
2016年6月六级考试真题(第三套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings inindustry as well as people’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but nomore than 200 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 说明:2016年6月六级真题全国共考了两套听力。
Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank isidentified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank morethan once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development. “The adolescent becomes an adult when he 26 a real job.” To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an 27 .Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal. The 28 of such ideals, without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession, rapidly leads adolescents to become 29 of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way. Piaget said: “True adaptation to society comes 30 when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.”Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams. Perhaps, taken 31 out of context, Piaget’s statement seems harsh. What he was 32 , however, is the way reality can modify idealistic views. Some people refer to such modification as maturity. Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.As careers and vocations become less available during times of 33 , adolescents may be especially hard hit. Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents 34 about their roles in society. For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically 35 but also help to stimulate the adolescent’s sense ofworth.Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph fromwhich the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Eachparagraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet 2.Can societies be rich and green?[A] “If our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be eliminated and if the well-being of the world’s people enhanced—not just in this generation but in succeeding generations—we must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends.” That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical tree-hugging, save-the-world-greenie (环保主义者), but from Gordon Brown, a politician with a reputation for rigour, thoroughness and above all, caution.[B] A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the world’s most powerful economies to say? Perhaps; though in the run-up to the five-year review of the Millennium (千年的) Goals, he is far from alone. The roots of his speech, given in March at the round table meeting of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations, stretch back to 1972, and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm.[C] “The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world,”read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago.[D] Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups—many for conferences such as this year’s Millennium Goals review—and you will find that the linkage betweenenvironmental protection and economic progress is a common thread.[E] Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.[F] If such an indicator exists, it is well hidden. And on reflection, this is not surprising; the single word “environment” has so many dimensions, and there are so many other factors affecting wealth—such as the oil deposits—that teasing out a simple economy-environment relationship would be almost impossible.[G] The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a vast four-year global study which reported its initial conclusions earlier this year, found reasons to believe that managing ecosystems sustainably—working with nature rather than against it—might be less profitable in the short term, but certainly brings long-term rewards.[H] And the World Resources Institute (WRI) in its World Resources 2005 report, issued at the end of August, produced several such examples from Africa and Asia; it also demonstrated that environmental degradation affects the poor more than the rich, as poorer people derive a much higher proportion of their income directly from the natural resources around them.[I] But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-and-bum farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling(大量消耗) transport. Of course, such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out. Perhaps the best example of boom growth and bust decline is the Grand Banks fishery. For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod (鳕鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland. Then, abruptly, the cod population collapsed. There were no longer enough fish in the sea for the stock to maintain itself, let alone an industry. More than a decade later, there was no sign of the ecosystem rebuilding itself. It had, apparently, been fished out of existence; and the once mighty Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor.[J] There is a view that modem humans are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster. The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet’s environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means. One recent study attempted tocalculate the extent of this “ecological overshoot of the human economy”, and found that we are using 1.2 Earth’s worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those services—the things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.[K] Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations. It is also the reason why development agencies are not united in their view of environmental issues; while some, like the WRI, maintain that environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand with economic development, others argue that the priority is to build a thriving economy, and then use the wealth created to tackle environmental degradation.[L]This view assumes that rich societies will invest in environmental care. But is this right? Do things get better or worse as we get richer? Here the Stockholm declaration is ambiguous. “In the developing countries,” it says, “most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development.” So it is saying that economic development should make for a cleaner world? Not necessarily; “In the industrialised countries, environmental problems are generally related to industrialisation and technological development,” it continues. In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world, but for different reasons. It’s s imply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner.[M] Clearly, richer societies are able to provide environmental improvements which lie well beyond the reach of poorer communities. Citizens of wealthy nations demand national parks, clean rivers, clean air and poison-free food. They also, however, use far more natural resources—fuel, water (all those baths and golf courses) and building materials.[N] A case can be made that rich nations export environmental problems, the most graphic example being climate change. As a country’s wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions. The figures available will not be completely accurate. Measuring emissions is not a precise science, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use; not all nations have released up-to-date data, and in any case, emissions from some sectors such as aviation are not included in national statistics. But the data is exact enough for a clear trend to be easily discernible. As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world.[O] Wealth is not, of course, the only factor involved. The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change. But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels? That question,repeated across a dozen environmental issues and across our diverse planet, is what will ultimately determine whether the human race is living beyond its ecological means as it pursues economic revival.36. Examples show that both rich and poor countries exploited the environment for economic progress.37. Environmental protection and improvement benefit people all over the world.38. It is not necessarily true that economic growth will make our world cleaner.39. The common theme of the UN reports is the relation between environmental protection and economic growth.40. Development agencies disagree regarding how to tackle environment issues while ensuring economic progress.41. It is difficult to find solid evidence to prove environmental friendliness generates more profits than exploiting the natural environment.42. Sustainable management of ecosystems will prove rewarding in the long run.43. A politician noted for being cautious asserts that sustainable human development depends on the natural environment.44. Poor countries wil l have to bear the cost for rich nations’ economic development.45. One recent study warns us of the danger of the exhaustion of natural resources on Earth.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), andD).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years. Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of “Friends”, a popular situation comedy, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston’s with a few taps on their remote control. “It’s been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years,” says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.So the news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism. During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue. Cablevision hopes to allow customers to buy things with their remote controls early next year.Television advertising could do with a boost. Spending fell by 10%in the first half of the year. The popularization of digital video recorders has caused advertisers to worry that their commercials will beskipped. Some are turning to the Internet, which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates—especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight. With the launch of interactive advertising, “many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV,” says David Kline of Cablevision. Or so the industry hopes.In theory, interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not. Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant(除臭剂), which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average.The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small Magna, an advertising agency, reckons it will be worth about $138 million this year. That falls far short of the billions of dollars people once expected it to generate. But DirecTV, Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all invested in it. A new effort led by Canoe Ventures, a coalition of leading cable providers, aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year. BrightLine iTV, which designs and sells interactive ads, says interest has surged: it expects its revenues almost to triple this year. BSkyB, Britain’s biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.Yet there are doubts whether people watching television, a “lean back” medium, crave interaction. Click-though rates have been high so far (around 3-4%, compared with less than 0.3% online), but that may be a result of the novelty. Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together.46. What does Colin Dixon mean by saying “It’s been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years” (Line 4, Para.1)?A) Interactive television advertising will become popular in 10-12 years.B) Interactive television advertising has been under debate for the last decade or so.C) Interactive television advertising is successful when incorporated into situation comedies.D) Interactive television advertising has not achieved the anticipated results.47. What is the public’s response to Cablevision’s planned interactive TV advertising pr ogram?A) Pretty positive.B) Totally indifferent.C) Somewhat doubtful.D) Rather critical.48. What is the impact of the wide use of digital video recorders on TV advertising?A) It has made TV advertising easily accessible to viewers.B) It helps advertisers to measure the click-through rates.C) It has placed TV advertising at a great disadvantage.D) It enables viewers to check the sales items with ease.49. What do we learn about Unilever’s interactive campaign?A) It proves the advantage of TV advertising.B) It has done well in engaging the viewers.C) It helps attract investments in the company.D) It has boosted the TV advertising industry.50. How does the author view the hitherto high click-through rates?A) They may be due to the novel way of advertising.B) They signify the popularity of interactive advertising.C) They point to the growing curiosity of TV viewers.D) They indicate the future direction of media reform.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage·What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: there’re no quick or easy answers. There’s work to be done, but workers aren’t ready to do it—they’re in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills. Our problems are “structural”, and will take many years to solve.But don’t bo ther asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view. There isn’t any. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. Saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise. B ut it’s actually fooli sh: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real solutions.The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that we’re mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular?Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment—in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious.I’ve been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression: it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is “unadaptable and untrained. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer.” A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers.But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling our economy and our society.So what you need to know is that there’s no evidence whatsoever to back these claims.We aren’tsuffering from a shortage of needed skills; we’re suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isn’t a real problem, it’s an excuse—a reason not to act on America’s problems at a time when action is desperately needed.51. What does the author think is the root cause of mass unemployment in America?A) Corporate mismanagement.B) Insufficient demand.C) Technological advances.D) Workers’ slow adaptation.52. What does the author think of the experts’ claim concerning unemployment?A) Self-evident.B) Thought-provoking.C) Irrational.D) Groundless.53. What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression?A) The booming defense industry.B) The wise heads’ benefit package.C) Nationwide training of workers.D) Thorough restructuring of industries.54. What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply?A) Powerful opposition to government’s stimulus efforts.B) Very Serious People’s a ttempt to cripple the economy.C) Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industries.D) Economists’ failure to detect the problems in time.55. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A) To testify to the experts’ analysis of Amer ica’s problems.B) To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment.C) To show the urgent need for the government to take action.D) To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation.Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。

2016年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第1套)写作参考答案The evolution of modem robot technology seems to be a mixed blessing. Optimists say that more robots will lead to greater productivity and economic growth, while pessimists complain that we will experience the greatest unemployment crisis in human history. As for me, the world where robots substitute manual and mental labor is delightful rather than fearful.There is no doubt that human society is benefiting tremendously from robots. On the one hand, industrial robots can assist in carrying out dirty, dull and dangerous tasks while offering increased productivity and safety. On the other hand, domestic robots can provide household services, freeing human beings from the boredom of the daily chores. We aren't giving robots "easy jobs", but those that most of the time we aren't willing to do and even could never do. Without robots, these jobs would remain undone or be done inefficiently. In spite of the potential of machines to replace workers, technological progress has always eliminated some specific jobs. But in the meantime, it also has created new opportunities for human employment, at an even faster rate.Robots are very likely to permeate much of our daily life in the coming years, but it is not necessary to worry they will snatch jobs from us, because we will assign more challenging jobs to them.【解析】本题要求考生围绕“在未来,越来越多的人工劳动将被机器取代会是怎样一番情景”写一篇作文,考生既可以阐述其积极的一面,也可以论述其不利的一面。

2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第3套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study online instead ofattending school. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200words._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上作答。
Part II Listening (30 minutes)特别说明:2016年6月大学英语六级试卷的三套试题有重叠部分,本试卷(第三套)只列出与第一、第二套不重复的试题。
Part III Reading comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in thebank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item onAnswer Sheet 2with a single line through the center. You may not use any of thewords in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear—man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26: Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27of computational power and engineering advances will 28 enable lower-cost in- home care for the disabled, 29 use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk- and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are 30 to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone( 遥控飞行器 ) operator will 31someone’s privacy. A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor’s cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34 space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35 and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liablefor accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer’s driving record, not the passenger’s.注意:此部分试题在答题卡2上作答。

2016年6月英语六级真题第一套Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives. You are requried to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A)Project organizerB)Public relations officer.C)Marketing manager.D)Market research consultant.2.A)Quantitative advertising research.B)Questionnaire design.C)Research methodology.D)Interviewer training.3.A)They are intensive studies of people’s spending habits.B)They examine relations between producers and customers.C)They look for new and effective ways to promote products.D)They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.4.A)The lack of promotion opportunity.B)Checking charts and tables.C)Designing questionnaires.D)The persistent intensity.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)His view on Canadian universities.B)His understanding of higher education.C)His suggestions for improvements in higher education.D)His complaint about bureaucracy in American universities.6.A)It is well designed.B)It is rather inflexible.C)It varies among universities.D)It has undergone great changes.7.A)The United States and Canada can learn from each other.B)Public universities are often superior to private universities.C)Everyone should be given equal access to higher education.D)Private schools work more efficiently than public institutions.8.A) University systems vary from country to country.B)Efficiency is essential to university management.C) It is hard to say which is better, a public university or a private one.D) Many private university in the U.S. Are actually large bureaucracies.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A) Government’s role in resolving an economic crisis.B) The worsening real wage situation around the worldC) Indications of economic recovery in the United States.D) The impact of the current economic crisis on people’s life.10.A)They will feel less pressure to raise employees’wages.B) They will feel free to choose the most suitable employees.C) They will feel inclined to expand their business operations.D) They will feel more confident in competing with their rivals.11.A) Employees and companies cooperate to pull through the economic crisis.B) Government and companies join hands to create hobs for the unemployed.C) Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs.D) Team work will be encouraged in companies.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A) Whether memory supplements work.B) Whether herbal medicine works wonders.C) Whether exercise enhances one’s memory.D) Whether a magic memory promises success.13.A) They help the elderly more than the young.B) They are beneficial in one way or another.C) They generally do not have side effects.D) They are not based on real science.14.A)They are available at most country fairs.B)They are taken in relatively high dosage.C)They are collected or grown by farmers.D)They are prescribed by trained practitioners.15.A)They have often proved to be as helpful as doing mental exercise.B)Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks.C)Their effect lasts only a short time.D)Many have benefited from them.Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A)How catastrophic natural disasters turn out to be to developing nations.B)How the World Meteorological Organization studies natural disasters.C)How powerless humans appear to be in face of natural disasters.D)How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced.17.A)By training rescue teams for emergencies.B)By taking steps to prepare people for them.C)By changing people’s views of nature.D)By relocating people to safer places.18.A)How preventive action can reduce the loss of life.B)How courageous Cubans are in face of disasters.C)How Cubans suffer from tropical storms.D)How destructive tropical storms can be.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19.A)Pay back their loans to the American government.B)Provide loans to those in severe financial difficulty.C)Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery.D)Speed up their recovery from the housing bubble.20.A)Some banks may have to merge with others.B)Many smaller regional banks are going to fail.C)It will be hard for banks to provide more loans.D)Many banks will have to lay off some employees.21.A)It will work closely with the government.B)It will endeavor to write off bad loans.C)It will try to lower the interest rate.D)It will try to provide more loans.22.A)It won’t help the American economy to turn around.B)It won’t do any good to the major commercial banks.C)It will win the approval of the Obama administration.D)It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23.A)Being unable to learn new things.B)Being rather slow to make changes.C)Losing temper more and more often.D)Losing the ability to get on with others.24.A)Cognitive stimulation.B)Community activity.C)Balanced diet.D)Fresh air.25.A)Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging.B)Adopting an optimistic attitude towards life.C)Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.D)Seeking advice from doctors from time to time.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for eachitem on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development.“The adolescent becomes an adult when he_26_a real job.”To cognitive researchers likePiaget,adulthood meant the beginning of an_27_.Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work,their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal.The_28_of such ideals,without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession,rapidly leads adolescents to become _29_ of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way.Piaget said:“True adaptation to society comes_30_when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.”Of course,youthful idealism is often courageous,and no one likes to give up dreams.Perhaps,taken_31_out of context,Piaget’s statement seems harsh.What he was_32_,however,is the way reality can modify idealistic views.Some people refer to such modification as maturity.Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.As careers and vocations become less available during times of _33_,adolescents may be especially hard hit.Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents_34_about their roles in society.For this reason,community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically_35_but also help to stimulate the adolescent’s sense of worth.A)automaticallyB)beneficialC)capturingD)confusedE)emphasizingF)entranceG)excited。

2016 年6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第三套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as p eople’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) It is advertising electronic products.B) It is planning to tour East Asia.C) It is sponsoring a TV programme.D) It is giving performances in town.2. A) 20,000 pounds.B) 12,000 pounds.C) Less than 20,000 pounds.D) Less than 12,000 pounds.3. A) A lot of good publicity.B) Talented artists to work for it.C) Long-term investments.D) A decrease in production costs.4. A) Promise long-term cooperation with the Company.B) Explain frankly their own current financial situation.C) Pay for the printing of the performance programme.D) Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) He has been seeing doctors and counsellors.B) He has found a new way to train his voice.C) He was caught abusing drugs.D) He might give up concert tours.6. A) Singers may become addicted to it.B) It helps singers warm themselves up.C) Singers use it to stay away from colds.D) It can do harm to singers' vocal chords.7. A) They are eager to become famous.B) Many lack professional training.C) Few will become successful.D) They live a glamorous life.8. A) Harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.B) Side effects of some common drugs.C) V oice problems among pop singers.D) Hardships experienced by many young singers.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) It has not been very successful.B) It has long become a new trend.C) It has met with strong resistance.D) It has attracted a lot of users.10. A) It saves time.B) It increases parking capacity.C) It ensures drivers' safety.D) It reduces car damage.11. A) Collect money and help new users.B) Maintain the automated system.C) Stay alert to any emergency.D) Walk around and guard against car theft.12. A) They will vary with the size of vehicles.B) They will be discountable to regular customers.C) They will be lower than conventional parking.D) They will be reduced if paid in cash.Passage TwoQuestions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.13. A) They do not know any solution.B) They do not give up drunk driving.C) They do not behave in public places.D) They do not admit being alcohol addicts.14. A) To stop them from fighting back.B) To thank them for their hospitality.C) To teach them the European lifestyle.D) To relieve their pains and sufferings.15. A) Without intervention they will be a headache to the nation.B) With support they can be brought back to a normal life.C) They readily respond to medical treatment.D) They pose a serious threat to social stability.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Recording OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) To award them for their hard work.B) To build common views.C) To bring in business projects.D) To vote for action.17. A) Recovering from the Great Recession.B) Creating jobs and boosting the economy.C) Rewarding innovative businesses.D) Launching economic campaigns.18. A) Talking over paying off deficit.B) Increasing the number of middle class.C) Controlling the impact on education.D) Planning to reduce energy consumption.19. A) Shorten America's way to prosperity.B) Be cautious about reducing the deficit.C) Increase deficit to cover the revenue.D) Require the richest to pay more taxes.Recording TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.20. A) They can be redeemed for cash.B) They can be used to reduce meal costs.C) They can be used as membership certificate.D) They can be used to make reservations.21. A) It is free for us to download the app.B) It helps you to be a professional cook.C) It provides advice about making recipes.D) It only rates recipes by popularity.22. A) By showing the weight of 200 kinds of food.B) By providing the price of 200 calories of food.C) By picturing the food of 200 calories with weights.D) By telling people 200 kinds of healthy food.Recording ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. A) About 43 percent of American adults.B) About 18 percent of the whole population.C) About 40 million American adults.D) About a half million people in America.24. A) To set a series of bans on public smoking.B) To set the price of cigarettes properly.C) To package the cigarettes with tips of warning.D) To reduce the production and supply of cigarettes.25. A) The office of the Surgeon General.B) The Food and Drug Administration.C) The Center for Tobacco Products.D) The Center for Disease Control and Prevention.Directions:Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Let’s say you love roller-skating. Just the thought of 26 on your roller-skates brings a smile to your face. You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise. You have a 27 attitude toward it. This description of roller-skating 28 the three components of an attitude: affect, cognition, and behavior. You love the activity; it’s great fun. These feelings 29 the affective or emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes. The knowledge we have about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude. You understand the health 30 that the activity can bring. Finally, attitudes have a behavioral component. Our attitudes 31 us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.Now, we don’t want to leave you with the 32 that these three components always work together 33 . They don’t; sometimes they clash. For example, let’s say you love pizza (affective component); however, you have high cholesterol and understand (knowledge component) that eating pizza may be bad for your health. Which behavior will your attitude result in, eating pizza or 34 it? The answer depends on which component happens to be stronger. If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime, your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health. In that instance, you have pizza for lunch. If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may 35 , and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

2016年6月大学英语六级真题第三套Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on ,Answer Street 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development. "The adolescent becomes an adult when he26__________ a real job." To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an27__________ . Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal. The28__________ of such ideals, without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession, rapidly leads adolescents to become29__________ of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way. Piaget said: "True adaptation to society comes30__________ when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work."Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams. Perhaps, taken31__________ out of context, Piaget's statement seems harsh. What he was32__________ , however, is the way reality can modify idealistic views. Some people refer to such modification as maturity. Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.As careers and vocations become less available during times of33__________ , adolescents may be especially hard hit. Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents34__________ about their roles in society. For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically __35__ but also help to stimulate the adolescent's sense of worth.A. automaticallyB. beneficialC. capturingD. confusedE. emphasizingF. entranceG. excitedH. existenceI. incidentallyJ. intolerantK. occupationL. promisesM. recessionN. slightlyO. undertakesSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Can societies be rich and green?[A] our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be eliminated and if the well-being of the world's people enhanced—not just in this generation but in succeeding generations—we must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends." That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical tree-hugging, save-the-world greenie (环保主义者), but from Gordon Brown, a politician with a reputation for rigour, thoroughness and above all, caution.[B] A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the world's most powerful economies to say? Perhaps; though in the run-up to the five-year review of the Millennium (千年的)Goals, he is far from alone. The roots of his speech, given in March at the roundtable meeting of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations, stretch back to 1972, and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm.[C] "The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world," read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago.[D] Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups—many for conferences such as this year's Millennium Goals review—and you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread.[E] Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.[F] If such an indicator exists, it is well hidden. And on reflection, this is not surprising; the single word "environment" has so many dimensions, and there are so many other factors affecting wealth—such as the oil deposits—that teasing out a simple economy-environment relationship would be almost impossible.[G] The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a vast four-year global study which reported its initial conclusions earlier this year, found reasons to believe that managing ecosystems sustainably— working with nature rather than against it—might be less profitable in the short term, but certainly brings long-term rewards.[H] And the World Resources Institute (WRI) in its World Resources 2005 report, issued at the end of August, produced several such examples from Africa and Asia; it also demonstrated that environmental degradation affects the poor more than the rich, as poorer people derive a much higher proportion of their income directly from the natural resources around them.[I] But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-and-burn farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling (大量消耗) transport. Of course, such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out. Perhaps the best example of boom growth and bust decline is the Grand Banks fishery. For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod (鳕鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland. Then, abruptly, the cod population collapsed. There were no longer enough fish in the sea for the stock to maintain itself, let alone an industry. More than a decade later, there was no sign of the ecosystem re-building itself. It had, apparently, been fished out of existence; and the once mighty Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor.[J] There is a view that modem humans are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster. The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet's environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means. One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy", and found that we are using 1.2 Earth's-worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those services—the things which the planet does for us for free-will grind to a halt.[K] Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations. It is also the reason why development agencies are notunited in their view of environmental issues; while some, like the WRI, maintainthat environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand with economic development, others argue that the priority is to build a thriving economy, and then use the wealth created to tackle environmental degradation.[L] This view assumes that rich societies will invest in environmental care. But is this right? Do things get better or worse as we get richer? Here the Stockholm declaration is ambiguous. "In the developing countries," it says, "most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development." So it is saying that economic development should make for a cleaner world? Not necessarily; "In the industrialized countries, environmental problems are generally related to industrialisation and technological development," it continues. In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world, but for different reasons. It's simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner. [M] Clearly, richer societies are able to provide environmental improvements which lie well beyond the reach of poorer communities. Citizens of wealthy nations demand national parks, clean rivers, clean air and poison-free food They also, however, use far more natural resources—fuel, water (all those baths and golf courses) and building materials.[N] A case can be made that rich nations export environmental problems, the most graphic example being climate change. As a country's wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions. The figures available will not be completely accurate. Measuring emissions is not a precise science, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use; not all nations have released up-to-date data, and in any case, emissions from some sectors such as aviation are not included in national statistics. But the data is exact enough for a clear trend to be easily discernible. As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world.[O] Wealth is not, of course, the only factor involved. The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change. But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels? That question, repeated across a dozen environmental issues and across our diverse planet, is what will ultimately determine whether the human race is living beyond its ecological means as it pursues economic revival.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
大学英语 六级考试 真题解析2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第3套)参考答案Part I WritingWith the rapid development of modern technology, robots are evolving in the direction ofbeing omnipotent. We already have robots that can make cars, vacuum floors or serve as waiters inthe restaurant. As robotic science and technology advance, robots will inevitably take away morejobs from human beings.Undoubted, there are both advantages and disadvantages when more and more robots replace human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. On the one hand, human beings can befreed from repetitive, tedious and hazardous jobs, so that they can have more time to enjoy theirlife or cultivate their creative ability. On the other hand, once robots in mounting numbers are putinto wide use in the future, millions of people will lose their jobs, especially low-skilled jobs that machines can perform much better at than human beings. However, there will always be jobs thatonly humans can do well.Confronted with such an issue, there are many things we need to do, but nothing would bemore important than equipping ourselves with better education, more advanced professional skillsand innovative spirit.Only in this way can we ensure robots won’t take over our lives.Part III Reading Comprehension26.N 27.I 28.D 29.C 30.B31.L 32.E 33.H 34.A 35.J36.I 37.B 38.F 39.D 40.C41.K 42.A 43.L 44.E 45.H46.C 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.B51.B 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.APart IV TranslationQipao, an exquisite Chinese clothing, originates from China’s Manchu Nationality. In the Qing Dynasty, it was a loose robe especially for the royal women. In the 1920s, influenced by Western clothing, it went through some changes. For example, the cuffs went narrower, and the dress got shorter. These changes enabled qipao to fully elaborate the beauty of female.Nowadays, qipao quite often appears on world-class fashion shows. It is usually the first choicefor Chinese women as they attend important social gathering. Many Chinese brides will also choose it as their wedding dress. Some influential people even suggest making qipao as the national costume for Chinese women.。

2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题(三)Part ⅠWriting(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part ⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes)说明:由于2016年6月六级考试全国共考了2套听力,本套真题听力与前2套内容完全一样,只是顺序不一样,因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。
Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Let’s say you love roller-skating. Just the thought of 26 on your roller-skates brings a smile to your face. You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise. You have a 27 attitude toward it.This description of roller-skating 28 the three components of an attitude: affect, cognition, and behavior. You love the activity; it’s great fun. These feelings 29 the affective or emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes. The knowledge we have about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude. You understand the health 30 that the activity can bring. Finally, attitudes have a behavioral component. Our attitudes 31 us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.Now, we don’t want to leave you with the 32 that these three components always work together 33. They don’t; sometimes they clash. For example, let’s say you love pizza (affective component); however, you have high cholesterol and understand (knowledge component) that eating pizza may be bad for your health. Which behavior will your attitude result in, eating pizza or 34 it? The answer depends on which component happens to be stronger. If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime, your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health. In that instance, you have pizza for lunch. If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may 35, and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.A)avoidingB)benefitsC)highlightD)illustratesE)impressionF)improvesG)inquiringH)perfectlyI)positiveJ)prevailK)primarilyL)promptM)specificationsN)strappingO)typicalSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Changing GenerationA) It turns out today’s teenagers aren’t so scary after all. Results of USA WEEKEND’s Teens & Parents survey reveal a generation of young people who get along well with their parents and approve of the way they’re being raised. They think of their parents with affection and respect. They speak with Mom or Dad when they have a problem. Most feel that their parents understand them, and they believe their family is the No.1 priority in their parents’ lives. Many even think their parents are cool! Although more than a third have an object in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents, rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color (低俗的)book or CD.B) Such results may seem surprising against the background of shocking incidents that color the way the mass media portray the young. In October 2000, the same month the survey was taken, the Washington-based Center for Media and Public Affairs wrote in its publication Media Monitor that, in a recent month of TV news coverage of American youth, just 2% of teens were shown at home, and just 1% were portrayed in a work setting. In contrast, the criminal justice system accounted for nearly one out of every five visual backgrounds. No wonder parents worry their own kids might spin out of control once they hit the turbulent waters of adolescence.C)The overall facts ought to reassure us. The survey shows us that today’s teens are affectionate, sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes. From other sources, we also know teenage crime, drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline. We, of course, need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility, but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people.D)My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale surveys. Still, in my studies and others I have read, I find the same patterns as in USA WEEKEND’s survey. Today’s teenagers admire their parents and welcome parental guidance about important matters such as career choice—though certainly not Mom and Dad’s advice on matters of personal taste, such as music or fashion. When we ask teens to choose a hero, they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure. Most teens say they enjoy the company of both parents and friends.E)Contrary to some stereotypes, most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals (though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish (拉帮结派的)environment of high school). Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantagedpeople. One prevalent quality we have found in teens’ statements about themselves, their friends and their families is a strikingly positive emotional tone. By and large, these are very nice kids, and as the band The Who used to sing, “The kids are alright.”F)How much is today’s spirit of harmony a change from our more turbulent past? A mere generation ago, parent-child relations were described as “the generation gap”. Yet even then reports of widespread youth rebellion were overdone: Most kids in the ‘60s and ‘70s shared their parents’ basic values. Still, it is true that American families are growing closer at the dawn of this new millennium (千年). Perhaps there is less to fight about, with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known. Perhaps in the face of impersonal and intimidating globalization, a young person’s family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap. And perhaps parents are acting more like parents than in the recent past. Within just the past five years, I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal, “anything goes” mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century.G)But missing from all these data is the sense that today’s young care very much about their country, about the broader civic and political environment, or about the future of their society. They seem to be turning inward—generally in a pro-social manner, certainly with positive benefits for intimate relationships, but too often at the expense of a connection with the present and future world beyond, including the society they will one day inherit.H)Recently, we examined more than 400 essays on the “laws of life” that teens from two communities had written as part of an educational program initiated by the John Templeton Foundation in Radnor, Pa. In those essays, and in follow-up interviews with a few of the teenagers, we found lots of insight, positive feeling and inspirational thinking. But we also found little interest in civic life beyond the tight circles of their family and immediate friends.I)For example, only one boy said he would like to be president when he grows up. When I was in high school, dozens in my class alone would have answered differently. In fact, other recent studies have found there has never been a time in American history when so small a proportion of young people have sought or accepted leadership roles in local civic organizations. It is also troubling that voting rates among our youngest eligible voters—18- to 24-year-olds—are way down: Little more than one in four now go to the polls, even in national elections, compared with almost twice that many when 18-year-olds were first given the vote.J)In our interviews, many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste. “Most politicians are kind of crooked (不诚实的),” one student declared. Another, discussing national polities, said, “I feel like one person can’t do that much, and I get the impression most people don’t think a group of people can do that much.” Asked what they would like to change in the world, the students mentioned only personal concerns such as slowing down the pace of life, gaining good friends, becoming more spiritual, becoming either more materially successful or less materially oriented (depending on the student’s values), and being more respectful of the Earth, animals and other people. One boy said, “I’d rather be concentrating on artistic efforts than saving the world or something.”K)It is fine and healthy for teens to cultivate their personal interests, and it is good news when young people enjoy harmonious relations with their family and friends. But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society, a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions.L)In the past, the young have eagerly participated in national service and civic affairs, often with lots of energy and idealism. If this is not happening today, we should ask why. Our society needs the full participation of its younger citizens if it is to continue to thrive. We know the promise is there—this is a well-grounded, talented, warm-hearted group of youngsters. We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their turn at shaping that world.36. Not many young people eligible for voting are interested in local or national elections these days.37. Parents are concerned that their children may get involved in criminal offences once they reach their teens.38. Even during the turbulent years of last century, youth rebellion was often exaggerated in the media.39. Teenagers of today often turn to their parents for advice on such important matters as career choice.40. The incidence of teenage crime and misbehavior is decreasing nowadays.41. Young people should have lofty ideals in life and strive to be leaders.42. Some young people like to keep something to themselves and don’t want their parents to know about it.43. It is beneficial to encourage young people to explore the broader world and get ready to make it a better place.44. Many teenagers now offer to render service to the needy.45. Interviews with students find many of them are only concerned about personal matters. Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Manufacturers of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission.The commission’s revised “Green Guides” warn marketers against using labels that make broad claims, like “eco-fri endly”. Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit, such as how much of the product is recycled.“This is really about trying to cut through the confusion that consumers have when they are buying a pro duct and that businesses have when they are selling a product,” said Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the commission.The revisions come at a time when green marketing is on the rise. According to a new study, the number of advertisements with green messages in mainstream magazines has risen since 1987, and peaked in 2008 at 10.4%. In 2009, the number dropped to 9%.But while the number of advertisements may have dipped, there has been a rapid spread of eco-labeling. There are both good and bad players in the eco-labeling game.In the last five years or so, there has been an explosion of green claims and environmental claims. It is clear that consumers don’t always know what they are getting.A handful of lawsuits have been filed in recent years against companies accused of using misleading environmental labels. In 2008 and 2009, class-action lawsuits (集体诉讼)were filed against SC Johnson for using “Greenlist” labels on its cleaning products. The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company’s own.“We are very proud of our accomplishments under the Greenlist system and we believe that we will prevail in these cases,” Christopher Beard, director of public affairs for SC Johnson, said, while acknowledging that “this has been an area that is difficult to navigate.”Companies have also taken it upon themselves to contest each other’s green claims.David Mallen, associate director of the Council of Better Business Bureau, said in the last two years the organization had seen an increase in the number of claims companies were bringing against each other for false or misleading environmental product claims.“About once a week, I have a client that will brin g up a new certification I’ve never even heard of and I’m in this industry,” said Kevin Wilhelm, chief executive officer of Sustainable Business Consulting. “It’s kind of a Wild West, anybody can claim themselves to be green.”Mr. Wilhelm said the excess of labels made it difficult for businesses and consumers to know which labels they should pay attention to.46. What do the revised “Green Guides” require businesses to do?A) Manufacture as many green products as possible.B) Indicate whether their products are recyclable.C) Specify in what way their products are green.D) Attach green labels to all of their products.47. What does the author say about consumers facing an explosion of green claims?A) They can easily see through the businesses’ tricks.B) They have to spend lots of time choosing products.C) They have doubt about current green certification.D) They are not clear which products are truly green.48. What was SC Johnson accused of in the class-action lawsuits?A) It gave consumers the impression that all its products were truly green.B) It gave a third party the authority to label its products as environmentally friendly.C) It misled consumers to believe that its products had been certified by a third party.D) It sold cleaning products that were not included in the official “Greenlist”.49. How did Christopher Beard defend his company’s labeling practice?A) There were no clear guidelines concerning green labeling.B) His company’s products had been well received by the public.C) It was in conformity to the prevailing practice in the market.D) No law required the involvement of a third party in certification.50. What does Kevin Wilhelm imply by saying “It’s kind of a Wild West” (Line 3, Para. 11)?A) Businesses compete to produce green products.B) Each business acts its own way in green labeling.C) Consumers grow wild with products labeled green.D) Anything produced in the West can be labeled green.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.America’s education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequality from one generation to the next.That’s why school reform is so critical. This is an issue of equality, opportunity and national conscience. It’s not just about education, but about poverty and justice.It’s true that the main reason inner-city schools do poorly isn’t teachers’ unions, but poverty. Southern states without strong teachers’ unions have schools at least as awful as those in union states. Some Chicago teachers seem to think that they shouldn’t be held accountable until poverty is solved. There’re steps we can take that would make some difference, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying some of them—yet the union is resisting.I’d be sympathetic if the union focused solely on higher compensation. Teachers need to be much better paid to attract the best college graduates to the nation’s worst schools. But, instead, the Chicago union seems to be using its political capital primarily to protect weak performers.There’s solid evidence that there are huge differences in the effectiveness of teachers. The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools, teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact.Get a bottom 1% teacher, and the effect is the same as if a child misses 40% of the school year. Get a teacher from the top 20%, and it’s as if a child has gone to school for an extra month or two.The study found that strong teachers in the fourth through eighth grades raised the skills of their students in ways that would last for decades. Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers, a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28.How does one figure out who is a weak teacher? Yes, that’s a challenge. But researchers are improving systems to measure a teacher’s performance throughout the year, and, with three years of data, it’s usually possible to tell which teachers are failing.Unfortunately, the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off—often for being ineffective—should get priority in new hiring. That’s an insult to students. Teaching is so important that it should be like other profession, with high pay and good working conditions but few job protections for bottom performers.This isn’t a battle between garment workers and greedy bosses. The central figures in the Chicago schools strike are neither strikers nor managers but 350,000 children. Protecting the union demand sacrifices those students, in effect turning a blind eye to the injustice in the education system.51. What do we learn about America’s education system?A) It provides a ladder of opportunity for the wealthy.B) It contributes little to the elimination of inequality.C) It has remained basically unchanged for generations.D) It has brought up generations of responsible citizens.52. What is chiefly responsible for the undesirable performance of inner-city schools?A) Unqualified teachers.B) Lack of financial resources.C) Unfavorable learning environment.D) Subconscious racial discrimination.53. What does the author think the union should do to win popular support?A) Assist the city government in reforming schools.B) Give constructive advice to inner-city schools.C) Demand higher pay for teachers.D) Help teachers improve teaching.54. What is the finding of the gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars?A) Many inner-city school teachers are not equal to their jobs.B) A large proportion of inner-city children often miss classes.C) Many students are dissatisfied with their teachers.D) Student performance has a lot to do with teachers.55. Why does the author say the Chicago union’s demand is an insult to students?A) It protects incompetent teachers at the expense of students.B) It underestimates students’ ability to tell good teachers from poor ones.C) It makes students feel that they are discriminated against in many ways.D) It totally ignores students’ initiative in the learning process.Part ⅣTranslation(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.旗袍(qipao)是一种雅致的中国服装,源于中国的满族(Manchu Nationality)。

6月英语六级(卷三)真题答案2016年6月英语六级(卷三)真题答案2016年上半年英语六级考试已经结束啦,为了帮助大家准确预估自己的成绩,下面是店铺搜索整理的'关于2016年6月英语六级(卷三)真题答案,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们店铺!参考范文第一段:引出文章话题.说明技术的发展对人类生活的改变.第二段:针对此现象作出观点的阐述第三段:得出结论.It is held bysome people that knowledge is power,especially scientific and technologicalknowledge. Science andtechnology are the motive power of the socialdevelopment, whichconstitute a primary productive force. The use of robots istheproduce of development of science and technology.People’s viewson the use of robots vary from person toperson. Some hold that human life cannotcontinue without the use ofrobots. For many years, human society has developedwith the use ofscience and technology. So the lifewith the use of robots we areliving now is more efficient than thatof our fore fathers. They go on to pointout that the use of robotshas brought about many changes in people's life. Forexample,through the use of robots can improve the work efficiency andavoiddangerous events happening in our life in that we can requirerobots to do someworks with danger instead of humanbeings.Science andtechnology of robots are the crystallization ofhuman wisdom. It brought aglorious past to humanity, also willbring bright future to mankind.听力答案(暂缺)选词填空26. 正确选项 N strapping27. 正确选项 I positive28. 正确选项 D illustrate29. 正确选项 C highlight30. 正确选项 B benefits31. 正确选项 L prompt32. 正确选项 E impression33. 正确选项 H perfectly34. 正确选项 A avoiding35. 正确选项 J prevail段落匹配The Changing Generation36. 正确选项 I37. 正确选项 B38. 正确选项 F39. 正确选项 D40. 正确选项 C41. 正确选项 K42. 正确选项 A43. 正确选项 L44. 正确选项 E45. 正确选项 J仔细阅读46. 正确选项 C Specify inwhat way their products are green.47. 正确选项D They are notclear which products are truly green.48. 正确选项 C It misledconsumers to believe that its products had been certified by a third party.49. 正确选项A There are noguidelines concerning greenlabeling.50. 正确选项 B Each businessacts its own way in green labeling.51. 正确选项 B It contributeslittle to the elimination of inequality.52. 正确选项 B Lack offinancial resources.53. 正确选项 C Demand higherpay for teachers54. 正确选项D Studentsperformance has a lot to do with teachers.55. 正确选项 A It protectsincompetent teachers at the expense of students.参考译文:译文一China's innovation is flourishing faster than ever before. In order to surpass developed countries on science and technology as soon as possible, China has sharply increased research and development fund. Chinese universities and institutes are actively doing innovative researches, covering various fields of high technology, from big data to biochemistry, and from new energy to robots. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in different places, so as to commercialize their fruits of innovation. In the meantime, to adapt to the changing foreign and domestic market, and to satisfy the growing demand, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate their products and business models.译文二(文都版)Innovation is progressing in an unprecedented speed in China. In order to catch up with those developed countries in the world as fast as it can in the science and technology field, China has increased funds for development research substantially inrecent years. Universities and research institutions in China are actively carrying out innovation researches, which cover high-technology fields such as big data, biochemistry, new energy and robots, etc. They also cooperate with science park in various regions, commercializing the research results of innovation. Meanwhile, no matter in production and business model, entrepreneurs in China are competing to be pioneers in innovation to adapt to the constantly changing and increasing needs of the consumer market at home and abroad.。

2016年6月六级考试真题(第三套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings inindustry as well as people’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but nomore than 200 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 说明:2016年6月六级真题全国共考了两套听力。
Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank isidentified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank morethan once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development. “The adolescent becomes an adult when he 26 a real job.” To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an 27 .Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal. The 28 of such ideals, without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession, rapidly leads adolescents to become 29 of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way. Piaget said: “True adaptation to society comes 30 when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.”Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams. Perhaps, taken 31 out of context, Piaget’s statement seems harsh. What he was 32 , however, is the way reality can modify idealistic views. Some people refer to such modification as maturity. Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.As careers and vocations become less available during times of 33 , adolescents may be especially hard hit. Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents 34 about their roles in society. For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically 35 but also help to stimulate the adolescent’s sense ofworth.Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph fromwhich the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Eachparagraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet 2.Can societies be rich and green?[A] “If our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be eliminated and if the well-being of the world’s people enhanced—not just in this generation but in succeeding generations—we must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends.” That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical tree-hugging, save-the-world-greenie (环保主义者), but from Gordon Brown, a politician with a reputation for rigour, thoroughness and above all, caution.[B] A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the world’s most powerful economies to say? Perhaps; though in the run-up to the five-year review of the Millennium (千年的) Goals, he is far from alone. The roots of his speech, given in March at the round table meeting of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations, stretch back to 1972, and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm.[C] “The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world,”read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago.[D] Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups—many for conferences such as this year’s Millennium Goals review—and you will find that the linkage betweenenvironmental protection and economic progress is a common thread.[E] Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.[F] If such an indicator exists, it is well hidden. And on reflection, this is not surprising; the single word “environment” has so many dimensions, and there are so many other factors affecting wealth—such as the oil deposits—that teasing out a simple economy-environment relationship would be almost impossible.[G] The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a vast four-year global study which reported its initial conclusions earlier this year, found reasons to believe that managing ecosystems sustainably—working with nature rather than against it—might be less profitable in the short term, but certainly brings long-term rewards.[H] And the World Resources Institute (WRI) in its World Resources 2005 report, issued at the end of August, produced several such examples from Africa and Asia; it also demonstrated that environmental degradation affects the poor more than the rich, as poorer people derive a much higher proportion of their income directly from the natural resources around them.[I] But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-and-bum farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling(大量消耗) transport. Of course, such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out. Perhaps the best example of boom growth and bust decline is the Grand Banks fishery. For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod (鳕鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland. Then, abruptly, the cod population collapsed. There were no longer enough fish in the sea for the stock to maintain itself, let alone an industry. More than a decade later, there was no sign of the ecosystem rebuilding itself. It had, apparently, been fished out of existence; and the once mighty Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor.[J] There is a view that modem humans are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster. The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet’s environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means. One recent study attempted tocalculate the extent of this “ecological overshoot of the human economy”, and found that we are using 1.2 Earth’s worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those services—the things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.[K] Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations. It is also the reason why development agencies are not united in their view of environmental issues; while some, like the WRI, maintain that environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand with economic development, others argue that the priority is to build a thriving economy, and then use the wealth created to tackle environmental degradation.[L]This view assumes that rich societies will invest in environmental care. But is this right? Do things get better or worse as we get richer? Here the Stockholm declaration is ambiguous. “In the developing countries,” it says, “most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development.” So it is saying that economic development should make for a cleaner world? Not necessarily; “In the industrialised countries, environmental problems are generally related to industrialisation and technological development,” it continues. In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world, but for different reasons. It’s simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner.[M] Clearly, richer societies are able to provide environmental improvements which lie well beyond the reach of poorer communities. Citizens of wealthy nations demand national parks, clean rivers, clean air and poison-free food. They also, however, use far more natural resources—fuel, water (all those baths and golf courses) and building materials.[N] A case can be made that rich nations export environmental problems, the most graphic example being climate change. As a country’s wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions. The figures available will not be completely accurate. Measuring emissions is not a precise science, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use; not all nations have released up-to-date data, and in any case, emissions from some sectors such as aviation are not included in national statistics. But the data is exact enough for a clear trend to be easily discernible. As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world.[O] Wealth is not, of course, the only factor involved. The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change. But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels? That question,repeated across a dozen environmental issues and across our diverse planet, is what will ultimately determine whether the human race is living beyond its ecological means as it pursues economic revival.36. Examples show that both rich and poor countries exploited the environment for economic progress.37. Environmental protection and improvement benefit people all over the world.38. It is not necessarily true that economic growth will make our world cleaner.39. The common theme of the UN reports is the relation between environmental protection and economic growth.40. Development agencies disagree regarding how to tackle environment issues while ensuring economic progress.41. It is difficult to find solid evidence to prove environmental friendliness generates more profits than exploiting the natural environment.42. Sustainable management of ecosystems will prove rewarding in the long run.43. A politician noted for being cautious asserts that sustainable human development depends on the natural environment.44. Poor countries wil l have to bear the cost for rich nations’ economic development.45. One recent study warns us of the danger of the exhaustion of natural resources on Earth.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), andD).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years. Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of “Friends”, a popular situation comedy, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston’s with a few taps on their remote control. “It’s been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years,” says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.So the news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism. During commercials, an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen, prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue. Cablevision hopes to allow customers to buy things with their remote controls early next year.Television advertising could do with a boost. Spending fell by 10%in the first half of the year. The popularization of digital video recorders has caused advertisers to worry that their commercials will beskipped. Some are turning to the Internet, which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates—especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight. With the launch of interactive advertising, “many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV,” says David Kline of Cablevision. Or so the industry hopes.In theory, interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not. Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant(除臭剂), which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average.The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small Magna, an advertising agency, reckons it will be worth about $138 million this year. That falls far short of the billions of dollars people once expected it to generate. But DirecTV, Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all invested in it. A new effort led by Canoe Ventures, a coalition of leading cable providers, aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year. BrightLine iTV, which designs and sells interactive ads, says interest has surged: it expects its revenues almost to triple this year. BSkyB, Britain’s biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.Yet there are doubts whether people watching television, a “lean back” medium, crave interaction. Click-though rates have been high so far (around 3-4%, compared with less than 0.3% online), but that may be a result of the novelty. Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together.46. What does Colin Dixon mean by saying “It’s been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years” (Line 4, Para.1)?A) Interactive television advertising will become popular in 10-12 years.B) Interactive television advertising has been under debate for the last decade or so.C) Interactive television advertising is successful when incorporated into situation comedies.D) Interactive television advertising has not achieved the anticipated results.47. What is the public’s response to Cablevision’s planned interactive TV advertising pr ogram?A) Pretty positive.B) Totally indifferent.C) Somewhat doubtful.D) Rather critical.48. What is the impact of the wide use of digital video recorders on TV advertising?A) It has made TV advertising easily accessible to viewers.B) It helps advertisers to measure the click-through rates.C) It has placed TV advertising at a great disadvantage.D) It enables viewers to check the sales items with ease.49. What do we learn about Unilever’s interactive campaign?A) It proves the advantage of TV advertising.B) It has done well in engaging the viewers.C) It helps attract investments in the company.D) It has boosted the TV advertising industry.50. How does the author view the hitherto high click-through rates?A) They may be due to the novel way of advertising.B) They signify the popularity of interactive advertising.C) They point to the growing curiosity of TV viewers.D) They indicate the future direction of media reform.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage·What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: there’re no quick or easy answers. There’s work to be done, but workers aren’t ready to do it—they’re in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills. Our problems are “structural”, and will take many years to solve.But don’t bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view. There isn’t any. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. Saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise. B ut it’s actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real solutions.The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that we’re mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular?Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment—in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious.I’ve been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression: it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is “unadaptable and untrained. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer.” A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers.But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling our economy and our society.So what you need to know is that there’s no evidence whatsoever to back these claims.We aren’tsuffering from a shortage of needed skills; we’re suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isn’t a real problem, it’s an excuse—a reason not to act on America’s problems at a time when action is desperately needed.51. What does the author think is the root cause of mass unemployment in America?A) Corporate mismanagement.B) Insufficient demand.C) Technological advances.D) Workers’ slow adaptation.52. What does the author think of the experts’ claim concerning unemployment?A) Self-evident.B) Thought-provoking.C) Irrational.D) Groundless.53. What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression?A) The booming defense industry.B) The wise heads’ benefit package.C) Nationwide training of workers.D) Thorough restructuring of industries.54. What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply?A) Powerful opposition to government’s stimulus efforts.B) Very Serious People’s attempt t o cripple the economy.C) Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industries.D) Economists’ failure to detect the problems in time.55. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?A) To testify to the experts’analysis of America’s pr oblems.B) To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment.C) To show the urgent need for the government to take action.D) To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation.Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。

2016年6月六级真题三Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) It is advertising electronic products.B) It is planning to tour East Asia.C) It is sponsoring a TV programme.D) It is giving performances in town.2. A) 20,000 pounds.B) 12,000 pounds.C) Less than 20,000 pounds.D) Less than 12,000 pounds.3. A) A lot of good publicity.B) Talented artists to work for it.C) Long-term investments.D) A decrease in production costs.4. A) Promise long-term cooperation with the Company.B) Explain frankly their own current financial situation.C) Pay for the printing of the performance programme.D) Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) He has been seeing doctors and counsellors.B) He has found a new way to train his voice.C) He was caught abusing drugs.D) He might give up concert tours.6. A) Singers may become addicted to it.B) It helps singers warm themselves up.C) Singers use it to stay away from colds.D) It can do harm to singers' vocal chords.7. A) They are eager to become famous.B) Many lack professional training.C) Few will become successful.D) They live a glamorous life.8. A) Harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.B) Side effects of some common drugs.C) Voice problems among pop singers.D) Hardships experienced by many young singers.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

2016年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第1套)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) Project organizer. B) Public relations officer.C) Marketing manager. D) Market research consultant.2. A) Quantitative advertising research. B) Questionnaire design.C) Research methodology. D) Interviewer training.3. A) They are intensive studies of people's spending habits.B) They examine relations between producers and customers.C) They look for new and effective ways to promote products.D) They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.4. A) The lack of promotion opportunity.B) Checking charts and tables.C) Designing questionnaires.D) The persistent intensity.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) His view on Canadian universities.B) His understanding of higher education.C) His suggestions for improvements in higher education.D) His complaint about bureaucracy in American universities.6. A) It is well designed.B) It is rather inflexible.C) It varies among universities.D) It has undergone great changes.7. A) The United States and Canada can learn from each other.B) Public universities are often superior to private universities.C) Everyone should be given equal access to higher education.D) Private schools work more efficiently than public institutions.8. A) University systems vary from country to country.B) Efficiency is essential to university management.C) It is hard to say which is better, a public university or a private one.D) Many private university in the U.S. are actually large bureaucracies.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) Government's role in resolving an economic crisis.B) The worsening real wage situation around the world.C) Indications of economic recovery in the United States.D) The impact of the current economic crisis on peopled life.10. A) They will feel less pressure to raise employees' wages.B) They will feel free to choose the most suitable employees.C) They will feel inclined to expand their business operations.D) They will feel more confident in competing with their rivals.11. A) Employees and companies cooperate to pull through the economic crisis.B) Government and companies join hands to create jobs for the unemployed.C) Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs.D) Team work will be encouraged in companies.Passage TwoQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A) Whether memory supplements work.B) Whether herbal medicine works wonders.C) Whether exercise enhances one's memory.D) Whether a magic memory promises success.13. A) They help the elderly more than the young. B) They are beneficial in one way or another.C) They generally do not have side effects. D) They are not based on real science.14. A) They are available at most country fairs.B) They are taken in relatively high dosage.C) They are collected or grown by farmers.D) They are prescribed by trained practitioners.15. A) They have often proved to be as helpful as doing mental exercise.B) Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks.C) Their effect lasts only a short time.D) Many have benefited from them.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three orfour questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Recording OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) How catastrophic natural disasters turn out to be to developing nations.B) How the World Meteorological Organization studies natural disasters.C) How powerless humans appear to be in face of natural disasters.D) How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced.17. A) By training rescue teams for emergencies.B) By taking steps to prepare people for them.C) By changing people's views of nature.D) By relocating people to safer places.18. A) How preventive action can reduce the loss of life.B) How courageous Cubans are in face of disasters.C) How Cubans suffer from tropical storms.D) How destructive tropical storms can be.Recording TwoQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. A) Pay back their loans to the American government.B) Provide loans to those in severe financial difficulty.C) Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery.D) Speed up their recovery from the housing bubble.20. A) Some banks may have to merge with others.B) Many smaller regional banks are going to fail.C) It will be hard for banks to provide more loans.D) Many banks will have to lay off some employees.21. A) It will work closely with the government.B) It will endeavor to write off bad loans.C) It will try to lower the interest rate.D) It will try to provide more loans.22. A) It won't help the American economy to turn around.B) It won't do any good to the major commercial banks.C) It will win the approval of the Obama administration.D) It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again.Recording ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. A) Being unable to learn new things. B) Being rather slow to make changes.C) Losing temper more and more often. D) Losing the ability to get on with others.24. A) Cognitive stimulation. B) Community activity.C) Balanced diet. D) Fresh air.25. A) Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging.B) Adopting an optimistic attitude towards life.C) Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.D) Seeking advice from doctors from time to time.Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified bya letter. Ple ase mark the corresponding letter for each item on, Answer Street 2 with a singleline through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Let's say you love roller-skating. Just the thought of __26__ on your roller-skates brings asmile to your face. You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise. You have a __27__attitude toward it.This description of roller-skating __28__ the three components of an attitude: affect,cognition, and behavior. You love the activity; it's great fun. These feelings __29__ the affectiveor emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes. The knowledge wehave about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude. You understandthe health __30__ that the activity can bring. Finally, attitudes have a behavioral component.Our attitudes __31__ us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.Now, we don't want to leave you with the __32__ that these three components always worktogether __33__. They don't; sometimes they clash. For example, let's say you love pizza(affective component); however, you have high cholesterol and understand (knowledgecomponent) that eating pizza may be bad for your health. Which behavior will your attituderesult in, eating pizza or __34__ it? The answer depends on which component happens to bestronger. If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime, your emotions and feelingsprobably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for yourhealth. In that instance, you have pizza for lunch. If you are at home trying to decide where togo for dinner, however, the knowledge component may __35__ , and you decide to go whereyou can eat a healthier meal.A.avoidingB.benefitsC.highlightD.illustratesE.impressionF.improvesG.inquiring H.perfectly I.positiveJ.prevail K.primarily L.promptM.specifications N.strapping O.typicalSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The Changing Generation[A]It turns out today's teenagers aren't so scary after all. Results of USA WEEKEND'S Teens &Parents survey reveal a generation of young people who get along well with their parents and approve of the way they're being raised. They think of their parents with affection and respect.They speak with Mom or Dad when they have a problem. Most feel that their parents understand them, and they believe their family is the No. 1 priority in their parents, lives.Many even think their parents are cool! Although more than a third have an object in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents, rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color (低俗的) book or CD.[B]Such results may seem surprising against the background of shocking incidents that color theway the mass media portray the young. In October 2000, , the same month the survey was taken, the Washington-based Center for Media and Public Affairs wrote in its publication Media Monitor that, in a recent month of TV news coverage of American youth, just 2% of teens were shown at home, and just 1% were portrayed in a work setting. In contrast, the criminal justice system accounted for nearly one out of every five visual backgrounds. No wonder parents worry their own kids might spin out of control once they hit the turbulent waters of adolescence.[C]The overall facts ought to reassure us. The survey shows us that today's teens are affectionate,sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes. From other sources, we also know teenage crime, drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline. We, of course, need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility, but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people.[D]My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with smallsamples of youngsters rather than large-scale surveys. Still, in my studies and others I have read, I find the same patterns as in USA WEEKEND'S survey. Today's teenagers admire their parents and welcome parental guidance about important matters such as career choice—though certainly not Mom and Dad's advice on matters of personal taste, such as music or fashion. When we ask teens to choose a hero,they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure. Most teens say they enjoy the company of both parents and friends.[E]Contrary to some stereotypes, most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differencesamong individuals (though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish (拉帮结派的) environment of high school). Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people. One prevalent quality we have found in teens, statements about themselves, their friends and their families is a strikingly positive emotional tone. By and large, these are very nice kids, and as the band The Who used to sing, "The kids are alright."[F]How much is today's spirit of harmony a change from our more turbulent past? A meregeneration ago, parent-child relations were described as "the generation gap". Yet even then reports of widespread youth rebellion were overdone: Most kids in the '60s and 70s shared their parents, basic values. Still, it is true that American families are growing closer at the dawn of this new millennium (千年). Perhaps there is less to fight about, with the country ina period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior wellknown. Perhaps in the face of impersonal and intimidating globalization, a young person's family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap. And perhaps parents are acting more like parents than in the recent past. Within just the past five years, I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal, "anything goes" mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century.[G]But missing from all these data is the sense that today's young care very much about theircountry, about the broader civic and political environment, or about the future of their society.They seem to be turning inward—generally in a pro-social manner, certainly with positive benefits for intimate relationships, but too often at the expense of a connection with the present and future world beyond, including the society they will one day inherit.[H]Recently, we examined more than 400 essays on the "laws of life" that teens from twocommunities had written as part of an educational program initiated by the John Templeton Foundation in Radnor, Pa. In those essays, and in follow-up interviews with a few of the teenagers, we found lots of insight, positive feeling and inspirational thinking. But we also found little interest in civic life beyond the tight circles of their family and immediate friends.[I]For example, only one boy said he would like to be president when he grows up. When I wasin high school, dozens in my class alone would have answered differently. In fact, other recent studies have found there has never been a time in American history when so small a proportion of young people have sought or accepted leadership roles in local civic organizations. It is also troubling that voting rates among our youngest eligible voters—18- to 24-year-olds—are way down: Little more than one in four now go to the polls, even in national elections, compared with almost twice that many when 18-year-olds were first given the vote.[J]In our interviews, many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste. " Most politicians are kind of crooked (不诚实的)" one student declared. Another, discussing national politics, said, “I feel like one person can't do that much, and I get the impression most people don't think a group of people can do that much." Asked what they would like to change in the world, the students mentioned only personal concerns such as slowing down the pace of life, gaining good friends, becoming more spiritual, becoming either more materially successful or less materially oriented (depending on the student's values), and being more respectful of the Earth, animals and other people. One boy said, "I'd rather be concentrating on artistic efforts than saving the world or something."[K]It is fine and healthy for teens to cultivate their personal interests, and it is good news when young people enjoy harmonious relations with their family and friends. But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society, a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions.[L]In the past, the young have eagerly participated in national service and civic affairs, often with lots of energy and idealism. If this is not happening today, we should ask why. Oursociety needs the full participation of its younger citizens if it is to continue to thrive. We know the promise is there—this is a well-grounded, talented, warm-hearted group of youngsters. We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their turn at shaping that world.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

2016年6月英语六级考试真题完整版第一版(E-learning)For thispart, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on E-learning, try toimagine what will happen when more andmore people study on-line instead ofgoing to school. You shouldwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200words.第一段: 写出现状.第二段: 分析在线学习未来的图景并简单解释原因第三段: 分析未来及自己的应对之策Currently, an increasing numberofpeople begin to use Internet to take courses and acquire knowledge.Onlinelearning is booming all around the world. It is providingmany options withlearners in terms of time, locations, subjects andcosts.Online learning greatlypromoteslearners’ studying efficiency and teachers’ productivity.As a result, updatedknowledge will reach those students in isolatedareas at a higher speed, whichcan make many of them keep pace withthe time. Additionally, students candecide their learning locationand time much more freely. Notably, because transportationandaccommodation will not trouble E-learners, learning cost will belargelylowered. These advantages might decrease the number ofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning.From my point of view, personalinteractionbetween teachers and students in schools isirreplaceable. It is a good ideathat we combine E-learning andattending school together. Learning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion but an important issue that needs your tryingandinvolvement.第二版(机器人)For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the use of robots. Try toimagine what will happen whenrobots take the place of human beings in industryas well aspeople’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150wordsbut no more than 200 words.第一段:引出文章话题.说明技术的发展对人类生活的改变.第二段:针对此现象作出观点的阐述第三段:得出结论.It is held bysome people that knowledge is power,especially scientific and technologicalknowledge. Science andtechnology are the motive power of the socialdevelopment, whichconstitute a primary productive force. The use of robots istheproduce of development of science and technology.People’s viewson the use of robots vary from person toperson. Some hold that human life cannotcontinue without the use ofrobots. For many years, human society has developedwith the use ofscience and technology. So the lifewith the use of robots we areliving now is more efficient than thatof our fore fathers. They go on to pointout that the use of robotshas brought about many changes in people's life. Forexample,through the use of robots can improve the work efficiency andavoiddangerous events happening in our life in that we can requirerobots to do someworks with danger instead of humanbeings.Science andtechnology of robots are the crystallization ofhuman wisdom. It brought aglorious past to humanity, also willbring bright future to mankind.For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on living in the virtualworld. Try to imagine what willhappen when people spend more and more time inthe virtual worldinstead of interacting in the real world. You are required towriteat least 150 words but no more than 200 words.第三版(虚拟世界)第一段:说明科技发展对人类生活的改变,引出话题.说明,我们交流方式的变化.第二段:人们虚拟世界的交流给我们带来的影响.第三段:得出结论.We have to admit that the impactoftechnology on society is unquestionable. Whetherconsidering the TV or thecomputers, technology has had a hugeimpact on society. While not every advancehas been beneficial,there have been many positive effects of technology. Theinternet isone typical example.With the development of science andtechnology, the worldis no longer what it used to be. But the ability ofcommunication isa significant skill which should be cultivated if we want tosurviveand succeed in the world. But the way of communication with peoplehaschanged dramatically. Almost everyone today has a computer, anduses it tocommunicate with their friends, family, and evenbusiness. The virtual worldcommunication has changed the way thatpeople communicate.Since communication between peoplein the real world is of utmost importance, lack of communicationwilllead to perish of human beings. Through communication in thereal world, mutualunderstanding can be promoted and fosteredbetween people, which cannot bereplaced by the virtualcommunication.六级翻译第一套旗袍(qipao)是一种雅致的中国服装,源于中国的满族(Manchu Nationality)。

2016年6月英语三级答案【篇一:2016年6月大学英语六级第3套真题及答案解析】> part i writing (30 minutes)for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. you are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.section adirections: in this section, you will hear two long conversations. at the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. after you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked a),b),c) and d). then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. a) it is advertising electronic products.b) it is planning to tour east asia.c) it is sponsoring a tv programme.d) it is giving performances in town.2. a) 20,000 pounds.b) 12,000 pounds.c) less than 20,000 pounds.d) less than 12,000 pounds.3. a) a lot of good publicity.b) talented artists to work for it.c) long-term investments.d) a decrease in production costs.4. a) promise long-term cooperation with the company.b) explain frankly their own current financial situation.c) pay for the printing of the performance programme.d) bear the cost of publicising the companys performance.questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. a) he has been seeing doctors and counsellors.b) he has found a new way to train his voice.c) he was caught abusing drugs.d) he might give up concert tours.6. a) singers may become addicted to it.b) it helps singers warm themselves up.c) singers use it to stay away from colds.d) it can do harm to singers vocal chords.7. a) they are eager to become famous.b) many lack professional training.c) few will become successful.d) they live a glamorous life.8. a) harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.b) side effects of some common drugs.c) voice problems among pop singers.d) hardships experienced by many young singers.section bdirections: in this section, you will hear two passages. at the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. after you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d). then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.passage onequestions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. a) it has not been very successful.b) it has long become a new trend.c) it has met with strong resistance.d) it has attracted a lot of users.10. a) it saves time.b) it increases parking capacity.c) it ensures drivers safety.d) it reduces car damage.11. a) collect money and help new users.b) maintain the automated system.c) stay alert to any emergency.d) walk around and guard against car theft.12. a) they will vary with the size of vehicles.b) they will be discountable to regular customers.c) they will be lower than conventional parking.d) they will be reduced if paid in cash.passage twoquestions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.13. a) they do not know any solution.b) they do not give up drunk driving.c) they do not behave in public places.d) they do not admit being alcohol addicts.14. a) to stop them from fighting back.b) to thank them for their hospitality.c) to teach them the european lifestyle.d) to relieve their pains and sufferings.15. a) without intervention they will be a headache to the nation.b) with support they can be brought back to a normal life.c) they readily respond to medical treatment.d) they pose a serious threat to social stability.section cdirections: in this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. the recordings will be played only once. after you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked a),b),c) and d). then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.recording onequestions 16 to 19 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. a) to award them for their hard work.b) to build common views.c) to bring in business projects.d) to vote for action.17. a) recovering from the great recession.b) creating jobs and boosting the economy.c) rewarding innovative businesses.d) launching economic campaigns.18. a) talking over paying off deficit.b) increasing the number of middle class.c) controlling the impact on education.d) planning to reduce energy consumption.19. a) shorten americas way to prosperity.b) be cautious about reducing the deficit.c) increase deficit to cover the revenue.d) require the richest to pay more taxes.recording twoquestions 20 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.20. a) they can be redeemed for cash.b) they can be used to reduce meal costs.c) they can be used as membership certificate.d) they can be used to make reservations.21. a) it is free for us to download the app.b) it helps you to be a professional cook.c) it provides advice about making recipes.22. a) by showing the weight of 200 kinds of food.b) by providing the price of 200 calories of food.c) by picturing the food of 200 calories with weights.d) by telling people 200 kinds of healthy food.recording threequestions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. a) about 43 percent of american adults.b) about 18 percent of the whole population.c) about 40 million american adults.d) about a half million people in america.24. a) to set a series of bans on public smoking.b) to set the price of cigarettes properly.c) to package the cigarettes with tips of warning.d) to reduce the production and supply of cigarettes.25. a) the office of the surgeon general.b) the food and drug administration.c) the center for tobacco products.d) the center for disease control and prevention.directions:part iii reading comprehension (40 minutes)section adirections: in this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. you are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. please mark the corresponding letter for each item on answer sheet 2 with a single line through the center. you may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.let’s say you love roller-skating. just the thought on your roller-skates brings a smile to this description of roller-skating the three components of an attitude: affect, cognition, and behavior. you love the activity; it’s great fun. these feelings the affective or emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes. the knowledge we have about the object can bring. finally, attitudes have a behavioral component. our to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.now, we don’t want to leave you with the. they don’t; sometimes they clash. for example, let’s say you love pizza (affective component); however, you have high cholesterol and understand (knowledge component) that eating pizza may be bad for your health. which behavior will your attitude result in, eating pizza a pizza restaurant at lunchtime, your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health. in that instance, you have pizza for lunch. if you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

2016年6月大学英语六级真题第三套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more study online instead of attending school. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) It is advertising electronic products.B) It is planning to tour East Asia.C) It is sponsoring a TV programme.D) It is giving performances in town.2. A) 20,000 pounds.B) 12,000 pounds.C) Less than 20,000 pounds.D) Less than 12,000 pounds.3. A) A lot of good publicity.B) Talented artists to work for it.C) Long-term investments.D) A decrease in production costs.4. A) Promise long-term cooperation with the Company.B) Explain frankly their own current financial situation.C) Pay for the printing of the performance programme.D) Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) He has been seeing doctors and counsellors.B) He has found a new way to train his voice.C) He was caught abusing drugs.D) He might give up concert tours.6. A) Singers may become addicted to it.B) It helps singers warm themselves up.C) Singers use it to stay away from colds.D) It can do harm to singers' vocal chords.7. A) They are eager to become famous.B) Many lack professional training.C) Few will become successful.D) They live a glamorous life.8. A) Harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.B) Side effects of some common drugs.C) Voice problems among pop singers.D) Hardships experienced by many young singers.Section BDirections:聽In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) It has not been very successful.B) It has long become a new trend.C) It has met with strong resistance.D) It has attracted a lot of users.10. A) It saves time.B) It increases parking capacity.C) It ensures drivers' safety.D) It reduces car damage.11. A) Collect money and help new users.B) Maintain the automated system.C) Stay alert to any emergency.D) Walk around and guard against car theft.12. A) They will vary with the size of vehicles.B) They will be discountable to regular customers.C) They will be lower than conventional parking.D) They will be reduced if paid in cash.Passage TwoQuestions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.13. A) They do not know any solution.B) They do not give up drunk driving.C) They do not behave in public places.D) They do not admit being alcohol addicts.14. A) To stop them from fighting back.B) To thank them for their hospitality.C) To teach them the European lifestyle.D) To relieve their pains and sufferings.15. A) Without intervention they will be a headache to the nation.B) With support they can be brought back to a normal life.C) They readily respond to medical treatment.D) They pose a serious threat to social stability.Section CDirections:聽In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Recording OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) To award them for their hard work.B) To build common views.C) To bring in business projects.D) To vote for action.17. A) Recovering from the Great Recession.B) Creating jobs and boosting the economy.C) Rewarding innovative businesses.D) Launching economic campaigns.18. A) T alking over paying off deficit.B) Increasing the number of middle class.C) Controlling the impact on education.D) Planning to reduce energy consumption.19. A) Shorten America's way to prosperity.B) Be cautious about reducing the deficit.C) Increase deficit to cover the revenue.D) Require the richest to pay more taxes.Recording TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.20. A) They can be redeemed for cash.B) They can be used to reduce meal costs.C) They can be used as membership certificate.D) They can be used to make reservations.21. A) It is free for us to download the app.B) It helps you to be a professional cook.C) It provides advice about making recipes.D) It only rates recipes by popularity.22. A) By showing the weight of 200 kinds of food.B) By providing the price of 200 calories of food.C) By picturing the food of 200 calories with weights.D) By telling people 200 kinds of healthy food.Recording ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. A) About 43 percent of American adults.B) About 18 percent of the whole population.C) About 40 million American adults.D) About a half million people in America.24. A) To set a series of bans on public smoking.B) To set the price of cigarettes properly.C) To package the cigarettes with tips of warning.D) To reduce the production and supply of cigarettes.25. A) The office of the Surgeon General.B) The Food and Drug Administration.C) The Center for Tobacco Products.D) The Center for Disease Control and Prevention.Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bankfollowing the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on ,Answer Street 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Pursuing a career is an essential part of adolescent development. "The adolescent becomes an adult when he26__________ a real job." To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an27__________ . Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work, their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal. The28__________ of such ideals, without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession, rapidly leads adolescents to become29__________ of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way. Piaget said: "True adaptation to society comes30__________ when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work."Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams. Perhaps, taken31__________ out of context, Piaget's statement seems harsh. What he was32__________ , however, is the way reality can modify idealistic views. Some people refer to such modification as maturity. Piaget argued that attaining and accepting a vocation is one of the best ways to modify idealized views and to mature.As careers and vocations become less available during times of33__________ , adolescents may be especially hard hit. Such difficult economic times may leave many adolescents34__________ about their roles in society. For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically __35__ but also help to stimulate the adolescent's sense of worth.A. automaticallyB. beneficialC. capturingD. confusedE. emphasizingF. entranceG. excitedH. existenceI. incidentallyJ. intolerantK. occupationL. promisesM. recessionN. slightlyO. undertakesSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Can societies be rich and green?[A] our economies are to flourish, if global poverty is to be eliminated and if the well-being of the world's people enhanced—not just in this generation but in succeeding generations—we must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends." That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical tree-hugging, save-the-world greenie (环保主义者), but from Gordon Brown, a politician with a reputation for rigour, thoroughness and above all, caution.[B] A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the world's most powerful economies to say? Perhaps; though in the run-up to the five-year review of the Millennium (千年的)Goals, he is far from alone. The roots of his speech, given in March at the roundtable meeting of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations, stretch back to 1972, and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm.[C] "The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world," read the final declaration from this gathering, the first of a sequence which would lead to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992 and the World Development Summit in Johannesburg three years ago.[D] Hunt through the reports prepared by UN agencies and development groups—many for conferences such as this year's Millennium Goals review—and you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and economic progress is a common thread.[E] Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.[F] If such an indicator exists, it is well hidden. And on reflection, this is not surprising; the single word "environment" has so many dimensions, and there are so many other factors affecting wealth—such as the oil deposits—that teasing out a simple economy-environment relationship would be almost impossible.[G] The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a vast four-year global study whichreported its initial conclusions earlier this year, found reasons to believe that managing ecosystems sustainably— working with nature rather than against it—might be less profitable in the short term, but certainly brings long-term rewards.[H] And the World Resources Institute (WRI) in its World Resources 2005 report, issued at the end of August, produced several such examples from Africa and Asia; it also demonstrated that environmental degradation affects the poor more than the rich, as poorer people derive a much higher proportion of their income directly from the natural resources around them.[I] But there are also many examples of growing wealth by trashing the environment, in rich and poor parts of the world alike, whether through unregulated mineral extraction, drastic water use for agriculture, slash-and-burn farming, or fossil-fuel-guzzling (大量消耗) transport. Of course, such growth may not persist in the long term—which is what Mr. Brown and the Stockholm declaration were both attempting to point out. Perhaps the best example of boom growth and bust decline is the Grand Banks fishery. For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod (鳕鱼) provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people, sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland. Then, abruptly, the cod population collapsed. There were no longer enough fish in the sea for the stock to maintain itself, let alone an industry. More than a decade later, there was no sign of the ecosystem re-building itself. It had, apparently, been fished out of existence; and the once mighty Newfoundland fleet now gropes about frantically for crab on the sea floor.[J] There is a view that modem humans are inevitably sowing the seeds of a global Grand Banks-style disaster. The idea is that we are taking more out of what you might call the planet's environmental bank balance than it can sustain; we are living beyond our ecological means. One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy", and found that we are using 1.2 Earth's-worth of environmental goods and services—the implication being that at some point the debt will be called in, and all those services—the things which the planet does for us for free-will grind to a halt.[K] Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations. It is also the reason why development agencies are notunited in their view of environmental issues; while some, like the WRI, maintain that environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand with economic development, others argue that the priority is to build a thriving economy, and then use the wealth created to tackle environmental degradation.[L] This view assumes that rich societies will invest in environmental care. But is this right? Do things get better or worse as we get richer? Here the Stockholm declaration is ambiguous. "In the developing countries," it says, "most of theenvironmental problems are caused by under-development." So it is saying that economic development should make for a cleaner world? Not necessarily; "In the industrialized countries, environmental problems are generally related to industrialisation and technological development," it continues. In other words, poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world, but for different reasons. It's simply not true that economic growth will surely make our world cleaner. [M] Clearly, richer societies are able to provide environmental improvements which lie well beyond the reach of poorer communities. Citizens of wealthy nations demand national parks, clean rivers, clean air and poison-free food They also, however, use far more natural resources—fuel, water (all those baths and golf courses) and building materials.[N] A case can be made that rich nations export environmental problems, the most graphic example being climate change. As a country's wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions. The figures available will not be completely accurate. Measuring emissions is not a precise science, particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use; not all nations have released up-to-date data, and in any case, emissions from some sectors such as aviation are not included in national statistics. But the data is exact enough for a clear trend to be easily discernible. As countries become richer, they produce more greenhouse gases; and the impact of those gases will fall primarily in poor parts of the world.[O] Wealth is not, of course, the only factor involved. The average Norwegian is better off than the average US citizen, but contributes about half as much to climate change. But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels? That question, repeated across a dozen environmental issues and across our diverse planet, is what will ultimately determine whether the human race is living beyond its ecological means as it pursues economic revival.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

2016年6月英语六级考试真题完整版第一版(E-learning)For thispart, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on E-learning, try toimagine what will happen when more andmore people study on-line instead ofgoing to school. You shouldwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200words.第一段: 写出现状.第二段: 分析在线学习未来的图景并简单解释原因第三段: 分析未来及自己的应对之策Currently, an increasing numberofpeople begin to use Internet to take courses and acquire knowledge.Onlinelearning is booming all around the world. It is providingmany options withlearners in terms of time, locations, subjects andcosts.Online learning greatlypromoteslearners’ studying efficiency and teachers’ productivity.As a result, updatedknowledge will reach those students in isolatedareas at a higher speed, whichcan make many of them keep pace withthe time. Additionally, students candecide their learning locationand time much more freely. Notably, because transportationandaccommodation will not trouble E-learners, learning cost will belargelylowered. These advantages might decrease the number ofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning.From my point of view, personalinteractionbetween teachers and students in schools isirreplaceable. It is a good ideathat we combine E-learning andattending school together. Learning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion but an important issue that needs your tryingandinvolvement.第二版(机器人)For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the use of robots. Try toimagine what will happen whenrobots take the place of human beings in industryas well aspeople’s daily lives. You are required to write at least 150wordsbut no more than 200 words.第一段:引出文章话题.说明技术的发展对人类生活的改变.第二段:针对此现象作出观点的阐述第三段:得出结论.It is held bysome people that knowledge is power,especially scientific and technologicalknowledge. Science andtechnology are the motive power of the socialdevelopment, whichconstitute a primary productive force. The use of robots istheproduce of development of science and technology.People’s viewson the use of robots vary from person toperson. Some hold that human life cannotcontinue without the use ofrobots. For many years, human society has developedwith the use ofscience and technology. So the lifewith the use of robots we areliving now is more efficient than thatof our fore fathers. They go on to pointout that the use of robotshas brought about many changes in people's life. Forexample,through the use of robots can improve the work efficiency andavoiddangerous events happening in our life in that we can requirerobots to do someworks with danger instead of humanbeings.Science andtechnology of robots are the crystallization ofhuman wisdom. It brought aglorious past to humanity, also willbring bright future to mankind.For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on living in the virtualworld. Try to imagine what willhappen when people spend more and more time inthe virtual worldinstead of interacting in the real world. You are required towriteat least 150 words but no more than 200 words.第三版(虚拟世界)第一段:说明科技发展对人类生活的改变,引出话题.说明,我们交流方式的变化.第二段:人们虚拟世界的交流给我们带来的影响.第三段:得出结论.We have to admit that the impactoftechnology on society is unquestionable. Whetherconsidering the TV or thecomputers, technology has had a hugeimpact on society. While not every advancehas been beneficial,there have been many positive effects of technology. Theinternet isone typical example.With the development of science andtechnology, the worldis no longer what it used to be. But the ability ofcommunication isa significant skill which should be cultivated if we want tosurviveand succeed in the world. But the way of communication with peoplehaschanged dramatically. Almost everyone today has a computer, anduses it tocommunicate with their friends, family, and evenbusiness. The virtual worldcommunication has changed the way thatpeople communicate.Since communication between peoplein the real world is of utmost importance, lack of communicationwilllead to perish of human beings. Through communication in thereal world, mutualunderstanding can be promoted and fosteredbetween people, which cannot bereplaced by the virtualcommunication.六级翻译第一套旗袍(qipao)是一种雅致的中国服装,源于中国的满族(Manchu Nationality)。
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2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第三套)Part I Writing(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots.Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. You are required to write at least150words but no more than200words.Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer.from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.Questions1to4are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)It is advertising electronic products.B)It is planning to tour East Asia.C)It is sponsoring a TV programme.D)It is giving performances in town.2.A)20,000pounds.B)12,000pounds.C)Less than20,000pounds.D)Less than12,000pounds.3.A)A lot of good publicity.B)Talented artists to work for it.C)Long-term investments.D)A decrease in production costs.4.A)Promise long-term cooperation with the Company.B)Explain frankly their own current financial situation.C)Pay for the printing of the performance programme.D)Bear the cost of publicising the Company's performance.Questions5to8are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)He has been seeing doctors and counsellors.B)He has found a new way to train his voice.C)He was caught abusing drugs.D)He might give up concert tours.6.A)Singers may become addicted to it.B)It helps singers warm themselves up.C)Singers use it to stay away from colds.D)It can do harm to singers'vocal chords.7.A)They are eager to become famous.B)Many lack professional training.C)Few will become successful.D)They live a glamorous life.8.A)Harm to singers done by smoky atmospheres.B)Side effects of some common drugs.C)Voice problems among pop singers.D)Hardships experienced by many young singers.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions9to12are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A)It has not been very successful.B)It has long become a new trend.C)It has met with strong resistance.D)It has attracted a lot of users.10.A)It saves time.B)It increases parking capacity.C)It ensures drivers'safety.D)It reduces car damage.11.A)Collect money and help new users.B)Maintain the automated system.C)Stay alert to any emergency.D)Walk around and guard against car theft.12.A)They will vary with the size of vehicles.B)They will be discountable to regular customers.C)They will be lower than conventional parking.D)They will be reduced if paid in cash.Passage TwoQuestions13to15are based on the passage you have just heard.13.A)They do not know any solution.B)They do not give up drunk driving.C)They do not behave in public places.D)They do not admit being alcohol addicts.14.A)To stop them from fighting back.B)To thank them for their hospitality.C)To teach them the European lifestyle.D)To relieve their pains and sufferings.15.A)Without intervention they will be a headache to the nation.B)With support they can be brought back to a normal life.C)They readily respond to medical treatment.D)They pose a serious threat to social stability.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.Recording OneQuestions16to19are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A)To award them for their hard work.B)To build common views.C)To bring in business projects.D)To vote for action.17.A)Recovering from the Great Recession.B)Creating jobs and boosting the economy.C)Rewarding innovative businesses.D)Launching economic campaigns.18.A)Talking over paying off deficit.B)Increasing the number of middle class.C)Controlling the impact on education.D)Planning to reduce energy consumption.19.A)Shorten America's way to prosperity.B)Be cautious about reducing the deficit.C)Increase deficit to cover the revenue.D)Require the richest to pay more taxes.Questions20to22are based on the recording you have just heard.20.A)They can be redeemed for cash.B)They can be used to reduce meal costs.C)They can be used as membership certificate.D)They can be used to make reservations.21.A)It is free for us to download the app.B)It helps you to be a professional cook.C)It provides advice about making recipes.D)It only rates recipes by popularity.22.A)By showing the weight of200kinds of food.B)By providing the price of200calories of food.C)By picturing the food of200calories with weights.D)By telling people200kinds of healthy food. Questions23to25are based on the recording you have just heard.23.A)About43percent of American adults.B)About18percent of the whole population.C)About40million American adults.D)About a half million people in America.24.A)To set a series of bans on public smoking.B)To set the price of cigarettes properly.C)To package the cigarettes with tips of warning.D)To reduce the production and supply of cigarettes.25.A)The office of the Surgeon General.B)The Food and Drug Administration.C)The Center for Tobacco Products.D)The Center for Disease Control and Prevention.Part III Reading Comprehension(40minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the center.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Let’s say you love roller-skating.Just the thought of26on your roller-skates brings a smile to your face.You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise.You have a27attitude toward it.This description of roller-skating28the three components of an attitude:affect,cognition,and behavior.You love the activity;it’s great fun.These feelings29the affective or emotional component;they are an important ingredient in attitudes.The knowledge we have about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude. You understand the health30that the activity can bring.Finally,attitudes have a behavioral component.Our attitudes 31us to go outside to enjoy roller-skating.Now,we don’t want to leave you with the32that these three components always work together33.They don’t; sometimes they clash.For example,let’s say you love pizza(affective component);however,you have high cholesterol and understand(knowledge component)that eating pizza may be bad for your health.Which behavior will your attitude result in,eating pizza or34it?The answer depends on which component happens to be stronger.If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime,your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health.In that instance,you have pizza for lunch.If you are athome trying to decide where to go for dinner,however,the knowledge component may35,and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.A)avoiding B)benefits C)highlight D)illustrates E)impressionF)improves G)inquiring H)perfectly I)positive J)prevailK)primarily L)prompt M)specifications N)strapping O)typicalSection BDirections:I n this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.The Changing Generation[A]It turns out today’s teenagers aren’t so scary after all.Results of USA WEEKEND’s Teens&Parents survey reveal a generation of young people who get along well with their parents and approve of the way they’re being raised.They think of their parents with affection and respect.They speak with Mom or Dad when they have a problem.Most feel that their parents understand them,and they believe their family is the No.1priority in their parents’lives.Many even think their parents are cool!Although more than a third have an object in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents,rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color( 低俗的) book or CD.[B]Such results may seem surprising against the background of shocking incidents that color the way the mass media portray the young.In October2000,the same month the survey was taken,the Washington-based Center for Media and Public Affairs wrote in its publication Media Monitor that,in a recent month of TV news coverage of American youth,just2%of teens were shown at home,and just1%were portrayed in a work setting.In contrast,the criminal justice system accounted for nearly one out of every five visual backgrounds.No wonder parents worry their own kids might spin out of control once they hit the turbulent waters of adolescence.[C]The overall facts ought to reassure us.The survey shows us that today’s teens are affectionate,sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes.From other sources,we also know teenage crime,drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline.We,of course,need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility,but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people.[D]My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large-scale survey.Still,in my studies and others I have read,I find the same patterns as in USA WEEKEND’S survey.Today’s teenagers admire their parents and welcome parental guidance about important matters such as career choice—though certainly not Mom and Dad’s advice on matters of personal taste,such as music or fashion.When we ask teens to choose a hero,they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure.Most teens say they enjoy the company of both parents and friends.[E]Contrary to some stereotypes,most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals (though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish(拉帮结派的)environment of high school).Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people.One prevalent quality we have found in teens’statements about themselves,their friends and their families is a strikingly positive emotional tone.By and large, these are very nice kids,and as the band The Who used to sing,“The kids are alright.”[F]How much is today’s spirit of harmony a change from our more turbulent past?A mere generation ago,parent-child relations were described as“the generation gap.”Yet even then reports of widespread youth rebellion were overdone:Most kids in the’60s and’70s shared their parents’basic values.Still,it is true that American families are growing closer at the dawn of this new millennium( 千年 ).Perhaps there is less to fight about,with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known.Perhaps in the faceof impersonal and intimidating globalization,a young person’s family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap.And perhaps parents are acting more like parents than in the recent past.Within just the past five years.I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal,“anything goes”mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the20th century.[G]But missing from all these data is the sense that today’s young care very much about their country,about the broader civic and political environment,or about the future of their society.They seem to be turning inward—generally in a pro-social manner,certainly with positive benefits for intimate relationships,but too often at the expense of a connection with the present and future world beyond,including the society they will one day inherit. [H]Recently,we examined more than400essays on the“laws of life”that teens from two communities had written as part of an educational program initiated by the John Templeton Foundation in Radnor,Pa.In those essays,and in follow-up interviews with a few of the teenagers,we found lots of insight,positive feeling and inspirational thinking. But we also found little interest in civic life beyond the tight circles of their family and immediate friends.[I]For example,only one boy said he would like to be president when he grows up.When I was in high school, dozens in my class alone would have answered differently.In fact,other recent studies have found there has never been a time in American history when so small a proportion of young people have sought or accepted leadership roles in local civic organizations.It is also troubling that voting rates among our youngest eligible voters—18-to 24-year-olds—are way down:Little more than one in four now go to the polls,even in national elections,compared with almost twice that many when18-year-olds were first given the vote.[J]In our interviews,many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste.“Most politicians are kind of crooked ( 不诚实的),”one student declared.Another,discussing national politics,said,“I feel like one person can’t do that much,and I get the impression most people don’t think a group of people can do that much.”Asked what they would like to change in the world,the students mentioned only personal concerns such as slowing down the pace of life, gaining good friends,becoming more spiritual,becoming either more materially successful or less materially oriented (depending on the student’s values),and being more respectful of the Earth,animals and other people.One boy said,“I’d rather be concentrating on artistic efforts than saving the world or something.”[K]It is fine and healthy for teens to cultivate their personal interests,and it is good news when young people enjoy harmonious relations with their family and friends.But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society,a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions.[L]In the past,the young have eagerly participated in national service and civic affairs,often with lots of energy and idealism.If this is not happening today,we should ask why.Our society needs the full participation of its younger citizens if it is to continue to thrive.We know the promise is there—this is a well-grounded,talented,warm-hearted group of youngsters.We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their turn at shaping that world.36.Not many young people eligible for voting are interested in local or national elections these days.37.Parents are concerned that their children may get involved in criminal offences once they reach their teens.38.Even during the turbulent years of last century,youth rebellion was often exaggerated in the media.39.Teenagers of today often turn to their parents for advice on such important matters as career choice.40.The incidence of teenage crime and misbehavior is decreasing nowadays.41.Young people should have lofty ideals in life and strive to be leaders.42.Some young people like to keep something to themselves and don’t want their parents to know about it.43.It is beneficial to encourage young people to explore the broader world and get ready to make it a better place.44.Many teenagers now offer to render service to the needy.45.Interviews with students find many of them are only concerned about personal matters.Section CDirections:There are two passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions46to50are based on the following passage.Manufactures of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission.The commission’s revised“Green Guides”warn marketers against using labels that make broad claims,like “eco-friendly.”Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit, such as how much of the product is recycled.“This is really about trying to cut through the confusion that consumers have when they are buying a product and that businesses have when they are selling a product,”said Jon Leibowitz,chairman of the commission.The revisions come at a time when green marketing is on the rise.According to a new study,the number of5 advertisements with green messages in mainstream magazines has risen since1987,and peaked in2008at10.4%.In 2009,the number dropped to9%.But while the number of advertisements may have dipped,there has been a rapid spread of eco-labeling.There are both good and bad players in the eco-labeling game.In the last five years or so,there has been an explosion of green claims and environmental claims.It is clear that consumers don’t always know what they are getting.A handful of lawsuits have been filed in recent years against companies accused of using misleading environmental labels.In2008and2009,class-action lawsuits(集体诉讼)were filed against SC Johnson for using “Greenlist”labels on its cleaning products.The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company’s own.“We are very proud of our accomplishments under the Greenlist system and we believe that we will prevail in these cases,”Christopher Beard,director of public affairs for SC Johnson,said,while acknowledging that“this has been an area that is difficult to navigate.”Companies have also taken it upon themselves to contest each other’s green claims.David Mallen,associate director of the Council of Better Business Bureau,said in the last two years the organization had seen an increase in the number of claims companies were bringing against each other for false or misleading environmental product claims.“About once a week,I have a client that will bring up a new certification I’ve never even heard of and I’m in this industry,”said Kevin Wilhelm,chief executive officer of Sustainable Business Consulting.“It’s kind of a Wild West,anybody can claim themselves to be green.”Mr.Wilhelm said the excess of labels made it difficult for businesses and consumers to know which labels they should pay attention to.46.What do the revised“Green Guides”require businesses do?A)Manufacture as many green products as possible.B)Indicate whether their products are recyclable.C)Specify in what way their products are green.D)Attach green labels to all of their products.47.What does the author say about consumers facing an explosion of green claims?A)They can easily see through the businesses’tricks.B)They have to spend lots of time choosing products.C)They have doubt about current green certification.D)They are not clear which products are truly green.48.What was SC Johnson accused of in the class-action lawsuits?A)It gave consumers the impression that all its products were truly green.B)It gave a third party the authority to label its products as environmentally friendly.C)It misled consumers to believe that its products had been certified by a third party.D)It sold cleaning products that were not included in the official“Greenlist.”49.How did Christopher Beard defend his company’s labeling practice?A)There were no clear guidelines concerning green labeling.B)His company’s products had been well received by the public.C)It was in conformity to the prevailing practice in the market.D)No law required the involvement of a third party in certification.50.What does Kevin Wilhelm imply by saying“It’s kind of a Wild West”(Line3,Para.11)?A)Businesses compete to produce green products.B)Each business acts its own way in green labeling.C)Consumers grow wild with products labeled green.D)Anything produced in the West can be labeled green.Passage TwoQuestions51to55are based on the following passage.America’s education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequality from one generation to the next.That’s why school reform is so critical.This is an issue of equality,opportunity and national conscience.It’s not just about education,but about poverty and justice.It’s true that the main reason inner-city schools do poorly isn’t teachers’unions,but poverty.Southern states without strong teachers’unions have schools at least as awful as those in union states.Some Chicago teachers seem to think that they shouldn’t be held accountable until poverty is solved.There’re steps we can take that would make some difference,and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying some of them—yet the union is resisting.I’d be sympathetic if the union focused solely on higher compensation.Teachers need to be much better paid to attract the best college graduates to the nation’s worst schools.But,instead,the Chicago union seems to be using its political capital primarily to protect weak performers.There’s solid evidence that there are huge differences in the effectiveness of teachers.The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools,teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact.Get a bottom1%teacher,and the effect is the same as if a child misses40%of the school year.Get a teacher from the top20%,and it’s as if a child has gone to school for an extra month or two.The study found that strong teachers in the fourth through eighth grades raised the skills of their students in ways that would last for decades.Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers,a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age28.How does one figure out who is a weak teacher?Yes,that’s a challenge.But researchers are improving systems to measure a teacher’s performance throughout the year,and,with three years of data,it’s usually possible to tell which teachers are failing.Unfortunately,the union in Chicago is insisting that teachers who are laid off—often for being ineffective—should get priority in new hiring.That’s an insult to students.Teaching is so important that it should be like other professions,with high pay and good working conditions but few job protections for bottom performers.This isn’t a battle between garment workers and greedy bosses.The central figures in the Chicago schools strike are neither strikers nor managers but350,000children.Protecting the union demand sacrifices those students,in effect turning a blind eye to the injustice in the education system.51.What do we learn about America’s education system?A)It provides a ladder of opportunity for the wealthy.B)It contributes little to the elimination of inequality.C)It has remained basically unchanged for generations.D)It has brought up generations of responsible citizens.52.What is chiefly responsible for the undesirable performance of inner-city schools?A)Unqualified teachers.B)Lack of financial resources.C)Unfavorable learning environment.D)Subconscious racial discrimination.53.What does the author think the union should do to win popular support?A)Assist the city government in reforming schools.B)Give constructive advice to inner-city schools.C)Demand higher pay for teachers.D Help teachers improve teaching.54.What is the finding of the gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars?A)Many inner-city school teachers are not equal to their jobs.B)A large proportion of inner-city children often miss classes.C)Many students are dissatisfied with their teachers.D)Students performance has a lot to do with teachers.55.Why does the author say the Chicago union’s demand is an insult to students?A)It protects incompetent teachers at the expense of students.B)It underestimates students’ability to tell good teachers from poor ones.C)It makes students feel that they are discriminated against in many ways.D)It totally ignores students’initiative in the learning process.Part IV Translation(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You shouldwrite your answer on Answer Sheet2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。