

B.Twenty to twelve

C.Half past eleven

D.Five to twelve

38.From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror,we will find .

A.it's going forward

B.it's going slower

C.it's going backward

D.its going faster

39.Which of the following is true?

A.Tom arrived in Paris on time

B.The next bus left after half an hour

C.After that Tom didn't like clocks any longer

D.Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once

40.Which of the following is the best title of the story?

A.Missing aBus

B.A Careless Man

C.The Clock in the Mirror

D.The mirror of the Station

Passage 2

Baths have long been considered of medical importance to man.In Greece there are the ruins of a water system for baths built over 3,000 yesrs ago.The Romans had warm public baths.In some baths,as many as 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time.

Treating disease by taking baths has been popular for centuries.Modern medical baths first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700s bathing had also become popular in the United States.

By the 1700s doctors began to say that soap and water were good for beath.They believed that it was good for people to be clean.Slowly,people began to bathe more frequently.During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century,taking a bath on Saturday night became common.

In the United States ordinary bathing was slow to become popular.During the 18th and early 19th centuries,many Americans were known as"The Great Unwashed!"In one American city,for example,a person was only allowed to take a bath every thirty days!That was alaw!

Frequency of bathing today is partly a matter of habit,People know that bathing for cleaniness is important to health.Doctors know that dirty bodies increase the chance of diseases.As a result,in the United States,people generally bathe ofen.Some people bathe once a day at least.They consider a daily bath necessary to good health.

41.A water system for baths was built by over 3,000 years ago.

A.the Romans

B.the Greeks

C.the Americans

D.the Italians

42.Which of the following statements is true?

A.It's good for people to have bath only at night.

B.It's good for people to keep clean by having baths.

C.American people were not allowed to have a bath every 30 days.

D.The more frequently we have baths,the better health we'll be in.

43.It was once believed that frequent bathing was .



C.bad for heath

D.good for heath

44.The underlined word perfume probably means .

A.a sweet smelling substance

B.a band smelling substance

C.a strange smelling substance

D.an unpleasant smelling subatance

45.Form the passage,we can infer that .

A.Bathing has become easier and cheaper

B.Everybody in America takes a daily bath

C.A bath day keep the doctor away forever

D.Bathing helps to reduce the chance of diseases

Passage 3

Filling in company application forms can become a boring and repetitive task,yet any carelessness on an applicant's part can draw a negative recation form readers.Each company of organization usually use its own specially desigend form that,although it generally asks for the same basic information,may vary in detail.Consequently the suggestions below apply mainly to the approach you should take rather than suggest what you should write.

-When visiting future employers,always carry your personal data record with you so that you can readily search for details such as dates,telephone numbers,and other useful information.

-Treat every application form as though it is the first one you are completing.Write carefully and neatly.

-User words that describle the responsibility and different aspects of each job you have held rather than list only the duties you performed.

-Particularly describle social activities that show your involvement in the community,or activities in which you held a teching or coaching role.

-Pay particular attention if there is a section on the form that asks you to comment on how your education and past experience have especially prepared you for the poaition.

-Think this through very carefully before you write so that what you say shows a natural progression form past experience to the job you are applying for.If you can,and if they fit naturally,add a few words to demonstrste how the position fits your overall career plan.

46.The first sentence of the passage means that .

A.you many have to fill in a long application form

B.the filling-in of an application form takes much time

C.any slight error in the tiring filling-in of the forms should be avoided

D.application forms are usually difficult to read and require good skills to fill in

47.Although all application forms demand the same basic information, .

A.different companies may have different requirements

B.different companies may have different attitudes toward them

C.applicants many be required to answer all the questions in detail

D.applicants are very familiar with different application forms

48.Which of the following statements about your personal data is ture?

A.They will be of much help to your interview

B.They are more important than the interview

C.They should be written as simply as possible

D.They should include all your perdonal information

49.When writing about the duties of your jobs,you should .

A.only describe your social activities

B.list only the duties you performed

C.focus on your involvement in the community

D.try to include more details

50.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A.Nature of Filling in Application Foems

B.Importance of Filling in Application Forms

C.Critical Details for Filling in Application Forms

D.Jobs and Their Filling in Application Forms

Passage 4

On Thuesday afternoon Mrs.Clarke,dressed for going out,took her handbag with her money and her key in it,pulled the door behind her to lock it and wen to the Over 60s Club.She always went there on Thursday.It was a nice outong for and old woman who lived alone.

At six o'clock she came home,let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke.Cigarette smoke in her house?How?How?Had someone got in?She checked the back door and the windows.All were locked or fastened,as usual.There was no sign of forced entry.

Over a cup of tea she wondered whether some one might have a key that fitted her front door-"a master key"perhaps.So she stayed at home the following Thursday.Nothing happened.Was anyone watching her movements?On the Thursday after that she went out at her usual time,dressed as usual,but she didn't go to the club.Instead she took a shout cut home again,letting herself in through her garden and the back door.She setteled down to wait.

It was just after four o'clock when the front door bell rang.Mrs.Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time.The bell rang again,and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open.With the kettle of boiling water in her hand,she moved quietly towards the front door.Along piece of wire appeared though the letter-box,and then a hand,The wire turned and caught around the knob(门把)on the door-lock.Mrs.Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand.There was a shout outside,and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove.The wire fell to the floor,the hand was pulled back,and Mrs.Clarke heard the sound of running feet.

51.Mrs.Clarke looked forward to Thursday because she .

A.joined in a special activity in the club

B.could meet her old friends

C.regularly visited a club

D.had a special visitor to meet

52.Mrs.Clarke thought that if someone had made a forced entry, .

A.a door or a window would have been damaged

B.he or she might hide somewhere in the house

C.things would have been thrown about

D.he or she might not have a master key

53.On the third Thurday Mrs.Clarke went out because she wanted to .

A.seek help to find out the truth of the cigarette smoke

B.see if the thief was hanging about outside

C.resume her normal visit to the club

D.catch the tjoef by trick

54.Mrs.Clarke didn't expect that her front door .

A.could be opened with an outside knob instead of a key

B.was opened by taking advantage of the letter-box

C.was opened with a master key

D.needed a piece of wire to open it

55.The write fell to the floor because .

A.Mrs.Chark refused to open the door

B.the man's glove dropped off

C.the man just wanted to drop it off

D.it was too hot to hold the wire

PartⅢ Cloze(10%)

Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. 56 in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heat of a town.This street was 57 on both sides with 58 stores and shops.Here,shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of 59 clothing,furniture,hardware,groceries. 60 ,some shops offered services.These shops 61 drugstores,restaurants,shoe-repair stores,and barber or hairdressing shops.But in the 1950s,a change began to 62 .Too many automobiles had crowed into Main Street 63 too few parking places were 64 shoppers.Because the streets were crowed,merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces 65 the city.Open space is what their car-driving customers needed and the merchants expected 66 the first shopping centre was built.Shopping centres,or rather malls, 67 as a collection of small new stores 68 crowded city centres. 69 by hundreds of free parking space,customers were drawn away from 70 areas to suburban malls.And the growing 71 of shopping certres led 72 to the building of bigger and better-stocked stores. 73 the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the 74 of one-shop shopping,malls were transformed into landscaped parks, 75 benches,fountains,and outdoor entertainment.

56.A.As early B.Early C.Early as D.Earlier

57.A.built B.designed C.covered D.lined

58.A.varied B.various C.variety D.varying

59.A.objects B.materials C.goods D.subastances

60.A.Apart form B.Further C.As well D.Additionally

61.A.contained B.covered C.held D.included

62.A.be taken place B.take place C.be taking place D.have taken place

63.A.while B.where C.though D.when

64.A.vaild for https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d18710187.html,eful to C.available to D.ready for

65.A.over B.from C.after D.outside

66.A.when B.while C.since D.then

67.A.started B.founded C.established D.built

68.A.out of B.away from C.next to D.along with

69.A.Attracted B.Interested C.Delighted D.Enjoyed

70.A.inner B.original C.old D.downtown

71.A.distinction B.fame C.popularity D.interest

72.A.in return B.in turn C.by turns D.by return

73.A.By B.During C.Over D.From

74.A.requirement B.facility C.convenience D.condition

75.A.for B.over C.with D.beyond

PartⅣ Writing(15%)

76.假如你是一名大学新生,对社团活动很感兴趣,想申请假如某一校园社区(campus club or society)请写一封申请书,陈述你假如社团的原因、你的优势、你以前的活动经历以及对你入团后的活动有什么设想。














9.A 10.C

11.A 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.B

21.A 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.A

31.D 32.C 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.C

41.B 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.A 49.D 50.C

51.C 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.D 56.B 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.D

61.D 62.B 63.A 64.C 65.D 66.A 67.A 68.B 69.A 70.D

71.C 72.B 73.A 74.C 75.C

PartⅣ Writing(15%)






5分—基本切题,表达思想基本清楚,但连贯性差,有较多的语言错误,字数少于80。 8分—比较切题,但仍有些地方表达不够清楚,文字基本连贯;仍有少数较严重语言错误;字数多于80。





广东省专插本 英语 2007年 历年题集(含答案)

2007年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 英语试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) 1.Trains stop here in order to ______ passengers. A.get off B.put up C.get on D.pick up 2.Fortunately, the demonstration _____ to be quite peaceful. A.turned on B.turned out C.showed off D.showed up 3.Could you tell me ______ to fly from Chicago to New York? A.it costs how much B.how much does it cost C.how much costs it D.how much it costs 4.The book covers a wide ______ of topics on international politics. A.range B.number C.collection D.amount 5.I know it’s not important but I can’t help ______ about it. A.to think B. thinking C.thinks D.think 6.Solid-fuel engines are simpler than liquid-fuel engines, ______ have important uses. A.both of them B.both C.both of which D.both all 7.Unfortunately, he didn’t ______ to read the agreement carefully before signing it. A.bother B.disturb C.occur D.happen 8.Where do you normally have your hair ______ ?. A.being done B.do C.to be done D.done 9.I ______ y ou with the funds . Why didn’t you ask me? A.could have provided B.should have provided C.must have provided D.ought to have provided 10.The child was ______ to open the window. A.tall barely enough B.barely enough tall C.barely tall enough D.tall enough barely 11.While I ______ the morning paper, a headline caught my eye. A.have read B.was reading C.had read D.am reading 12. ______ the strength of the opposition , we did very well to score two goals. A.To consider B.Considered C.Considering D.Consider 13.At first I thought I understood what she said, but the more I thought about it , ______. A.the more did I become confused B.the more I became confused C.the more confused became I D.the more confused I became 14.Mary has lived here for five years and still hasn’t ______ more than a few words with her neighbors. A.exchanged https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d18710187.html,rmed C.said D.spoken 15.A little learning is a dangerous thing, ______ the saying goes. A.like B.as C.with D.if 16.If ______ , the girl would very much like to sing a song at the evening party. A.invite B.invited C.inviting D.to be invited


1.管理学的性质就是管理的二重性:与生产力相联系的自然属性和与生产关系相联系的社会属性 2.**管理既是一门科学,又是一种艺术 管理既是一门科学,又是一门艺术,是科学与艺术的统一。 (1)管理的科学是指它以反映管理客观规律的管理理论和方法为指导,有一套分析问题和解决问题的科学的方法论 (2)管理的艺术是指能熟练地应用管理知识,并通过一定的技巧达到某种效果。 (3)管理是科学与艺术的结合。 科学性: A 、管理是有一定的规律可以遵循的,这些规律具有客观性。 B 、管理学为管理工作提供了指导性理论、原则、方法和技术。 艺术性:在实践中,必须灵活运用管理理论和方法;经验和技巧都很重要。 统一性:在管理中,科学性与艺术性相辅相成。 3.泰罗科学管理理论要点: (1)工作定额。 (2)标准化。 (3)能力与工作相适应。 (4)差别计件工资制。 (5)计划职能与执行职能相分离 4.法约尔一般管理(组织管理)理论要点: 理论要点:管理的五种职能、企业的六种基本活动、一般管理的十四条原则。 (1)管理的五种职能是指:计划,组织,指挥,协调,控制。 (2)企业的六种基本活动是指:1技术活动2商业活动3财务活动4安全活动5会计活动6管理活动 (3)管理的十四条原则是指:分工、权力与责任、纪律、统一指挥、统一领导、个人利益服从集体利益、报酬合理、集权与分权、等级链与跳板、秩序、公平、人员稳定、首创精神、集体精神。 5**学习型组织与传统型组织的不同之处主要体现在6个方面: (1)对待变革的态度上,传统组织认为,只要还管用就不要改变它;而学习型组织认为,如果不变革那就不管用了。 (2)在对待新观点的态度上,传统组织认为,如果不是产生于此时此刻就拒绝它;而学习型组织认为,如果是产生于此时此刻就拒绝它。 (3)在关于谁对创新负责上,传统组织认为,创新是研发部门的事;而学习型组织认为,创新是组织中每位成员的事。 (4)传统组织的主要担心是发生错误,而学习型组织的主要担心是不学习不适应 (5)传统组织认为产品和服务是组织竞争优势,而学习型组织认为学习能力、知识和专门技术是组织的竞争优势。 (6)在管理者的职责上,传统组织认为,管理者职责是控制别人;而学习型组织认为,管理者的职责是调动别人、授权别人。 6**企业的一项能力要成为核心能力需要满足5 个条件: (1)不是单一技术或技能,而是一簇相关技术和技能的整合; (2)不是物理性资产; (3)必须能创造顾客看重的关键价值; (4)与对手相比,竞争上具有独特性


《管理学基础》试题 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 1. 由于管理的广泛性和复杂性及研究的侧重点不同,对管理所下定义也各异。法约尔认为,() A. 管理就是要确切地知道要别人干什么,并注意他们用最好最经济的方法去干 B. 管理就是实行计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制 C. 管理就是决策 2. 梅奥等人通过霍桑试验得岀结论:人们的生产效率不仅受到物理的、生理的因素的影响,而且还受到社会环境、社会心理因素的影响。由此创立了()。 A. 行为科学学说 B. 人文关系学说 C. 人际关系学说 3. 环境研究对组织决策有着非常重要的影响,具体表现在可以提高组织决策的() A. 有效性、及时性、稳定性 B. 前瞻性、有效性、稳定性 C. 正确性、及时性、稳定性 4. 系统管理学派认为,组织是由一个相互联系的若干要素组成、为环境所影响的并反过来影响环境的开放 的()。 A. 社会技术系统 B. 社会经济组织 C. 社会经济系统 5. 法约尔的一般管理理论对西方管理理论的发展有重大影响,成为后来管理过程学派的理论基础,他的代表作是()。 A. 《社会组织与经济组织理论》 B. 《工业管理和一般管理》 C. 《科学管理理论》 6. 企业在长期的生产经营和管理活动中创造的具有本企业特色的精神文化和物质文化就是 ()O A .企业精神 B. 企业价值观 C. 企业文化 7. 1990年,美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院的彼得?圣吉教授岀版了一本享誉世界之作,引起世界管理 界的轰动,这就是()。 A. 《企业再造工程》

B. 《管理的革命》 C. 《第五项修炼--学习型组织的艺术与实务》 8. 中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠( A. 正式权力与沟通技巧 B. 个****力与技术技能 C. 人际关系技能与技术技能 9、组织是管理的基本职能之一,从其定义中可以看岀,它由 ()三个基本要素构成。 A、目标、原则和结构 B、目标、部门和效率 C目标、部门和关系 10、经济活动中,指明组织活动的方向和范围,在决策和处理问题时指导及沟通思想活动的方针和一般规定,这就是()。 A策略 B、目标 C政策 11、美国对企业70个目标管理计划的实施情况进行调查,得岀结论:如果高层管理者对目标管理高度重视, 并亲身参与目标管理的实施过程,其生产率的平均改进程度可达到()。 A 6% B、56% C 66% 12、人们除了生存需要外,还有安全的需要、寻求关心的需要、建立友谊的需要等社会需要,所以产生了()。 A、非正式组织 B、非正式沟通 C正式沟通 13?管理幅度是指一个主管能够直接有效地指挥下属成员的数目。经研究发现,高层管理人员的管理幅度通常以()较为合适。 A 4?8人 B、10?15人 C 15?20人 14. 责任、权力、利益三者之间不可分割, 必须是协调的、平衡的和统一的。这就是组织工作中的()原则。 A、责权利相结合 B、分工协作 C目标任务


2006年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 英语试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) 1.By the end of this month, all this ______. A.is changed B.had changed C.will have changed D.has changed 2.Such questions are often _____ through negotiations. A.settles B.settle C.settled D.settling 3.Since you are a college student now, you should ______ yourself more than you used to. A.rely on B.work on C.run out D.carry out 4.He stopped ______ last week and feels much better now. A.smoking B.smoked C.smokes D.smoke 5.We ______ so smoothly that the passenger could hardly feel it. A.got rid of B.tore off C.called off D.took off 6.You wouldn’t have seen her if it ______ not been for him . A.has B.had C.have D.is having 7.She insists that he ______ his vacation now. A.takes B.took C.take D.taking 8.The teachers don’t make us wear a school uniform and we can wear ______ we like. A.any B.that C.as D.what 9.I don’t know the man ______ you are talking about. A.who’s B.whose C.whom D.who 10.Metals expand ______ heated and contract when cooled. A.where B.when C.that D.which 11.Even though she herself has never had such an experience, it’s ______ she can recognize from what has happened to her good friend. A.that B.one C.such D.all 12.Only after the storm was over ______. A.could we start off B.we could start off C.had we started off D.we had started off 13.That was one example of having responsibility ______ I’m on my own and of making my own decisions. A.since that B.as that C.now that D.because of 14.The new government building is ______ in the center of the city. A.located B.stationed C.set D.found 15.Doctors are developing a new ______ for treating that disease. A.operation B.mean C.technique D.cure 16.Religinon has a great ______ on man’s thought. A.effects B.affect C.affection D.influence 17.In that country, hospital doctors don’t go sightseeing very often because their work ______ almost all their time.


2009年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 管理学 本试卷共4页,46小题.满分100分。考试时间120分钟。 江意事项: l.考生必须在答题卡上作答,否则答案无效。 2.答卷前,考生务必投答题卡要求填写考生信息栏、粘贴条形码。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的代号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。 4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔在答题卡行题目指定区域内作答。如需改动,先划掉需改动部分再重新书写,不得使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。5.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有 一个符合题目要求的选项。 1.下列选项中,属于管理者扮演的决策角色是( ) A.企业家B.联络者C.传播者D.领导者 2.人际关系理论认为,人是( ) A.经济B.社会人C.自我实现人D.复杂人 3.马克斯·韦伯认为,作为理想组织形式基础的权威是( ) A.个人崇拜式权威B.理性——合法权威 C.传统式权威D.继承式权威 4.管理是一种艺术,这是强调管理的( ) A.复杂性B.精确性C.有效性D.实践性 5.对于一个完整的决策过程来说,第一步是( ) A.确定目标B.诊断问题C.规划方案D.评估选优 6.政策指导矩阵属于( ) A.定性决策方法B.定量决策方法 C.确定型决策方法D.不确定型决策方法 7.使计划数字化的工作被称为() A.规划B.决策C.预算D.预测 8.根据计划内容的明确性,可以将计划分为( ) A.长期和短期计划B.战略性计划和战术性计划 C.具体性计划和指导性计划D.程序性计划和非程序性计划 9.目标管理的提出者是美国管理学家( ) A.维克多·弗鲁姆B.迈克尔·哈默 C.彼得·圣吉D.彼得·德鲁克 10.在组织规模一定时,管理幅度与管理层次( ) A.没有什么必然联系B.直接成正比关系 C.有明显的间接关系D.直接成反比关系 11.“金无足赤,人无完人”体现在人员甄选上的原则是( ) A.用人所长原则B.因材器用原则 C.因事择人原则D.人事动态平衡原则


一单选题: 1、文化是民族的血脉、国家的灵魂。一个国家在一定历史时期的文化发展,然与其政治制度、经济制度等构成的社会发展道路一脉相承。实践证明,中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,是符合国情、顺义民意的道路,方向正确,前途光明。坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路的根本任务是 A.满足人民精神文化需求 B.提高全民族文明素质 C.建设社会主义核心价值体系 D.建设社会主义文化强国 2.新世纪以来,随着改革开放的深入和对社会主义建设规律认识的深化,文化建设被摆放在更加突出的位置,我们党对文化建设规律的认识不断深化,在实践中逐步形成了中国特色社会主义文化发展道路。坚持中国特色社会主义文化道路的出发点和落脚点是 A.坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向 B.坚持社会主义核心价值体系 C.满足人民精神文化需求 D.培养高度的文化自觉和文化自信 二、多选题 1.坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,须以马克思主义为指导,这是事关文化改革发展全局的根本问题。坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,还须 A.发挥人民在文化建设中的主体作用 B.坚持自己的民族特色 C.积极吸收、借鉴国外优秀文化成果 D.坚持一手抓文化事业,一手抓文化产业 2.建设和发展社会主义,需要有一个能够被全社会共同接受和认同的社会主义核心价值体系和核心价值观来引领。核心价值体系和核心价值观,是决定文化性质和方向的最深层次要素,是一个国家的重要稳定器。关于两者关系,核心价值观是核心价值体系的 A.高度凝练 B.集中表达 C.内核 D.基本内容 答案及详解 一、单项选择题 1.【答案】C 【考点】坚持走中国特色社会主义文化发展道路

【解析】坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,就是以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,以科学发展为主题,以建设社会主义核心价值体系为根本任务,以满足人民精神文化需求为出发点和落脚点,以改革创新为动力,发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化,培养高度的文化自觉和文化自信,提高全民族文明素质,增强国家文化软实力,弘扬中华文化,努力建设社会主义文化强国。A、B、D不符合题意。故正确答案为C。 2.【答案】C 【考点】坚持走中国特色社会主义文化发展道路 【解析】坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,就是以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,以科学发展为主题,以建设社会主义核心价值体系为根本任务,以满足人民精神文化需求为出发点和落脚点,以改革创新为动力,发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化,培养高度的文化自觉和文化自信,提高全民族文明素质,增强国家文化软实力,弘扬中华文化,努力建设社会主义文化强国。A、B、D不符合题意。故正确答案为C。 二、多项选择题 1.【答案】ABCD 【考点】坚持走中国特色社会主义文化发展道路 【解析】坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,须以马克思主义为指导,这是事关文化改革发展全局的根本问题;须发挥人民在文化建设中的主体作用,坚持文化发展为了人民、文化发展依靠人民、文化发展成果由人民共享;须坚持自己的民族特色,继承和发扬中华优秀文化传统,大力弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共育精神家园;须积极吸收、借鉴国外优秀文化成果,抵制西方腐朽文化的影响;须坚持一手抓文化事业、一手抓文化产业,推动文化事业和文化产业全面协调可持续发展。故正确答案为ABCD。 2.【答案】ABC 【考点】社会主义核心价值体系和社会主义核心价值观的关系 【解析】社会主义核心价值观是在社会主义核心价值体系基础上提出来的,社会主义核心价值观是社会主义核心价值体系的内核凝练,体现着社会主义核心价值体系的根本性质和基本特征,反映着社会主义核心价值体系的丰富内涵和实践要求,是社会主义核心价值体系的高度凝练和集中表达。马克思主义指导思想、中国特色社会主义共同理想、以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神、社会主义荣辱观,构成社会主义核心价值体系的内容,选项D与题意不符。故正确答案为ABC。


2017年广东省普通高等学校专插本考试《英语》试题及详解 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(30%) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence,and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.I was in that I forgot to lock the door when I left. A.so a hurry B.such a hurry C.a so hurry D.a such hurry 2.I am worried about my brother.I am not sure he has arrived at the school or not. A.whether B.what C.when D.how 3.She is old enough on her own. A.live B.to live C.living D.be living 4.He was very excited to read the news Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature. A.which B.what C.how D.that 5.I do not have my own room,. A.neither does Tom B.neither has Tom C.so does Tom D.so has Tom 6.I think you should buy this novel.It is really worth. A.reading B.being read C.read D.to read 7.Though the firefighters tried very hard to the fire,it still caused at least five people’s death. A.put off B.put out C.put on D.put forward 8.He could hardly tell the differences between the twins because they look each other. A.likely B.unlike C.alike D.like 9.By the time you come back,I cleaning the house. A.will finish B.will have finished C.have finished D.will be finishing 10.Chinese people spend money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. A.more than twice B.as twice much C.twice as much D.twice more than 11.She wants to study abroad so she has to some money every month to prepare for that. A.set aside B.set up C.set about D.set out 12.John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for two days because of the heavy rain. A.other B.the other C.another D.others 13.Parents should cooperate with teachers and themselves in their children’s education. A.get B.involve C.find D.keep 14.The teacher is very to the needs of her students and she can adapt her teaching very


专升本(管理学)模拟试卷13 (总分118,考试时间90分钟) 1. 单项选择题 1. 现代绩效评估更多采用的是( ) A. 小组评议法 B. 工作标准法 C. 目标管理法 D. 排列评估法 2. 按照组织所处的经营环境状况不同,组织变革可以分为( ) A. 以组织为重点的变革和以人为重点的变革 B. 以人为重点的变革和以技术为重点的变革 C. 渐进式变革和激进式变革 D. 主动性变革和被动性变革 3. 不少人分不清管理和领导这两种概念的差别。领导是指( ) A. 对下属进行授权以实现组织既定目标的过程 B. 对所拥有的资源进行计划、组织、指挥、控制以实现组织目标的过程 C. 通过沟通、影响组织成员,使他们追随其所指引的方向,努力实现组织目标的过程 D. 通过行政性职权的运用,指挥组织成员按既定行动方案去实现组织目标的过程 4. 以下哪种创新方式需要从社会经济角度来分析企业系统中各成员间的正式关系的调整和变革( ) A. 技术创新 B. 制度创新 C. 组织结构创新 D. 经营方式创新 5. 成就需要理论认为,对人们是否获得后天三种需要的决定性因素是( ) A. 学校教育背景 B. 家族遗传 C. 早期的生活阅历 D. 从事的职业 6. 领导者的本质体现在( ) A. 领导者的职位 B. 领导者的合法权力 C. 追随者的意愿 D. 组织的结构和特征 7. 根据期望理论,员工在工作中的积极性或努力程度可以描述为( ) A. M=V+E B. M=V×E C. V=M+E D. V=M×E 8. 构成组织沟通最基本内容的是( ) A. 上行沟通 B. 下行沟通 C. 个体间沟通 D. 团队沟通 9. 以下不属于经营预算的是( ) A. 工时预算 B. 利润预算 C. 费用预算 D. 销售预算 10. 日本企业发明的准时制库存系统,简称为( ) A. TQM B. JIT

广东专插本考试 “大学语文”60篇重点默写内容(个人整理)讲课讲稿


广东专插本考试“大学语文”60篇重点默写内容(个人整理) (这些内容是我通过各年专插本试卷、样卷、冲刺题、培训资料整理出来的,除非突然改变指定教材,不然可以适应于每一年专插本考试。红色部分为往年考过内容,所以考到的机率比较小,但不代表不会考,还是要认真复习,背诵,只要真正记住这些内容,考卷这部分很容易拿满分的。祝各位考试成功!) 《民贵君轻》【《孟子》】(重要篇目) 1.五亩之宅,树之以桑,五十者可以衣帛矣。 2.鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时,七十者可以食肉矣。 3百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家可以无饥矣。 4. 谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义,颁白者不负戴于道路矣。 王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉。 【译】大王您如果不怪罪年岁不好,这样天下的百姓都会到您这里来的。 民为贵,社稷次之。 【译】百姓为尊贵,国家次之,君主为轻。 《山坡羊.潼关怀古》【张养浩】 伤心秦汉经行处,宫阙万间都做了土。 兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦! 《五代史伶官传序》【欧阳修】 《书》曰:“满招损,谦受益。”忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身,自然之理也。 1.与尓三矢,尔其无忘乃父之志。 翻译:交给你三支箭,你一定不要忘记你父亲报仇的遗愿。2.抑本其成败之迹,而皆自于人欤? 翻译:还是认真推究他成功失败的原因,都是由于人事吗?3.《书》曰:“满招损,谦受益。”忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身,自然之理也。(出处、默写、翻译)

翻译:《尚书》上说:“自满会招来损害,谦虚能得到益处。”忧劳可以使国家兴盛,安乐可以使自身灭亡,这是自然的道理。 《水龙吟.登建康赏心亭》【辛弃疾】 把吴钩看了,栏干拍遍,无人会,登临意。 可惜流年,忧愁风雨,树犹如此! 楚天千里青秋,水随天去秋无际。 《秋水》【《庄子》】重点篇目 以天下之美尽在己 【翻译】以为天下的所有美景全都集中在自己这里。 东面 ..而视,不见水端。 东面:方位词作动词,向东面。 以为莫己若者。 【翻译】认为没有比上自己的。 语句出处: 望洋向若而叹曰(望洋兴叹)-《秋水》 吾长见笑于大方之家(贻笑大方)-《秋水》 此其自多也,不似尔向之多于水乎?【翻译】 他们这样自我夸耀,不正像你刚才因河水上涨而自我夸耀一样吗? 伯夷辞之以为名,仲尼语只以为博。 《孔子论修身》【《论语》】考默写或翻译 出默写并翻译的有①②③④ 子曰:“学而不思则罔.,思而不学则殆.。罔:迷惘,迷惑。殆:危险。 子曰:“由,诲汝知之乎!①知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。


管理学 Ⅰ.考试性质 本科插班生招生考试(又称专插本考试)是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,本科插班生考试应有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。 Ⅱ.考试内容和要求 一、考试基本要求 要求考生理解和掌握管理学的基本概念、基本原理和基本方法,能运用管理学知识进行案例分析,具备分析问题和解决问题的基本能力。 二、考核知识点及考核要求 本大纲的考核要求分为“识记”、“领会”、“应用”三个层次,具体含义是: 识记:能解释有关的概念、知识的含义,并能正确认识和表述。 领会:在识记的基础上,能全面把握基本概念、基本原理、基本方法,能掌握有关概念、原理、方法的区别与联系。 应用:在理解的基础上,能运用基本概念、基本原理、基本方法分析和解决有关的理论问题和实际问题。 第一部分总论 一、考核知识点 (一)管理与管理学 l.管理的定义; 2.管理学的研究对象; 3.管理学的特性; 4.管理的性质; 5.管理的职能; 6.管理者的角色; 7.管理者的技能。 (二)管理理论的形成与发展 1.古典管理理论; 2.行为管理理论: 3.现代管理理论: (三)管理道德和企业社会责任 1.管理与伦理道德; 2.几种相关的道德观; 3.道德管理的特征和影响管理道德的因素; 4.改善企业道德行为的途径; 5.企业的社会责任。 (四)全球化与管理 l.全球化内涵; 2.全球化与管理者; 3.全球化与管理职能。

(五)信息与信息化管理 1.信息及其特征; 2.信息管理工作; 3.信息化管理。 二、考核要求 (一)管理与管理学 1.识记: (1)管理的概念; (2)管理的基本职能。 2.领会: (1)管理学的研究对象 (2)管理学的特性; (3)管理的二重性; (4)管理既是一门科学,又是一种艺术; (5)管理者的角色; (6)管理者的技能。 (二)管理理论的形成与发展 1.识记: (l)霍桑试(实)验; (2)学习型组织; (3)核心资源; (4)核心能力。 2.领会: (l)泰罗科学管理理论要点; (2)亨利·法约尔一般管理(组织管理)理论要点; (3)马克斯·韦伯行政组织管理理论要点; (4)人际关系学说要点; (5)现代管理理论主要学派(数量管理理论、系统管理理论、权变管理理论、全面质量管理理论、学习型组织理论、核心能力理论)的基本观点。 (三)管理道德与企业社会责任 1.识记: (1)伦理道德的概念; (2)功利主义、权利至上、公平公正、社会契约、推己及人等道德观的含义; (3)社会责任的概念; 2.领会: (1)伦理道德的管理学意义; (2)道德管理的特征; (3)影响管理道德的因素; (4)改善企业道德行为的途径; (5)企业的价值观; (6)企业社会责任的体现。 3.应用: 能运用道德观与社会责任观分析问题。 (四)全球化与管理 1.识记:


2005年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招 生考试 英 语 试 题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) 1.The machine operators are so ______to the noise that they don’t even notice it. A.associated B.sensitive C.accustomed D.familiar 2.He doesn’t work but he gets a good ______ from his investments. A.wage B.income C.earning D.salary 3.The result must be accurate ,because all the calculations have been done by an______computer. A.electric B.electrical C.electron D.electronic 4.Mary is a conscientious student;she works very hard and is ______to her teachers. A.respected B.respectable C.respectful D.respecting 5.The new ______ machine is a great help in the production of this factory. A.adequate B.sufficient C.efficient D.effective 6.The new regulation does not______ until the first of March. A.take into account B.go into effect C.carry into practice D.put into operation 7.The TV advertising ______against the destruction of the rainforests in South America has drawn attention from millions of people . A.act B.campaign C.conduct D.movement 8.The bus ______has gone up another nickel. A.expense B.cost C.fee D.fare 9.Do you mind if I______with my work while you are getting tea ready?. A.get through B.carry out C.turn to D.carry on 10.Following two days of shooting along their borders,the two countries have ______diplomatic relations.


一、单顶选择题 1著有<工业管理与一般管理>一书的古典管理学家是() A.泰罗 B.法约尔 C.韦伯 D.梅奥 2根据罗伯特卡茨的观点,基层管理者最重要的技能是() A.技术技能 B.人际技能 C.概念技能 D.领导技能 3有关研究表明,道德发展的最低层次是() A.原则层次 B.惯例层次 C. 前惯例层次 D.后惯例层次 4下列因素中,不属于全球化任务环境的是() A.政治体制 B.供应商 C.顾客 D.竞争对手 5把全球作为一个单一的市场,认为不同国家消费者的品味和喜好没有实质性差别而采用的全球化组织模式是() A.多国组织模式 B.国际组织模式 C.跨国组织模式 D.全球组织模式 6在企业信息化管理发展中,盛行于20世纪80年代的MRPH指的是() A.开环的物料需求计划 B.闭环的物料需求计划 C.制造资源计划 D.企业资源计划 7在决策的影响因素中,个人对待风险的态度属于() A.环境因素 B.组织自身的因素 C.决策问题的性质 D.决策主体的因素 8最小最大后悔值法属于() A.定性快策方法 B.确定性快策方法 C.风险型决策方法 D.不确定型决策方法 9根据计划内容的明确性标准,可以将计划分类为() A.业务计划,财务计划和人事计划 B.战略性计划和战术性计划 C.具体性计划和指导性计划 D.程序性计划和非程序性计划 10制定处理未来活动的一种必需方法的计划是() A.程序 B.规则 c.方案D.预算 11制定战略类型的划分,属于成长战略范畴的是() A.收缩战略 B.剥离战略

C.市场开发 D.清算战略 12伍德沃德等人根据制造技术的复杂程序将技术划分成若干类,其中定制产品 采用的技术是() A.单件小批量生产技术 B.大批量生产技术 C.流程生产技术 D.连续生产技术 13按照工作的过程标准划分的组织部门化形式是() A.职能部门化和流程部门化 B.流程部门化和顾客部门化 C.顾客部门化和地域部门化 D.职能部门化和地域部门化 14信息的沟通和传递速度比较快,但主管对下属的监管和协调控制难度较大的组织结构形式是() A.矩阵型结构 B.动态网络型结构 C.扁平式组织结构 D.锥形式组织结构 15为了发挥专家的核心作用,减轻直线主管的任务负荷并提高管理工作效率而 设立的职权是() A.直线职权 B.职能权限 C.参谋权限 D.管理权限 16组织变革的基本目标是() A.提高组织的效能 B.提高组织的效率 C.提高组织的获利能力 D.提高组织的适应能力 17与行政职位高低无关的权力是() A.奖赏性权力和惩罚性权力 B.感召性权场和春图生辅导 C.奖赏性权力和感召性权力 D.专长性权力和惩罚性权力 18根据权力运用方式不同,领导者可以划分为() A.集权式领导者和民主式领导 B.魅力型领导者和变革型领导者 C.事务型领导者和战略型领导者 D.激进型领导者和保守型领导者 19根据领导生命周期理论,参与型领导在任务行为和关系行为两个领导维度方 面表现为() A.高任务一低关系 B.高任务一高关系 C.低任务一高关系 D.低任务一低关系 20激励力、效价和期望值之间相互关系的表达式是() A.激励力=效价+期望值 B.激励力=效价X期望值 C.期望值=效价+激励力 D.期望值=效价x激励力


2012广东专插本考试 英语试题

广东省2012年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 《英语》(公共课)试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) l. It is necessary to put the medicine out of the kids' . A. hold B. hand C. reach D. place 2. Mary had a great deal of trouble the rest runners. A. coming up with B. keeping up with C. living up to D. making up for 3. We'd better take every _ to improve our English. A. time B. case C. thing D. chance 4. He didn't expect to _ his father in the street yesterday. A. run into B. work with C. deal with D. run off 5. Many experiments have shown that moderate exercises contribute____ good health. A. towards B. for C. with D. to 6. Their evidence was convincing but not . A. off the point B. on the point C. to the point D. in the point 7. Her father's death _ her deeply. A. affected B. effected C. offcnded D. infected 8. "How do you _ the golbal warming?" the scientist asked the students. A. count on B. account on C. count for D. account for 9. The city of Wuhan is of three sections. which are separated by the Yangtze River. A. combined B. made C. composed D. formed 10. On second _, we decided not to sell our house. A. plans B. thoughts C. ideas D. minds 11. Some plants are very sensitive _ the changes of the environment. A.from B. against C. to D. with 12. I used to smoke__ but I gave it up a year ago. A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. severely 13. The fire that____ yesterday caused at least ten people's death. A. broke off B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out 14.His explanation has our misunderstanding. A. clarified B. surveyed C. classified D. survived 15. The trip to the west has been because of the bad weather. A. insisted B. canceled C. challenged D. decided 16. It is believed that_ __ spending will eventually lead to failure. A. natural B. mysterious C. moderate D. excessive 17. The guests are often very well by the host in that city. A. entertained B. engaged C. reassured D. refreshed 18. The factors which influence reading speed often _ with each other A. instruct B. install C. interact D. intend 19. The man lost his _ just because his secretary was ten minutes late. A. temper B. mood C. mind D. passion
